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A18055 An ansvvere made by Oliuer Carter, Bacheler of Diuinitie: unto certaine popish questions and demaundes Carter, Oliver, 1540?-1605. 1579 (1579) STC 4697; ESTC S108169 79,017 198

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hath cast away Gods holie ● worshipping images and idols and go●horing from God after her owne in●ns hath rebelled against the words ● Lord and despised the counsell of the ● high Therefore came the iust iudge● of God vppon her as it did vppon the ●sh church of old Where the Lord saith your iniquities are ye solde and for ●r transgressions is your mother forsaken Againe Pleade with your ●ther pleade with her for shee is not wife neither am I her husband bu● her take away her fornications c. I make her like a wildernesse and ● her for thirst and I wil haue no pitie● on her children for they are childre● fornication Loe this is the iudgeme● that Romish harlot which hath her d●ling in that great citie which ruleth ● the Kings of the earth who hath ● the kings of the earth drunken with cuppe of her fornication who is the ●rie mother of whoredome and of all the hominations of the earth which is dru● with the bloud of the Saintes and with bloud of the martyrs of Christ who with tenne kings doeth fight against the La● But the Lambe shall ouercome them ● they that be on his side the chosen ● faithful for he is the king of kings and Lord of lords To him be all honour and glorie for euer ● An answeare vnto the ▪ Papist which made this Offer or Challenge Papist CHrist did commit at his departing hence the testimonie of that trueth whiche he 〈◊〉 for the c●●uersion of all nations to the beliefe in him ●●tr●● church of God which then stoode ●●pally and almost onely in the perso●● of ● Apostles and of a fewe moe that by their ●ching and others afterwarde of their ●ng the Christian religion might be plan●● all nations coastes and corners of the ●● Wherefore I aske the Protestant ●t Church that was which conuerted all ●s● countries that nowe be Christen to the ●th of Christe and let him shewe me that ●er his Churche conuerted anie people or ●nde in the earth from Idolatrie or Genti●● or Iudaisme to the true religion of Christ or that this his faith was taught to anie nations in steede of true Christianitie or anie other Churche but the knowne Catholike Church to haue done this And I recant Answeare TRue it is that Christ did commit the preaching of the Gospell vnto the Apostles and vnto a few moe and gaue them this commaundemēt That they should go vnto all the world and preach the same Gospel vnto al nations who very painfully executed their office conuerted manie of sundrie countries to the truth Neuerthelesse suche was the rage of the wicked Emperoures Tyrantes of that time that the doctrine of the Gospel was not vniuersally receiued nor generally taught as it appeareth at large by the historie of the Acts of the Apostles as by the assembling of the Apostles in corners by their preaching in the night season in priuat houses Yet we confes that the voice of the Apostles was sounded abroad to al the world so that as Tertullian saith the Parthians the Medians the Elamites the people of Mesopotamia of Armenia c and many other nations and prouinces known vnknowen haue receiued the Gospel of Christ Saint Paule tooke comfort and reioyced in his imprisoment for that there were some euen in Neros court that beganne to geue eare to the Gospell Of the same matter writeth Eusebius that the court of Valerian the Emperour was now become the church of god so he saieth because that some of his familie beleued the truth albeit the Emperour himself was a tyrant Euen in that sense it might haue bene truelie saide that the churche of God was in king Achab his house when wicked Iezabel his wife did most of all persecute Goddes children and when Elias complained that he onelie was left aliue seeing that Obadiah gouernour of Achabs house feared God and fed an hundred Prophetes with the meate whiche came from Iezabels table But for bre●ities sake I will answeare to youre que●ion which seemeth to consist on these two ●ointes First What Church it was which ●onuerted all countries that nowe be Chri●ten to the faith of Christe Secondarilie whether the religion or faith of the Protestantes was euer taught to anie nations in steede of true Christianitie Whosoeuer shall diligently peruse the ecclesiasticall histories or the bookes of the auncient Fathers of the churche they shall easily perceaue with what difficultie Christianitie was embraced sith that the name of Christ was so odious to the Emperour of Rome whose Empire was exceeding large tha● whosoeuer professed himselfe to be a Christian was tormented moste cruelly vnto death So that it cannot bee proued that manie nations or countries were wholly christened or receiued the gospel of Christ but in secrete manner vntill the time of Constantine the great which was three hundred yeares after Christ or thereabout For before that time whosoeuer sincerelie preached the Gospell hee was forthwith accused of sedicion of preaching heresie and of new strange doctrine They were charged commonly by the Heathen to bee adulterers against kinde Manquellers Killers of children Churchrobbers most wicked most hurtful the enimies of mankinde guiltie of all kinde of wickednesse Enimies against the Goddes against the Emperoures against the lawes against good order against nature it selfe whatsoeuer mischiefe happened the Ethnikes 〈◊〉 impute it alwayes to the Christians The citie of Athens which had beene the ●●●taine of all knowledge was become the sinke of most horrible idolatrie Where P●ule preaching Christ the Philosophers ●●●e Epicures and Stoikes resisted him 〈◊〉 saide what will this babler say ▪ Others said he semeth to be a setter forth of strange Gods Others saide may we n●t know what this new doctrine wher●● thou spekest is in such rage the Ethniks and Infidels continued against the Christians vntill God of his mercie raised vp that worthie Emperour Constantine who aduaunced mightely the Gospell suppres●●● the enimies thereof and gaue the truth free passage throughout his dominion and ●mpire In his time all nations were called from Idolatrie Gentilitie and Iudaisme so continued manie hundred yeares vntill the Diuel was let loose and supersti●on inuaded the churche so that albeit ●e name of Christianitie remained after●arde vnder the Popes gouernement yet Christes religion was abolished and aban●oned It is faith in Iesus Christe and ●he profession of true religion whiche maketh a Christian and not the outward name and therefore suche as were falle away from Christ his Gospell vnto the inuentions of man or suche as were cōuerte onelie in name not being instructed in tr● doctrine were no more Christians then the shadowe of a man is a man or● picture the thing which it doth represen● so that it was Nomen sinere Christian i● name and not in deede By the Turke a● so both the name and profession of a Christian was altogether vanquished Thu● much for
thy heade meaning th● woman Which text the Louanistes woul● seeme to reforme do put in ipse referring it to Christ You may see into what miseries you woulde bring vs to haue vs to beleue that the Virgin Marie should brus● the Serpents head whereas the words are to be vnderstanded of the seede of the woman Likewise in the Epistle vnto the Corinthians your olde translation hath these wordes Omnes quidē resurgemus ▪ sed non omnes imutabimur Wee shall all rise againe but wee shall not all be changed Which words be vntruely translated for all shall not rise againe because that at Christes comming some shall be founde aliue yet neuerthelesse All must be chaunged and this corruptible flesh must put on corruptiō But you wil perhaps say that the fault is not in the translation but in the Printer Why then hath your Church suffered the same translation to haue beene printed so often and hath not corrected these faultes Nay why with your Tridentine generall councell precisely say Let no man be so bolde or presume by any manner of colour to refuse the old common translation of the Bible To conclude you persuade the world if you haue authoritie not onely to allowe what translation ye list but also as your owne Canonistes doe auouch that the Pope the heade of your Church can at 〈◊〉 pleasure dispense against the Lawe of God against the Lawe of nature against the Apostles against all the commaundements of the olde and newe Testament That hee is Christes Lieftetenaunt not onely ouer thinges in heauen ouer thinges in earth and ouer things ●● hell but also ouer the angels both good and badde whereas the true Church of God hath not at any time made her selfe ●●udge ouer the worde and lawe of God 〈◊〉 alwaies hath vsed subiection vnto the ●●●e grounding all her religion and faith ●●on the same worde And this you must needes confesse vnlesse you will denie a knowen trueth that we whose religion you doe so vehemently withstande haue alwayes perswaded the people not to beleeue vs one iotte further then we bring the woorde of God for our warrant And whereas you further enquire what Church hath had the custodie of the Bible and hath most safely preserued it I must needes say that God of his singuler mercie towardes his Churche by his diuine prouidence hath alwayes preserued his woorde to the comforte of his children as he preserued Elias in the wildernesse Daniel in the Lions denne the three children in the fornace Howe I pray you hath the Byble bene preserued by your Churche sith the whole worlde can testifie howe you haue burned the olde and newe Testament whiche thing is yet freshe in mans memorie● Did not Cutbert Tunstall being then Bishop of London cause the newe Testament to be burned at Pawles crosse in London as your Churche learned of Iehoakim king of Iuda who threw the boke which the Prophete Ieremie by Goddes commaundement had indited conteining the wrath of God against Iuda into the fier But you will say the Testamentes were falselie and vntrulie translated and therefore were burned If that had beene the cause it had bene your partes rather to haue disclosed and quoated forth the erroures and to haue amended the faultes Doeth the mother cast away the milke wherewith the children shoulde be nourished for that sometimes motes doe fall into it but rather culleth forth the moates giueth the Milke to the children euen so you ought to haue done What faultes were I beseech you in that translation you neuer noted anie if there had bene as indeede there were none why haue not you set forth a better what doctour of your Churche or fauorer of your Romishe Religion hath written in whose workes can not be found some errour yet we burned them not but are content to giue them the readinge and do reuerence them so farre as they agree with Gods truthe Further if ●n Angell should speake or write we ought not to beleue him Iudge you nowe laying away all affection whether your Church ●● ours doe better esteme of the Bible or ●● the better preserue the same Papist SHew me why our common knowen church did not as well corrupt the text of the Testament as the true religion contained in the same Shewe me why she kepte not as trulie and as faithfully the true sense of Gods woorde as she preserued the worde it selfe Shewe me why we shoulde beleeue the Papistes as ye tearme them for the worde it selfe and yet we shoulde beleeue you Protestantes for the meaning of the worde rather than them Shewe me why you beleeued our Churche telling you this to be Gods booke and will not credite her aduouching this to be the true and vndoubted sense of the same booke and last of all shewe me why you beleeued the elder knowen Churche affirming this to be the word and doe not beleeue her affirming Luther to be an Heretike Shewe me good reason or Scripture for these poyntes and I recant Answeare YF you meane by your common knowen Churche the Churche of Rome as you will easily assent therevnto then your Church is more common than true For triall whereof it is plaine and that by Saint Barnarde that the pastoures of your Churche of Rome keepe not the spouse of God whiche is his Churche but they destroy her They keepe not the flock but they kill and deuoure And one whiche writeth of your Church in that great and solemne assemblie at Constance saieth They did quenche the spirite they did dispise the voice of the prophetes they persecuted Christ in his members and it was altogether a persecuting churche Barnard in an other place likewise crieth out O miserable Rome which in the time of our Elders hast brought foorth the lightes of worthie Fathers but in our dayes hast brought forth the monstruous darkenes shamefull and slanderous to the time to come An other calleth Rome a schoole of errour a temple of heresie And your old friend Thomas Becket whome you haue canonized for a Saint saith Our holy mother of Rome is become an harlot and hath prostituted her self that is hath set her selfe open to euerie man for reward And what neede we goe farre one of your owne nest in the late councell of Trent sheweth his iudgement of your Churche of Rome They haue brought to passe saieth he that godlinesse is turned into hypocrisie and that the sauoure of life is turned into the sauour of death Woulde to GOD they were not gone with one generall consent from religion to superstition from faith to infidelitie from Christ to Antichrist from God to Epicure saying with wicked heartes and filthie mouthes there is no god Truth seketh not to be shrouded in corners I haue noted before a fewe places amongst many in which you haue corrupted the text of the Byble You seeme to vrge this matter instantly that your Church hath kept and
we faithfully r●ceiuing the visible and externall signes according to Christ his institution in remembraunce of his death and passion spiritua●ly doe feed vpon the body of Christ a●● receiue the fruites of his death euen remission of our sinnes Other sacramentes we haue no warrant for in the worde of god These sacramentes were onely vsed by Christ and his Apostles and by all their true successours The sacramentes in the olde Testament vnto which anie promise was annexed were these two onely that is circumcision and the Passouer which doe rightly and aptly represent 〈◊〉 two sacramentes set forth in the newe ●●●ament as Baptisme and the Lordes ●●●er which haue bene vsed alwaies ●●●e true Church euer since Christ and ●●●ued of the auncient Fathers as the onely knowne sacramentes appoynted by ●●●rist So Augustine affirmeth That 〈◊〉 Lord the Apostles deliuered vnto ●●●ewe sacraments in steede of manie 〈◊〉 the same to be most easie in doing ●●●st reuerend in vnderstandinge and in ●●●eruation most pure to wit the sacramēts of Baptisme the celebratiō of th● sacrament of the body and blood of ou● Lorde Likewise another sayth The sacramentes of Christ in the catholik● Church are Baptisme and the bod● and bloude of our Lorde Which sacramentes also and all the principle poynte of our true religion Constantine the Christian and godly Emperour and al● his noble successours mightely defended and set forth the same The same Constantine was christened not by the Pope bu● by Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia no● in a corner but in the presence of many other not popishe but Christian Bishopes Hee ouercame Licinium his sisters husbande who persecuted the Christians The same Constantine summoned a councell at Nice against that blasphemous heritike Arrius And as the historie saith the Emperour before named wrote vnto all the rulers of the Churches that they shoulde be at Nice by a day to the Bishop of the Apostolicke sea to Macarius Bishope of Hierusalem and to Iulius the bishope of Rome In that flourishing time liued sundry godly writers whose bookes nowe extant doe shewe that they embracced the same faith and religion which we at this day do professe touching the Sacramentes iustification by faith onely inuocation to God alone saluation onely by Christ and all other chiefe poyntes of doctrine whose workes if your Romish Church had kept inuiolable and had not corrupted as you did in like manner with the Canonicall books of the Bible you might haue learned a difference betwixt trueth and errour And if you would yet hearken to the doctrine which they doe deliuer they will teach you that your Romish church is a cage of vncleane birdes and that your religion is mingled with all heresies though you charge others with the same fault and that you haue no true discipline but rather crueltie no principall pastor sauing Antichrist no officers but Blood-suckers and no Churche in deede but the Sinagogue of Sathan that cruell mother whiche will needes haue the Childe to be cutte in peeces which spareth no Sexe or kinde no Infant though it bee in the mothers belly no hoare heade nor aged person finally your church hath no truth but falshood and i● wholly imbamed with the heresies of a● ages You take parte with the Iewes an● Pagans you care not with whome yo● shake handes so it be not with Christ or his holy Gospell vnto which you doo beare ● deadly hate And yet you stand vpon you● reputation and would haue men to beleeu● you whatsoeuer you speake Whereas you call our Church A contemptible vnknowne close and secret company at thi● day the Lord be thanked the greater part● of Europe besides the countries I spak● of before doo ioyne together with vs i● one truth of doctrine I would haue yo● to prooue by the worde of God for you● wordes bee no warrant to auentur● our soules vppon your Romish Church to bee the auncient and true Catholike Church and to professe the same faith and doctrine truely which Christ his Apostles left behinde them and that which was in the time of those godly Emperours of Rome and a long tyme after or that Christ did promise to leaue such a Church as should haue on● generall and chiefe Pastor to sit in iudgement to punish offendors and to call a generall councell to try the truth or else we cannot ioyne with you against God and against his sonne Christ For we acknowledge no other principall Pastor but Christ Iesus whom the heauens must conteine vntill the time that all thinges be restored which God hath spokē by the mouth of al his holy prophets since the world began who neuerthelesse is euer present with his Church Papist 7 AGaine I require of the Protestant to declare by good histories or by reasonable likelyhod when the true church as they account theirs to be decaied or in what yeare the religion of the Papistes came in and preuailed Whether all their true Church was so soundly sleeping that none would preach against it euen at the ty●e when it first entred Whether all nations sodeinly and in one yeare were mooued vnto the doctrine of the Papistes no one man of all their true ●hurch either preaching teaching wri●●●g nor attempting any thing against it ● making mention of it Whether all ●●●kes of seruice were altered Whether 〈◊〉 a moment the masse was sayed in steede of their Apostolike communion Whether sodenly men began to pray for soules departed sodenly required the helpe of Saintes in heauen sodeinly the tongue of common praier was altered Tell me in what yeare of our Lorde vnder what Emperour vnder what Pope vppon what occasion this merueilous mutation was made by whome all these thinges were wrought who preached against it what storie maketh mention of it who of al your Pastoures preached against it Was Goddes Churche so voyde of the spirite of truth and strength that euen then when it most flourished it had none that durste open his mouth agaynst suche corruption of religion at the firste entering in of it and when it mighte soone haue beene repressed If it coulde not haue bene stayde tell me in what yeare of our Lorde this mutation was made and who of the true Preachers withstode our doctrine and yf wee note you not by the names euerye one of your captaines and the seuerall errours whiche they taught and the time and yeare when they rose against the receiued truth and the councels wherein they were orderly condemned If I say this canne bee doone on your side towards vs and wee do it not for improofe of your Church and religion I recante And for that purpose because the gouernement of the Bishoppes of Rome is moste misliked of them And yet moste notoriously knowne by euery Historie let them note the Pope that first brake of the course of his forefathers beliefe and Regiment in anie Articles of faith or necessarie Christian vsage And I recant Answeare 7. MY meaning is not to
they mighte bee permitted to haue still the Gospels the Epistles and the Creede in their vulgare tongue i● which peticion they affirmed that in the Sclauon language it had beene vsed of old in the Church and likewise in their owne kingdome Charles the great called fiue councels namely at Mentze Rome Remes Cabilon and Arelate also decreed that onely the canonicall bookes of the Scripture shoulde be reade in the Church and none other as it was decreed long before in the councell holden at Carthage He ●ame one of them in the whole Church ei●her erected for your faith Church and ser●ice or not prepared for all sortes for catho●ke practises proue to me that it was done ●or any other seruice and religion then ours ●r that they be monuments of any other faith ●r church then that common knowne catho●cke church And I recant Answeare 9. WHereas you demaund What furniture our Congregation euer ●ad c. I must needes tell you that either ●he hauing of such furniture or the want ●hereof are but weake feble argumentes ● proue the true Church of God by In ●utwarde pompe in superfluous orna●ents in vnnecessarie toyes in vaine dec●ing of your Churches with gold and sil●er and other precious and costly attire in ●nprofitable rites in furnishinge your ●mples with abhominable idols in plea●ng the eare in delightinge the eye in ●uginge in roaring in toying in trif●ng in nodding in becking in ducking ● all such heathenishe shewes and sensles significations wee thinke your Romish● Church excelled all idolatrous Ethnicks before and therefore in such superstitiou● trifles wee will not compare with you but willingly geue vnto you the preheminence because they be not signes of true religion but badges of Antichriste and furniture to deck the whore of Rome withall For all such kind of trumperie be her very markes As these was none of these toyes in the primitiue Churche neither in anie true reformed Churche sithence that ●●ine ▪ so there was no Churches vntill the time of Constantine the great who builded churches and moued others to doe the like for the people of God to repaire vnto for to heare the worde of God truly preached to receiue the Sacramentes faithfully ministred according to Christes institution for the same vse and purpose we haue builded Churches and doe continually repaire and reedifie suche as be decayed and ●u●nous But vnto the time of Constantine the Christians were violentely and extremelie put to death and persecuted of tyrantes hauing no publike places to resorte vnto but priuately assembled themselues sometimes in dwelling houses sometimes in hollowe caues and dennes ●or feare of the cruel bloudie torments Laurentius Valla saith that in times past before the raigne of Constantine the greate the Christians had no temples but secrete and close places holie little houses but no great and gorgeous buildinges chappelles no Churches oratories within priuate walles no publike and open Churches For your chalices I will onelie vse the saying of Pope Boniface In time past saith he golden Byshoppes vsed woodden chalices but now wodden Byshopps vse golden chalices In like manner in Constantine his time there were no altars of lime stone but communion tables of wood and a long time after as it may easilie be proued by auncient writers Athanasius writeth That the Arriā Heretikes in their furie and their rage did carrie foorth and burne the seates the pulpettes the wodden table and boorde and suche other thinges as they coulde gett out of Christian Churches S. Augustine writeth the same of the Donatistes Concerning your vestimentes your catholike practises and all your trumperies and beggerly Ceremonies for which you haue no warrant in Gods booke we way not one rushe Wee hould vs contented with that which Christ our sauior his Apostles and other catholik godly Fathers vsed Did not our sauiour Christ I pray you minister his last supper vnto his Apostles at the table without any further ceremonie euen as the Apostles all true Christians haue done euer more ▪ whose example the Lord graūt vs to folow Papist 10 I Aske of them whether the Lutherans Zwinglians Illirians Caluinists Confessionists Zwingfeldians Anabaptists and such like be all of one church And if either they can proue vnto me that these being of such diuersitie in faith and religion make one church or that eche of these sectes may giue saluation to their folowers being so disagreable one with the other in high points of our religion or that I should beleeue all these rather then the catholike church or one of these more then an other all makinge such a bould chalēge for the truth Gospel Let the protestants of all these conferr together shew me of these things and with all amōg them selues agree to what sort of these sectes they would haue me I recant Answeare 10 I Do merueile greatly that you impute vnto our religion the heresies of the Anabaptists Swingfeldians seing that wee doe not in our daily sermons inueigh against their blasphemous errours but also haue written sundry bookes to confute the the same You doe aske a verie hard difficult questiō which you do vtter either for want of wit or lacke of knowledge to wit Whether Caluin c. were of one Churche whether they gaue saluatiō to their followers It is not in man precisely to define who is of Gods Church for that they only be of Gods inuisible church Whome God hath elected vnto saluation in his sonne Christ before the foūdatiō of the world was layd God only doth knowe who are his But it may be that you vnderstand it of the visible church then I will aunswere you accordingly that we are certainly persuaded that they were Gods children and that they ended their life and closed vp their eyes in the true faith of Christe doe rest now in Gods Kingdom Where you seeme to charg them with manifold scismes diuersitie of iudgmentes the truth is that they agreed in all points with the scriptures sauing that Luther in the real presence dissented from the rest which heresie as I haue noted before he receiued of your church of Rome I would not haue you to thinke that we ground our faith and religion or repose any part of our saluation vpon any particular Church or Councel or vpon any mortall man as you do We receiue mens iudgments and writings as they are men and so may erre And so the godly Fathers in times past were reputed and taken S Augustine hath these woordes Wee ought not sayth he to accept the disputations writings of any one be they neuer so Catholik and prayse worthie as we do receiue the canonicall scriptures but that sauinge their reuerence due vnto them we may well finde fault with or reiect some thinges in their writinges if it happen we finde they haue otherwise thought then the truth may beare them so am I in
AN Ansvvere made by Oliuer Carter Bacheler of Diuinitie Vnto certaine Popish Questions and Demaundes 1. Cor. 11. Be ye followers of me euen as I am of CHRIST ¶ Imprinted at London for George Bishop 1579. To the right Honourable and his verie good Lorde Henrie Earle of Darbie Lord Stanley and Strange Lord of Man and of the Isles adioyning and Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter Oliuer Carter wisheth continuance of health with increase of honor COnsidering right Honourable the brittle and fraile state of mans life beeing subiect not only vnto manifold miseries by naturall inclinatiō but also in continual daunger and ieopardie through the assaultes of Sathan sinister practises of his vngodly mēbers I thinke it the part of all the childrē of God so much the more to imploye all their trauell both for the reclaiming of these decayed affections in man also for the suppressing and beating downe by all meanes possible all wicked sinfull attempts whereby Gods glorie may be hindered And although I amongest manie am most vnmeete both for want of knowledge and lacke of experience to take anie such enterprise in hande yet for satisfying the expectation of a godlie learned friend as also for the comfort of my poore neighbours whome I perceiue to bee ouer much seduced the more it is to bee lamented by these and such like Popish deuises and thereby not so willing to yeeld their dutifull and loyall submission to God and to their most Noble vertuous and godlie Soueraigne as most especiallie for the aduancement of Gods honour and increase of Christes kingdome If his heauenlie wisedome thinke good to worke by such simple meanes I haue thought good at the least to bestowe my labour referring the successe thereof wholie and onelie vnto god I am giuen to vnderstande and I do partlie know it for trueth that these Interrogations Questions inuented by some papist be secretlie spredde abroad in sundrie places And albeit I doe certainlie knowe what great care and paines godlie Magistrates for their partes do take to aduance and extoll the true seruice and worship of God to further the free passage of his most holie woord and Gospell to suppresse the rage of such as do obstinatelie and stubburnlie resist the trueth yet notwithstanding there be not onelie close and secret enimies which wander abroad in corners seducing the simple by wicked doctrine sedicious traiterous libells and false tales alienating their mindes by all meanes from true religion vnto superstition but also the rabble of the Romishe merchantes with their masking wares do so increase and multiplie that vnlesse redresse bee had in time I do feare least great inconuenience and mischiefe will ensue thereof For partlie by these Popish whisperers and partlie for lacke of true and faithfull Teachers shippewracke is made of the Gospell of Christ I do not wishe their punishment but desire their reformation for my conscience beareth me witnesse howe earnestlie for my part I haue laboured to reduce them where I haue had charge from the grosse errours in exercising that small talent which GOD of his goodnesse hath bestowed vpon me and what inward loue I doe beare vnto them if I were able to doe them good Neuerthelesse I cannot but lament their miserable state perceiuing in thē such a readinesse to imbrace euerie fonde idolatrous tradition inuented by man to accept the aduise and counsell of euerie ignorāt lurking rebellious priest to persist in their old doating customes and heathenishe ceremonies and such slacknesse or rather dulnesse to receiue the vndoubted trueth of Gods most holie worde whiche is the verie pathwaye to Christes eternal kingdome and the power of God vnto saluation to all that beleeue But it is not my purpose to make anie long discourse of these matters Onlie I beseech your Honor to pardon my bolde enterprise in presenting this litle Answere vnto you and to accept my good will herein in good part So you shall not onelie incourage me if the like occasion bee offered to take greater paynes hereafter but also binde mee daily to pray vnto GOD for your Honor that all your actions may tende to the honour and glorie of GOD and to the discharging of that office and function which God hath called you vnto which God graunt for his mercie sake To whom bee all prayse dominion and power now and for euer Your Honors Oliuer Carter To the Papist which made this offer and chalenge WHeras you may seme vnto the simple and vnlearned in this your offer which you haue spred abroade in sundrie places to haue made a bold large chalenge for the proofe of your Romish church and in defence of your religion yet it is night no longer then vntill the day doeth spring for light expelleth darkenesse Though golde be of all metalles most precious though the Diamond Saphyr and Margarite bee stones of great value and price yet truth passeth and surmounteth all these and carieth away the bell without comparison Things which often seeme precious haue a resemblance and shew of goodnesse may be but coūterfeite and faultie and haue neede of the touchstone or furnace neuerthelesse the veritie and trueth canne not dissemble she can not glosse she putteth on no vizard nor vseth anie colouring And albeit falsehood may oftentimes blinde the trueth as an harlot may appeare in apparell to bee an honest matron a theefe beare the countenance of a true man and the diuell chaunge him selfe into the shape of an Angell of light yet in continuance of time golde wil be seuered from drosse the darnell from the fine wheate and trueth from falsehood For trueth is great and preuaileth Dagon is not able to stand before the Arke of the Lorde But for that you affirme the trueth to be on your side and wee perswade our selues in like manner that we holde the trueth let vs not bee our owne iudges but obserue that order rule set downe by our Sauiour Christ for the triall of these controuersies Christ Iesus biddeth vs to searche the Scriptures for there is life euerlasting and they are they which testifie of him which is the trueth it selfe And againe he prayeth his father to sanctifie in the trueth those whome hee had chosen in renuing their mindes with his heauenlie grace that they might seeke his will set foorth in his worde which worde saieth hee is the trueth This is that word against which wee may ●ot heare an Angell though he come from heauen as the Apostle saieth Whiche wordes the godlie father Chrisostome expoundeth thus Saint Paul saith not ●f they teache the contrarie or if they o●erthrowe the whole Gospell but hee ●aith If they preache anie little or small ●hing besides the Gospell that ye haue ●eceiued or if they loose or shake down anie thing whatsouer it be accursed be ●hey Saint Augustin saith If an Angel from heauen preache vnto you anie other thing than you haue receiued in the
this parte You aske moreouer whether the religion or faith of the Protestantes was euer taught to anie nations in steede of true Christianitie I beseeche you examine well the doctrine of the Protestants and compare it with the doctrine of Christ of the Apostles of the primitiue churche and with the religion set foorth by the godlie writers whiche wrote about the time of Constantine or shortly after And if you can proue that we doe not in al pointes agree with the religion of Christ of the apostles as it is set down in the old and new Testament Choose what translation you will or that we consent not in all thinges concerning faith and the substance of the true doctrine which the auncient fathers as appeareth in their bookes a few erroures by them mainteined onelie excepted then wee will willingly yeelde 〈◊〉 you As for example I will note a fewe capitall pointes of religion because I will not wander in generalities First we confesse with them one waye to ●e iustified and saued by which is by ●●● free mercies of God graunted vs by th● onely death passiō of Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour and that faith is the onely meanes and instrument to apprehend this our iustification and saluation That Christ is our Mediator both of redemption and intercession that we ought ●● pray onely vnto God not to anie Saints ●● parted and that in the name of Christ and not in the name of anie Angell or ●●int whatsoeuer To praye for those that be aliue and not for those which bee deade That in the Lordes Supper according to his institution we doo spiritu●●ly by faith feed vpon the body of Christ and that Sacrament truely and faithfully receiued as the remembraunce of the ●eath and passion of Christ is a spirituall foode and sustenaunce vnto our soules and a pledge of eternall life to satisfie our consciences We say further that Christ his naturall body fleshe blood and bone is no● in the Sacrament vnder the fourme of breade it being onely in heauen on the right hand of God according to the articles of our faith where in body he shall remaine vntill the day of iudgement though Christ our Sauiour as he is God in his diuine nature filleth all places and is with his children powring daily the abundance of his graces vpon them Lastly we say that man hath no free will of himselfe to doo anie good thing no not anie good thought but that it is God that worketh in vs both the will and also the deede according to his good pleasure euen of his free grace If you will either giue eare to the doctrine which we do preach or peruse the bookes which wee haue and doe write you shall see that the Protestantes did neuer vary one ynch from these pointes of true religion which I haue recited But because you make mencion of a knowne catholike Church it behoueth for that an Harlot may haue the countenaunce of an honest woman to distinguish betwixt the true church of God the counterfeit Church and to shew howe they both may be discerned and knowne Wee must needes auouch with the holy spirit of God that the true Church of Christ being the congregation and companie of the faithfull dispersed ouer the face of the whole earth is discerned and knowen by the woord of God For the true Sheepe doo heare the voice of their Pastor Christ Neither is there anie other signe or marke to knowe the Church of God sauing onely the Scriptures of God which are the treasurie of all truth For the citie of the Saintes and houshold of God as the Apostle saith is builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe Corner stone So then that is the true Catholike Church consecrated a spirituall Temple 〈◊〉 God which is guided and ruled by the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets Therefore the Church of God is called the Spouse of Christ for that shee ought in al ●inges to harken vnto the voyce of the ●idegroome In like manner the church ● as a piller which the Lord God hath ● in the earth amongst men therein so to little his truth that all stormes and Tempests euen the gates of hell and all the fernall powers fighting against it yet sh● they not preuaile because shee stayeth ● selfe onely vppon the woord of God a● thereby stayeth others and therefore a g●ly father saith The piller and strength ● the Church is the Gospel and the spi● of lyfe Likewise Saint Agustine sa●ther be certain books of our Lord vn● the authoritie whereof ech part agreeth there let vs seeke for the Church therb● let vs examine and try our matters An in the same Chapter I will saieth hee haue you to shew me the church not b● the doctrines of men but by the woor● of God. Saint Chrisostome saith it cannot by any means be known what is the true church but only by the scriptures ▪ what the counterfeit Church is it appereth by the promisses truely euen that Church which consisteth onely in outwarde shewe challenging authoritie ouer the woord and spirit of God prescribing a rule of woorshiping of God by her owne deuise without anie warrant of the woord of GOD which deuiseth other meanes to be saued by then onely Christ which feigneth that her faith can neuer faile notwithstanding ●●e neuer aspired vnto the true faith of Christ but hath persecuted the same keeping the sonne of righteousnesse as vnder ●●●ile or cloud not suffering him to shine in simple mens mindes and hartes by his holye Scriptures which are the keyes of knowledge the very power of God to saluation to as many as beleeue If we cānot vnderstād the scriptures the fault is in vs and not in them As no man may cōdemne the brightnes of the sonne because his eye is not able to sustaine the clearenes therof so the hardnes of the mistery which we can not sometimes cōpasse or perfectly vnderstand in the scriptures ought not to take away frō vs the vse of the scriptures Now ●●●ing you depende much vppon the aunci●●● doctors fathers I purpose for the satisfying of the reader to knit vp this diffe●●●ce betwixt the church of God and the counterfeite Synagogue of Sathan with these woords of S. Augustine Whether they haue the church or no let thē shew ● the Canonicall bookes of the holy ●riptures we must knowe the Church of ●hrist euen as we likewise know Christ ●hich is the head of the church in the ca●nical scriptures And what can be more ●laine then that which is spoken by the Euangelist Iohn disseuering the t●●● Church from the false the true Christia● from hipocrices and the faithful ministe● and preachers of the Gospell from fa● prophets and counterfeit teachers in th● fewe woordes Hereby shall ye kno● the spirit of God euery spirit which c●fesseth that Iesus Christ is come in th● flesh is of
be more more discouered as in this answere to your questions wil appeare God graūt you eies to see it hearts to repent Where you demand quest 1. what church it was that cōuerted the churches nations to the faith you seeme to aunswere your owne obiection for you say that that Church was Christes Apostles and a fewe mo who by their preachings and others planted Christian religion c. In the which saying you do wel agree with the Apostle Paule who saith to the Colossians That euen in his time the Gospel was fruitfull in all the worlde Nowe you know that your gorgious synagogue of Rome had not then receiued this gospel but did persecute it many yeres after So then it was the poore perse●●●ed church that brought the Gospel into Antioch into Rome or whersoeuer it was yet truelie planted vppon the earth Againe where you demaund quest ● what church hath had the custodie of the Scriptures and most safelie hath preserued them The Iewes would most easilie answere the papistes that it is their church For the Iewes haue kept them so warilie so manie a● were before Christes cōming that they durst not alter anie letter or title But if there seemed some cause of alteration by the order of the grāmer rules as somtimes there did both in the auncient writings old printes there was acipher set downe to cause men to consider it ▪ but no man amōgst them was so bold as to a●●er anie one iotte Such was Gods great prouidence towards vs that the v●●● ●mies of Christian religion should bee the ●epers preseruers of those bookes wher●on our christian religion is grounded so ●at we should always be able by diuine pro●dence to confute both the Iewes and the ●istes by the same bookes which by diuine ●er haue bin preserued The Iewes more ●ely and religiously the papists through ●rupting some places for their purpose yet ●er permitted so far to corrupt the scrip●es but that all their errours may easily be ●futed by anie of those textes that they re●ed Where you demaund quest 3. why be●e ye our church telling you this to bee ●ds word and booke and wil not credit her ●uouching it to be the true and vndoubted ●se of Gods booke The Iewe might aske ●● and vs also this question but wee that ●ue heard Christ him selfe speake in his ●ting them in our heartes by his holy Spi● do answere both Iewes and papists as the ●maritanes did the woman that brought ●em the strst tidings of Christ Nowe wee ●eleeue say they not because of thy say●ngs for we haue heard him our selues ●nd know that this in deed is the Christ ●nd Sauiour of the world wee beleeue ●im because of his owne word This is true faith onely to depend vpon the word of God and neither vpon the interpretation of the Iewe or Papist or any mans else further then he can manifest his sense by some manifest place of the selfe same word The 4 5. quest may easilie be aunswered by that which is alreadie written Againe where you demaund tauntinglie O Papistes where our principal pastour doth sitt in iudgement quest 6. we aunswere that he alwayes hath don so he now sitteth in the heauens doth pronounce sentence against that Antichrist of yours who doeth sit as God in the temple of God vpon earth and he will shortlie come to take a straight accompte of all inferiour pastours who are fellow elders and fellow pastours as Peter affirmeth And vppon the earth he hath made some Prophets some Apostles some Euangelistes some Pastours some Doctours or Teachers as Paule saith but no Popes no principall Pastours to put him selfe forth of that high office The which office if it had bene so necessarie vpon earth as your papistes do make it neither would Christ him selfe neither all his Apostles vtterlie haue forgotten it As for the place that you continuallie demaunde for where shall wee seeke this ●here shall we finde that Your Question ●o small purpose for our maister Christ ●e warneth that in these latter dayes ●ere should be such as should say Loe here ● Christ loe there is Christ as it were bin 〈◊〉 Christ and the grace of his spirituall ●er to a certaine place but he saith be●e them not The church the vineyarde of the Lorde and the true religion is neuer 〈◊〉 to place but as the people of anie place ●e growne in open contempt the Lorde 〈◊〉 taken away the Vineard of his church 〈◊〉 the euil husbandmen and giuen it to an other people that would yeelde better ●●●es So was the place remoued from Ier●●lem which had so manie promises to ●●●oche to Ephesus to the Galatians Colo●●ans Thessalonians and to sundrie places ●●he earth besides wheresoeuer there 〈◊〉 fewe or manie gathered in the name of Christ Christ was among them Christ ● their principall pastour whose voyce ●e they would heare and thereby were ●wne to his sheepe So became they his ●rch and people though it were but soule one housholde or familie So became they his sheepe and he their Pastour and principall shepheard and Archpastour though in all congregations he had h● vndershepheard alwayes who fed the sheep● and fought for the lambs against the wolu● And both these churches and pastours we● many times knowne to the true children ● the church when they were vnknowen ● the wicked world For the children of Go● who are called the children of wisedome d● alwayes take hold of the heauenlie wisdom● and haue that marke to knowe one anothe● and rest vpon Gods word without any respe● of person or place or anie earthlie thing ● the families of Noah Abraham Lot Is●ac Iacob c. hauing Gods woord to wa●rant them cared not for al the world beside● whereas all they that depende vpon the ou●ward showe of place or persons haue fal● continually from God and so from the tr● church as both before Christ at Christs ●ming and since Christs comming it is man●fest in the Iewes in the Samaritans in t● Turkes and papistes in Agar and Ismael ● all those that chalenge authoritie by the auncientie and eldership without Gods pr●mise Now we contrariwise depending on● vpon Gods word are the children of prom● ● the manner of Isaac But as then hee ● was borne after the fleshe persecuted ●hat was borne after the spirit euen so ●ow Neuertheles what saith the scrip● Cast out the bond woman and her ●e Our mother church Sara whiche ●th onely the worde of promise seemeth ● barren desolate and forsaken in the ● but God will not forget his promise ●efore we wil neither aske him of the ●●or of the time nor of the meanes how ●ll performe it but knowing that hee ● begotten his church by his worde wee ● also that thereby he will nourishe it ●ultiplie it and preserue it for euer ●hall the world rage against it And ● where his worde soundeth wee must ●f●r his church And because the Ro●ynagogue
God euery spirit which c●fesseth not Iesus Christ to haue come ● the flesh is not of God wherfore the sam● is not of God which denieth either the d●uine or humaine nature of Christ and t● true vniting of them both or derogateth any thing from the office of Christ beeing● king who onely hath all spirituall rule an● authoritie committed vnto him beeing Prophet who onely is appointed to del●uer vnto vs his fathers minde and will● and to teach vs all truth being a Priest● who hath offered a sweete smelling Sacrifice for vs vnto God the father euen his owne body vppon the Crosse once for all which onely Sacrifice is of force and value to purge and clense the sinnes of all those that beleeue But who be they which denie Christ in person or in office ▪ euen that Church that woulde haue Christ as hee is ●n to be in any other shape fourme then that which he receiued of the virgin Ma 〈◊〉 in sundry places at one time contrary the nature of a true body or affirmeth ●at mankinde lost through Adams fal and ans●ression could be saued by any other lea●es then onely by Christ whether it be ●y mans merits and works or by the par●ons and indulgences of the Pope or by ●nie other deuise of man Finally that Church which teacheth anie other media●●● betwixt God and man either of re●emption or intercession then onely Christ ●he same Church denieth Christ to haue ●ome in the flesh and therefore is not the 〈◊〉 Church of god The bare name or title of the Church is not sufficient but as gold is tried by the Touchstone so we must prooue the Church by the woorde of 〈◊〉 which is the Touchstone of all truth This Church by the preaching of the Gospell by the Lodestarre of Christ his holy ●ord hath from time to time brought the ●le of God from Gentilitie from Iu●me from the grosse Idolatrie whiche ● haue vsed in your Church and from ● darke dungeon of ignorance and blindnes into the cleare light shining brightnes of true knowledge Yea this same r●ligion and doctrine which nowe we d● teach was deliuered first by Iesus Chri● vnto the Apostles then preached by them afterwardes yet not without bloodshed taught from time to time for the space ● sixe hundred yeares as the writings of a● the auncient Fathers doo witnesse● and so forwarde vntill by little and little your superstitious patched religion increased by fire and Fagot and other extrem● tortures and cruelties These thinges being manifest I tendering your saluation ● which doo call your ●elfe a Catholik or Papiste doo most earnestly admonish you that according vnto your promise yo● would yeeld your self vnto the eternal God who knoweth all secrets and abhorreth all hipocrisie Let Christ Iesus by the scepter of his woorde rule your conscience and direct your hart in his trueth suffer the holy spirit of God to instill the sweete tast of Gods holy woord into your minde that you may hate your owne ignorance and blindenesse and study to attaine the true light and to bee guided by the motions of the same comfortable spirit of God which the Lord graunt to you for his Christs sake Papist Aske of him what Church it was which ● hath induced the Christian people tho●row out the whole worlde to giue most ● humble credit in all pointes to the holy ●●●kes of the Byble what Church hath had 〈◊〉 discerning and seuering them from o●●● writinges of all sortes what Churche ●●th had the custody of them and most safe●● hath preserued them for the necessarie vse of Gods people and from the corruption of aduersaries aswell Iewes as Heretiks of all sortes and let the Protestant declare vnto me that this congregation hath had from time to time or euer had any right herein ●● anie other Church sauing the catholike Church and I recante Answeare I Do merueile with what face you can ●rrogate vnto your Church that you haue moued the people throughout the ●orlde to giue credit vnto the scriptures 〈◊〉 that your Church hath deterred the ●●●ople from reading them affirminge ●●●m to be harde and difficult daunge●●●us to the simple and vnlearned a nose 〈◊〉 waxe a shippmans hose a dead letter and either of enuie vnto the poore sou● whom you call dogges and hogges a● sing this text giue not that which is h● vnto dogges or of hate vnto the scriptur● you haue kept the key knowledge wh● is the holy woorde of God vnder a va● in an vnknowne tounge fearinge a● iudge lest the misty cloudes of your persticious deuises would vanish aw● if the bright beames of Christ his G●pell might shine in simple mens mind● What humble credite do you giue vnto Scriptures seing that one of the piller● your Church saieth That the Scriptur● are not autenticall or of credite b● onelie by the warrant and aucthori● of your Churche of Rome an other your Doctoures hath these woorde● The Apostles saith he when they deliu●red the Creed neuer said I beleue t● holy Byble or the holy Gospel but the saide I beleeue the holy Churche A● likewise in an other place he saith ● any man haue the exposition of th● Church of Rome touchinge any plac● of the Scriptures although he neithe● knowe nor vnderstand whether or how● it agreeth with the wordes of the Scriptures yet he hath the very word of God. ●nd how doubtful vncertain al your in●●●pretations be Cusanus a Cardinall 〈◊〉 the Churche of Rome sheweth It 〈◊〉 no meruaile saith he though the practise of the Churche expounde the ●●●iptures at one time one way and at ●●●other time another way For the vnder●●●nding or the sence of the scriptures run●●●h with the practise and that sence so agreeinge with the practise is the quic●●ninge spirite And therefore the scrip●●res followe the Churche but contra●iewise the Churche followeth not the Scriptures And whereas in verie ●eede the scriptures be the light that ge●●●th sight to the blinde and rightly called 〈◊〉 candle whereby the theefe is taken the truth which doeth disclose all errours 〈◊〉 rule to square and frame mans lyfe 〈◊〉 power of God vnto saluation I muse ●●●uely howe you da●● presume to keepe his hid treasure from Gods inheritance ●nd yet pretēd that you do perswade them ●●●stantly to giue most humble credit there●●●to And forsomuche as you do challeng ●●●e discerning seuering the Scriptures ●●●om other writinges of all sortes you haue in verie deed not onely corrupted the tr● sense of the Bible but also abased the authoritie of the scriptures and haue mad● equall or rather preferred your owne decrees and constitutions before the hol● Bible the errours in your old translatiō o● the Bible which you falsly ascribe vnt● S. Ierome be so manifest so grosse tha● euery childe may easily espy them as i● the third chapter of Genesis these worde● are to be found Ipsa conteret caput tuu● She shall breake
other mens writing and so would I haue others vnderstand myne It is most true that Origem Ambrose Augustine Hierom the other fathers of the Church haue their seuerall errors one doth write against an other most vehemently What maruell is it that these did differ seing that ●he Apostles thē selues could not agree alwayes in all pointes Paule did withstand Peter in the face before all men Platina one of your owne storie writers affirmeth that the Popes them selues whom you brage so much of did repugne one an others decrees The next Pope saith he either breaketh or vtterly repealeth his predecessors decrees For these little petie Popes had no other studie to occupie them selues with all but only to deface the name of the former Popes of which church were not only these Popes but also your owne scholemen pillers of your religion How came it to passe that these thinges were vttered in your owne boks Barnardus non vidit omnia Barnarde did not see all things Hic magister non tenetur Here one maister is not to bee receiued Thomas Aquine saith that we are not bōnd vpon the necessitie of saluatiō to beleue not only the Doctours of the Churche as Hierom. August ▪ but also neither the church it selfe sauing only matters concerning the substaunce of faith But lett all mens aucthoritie passe and receiue that remaining in eight Persons the which which the holy Apostle wriceth Whosoeuer bringeth not the Doctrine of the Gospell receiue them not And againe If wee or an Angell from heauen doe preach any other doctrine thē you haue receiued hold him accursed To conclud we ought not to leane either to this man or that to the right hand or to the left to this church or that church in any thing whatsoeuer further then the truth of Gods word doth direct vs Neither doeth our saluation depend vppon anie earthly man but we ascribe it wholy to our lord sauiour Christ by whose stripes onely we are healed Papist 11 MOreouer I aske of the Protestants whether in the time on which they hold the true Church to haue bene hidden or lost the people that learned this article of their Creede I beleue the catholik Church was bound to goe from the church which they sawe and which taught them both that article all other things touching their faith by which they were christened receiued al other sacramentes commodities of saluation And whether they were bound to seeke for this vnknowne closse congregation which they could neither come vnto nor by ●hich they neuer receaued any benefit nor ●ould receiue any so forsake the church ●y whome and in whome they receiued both ●heir faith sacraments Shew me therfore ●hat the Christian men of those dates were charged to beleue any other church or seke for any other church thē that which taught them the articles of the church and baptized them And I recant Answeare 11 YOu further demaūd Whether the people when the Church was hid were bound to goe from the church which they sawe seeke the vnknowne church beleue the same If you will vouchsafe to peruse that which I haue noted heretofore which is also confirmed by sundrie learned authorities viz. that the true church of God is to be sought for to be found only by the scripturs which are the foundations of the same church you may be satisfied heerein that the people ought to stay them selues vpon the scriptures not to beleue any further then Gods word leadeth thē The true church of God is not alwayes most apparant in earth or consistinge of the greatest number This appeareth by Noah in setting him selfe against all the worlde the true Church onely excepted then were saued in the arke and all the worlde else drowned Was not Lot his small familie the true Church of God deliuered by the Angells and the fiue whole citties destroyed ▪ where was the Church in the time of Elias when he complained most bitterly and said I haue bene verie ielous for the Lord God of hoastes For the children of Israel haue forsaken the couenant broken downe the altars slaine thy Prophetes with the swoord I only am lefte and they seeke my life to take it away Where was the Church when Esay the Prophet cried out How is the faithfull cittie become an harlot it was full of iudgement iustice lodged therein but now they are murtherers their siluer is become drosse their wine is mixed with water their Princes are rebellious and companions of theeues Where was the Church when Dauid the Prophet did breake for the into theise words there is not one that doeth good no not one If there were any Church of God in these times in which these Prophe●es liued no doubt it was in verie fewe or els hid altogether otherwise they would not so greeuouslie haue complained of the want thereof And yet there was in all ●ese times a Church in outwarde forme ●ewe to the iudgment of man supposed to ● the true Church where the Iewes the ●●e Church at what time they bosted most ● the outwarde beautie of their Church ●ying We are the temple of the Lord or ●hen they sayd wee are the children of God whereas euen at that time they went ● whoring after their owne inuentions But as the Scribes Pharisies vaunted ●em selues that they were the true Church ●f God the Disciples of Moses the sonnes ●f Abraham where as in deede by the te●●imonie of our sauiour Christ they wor●●ipped God in vaine teachinge the pre●eptes and doctrines of men and erred for ●hat they knowe not the scriptures were ●ypocrites dissemblers deuouring wi●owes houses vnder a colour of longe prai●r euen so you with your Church of Rome ●hough you bragge neuer so much of your ●uccession and aucthoritie the holy ghost ●lainly sheweth that your Babilon shall ●aue a fal Our sauiour Christ telleth both ●ou the pharisees that you haue made through your own deuises the temple of God adenn of theues Triumph neuer so much that you are the catholike church ▪ that you are in the arke of Noah you are none of Gods neither shall be till you renounce abolish your vaine ceremonies ● false worshipping of God other thinges which you do contrarie to his holy worde● The true church of God is cōpared to the Moone which sometimes is full clere a● bright sometimes in the Eclips is wan ● darke so the church of God is now great now small now calme and in quietnesse nowe subiect to tempests and troubles nowe in many nowe in fewe And therefore you are greatlie deceiued in that you do thinke the Church vtterly extinguished whē it appeareth not at your pleasure Thus you may learne by sundrie writers that God hath had wil haue alwaies his church whether it be more or lesse One which hath written the Forte of
Church of God by as though Christes Church shoulde bee alwayes knowne and disceened by outwarde offices and functions I haue shewed before at large that the true church of God might be so hiddē the t●ue religion so suppressed that it might in mans iudgement seeme that god had no church at al or else a very smal Church ▪ yet neuerthelesse God hath from time to time sent some Moses some Elias some Ieremie some Baruch or some one or other to represent his true Church to publish his true law gospel to waken the people from sinne that the world might thereby be without al excuse as I haue named some whiche liued in the time of ignorance which diligently preached the Gospell and reprooued the idolatries of your Church There was moreouer certaine godly preachers in Sueuia in the yeare of our Lorde 1240. which preached against the Pope affirming his authoritie to be vsurped and the doctrine of the Churche of Rome to bee corrupt Arnoldus de noua villa a Spanyarde complained that Sathan had seduced the world by your Church of Rome from the truth of Iesu Christ and said That there ought to be no sacrifice for the deade Which your Churche earnestly mainteineth At Brugis were 36. citezens of Moguntia burned for the doctrine of Christ affirming the Pope to be Antichrist Militius a Bohemian a famous and godlie Preacher inueighed against the Churche of Rome saying That Antichrist was alreadie placed Marcilius Patauius Gulielmus Ockam Iohannes Gandauensis Luitpoldus Andraeas Laudensis Aligerius Gregorius Arminensis Andraeas de castro Buridianus mainteined all the Gospell against the Popes proceedinges Dante 's an Italian writer in his booke called The canticle of Purgatory declareth the Pope to be the whore of Babylon Tauterus a Preacher of Germanie preached against mans merites and Inuocation to Saintes Franciscus Petrarcha about the same time did write an Italian meeter affirming Rome to be the whore of Babylon the schoole and mother of errour the temple of heresie the nest of al trecherie Iohannes de Rupe scissa Anno 1340. did write that Rome was Babilon and the Pope the minister of Antichriste Conradus Hager taught twentie foure yeares togeather the masse to be no sacrifice that monie taken for Masses was verie robberie and sacriledge Iohannes Mountziger Rector of the vniuersitie of Vlme disputed in open schooles against your Popishe doctrine And at the same time Nilus Byshoppe of Thessalonica preached and also wrote a booke against the Pope and the Churche of Rome whiche booke is now extant in English Truely there passed no age since Christ as it appeareth by the histories in which Christes Gospell hath not bene preached by some one or other either priuately in the times of persecution or publikely in the peaceable times and tranquilitie of the Churche when propheciyng of whiche Paule speaketh and other godlie exercises hath beene vsed But howe the true Churche may be knowen it is manifest surely euen in the Scriptures of God in whiche we learne Christ in which we may learn the church by which we may know the difference betwixte the true and false Church S. Chris saith At this time all Christians ought to flee vnto the Scriptures Because since heresies inuaded the Churche there can be no triall of true Christianitie neither can Christians which be willing to know the true faith haue anie refuge sauing the Scriptures Againe he saieth he that coueteth to knowe which is the true Church howe shall he know it but onely by the Scriptures The Church of God I meane euerie faithfull congregation in the time of peace and quietnesse doth vse preaching Christian and profitable exercises and discipline as Gods name be thanked wee haue at this day especially in all reformed Churches and we haue had since Christes ascention your Churche hath alwaies persecuted the true Churche by fire and faggotte and other exquisite tormentes If I may be so bolde I woulde aske one question of you Whether the true Churche of God did euer from the beginning persecute or that it hath bene persecuted You will I thinke confesse with me that Caine a figure of the malignant church did murder his innocent brother Abell an image of the true Churche that Ismael persecuted Isaac Esawe Iacob Saul Dauid the false Prophetes the true Prophetes the vngodlie Pharisies Christe the Messias the false Apostles the true Apostles the cruell tyrantes in the primitiue Churche the faythfull Christians and to conclude your Romishe Churche the true Churche and professoures of the Gospell And this thing was forewarned by our sa●iour Christe That in the worlde his churche shoulde haue tribulation that the worlde shoulde reioyce and his children shoulde be sadde that if the false Churche had persecuted the Lorde it shoulde in like manner persecute the seruaunt and that they whiche shoulde persecute the Churche of God shoulde perswade themselues that they do God good seruice Saint Augustine speaking of the persecution in the primitiue Church saith They were bounde they were imprisoned they were beaten they were ●acked they were burned and yet they multiplied And Iustinus Martyr sheweth what he thought of those whiche suffered being yet an Ethnike When saith he I herd that the Christians were accused and reuiled of all men and yet sawe them goe to their death and to all manner terrible and cruell torments quietly and without feare I thought with my selfe it was not possible that suche men shoulde liue in anie wickednesse But to returne to your Churche we may say truely that you neuer had nor vsed in your Churche rightly according to the worde of GOD either preaching prophesiyng or discipline as for prophesying vsed by the Apostles and all other godlie reformed Churches your Church of Rome neuer vsed If you meane by the spirite of prophesiyng which you chalenge as of right to your church the forewarning of thinges to come which office was ceased in the Church then take heede least by your owne confession you bewraye your church to bee that Sinagogue of Sathan of which our Sauiour Christ geueth vs warning that with signes and wonders if it were possible shoulde deceiue the electe You preached very seldom not in time and out of time as Paule admonished his scholler Timothie and when you preached you preached not Christ and his death to bee the onely raunsome for our sinnes but your owne workes and meritorious deedes not Christes Gospell but your Legend of lyes and your vaine and supersticious traditions for whiche you had no warrant in Gods booke The law of God and his true worship was either altogeather abolished or else most wickedly corrupted before the times of king Iosias Helias did also renue the same beeing before his time decaied ●t seemeth in like māner that the people of ●e Iewes were fallen from God when ●s they said vnto Ieremy The words that ●ou hast spoken vnto vs in the name of
●e Lord we will not heare them of thee ●ut we wil doo whatsoeuer thing goeth ●orth of our owne mouth as to burne ●ncense vnto the Queene of heauen and ●o poure our drinke offerings vnto her as we haue doone both we and our fathers our kinges and our princes in the ●itie of Iuda in the streetes of Hierusalem Whereas in deede they woorshipped sacrificed to the Sonne Moone and Starres and committed grosse Idolatrie against god Euen as you haue learned by that idolatrous people and grounded I thinke vppon this place to call the Virgin Mary Queene of heauen and to sing Salue Regina and againe Regina coeli laetare Reioyce O Queene of heauen And euen from this same time wherein Ieremie liued and for the most parte vntill the time of our Sauiour there were false Prophets and men of greate learning which preached idolatrie in steed of Gods lawe yet imagined that they serued God shal we say that these were of Gods church because their religion continued so long a time woulde that excuse them or the Pharisees in pleading that they were the true successors of Moses the children of Abraham and that they taught the Lawe of God when as in deede they had corrupted the Lawe Euen so albeit you boaste neuer so much of succession or that your Church hath continued thus manie hundre● or thus many thousand yeeres or that your Churche is the knowne Catholike Church if that you be not able to prooue by the woord of God that your Church is the true Church and the religion and doctrine of your Church is fully and wholy in euery point grounded vppon the Gospell of Christ which you shall neuer be able to doo then you boaste and bragge in vayne The Turke himselfe by this argument of succession and continuance may approue the Alcaron and religion of Mahomet and this to be as true a Churche as yours This reason might the Aegyptians the Persians the Romanes and all Esawes broode haue alleadged for themselues So that to ende this matter it is neither the title or name of a Churche neither the succession of Officers or the continuance of the same or the aucthoritie of anie man that maketh the difference betwixte the true and false Churche but onelie the true worde of God which discetneth them Papist 14 MOreouer let anie Protestant shewe how that can be the piller of truth whiche durst not for a thousande yeares together claime either the preaching of Gods worde or ministring the Sacramentes or woulde vtter her selfe against falshood and superstition Let any man shew that all the giftes of the Spirite and functions of the holie Ghoste haue been taken from her for a thousande yeares together and onely practised for the peoples vse by the adulterous Churche Let it bee declared how the gates of bell haue not preuailed and Christes woordes promise and warrant for her hath not bene voyde and frustrate of a bastarde churche exercising perpetuall idolatrie as they say hath spoyled the true churche of all holie actions and of the whole gouernement and of the whole name of Christianity almost euer since Christes time Let me see therefore howe the onely dareling and spouse of Christe shoulde be neglected so long of him so long let the Aduersarie shewe that the Churche should euer by superstition and falshood committ adulterie or deserue to be deuorced from him or that Christ shoulde euer want his spouse in earth or that he shoulde be either a heade without a bodie or of such an vnknowen and small bodie or that Christ his onel●e kingdome should become so contemptable or that his spouse in earth shoulde euer lacke the singuler prerogatiue of Gods spirit Shewe me these things and I recant Answeare 14. COncerning the principal matter comprised in this your demaunde it is sufficientlie answeared before howe that all the Christians in Greece and Asia haue euer refused to agree with your Churche in faith and doctrine that God hath raised vp from time to time since your Churche declined from the true and Apostolike faith some which haue inueighed against your superstitious traditions euen as it is recorded by a learned writer who affirmeth That there hath bene some in euerie age which haue honored and embraced the Gospell but that within the space of these foure hundred yeares the zeale therof hath decaied in manie men And whereas you aske Howe the holie Ghost coulde be kepte so long from this close ●hurche how the gates of hell haue not pre●ayled against it howe Christes dearling ●ould● be neglected howe Christe shoulde ●e head of suche a Churche as hath either ●o bodie at all or else a very small and ●tle bodie ▪ I answeare that albeit to your ●do ●mea● the Churche of God whiche ●s the congregation of the faithful be con●mptible and despised yet neuerthelesse ● God 's eyes it is precious The holie Ghost commeth not in visi●le forme vnto the children of God as the Owle or Howlet presented himselfe in the ●ytime and stared your Pope Iohn in ●e face when he and his Cleargie were ●t in a general Councell holden at Rome by which occasion the Councel was dissol●ed ▪ but he is the comforter which shall ●wayes remaine with the church of God ●hich dwelleth with suche as be faithful ●hich guydeth and ruleth their mindes ●hich doth sāctifie them inwardly whiche ●pirite doeth breathe his graces where ●e listeth and when he pleaseth And there●ore it is a great fault in you to vtter suche ●ashe iudgement and to propounde suche vayne questions or rather as you seeme to define where Gods spirite remayneth as though you had him in a string or that he should be at your becke and appointment The wordes of Christ be true That Hell gates which is the power of Sathan Antichrist which standeth in crafte and violence shall not preuaile against the Churche of God. For you may burne their bodies racke them in peeces teare them in sunder with wilde Horses boyle them in cauldrons roaste them on spittes broyle them vppon gridyorns stabbe and prodde them in with bodkins or penkniues throwe them vnto wilde beastes or other waies to torment them as your Church o● Rome hath vsed the children of God euen this close Churche whiche you so often do skoffe at Neuerthelesse their names are written in the booke of life When yo● haue consumed the bodie you haue no further power you haue done all that you ca● for Christes Churche is Christes darling in deede whom he wil not forsake because he is alwayes faithfull and sure in his promises The mouth of God hath promised them helpe whiche cannot lie Christe i● deede is the true andonelie heade of his Churche whiche be the faithfull children ●f God truely called the temple of God ●ecause that GOD is resident in them by ●is holie spirite and these faithfull are the ●tones of the new Ierusalem which is the ●niuersall Churche of God of
the which ●uilding Christe is the chiefe corner stone ●hough you haue taught the people of God ●therwise affirming the Pope to be head ●f Gods Churche and to be of equiualent ●ucthoritie with Christ One of your schole●octors saith That Christe and the Pope ●ake one consistorie and sinne onely ●xcepted the Pope can doe whatsoeuer God himselfe can doe And euen as you ●eale with Christe for the preheminence ●nd rule so you will appointe him a body ●r no bodie or alter or chaunge his bodie ●s you liste You cannot limit GOD ●is Church for his Church is in manie or ●ewe as his heauenlie wisedome appoyneth And therfore Christ saith That when●oeuer two or three are gathered togea●her in my name I am in the middest of ●hem And as one doth say as is before ●lledged Although there were but two ●en remayning in the worlde yet in ●hem two the Churche of God which ●s the vnitie of the faithfull shoulde bee saued Therefore though man be ignorant whome God hath elected vnto saluation and who be of Christ his bodie yet God who vnderstandeth all secretes doeth knowe who are his And euerie member of Christ hath the spirite of God to assure his conscience that he is the childe of god God graunt you that inwarde testimonie and the comfort of the same spirit grounded vpon the Gospell which they doe feele in themselues Then will you neuer be so carefull for these outwarde shewes Papist 15 SHew me that the church which ought to be a Christian mans stay in troubles ▪ and tempests of doctrine might become so hidden or so close that no man could finde her or so hartlesse that she coulde succour no man nor instruct anie man in h● doubte of conscience or distresse in faith Proue me that there may be such a decay ● Goddes spirit truth and churche And I recant Answeare 15 IT seemeth that you are harping alwaie● vppon one string but if you woulde dil●gently waie with your selfe the frailtie man who is dailie slipping away from d●tifull obedience towardes God and consider what bridles and bittes God hath ordained to pull him backe from the libertie of sinne to preserue him from daungers You shal finde other staies to grounde mās faith and settle his cōscience then anie such outwarde shewe of a visible Church as you imagin The ground worke and foundation of faith and the staie and buttresse of mans conscience are the holie scriptures which Dauid the blessed Prophet calleth the Mountaines vnto which the faithful shoulde lift vp their eyes which are the onely comforte to thē in their troubles Christ exhorteth vs To searche the scriptures for they do beare witnes of him who is our peace our iustification our sanctification our redemptiō The Apostle assureth vs That the scriptures are the power of god vnto saluatiō to as many as beleeue whether they be Iewes or Gentils What need we any further proofe to teach vs that faith is staied vpō the scriptures then that which is spoken by Paule the Apostle ▪ Faith saith he commeth of hearing and hearing by the worde of God. Howe shall we knowe God ▪ Howe shall we knowe Christ How shal we know Gods spirit howe shall wee discerne true faith from a fonde opinion but onely by the scriptures Faith as Saint Augustine affirmeth doth stagger if the aucthority of gods scriptures do faile True faith true knowledge and a right conscience are grounded vpon the worde of god Constantine that worthie Emperour spake openly in the Nicene Councel to the like effecte The writinges saith he of the Euangelistes and Apostles and the oracles of the auncient Prophets do instruct vs plainely what we ought to vnderstande and beleue of Gods will and pleasure and therfore all contention set aparte let vs seeke the solution of those thinges which bee propounded out of the scriptures of God which by the testimonie of the holy Ghost be able to instruct vnto all good workes The doctrine of the scriptures teacheth especiallie these foure principles Knowledge Faith Godlines Iustice true braūches of a christian mans life It is the parte of euerie Christian to learne to knowe God the Creatour and maker of all thinges to knowe Christ the the redemer of mankinde to knowe the holie Ghost the spirit of sanctificatiō what benefits he hath ond doth receiue by these ●hree persons vnited in one Godhead which ●noweledge the wise man calleth Perfect righteousnes and the roote of immoralitie Also our Sauiour Christ saith That ●his is eternall life that they know thee ●he onely true GOD and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent Man created according to gods Image may not be like the Horse Mule in whom there is no vnderstanding or to bee such as God by the Prophet complaineth vpon That the oxe knoweth his owner the Asse his ma●ters cribb But Israel hath not knowne ●ny people hath no vnderstanding It be●oueth him to beleue in these three persons and all thinges which he knoweth out of gods booke It is his part and duty moreouer to practise pietie and godlinesse tow●rdes God iustice and vprigh dealing towardes man But I knowe what you ●hoote at Verely to haue vs to beleue and ●o stay our selues vpon the aucthoritie of your Church of Rome and the vnwritten ●erities of the same Church Because the true Church of God hath not alwaies appeared to the view of the whole worlde in outwarde pompe or shewe Therefore your indeuour to perswade yet I trust in vaine that man doubtfull in conscience and wauering in faith coulde receiue no comfort by that close inuisible and hartles Church as you call it I haue proued before that God hath raised vp in all ages since the beginninge of the worlde such as haue giuen a testimonie of their zeale and true religion vnto the worlde You must not limit and appointe God his Church or vpon whom hee shall power out his graces or in what measure he shall bestow his spirite God by the ministerie of his woorde doeth cure and heale suche as be broken in heart geueth medicine to heale their sickenesse maketh strong the weake faith and doth comforte the feeble minde of man by his holie spirite Gods spirite cannot decay or be of lesse power or Gods churche and spouse lesse honourable albeit there were but one simple man in the vniuersall worlde to mans iudgement which doeth imbrace the trueth of god Though Abell was but one thoughe Elias in his time was but one Noah and his housholde but a small number Christe our Sauiour and his simple Fishermen his Apostles men of no reputation a very few in respect of all the world besides had God therefore ●o Churche in these times Notwithstanding the law was corrupted before Christ the true worshipp of God cleane extinguised all the people geuen for the most part ●o idolatrie yea and no prophet to reproue the people from Malachie his time vntill
of God and your vnitie to agree ●ith Christs veritie and Gospell But is ●t this rather truely verified of your suc●ssion which was vttered by Pope A●riā Succedimus non Petro in pascēdo ●d Romulo in parricidio We succeade ●aith hee not Peter in feeding but Ro●ulus in murdering Succession of place ●uaileth not one strawe if you cannot in ●ke maner proue the succession of Christ ●s true doctrine The idolatrous priestes ● al ages might verie wel haue boasted of ●ccession of place And so might the Pha●sees which bragged somuch of their tem●le and of their succession euen from Mo●es and yet they were fouly fallen awaye ●rō the sincere pure Law of God wor●hipped god in vain teaching the precepts ●nd doctrine of men You claime your suc●ession from Peter the blessed Apostle of Christ for that as you saie he was Bishope of Rome If nowe you can proue that your religiō is the same that Peter taught written by the spirit of truth for the comfort of the true Church of God conteined in the newe testament of Christ Then not onely I but all which defende the same truth with me will willingly ioyne handes with you But and if you can not proue your doctrine by gods worde you must thē pardō vs in that we wil not take your part against Christ I woulde to God that you woulde vnfainedlie sect forthe to the vse of gods people that religion which the Apostle Paule I will not say Peter for that there is no warrāt in the scriptures for his beinge at anie time in Rome planted amongst the Romanes Which faith true religion the Apostle commendeth in thē ▪ Then surely we woulde not onely goe but rūne with you to the building of gods temple and woulde lay to our handes and our harts To this effect spaketh S. Ciprian that alwaies wee builde our faith succession and whole religion vpon a sure stedfast foundation If saith he The pipes of the cundit which before ran with aboundaunce happen to faile doe wee not serche to the heade c ▪ The priests of God ▪ ●●●ing gods commaundements must doe the same that if the truthe haue fainted or failed in any point we turne to the very originall of our Lord and to the traditions of the Gospell and of the Apostles that from thence the reason of our actions or doings may arise from whence the order it selfe and originall first began Thus wee may say of your vnitie in faith your vniformi●ie in ceremonies your holy functions If you can proue confirme these thinges by manifest places of the holy scriptures for my parte I will recant ●nd be of your religion But though you ●r an Angel would perswade me to the cōtrarie without the testimonie of Gods worde God assisting me with his spirit I will not beleue you I marueile why you will seeme to mainteine these matters se●ng it is most repugnanc to the truth The ●eade Capitaines of your religion and Doctours of your Church do not agree in ●he vnitie of your religion but do dis●ent in the principle pointes thereof Some ●aye That Christes naturall body euen ●he same which was borne of the vir●in Marie is receiued in the Sacrament ●ome denye saying that so soone as the forme of the bread is grated with the teethe straight way the body of Christ is caught vp into Heauen One sayth That a mouse may eate the body of Christ an other sayth That a mouse can not eate it and to dissolue these questions the cheefe piller of your church euen Petrus Lombardus saith What the mouse doth take or what she eateth God knoweth I can not tell And noting further the disagrement of your church men he saith Some men iudge thus some say thus some haue written thus some graunt thus some others haue taught thus that the verie substance of the bread wine remaine still And if a question saith he were moued what maner of conuersion or chaunge this is whether in forme or in substaunce or in some other manner I am not able to discusse An other saith How the body of Christ is there whether it bee by chaunging of something into it or Christes body beginne to bee there together with the bread both the substance and the accidents of the bread remaining still without chaunging it is not founde exprest in the canon of the Bible Innocentius the thirde Pope of that name sayth that there were some which sayde that as after consecration there remayned the very accidentes or formes of ●reade so likewise the verie substance of the same breade remaineth still Marke howe the pleas●●nt and swete ●armonie and concordaunce of your ●hurch of Rome doeth agree and hange ●ogether as cōcerning these weightie cau●s I thinke you iudge this transubstan●ation a matter of faith You may see ●en howe you agree or rather disagree ● the vnitie of faith Concerning your ●iformitie in your so manie superstitious ●uiteles and tedious Ceremonies and ●aditions of your owne inuentions it ●ay easily be veiwed and seene by the ma●fold sectes of your religious stoare and ●ble of your heremites your Ankers ●d Ancresses your recluses your holy ●onkes of Benettes order of Cluniacen●s order of Lazarits order of Saint ●ieronimus order of Saint Gregories ●der the order of the shadowed valley of ●saphattes order of the Humiliats or●r of the Celestines order of Gilber●nes order of Iustinians order of the Charter house Monks of the Templaries order of the Iacobites order the Monks of Mount Oliuete Maries bretheren the order of the Flagellatours the Starred Monkes some white some black some graie some maled so called for tha● they did weare male cotes next their skin the order of Iesuites and a greate company of orders besides these Of Friers som● were called crosse bearers some Carmelit● or white Friers some Minorities or gre● Friers some obseruant Friers some Mendicant or begging Friers some Dominicke some Franciscans so called of Sain● Frances whose coule as Thomas Aquine faith had power to remoue sinne I omitte your Channons your Virgi● Nunnes of all sortes but such as had n● oyle in their Lampes your Nominals your reals I might make a long discourse here in describinge the varietie of this religions crue and companie not only in ceremoniall matters but also in matters of faith and doctrine But I trust all the world doth knowe howe they haue bene bewitched with such kind of sorceries and therefore I should but wast labour and lose time You aske further Whether wee bee bounde to obey your Church of Rome and none other in all controuesies and doubtes raised by the difficultie of the Scriptures or by the vaine contention of heresies Hereby you seeme to chalenge two thinges not onely a prerogatiue or preheminence aboue all other churches but also the interpretation of the scriptures solely and wholy to appertaine vnto you But I pray you tell me from whence you had this
priuiledge I am sure you will say that you receiued it of Peter the Apostle of Christ because that herevpon you doe ground all your church and religion For that as you say Peter being the cheefe and head of the Apostles hauing the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen cōmitted vnto him being Bishop of Rome it commeth by discent and orderly succession vnto all the Bishops of Rome But this your supposition I vtterly denie that either Peter was the cheife of the Apostles or that the keyes were solely and only giuen vnto him by Christ or that Peter euer was at Rome That Peter was not the heade of the Apostles it is playne by the testimonie of S. Paule who saith That he which was mightie by Peter in the Apostolike ouer the circumcision was also mightie by him towardes the Gentils And againe he saith when Iames Cephas and Iohn knewe of the grace that was giuen vnto me whiche are compted to be pillers they gaue to me to Barnabas the right hands of felowship that we should preach vnto the Gentils they to the circumcision And your ordinarie glose vpon this word saith That Paule did not learne of others as of his superiours but did conferre with them as with his friendes and equals When the. 2. sonnes of Zebede desired to be exalted and that the other tenne disdayned therefore at them our Sauiour Christ called them all before him saying Ye knowe that the Lordes of the Gentils haue dominion ouer them that they be great exercise auctoritie ouer thē but it shall not bee so among you but whosoeuer will be great among you let him bee your seruant and whosoeuer will be chiefe among you let him bee your minister When the Apostles disputed by the way for superioritie our Sauiour Christe saide If anie man desire to be firste or chiefe the same shal be last of all and seruaunt vnto all And oftentimes the Apostle Paule calleth all the Apostles Fellowe laborers Workers together and Companions That godly father Cyprian sayth Peter was euen the same that the other Apostles were indued with like fellowshippe both in honour and also in dignitie And Chrisostome writinge vppon the Epistle to the Galathians saieth Paule had no neede of Peter neither did he lacke his consent but was his fellowe companion in honour Nowe for the keyes you say that Christ gaue them onely vnto Peter When he said Vnto thee will I giue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen First you must vnderstande that the keyes of which our sauiour Christ heare maketh mencion are the worde and scriptures of God And so Saint Chrisostome doeth expounde these words saying Clauis est scientia scripturarum per quam aperiturianua veritatis The keye is the knowledge of the holy scriptures by the which the gate of the trueth is opened And these keyes were not proper to Peter but common to all For Saint Augustine saith That when Christ did saie vnto Peter I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen he meant his whole church An other saith The keye beareres are the ministers of Gods word vnto whome is committed the teaching of the word and the interpretation of the Scriptures An other sayth This saying vnto thee I will giue the keyes of the kingdome of Heauen is common also vnto other the words which followe as spoken vnto Peter are common to all Thus you may see that Peter neither hath any diuinitie aboue the rest neither the keyes which be the scriptures do belonge more vnto him then to the other Apostles and faithfull ministers of Gods church Nowe to proue that Peter was neuer at Rome It appeareth euidently that our sauiour Christ gaue Peter and the rest a charge to tarry at Hierusalem after his ascention who continued there preaching the Gospel insomuch that he conuerted at one sermon three thousande soules Hee is put in prison and beinge deliuered was charged not to speak any more in the name of Iesus Notwithstandinge he with the rest did preach still and being put in prison againe was deliuered by an Angell who setteth open the prison doores The Apostle Peter with his fellowes cease not to preach both dayly in the temple and also in priuate houses Paule is conuerted the first yeare after Christes ascention receiueth the holy Ghost yet he remaineth at Damascus and in the coūtreis adioyning for the space of three yeares after his conuersion in the fourthe yeare he cometh to Hierusalem to see Peter where he aboade with him fifteene dayes Peter then goeth to Ioppa where he healeth Aeneas which had kept his bedde èight yeares and was sicke of the palsie he rayseth Tabitha from death Hee is sent for vnto Caesarea where he conuerteth Cornelius Peter returneth to Hierusalem where hauing some contention with them of the circumcision he sheweth the cause why he went vnto the Gentills Peter is put in prison againe by Herodes commaundement and sleeping betwene two souldiers bound with two chaines the Angel smot him on the side and the chaines fel of and he was brought forth of prison and entred into the citie the iron gate opened to them by it owne accorde and they came to Maries house Shortly after he goeth againe to Caesaria where he abideth I shewed before that in the fourth yeare after Paules conuersion he came to Hierusalem to see Peter Then fourteene yeares after that he cometh to Hierusalem againe where the Apostles helde a Councell together where Peter was present where Iames Peter and Iohn gaue vnto Paule and Barnabas the right hands of felloweshippe that they shoulde preache vnto the Gentills And Peter and his fellowes vnto the Iewes For Paule had saide before that the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision which were the Gentilles was committed to him as the Gospell ouer the Circumcision which were in the Iewes was committed vnto Peter Then Paule goeth vnto Antioche Whether Peter after a short time did also come whome Paule rebuked before all men because he caused the Gentills to liue after the manner of the Iewes These thinges should be done about nineteene yeares after Paule his conuersion in which time it is manifest that Peter had not bene at Rome Whereby they bee deceaued whiche affirme that Peter was Bishop of Rome fiue and twentie yeares for that nowe he should haue bene in the middest of his Bishoprike and that he could not after this time be fiue and twentie yeares there it is most plaine for that he liued in all after Christes ascention but three and thirtie yeares But nowe to proceede to my purpose that is to proue that Peter was neuer at Rome by such coniecturall argumentes as will hardly by the Scriptures bee disproued About two and twentie yeares after Paule his conuersion vnderstanding that Claudius the Emperour had commaunded all the Iewes to depart from Rome he
sense and ●ere not able to expound and interpret his ●wn meaning Saint Paule saith That we must to not heare an Angel if he bring a●ie thing contrarie to the Gospell Augustine expounding these woordes saith Whether it be of Christ or of his church or of anie thing else whatsoeuer pertaining either to our life or to our faith I wil not onely say if I my self but if an Angel from heauen shal teach vs otherwise then we haue receiued in the bookes of the Lawe and the Gospel holde him accursed An other godly father saith As what Gold soeuer is without the Temple is not sanctified so euery sense and interpretation which is without the holy scripture although vnto some it seeme woonderfull yet it is not holy because it is not conteined in the sense of the Scripture Call to remembraunce I praye you how vntruely and cleane contrarie to the true meaning of the holy Ghost your Church hath interpreted the Scriptures As vpon these woordes Fiet vnum ouile et vnus Pastor your Church giueth this exposition to these woordes There shal be one folde and one shepheard we may not vnderstand it of Christ but of some other minister that ruleth in his roome One saide vnto Pope Leo in the Coūcel holden at Lateran Behold the Lyon of the tribe of Iuda is come the roote of Dauid c. O most blessed Leo wee haue wayted for thee to be our Sauiour So it is likewise sayde The Pope beeing the light is come into the worlde and men haue loued the darkenesse more then light euery man that dooth euell hateth the light that is to say the Pope and commeth not to the light These woordes are to be vnderstoode of our sauiour Christ who in deede is the Lyon of the tribe of Iuda and commeth of the roote of Dauid who is the lighte that commeth into the world and see how blasphemouslie your Church doth wrest these woordes and applieth them vnto the Pope Againe Pope Sextus affirmeth That hee can neuer be forgiuen whosoeuer he be which accuseth the Pope And thus he reasoneth He that sinneth against the holy Ghost that is to say Against the Pope shall neuer be forgiuen neither in this world nor in the world to come These woordes of the Scripture are thus to bee taken That they shall neuer haue forgiuenes at Gods hands which sinne against the holy Ghost And the Pope wil haue them to be meant of him I coulde rehearse infinite places to this same effecte and purpose But let the indifferent reader iudge by these fewe places howe vntruely the church of Rome dooth interpret the holy scriptures But let them beware betimes of the heauy iudgmēts of god Wo be vnto thē that cal good euel euel good darkenes light light darknes sower sweete and sweete sower What is this but to diminish the authoritie of the heauenly woorde of God God dooth sharpely threaten That if anie man shal adde vnto these thinges GOD shall adde vnto him those plagues that are writtē in this booke if anie man shal diminish of the wordes of the booke of this prophesie God shall take away his parte out of the booke of life out of the holy citie and from those things which are written in this boke God graūt you true repentāce that you may imbrace Christ his worde and escape these threatnings of God. Papist 17 MOreouer let anie man prooue vnto me that the true only church of god may at anie time be voyd of a spirit of falsly interpret any sentēce of holy scripture or induce any errours among the people or approoue any vnprofitable or hurtful vsage amongst Christians or that she suffreth any dānable abuse in her religion without open reprehension thereof prooue any of these proofes And I recant Answeare 17 I Haue prooued before at large that the true Church of God is neuer without the comfort of gods spirit which spirit doeth not visibly and openly in anie forme or substance reueale and shewe him selfe but inwardly ingraffe in the hartes of the elect whether they be manie or fewe the doctrine of the Gospell doth increase true knoweledge in them doth worke true sanctificatiō holinesse and doth guide leade them in al good actions I haue proued also that gods true church doth not corrupt and falsly interpret the holy scriptures as your Church of Rome doth in wresting and wringing the sence of the scriptures in comparing it to A nose of waxe a shipmans hose or in calling it A dead and dumbe letter But the true sheepe doth gladly here the voice of the shephearde do acknowledge all thinges to be contained in the scripture necessary for mans saluation doe confesse no hardnesse or difficulty to be in the worde of God But that the holie Ghost doth sufficiently expounde himselfe and one place expresse another The true Church doth not teach the people anie errours anie vnwritten verities any inuentions of her owne braine or anie thing touching doctrine or life which shee findeth not written in the canonicall scriptures doth not approue anie vnprofitable vsages anie fond customes or suffer anie damnable abuses in religion without open reprehension dooth finde faulte and doth openlie inueigh against all thinges which be mixt with Gods true worshippe and seruice by the deuise of anie man whatsoeuer and will alowe nothing to be vsed amongst gods people but onely that which is warranted by the worde of god In this your treatise albeit you speake generallie yet you haue a special meaning But truly euen in that thing wherewith you charge vs you bee most giltie your selfe For if those be worthily called Abuses in religion which be matters of faith and vsed in the Church contrarie to the expresse worde of God so that Christ may be vmpeere lett al indifferent persons iudge whether your Church of Rome or we which professe the Gospell doe more abuse true religion and induce erours amongest the people We say that wee must pray only vnto God in the name of Christ and vnto none other your Church of Rome saith That wee must pray vnto the saints departed and vse them as meanes for vs vnto God. Neuerthelesse God saith Call vpon mee in the day of trouble I wil heare thee Dauid The Prophet saith When I was in trouble I called vpon the Lord and he heard me And againe he saith I will confesse my sinnes vnto the Lorde and so hee forgaue me the wickednesse of my sinne Christ saith Whatsoeuer you aske my Father in my name hee will giue it you Shewe me now by what aucthoritie of scripture you can disprooue this and prooue your inuocation of Saintes we say That it is god onely which forgiueth sinnes that for Christes sake whose blood doth purge vs frō al sinne You say that the Pope can forgiue sinne and giue pardon for many hundred yea thousand yeares and that he can doo
whatsoeuer God him selfe can doo For in name you giue him no lesse prerogatiue Dominus Deus noster Papa Our Lord God the Pope We say that wee are iustified freely by Gods speciall grace and mercie offered in Christ and that faith is the instrument to apprehend this our iustification and so saith the Apostle Ye are saued by grace and that through faith not of our selues it is the gift of god not of workes least any man should reioyce And againe Abraham beleeued God and it was coūted to him for righteousnesse You say that we are iustified by our owne works yea and that we haue workes more then wee neede which you call woorkes of supererogation or superfluous woorkes We say that we must confesse our sinnes onely vnto God and so saith Dauid I will confesse euen against mine owne selfe mine vnrighteousnesse vnto the Lorde You say That wee muste confesse our sinnes to the prieste and receiue absolution at his handes And this you call Auricular confession We say that the people of God be they neuer so simple or vnlearned ought to haue the vse of the scriptures of GOD in their knowne tongue and both heare them and reade them So Christ biddeth al men To search the scriptures Dauid sayeth That they are a light to our feete Saint Paule saith That whatsoeuer thinges are written they be written for our learnin and eugery scripture sent from God is profitable to teach to instructe to reprooue and to exhort that the man of God may be perfect prepared to euery good woorke He saith further Let the woord of God dwell in you aboundantly Wherevppon Saint Hierome noteth That euen the Leye peoshoulde reade the Scriptures and teache and admonish one an other Your church saieth That the vnlearned people ought not to haue the Scriptures in their vulgar toung that they are hard and full of difficulties We say that no Images are to bee brought into the Temple of God or to bee woorshipped God hath forbidden it by expresse commaundementes ●oth the making and the woorshipping God curseth ●oth the maker thereof the toole that ●eth it and him also that worshippeth ●t Christ saith Thou shalt woorship the ●ord thy God and him onely shalt thou ●erue The Apostle saith that Idolaters ●all haue no inheritance with Christ and ●ith God. The Angell of God refuseth ● be woorshipped and saith moreouer ●oorship God. You say that images are to bee made at they oughte to bee placed in the tem●es that they are to bee worshipped and that they are the Laie mens bookes yea and that not onely images of Saints departed but also of Christe and of GOD himselfe whiche image of God you set foorth in the similitude of an old aged man hauing a lōg gray beard and a hoare head albeit God hath geuen a straighte charge to the contrarie And Christe saith that no man hath seene God at anie time but the onely begotten sonne of God. Saint Augustine saith That it is abhominable to set anie suche picture in the Churches of Christians If a man had come into anie of your Churches in times past and had vsed your images as Epiphanius a godlie writer did vse the like long sithens you woulde haue cursed him with bell booke and candell and woulde haue burned him to ashes in the ende I will repeate the wordes conteined in an Epistle which Epiphanius did write vnto the Byshoppe of Hierusalem whiche be these I founde saith he a vaile hanging at the entrie of the Churche stained and painted and hauing the Image as it were of Christe or of some Saint for whose picture it was in deede I do not remember Therefore when I sawe the image of a man to hang in the Churche of Christe contrarie to the commaundement of the Scriptures I toare it in sonder and gaue councell to the wardens of the Churche that they should winde and burie some poore bodie in it c. ● beseech you charge the Priestes of that place that they commaunde that suche ●ailes as be contrarie to our religion be ●o more hanged vp in the Churche of Christe it behoueth your reuerence to ●aue care hereof that this superstition ●nmeete for the Church of Christ and ●nmeete for the people which be committed vnto you be remoued I might ●ande long in displaying and manifesting ●he erroures superstitious trifles of your Churche of Rome not onelie in secrete ●ractises and deuises moste expressely a●ainst God and his truth but also euen in matters of faith and in the principles of ●rue religion how farre you disagree from Christe and his Gospell and from all ●odlie writers of auncient time But these ●ay serue for a taste sauing that I will ●peake one worde of your Popes greate ●hallenge We say that all men of what calling soeuer they bee oughte to yeeld their obedience vnto suche as are in aucthoritie Christ our Sauiour paied tribute he sayed Giue vnto Caesar that whiche is due vnto Caesar Saint Paule sayeth Let euery soule be subiect vnto the higher powers for there is no power but of GOD whosoeuer therefore resisteth the power resisteth th' ordinaūce of god Saint Chrisostome vpon these wordes saieth Although thou be an Apostle although thou be an Euangelist although thou be a Prophete or whosoeuer thou arte for this subiection doth not ouerthrowe godlinesse and he doeth not say simplie let him obey but let him be subiect And Theophilacte writing vpon the same place sayeth That the Apostle teacheth al men whether he be a priest or Monke or Apostle that he be subiect vnto Princes Your Churche doeth challenge this aucthoritie from Peter to be aboue Kinges and Emperoures which also you say Peter receiued from Christe For these be the verie words of Pope Nicholas Christ saieth he hath giuen to blessed Peter the righte as well of the ●orldly as also of the heauenly Em●yre Wherevpon you grounde these ar●ments The Sonne is higher and grea●r then the Moone Therefore the ●ope is higher and greater then the ●mperour The soule is aboue the bo●e therefore the pope is aboue the ●mperour Thus you take vpon you not ●elie to haue the superioritie ouer Em●erours but also to put them forth of their ●ates and to remoue the Empire at your ●easure And thus did Pope Adrian write ●to Frederike the Emperour My seate ●saith he is in the citie of Rome The ●mperoures seate is at Acon in Arden which is a Forest in Fraunce Whatso●uer the Emperour hath hee hath it of ●s as pope Zacharias trāslated the Em●ire from Graecia into Germany So ●ay we againe translate the same from ●e Germanes to the Greekes Behold ● is in our power to bestowe the Em●ire vpon whom we liste But note how ●he writinges of Saint Peter doe agree ●ith this proud popish stile Submit your ●elues saith Peter vnto all manner or●inaunces of man for the Lords sake Whether it be vnto
the authoritie of the Romaine church and of the Bishop of Rome is greater then the authoritie of Gods word An other saith That this is the iudgment of all them that thinke lightly that ground the authhoritie and vnderstanding of the Scriptures in the allowance of the Church and not conrariwise ●lay the foundation of the church in the authoritie of the scriptures There be no cōmaundemēts of Christ but such only as bee taken so and holden by the Church Therefore the scriptures followe the Church but contrariewise the Church followeth not the Scriptures An other saith That the Apostles haue written certaine things not that their said writings should rule our faith or religion but rather that they should bee vnder and be ruled by our faith the scriptures are dumbe iudges the scriptures are like a nose of waxe I might alledge many authorities out of your owne writers which go about to extoll your church of Rome aboue God and his holy worde ●ut these may perswade all men which be not wilfully blinded how arrogantly and Luciferlike you do preferre your Church both contrarie to the manifest expresse woorde of God and also to the opinion iudgement of the Godly learned fathers whose authorities I haue cited But let the indifferent reader iudge whether our church which groundeth her selfe wholy onely vpon the heauenly Scriptures and submitteth her selfe to the spirit of God as the true interpreter of the same hearkeneth onely vnto the voyce of her Pastor Christ and acknowlegeth him onely to bee her heade according as we are taught by the scriptures be the true Church of God the Catholik Apostolike church or your church of Rome which innketh her selfe equal with god vsurpeth authoritie aboue his most holy woord will not haue Christ but the Pope her heade which wil be iudge in all causes whether Christ will or no which mainteineth no not in one point the Apostolike doctrine and faith but doeth persecute euen vnto death the true professors of the same Whereas you doo aske Howe our Church can be one For that as you say it is deuided into so many sectes I haue shewed before that we doo not disagree now at this day in matters of faith and true religion as your Church of Rome dooth in matters of great weight and importance It hath beene a vulgar and common prouerbe of long time vsed that the Diuell will haue his Chappell near● Gods Church Among the olde Prophets was some one Balaam or other In the small number which accompanied our Sauiour Christ was one Iudas many carnal Capernaites which sought rather their belly then the aduauncement of Gods truth which pretended a zeale and followed Christ yet depended vppon olde customes and ceremoniall traditions and helde other fond opinions Among the true Apostles were false Apostles which though not altogether yet in some parte preached either circumcision or iustification by woorkes repugnant to the doctrine of the true Apostles as you doo Our Sauiour truely prophesied That there shoulde arise false Christes and false Prophets Saint Paule saith yet in an other sence There must be heresies euē among you that they which are approoued among you might bee knowne By which he noteth that Gods Church is not onely subiect to striffe and dissention as touching orders and maners but also to heresies as touching doctrine We doo not stand so stifely vppon our reputation but doe confesse that as we are men so we may erre But wee trye our iudgementes and opinions by the touchstone of Gods woord not respecting the person but the doctrine which we allow of so farre as the holy scriptures do approoue the same in which is no errour at all We doe not denie but that there may be amongest vs some carnall fleshly Gospellers some Epicures and Athistes some giuen to mainteine vnprofitable and straunge opinions as there are in your Church of Rome The like there were in the Apostles time some which helde of Paule some of Apollo some of Peter yea some which seemed to haue beene of the number of the faithfull because they occupied a place in the Church of whom the Apostle speaketh saying Babes it is the last time and as you haue hearde that Antichrist shall come euen nowe are there many Antichristes whereby we knowe that it is the last time they went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs they would haue continued with vs. It is manifest that in the primitiue church therewere false brethrē which were cloaked with the name of Christianitie Arrius that damnable heretik the fauourers of his sect which deny Christ to be God bosted thēselues That they only were Catholikes and called others which mainteined the truth against them sometimes Ambrosians and sometimes Athanasians as you doo call vs nowe Lutherans nowe Caluinists nowe Zwinglians Ebion that Heretike who affirmed Christ to be onely man and saith that the obseruation of the Lawe was very necessarie to saluation would needes be called a Christian All other heretikes which were many in the florishing time of the church as appeareth by the stories bragged that they held the true faith that they were the true Church Shal we therfore cōclude say that the Prophets the Apostles the godly Christians and fathers of the primitiue Church were not of the true Church of God for that in their times there were manie sectes which couered them selues with the cloake collour of true religion Saint Paule forseing through Gods spirite what woulde come gaue this watchworde to the Colosians To beware least that anie shoulde goe about to spoyle them through phylosophie and vaine deceit through the traditions of men acording to the rudimēts of the world and not after Christ He also forwarneth the Thessalonians that Antichrist the sonne of perdicion shall sitt as God in the temple of God shewing him selfe to be God. It is wonderfull to see howe you are blinded seing you stumble at a strawe and doe leape ouer a bloke You strain at a gnat and doe swallow a Camel You see a moath in another mans eye and perceiue not the beame which is in your owne eye You are most giltie your selues in that which you would haue to be a notorious crime in others For you agree not in the principall poyntes of religion as I haue noted before but in that you demaūd Whether our Churche was euer of that maiestie that it might require the obedience of all nations or gather generall councelles and howe the titles which you set foorth by name can bee applied to our Church I saie that our Church hath and doth enioy such priuiledges and preheminence as is limited vnto hir by the worde of God Neuerthelesse we doe not challenge anie such authoritie to the obedience of all nations vnto our Church but doe pray in the name of Christ vnto the Lorde of Heauen and earth to poure forth the