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A81247 The morning exercise methodized; or Certain chief heads and points of the Christian religion opened and improved in divers sermons, by several ministers of the City of London, in the monthly course of the morning exercise at Giles in the Fields. May 1659. Case, Thomas, 1598-1682. 1659 (1659) Wing C835; Thomason E1008_1; ESTC R207936 572,112 737

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be expected from him is that the true Religion by his civil sanction should be preserved from reproach and the professors of it from being affronted in the exercise thereof 2. Because without preserving of unity and uniformity in Religion civil peace cannot be long maintained 2. Because civil peace is bound up in Ecclesiastical no differences being carried on with so much heat and earnestness of contention as differences in matters of Religion for that which should be a Judge of strifes then becomes a party and what should restrain our passions feeds them Therefore when one scorneth what another adoreth Summus utriuquc Inde furor vul●o quod nomina vicinorum O●it uterque lotus Juvenal Noununquam tumultus Ecclesiarum antegressi Reipublicae autem confusiones consecutae sunt Socrat. Scholast Hist Eccles lib. 4. in Proaemio 3. For the keeping of youth untainted there must needs be great contentions and exasperations of mind and when every man is left to hold what he lists in matters of Religion all manner of mischief and confusions must inevitably follow and every one stickling for the precedency of his party there can be no solid union of heart under so vast and boundless a liberty Tumults in the Church do necessarily beget confusions in the Common-wealth for the Church and State like Hippocrates twinnes they weep and laugh and live and die together 3. That youth may be kept untainted and seasoned with good Principles in Churches and Schools the durable happinesse of the Comm n-wealth lying much in the education of youth which is the seed-plot of future felicity and we use to say that Errors in the first concoction are hardly mended in the second when youth are poysoned with Error in their first education they seldom work it out again in their age and riper years But because the power of Magistrates in Sacred things is much questioned and we are usually slandered as a Rigid sort of men that would plant Faith by the Sword and are more for compulsion of conscience than Information I shall a little give you a taste of what we hold to be the Magistrates duty in and about Sacred things We say therefore that Religion may be considered as to be planted o● as already planted in a Nation What is to be done when Religion is to be planted When it is to be planted and hath gotten no interest or footing among a people the Preachers and Professors of it must run all hazards and boldly own the Name of Christ whatever it c●st them the only weapons which they have to defend their way are Prayers and tears and whatever Proselites they gain to the faith of Christ they must use no resistance but only overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony not loving their lives to the death Revel 12.11 And thus did the Christian Religion get up in the face of the opposite World not by any * Nè videretur Authoritate traxisse aliquos veritatis ratio non pompa gratia praevaleret Ambr. publick interest and the power of the long sword but meerly by its own evidence and the efficacy of Gods grace accompanying the publication thereof And though it were a Doctrine contrary to nature and did teach men to row against the stream of flesh and blood yet it prevailed without any Magistracy to back it The Primitive Christians how numerous soever they were never made head against the Powers then in being but meekly and quietly suffered all manner of butcheries and tortures for the conscience of their duty to God And what we say concerning Religion in the general holdeth true also concerning Reformation or the restitution of the Collapsed state of Religion when men oppose themselves against the stream of corruptions which by a long succession and descent run down against them and are armed by Law and Power they are in patience to possess their souls and to suffer all manner of extremity for giving their testimony to the truths of God And in this case we only press the Magistrate to be wise or cautious that he do not oppose Christ Jesus Psal 2.10 by whom Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice What the Magistrates duty is when Religion is planted But when Religion is already planted and received among a people and hath gotten the advantage of Law and publick Edicts in its favour not only for its security and protection but also for its countenance and propagation then it becomes the peoples birth-right as the Law of Moses is called the inreritance of the Congregation of Jacob Deut 33.4 and ought to be defended and maintained by the Magistrate as well as other Laws and Priviledges which are made for the conservation welfare and safety of that Nation Yea much more because if the Magistrate be the Minister of God for good Rom. 13.4 then he is to take care of the chief good which is Religion as concerning not only the bodies but souls of the people committed to his charge and therein to take example from the holy Magistrates of the people of the Jews who were zealous for God in this kind The Government of Christ is to be owned publickly For first it is the will of Christ who was appointed to be King of Nations as well as King of Saints Rev. 15.3 not only to erect himself a Government in the hearts of his people but also to be publickly owned by Nations as to the Religion which he hath established There is a National acknowledgement of Christ as well as a Personal and Ecclesiastical Christ is personally owned when we receive him into our hearts He is Ecclesiastically owned by his worship in the Churches of the Saints And Nationally owned when the Laws and Constitutions of the civil Government are framed so as to advance the interest of his Scepter and the Christian Religion is made a National Profession this is spoken of in many places of Scripture Gen. 18.8 Isa 55.5 Isa 60.12 Matth. 28.20 2. When Religion is thus received and imbodied into the Laws of a Nation A contempt to Christ when his interest is slighted it is the greatest scorn and affront that can be put upon Christ that such an advantage should be lost and carelesly looked after when other Priviledges and birth-rights of the people a e so zealously and with such heat and sharpness of contest vindicated and asserted In Scripture God often debates the case with Nations upon this account Jer. 2.9 10 11 12 13. He calls upon the Sun to look pale upon such a wickedness and the Creatures to stand amazed that any people should be so foolish as to cast off their God So Isa 43.22 God complaineth of Israel they were grown weary of him and Mich. 6.2 3. Hos 8.12 The summe of all those Scriptures is this If Magistrates who are to open the gates for the King of glory to come in Psal 24. and to welcome Christ into their Dominions
God that speaks in the Scripture Luke 11.49 therefore whatever else you mind really and carefully study this Bible Secondly in all enquiries into the truths of the minde of God consult those sacred Oracles here are Mines of truth O dig here make them the rule of faith and life while a Papist makes the Church his rule and the Enthusiast pretends to make the Spirit of God his rule do you live by Scripture consider what I say 2 Tim. 2.10 consider there 's thy duty what I say there 's the Scripture yet Timothy was as good a man as any of us and the Lord give thee understanding there 's the work of the Spirit to assist our faculty But how shall I finde out truth by Scripture For thy own satisfaction remember this have an explicite faith in all that plainly appears to be Gods minde and have an implicite faith resolving to be of Gods minde in all the rest be it what it will be believe it because it appears to be of God while a person resolves to be of the Churches minde be thou of Gods only use all means whereby thou mayst come to know to wit 1. Take heed of passion and sensual lusts 2 Tim. 4.3 you read of some that will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves Teachers A lust or passion is like a whirle-pit a man is suck't up in it ambition sensuality any of these darken and blinde a mans minde when a man studies any thing the minde had need to be quiet lusts and passions are always busie and boisterous and make a man have a great interest against God 2. And beware of prejudice Christ said Go preach to all Nations Mat. 28.29 but Peter lived under prejudice and he said Lord I never eat any thing common or unclean when God bade him go to the Gentiles Acts 10.11 3. Beware of taking truth upon the Authority of men for that is fallible Modesty requires you should have a fair respect to Preachers and the Church of God where you live but as to the vitals of your Religion do not take them upon Authority though a man would not willingly deceive you yet he may be deceived himself in things controverted In plain things of Scripture that we must be humble holy believe repent all the world should not perswade you out of your Religion and as for your duty you understand it never a one but knows what he is to love when God bids us love him if we would but familiarize our Religion we could not but understand it but in matters wherein there 's a dispute controversie in the world be quiet and sober and not confident that such and such things must needs be so because such say so many pretend a kinde of sanctity and pretend for God and a Ship may carry very broad sails yet not very well loaden but thus it is one man draws a multitude and then a multitude prevails upon particular persons and shall I go against a multitude I say therefore take not things upon authority see and examine thy self if it be plain in Scripture mind it and own it and charge thy self with it if it be obscure think it no farther concerns thee than God hath made it manifest 4. Beware of Idlenesse search the Scripture 2 Tim. 2.7 Consider what I say c. They that are busied for veines of silver they hold the rod even poized in their hand till at length it moves in that vein where it lies in the earth So hold your souls even in a diligent enquiry into the Scriptures 5. Beware of pride the humble man God will teach proud men scorn others they will not be taught and pride that will make a man to neglect prayer 6. Charge your selves with that which is the end of the Scripture to live well Who would go about to read a piece of law that he may learn Mathematicks or read the statutes to learn Logick you may as well do so as read the Scripture to talk only but the intent of the Scripture is to shew how you ought to live godly to be just righteous sober to act by rule Nothing hinders knowledge so much as a bad life for sin brought in ignorance and holinesse will bring in the best light There 's a great deal of difference betwixt wit and wisdome Many have parts enough to be witty but none but sober and conscientious persons will have true wisdome Prov. 14.9 A scorner seeks knowledge and finds it not Scorners usually are witty men men of brave parts a man that hath a mind only to practice wit is never satisfied in the things of God He that doth my will shall know the doctrine that is of God There are a thousand things disputed in the world errors upon errors but I thank God it is plainly revealed God hath mercy for a sinner in Christ I understand well what 't is to live soberly righteously godly I know what 't is to honour my Parents and do in my relations what becomes me and I know these are the conditions of eternal happinesse I can but use all humane endeavours I can but beg of God and charge my self to love what I know so that I am able to say at the day of judgement what appeared to be the mind of God I observed it what did not appear I used all means to understand it I would not hastily determine my self till I saw thy mind because I knew there were impostors and if this be done if men will rangle and make controversies where God hath made none let them for there will be no end of vanity and folly Thirdly Seek dayly that your belief may be strengthened that this book is of divine authority for what will enable you to resist temptation if you do not believe the Scripture 1 John 2.14 I write unto you young men saith the Apostle because ye are strong Why the Word of God abides in you and you have overcome the evil one you will never be strong and overcome the evil one but by vertue of the Word of God If sin tempts you if you look into the Scripture there 's peace good conscience the joy of God and eternal life and shall I for a trifle lose these no while we have Scripture we have an Antidote against all the devils poyson Again what will bear you up under your afflictions if you lose the belief of the Scriptures you will need it when you come to be sick and dye when you bury your friends and relations what will satisfie a mans mind there 's an after-glory when friends come after me or go before me we shall all meet in joy Did I but believe this glory as I believe when the Sun sets it will rise again were I but perswaded what God hath said is true as now I am perswaded I speak how should I long for this glory how would every child wail for this inheritance how ful of prayers
in the next verse That good thing which was committed to thee and so expounded chap. 2.2 The things which thou hast heard of me amongst many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also Hold fast Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word hath a double signification scil to have and to hold and both of these the Apostle commends to Timothy namely 1. To have such a form or collection of Gospel-doctrines as a Type or Exemplar to which he should conforme in his Ministry 2. To hold it i. e. to hold it fast Not to swerve from it in the course of his Ministry but pertinaciously to adhere to it not to suffer it to be corrupted by men of erroneous principles nor to part with it upon any termes in the world but to stand by it and own it against all opposition and persecution whatsoever This I conceive to be the sense of the words which thus opened may afford us some such Doctrinal Observations as these Doct. 1 1. Doct. Evangelical words are sound words Or All Gospel-truth is of an healing nature Doct. 2 2. Doct. It is of great use and advantage bo●h for Ministers and private Christians to have the main fundamental truths of the Gospel collected and digested into certain Modules or Platforms Or Methodical systems of fundamental Articles of Religion are very profitable both for Ministers and people Doct. 3 3. Doct. Such Forms and Modules are very carefully and faithfully to be kept Doct. 4 4. Doct. Faith and Love are as it were the two hands whereby we may hold fast Gospel-truth Other doctrines besides these might be raised from the words but these are the main and lie visibly in the face of the Text And I intend to speak only to the second and third doctrine the one now at our entrance upon this Morning Exercise the other at the Close if God permit The first and last of these doctrines may be of use in the handling of these two In which doth lie the main designe as of the Apostle here so of the work which falls to my share in this monthly service I begin with the first of them scil Doct. 1 Doct. 1. Methodical systems of the main and special points of the Christian Religion are very useful and profitable both for Ministers and people In the managing of the doctrinal part of this Observation I shall only give you two demonstrations 1. Scripture-pattern 2. The usefulnesse of such Modules 1. Scripture-pattern The Word of God is full of such Maps and Modules of divine truths necessary to salvation The whole Scripture is a large Module of saving truth Joh. 18.37 The whole Gospel in general is nothing but the great Platform or Standard of saving doctrine It was the great end and errand of Christ his coming into the world to reveal unto us the truth of God so himself testifieth John 18.37 To this end was I born and for this cause I came into the world that I should bear witnesse unto the truth It took up one whole entire office whereunto he was anointed of his Father his Prophetical Office so he was named many hundred years before his Incarnation by Moses A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you like unto me him shall you hear The office of a Prophet was not only to foretell things to come As Exod. 7.1 Aaron is call'd but to reveal the mind of God according to the import of the Hebrew word Nabi which signifieth an Interpreter Thus Jesus Christ came to be an Interpreter of his Fathers mind unto the world No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten Sonne which is in the bosome of the Father Joh. 1.18 he hath declared him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he hath expounded him The whole Gospel which Christ preached was nothing else as it were but a publick testimony of the secret transactions between the Father and the Sonne concerning mans salvation a transcript of that truth which was in the divine understanding from all eternity John 8.38 15.15 And accordingly it is observable that the Sermons which Christ preached in the days of his flesh have more of doctirne in them than of perswasion more of the Teacher than of the Pastor as more sutable to his Ministry wherein he was to lay down a Module of Gospel-truth and to leave it to the world to be received and believed unto salvation The credit of our Religion is founded upon this important truth that Christ was sent from God to reveal unto us the mind and will of his Father and to be believed in all he delivered unto us all other Apostles and Ministers of the Gospel are but Deputy Witnesses to make report of Christs affidavit to the doctrine of salvation And it is yet further remarkable that this doctrine which Jesus Christ left us in the Gospel is nothing else as it were but * Novum Testamentum in vetere velatum vetus in novo revelatum a Comment or Paraphrase of what was preached by Moses and the Prophets in the Old Testament as he came * Matth. 5.18 not to destroy the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill them so he came to expound and reconcile them with the doctrine which he himself taught thus it is recorded by the Evangelist that * Luke 24.27 beginning at Moses he expounded unto his Disciples in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself So that the result of all this in general is this that the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are nothing else but a full and perfect platform or Module of divine truth given to the Church at first by Christ himself the great Prophet and transmitted by the Ministry of those who were successively the Amanuenses or Secretaries of the Holy Ghost 2 Pet. 1.21 from which no man is to recede upon pain of damnation But now more particularly we may observe that besides this great universal Map or Synopsis of divine truth there are to be found in Scripture more compendious and summary abstracts and abridgements containing certain of the main heads and points of saving doctrine methodized into lesser bodies and tables for the help of our faith and knowledge And we find them accommodated by the Penmen of the Holy Ghost to two special ends and purposes Two ends of such Modules 1. To instruct the Church and people of God in the more necessary and fundamental points and principles of Religion 2. To antidote beleevers against the infection and contagion of unsound doctrine which have crept into the Church in the several ages and successions thereof Of the first sort In the Old Testament To informe the Church in the principles of Religion though in a larger volume is the book of Deuteronomy which being interpreted is the repetition of the Law And because that being so large might seem too great a burden to the memory Behold God
is singularly attributed to Christ because he purchased our Adoption as well as our Regeneration Ephes 1.5 Tit. 3.5 6. The third ground is Divine glory which is the end of all Gods Works much more of such gracious Dispensations as are Regeneration and Adoption Ephes 1.5 6. Isaiah 43.21 The fourth ground is encouragement unto faith by the favours and priviledges vouchsafed unto Believers 1 Tim. 1.16 And these are more implied than expressed in the Text yet flow naturally enough out of it Use 1 1. Of Information About the sad condition of all unbelievers by rule of contraries Are all Believers Gods children c Then no unbeliever is a childe of God either by Regeneration or Adoption Not by Regeneration as having no life of grace which initially infused is the new birth And hence every unbeliever is First A dead man as dead in Law Joh. 3.18 dead in sin Ephes 2.1 dead under wrath and curse Joh. 3.36 Gal. 3.10 compared with Gen. 2.17 dead in expectation and fear Hebr. 10.27 Whoever hath not a part in the second Birth shall be sure to have a part in the second Death Secondly Unbelievers being not children of God can expect nothing from God as a Father Now the state of unregeneracy excludes them from both filiations for unlesse God be a Father by Regeneration he will be no Father by Adoption Nor can unregenerate persons be children by Adoption because they have no faith Hence they are Orphans and so helplesse for God will be no Father to such fatherlesse Children But are they altogether fatherlesse No verily therefore Thirdly They have woful parents namely sin and disobedience Ephes 2.2 wrath and curse Ephes 2.3 2 Pet. 2 14. and lastly Satan Joh. 8.44 who is also their God 2 Cor. 4.4 as God is the Believers Father Oh miserable wretches as destitute of an heavenly Father and more miserable as the woful children of most hellish and cursed Parents who have nothing to make over to them but sin and cutse and that they will do with a vengeance Use 2 2. Of Humiliation And that not only for profane Esau's who despise their birthright nor only for barely nominal and foederal children Deut. 32.5 19. compared with 1 Cor. 7.14 but even for such as groundedly call God Father yet carry not themselves as children to such a Father They are children of the greatest wisest and most Ancient King allude to Isa 19.11 yet walk not up to their principles as Regenerate Sons nor up to their priviledges as Adopted Sons as is evident by the following particulars 1. They think not of rejoyce not glory not in nor walk up to the dignity of Divine filiation but are mean-spirited and sink almost at every difficulty Isa 49.14 15. the natural Son of God did not so 2. They are palpably worldly as if they had no Father to care for them no hope nor portion but in this life Jerem. 45.5 Matth. 6.28 30. That worldlinesse which reigns in Natural men tyrannizeth too often in Regenerate men 3. They behave not themselves as Brethren of Christ and as Children of one Father compare Hebr. 2.11 with Ephes 4. ver 3. to ver 6. Malach. 2.10 How do Brethren fall out by the way how great is their difference when the matter of difference is so little what quarrelling about the hedge when both agree about the inheritance We all professe to believe the holy Catholick Church yet minde not the Unity of the Church but rather the promoting of a party and faction in the Church to the shame of Religion the scandal of the weak who by reason of our differences are puzled which way to choose and the opening of the mouth of the enemy May we not justly feare as one notes well that the neglect of true Religion and true Catholick unity is making way for Atheisme or for Popish Catholick unity Exhort and 1. Unto strangers Use 3 3. Of Exhortation And first unto strangers secondly unto children For the first Art thou an Alien Oh never rest till thou get into a state of Sonship and to this end 1. Be convinced of thy Orphanhood and hellish Filiation 2. Make good thy effectual vocation justification and reconciliation this is done outwardly by consciencious attendance on the Ordinances inwardly by the spiritual Baptisme and faith Gal. 3. ver 25. to ver 29. 2. Unto children Secondly If thou be a childe of God then 1. Evidence thy Sonship this is done by evidencing thy vocation 2 Pet. 1.10 and is necessary First In order to Gods glory Secondly In order to thy duty and comfort Thirdly In order to others conversion and edification neither of which will proceed to purpose without some comfortable evidence of thy filiation 2. Carry thy self as a child of God This will blow up the fire of grace light the candle of comfort and beam forth in thy conversation to the conviction conversion and edification of others To this end First Honour thy Father Directions Mal. 1.6 acknowledge and testifie his dignity and excellency This do 1. Negatively take heed of dishonouring God passively by omission What childe can see or hear his father wronged or converse needlesly with dishonourers of his father 2 Cor. 6.17 18. 2. Affirmatively dishonour not God actively by commission as David Peter and others did How many not only Bastards but genuine Children are either ashamed of or shame to their heavenly Father especially in evil company ●econdly Obey thy Father 1 Pet. 1.14 this flowes from the former and is part of the honour Children owe to their Parents Ephes 6.1 2. Colos 3.20 and much more we to our heavenly Father Hebr. 12.9 whose commands are all of them so holy equitable profitable compare 2 Kings 5.13 Thirdly Imitate thy Father Ephes 5.1 2. This flows from both the former and by it we do both honour and obey God Children are apt to follow their Parents in Naturals in Civils in Morals and if we be Gods children wee must walk not only with him but also like him 1 Joh. 4.17 2.6 Especially imitate God in endeavouring to bring many to glory Hebr. 2.10 Our imitation of God is a great part of our following the Lord Ephes 5.1 2. Fourthly Submit to his chastisements Hebr. 12.7 As afflictions piously born are evidences of our Sonship so the holy humble and fruitful bearing of them is our duty as Children Fifthly Depend universally upon Divine provision and protection casting all thy fears cares and burdens upon thy Father Matth. 6.25 1 Pet. 5.7 Psal 55.22 Faith is both the mother and nurse of Adoption Be not worse than thy own Child who can live without carking upon thy fatherly love and providence Sixthly Abound in filial affections as love delight and fear to offend thy Father Thy sin is exceedingly aggravated by the d●gnity of the party offended and offending as well as by Gods singular love to thee Lev. 4.3 13 22 27. 21.9 God may well say to
and unsainteth all others Isa 65.5 Which say Stand by thy self come not near me for I am holier than thou these are a smoak in my nose and a fire that burneth all the day saith the Lord. This is the worst spot in the beauty of holiness a spice of that pride that was in Lucifer and his fellow-aspiring Angels that made the first Schisme and separation in the purest Church even in heaven it self among the Angels that were wholly perfect Take heed of this as of the very pest of the Church and the bane of all Religion which is best preserved in unity and humility I shall shut up all with a wish and that an hearty Prayer alluding to what I said at first Oh that all our garments our Profession might be adorned with these Bells and Pomgranates peace and holinesse That as we call on God who is called holy holy holy Rev. 4.6 and on Christ who is called King of Saints Rev. 15.6 and as we profess the Gospel which is a Rule of holiness and are members of the Church which is called a Kingdom of Saints an holy Nation 1 Pet. 2.9 and as we look to be partakers of that Kingdom wherein dwells righteousness and holiness that according to that promise Thy people shall be all righteous Isa 60.21 that holiness to the Lord may be engraven upon all our hearts as with the engraving of a Signet the Spirit of God and holiness to the Lord upon all our fore-heads as to our conversation that as we have had a year which we call Annum Restitutae Libertatis we might have a year Restitutae Sanctitatis this we might safely call Annum Salutis or Annum Domini the year of our Lord. That our Officers might be all peace our Governors holiness Isa 60.17 that our Ministers might be cloathed with righteousness and our Church-Members with holiness that all of different perswasions might not contend but labour for peace and holiness Herein let us agree and all is agreed that the bells of our Horses and Bridles of our Horsemen Commanders and common Souldiers might be holiness to the Lord Zach. 14.20 21. that there might not be a Canaanite or hypocrite in the house of the Lord then might our Land Church Parliament Army City Min●stry be called Jehovah Shammah the Lord is there Ezek. 48.35 yea then would this holiness settle us in peace here and bring us to see the Lord where peace and holiness shall never be separated Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly Amen OF THE Resurrection ACTS 26.8 Why should it be thought a thing unreasonable with you that God should raise the dead THese words are part of St. Pauls Apologie for himself before King Agrippa against the unjust accusations of his implacable enemies wherein 1. He demonstrates the innocency of his life 2. The truth of his Doctrine and sheweth That there was nothing either in his life or doctrine for which he could justly be accused The Doctrine he taught did consist of divers particulars enumerated in this Chapter one of which and that not the least was That there should a day come in which there would be a Resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust Now that this Doctrine was not liable to any just exception he proves three manner of ways 1. Because it was no other Doctrine but such which God himself had taught It had a Divine stamp upon it as it is Verse 6. And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers 2. Because it was that which all the godly Israelites instantly serving God day and night did hope for and wait and expect in due time to be fulfilled as it is Verse 7. Unto which promise our twelve tribes hope to come for which hope sake King Agrippa I am accused of the Jews and therefore it is called The hope of Israel Acts 28.20 for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain 3. Because it was a Doctrine which God was able to bring to pass This is set down in the words of the Text Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead The emphasis lieth in the words with you Why should you O King Agrippa who art a Jew and believest in the God of Israel and that he made the world out of nothing think it incredible for this God to raise the dead indeed it may seem incredible and impossible to the Heathen Philosophers who are guided onely by Natures Light but as for you who believe all things which are written in the Law and Prophets why should you think it either impossible or incredible that God should raise the dead This interrogation is an Emphatical Negation and it is put down by way of Question Vt oratio sit penetrantior that so the Argument might take the deeper impression and the meaning is that it is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 It is not a doctrine exceeding the bounds of faith or contrary to right reason that God should raise the dead The Observation which ariseth naturally out of the words is Doctrine That the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust is neither incredible nor impossible neither against right reason nor true faith Though it be above reason yet it is not against reason nor against the Jewish or the Christian Faith For the explication of this Doctrine I will briefly speak to six particulars 1. What is meant by the Resurrection of the dead 2. Who are the dead that shall be raised 3. The absolute necessity of believing this Doctrine and believing it firmly and undoubtedly 4. The possibility and credibility of it 5. The certainty and infallibility of it 6. The manner how the dead shall rise What is meant by the Resurrection of the dead The first Particular Answ For answer to this you must first know what there is of man that dyes when any man dyeth Man consisteth of soul and body and when he dyeth his soul doth not dye it is the body onely that dyeth Death is not an utter extinction and annihilation of the man as some wickedly teach but onely a separation of the Soul from the Body It is called a departure Luk. 2.25 2 Tim. 4.6 And an uncloathing 2 Cor. 5.4 and a Departure of the Soul out of the body either to Heaven or Hell When Stephen was stoned his soul was not stoned for while he was stoning he prayed Lord Jesus receive my spirit When Christ was crucified his soul was not crucified for while he was crucifying he said Fa●her into thy hands I commend my Spirit The Wiseman saith expresly That when a man dyeth His body returns to the earth from whence it came Eccles 12.7 but his spirit returns to God who gave it And our Lord Christ commands us Not to fear them that kill the body 1 Luk. 2.4 and after