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A07350 The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.; English catechisme Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1622 (1622) STC 17733; ESTC S100659 485,672 636

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altogether erred For if one or some may what more priuiledge can they haue altogether Obict 1 If it be said that this is a doctrine tending to Atheisme for if the Church may erre there is no certainety of truth to be had if no certainty of truth to be had then is there iust cause of suspition giuen that there is no certaine truth at all and then saith the Atheist all is fabulous I answere that this consequence is most false for though all the Churches visible in the world were in an error yet there is certainty of truth to be had viz in the holy Scriptures to which Gods people taking heed may be saued from following Baal 1. Kin. 19.18 with the seuen thousands in Israel in Elijahs time who complained of the common reuolt of all but himselfe alone but was comforted with this that the Lord had left vnto him seuen thousand whose knees had not bowed to Baal nor their mouthes kissed himselfe For thus taking heede vnto the holy writings of the Prophets 2. Pet. 1.19 Saint Peter commends them of his time calling it a sure word and a light shining in a darke place and telling them that they doe well and Saint Paul would haue the Galatians not to regard the very Apostles in comparison of the Gospell which they had receiued saying If we our selues Galat. 1.8 or an Angell from Heauen teach any other wise let him be accursed Obict 2 The truth knowne without the Pope Iudge If it be said further All Heretiques doe paint ouer their heresies with allegations out of the Scriptures how therefore shall we know them Can euery simple man barely by the Scriptures discouer their craft and keepe himselfe from their poyson they are rather thus in the way of being peruerted to their ineuitable damnation 2. Pet. 3.16 as S. Peter teacheth I answer that this is a maruell seeing S. 1. Iohn 4.1 1. Thessal 5.21 Iohn biddeth euery man trie the Spirits Whether they be of God or no and giueth a generall rule to know them by and S. Paul saith Try all things and cleaue to that which is good and the men of Beraea are commended Acts 17.11 for searching the Scriptures to finde whether those things were so which were taught them by chiefe Pillers in the Church of God What impudencie then is it to count this the high way of errour How did the people of God of olde Esay 8.20 that had none but the Law and the Testimony with the help of Gods Priests to direct them What were those of the Primitiue Church more slenderly appoynted then we of these last times Or is there any now superiour to the very Apostles who submitted their teaching to the triall of this rule Let the Romanists then be a ●amed of this shamefull aduancing their Pope as infallible Iudg of all poynts of religion For this is indeede the way to Atheisme the way to all errour when one Pope shall contradict another or any shall fall into heresie as they haue done and yet be held for infallible 2. Cor. 8. Our rule is more certaine and neuer deceiueth but when fickle-headed persons will wrest it to their owne wills not bring their conceipts into subiection to it which is S. Peters meaning For here holdeth the promise of Christ concerning the Spirit to leade vs into all truth viz. if with humble hearts thinking that we know nothing as we ought to know we come to reade and heare the word of God and compare places more hard and obscure with plaine and easie places praying heartily in the name of Christ to be directed aright and no way belongeth to the Bishop of Rome as head of the Church as his flatterers vainely pretend Obict 3 Of Points maintained by Papists from plaine Scriptures Iam. 2.24 If any man will further obiect that this cannot yet make any Church appeare to be a true Church to them that are without For thus also the Roman Church will rather be iustified for that many points there helde different from vs are plainly set down which without glozing or paraphrasing is not so in the Church of the Protestants For example Saint Iames hath taught plainly We are not iustified by faith without workes It is not so of iustification by faith alone Our Sauiour Christ hath sayd plainly This is my body but not so of the signe of his body Saint Paul hath sayd Worke out your saluation with feare and trembling Saint Iames againe sayth If any be sicke let him be annointed in the name of the Lord Iesus c and expresse mention is made of traditions c. I answer It is good for the Roman Catholiques to deale heerein but with some lighter poynts of their religion for feare if they should proceed further to their grand doctrines of inuocation of Saints of Image-worshipping of worshipping the bread in the Sacrament of withdrawing the Cup from the Laitie of their Latine Seruice and ridiculous ceremonies and works of Supererrogation c. of being altogether grauelled heere A man would not thinke that they had the face to bring their stubble to the Scriptures without blushing for if they haue one sentence of Scripture in words speaking with them we haue ten for the Protestants Exod. 20.4 We haue an expresse command forbidding Images and their worship and a further commentary hereupon made by the Lord himselfe Deut. 4.5 Take heede for you saw no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto you Esa 63.16 c. against inuocation of Saints it is sayd Abraham knowes not of vs Jsaac is ignorant of vs and Angels and Saints haue refused this honour against the Popes Supremacy They that are great amongst the Gentiles haue dominion ouer them but it shall not be so with you Against the adoration of the Hoste They worshipped the creature Rom. 1 in stead of the Creator Against the merit of Workes We are vnprofitable seruants wee haue done but our duty when we haue done all 2 Cor. 3.5 Against free-will We cannot thinke a good thought of our selues With infinite places more of which very children are not ignorant For the places by them alledged they are but meere shewes Iames must be compared with Paul who is more large in the poynt of Iustification and so his meaning will appeare that we are iustified that is declared to be iust before men by our attentiue and vnpartial workes the rest are eiusd●m farinae easie to be answered as no Reader is ignorant And therefore if the Scriptures be acknowledged the rule of truth the Church will soone be made manifest euen to the vnconuerted Obict 4 The Scriptures translated Gods Word If it be further obiected that plaine people cannot know which be the Scriptures because the languages wherin they were first written is hidden from them now there be diuers translations indeede but much differing one from another how then can they know the
35 Quest Doth sinne deserue so ill that wee could not by other satisfactorie meanes be deliuered heerefrom but by the death of the Sonne of God Answ Yes it deserues the infinit curse of the Law that is all iudgements in this world and euerlasting damnation in the world to come 35 Quest If he must needs be made fit to beare the curse why did hee not to this ●nd take vnto him some other nature more excellent Answ Man onely had sinned it was most agreeable to the Iustice of God to receiue the paiment of the debt of sinne in the same nature of sinne which committed it 36 Quest How came it to be thus with vs men were we created sinners Answ No God at the first made man righteous but by yeelding to the deuils temptation he made himselfe a sinner 37 Quest Wherein did man yeeld to the temptation of the Deuill Answ In eating of the forbidden fruit and not contenting himselfe with all other fruits of which the Lord had allowed him to eate 37 Quest Was God so angry that he would curse man for eating an apple or figge or such like Answ That was not the matter of Gods anger but his vnthankfulnesse pride disobedience and crediting rather the Deuill then God 37 Quest But though one man did thus yet all did not are we all then sinners and vnder the curse Answ We were all in his loynes and so whatsoeu●r hee did and what estate he fell into it is common to vs all 38 Quest It seemes then that we are sinners so soone as we are borne before that we haue actually done either good or euill Answ Yes verily the child that is but new borne yea but conceiued and liuing in his mothers wombe is a sinner and needeth Gods grace 39 Quest I perceiue then that we are all in a miserable estate by nature but you tell mee of Iesus Christ that hee was humbled for vs wherein standeth this his humiliation and in which words is it set forth Answ It is set forth in these words And in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried and of this his humiliation there bee three degrees 39 Quest Which is the first degree and in which words Answ First his Incarnation set forth in these words which was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary 40 Quest Which is the second degree and in which words Answ He suffered the death of the Crosse for my sinnes set forth in these words He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried 48 Quest Which is the third degree of his humiliation and in which words Answ He descended into hell that I might bee deliuered from hell and euerlasting death in these words He descended into Hell 58 Quest Is this all the humiliation of the sonne of God for our redemption did he no way else abase himselfe for vs Answ Yes he became obedient to the law also that by his obedience and righteousnes we might stand perfectly righteous in the sight of God 64 Quest In which words is his exaltation set downe and how many be the degrees hereof Answ In these words the third day he arose againe from the dead and ascended vp into heauen there he sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead and of this be fower degrees also 67 Quest Which is the first and in which words Answ First he arose againe from death to life 68 Quest Which is the second Answ And he ascended vp into heauen in these words the third day he arose c. 68 Quest Which is the third and in which words Answ Thirdly he hath all honour power and authority in heauen and in earth together with God the Father in these words He sitteth on the right hand c. 79 Quest Which is the fourth degree and in which words Answ Fourthly he shall come from heauen at the end of the world to iudge all that shall then be found liuing and all that haue died since the world began in these words From thence he shall come c. 84 Quest What learne we to belieue concerning God the holy Ghost and in which words Answ That he is God equall with the Father and the Son and the sanctifier of all the elect people of God in these words I belieue in the holy Ghost 91 Quest Which is the second part of your articles of faith concerning the Church of God Answ I belieue the holy Catholicke Church the Communion of Saints c. 98 Quest What learne you to belieue here concerning Gods Church Answ Foure things 98 Quest Which is the first Answ First I learne to belieue that God hath a Church consisting of a certaine number of true belieuers of whom some be in heauen and some bee vpon earth and that I my selfe am a member of the same 98 Quest Which is the second Answ I learne to belieue that Gods Church is holy that is sanctified and washed by water and the holy Ghost and such as daily groweth in holinesse vntill at the last it comes to bee presented before God without spot or wrinkle of sinne 118 Quest Which is the third Answ I learne to belieue that Gods Church is Catholick consisting of persons of all sorts scattered all ouer the world and of all times and ages 127 Quest How may a man certainly know where this Church of God is Answ By these two speciall markes holinesse taught and professed and antiquitie when they goe together 138 Quest Is not the Church of Rome then the ●●ue Church of God seeing it exceeds in holinesse and is most ancient Answ No It was a true Church indeed in the Apostles times and many yeares after but now it is neither holy for great vncleannesse is there maintained nor ancient for the ancient for the ancient Religion is defaced with grosse errours and superstitions 138 Quest Where then may we find the true Church Answ In England and in all other places where these corruptions are done away and Religion is restored to the first puritie 138 Quest How can this bee seeing the Religion heere professed is but as it were of yesterday and neuer heard of before Luther and Caluin Answ This is a meere slander for there was neuer any age since the Apostles wherein there haue not beene some standing to the maintenance heereof against Romish corruptions 138 Quest How hapned it then that the church of Rome still euer preuailed and was generally accounted for Christes true Church and those oppugners were neuer of any esteeme Answ By the greatnesse and tyranny of the Romane Bishops whose chiefe care hath bin most euer since Constantines time to magnifie their owne Church and themselues and to suppresse their aduersaries 138 Quest But is it possible that the Roman Church hauing beene once a true Church
First as hath been already saide to be a rule of Faith and a preseruatiue from Heresie 2 That it might bee a meane of distinguishing betwixt true Christians and heretiques 3. That euery man entring the profession of Christianity might continually haue before his eyes that faith for which he should suffer persecution and to the defence whereof hee should stand vnto the death 4. That euery one of the Catechumeni which were new conuerted Christians might haue in a readinesse what to answere in their baptisme when the Minister should demaund what beleeuest thou or according to that of Philip to the Eunuch If thou beleeuest with all thine heart Acts 8.37 thou maist bee baptized vnto which he answered I beleeue that Iesus is the sonne of God So when one of them was demaunded Beleeuest thou aright he could according to this forme of confession answere I beleeue in God c. And if these be the endes and according to these onely bee the right vse of the Creede then must it be acknowledged a grosse abuse amongst simple people to vse it for a prayer for the remoouing of which as also for signification of our readinesse and constancy to defend the true Catholike Faith it is rightly prouided in our Churches that all should stand whilst it is in rehearsing Standing at the Creeds rehearsing Some I knowe are offended hereat and doe refuse to conforme themselues to this order but truely they are too too disorderly for besides that hence there is a confusion of gestures in the Church some standing some sitting and others kneeling to the hindering the ignorant from the knowledge of the right vse how doe they answer the reuerent behauiour of the first Christians August rom 10. p. 327. who were wont to stand during the whole time that the Word was in reading except very aged and impotent persons it being now so farre yeelded vnto them that they are required to stand onely in the time of rehearsing the Creed as being a short abridgment of the Scriptures Or how doe they giue testimony of their consent in the faith rehearsed when as conforming themselues to the Ministers gesture in prayer to testifie their consenting desires herein they are altogether vncomfortable in the other of confession Quest What doest thou chiefely learne out of these articles of thy faith Answ First I learne to beleeue in God the Father who hath made me and all the world Secondly in God the Son who hath redeemed me and all man-kind Thirdly in God the Holy Ghost who hath sanctified me and all the Elect people of God Explan In this answere one thing must be warily vnderstood viz. How Iesus Christ the Son of God may bee sayde to haue redeemed all man-kinde otherwise euery mans estate shall seeme good enough sith by him all are redeemed Vnderstand it therefore as other like phrases in the Scriptures Rom. 5.18 as that to the Romans As by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by the iustifying of one the benefit abounded towards all to the iustification of life c. By which is meant that all men which attaine to the iustification of life are made partakers of this benefit by no other meanes either in Heauen or in Earth within themselues the obseruation of the Law or without them the merits of others holy men or Angels but onely by the righteousnesse of Christ So according to Saint Augustines like exposition of another Scripture phrase tending hereto Aug. de predest Sanctili 174 8● Christ may bee called the Redeemer of all mankind not because all are actually redeemed by him but because no man is redeemed by any other but Christ onely When we say he redeemed all Mankinde the meaning is he is the onely Redeemer of all men who attaine this great benefit of redemption and saluation by no other according to that memorable saying Act. 4.12 There is none other name giuen vnder Heauen whereby to be saued but the name of Iesus Such as like better of the distinction viz. He redeemed all men that is in regard of the sufficiency of that hee did and suffered but not of the efficacie thereof may followe it if they please For the passion of Christ was sutable to his person his person of infinite excellency could not be so abased without infinite merit accrewing by such humiliation his dying was more then equiualent to all the worlds perishing euerlastingly in Hell Wherefore in giuing himselfe a ransome for sinfull man he is rightly said to haue redeemed all mankind for so much as he paid the full price of an vniuersall redemption And this is the same in sense with that saying of Iohn Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world Ioh. 1.29 Wicked men and vnbeleeuers are not hereby secured but more iustly and deepely damned as treading vnder foote the Sonne of God and prophaning his blood Quest 3. Whom do these Articles of your Faith concerne Answ The first part of them concernes God the second the Church of God Quest 4. In the first part concerning God what doe you learne to beleeue Answ First I learne to beleeue in God the Father secondly in God the Sonne thirdly in God the Holy Ghost Explan The articles of our faith being a sum of all things necessary to be knowne and beleeued vnto saluation as hath beene already said comprehend therefore not onely things concerning God but also the Church of God so that they may be fitly considered in these two parts And because the knowledge of God is principall and the greatest part of a Christian mans taske the maine things concerning him are first and more largely set down and then briefly those of the Church Now forsomuch as a Commentary of Catechisme is in this Treatise intended I would not willingly leaue any ground of our Religion vntouched therefore haue thought it needfull here to insert some things more generall concerning God and then to proceed to the seuerall articles as they lye in order 1. Whether there be a God 2. What God is 3. How many Gods there be 4. That God is both Father Sonne and holy Ghost 5. That Father Sonne and Holy Ghost are but one God Quest 5. How knowest thou that there is a God Answ Many wayes but chiefely by mine owne conscience accusing me for secret sinnes which cannot be but vnto an infinite wisedome that knowes the most secrete thoughts of the heart such as is neither Man Diuell nor Angell but God alone Explan Such is the Atheisme of these times that this had need be taught for a ground of Religion though it be indeed a ground in reason meerely naturall Now this is to be read not onely in the booke of conscience but secondly in the booke of Gods iudgements taking notorious wicked men oftentimes in the very instant of their sinning and singling out guilty persons by lots as Achan and Ionah and wonderfully discouering murthers
descent c. doe rather import somewhat added to his death and buriall the more currant exposition is to make it a seuerall and different Article or Parcell of our Sauiours performances and so wee will now consider in the remaining interpretations That branch of the first interpretation auouching that our Sauiour did sometime in triduo mortis really descend in soule into the place of the damned is most literall naturall and agreeable to the words no way lyable to tautologie nor repugnant to the analogie of Faith but consorting with the plaine termes of Scripture and testimony of ancient Fathers In this sense the Church of England in the first times of reformation Artic● 37. seemeth to vnderstand and interpret this Article both by insisting vpon the direct words in the booke of Articles of Religion where the truth realty of Christs descent into hell is auouched in the same manner with the realty of his death c. as also by the explanation thereof in the larger Catechisme authorized by our Church called Nowels Catechisme The end of such descent might well bee to triumph ouer Satan in his owne dunghill and dungeon and withall there to vpbraid vnto the damned spirits of obstinate men what a gracious and glorious Sauiour they had neglected Though some be of another minde in this point yet I see no coactiue reasons out of Scripture or otherwise brought by them against this plaine literall construction And caeteris paribus why should not the authority of our Mothr the Church of Englād ouer sway For my part in my priuate opinion I haue much inclined to the fifth interpretation applying this descent into hell parabolically to the dismall apprehension of Gods wrath lying heauy vpon the soule of Christ and representing the paines of hell due to vs. The reasons that perswade that our Sauiour vnderwent such inward sufferings in his soule are First if hee had not suffered extreame torments in soule besides what he suffered by sympathy through bodily pangs hee must either haue been weake and ouer-yeelding or else haue dissembled being without sorrow Sixt. Sennensi Bibl. Patrum li. 6. Annot. 35. when hee expressed so great sorrow as one saith that Hillary sometimes held but afterwards recanted making a sound confession of his faith for if Christ did not truely suffer wee are not truely redeemed or else the Saints of God which are by infinite degrees more weake then Christ God and Man must bee acknowledged to haue had more courage and magnanimity when they haue been vnder extreame torments then he had For before his passion vpon the crosse he was very heauy much troubled Math. 26.38 verse 39.40 in so much as hee said My soule is very heauy euen vnto the death and prayed three times if it were possible that the cup might passe from him at what time also his passion was noted to be so great that he sweat with paine and his sweat was like drops of bloud Luc. 22.43.44 and an Angel appeared from heauen comforting him whereas weake men haue by Gods assistance ioyfully prepared themselues and haue beene ready to meet with the most extreame bodily torments Againe in the time of his passion what a wonderfull deale of feare was he surprized withall when hee cryed out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Luk. 24.46 yea and he cryed againe the second time and gaue vp the ghost whereof mention is made also in the Epistle to the Hebrewes verse 50. In the dayes of his flesh hee did offer vp prayers and supplications with strong cryings and teares to him that was able to saue him from death Heb. 5.7 and was also heard in that which hee feared whereas weake men haue beene vnder cruell tormentors hands with vndaunted courage to the astonishment of the beholders Now there is no Christian but will acknowledge that Christ was ten thousand times more able to indure any tormēts then any of the most cōstant Martyrs that haue suffered for his name and if hee were without all comparison more able to beare whence could it happen that he was pressed with such sorrow heauinesse and feare but for that hee alone suffered more then all Martyrs if all their sufferings were put together euer since righteous Abel to this day And how could hee suffer more but in his Soule wherein hee felt the wrath of God which is vnsupportable to men and Angels Heereto is added this reason also Arg. 2. Christ did sustaine the person of the faithfull who without him were all subiect not onely to bodily sufferings and death but to the euerlasting death of the soule now the only way whereby God is pleased to deliuer vs heerefrom is by sending Christ to bee in our stead and more or lesse to suffer that which wee for sinne should haue suffered wherefore it ●s said Hee was made sinne for vs that knew no sinne 2. Cor. 5.21 that wee might be made the righteousnesse of God through him And Hee tooke flesh that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death Heb. 2.14 that is the Diuell Therefore Analogie inferreth that as the Lord Iesus suffered for vs in body so hee suffered in his soule also and thereby hath perfectly redeemed vs in both but how and by what particular passions hee suffered in soule is not reuealed and therefore by vs vnutterable Only wee must know that how great soeuer his passions were hee did in the end ouercome them all and by the way though hee feared sweat blood and cryed out through want of present sense and apprehension of the vnion with the diuine nature yet the diuinity was neuer separated from Christ Iesus but supported him and made him conquerour ouer all when hee seemed to be ouercome The Meditation also vpon these suffering of our Sauiour is very needfull profitable to vs. First the remembring Christs passion in his soule 1. Duty By the remembrance of Christs sufferings to feare to sinne is an antidote to preserue vs from sin For though thou be so stout-hearted as that no bodily punishments can scarre thee from following thy will and resolution in wickednesse yet doe but behold Christ in his spirituall conflict with Gods wrath due to sinne sorrowing sweating sweat of bloud comfortlesse and crying out vpon his Father without hope and it will make thee to tremble to thinke am I forward to commit that which doth thus anger the King of Heauen that hee would not shew any countenance nor fauour that hee would no whit spare nor regard his owne beloued Son standing in the roome of sinners though his grones and cryes went vp to Heauen O then if I doe thus if I rot in the dregges of my sinnes how shall I indure his anger how regardlesse will hee bee of mee when I shall in my need cry for mercy Surely I shall with Esau be sent away empty Heb. 12.16 though I seeke the blessing with
415. The sayd Husse began first with reading the writings of Wickliffe and defended these things vnto the death That Peter neither was nor is the head of the Church That the Popes dignity came from Caesar and that his institution and perfection flowed from Caesar that they had done vniustly that condemned the Articles of Wickliffe c And an hundreth yeares after as hee had foretold came Luther for hee had said that they might indeed burne the Goose which the name Husse signified but within an hundreth yeares such a smell should arise out of her feathers as all Italy should not bee able to put downe for a remembrance whereof these words were written in certaine coyne which remaineth with Husses Image Post centum annos Deo mihique sunt responsuri After an hundreth yeares they shall answer to God and to me And thus haue I led thee along Christian Reader throughout all ages giuing thee a little view of the disposition of former times by which thou maist stop the mouthes of slanderous Papists cauilling at our religion as too new but of yesterday when as in very truth the maine things wherein they differ from vs viz. ridiculous ceremonies Idolatrous imagery popish supremacy and abuses about the Sacrament c. could neuer haue approbation from all but partly feare of the Pope his tyranny and partly the mutability of the most being apt to follow great ones according to that Regis ad exempl●r c After the Kings example all the world is framid first made these abuses common and in processe of time to be held the very religion of the Catholike Church of God well affected and sincere persons in the meane time seeing into these abhominations and according to their slender power fighting against them 1. Duty To praise Go●s mercy ●or excluding none out of the Church Now follow the duties of this faith The first is to praise and extoll the Lords mercy who without respect of forme or beauty of wealth or portion of quality or condition of countrey or nation is pleased to espouse vs vnto himselfe in spirituall marriage and to endow vs with his heauenly Kingdome Vs I say in speciall this nation and Church of England which God of his mercy hath vouchsafed to call not onely out of the vtter darknesse of Paganisme of old but also out of the dregges of Romish superstition of latter yeares Euen as Hester was more pleasing to King Ahasuerosh then all the virgins that were brought in vnto him so should wee bee to the King of Kings more then all which bee out of the Church whether Turkes Iewes Papists or other Infidels and heretiques If there be any amongst them zealous for their superstitions deuout charitable iust and true in their dealings much more should wee all bee such that wee may please him the beames of whose grace haue beene more shed vpon vs. But it being farre otherwise with most amongst vs with what face shall we looke vpon him when he shall call to a reckoning where shall our place be found verily as it was said of the Sodomites they shall rise vp against such and condemne them idolatrous and heathen men shall rise vp against them and condemne them 2. Duty Not to bee discouraged because wee are poore The second duty is not to be discouraged from comming to the Lord because wee are grieuous sinners or poore or base of condition and thus without all likelihood of attaining to so great dignity for the company which he receiueth bee of all sorts as well poore as rich as well sinners as righteous as well low and base ones as high and noble Persecuting Saul is as well accepted amongst his Disciples as preching Peter the poore Publicans and sinners as iust Zachary and rich Ioseph Mary possessed with diuels as Iohn Baptist indued with the holy Ghost the Prodigall spendthrift sonne as the stayed good husband that neuer brake his fathers command Wherefore let vs all come boldly to the throne of grace that we may finde helpe in time of neede Heb. 4.16 If a great feast were made from which none should bee excluded neither ragged nor rude ones neither lame nor blinde neither leprous nor loathsome how would all that need come flocking therevnto How much more then should wee thrust into the Church of God and take his Kingdome by violence seeing he hath set the gates open to vs all how loathsome soeuer we are by reason of our sins so that we may come not to a ful feast for one meale but to be fed so as that we shall neuer hunger any more to be watered so with the water of life as that we shal neuer thirst any more But let not impudent hard hearted sinners herewith as with fig leaues couer their filthy nakednesse let not prophane ones whose liues are a trade of sinning apply this as a cloake to hide their vicerous sores of sinne making them the more to putrifie For it is phisicke only for the sicke it is a medecine only for the wounded groaning vnder the burthen of their sinnes Math. 11. 3 Duty To pray for the Church in all places The third duty is to be like affected and to pray alike for Gods Church in France in Germany in Denmark in Grecia in Sweuia and wheresoeuer else as well as for our selues and neere neighbours because the mysticall body of which we are members is in all these places also yea in all places scattered through the world and wheresoeuer it be yet it is all but one body one holy Catholique Church wee are to pray then as heartily for the weakening and rooting out of the popish heresie from amongst the French and the setting ouer them sincere gouernors as in the like case wee would doe for our selues we are to grieue as much for the Churches in Hungary and Transyluania so spoyled by the Turke as if it were our owne case Rom. 12. For in the body if one member be grieued all are grieued with it and so on the contrary side in like manner ought we to haue a fellow feeling of one anothers ioy and misery though in places far distant one from another 4 Duty Not to be troubled at antiquity pretended by Romanists The fourth duty is not to be driuen from our hold for the antiquity of our Religion by any popish forces seeing it is most true that our Church is also Catholique for time that is of all times and ages and that of the Church of Rome hath beene meerely forced vpon the world and in continuance of time for want of knowledge of the better came to be esteemed for the truth as Mahumetisme is amongst the multitude vnder the Turkish dominions No age as wee haue seen hath been without some witnesses hereof and no doubt but there were many more but who was there then to register such things Wherefore let vs not wauer in our faith but maintaine it to the death seeing that
which the Romanists make their greatest strength viz. antiquity is strongest for vs. If others euen in the darkenesse of popery hauing but a little dim light did follow it though left alone and through many dangers let vs much more walke euer in our cleare light hauing many companions and all encouragements Let vs not loue darkenesse more then the light as many doe least turning vnto it I meane to popery againe it turne to our condemnation Quest 37. How may a man know certainely where this Church of God is Answ By these two speciall markes viz. holinesse taught and professed and antiquity when both goe together Quest 38. Is not the Church of Rome then the true Church of God seeing it exceedes in holinesse and is most ancient Answ No it was a true Church indeede in the Apostles times and many yeeres after but now it is neyther holy for great vncleannesse is there maintained nor ancient for the ancient religion being defaced with a new Religion and so a new Church is started vp there Quest 39. Where then may wee finde the true Church Answ In England and all other places where these corruptions are done away and religion is restored to the first puri● Quest 40. How can this be seeing the religion of these places is but as it was of yesterday and neuer heard of before Luther and Caluin Answ This is a meere slander for there hath neuer beene any age since the Apostles wherein there haue not beene some which haue stood to the maintenance hereof and against Romish corruptions Quest 41. How happened it then that the Church of Rome still euer preuailed and was accounted of all the world for Christs true Church and these oppugners were neuer of any esteeme Answ By the greatnesse and tyranny of the Roman Bishops whose chiefe care it hath beene almost euer since Constantines time to magnifie their owne Church and themselues and to suppresse their aduersaries Quest 42. But is it possible that the Roman Church hauing beene once a true Church should fall seeing God hath promised his spirit vnto his Church to be alwaies present to lead it into all truth Answ The Lord tyth not his spirit hereby to any place for then the famous Churches of Asia long s●nce collapsed should still haue beene true Churches but the Spirit is alwaies present to the faithfull in all places of the world Expla All these questions are before resolued in the opening and confirming of the ninth Article onely I haue thought it necessary to insert them here for the better vnderstanding of such as cannot so well conceiue of a continued discourse Let the Reader therefore seeke aboue and hee shall finde all these things more fully laid open by arguments and reasons by Scriptures Histories and obseruations It is time now to proceed to the tenth Article setting downe the fourth thing to bee beleeued concerning the Church Quest 43. Which is the fourth thing which you learne to beleeue concerning the Church Answ Fourthly I learne to beleeue that there be certaine speciall benefits belonging to the Church and to euery true member therof viz. The Communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes the resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Quest 44. What meane you by the Communion of Saints Ans That holy and sweet fellowship which all the mēbers of Christs Church haue one with another as they make all but one body in Christ so communicating of all good things vnto one another whether Spirituall or Temporall as their mutuall necessities doe require Expla After the description of the true Church of God by the markes here followeth the comfortable and blessed estate thereof set downe in these Priuiledges The Communion of Saints c. that no man may thinke it lost labour either to seeke out the true Church or to endeauour to ioyne himselfe vnto the same For the meaning of this first priuiledge The Communion of Saints is as much in effect as their common vnion vnto Christ their head and through him vnto God the Father and of one vnto another euen as there is an vnion betwixt members of the same body which vnion stretcheth not onely to the Church militant howsoeuer dispearsed but euen to the Church triumphant also and the Saints in heauen So that first in beleeuing the communion of Saints I doe hold and acknowledge that none in the world of what company or degree soeuer are so highly aduanced and so happy for the fellowshippe into the order of which they are ioyned as the Saints are as they which are of the company of Gods Church and people Because that they may happily bee ioyned to men famous vpon earth but these are ioyned to the holy ones placed in heauen they may be ioyned to Princes and men great vpon earth but these are ioyned to the King of Kings to the greatest both in earth and in heauen Secondly the communion of Saints is as much as their communicating with their head Iesus Christ and with one another whereby Christs merits and righteousnesse are made common vnto them and their sinnes and miseries vnto him and their prayers fastings and deuotions are made common vnto one another not only amongst the liuing but euen amongst the liuing and the Saints departed also and lastly whereby temporall and outward things of this life are made common vnto them through Christ who is heire of all things so as that they only haue true right and title before God vnto earthly things I doe then in the second place here acknowledge and beleeue that no small good comes of this communion but such as the world cannot afford for my sins are laid vpon Christ and his righteousnesse serueth to cloath me if I be in misery hee is not without sense and feeling thereof but what is done against mee he accounts it as done against himselfe Moreouer the continuall and daily prayers of all good people ascend vp for me if I be afflicted they grieue if in welfare they ioy yea the Saints in heauen cry to God for the shortening of our daies of misery Lastly though mine estate bee neuer so poore in this world yet I am richer then many that haue great possessions they being vsurpers but I hauing right vnto my poore cloathes and slender diet vnto more as God shall be pleased to send it me and if I be rich I communicate vnto the necessities of Gods children and thus prouide me riches that shall neuer perish or be lost Proofe For the proofe of these things and first of the vnion of the Saints with Christ Iesus This benefit the Lord himselfe prayeth for saying of all such as should beleeue in his name Ioh. 17.11 I pray O Father that they all may be one as thou art in me and I in thee that they may be also in vs. And as he prayed for it so he hath by a spirituall marriage of his Church vnto himselfe effected it for which cause the Apostle is bold
to Beliall Prou. 1. whosoeuer loueth his owne soule will take heede of ioyning with them what pleasure soeuer they vainely promse to their associates as the thiefe doth all riches to his partners Secondly by brutish liuing without all practice of deuotion little or no praying reading or meditation vpon the holy Scriptures if outward duties bee performed in the Church it is with such irksomnesse and distast in some as that they are glad when they are at an end 1. King 18. Thirdly by following and professing one Religion as that there is a disposition if need requires vnto a contrary this is by Eliah termed halting betwixt two opinions betwixt God and Baal and the Lord had rather that men should follow Baal altogether then to follow him thus sidewayes A prophane heart causeth this for where it is otherwise there is the constancie of the Apostles It is better to obey God than man Act. 4. Which constancie was heroically renewed by a noble man in Germany in this last age who is worthy eternall fame Osiand Cant. 16. It was Henry brother to Gorge Duke of Misnia vnto whom the said George sent lying vpon his death-bed to offer vnto him the inheritance of his Dukedome with all his plate iewels and treasure if so bee hee would promise to defend the Romane Religion but he returned this answer vnto his Messengers this your Embassage seemeth to resemble that offer of Satan vnto Christ All these will I giue thee if thou will fall downe and worship me And vnlesse a man be thus resolute in his profession how can the Lord loue such a fickle turne-coate But surely he hateth the prophane and though they shall heereafter seeke his blessing with teares hee will shew himselfe vnflexible as Isaack did to Esau and send them away discomforted 4. Breach Inward Idolatry The fourth breach of this Commandement is inward Idolatry or of the heart when creatures are there set vp where only is the roome of the Creator And this is first by loue ioy and delight of the heart without measure for thus the couetous man is an Idolater because his chiefe delight is in his gold and worldly pelfe Col. 3.5 Psal 62.10 and the Psalmist giueth vs warning heereof saying If riches increase set not thine heart thereon thus also is the Epicure an Idolator for that hee loueth his belly his pleasure his ease aboue all things his study is how to prouide for this he spareth no cost this way hee is onely then at his hearts ease when he spendeth his time in eating drinking and being merry like the foole in the Gospell Luc. 16. Phil. 3.18 for of such the Apostle saith Their God is their belly their end is damnation and thus lastly the proud person whose delight is in himselfe his wit his beauty and comelinesse or the heighth of his place is an Idolater wherefore the Prophet giueth warning against all these Let not the strong man glory in his strength nor the wise man in his wisedome and proud Nabuchadnezzar was cast forth amongst the wilde beasts for example to all that are conceited of their greatnes 1. Sam. 2. And heereunto may bee referred Parents cockering their children through imoderate loue towards them when Father Ely did thus he was said to loue and honour his children more then God for which such iudgements were threatned to fall vpon him as that he which should heare of them both his eares should tingle And the like may they feare which make Idols of their children and in no case can indure to giue them correction And heere may bee also numbred in generall such as loue their owne wills more then Gods holy will for that if a priuate offence be committed against them they fall into a great rage and seeke reuenge but if against God they are meanly or not at all moued they honour themselues more than God 2. The creature is set in the roome of the Creator by trust and confidence whereby the creature is so relyed vpon as that with it there is totall assurance and no feare but if it be wanting nothing but feare and mournfull despaire and thus the couetous man is the second time an Idolater because when his barnes and storehouses bee full of goods hee cheareth vp his soule and biddeth it be merry his heart telleth him that in his need the wedge of gold will come and helpe him but if by any casualty these things faile him he hath no comfort no rest but pineth away and walketh about like a shadow as though his life consisted in his goods Thus they which trust in men are idolaters and the people of Israel are often sharply reproued for so doing the Prophet sometime threatning them for their more grosse outward idolatry sometime for this more secret and inward by trusting in the King of Aegypt and Ethiopia Dauid was also infected heerewith when he caused his people to be numbred and all such amongst vs as wholly and meerely trust in the great forces of vnited nations or helpe from beyond the Seas in the day of battell Vnto these may be added such as imperiously and tyrannously beare themselues vpon Princes and great persons being their fauourites as Haman did and therefore is there none end of their insolencies and also such as trust to Horses and weapons ships and Castles and other furniture for the warres none are so bold as these in the time of peace and none so forsaken in the day of danger and so cowardly and the reason is because their God in whom they trusted the arme of flesh appeareth to be a vaine thing to saue a man Last and worst of all are witches and Wizards and all such as seeke vnto them in their sicknesse or losses these are expresse idolaters haue palpably changed their God and therefore the true God hath commanded that they should not bee suffered to liue They set vp his greatest enemy the deuell and the least offenders this way doe in effect say to the blacke fiend of hell come and help vs. Which Lord open their eyes to see that run daily to these sinister meanes from God to Satan that they may be finally deliuered from Satan 3. The creature is lastly set in the roome of the Creator by praying vnto it for it must heereby be supposed to be euery where or to be able to heare at the least wheresoeuer it is called vpon and this onely can the Lord doe for it is a property of the infinite alone Wherefore whosoeuer calleth vpon Saint or Angell setteth vp the same as infinite and so maketh a God thereof Thus then they of the Church of Rome cannot shift but be idolaters whatsoeuer they alleage of the glasse of the Trinitie as representing to those in heauen all things done here vpon earth for who euer told them of such a thing what reuelation haue they for it Or if such a thing were certaine what warrant is there of lifting vp
were vnder age but in the new as in the Churches riper age we haue onely generall rules according to which we are to be ordred in all particulars Rule 1 Rules of circumstance vnder the Gospel Matth. 3.15 1. Cor. 14. First all things are to be done in order and not confusedly the author of this is Christ Iesus when as he offereth himselfe to be baptised of Iohn vrging him to doe it for orders sake for thus saith he ought we to fulfill all righteousnesse and Saint Paul teacheth the same concerning prophesying that one onely should speake at a time and the rest be silent till that he had vttered all which he had to say Hence it appeareth that all disorder about Gods seruice is a fault not to bee tollerated either in vndue comming to Church or going out or walking sleeping talking or by Haukes doggs or vnruly children which breed a confusion in the congregation or when any shall presume to teach or administer the Sacraments publikely without a calling Rule 2 Secondly all things must bee done in greatest humilitie and highest reuerence towards him whose seruice it is when any preach or pray or ioyne with others in these duties men must be vncouered women must bee couered not onely in praying but also as I thinke yet herein I referre to the laudablest custome of our Church when the Word of God is read 1. Cor. 11. for this is the preaching of the Prophets and Apostles who were infallibly guided by the Spirit of truth The Thessalonians are commended for this that they receiue the word as the word of God 1. Thes 2.13 Acts 20. Paul with his company is noted to haue kneeled in prayer euen vpon the bare ground and ancient Christians to haue stood bare-headed all the time of their being in the Church Which reproueth greatly our irreuerence either of Ministers in reading or preaching as if they were vttering table-talke or of people in sitting at the time of prayer lying along sleeping or proudly behauing themselues any way the Turks shall condemne them through the reuerence which they vse to the Alchron of Mahomet And this seemeth to me to iustifie our reuerent humble receiuing of the holy Cōmunion with the most submisse gesture of kneeling which many impugne but without sufficient ground It mattereth not that Christ sat he sat also preaching but we stand and I am perswaded if wee should kneele and the people kneele in hearing to expresse our vnworthinesse about these holy things though we differed from the Apostles and Christians of the Primatiue Church wee should not offend at all Rule 3 Matth 6.1 Thirdly all things are to be done without shew of vaine-glory for this was the great fault of the Pharisies and Christians are warned to take heed of it in their praying fasting and giuing of almes wee are not to desire to be seene of men that we may haue their praise but in our priuate deuotion to be most priuate and in publike not to affect notoriety by exceeding the rest of the congregation in sighing groning knocking the breast c. Rule 4 1. Cor. 13. Fourthly all things are to bee accompanied with loue to our neighbour and zeale for Gods glory for without loue whatsoeuer we doe is as a sounding brasse or tinckling Cimball if zeale be wanting and we be luke-warme we shall be offensiue to the Lords stomacke Reuel 3. and hee will spue vs out of his mouth Wherefore if the minister shall preach coldly or the people heare coldly if they shall together be luke-warme in prayer and praise giuing to the Lord there will be a sacrifice indeed but for want of the fire of zeale vndrest and such as the Lord cannot digest Therefore let Paul his zeale and Peters and Steuers bee imitated by ministers Acts 17. Acts 2. Acts 7. Nehem. 8.6 by burning in the spirit against grosse abuses by earnest exhorting to repentance with most effectuall words and by reprouing with all boldnes the gain-sayers of the truth and let the zeale of the godly in Nehemiahs time bee imitated by our people by giuing the greatest and most heedfull attention by lifting vp the hand in prayer and adding to the Ministers petition Amen Amen Rule 5 1. Thes 5.22 2. Cor. 6 17. Fifthly all things are to be done without shew of idolatry according to that Abstaine from all appearance of euill and Touch none vncl●a●e thing and yee shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord. Therefore of old the Temple was garnished without images and newly the Lords supper made of naked elements Which if it be so how can the Church of Rome be excused being full of representations of heathenisme and in the very Sacrament hauing the image of a Lambe vpon their wafer Cake If any scrupte shall arise hereupon touching the Crosse Copes and Surplisses vsed in the Church of England It may well bee said that they were vsed in the Churches purity and had not their beginning from religion corrupted and so are not resemblances of things meerely naught but first good afterwards peruerted So that if it be replyed that when these things are vsed there is an outward face of Popery I may aswell say in like manner of Gods ancient Catholike Church Euen as when the people of Israel had sacrificed to Molech and other Baals such as afterwards did offer sacrifices vnto God made some resemblance of their abomination for that both offer sacrifice and consent in some ceremonies yet it followeth not that their sacrificing is vnlawfull because that is cut off which maketh it naught so when these things are vsed in our Church it followeth not that they must be naught for some ill resemblance because that is cut off which made them naught they had them yoaked with idolatry and superstition we with the truth Quest 61. Whence is the reason of this Commandement taken Answ Partly from the punishments to be inflicted vpon such as breake it vnto the third and fourth genera ion and partly from the benefits to be bestowed vpon such as keepe it vnto the thousandth generation Reas 1 Reasons of this Commandement of two sorts 1. of terror 2. of comfort Explan The reasons vsed to perswade to the obedience of this commandement be of two sorts the first of terrour the second of comfort Their estate is most terrible whosoeuer they be that dare to offend here the Lords iealousie is kindled against them and hee will punish both them their children and their childrens children after them Their danger is set forth by three degrees First their sin is such against the Lord as his sinne is against a iealous husband that violateth his wiues chastity no price will appease an husband thus prouoked but he will kill the adulterer and as greatly incensed is the Lord against those that commit idolatry it is spirituall adultery the Lord had married them vnto himselfe Hosh 2. that like a good and obedient spouse
children vnlesse they be Iacobs or Iosephs godly and righteous which none are without the conscionable obseruation of the Sabbath Iosh 24.15 Therefore the example of Ioshua is to be followed by all masters of families doe not onely say I but I and my houshold wil serue the Lord and keepe his holy Sabbaths seeke that praise before God which was giuen vnto Abraham I know Abraham Gen 18.19 1. Sam. 1. saith the Lord that hee will command his to walke in my waies With ●lcanah and Hannah bring Samuel to the Temple whilst he is young that he may be a seruant vnto the Lord all the dayes of his life With Timothies grand-mother 1. Tim 3 15. breed in him thus knowledge of the Scriptures from a child Ezech. 3.17 Now howsoeuer the charge of inferiors lyeth vpon the superiours yet this will not excuse the inferiours if they shall neglect this holy day but as the Lord telleth Ezechiel when he had made him a watchman ouer Israel if thou admonish them not and the enemy commeth they shall die in their sinnes but their bloud will I require at thine hands so they shall die in their sinnes and feele the smart of Gods eternall wrath in the world to come Euen as it is said of all persons vncircumcised or that keepe not the Passouer they shall be cut off from amongst the people be they masters or seruants children growne vp or parents howsoeuer the Lord would haue slaine Moses because his sonne Gershom was not circumcised Wherefore let children and seruants as they loue their owne welfare Exod 4.25 be as forward to obserue the Lords holy dayes as their gouernours to command them as diligent about their priuate Christian exercises as they to performe them and as studious to satisfie them in holy indeauours as they to helpe them herein Quest 77. Doth the Lord onely take care for our right spending of this day and leaue vs to our selues vpon the sixe dayes Answ No doubtlesse but it is his will and command also that we should vpon the sixe dayes abstaine from idlenesse and diligently labour in the workes of our callings Explan Before we come to the explanation of this by cattel The charge concerning the sixe dayes whose rest is also commanded are meant their Camels their Oxen their Asses c. whose strength and labour they vsed about their carriages treading out their corne works of husbandry Now the Lord out of his mercy as he would not haue the poore seruant and bondslaue to by torne and worne out with sore labour vnder the hands of vnmercifull masters so would he not haue the poore dumbe creatures and therefore elsewhere explaining further this commandement he saith that thy seruants and cattell may rest as well as thou Moreouer the cattell could not labour but men must be in some sort assistant vnto them and so neglect the Sabbath The stranger was a people not comming of the stocke of Israel but of some other either following them out of Egypt or taken and bought out of other countries whom they had for slaues perpetually as the Gibeonites Now the Lord would not haue there to do any work vpon the Sabbath day Iosh 9.23 though borne without the couenant and liuing without circumcision without passeouer without sacrifice without God in the world partly that through being fauoured they might come to affect the true religion the fountaine of this their sweet rest and partly that being in the bosome of the Church there might be an outward vniformitie of al in the reuerencing of this holy day which sheweth that they which liue in the same Nation and vnder the same gouernment are to be compelled to an outward conformity of religion though the heart can only be turned by the Lord and whatsoeuer thy seruant be inwardly thou must cause him to be conformable to all good orders outwardly but this extendeth not to such as come strangerwise vnto thee ouer whom thou hast none authority To returne now to the proper question Some hold that the Lord doth onely remit his owne right in saying sixe daies shalt thou labour c. because all the dayes of the weeke are his otherwise the people of God had not done well in setting apart some of the sixe dayes vnto holy exercises Working vpon six daies commanded here vpon any occasion whatsoeuer But they are deceiued and their ground is too weake for in euerie commandement wee are not onely inioyned the dutie Reas 1 but the helpes and furtherances heereunto now vnto the right and free keeping of the Sabbath it helpeth not a little to spend the six dayes well about the workes of our callings partly for that our worldly businesses being done we are the freer from any intanglement hereby therefore he saith Thou shalt labour and doe all that thou hast to doe Partly for that being weary of labouring the rest of the Sabbath will be the more sweet and pleasant vnto vs according to that of the Prophet If thou call the Sabbath a delight Esa 58 13. and partly for that the Lord of his goodnes will the rather sanctifie vs and make vs fit to sanctifie a Sabbath when as we diligently doe the workes of our callings vpon the six daies according to that comfortable saying of Iohn Of his fulnesse wee haue all receiued and grace ●oh 1.16 for grace hauing the grace of faithfulnesse and diligence in the duties of our callings we receiue further grace of diligence about Sabbath day exercises which is peculiarly verefied in this very thing in that the most idle which spend their time of the six dayes in gaming sporting and least doing are least holy and most prophane vpon the Sabbath but contrariwise the honestly diligent and intentiue to their callings 2. The iniunction of working vpon sixe dayes is giuen Reas 2 in the same commanding termes in the originall that the iniunction of not working the seuenth is giuen in in the first is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thou shalt doe worke in the second is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thou shalt not doe worke 3. As there be reasons alledged of ceasing from worke vpon the seuenth day so there is reason laid downe also of working Reas 3 king the six dayes as the maine reason of the first is God rested the seuenth so the reason of the second is In six dayes the Lord made heauen and earth hee wrought If it bee said This needeth not to bee heere commaunded it rather belongeth to the second Table I answer that one and the same dutie may belong to diuers Commandements in diuers respects and in what respect this of labouring belongeth vnto this hath bin already shewed neither is mine intent otherwise to bring it in heere and for some questions which are fitly heere further to be discussed Againe I say that the ground of the former assertion is too weake for not men but God himselfe hath againe set apart since the giuing of