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A09463 The combat betvveene Christ and the Diuell displayed: or A commentarie vpon the temptations of Christ: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins; Satans sophistrie answered by our Saviour Christ Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Pierson, Thomas, ca. 1570-1633. 1606 (1606) STC 19748; ESTC S115736 100,567 72

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God he can tempt Christ yea transport his body and set him in a dangerous place for thus far God permits him to goe but to cast Christ downe from the pinnacle he cannot therein comes Gods restraint So it fareth with Gods children for the triall of his graces in them and to chastise them for some sinnes he suffers Satan to buffet them but yet one iotte of his malice beyond Gods permission he cannot shew as in Iobs affliction by him may notably appeare Which wee must carefully remember for our special comfort in our most grieuous assaults Gods will permitting Satan so farre must make vs patient and yet his power restraining Satan from doing worse must giue vs comfort Thus much for the temptation itselfe The reason whereby Satan enforceth his temptation is taken from a testimony of Scripture For it is written he shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee c. Satan hearing Christ alledge scripture for his defence against the first assault comes now vpon him with his owne weapon that if it were possible he might foile him after this sort Thou shewest thy selfe to be the Doctor of the Church by thine alleadging of Scripture and that it seemes thou makest the rule of thine actions well then thou maiest well and safely cast thy selfe downe hence if thou bee the Sonne of God for it is written he shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee and with their hands they shall lift thee vp c. From this dealing of Satan wee are taught not to embrace an opinion in religion because a shew of proofe by testimony of Scripture may bee giuen for it But we must trie the spirits that is the doctrines of men whether they be of God or not 1. Ioh. 4. 1. For the Diuell can alleadge Scripture to mooue Christ vnto presumption and it is his vsuall practise when he caries men into schisms errors and heresies Reason with a man that minds to liue in sinne and tell him of that dangerous state by reason of the shortnesse and vncertainty of this life will he not tell you straight he will doe as he does and repent when he is old for it is written At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne I will put all his wickednesse out of my remembrance saith the Lord And some thinke three or foure good words at a mans last end wil serue his turne for the thiefe on the crosse said no more but Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdome And all such as are trained vp in the schoole of Satan can easilie alledge scripture to further them in euil But let vs come to the scripture which the Diuel doth notoriously abuse by his allegation it is written in the 91. Ps. v. 11. In the alledging whereof he would seeme very carefull and precise at the first not omitting so much as this particle for which might haue beene left out and yet nothing haue been wanting to the force of his reason But heerein is the deepenesse of his policy to cause Christ not to suspect any falshood afterward for towards the end hee leaueth out that on which the promise is grounded of being kept by the Angel to wit to keepe thee in all thy waies that is in all the good duties of thy lawfull calling wherein thou shalt glorifie God and doe good to others to such as so walke in their waies doth that promise belong Heere then behold Satans notable fraud and craft that can so cunninglie leaue out that which makes not for his purpose and so peruert the true meaning of scripture this is his vsuall practise in enmity against the word to depraue the true meaning by cutting off some part when hee cannot vtterly ouerthrow the whole The like is the dealing of all heretickes who by cutting off and leauing out play legerdemaine with the scripture The Arrian holds the Bible for the word of God but such places as serue to proue the godhead of Christ he doth notably abuse and peruert The familie of Loue also doth hold the bible for the word of God but come to the true meaning of it therein they faile turning all into Allegories euen most true histories as the fall of our first Parents and such like which are maine grounds of religion in their naturall sense and the Apostaticall Church of Rome doth hold with vs the bookes of the old and new Testament but yet they put in and take out at their pleasure and take from it all sense and meaning which agrees not with the determination of their holy father the Pope and thereby they ouerturne the word of God and strongly maintaine their mystery of iniquity This dealing of Satan and his wicked miscreants with the scripture must make all Gods children willing to spend their strength in searching out the Scripture for that is the onely way to descrie their fraude in deprauing of it This caused Christ to bidde the people in his time to search the Scriptures to learne to know him to bee the true Messias which the Iewish teachers did then deny In regard whereof wee must say with Moses oh that all the Lords people were Prophets and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them oh that all could reade and vnderstand the word of God! This is it wherein all that either be or intend to be ministers must labour especially euen to get sound knowledge and iudgement in the text of Scripture The Minister must not only be able to teach the truth but also to discerne to discouer and to confure errors and heresies which hee can neuer foundly doe without good vnderstanding in the text it selfe The Diuell knowes the whole Scripture and he will spare no text therein it hee can corrupt it therfore to resoue Gods truth out of his hands who is the father of lies the Minister must shew himselfe a good souldier of Iesus Christ as Paul exhorteth Timothy giuing such attendance to the word that all men may see his profitting therein yea with Ieremie the Minister must eat the bookes of God and digest them in his vnderstanding and rejoice therein labouring to feele them the joy of his heart The Diuell knowes that Scripture truely vnderstood and well applied is the onely engine for the battery of his kingdome and therefore euen from the beginning but specially since the comming of Christ hee hath laboured by all meanes to keepe men from the knowledge and true vnderstanding of them hee it is that hath brought men from the reading of the Scriptures to betake themselues to the writings of men as schoolemen fathers and such by this meanes hee hath for many yeares euen to this day in the Church of Rome locked vp the Scripture in an vnknowen tongue yea euen in Gods church the Diuel works mightily this way by stealing away the affections of yong students from the Bible and rauishing them with delight in the writings of men for thus he keeps them from the
pinnacle of the temple Now if hee had power to set him there why might hee not also cary him thither God ordaining this as well as his temptation The vse By this we see that men may be transported by the Diuell from place to place as the records of all ages do report this one thing yet obserued wherin the common opinion faileth that the Diuell cannot conuey a man aliue so far in a little time as many men thinke as a thousand or two thousand miles in an houre for no man is able to endure such violent motion and yet liue as experience teacheth let a man fall from some high steeple and his breath wil be gone and hee dead before hee come at the ground by reason of the violence of his motion Indeed the Diuell can carrie a man very swiftly but yet for the safetie of mans life he must prolong his time far more than otherwise of himselfe hee needs to doe Secondly hence wee learne that by Gods permission the Diuell may haue power ouer the bodies of Gods owne children which are true beleeuers to transport them from place to place for dealing thus with the head Christ Iesus why may hee not doe so with any of his members besides we find that God permitting him hee hath done more than this to the Saints of God hee may possesse their bodies as he did the woman of Canaans daughter Mat. 15. 22. He may torment them long as hee did exceeding grieuously bow the body of a daughter of Abraham eighteen years Luk. 13 16. Yea he may kill the body as he did to Iobs children who no doubt were holy persons Iob. 1. 19. And therefore much more may hee transport them from place to place Heere this question may fitly be answered whether a true beleeuer may be bewitched Answ. Hee may there is none vpon earth so faithfull and holy but if God permit Satan can afflict their bodies grieuously and therefore also they may be bewitched It is but the fancy of presumptuous persons when they say their faith is so strong that all the witches in the world cannot hurt them for if God permit Satan can grieuously afflict mans body as he did the body of Iob. yea he can kil the body as hath been shewed Salomon speaking of outward things saith truly All things come alike to all and the same condition is to the iust and to the wicked now the wicked man may be bewitched as al will grant why then may not the godly also seeing it is but an outward euill This therfore must abate their pride that stand so much on their strong faith behold this fact of Satan to the holy body of Christ and heereby learne for thy humiliation that if God permit Satan is able to bring vpon thy body great affliction Further obserue the place whither Satan caries our Sauiour Christ into the holy city that is Ierusalem Quest. Why is it called holy seeing now it was a polluted place full of sinful people Answ. It is called holy for these causes 1. because heere was the Lords temple the place of his solemne worship wherein were the holy rites and ceremonies prescribed for Gods worship Secondly in Ierusalem as also in all the synagogues of Iudea was Moses chaire the law and the Prophets were read expounded Thirdlie Ierusalem was the mother City of all the world in respect of religion heere God ordained that his church should first be planted and from hence must religion bee deriued to other nations The vse Hence we may obserue that at this time Ierusalē was the true church of God indeed it was very corrupt both for doctrine and maners as Christs seuere reproofe of both doth plainely shew Mat. 5. 21. c. and Mat. 23. 13. 14. c. and yet a true Church else the holy ghost would not haue called it the holy city Now if Ierusalem at this time were the true church of God then then may wee well say that in England God hath his true church for let the corruptions of our Church bee as they are yet shall it match Ierusalem in the prerogatiues of Gods church They had the law and the Prophets read and expounded so haue wee and the Gospel also which is the power of God to mans saluation They had the Sacraments and ceremonies of the Law answerable thereto wee haue the Sacraments of the Gospell and also a true and holy forme of seruing God Their Ierusalem was a mother city and though wee cannot say so much in that behalfe yet hath our Church beene a nurce to neighbour Churches in Germany France and other places round about for many yeares in regard whereof the Lord no doubt hath bestowed many blessings vpon vs. And therefore though our sinnes and abuses be many and grieuous yet in regard of Church prerogatiues we may be called a holy nation and a true member of the Church of God so that as our Sauiour Christ and his Disciples ioined themselues to the congregations of the Iewes in their legal seruice and forsooke them not till they became no Church so ought it to be among vs till we separate from Christ none should seuer themselues from our church ministery seruice of God Those therefore that make a separation from our Church because of corruptions in it are farre from the spirit of Christ and his Apostles If any shal say this makes wel for the church of Rome if so corrupt a place as Ierusalem in regard of Church prerogatiues were an holie city for they haue as many prerogatiues for religion as the Iewes then had and therefore are the church of God and so we do not well to separate from them Answ. Some indeed that are no Papists say the Church of Rome is the Church of God but the truth is the present Church of Rome is spirituall Babylon the mother of abhominations no spouse of Christ but a strumpet But they plead their prerogatiues as first their succession from Peter Secondly true baptisme for substāce according to the first institution Thirdly the Apostles Creed which they hold and beleeue Fourthly the word of God in the writings of the Prophets Apostles And Lastly that theirs is the mother church Answ. All this is nothing when the truth appeares for first succession in person without succession in doctrine is no note of a church now let them shew succession in the Apostles doctrine and we yeeld Secondly their baptisme alone though for substance true baptisme cannot prooue them a true Church Circumcision was the Sacrament of Gods church yet Samaria and Colchis were not the Church of God though they vsed it againe the thiefe may shew the true mans purse but that proueth him not to be true and honest no more doth baptisme iustifie the church of Rome to bee a true church Lastly though they haue outward baptism yet indeed they ouerthrow inward baptisme the life of that sacrament to wit imputed righteousnesse and renued holinesse which
by them the Diuell can cunningly conuey his temptations into our hearts the senses specially these two are the windowes of the heart and soule and if we keepe them not well Satan will be sure to conuay some euill into vs. We must therefore obey Salomons counsell keepe thy heart aboue all watch and ward this we cannot do vnlesse we looke well to our outward senses for they are the doores of the heart This made Dauid to pray Lord turne away mine eies from beholding vanity and Iob to make a couenant with his eies And so must wee make conscience of hearing and looking lest thereby wee giue aduantage to the Tempter Further in this sight obserue the deep policy of the Diuell there are in the kingdomes of the world besides glory and dignity many troubles hurliburlies and vexations now these the Diuell conceales from Christ and shewes him only the glory pompe wealth and dignity of the world that so hee might the more easily winde his temptation into the heart of our Sauiour Christ. And this same course he stil obserueth in tempting men to sinne he hides from their eies all the miseries plagues and punishments which are due to sin and that will follow vpon it and shewes them onely all the profits and delights that they may reape thereby thus hee sugars ouer the poison of his temptations that men neuer feele the bitternesse of them till their soules be thereby deadly infected but then he takes a cleane contrary course and shewes to the wounded soule all the woes and terrours of Gods wrath that if it be possible he may bring a man to despaire And therefore we must be most watchfull of being insnated with the deceitfulnesse of sinne in the false shew of profit and pleasure Secondly the diuels policy doth notably appeare in reseruing this temptation for the last place for he knowes full well how forcible with man be the temptations of profits pleasures honors From whence we may also learne that temptations fetched on the right hand from honour pleasure and commodity are the most dangerous and doe soonest creepe into the heart of man preuailing far more then temptations on the left hand which are taken from aduersity The Diuell foiled Dauid worse in the time of peace ease then euer he could do during the time of Sauls grieuous persecution against him And he preuailed more against the Church by errours and heresies vnder Constantine and other christian Emperours then he could do by most bloudy persecution for the space of three hundred years before Yea in these our daies wordly hopes haue drawn those from the syncerity of religion whom outward violence could not moue prosperity is a slippery path wherein a man doth soone catch a fall and therefore we must learne to be most watchfull ouer our owne harts when we haue fairest weather with the world Lastly S. Luke addeth this circumstance of time that the Diuell shewed all these things vnto Christ in as short a time as might be euen in a moment or point of time whereby we may perceiue the Diuels great celerity speed in doing any thing he takes in hand herein he goes beyond all men in the world for being a spirit hee is able to worke wonders and though he cannot go beyond the strength and compasse of nature because his power is finite yet by reason of his agility and speed he can goe beyond the ordinary course of nature in the maner of working the things hee takes in hand And this exceeding quicke speed the Diuell heere vseth to stirre vp in Christ a more eager desire after those strange goodly things wherof he had but as it were a glimple that so by degrees he might worke in Christ a liking of them for the nature of man doth more eagerly affect strange things when they be sudden and the eie of man doth more wistly behold them And this also as the former must make vs watchful against all Satans crafty wiles that wee be not beguised by him Thus much for Satans preparation The second point in this conflict is the temptation it selfe in these words vers 9. And said vnto him all these will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship me The drift of Satan in this assault which we must carefully obserue is to draw Christ to commit idolatry by the hope of wordly kingdomes and the glory of them heerwith he proues him when he could neither weaken his faith by his first temptation nor worke presumption in him by his second And looke how he dealeth heere with Christ so doth he commonly in the world many a ones conscience and religion doth he quite ouerthrow by wordly hopes of riches pleasures and preserments heerby not only ordinary professours but ministers and preachers of the Gospell haue beene drawen to absure and renounce that truth which formerlie they haue taught and to betake themselues as the Popes vassals to professe and maintain his blasphemous idolatries heerby also Protestant merchants are drawen to become very seruiceable to the Popish Churches by transporting among them wax and such like merchandize which serue as necessary helps furtherances to their idolatrous seruice And what else is it that makes the people generally to change religion with the times and states but because they would still enioy their wordly commodities And the more men doe possesse in the world ordinarily the lesse courage and resolution they haue for the religion of God as experience in Queen Maries daies hath shewed which in generall may admonish vs how dangerous an enemy the world is to the power of true religion This temptation hath two parts A promise made to Christ and the condition thereof The promise in these words All these will I giue thee he saith not I will procure God to giue them vnto thee but I will giue thee them where we may see that Satans drift is to cause Christ to take him for his Lord to depend and wait on him for his kingdom and to acknowledge him to be the giuer thereof which notably bewraies his egregious boldnesse that dares thus challenge to himselfe the Lords owne right euen in the presence of him who was true Lord King of heauen and earth Let no man therefore thinke that Satan will lose ought for want of aduenture but in regard thereof be better armed against him Now that which the Diuell aimed at in Christ doth hee commonly effect in the world he makes men beleeue that he is the giuer of all things and so brings many a one to relie vpon him Indeed with their lips men wil confesse that God giues them their daily bread euen all things they haue but their dealings and practises speake aloud that the diuel is gouerner and giuer of all for how do many men get their liuings Is it not by lying fraud and oppressio Doe not most men heereby seeke to inrich themselues Wel the iust Lord neuer
that which belongs to God alone The consideration whereof must moue vs who in all godlie conuersation must be contrary to Satan to renounce all lying and to make conscience to speake the truth from our hearts And also to abandon all vaine boasting of our selues what we are or what we can do yea rather to speake basely of our selues that so God in all good things we do may haue the glory Lying and bragging are the properties of Satan and therefore can not beseeme the tongue and heart of the children of God The second point in this temptation is the hard condition which satan would haue Christ to yeeld vnto for this gift If thou wilt fall down worship me euen to commit most abominable idolatrie in worshipping the Diuell himselfe Heerein we may obserue sundrie things First that it is a principall part of the Diuels endeuours against Gods church to seeke the ouerthrow of true religion and the pure worship of God by sowing therein the seeds of heresies and idolatries for if he dares be thus bold with Christ the head as to seeke to draw him from the worship of his Father to such abominable idolatrie what will he not attempt with silly and sinfull men The Scriptures are plentifull in shewing his indeuours this way Michaiah saw in vision an euill spirit offering himselfe vnto God to become a lying spirit in the mouth of all Ahabs prophets euen foure hundred at one time When Iehoshuah the high Priest stood before the Lord Satan stood at his right hand to resist him hee sought to hinder the building and worship of the materiall temple much more therefore will he seeke to hinder the building of the spirituall temple euen the worke of the ministery in conuersion of soules whereby they are pulled out of Satans kingdome and made pillars in the temple of the liuing God Satan is that enuious man that soweth tares of errors and heresies in the church of God which is the field of the good husbandman He hindred Paul from comming to the Thessalonians whereby it appeares that he did his endeuour to hinder the course of the Apostolicall ministery In the church of Smyrna he cast some into prison stirring vp wicked men so to do thereby to hinder the embracing of the Gospell Iohn saw three vncleane spirits like frogges come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false Prophet These are spirits of Diuels working miracles and going to the kings of the earth thither they go for the stoppage of the Gospell for if kings oppose themselues they become greatest hinderers to the Gospell of all other And these frogges by the common consent of Catholike expositors are the rabble of Popish Friers Priests and Iesuites who seeke the infection of States thorow all the world By all which the Diuels enmitie against the Church is most apparent The vse I. This shewes what care and diligence Gods Ministers should shew for the building of Gods Church and the furtherance of the Gospell for they should seeke to the vttermost of their power to counteruaile the enuious practise of satan against the Church II. Euery Christian must hence learne to pray not only for their owne good estate but also for the welfare of Gods Church euery where in the free passage of the Gospell in the establishing of true doctrine and in the continuance of constant obedience therunto For Satans endeuour is to subuert and corrupt the truth and to draw men from obedience and vnto him Gods children must euer oppose themselues the rather because their welfare stands in the good of Gods Church Secondlie in this condition of Satans offer to Christ wee may obserue that his endeuour is to bring men to worship him for if he durst attempt a demaund heerof at the hands of Christ who shall thinke to escape this assault when oportunity serues him And howsoeuer men thinke it impossible that Satan should thus far preuaile with any as to bring them to worship him yet doubtlesse though hee could not preuaile with Christ heerein hee attaines his purpose in the world and that with the greatest part thereof for the three religions of the Iew Turke and Papist doe at this day ouerspread the greatest part of the face of the earth and in them all such a worship of God is propounded vnto men wherein God is not worshipped but the Diuell For the euidence whereof marke these two rules First that all doctrines denised by man in the matter of religion which either directly or by iust consequence oppugne the word of God are doctrines of Diuels 1. Tim. 4. 1. 3. Doctrines repugnant to the word touching mariage and meares are doctrines of Diuels and so by proportion are all such like Secondly all deuised worship of God by man against Gods word is no worship of God but of the Diuell 1. Cor. 10. 20. The things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice vnto Diuels and not vnto God Doubtlesse the Gentiles intended to worship God in their images but because that worship was not according to Gods wil the Apostle respects not their intent as a thing that could nothing auaile in this case but saith peremptorily their worship was done vnto the Diuell And in reason it must bee so for why should wee thinke that God should accept that for his worship which is not agreeable to his will but denised by man according to the will of the Diuel From these two rules it will follow that the best of the three forenamed religions is no worship of God but of the Diuell for all of them haue such worship as is deuised by man not of God The Iew worships God out of Christ and so doth the Turke yea and the Papists worship God but yet out of the true Christ for as hath beene shewed elsewhere the Christ of the Papists is a counterfet Christ. And in many other points of their religion there is apparent repugnancy to the word of God yea of their sacrifice of the Masse wee may as truly say as the Apostle did of heathen idol worship that they sacrifice not vnto God but to the Diuell for therein is as vile accursed and abominable idolatrie as euer was deuised by man So that it is plaine the Diuel doth mightily preuaile in causing men to worship him Yea hee preuaileth thus not onely in the world but in Gods Church for all such as notwithstanding their outward profession haue their hearts set vpon the world more eagerly affecting the honours profits and pleasures thereof then God and his word do in deed and truth worship the Diuell for hee is the God of this world ruling in the heart of the children of disobedience by the baites of honour profit and pleasure he steales mens hearts from God and so heerein they doing the will of the Diuell must needs worship him for looke whereon a man seteth his
comming out of the sea 40. 2. m. Presumption Satan seekes to carrie men thereto 27. 2. b. Promises who may wait for Gods promises 35. 2. b. Men lauish in promising are like to Satan 39. 2. m. Two rules to be obserued in promising ibid. Prouidence how to acknowledge Gods prouidence aright 23. 1. m. R Religion two rules for the triall of religion 41. 2. e. Religion of Iew Turke and Papists are worships of Satan 42. 1. m. Disswaders from religion are Satans children 9. 2. b. and tempters 13. 1. c. Reliques ought not to be worshipped 47. 2. b. Rome is spiritual Babylon and now no church 25. 2. e. S Saints made deliuerers from diseases and dangers by Papists 47. 1. b. and protectors ibid. Saints must bee honoured three waies 47. 1. e. Satan an accuser three waies 9. 1. m. his boldnesse in clayming Gods right 39. 1. b. he makes men to rely on him for outward things 39. 1. m. Satans sophistry with Christ. 15. 1. e. His malice is restrained 29. 1. e. His power ouer the bodies of Gods children 24. 2. e. Satan seekes earnestly to keep men from scripture 30. 2. e. He seeks to bring men to worship him 41. 2. e. Hee tempts by himselfe and by his instruments 51. 1. m. Hee is vanquished by present resistance 49. 2. b. His speed in doing his enterprises 38. 1. e. Scriptures sufficient to expound themselues 32. 1. e. And to vanquish Satan 43. 2. e. To mince the scriptures a satanicall property 30. 1. e. To search them a christian duty 30. 2. b. Senses all our senses ought to bee well ordered especially seeing and hearing 37. 2. b. Seruice generally described 45. 2. e. Absolute seruice due to God only 46. 1. e. Seruice in part 46. 1. b Our seruice to God must bee ioined to his worship 47. 2. m. Sinne why it so abounds 19. 2. m. To keepe a course in sinne is to tempt God 34. 2. m. Slandering a satanicall practise 9. i. e. Spirits to try the spirits 29. 2. e. Of abode in places haunted by euill spirits 4. 2. e. T Temperance needfull in the vse of Gods creatures 21. 2. e. Temptation each Christian must looke for temptation 1 2. e. The state of those the neuer felt temptation 2. 1. m. 53. 2. b. Each one entring a speciall calling must look to be tempted 2. 2. m. Temptations come not by chāce or by the will of the Diuell but by Gods especiall prouidence 4. 1. m. The issue of temptation is good to Gods children 4. 1. e. Temptations on the right hand most dangerous 38. 1. b. Duties of Gods children in respect of Satans temptations I. To prepare for them in the day of peace 13. 2. e. and that daily 36. 1. m. II. To obserue our inclinations and bodily infirmities 15. 1. b. III. Giue Satan no credit though he speake a truth 18. 1. m. IV. Be resolute the resisting 18. 2. m. yea resist presently 49. 2. b. V. Vpon victory in one temptation prepare for a new 23. 2. e. 51. 2. b. VI. Do nothing he perswades thee vnto though good in it selfe 24. 2. b. VII Reason not with Satan but hold fast to Christ. 43. 2. m. VIII Despaire not though Satan tempt neuer so violently 50. 2. b. Tempter Satans title and why 12. 2. e. Tempting how God tempteth 7. 2. b. How man tempteth God 7. 2. b. 33. 1. e. fiue waies 33. 2. e. How the Diuell tempteth man 7. 2. m. His policy in tempting he insinuates himselfe by degrees 11. 2. m. He chuseth fit time 13. 2. m. Hee grounds his temptation on something in vs. 14. 1. m. hee speaks some truth to ouerthrow another 18. 1. m. Hee can cunningly turne himselfe from one extreame to another 28. 1. e. hee will mince the scripture for his aduantage 30. 1. m. he shews the profit and delight of sinne 37. 2. e. and hides the miserie thereof ibid. 2. e. How Satan tempted Christ. 7. 2. m. in the highest degree 50. 1. e. Wherein Christ differed from man in his temptations 8. 1 m. Why Christ was tempted 8. 2. m. Gods dearest children may bee tempted 9. 1. b. Thoughts euill thoughts twofold 8. 2. b. A ground of comfort against blasphemous thoughts 8. 1. e. V Visions Diabolicall visions bee of two sorts 36. 2. e. Vnbeliefe Satan sought to bring Christ thereto 16. 2. e. and so endeuoureth to do with men ibid. W Watch against temptations why 13. 1. b. Wildernesse Why Christ chose a wildernesse to be tempted in 6. 2. b. Satan delights in deserts ibid. e. Wild beasts why Satan conuersed with them 11. 1. b. Wisards seeking to them a vile practise of vnbeliefe 17. 1. b. Witchcraft whether it may be fall a true beleeuer 25. 1. b. Word taken diuersly in scripture 20. 2. b. Gods powerfull word distinguished 20. 2. e. How man liues by Gods word 20. 2. m. Gods word well guided is the best weapon against Satan 19. 1. m. To depriue Gods people of his ward a great iniurie 19. 1. e. Neglect of the word feareful 19. 2. b. World the hopes hereof are great enemies to religion 38. 2. m. Worldings worship the Diuell 42. 1. e. Worship described generally 44. 2. e. Ciuill worship ibid. Diuine worship 45. 1. m. due onely to God 46. 1. e. Inward worship 45. 1 e. outward worship ibid. 2. b. Difference betweene ciuil worship and diuine 45. 2. b. No creature must haue diuine worship 46. 2. m. Z Zeale against blasphemers ought to be in all Christians 43. 1. b. FINIS a Reuel 12. 7. b Dan. 12. 1. c Reuel 12. 12. d Reuel 3. 20. e Reu. 12. 12. f Reu. 3. 18. g ● Iob. 2. 27. e Ephes. 6. 12. i 2. Cor. 11. 14. k Ioh. 8. 4● m Iob. 1. 7. n 1. Pet. 5. 8. o Luc. 12. 19. p 2. Cor. 4. 4. q Ioh. 14. 30. r Ephes. 2. 2. s Luk. 11. 21. t 2. Sam. 13. 28. u Ephes 2. 3. x Gen 4. 8. a Ioh. 13. 2. b Ren. 12. 10. c 1. Pet. 5. 8. d Act. 13. 8. e Iob. 14. 22. f Ioh. 12. 31. g 2. Co● 2. 11. h Ioh. 3. 16. i Heb. 2. 16. i Vers. 14. k Act. 26. 18. l Ephes. 4. 15. m Iud. 20. n 1. Pet. 1. 5. o Num. 21. 6. p 1. Sam. 15. 2. q Coloss 2 15. Heb 2. 14. r Hebr. 2. 7. s 1 phes 1. 20. t 1. Cor. 15. 25. u Rom. 16. 20. x Ephes. 6. 10. y 1. Sam. 17. 49. z Rom. 15. 4 a Iudg. 7. 17. Aenead 9. Mat. 3. Mat. 4. 1. a Psa. 34. 19. b Mat. 4. 3. c Mat. 4. 6. d Mat. 4. 11. e 1. Pe. 2. 21. f 1. Pet. 5. 8. g Ioh. 15. 20 h 1. Cor. 12. 26. i Ioh. 15. 20. k Act. 14. 21 l Heb. 2. 10 m Luk. 24. 26 a Mat. 2. 14. b Mat. 3. 16. 4. 1. c Ioh. 7. 1. d Luk. 11. 15. e Ioh. 12. 27. f Ioh. 18. 28 g Luk.