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A07894 A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1611 (1611) STC 18263; ESTC S112963 308,814 636

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kindes of Théeues as formerly hath bin sa●● who name themselues Sarracenis not in regard of Religion or bloud but by an auncient appellation of the said people of whome Ptolomey makes mention and saith that their liuing is in Idumea Amianus Marcellinus in the History of Iulian the Apostat Emperour makes a description of them and saith that Those places more than two hundred yeares before the Originall of Mahomet or of his Alcoran were fully furnished with the said Sarrazins and Assyria afterward euen so farre as the Cataracts of Nylus or the kingdome of Prester Iohn where they vsed the same courses violences thefts vpon merchants and inhabitants of the neighboring Countries according as the Arabes or Alarbes doe at this day Whereupon because that their chiefest habitation was in the Desarts and Mountaines which are in Arabia and the neighbouring quarsers or Countries as Chaldaea Assyria Mesapotamia Suria and Aegipt when the Arabes arose with their new Religion and had frequented the foresaid Regions the néerer Countries supposed that these people were those former Sarazins by ignorance of their Language as also by rashnesse of some Writers who liued then in Suria and since that time in Spaine séeming to haue good knowledge of those people and therefore continually then called Sarazins Moreouer to confirme that vaine appellation those Interpreters in Spaine who by commandement of S. Bernard were appointed to interpret the Alchoran in euery place where they found the vocable Mulsulman which is as much to say in the Arabian tongue as Peaceble and faithfull towards God they interpreted the same Sarraceni● or Sarazins This Mulsulman then is the vocable whereby al that beléeue in the Alcoran will be called whether they bee Arabes Syrians Persians Tartars Turks or Moores Whosoeuer then would enter into any peaceable and friendly conference with them albeit none doe hate their name more than the Turks must call them Mulsulmans as we do our selues Christians or faithfull people So are they all named by the Author of the Ismaell or Ismaelitish race and by their Bastard Prophet After our manner and in respect of Religion they term a man Mulsulmam and a woman Mulsulmina or Mulsulminet albeit some say Mussim by a corrupt pronunciation As we may well conceiue by our owne selues who do vse to call those disfigured wanderers that walke among vs with deformed faces and long ilfauored lockes vsing all subtle Thefts pi●●eries and legerdumaines they can deuise we nick-name them to be Sarrazins Aegiptians or Gypsies I thus conclude then that when Hystorians write that the Sarrazins inuaded and made vse of Rhodes next of Thrace then of Italy Spaine and other Countries it is to be vnderstood of the Orientall people and Affricanes that were of the Mahometan Religion because they vsed the selfe same cruelties thefts and robberies as the Sarazins of rockie Arabia did And to speak truly all Europe wold at this instant haue bin haunted with those people if they had not béene formerlie expelled and spoiled It remaineth yet freshe in memory that the great Graundfather to Phillip king of Spaine not long since deceased named Ferdinand expulsed them out of the Kingdom of Granado with their king called Melen and he bestowed six whole years together in stout wars onely in foiling them And then the dominion which the Sarazins and Moores held in Spaine had finall conclusion After which time those faith lesse Mahumetists durst neuer presume any more vpon Spaine where they had held the Kingdome of Granado eight hundred yeares Before the said Ferdinand king Alphonsus in the yeare of our Lord 1233. slew in diuers places aboue two hundred thousand of them when they held strong forts and Citties in Spaine which he forced them to forsake and since then haue béene vtterly ruined Henry the Emperour made another great massacre of them in the yeare of Iesus Christ 1010. in Italy expelling them wholy out of that Countrey Among the Sarazins there were not only very generous persons but likewise some men of great learning as Auicen Mesuus Isaac Mansor Auerroes and many others Now as all things haue their vicissitude and alteration by courses so after that the Sarazins had raigned in Africa and partly in Europe for about the space of eight hundred yeares there came a people from diuers parts of Scythia which at this day we call Turks who in lesse than twoe hundred yeares ouercame in Armes those people called Sarazins with many other Christians beside not onely in Asya but in Europe and Affrica And albeit that those Turks were of the same Religion to wit Mahumetists yet did they not abstaine from vexing and troubling them with warre euen in like manner as they did the Christians For in the yeare 1012. they took Ierusalem and all Iudaea from them but the Sarazins of Aegipt recouered them againe and held them for three hundred yeares after Neuerthelesse they were yet againe deiected thence in the year 1517 by the Turks the Sarazins loosing then not onlie Palestine and the Holy-land but likewise Egipt Syria Arabya and the very same Countrey of Idumea where as the Sarazins had their original and are there subiect to the Turkes nowe at this instant For Campson their King lost the daie against Selim Emperor of the Turks and Tomombeus his successour being next chosen to bee King in his place was taken and afterward ignominiouslie strangled in the graund Caire the very principall Citty of Egypt where we may behold the end of the Sarazins not any part of them now remaining except such few as are in the Turks seruility This short discourse giues vs to vnderstand that Sarazins were not all such as are called Mahumetists but they that had their beginning in the Countries of Idumea and the desart or rockie Arabia and all those that being ioined with them commanded vnder them in diuers Countries rendring other Nations subiect to them by Armes Vncill such time as they were exterminate by the people whose Countries they vniustlie vsurped and planted their Religio● by war As also at length by the Turkes although they be of the same Religion For warre is maintained among them for desire of soueraignty and ambition euen as well as among vs that are Christians ¶ A briefe Collection of the Byshops and Popes of Rome from the yeare 44. to this instant 1611. With the seuerall Ages of the Church since the Ascension of our blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ vp into Heauen OVr Lord Iesus Christ the Nazarite God and man Messias Sauiour of the world Holy of holies Soueraigne and Eternall Highe Priest head of the Church 1 Peter called Cephas borne in Bethsaida the sonne of Iohn and first called of the Apostles is said to hold his seat seauen yeares at Antioch and afterward at Rome xxiiij yeares vnder the Empire of Claudius and Nero who caused him to be crucified in the same place Simon Magus being reputed to be
other in the West foure yeares togither Constantine commanded in Gaul Spaine Affrica and Italie The other in Greece Arnobius Lactantius Dorotheus bishop of Tyre Eusebius and other Learned personages liued at this time Galerius Maximianus tearmed Armentarius because he was a Neat-heards son was made Emp. being a goodly person a fortunat warrior Maximinus nephue to Armentarius by his sister was Emp. persecuted the Christians in the East Seuerus Prefect of Italy and Africke was published Emperor by Galerius fighting with Maxentius was taken at Ravenna and slaine Maxentius elected Emperor by his souldiors raigned a Tyrant and was like vnto his Father Maximinus Being vanquished by Constantine néere to Pont-Miluius he was drowned in a Gulfe and his body neuer after found Licinius Licinianus borne of Countrey Parents was fortunate in the wars which he had against Maximinus Afterward hee became a mocker of Christ and persecuted such as beléeued in him and because he was ignorant hee was a great enemy to all that were learned Martinianus was created Caesar by Licinius against Constantine he was in his camp at night but sled before next morning Constantine the great son of Helena an holy woman with Maxentius and Licinius reigned 31. yeares He was religious and affable and transported the Bible into diuers Countries He assembled the Councell of Nice against Arrius the Heretick He builded the Citty of Constantinople calling it after his owne name whither the Imperiall seate was translated and changed from Rome into Greece after he had granted Syluester to be Pope Euseb lib. 10. Niceph. lib. 8. Crispus was made Caesar by his father Constantine but being afterward falsly accused to his father he was put to death for that he would not consent to the inordinate appetite of Faustine his Stepmother Constantine the second with his brethren raigned 17. yeares ioyning thereto the thrée yeares raigne of Magnentius Themistius Donatus and Libanius the Sophister then ●iued and S. Anthony the Heremite was knowne in Aegypt by many miracles Iulian the Apostata helde the true Religion ten yeares and was named Emperor by the men of warre in Paris against his will He forbad the Christians the study of letters and being wounded to death hee cryed out At length thou hast vanquished O Galilean S. Cyrill Optatus Basile Nazianzene Epiphanius Hilarie Didimus Exuperus· all learned Diuines then flourished Iouianus a kind and learned man raigned eight months and made confession to his Warriours of the name of Iesus Christ Now was the first order of Monkes instituted by S. Basile vnder certaine rules of liuing Valentian a good and Catholique Prince and Valens his Brother raigned fiftéene years This man held the error of the Arrians and constrained the Monkes to vndertake Armes in war he died vnhappily Gratian the son of Valentinian during whose whole life time hee was an associate in the Empire Hee raigned afterward with Valentinian the second his younger Brother and Theodosius sixe yeares Maximus tearmed Emperor by his Souldiers slew Gratian and held the Empire foure yeares after which time Valentinian returned to the Empire againe fiue yeares Theodosius after that Gratian was slaine by Maximus raigned thrée yeares with his Brother Valentinian the death of whom was bemoaned by Saint Ambrose for the great zeale hee had to Christian Religion S. Hierome S. Augustine and P. Orosius then liued Arcadius and Honorius the Sons of Theodosius raigned twenty nine yeares as well in the East as in the West About this time the great Empire of Rome began to decline by the infidelity of Ruffinus and Stilico their Tutors The very greatest part thereof was vsed by the Scythians Burgundians Lombardes Hungarians French Goths and Vandals And Rome was foure times taken by the Goths and Vandals within a 139. yeares Then liued S. Chrysostom and Claudian Honorius raigned with Theodosius Sonne to his Brother sixtéene yeares Theodosius the second youngest Sonne of Arcadius raigned at Constantinople twenty seuen yeares after the death of Honorius hauing afflited Valentinian the third the Son of Constantius and Placida Daughter is Theodosius who raigned fiue yeares in the west At this time the Frenchmen leauing Franconia beganne to enter vppon the Gaules vnder Clodion their second King F. Valerius Martianus raigned in the East seauen years and Valentinian the third at the same time in the west during their raigne the Burgundians other western Nations were conuerted to the Faith The Vandals came out of Spayn into Affrica and afterward they tooke Rome vnder the conduct of their King Genserichus Attila King of the Hunnes entred into Gaul with fiue hundred thousand men deliuered battle to Meroüeus their second king who had ioined with Aetius Lieutenant to the Emperor There hee lost an hundred and fourescore thousand men fled into Hungaria not any man being wounded behind About this time was great Arthur King of Britaine Leo the first reigned 17. yeares associated by Leo the sonne of his daughter who after he had reigned one yeare alone gaue vp the Empire to Zeno his Grandsire who raigned tyrannically 17. yeares The estate of the Church was then very greatly troubled as also that of the Western Empire Italy had then nine Emperors in twenty yeares who all slue one another Anastasius raigned twenty fiue yeares Hée was an Eutichian Heretique was smitten with lightning and dyed as a iust punishment for his Heresie Fulgentius Iustine raigned 9. years he was first a Swine-heard afterward a Cow-heard next a Carpenter a Souldier a Captaine and last of all Emperor gouerning very well and godly and expelling the Arrian Heretiques Then liued Boetius and S. Bennet or Benedict began his order Iustinian raigned thirty eight yeares All his care and study was to repaire the decayed Empire and re-establish ciuill right in the execution wherof he was seconded by excellent personages especially by Belfarius Narses and Tribonianus The first chased the Vandals out of Affrica which they had held 95. years and deliuered Rome from the Gothes who had conquered it and yet were once more expulsed thence by Narses Iustine the second raigned ten yeares beloued of al men for his liberality Sophia his wife mocked him with Narses the Gouernour of Italy whereat hee beeing offended called the Lombardes by whose helpe he reuenged himselfe Now was the Kingdome of the Lombardes founded by Clebus where raigned thirty two kinges vntill the time of Charles the Great Tiberius the second raigned seauen yeares hée was a very charitable man one that loued God and his Saints and therefore no doubt was beloued of him againe Mauritius raigned twenty yeares hee was descended of very meane Parentage and in the end was murthered for his couetousnesse a vice as much discommendable in a Prince as liberality is beséeming and maketh him renowmed Phocas raigned eyght yeares And beeing the Murderer of his Predecessor himselfe was likewise murdered
one yeares and the other seuenty six after they had long time gouerned their Churches And then began Christian Religion to flourish by the holy and painefull writings of many Doctours This is all that can be saide of Pharamond first King of the Francs or Franconians who afterward were called French-men And hee after he had raigned ten or according to some others eleauen yeares died in Anno Dom. 431. Our Historyes haue not giuen him any Wi●e albeit some say that Clodion his Successor was his Sonne 2 Clodion second King of the Francs Franconians or French succeeded his Father Pharamond in the yeare of grace 431. He was sir-named Clodion the Hairy because hee wore his Beard and Haire long ordaining the French to weare the like in signe of liberty because the Romaines vsed to poule and shaue all such as they subdued in signe of seruitude and this fashion of wearing long haire continued in France vntill the time of Peter Lombard in the raigne of Lewes the younger fourth King of that name Clodion perceiuing the Romaines to war weak by Warres which they maintained against the Vrisigotes and loath to loose occasion for enlarging his Kingdome leuied a mighty Army subdued the Thuringians or Lorraignes took Cambray by assault putting all the Romaines to the Sword that were therein and vanquished their Army néere to the Riuer of Rhine Then passing the Forrest Charbonniere hee tooke Tournay and pursuing his purpose for dilation of his Confines he went into France conquering Burgundy Tholouse Angolesme and all Aquitain Clodion hauing raigned twenty yeares died in An. 449. 3 Meroneus third King of the French succéeded Clodion as his Sonne or néerest Kinsman Anno 450. Tritemius writeth that he was Sonne to Clodion but it is not found to bee so in the Histories of France In him the generation of the Kings of Fraunce tooke beginning which endured vntill King Pepin the Sonne of Charles Martell Meroneus like vnto his Predecessors was a Pagan yet very bold and couragious in warre as he declared by many foughten battailes wherein hee was continually present In his time Attila King of the Hunnes or Hungares who tearmed himselfe Flagellum Dei leuyed an Army of fiue hundred thousand Men and came into the Countrey of Gaule where he spoyled Coulongue and Treues with many Castles scituated on the Rhine Hee trauersed Fraunce also where hée wasted Amiens Beauuais Chaalons Troys and Rheimes bringing his siedge before Orleaunce Meroneus séeing Fraunce so much oppressed with the helpe of Aetius Lieutenant Generall in Gaule for the Armie of Theodosius the younger Emperour of Rome and of Theodorick King of the Vuisegothes gaue him a strong battaile in the Catalaunique Fieldes which is sayde to be néere to Chaalons in Champaigne in which fight were slaine about two hundred thousand Men of Warre as well on the one side as the other Attila beholding his Men in disorder and that he could not call them backe againe as he would was enforced to retire home to Hungarie where he could neuer after re-assemble them of that company This battaile was fought in the yeare 452. Others say it was in the twenty seuenth year of the Empire of Valentinian the third Meroneus hauing his hopes much more highly aduaunced by such a great and glorious victory tooke the Citties of Sens Paris and a great part of Gaule not finding any to offer him resistance So that thence forward the Countrey which before has beene tearmed Gaule began euen then to be called France He caused one of his Sonnes to be throwne into a Fire because hee hadde slaine the King of Cornewall who came in courtesie to bée merrie with him Cornewall béeing then tributarie to France as some haue reported who also doe entitle Meroneus to be the first king of the French and all his Race the Merouingians Hee dyed in the tenth yeare of his raigne after hee hadde very much enlarged his Kingdome in Anno Domini 472. Or according to others 459. 4 Childerick or as some tearme him Chilperick Sonne to Moroneus succéeded him in the year 460. The great luxurie and bad life which he led in the beginning of his raign abusing the Wiues and Daughters of many worthy Lords begot him such indignation and hatred among thē that they purposing to surprize him he was faigne to saue himselfe by flight to Basinus king of Thuringe now called Lorraigne This did he by the councell of a friend of his named Vidomarck who as a secret token betwéene them breaking a Ring of Gold gaue him the one halfe coniuring him to giue no faith for his returne but to him that should bring him that other halfe The French elected in his place a Lieutenant of the Romaines named Gillon who held Soissons and laide such heauy exactions on euery man exercising also such cruelties on the Princes of France that in the 8. yeare hée was expelled and Childerick againe restored wholly by the meanes of Vidomarch Childerick pursued Gillon his Enemy and had great victories and conquestes against him Hee fought a battaile also néere to Orleaunce against Andoacre who was Duke of the Saxons Hee enlarged his Kingdome along the Riuer of Loyre so far as Angeirs One great and irreparable errour he committed for breaking the right of Hospitality with Basinus King of Thuringe who had receiued and relieued him in the chiefest of his aduersity he caried away with him his wife Basina by whom he had a Son called Clouis He died in An. 485. the 26. of his raigne 5 Clouis first King Christian and fift King of France succéeded his Father in the year of our saluation 485. He married Clotilda Sister to the Duke of Burgundy He made warre vppon Siagrius the Sonne of Gillon Lieutenant to the Romaines who held Soissons and som other parts of Belgick Gaule from whence hée expulsed him and made him fly to Tholouze to Ala●ic King of the Vuisegoths who betrayed him and sending back to Clouis he had his head smitten off So the Romaines being partly fled and partly slaine held no longer dominion in France Hauing likewise vanquished King Basinus hee ●●bdued Thuringe now called Lorraigne and amplified the kingdom euen from the Rhine so far as Seine extending her limits to the riuer Loyre The Quéene his Wife did often times sollicite him to become a Christian whereto he would by no means listen til being in a hot conflict against the Allemaignes who descended in great companies to driue the French out of Gaule and desparing of the battaile hee thought vppon the God of Clotilda his Quéene promising that he would be a Christian if that day he obtayned the victory It pleased God to grant it him and hée was Baptized at his returne in the Cittie of Rheimes by Remy Arch-Byshoppe of the sayde place with his two Sisters and more then thrée thousand of the Nobility The sacred Oyle was poured on his head
1522. 1523. 1534 1550 1555 1555 1559 1566 1572 1585 1590 1590 1590 1592 1605 1605 1099 1099 1113. 1118 The beginning of the Knightes Templers Knightes Ho●pitallers of the Hospitall of S. Iohn in Ierusalem became afterward to be Knights of the Rhodes lastly Knights of Malta 1131. 1139. 1160 1163 1167. 1169 1169. 1179. 1187 1187 1191 1192 ●194 1194 1198 1205 1260 1230 1240 This is mistaken for this was K. Richard the first himselfe 1345 1248 1251 1260 1265 1278 1288 1294 1296 1308 The beginning of the Knights of the Rhodes who helde their first name of S. Iohns Knights stil 1317 1327. 1346 1353 1355 1365 1373. 1376 1395. 1321. This Anthony de Riuers was sent for to Rhodes he being then chiefe Commander of the Brotherhood at S. Iohns of Ierusalem in Saint Iohns street 1437. 1342 1461. 1467. 1476 1503. 1512 1513. 1521 The losse of Rhodes to the great g●eef● of al Christendome The knightes of Saint Iohn becam Knightes of Malta 1534 1535 1536. 1558 1561. A new Citty builte at Malta on S. Elemes Mount 1568 1572 1582 1595. 1601 Ecclesiasticall orders 1070 1099 1308. 1523. 1117. 1310 1130 1150 1212 11●0 1219 1320 12●● 1048 The Secular Orders 1349 1350 1367 1409 1429. 1469 1561. 1578 Sabellic lib. 8. de Suplem Chron. The power of Prester-Ian His souldi●●s Armour fo● t●●ir defence The exercise of the King Ptete-Ian His dyet manner of life The attendance and seruice of the Emperor The wiues of the Emperor The Originall of the Ceremony The Emperors Crown Scepter and habit The Emperors tribute by his Kings Tributes in generall of his people The onely glories of Prete-Ian his Ethyopians Whence the Ethyopians de deriue their antiquity The chiefe Citty of Persia The gouernment of the great Sophy Fishing for Pearles Of the Persian gouernment and nature of the people The ancient name of Tunis Cairoan a new Citty builded Cairoan destroyed by the Arabes Tunis gouerned by the Kinges of Marocco Tunis besiedged by the Arabes Tunis deliuered frō the Arabes The declyning of the kingdome of Marocco rising of that of Fez. The King of Tunis King of Affrica A strange election of the duke of Moscouia Concerning the Countrey Men for the Warre Their drink and Corne. Their money Their Religion The Princes Court Learned men amōg them His daily warres The K. of Muscou●aes Tules He is tributary to the King of the Tartars Of the maner and scituation of Polonia The firste Rulers of Poland Vayuodes called Paladines Gracchus the firste Prince of Poland Paladines chosen againe A King created againe Gracouia forsaken by the King Piastus refused the name of K calling him selfe Duke of Poland The discent of the kings of Poland Henry heire of France King of Poland Strange nations weakned the Roman Empire The originall of the Gothes More people then the Countrey can feede The Goths wander to seeke a new dwelling The Goths raigne in Italy and Spaine The reason of the Gothes continuance Of the Ostrogoths Westrogoths Wisigoths The errour of some young Cosmographer Of the Vandales The errour of Procopius The trauels of the Vandales into diuers coūtries The Huns of Scythia and theyr trauailes Attila King of the Huns Attila his losse in France Of the Lombardes and whence they descended A very seuere Edict Istria in Italy conquered and new named Lombardy The Normans issued from Norduegia Suesses cam out of Sweuia They goe among the Heluetians Their pouertie among the Heluetians Of the Allemaignes whence they were deriued The true Alemaigns of Suaba Alaines what people they were and whence they came Of the Gepides or Girpedes The Originall of the Picts and their comming into the Isle of Orkeney The first k. of the Picts Kenneth K. of Scots desolateth Pictland Of the Getes Of the Bourguignons Of their first name A faire vniuersitie in Bourgougn Of the kingdome of Naples Robert Guiscard the valiant Norman The Scicilian euening Hen. count of Lorraine The first K. of Portugal The King of Portugal a Knight of S. Iohn of Ierusalem The succession of the Kinges of Portugall People of Paphlagonia People by the inner gulfe of the Adriatick Sea towardes the Alpes Liburnia the Countrey of Croaua between Istria Dalmatia The scituation of Venice and capacitie thereof Mountains in the north part of Scythia where snow lieth continually An ancient citty in that part of Italy called Forum I●lij The first foundation of Venice Litle Islāds in the Sea and neere adioining The prime estate of the place wher Venice now standeth The first builders of Venice at what time Theyr first buildings destroyed by fire The first Church built in Venice Noble and rich men the first foūders of Venice The first Goldsmiths knowne in Europe were in Venice Care of Iustice and common good Loue of religion in especial respect Aristocratia optimatum principatus The Gouernment of Consuls and who were the first in Venice The creation of Tribunes and what they were Election of a Duke among the Venetians Who was the first D. of Venice Spaine deuided at first into six Prouinces viz. 1. Terracon 2. Carthage 3. Lus●tania 4. Gallacia 5. Boetia 6. Tingintaua 433. The Moors in possession of all Spaine The Kingdomes of Nauarre Arragon Portugall conquered from the Moores 1492 The beginning of the kingdom of Spaine and de●cent of their kings 1516. 1555 1598 Of Germany and the Princes Electors Three Ecclesiastiks and three Layickes with addition of a fourth the K. of Bohemia The errour of Writers about the names originall Francus or Frencion the son of Hector Sicambra the Daughter of King Priam. Cimmerians Cimbrians Sicambrians Francs or Francions The Hebrew Fraci and the Affricanes The Cimbrian Chersonnesus Torches or Torques of Torquor their King Theudomer a kinsman by descent to king Priam Neumagi is new kinsmen Antenor married Cambra Daughter to the King of Britaine Priam Son to Antenor succeeded him then Marcomedes Clodion Clodomire Meradac Bolō kings leagued with the Teutones Why the Emperour Valentinian called thē Franc● K. Priam slaine and his people fled into Germany The Sicambrians liued with the Pánonians Franconia in Saxonie and France in Gaule Of the word Franc or Francs The French wold haue their name deriued of Ferocitie Hector had no son but Astianax Franchise and Immunitie The Francs builded a Citty neere to the Palus Maeotides The Francs foyled by the Emperor chuse a Captaine named Marcomir The words of Amianus Marcellinus They chuse an order of gouerment among thē The aduise of Charamond concerning the election of Pharamond Quadrek his opposition against Charamond The election of King Pharamond Pharamond first King of the Francs or Franconians Clodion was the first that entred into Gaule Pharamond deuiseth Lawes for his people with consent of his Lords Lawes Saliques or Ripuaries A custome among barbarous Nations Especiall maters happening in the time of Pharamond 431 Clodion sir●named Hayrie for wearing long hayre and a beard in signe of
their Estate whereby ensued manie contentions among them For some woulde haue it brought into a Monarchie which is the Gouernement of one Prince onely And others into an Aristocratie which is to bee gouerned by a certaine number of Wise and discréete personnes Héereuppon in a publlque assemblie made on this occasion one among them named Charamond made a verie eloquent Oration in the behalfe of Monarchie and his maine scope aymed that they shoulde elect for their King and Prince Pharamond a man iust verie deuoute of good sorte and valiaunt qualities necessarilie requyred to bee in a Prince Moreouer hee added that if hee shoulde doo anie thing vnfitting for a King and Prince it was a very easie matter for them to take away from him the administration of his Kingdome and Gouernement because people were before Kings and made them their Rulers Nor can I be perswaded quoth he that the man now to be elected will any way fall into Tiranny or raise vs in any disobedience towardes him in regard of the vertuous qualities wherewith he is endued And from him may we well expect all such Iustice kindnesse care and assistaunce as Subiects can hope for in their Prince his actions behauiour of life being so wel knowne vnto vs. He is Sonne to this woorthy Captaine Marcomir who so wisely and happily hath brought vs hither who so securely hath heere established vs and who so valiantly sheelded vs from the Romaines threatnings when by inequality of our power to theyrs wee were compelled to forsake the Palus Maeotides Wee are then much obliged to Pharamond in memory of his Fathers weighty merites And these two especiall reasons shoulde mooue vs to receyue him as our King and preferre him before all other to that dignity euen as wee ought to aduance Monarchy before Aristocratie whereunto I know some among vs will encline without fore-seeing the harmes that will befall vs if we embrace it For if wee consider our auncient manner of life it hath beene to obey one and not many in which regarde me-thinkes that the first thing which ought to be respected in the establishing of an Estate is the humour of the Inhabitantes and to consider of what commaund or gouernement they are most capeable to wit of Monarchie alone or many-headed Aristocratie Thus spake Charamond and then manie contrarieties were mooued among them about diuersitie of Opinions Whereupon Prince Charamond beganne agayne another most excellent Oration maintaining his former spéeches againste Quadrek a great Prince likewise who defended the contrarie saying That Kingdomes gouerned by many Princes were more peaceable and better pollicied then to be subiects to one king onely After all these disputes long debated on eyther side the Francs who were more capeable to liue vnder a Monarchie then a publicke commaunde because they were men free most hardie and couragious by common consent elected King Pharamond and according to their custome placing him vppon a Pauois lifted him vppon the Shoulders of men and so walked with him thrée times about the place of their méeting proclaiming him theyr King This was in the yeare of the Worldes creation 438● And of Iesus Christ 420. Or after others foure hundred twenty six or four hundred twenty and seauen Some say that he was the Sonne of Marcomir yet others say no. His name was Pharamōd or Waramond which in the ancient Franc Language signifyeth a man of truth And wee may well conceiue that his name and Nature were correspondent and that he was a vertuous personage considering they chose him for their king after such a great contention and withall that such as desire to liue vnder a Monarchy and to haue one King will haue him to be a good man which is the onely felicitie that can come to any Estate when a Prince is furnished with integritie and trueth and all other Vertues commendable in a Prince Euen as contrariwise it can sustaine no greater mischiefe then to be subiected to barbarousnesse and Iniustice of a cruell Tyrant All the truest Histories doo agrée that Pharamond was the firste King of the Francs or Francons in Franconia a Prouince of Germanie but they speake not of his passage into Gaule for hee was neuer there And the first of them that euer went thither was Clodion the Hayrie Sonne according to some of the fore-named Pharamond Nor came he also thither but as wee vse to say to bidde the Countrey Good morrow For hee was repulsed chased and compelled to returne thence And hee that of the two Nations of the Francones and Gaules made them but one reducing them into one bodye was Meroneus the Sonne of Clodion as shall bee after declared in his due place Pharamond liued onelye on the Bankes of Rhine without passing anye further thence it contented him to bring his people onely thither to sounde not the foord but the fortune of passage into Gaule Beeing chosen King hee conceiued that the verie strongest bonde which bindes and shuttes vp anie State for longest continuance is the Constitution of Lawes which are nothing else but a reason planted in Nature commending honest occasions and prohibiting their contraries Beside that they had neuer béene made by Lawe-Makers but for the conseruation of States Empyres Kingdomes Seigneuries Citties and theyr Inhabitantes And because long Warres as also their so recent and late foyle had brought his people vnto some good forme of obedience hee concluded to make new Lawes which might cause them to liue vnder certaine Rules of pollicy considering that as hardlie can a people liue without Lawes as the body without members For the better establishing of these newe Lawes hee vsed the aduise of foure his cheefest Barons euen those of woorthiest merrite amongest all his Lordes to whome some doo giue these Names Vridogast Sagobast Vrisogast and Bosogast Hee likewise deuised certaine Lawes which hee tearmed Saliques and Ripuaries the Chapters whereof are yet to bee seene which doo not speake any thing of the generall right of his Kingdomes but concerning the particular right of euerie one especially in the Article of Succession From whence our French Nation hath deriued the Lawe Salique speaking of the succession of the Realme of France the institution whereof they attribute to Pharamond Against which Iudgement wee will not oppose our selues any way onely we say by the testimony of truest Histories there is not found any but this Salique Law which the French doe boldely affirme to bee made by Pharamond Yet such as labour to haue vs beléeue this opinion doe scarcely know howe the Kingdomes of Barbarians and their Kinges gouerned Albeit it was a custome obserued among Barbarous Nations that their Daughters should neuer succéede in the Crownes of their Kingdomes Also in the raigne of Pharamond the third generall Councell of Ephesus was holden against Nestorius Byshop of Constantinople the fourth Schisme came into the Church Saint Hierome and Saint Augustine died the one aged ninetie