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A59963 A hind let loose, or, An historical representation of the testimonies of the Church of Scotland for the interest of Christ with the true state thereof in all its periods : together with a vindication of the present testimonie, against the Popish, prelatical, & malignant enemies of that church ... : wherein several controversies of greatest consequence are enquired into, and in some measure cleared, concerning hearing of the curats, owning of the present tyrannie, taking of ensnaring oaths & bonds, frequenting of field meetings, defensive resistence of tyrannical violence ... / by a lover of true liberty. Shields, Alexander, 1660?-1700. 1687 (1687) Wing S3431; ESTC R24531 567,672 774

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others from concerting that same necessary witness in the season thereof And for this end he will change both matter manner in managing the War. He will not now persecute for the old Controverted heads of Poperie with fire faggot as formerly for refusing to worship Our Lady or the blessed Sacrament of the Altar These weapons Engines are so worn out of use that they will not work now as they did before And that old Baud of Babylon is become so ugly and out of date that he does not believe her beauty can be so bewitching except she put on a new busk But her Eldest Daughter the Prelatical Church of the same Complexion with herself except that she is coloured with Protestant paint is fitter for his service to allure our Land into fornication And who will not be entyced must be forced to Communion with her by finings confynings exactions extortions impositions of Oaths c. Religion must be litle concerned here for there is Preaching enough and of Protestant Doctrine too and without the Monkie-Tricks Montebank showes fopperies of English-Popish Ceremonies Lyturgical services What would they be at Is it not better to yeeld to this than to fall into the hand of the Scotish-Spanish-Inquisition that will rack the Purse the Body Conscience and all This is one Complex head of suffering and thought a very small one by many But now finding this would not do his business yet it looked too like Religion still He hath therefore invented a new Machin He will not now Persecute nor force the Conscience at all so good natur'd is the Devil and his Lievetenant grown in their old age for matters of meer Religion Nay if we may believe him who when he speaketh a lie speaketh it of his own he hath not done it this long time but only in all the violent Courses exercised against these Sufferers he hath been Magistratically chastising the disobedience rebellion of a few turbulent Traitors who would not oune the Government And thus under the notion of Rebellion disouning Authority he hath had access success to destroy almost an innumerable number of honest innocent faithful fruitful lovers of Christ who though indeed they have had their sufferings stated upon those points yet I doubt not shall be found among the followers of the Lamb and Confessors and Martyrs of Christ who haue overcome by the blood of the Lamb the word of their Testimony not loving their lives unto the Death whose blood is crying for vengeance against the shedders thereof And He will make inquisition for it when He comes to overturn overturn take His own right for which they have been Contending Nevertheless this is a prejudice too prevalent with many to misregard the Case Cause of these Contenders or any thing that can be said to represent them favourablie And all these disadvantages difficulties discouragements together considered would soon cool my Courage and at first blush make me leave off before I begin were I not persuaded that it is the Cause of Christ these reproached people are suffering for and that their great sufferings reproaches are both alike unjust from both which the Lord vvill vindicate them bring forth their righteousness as the light their judgment as the noon day ●n His oun time In confidence of vvhich depending on his Conduct I shall undertake as briefly as is possible for me to represent their case and clear the Cause so far at least as concerns their Contest vvith their pesecuting Enemies vvi●h vvhom I only deal at present it not being my purpose to descend particularly into their necessitated Contendings vvith Complying Brethren partly because they vvould make the volume to excresce unto too great a bulk because they are to be seen elsevvhere yet in effect these also are not only here narratively deduced but vvhatever is odious in them is vindicated vvhat is difficult in some measure enodated But it may be expected and desiderated that I should give a distinct deduction of all the Steps of this woful defection against which a great part of the Testimony hath been stated but I would have the Reader advertised I touch only that part of the Testimony which hath been sealed by severe sufferings from enemies It were a Task transcending my Capacity and a Theme wherein I have no pleasure besides that it is inconsistent with my Leasure to inlarge upon such a sad and shameful subject Though the world indeed is at a loss that they that would do it cannot and they that would should do it will not And it is a greater loss not only to Scotland but also to the whole Christian world that what hath been done in this kind already cannot see the light or rather that the Church of Christ is deprived of its light which through the injury of the times the disingenuous Prudence of some who suffer themselves to be imposed upon by the Patrons of Defection is embezilled suppressed I mean that excellent faithful History of Defection the posthumous work of famous Mr. M'ward whose praise is in the Churches which if they that have it in keeping would do themselves the honour and the world the happiness of publishing it there would be no more need to discover from whence to what and how that Church hath fallen degenerate nor so great dissicultie in that indisputable indispensable duty that such a day calls for in searching trying our wayes to the end we may turn again to the Lord Nor any necessity for my poor essay to invite incite the people of the lord to take Cognizance Compassion of poor perishing Scotland I wish that they who have it may consult more their oun duty and credit and what they owe to the memory of the dead the Churches edification the dayes Testimony and the honour of Christ than to continue robbing the world of such a Treasure wich I doubt not to call Treason against Christ Sacriledge against the Church stick not to tell them if they will not publish it the world must knovv there was such a thing done But it not being my design now to detect or reflect upon all the defections of that declining by declensions divided by divisions almost only not destroyed Church I shall medle with them no further than what is necessary to clear the cause refering the knowledge and account of them either to the Notoriety of the grossest of them or to the more particular enarration of them to be found in papers emitted published by the Contenders against them Of vvhich one is of this same years edition entituled The Informatory vindication of a poor wasted misrepresented Remnant c. In vvhich may be evident that notvvithstanding of all this darkness distress defection division under vvhich the Church of Scotland hath been so long is still labouring there is yet a poor
Supremacy which were the successive heads of the former Testimonies and also now extended in a particular manner against Tyrannie And not only against the substance essence of these in the abstract but against substance circumstance abstract concret root branch head tail of them and all complying with them conforming to them or countenancing of them or any thing conductive for them or deduced from them any manner of way directly or indirectly formally or interpretatively This is that extensive and very comprehensive Testimony of the present Period as it is now stated sealed with the blood of many Which in all its parts points pendicles is most directly relative and dilucidly reducible to a complex Witness for the Declarative Glory of Christs Kingship and Headship over all as He is God and as He is Mediator which is the greatest concern that Creatures have to contend for either as Men or as Christians The matter of this Testimony I shall give a short manuduction to the progress Result of its Managment During the Exile of the Royal Brothers it is undenyably known that they were by their Mothers caresses and the Jesuites Allurements seduced to abjure the Reformed Religion which was easie to induce persons to that never had the sense of any Religion and to be reconciled to the Church of Rome And that not only they wrote to the Pope many promisses of promoting his projects if ever they should recover the power into their hands again and often frequented the Mass themselves but also by their example and the influence of their future hopes prevailed with many of their dependents attendants abroad to do the like Yet it is also unquestionably known that in the mean time of his Exile ●e renewed confirmed by private Letters to Presbyterians his many reiterated Engagments to adhere to the Covenant and declared that he was would continue the same man that he had declared himself to be in Scotland wherein doubtless as he was an expert Artist he equivocated and meant in his heart he would continue as Treacherous as ever which helped to keep a Loyal Impression of his Interest in the hearts of too many and an expectation of some good of him of which they were ashamed afterwards And immediatly before his return it s known what promises are contained in that Declaration from Breda from whence he came also the second time with greater Treachery than at the first to all Protestants that would live peaceably under his Government begining now to weigh out his perfidie perjurie breach of Covenant in offering to tolerote that in an Indulgence which he swore to maintain as a duty But in all this he purposed nothing but to ingyre ingratiate himself into the peoples over credulous affections that they might not obstruct his return which a jealousie of his intended Tyrannie would have awakened them to withstand And so having seated himself and strengthened his power against the attemptings of any whom his conscience might suggest an apprehension that they ought to resist him he thought himself discharged from all obligations of Covenants Oaths or promises for which his faith had been pledged And from the first hour of his arrival he did in a manner set himself to affront Defy the Authority of God and to be revenged upon his Kingdoms for inviting him so unanimously to sway their Scepter in polluting infecting the people with all debaucheries monstrous villanies and commencing his incestous Whoredoms that very first night he came to his Palace wherein he continued to his dying day outvying all for vileness Yet he went on deluding our Church with his dissimulations and would not discover all his wickedness hatched in his heart at first till his designs should be riper but directed a Letter to the Presbyterie of Edinburgh declaring he was resolved to protect preserve the Government of the Church of Scotland as it is settled by Law without violation Wherein it was observed he altered the Stile and spake never a word of the Covenant our Magna Charta of Religion Righteousness our greatest security for all Interests intrusted to him but only of Law by which as his practice expounded it afterwards he meant the Prelatical Church as it was settled by the Law of his Father since which time he reckoned there was no Law but Rebellion This was a piece preludie of our base defection degeneration into blind blockish brutish stupidity that after he had discovered so much perfidie we not only at first tempted him to Perjurie in admitting him to the Crown upon his mock-engagment in the Covenant whereby God was mocked His Spirit was grieved His Covenant prostituted the Church cheated the State betrayed but after the Lord had broken his yoke from off our necks by sending him to exile ten years where he was discovered to be imbibing all that venome Tyrannical violence which he afterward vented in revenge upon the Nations and after we had long smarted for our first transaction with him yet not withstanding of all this we beleeved him again and Issachar-like couched under his burdens and were so far from withstanding that we did not so much as witness against the readmission restauration of the head tail of Malignants but let them come in peaceably to the throne without any security to the Covenanted cause or for our Civil or Religious Interests and by piece meal at their oun ease leasure pleasure to overturn all the Work of God and reintroduce the old Antichristian yoke of abjured Prelacy and blasphemous Sacrelegious Supremacy and Absolute Arbitrary Tyrannie with all their abominations which he and with him the generality of our Nobility Gentry Clergy commonality by him corrupted without regard to faith or fear of God or man did promote propogate until the Nation was involved in the greatest revolt from rebellion against God that ever could be recorded in any Age or Generation Nay attended with greater grosser Aggravations than ever any could be capable of before us who have had the greatest Priviledges that ever any Church had since the National Church of the Iewes the greatest light the greatest effects of matchless magnified love the greatest Convictions of Sin the greatest Resolutions Solemn Engagments against it and the greatest Reformation from it that ever any had to abuse affront O Heavens be astonished at this horribly afraid for Scotland hath changed her Glory and the Crown hath fallen from off her head by an unparalelled Apostasie a free voluntary vvilfull deliberate Apostasie an avoued declared Authorized Apostasie Tyrannically carried on by Militarie violence cruelty a most universal every vvay unprecedented Apostasie I must a litle change my method in deducing the narration of this Catastrophe and subdistinguish this unhappie Period into several steps shevving hovv the Enemies opposition to Christ advanced and the Testimony of His
Security indispensibly required of him before at his entry to the Government Yet this Liberty cannot be Complyed with without recognoscing his Authority that he arrogates in giving it Seeing he tenders it to all his good Subjects and gives it by his Soveraign Authority and to the end that by the Liberty thereby granted the peace security of the Government in the practice thereof may not be indangered And in the Declaration to England it is offered as an expedient to establish his Government on sach a foundation as may make his Subjects happy and unite them to him by inclination as well as duty to which indeed the Acceptance thereof hath a very apt subserviency seeing it implies not only ouning of the Government out of Duty but an union joyning with it and him by inclination which is a cordial Confederacy with Gods enemie and a cooperating to the establishment of his Tyrannie that the peace security thereof may not be endangered And in his former Proclamation he gives them the same security for their Rights Properties which he gives for Religion And in the English Declaration addeth that to the perfect enjoyment of their Propertie which was never invaded c. Which to accept were not only to take the security of a manifest lie but to prefer the word of a man that cannot must not will not keep it without going cross to his principles to the Security of Right Law which is hereby infringed and to acknowledge not only the Liberty of Religion but the Right of Property to his grant which when ever it is removed there must remain no more Charter for it but stupid slavery entailed upon Posterity and pure perfect Tyranny transmitted to them The sin absurdity where of may be seen demonstrated Head. 2. 4 Considering the Fountain whence it flowes they cannot defile themselves with it In the English Declaration it flowes from the Royal will pleasur● which speaks a Domination Despotical Arbitrary enough but more gently expressed than in the Scots Proclamation where it is refounded on Soveraign Authority Prerogative Royal and Absolute Power Proclaiming by sound of Trumpet à Power Paramount to all Law Reason Religion and outvying the hight of Ottoman Tyranny A Power which all are to obey without res●rve A power to Tolerate or Restrain the Protestant Religion according to his Royal will or pleasure An Absolute power which can not be limited by Lawes nor most Sacred Obligations but only regulated by the Royal lust whereby indeed he may suffer the Protestant Religion but only precariously so long as he pleases and until his Royal pleasure shall be to command the establishment of Poperie which then must be complyed with without control Whereby all the tenure that Protestants have for their Religion is only the Arbitrary word of an absolute Monarch whose principles oblige him to break it and his ambition to disdain to be a slave to it Now the Acceptance of this Grant would imply the recognizance of this power that the Granter claims in granting it which utterly disolves all Government and all security for Religion Liberty and all the precious Interests of men Christians Which to acknowledge were contrare to Scripture contrary to Reason and contrary to the Principles of the Church of Scotland particularly the Declaration of the Gen. Ass. Iulij 27. 1649. See pag. 89. c. and contrary to the Covenant 5. Considering the Channel in which it is conveyed they cannot Comply with it Because it comes through such a Conveyance as suspends stops disables all penal Lawes against Papists and thereby everts all the Securities legal Bulwarks that Protestants can have for the establishment of their Religion yea in effect leaves no Lawes in force against any that shall attempt the utter subversion of it but rati●ies leaves in ful vigour all wicked Lawes Acts of Parliament against such as would most avowedly assert it and stops disables none of the most cruel bloody Lawes against Protestants for the most cruel are such as have been made against Field-Meetings which are hereby left in ful force vigour Hence as he hath formally by absolute power suspended all Lawes made for the Protection of our Religion so he may when he will dispense with all the Lawes made for its establishment and those who approve the one by such an Acceptance cannot disallow the other but must recognosce a power in the King to subvert all Lawes Rights Liberties which is contrare to Reason as wel as Religion and a clear breach of the National Solemn League Covenants 6. Considering the Ends of its Contrivance they dare not have any accession to accomplish such wicked Projects to which this Acceptance would be so natively subservient The expressed ends of this Grant are to unite the hearts of his Subjects to him in Loyaltie and to their Neighbours in love as in the former Proclamation And that by the Liberty granted the peace security of his Government in the practice thereof may not be endangered as in the latter Proclamation And to unite the Subjects to him by inclination as well as duty which he thinks can be done by no means so effectually as by granting the free exercise of Religion as in the English Declaration Whence we may gather not obscurely what is the proper tendency of it both as to the work worker to wit to incline induce us by flatterie to a lawless Loyaltie and a stupid contented slavery when he cannot compel us by force and make us actively cooperate in setting settling his Tyranny in the peaceable possession of all his Usurpations Robberies Encroachments upon our Religion Lawes Liberties and to incorporate us with Babylon for wbo are the Neighbours he would have us unite with in love but the Papists against whom all the Lovers of Christ must profess themselves irreconcileable Enemies The English Declaration does further discover the design of this device in one expression which will most easily be obtained to be beleeved of any in it viz. that he heartily wishes that all the People of these Dominions were members of the Catholick Church which clearly insinuates that hereby he would entyce them to commit fornication with that Mother of harlots which entycing to Idolatrie if we consult the Scripture should meet with another sort of entertainment than such a kind thankful Acceptance which is not an opposing of such a wicked wish but an encouraging corroberating of it And further he sayes that all the former tract of Persecutions never obtained the end for which it was employed For after all the frequent pressing endeavours that were used to reduce this Kingdom to an exact con●ormity in Religion it is visible the success has not answered the design and that the difficultie is invincible Wherein we may note his extorted acknowledgment that all former endeavours to destroy the Work of God have been
Covenants neither could they ever pretend any thing that might loose the obligation 8. That party in a Reformed Church which having overturned her Reformation hath shut out laid aside persecute away sound adherers thereunto both Ministers Professors will not admit Ministers to officiate but upon the sinful termes of complyance with their way are Schismaticks But the Prelats and their Curats are that party in this Reformed Church which having overturned her Reformation hath shut out laid aside and Persecute away sound adherers thereunto c. Therefore they are the Schismaticks to be withdrawn from and their way is the Schisme which we are bound to extirpate in the Covenant HEAD II. The Sufferings of many for Refusing to oune the Tyrants Authority vindicated THe other Grand Ordinance of God Magistracy which He hath in His Soveraign Wisdom Justice Goodness appointed ordained consecrated for the demonstration illustration vindication of His oun Glory and the Communication Conservation and Reparation of the Peace safety order Liberty and universal good of mankind is next to that of the Ministry of Greatest Concern wherein not only the Prudence Policie Propertie Libertie of men but also the conscience Duty Religion of Christians have a special Interest And therefore it is no less important pertinent profitable necessary for every one that hath any of these to care contend for keep or recover to inquire into and understand somthing of the institution constitution nature boundaries of the Sacred ordinance of Magistracy than into the holy ordinance of the Ministry So far at least as may consist with the sphere of every ones Capacity Station and may conduce to the satisfaction of every ones conscience in the discharge of the duties of their relations Every private man indeed hath neither capacity concern nor necessity to study the Politicks or search into the secrets or Intrigues of Government no more then he is to be versed in all the Administrations of Ecclesiastical Policy and Interests of the Ministry yet every mans Conscience is no less concerned in distinguishing the Character of Gods Ministers of Justice the Magistrats to whom he owes ounes allegiance that they be not usurping Tyrants everting the Ordinance of the Magistracy than in acknowledging the Character of Christs Ministers of the Gospel to whom he owes ounes obedience that they be not usurping Prelats or Impostors perverting the Ordinance of the Ministry The Glory of God is much concerned in our ouning keeping pure intire according to His will word both these Ordinances And our Conscience as well as Interest is concerned in the advantage or hurt profit or prejudice of the right or wrong observation or prevarication of both these ordinances being interested in the advantage of Magistracy and hurt of Tyrannie in the State as well as in the advantage of the Ministry and hurt of Diocesan or Erastian Supremacy in the Church in the advantage of Ltberty and hurt of slavery in the State as well as in the advantage of Religion and hurt of Profaneness in the Church in the profit of Lawes and prejudice of Prerogative in the State as well as in the profit of Truth and prejudice of Error in the Church in the profit of Peace and true Loyalty and prejudice of oppression and Rebellion in the State as well as in the profit of Purity Unity and prejudice of Defection Division or Schisme in the Church So that in Conscience we are no more free to Prostitute our Loyalty Liberty absolutely in ouning every Possessor of the Magistracy than we are free to Prostitute our Religion faith implicitely in ouning every Pretender to the Ministry This may seem very Paradoxical to some because so dissonant dissentient from the vulgar yea almost Universal and invetrate opinion Practice of the world that hitherto hath not been so precise in the matter of Magistracy And it may seem yet more strange that not only some should be found to assert this but that any should be found so strict and strait-laced as to adventure upon suffering and even to Death for that which hath hitherto been seldom scrupled by any that were forced to subjection under a yoke which they had no force to shake off and wherein Religion seems litle or nothing concerned for not ouning the authority of the present Possessors of the place of Government which seems to be a Question not only excentrick extrinsick to Religion but such a State question as for its thorny Intricacies difficulties is more proper for Politicians Lawyers to dispute about as indeed their debates about this head of Authority have been as manifold multiplied as about any one thing than for Private Christians to search into and suffer for as a Part of their Testimony But if we will cast off Prejudices and the Tyrannie of Custom and the bondage of being bound to the worlds Mind in our inquiries about Tyrannie and suffer our selves to Ponder impartially the importance of this matter And then to state the question right We shall find Religion Conscience hath no small interest in this business They must have no snall Interest in it if we consider the importance of this matter either extensively or objectively or Subjectively Extensively considered it is the Interest of all mankind to know and be resolved in Conscience whether the Government they are under be of Gods Ordination or of the Devils administration whether it be Magistracy or Tyrannie whether it gives security for Religion Liberty to themselves and their posterity or whether it induces upon themselves and entails upon the posterity slavery as to both these invaluable Interests whether they have matter of praise to God for the blessings mercies of Magistracy or matter of Mourning for the plagues miseries of Tyrannie to the end they may know both the sins snares Duties dangers Case Crisis of the times they ●ive in All men that ever enjoyed the mercy of a right Constitute Magistracy have experienced and were bound to bless God for the blessed fruits of it And on the other hand the world is full of the Tragical Monuments of Tyrannie for which men were bound bath to search into the Causes and see the effects of such plagues from the Lord to the end they might mourn over both And from the begining it hath been observed that as Peoples sins have alwayes procured the Scourge of Tyrannie So all their miseries might be refounded upon Tyrants encroachments Usurping upon or betraying their Trust and overturning Religion Lawes Liberties Certainly Mankind is concerned in point of Interest Conscience to inquire into the cause Cure of this Epidemick distemper that hath so long held the world in miserie and so habitually that now it is become as it were Natural to lye stupidly under it that is that old Ingrained Gangrene of the Kings Evil or Complyance with Tyrannie that hath long
have acquired do seek the praise of Justice by injury of Liberality by robbery So he can make some shew of a Civil mind but so much the less assurance gives he of it that it is manifest he intends not thereby the subjects good but the greater security of his oun lusts and stability of empire over posterity having some what Mitigated the peoples hatred which when he hath done he will turn back again to his old manners for the fruit which is to follow may easily be known both by the seed and by the sower thereof An exact Copy of this we have seen within these tuo years as oft before in the rule of the other Brother After God hath been robbed of His prerogatives the Church of her Priviledges the State of its Lawes the Subjects of their Libertie property he is now affecting the praise captating the Applause of tenderness to conscience and Love of Peace by offering now Liberty after all his Cruelties wherein all the thinking part of men do discern he is prosecuting that hellish Project introducing Popery slaverie and overturning Religion Law Liberty 3. Regium imperium secundum Naturam est Tyrannicum contra Regium Liberi inter Liberos est Principatus Tyrannus domini in servas c. Tyranny is against Nature and a Masterly Principality over slaves Can he be called a father who accounts his subjects slaves or a Shepherd who does not feed but devours his flock or a Pilot who doth allwise study to make shipwrack of the goods and strikes a leak in the very ship where he sails what is he then that bears Command not for the peoples advantage but studies only himself who leadeth his subjects into manifest snares he shall not verily be accounted by me either Commander Emperour or Governour King Iames the 6 th also in a speech to the Parliament anno 1609. makes this one Character of a Tyrant when he begins to invade his subjects rights Liberties And if this be true then we have not had a King these many years the foregoing deduction will demonstrate what a slavery we have been under 4. Quid qui non de virtute certet c●m bonis c. What is he then who doth not contend for vertue with the good but to exceed the most flagitious in vices If yow see then any usurping the Royal name and not excelling in any virtue but striving to exceed all in baseness not tendering his subjects good with native affection but pressing them with proud domination esteeming the people committed to his trust not for their safegaurd but for his oun gain will yow imagine this man is truly a King albeit he vapours with a numerous Lieveguard and makes an ostentation of gorgeous Pomp The learned Althusius likewise in his Politicks cap. 38. Num. 15. as He is cited by Ius Populi chap. 16. Pag. 347. makes this one Character of a Tyrant that liveing in Luxury whoredome greed idleness he neglecteth or is unfit for his office How these suite our times we need not express what effrontry of impudence is it for such monsters to pretend to rule by virtue of any Authority derived from God who pollute the world with their Adulteries Incests and Live in open defyance of all the Lawes of the universal King with whom to exceed in all villanies is the way to purchase the Countenance of the Court and to aspire to preferment No Heliogabulus c. could ever come up the length in wickedness that our Rulers have professed 5. Omnium vim Legum in se transferre c. He can transfer unto himself the strength of all Lawes and abrogate them when he pleases King Iames the 6. in that fore-cited speech saith a King degenerateth into a Tyrant when he leaveth to rule by Law. Althusius also loc cit saith there is one kind of Tyranny which consisteth in violating changing or removing of fundamental Lawes specially such as concern Religion such saith he Philip the King of Spain who contrare to the fundamental Belgick Lawes did erect an administration of Justice by force of armes and such was Charles the 9 th of France that thought to overturn the Salicque Law. All that knoweth what hath been done in Britain these 27 years can attest our Lawes have been subverted the Reformation of Religion overturned and all our best Lawes rescinded and now the Penal Statuts against Papists disabled stopped without against Law. 6. Ad suum eum unius nutum omnia c. He can revoke all things to his nod at his pleasure This is also one part of King Iames the 6 his Character of a Tyrant when he sets upon arbitrary power And of Althusius loc cit when he makes use of an absolute Power and so breaks all bonds for the good of humane Society We allow a King an absolute power taken in a good sense that is he is not subaltern nor subordinate to any other Prince but supreme in his oun dominions or if by absolute be meant Perfect he is most absolute that governs best according to the word of God. But if it be to be Legibus solutus loosed from all Lawes we thinke it blasphemy to ascribe it to any Creature Where was there ever such an arbitrary absolute power arrogated by any Mortal as hath been claimed by our Rulers these years past especially by the present Usurper who in this Liberty of conscience now granted to Scotland assumes to himself an absolute power which all are to obey without reserve which carries the subjects slavery many stages beyond what ever the Grand Seigneur did attempt 7. Tyranno ad cives opprumendos c. For by a Tyrant strangers are imployed to oppress the subjects They place the establishment of ther Authority in the peoples weakness and think that a Kingdom is not a Procuration concredited to them by God but rather a prey fallen into their hands Such are not joined to us by any Civil bond or any bond of humanity but should be accounted the most Capital enemies of God and of all men King Iames ub supra sayes he is a Tyrant that imposes un Lawful Taxes raises forces makes war upon his subjects to Pillage Plnnder wast spoil his Kingdoms Althusins ubi supra makes a Tyrant who by immoderate exactions and the like exhausts the subjects and cites Scripture Ier. 22. 13. 14. Ezek. 34. 1 King. 12. 19. Psal. 14. 4. It is a famous saying of Bracton He is no longer King then dum bene regit while he rules well but a Tyrant when-soever he oppresseth the people that are trusted to his Care Government And Cicero sayes amittitis omne exceritus imperit jiu qui eo imperio exercit● Rempublicans oppugnat He loseth all legal power in over an Army or Empire who by that Government army does obstruct the wel-fare of that republick What oppressions exactions by armed force our Nation hath been wasted with in part is
their example in renewing reiterating such Covenants of the same Nature Tenor binding to the same very duties and prosecute in the same methods of keeping General Meetings for Correspondence consultation about common mutual Duties in common danger whereunto they have not only present necessity to urge them but also preterite examples of these Worthies to encourage them and their experience of comfort tranquillity they reaped by these Christian Assemblies Godly Conferences as ost as any danger appeared to any member or members of their body These beginings the zealous Covenanted Reformers left no means unessayed to promote by Protestations to the Parliament Petitions many reiterated Addresses to the Queen Dowager From whom they received many renewed fair promises which she had never mind to keep and wanted not the impudence when challenged for breaking them to declare It becomes not Subjects to burthen their Princes with promises further then it pleased them to keep the same And at another time that she was bound to keep no Faith to Hereticks And again that Princes must not be strictly bound to keep their promises And that her self would make litle Conscience to take from all that sort their Lives Inheritance if she might do it with an honest excuse Wherein she spoke not only the venome of her oun heart but the very soul sense principle project of all Popish Princes Whereby we may see what security we have for Religion Liberty this day though the most part make such a pretence a pillow to sleep on But after many Discoveries in this kind of the Queens Treachery at length they would no more be bribed by promises blinded by pretences nor boasted by her Proclamations slandering their interprise as if it pertained nothing to Religion from their endeavours to prosecute the same but finding themselves compelled to take the Sword of Just defence against all that should persue them for the matter of Religion they first signified unto her That they would notifie to the King of France all Christian Princes that her cruel unjust most Tyrannieal murther intended against Touns Mnltitudes was is the only Cause of their revolt from their accustomed obedience which they ouned promised to their Soveraign provided they might live in Peace Liberty and enjoy Christs Gospel without which they firmly purpose never to be subject to mortal man And that better it were to expose their bodies to a thousand deaths than to deny Christ which thing not only do they who commit open Idolatry but also all such as seeing their Brethren purswed for the Cause of Religion and haveing sufficient means to comfort assist them do nevertheless withdraw from them their dutiful support And thereafter they published a Declaration to the generation of Antichrist the pestilent Prelats their shavelings within Scotland That they should not be abused thinking to escape just punishment after that they in their blind fury had caused the blood of many to be shed but if they proceeded in this their malicious Cruelty they should be dealt with all wheresoever they should be apprehended as Murderers open Enemies to God to Mankind And that with the same measure they had measured intended to measure to others it should be measured to them that is they should with all force power they had execute just vengeance punishment upon them yea begin that same War which God commandeth Israel to execute against the Canaanites that is Contract of Peace should never be made till they desist from their open Idolatry cruel Persecution of Gods Children I rehearse this Declaration the more expresly because in our day Declarations of this stile strain and aiming at the same Scope is hideously hissed houted at as unheard of novelties Finally when by all their Letters Warnings Admonitions Protestations they could obtain no redress but rather an increase of insupportable violence they proponed the Question in a General Meeting Whether she whose pretences threatened the bondage of the whole Commonwealth ought to be suffered so Tyrannically to domineer over them Unto which the Ministers being required to give their judgment answered that she ought not And accordingly they declared her deposed from all Government over them because of her persecuting the Professors of the true Religion and oppressing the Liberties of the true Lieges never being called nor convinced of any Crime because of her intrusion of Magistrats against all order of Election because of her bringing in strangers to suppress the Liberty of the Countrey and placing them in greatest Offices of Credite because of her altering and subverting the old Laws of the Realme c. Which I mention because hence we may see what things our Fathers judged did dissolve the relation between the people their Rulers And when applyed to our Case will justify their reasons that have renounced the present Tyranny This was done at Edinburgh anno 1559. And thereafter while they vindicated themselves went on with the work of Reformation throwing doun all monuments of Idolatry propogateing the Reformed Religion God so blessed their endeavours that their Confession of faith and all Articles of the Protestant Religion was Read Ratified by the three Estates of Parliament at Edinburgh Iulij 1560. And the same year the Book of Discipline containing the forme order of Presbyterial Government was subscribed by a great part of the Nobility Thus through the wisdom power of God alone even by the weaknesse of very mean Instr●ments against the rage fury of the devil and of all the powers of Hell was this work of Reformation advanced effectuated And came to the establishment of a Law which did not only ratifie confirme the P●ote●●ant Religion but abolish Antichristian Popery and appoint punishment for the Professors promoters thereof Which Law often confirmed ratified afterwards though it be now cassed rescinded by the Prerogative of the present Tyrant because it anulls invalidates his pretence to succession in the Government it being expressly enacted afterwards by a Parliament at Edinburgh 156. Confirming this that all Princes Kings hereafter before their Coronation shall take Oath to maintain the true Religion then professed suppress all things contrary to it yet is still in force in the hearts of all honest men that will not prostitute Religion Law Liberty to the lusts of Tyrants and will be accounted a better bottom to build the hope of enjoying Religion upon than the perfidious promises of a Popish Usurper pretending a Liberty to dissenting Protestants by takeing away the Penal Statuts the Legal Bulwark against Popery All which yet to the reproach of all Protestants some are applauding Congratulating in this time by their Addresses Petitions to this destroyer of Law Religion I wish they would look back to see what the building of this Bulwark cost our Fathers before they sell it at such a
advanced that the Government of the Church by Congregational Elderships Classical Presbyteries Provincial National Assemblies is aggreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westmnster and voted conc●uded in both houses of Parliament After this the Malignants in England being crushed in all their Projects the King renders himself to the Scots in New castle by whom because by Covenant they were not obliged to defend him but only in defence of Religion Liberty which he had been destroying and they defending because in this war he did directly oppose oppugne these conditions under which they were only to defend him and therefore they had all alongst carried towards him as an enemy as he to them And because by the same Covenant they were obliged to discover render to condign punishment all Malignants Incendaries of whom he was the chief and to re●ain the Peace Union of the Kingdoms which could not be retained in maintaining their destroyer And to assist mutually all entered into that Covenant which he was fighting against he was delivered up into the English and kept under restraint in the Isle of Wight untill he received his just demerit for all his oppressions Murders Treachery Tyranny being condemned execute Ianuar. 30. anno 1648 9 Which fact though it was protested against both before after by the Assembly of the Church of Scotland out of zeal against the Sectarians the executioners of that extraordinary Act of Justice yet it was more sor the manner than for the matter and more for the motives ends of it than for the grounds of it that they opposed themselves to it and resented it For they acknowledged remonstrated to himself the Truth of all these things upon which that sentence execution of Justice was founded And when a wicked Association Unlawful Engagment was on foot to rescue him they opposed it with all their might Shewing in their Answers to the Estates that year 1648. and Declarations Remonstrances the sinfullness destructiveness of that Engagment that it was a breach of the Commandments of God of all the Articles of the Covenant Declaring withal they would never consent to the Kings Restitution to the exercise of his Power without previous assurance by solemn Oath under his hand seal for settling of Religion according to the Covenant By which it appears they were not so stupidly Loyal as some would make them Yet indeed it cannot be past without regrate that there was too much of this plague of the Kings-evil even among good men which from that time forth hath so infected the heads hearts of this Generation that it hath almost quite extinct all Loyaltie to Christ and all zeal for Religion Liberty Then it began to infuse diffuse its Contagion when after the death of Charles the first in the year 1649. they began after all that they had smarted for their trusting these treacherous Tyrants and after that Grace had been shewed them from the Lord their God by breaking these mens yokes from from off their necks and puting them again into a Capacity to act for the good of Religion their oun safety and the peace safety of the Kingdom to think of joining once more with the people of these abominations and taking into their bosoms these Serpents which had formerly stung them almost to death Hinc il●● lachrimae en origo Scaturigo nostrae defectionis There was indeed at that time a Party faithful for God who considering the many breaches of the Solemn League Covenant and Particularly by the late Engagment against England did so travel that they procured the Covenant to be renewed with the Solemn Acknowledgment of sins Engagment to duties which was Universally subscribed sworn through all the Land wherein also they regrete this tampering with Malignants And therefore the Lord did mightily save defend them from all their Adversaries subdued them at Stirling and in the North. They did also give warning concerning the young King that notwithstanding of the Lords hand against his Father yet he hearkens unto the Counsells of these who were Authors of these Miseries to his Father by which it hath come to pass that he hath hitherto refused to grant the just necessary desires of the Church Kingdom for securing of Religion Liberty And it is much to be feared that these wicked Counsellers may so far prevail upon him as to ingage him in a war for overturning the Work of God and bearing doun all those in the three Kingdoms that adhere therto Which if he shall do cannot but bring great wrath from the Lord upon himself throne and must be the cause of many new great Miseries Calamities to these Lands And in the same warning by many weighty reasons they prove that he is not to be admitted to the exercise of his power without security for Religion Liberty And when the bringing home of the King came to be voted in the Assembly there was one faithful witness Mr Adam Kae Minister in Galaway protested against it fore shewing fore telling what mischeef misery he would bring with him when he should come These things might have had some weight to demur the Nation from medling with that perfidious Traitor But all this serves only to aggravate the sin shame of that distraction which hath procured all this destruction under which the Land mourns to this day That notwithstanding of all these Convictions warnings yea and discoveries of his Malignancy Treachery inclinations to Tyranny They sent Commissioners and concluded at Treaty with him at Breda During which Treaty the Commissions which he had sent to that bloody villain Montrose his Cut throat Complices to raise an Armie wast invade the Countrey with fire sword the second time were brought to the Committee of Estates discovering what sort of King they were treating with Whereupon after serious Consulting not only together but with the Lord And after many debates what to do in such a doubtfull case wherein all was in danger the Estates concluded to break off the Treaty and recall their Commissioners To which intent they sent an Express with Letters to Breda which by providence falling into the hands of Libberton a true Libertine false betrayer of his trust Country was by him without the knowledge of the other Commissioners delivered unto the King who consulting the Contents of the Packet with his Jesuitical Hypocritical Cabal found it his interest to play the fox being disappointed at that time to play the Tyger and dissemble with God man. And so sending for the Commissioners he made a flattering speech to them shewing that novv after serious deliberation he vvas resolved to comply vvith all their Proposals Where upon the poor cheated Commissioners dispatch the post back with Letters full of praise joy for the satisfaction they had received The Estates perceiving themselves
Clergy as he shall nominate in the external Government of the Church the same consisting with the standing Lawes of the Kingdom shall be valide effectual And in the same Act all Lawes are rescinded by which the sole power Jurisdiction within the Church doth stand in the Church Assemblies And all which may be interpreted to have given any Church power Jurisdiction or Government to the Office bearers of the Church other than that which acknowledgeth a dependence upon subordination to the Soveraign power of the King as Supreme By which Prelats are redintegrated to all their priviledges preheminencies that they possessed anno 1637. And all their Church power robbed from the Officers of Christ is made to be derived from to depend upon and to be subordinate to the Croun prerogative of the King whereby the King is made the only fountain of Church power and that exclusive even of Christ of whom there is no mentioned exception And his vassals the Bishops as his Clerks in Ecclesiastiks are accountable to him for all their administrations A greater usurpation upon the Kingdom of Christ than ever the Papacy it self aspired unto Yet albeit here was another display of a banner of defyance against Christ in altering the Church Government of Christs Institution into the humane Invention of Lordly Prelacy in assuming a power by prerogative to dispose of the external Government of the Church and in giving his Creatures patents for this effect to be his Administrators in that usurped Government There was no publick Ministerial at least united Testimony against this neither Therefore the Lord punished this sinful shamful silence of Ministers in His holy Justice though by mens horrid wickedness when by another wicked Act of the Council at Glasgow above 300 Ministers were put from their Charges and afterwards for their Non-conformity in not Countenancing their Diocesan Meeting and not keeping the Anniversary day May 29. The rest were violently thrust from their labours in the Lords vineyard and banished from their Parishes and adjudged unto a nice strange Confinement twenty miles from their oun parishes six miles from a Cathedral Church as they called it and three miles from a Burgh whereby they were reduced in to many inconveniencies Yet in this fatal Convulsion of the Church generally all were struck with blindness baseness that a Paper-Proclamation made them all run from their posts and obey the Kings Orders for their ejection Thus were they given up because of their forbearing to sound an alarm charging the people of God in point of Loyaltie to Christ and under the pain of the Curse of the Covenant to a wake and acquit themselves like men and not to suffer the enemie to rob them of that Treasure of Reformation which they were put in possession of by the tears prayers blood of such as went before them instead of those prudential fumblings fisflings then since so much followed Wherefore the Lord in His holy righteousness left that enemie against whom they should have cried contended and to whose eye they should have held the Curse of the Covenant as having held it first to their oun in case of unfaithful silence in not holding it to his to cast them out of the House of the Lord and dissolve their Assemblies and deprive them of their priviledges because of their not being so valiant for the Truth as that a ful faithful Testimony against that Encroachment might be found upon record Nevertheless somewere found faithful in that hour pour of darkness who kept the Word of the Lords patience and who were therefore kept in from that tentation which carried many away into sad shamful defections though not from suffering hard things from the hands of men only these who felt most of their violence found grace helping them to acquit themselves suitably to that dayes Testimony being thereby prevented from an Active yeelding to their impositions when they were made passively to suffer force However that season of a publick Testimony was lost and as to the most part never recovered to this day The Prelats being settled readmitted to voice in Parliament they procure an Act Dogmatically condemning several Material parts points of our Covenanted Reformation to wit these positions That it was lawful for Subjects for Reformation or necessary self defence to enter into leagues or take up Armes against the King And particularly declaring that the national Covenant as explained in the year 1638. and the Solemn league Covenant were are i● themselves unlawful Oaths and were taken by imposed upon the subjects of this Kingdom against the fundamental Lawes Liberties thereof That all such gatherings petitions that were used in the begining of the late troubles were unlawful seditious And whereas then People were led unto these things by having disseminated among them such principles as these That it was lawful to come with petitions Representations of grievances to the King That it was lawful for people to restrict their Allegiance under such such limitations and suspend it untill he should give security for Religion c. It was therefore enacted that all such positions practices founded thereupon were treasonable And furder did enact that no person by writing praying preaching or malicious or advised speaking express or publish any words or sentences to stir up the people to the dislike of the Kings prerogative Supremacy or of the Government of the Church by Bishops or justifie any of the deeds actings or things declared against by that Act. Yet not withstanding of all this subversion of Religion Liberty and restraint of asserting these Truths here trampled upon either before men by Testimony or before God in mourning over these Indignities done unto Him in everting these all the parts of Reformation even when it came to Daniels case of confession preaching praying Truths interdicted by Lavv fevv had their eyes open let be their vvindovvs in an open avouching them to see the duty of the day calling for a Testimony Though aftervvards the Lord Spirited some to assert demonstrate the Glory of these Truths duties to the vvorld As that Judicious Author of the Apologetical Relation vvhose Labours need no Elagium to commend them But this is not all for these men having novv as they thought subverted the Work of God they provided also against the fears of its revival making Acts declaring that if the outed Ministers dare to continue to preach and presume to exercise their Ministrie they should be punished as seditious persons requiring of all a due acknowledgment of hearty complyance with the Kings Government Ecclesiastical Civil And that who soever shall ordinarly wilfully withdraw absent from the ordinary Meetings for Divine Worship in their ou● Churches on the Lords day shall incur the Penalties there insert Thus the sometimes Chast Virgin whose name was Beulah to the Lord the Reformed Church
of Scotland did now suffer a violent villanous rape from a vermine of vile Schismatical Apostates obtruded imposed upon her instead of her able painful faithful succeseful Pastors that the Lord had set over her and now by their faintness the Enemies force robbed from her And none now allowed by Law to administer the Ordinances but either Apostate Curats who by their Perjurie Apostacy forfaulted their Ministry or other Hirelings Prelat● Journey-men who run without a Mission except from them who had none to give according to Christs Institution the seal of whose Ministry could never yet be shown in the Conversion of any sinner to Christ but if the tree may be known by its fruit● we may know whose Ministers they are ut ex ungue Leonem by their Conversions of Reformation into Deformation of the Work Cause of God into the similitude of the Roman beast of Ministers into Hirelings of their Proselytes into ten times worse children of the Devil then they were before of the power of Godlyness into formality of Preaching Christ into Orations of Morality of the purity of Christs Ordinances into the vanity of mens Inventions of the beautiful Government of the House of God for Edification to a Lordly preheminence Domination over consciences in a word of Church State Constitutions for Religion Liberty all up side doun into wickedness slavery These are the Conversions of Prelacy But now this astonishing blow to the Gospel of the Kingdom introducing such a Swarm of Locusts into the Church And in forcing a Complyance of the people with this defection and that so violently rigorously as even simple withdrawing was so severely punished by severe Edicts of fyning other arbitrary punishments at first what did it produce did it awaken all Christs Ambassadours now to appear for Christ in this clear clamant case of Confessing Him and the freedom Purity of His Ordinances Alas the backwardness bentness to backsliding in a Superseding from the duties of that day did make it evident that now the Lord had in a great measure forsaken them because they had forsaken Him. The standart of the Gospel was then fallen and few to take it up The Generality of Ministers Professors both went Conformed so far as to hear the Curats contrary to many points of the Reformation formerly attained contrare to their Covenant Engagments and contrare to their oun principles practice at that same time scrupling and refusing to keep the Bishops visitations and to Countenance their Discipline power of Iurisdiction because it was required as a Testification of their acknowledgment of Complyance with the present Government And yet not scrupling to Countenance their Doctrine usurped power of Order required also by the same Law as the same Test of the same Compliance submission It s strange that some yet doe plead for persisting in that same Complyance after all the bitter Consequents of it Other Ministers Lay altogether by in their retired recesses waiting to see what things would turn to Others were hopeless turned Farmers Doctors others more wyllie staid at home Preached quietly in Ladies Chambe●● But the faithful thought that this Tyrannical ejection did 〈◊〉 or could not unminister them so as they might not Prea●●● Gospel where ever they were as Ambassadours of 〈◊〉 but rather found themselves under an indispensible necessity to Preach the Gospel and witness for the freedom of their Ministry and make full proof of it in preaching in season out of season and thereupon as occasion offered preached to all such as were willing to hear but at first only in private houses and that for the most part at such times when Sermons in publick surceased a superplus of Caution But afterwards finding so great difficulties and Persecutions for their house Meetings where they were so easily attrapped were constrained at last to keep their Meetings in the fields without shelter from cold wind snow or rain Where testifieing both practically particularly against these Usurpations on their Masters Prerogatives and witnessing for their Ministerial freedom contrary to all Law-Interdictions without any Licences or Indulgences from the Usurper but holding their Ministry from Jesus Christ alone both as to the Office exercise thereof they had so much of their Masters Countenance success in their labours that they valued neither hazards nor hardships neither the contempt of pretended Friends nor the Laws nor threatnings of Enemies adjudging the penalty of death it self to Preachers at Field Conventicles as they called them Now having thus overturned the Church Government by introducing Prelacy to advance an absolute Supremacy the effects whereof were either the Corruption or Persecution of all the Ministrie Encouragment of profanity wickedness the enerease advancment of Popery Superstition Error cruel impositions on the Conscience and oppressions for Conscience sake by the practices of cruel Supra-Spanish Inquisitions and all manner of outcryes of outragious violence villany The King proceeds in his design to pervert evert the wel modelled moderated Constitution of the State Government also by introducing advancing an Arbitrary Tyranny the effects whereof were an absolute Mancipation of Lives Liberties and estates unto his lust pleasure the utter subversion of Lawes and absolute impoverishin●● the people For effectuating which he first proc●● lasting Imposition of intollerable Subsidies Taxati●● to impoverish that he might the more easily enslave the Nation Next a further recognizance of his Prerogative in a subjection of persons fortunes whole strength of the Kingdom to his absolute arbitrement in a Levy of Militia of 20000 footmen 2000 horsemen sufficiently armed with 40 dayes provision to be ready upon the Kings call to march to any part of his Dominions for opposing whatsoever invasion or insurrection or for any other service The first sproutings of Tyrannie were cherished by the cheerfull stupid submission generally yeelded to these exorbitances under which they who suffered most were inwardly Malecontents but there was no opposition to them by word or Action but on the contrary generally people did not so much as scruple sending out or going out as Militia-men never adverting unto what this Concurrence was designed demanded and given for Nor what an accession it was in the nature influence of the mean it self and in the sense intention of the Requirers unto a Confederacy for a Complyance with and a Confirmation strengthening of Arbitrary Tyrannie After the fundamental constitutions of both Church State are thus razed rooted up to confirm this Absolute Power he contrived to frame all inferior Magistrats according to his mould And for this end appointed that all persons in any publick Trust or Office whatsoever should subscribe a Declaration renouncing abjuring the Covenants whereby Perjurie was made the chief indispensible qualification and Conditio sine qua non of all that were
that endeavour the defect of which through their former supineness gave no small encouragment to the Enemies They considered also what would be the consequence of that War declared against all the Faithful of t●e Land with a displayed banner prosecuted with fire ●word and all acts of horrid hostility published in printed Proclamations written in Characters of blood by barbarous souldiers so that none could enjoy Gospel Ordinances dispensed in Purity but upon the hazard of their lives And therefore to prevent frustrate these effects they endeavoured to put themselves in a posture And hereunto they were encouraged by the constant experience of the Lords countenancing their endeavours in that posture which alwayes proved successful for several years their enemies either turning their backs without disturbance when they observed them resolve defence or in their assaultings repulsed So that there was never a Meeting which stood to their defence got any considerable harme thereby Thus the Lord was with us while we were with Him but when we forsook Him then He forsook us and left us in the hands of our enemies However while Meetings for Gospel Ordinances did continue the wicked Rulers did not cease from time to time to encrease their numerous ●ands of Barbarous Souldiers for suppressing the Gospel in these field-Meetings And for their Maintinance they imposed new wicked arbitrary Cesses Taxations professedly required for suppressing Religion Liberty banishing the Gospel out of the Land and preserving promoting his Absoluteness over all Matters Persons Sacred Civil Which under that tentation of great suffering threatened to Refusers and under the disadvantage of the silence unfaithfulness of many Ministers who either did not condemn it or pleaded for the peaceable payment of it many did comply with it then and far more since Yet at that time there were far more Recusants in some places especially in the Western Shires than Complyers And there were many of the Ministers that did faithfully declare to the people the sin of it Not only from the illegality of its imposition by a convention of overawed and prelimited States but from the nature of that imposed Complyance that it was a sinful transaction with Christs declared Enemies a strengthening the hands of the wicked an Obedience to a wicked Law a Consenting to Christs Expulsion out of the Land and not only that but far worse than the sin of the Gadarens a formal Concurrence to assist His Expellers by maintaining their force a hiring our Oppressours to destroy Religion Liberty And from the fountain of it an Arbitrary power domineering over us and oppressing overpressing the Kingdoms with intollerable exactions That to pay it it was to entail slaverie on the posterity And from the declared end of it expressed in the very Narrative of the Act viz to levy maintain forces for suppressing dispersing Meetings of the Lords people and to shew unanimous affection for maintaining the Kings Supremacy as now established by Law which designs he resolved and would be capacitate by the Granters to effectuate by such a Grant which in effect to all tender Consciences had an evident tendency to the exauctorating the Lord Christ to maintain Souldiers to suppress His Work murder His Followers yet all this time Ministers Professors were unite and with one soul shoulder followed the Work of the Lord till the Indulged being dissatisfied with the Meetings in the fields whose Glory was like to overcloud obscure their beds of ease and especially being offended at the freedom faithfulness of some who set the Trumpet to their mouth and shewed Iacob his sins Israel his transgressions impartially without a clock or cover they began to make a faction among the Ministers and to devise how to quench the fervour of their zeal who were faithful for God. But the more they sought to extinguish it the more it brake out and blazed into a flame For Several of Christs Ambassadours touched affected with the affronts done to their Princely Master by the Supremacy and the Indulgence its Bastard brood brat began after long silence to discover its iniquity and to acquaint the people how the Usurper had invaded the Mediators Chair in taking upon him to depose suspend silence plant transplant His Ministers where when how he pleased and to give forth warrants Licences for admitting them with Canons Instructions for regulating them in the exercise of their Ministrie and to arraign censure them at his Courts for delinquencies in their Ministry pursuing all to the death who are faithful to Christ and maintain their Loyaltie to His Lawes and will not prostitute their Consciences to his lusts and bow doun to the Idol of his Supremacy but will oune the Kingly Authority of Christ. Yet others and the greater number of dissenting Ministers were not only deficient herein but defended them joyned with them and pretending prudence prevention of Schisme in effect homologated that deed and the practice of these Priests Ezek. 22. 26. teaching advising the people to hear them both by precept and going along with them in that Erastian Course And not only so but condemned censured such who preached against the sinfulness thereof especially in the first place Worthy Mr Walwood who was among the first Witnesses against that defection and Mr Kid Mr King Mr Cameron Mr Donald Cargil c. who sealed their Testimony afterwards with their blood yet then even by their Brethren were loaden with the reproachful Nicknames of Schismaticks blind Zea●ots I●suits c. But it was alwayes observed as long as Ministers were faithful in following the Lord in the way of their duty Professors were fervent And un-under all their Conflicts with Persecuters the courage zeal of the lovers of Christ was blazing and never out-braved by all the enemies boastings to undertake brisk Exploits which from time to time they were now and then essaying till defection destroyed and division diverted their zeal against the Enemis of God who before were alwayes the object against which they whetted the edge of their just Indignation Especially the insulting insolency insolent villanie of that publick Incendiarie the Arch-Prelate Sharp was judged intollerable by ingenuous Spirits because he had treacherously betrayed the Church Nation and being imployed as their delegate to oppose the threatened introduction of Prelacy he had like a perjured Apostate and perfidious Traitor advanced himself into the place of Primate of Scotland and being a member of Council he became a chief Instrument of all the Persecution and main Instigator to all the bloody violence cruelty that was exerced against the people of God by whose means the letter sent doun to stop the shedding of more blood after Pentland was kept● up until several of these Martyrs were Murdered Therefore in Iulij 1668. Mr Iames Mitchel thought in his duty to save himself deliver his Brethren and free the
for the honour of their Master and the freedom of their Ministrie Whereupon as many poor People were stumbled and jumbled into many confusions so that they were so bewildered bemisted in doubts debates that they knew not what to do and were tempted to question the Cause formerly so servently contended for against all opposition then so simply abandoned by these that seemed sometimes valiant for it when they saw them consulting more their oun ease than the Concerns of their Masters Glory or the necessity of the poor people hungering for the Gospel and standing in need of Counsel in time of such abounding snares whereby many became a prey to all tentations So the more zealous faithful after several Addresses Calls Invitations to Ministers finding themselves deserted by them judged themselves under a necessity to discountenance many of them whom formerly they followed with pleasure and to resolve upon a pursuit prosecution of the duty of the day without them and to provide themselves with faithful Ministers who would not shun for all hazards to declare the whole Counsel of God. And accordingly through the tender Mercy of God compassionating the exigence of the People the Lord sent them first Mr Richard Cameron with whom after his serious solicitation his Brethren denied their concurrence and then Mr Donald Cargil who with a zeal boldness becoming Christs Ambassadours maintained prosecuted the Testimony against all the Indignities done to their Master and wrongs to the Cause both by the encroachments of Adversaries and defections of their declining Brethren Wherein they were signally countenanced of their Master And the Lords Inheritance was again revived with the showres of the Gospels blessings wherewith they had been before refreshed and enlightened with a Glance Glimpse of resplendent brightness immediatly before the obscurity of this fearful night of darkness that hath succeeded But as Christ was then displaying His beauty to His poor despised persecuted People so Antichrist began to blaze his bravery in the solemn shameful reception of his harbinger that Pimp of the Romish whore the Duke of York Who had now pulled off the Mask under which he had long covered his Antichristian Bigotrie through a trick of his brother constrained by the Papists importunity and the necessity of their favour recruit of their Coyn either to declare himself Papist or to make his brother do it whereby all the locusts were engaged to his Interest with whom he entered into a Conspiracy and Popish Plot as was discovered by many infallible evidences and confessed by Coleman his Secretary to Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey for which lest he should witness against him when Coleman was apprehended that Gentleman was cruelly murdered by the Duke of Yorks contrivance command Yet for all the demonstrations of his being a Bigot Papist that he had long given unto the world it is known what some suffered for saying that the Duke of York was a Papist and being forced to leave England he was come to Scotland to promots Poperie Arbitrary Government However thô the Parliament of England for his Poperie Villanie and his ploting pursuing the destruction of the Nation did vote his Exclusion yet degenerate Scotland did receive him in great pompe pride Against which the forementioned faithful witnesses of Christ did find themselves obliged to testify their just resentment and to protest against his succeeding to the Croun in their Declaration published at Sanquhair Iune 22. 1680. Wherein also they Disoune Charles Stewart as having any Right Title or Interest in the Croun of Scotland or Government thereof as being fore●aulted several years since by his perjurie breach of Covenant Usurpation on Christs Prerogatives and by his Tyranny breaches in the very Leges regnandi in matters Civil And declare a war with him and all the men of these practices homologating the Testimony at Rutherglen and disclaiming that declaration at Hamiltoun This Action was generally condemned by the body of lurking Ministers both for the matter of it and the unseasonableness of it and its apparent unfeasibleness being done by a handful so inconsiderable for number strength or significancy But as they had very great important reasons to disclaim that Tyrants Authority hinted in the Declaration it self and hereafter more fully vindicated so the necessity of a Testimony against all the Tyrannical Encroachments on Religion Liberty then current encreasing and the sin shame of shifting delaying it so long when the Blasphemous Supremacy was now advanced to its summity the Churches Priviledges all overturned Religion and the Work of Reformation trampled under foot the Peoples Rights Liberties destroyed and Lawes all subverted and no shadow of Government left but arbitrary Absoluteness obtruding the Tyrants will for Reason and his Letter for the Supreme Law witness the Answer which one of the Council gave to another objecting against their Proceedings as not according to Law what devil do ye talk of Law have not we the Kings Letter for it And all the ends of Magistracy wholly inverted while innocent honest People were grievously oppressed in their persons Consciences Estates And Perjuries Adulteries Idolatries and all impieties were not only connived at but countenanced as badges of Loyaltie and manifest monstrous Robbries Murders Authorized Judgement turned into gall and the fruit of Righteousness into hemlock do justify its Seasonableness And the ends of the Declaration to keep up the Standart of the Gospel and maintain the Work of Reformation and preserve a Remnant of faithful Adherers to it the nature of the Resolution declared being only to endeavour to make good maintain their Revolt in opposition to all who would pursue them for it and reinforce them to a subjection to that yoke of slaverie again and the extremity of danger distress that party was in while declared pursued as Rebells and intercommuned interdicted of all supplie solace being put out of their oun and by Law precluded of the harbour of all other habitations and so both for safety subsistence compelled by necessity to concur keep together may alleviate the Censure and stop the Clamour of its unfeasibleness But thô it is not the prudence of the managment but the justness of the Action that I would have vindicated from obliquies yet it wanted nothing but success to justify both in the conviction of many that made much outcry against it In these dangerous in his maintainance of the true Covenanted Religion which homage they cannot now require upon the account of the Covenant which they have renounced disclaimed and upon no other ground we are bound to them the Croun not being an inheritance that passeth from Father to son without the Consent of Tenants 3 Of the hope of their returning from these Courses Whereof there is none seeing they have so often declared their purposes of persevering ill thein And suppose they should dissemble a repentance
what is future Next it is known what his Practices Plots have been for the destruction of all honest precious Interests what a deep hand he had in the burning of London in the Popish plot discovered anno 1678. in the Murder of the Earle of Essex yea in the Parricide committed upon his oun brother By all which it appears nothing is so abominable barbarous which he hath not a Conscience that will swallow digest without a scruple and what he hath done of this kind must be but preparatory to what he intends as meritorious to attone for these villanies And in his esteem and persuasion of Papists nothing is thought more meritorious than to exstirpate the Protestant Religion and destroy the Professors thereof Therefore being such a person with whom in Reason no honest man could transact for a tenure of the least piece of Land or house or any holding whatsoever they dare not accept of his security or protection for so great an Interest as the freedom exercise of their Religion under the shadow of such a bramble If it was the Shechemites sin shame to strengthen a naughty Abimelech and strengthen themselves under the shadow of his protection much more must it be to take protection for Religion as wel as peace from such a Monster of crueltie treacherie This were against their Testimony and contrary to the Laudable Constitutions of the Church of Scotland to take no Protections from Malignant Enemies as was shewed above in Montroses case See Pag. 82. above II. Considering his Religion more particularly they judge it unlawful so to bargain with him as this Acceptance would import It is known he is not only a Papist an Apostate Papist and an Excommunicate Papist as is related above but a fiery Bigot in the Romish Religion and zealous sworn votarie vassal of Antichrist who as the Letter of the Iesuite from Liege lately published in print tells us is resolved either to convert England to Poperie or die a Martyr and again that he stiles himself a son of the Societie of Iesuites and will account every injury done to them to be a wrong done against himself being known to be under the conduct guidance of that furious Order yea and enrolled as a member of that Society Which makes it the less to be wondered that he should require absolute obedience without reserve seeing he himself yeelds absolute obedience as wel as implicite faith without reserve to the Jesuites Such a Bigot was Mary of England as also his great Grandame of Scotland if she had got her will And his Bigotrie will make him emulous of her Crueltie as counting it a diminution of his glory for such a Champion as he under Antichrists banner to come short of a womans enterprizes Nor would the late King have been so posted off the stage if his successor were not to act more vigorously than he in this Tragical design to which this Toleration is subservient He is then a Servant of Antichrist and as such under the Mediators Malediction yea in this respect is heir to his Grandfathers imprecation who wished the Curse of God to fall upon such of his Posterity as should at any time turn Papists How then can the Followers of the Lamb strike hands be at peace associate confederate or bargain with such a declared Enemy to Christ Certainly the Scripture-Commands of making no Covenant or League interdicting entering into any affinity with the People of these abominations and forbidding saying a Confederacy with them do lay awful bonds on the Faithful to stand aloof from such The People might have had Liberty of Conscience under the Assyrian Protection when they were saying a Confederacy with him but in so doing they forefaulted the benefit of the Lord being a Sanctuary to them To bargain therefore with such an one for a Toleration of Religion were contrary to the Scriptures contrary to the Covenants and Principles of the Church of Scotland against Associations Confederacies with such Enemies See Gillesp. Useful Case of Conscience concerning Assoc. hinted Pag. 83. and more Head. 3. Arg. 1. But to accept of this Liberty as now offered were a bargaining for where there is a Giving Receiving upon certain Conditions where there are Demands Complyance Commands Obedience Promises Relyance Offers upon termes Acquiescence in these termes what is there wanting to a bargain but the meer formality of Subscriptions At least it cannot be denied but the Addressers have bargained for it and in the name of all the Accepters which must stand as their deed also if they do not evidence their resentment of such Presumption which I do not see how they can if they abide under the shadow thereof the same way as they do I grant Liberty is very desirable and may be taken improven from Enemies of Religion And so do the Wanderers now take it improve it to the best advantage without receiving it by acquiescing in any termes But such a Liberty as this was never offered without a destructive design nor ever received without a destructive effect It is one of the filthie flatteries found in the English Addresses particularly that from Totness that the present Indulger is like another Cyrus who proclaimed Liberty to the People of God Ezra 1. But who sees not the disparity in every respect Cyrus at his very first entry into the Government did lay out himself for the Churches good This man who speaks now so fair his first work was to break our head and next to put on our hood first to assert corroberate his prerogative and then by virtue of that to dispense with all Penal Lawes It was foretold that Cyrus should deliver the Church at that time But was it ever promised that the Church should get Liberty to advance Antichrist or that Antichrist or one of his Limbs should be employed in the Churches deliverance while such The Lord stirred up the Spirit of Cyrus Can it be said without blasphemy that the Lord stirred up this man to contrive the introduction of Poperie by this Gate Gap except in a penal sense for judgment Cyrus had a Charge to build the Lord a House but this is not a Charge but a Grant or Licence not from nor according to Gods Authority but mans not to build Christ a House but a Babel for Antichrist and all this Liberty is but contrived as scaffolding for that Edifice which when it is advanced then the scaffolding must be removed 3. Considering him in his Relation as a Magistrate it were contrary to their Testimony so often renewed ratified confirmed with so many reasons and sealed by so much blood bonds banishment other sufferings to oune or acknowledge his Authority which is meer Usurpation Tyrannie in that by the Lawes of the Land he is incapable of Government and that he hath neither given nor can give without an hypocritical damning cheat the Oath
successless which induces him to try another method to which this Acceptance is very subservient to wit to destroy us and our Religion by flatteries and by peace to overturn Truth and by the subversion of Lawes to open a door to let in Poperie and all abominations But what is more obscurely expressed in his words is more visibly obvious in his works to all that will not willingly wink at them discovering clearly the end of this Liberty is not for the Glory of God nor the Advantage of Truth or the Churches Edification nor intended as a benefit to Protestants but for a pernicious design by gratifying a few of them in a pretended favour to rob all of them of their chiefest Interests Religion Lawes Rights Liberties which he could not otherwise effectuate but by this arbitrary way for if he could have obtained his designs by Law he would never have talked of Lenity or Liberty but having no legal ends he behoved 〈◊〉 compass them by illegal means They must then be very blind who do not see his drift is first to get in all Popish Officers in places of Publick Trust by taking off the Penal Lawes disabling them for the same Then to advance his Absoluteness over all Lawes in a way which will be best acknowledged acquiesced in by People till he be so strengthened in it that he fears no control And then to undermine overturn the Protestant Religion establish Poperie Idolatrie which he is concerned the more violently to pursue because he is now growing old and therefore must make hast lest he leave the Papists in a worse condition than he found them which to be sure the Papists are aware of and their conscious fears of the Nations resentments of their Villanies will prompt them as long as they have such a Patron to all vigilance violence in playing their game And withall hereby he may intend to capacitate himself for subduing the Dutch against whom he hath given many indications of a hostile mind of old of late not only in hiring two Rascals to burn the Amsterdam-fleet heretofore but in stirring up protecting the Algerine Pyrats against them So universal a Protector is he become of late that Papists Protesiants Turks Iewes are shrouded under the shadow of his Patrociny but with a design to destroy the best when his time comes Which cursed designs cannot be counteracted but very much strengthened by this Acceptance 7. Considering the Effects already produced thereby they cannot but abhor it Seeing the eyes of all that are tender may affect their hearts observing how the Papists are hereby encouraged encreased in numbers the whole Nation overflow'd wlth their hellish Locusts and all Places filled with Priests Iesuites yea the executive power of the Government put into the hands of the Romanists and on the other hand how the People are endangered with their abounding prevailing Errors to which the Lord may will give up those that have not received the love of the Truth Truth is sallen in the streets equity cannot enter a Testimony against Antichrist is abandoned laid aside as unseasonable the edge of zeal for the Interest of Christ is blunted and its fervor extinginshed they that should stand in the Gap and upon the watch Tower are laid aside from all opposition to the invasions of the Enemy and lulled asleep by this bewitching Charm intoxicating Opium Ministers Professors are generally settling on their lees and languishing in a fatal security Defection is carried on Division promoted and Destruction is imminent Is it not then both a part of the Witness of the Faithful and of their wisdom to stand aloof from such a Plague that hath such destructive effects 8. Considering the Nature Name of this pretended Liberty they cannot but disdain it as most dishonourable to the Cause of Christ. It is indeed the honour of Kings and happiness of People to have true humane Christian Liberty established in the Common wealth that is Liberty of Persons from slaverie Liberty of Priviledges from Tyranny and Liberty of Conscience from all impositions of men Consisting in a freedom from the Doctrines Traditions Commandments of men against or beside the Word of God in the free enjoyment of Gospel Ordinances in purity power and in the free observance establishment of all His Institutions of Doctrine Worship Discipline Government in subordination to the only Rule of Conscience the revealed Will of its only Law-giver Jesus Christ. When this is ratified as a Right by the Sanction of approven Authority and countenanced encouraged as Religion by the Confirmation of Lawes approving whatsoever is Commanded by the God of Heaven to be done for the House of the God of Heaven which is the full amount of all Magistrats Authority Then we are obliged to accept of it with all thankful acceptation But such a Liberty as overturns our Rights our Priviledges our Lawes our Religion and Tolerates it only under the Notion of a Crime and indemnifies it under the notion of a Fault to be Pardoned and allowes the exercise thereof only in Part so so modified cannot be accepted by any to whom the reproach thereof is a burden and to whom the reproaches of Christ are in esteem in such a day when even the hoofs of Christs Interest buried in bondage are to be contended for Whatever Liberty this may be to some Consciences it is none to the tender according to the Rule of Conscience It is only a Toleration which is alwayes of evil for that which is good cannot be tolerated under the notion of good but countenanced encouraged as such Therefore this reflects upon our Religion when a Toleration is accepted which implies such a reproach And the annexed Indemnity Pardon tacitely condemns the Profession thereof as a fault or Crime which no Christian can bear with or by his acceptance homologate these reproaches if he consider the nature of it And much more will he be averse from it if he consider how dishonourable it is to God whatever some Addressers particucularly the Presbyterians at London have blasphemously alledged that God is hereby restored to His Empire over the Conscience Since the Granter after he hath robbed the Mediator of His Supremacy and given it away to Antichrist And God of His Supremacy Imperial as Universal King by a Claim of Absolute Power peculiar to Him he hath also robbed Him of His Empire over the Conscience in giving every man the Empire over his oun Conscience which he reserves a power to retract whem he pleases 9. Considering the Extent of it they cannot class themselves amoug the number of them that are Indulged thereby It takes in not only the Arch-Bishops Bishops and the Prelatical Malignant Crue but all Quakers and Papists reaching all Idolatry Blasphemy Heresie and Truth also which could never yet dwell together under one sconce Whereby the Professors of
Loyaltie to his excellent to his Gracious and to his Sacred Majestie of Loyaltie not to be questioned an Entire Loyaltie in Doctrine a resolved Loyaltie in Practice and a servent Loyaltie in Prayers And all that they are solicitous about is not lest the Prerogatives of their Master be encroached upon and the Liberties of the Church be supplanted and Religion wronged but lest their Loyaltie be questioned and they be otherwise represented And all that they beseech for is not that the Cause of Christ be not wronged nor Antichristian Idolatrie introduced by this Liberty but that these who promove any disloyal Principles Practices may be looked upon as none of theirs wherein all their encouragment is that they persuade themselves from his Maj. justice goodness that he will not give credite to any other information until he take due cognition thereof Here is a Lawless unrestricted Loyaltie to a Tyrant claiming an absolute power to be obeyed without reserve not only professed but solicitously sought to be the Principle of Presbyterians whereas it is rather the Principle of Athiestical Hobbes exploded with indignation by all rational men This is not a Christian Loyaltie o● profession of Consciencious Subjection to a Minister of God for good who is a terror to evil doers but a stupid subjection absolute Allegiance to a Minister of Antichrist who gives Liberty to all evil men seducers This is not the Presbyterian Loyaltie to the King in the defence of Christ His Evangel Liberties of the Country Ministration of Iustice punishment of iniquity according to the National Covenant And in the preservation defence of the true Religion Liberties of the Kingdoms according to the Solemn League Covenant but an Erastian Loyaltie to a Tyrant in his overturning Religion Lawes Liberties protecting encouraging all iniquity This Loyaltie in Doctrine will be found Disloyaltie to Christ in a sinful shameful silence at the wrongs done to Him and not declaring against the Invasions of His open Enemies This Loyaltie in Practice is a plain betraying of Religion Liberty in lying by from all opposition to the open Destroyer of both And this Loyaltie in Prayers for all blessings ever to attend his person Government will be found neither consonant to Presbyterian Prayers in reference to Popish Tyrants nor consistent with the Zeal of Christians and the Cries of all the Elect unto God to whom vengeance belongs against Antichrist and all his Supporters nor any way conforme to the Saints Prayers in Scripture nor founded upon any Scripture promises to pray for a blessing to a Papists Tyrannie which cannot be of Faith and therefore must be sin It were much more suitable to pray that the God which hath caused His Name to dwell in His Church may destroy all Kings that shall put to their hand to alter destroy the House of God Ezrah 6. 12. 3. This Address is so stuffed with sneaking flatteries that it would become more Sycophants Court-Parasites than Ministers of the Gospel and were more suitable to the Popish Prelatical Malignant faction to congratulate rejoice in their professed Patroh Head and fill the Gazetts with their Adulatory Addresses which heretofore used to be deservedly inveighed against by all Dissenters than for Presbyterians to take a Copy from them and espouse the practice which they had condemned before and which was never commended in any good Government nor never known in these British Nations before Oliver's Usurpation Charles his Tyranny flatterie being alwayes counted base among ingenuous men But here is a Rhapsodie of flatteries from the deep sense they have of his Maj. gracious surprising favour finding themselves bound in duty to offer their most humble hearty thanks to his Sacred Maj. the favour bestowed being to them valuable above all earthly comforts One would think this behoved to be a very great favour from a very great friend for very gracious ends But what is it In not only puting a stop to their long sad sufferings which were some ground indeed if the way were honest but this not only supposes an also what is that but also granting us the Liberty which is either a needless Tautology for if all Sufferings were stopped then Liberty must needs follow or it must respect the qualifications of the Liberty flowing from such a Fountain absolute power through such a Conveyance the stoping all penal Lawes against Papists in such a Forme as a Toleration for such Ends as overturning the Reformation introducing Poperie This is the favour for which they offer most humble hearty thanks more valuable to them than all earthly comforts thô it be manifestly intended to deprive the Lords People at the long run of the Heavenly Comforts of the Preached Gospel Sure if they thank him for the Liberty they must thank him for the Proclamation whereby he grants it and justify all his Claim there to Absoluteness being that upon which it is superstructed and from which it emergeth And so become a listed faction to abett oune him in all his attemptings engaged now to demean themselves as that he may find cause rather to enlarge than to diminish his favours which can be no other way but in assisting him to destroy Religion Liberty at least in suffering him to do what he will without control O what an indeleble reproach is this for Ministers who pretend to be set for the defence of the Gospel thus to be found betraying Religion through justifying magnifying a Tyrant for his suspension of so many Lawes whereby is was established supported 4. It were more tolerable if they went no further than flatteries but I fear they come near the border of Blasphemie when they say that the Great God hath put this in his Royal heart which can bear no other Construction but this that the holy Lord hath put it in his heart to assume to himself a blasphemous absolute power whereby he stops suspends all Penal Lawes against Idolaters and gives a Toleration for all Errors Or if it be capable of any other sense it must be like that as the Lord is said to have moved David to number the People or that Rev. 17. 17. God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill His Will and to aggree aud give their Kingdom unto the Beast But to bless God and thank the Tyrant for this wicked Project as deliberate purposed by men I say is near unto Blasphemy And again where they say they are firmly resolved by the help of God so to demean themselves as his Maj. may find cause rather to enlarge than to diminish his favours this in effect is as great Blasphemy as if they had said they resolved by the help of God to be as unfaithful Time-serving Silent Ministers as ever plagued the Church of God for no otherwise can they demean themselves so as he may find cause to enlarge his favours towards
solemnly these Nations were engaged both to keep out put out this Generation of Prelatists now prevailing The obligation of which yet lyes upon all the Inhabitants of the Land with a binding force both in regard of their forme and object and end Hence if the Curats be Covenant breakers and we also in ouning them then we cannot oune them without sin But the Curats are Covenant breakers and we also in ouning them Ergo The Minor may be manifest by an indiction of all the Articles of the Solomn League Covenant broken by them and all that oune them 1. That Doctrine worship discipline Government in the 1. Ar sworn to be preserved propagated was the Presbyterian then established which our Church was in possession of which they have opposed their ouners resiled from and have not maintained 2. We are engaged in 2. Art. to endeavour the extirpation of Prelacy and its dependents which is diametrically opposite to ouning of Curats can we oune them whom we are bound to abhor and submit to them whom we are bound to extirpate Surely this were to rebuild what we have destroyed see Napht. p. 104. And since in relation to Poperie Heresie Schisme this Article obliges us to disoune not to hear Papists Schismaticks why not also in relation to Prelatists who are the greatest Schismaticks 3. They have established homologated an Erastian Supremacy to the Prejudice of true Religion and the Liberties of the Church Kingdom and their ouners have abetted contenanced the same and not preserved either the Liberties of Church or Kingdom contrary to the 3. Art. 4. They have not only concealed Countenanced Malignant Enemies to this Church Kingdom but have themselves been reall Incendiaries hindering the Reformation of Religion making factions Parties amongst the People contrary to this League Covenant And their hearers are so far from bringing them to Condign Punishment that they have strengthened their hands in their avowed opposition to the Covenants contrary to the 4 Art. 5. They have broken our Conjunction in firme peace union and yet their hearers have not marked avoided these Causers of Divisions contrary to Scripture and the 5 Art. 6. Instead of assisting defending all these that entered into this League Covenant c. they have been the greatest Persecuters of all them that adhered to it And their ouners have suffered themselves by combination or perswasion or terror to be divided withdrawn from their suffering Brethren and have made defection to the contrary part and given themselves to a detestable indifferency in this cause contrary to the 6. Art. 7. Instead of humbling themselves for their sins and going before others in the example of a real Reformation they have obstinately defended their breach of Covenant and have been Patrons Patterns of all deformations And their ouners hearers have not repented of that neither when they countenance such Covenant-breakers profane persons nor of their not labouring for the purity power of the Gospel when they seek it from such impure hands Neither do they go before others in Reformation when they are such bad examples of defection contrary to the conclusion of the Covenant This Argument will also strike against hearing of such Ministers that have made themselves guiltie of the same or equivalent breaches of Covenant XII Finally for Unions sake and to avoid Schisme in the body we must withdraw from them This may seem another Paradox but it is apparent if we consider that there should be no Schisme in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another 1 Cor. 12. 25. And that for to prevent remede this the Apostle beseeches us to mark them which Cause Divisions offences contrary to the Doctrine which we have learned avoid them Rom. 16. 17. Now then if the Prelats and their Curats be Schismaticks Separatists and dividers then we must avoid withdraw from them But so it is that the Prelats their Curats are Schismaticks Separatists and dividers Therefore we must avoid withdraw from them The Minor I prove from all the Constituents of a formed Schisme Separation sinful division 1. They that start out from under due relations to a Church and from her Ministry are Schismaticks Separatists dividers But the Prelats and their Curats have started out from under due relations to the Covenanted Church of Scotland from her Ministry in being so unnatural rebellious Children as have broken their Mothers beauty bands order Union razed her Covenanted Reformation in doctrine worship Discipline Government 2. These who withdraw from the Communion of a true Church and therefore are Censureable by all her standing acts are Schismatical Separatists But the Prelats and their Curats have withdrawn from the Communion of the true Church of Scotland and therefore are censureable by all her standing acts in that they have made a faction Combination repugnant to the Communion of this Church and all her established order 3. Those who Separate from a Church whose Principles Practices are subservient to that Churches true Union Communion and right establishment are properly Schismaticks But the Prelats and their Curats have Separated from this Church whose Principles practices are subservient to its true Union Communion and right establishment for they could never yet impeach or challenge any Principle or practice contrary to the word of God or not subservient to true Union order but their Principles practices are stated in opposition to her purity Reformation 4 Those who innovate the worship Government ouned established in a true Church are Schismaticks But the Prelats and their Curats have innovated the worship Government of the true Church of Scotland in bringing a Doctrine new odd and not the voice of this Church and their worship over and above the corruption adhering to it is the worshiping of an innovating party contrary to our Churches established order 5. They that make a rent in the bowels of the true genuine Church are the Schismaticks But the Prelats and their Curats have made a rent in the bowels of this Church and have caused all the divisions in this Church 6. Those that divide themselves from the fellowship of a pure Church either in her Ministry Lawful Courts Ordinances are the Schismaticks But the Prelats and their Curats have divided themselves from the fellowship of this pure Church in her Ministry Lawful Courts Ordinances in that they have caused the ejection of her Ministry dissipation of her Assemblies and subversion of her pure Ordinances 7. Those that break union with such to whom they were under obligations to adhere are Schismatical dividers But the Prelats and their Curats have broken Union with such to whom they were under obligations to adhere both from the antecedent morally obliging duty and from the superadded obligation of the
for their matter National Covenants about things Moral objectively obliging to joine our selves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten Ier. 50. 5. I might easily demonstrate all the Articles of the Covenant to be Morally obliging but they are demonstrate sufficiently above Head. 1. Arg. 11. Therefore they are perpetually binding 8. They are for their Ends National Covenants inviolably obliging which cannot be made void though they should be broken because the ends of them are alwayes to be pursued as is proved above Head. 1. Therefore they are perpetual 9. They are for their formality National Covenants most Solemnly Sworn subscribed by all ranks with uplifted hands with bended knees with solemn invocating the Name of God with solemn preaching prayer praise rendering themselves and the posterity obnoxious to the Curse if they should break it Now the Solemnities of the Oath do aggravate the heinousness of the breach of it as is clear from Ier. 34. 19. Ezek. 17. 18. quoted above the reason is because of their greater deliberation in the action and because of the greater scandal accompanying the violation thereof Hence as they are National Oaths Covenants so solemnized they are National Adiurations under the pain of a National Curse not to break them Nationally Which do make the posterity obnoxious to it as Ioshua adjuring Israel saying Cursed be the man that riseth up and buildeth this City Iericho Iosh. 6. 26. Which was fulfilled many generations after in the dayes of Ahab upon Hiel the Bethelite 1 King. 16. Ult. So the Curse of introducing abjured Prelacy and Popery if it be let in will be impendent on the Nation All National Covenants have a Curse annexed in case of a breach when ever it shall be So in Nehemiahs Covenant they clave to their Brethren entered into a Curse and into an Oath to walk in Gods Law which was given by Moses the Servant of God and to observe do all the Commandments of th● Lord our Lord and His Judgements Statutes particularly not to enter into affinity with their Malignant enemies Neh. 10. 29 30. Which certainly did oblige the posterity because the thing was Moral So in our Covenants we are bound to the same things and nothing but these And therefore the posterity is lyable to the Curse of perjurie for the breach thereof 10. They are for their Legality National Laws being Solemnly Ratified by the Parliament and by the King and made the foundation of their Compact with him at his Inauguration whereby they became the fundamental Laws of the Government and among the very Leges regulae regnandi which though they be rescinded by a wicked Law yet make the Rescinders chargable not only of Perjurie in breaking a Covenant but of Treason Tyranny in breaking and altering the Constitution of the Government and render them lyable to the Curse thereof for they cannot rescind that nor escape its vengeance whereof we have a speaking pledge already in that the Rescinder of these Covenants was so terribly rescinded and cut off by the hands of unnatural violence God thereby fulfilling that threatend Judgment of Covenant breakers that he that hath broken His Covenant shall be brought to destruction and bloody deceitful men shall not live out half their dayes Psal. 55. 20. ult So Charles the Second got not leave to live out half the dayes that he projected to himself 11. They are National Engagments of an Hereditary Nature like that of Israel Deut. 29. 14 15. which did oblige not only the present but the absent not only them that stood there that day before the Lord their God but the● that were not there that day Grotius de jur ●el Lib. 2. cap. 6. gives these Marks of Hereditary Covenants 1 When the subject is of a permanent Nature and as long as manet idem Corpus therefore as long as Scotland is Scotland whose people in their personal Capacity whose Parliaments in their Parliamentary Capacity whose King in his princely Capacity did all solemnly Sacredly engage in the Covenant it must be real perpetually obliging 2 when there is such a Clause in the Covenant as that it should be perpetual There are many Clauses in the Solemn league to this purpose in Art. 1. are these words that we our posterity after us may as brethren live in faith l●ve a●d the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us in the 5. Art we shall each one of us according to our place interest endeavour that the Kingdoms may remain conjoined in a firme peace union to all posterity 3 when it is such as is made for the good of th● Kingdom The Covenant expresses its end for the perpetual good of the Kingdom having before our eyes the Glory of God the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ the honour happiness of the King his posterity and the true publick Liberty Safety Peace of the Kingdoms wherein every ones private condition is included and again it is added for preservation of our selves our Religion from utter ruine destruction All this is a publick National good 4 The matter is Moral about materially binding duties and therefore it must be hereditary and of perpetual obligation 12. Lastly They are National obligations taking on publick duties by way of virtual Representation of the posterity And they that think it irrational that the father should represent involve the family must resolve us how the Religious Civil Covenants of Israel Iud●h made in Moses Ioshua's Davids Asa's Ioash's Hezekiahs Iosiahs 〈◊〉 dayes did comprehend bird as well the absent as the pre●ent their posterity yet unborn as also how the Laws Contracts continually passed by some do take in others not personally consenting yea how comes it to pass that every succeeding generation is ●ound to the Laws and must be obedient to the Kings that they did not make themselves no reason can be given but because they are virtually represented by included in their fathers Now if these Arguments prove our National Covenants to be perpetually binding and cannot be dispensed with the● must these posterior Oaths that are made in a diametrical opposition to the Covenants and are condemned by the Covenants be false unlawful Oaths But the first is proved Therefore these Oaths so opposite to condemned by the Covenants are false unlawful That they are opposite to the Covenant will appear in the induction of all of them And that what ever they be imposed by this party they are condemned by the Covenants wherein we are obliged to make no such Transactions with them will appear if we consider these and the like expressions that we shall neither directly nor indirectly suffer our selves to be divided by whatsoever suggestion allurement or terror from this blessed Conjunction nor shall cast in any let or impediment that may stop or hinder any such resolution as
it shall be then the Watchmen must not hold their peace and they that make mention of the Name of the Lord must not keep silence Isai. 62. 6 7. especially when His Name Glory is blasphemed baffled and afronted as at this day with a Witness 8. When Ministers generally are involved in a course of defection and do not give faithful warning but daub over the peoples and their oun defections then the Prophets must Prophesie against the Prophets Ezek. 13. 2 10. c. As alas this day there is a necessity for it 9. When publick Worship is interdicted by Law as it was by that Edict prohibiting publick Prayer for thirty dayes in Daniels time They could not interdict all Prayer to God for they could forbid nothing by that Law but that which they might hinder punish for contraveening but mental Prayer at least could not be so restrained And certain it is they intended only such Prayer should be discharged as might discover Daniel But might not the wisdom of Daniel have eluded this interdiction by praying only secretly or mentally No whatever Carnal wisdom might Mee●te his honesty did oblige him in that case of Conf●●re par●hen he knew the writing was signed to go into hie clossly ●d to open his windowes and to kneel upon his kn● to cleatimes a day as he did aforetime Dan. 6. 10. Nowny agaireason can be given for his opening his windowes Was it only to let in the air or was it to see Ierusalem out at these windowes The Temple he could look toward as well when they were shut No other reason can be assigned but that it was necessary then to avouch the Testimony for that indispensable Duty then interdicted And is not publick preaching indispensable Duty too which is declared Criminal except it be confined to the mode their wicked Law tolerates which we can no more homologate than omitt the duty 10. When it is an evil time the evil of sin is incumbent and the evil of wrath is impendent over a Land then the Lyon hath roared who will not fear the Lord God hath spoken who can but Prophesie Amos. 3. 8. There is no contradiction here to that word whi●e hath been miserably perverted in our day to palli●use or ●il silence of time-servers Amos. 5. 13. The prudent shall keep● silence in that time for it is an evil time Whereby we cannot understand a wylie withdrawing our witness against the times evils for there they are commanded to bestir themselves actively in seeking good hating the evil loving the go●d and establishing Iudgement in the gate vers 14 15. but we understand by it a submissive silence to God without fretting according to that Word Ier. 8. 14. for the Lord our God hath put us to silence and Mic. 7. 9. Calvin upon the place expounds it The prudent shall be affirighted at the terrible vengeance of God Or they shall be compelled to silence not willingly for that were unworthy of men of courage to be silent at such wickedness but by the force of Tyrants giving them no leave to speak Sure then this is such a time wherein it is prudence to be silent to God but not to be silent for God but to g●ve publick witness against the evils of sin abounding and publick warning of the evils of punishment imminent 11. Then is the 〈◊〉 of it when worldly wisdom thinks it unseasonable 〈◊〉 men cannot endure ●ound Doctrine but after 〈…〉 lusts they heap to themselves teachers ha●in● 〈…〉 and turn away their ea●s from the Truth● 〈…〉 ●each the Word and be instant is indeed in it 〈…〉 because profitable necessary but it is out of season as to the Preachers or Hearers external interest and in the esteem of Worldly Wiselings 2 Tim. 4. 2 3 4. See Pool Synops. Critic in Locum So in our day men cannot endure free faithful dealing against the sins of the times but would have smooth things deceits spoken unto them like those Isai. 30. 10. And nothing can be more 〈…〉 to speak plainly so as to give every thing its 〈…〉 either of the sins of the times or of the snares of the times or of the miseries evils of the times or of the duties of the times or of the dangers and the present Crisis of the times Which no faithful Minister can forbear Therefore so much the more is it seasonable that it is generally thought unseasonable 12. In a word whenever 〈…〉 Testimony of the Church or any part of it is 〈…〉 then is the season to keep it and contend for it and to hold it fast as our Crown Revel 3. 10 11. It must be then a word spoken in due season and good necessary Prov. 15. 23. at this time to give a publick Testimony against all wrongs done to our blessed Lord Jesus all the encroachments upon His prerogatives all the invasions of the Churches priviledges all the overturnings of our Covenanted Reformation and this openly designed introduction of Poperie Slaverie But now how shall this Testimony be given by us conveniently or how can it be given at all at this time in our Circumstances so as both ●he matter and manner of it may be a most significant Witness-bearing to the merit of it except we go to the fields Who can witness significantly against Poperie Tyrannie and all the evils to be spoken against this day under the protection of a Papist Tyrant as house-Meetings under the Covert o● this Tol●eration are stated for if these Meetings be private secret then the Testimony is not known if they be publick then they are exposed to a Prey Now by all these general Hypoth●s●s it is already in some measure evident that Field-Meetings are very expedient But I shall adde some more particular Considerations to inculcate the same more clossly In the Third Place besides what is said to clear the Lawfulness necessity of a publick Testimony against the evils of the present time Some Considerations may be added to prove the Expediency of this way manner of giving a Testimony by maintaining Field-Meetings in our present Circumstances 1. The keeping of Field-Meetings now is not only most convenient for Testifying but a very significant Testimony in it self against this Popish Toleration the wickedness of whose Spring Original and of its Nature and Terms Channel Conveyance End design is shewed in the Historical Narrative thereof and cannot be denyed by any Presbyterian whose constant principle is that there should be no Toleration of Poperie Idolatrie or Heresie in this Reformed Covenanted Church Reason Religion both will conclude that this is to be witnessed against by all that will adhere to the Cause or Reformation overturned hereby and resolve to stand in the Gap against Poperie to be introduced hereby and that will approve themselves as honest Patriots in defending the Laws Libertys of the Country subverted hereby And besides if it be considered with respect to
for against a Lawful Magistrate that would be resistence 3 If a Tyrant hath irresistible power to kill and destroy the people he hath also irresistible power to cite summond them before him and if it be unlawful to resist his murders it must be as unlawful to resist his summonds 4 For a Church or Community of Christians persecuted for Religion to flee with Wives Children strong weak old yong to escape Tyrannical violence and leave the Land were more unlawful than to Resist For what is not possible as a Natural means of preservation is not a Lawful mean but this were not a possible mean Neither is it warranted in Natures Law or Gods Word for a Communitie or Society of Christians that have Gods Right and mans Law to the Land and the Covenanted Priviledges thereof to leave the Country and Cause of Christ and all in the hands of a Tyrant Papist to set up Idolatry upon the ruines of Reformation there A private man may flee but flight is not warranted of them as of a private single man. 2. If it be duty to disobey its duty to Resist Tyrants in defence of Religion Liberty But it is duty to disobey them Ergo The Connexion only will be stuck at which is thus strengthened If subjection be no more pressed in Scripture than obedience then if non-obedience be duty non-subjection must be so also and consequently Resistence But subjection is no more pressed in Scripture than obedience For all Commands of subjection to the Higher powers as Gods Ministers under pain of damnation do only respect Lawful Magistrats and in Lawful things and do include obedience and non-obedience to the power so qualified is a resisting of the Ordinance of God as well as non-subjection If then obedience to Magistrats be duty and non-obedience sin and obedience to Tyrants sin and non-obedience duty Then by Parity of reason subjection to Magistrats is duty and non-subjection is sin and also subjection to Tyrants is sin and non-subjection duty 11. From the Resistence allowed in all Governments it may be argued thus If it be duty to defend our Religion Lives Liberties against an invading army of Cut-throat Papists Turks or Tartars without or against the Magistrats warrand Then it must be duty to defend the same against invading home-bred Tyrants except we would subscribe our selves home-born slaves But the former is true Ergo The Minor cannot be doubted because the Magistrats power cannot be privative destructive to defence of our Religion Lives Liberties nor can it take away Natures birth-right to defend these or make it fare the worse than if we had no Magistrats at all now if we had no Magistrats at all we might defend these against Invaders and whether we have Magistrats or not we are under Moral obligations of the Law of God to endeavour the defence of these But this needs not be insisted on The Connexion of the Proposition is clear If Princes be more Tyrannical in invading Religion Liberties themselves than in suffering others to do it or hindering them to be opposed And if their invasion be more Tyrannical hurtful dangerous than the invasion of Strangers Then if it be duty to resist Strangers invading these Interests it is more duty to Resist home-bred Tyrants invading the same But the former is true Therefore the latter Resisting in the one case is no more Resisting the Ordinance of God than in the other 12. From the Motives of Resistence we may draw this Argument which might be branched out into several but I shall reduce it to this Complexe one If when we are in a Capacity we cannot acquit our selves in the duties that we owe to our Covenanted Religion and our Covenanted Brethren and Posterity and our selves nor absolve exoner our selves from the sin Judgment of Tyrants who overturn Religion oppress our Brethren impose slavery on our selves and entail it upon Posterity by a Passive subjection submission to and not opposing these mischiefs Then Resistence is necessary But the former is true Ergo The Connexion is clear for there cannot be a Medium if we cannot discharge these duties by subjection submission and not opposing then we must do them by non-subjection non-submission and opposing since they must be done some way The Assumption is thus confirmed 1. The duties we owe to Religion when it is corrupted declined from overturned are not only to Reforme our oun hearts wayes and keep our selves Pure from the Corruptions established and to rebuke and witness against the Complyers with the same and so by work doing suffering keep contend for the Word of our Testimony But further when by the Constitution of the Kingdom Religion is become a fundamental Law and consequently the Magistrate overturning it is violating everting the main grounds ends of the Government and turning grassant ingrained Tyrant especially when it is not only so Authorized Confirmed by Law but Corroberated by solemn vowes Covenants made sworn unto God by all ranks of people to maintain defend this Religion with their lives fortunes and resist all contrary errors corruptions according to their vocation and the uttermost of that power that God puts in their hands all the dayes of their lives As also mutually to defend assist one another as in the National Covenant And sincerely really constantly endeavour the Preservation of the Reformed Religion in Doctrine Worship Discipline Government the extirpation of Poperie Prelacie c and to assist defend all those that enter into the same bond in the maintaining thereof as in the Solemn League Then to defend maintain that Religion and themselves Professing it when it is sought to be razed This must be an Interest as necessary to be defended as that of our bodies which is far inferiour and as necessary a duty as to defend our Natural Civil Liberties from perpetual slaverie and as preferrable thereunto as Christ Interest is to mans and as the end of all self preservation is to the means of it the preservation of Religion being the end of all self preservation But this duty cannot be discharged without Resistence in a meer Passive subjection submission Otherwise the same might be discharged in our universal submission to Turks coming to destroy our Religion Certainly this Passive way cannot answer the duty of Pleading for Truth Isai. 59. 4. seeking the Truth Ier. 5. 1. being valiant for it Ier. 9. 3. making up the hedge standing in the Gap c. Ezek. 22. 30. which yet are necessary incumbent duties according to our Capacity Therefore we cannot answer the duties we owe to Religion in a meer Passive way 2. The duty we owe to our Covenanted Brethren is to assist defend them and releive them when oppressed as we are bound by our Covenants and antecedently by the Royal Law of Christ the foundation of all Righteousness among men toward
Maximus who was come against them with an Army because of their Religion 3. How about the year 342. the Citizens of Alexandria defended Athanasius their Minister against Gregorius the intruded Curate and Syrianus the Emperours Captain who came with great force to put him in 4. How about the year 356. the people of Constantinople did in like manner stand to the defence of Paulus against Constantius the Emperour and killed his Captain Hermogenes And afterwards in great Multitudes they opposed the intrusion of the Heretick Macedonius 5. How when a wicked Edict was sent forth to pull doun the Churches of such as were for the Clause of one Substance the Christians that maintained that Testimony resisted the bands of Souldiers that were procured at the Emperours Command by Macedonius to force the Mantinians to embrace the Arrian Heresie But the Christians at Mantinium kindled with an earnest zeal towards Christian Religion went against the Souldiers with Cheerful minds valiant Courage and made a great slaughter of them 6. How about the year 387. the people of Cesarea did defend Basil their Minister 7. How for fear of the people the Lievtenant of the Emperour Valens durst not execute those 80 Priests who had came to supplicate the Emperour and were commanded to be killed by him 8. How the Inhabitants of Mount Nitria espoused Cyril●s quarrel and assaulted the Lievtenant and forced his Guards to flee 9. How about the year 404. when the Emperour had banished Chrysostome the people flocked together so that the Emperour was necessitated to call him back again from his Exile 10. How the people resisted also the transportation of Ambrose by the command of Valentinian the Emperour And chused rather to lose their lives than to suffer their pastor to be taken away by the Souldiers 11. How the Christians oppressed by Baratanes King of Persia did flee to the Romans to seek their help And Theodosius the Emperour is much praised for the war which he commenced against Chosroes King of Persia upon this inducement that that King sought to ruine exstirpate those Christians in his Dominions that would not renounce the Gospel 3. But when Religion was once imbraced in imbodyed Corporations and established by Law and became a peoples common Interest Liberty in a Capacity to defend it with their lives other Liberties and when it was propagated through the Nations Then the Lord did call for other more Active Testimonies in the preservation defence of it Of which we have many Instances in Histories About the year 894. The Bohemian Christians Resisted Drahomica their Queen who thought to have destroyed them reintroduced Paganisme About the year 1420. they maintained a long defensive war against the Government and the Popes Legats under the managment of their brave Captain Zizca which was further prosecuted after him by the remaining Thaborites And again in this Century anno 1618. They maintained a Defensive war against the Emperour Ferdinand the Second electing and erecting a new King in opposition to him Frederick Palatine of the Rhine in which Cause many received the Crown of Martyrdom and this was also espoused by King Iames the 6. who sent to aid his Son in Law against the Emperour 4. If we look to the Histories of the Waldenses these constant Opposers of Antichrist we will find many Instances of their Resistence About the year 1194. very early while Waldo from whom they had their name was alive they began to defend themselves by Armes after the bloody Edict of Aldephonsus King of Arragon an Edict so like to many of ours emitted this day that as it would seem our Enemies have taken the Copy of it so it were very seemly for the people grieved with such Edicts to imitate the Copy of the Waldenses their practice in opposition to them Anno 1488. they resist by Armes Albert de Capitaneis sent by Pope Innocent the 8. in Pragola Frassaniere and through out Piedmont where for the most part the off-spring of the old Waldenses had their residence where very evidently through many successions of ages they shewed themselves to be the true Successors of their Worthy Progenitors valiant for the Truth That 's a famous Instance of their Resistence in opposing vigorously the Lord of Trinity in that same Piedmont at which time they so solemnly asked their Ministers Whether it were not Lawful to defend themselves against his violence Who answered affirmatively And accordingly they did it with wonderful success at that time and many times thereafter Especially it is notour in the memory of this present age how anno 1655. a vigorous defensive war was prosecuted against the D. Savoy by their Captains Gianavel Iahier c. which was espoused by many Protestant Princes And no further gone than the very last year it is known how they resisted the Armes of the Tyger and the French that helped him and that their Simplicity in trusting Popish promises was their ruine 5. If we look over the Histories of the Albigenses we find many Instances of their Defensive Resisting their Oppressing Superiours About anno 1200. They defended themselves at Beziers and Carcasson against the Popes Legat and his Crossed Souldiers under the Conduct first of the Earle of Beziers and then of the Earle of Foix and Earle Remand of Thoulouse and were helped by the English who then possessed Guienne bordering upon Thoulouse which resistence continued several years Afterwards anno 1226. they maintained a Resistence against the King of France 6. In Spain we find the people of Arragon contesting with Alphonso 3 d. and associating themselves together against him And they tell Pedro 3 d. their King that if he would not contain himself within the limits of the Laws they would pursue him by Armes about anno 1283. As also other Spaniards who rose in Armes several times against Pedro the 1 King of Castile 7. It was this which brought the Cantons of Helvetia into this State of freedom wherein they have continued many years For about the year 1260. they levied war against their oppressing nobles And anno 1308. they joined in Covenant to defend themselves against the house of Austria and anno 1315. they renewed it at Brunna in which at length the rest of the Cantons joined and formed themselves into a Common-wealth 8. If we take a glance of the Germans we will find at the very Commencement of the Reformation as soon as they got the name of Protestants they Resisted the Emperour Charles the fifth The Duke of Saxon the Land Grave of Hesse and the City of Magd●burgh with Advice of Lawyers concluded That the Laws of the Empire permitted Resistence of the Emperour in some cases that the times were then so dangerous that the very force of Conscience did lead them to Armes and to make a League to defend themselves though Caesar or any in his name should make war against them for since he attempteth to root out Religion and subvert our
and so receive of their plagues but that by the grace assistence of Christ they stedfastly resolve to suffer the rod of the wicked and the utmost which wicked mens malice can afflict them with rather than to put forth their hands to iniquitie In which Declaration may be seen at large that candor faithfullness freedom which becometh the Ministers of the Gospel dignitie of Watchmen in their seasonable warning disswading all from assisting any way to that unlawful engadgement perceiving the sin and snare thereof So obviously tending to the involveing the Land in guilt exposeing to wrath yea and that notwithstanding of the fair and plausible pretexts of the engadgers and joyners therein who pretended professed their undertaking to be for the furthering reformation establishing and securing the Covenanted Religion from the plotings endeavours of the Popish Prelatick Malignant enemies thereof and prosecuting the ends of the Covenants Pretences which no doubt our silent time-serveing Ministers if they had any such now to plead would streniously improve in vindication of their prudent silence sinfull shamfull Complyances Alas how sad lamentable is the condition of the Church Nation now that even when the case is so far altered that not only all such pretences are laid aside Reformation deserted disdained the established Religion razed ruined the Covenant broken burned and the owning the obligation thereof declared Treason but also an absolute Power pleaded exercised to the suspending stoping disabling all penal Laws against Poperie Prelacy a gap opened by an Antichristian toleration to the leting in all the Heresies Idolatries blasphemies of the mother of Harlots and the Land openly defiled therewith unjust wicked Taxations arbitrarily imposed and levied for the most dreadful Sacrilegious and hellish ends that ever was publ●shed to the world far exceeding in wickedness these testified against by the Assembly 1648 or any formerly While the Watchmen have so far abandoned their duty of seting the trumpet to their mouth and giveing due warning of the sin and danger of those dreadfull and Judgement-procuring courses that they are caught in the snare found complementing encouraging the principall Instrument of all these evills by their scandalous flattering Adresses How faithfull tender some have been even in our day their sufferings and losses in a measur above others makes manifest amongst whom the worthy Laird of Kersland is not to be forgotten whose Estate heritable moveable was declared forfeited and seased for his appearing in Arms to joyn with that faithfull party who by horrid oppression were forced to betake themselves to defensive resistence anno 1666 who considering the equitie of the cause he appeared for the indispensibleness of the obligations binding him to that duty and how much a good Conscience is to be prefered to an Estate durst not part with the sweet comforts of the one for the uncertain profits of the other And as he was earnest with God by frequent fervent Prayer for light stedfastness in the matters of his suffering Testimony So it pleased the Lord so to determine his heart therein as that all the endeavours perswasions used both by friends foes to move him to a composition with the enemies for his Estate proved unsuccessfull yea it is well known how that severals both of his near relations others who used the most forcible perswasive Arguments as the consideration of the ancient honourable Familie he was descended from The miserable case that he his Lady and Children should be in without his Estate The Counsel Judgement of grave Godly Ministers The freedom practice of other learned and knowing men Togither also with the imputation of vain scrupulocity simple unwarrantable nicitie precisness c that yet even some of those who dealt most with him were by his defences reasonings convinced of the equitie of his cause and brought to commend his upright resolution and to applaud his tenderness and faithfullness and in particular his own father who pleaded much that he would only consent that he with others of his friends might compone in favours of his Familie and that he himself should be no wayes concerned in it further than to assent that the thing be done but could not prevail who afterwards blessed God that he did not declaring that he had much more satisfaction comfort in his sons honestie stedfastness than many such Estats could ever have affourded him I shall here mention some considerations which prevailed with him to decline all composition directly or indirectly with the enemies in that matter 1 That he could never attain to freedom to use any such manifest dissimulation as deliberatly to assent to any thing that might import his acknowledgeing that to be a sin fault yea such a sin fault as Rebellion which he was convinced in his conscience to be unquestionable duty both before God man nor therby dissemblingly to insinuat his undoubted right to his Estate to be in the person or at the ●isposeing of any other 2 Considering that there can be no new right procured upon a composition and granted to any but such as shall carry in the narative thereof that he had forfeited that Estate by Rebellion with a long preamble condemning the cause of God and dutyfull endeavours of his people for Reformation and in defence of Religion Libertie all as Sedition Rebellion Treason whereupon he resolved rather to part with his Estate than be any way instrumental occasional to the indignifieing that holy honourable Cause with such disdainfull reproachful blasphemous Epithets And albeit such tenderness in principle practice of this Worthy Gentleman and of many others of the faithfull sufferers in our day be censured condemned by the luke-warm worldly-wise Professors in this age as an unprecedented noveltie or precise unwarrantable notion yet we find it the same with the faithfull sufferers in former ages and exactly agreeing with the Doctrine Principles of the most orthodox and famous Divines for the Reverend and learned Calvin● haveing the same case of conscience proposed to him by the Godly persecuted in his age to which his solid and faithfull Answer is extant in his 375 Epistle Article third thus proposed and Answered An a principe peti possit confiscatio bonorum illorum nomine gratia quibus persecutio intenditur Resp certum est illud fieri non posse sine peccato rescriptum enim sive indultum principis complectitur omnino blasphemias apertas contra Dei gloriam quia fiet illic mentio errorum crimìnum laesoe majestatis divinae à damnatis quod rescriptum erit deinde in jure exhibendum illi qui eo uti cogitabit atque illud est approbationis genus quoddam nullo modo ferendum quare non video ut viro pio recte justituto in Evangelio ejusmodi
prudence now adayes is either bogled at or exposed to scorn Contempt and reason if roundly written except it meet with an honest heart is commonly read with a stammering mouth which puts a T before it and then it is stumbled at as Treason This Essay does expect no Entertainment from any but such who resolve to harbour Truth be the hazard what will even when the world raises the Hue Cry after it and from such who are really groaning either by suffering or Sympathie under the same grievances here represented There is a Third which makes it not a litle difficult the quality quantity intricacy of the matter here to be confined to such a Compend All which together considered do infer a fourth difficulty that hardly can it get a pass through the Press which is blocked up against all such books that may offer a manifestation of the innocency of that people and the injustice inhumanity of their enemies which is their only hope of preventing the worlds knowledge condemnation of their actings Yea there is a fifth that wants not its own difficulty that though the Press were patent yet an empty Purse from a poor impoverished people will as readily preclude all access to it as if it were locked up by Law but both together make it hard But there is a sixth disadvantage yet more discouraging that the man as well as the money is wanting to manage the business And this needs no other proof than the necessity of my poor pen to undertake it instead of a better It must needs be very low with that people that stand in need of such a pitiful patrociny as mine is Our persecuted brethren elsewhere have this advantage of us that they have Champions to espouse their quarrel which we have not but only such who as they are reputed in the world so in their own sense owne themselves to be very unaccomplished for such work and under this invincible disadvantage also that being forced to a wandering and unsetled life they have no conveniency nor can be accommodated with time nor helps to performe it and so circumstantiated that either it must be done at this time and in this manner or not at all In the seventh place we are at a greater loss than any suffering people in that among all other bitter ingredients we have this Gall also in our Cup that they that suffer most among us have not the comfort benefit of the Sympathie of others that sufferers use to have from good people The reason of this makes an Eight discouragement besides what is said above that not only is the Case Cause of that poor persecuted wasted Witnessing Remnant obscure in it self and not known in the world nay not so much as in the very neighbouring Churches of England Ireland but also more obscured by the malice of Enemies traducing calumniating reproaching that righteous Remnant whom they intend to ruine not indeed as Hereticks which is the case of other suffering Churches wherein they have the advantage of us also that thô the name be more odious yet it makes the notion of their Cause and the nature of their enemies more notour and is more effectual to conciliate Sympathie from all that know that Protestants are persecuted by Papists under the notion of Hereticks But we are at a loss in this that our Persecuters at least the most part of the Executioners of the Persecution will not as yet avouch that Protestanism is Heresie though we want not this Nick-name likewise from the Chief of them that are professed Papists but as Schismaticks Seditious Rebells Traitors Murderers holding Principles inconsistent with Government to wit their Tyranny and the peace of humane Society to wit their Association against Religion and liberty and therefore to be exterminated out of the world And this Imposture covering all their mischiefs hath prevailed so far with the blinded world that under this brand the Consideration of their Case Cause is buried without farther inquirie This were yet more tolerable from open enemies if there were not another more pressing discouragement in the Ninth place peculiar to them in Scotland that having to do with treacherous as well as Truculent Enemies as they have been much destroyed by open force so much more by fraud while by ensnaring favours some have been flattered from the Testimony others disdaining suspecting as well as deprived of and secluded from these favours have s●uck to it hence Defection brought on Division and Division Confusion which hath reduced the Reformation to a ruinous heap In the next place as the Consequent of the former while the purer Remnant have been resolutely prosecuting the Testimony and not only keeping themselves free of and standing at the surthest distance from all degrees of Complyance but also witnessing against their Brethren involved in them and thinking it their duty to discountenance them in these Corruptions backslidings they have been therefore reproached and misrepresented very industriously as Ignorant imprudent transported with blind Zeal Extravagant wild Separatists espousing new nice notions Rejecters of the Ministry Imposers on the Ministry Denyers of all Government Usurpers of an imaginary Government of their oun that died as fools and as guilty of their oun blood By which odious invidious obloquies they have easily prevailed with many both at home abroad that are more credulous than considerate to beleeve these things of them Hence with prejudicate people a contrary Representation will find difficult acceptance However this Moreover is another great disadvantage and renders an Essay to vindicate their sufferings very uneasie that they are thrust at tosted on both hands by Enemies professed friends And by Enemies that are not all Papists but professed Protestants ouning the same fundamentalls in opinion though in practice not holding the same Head And by friends that not only are Protestants but Presbyterians under the bonds of the same Solemn Sacred Covenants the obligation whereof they still oune And not only so but such whose Piety Godliness cannot be doubted This is a Gravamen grievous to bear greatly aggravates the difficultie Finally the greatest of all is that not only their Cause is rendered odious but must be confessed truly to be odd someway singular and therefore will seem strange surprising to Strangers to hear an account of extraordinary sufferings for upon extraordinary Causes which never were formerly stated as heads of suffering For now it is the Dragons chiefest stratagem with us like to be the most subtil ensnaring successful of any that ever he set on work since ever he began this War with the Lamb which yet I hope will prove as fatal to his Interest as the former to bring the sufferings of Christs witnesses to such a state that may seem to spectators litle or nothing relative to Religion that so he may destroy both them and their Testimony unlamented and by that Trick divert
Liberties he giveth us cause enough to resist him with a good conscience The matter standing as it doth we may say they Resist as may be shewed both by Sacred Profane Histories And so they undertooke and stated the war upon the account of Religion Liberty 9. If we but cast an eye over to the Hollanders we will find how much they stand obliged to this practice of Defensive Armes having thereby recovered both Religion Liberty and established themselves into a fiourishing State. We find even in the time of D. de Alva's Persecution they began to defend Haerlem and Valenciennes in Henault and went on till under the conduct of William of Nassaw Prince of Orange they declared the King of Spain to have fallen from the Government of those Countries and so effectually shook off the yoke of Spanish Tyrannie 10. If we go to the French Hugenots we will find many Instances among them and many brave Heroes raised up to maintain the principle and prosecute the practice thereof of older later date The History of the Civil wars of France is stored with their Trophees and the Memories of Condie Coligni will ever be fragrant There were many Resistences there both before since the Parisian Massacre It is sad that the present Protestants there are so far degenerate from the Spirit of their Ancestors 11. The many practices of the Hungarians Resisting the encroachments of the house of Austria prove the same And when Mathias denyed the free exercise of Religion unto the Protestants of Austria they took up Armes in their oun defence and sent a Protestation unto the Estates of Hungarie requiring their Assistence conforme to their League And now this present war there founded upon this plea. 12. The Polonians have often times levied war against their Kings and we are furnished by Clark in his Martyrol with a late Instance of their Resistence against the Soveraign Powers at Lesita in Poland anno 1655. 13. The Danes Swedes have not been wanting for their parts in taking course with their Christierns Kings of that name whom they resisted punished And generally wherever the Reformation was received we find this principle espoused and the practice of it prosecuted Nay there hath been no Nation in the world but it will be found they have either resisted or killed Tyrants 14. The most Deserving Celebrated Monarchs in the world have espoused the quarrel of oppressed Subjects Not only such as Tamerlanc whose observable Saying is noted when he advanced against Bajazet I go sayes he to chastise his Tyrannie and to deliver the afflicted people And Philip Lewis of France who assisted the Barons of England against King Iohn And Charles the Great who upon this ground undertook a war against the Lombards in Italie But even Constantine the Great hath it recorded for his honour that he employed his power force against L●cinius upon no other Motive but because he banished tortur'd destroyed those Christians in his Dominions that would not abandon their Religion And Q. Elizabeth is commended for assisting the Dutch to maintain their Religion by force when they could not enjoy it by favour And King Iames the 6. gave publick aid to the Protestants in Germany Bohemia against the Emperour Against whom also Gustavus Adolphus marched that he might deliver the oppressed Cities from the bondage that Ferdinand had brought them into Yea King Charles the first this mans Father pretended at least to help the Protestants in France at Ree and Rochel And though he himself was avowedly Resisted by the Parliaments of both Ringdoms yet he was forced to Declare in his Acts of Oblivion Pacification The Scots late taking up Armes against him in defence of their Religion Laws Priviledges to be no Treason nor Rebellion See Apol. Relat. Sect. 11. pag. 149. And thô the late Charles the Second condemned all the Risings of the people of Scotland for defence of Religion Liberty and their lives priviledges which his oun Tyrannie forced them into yet he justified the present Revolt of Heathens Mahumetan Subjects from the young King of Bantam in Iava Major in the East Indies who when he got the Government in his hands by his Fathers Resignation killed his subjects and caused them to be killed without any cause which was the reason of their revolt ftom him and defending the Father against the son This defensive war of these Subjects was justied by the said Charles in his sending Amunition c. for their relief These and many moe Instances that might be adduced are sufficient evidences of the Righteousness and Reason of such Resistences when the Greatest of Princes have undertakent he Patrocinie of them III. From Scripture-Proofs I shall but briefly gather some of the many that might be pressed which being put together to me seem impregnable I shall reduce them to these heads 1. I shall aduce some practices of the Lords people frequently reiterated never condemned alwayes approven confirming this Point 2. Some severe Reprehensions for their omission of this duty in the season thereof 3. Some promises both of Spiriting for the duty and of Countenancing it when undertaken 4. Some precepts commanding such Atchievments 5. Some prayers supplicating for them All which put together will make a strong Argument First For practices of this kind there is nothing more common in Scripture Historie 1. I shall begin at the first war that is recorded in the World wherein some loss fell to the Godly at first but afterwards by the virtue valour of their Brethren they were vindicated and the victory recovered with honour Lot his family living in Sodom was taken Prisoner by Chedarlaomer and his Confederates Gen. 14. 12. but Abraham hearing of it armed his trained servants and pursued them to Dan and rescued him vers 14-16 thereby justifying that Rebellion of the Cities of the plain by taking part vindicating the Rebells Hence he that may rescue subjects from the violence of any Tyrannizing Domination by armes may also rise with these subjects to oppose that violence But here is an example of that in Abraham Ergo 2. After the Lords people were possessed of Canaan and forgetting the Lord did enter into affinity with these interdicted Nations some of them were left to prove Israel that the Generations of the Children of Israel might know to teach them war. Iudg. 3. 1 2. And when they did evil in the sight of the Lord He sold them into the hand of Chushan-rishathaim King of Mesopotamia whom they served and were subject to eight years ver 8. but when they cried unto the Lord their Rebellion shaking off that yoke was successful under the Conduct of Othniel ver 10. And after a relapse unto the like defection they became subject to Eglon King of Moab whom they served eighteen years vers 14. but attempting the same remedy by armes under the Conduct of Ehud they recovered their Liberty And after his