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A59425 The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented to which is added for probation the attestation of many unexceptionable witnesses to every particular, and all the publick acts and proclamations of the convention and Parliament relating to the clergy / by a lover of the church and his country. Sage, John, 1652-1711. 1690 (1690) Wing S285; ESTC R25113 80,027 132

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of the Meeting of the Estates and the Act of Council pursuant thereof may attain their intended Design and Effect with the greater Expedition and least Expenses to the Leidges The Lords of His Majesties Privy Council in their Majesties Name and Authority do invite and allow not only the Parochioners and Hearers of such Ministers as have Disobeyed but also the Heretors of these Parochines and the Sh●riffs or their Deputs and Magistrates of Burghs Respective and the Members of this Currant Parliament within their Respective Bounds to cause Cite such Ministers before the Privy Council and hereby grants Warrand to Messengers at Arms for Citing them and such Witnesses as are necessary they delivering a Copy of these Presents either in Print or in Writ Signed by their Hand to each Minister that shall be Cited by them to any Tuesday or Thursday six days after the Citation for all on this side the River Tay and Fifteen days for all beyond the said River That such Ministers who have not given Obedience to the said Act of the Meeting of the Estates may by a Legal Sentence be Deprived according thereto and Appoints the Returns of these Executions to be Inrolled by the Clerk of Privy Council and called before the Lords at their respective days of Compearance Declaring that these Presents are but prejudice of any Citations already given or to be given either upon the former Act of Council or upon Warrands from the Council-Board And Ordains these Presents to be printed and published by the Macers of Privy Council at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh that none may pretend Ignorance Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii GILB ELIOT Cls. Sti. Concilii God save King William and Queen Mary I John Dickson Macer by virtue of the above-written Proclamation and Warrand Summond Warne and Charge you Mr. James Gray Minister at Kelso to Compear before the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council at Edinburgh or where it shall happen them to be for the time upon the Third day of September next to come in the hour of cause to answer at the instance of Sir John Dalrymple Younger of Stairs his Majesties Advocate for his Highness's Interest and John Laidlaw Tayler in Maxwel-heugh and John Laidlaw Wright in Kelso for themselves and in Name and behalf of the Parochine of Kelso to the effect and for the cause above written with Certification conform to the above-written Proclamation and Warrand direct to me their anent Per Actum Dominorum Secreti Consilii DICKSON Messenger This is the Form of the Summons appointed by the Council to be given to the Ministers or left at their Houses if they happened to be from home A Declaration by His Highness the Prince of Orange for the keeping of the Peace c. in the Kingdom of Scotland William Henry by the Grace of God Prince of Orange c. WHereas the Lords and Gentlemen of the Kingdom of Scotland met at Whitehall at our desire to advise Us what was to be done for Securing the Protestant Religion and Restoring the Laws and Liberties of that Kingdom have desired us to Call a Meeting of the Estates in March next and in the mean while to take upon Us the Administration of publick Affairs both Civil and Military the Disposal of the publick Revenue and For●r●sses and the doing every thing necessary for the Preservation of Peace We being desirous to omit nothing that may tend to the publick Good and Happiness of that Kingdom have in pursuance of the said Advice issued forth our Orders for Calling of the said Meeting of the Estates And to the end that in the mean time the publick Peace and the Fortresses may be secured and the Revenue collected we do hereby Will and Require all Persons being Protestants that are at present in the Possession of the Offices of Sheriffs Justices of Peace Marshals of Burghs Bailies of Regalities Stewards of Stewartries Governours or Lieutenants of Fortresses Keepers of Prisons or Prisoners or in the Possession of any Inferior Offices and ●aces of the like Nature and likewise all Persons being Protestants that are in the Possession of any Office or Imployment in Collecting Receiving Managing or Ordering of the publick Revenue to take upon them and to continue in the Exercise of the saids Offices and Places respectively doing and ordering every thing which the Trust reposed in them according to the Nature of the saids Offices requires to be done and ordered in the usual Manner Form and Method And we do in a particular Manner Authorize Impower and Require such of them to whom the Care of Preserving the Peace and Quiet of the Nation belongs to use all diligence for Suppr●ssing all Routs Tumults Disorders Violencies and such other unwarrantable Practices as are contrary to it And we do hereby expresly prohibit and discharge all Disturbance and Violence upon the account of Religion or the Exercise thereof or any such like Pretence and that no Interruption be made or if any hath been made that it cease in the free and peaceable Exercise of Religion whether it be in the Churches or in publick and private Meetings of those of a different Perswasion Requiring like as we do hereby require all Protestants as they love the good of their Country and Religion and are willing in their several Stations and Capacities to concur with Us in our Endeavours to bring Matters to a happy and desirable Settlement that they will live peaceably together and without disquieting or molesting one another Enjoy their several Opinions and Forms of Worship whether according to Law or otherways with the same Freedom and in the same manner in which they did enjoy them in the month of October last till such time as by regular and legal Methods a due Temper may be fallen on for composing and settling those Differences And to the end that the Peace may be the more effectually secured We require all Men or numbers of Men in Arms by vertue of any Order or Authority and under any Title and Designation whatsoever whether they be standing Forces or Militia Forces modelled into regular Troops and kept on foot as standing Forces to separate dismiss and disband themselves Likewise we do hereby Disband them and appoint them to retire to their respective Dwellings with full assurance to them that care shall be taken in due time for their having their Pay if any shall be found due to them And we do farther prohibit and discharge all Persons in time coming to take Arms or to continue in Arms upon any pretence whatsoever with a Commission or express Order from Us. Excepting from what is above written likeas we do hereby except the Garisons of the Fortresses and the Company of Foot entertained by the Town of Edinburgh for the Guard of the said Town whom we do appoint to continue in the Exercise of their Duty they being Protestants in the said Garisons and Towns And whereas several Roman Catholicks have been and are still in
Church-Men but by violence and in a Military way of Reformation In this manner in the same place and at the same time used they the Minister of Authinleck who dwelleth in Cumnock From Cumnock the foresaid day they marched to Machlin missing the Minister were rude beyond expression to his Wife finding the English Liturgy burnt it as a Superstitious and Popish Book thereafter they went to the Church-yard where they publickly discharged the Minister from his Office and Interest there Upon the twenty seventh of December the more considerable part of the foresaid number went to Galston where they apprehended the Minister and taking him out of his house into the Church yard they rent his Cloak missing his Gown and thereafter forced him to wade upon and down through the water of Irwine for a considerable time in a severe Frost Upon the said day they went to Rickarton whence they brought the Minister of the place to Torbolton where they kept for a whole night the Ministers of these two Parishes under a Guard and next Morning brought them to the Church-yard of Torbolton where they rent the Minister of Torboltons Canonical Coat and put the one half of it about each of the Ministers necks commanding the Church-Officer of the Place to lead them thereby per vices as Malefactors discharging them from all Exercise of the Ministry from their Houses Gleibs and Stipends under the highest peril Upon the Eleventh of Ianuary 1689. The First Minister of Air received a written Paper Commanding him and all his Brethren to leave their Mini●tery against the fifteenth under the pain of death and because he did not regard this there came to his House upon the fifteenth about Eight of the Clock at night Eleven Armed Men of them who Commanded him under pain of Death to Preach no more in the Church of Air till the Princes further order And at the same rate did they treat his Collegue that same night Much about the same time these Armed Men with their Associats went throughout all the Ministers Houses within that Presbytery and di●charged them any more to Exercise their Ministry and appointed them to remove from their Manses or Parsonage Houses and Gleibs and discharged them to meddle with their Stipends under the penalty aforesaid So that now th● most of the Clergy through force and Violence have left the Countrey none in it undertaking their Protection but all the Rabble of it in Arms against them And to Compleat their Miserie 's those who are Indebted to them resuse to pay even so much as may carry them to places of shelter which exposeth them to the greatest hardships Imaginable To obviate the Impudent denial of these things the under Subscribers are able and shall if called in due time produce sufficient Proof of the whole and that both by writing and Witnesses Given under our hands at Edenburgh upon the Twenty and Sixth dayof Ianuary One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Nine years Gregory Parson of Aire Will. Irwine Minister at Kirk Michael Fran. Fordyce Parson of Cumnock An Account of the Grievances of the Presbytery of Dunbarton IMprimis Upon the twenty fifth of December last Anno 1689 a Party of Dissenters about 9 a Clock at Night entered vio●entl● into the House of Mr. Walter Stirling Minister of Badernock threatned most Barbarously his Wife and Servants himself being from home saying that they would cut off her Papish nose and rip up her Prelaticall belly but by a good Providence they were hindered by the coming in of some Friends 2. They having Assaulted Mr. Will. Duncan Minister of Kilpatrickeaster several times before did on the Sixteenth of Ianuary instant come to his House about the number of Thirty Armed Men some whereof were his Parishioners and violently took from him the keys of the Church struck and abused himself broke down and overthrew all his Furniture and did cast all out of doors so that he and his Family were forced to go elsewhere and live upon the Charity of Friends 3. On Sunday last being the 20 Instant a little before the time the Sermon should have begun about Thirty Armed Men came to the Church of Boiall threatned the Minister who was to Preach Mr. Will. M'Kenzie Minister of that Church being of a long time dangerously sick most barbaro●sly saying that he should lose his life if he should offer to Preach there or any other sent from the Presbytery to supply his Place And on the morrow thereafter about fourscore armed men some whereof were his Parishinoers came to his house abused his Wife by reviling and beating her the Minister himself the night before for fear of his life having gone out of the way spoil'd some of his Furniture and threatned to throw all out of doors if he and his Family wou'd not go away from Church and House within Eigh● days 4. Each day adds new ground of Complaint most part of the Brethren fearing that before the next Lords day they shall be thrust from their Churches and Houses by Armed force for they have been often threatned to that effect This Account was sent to the Prince of Orange for then he was no more attested by the hands of the Presbytery of Dunbarton Feb. 1688 9. A true Account of those Abuses and Affronts that were committed upon the Person of Mr. Robert Bell Parson of Kilmarnock by a Party of the Presbyterians now in Arms in the West of Scotland MAster Robert Bell Minister of Kilmarnock being desir'd by his Neighbour Minister at Richardtown to celebrate the Marriage of two Persons at that Church in the Ministers necessary absence as he was walking thither was seized by two Armed Men who came from a great Party which he saw at some distance one of them as he came near to him presented a Musket to his Head whereupon he told him he was his Prisoner and would go where he had a mind to carry him He having recovered his Musket and placed him betwixt himself and his Fellow Companion in Arms in this posture he was brought to the Minister of Ritchardtown's House where he was commanded to pluck off his Hat they calling him Rogue and Rascal and treating him very rudely But assoon as he perceived they had filled their Bellies with the Meat that the good Gentlewoman had set before them and their Passion and Rancour was thereby a little asswaged he began to ask the Commander of the Party by what Rule and Law they proceeded in their appearing thus in Arms He told him By the Rule and Law of the Solemn League and Covenant by which they were obliged to extirpate Prelacy and bring all Malignants to condign Punishment Mr. Bell replied they would do well to take care that those their proceedings were justifiable by the Word of God and conformable to the practice of Christ his Apostles and the Primitive Church in the propagation of the Christian Religion He answer'd him That the Doom of all Malignants is clearly set down
in the Word of God and their appearing thus in Arms was conformable to the Practice of the Ancient Church of Scotland From this House the Minister was carried Prisoner to Kilmarnock and in his Journey thither there was a Gentleman the Laird of Bridgehouse who having come to meet him took the courage to tell the Party that their appearing in Arms and abusing the Clergy in this Hostile manner were but insolent outrages against all the Law of the Nation and that they would do well to remit their Illegal forwardness together with their pretended grievances unto the Parliament that was now very quickly to be assembled by the care and affection that his Highness the Prince had of all the Subjects of this Kingdom They answered him To stand off and forbear giving Rules to them for they would take none from him nor any Man and that they would not adhere to the Prince of Orange nor the Law of the Kingdom any further than the Solemn League and Covenant was fulfilled and prosecuted by both By this time they were come near the Town and they commanded the Minister to pluck off his Hat which he obeyed yet at the same breath they threatned to throw him in the River And coming to the Bridge they met the whole Body of the aforesaid Party returning from the Mercat place where they had caused the Church Officer to deliver up the Keys of the Church And they discharged by way of Proclamation the Minister whom in an opprobrious manner they called Curate of Kilmarnock from all intromission with the Benefice and Casuality of the Church or the least exercise of the Ministerial Function Assoon as they saw Mr. Bell and understood that he was the Parson of the Parish he could see nothing in their Faces but the most insulting joy nor find in th●ir discourses but the most reproaching Language that ever the greatest Criminal in the World was treated with After a long Consultation amongst themselves one of their chief Commanders came and asked him if he had a Book of Common Prayer the Minister desired to know of him why he asked the Question He answered That sure be could not want that Book since he was educated at Oxford and trained up to all the Superstition and Idolatry of the Church of England The Minister told him perhaps he had half a dozen of Common Prayer Books he commanded him to produce one of them for that would do their business From this place they carried him back to his House and there compelled him to deliver unto their hands the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England after this they led him as a Prisoner bare headed betwixt four Foiles of Musketeers through a great part of the Town unto the Market-place where the whole Party was drawn up in Battallia Which appeared to be about the number of two hundred well Armed with fire Lock Muskets of a very large size most of them had also a pair of Pistols but all of them one In Kilmarnock after the fashion of most Mercat places in Scotland there is a Cross erected unto which one goes up by steps on all sides after the form of a broad Stare-case with which it is invironed It was on the uppermost step that these rude Guards placed the Minister two of them on the same step one on both hands and so on every step as you go down from the Cross they ranged themselves before him After this they called for Fire which was brought then one of their Commanders made a Speech to the People that were gathered together in great numbers from the Town and Country He told them That they were come there to make the Curate of the place a Spectacle of Ignominy and that they were obliged so to do by virtue of the Solemn League and Covenant in Obedience unto which they were to declare here their abhorrency of Prelacy and to make Declaration of their firm intentions and designs to fulfill all the ends of that Oath The propagation of the Discipline of the Government of the Church of Scotland as it is express'd and contained in the foresaid Solemn League and Covenant And all this they attempted to do not by virtue of any Civil Power nor Ecclesiastical Power but by the Military Power and the Power of the posture they were now in These are the very words of this Speech After this another of their Commanders taking the Book of Common Prayer reading the Title Page of it and extending his voice very high he told the People That in pursuance of the forementioned League and Covenant they were now to burn publickly this Book of Common Prayer which is so full of Superstition and Idolatry and then throwing it into the Fire blowing the Coals with a pair of Bellows after that catching it from amidst the flames they fixed it on the Spear of a Pike and thence lifting it up on high far above the top of the Cross. Which Elevation was attended with Shouts and Acclamations down with Prelacy Idolatry and Superstition of the Churches of England and Scotland After all these indignities and impudent reproaches offered to the most reformed and best constituted Churches in the World they turned themselves to the Minister again and rudely in a very menacing manner asking him if he was an Episcopal Prelate's Man and of the Communion of the Churches of England and Scotland he answered he was and did there confess it to the whole World Then they tore his Gown one of the Guard first cutting up the Skirt of it with his Sword and throwing it amongst their feet telling him It was the Garment of the Whore of Babylon One of them bid him promise never to Preach nor Exercise the Office of a Minister any more but he refused telling them that such a Promise lay not within the compass of his own will and could not be extorted by force and that tho they should tear his Body as they had done his Gown they would never be able to reach his Conscience Well well says he do it at your Peril the Minister answer'd that he would do it at his Peril And so they gave over troubling him any more only asking what he had to say to them he told them he was extremely sorry to see Protestants so ingratefully exasperated against the best Protestant Church in the World that had done such Eminent Service to our Common Religion and Interest against Popery And withal praying God to forgive them and not to lay these things to their Charge So the Minister was dismissed they telling him he was an ignorant and obdured Curate and Malignant This is a true Copy of that Account of those indignities and affronts that were done unto me Robert Bell by the Presbyterians now in Arms in Scotland Glasgow Ian. 8. 1689. Robert Bell Disorders and Outrages done upon the Persons and Families of Ministers within the Presbytery of Hamiltown upon 27 and 28 days of Dec. 1688. IMprimis Mr.
the said George Robertsone am able to prove sufficiently as Witness these presents Written by the said Mr. Iohn Park and subscribed with my Hand at Edenburgh Feb. 13. 1689. George Robertson Minister at Westcalder Jo. Park Clerk Syn. The Second Collection of Papers relating to the Practice of the Rabble after the Prince's Declaration against some Ministers who were afterwards deprived by the Council A true Account of that Interruption that was made of the Service of God on Sunday last being the seventeenth of February 1689 at the Cathedral of Glasgow by the Presbyterians both from the Hills and the Meeting-houses to the Contempt of the Princes Declaration AS soon as His Highness the Prince of Orange's Declaration was proclaimed at the Mercat Cross of Glasgow for the Preservation of the Peace of the Kingdom and the Maintenance of the Free Exercise of Religion as it was established in October last The Magistrates and Ministers of the City assembled themselves in order to the laying down such fit and united Methods as would give punctual Obedience to His Highness's Declaration and procure the publick and undisturbed Exercise of their Religion which has now been interrupted these four or five Weeks by-past by the illegal unchristian Outrages of the Rabble in this place And after a prudent Deliberation about the present State of Affairs it was the result of their Counsels That the Service of God should be restored on the Sunday immediately subsequent to the Publication of the Prince's Declaration being the Seventeenth of February according to the usual and legal Methods by ringing of Bells and the publick use of all other accustomed Solemnities But for the greater Security of the Exercise of Religion and the Preservation of the Peace of the Town the Magistrates thought themselves obliged in Conscience and Honour to go to Thomas Crawfurd Younger Merchant being then Captain of the Guard at that time and one of the Chief Commanders of that Party in this place that keep up themselves in Contempt of the Law of the Kingdom and the Prince's Declaration to the 〈…〉 the Magistrates and all good and peaceable People in 〈…〉 to require the said Thomas Crawfurd to lay down his Arms and dismiss his Company which accordingly was performed by Baillie Iames Gibson he being the chief Magistrate in absence of the Provost telling him at the same time That he would provide for the Peace and Security of the Town in Obedience to the Prince's Declaration Upon the absolute refusal of Obedience unto this command by the said Thomas Crawfurd Baillie Gibson took Instruments in a publick Nottars hands how far he had his duty to the Law of the Kingdom and the Prince's Declaration and how far the said Thomas Crawfurd the pretended Captain of the Guard did despise and contemn them both After this Intercourse between the foresaid Baillie and Thomas Crawfurd both those Parties of the Presbyterians that go to the Hills and the Meeting-houses began to whisper about their illegal and bloody Designs against the Ministers of the Town and that great Body of the People that keep still very stedfast in frequenting the Assemblies of the Church threatning publickly all kinds of Persecution unto them in the legal Exercise of their Religion On the Sunday morning the Promiscuous Rabble gathered themselves together upon the Streets and hindered the ringing of some of the usual Bells for calling the People to Church Yet the Magistrates thought fit to connive at the first Insolence being willing upon any Terms to have the Exercise of their Religion and give Obedience to the Prince's Declaration But the more moderation the Magistrates shewed on this occasion the more the Rabble were inraged publickly threatning the People as they went to Church to pull them out by the Ears And particularly they seeing a certain Minister going to Church they pursued him with Sticks and Clubs but he taking a House escap'd their Fury When the Magistrates were come near the Church they found it surrounded with a promiscuous Rout Upon this they desired the rude People to go home in peace but they returned Scolding and Bloody Language and flinging from them their Cloaks and Plaides that is Mantles they gave the Assault with Staves and Battoons in their hands unto the Magistrates and particularly one of them giving a severe blow to Iohn Bell one of the late Bailies and at this time in company with the Magistrates Upon which unsufferable and scandalous Attack the Magistrates gave order to the Towns Servants and Officers to clear their way to the Church and beat off the Rabble which being effected the Magistrates together with all the People entered peaceably into the Church seating themselves according to their Ranks and Qualities in the usual postures of Devotion in which the Service of God is performed in our Church After Prayers were ended towards the middle 〈◊〉 of the Sermon the forementioned Thomas Crawsurd the pretended Captain of the Guard came into the Church and cry'd aloud to the People That the Town was in Arms. He was answered That five or six hundred People of the best Quality in Town were assembled in Church to the Service of God according to Law and the Prince's last Declaration That they were naked Men without Arms or the least intention to make any resistance And if the Town was in Arms he was more concerned to look to it than they he being the pretended Captain of the Guard And likewise he was told That if the People in Church had designed any opposition to such as might disturb them in the Exercise of their Religion they would have appeared in an armed posture which out of a due respect to the House of God and the Prince's Declaration they did forbear to do and then he should have found them too strong for any Party that durst have assaulted them But they came not thither to fight but to serve God The Parson continued Preaching until he finished his Sermon Towards the latter and of the Prayers after S●rmon the Meeting-houses being dismiss'd and joyning the Hill Party that appeared by this time in Arms upon the Streets and together with the Company that was upon the Guard they formed themselves in a great Body and then marched off under the Conduct of the Laird of Carsland taking their way straight to the Cathedral Church when they came to it they fired both upon the People that had fled to the Pinacles and Buttr●sses of the Church and through the Door where there was a little Boy dangerously wounded on the Face but at last they broke open the Doors of the Church and searching diligently for the Parson they found him They were disired by the Magistrates to dismiss the armed Men and go in peace but they refused it telling They would have out those People that beat off the Women and the Men from the Church-door upon the first Vpr●ar They were answered That the Disorders were begun by the Rabble against the Prince's Declaration
Disposition Approve of the said Motion as Dutiful and Necessary at the time And therefore in His Majesties Name and Authority Do Command a Solemn and publick Fast and day of Humiliation to be Religiously and Sincerely Observed throughout this Kingdom both in Churches and Meeting-Houses as they would avert Wrath and procure and continue Blessings to this Kingdom and that all Persons whatsoever may send up their Fervent Prayers and Supplications to Almigh●y God That He would pour out upon all Ranks a Spirit of Grace and Supplication that they may Mourn for all their Iniquities and more especially that God would pour forth upon King WILLIAM and Queen MARY and upon all inferior Magistrates and Counsellors a Spirit of Wisdom for Government and Zeal for God His Church and Work in this Land as the present Case of both do call for and that God may preserve Them for carrying on that great Work which he hath so Gloriously and Seasonably begun by Them and that God would Countenance and Bless with Success the Armies by Sea and Land Raised for the Defence of the Protestant Religion and more especially that God would pour forth a Spirit of Holiness upon them lest their Sins and ours may provoke God again● them in the Day of Battel and that he would Bless all Means for the Settlement of Church and State That God would Bless the Season of the Year and give Seasonable Weather for Cutting Down and gathering in the Fruits of the Earth that the Stroke of Famine which God hath frequently Threatned the Nation with may be Averted And the saids Lords of His Majesties Privy Council do in Name and Authority foresaid Command and Charge that the said Solemn and publick Fast be Religiously and devoutly performed both in Churches and Meeting-Houses by all Ranks and Degrees of persons within this Kingdom on this side of the Water of Tay upon Sunday the Fifteenth day of September next to come and by all others be-north the same upon Sunday thereafter the Twenty second day of the said month of September And to the End that this part of Divine Worship so pious and Necessary may be punctually kept upon the respective Days above-mentioned They Ordain Sir William Lockhart Sol●icitor in the most convenient and proper way to dispatch and send Copies hereof to the Sheriffs their Deputs and Clerks of the several Shires of this Kingdom to be by them published at the M●r●at Crosses of the Head Burghs upon receipt thereof and immediately sent to the several Ministers both of Churches and Meeting-Houses that upon the Lords-day immediately preceding the Fast and upon the respective Days of the publick Fast and Humiliation the Ministers may read and intimate this Proclamation from the Pulpit in every Parish Church and Meeting-House and that they Exhort all persons to a serious and devout performance of the said Prayers Fasting and Humiliation as they regard the Favour of Almighty God and the Safety and Preservation of the Protestant Religion and expect a Blessed Success to the carrying on of that Great and Glorious Work of this Nations being delivered from Popery and Slavery so seasonably begun and as they would avoid the Wrath and Indignation of God against this Kingdom and procure and continue mani●old Blessings to the same Certifying all these who shall contemn or neglect such a Religious and necessary Duty they shall be proceeded against and published as Contemners of his Majesties Authority Neglecters of Religious Services and as persons disaffected to the Protestant Religion as well as to Their Majesties Royal Persons and Government And Ordains these presents to be printed and published by Macers or Messengers at Arms at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh and other places above-mentioned that none may pretend Ignorance Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii GILB ELIOT Cls. Sti. Concilii God save King William and Queen Mary Some of the sad Effects of this Canting Proclamation were particularly felt by Mr. Ramsay who preach'd in the Forenoon in the old Church at Edinb a Man of an unblameable Life a judicious and accurate Preacher gave Obedience in all things to the Act of the Meeting of Estates of the Thirteenth of April read the Proclamation prayed in express Terms for King William and Queen Mary the very first day these things were enjoyned to be done on but that availed nothing for the design was to remove all the Episcopal Ministers from the Pulpits in Edinburgh at any rate and upon any pretence how little soever Mr. Ramsay gets a Citation to appear before the Privy Council By their procedure against his Brethren he knew what would be the event of this and therefore it being his turn to preach on that day he was cited to comp●ar on and many of his Elders and Parishoners being present he delivered some Advices and Exhortations which made the Sermon look somewhat like a valedictory one after Sermon his Elders attended him to the foot of the Stairs of the Council Chamber Mr. Ramsay is called and interrogated if he did read the Proclamation of the 13th of April he answered I did read it Again he is questioned if he prayed for King William and Queen Mary naming them for it was not enough to use such Expressions as were only to be appropriated to William and Mary he said He had prayed for them by Name But says the President you only prayed for them as Declared King and Queen not as those that were really such Mr. Ramsay replied That he had prayed for William and Mary whom the Estates of the Kingdom had Declared King and Queen and since they had no Liturgy and they had given to them no Form of Prayer he thought being he had pray'd for William and Mary no more was to be required and as for the words Declared King and Queen he had taken them from one of their own Proclamations which when denied he desired the Proclamation might be produced which was done and then it appeared he was in the right When he could not be reached in this point then the President the Earl of Crawfurd said But Mr. Ramsay you pray for the late King James My Lord said he I p●ay in these words Lord Bless William and Mary wh●m the Estates of this Land have Declared King and Queen and Bless all the Royal Family Root and Branch especially him who is now under Affliction Sancti●ie it u●to him while he is under it and when it seems good to thee deliver him from it This says he is the Form I made to my self for you prescribe none and is it not a sore matter that when nothing is left to King James in Reversi●n of Three Kingdoms but the Prayers of poor Men that you should deny him those They then ordered him to remove and consulted by what other way they might reach him for yet they could not find a pretence against him sufficient to deprive him At last they called him in and the President said But Mr. Ramsay you did not
established by the foresaid Act and to take the Oath of Allegiance under the pain of being deprived of their Churches and losing their Benefices And it is Declared That all Ministers that shall submit and conform to the foresaid Church-Government and to take the Oath of Allegiance without being obliged to take any other Oath shall enjoy their Churches and Benefices and shall not be deprived of the same except for Scandal or Insufficiency But in respect there are several Ministers that were put out of their Churches and Benefices since the year 1662. for not complying wi●h and conforming to Prelacy and others since the year 1681. for not taking the Test And now seeing Prelacy is Abolished and all Acts relating thereto it is just and reasonable that these Ministers that went out and were laid aside for not conforming to and complying with Prelacy and for not taking the Test should be restored to their Churches and Benefices Therefore the King and Queens Majesties with Advice and Consent of the saids Estates of Parliament do Ordain the saids Ministers that went out or were laid aside upon the account foresaid to be restored and reponed and do hereby repone and restore them to their respective Churches and Benefices And the King and Queens Majesties and Estates of Parliament declares That they will take care to provide these Ministers that are now serving the Cure at the saids Churches with other Churches and Benefices as occasion shall offer they submitting themselves to the Government of the Church established by this present Act and taking the Oath of Allegiance and being sufficient and qualified for the Office of the Ministry and without Scandal As also it is Declared That Intrants to the Ministry shall not be holden or obliged to take any other Oaths at their Admission but the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath de fideli And in regard that much trouble hath ensued unto the Estate and many sad Confusions and scandalous Schisms have fallen out in the Church by Church-men meddling in matters of State Therefore their Majesties with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament do hereby discharge all Ministers of the Gospel within this Kingdom to meddle with any State-affairs either in their Sermons or Judicatories publickly or privately under the pain of being holden as disaffected to the Government and proceeded against accordingly And declares That the Jurisdiction of the Church consists and stands only in the preaching of the True Word of Jesus Christ Correction of Manners by Ecclesiastical Censures and the Administration of the Holy Sacraments conform to the 69th Act Iames 6. Parl. 6. And to the effect there be nothing treated or concluded in the Church-Judicatories that concerns the Affairs of S●ate or Civil Matters it is declared That Their Majesties if they shall think fit may have always one present in all the Provincial and Presbyterial Ass●mblies as well as They have Their Commissioner present in General Assemblies that in case any Affair that concerns the State or Civil Matters that d●es not belong to the Jurisdiction of the Church shall come in before the saids Assemblies the said Person appointed by Their Majesties shall inhibit and Discharge the Provincial or Presbyterial Assembly to proceed in any Affair that concerns the State or Civil Matter before Their Majesties and Their Privy Council shall be acquainted with the same that They may declare Their pleasure therean●nt And because there are many things to be settled in relation to the Policy and Discipline of the Church therefore Their Majesties declare That They by the Advice of the Estates of Parliament and Judicatories of the Church will enact such Rules concerning the Policy Discipline and other Matters to be observed by the Church as shall tend most to the curbing of Vice the Advancement of True Religion and Piety and the Preservation of Unity and Peace amongst the Subjects And Their Majesties with Advice and Consent of the saids Estates of Parliament R●●●inds and Annuls the first Act of the 15 Parl. K. Ia. VI. anent Ministers provided to Prelacies should have Vote in Parliament and the second Act of the 18 Parl. Ia. VI. anent the Restitution of the Estate of Bishops and the eighth Act of the 19 Parl. Ia. VI. anent the Commissario●s and Jurisdictions given to the Archbishops and Bishops and the first Act of the 21 Parl. Ia. VI. anent the Ratification of the Acts of the Assembly of Glasgow in the year 1610. and the first and second Acts of the 22 Parl. of K. Ia. VI● in the year 1617. anent the Archbishops and Restitution of Chapters without prejudice always to the Ministers serving the Cure of any Emoluments allowed to them in part of their Stipends and the first Act of the 23 Par● of K. Ia. VI. in the year 1621. anent the Ratification of the Articles of the Assembly holden at Perth And rescinds and annuls all and whatsomever Acts Laws and Constitutions in so far as they derogate and are prejudicial to the Church-Government by General Provincial and Presbyteral Assemblies and Kirk-Sessions and in so far as they are conceived in favour of Archbishops Bishops Abbot Priors and other Prelates or Church-men whatsomever their Dignity Title Power Jurisdiction and State in this Church and Kingdom or in favours of the Civil Places or Power of Church-men or of whatsomever sort allowed or disallowed for their Ruling Sitting and Voting in Parliament either as Church-men or the Clergy or in name of the Church or as representing the Church either in regard of their Ecclesiastical Titles Offices Places and Dignities or in regard of the Temporality or Spirituality of Ecclesiastical B●nefices or other pretexts whatsomever with all Acts and Constitutions of Convention Council or S●ssion or other Judicator whatsomever and all Practices or Customs whatsomever introduced in favours of the saids Offices Titles Benefices or Persons provided thereto and all other Acts Statutes or Practices which are contrary and prejudicial to or inconsistent with this present Act and declares the same to be void and null in all time coming And seeing by the abolishing of Prelacy the is at present no Meeting of the Presbyteries or Provincial Assemblies and it being necessary that there be a time and place appointed for the first Diet of Meeting therefore Ordains the Ministers of the several Presbyteries on the South-side of the River of Tay to meet and convene upon the second Tuesday of August next at the ordinary places where the Presbyters are in use to meet and these Ministers of the Presbyteries on the North-side of the River of Tay to me●t and convene upon the first Tuesday of September thereafter at the ordinary places where the Presbyters are in use to meet and appoints these Ministers that shall meet in the respective Presbyteries to chuse their own Moderator and ordains the Moderator first to take and subscribe the Oath of Allegiance himself and then administrate the said Oath to the rest of the Brethren that they may