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religion_n church_n law_n matter_n 2,980 5 5.2921 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A54806 The arrainment of Christendom containing a revelation of the rys, growth & fulnes of the great whôr, man of sin or mistery of iniquity, with the comsumtion, ruin & utter destruction of the dragon's, beast's & fals profet's power, with the waters on which the whôr sits, & the sea out of which the beast arôs in Christendom. ... Being the trumpet of the Lord sounded forth which giveth a most sûr & certain sound to Leopold the present Roman Emperor, & to the present Pop of Rôm, ... I John, the servant of the most hy God, ... being a prisoner, (with my companions in travel) at a plâs caled Great Gomara, on a certain ysland in Hungaria, ... The living, eternal, & pur power of God moved in me, & revealed unto me that I should wryt, ... Philly, John.; N. Y. Corrector to the reader, concerning the orthografy or spel-ing herein us'd. aut 1664 (1664) Wing P2127; ESTC R220433 104,628 110

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of vvhom the vvay of truth vvas evil spoken of vvhich cursed Spirit taking hold of the flok also many appeared vvho vvould not endur soünd Doctrin but after their own lusts gat to them selvs heap● of sals Teachers turning away their ears from truth unto fabels And so it cam to pas by degrees that such as refused to answer their covetos desyrs and to put into their months they prepared war against them counting them enemys to the ministry of Christ to be against the propagation of the gospel such as bòr Testimony against refused to follow their Pernicios ways Practises wer counted Erronious Enemys to the church good order so truth the followers therof got the Nams of Error heresy Non conformists disorderly Persons And Deecit Error the Practisers therof assumed to themselvs the nams of holy church tru Christians ministers of Christ in their own faln wisdoms set up On amongst them as chief Father Overseer or universal Bishop vvhos successors wer stil ar caled Christs Vicars Peters successors hed of the church and Póps whos Personal seat is ROM but his spiritual seat the Peepels Kindreds Tongu's Nations who in the whol Body of them caled the Clergy throuhout Christendom ar the woman that great City that hath yet Doth rul over the Kings of the Erth so proceeded to erect Counsels and Synods in them to mak many unryteos and Antichristian Laws Decrees which they cal Spiritual Holy Canonical Orders of Holy Church imposing their own commands inventions upon the Peepel as the Commands of God Holy Church assuming to themselvs in their faln Wisdom Power to bynd loos to set up put down Powers things both in heven in Erth to retain remit the sins of the Peepel in their own wils for Mony Dishonest gain such as refused conformity to their wiked Orders Carnal laws Commands Canons Devilish injunctions they cast forth as Heritics suffering non to buy or sel but such as would bow under their Spiritual wikedneses receiv their Idolatros mark in their hands or on their forheds thes their proud Antichristian Iezabelish Luciferian practises hav reached al Christendom mâl femâl from the lowest to the hyest of you your predecessors in government causing Emperors Kings Prinses Potentats to bovv dovvn to the sôls of her feet deposing disposing of Powers Potentats Crowns Kingdoms at their ovvn vvils and plesurs therby falsly and blasphemosy pretending to trampel upon the Powers Pomp Glory of this World whylst themselvs ar delyting affecting living at eas in the sensual lusts Pryd Plesurs therof to the hyest degree And so they proceeded to set Bounds limits to Congregations caling them Parishes erecting houses with steepels Croses on them Bels Baptysed in them falsly ignorantly caling them Churches appointing Arch inferior Bishops Priests Curats with several other Kynds of Hyrlings over them appointing them great Revenus Stypends yearly Incoms by Church lands gleab lands tyths taxes easter reckonings offerings sprinkling of Infants Churching of women Marriages Burials Prayers for the Ded Dirges Masses for Redemption of souls out of Purgatory Confession of sins Smoak-pennys Indulgenses Buls Pardons c. With many other Antichristian ways inventions to mak Marchandys of the Bodys souls of the Peepel throuhout Christendom The elergys spiritual we●pons of wikednes fayling they fly to the carnal weapons of the Magistrats But when they found that their own spirtual laws Canons helish church orders wer not of fo rs enuf to keep al in subjection to their carnal orders and Inventions in Matters of Religion worship and to answer their covetos and greedy desyrs after Mony tyths and larg yearly Incoms they Addresed themselvs to the Potentats Kings Prinses and Rulers of the Erth requyring their help and Assistans pretending that they therby would be servisabel to God holy church furtherers of the propagation of the Gospel good Countenansers Patrons Incoragers of the Ministers of Christ c. Whom they met with in the twylyt of the evening of the Blak Dark nyt of Apostacy as so many young men voyd of understanding who by their good words fayr speeches pretenses wer easily drawn to go after her as Oxen to the slauhter fools to the corection of the stoks making dyvers unreasonabel Penal Wiked Antichristian bloudy cruel laws and statuts with cursed Inquisition courts to fo rs al to a conformity to their Antichristian Idolatros Canons Institutions Inventions Injunctions Cursed Practises in matters of Religion church worship which are Extant and upon Record unto this day for vvhich they Rewarded the Potentats Kings and Rulers of the Erth with the Nams of Defenders of the faith c. who also received dyvers of them into their counsels to sit negotiat vvith them about the spiritual Affairs of holy church falsly and blasphemosly so caled pretending therby to bring al into unity uniformity to the tru Christian Church Faith Practis with which cam in the treading the holy city under foot and the Prophecying of the witneses in Sak-cloth and the flyt of the vvoman into the vvildernes and so it cam to pas that if any did bear Testimony against their Apostat Antichristian vvays and Practises or Refused to be conformabel to their Invented Laws Commands and Canons in Matter of Religion and vvorship they vver summoned to appear at their spiritual courts so called and if after three tyms summonings or appearans they would not deny the truth conform to their church orders and satisfy their covetos desyros they proceeded gradualy to censur Fyn cast out or Excommunicat them as heritics ordering that non should buy or sel eat or drink with them turning them over to the vvorldly or secular Povvers of the Erth to deal vvith them acording to the cruel Antichristian unmanly Inhuman Bloudy Laws statuts vvhich in such cases they had lyk bruit beasts not Men mâd provyded to wit the Emperors Kings Prinses Rulers throuhout Christendom who hav bin as cruel Unnatural beastly bloudy in the execution of them on thousands of Gods Dear Innocent ôns as they wer blyndly zealos Beastly in making of them spoyling many familys of their goods cruely dealing with others in their persons by bonds imprisonments cruel rackings torturings banishings secretly openly Murdering kiling the innocent Saints Martyrs faithfull witneses of Iesus by hanging burning with dyvers other ways of open secret cruelty murder the cry of al which cruelty bloud Murder of the Innocent hath piersed the hevens entred into the ears of the Lord God Omnipotent who is now risen in his holy plas causing the vengeans of his Tempel to tak hold of al his his dear oppresed cruely tortured murdered Innocent peepels Unnatural bloudy