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A05090 A plaine refutation of M. G. Giffardes reprochful booke, intituled a short treatise against the Donatists of England Wherein is discouered the forgery of the whole ministrie, the confusion, false worship, and antichristian disorder of these parish assemblies, called the Church of England. Here also is prefixed a summe of the causes of our seperation ... by Henrie Barrovve. Here is furder annexed a briefe refutation of M. Giff. supposed consimilituda betwixt the Donatists and vs ... by I. Gren. Here are also inserted a fewe obseruations of M. Giff. his cauills about read prayer & deuised leitourgies. Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593.; Greenwood, John, d. 1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1523; ESTC S104500 292,873 278

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Idols be placed together If they that worship the Beast his Image may be said to be in the Church of God and their seede outwardly within the couenant Thē the most abhominable and execrable may be said in this estate members of Christ washed purged with Christ his bloude sanctified and led by his Sprit in assurance of saluation For none can be said to be within the Church but the members of the Church And whomsoeuer we may affirme to be within the Church those so longe as they contynue in that estate we are also to iudge assuredly saued for anie thing to vs reuealed or knowen to the contrarie But if al these be most diuelish heresies directly contrarie to the whole truth of God if they be most execrable blasphemies such as christians abhor but to heare Thē let the aucthors and spreaders of these doctrines tremble for feareful iudgments remayne them HIs slie distinctiō or euasion rather wherby he diuideth the Church of Rome into two parts the Pope and his adherents And the nations vnder the tyrannie of the Pope doth rather bewray the thick darcknes of his heart wherin he is held with chaynes vnto iudgment and his giddye amazednes then anie way clea●e him of these heresies and blasphemies aforesaid His first vnderstāding of the Church of Rome is the Pope his lawes his worship which hath bene deuised by himself his adherents and al that worship him or receiue his marcke These he saith are the Apostasie seduced to damnation and not the Church of CHRIST otherwise then thus that the Pope the Cardinals and al that worship the Bea●t be false christiās by profession bredd in the Church and contynuing in yt their seede not excluded from the Couenant What a delphick Orakle is this What strange repugnancie contradiction is here betwixt euerie worde of this his cleare Proposition How can the Pope and his adherēts be said to be that Apostasy seduced to damnation not the Church of CHRIST and yet by the same mouth in the same sentence at one and the same instant be pronownced to contynue in the Church and their seede not be excluded from the outward couenant Can they be said to be vtterly departed from the faith from Christ from his Church which is meant by this word Apostasy and yet to remaine in the Church How hangs this together May they be pronounced seduced to damnation and not the Church of Christ and yet both they remayne in the Church and their seede not to be excluded from the seale of the couenant There ought none to remayne in the Church but such as are by outward profession and obediēce members of the Church Neither ought the childrē of anie be baptized in their infancie except one of their Parents be a member of the Church The Pope then his Cardinals and adherents remayning in the Church their seede thus baptized as members seing none ells may either remayne in the Church or be baptized How may they thus be pronounced seduced to damnation and not to be the Church seing they are confessed to be outward members of the Church THe second vnderstanding of the Church of Rome is of al those compaines of people ouer whom the tyrānie of the Pope hath hertofore extended and doth at this daye Or those things which were giuen by CHRIST which remaine in the same this he saith is not the Church of Rome but the Church of God If by the people and tyrannie he here meane such persons as though their bodies were vnder the cruel hādes of the Pope his Bishops or Prelates yet they kept their bodies soules vndefiled with their idolatries and abhominations and free from their antichristian yoke counterfeite Ministrie and ministration and haue on the other side faithfully kept practized the things which are giuē by our Sauiour CHRIST in his Testament these people indeed can at no hand be said the Church of Rome these are the true Church and seruants of Christ witnessing fighting through the faith of the Gospel against the Pope the Church of Rome and al their antichristian cleargie and religion But what is this to proue the kingedome of ENGLAND or other nations which haue beene and are defiled with the idolatries and abhominations of the Church of Rome in that estate to be the true Church of God but rather the quite co●trarie seing these faithful witnesse against them and haue no fellowship or communion with them The Church of Rome we reade Reuel 17. to be caled that great whore that sitteth vpon manie waters That great Babylon the mother of whoredomes abhominations of the earth with whom the Kings of the earth haue committed fornication and th'inhabitants of the earth haue bene droncke with the wyne of her fornications mingled vnto them in her golden cup. We reade there verse 15. that the waters where the whore sitteth are people multitudes natiōs tongues We reade also that the Beast the false Prophet shal deceaue y e people of the earth and cause thē to set vp worship the image of the Beast and to slaye al that wil not so doe And cause al both smale and great riche poore free bonde to receaue a marcke in their right hādes or in their fore-heades And that no mā might buy or sel saue he that had the marcke of the Beast Wee reade furder more That all that receaue the Beastes marcke that worship him or his image shal drincke of the wyne of the wrath of God With what shame then cā this marcked Priest goe about to proue the Church of Rome to be y ● true Church of God Or those nations which haue cōmitted fornication with her receaued her Ministrie wares abhominations that haue receaued the marcke and erected the image of the Beast and worshipped the Beast and his image in this time of their poperi● to be esteemed the true Church of CHRIST His 3 stowte reasons wil not al proue this poynte Though they held many poyntes of true and sounde doctrine yet the many heresies they held those as this man himself in an other place of his booke confesseth Fundamental doe poyson and leauen the whole lumpe There is no heretick that holdeth not some truth As to their holy Sacrament of Baptisme yt being deliuered by a false ministrie after a false maner with new adulterate elements of salt oyle chreame c with their magical incantations signes c and that to opē idolators can no waye giue them christendome as this Popish Priest supposeth Or if this Baptisme in the Popish Church be an holy Sacrament true seale of the couenant then would we knowe of Mr. GIFFARD or his learned abettors whie their other Sacrament of the Supper or Altare should not also be held in the same accompt Or how the Church may be said to haue one true holy and auaileable Sacrament to be receaued an other so blasphemous and execrable as is
shew that one sheepheard at one the same time can diligently feed guide two or many flockes far distant in place Or that one candle may be put into two candlesticks and giue light vnto two seueral houses far distant asunder at one the same instant If the one be impossible so is the other Yet stand these men Bishops or Ouerseers not only to manie Churches each one of them But their Primate giueth or rather selleth licēces to other inferior Priestes some one of them to stand a Minister to two yea peraduenture to three seueral flockes This is an vsual matter and passeth by way of sta●ute lawe amongst the Chapleins Doctors of the Church of England who may haue be Non Resident some of them from two some from three Congregations or benefices especially all his Graceless Chaplaines by a singular prerogatiue But to retourne againe to our purpose these Arch and Lord Bishops cannot be said to haue this office of gouerning Elders for that they professe to be Ministers of the worde Sacramentes which duetie belongeth to the Pastors office And because they exercise absolute power ouer Pastors Churches and causes to depose excommunicate absolue and determine in their owne sole name power which no true Elder Minister or mēber of Christ may do Reasons also might be drawen from their sitting chandging aspiring to the richer higher roomes Frō their Princely Lordly flate pompe trayne reuenues pallaces wherin they liue in all wordly excesse pleasure idlenes to which thinges whilest they attend it is impossible they should faithfully execute dischardge any ministrie in the Church From y e apparāt odious sinnes of their persons liues that appeare and breake out in their conversatiō which is most vnchristian fleshly and vnholy As coueteousnes oppressiō extortion open wrong doing v●u●ie ambition pride idlenes louers of pleasure such as cannot gouerne their wiues children and families in the feare of God sobrietie or common honestie but nourish and bring them vp in pride vanitie idlenes superfluitie voluptuousnes gaining chambering and w●ntonnes yea peraduēture vnchasti●g and that not vnknowen to the inselues who also themselues are not all of them of the most chaste and temperate life some of them being giuen to wyne strikers ●orcerers blasphemers skorners and deriders of the most holie exercise of the preaching of Gods worde causing their counterfeight and natural fooles openly in their owne house at 〈…〉 feastes to make a ●ermon o● 〈◊〉 or fallie in the most high despight of God and of his blessed ordinance Not here to perticulate the sondrie heresies contrarie to the truth and blasphemies of the truth holdē amōgst them the least of which faultes publickly knowē are enough to di●able the best of them from exercising any publicke ministrie to the Lorde in his Church if we may belieue the Apostle To conclude this one reason if there were no more might shew and proue them to be no christian Bishopps in that they exercise some ciuile office or offices together with this their pretended ministrie Which is not only expresly forbidden vtterly vnlawful by the worde of God but also impossible for any man to performe both or either of both faithfully whilest he keepeth both God himself hath made two distinct and seueral offices and appoincted vnto them two distinct seueral persons for Ministers It being no more lawfull for a Bishop to execute the ciuile Magistrates office then for the ciuile Magistrate to administer the Sacraments What mōstruous parsons then are they which thus confounde commingle in their owne persons these two diuers and distinct offices and powers Might not they that assume both the swordes into their handes carry them acrosse also in their cote armour aswel as their holie Father the POPE What a monstrous confusion and perturbation make they both in Church and common wealth herebie disturbing the holie order that God himself hath set for the gouernement both of the Church and common wealth in this worlde remouing yea vtterly breaking downe therbie all the limites and bowndes which God hath set and established for all estates degrees offices callinges actions so that no man by this meanes either knoweth his duetie or orderly walketh within the bowndes of his calling wherbie it is come to passe that the whole land ouer-floweth with all impietie violence cruelitie and iniquitie as in the dayes of NOE Thus by al these reasons haue we proued and al that haue not vtterly made shipwrack of faith good cōscience or that stand not vowed bond seruantes to their apostaticall throne must confesse That these Arch Lord Bishops are no true christian Bishops according to the Gospel of CHRIST neither haue or exercise any lawful office or ministri of or in the Church of CHRIST If then they be not members of that body belōging to that heade CHRIST IESVS it must needes followe that they their offices ministrie are false antichristiā belonging to an other head an other bodie euē Antichrist and that whoore the false Church his spouse If their inordinate power and irregular ministrie be found contrarie to al the rules and ordinances of Christes Testament then can yt not be of God belong vnto or vsed in Christes Church or be blessed to the gouernement or saluation of his people Then must it needes be the power and throne of Sathan giuen to the Beast accursed giuen to seduce and to drawe all the children of wrath to distruction Neither shal Mr. Giffard or all the false Prophets belonging to their throne be able to tourne away or withstand those iudgments and plagues which are powred out of the Lordes viall vpon the throne of the Beaste or with their soft tongues to licke whole the woundes of the Beaste that are giuen with that two edged sword that procedeth out of CHRISTES mouth It shal not help them though they raile and blaspheme and gnawe their tongues for grief For their kingdom shal wax darke and Antichrist shal cōsume be abolished as he is reueiled euē by y e same light the Lord himself hath spoken yt How weake nowe sclender are Mr. Giffards defences for these his Lordes the Bishops That the Bishops haue not their caling consecration or power from the Pope but from their Church That they haue by oath renownced the Popes vsurped power and tyrannie That they do not maintaine or defend the religion and lawes of Antichrist but professe and aduance the gospel of Christ and by the liuely word cut downe all idolaitre heresies abhominations That they vsurpe not a Lordship ouer the faith and consciences of men but their peculiar power is onlie in the administration of external discipline Therfore we vvith manifest and vvicked sclander call the Bishops Antichristian If you demande the proofe of al this wee refer you to Mr. Giffards bare affirmation without anie one reason in his learned answeare to the Brownistes Page 75. If he were himself
administration gouernment cannot be said the right and true established Churches of Christ. Neither may anie faithfull man ioyne vnto them in this administration gouernment without heynous impietie and denying the faith The more perticular proofe aswell of these Arguments as of these transgressions insue hereafter in this treatise These reasons all men may see proue directly these Parish assemblies not to be the true established Churches of Christ to which anie faithfull christian may ioyne himself in this estate especially when all reformation vnto the rules of Christs Testament is not only denied but resisted blasphemed persecuted How then are M. Giffardes eies bound and couered with the spirit of slumber that still dreameth of a true Church ministrie sacraments worship gouernment in this estate and will not be wakened by these reasons or anie thing that can be said or aledged against their vngodly doings though he can neither approue these his strong cōceiued imaginations by the rules of Gods word nor disproue these euident charges in the fower principall transgressiōs by vs aledged against their parish assemblies Which yet he indeuoreth to put away shift off by shameles sclanders opē vntruthes gyuing out That we condempne a Church for that wicked men come with the godly to the publique exercises of religion For that there are some vngodly men of the church For that there are some wantes in the calling of the Ministers and in the outward discipline As also some imperfections or corruptions in the worship which are not fundamentall The vntruth wherof our verie Propositions though we should no furder answere sheweth to his face Where we charge and the word of God condempneth their assemblies for that they consist of prophane multitudes neuer orderly gathered vnto or walking in the faith There shall whilest the Church consisteth of mortall men alwayes be wicked in the Church But Christ hath his fanne in his hand to make cleane his barne flore And hath gyuen power commandement to his Church to cast out the wicked from amongest them We acknowledge that the Prince ought to compell al her subiects to the hearing Gods word in the publique exercises of the Church yet cannot the Prince compell anie to be a member of the Church or the Church to receiue anie without assurance by the publique profession of their owne faith or to retaine anie longer then they continue walke orderly in the faith Againe we condempne not their assemblies for some faltes in the calling of the ministrie but for hauing reteining a false antichristian ministrie imposed vpon them Such we here proue their whole ministrie to be in Office Entrance Administration In like maner we forsake not their assemblies for some faltes in their gouernment or Discipline but for standing subiect to a popish and antichristian gouernment And such we here proue theirs to be in the officers Courtes proceadings Neither refreigne we their worship for some light imperfections as he saith but because their worship is superstitious deuised by men idolatrous according to that patched popish portesse their seruice booke according vnto which their sacraments and whole administration is performed not by the rules of Christs Testament Such we here proue their booke worship and ministration to be We also before set downe vnto him sondry popish idolatrous blasphemous abuses in their worship ministration As their Idoll Lent Ember Eaue Fastes their Idoll Feastes popish Iewish Easter Pentecost Christmasse their Idoll Ladie dayes Sainctes dayes Innocentes dayes Angells dayes Soule dayes Their false maner of administ●ing their Sacramentes with such idolatrous Popish ceremonies trinckets the Font signe of the Crosse Gossips c Their midwiues baptisme Confirmatiō Their hous●ing the sick with the other sacramēt Their Iuish Popish ceremonies vestures c Their Purificatiō Offertories Crismes c Their marijng burijng limiting or coniuring the fieldes made a parte of the publique worship and of y e Pastors office c. These abhominatiōs M. Giff. will at no hād haue called popish idolatrous or blasphemous We impudently lye vnsufferably sclander in so faijng He therfore indeuoreth to pourge them of all popish superstitious opinions abuses shewing how cleare the Church of England is of the same Yet will not M. Giff. be thought to plead for or iustifie anie publique abuse of the Church but only to plead against the Brownists that speake worse of these things then they are For these are no fundamental errors such as polute the worship but only light imperfections c. Well we will refer the discussing of the nature of them how heinous they are vnto their due place Only here we would know of M. Giff. what foundation these things themselues haue in the word of God and what warrant he can there shew for them If he can iustifie them by the word of God then verely our offences are no lesse then he hath said that blame them to be idolatrous popish blasphemous But if these trumperies haue no foundation or commandemēt in Gods word but are the deuises of men then we would know whither God requireth or accepteth such worship at their hādes And whither being made the publique worship of God and administration of their Church they be not idolatrie And then how they may offer or the faithfull be constrayned to such idolatrie to such worship as God neither requireth non accepteth And with what conscience he can or how he dare stand a minister of that Leitourgie and worship which the cannot approue by the word of God and which he would not be thought to allowe of the abuses therof being so manifest odious in his owne eies Especially now with what conscience he can thus blaspheme condempne vs for refreining that worship which he cannot approue and doth not alowe Or how he can so earnes●ly inueigh against those most forward and zealous hearers who though they will heare their sermons yet withdraw from the booke seruice for the errors and euills they see therin This M. Giff. in the Epistle to his second booke saith is a more grieuous sinne then they suppose In deed if the poore soules knew what they did or ought to doo in refreining the publique false worship of the Church they would and could haue no spirituall communion with those ministers or people that still exercise and will not be withdrawen from the same false worship which they condempne forsake nor yet would or might they heare their learned sermons that are ioyned conformed to the same idolatries and abuses But to the matter vntill M. Giff. can proue by the word of God this publique worship and administration according to their seruice booke in those poinctes wherin we blame them there is no cause he should exercise it himself allure others thervnto or condempne vs for refreigning the same as we are commanded of God in as manie places as true worship is inioyned and false worship forbidden In all this then
whither the Fig-tree put forth and the Vine florish bud her small grapes Then will he prepare and make al things in a readines for that great solemne day of the consummation of his mariage The Lord grant we may likwise prepare be in redines trimmed prepared that we may meete him with ioye to our euerlasting comfort Amen And the Lord shorten that day and hasten his comming Amen Euen so come Lord IESVS come quicklie Amen So be it A PLAINE REFVTATION OF Mr. Giffard his reprochful Booke intituled a short treatise against the Donatistes of Englande c. YOV were before shewed that we iudged none otherwise no furder thē th' expresse worde of God teacheth vs to iudge of you That is to knowe the tree by the fruicte and the fruicte by Gods worde You were there shewed That we iudged not of Gods secret election which he hath in al places amongst all sortes of men but of the apparant odious sinnes of your Congregations from which whilest you wil not be purged we may haue no spiritual fellowship or communion with you in this estate We shewed you that notwithstanding all your wicked●es we neuer doubted but the foundatiō of God stood firme the Lord hauing manie thowsandes of his elect amongst you knowen to himself though not apparant to to our eies whom he in his good time will call more neare vnto him And therfore we with extreame longing loue towardes you sought desired your conuertion that we might see that seale of Gods grace vpon your foreheades wherwith all that name the name of Christ are sealed vzt To depart from iniquitie To this end we did and stil doe reproue in the name of our Lord IESVS CHRIST these heinous transgressions in your publique assemblies lying in your miserable Prisons the Lordes witnesses against the same To this end we exhort al mē by al meanes and admonished you of your present euil estate as also blamed you for your former vngodlie false ●urmises collectiōs chardges wresting deprauing our wordes contrarie to al sense equitie and conscience We hoped that this thus far forth had sufficed especiallie seing you rested in silence more then two yeares without anie replie or contradiction Vntil now at length vpō your submissiō made and consultatiō had with your Ordinarie you disclosed this Coca●rice egge which you had so long sit vpon and all to sprinckled vs with the viperous poyson therof Terming vs at the first dash Donatists Brownists Anabastites Hereticks Schismaticks with infinit reprochfull horrible adiectiues ioyned to the same which you haue aboundantly drawen out of the euil treasurie of your owne wicked heart without cause giuen by vs or shewed by you Continuing stil and more more abounding in the gall of bitternes still chardging vs with intollerable pride presumption intrusion into Gods iudgement feate in falselie chardging accusing condemning your Christian assemblies that professe the Gospel c notwitstanding al we haue said to cleare our selues of those crimes and to proue in perticular the thinges we chardged you with the truth wherof remaineth now to be skanned In which blasphemous vayne of wryting you but fulfil the measure of your sinne and those prophecies you were foretold of They shall drincke be moued be madd c. They shal gnawe their tongues for grief and blaspheme the God of Heauen for their paines for their soares and not repent of their worckes FIRST then to this worde Principal wherat you so stomble and from which you draw such heretical conclusions We giue you to vnderstand that we vsed yt onely to signifie and expresse vnto you the fowre cheif heades frō whence flowe and whether may be reduced all these seueral infinite enormities abuses which aboūde in your church As to the nature qualitie of these 4. how far they extend let the word of God iudge Yea let anie by the same worde iudge 1. Whether such assemblies as were neuer dulie gath●red vnto CHRIST but all the prophane and open wicked of the land receaued by constrainte into the bodie of your Church as members of the same immediatlie from opē idolatrie and apostasie without the preaching of the Gospel going before to call them to the faith or anie voluntarie profession made by themselues in perticular of their owne faith whether such Congregations as these may in this confusion be held esteamed the true rightly planted Churches of CHRIST 2. Also let anie by the worde of God iudge whether those Congregations which haue not that ministerie of the Gospel that CHRIST hath in his Testament instituted to his Church but haue retaine an other strange and Antichristian ministerie euen that the Pope vsed left in the Land may be held the true and rightly planted Churches of CHRIST 3. Moreouer let anie iudge whether those Congregations which haue not those orders and gouernement which our Sauiour CHRIST hath ordained and commaunded vnto his Church vnto the worldes end but reiecting that haue retaine an other strange Antichristian gouernment euen that Antichristian Hierarchie the Pope vsed and left in the Land may be held the true rightly established Churches of Christ. 4. Finallie let anie in whom is anie sparke of light iudge Whether those Congregations that retaine vse an other Leitourgie that is an other forme of publique administration and worship then Christs Testament especiallie such a patched erroneous idolatrouse blasphemouse thing as theirs is and will not be reformed or withdrawen from the same may be esteamed the true and rightly established Churches of Christ such as Christes faithful seruantes may haue communion fellowship with in their administration of prayers and Sacramen●s But now where all these faultes concur and haue not onelie obstinacie but tyrannie and persecution ioyned to the same who can doubt of the matter Whether also your Churches can remaine in these transgressions or you maintaine the same and not depart from the groundes and principles of Christian religion and faith which you boast to keepe let anie which is anie thinge exercised in the worde of God iudge And thus by these few wordes are not onelie your 3. ineuitable dangers into one of which you would needes shoue vs but euē your whole blasphemous Booke auoyded at once For whie should we now ether maintaine this heresie 1. That where the true faith is ther can breake forth no great faultes errors and abuses Or this absurde maner of speache 2. That all errors deformities in Religion be heresies blasphemies and abhominations Or ells confesse 3. That with intollerable pride presumption and intrusion into Gods iudgment seate we haue taken vpon vs to iudge and condemne whole assemblies which professe the faith of CHRIST sincearelie in all fundamentall poinctes For holding that yt cānot be held the true church of CHRIST rightlie planted and established where the people were receaued into the bodie of the Church before they were dulie caled vnto
hatched brought vs foorth this worthie reason to rest vpon If the execution of discipline by Bishops be the yoke of Antichrist and if all the Churches vvhich doe stand vnder the same doe vvorship the Beast and be not christians it must needes follow that such as did euer execute this power were Antichristes and no children of GOD at that time or before thei repented But by your owne confession manie of them died blessed Martyres I conclude therfore That the Brownistes cannot but vvith heresies and most heinous iniurie inordinate dealing condemne a Church as quite diuourced separate from CHRIST for such corruptions imperfections in Gods vvorship as be not fundamentall nor destroy the substance for that wicked men come vvith the godly to the publick exercises of religion for some wantes in calling ordaining Ministers and in ecclesiastical discipline BElike Mr. GIF is hard driuē when this old popish reason alreadie by vs answeared and now by him not ouer wel repayred is fayne to become his cheif corner stone to approue this Church in all these chardges and the only reason he can bring for the Hierarchie regiment of the Church of England By this reason his holie Father the POPE was wonte to defend his triple Crowne apostaticall Chaire Because in the same haue sit manie godly Bishops blessed-Martyres c so that if the office power and dignitie of his Popedome be antichristiā then must all these godly learned men that haue executed the same needes be Antichrists and not true members of CHRIST vntill they repent But they neuer were founde to haue repented these thinges yet are confessed by al that knewe them in that age to be learned godly Therfore M r. G. and all this horned Cleargie and Lordly hierarchie of England cannot without schisme reuoult from without heresie pronownce this holie Sea office antichristian c. Let M r. G. now he seeth the fordge issue bind or loose followe or leaue this argument at his owne pleasure perill If he suppose to escape by shewing discrepance betwixt these godly predecessors vngodly successors in manie circumstances and vertues And so thinck this reason wil not presse him half so sore as it doth vs yet let him consider though I will not be the POPES aduocate that they here reason of the same office and not of the same circumstāces and that these godly predecessors executed the self same office with these their bad successors Yea so might th'example be put as yt should be without anie great difference in circumstance also And as to the difference betwixt the persons of the one and of the other if that may be a solution to this argument we shall not greatly need to feare finding this viperous generation these idle proude wordlie fleshlie persecuting blasphemous Prelates nothing so like these their godly predecessors these Martyres in laboures humilitie bowntie spiritual holie conuersation faith patience loue of the truth of the Sainctes of CHRIST c as they are in that which is euill in these antichristian titles offices Courtes iurisdiction reuenues pompe c. Which as we before said vnto you so say we againe that no men or Angels can iustifie where Gods worde condemneth though all the Martyres in the worlde should dye in and for them We may not be leed or drawen by the examples persons of men how good soeuer from one iote of Gods reueiled truth The best men we see doe erre and sinne there neuer was or shalbe anie man that erreth and sinneth not in manie thinges But should we because good men haue donne euill and erred therfore iustifie sinne and error That were high presumption greiuouslie to tempt God and to abuse the holie Scriptures which recorde not mens faultes to that end What sinne or error might not so by th'example of some good man or Church be iustified yet these are M r. GIFF. his best reasons for his Church ministrie c. and here his only reason to approue the gouernment of these Bishops and hierarchie But now as we here iustifie allowe not any sinne by the examples persons of the godly so condemne we not these godly mens persons for sinne error vntil obstinacie be ioyned thervnto which M r. GIFF. cannot shew in these holie Martyres And therfore we denie the consequent of his Maior or first Proposition That because the office iurisdiction they executed were Antichristian therfore the men that exercised them were Antichristes and not children of God We may vtterly condemne the sinne and yet not so peremptorily condemne the sinner It is a sure position that euerie sinne is of the Deuil yet is there no consequence therof that euerie one that sinneth is of the Deuil we see no such necessitie as M r. G. would persuade of that matter The godly may sinne of ignorance of negligence of fraylety yet not thervpon vntill obstinacie be added vnto sinne cease to be christians These godly Martyres so lately escaped out of that smokie fornace of the popish Church could not so clearely discerne and sodenly enter into the heauenly beautiful order of a true established Church It is more thē one dayes worcke to gather to plante and establish a Church aright much more so manie thowsand seuerall Churches as are supposed in this land It can be no wonder that those godly men being so vnexpert and vnexercised in his heauenly worcke neuer hauing liued in seene or hearde of any orderly cōmunion of Saīnctes anie true established Church vpon earth of so many hundreth yeeres euer since the general defection vnder Antichrist so much foretold of in the Scriptures no maruaile I say if they erred in setting vp the frame But what then should we therfore iustifie or persist in their errors especially should we reiect the true paterne of CHRISTS Testamēt which reproueth our workes and sheweth vs a better course should we not suffer our worckes to burne after the maner of these deceitful workmen of these tymes God forbid For thē should we receaue their reward perish with our worckes Now to the second propositiō of this argument we haue alreadie expressed our minde concerning the suffringes faith and death of these Martyres We finde them obstinatly to haue resisted no part of Gods worde or truth he gaue them sight of at anie tyme but to haue bene verie faithfull constant euen vnto bandes death in that truth they were come vnto Furder we doubt not but they truly repented them of al their sinnes knowen and faithfully laid hold of Gods mercie in Christ Iesus for al their secrete vnknowen sinnes Gods grace we are assured is so much greater then all our sinnes as the sea is greater then one dropp of water Therefore we doubt not of their happie and blessed estate all their sinnes these false offices ministrie which they executed in their ignorance amōgst the rest being forgiue them Th'example then errors of these
Martyres will not approue the antichristian offices gouernment of these Prelates nor yet iustifie the publick worship ministrie confusion sacriledge of the Church of England Mvchlesse wil these two lame propositions of M r. G. his final argument beare vpp his forged conclusion where he concludeth the Brownistes hereticks c Because they condemne a Church as quite deuorced separate from Christ For such imperfections corruptions in Gods worship as are not fundamental nor destroy the substance For that wicked men come with the godly to the publicke exercises of religion For some wantes in calling ordayning Ministers And for some wantes in ecclesiastical discipline If M r. GIF had taken the wise mans councel he should not haue answered a matter before he vnderstood it much-lesse would he if he had bene ledd by the spirit of God haue blasphemed the truth or cōdemned the innocent without cause But as he began his booke without councel cōtinued it without grace and ended it without truth so hath he herebie but purchased to himself shame and brought vpon his owne head the iudgments due to an accuser a blasphemer a false witnesse and iudge What opinion the Brownistes hold of the Church of England their worship people ministrie gouernment we neither knowe nor regard neither is there cause whie we should be chardged or condemned for their errors faultes For which themselues and this Church of ENGLAND that receiueth and nourisheth all sectories hereticks wicked and abhominable persons whatsoeuer shall accompt For vs whom it pleaseth M r. G. to terme Brownistes and whome he endeuoreth to confute in this treatise we neuer condemned any true Church for anie fault whatsoeuer knowing that where true faith is there is repentance where true faith and repentance are there is remission of all sinnes Far be it from vs to condemne anie whom CHRIST iustifieth 1. And for the Church of ENGLAND we neither did or doe condemne yt as this accuser suggesteth for such imperfections and corruptions in their worship as be not fundamentall or destroy the substance but we condemned the publick worship of their Church of ENGLAND presently inioyned receiued and vsed as deuised by men popish superstitious idolatrous abhominable not such as God commandeth requireth or accepteth and therfore not such as anie faithfull christian may offer vp vnto God be compelled or consent vnto This wee shewed in the first PRINCIPALL TRANSGRESSION this we haue proued in the first part of this treatise 2. Secondly wee condemne not the Church of England as separate from CHRIST for that wicked mē come with the godly to the publick exercises of religion But rather as neuer rightly gathered to CHRIST for that al the prophane and wicked ar receiued and retayned as members of their Churche Wee gladlie acknowledge that CHRIST came a light into the world to offer saluation vnto all men to haue built his Church vpon an hil there to be lifted vp by the preaching of the word as a standard to al people and passengers there to haue made a feast to al natiōs and thither to inuite them Neither were we euer so enuious of the saluation of others or of the glorie of God as hauing founde mercie and being entred our selues to shut the doore or stop the fountaine of Gods grace against others yea God is witnesse with what heartie desire we long after them all that they euen our greatest persecutors might be partakers of the same saluatiō ioy comfort happines with vs And howe wee intermit not much-lesse exclude anie meanes thervnto that God putteth in our power though it were with the hazarde of our owne lyues to bring them of the water of the wel at Bethelem But now though we affirme that al the vnbelieuing prophane not onlie may but ought to resort to the publick exercises of religion in the Church as the most excellent meanes to call them to the faith yet do we not therfore belieue or affirme that the prophane or vnbelieuing may be receiued or admitted as mēbers of the Church before they haue made voluntarie publick profession of their owne faith and obedience Or being entered by such profession be permitted longer to stand or remayne of the Church then they contynue orderlie to walke in the same faith and obedience And therfore we blamed these parish assemblies of England as consisting of a confuse multitude of al sortes of prophane and wicked people in differentlie where they are al receiued nourished and retayned as mēbers of y e Church though they were neuer called gathered by the power of the worde entered receiued by the profession of their owne faith neither walke orderlie in the faith or in anie duties either publick or priuate And so are al guiltie of most high sacriledge prophanatiō of the holy things of God No such assemblie or communion of Sainctes as Christes faithful seruantes ought to repaire or ioyne vnto This wee shewed in the second PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION This we haue lardgly proued in the secōd part of this treatise 3. Thirdly we condemne not the Church of England for some wantes in calling and ordayning Ministers But for hauing maintayning and retayning a false and antichristian ministrie imposed vpon them with a false antichristian calling ordination euen the self same that the Pope vsed left in this Realme which false offices and ministrie cannot be ioyned vnto or exercised in the true Church of CHRIST This wee shewed in the thirde PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSION this we proued in the third part of this treatise And therfore with an euil and corrupt conscience hath Mr. G. sought to hide this transgression vnder some vvantes in the calling and ordaining Ministers and thus boldlie and falselie thervpon to accuse vs. Wee knowe there may be faultes either of ignorance or negligence in the calling ordination c yet these not to disanul the action much-lesse the Couenant so longe as they are not obstinatlie held and persisted in But our assertion and controuersie here is not of a faultie ministrie caling ordination c but of a false ministrie caling ordination c which we haue proued theirs to be and that no such belongeth vnto may be imposed receiued or retayned in the Church of CHRIST 4. Fourthly in like maner wee reason not of some wantes in the gouernment and order of their Church but of a false and antichristian gouernment set ouer the Church Neither condemne we the Church of ENGLAND for some faultes in a true ecclesiasticall gouernment but for hauing and standing vnder a false and antichristian gouernment euen the self same Hierarchie Officers Courtes Cannons Customes Priuileges Proceedings that the Pope vsed and left This wee also haue shewed in the 4 TRANSGRESSION and haue nowe in this fourth parte and through this booke fullie proued their present ecclesiastical gouernment to be To which fower principall transgressions a willfull obstinacie an open reiecting resisting the truth al reprofe a violent and most hostile
persecution of all such as either refraine speake against or reproue their cōmunion ministrie worship gouernment being ioyned We may by all these reasons seuerally and haue by them altogether proued these Parrish assemblies in this estate not to be the true established Churches of Christ to which the faithful seruants of Christ ought to resort and ioyne So then all men maie see how falsly this accuser hath sclandered vs and howe far he hath strayed from the present matters and transgressions in question both through his whole booke and in this conclusion of his booke where he chardgeth pronownceth and condemneth vs as heretickes c for condemning a Church for some light imperfections in their worship wantes in their discipline c wheras we for their idolatrie confusion sacrilege false and antichristian ministrie and gouernment obstinacie in all these sinnes hatred of the truth and persecution of CHRISTES seruants haue proued the Church of ENGLAND not to be the true but the malignant Church Therfore wee condemne no true Church as he accuseth neither for such causes as he surmiseth Nor yet do wee but rather God himself condemne them Wee but discouer their sinnes and shew them their estate by the worde of God refrayning and witnessing against their abhominations as we are commāded by that voyce from heauē Go out of her my people that ye communicate not in her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues c. In the same loue knowing this terror and irreuo●able decree of the Lorde against the false Church and all her children wee most earnestly exhorte and instantlie beseech euen so manie to whom the truth of the Lorde and their owne saluation is deare to flee out of the middest of her and to saue themselues from this peruerse generation and to deliuer euerie man his soule from the fierce wrath of the Lord according to the councel of the Prophets and Apostles of God And not to be stayed by the vayne persuasions titles and promises of these false Prophets of thinges present as of the Church worde ministrie Sacraments c or deluded by their vayne hope of things to come as reformation saluation c or deterred with their vayne threates of schisme heresies daunger persecusion c from obeying the voyce of God whilest he yet speaketh and calleth vnto you and offreth grace lest you despise the acceptable tyme of the Lorde the day of his saluation and he sweare in his wrath that you shal not enter into his rest for your disobedience and then hereafter your flight be in the wynter or on the Sabboth when the wrath of God is come vpon you and there be no meanes or way to escape For the vaine boastings of these Prophetts of things present and promises of things to come reade Reuel 18. where the Holie Ghost sheweth their Church to become the habitation of Diuells the prison of euerie vncleane spirit the cage of euerie vncleane and hatefull birde howsoeuer she boast her self a Queene to be no Widowe to see no sorrowe For this in one day shal her plagues come death and sorrowe and famine and she shalbe burnte in fire because the God that cōdemneth her is a mighty Lorde You there reade how neither her shipmasters marchantmē Princes or multitudes shalbe able to reserue her wares or preserue her from the burning of this heauenly fire No lamentation cā ease or diminish her sorrowe and grief No balme can cure her woundes no arte reforme or repaire her breaches nor arme or power shield her from the weight of that great milstone that shall presse her and all her children to the deapth of hell being lifted vp ouer her by that mightie Angel The Lord hath pronownced his decree is irreuocable The voyce of his heauenlie harpers musitions the psalmes spiritual songs laudes of his Saincts shal neuer be heard in her anie more the skil and art of any heauenlie artificer worckman or builder shall neuer be found in her any more the voyce of the milstone that grindeth foode for the soule shal neuer be heard in her any more the light of a candle muchlesse the burning lamps of Gods spirit shal neuer shine in her any more to keepe out darcknes the heauenlie and comfortable voice of the Bridegome and of the Bride of CHRIST speaking to his Church in instruction exhortation comfort of CHRISTES Church speaking to him in prayers prayses c shall neuer be heard in her anie more Let her Ship-masters then her Mariners Marchantmen Enchanters and false Prophets vtter and retayle her wares deck and adorne her with the skarlet purple gold siluer iewels and ornaments of the true Tabernacle Let them in her offer vpp their sacrifices their beastes sheepe meale wyne oyle their odors oyntements and franckencense Let them dawbe and vndershore her builde and reforme her vntil the storme of the Lordes wrath breake foorth the morning wherof al these Diuines shal not foresee much-lesse eschue or withstand the terror therof vntil the wall and the dawbers be no more But let the wise that are warned and see the euill feare and depart from the same so shall they preserue their owne soules as a praye And the Lorde shall bring them amongst his redeemed to Sion with praise and euerlasting ioy shalbe vpon their heades they shall obtaine ioy and gladnes and sorrowe and mourning shal flee away FINIS AS WE shewed in these 4. PRINCIPAL TRANSGRESSIONS in y e worship cōmunion ministri gouernment of the Church of ENGLAND the causes of our separatiō from their publick assemblies in this estate So at their instance we in like maner set downe vnto them our purpose intent what we now indeuored meant to doe in certaine breife Articles Of those transgressions chardges how this Champion hath defended cleared their Church by that which hath bene written now on both sides may appeare The articles of themselues are so iust and holie as no Diuel can impugne or denie no man of religion conscience or shame gaynesay or resist anie one of them yet hath Mr. GIFFARD instigated by the spirit of vayne-glorie and envie in a singular zeale enterprised to answere and confute them all as you may see in his first writing The cauills and vanitie wherof as also his vniust suspitions calumniations reproches against vs thervpon being layd open in our first reply vnto him so far hath he bene from desisting to sporne against the prikes to sclander accuse and rayle on vs or to take a more sober and christian course for the discussing and deciding these controuersies betwixt him and vs as he hath burst forth yet into furder malice and madnes blaspheming vs in euerie sentence of this his second answere to these our articles with such store of contumelious and odious wordes as if that corrupt synck of his heart could neuer be emptied the malice of his minde and venome of his tongue neuer satiate or vttered
discipline CHRIST hath giuen which cannot be ioyned vnto exercised or preserued by anie other lawes then God hath made as by due examination in perticular of the least or best thing they thus deuise and enioyne will appeare CHRIST that great Architect of his house hath left vs a most absolute exact paterne of all things belonging therevnto vnto which no humane deuise can more be added or ioyned then heauē earth can be commingled Wherefore we may by better right esteeme M r. G. a corrupter of CHRISTS discipline or rather a fordger of a newe discipline for making bringing in new lawes into the church other then Gods lawes Then he may pronownce vs denyers cutters off of CHRISTES discipline for allowing and receiuing no lawes for anie action in the Church but Gods lawes HIs other reason is this Princes ought to establish the whole christian religion to punish idolaters wicked despisers heretickes schismaticks blasphemers But this cānot be donne but by lawes made established Therfore Princes ought to make lawes for the Church And I in denijng this denie a great part of that power which God hath giuen vnto Princes His first proposition is no more then I haue professed in mine answere If he vnderstand his second proposition of other lawes then God hath made I then denie yt as most false vntrue whereof vntill he make proofe he hath not obtayned his purpose nor convinced mine answere And therfore til then must withdrawe his triumphant conclusions I hold that Gods true religiō is only founded vpon and established by his owne holie worde lawes and not vpon or by mans lawes And that the Prince may aswel make a newe religion as newe lawes for religion Furder as I hold in Gods worde sufficient rules directions for all actions of the Church So hold I in the same most iust iudgments meete punishments to euerie transgressiō So that the Prince can no way better advance establish true religion then by yea can no way establish by but yt the promulgation and due execution of Gods lawes calling all men of all degrees to the hearing sincere practize thereof in their calings and dulie punishing al such as transgresse the same after such order proclamed established God hath incommended inioyned the booke of his lawe to all Princes therbie the gouerne both the Church common Wealth in al things as we plentifullie reade Deut. 17. 18. 19. 5. 32. 29. 9. c. and 4. 6. Ioshu 1. 8. 1 Kinges 2. 3. 1 Chron. 28. and in sondrie other places The Kinge is not made the Lord but the Minister of Gods lawe to which he is bownde and for the transgression therof shall answere vnto God as anie other person He is placed in the seate of God and the worde of God committed vnto him not to alter or neglect the least part thereof Not to make newe lawes but to keepe see obserued those lawes which God hath made Greate then is their ignorance that thincke not that God hath giuen sufficient instruction direction in his holie worde for all actions of his Church And greater their wickednes that knowing this dare giue mortal men leaue to make lawes for Gods Church If they say that the Princes lawe must be consonant to Gods lawe Then I answere they haue warrant groundworke in Gods worde which if they haue then are they Gods not mans lawe For Gods lawe extendeth as farr as the equitie of his law extendeth But what lawes soeuer haue no warrant of groundworke in Gods worde those cannot be said to be cōsonant to Gods wil because there we haue the whole minde of CHRIST and so are to be auoyded as superfluous burdenous and contrarie to Gods word how necessarie or expediēt soeuer they may seeme to humane wisdome AND now let the christian reader iudge what cause M r. GIFFARD had to pronownce this mine answere to the Bishopps question Anabaptistical when I therein acknowledged the whole lawe of God the place office and whole power of Princes that God hath giuen them all which the Anabaptistes vtterlie denie Or with what conscience he hath chardged vs as seduced by Brownes writing And to hold that Princes ought not to compel their Subiectes to the true worship of God Neither ought to reforme the Church All which sclanders this my answere which he here endeuoreth to confute refuteth to his face FINIS A BREIFE REFVTATION OF Mr. GEORGE GIFFARD HIS SVPPOSED CONSIMILItude betvvene the Donatists and vs wherein is shewed how his Arguments haue bene and may be by the Papists more iustly retorted against himself and present estate of their Church Mr. GIFFARD a man inexpert in discerning the times seasons hauing long skirmished with vaine titles and assuming the matter in question vndertaketh now to deface all Gods inuiolable ordināces with a certayne dialogue betwene Augustine and the Donatistes and to make CHRISTS ordinances and our persons odious as he supposeth to all men therby to heale the wounde of the Beaste and dawbe vp the whole rable of the Romish Ministerie lawes worship gouernment which al men of anie iudgment know to be receiued from the Pope He taketh vpon him to compare vs to the Donatistes and without considering the causes persons from which and from whome they separated as also the times and ages He sclanderously wresteth some perticular doctrines about separation and wee therevpō must needes be Donatistes But we haue learned that we ought al to take heede to the most sure word of God and that he that speaketh ought to speake as the wordes of God and to this lawe and this testimonie if anie speake not it is because there is no light in him We refuse vtterly to be drawen into this kinde of fruictlesse strife and will not intermedle either with the Donatistes not Augustines persons nor yet with their causes or maner of pleading them but only shewe in a fewe breif notes how vniustly this godlesse quarrelous man hath dealt herein euen in the thinges he hath set downe leauing the better veiwe thereof to such as will bestowe their tirne that waye and those to due consideration and vnpartiall triall by the worde and spirit of God AT his first entrance into his discourse he denyeth vs to be Christians saying all that are gathered by CHRISTS doctrine only vnto Christ alone as yt is written one is your Doctor euen CHRIST Math. 23. are only by his title called Christians But we are wicked Schismatickes therfore we must be called by the first Aucthors or chief maintayners thereof To which we answere that M r. Giffard his Collegiates haue giuen out for vndoubted doctrines that such as hold the fundamental doctrines of iustification by faith in Chr●st alone are to be holden Christians and to cleare our selues a litle further we seeke to be gathered and ruled by Christs doctrine only and by Christ alone as our King Priest and Prophet yea