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A20217 The ruine of Rome: or An exposition vpon the whole Reuelation Wherein is plainly shewed and proued, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authoritie of Rome, shall ebbe and decay still more and more throughout all the churches of Europe, and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life before the end of the world. Written especially for the comfort of Protestants, and the daunting of papists, seminary priests, Iesuites, and all that cursed rabble. Published by Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex. Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1603 (1603) STC 6640; ESTC S117456 184,102 332

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THE RVINE OF ROME OR AN EXPOSITION vpon the whole Reuelation Wherein is plainly shewed and proued that the Popish Religion together with all the power and authoritie of Rome shall ebbe and decay still more and more throughout all the Churches of Europe and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life before the end of the world Written especially for the comfort of Protestants and the daunting of Papists Seminary Priests Iesuites and all that cursed rabble Published by Arthur Dent Preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex Apoc. 18. vers 7.8 She saith in her heart I sit as a Queene and am no widow and shall see no mourning Therefore shall her plagues come at one day death and sorrow and famine and shee shall be burned with fire for that God which condemneth her is a strong Lord. LONDON THE EPISTLE TO THE Christian Reader BEing often requested gentle Reader and much importuned by sundry both learned and godly to publish that doctrine of the Apocalyps which diuers of them with liuely voyce heard publikely deliuered I did at last vpon my most mature deliberation yeeld vnto their reasonable request I meane the reasons of their request Indeed I doe ingeniously confesse that I am the vnmeetest of many which this age God be thanked doth afford to deale in a matter of so great importance or any wise to be imployed in so great and honourable a seruice as this is But if I doe industriously vse my small talent and be found faithfull in a little I hope it shall haue both chearefull and comfortable acceptation with the Church of God For this I presume will bee granted of all that hee which hath but a little strength and yet putteth it forth to the vttermost to doe good withall is more to be commended then he which hath thrise his strength and vseth it not to the helpe and benefit of others And true it is indeed that sundry worthy labours of diuers excellent men vpon the Apocalyps are already extant so as he may seeme to powre water into the Sea or goe about to mend the crowes eyes that will attempt to adde any thing to that which is already published But know this O Christian Reader that the Lords garden is so large and plentifull of all most sweete and pleasant flowers that where any one hath gathered a Nosegay most fragrant and delectable another may come after and gather another not to be contemned For the wisedome of God is such an vndrainable fountaine and head-spring that where one hath drawne much before another may come happely and draw as much afterward yea though thousands doe succeede yet can this fountaine neuer be drawne drie Be it farre from me to arrogate any thing to my selfe aboue others for I am priuy inough to mine owne meanes and do freely confesse that in this worke I haue receiued much light from others and therefore do not as a iudge giue sentence vpon other mens workes but as one that would furnish the same feast bring in my dish among them Or as one that in the same cause would come in as a third or a fourth witnesse to testifie and confirme the same thing And verily through the gracious assistance of Gods spirit my simple purpose and indeuor is to giue a lift to the vttermost of my power to further that which is already happily begun and to prouoke others of greater gifts to come after with their great lights and Lanternes in their hands to discry and discouer whatsoeuer in this Prophesie is not yet fully seene into I am not ignorant that some would not haue this booke medled withall nor in any wise to be expounded among the common people because say they it is so darke and hard to vnderstand But let all such leaue their owne opinions and hearken what the holy Ghost saith Blessed is he that readeth and they that heare the words of this Prophecy c. What can be said more or more effectually to stirre vs vp to heare and reade and with all gladnesse to embrace this booke then to tell vs that in so doing we shall be blessed For the thinges contained in this booke be no trifles they be not things onely for a shew to mooue wonderment or to delight the curious minds of men but such as indeed do giue true blessednesse vnto all those that are well instructed in them What thing is greater then to bee blessed for euermore If we be not exceeding dull yea euen like stockes and stones it must needs moue vs stir vs vp For who will wittingly willingly loose his own blessednes or suffer it to be taken from him when as he may haue it If any will obiect that a man may be blessed well inough without the knowledge of this booke and that there bee bookes inough in the Scripture to procure our blessednesse without this and that thousands are now in heauen which neuer knew what this booke meant I answere that all this doth not take away the necessary vse of this booke for the holy Ghost doth pronounce a blessing vpon the heads of those that reade and studie this booke not because a man cannot be saued without it but because of the great comfort which it ministreth vnto vs of this age and hath ministred vnto all the Churches since the Apostles times For it is the Prophesie of this age and the Prophesie of all the ages since Christ wherein is fully shewed what shall be the estate and conditiō of the Church in the seuerall ages thereof vnto the ende of the worlde For God according to his admirable wisdome mercy hath neuer from the beginning left his church without a Prophesie for the great comfort thereof For we know that immediately after the fall of our first parents God himselfe for the great comfort of his Church did foretell and foreprophesie long before of that restauration which should be made by the Messias his sonne according as it came to passe in the fulnesse of time Afterward he did foretell his people of Israel of their great seruitude and intollerable bondage in Egypt and also of the ende and full determination thereof after foure hundred and thirtie yeares After all this he foretold by his seruants the Prophets of the captiuitie in Babylon and the full expiration thereof at the end and tearme of seuentie yeares And yet further for the comfort and consolation of his people he foretold by Daniel and Ezechiel of the great afflictions troubles which his Church should endure by the persecutions of the diuided Greeke Empire I meane Alexanders posteritie especially the Kings of Egypt and Siria which descended of Ptolomeus and Seleucus whom the scripture calleth the Kings of the North and of the South by the space of 294 yeares and of the precise determination thereof at the comming of the Messias Loe then what care God hath had of his Church in all ages before the comming
shewed and proued that the Popish Religion together with all the power and authoritie of Rome shall ebbe and decaie still more and more throughout all the Churches of Europe and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life BEfore I enter into the exposition of this Prophesie I thinke it not amisse to handle sixe circumstantiall points which may giue some light to the whole matter following and they be these First the instrument that writ this booke Secondly the time when he writ it Thirdly the place where he receiued it Fourthly the persons to whom he writ it Fiftly the ende and vse of his writing this Prophesie Lastly the authoritie of it As touching the first it is agreed vpon amongst the soundest Diuines that Iohn the Apostle or Euangelist Iohn the Disciple whom Iesus loued was the Authour and Instrument of penning this Prophesie as hee himselfe testifieth saying I am Iohn which sawe these things and heard them And he receiueth a commaundement from Iesus Christ which hath the keies of hell death that hee should write the things which hee had seene and heard and set them all downe together in a booke Now we all know that the testimony of Iohn is of great weight though hee be but a man for hee is such a man as is firmely to be beleeued in all that he speaketh Hee is an Apostle an Instrument of the holy Ghost and so guided by the spirit of God that he speaketh vttereth nothing that is his owne He was well knowne to the Churches to be one of Christs Apostles his authoritie among all the faithfull was throughly knowne and approued For we must consider that what an Apostle did vtter hee did vtter it as the instrumēt of the spirit which cannot erre For the prophets Apostles did not write the holy scriptures as they were men only nor yet as they were Ministers of the church only but as they were the immediate certain instruments of the holy Ghost of purpose chosen set apart to pen publish the holy bookes of God This S. Peter confirmeth saying Prophesie came not in old time by the wil of man but holy mē of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost The Apostle Paul also affirmeth the same touching his Gospell which saith he was not after man neither receiued hee it of man but by the reuelation of Iesus Christ Therefore whē this our Apostle saith I am Iohn which saw these things and heard them hee giueth vs to vnderstand that hee was both an eye and an eare witnesse Hee bringeth not matters which he hath heard by vncertain report he deliuereth this book to the churches they which receiued it at his hāds did know him to be a most faithfull seruant of the Lord euen a great Apostle which deliuereth not any thing but that which he had receiued of the Lord and therfore he testifieth that he saw heard al the things which he hath written in this booke And moreouer he testifieth of himselfe that he was called and authorised by Iesus Christ to write this Prophesie did nothing herein of himselfe or of his own brain For saith he I Iohn heard behind me a great voice as it had bene of a trompet saying I am Alpha Omega the first and the last that which thou seest write in a booke send it vnto the Churches Here we see how Iohn is called authorised by Alpha and Omega that is Iesus Christ to write this doctrine of the Apocalyps But may some man say was not Iohn called before was he not one of the Lambes 12. Apostles had he not now many yeares executed the office of the Apostleship right faithfully must hee now haue a new calling a second calling what needs he being an Apostle to be called authorised again To this I answer that this matter now in hand was a new a special work and therfore requires a new special calling It is a strāge reuelation therfore requireth a new authoritie to meddle in it For in this prophesie God dealeth with Iohn as he did with the old prophets in like cases For whē he wold foreshew vnto any of thē speciall matters he called them by glorious visions as we may read what a goodly visiō Esay had what a vision ful of glory Ezechiel had what a visiō Daniel had euē in maiestie like vnto this which Iohn hath here Thus then it is to be considered Iohn now is as one of the old Prophets to foreshew things to come therefore the Lord appeareth vnto him in vision and calleth him and authoriseth him therevnto as he appeared vnto them called them Let this then suffice for a reason of Iohns new calling to his new worke and office And thus much touching the first circumstance Now followeth the second circumstance which is the time whē Iohn receiued this Prophesie which is noted to be vpon a Lords day It is the day which S. Paul to the Corinthians calleth the first day of the weeke in which the Churches did meete for the holy exercises in religion which is also euident because hee saith they came together to breake bread Now the obseruation of a seuenth day is of diuine institution euen from the beginning It is naturall morall and perpetuall for God blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it We are therfore to thinke that although Iohn now in his exile was absent in bodie from the church assemblies yet he was present with them in spirit commending them most earnestly vnto God in his holy praiers and meditations and therefore it is said that hee was rauished in the spirit vpon the Lords day So we reade that the like befell vnto Daniel when hee was prisoner in Babylon the like also vnto Ezechiel who was taken by the spirit in the visions of God and carried to Ierusalem The like to Peter the like to Paul But the speciall reason of Iohns rauishment in the spirit at this time was that thereby hee might be made more fit and capable to receiue and vnderstand all those great mysteries and heauenly visions which now should be shewed vnto him And withall let vs obserue that all men are alwaies most capable of heauenly things when they are most in the spirit for God doth euermore most reueale himselfe to such as are most in praier reading and meditation and to such as make greatest conscience to spend his Sabaoths Christianly and religiously according to his great commandement And let vs alwaies be sure of this that the more feruent zealous we are in religious duties the more familiar acquaintance we shall finde with God and he will at all times be the more open-hearted vnto vs and will hide nothing from vs that may be for his glorie and our good For such as are much in heauenly contemplatiō he doth reckē not amongst his seruants but amongst his dearest friendes
The Minister of Smyrna was a very rare excellēt man although a poore man to the worldward For Christ saith thus vnto him I know thy pouertie but thou art rich that is rich in grace and the manifolde gifts of the spirit Thou hast done great seruice to the church Thou hast imploied thy gifts to the good of many Thou takest great pains in thy ministrie art greatly blessed in thy labors for thou hast an excellent flocke a notable good people and therefore I cannot but greatly commend both thee and them The Minister of Philadelphia was also a very worthy and notable man For although his gifts were not so great as some others yet was he very painefull and faithfull in a little of whom it is said Thou hast a litle strength and hast kept my word and hast not denied my name that is thou art very constant in the profession and practise of Christian religion And therevpon Christ promiseth to blesse his labours For saith hee I will make them of the sinagogue of Sathan which call themselues Iewes and are not but do lye Beholde I say I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feete and shall knowe that I haue loued thee Here we do plainely see how Christ promiseth to blesse this mans ministerie for his painefulnesse and diligence although hee was not of the greatest gifts For men of greatest gifts are not alwaies most blessed in their labors For God doth commonly worke the greatest things by weake meanes that all glory might redound vnto him and no flesh might boast in his sight For otherwise if men of greatest gifts should alwaies bee most blessed in their labours and winne most soules vnto God then wee would be readie to ascribe that to men their gifts which is proper vnto God and so this praise and glorie should be somewhat eclipsed Thus wee see what excellent men the Ministers of Smyrna and Philadelphia were and what excellent people they had in their charges But on the contrarie the Pastor and the people of Sardis and Laodicea are discommended for all things and commended for nothing Indeede the Minister of Sardis had a great name for learning and other good gifts but he was growne very idle negligent did little good with his gifts Of whom it is said Thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead That is there was no spirit in him no life of grace his gifts waxed rustie for want of vse hee was fallen asleepe he was fallen away from the grace of God hee was nothing the man which he had bene Therefore hee is admonished to awake and strengthen the things which remaine which were readie to die The Minister of Laodicea the people also were growne luke-warme neither hot nor colde they were become carelesse and secure not caring greatly which end went forward in Gods matters so they might enioy the present profits and pleasures of this life Concerning the Pastors and people of Ephesus Pergamus and Thyatira they are partly commended and partly discōmended These three were reasonable good Ministers had many good parts in thē and tooke paines in their charges although there be some faults found with them For the Minister of Ephesus is commended for sixe things for labour for patience for zeale for wisedome for sinceritie for courage but discōmended for leauing his first loue that is for reuolting or somewhat going back or rather indeed for cooling in the loue zeale of God The Minister of Pergamus people also are greatly commended for their constant profession of the truth in the middest of manifolde troubles the very heate of persecution For the rage of the enemies grew so fierce against the profession and professors of the Gospell that Antipas the Pastor of Pergamus as some suppose was put to death For Christ saith thus of this church Thou dwellest where Sathās throne is and yet thou keepest my name and hast not denied my saith euen in those daies when Antipas my faithful Martyr was slaine among you where Sathan dwelleth But yet notwithstāding this church is found fault withal for some few things that is two grosse faults the one for suffering the doctrine of Balaam to be broached there by the instruments of Sathan the other that they maintained the doctrine of the Nicolaitans The doctrine of Balaam did vphold the lawfulnes of eating things sacrificed to Idols of committing fornication for he taught Balac the King of Moab thus to put a stumbling blocke before the children of Israel The doctrine of the Nicolaitanes did vphold the common vse of women that is that women might be made common These two most grosse and absurd doctrines were suffred and maintained in the church of Pergamus As concerning the church of Thyatira they are greatly commended for the loue and seruice to the church for their faith patience manifold workes and especially for their constant proceeding in religion and godlinesse and that with increase For of this church it is said I knowe thy loue and seruice and faith and thy patience and thy workes and that they are moe at the last then at the first But this church is discommended for suffering the wicked woman Iezabel that is a false Prophetesse which was craftily crept into this church to teach seduce the people of God in that congregatiō teaching the same false doctrine that Balaā did at Pergamus which was that it was lawfull to commit fornication and to eate meates sacrificed vnto Idolls Hitherto concerning the praises and dispraises of the churches Now followeth to speake of the admonitions First the Church of Ephesus hauing fallen from their first loue is admonished to remember from whence they were fallen to repent and to do their first workes Also the church of Smyrna is admonished and exhorted to stand fast in the midst of those persecutions troubles which should be raised vp against it by the Emperour Traianus and continue for the space of tenne yeares They are therefore exhorted and encouraged by our Lorde Iesus not to feare the things which they should suffer for although the diuel and his instruments should haue scope to persecute and imprison them for ten daies that is ten yeares according to prophetical account yet if they did continue faithfull to the death they should haue the crowne of life The church of Pergamus suffering and maintaining the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitanes is admonished to repent and amend The Church of Thyatira which suffered the false doctrine of Iezabel is admonished to looke to her selfe and to hold fast the truth of Religion Sardis being dull and dead is admonished to awake and strengthen the things which remaine that were readie to die Philadelphia is admonished to holde that which they had that no man take their crowne Laodicea being neither hotte nor colde but luke-warme is admonished to be zealous and amend And although they
corrupted For trees in the scripture signifie men and all greene grasse was burnt that is the fresh fruites of grace did wither apace and drie vp for as error and heresie did preuaile so truth and godlinesse did decaie All this hath relation to the heresies of Sabellius Manicheus Marcion Fotinus Paulus Samosatenus Nestorius Nouatus Diodorus Appollinaris Pelagius and many others which about this time which was foure hundred yeares after Christ beganne to spring vp and grow apace And the seconde Angell blew the Trumpet vers 8 and as it were a great mountaine burning with fire was cast into the sea and the third part of the sea became blood c. Vppon the blowing of the seconde Trompet by the seconde Angell heere appeareth a great mountaine burning with fire Whereby is meant some great and notable heresies as that of Arrius which troubled and wasted the Church for the space of three hundred yeares being greatly fauoured of sundrie Emperours and other great Potentates in the earth by meanes whereof it continued and ouerspread so long Also this may be referred to other great and notable Arch heresies as that of Donatus Macedonius Eutiches Valentinus and such like which all are heere compared to a mountaine for their hugenesse and greatnesse and to a burning mountaine because the Church was almost burnt vp thereby For this word Mountaine is sometimes in the scripture put for any let or hinderance to true Religion as is error and heresie Zach. 4.7 Luk. 3.5 Therefore it is saide that it was cast into the sea that is these great heresies were cast vppon the worlde in Gods wrath and heauie indignation for the sea is put for the worlde Chapter 4. Verse 6. Chapter 13. Verse 1. Chapter 21. Verse 1. for as the sea is full of rocke sands syrts waues stormes and tempests so it fareth with this present euill world Moreouer it is saide that the third part of the sea became blood that is all Europe or some great part of the worlde was corrupted and infected with these great heresies vers 9 And hee saith in the next verse that the third part of the shippes were destroyed that is a great number of Marriners and ship-maisters as well as land men were infected with these heresies and died of them and in them vers 10 Then the third Angell blew the Trompet and there fell a great starre from heauen burning like a torch and it fell into the third part of the riuers and into the fountaines of waters Starres in this booke are put for the Ministers of the Gospel as we haue heard out of the first Chapter and the reason why Then it followeth that the falling of this starre from heauen doth most fitly signifie and set foorth the declining and fall of the Pastors of the Church and their corrupting of the true doctrine which is meant by the fresh riuers and pure fountaines into which it fell This starre hath his name of the effect vers 11 for it is called Wormewood because through the fall of it the sweete waters into which it fell were turned into bitternesse and men died of them that is the pure doctrine was corrupted which turned to the destruction of many And the fourth Angell blewe the Trumpet vers 12 and the third part of the Sunne was smitten and the third part of the Moone and the third part of the starres so that the third part of them was darkned c. This darkning of the Sunne Moone and starres doth signifie that great darknes which was brought vppon the Church by such teachers as did daily more and more degenerate Three things are generally to be obserued in the blowing of these first foure trumpets First that the plagues here mentioned are specially to be vnderstood of spirituall plagues Secondly that there is a progression from lesser to greater in these plagues Thirdly that in euery one there is mentioned but a third part destroyed which plainly sheweth that although the Church was greatly annoyed and pestred with these errors and heresies yet it was not destroyed and brought to vtter desolation for the full setting vp of Antichrist was not yet come All these errors and heresies which were thus cast vpon the world and did spring and grow apace in all places did as it were make way for Antichrist and as it were stirrops hoist and helpe him vp into his cursed chaire By the stories of the Church and course of times it seemeth that the holy Ghost pointeth at those manifolde heresies which sprung vp in the Church after the first three hundred yeares especially after the death of Constantine the great who procured peace to the Church destroied Idolatrie and set vp true religion in his daies Now after his raigne and the raigne of Theodosius that good Emperour Constantius Iulianus Arcadius Honorius and many other wicked Emperours succeeded by whose meanes all thinges in the Church grew worse and worse yet this one thing is to bee obserued that all truth of religion was not vtterly extinct and put out till the full loosing of Sathan which was a thousand yeares after Christ as wee shall plainely see when wee come to the 20. chapter concerning the binding of Sathan for a thousand yeares For sure it is that the maine principles and groundes of Religion continued in the Church till this full loosing of Sathan which was about the time of Pope Siluester the seconde that monster as afterwarde wee shall heare But now in the meane time wee see what heresies sprung vp what corruption grew and encreased more and more what darknesse began to ouerspread a third part of the world these things grew worse and worse euen vntill by these meanes the great Antichrist came to bee possessed of his cursed seate and Sea of Rome which was about some 600. yeares after Christ And I behelde and heard one Angell flying in the middest of heauen saying with a loud voice Woe woe vers 13 woe to the inhabitants of the earth because of the sounds to come of the three Angels which were yet to blowe the trumpets Because the iudgements which were to be executed hereafter vpon the blowing of the next three trumpets were farre more dreadfull and horrible then any that went before therefore here is a speciall Angell or messenger of God sent of purpose to giue warning thereof and to proclaime openly in the Church three fearfull woes which should come vpon the inhabitants of the earth that is all earthly minded men as worldlings Papists and Atheists at such time as the next three Angels should blowe the trumpets The first of these three great woes is to bee vnderstood of the Papacie The second of Turcisme The third of the last iudgement As if hee should haue said Woe vnto the worlde because of Poperie Woe vnto the worlde because of Turcisme Woe vnto the world because of the last iudgement Woe vnto the worlde for Poperie because thereby men should be punished in their soules Woe
plainly appeare By the tenne hornes of this beast is meant the great power and large dominion of the Roman Empire or as the Angell himselfe doth expound it chapter 17.12 thereby is meant tenne kings that is manie kingdomes which should be subiect to the Roman Monarchie and wherein in verie deede the power and strength of the Empire did consist For by these hornes the Roman Empire did not only push downe other nations but especially dosse against the Church and as it were cruelly gore the sides thereof Nowe then we see that the Roman Emperours both in homes and heads were like their Father the diuel or the dragon By the tenne crownes vpon his tenne hornes are meant his great and manifolde victories ouer other countries and kingdomes The hornes of this beast are said to be crowned not his heads because the Roman Empire hath alwayes more preuailed by power then by policie by strength then by subtilty But the Dragon hath his heads crowned and not his homes because he hath alwayes done more hurt by policie then power by subtiltie then strength One thing in all this is greatly to bee heeded that the holy Ghost in this chapter doth specially speake of the Roman monarchie as the Popes were heads thereof or as it was vnder the dominion of the Popes in their pride when as the Emperours were almost troden vnder foote and not simply and soly as the Emperours were heads thereof Moreouer it is said that vpon the seuen heads of this beast was written the name of blasphemie For besides the blasphemies of Caligula Nero Domitian Dioclesian Iulianus and the other old heathenish and persecuting Emperours which haue arrogated vnto themselues diuine honour wee shall anon heare of the surpassing blasphemies of the Popes against God ver 5.6 and all goodnesse vers 2 And the Beast which I saw was like a Leopard and his feete like a Beares and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon and the Dragon gaue him his power his throne and great authoritie Here the Roman Empire is described of the likelihood of qualities which it had with the other three Empires going before it For first it is compared to a Leopard for swiftnesse to pray vpon others and also for fircenesse and subtiltie as did the Greeke monarchie Secondly it is compared to a Beare for rapine and rauening as the monarchie of the Medes and Persians Thirdly it is compared to a Lyon for pride and insolencie as the monarchie of the Chaldaeans So then by this description it is verie cleere that this beast signifieth the Roman monarchie because it containeth in it the whole power of the other three Empires and is here described as a compound of diuers beasts yea as a verie monster of monsters hauing the body of a Leopard the feete of a Beare and the mouth of a Lyon Moreouer it is said that the Dragon gaue him his power and his throne and great authoritie Which plainely sheweth that the power and authoritie of the Roman Empire is of the diuell in respect of the euill qualitie thereof that is fraud rapine chapter 17. v. 8. and oppression In which respect it is said to ascend out of the bottomlesse pit as was declared before But the substance of it and the gouernement it selfe was of God For the powers that be are ordained of God as saith the Apostle And I saw one of his heads vers 3 as it were wounded vnto death but his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondred and followed the beast Heere Iohn in a vision seeth one of the seuen heads of the beast almost wounded vnto death There bee diuers and differing opinions of the learned touching this wound of the Empire both when it should bee and howe and by whom Some vnderstand it of the death of Iulius Caesar some of Nero some of the oppression of the Gothes and Vandales some of the great preuailing of Iohn Husse and Ierome of Prage in the greatest part of Bohemia But to let all these passe if wee do wisely consider and weigh with our selues that by a beast in this place is not meant anie lawfull administration of gouernement but a tyrannicall power in persecuting the Church wee shall find that a head of the beast was then wounded when Constantine the Great slew Maxentius and Licinius the two last persecuting Emperours set vp true religion and brought peace to the Churches For hereby the Roman Empire was greatly wounded as touching the tyrannie of it The holy Ghost doth not set downe which of the seuen heads were thus wounded but in generall saith one of them Nowe it is verie probable that he meaneth the sixt head For we doe not reade of anie such wound in the former fiue which were past Neither can it be vnderstood of the seuenth head which was the Papacie because it receiued no such wounde as yet It followeth then that the wound was in the sixt head that is in the Empire But we reade of no Emperour that did so wound the beast as did Constantine the Great And therefore it is verie probable nay an hundred to one that the holy Ghost here pointeth at him But it followeth that his deadly wound was healed to wit by these wicked Emperours which succeeded Constantine as Constantius Iulianus Valentius and others which afresh did set vp Idolatrie and persecuted the Church Nowe vppon the healing of this wound it is said that all the world wondred and followed the beast that is manie nations or the greatest part of the world did submit themselues to the Roman tyrannie For sure it is some kingdomes were neuer subiect to the Empire of Rome as some part of Asia and some part of Africa vers 4 And they worshipped the Dragon which gaue power vnto the beast and they worshipped the beast saying Who is like vnto the beast who is able to warre with him Now is shewed how all the subiects of the Roman Empire did worship the Dragon that is they maintained that worship which he liked and loued that is the worship of idols which the Apostle calleth the worship of diuels And it is said also they worshipped the beast that is they did all with one accord submit themselues both to the religion and authoritie of the beast that is to the Popes as they were the seuenth head of the Empire For as I said before so I say againe the holy Ghost heere speaketh of the Empire when it was in the greatest glorie and exaltation yea when all the worlde wondred and followed the beast yea when all admired the great and large dominion of the Roman empire and said within themselues who is like vnto the beast who is able to warre with him Now the Empire of Rome was neuer so great and powerful as when the Popes were heads thereof I meane when they executed the whole ciuill iurisdiction of the empire besides their Ecclesiasticall power which now did both meete in one For now the
sword Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints Here is shewed that the things spoken of this great beast are very secret and mystical and can be vnderstood of none but those onely whose eares and eies God openeth to heare see and vnderstand that is the very elect of God as for al papists and worldlings their eares eies are sealed and shut vp they cannot vnderstand them but doe stil worship the beast ascribing vnto him diuine power and honor In the 10. verse the iudgement and vengeance of God is denounced against the Romane monarchie both former and latter which as it hath long oppressed the church with cruel bondage and drawne thousands into perpetual captiuity so it selfe also should be cast downe with al the adherents thereof both in this life and that which is to come For as the Romane Empire did tyrannise ouer the world and led millions into spirituall captiuity and bondage so here it is auouched that according to the iust lawe of quittance it selfe should be brought to the same lore And as this beast had murdered many by the sword so he him selfe must be murdered by the sword also As the Apostle saith God is iust and therefore will recompense tribulation to them that trouble his Church Now al this seemeth vnto me to be a cleere prophecy of the fal and final destruction of the Romane Empire which indeede considering the pitch that it was at may seeme a thing strange and incredible and therefore the Holy-ghost stirreth vs vp to attention in the ninth verse as to a thing of great woonderment and admiration for if the Romane monarchie fall the Papacy must of necessity fal with it For the Romane Empire is that beast chapter 17. verse 3. which beareth vp the whoore of Babylon as appeareth in the 17. Chapter of this prophecy where we shal God willing plainely and at large heare of the ioint destruction of them both together It is added Heere is the patience and faith of the Saints That is here is required great patience of al Gods children to waite and carry til the performance and accomplishment of those things and also faith and ful assurance to beleeue that they shal in Gods appointed time come to passe For few doo beleeue these things and therfore wait not with patience for the accomplishment thereof And I beheld another beast comming out of the earth ver 11 which had two hornes like the Lamb but he spake like the dragon Hauing described the first beast which is the Roman Empire now the Holy-ghost commeth to describe the second beast which is the Papacy or the kingdome of the great Antichrist for although hee bee described before in regard of his monarchy that is the ciuill iurisdiction which hee exercised as he was the seuenth head of the beast and head of the Empire yet here he is described after another sort that is according to his ecclesiastical authority and therfore he is called another beast or a beast differing from the former in that he exerciseth an other power besides the power of the heathen Emperours of Rome which is his spirituall iurisdiction in which respect he is called the false prophet This second beast riseth out of the earth as the former rose out of the sea then it appeareth that Antichrist is by his breed a sonne of the earth obscurely borne by little and little creeping vp out of his abiect estate as did the Turke It is here most truly said that the kingdome of Antichrist ariseth out of the earth is the very breed of the earth for assuredly it neuer came from heauen It was first hatched out of couetuousnesse ambition pride murders treasons poisonings sorceries enchantments and such like For al stories do shew that from these roots the Papacy grew to his exceeding height and altitude This second beast hath two hornes like the Lambe Whereby is meant his ciuil and ecclesiastical power or his kingdome and Priesthood which he falsly pretendeth to come from the Lamb and therefore he giueth in his armes two keies and hath two swords carried before him So Boniface the eight shewed himselfe one day in apparrel as a Pope and the next day in armour as the Emperour and the two hornes in the Popes miter are signes hereof But the Holy-ghost here telleth vs that these two hornes are not the hornes of the Lambe but only like the hornes of the Lamb for he receiued not his power from the Lamb Christ but from the diuel that is the dragon with ten hornes Then thus it is the Papacy is the seauenth head of the first beast that is the Empire yet a beast by it selfe with two hornes like the Lamb in respect of his ioint power and authority both ecclesiastical and ciuil in which respect he is called euen the eight and one of the seuen Chap. 17. ver 11. Although this second beast haue two hornes like the Lamb yet he spake like the dragon that is al his words and workes practises and proceedings lawes and decrees are for the dragon of whom he hath his power and throne and great authority So that whatsoeuer he pretendeth in religion and matters of Gods worship as though he would be like the Lamb yet assuredly hee is altogether for the dragon and the diuel he is assured vnto them as al experience doth manifestly witnesse And he did all that the first beast could doe before him he caused the earth them that dwel therin vers 12 to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed Here is shewed that this second beast was as mighty and stronge as the first beast and could doo as much as he euen in his presence Whereby is noted the great power and authority of the Papacy in performing as much in the seruice of the dragon against God and his church as euer the Empire of the heathen and those wicked Emperours could doo yea he did much more against Christ and his religion then euer the persecuting Emperours could do euen then when they were at their highest pitch And al this he did in his presence that is in the sight and open view of the whole Empire or whole world And he caused the earth and them that dwell therin that is al Papists and worldlings to worship the first beast that is to receiue the worship and religion of the old Roman tyranny which set vp and maintained Idolatry So then although the power in the Papacy came vnder the name of Christ yet in truth it was the same that the power of the persecuting Empire for the heathen emperours condemned the true worship of God and set vp false worship euen the worship of diuels which is Idolatry and so do the Popes also So then we see that this second beast is al for the first beast that is he leuieth al his power and authority to set vp the worship and religion of the old Romane tyrants and to force al men
that they gnawed their tongues for sorrow that is they were ful of furie and rage ver 10 barking and grinning like mad dogs or rather like helhounds against all such as set the Gospel abroach wherby their Babylon began to shake For at the first when the Gospel began to peep forth they did despise it as a thing which they could easily suppresse but within a short time they found that neither by excommunications wherewith in former times they had euen as it were with lightening and thunder caused kings and nations to tremble neither by force of warres and bloudy slaughters neither by anie skill in learning nor by treacheries they could any thing preuaile but that the Gospell did still more and more lay open their filthinesse and shame then did they become and so do they continue til this day euen as mad men in sorrow and rage which the holie Ghost expresseth in saying chapter 16. v. 11. that they gnawed their tongues for sorrowe and blasphemed the God of heauen c. Wherby it is euident that the beast and all that haue receiued his marke are full of firie hatred and malice and cannot tell which way to be reuenged For the more they striue the more they lose dayly Faine would they haue Poperie restored to his ancient credit and dignitie and they deuise what they can to bring it about but it will not be For their kingdome waxeth darker and darker weaker and weaker and that is a dagger vnto them a griefe of all griefes which maketh them gnaw their tongues and gnash their teeth for sorrow But yet for all this chapter 16. v. 11. they repented not of their works saith Saint Iohn and therefore God is more incensed against them and causeth the sixt Angel to poure out another vial vpon the great riuer Euphrates and the water therof dried vp as wee haue heard Now then obserue carefully and note it diligently that the frogges come forth vpon the darkening of the kingdome of the beast the drying vp of their Euphrates For who knoweth not that the pope his cōplices perceiuing y e weakning diminishing of their kingdome haue sent out these Iesuits and Seminarie Priests into all parts of Europe to repaire the ruines of Rome if it were possible And this is one circumstantiall reason to proue these three frogges be vnderstood of the Iesuits But let vs proceede to open the whole description of the holy Ghost that it may yet more plainely appeare First these frogges are called vncleane spirits chapter 16. v. 13. because they are the verie limmes of the diuell full of all filthinesse and vncleannesse Secondly they are called spirits because they come out of the mouth of the Dragon ●he beast and the false Prophet Thirdly they are called three in number being in the truth neerer vnto three thousand because they proceed out of three seuerall mouthes the Dragon the beast and the false Prophet that is the diuell the Roman Empire and the Papacie Three horrible monsters three terrible bug-beares which with one consent conspire together against the Gospell to vphold their Babylon and to stop the leake of their Euphrates Nowe these three Frogges are said to come out of the mouth of the Dragon the beast and the false Prophet because they come with the verie mind and message of the Pope and the Roman Empire and so consequently with the verie mind and spirit of the Dragon For they are the verie breath of the Pope and the spirits of the diuell as like him as if they had beene spitte out of his mouth They are sent on the diuels errand and the Popes embassage into all countries and kingdomes and are taught their lesson what they shall say and instructed what they shall doe and what courses they shal take with all sorts of men both Kings Nobles and the meaner sort and for this cause the holy Ghost saith they came out of the verie mouth the verie heart and the very bowels of the Pope and of the diuell And although these Iesuits and seminarie priests are called of their fauorits Catholike doctors holy fathers c. yet the holy Ghost saith flatly they are the spirits of diuels working false and fained miracles and with great efficacie of errour deluding and deceiuing the simple and blind multitude Wee see then that the holy Ghost in al this description doth plainly note out the Iesuits and seminary priests For to whom can these things here spoken of agree but only to thē And do not we which liue in these daies sensibly see and discerne the fulfilling of al these things Surely we can not but see feele thē vnles we be wilfully blind and do of purpose blindfold and hoodwink our selues But the holy ghost goeth yet futher and doth more fully as it were demonstratiuely point them out vnto vs describing thē by their office which is to go vnto the kings of the earth of the whole world vers 14 to gather thē to the battel of that great day of God Almighty Who is ignorāt that the Iesuits seminary priests are sent out to al kings Nobles of the whole world that fauour thē their proceedings Are they not croking in corners thicke and threefold in all parts of this land Are they not practising of treacheries tresons against our most gratious Queene and the whole state are they not plotting the destruction subuersion of this Church common wealth Nay as the holy Ghost saith the chiefe end of their comming abroad is to sollicite gather y e kings of the earth vnto battel against God against Christ and against all true professours of religion The bettell betwixt them is heere called The battell of the great day of God Almighty that is that Battell wherein the Almightie God will haue the day and goe away with the victorie For it followeth that the Iesuits and seminarie Priests did preuaile with the seduced kings of the earth so farre as to gather them together to place which in Herbrue is called Armageddon that is to say a place where they shall be destroyed and that with such horrible slaughter that the place shall take a name thereof For it was an vsuall thing among the Hebrues to call the place where anie famous thing fell out by a name which did report y e same vnto all posteritie as Kibroth Hataanah the graues of Concupiscence Hamon Gog the multitude of Gog and diuers such like And so here Armageddon the destruction of an armie because the kings of the earth and their armies which shall fight against the Church at the instigation of the Iesuits shall come to a place where they shall haue a notable ouerthrow This word Armageddon may fitly bee deriued of two Hebrue words that is to say Cherem which signifieth destruction and Gedudh which signifieth an armie that is the destruction of an army or as some say that verie iudicially it may come of Gnarmah
pleasure so much giue yee to her torment and sorrow And therfore I affirme that no man ought to be moued with any compassion or pittie for the ouerthrow of Rome But heerein that saying of the Prophet is true Blessed is hee that taketh and dasheth her children against the stones and againe bend thy bow shoot at her spare no arrowes For she hath sinned against the Lord. Moreouer wee are to obserue that forasmuch as the Lord willeth commandeth all men to reward Rome as shee hath rewarded vs to giue her double according to her works therefore wee ought euery one of vs as much as in him lieth and as his calling will beare to doe his vttermost to pull downe Rome the Magistrate by the sword the Minister by the word and the people by their prayers For euen Christian kings and princes and all the nobles of the earth must not bee negligent to fight against Rome For heerein that saying is true Cursed is hee that doth the worke of the Lord negligently and cursed is hee that keepeth backe his sword from bloud For this cause I doe vpon my knees night and day most humbly and instantly intreate the God of heauen that as hee hath put into the heart of our most gratious and excellent Queene to hate the whore of Babylon and to be his greatest instrument in the whole world for the weakening and ouerturning of Rome and defence of his most glorious gospell which is her crowne and glory in all the Chuches and her great renowne in all Christian kingdomes so shee may constantly continue and neuer cease drawing out the sword of Iustice till she haue vtterly rooted out of her dominions all the cursed crew of popish Iebusits and all such as haue receiued the beasts marke and especially the Iesuits and seminary priests which are the diuels brokers the popes agents and the king of Spaines factors in all kingdomes Here also I doe most humbly euen vpon my knees with dropping eies yea if it were possible with teares of bloud beseech and intreate the learned and reuerend fathers of our Church that they would bend all their power and authoritie with might and maine against the Romish strumpet and the rather because in these dayes shee seemeth to make a head againe hauing so many and great fauourers that shee and her complices dare perke with their nebbs and very boldly and confidently prate of a tolleration Heere also I doe most humbly and earnestly intreate all my learned and godly brethren the ministers and preachers of this Church of England that in all their publike teachings and priuate proceedings they would make strong opposition against Rome and Romish religion And I beseech the God of Gods that wee may all ioyne together with vnited forces to march on valiantly against the armies of Antichrist and to spread the euerlasting Gospell far and neere to the vtter ouerturning and beating downe of this westerne Babylon and that howsoeuer wee may amongst our selues differ in iudgement in some things yet that there may bee no breach of loue or alienation of affections amongst vs but that wee may all goe together hand in hand and arme in arme to preach Gods euerlasting truth and to set our selues against the common aduersaries For if wee will not set our selues against them yet they will be sure to set themselues against vs. And thus much concerning the third maine point which is the finall fall of Rome euen in this world Now it followeth to speake of the fourth maine point which is by whom and when Rome shall bee ouerthrowen But for the better vnderstanding of this point concerning the persons that shall ouerthrow Rome wee are to obserue that S. Iohn describeth the whore of Babylon sitting vpon a scarlet coloured beast hauing seauen heads and tenne hornes whereby is meant the Romane monarchie as hath beene shewed before After this the Angell expoundeth vnto Iohn what the heads and hornes of the beast meane and saith that the ten hornes are ten kings or ten kingdomes ver 12 which yet haue not receiued a kingdome but shall receiue power as kings at one houre with the beast The sense is that these tenne kingdomes had not receiued such power and authoritie vnder the Emperours as they should vnder the Popes for there was great difference in these kingdomes vnder the Popes from that which they had beene vnder the Emperours For they receiued far greater power and they carried an other minde toward the papacy then the nations did before toward the empire for they did submit themselues to the papacy for conscience and loue euen as to the holy Church which they neuer did to the Empire And this is the reason why the holy ghost saith they had not receiued a kingdome but should receiue power as kings at one houre with the beast Which is not to be vnderstood simply but after a sort for they had receiued kingdomes vnder the Emperors but not in such sort as afterward they did vnder the Popes For the Romane monarchie vnder the dominion of the Popes was in his greatest height and altitude and the kings of Europe grew vp together with the papacie in power might and dominion And S. Iohn addeth that these ten kings or kingdomes were all of one minde and did giue their power and authoritie vnto the beast that is they did with might and maine labour to vphold the Babylonicall strumpet But the Angell telleth Iohn flatly that the ten hornes that is the ten kingdomes of the empire which before had giuen their names their power and authoritie to the beast to vphold her and defend her should now in these last daies all change their mindes and turne against her For saith the Angell to Iohn chapter 17.36 The ten hornes which thou sawest vpon the beast are they that shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and shall eate her flesh and burne her with fire Heere then it doth plainely appeare who they bee that shall ouerthrow Rome and by whom it shall bee destroyed To wit by the tenne kings of Europe or kingdomes of Europe which some very learned doe reckon vp to bee these England Scotland Germany France Spaine Denmarke Sweueland Poland Russia and Hungary S. Iohn words are plaine that these kingdomes which tooke part with the beast shall take against her pull her downe But we know that all the kingdomes of Europe did take part vvith her therefore it followeth that all the kingdomes of Europe shall take against her And therefore it is very probable that in time France Spaine and Italy shall turne against the beast Wee know that the rest of the kingdomes are already turned against the beast and the beast hath lost seuen of his hornes the eight which is France beginneth to be somewhat loose and to shake a little which if it fall off the rest will follow after a pace The reson why the kingdomes which were subiect