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A46361 A continuation of the accomplishment of the Scripture-prophesies, or, A large deduction of historical evidences proving that the papacy is the real antichristian kingdom to which is added A confirmation of the exposition of the sixteenth chapter of the Revelation concerning the pouring out of the vials / written in French by Peter Jurieu ... faithfully Englished.; Accomplissement des prophéties. Suite. English Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713. 1688 (1688) Wing J1200; ESTC R17274 212,359 335

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run out in great quantity the patient would have been quickly dead But in favour of the Devout God did so multiply the Blood of Christ that at this day one may find as much as if made liquid would fill the veins of a hundred men and above They have also even the Tears of Christ Witness the Holy Tear at Vendome a very choice Relique For 't was necessary that a Devoto should be present at the nick of time and very dextrous to save a small drop of water which falls from the eye upon the cheek and is commonly lost After this we must not wonder that they have taken care to collect solid things as the Nails of the Cross there were but three but by the blessing of God the Latin Church hath fifteen of them besides the filings and little pieces of these Nails And perhaps who ever would make an exact search in the East would find as many there or more The Holy Thorns of the Crown that was put on our Saviours Head were planted in so fertile a Soyle that they are encreased a hundred for one The Gentlemen of Port-Royal who are no great Favorites of Holy Mother the Church have not withstandingly by some means gotten one of them which they order to be devoutly adored and which did abundance of Miracles in confirmation of Jansenism Monsieur the Bishop of Tournay a great Jansenist but an honest man dareth not assert that this very Thorn is one of our Saviours Crown But he hath found an expedient for this and concludeth that God worketh Miracles by false Reliques as well as by true ones Perhaps he speaks more truly than he is aware of for 't is certain that the Bone of some Rogue yea or of a Horse worketh more Miracles then the Reliques of Saint Paul. How can the Church complain that she wants Reliques of our Lord Jesus Christ since she hath his Cross which is the Glory of Christendom The Devoto's of the three first Centuries were very negligent in not seeking out this Cross and in suffering it to ly buryed under a heap of Earth and rubbish But St. Helena was very happy that the discovery of this pretious Treasure was reserved to her God hath so blessed her Endeavours that this Cross would at this day fill the whole Palace of this Princess were she still alive You have every where the wood of the true Cross all the world hath some and in certain places there are large pieces to be seen Besides this pretious Cross which had the honour to touch the bleeding Body of our Saviour they shew you at Rome the Manger where he was layd when he was born they have his Cradle his Swadling-bands his Shirt his Shoes the Altar of presentation on which he was layd when he was first brought to the Temple pieces of his Hankercheif some Fragment of his Sepulchre they have the Stone upon which he trod when he ascended into Heaven the print of his Foot is on it a certain proof that the story is true they have some of the Bread used at his last Supper and of that which he multiplyed for the five thousand they have some of the Wine which our Lord made at Cana in Galilee they have the Iron Head of the Lance of St. Longin who pierc'd his side his Seamless Coat is at Argenteuil at Triers and at St. Salvador in Spain They have his Hair the Parings of his Nails But they have but one of the Teeth which he cast in his Childhood it is at Laon. 'T was an unpardonable negligence of those honest Devoto's who went about to gather up the cuttings of his Hair why not rather take care to seek up 25. or 30. Teeth which he cast between the seventh and fourteenth year of his Age These might have been at this day the Treasures of so many Churches that should have had the honour of possessing them Shameful Idolatry as to Reliques In truth 't is impossible to speak of these things without passion a man must laugh or weep But alas there is far more cause to weep than to laugh at that which exposeth the Christian Religion to the just raillery of the Profane and Infidels and which is the object of the most horrible Superstition in the world I speak not now only to Papists I speak to Protestants The greatest part of them do not look on this with due abhorrence they do not sufficiently perceive that this is one of the great Abominations wherewith Popery hath defiled Christianity They think it enough to look on this Worship as a sottish Superstition But at the bottom 't is far worse 't is a shameful Idolatry They fall down they kiss they worship dead things Ashes Bones Linnen Toyes Excrements they carry these in Procession they expect rain and fair wheather from them they work Miracles by them This Church will never wash off these stains but by Fire these Nehustans must be broken in pieces and burnt in the Fire and she must be ashamed of her Idols Fabulous History of Images Images do naturally follow Reliques the Worship of the former is a great part of the Popish Devotion And this Worship is founded on fabulous Histories not less ridiculous than the preceding yea is much more so than the fabulous stories of the Pagan Images The Pagans have reported only of two or three of their Images that have spoken with an intelligible Voyce But among the Papists formerly nothing was more common than these speaking Images instances of this kind are very many One Crucisix spoke to S. Thomas Speaking Images and said to him Thomas thou hast written well concerning me what reward wilt thou have Another spoke to St. Brigit a third Crucifix made Responses at the Mass said by a Priest who had not a Clerk. An Image of our Lady spoke to St. Jacynthe a Polonian that he should save it from being burnt by some barbarous Souldiers who burnt every thing they found A certain Scotch Image used to speak and give answers as an Oracle At Affligen three Miles from Brussels there is a V. Mary which spoke Latin to St. Bernard At Bernarde vale But fareavel Bernard A Crucifix decided the Controversy that was in England between the Monks and Secular Priests the Priests desired to have Liberty again to marry a Crucifix that stood there cryed out Non Fiet non F●et judicastis bene mutaretis male It shall not be c. Another Crucifix spoke to St. Francis and said to him Go and build up my House There was one day a long dispute between a Stone Statue of the Virgin and a little one of Jesus Christ which she held in her Armes The Virgin had a mind to shew mency to a Penitent who lay there before them The little Image of Christ was against it in conclusion the Virgin got the better because she was the Mother and her Statue was bigger than that of her Son. The Pagans to procure veneration to some
A CONTINUATION OF THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE Scripture-Prophesies OR A Large Deduction of Historical Evidences Proving that the PAPACY Is the Real Antichristian Kingdom To which is added A CONFIRMATION of the Exposition of the sixteenth Chapter of the Revelation concerning the pouring out of the VIALS Written in French by PETER JURIEU Professor of Divinity one of the present Ministers of the French Church at Rotterdam Faithfully Englished LONDON Printed in the Year 1688. THE TRANSLATOR'S ADVERTISEMENT THE learned Author hath given the world an account of the Occasion and Original of his Legal Exceptions or Lawful Prejudices against Popery in the Preface to that Book of which this is an abridgment 'T is evident that in both he principally designed the advantage of his Country-men among whom the greatest wits have been employd to cover the deformity and paint over the foulness of Popery and consequently some Citations and passages will seem obscute to an ordinary English Reader But the present circumstances of our Nation abundantly justify the Translating and publishing a work of this design For tho the learned writers of the Church of England have sufficiently discovered the falsehood and danger of the Popish Doctrines yet the threatning Infection of our Age calleth for a stronger Antidote 'T is found by experience that the clearest Notions about these things are too weak to preserve from Apostacy in a time of Tryal Nothing can do this but deep Impressions on the Conscience which can produce an invincible Antipathy against Popery And I know nothing so effectual to work this as a due Consideration of the Characters of Antichrist that are to be found in the Roman Church If once a man is satisfied of this and withal hath a due concern for his own salvation tho he wants learning to plead against Popery yet he will be able chearfully to lay down his life in the Combat against it It hath been on this Principle that such numbers of antient and modern Witnesses have with admirable constancy suffered in the defence of the Gospel against the Tyranny of Rome 'T is therefore much to be lamented that our Author is somewhat mistaken in his charitable sentiments concerning the modern English divines whom in the conclusion of the Book he supposeth all to tread in the steps of their Predessors Whereas 't is manifest that the Example and Influence of a late Prelate A. B. La●● hath made many to for-bear the terms of Babylon and Antichrist in their Controversies with the Church of Rome So that of late these have past for rayling Expressions not fit to be used by Genteel Writers I heartily wish that such a Complaisance had not been attended with very pernitious effects Sure 't is no time now to manage and compliment such a declared Enemy of Christ and the Souls of men The Church doth therefore owe much to the Courage and Zeal of our Author who hath entred the lists against her with the Spirit and Weapons of a true Combatant and hath so effectually discovered the nakedness and deformity of the Apocalyptick Harlot that it must be madness for any either to fall in love with her or have any kind thoughts for her The Reader will find many passages of this Book to have an air of pleasantness and diversion as indeed 't is a hard matter to forbear laughter when the Objects are extravagantly ridiculous but I earnestly request this from him that he would take heed of jesting in so serious a matter 't is by no means enough to laugh and tell stories against Popery 't is alwayes to be remembred with what design these ridiculous passages are related which is not to make the Reader merry but to convince the Conscience that the Roman Church is the Babylon the Apostate Society which hath establicht herself by the most abominable Lyes and Fables as well as by the most barbarous Cruelty The Reader is entreared to make this Application of the whole otherwise the Labour of writing and Translating the Book will be lost The Lord grant it may not THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE A short Description of the Papacy TO divert and entertain Monsr Arnaud I shall once more act the part of a Mountebank as he is pleas'd to term it he shall have the Satisfaction to see a second Preservative of my writing and this may afford him a new Subject of raillery to imploy his wit as he formerly did in his Reflections upon the first Preservative which I publisht against the Catholick Exposition of the Bishop of Meaux But withal it will displease and vex him to review sometimes the passages quotedout of Father Crasset and the sorry scribbles of such Jesuites as he who are not at all to his liking and he would be glad never to see or hear any thing of ' em In this piece we give the true picture and representation of the Papacy as genuine and faithful as that is false and flattering which is of late made to the new Converts by the Gentlemen imployed in the famous Conversions in France It is composed of these thirteen lineaments which compleat the picture or so many Characters which describe Popery considering it in it self as distinct from the Common Christianity that doth yet remain in the Roman Church Let us then see what it is I. First 't is a Kingdom altogether Earthly and after the Spirit of the World. This Beast is as other Beasts which in the stile of Prophetick Scripture signifies Kingdoms and Empires It hath its Capital City its Monarch Provinces Governours Arms Cittadels Tributes c. and in one thing doth go beyond all other Tyrants that whereas their power reaches only to the Bodies of men the Papacy usurps an Authority over the Conscience and the Souls of men II. 'T is the effect of the most subile and yet the most detestable Po●icy by which any Worldly Empire was ever erected or preserved Their Temporal Tyranny is vailed under the appearance of Spirituality and at the same time 't is assisted and supported by it As Magicians to make up their Charms bring in the names of God and sometimes of Baptism and the Eucharist so doth the Roman Church make use of the words Religion Sacraments Church Censures Confession of sins the several degrees of the Ministry c. as the Means to establish a Kingdom and Government that is meerly Humane and Worldly and to exercise a power over the Bodies the estates the lives and Consciences of men III. 'T is a Proud Tyrant who is seated on a magnifick Throne and from thence cries aloud to the whole Earth that he is the Prophet of the Living God the mouth which Speaks Oracles Saying I am Queen and shall see no sorrow I am seated in the Eternal City Rome I am Infallible and of my Dominion there shall be no end It belongs to me to bestow the crowns of Paradise and I am the Soveraign Minister of the Living God upon Earth as to Temporals I am the only
Spouse of Christ always young and beautifull without spot or blemish This is the Language of the Popish Church who calls herself fair beautifull tho it be the most hideous deformed Society that bears the Christian name and calls herself Infallible in the midst of numberless Errors which make a Night of darkness wherein she hides herself IV. 'T is the Enemy of God of his Religion and his H. Word that endeavours not a conformity to the rules he hath given in his Word making to themselves another word of God which they call Tradition which is altogether and directly opposite to the true Word of God. Vnder pretence of making use of the H. Scripture they wretchedly abuse and wrest it Applying Scripture to all their false and foolish Mysteries without either reason or Conscience and by ridiculous and impious applications of Scripture exposing it to the derision of the Profane to the contempt and scorn of Infidels They maim and curtail it and impudently falsifie and pervert it and lest all this be not enough they speak as ill things of it as can be said of any book This Book they say is Imperfect 't is obscure 't is full of snares 't is the source of Heresies it abounds with Contradictions it contains an hundred things whose out side is proper to scandalize the weak it is insufficient one half of it is lost it hath no authority without the Church any more than the History of Titus Livius Lastly the Papacy makes use of the Scripture as if it were its own they abrogate the Laws of God laid down in the Scripture they grant dispensation contrary to those Laws they command that which the H. Scripture forbids and forbid that which it enjoyns and to make it evident that the Papacy is indeed the Enemy of God it always stands upon its guard to resist the force of Scripture defend themselves against the word of God by their Distinctions V. 'T is a Prodigy of Filthiness and Impurity whereas Christianity should be a Miracle of Holiness The Head of that Religion hath discovered such a train of Impieties and disorders that for enormity or continuance the like hath never been seen Some of their Popes have been seen wallowing in the pollutions of the flesh in drunkenness and all manner of filthiness and debauchery not only as to women but even Sodomy and Brutality and the most unnatural Lusts Some of 'em have been Magicians and Sorcerers Some have been seen who were Profane Atheistical without God without Religion bathing themselves in Blood Assassins Poisoners Murderers Traitors and oftentimes putting the whole world in a flame Their Priests and Ministers have been seen plung'd into the same disorders following the Example of their Head and treading in the steps of their Leader Ignorant Impious debaucht neglecting the service of God and intent only on their dishonest gain and fleshly Lusts Their Convents of men and women which they call Retirements from the world and little forts and castles of Holiness these I say have been observed to be as bad as the most infamous places of prostitution for all manner of debauchery Lastly their People also were carried away with this fearfull Torrent of corruption having lost the Spirit and power of Religion and retained nothing of Christianity but the name All this may be seen in the history of former ages VI. 'T is a Prodigy of Pride all whose doctrine Theology and Religion is proud and tends to destroy that Spirit of Humility which is the Spirit of the Gospel Pride discovers it self every where in the Papacy in its actions conduct words outside and inside It speaks loftily and magnificently of it self boasting that she is the only Body of J. Christ the only way to Heaven treating all other Communions as Heretical Sects Schismaticks Reprobates Damned Excommunicate as people that deserve to be condemned to the Fire and to be burnt in both worlds The Head of the Papacy is a monster of Pride who as God sits in the Temple of God who gives out his orders as if they were Oracles who makes himself be plac't upon the Altar and there to be worshipt who makes Kings and Emperors kiss his feet and will be carried on the shoulders of Nobles and great Men who holds the Keys of Hell of death and of Paradise in his hand who pretends to the Right of deposing Kings giving away their Crowns who will have homage paid him by all Christians who will be called God upon Earth his Holiness and the Holy Lord Who saith he is the Sun of the world and that all other Princes are but as the Moon and Stars His Ministers under him are Earthy Princes who will not give place to Soveraigns The meanest of their Priests exalt themselves above all other men and crowned Heads must kneel at their feet in Confession and they magisterially give sentence concerning the Eternal Life or Death of men VII 'T is a Merchandise a Trade of forgery lying covetousness and deceit The Papacy by innumerable unrighteous methods hath gained prodigious wealth not only in money and moveables but in lands not only in Lands but in Cities not only Cities but Provinces not particular Provinces only but whole Kingdoms It hath then pillaged and cheated the world and therfore is the worse of the two and by this means hath acquired extraordinary Riches to maintain and augment their abundance every thing in the Papacy is exposed to sale Offices Benefices Churches Sacraments Sins Adultery Incest Murder Parricide Sodomy Brutality and dispensations for any for every thing Paradise and God himself are to be sold but 't is their unhappiness not to be able to deliver 'em into the possession of the Purchasers VIII 'T is a great and vast Body which hath the Spirit of Impurity and Reprobation as a soul to animate it And these imprue Spirits come forth out of the mouth of the Papacy as so many frogs These unclean Spirits are diffused by the mouth of their Schoolmen who amuse the world with a silly obscure and bold Theology by the mouth of their Canonists who have given the Christian World such rules and laws as are obscene wicked and impure and filled volumes with their decisions of Cases full of absurdities extravagant and contradictory stuft with pride and filthiness of all sorts by the mouth of their Casuists and directers of Conscience who have vended such Morals that Pagans would be ashamed of who make nothing of the vilest Crimes and lay men under no obligation to love God who permit men to kill to steal to eommit adultery fornication and any other wichedness only as inconsiderable Venial Faults by the mouth of their Legendaries who have compiled an heap of frightfull and silthy Fables by the mouth of their Masters of Devotion who direct the People to pay that Honour to Saints and Angels which is due only unto God and speak such things in the praise of the Creature which are
Pag. 251 CHAP. XXIV The thirteenth and last Character of Antichristianism that is found in the Papacy viz. a long Peace Abundance and Prosperity Pag. 261 CHAP. XXV The Conclusion In all Ages it hath been foreseen or known that Rome and her Bishop are the Seat and Empire of Antichrist Pag. 267 A Confirmation of the Exposition of the sixteenth Chapter of the Revelation concerning the pouring out of the Vials ADVERTISEMENT There is newly Printed this Year 1688. A New Systeme of the Apocalypse or Plain Methodical Illustrations of all the Visions in the Revelation of St. John. Written by a French Minister in the year 1685. and finisht but two days before the Dragoons plundred him of all except this Treatise To which is added this Authors Defence of his Illustrations concerning the Non-Effusion of the Vials in Answer to Mr. Jurieu's Confirmation of his Exposition of the 16. Chapter of the Revelation for the Pouring out of the Vials all faithfully Englished In 12. A CONTINUATION Of the ACCOMPLISHMENT Of the SCRIPTURE PROPHECIES Or a Large Deduction of HISTORICAL Evidences Proving that the PAPACY Is the Real ANTICHRISTIAN KINGDOM CHAPTER I. The First Character of the Antichristian Kingdom which is found in the Papacy viz. a Temporal Dominion hid under the Appearance of a Spiritual One. WE have found Antichrist and the Antichristian Kingdom in the Scripture-Prophecies at present we must find them in History and prove somewhat exactly and largely that what was foretold by the Prophets concerning Antichristianism is by History found to be exactly accomplished in the Papacy We will reduce these Evidences unto some general Characters and will begin with that which is in the Title of this Chapter A singular character of the Papacy a mix●ure of the civil state and of Religion The Kingdom of Antichrist hath a very peculiar character upon this account that in it Religion the Church and the State are mingled and jumbled together and hid one under another This I say is nowhere else to be found neither in Mahum●tanism nor in Paganism nor in Judaism nor in true Christianity As for Judaism the Empire or Civil State and Religion were so widely different that the Kings durst not perform any Sacerdotal act Because Vzziah attempted to burn Incense he was stricken with a Leprosy 'T is true during the Government of the Asmoneans or Maccabees the Priesthood and Kingly Power were united but this was by a mere Accident and the Jewish Religion did not require it Mahometism is a Religion they who establisht it in the World likewise establisht Empires or civil States but these are not the same thing with that Religion the Muf●i and the Grand Seignior at Constantinople are two very different persons Paganism had both a Religion and a Civil State The Roman Emperors were High-priests but they did not exercise the Kingly Power under a pretence of Religion and the obedience which they challenged as Emperors was not accounted any piece of that Worship which was due to the Gods. Nay in substance this Name of High-priest was nothing but an empty Title yea so insignificant that the Christian Emperors did bear it untill Gratian who refused it Lastly nothing is so contrary to the genius of true Christianity as this Union of the Civil state and Religion Jesus Christ saith expresly My Kingdom is not of this world Joh. 18.36 if my Kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight c. The Kings of the Gentiles exercise Lordship over them but ye shall not be so St. Peter said Luc. 22.25 26. Feed the flock of God which is among you not as being Lords over Gods Heritage Jesus Christ when on earth refused to perform any office of a Prince a Judge or a King. Who said he made me a Judge or a Divider betwixt you He styles the acts of his Ministers Feeding Guiding Exhorting Entreating but never Reigning Appointing Commanding And if Christ is called a King and his Ministers the Embassadors and Agents of this great King 't is a Kingdom wholly spiritual a Goverment that hath nothing Temporal in it But that which is nowhere else to be found is found in Antichristianism It is an Empire and a Religion a State and a Church atemporal Kingdom hid under the name of a Church a Tyranny raging under the appearance and comely name of Religion Let us see how this was noted in Scripture Prophecies and afterward we will see it verisyed in History Evidences that Antichristianism must be a Religion First we find this in that famous Oracle of Prediction in the second Chapter of the second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians Antichristianism is there called a Mystery for the Mystery of iniquity doth already work Now Mysteries do belong to a Religion Every body hath heard of the Mysteries of Ceres of Bacchus and a hundred others which made up the Pagan Religion In the same place Antichristianism is styled a falling away or an Apostacy that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the Man of Sin be revealed Now all Apostacy in sacred matters does import a Religion a false Religion And the same Apostle in the fourth chapter of the first Epistle to Timothy saith more expresly that this Apostacy must be a Religion in which shall be taught Doctrines of Demons and in which the Teachers shall recommend themselves by their Abstinences and unmarried state In the latter times 1 Tim. 4.1 2 3. some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits doctrines of Devils or Demons * V. Medes Apostacy of the latter times speaking lyes in hypocrisie having their Conscience seared with a hot iron Forbidding to Marry and commanding to Abstain from Meats There is no Controversie about this that Antichristianism must be a Religion That it must be a Civil State according to the Prophecies And 't is not less evident by the Predictions in scripture that it must be a Civil state for 't is said that Antichrist exalts himself above all that is call'd God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple or throne of God Which signifies that he must exalt himself above all other Principalities and challenge divine Honours as if he were a God upon earth In the Prophetick Visions Beast signifies a Monarchy or State as all do agree Now Antichristianism is thus represented V. 1. And I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea having seven Heads and ten horns c. V. 11. And I beheld another Beast coming out of the Earth and he had two horns like a Lamb c. V. 12. And he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast before him c. V. 14. Saying to them that dwell on the Earth that they should make an Image to the Beast which had the wound by a Sword and yet did live This plainly signifies that Antichristianism must exercise a Temporal Power resembling that of
the first Empire in whose place it comes This being notorious and confess'd 't is not necessary to insist larger upon it At present we must see how this is found in the Papacy in which Religion Church and State are mingled and hid one under another 'T would be needless to prove that it is a Religion and a Church this is acknowledged this is pretended this is boasted so that we have nothing else to prove but that the Papacy is a mere Civil State or Monarchy hid under the appearance of a spiritual one The Popish Monarchy hath its Metropolis and Senate In every Civil State or Empire there is first a Metropolis which is the seat of the Prince the Residence of the Senate and from which all Lawes and Orders are sent abroad The Papacy hath such a one it hath its Metropolis and the Wicked Spirit who hath founded this Monarchy chose out a City of great Reputation to be the seat of it I mean Rome which all nations of the world during many Ages had been accustomed to look on as their Mistresse which made it less difficult to pay respect to it as the Royal Seat of this second Monarchy The Imperial Dignity which had alwayes placed its seat in this City proved a Basis to erect this sacerdotal soveraignity upon The Bishops of Rome having had the honour to be considered as the Principal Bishops on the account of their glorious City afterward came to persuade themselves that this Honour was their due Prerogative When the Emperors lost Rome the Popes seised it for themselves and preserved its antient Title The Queen of the World. 'T was styld Vrbs the City by way of Eminence under the Emperors the Popes do still keep the same Name for it Rex venit ante fores jurans prius Vrbis honores Secular States have their Senates Antichristianism hath one of its own in the famous Colledge of Cardinals a Senate whose Senators and members are clothed in Purple have in every thing succeeded the ancient Senators of Rome Accordingly at their Election these words are pronounced You are Senators of the Ruling City equal to Kings Cer●m l. 3. Sect. 8. Art. 6. the true Pillars of the World. This Senate determines the fates of Kings and bestowes the Crowns of Heaven and Earth Every secular Monarchy hath its Monarch It hath a Monarch Antichristianism hath one This Monarch dwells in Stately Palace hath a numerous Retinue of Servants He is attended as the greatest Princes His Court is made up of such as challenge the foremost rank from all the Potentates of the World. The Cardinals will take place of Kings or will not come behind them Every Cardinal hath his Palace his Retinue his Equipages his House where all the Pleasures and carnal Pomps of the world are to be seen Kings are but Lieutenants in this Antichristian Monarchy This Monarch hath under him a great and vast Empire divided into several Provinces to which he sends his Deputies T is true they are not call'd by this Name some of them are call'd Kings Dukes Princes c. The Pope is so civil as to leave them these specious Titles But he challenges a Right to take away their Crownes to Depose them to absolve their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegeance and to give away their Dominions to others Never any Emperors pretended to more Power over the Governors of Provinces in the Roman Empire The Canonists say in plain termes That there is no Soveraign Power but in the Pope that the Authority of God and of the Pope is the same thing that whoever say otherwise are wretched Flatterers who deceive the Kings and Princes of the Earth Besides this Kind of Deputies the Pope hath others who are called Primates Metropolitans Archbishops Bishops which have divided Christendom into Provinces to share it among themselves and receive from the Pope Bulls and Commissions and also pay him Tribute and yield him Homage Pont. Rom. Hommages and O●●hes of Alligiance Cerem lib. 1. This Temporal Monarch takes an Oath of Allegiance from both these Kinds of Lieutenants where he is not hindred The Emperor at his Coronation takes an Oath that he will cordially pay to the Church of Rome the Duties of Obedience Defence and Protection Archbishops and Bishops swear Fealty and Obedience to St. Peter to the holy Church of Rome and to our most holy Lord the Pope for time being And this Oath hath no exceptions I promise Fidelity against all manner of persons Without so much as excepting the Kings whose Subjects the Bishops are After the taking the Oathes of Allegeance there are homages and presents to be made The Emperors are their Coronation after they have sworn Allegeance to the Pope must bring a Barr of Gold and lay it at his feet The Bishops also cannot have the Full Title nor execute the Episcopal Office till they have payd their Tributes which is call'd Annates Soveragin Princes have invested their subjects into their Offices by some Ceremony by giving a Sword or a Staff. Formerly the Emperors invested Bishops and Abbots by a Crosier and Ring But the Pope is so arrogant that he will invest the Emperors into the Empire On Christmas Eve he consecrates a Sword which he sends to Soveraigns to teach them that this sword signifieth the supreme Temporal Power bestowed by Jesus Christ upon the Pope his Vicar on Earth The Courts of the Antichristian Monarchy Secular Princes have their Courts and Tribunals in all the Provinces that are under them The Pope hath his Courts and Offices his Tribunals to which formerly almost all Civil Causes were brought under pretext of being spiritual At Rome there is a supreme Court to which all the rest are responsable 't is named the Rota Besides all this he reserves to himself the weightiest Causes He judgeth between one King and another between God and men He deposeth he excommunicates he plucks up he plants he pulls down he builds up he creates new Princes he layes aside old ones he dispenseth with Oathes and with Obedience to divine and humane Lawes Secular Princes maintain Allyances with other Princes They make Leagues and Treaties they establish societies they keep up mutual Intelligence in one anothers States For this end they send Embassadors to one another they make Negotiations and conclude Treaties The Pope doth all this He sends his Legates his Nuncios his Embassadors into all Courts of Europe He hath his Allyes and his Enemies he makes Leagues and Allyances hath a hand in all great Negotiations and Treaties And it must not be sayd that he acts as a Temporal Prince who Rules over some part of Italy For he pretends to have right to concern himself in all Treaties between Christian Princes as he is Head of the Church Secular Princes besides their subjects have also their Vassals And there are some Princes and Lords who hold their Lands and Territories of others as their
Rome of the Spiritual Kingdom and the Temporal Kingdom These Distinctions are abhorred at Rome 't is a Heresy that deserves the Fire to maintain them Now we ought to judge of Rome and her Empire not by that which others say of her but by that which she saith of herself Besides the Spiritual Empire in the sense of the Gallican Church is a real Temporal Monarchy For the Church of France will have Cardinals Primates Archbishops Bishops Officials Ecclesiastical Courts Prisons Penalties Excommunications Tythes Taxes and all depending on the Pope who is a very Monarch residing in his Royal City All this is merely secular and Worldly and contrary to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ CHAPTER II. The second Character of the Antichristian Kingdom purely Human Politicks 't is palpable that they bear sway in the Papacy WHen I read at the beginning of a chapter in the book call'd Legal Exceptions against the Calvinists that a spirit of purely human Policy appears in their Controversies with the Lutherans and that the Author draws from thence an Exception against them I wonder at the imprudence of these Gentlemen Methinks they ought studiously to avoid the expressions and terms which cannot but raise in our minds such Idea's as must be disadvantagious to them such an one is the term of Human Policy Certainly they ought to speak nothing which may cause us to remember how the Papacy is constituted and govern'd Never was such a profound Policy seen Never was any Empire built upon such foundations therefore I wonder not at its long Continuance We cannot meet with a more subtile Policy than that which prevails in this Empire but 't is too great an honour to call it A merely Human Policy for it is really Diabolical And in this I find the second Character of Antichristianism agreeable to the Predictions Acording to the Predictions Antichristianism must have a deep Policy First S. Paul calls it a Mystery of Iniquity so it is with respect to its Religion and with respect to its Policy for this whole Religion is nothing else but Mystery and Policy It is mysterious cunning secret and dextrous but iniquity runs through it is the soul and source of it Secondly S. John describing this Monarchy under the Emblem of a Beast tells us that he had two Horns like a Lamb. We will presently shew Apoc. 13.11 that this is one of the tricks of this Policy always to lurk under the Name of Jesus Christ his horns and power He addeth that he doth great Wonders and deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth Which lets us know that he was not to reign by force of Arms but by Deceit and a cunning Policy He commands that they should make an Image to the Beast He doth not order the direct restauration of the Roman Monarchy but by an ingenious Policy only requests that they should make an Image to the Beast which was to be worshipt and obeyd but which was only a mere Image of the Imperial Power of the old Romans Apoc. 14.17 and 18. she makes all nations drunk with the wine of her fornication That is she bewitches them with her Charms and Persuasions and her persuasive Power depends on this Policy by which she insinuates and gets into the Hearts and Spirits of men 1 Tim. 4. These false Teachers have a fair out-side of Chastity in their Unmarryed Life and of Temperance in their distinction of Meats and this Policy serves to erect their Kingdom Without doubt this is one Character of Antichristianism For the Gospel seeks no Tricks borroweth no fictions It marcheth in a straight line It flatters no body nay it makes use of harsh and discouraging terms in those places where much soster might have been used It biddeth us to pluck out our Eyes and cut off our Hands it requires us to bear our Crosses and follow Jesus Christ it speaks of nothing but of Death and Mortification Whereas Antichrist marcheth under ground and carrieth on his design by Wiles which men are not aware of Let us now see how exactly History agreeth with the Prediction in this particular as well as in the foregoing The first Policy to cover the Temporal Dominion under the appearance of the spirituality The first human Policy consists in concealing this Secular Dominion which we have been speaking of under an appearance of spirituality This they call the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and every where bring in the names of S. Peter and of holy Church The Countreys which are under Rome are call'd the lands of the Church S. Peters patrimony The paying homage to the Pope and kissing of his Feet is styl'd a lying down at the feet of the Apostles A going on pilgrimage to Rome to get indulgences there is visitare limina Petri frequentare limina Apostolorum to visit the house of S. Peter and of the Apostles When a Vassal of the Pope is spoken of 't is said that he depends on holy Church that he is a Vassal of S. Peter The Popes Bulls their Decrees their Censures are styl'd Apostolical Letters Bulls Censures and Ordinances You may see V. to Tome Con●il Par. p. 380. how the Cursed Gregory VII places S. Peters name at the beginning of bis discourses when he was about to act some notable Villany which all must abhorr Who seeth not that this wicked manner of expression is infinitely crafty and a piece of hellish Policy If the Devil had attempted without disguise to erect a Secular Kingdom at Rome under the name of the Church where is that King who would have been guilty of the Baseness and Cowardise to make himself the Slave of a Priest But who had the boldness to oppose such great Names when once Religion hath taken deep rooting in men When any man can once perswade himself that he acts and speaks in the Name of God and by Commission from him there is nothing which such a man cannot effect The fear of Hell makes strong impressions upon the minds of men When Ignorant people heard that there was a Temporal Monarch at Rome who had the Keys of Heaven in his keeping they made their backs ready to bear whatever was layd upon them Perhaps if Kings had been their own Masters they had preserved themselves both from Delusion and Slavery But the People who are naturally weak ignorant and superstitious drew them along This is the Mystery of this Policy which hath produced such strange effects so that the Popes by two or three pages of barbarous Latin usher'd in with a servus servorum Domini have made whole Nations revolt have put all Europe into a Commotion have brought under the mightiest Monarchs have set States on fire and put Chains upon Soveraigns A 2d Policy worldly grandeur joyn'd with Ecclesiastical Power If this Authority and these spiritual Weapons had not been accompanyed with a worldly Grandeur without doubt the force of this Charm had been quickly broken Every Pope hath not
been so fortunate as the Nuntio of Julius II. who tho taken Prisoner by Francis after the Battel of Ravenna received Hommages from the Souldiers Prostrate at his Feet and begging his pardon for having fought against the Church Such an influence hath the force of Religion on the minds of the people 'T was in vain that Boniface VIII put on his Pontifical Robes at Anagina notwithstanding this his Jawes were bruised with a blow of a Gantlet and he thrust into Prison 'T was therefore necessary to joyn a second policy to the former and support this falsly named Spiritual Dominion with a Worldly Pomp and Grandeur Men are compounded of Flesh and Blood the Passions are ever the prevailing Party and the senses are the Faculties which bear the chief sway in the conduct of men 'T was therefore necessary to maintain this Dominion that men should see something that affects the senses and engageth the Passions Therefore it hath been the Policy of that Spirit which framed this Engine to heap together vast Treasures to have stately Palaces to change Priests into secular Princes to furnish them with greath Revenues with pompous Retinues with sumptuous Tables and indeed with every thing that belongs to Worldly Glory This Policy is owned by the considerable persons of the Roman Church you need only read what hath been written by Pallavicino in his History of the Council of Trent and the Collection out of him drawn up by another Author of the same Religion in an ingenious Book called The new Gospel of Cardinal Pallavicino There it is shewn that the Cardinal makes it a matter of necessity that the Pope and the Church should be Rich and Wealthy should have Palaces Benefices Princes who are equall to secular Princes We cannot doubt that this Policy hath been of admirable use to the Antichristian Monarchy for 't is certain that if the Bishops of Rome had continued poor as they were for the three first Ages of the Church they had never made themselves Masters of the World. Thunderbolts issuing forth from a Cottage or a Tent would not long have astonisht men But coming from the Vatican from a Palace that in poynt of splendour may dispute with the most magnificent in the world people believed that there was indeed something real in those painted Thunderbolts The Authors of the Logick of Port-Royal Part 3. cap. 19. have made a judicious remarque No man doth expresly argue at this rate such a one hath ten thousand pounds per annum therefore he is in the right He is of a Noble Familie therefore we must believe every thing he saith Nevertheless something like this rate of arguing is found in the minds of most men which unawares corrupts their judgments c. They approve every thing done or spoken by a Great man through a secret condescension of mind which bowes down under the weight of Grandeur and wants Courage to look it in the face This is the very Method that the Papacy hath used to gain the minds of men which being once gain'd by this Pomp of Riches and Worldly Grandeur have argued at this rate The Pope is a great Prince therefore be is in the right therefore he hath Authority to do as he doth Yea this very thing hath helped to delude the Popes themselves A Great Person who taketh no pains to rectify the impressions which his secular Grandeur makes on his mind is easily brought to believe that he excels other men as much in moral and intellectual Qualitties as he doth in Riches and Dignitie Thus the Popes seeing themselves to be served as Kings and adored as Gods have easily believed that they have a rightful Authority over the whole World. Third Policy a gain●n● all the Great ones of the World to its party Again 't is an admirable Policy of the Papacy to have the Art of engaging on its side all the Great Families of Europe and of binding them to itself by the strongest of all the Passions viz. Ambition and Covetousness If the Court of Rome had engross'd her Grandeur and Riches to her self alone it had been the Object of the Envy of all other Courts and its Regency which depends onely upon the Consent of men could not have lasted long But as it hath Riches in all places so it bestowes Preferments in all places Rome is the Common City of the nations the whole World hath the Priviledge of Citizens There is not a great Family which doth not possess great benefices and supports their Luxury and vanity by the Churches Patrimony This Patrimony is the spoyls which have been taken from the World. When ever this Church is ruin'd all these Spoyls must be restored to the owners to whom they belong Therefore all the Great ones are concern'd to maintain this Monarchy which furnisheth them with Provisions for their Luxury and other lusts This consideration makes me assert that there never was any Monarchy in the world which had such firm Foundations as this It hath no Enemies among those who are led by Sense and lust nor can have On the contrary the whole world adores it to get a share in its Favours 'T is a wonder that the Empire of old Rome lasted so long What Interest had the Roman Provinces to contribute to the Grandeur of one City whiles they themselves were Slaves Here the case is not the same all consent to the Greatness of new Rome because all reign with her Priests may come to be Abbots Abbots to be Bishops Bishops to be Cardinals and all the Cardinals of whatever nation to be Popes Fourth Poli●y●s the Hierarchy That which is call'd the Roman Hierarchy is again a piece of admirable Policy This subordination of the Members of this great Body is a Bond which makes it firm The Curates are subject to the Rural Deans these Deans to their Bishop the Bishop to the Metropolitan the Metropolitan to the Primate the Primate to the Pope And this Pope is call'd the Center of Unity This Fiction is one of the last things which will be ruin●d Our French men who are cured of the fondness for the Popes power cannot as yet free themselves from this They adore this great Image whose Head is of Gold the Shoulders of Silver the Belly of Brass the Thighs of Iron the Feet of Earth The disproportion between the Pope and the petty Clergy is greater than that between Gold and Dust There must be a Stone cut without hands out of a Mountain an unconceivable Blow of Divine Power to break this Image in pieces 5. Policy The founding the various Orders of Monks Behold another very cunning Policy of the Papal Monarchy the founding of the different Orders of Monks which are as so many Citadels of this Kingdom These men have an Art to make themselves Masters of Families and Consciences They inspire all their Disciples with Maximes of Submission and Slavery to the Holy See as 't is named They stir up Subjects against
orders and comply with them no farther than they think good If after this we should examin the whole conduct of the Papacy it will appear altogether conformable to that spirit of humane policy whereby the whole body is compounded and all its parts united When any difference in Religion comes to be determin'd provided that the persons whose different Opinions are under examination are favorable to the Court of Rome all their Heresies are but trivial Mistakes but if they are less bigotted for the Pope all their Opinions deserve an Anathema Grace by it self efficacious is sound doctrine in the Jacopins but down-right Heresy in the Jansenists the plain reason is because these latter are enemies to the Pelagianism of the Church of Rome as well as to its Tyranny Because the Protestants are Adversaries to the Pope they must be Hereticks in the Article concerning the Trinity and that of the Incarnation of Christ They must err mortally when they say that Concupiscence is a sin notwithstanding Baptism and the marriage bond is dissolved by Adultery Let us look into the Popish Councils and we shall evidently discover this Spirit of Human Policy there we may see all the Arts and Tricks and Devices that are in use in the World for men to gain what they desire and reach the ends they aim at All the world hath observ'd this in the Council of Trent 't is every where complain'd of and all men consent to the truth of what was said by the Marquis of Lansac the French Ambassador that the Holy-Ghost who was invok't at the opening of that Council came every week from Rome in a Cloak-bag with the post letters It hath often been observ'd that the conduct of that Councill was altogether by the spirit of Worldly Bolicy and had nothing at all of the Character of a Divine spirit and yet those Canons which were forg'd by the Tricks of Humane Policy must be obtruded on us as Divine Decisions from the Spirit of God. In a word if we would see the Politiques of the Roman Church in the source and fountain and upon the Threne we need but go to Rome All the Courts in the World how refined and subtle soever are but meer Blockishness and Stupidity in comparison of that of the Pope Cardinal Pallavicin mentions this to the honour of his Religion pretending that Policy is the Principal of all moral vertues and that the Church ought to be govern'd according to the Politicks of Aristotle and after the Maxims of the Pagan Common-wealths CHAPTER III. The Pretence of Infallibility and eternal Duration The third Character of the Antichristian Kingdom HEre is an Example that will teach us how much we ought to be on our guard with respect to fair Pretences and Appearances that we be not surpriz'd and deceiv'd by ' em Doubtless if there be any strength in any thing of the Papacy it must be in their pretence of Infallibility For nothing can be more specious and glittering than their Arguments about the Necessity of an Infallible Judge upon Earth They have had recourse to this Article as their last refuge for twenty five or thirty years last part There is good reason they should make it an Idol because 't is their Tutelar God and if men could once be brought off from this Chimaera of the Infallibility of the Roman Church she were utterly lost 'T is her only Foundation by the removal whereof she tumbles to the ground But this Principle which appears so comely so useful so necessary is the most Pernicious the most false and the most absurd that was ever alledg'd This makes me say that we ought to stand upon our guard with respect to the fairest Appearances Rome the Eternal and Infallible is the name of Blasphemy of the Beast The first fault I find with this Principle is that it is one of the Characters of the Antichristian Kingdom according to the Prophets When S. John describes it under the image of a Beast he saith that on his heads was writ a name of Blasphemy All the Ancients and moderns ever since S. Jerom hold it for certain that the name of Blasphemy there is that of Rome the Eternal and I cannot question it The City of Rome hath alaways pretended to an endless Duration Virgil makes Eternity to be one part of her Destiny and makes Jupiter say Imperium sine fine dedi Now this is blasphemy because unchangeableness is one of the divine Perfections incommunicable to a Creature All things under the Sun are subject to change Modern Rome is much more guilty of Blaspheray than Rome Pagan was of old Not only doth she say that her Monarchy shall never cease shall not be destroyed untill three years and an half before the end of the world but declares that her faith can never be changed that the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against it So that now more than ever doth Rome carry the name of Blasphemy on its fore-head Rome the Eternal This is that which is afterwards exprest by those words of S. John And there was given him a Mouth Rev. c. 13. v. 5. speaking great things and Blasphemies For those great things can be nothing else than the great Encomiums and glorious Titles she gives her self of being the Queen of all other Churches the seat of Infallibility the Eternal Temple of the H. Ghost the Fountain of Oracles the Infallible Interpreter of the H. Scripture the Judge of the Prophets and Apostles the soveraign Decider of all Controversies who makes and discovers the Authority of the sacred Writings without whom they deserve no credit All these great things which she speaks of herself what are they but so many Blasphemies against God for none can ascribe that to themselves which belongs only to God without Blasphemy Rev. c. 18. v. 7. But this Character of Antichristianism doth most plainly appear in those words of the Apostle She hath glorified herself and lived deliciously she saith in her heart I sit as a Queen and am no Widow and shall see no sorrow 'T is Babylon who speaks thus or the H. Ghost who introduceth Babylon thus boasting of her self She hath glorified her self This the Church of Rome doth by assuming to her self the most glorious Titles that can be given to a Society she hath said in her heart I am Queen the Mistress of the world the Chair of the Vniverse the Metropolis of the Catholick Church God hath establisht me to be an Head unto all Christians He hath intrusted his own Power in my Hands the happiness or misery the good or evill Destiny of Mankind is at my dispose I shall never be a Widow the Holy spirit whose spouse I am will never abandon me he will love me forever and continually guide me in the Way of Truth and be with me to the end of the world I shall never see Sorrow or Mourning I shall never fall into Error or know what it is to dye I shall allways
rejoyee in my own Light and Glory and of my Kingdom there shall be no end This is the stile of Rome of Mystical Babylon let us then discern the true Babylon in the language of Rome and hear the voice of Rome in the stile of Babylon The second fault to be found with this pretence of Infallibility and eternal Duration is the multitude of gross Absurdities contained in it which we are here to lay open Absurdities contain'd in the doctrine of Infallibility First 't is supposed without any show of Reason that God hath divided the Infallibility necessary to salvation into two parts and cut off one half of it There are two ways which lead to Heaven Faith and Charity sound Belief and Good Works First an Infallibility in matters of Faith and not of Charity 'T is in vain to pretend to be infallible in the one if without being so in the other a man may perish and fall short of Heaven The Church of Rome hath not the Impudence to say she is infallible in the point of Charity and yet she would be thought so in matters of Faith. But on what foundation doth she build this Pretence Where do we read that God hath divided Faith from Charity as if the latter were less necessary than the former as if men might be saved who sinn'd against the Laws of Charity but might not be so if they offended against the Rules of Faith As if these two ways were not equally certain to guide us to eternal Life as if God might dispense with Crimes against Charity but could not bear with Errors against the Truth All or nothing both or neither The Church must be infallible in both or it is so in neither Whence comes this extravagant Division why dae not the Roman Church pretend to be infallible in Charity as well as Faith but because she is convinc't of an abominable Defection and Disorder in Manners and Practice but ought she not to be equally convinc't that she is fallen into Error because she worships Images An Error in the Faith every whit as palpable and notorious as the Sodomies of the Popes is against Charity Infallibility in points of Right and not in matters of Fact is ridiculous Another division of Infallibility is with respect to matters of Fact and those of Right The Church of Rome dares not pretend to the former but challengeth the latter at this rate she will not be infallible in the most important Articles All the Christian Religion is founded on matters of Fact. 'T is a question of Fact to know whether Jesus Christ be risen from the Dead whether the Apostles wrought any true Miracles whether there have been any Prophets and inspired writers who were the penmen of such and such books or not 'T is concerning a matter of Fact to enquire whether such a Proposition be recorded in the H. Scriptures or not If the Church of Rome be not infallible in matters of Fact in general she cannot be so in these and if she may err in matters of Fact wherein lies her Infallibility Lastly there is yet another division of Infallibility viz. as to Discipline and Doctrines The Roman Church pretends not to Infallibility concerning the latter What is that Discipline wherein she saith she is infallible 'T is in every thing that concerns the Government of the Church The Roman Hierarchy the constituting of a Pope to be the Head of the Church is a point of Government she may err concerning that which is a Principal point and why then may she not err in other matters The seat of this Infallibility connot be found This Infallibility is no less absurd if we consider the subject of it in whom it resides Where and in whom is this Infallibility plac't they know not what reply to make If it be said in the Pope we can produce an hundred Popish Witnesses who depose the contrary and maintain that the Popes may err We can produce with them numberless Instances wherein several Popes have actually err'd we can bring undeniable proofs to manifest that neither the Scripture nor the ancient Christian Church did ever imagine the Bishops of Rome or any other Bishop to have been infallible One part of the Romanists assert that this Infallibility is seated in the Councills We confute this Party with the reasons of the other for those Gentlemen are Infallible when they confute one another but speak nothing to the purpose when they go about to establish their own opinion for when they oppose one another they argue for the Truth but when they endeavor to prove their own Opinion concerning the seat of Infallibility they maintain a falshood So that the Pope is not Infallible neither the Councills their infallibility then is no where for if it be said it is in the Pope and a Councill united together we shall make use of their Arguments who say it is not in the Pope and their Reasons who deny it is in a Councill and will therupon argue that if it be not in either separated it is not in both when joyn'd together for both united are the same they were in the time of their separation they act by the same spirit make use of the same Tricks to deceive the same Injustice and Violence as when considered severally We know not where to stop as to the point of Infallibility Infallibility then is foolish and absurd whether we consider the subject about which it is imploy'd or the subject in whom it is thought to reside But let us view it a little in the general notion of it and in the general term of the Church which they make use of The Church is Infallible they say but how shall I be assured of this for should the Church be never so Infallible if I know it not and have no way to ascertain my self about it it can be of no use to me Is it a Principle so self-evident as needs no other proof to manifest and evince it Is it as plain that the Church is Infallible as that two and two make four or that the whole is greater than a part That is an Absurdity too gross and palpable to be affirm'd by any Romanist 'T is so far from being evident that the Church is infallible that on the contrary we must proceed against all appearances of reason to believe it For we see the Church of Rome doth judge by humane methods debate contest urge sollicit equivovate and deceive and imploy all the arts of Human Craft and Policy to overcome such or such an Opinion We see her oftentimes to change her sentiments and say that at one time which she did not and would not at another we see her contradict the H. Scriptures forbid that which is there commanded and command that which is there forbidden at least she seems to do so This appearance of opposing the H. Scripture will at least refute the evidence of her Infallibility and tell us
true sense of Scripture one sect interpreting it one way and another sect in a different manner So that I cannot be discharg'd from the obligation to inquire after the true Church among the many differing Sects and to search for it in some way different and independant from that of the Scripture Upon all that I have said I would make these two Reflections First that this pretence of Infallibility on the one hand is the character of Mystical Babylon who boasts of her being alway Queen and that she shall never see sorrow on the other hand that 't is full of Absurdities and Inconsistencies Secondly that this Antichristian false and inconsistent Principle according to the Church of Rome is the great fundamental Principle of Christianity I wish men would reason a little upon these two Reflections in some such manner as this If God hath bestowed on the Church the priviledge of Infallibility 't is one of the best and greatest advantages that can be 't is the Basis of Christianity now it is not plain or probable that God should give for the ground of his Religion such a principle loaded with so many difficulties on the one hand and on the other containing a pretention which the Scripture speaks nothing of save in the mouth of the false Prophet and Antichrist This pretended Infallibility should have been as clear as a Sun upon an high Mountain to give light to all the Faithful at the greatest distance But instead of being so 't is an ocean of impassible Darkness The wisdom of God would not have suffer'd such a Truth to be clog'd with so many absurdities which being the principal and foundation of all others ought to have been the clearest and discernable by the most Ignorant It must not be said that 't is the fate of the Christian Articles to show great Depths and Mysteries in the difficulties which attend 'em and produce the Articles of the Trinity and Incarnation for Examples For we must carefully distinguish those Truths which we are to believe from the Principle for the sake whereof we ought to believe ' um It is not necessary that the Truths we are to believe should be disintangl'd from Difficulties 't is sufficient if the Authority or Testimony on which we give credit to 'um be not obscure or at least have sufficient light to manifest it self to a free and unprejudic'd mind Such is the H. Scripture whose Divinity and true Meaning are visible to all those whose eyes are inlighten'd by the Grace of God. Whereas this Principle of the Infallibility of the Church is visible to none but such whose eyes are shut by their own Prejudices CHAPTER IV. The fourth Character of Antichristianism that is found in the Roman Church is the manner of their dealing with the H. Scriptures the common Rule of all Christians WHile we are on the subject of Blasphemy 13 Exception part 2. chap. 5. which is the proper Character of the Antichristian Beast who carries written on its Heads the Name of Blasphemy and to whom is given a mouth speaking great things and Blasphemies we must go on to show after what manner she treats the H. Scriptures Her carriage in this respect is an exact accomplishment of what was foretold concerning her And she shall open her mouth in Blasphemies Revel 13. v. 6. even to Blaspheme against God and his Tabernacle and those who dwell in Heaven This pretence of Perpetuity and Infallibility which she bears on her forehead is the name of Blasphemy that is writ on the head of the Beast But the manner after which she vilifies and annuls the H. Scripture is in words full of Blasphemy 1. Against God for the H. Ghost who inspired those sacred Writings is infinitely affronted and provoked by it 2. Against his Tabernacle for this H. Scripture is the Dwelling-place of God and his H. Spirit the Ark from whence he speaks between the Cherubims the Temple whence he gives forth his Oracles 3. And against those who dwell in Heaven for the Blessed Prophets and H. Apostles who were the Organs of the H. Spirit are greatly affronted by her treating their Writings after such a manner This Antichristian proceeding of the Papacy against the H. Scripture may be reduc't to three Articles 1. Their Contempt and neglect of the Scripture 2. Their Abuse and ill use of it 3. The out-rage they commit against it by False Accusations for Popery neglects and slights the word of God and hath no esteem or value for it They miserably abuse and wrest it and lastly they accuse it of many faults Popery endeavours to avoid any conformity to the H. Scripture I say then in the first place that 't is the true Character of Antichrist to take no care to comply with the Rule of Christianity Every Religion hath its proper Books the Jews have Moses and the Prophets for theirs the Mahumetans have their Alchoran and the Pagans had their sacred Books and Rituals and accounted it their duty to be exactly Conformable to ' em If the Jews should rebuild a Temple and therein practise such Customs and Ceremonies as had no agreement at all with the Law of Moses we might with justice tell 'em you are not of the Religion that you profess for your Worship and Doctrines have no agreement with the Religion prescribed in Your Law. If among the several sects into which the Mahumetans are divided there should be any that pretending to receive the Alchoran should yet have nothing like it but altogether depart from it would it not be evident that such a Sect were not of the Religion of Mahomet Ought we not to argue after the same manner against the Papacy You call your selves Christians let us see how you prove it if you say true you ought to have some conformity with the sacred Books receiv'd by all Christians But if there be no kind of Conformity and Agreement between your Doctrines your Worship your Religion and that of J. Christ you are certainly Christians only in name but in Truth and reality are Antichristian Now I dare assert that there is no kind of Conformity between Popery and the Laws of J. Christ which to me is an undoubted Character of Antichristianism Paganism 't is true hath no agreement with the Rule of Christians and the Law of Christ but it doth not pretend to have any and therefore cannot be charged with Antichristianism But for men to call themselves Christians and yet neglect the Laws of Christ and have no agreement with the Christian Rule this is to be Antichristian For the Antichristian Church is a false Church an Harlot who pretends to be the Spouse of Christ who saith I am no Widow and shall never see sorrow Therefore to confirm this Character there needs nothing more than to prove that Popery hath no agreement with the H. Scriptures In the Roman Religion Popery must be distinguisht from Christianity To prove that their Religion is
the Texts they bring for the proof of their fable of Purgatory Worship in an Vnknown Tongue Pilgrimages and a thousand other things There is nothing evident if this be not viz. that Popery hath no agreement at all with the H. Scripture But that this may be more apparent and manifest to all the World let me make these two Reflections and let the Reader therin follow me Christianity and Popery consider'd in the gross are directly contradictory First By a Comparison of the whole Scripture and all that we find there with the whole body of Popery by thus comparing it in the gross we shall see on the one hand the pompous show of the Roman Religion her High Priest seated on a stately Throne with his three Crowns calling himself the Supreme Judge of the Church a Vice-God the Leiutenant of J. Christ the King of Kings Magnificent Temples Altars Images and Worshippers who bow down before Wood and Stone Altars on which men offer Sacrifice with all the Equipage of those Religions which do most abound in Ceremonies Priests who are clothed in Mystical Habits who perform a thousand Actions that savour of Pride and are said to be full of Mysteries Spiritual Judges sitting in Chairs of Confession with Penitents at their feet repeating all their Crimes and craving Absolution A Worship wherein creatures are joyn'd in the Praises of the Creator over which especially they have drawn the vail of an unknown Language that the People and Fools may admire the more what they do not understand Processions wherin they carry either the Sacrament of the Altar or Reliques where several fraternities march in State and great Pomp where we see all the world bow down to the Earth and kiss the Dust in honour of the Ashes of some one deceased or of a Rag which they call the Girdle or Shift of the Virgin or her Slipper On the other hand let us cast our eyes upon the New Testament and observe the Simplicity of worship which is enjoyn'd there viz. Prayers that are the most plain and unadorned which have God alone for their Object The breaking a little piece of Bread in Honour and for the Remembrance of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ The sprinkling a little Water upon an Infant who is to be admitted into the society of Christians The publishing of the Mysteries of the Gospel with the greatest plainness and in such a manner as may be profitable to all If any seeth something else besides this in the New Testament he will do us a kindness to tell us of it And if this doth in the least resemble the magnificent and pompous Worship of Popery he will oblige us by letting us know it We ought not therefore only to compare the particular Doctrines and Services of Popery with particular passages of Scripture but 't is useful to make this Comparison between the whole body and mass of Popery and the whole body of true Christianity For these objects placed one against another make the deeper impression and more sensibly discover the prodigious difference between Popery and the Common Rule of Christians The Papacy is always on the defensive against the Scriptures The second Reflection which I would have made upon this subject respects the manner how the Church of Rome defends herself against the Accusation which we have now brought against her We accuse her for want of conformity in any measure unto that Rule which is common to us both The natural Method of justifying herself would be to take this sacred Rule and apply it to her Religion to evidence their Agreement Indeed the Papacy pretends a willingness to try this Method But it makes itself ridiculous in a most palpable manner when it attempts to find its Doctrines and Services in the Scriptures as we have even now proved Accordingly it stayeth not here its strength lyes in weakning all those Testimonies of the Holy Writings by which we overthrow its Superstitions Idolatries and Errors You alwayes find it on its guard always on the defensive against the Scripture alwayes wrestling alwayes winding alwayes fighting in retreat always entrenching it self in a bulwark which is called Tradition If you object against it the express Law which forbids the making of Images and bowing down to them it distinguisheth between an Idol and an Image between the Images of false Gods and those of Saints If you attaque it with the often repeated Commandment of serving none besides God it saves it self in the mists which come forth from the pits of Superstition and Barbarity I mean the distinctions of Doulia Latria and Hyperdoulia If you charge it with the impudent wickedness of robbing the Laity of the use of the Cup against the express Command Drink ye all of it it retreats to the monstrous terms of Transubstantiation and Concomitance If you produce express passages of Scripture which say that Jesus Christ was sacrificed and dyed but once it distinguisheth between the Vnbloody and the Bloody Sacrifice If you prove that Christ hath fully satisfyed for our sins it distinguisheth between Eternal and Temporal Punishments If you undenyably make it out by Scripture that there is but one Head of the Church they run to a distinction between a Ministerial and Principal Head. If you show them that the forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats are characters of the Doctrines of Devils according to S. Paul they distinguish between an Abstinence which proceeds from aversion out of an Opinion that some Meats are unclean and an Abstinence out of a mere design to mortify ones self If you bring them plain Texts which say in express terms that divine Worship is not to be performed in an Vnknown Tongue they wrest them by saying that we must distinguish between Holy and Profane Languages In a word go quite thro Popery observe its combats you will see it every where defending itself by distinguishing and warding off the Rule of Christianity which attaques it If ever there was a Character of Antichristianism this is one Antichristian and Antiscriptural have a very great agreement There is no Sect which deserves the second Title more than the Papacy therefore it is the former If the Papacy only had the misfortune of not finding Supports in the Scriptures and that we could find nothing in them to bring against it we should stand almost on equal terms with it and ought to seek some other Judge But the Roman Religion finds nothing in the Scriptures to support itself nay it finds a thousand things to ruin and destroy it This is the reason why it treats the Scriptures as an Enemy whose Assaults it every where meets and every where feels its blows But 't will be objected Are we not obliged to answer the Heriticks who abuse the Holy Scriptures against the Truth Must we not on such occasions distinguish and explain the Rule To this I reply that we are obliged to answer But we are not constrain'd
is the Sun and that the Emperor is but the Moon who hath all his authority from the Pope who gives him the Empire and that in the interregnum between the death of one Emperor and the Election of another the whole soveraign power comes into the Popes hands That Kings are only the doggs of his flock but the Pope is the only shepherd That he hath all Lawes in the cabinet of his breast that he is the Cause of Causes that he keepeth the keys of Heaven and hell that he hath authority to command the Angels that he is the Infallible Judge of the whole Church that none can be saved but in communion with him that the Old and New Testaments ought not to be received but because the H. Pope hath so pronounced that he can change the natures of things and make something out of nothing that his power is greater than that of all the Saints and that the Pope is the only Bishop and the rest are but his subdeligates and have no power but from him that Emperors and Kings ought to adore his Pontifical Crown and his Diadem that all Kingdoms are tributary to him and that he may constrain all the Commonwealths of the world to pay him Tribute that he is the stomach of the Church and consequently it belongs to him to distribute nourishment i. e. riches and wealth to the whole body But what perhaps these pretentions are vain and without effect Quite the contrary For the Pope took the actuall possession of all those pretended Rights Proud actions of the Popes as far as he was able Divers Popes have deposed Emperors and Kings They took away the Empire from Henry IV. Frederick I. and Frederick II. they depriv'd several Families of the Kingdom of Naples and bestow'd it on others Innocent III. gave the Kingdom of England to Philip August King of France After that he assum'd it to himself and made King John pay him homage for it as his Tributary and Vassal Alexander VI. gave the West-Indies to the Kings of Spain by the title of a Kingdom Julius II. took away Navarre from its lawfull Soveraings to bestow it on the Spaniards The Popes have setled Imposts and Taxes throughout all their Dominions and appointed Receivers to Collect the money They have forc'd the Greatest Monarchs actually to kiss their feet they have trod upon the necks of Princes and kickt their crowns from off their heads assoon as they had put them on and made 'em hold the Stirrup while they got on horseback they have obliged them to come and ask pardon on their knees in the habit of Penitents stript of all their royal Robes they have sent swords to Princes to let them know that they have all their power and authority from them they have pronounc't Anathema's against all who would not obey them and declar'd them to be Accursed of what rank quality or condition soever they be who should refuse obedience They have appear'd in publick with a magnificence and pomp that was rather divine than Royal they make the H. Sacrament which is their God to be carried in a less honorable place and manner than they themselves It is carried upon an Hackney while the Popes are born upon mens shoulders of whom the Emperor is to be one if he be at Rome at the time of the great Ceremony They actually grant dispensations contrary to the laws of God in Oaths and in the forbidden degrees of Marriage They exalt themselves above their own Saints who are their Gods for they canonize'em and decree them to have the honour of Altars and Incense whenever they please They open the Gates of Purgatory to fetch Souls from thence whenere they have a mind to do so They give Indulgences for Sodomy and Buggery for the murder of Parents and for Incest with a mother or sister Could God himself do more There is not a tittle of all this but is notorious matter of fact known and acknowledg'd ledg'd or sufficiently proved by undeniable Instances in our History of Popery and Legal Exceptions Is it possible that the eyes of mankind should continue shut as to these things was there ever any picture more like the original How can it be that we should not confess that this is he who should oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God and worshipt and should carry himself as if he were God Is not this to exalt himself above the true God to dispense with his laws to assume to himself the adoration and worship that belongs to God to call himself his vicar and vicegerent without any authority or Commission to do so and take to himself the name of a God upon Earth Is it not to exalt himself above all that is called God to advance himself above all those who are called Gods and the sons of the most High above the Kings of the Earth who bear the Image of God Is it not to exalt himself against that which is worshipt to take place of the H. Sacrament of the Altar which they adore as God to prefer himself before Glorified Saints and Angells to whom they build Temples and confer upon 'em divine Honour Lastly is it not to act as if he were God to pretend to be Infallible which God alone is to require that men should worship him and kiss his feet to rule over the Kings of the Earth to depose them at pleasure and set up others to exact tribute from the whole Church and stile himself the chief Shepherd and only Bishop of Souls The vanity of the popish Excuses for all this Pride Shall we always be put off with this pittifull reply that these are only proud pretences of some Popes and that we are not to judge of their true Authority by such attempts as the wisest and best men among the Papists do at this day condemn that these are only particular Opinions of some in the Roman Church who with the Prot. Ministers abuse the people to make the Holy See odious to the People Prudence is an admirable thing and so is the blindness of the Gallican Church and of the present Clergy of France to facilitate the return of the Protestants to the Church of Rome they deprive the Pope of his soveraign power they delare that he is not Infallible that he is not above the universal Church but the Church is superior to the Pope that he hath no authority to depose Princes or to dispense with the oaths of allegiance and fidelity in subjects upon any pretence whatever no not in the case of Religion But what do they do by all this they declare the Pope to be a Monster of Pride who doth arrogantly ascribe to himself a soveraign Power which doth no way belong to him and that all the bold attempts he hath made to dethrone Emperors and depose Kings and cause so many thousands to be murder'd to preserve himself in this authority are enormous crimes villanies and Injustice
Babylon do insultingly ask us Where were those who denyed to adore the Eucharist or pray to Saints and that we should name those hidden Believers We take our turn to ask them shew us those honest people who did not partake in these Monkish superstitions as you call them Shew us those true Catholicks who worshipped God in all purity and who prayed to Saints only to place them in the number of those who pray to God. In the publick Hymns compos'd by Popes we find instances of Idolatry But behold two or three Evidences sufficient to stop the mouthes of these Gentlemen the Advocates of Popery whose deformities they conceal with so much cunning The First is That in their publick Hymns authorised by the Church publickly sung printed in their Missials and Hours we find these same Superstitions which they own to be Excesses and we call Blasphemies and Idolatries Have they not sung in one of the Hymns of the Roman Church monstra te esse matrem shew yourself to be his mother i.e. command your Son with the Authority of a Mother Did ever any private Author say anything more horrid than this that a Creature should in a way of Authority command its Creator Are there not these words in an antient Hymn positus in medio quo me vertam nescio which are spoken by a Devotionist plac'd between Jesus Christ and the Virgin and knoweth not which of them to prefer They were not therefore meer private persons who were guilty of these Excesses Our second Evidence is this that these Blasphemies have come out of the Mouthes of the Popes themselves of Popes I say who are the Mouth of Jesus Christ and who cannot err as 't was universally supposed in those times Was it not Pope Innocent III. who composed that Hymn in which these words are found Precor te Regina Coeli habeas me excusatum nam peccavi tibi soli i. e. I beseech Thee O Queen of Heaven to forgive me for 't is against Thee only I have sinn'd Is not this to put the Virgin in the place of God the great Lawgiver and soveraign Our third Proof is this that the Authors of this extravagant Devotion whose worship is full of Blasphemy have yet been canoniz'd One of these Saints is Cardinal Bonaventure another is Antonine Arch-Bishop of Florence There are others as St. Bernardin St. Anselme c. Did the Church at that time look upon these men with the same eye as Mr. Arnaud now doth would he increase the number of Saints by the names of those whom he stiles Wretched Authors and Pittiful Fellows such as Father Crasset and other sorry Iesuites A fourth Argument we may fetch from their Expurgatory Indexes If these Monkish Superstitions have been lookt upon as extravagant and excessive ever since the Council of Trent why are they not condemn'd why are they not raz'd out of their Writings why are not the Books forbidden wherefore do we not find them in some Index of forbidden Books and there have been many such printed at Rome and in Spain within an hundred and fifty years On the Contrary These Authors have been in vogue and as much esteem'd as formerly these Idolatrous Saints have kept their place in the Calender and their Statues been continued in Churches their Worship in the Roman service and their Festivals in the days of the year After this they must be very impudent to tell us that these excessive and extravagant Devotions were not the general Religion of the Roman Church for seven or eight hundred years This Extravagant Devotion which thus borders upon Idolatry doth yet continue As to that which these Gentlemen tell us that this is a thing past and gone and ought not to be jmputed to the present Roman Church because they are not now guilty but have reformed and brought back the Invocation of Saints to what it ought to be To this I say divers things may be answered First that granting the truth of this it would nevertheless be true that the Church of Rome hath been Idolatrous for seven or eight hundred years and this were enough to justifie our Charge of Idolatry against her and to prove the Character of the Kingdom of Antichrist belongs to the Papacy But I say further that this Assertion implies a much greater Impudence than the former Excuse for the darkness we are under as to former times might serve for a pretence in the denial of a matter of Fact concerning those times but all shame must be lost in those that will contest a present Truth and affirm that which our senses will evidence to be false whereof we may every day see the contrary What ought we then to judge of our modern Converters who so confidently assure their now Converts that all that was excessive in the Worship of Saints is now corrected and amended Is there any one thing abated of what we Charge them with do they not every day sing in their Churches those blasphemous Hymns against God and against the B. Virgin that we accuse 'em of wherin they call her The Tree of Life the Well of Living Water the Ocean of Graces the Light of the Church the Light of Hearts the Buckler of Mankind the Refuge of Mortals the Queen of Angells the Princess of Seraphims the Ark of the Covenant the Holy Altar the Repairer of all that Adam spoil'd the Judge of Quick and Dead Was there any thing worse than this ever said by the Bonaventure's Albertus's Antonine's Biel's c If the Virgin be the Light of the Living and of the Dead who inlightens every man that comes into the world if she be the Altar of our Propitiation the Asylom to which all men must have recourse if she hath restor'd all that Adam lost what remains for Jesus Christ to do and what could be said more of himself Is this past and gone doth it not still continue Is it not dayly sung in the Hymns and Letanies of the Virgin what Authority reduc'd the Church to the Truth in the point of the Invocation and Worship of Saints It may be the Council of Trent but have not the greatest part of these extravagant Authors we have quoted liv'd since the Council of Trent The Author of the signs of Predestination the Stellarium Binnet Salmeron Salazar Costerus Vasquez Father Suffren Carolus Scribanius and an hundred others who have liv'd in our age have they abated any thing on the contrary have they not out-done their Predecessors so far is the Idolatrous worship of the Virgin diminisht that within an hundred years it is very much augmented The opinion of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin was once a Probleme a disputable point but in our times the Monks have almost made it an Article of Faith. No man durst preach or write against it and since that time the votaries of the Virgin have kept no measures Kingdoms are put under her Protection and every Individual takes her for his Patroness
an absolute and totall Apostacy from the Christian Religion 'T is sufficient if it Symbolize with Paganism and very much resemble it This is also signified by what is said 13th chapter of the Revel that the Beast which was struck dead should revive again This Beast is the Roman Empire as Pagan There were two things considerable in that Beast His Kingdom and his Paganism the first had been struck dead by the Goths the other the Paganism had receiv'd a mortal Wound from the time of Constantine untill that of Theodosius but both must revive and recover again The Empire of the Beast in the Papal Domination and the Paganism in the Papal Religion The Papacy ressembles Paganism First in General because its Worship is neither Spirituall nor Rational as neither was the Religion of the Heathens Secondly in particular that the doctrines and worship of the Papacy are an imitation of the Pagan Religion by these two Articles of Conformity between Popery and Paganism I intend to prove the Paganism of the Romish Religion And in the first place I 'le prove that the Worship of the Papacy hath this in common with that of the Gentiles that it is neither Spiritual nor Reasonable The two Characters of Christian Worship are that it is Spiritual and National This is undeniable that the two great Characters of the Service and Worship of the Christian Religion are these two That it is Spiritual and that it is Rational By Spiritual I understand a Service freed from Ceremonies and bodily Observances By Reasonable I understand a Worship that is holy in its Institution full of Wisdom and Reason and proper to impress a lively sense of its Divinity by elevating the Soul unto God. Our Lord Jesus told the Samaritan Woman Woman believe me the hour Cometh John 4. c. v. 21 22 23 24. and now is that neither in this Mountain nor at Jerusalem shall ye worship the Father The true Worshippers are they who worship in Spirit and in Truth God is a Spirit and they who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth c. 'T is plain that the Spirit and a Spiritual Service are there appos'd to the Carnal Bodily Ceremonial Service of the Ancient Church S. Paul speaks in like manner to the Romans I beseech you Brethren by the Mercies of God that you present your bodies a living Sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your Reasonable Service That is the other Character of the worship of Christian Religion 'T is true Judaism had a corporal worship bodily exercise but it was reasonable being full of deep mysteries of types and lessons of piety but the worship of the Heathens had neither Spirituality nor reason Christian worship is altogether both Spiritual and Rational Nothing can be more Rational than to pray to God to sing his praise to offer him thanksgivings to hear his word and preach it to keep his commandments to receive the sign of our washing in Baptism and of our Spiritual nourishment in the Sacrament of the Eucharist In the Popish Religion there is just as much of Spirituality and of Reason as there is of Christianity therfore we find there prayers to God and Thanksgivings and Sacraments But so far forth as Popery hath made additions to Christianity there is nothing that is either Spiritual or Rational Popish worship neither Spiritual nor Reasonable First their worship is covered under an unknown Language a dead and barbarous one which the People understand not and that alone were enough to take away all the reason and spirituality of any such worship For tho all that is contain'd under that language convered under that va●l should be Spirit and Reason to the highest degree tho all should be devout pious full of unction and able to raise the soul to the third Heaven of what use could it be to what purpose could it serve we could perceive but the outside a frightfull carnal bark and cover that were only for the eye wherin even the ear can have no part but with respect to the symphony and Harmony of sounds Secondly All that we see is meerly corporeal viz. Churches adorn'd with extraordinary pride and pomp wherin is a glimmering Light mixt with darkness but inlightned with Lamps and candles with niches in the walls where we see Images of a Curious sculpture in rich and magnifick habits They who serve at their Altars have extraordinary garments both for matter and form and sometimes for cost too the service is not said but sung with Musick and the Masses of Great and Festival days accompanied with instrumental and vocal Musick The Body of the Clergy with all the People march often in great pomp a Cross lifted up and banners displaid and so walk thro the streets and sometimes the fields with this equipage The shrine of a Saint is sometimes carried in this manner before which one cries that all must kneel and all the people are presently on their knees Every year The God made by a Priest is carried in great pomp all the streets eccho with joy all places thro which they pass with this Ceremony are adorn'd with Tapistry and Pictures and the streets covered with Flowers nothing can be more like the pomp of Isis a part whereof is described by Apuleius Is this a spiritual and Rational worship Is not this like the Heathen worship who carried their Gods in procession upon sacred Chariots which they called Thensae Deorum Is not this to make Religion a meer spectacle a kind of Comedie In short all the devotion of the People comes to this to look upon Processions the shrines and Reliques of Saints the Ciborium where they put the H. Sacrament Altars Ornaments Tapistrys Pictures Images Crucifixes Priests Habits Canopies and the magnificence of the Train which follows according to Ceremony The Imagination and the Heart likewise are fill'd with this glittering outside and gawdy show which is so far from elevating the soul to God as is pretended that it stops and hinders it from mounting higher than to what is meerly external and earthly They pretend that this worship of theirs is very spiritual and full of Mysteries The Priest puts the Amict upon his head which is the name of his hood this signifies they tell us the Divinity of Jesus Christ which was hidden and concealed under his Passion He puts on the Albe or white surplice over his other cloaths because it is written thy garments shall be white and this to denote the Innocence of those who serve at the Altar The Subdeacon in some places kisses the right hand of the Priest who doth officiate because the right hand of the most High hath done valiantly The Priest or the Bishop doth sit down after the prayer in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ's fitting in the Temple to dispute with the Doctors of the Law. In a word there is not the most minute and trifling Ceremony of their worship but hath its
mystical and spiritual reason assign'd for 't But First these are meer Chimaera's and fancies which the first Inventers of these Ceremonies never dreamt of we are told of a learned man in the Church of Rome a Canon of Clugny who hath prepared a book for the press that will confute and shame the Durand's the Biels the Innocent's and the Disciples of such as have wrote of the Mysteries of the Mass for he will prove that all these Ceremonies are without any mystery and that they were only instituted upon motives of commodity and convenience or by meer hazard and occasion but suppose there were a mysterious Intention hidden under these Ceremonies were the service any whit the less carnal for this who allmost is there that understands these Mysteries A man must have been for a long time in a dream to have imagin'd those impertinent reasons which are brought by the mystical Authors of the Roman Church for all the parts of their external worship The Priests themselves do not know them and the People never heard one word concerning them so that they never see any thing but bodily exercise and a worship meerly corporeal and external The most important piece of worship in the Church of Rome is the Mass let us examin it a little whether it hath those two Characters of being Spiritual and Reasonable which are certainly two properties of every Service in the Christian Religion In the Mass the Priest being cloath'd with his Sacerdotal Habit begins with that which they call the Judica the Introitus and the Confiteor There some words taken out of the Psalms are thrust in and mixt with some words of prayer The Priest makes confession of his sins to God to the Virgin and to the Saints he demands absolution and he bestows it on the People he ascendes to the Altar he stoops down below it and mutters some prayers to himself of which no body understands either the sense or the sound He says to the People Cantate Domino i. e. sing to the Lord and yet no man dares sing He repeats several times Kirie Eleison Christe Eleison Greek words whose meaning he knows not for 't is very common that he scarce understands the Latine of the Mass The Gradual is the second part of the Mass in which he sings some kind of songs that are different according to the time and Days on which Mass is read the Deacon prepares himself to read the Gospell he prays to God in Latin that he would purify his Lips the Priest gives him his blessing and makes many signs of the Cross over him The Deacon kisseth the hand of the Priest and makes the sign of the Cross with the thumb of his right hand over the Book over himself upon his forehead his mouth and stomach he perfumes the Book with Incense and being thus well armed against the charms of the Devill by his Grimace and wry-faces he reads the Gospell of the day but the poor People in the mean while understand nothing The reading being over the Priest returns the Book saying these words Per Evangelica dicta deleantur nostra Delicta i. e. by the sayings of the Gospell may our sins be blotted out The Deacon burns Incense the Priest reads the Creed and turning towards the People he says Dominus vobiscum After the Gradual comes the Offertory in which the Priest taking the dish wherin are the unconsecrated wafers he offers them unto God with these words Holy Father God Almighty and Eternal receive this immaculate sacrifice which I thine unworthy servant offer unto Thee my living and true God for my innumerable sins offences and negligences and for all those who are here present round about and for all faith full Christians Living and Dead that it might be profitable to their salvation in Eternal Life Observe that 't is all this while but meer bread But what kind of Bread think ye little loose leaves of paper made with a little flower and bak't between two Irons This is the propitiatory oblation that is offer'd for the Living and the Dead After this the Priest takes the Chalice and offers it likewise unto God he makes many Prayers that God would bless this sacrifice that he would accept it and that it may be gratefull and well-pleasing to him You must know that this was the sacrifice of the Mass before Transubstantiation was found out plain Bread and wine was then offer'd Judge then whether any man could believe that this was a true propitiatory Sacrifice In this part of the Mass every thing that can be imagin'd is done to make this bread and wine to be a propitiatory Sacrifice They offer it to God they offer it to the honour of the Saints and of the Virgin and say unto the People Pray to God that this Sacrifice which is yours and mine may be acceptable to him 'T is in this part that the Secrets are said they are short Prayers spoken with a low voice but are concluded with a per omnia saecula saeculorum which breaks forth in a voice of Thunder after a deep silence Lastly comes the Canon of the Mass which is an additional peice in favor of Transubstantiation There begins the Consecration and the Body of Jesus Christ then comes upon the Altar There the Priest changes postures and makes an hundred grimaces he speaks and then holds his tongue he stoops down then raiseth himself up and kisses the sides of the Altar He makes many signs of the cross he prays for the Popes for Kings and for him in particular on whose account that Mass is said He offers to the honour of God of the Virgin of the Apostles and of the Martyrs when the consecration is over he rises up and worships After this he proceeds to the true propitiatory Sacrifice He offers the Body of J. Christ praying God that it may be as agreable to him as the Sacrifice of Abel i. e. they compare the Body of our Lord to that of a dead Beast The Priest strikes upon his breast several times he uncovers the chalice and makes many signs of the Cross over the Blood of J. Christ to drive the Devil from it He sings he prays and then sets down the chalice and the consecrated wafers upon the corporal that is to say upon the linnen of the Altar He again takes up the Dish wherin the wafers are he makes over himself a great sign of the Cross and breaks the wafer into three pieces He throws one back into the chalice with the other he makes the signs of the cross over the chalice touching the foot of it the middle and the brim and then he stroaks his eyes with it He covers the chalice again he prays and returns to the side of the People and makes them kiss the Pax so they call a Trenchar or a little board on which is painted a Crucifix or the image of the Virgin. Then he puts himself in a posture to eat the wafer and
much more freely and say that these Visions are the Illusions of the Devil and these Miracles are the Cheats of the Monks Hear with what heat and zeal the good Father replyes 'T is an intolerable rashness says he to give the name of Tales and Fables to those Histories that are related by Authors eminent for Learning and Holiness and to reckon as the Mistakes of a weak understanding such Revelations as have merited the approbation of the Council of Basil of the Popes Gregory II. Urban VI. and Martin V. In the next Page the Reverend Father addeth For my part saith he I shall not think that I wrong the Historians of our Age if I give as much credit to St. Antonin who relates that Vincent Ferrier raised eight and thirty men from the dead as I do to all the stories in Gazetts out of which they make their Histories These grave Authors eminent for learning and Piety as F. Crasset calls'em are St. Antonin Arch-Bishop of Florence Bartholomew of Pisa Author of the Book of Conformities Pelbart of Temiswar the Speculum of Vincent Bernardin de Bustis the Monk Caesarius the Annalists of the Monks and in a word all the Authors out of which we have taken our proofs Our new Converts as they are called ought to be very wary as to this point They persuade'em that all these Extravagancies these Cheats these Fables and Legends are at this day out of date We shall see that in a little time In the mean while they ought to know that F Crasset who asserts the credit of those Books which some despise and decry is esteemed and approved by the whole Gallican Church it self What ought to be said to the superstitious and credulous as to the matter of Legends and that those of his sentiment are still the bulky part of the Papacy What is to be done with such people 'T is best I think to leave 'em to their evil Genius as those Patients whose case is desperate and say to 'em well even remain Fools without judgment and without conscience seeing you have a mind to be so believe that Vincent Ferrier raised 38. from the dead and Jacynthe 52. Take for Gospel the horrible Lyes collected by your Batholomew of Pisa by your S. Antonin by your Caesarius c. But give us leave to look on you as persons given up to a reprobate mind This in my opinion is all that can be said to these wretched creatures If they were capable of hearing reason we might thus bespeak them Consider in the name of God whether it is likely that your Monks and their Disciples have wrought more Miracles in ten years time than all the Prophets the Apostles and Iesus Christ himself have wrought in two thousand years We might add Reflect upon the impertinence of these Miracles which we have proved and judge if it be probable that the Wisdom of God should expose his Power to be turn'd into ridicule by doing mean sottish things and altogether unbecoming his Majesty The Famous Maimonides a Jewish Doctor in his Book of the Foundation of the Law makes an important and judicious remarque The Israelites saith he did not believe Moses because of his Miracles for one that would not believe unless there be Miracles might suspect lest the Miracle should be wrought by Sorcercy and Enchantment But all the Miracles that Moses did in the Desert he wrought them as it were out of necessity and not directly to confirm his Prophecy Thus it was necessary to divide the Red Sea to make a passage for the Israelites and to drown the Egyptians we wanted food therefore he brought down Manna from Heaven c. Indeed this deserves to be remarqu't God scarce ever hath wrought Miracles meerly to work them i. e. such kind of Miracles as are properly prodigies and serve only to discover the power of the Speaker All the Miracles of Iesus Christ and his Apostles were miraculous Cures raising of the Dead multiplying of Bread to feed the people There was always some profit and they were not meer prodigies And this is another evidence of the Falsehood of Popish Miracles that their Saints make impertinent prodigies which are good for nothing change pounds of Butter or heaps of Flegme into Gold make Light to stream out of their fingers make use of the Sun-beams or of the shadows of Trees to hang their Garments on Never any of the real Saints wrought such like Prodigies that are of no use and good for nothing in the world We might further say to these superstitious Creatures examin the Character of those Authors whom you style Eminent for learning and holiness Read their Writings and see if they deserve not very well those titles Men of leaden Hearts of Iron Months of Brasen Foreheads as some of your own Catholicks have called 'em on the account of their stupidity their barbarous style and their impudence in venting notorious Falsehoods for Truths We might also say to them Examin the Authors of the five first Centuries you will find in 'em some relations of Miracles especially in the fifth Century But is it the thousandth part of what is to be read in the Chronicles of Saints who have liv'd in the last seven or eight hundred years The Fathers and the Authors in whom we find the Narratives of these true or pretended Miracles wrought none themselves How comes this to pass Was the Jacopin Vincent Ferrier who raised 38. from the dead a greater Saint than S. Augustin who never rais'd one St. Athanasius the famous Champion of the Son of God and of the Holy Spirit St. Cyprian the glorious Martyr St. Polycarp the famous Disciple of the Apostles wrought no Miracles at all but St. Jacynthe a Polonian Dominican and Father d' Aviano a Capucin shall have the Priviledge to do that which the great Lights of the Church for Learning and Sanctity never did A man must have lost his reason if he believeth this When the Church was sorely assaulted by persecution and Heresie there was little talk of Miracles We might also say to these Gentlemen the Devoto's Pray tell us when the Church was cruelly persecuted by Heathens her Doctrine openly attacqu'd by Hereticks had she not more need to be supported by Signs and Miracles than in the time of S. Francis of S. Dominick of S. John Vincent Ferrier when she reign'd triumph't and was without Enemies And yet we hear of few or no Miracles when one would judg the Church stood in most need of 'em afterward we hear of millions when the Church did not want ' em But these Miracles they 'le say were wrought to authorize the new Religions i. e. the new Orders of Franciscans of Dominicans of Begging-brothers c. This is ingenious and well contrived that God should work a hundred fold more Miracles to establish the Order of St. Francis than he had wrought to establish the Christian Religion Observe well the design of these Miracles
of which you have whole heaps in the Legends 'T is to set on foot the Adoration of the V. Mary Invocation of Saints the Worship of Images of Reliques Purgatory and such like stuff Now is it probable that God should work no Miracles to confirm the Divinity of his Son and of his Holy Spirit which fundamental Articles were once cruelly opposed by the Arrians and afterwards should work Miracles without number to confirm some Devotions which 't is granted are not necessary Cheats discovered even in our Age. We might further say to these Devoto's who would have us believe all the stories of Miracles that are read in the Legends that if in so learned an Age as ours and in places where the Priests have so many Eyes to watch 'em they yet have the boldness to counterfeit Miracles they could surely do so in an Age when they acted behind the Curtain i. e. the ignorance and stupidity of the people who took pleasure in such Cheats And here we might relate to them a hundred Cheats of the Monks in the last Age and in the present one We might instance in the very late and famous Miracle of St. Florent very night Saumur where the Wafer appeared in the form of a little Child for the confounding of the Hereticks who had an Academy i. e. the nursery of their Heresy very nigh the place We might entreat 'em to remember that the Bishop of Anger 's after he had approv'd of this Miracle was ashamed of it when the Cheat came to be known We might produce to 'em the Saint of Troye a Nun that liv'd on consecrated Wafers and felt all the torments of the Martyrs when ever the days of their Passions return'd people flockt from all parts of France to see her but she was found out to be a Cheat by the Bishop of the place in the year 1673. what is acted at this day without doubt might be very well acted formerly Lastly we might tell these Gentlemen that in case God were obliged to be so prodigal of Miracles he ought to have laid 'em out in the Indies where men go to convert the Heathens Notwithstanding we do not find that he hath done so or at present doth so 't is true the Jesuites have publisht a vast number of pretended Wonders wrought by Francis Xavier their Apostle But 't is pretty strange that none knew any thing of these Miracles till after Xavier was dead yea that Xavier himself knew nothing of ' em We have his Letters among those written from Japan wherein the relates every thing he did in that Country excepting his Miracles if God had granted him the Gift of Miracles among the rest he ought to have had the Gift of Tongues But we find that he often complains that he could not edify these Indians because he could neither understand them nor make himself understood by them since Francis Xavier a vast number of Missionaries have gone into those Countreys who have not been able to work Miracles tho they would very fain have done so And yet I suppose the design which carrieth 'em thither viz. to plant the Christian Religion among the Indians is at least as important as the design to establish the Orders of S. Francis or of S. Dominick This is what we might say to such as Father Crasset and their Devoto's What is pleaded by the Papists who would not have us believe the stories of the Legends But there is another sort of men who do us a great deal more mischief These are the Luke-warm with respect to Popery your Libertines in the opinion of Father Crasset but as they account themselves Christians of a Finer-spun Religion These are our Converters in France who have had the best success in seducing those wretched Protestants who had a mind to be deceived These have told 'em you ought not to regard what your Ministers cite out of these rascal Legendary Writers sorry Monks Fabulous Authors who have neither wit or judgment This is not the Religion of people of Fashion The Reign of these Fables in expired you are not obliged to believe these impertinent Tales This is a most dangerous Snare which those who have any care of their Souls ought to take heed of For this end they ought to know that this filthy shameful lying History of Legends hath been the Popish Gospel The Legends have been the Popish Gospel for 7. or 8●0 years for the space of seven or eight hundred years and a Gospel receiv'd with so universala consent that not one man hath been so bold as to question muchless to oppose it The common people sunk into a profound ignorance nourisht their false Piety only with these kind of Fables This already is enough to prove that Popery is Antichristianism for 't is impossible that God should suffer the true Church to sink into so horrid a degeneracy that all the bread they had for their Souls should be only a monstrous heap of ridiculous Fables But further the new Converts ought not to suffer themselves to be deceived this Gospel of the Father of Lyes is at this day in vogue as it was formerly all Italy all Spain have no other Spain and Italy even at this day have no other Gospel but Legends All the devout Clients of the Monks are fed with no other Nourishment The Hero's of the Papacy are the Patrons of these enormities Bellarmin and Baronius both learned men both Cardinals both of great reputation the Possevins the Vasques's the Snares's in a word all that are eminent and considerable in the Papacy do take the part of these fabulous Histories if some few confess that there are some Fables which may be cashier'd this scarce signifieth any thing Have we not an evidence of this in those vast Gollections of the Lives of the Saints begun by the Jesuit Rosweyd and continued by his Successors in that work They are already come to the fourteenth Volum in Folio and other three are every day expected and yet this Martyrology is come hitherto but to the moneth of May so that this Body of Fables will be about forty Volums Vast Volums of Legends printed at this day if the remainder be proportionable And will be the most prodigious work both for matter and bulk that was ever seen since the beginning of the world Ask the Carmelites if they are willing to lose any one of the Priviledges of their Order which were founded on meer Fables Know of the Franciscans and Dominicans if they be in the humour to correct their Annals and blot out those passages which we call Impieties and impure Fables Is it not Father Bouhowrs an Author of great Reputation at this day in France among persons of note who translated the Panegyrick of S. Rose in which we see all the Follies of the old Legends revived Lastly who is the person that hath dar'd openly to oppose and condemn the Book of F. Crasset excepting Mr. Arnaud
Roman Empire reviving under a new Form and under the name of the Roman Church it being still future and yet to begin he was to give us the History of its growth as well as of its decay which as we shall see he hath also done 5. The Prophet then considering the whole continuance of the Roman Empire as well with respect to that which remained of it as Pagan as in reference to that which was to rise and subsist under the Name of the Roman Church to the time of the arrival of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ he doth divide it first into Seven Seals And under the six first Seals he predicts all that should befal it under the Heathen Emperors till the time of Constantin's overthrowing Paganism and his advancing the Christian Religion to the Throne 6. Now this Revolution having made a great change on the stage of the World the Holy Spirit therefore makes a stop here and suffers the Roman Empire now become Christian to enjoy a little Rest while the Successors to Constantine should finish the subversion of Paganism And then the seventh Seal is opened which being subdivided into seven Trumpets these Trumpets run along with and divide the whole remaining duration of the Roman Empire as well Civil as Ecclesiastical Whereof the six first Trumpets reach unto the tenth Age and bring forth six Plagues that afflict overthrow and totally destroy the Worldly or Civil Roman Empire These Plagues are 1 The Inundation of the Empire by the Barbarous Nations under Theodosius the younger 2. The taking and desolating of Rome and Italy and almost all the Western Provinces under Honorius and Alaricus 3. The Invasion of the Provinces by the Goths Huns and Vandals and their erecting several Kingdoms in Spain Africk upon the Rhosne and in Panonia 4. The fourth Plague was the total destruction of the Western Roman Empire under Valentinian by Gensericus King of the Vandals in Africk 5. The fifth Plague is the Rise of the Sarrasin Empire which destroyed the Roman Empire in the East 6. Lastly the sixth of the first Plagues is the Empire of the Turks which wholly subverted and overthrew the Oriental Roman Empire 7. Now while the providence of God was destroying the Grecian Empire under the fifth and sixth Trumpets the Roman Empire revived in the West under the Name of the Roman Church The Beast with two Horns exerciseth all the power of the first Beast he makes an Image resembling the first Empire he makes it to be worshipped he worketh Signs and Wonders causeth Fire to come down from Heaven and deceiveth the Inhabitants of the Earth He giveth life to this Image of the Beast causeth it to speak and maketh this Image of the Roman Empire which he re-established under the name of the Roman Church to act with power and efficacy So that he causeth all those to be killed that will not yield a homage to this Image of the Empire And he will have all the Inhabitants of the Earth to bear his Name and his Mark and his Number and that they call themselves Members of the Roman Latine Church And this contains the History both of the Birth and of the Progress of this new Empire under the fifth Trumpet and under the beginning of the sixth 8. The sixth Trumpet having brought the Worldly Roman Empire to its final Ruin there remains nothing more for it to do with respect to that and therefore it is that it comes to be subdivided into 7. Vials which are designed for the ruining of the Roman Empire as Ecclesiastical And these Vials do precisely begin at the sounding and at the beginning of the 6th Trumpet Which Trumpet runs paralel with and reacheth unto the last and universal destruction of the Ecclesiastical Roman Empire until the manifestation of the Kingdom of J. Christ having under it the seven Vials Now the seven Trumpets and the seven Vials do signify seven Periods of Time according as the seven Seals of the Book do The Seals denote Periods of Time by vertu of an Allusion to Tables and to Chronological and Historical Books wherein Times are marked The Trumpets intimate Periods of Time by an Allusion to Iubiles which by the Law of Moses were to be opened and proclaimed by the sound of a Trumpet And from thence Iubile comes being derived from Iovel which signifieth a Hunters Horn or Trumpet These Iubiles falling out every fiftieth year and these Periods of Time being published by the sound of a Trumpet it becometh thence a very natural figure for the pen of a Iew such as St. Iohn was to express Periods of Time by Trumpets Finally the Vials which are poured forth signify Hour-glasses seeing at the season when S. Iohn wrote Hour-glasses were nothing but Vials full of Water having a narrow and strait mouth which was turned downward So that this Figure is also clear and intelligible And the reason why the Holy Spirit useth these three different Images of Seals Trumpets and Vials for the designation of Times is that he may thereby avoid confusion It being evident that if he had all along used only one of these Figures there would have been much more obscurity and less distinction in the Intimation which he gives of Times Carrying then the remembrance of this with us the first Seal beginneth at the Time of S. Iohn and the seventh Seal openeth and commenceth after the death of Theodosius the Great and comprehendeth thirteen Plagues which are contained under the sounding of six Trumpets and under the Effusion of seven Vials ●●x Plagues under six Trumpets which destroy the Roman Empire as worldly and purely Temporal The sixth Trumpet is subdivided into seven Vials as the seventh Seal was into seven Trumpets And these seven Vials are the seven last Plagues which bring the second Period of the Roman Empire that is to say the Empire of the Church to its end as the six Trumpets had brought the worldly Roman Empire to its end I would now after this think that no man should find any difficulty in the objections of these Gentlemen and that every one should easily comprehend why the Vials and the plagues which continue near eight hundred years come to be called the last They are thus stiled 1 because they serve to distress and ruin the second and last period of the Roman Empire which carries the name of the Roman Church whereas the six first plagues were employed for the ruining of the first Period of the Roman worldly Empire and which still retains the name of the Roman Empire 2 Because these seven Plagues did really in the order of Time follow the six first and all successively fell the six first as well as the seven last upon one and the same Empire upon one and the same Beast in their two Periods So that by reason of the relation of the one to the other they ought to be stiled the first and the last Finally they are called the last plagues because