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A18772 A postil or orderly disposing of certeine epistles vsually red in the Church of God, vppon the Sundayes and holydayes throughout the whole yeere. Written in Latin by Dauid Chytræus, and translated intoo English by Arthur Golding. Seen and allowed according too the order appoynted Chytraeus, David, 1531-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. aut 1570 (1570) STC 5263; ESTC S107883 320,443 478

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Gods iustice The duetie of a redeemer hygh preest Sinne damnation Mannes saluation The benefites of Chrystes birth How Christes benefites are applied too vs. How and why glory is giuen too God. Peace Gladnesse Chrysts apperings too the Fathers in old tyme. A description of the second persone in the Trinitie Proues of Christs Godhead Iohn 1. Iohn 5. Chryst onely purgeth sinne What Angels bee The definition of saluation rightuousnesse and life are the sum of Christs benefites The efficient cause of saluation Goodnesse Louing kyndnesse Mercifulnesse Grace Our mediator or spokesman Who they bee that dishonor Christ Our owne rightuousnesse is of no desert The gospell and baptim are instrumēts of saluation Faith the instrumēt vvhervvith vvee take holde of saluation Renevvment of nature The effects of iustification Good vvorkes must folovv iustification Good workes or new obedience Vngodlynesse Concupiscence or lustfulnesse Stayednesse Rightuousnes Godlynesse The causes that moue too good workes Gods commaundement Hope of glory Abolishment of sinne Thankfulnesse How woorks become good Chrystes working in vs by his spirir By his woord By mannes willingnes The points vvherof Steuē is accused Atteynment of gods promises Worshipping of God. The institutiō of a new law What martyrdoome is The parts of martyrdoome Confessors Martyrs The holy Ghost Gods woord Mannes mynd Chryst is alwayes with his Churche The matter that maketh a Martyr Gods glorie Maintenāce of true religion Strengthening of the weake Certeintie of doctrine Witnessing of the immortalitie Reteynement of saluation vertues that go with martyrdoome Vices that fight ageynst martyrdome Chryst is very God. Chryst is very man. Redemption Adoption The gift of the holy ghost Inheritance of endlesse lyfe A warning for Pauls mening The workyng of the lavve The dueties of the lawe too teach vs too knowe God and our selues To frame our maners aright Too correct offenders The law dryueth vs too Chryst In whom Chryst is effectuall The law a shadow of things doo come Things to bee noted concerning the Epiphanie or twelfth day Of the wyse men that came vntoo Chryst The tyme of their cōming The names of the wise men Earnestnesse in receyuing and keeping the truthe The sondry names and glory of Chryst Iehouah or Lord. The glory of the Lord. What it is too giue glory to God. Why Chryst is called our light Who are the true Churche Why God dyd put a difference betweene the lewes and the Gentils The prerogatiues of the lewes The wretched state of the Heathen Gods vnchaūgeable rule in calling men to saluation Saluation is of free gift and not of desert The true seruice or woorshipping of God. What is represented by gold What is represented by Frākincense The Altar of attonement is Chryst Sacrifyce Quicke or liuing Holy. Reasonable seruice Worldlynesse Renevvment of mynd Myldnesse Ouervveening misvveening forvveening Christen wisdome Worldly wisdome Mannes boūds The right vse of gods giftes Prophesie Heretical prophesying Papistical prophesying Ministers Teachers Exhortation How to giue How too rule God graunt there bee none such in England How to shew mercie Loue towards ones neibor or true frendship Brotherly loue ▪ Reuerence Diligence Zele Taking of time Hope Patience Prayer Liberalitie Hospitalitie or house keping Meeknesse Frindlinesse or gladsomnesse ▪ Pitie Concorde Lowlinesse mildnesse Mildenesse Meekenesse Shunning of stumbling blockes Reuengment Rightuousnes comprehendeth all vertues The lawe of God and of nature What it is too loue our neybor The seuerall sorts or degrees of loue towardes ones neybor Gods commaundement is the rule of vertues Antimonians The loue of God. Wee can do no vvoorks to iustify our selues Hovv loue engendreth in vs What is to bee done in all intents drifts and purposes of this lyfe The common ende and drift of al a mannes dooings The endes of authoritie or ciuil gouernement The ends of the ministerie The endes of learning Settlednesse The descriptiō of a good and skilfull minister Vnnecessary dealings The fiue naked Games or exercyses of Actiuitie Running Buffeting Leaping Coyting it vvas like our throvving of the hammer Wrestling The dyet demean or of those that contended in the sayd Games their revvards An excellent similitude A furlong The revvarde of victorie Interpretation of the Greeke vvoords Of the behoue fulnesse of doing vvell Of the discom moditie of doing yll Examples One church of God in al ages gathered by one meane fed vvith one foode Figures of Baptim Figure of the Lords supper The causes of the Lentō fast True glorie or boasting False Apostles Reprofe of vaynglorie Example of christen bosting Who are the children of Abraham Labours Strypes Death Strypes Whippings Stoning Shipwrecke Trauell Ieoperdy Loke for these names in the table in th end of this booke Austin Aretas How manye sortes of visions of reuelations there be Visions of three sortes Difference of heauens Heauen or Paradyse Languages Prophesying and fayth Mark wel this discourse and beare it away True faith and true loue are vnseparable Patience Gentlenesse Freendlynesse Modestie or myldnesse Good meening Lowlynesse Grauitie Iustdealing Equitie Meeknesse Freendlynesse Ryghtfulnesse and mercy Rightuousnesse truthe Patience Freendlynesse Hope Patience Prophesy Tungs Knowledge Differences of knowing God Duties or poynts of a true preacher Vertues that ought too bee in ministers Patience Painfulnesse The touchstone of Religion What patiēce is Look for these in the table at the end of this Booke Why lent was ordeined The first author of the Lenton fast Diuersitie in keeping the Lent. Austin a mainteyner of the Lenton fast Saturdays and Emberdayes Diuersitie of allegoricall fastes Papisticall fast reproued The iudgemēt of gods woord concerning fast How too obserue the outward fast aryght Scripture the rule of christianitie Christians must proceede continually not stay Chastitie a mark of Gods church Tertullians saying Buying and selling Honest Profitable Good counsell Bargaining merchandyse appoynted by God for singular good purposes Confutation of Meritmōgers Necessitie of cōmaundemēt Necessitie of eschewing paynes Necessitie of Gods graces and gifts Rewardes Chastitie Couetousnesse Followers of God. Too walke Sacrifyse Sweete smell Sainctes Whoo is an Idolater Darknesse A Testament or last will. A definition of the new Testament A definition of the old Testament The difference betweene the old ▪ Testamēt and the new Agar Sara Ismael and Isaa● A very good argument The heauenly Ierusalem What preesthod is in general A definition of the hyghest preest or of Chryst Gods iustice medled with mercy was the cause of christs sacrifyce Why the sacrifysing of beasts was ordeyned The sacrifises of the Hēathē Differences of Chrystes sacrifise and the Leuiticall sacrifises Eternall saluation Leuitical sacrifises are figures Chrystes sacrifice once for al Christ purgeth by his own blud Chryst is entered into heauē Marcion the Manichees Chrystes humilitie IESV Why Chryst was made a sacrifyce The first part of Chrystes Passion Testimonies of gods wrath ageinst sinne The seconde part of Chrystes passion The third part of his passion The loue of
commaundement in my Rules of lyfe and applyed too this place Vppon the Sunday called Reminiscere or the second Sunday in Lent. ¶ The Epistle ● thess. iiij VVE beeseeche you brethren and exhort you by the Lord Iesus that yee encrease more and more euen as yee haue receyued of vs howe ye ought too walke and too please god For ye know what commaundementes wee gaue you by our Lord Iesus Chryste For this is the wyll of God euen your holynesse that yee should absteine from fornication and that euery one of you shuld know how too keepe his vessell in holynesse and honoure and not in the lust of concupiscence as doo the Heathen which knowe not God that no man oppresse and defraud his brother in bargaining bicause that the Lord is the auenger of all suche things as wee tolde you beefore and testified For God hath not called vs vntoo vnclennesse but vntoo holynesse He therefore that despiseth despiseth not man but God which hath sent his holy spirit among you The disposement IT pertayneth too that kynd which is perswasiue For it is an exhortation too new obedience or too good woorkes The cheefe places are three 1 A generall precept that wée should directe our intents and dooings according too the rule of the doctrine receiued of the false Apostles yea and too abound that is too say too profit in true godlynesse and too endeuer too surmount ourselues or too bée euery day better than other 2 Of chastitie 3 Of vpright dealing which kéepeth an euen hande in all bargaines Of the first IExhort you by our Lord Iesus Chryst y yée encrease more and more euen as yee haue receyued of vs how yee ought too wakle and too please God. The rule of faith and Christen lyfe is the doctrine deliuered by Chryst and his Apostles which only God wil haue vs folowe bothe in the true knowledge of his beeing and will and in the ordering of our behauyour and lyfe He will not haue vs too wander and folowe our owne opinions as the Heathen men which deuysed sundry Gods and sundry woorshippings neyther will he haue our deuyses and dooings too bée gouerned by oure owne policie as the Heathen mennes were who in whoredome and other lustes in deceytfulnesse of bargayning in ydlenesse and in medling with many matters gaue themselues scope too runne at randon without cōtrolment Therfore Paule by expresse woordes in this place sayeth wée exhort you that according as yée haue receiued of vs so yée walke as yée ought too walke and encreace more and more As if he should say let the Doctrine which yée haue receiued of vs Apostles and not mennes Traditions or wil woorshippings bée the vnmoueable rule and kéeplyne of the true knowledge and seruice of God as is sayd in Ezechiel the .xx. Chapter Walke not in the commaundementes of your fathers I am the Lord god Walke in my commaundements and kéepe my iudgements and doo them Also looke what I commaund thée that only doo thou vntoo the lord Neyther ad nor diminish any thing And Paul commaundeth vs not only too walke that is too say too liue or too frame all the deuyses dooings of our lyfe according too the doctrine of the Apostles but also too profit more and more and too surmount and ouercome our selues in true godlynesse which is in déede a victorie of all others most goodly and most beséeming a man according as is sayd Too ouercome a mannes selfe is of al victories the cheefe and the best For a christen man can neuer long continue abide in one selfe same state of godlynesse But eyther fayth inuocation hope and the rest of vertues encrease and augment in him or els by slaking of their earnestnesse they become more faint and by little and little wex cold specially in prosperitie when the hart is open and not for closed with any sorow thē the diuell créepeth in and casteth occasiōs of falling from without too the entēt he may shake of fayth as he ouerthrew Dauid Wherefore let euery of vs with singular care earnestnesse héede and diligence endeuer to profit let vs with harty request pray dayly vntoo God to rule vs with his holy spirit let vs shun the dangers and occasions of back slydings let vs flée leud company let vs loue stayednesse let vs take vppon vs certein profitable labors exercises of godly discipline and let vs beare in mynd this saying In the way of the Lord not too go foreward is too go backeward The second part THis is the wil of God euen your holynesse that yee should absteyne from fornication Among the testimonies that are the markes of the true church of God and that put a difference betwéene it and Heathenish and vngodly routes a notable and manifest signe is the true doctrine concerning chastitie and the vndefiled bond of wedlocke which is reteyned only in the church of god All nations else haue openly set looce not only whoredom or fornication but all other more horrible and vnspeakable lusts In Asia and Affrike euen at this day the sect of Mahomet practyseth incestuous confusions without punishment In Europe the Popishe faction vnder the false pretence of Religion hathe forbidden a great number of men too marrye whereas Paule notwithstanding hath sayde before in expresse woordes that it is the Doctrine of Diuels too forbid mariage Forasmuch then as in our Churches the lawes of Chastitie and wedlocke are by the benefite of God reteyned and maynteyned truely and soundly wée may assure our selues euen by this signe that wée may the more certeinly warrant our selues to bée the Citizens of the true Churche of God. The cause also why Paule in this place vrgeth so sore this commaundement concerning Chastitie and eschewing the lustes and vices encountering it is for that at Thessalonica like as at Ephesus and Corinth and other Heathen cities and famous mart townes to which great multitudes of men were woont to flocke togither from all Nations there was chéefly great confusion of lustes and vnbrydled libertie of all vyces which ryotousnesse and welth bréedeth Paule therfore both in this place and .j. Cor. vj. Ephes v. teacheth that wandering lustes are not things indifferent neyther that there is any libertie graunted in the Gospell eyther of lustfull likings or of craftynesse in bargeyning but that they are prohibited most straightly by the commaundemēt of God and are most sharply punished by God the iust iudge and reuenger For this is the euerlasting vnchaungeable will of God sayeth Paule euen your holynesse which is in the true acknowledgemēt of God that yée should kéepe your selues cleane both in body and soule according to Gods wil and absteyne from al fornication and all concupiscences forbidden by god and whither it bée in single lyfe or in the lawfull bond of wedlocke euery man to possesse his vessell that is too say his bodye which is the dwelling place of the chaste and holy spirit of God in holynesse
Also To those that follow godlynesse The ende brings alwayes sweete successe Vppon the tenth Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Epistle j. Cor. xij COncerning spirituall things Brethren I would not haue you ignoraunt Ye knowe that ye were Gentiles and went your wayes vnto dumbe ymages euen as yee were led VVherfore I declare vnto you that no man speaking in the spirite of God defieth Iesus Also no man can say that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Ghoste There are diuersities of giftes verely yet but one spirite And there are differences of administrations and yet but one lord And there are diuers maners of operations and yet but one God which worketh all in all The gifte of the spirite is giuen to euery man to edifie withall For to one is giuen thorow the spirite the vtteraunce of wisedome To an other is giuen the vtteraunce of knowledge by the same spirite To another the gifte of healing by the same spirite To another power to do miracles To another prophesie To another iudgement to discerne spirites To another diuers tongues To another the interpretation of tongues But these all worketh the selfe same spirite deuiding to euery man a seuerall gift euen as he will. The disposement THe Epistle is of those sort of caces that instruct For it is a doctrine concerning the giftes of the holy Ghost in the Church The cheefe places are foure 1 A definition of the giftes of the holy Ghost consisling of a reckening vp of ten sortes of them 2 Of the efficient cause of the giftes all which are distributed by one self same spirite who diuideth them to euery man according as he listeth 3 Of the finall cause or of the vse of gifts which must bée imployed not too boasting or to nourishment of drawings aside and of sectes but too the common profite of the whole Church 4 A testimonie concerning the thrée persons of the Godhead and in especially concerning the person office and benefites of the holy Ghost The first place THere is one first and principall gift of the holy Ghost which must néedes shine foorth in all the sainctes without fayle namely true acknowledgement and profession of our Lord Iesus Christe the sonne of God or true fayth beléeuing that Iesus is the Lord or in very déede and by nature God and that he is Christ our onely redéemer and Sauiour and disliking and eschewing the worshipping of Idoles Of this first and principall gift which is common to all sainctes speaketh Paule in this place No man speaking by the spirite of God sayeth that Iesus is accursed that is to say all that curse Christ as a mischeuous plage condemned of God and as a thing too bée taken out of the world as the Iewes in these dayes the Turkes and the Heathen men doo or which blasphemously slaunder and corrupte the true doctrine concerning the person and benefites of Christ as the Arians and Papistes doo are no members of the true Church or are not gouerned by the holy Ghost And no man can say that Iesus is the Lorde but by the holy Ghoste that is too say no man can rightly acknowledge and with stedye fayth embrace and constantly euen to the last gaspe of his lyfe confesse Iesus Christ too bee the onely and true redéemer and giuer of eternall lyfe except he bée gouerned and stayed by the holy Ghost For he méeneth not of the bare profession of the name Iesus but of the whole doctrine and the continuall sticking too the fayth of Christe whiche Iohn expoundeth in his x. Chapter these things are written too the intent you should beleue that Iesus is that Christ the sonne of God that by beléeuing you may haue lyfe in his name This fayth is the firste and principall gifte of the holy Ghoste which must shine forth and appeare in all the godly Besides this there bée seuerall gifts of the holy Ghost which are not distributed too all the mēbers of the church togither nor are behouefull too bée in all a lyke but are giuen to some seuerall persones by the frée will of God that they may vse them not to vaunting or too stirre vp debate and enuying But to the comon edifying and welfare of the church And therfore Paule sayeth héere There are diuersities of giftes that is to say the giftes are diuerse or sundry which bée distributed fréely by the holy Ghost And there bee differences of administrations like as the duties of the members of a mans body are diuers and seuerall one from another And there bée diuers maners of operacions of the holy Ghost in vs or diuers executing of administracions And yet there is but one Ghost the holy Ghost who distributeth the gifts not to eche man all but to euery man some But vnto euery man is giuen a manifestacion of the spirite that is to say the giftes of the holy Ghost do vtter and shew themselues apparantly in euery man according as is to the behoof both of the party him self and of the whole Church and of the common weale Homer in his vij booke of Vlisses God giueth not all good gifts too all men And in the xij booke of his Iliades To some God giueth warlike workes to other he giueth a wise minde which gifte manie men enioy and he saueth Cities Paule in this place reckeneth vp nyne kindes of seueuall giftes of the holy Ghost Of which the first is the vtraunce of wisedome or wisedome that is to say a perceyueraunce of all the Articles of the Christian doctrine ioyned with true and earneste godlinesse or with the true feare of God and fayth with the framing of all a mans deuises and dooings agréeably to the will of god For all mans wisdome as sayeth Lactantius consisteth in this one point that he acknowledge God aright and worship him aright now besides the true knowledge of God and honest behauiour which bée common to all the members of the Churche VVisdome in this place comprehendeth also a peculiar and more perfecte light whiche not onely vnderstandeth the true doctrine aright but also knoweth and cunningly discerneth errors and false opinions And such a kinde of spirituall wisdome shone forth in Paule Austin and Luther kindled by the holy Ghost and confirmed by exercise of temptacions and encounters and terrours and comfortes ij The vtteraunce of knowledge or cunning too vnderstand discerne what thing what time before whom and in what wise is too bée chéefly doone and folowed what is méet and behouefull too bée doone in consideracion of the place time and other circumstances where consideracion is too bée had of the weake in bearing with things indifferent and where a man may vse libertie c. iij. Fayth or an assured truste settled in God and woorking greate and wonderfull things with a mighty and inuincible courage and obteyning deliueraunce out of great daungers which too put away seemeth no lesse difficulte to mans reason than to remoue mountaynes out
is Gods free gift Necessitie of obedience Difference of deadly sin and veniall sinne Testimonie concerning the holy Ghost Difference of slauish feare and childly avve Ageinst abuse of libertie Idolatry vvhat it is True godlynesse Whordome Of tempting God. Murmuring or grudging Punishments and miseries This place would be red with discretiō Temptation what it is True godlinesse or true Religion Diuersitie of the giftes of the holy Ghost Vtteraunce of vvisdome Vtteraunce of knovvledge Fayth The gifte of healing Working of miracles Prophesying Iudgement to discerne spirites Tongues Interpretation of tongues The efficient cause of all giftes How Gods giftes are too be vsed Textes that prooue Christes resurrection The cheefe comfort of Christians in all cases Textes confirming the sayd comfort The cause of our resurrection Good things cannot bee repeted to often The effectualnesse of preaching What modesty or mildnesse is True bosting The new Testament The Letter The Spirit A comparison betweene the law of Moyses and the Gospell Obiection ageynst Iustification by fayth onely Aunswer to the sayd obiection An other obiection Answer of the sayd obiection The Gospel The Law. What things are conteyned in the promis made to Abraham concerning Christ Blissing The Law. The Gospel Iustification Fayth The ealling of the Gentiles Originall sinne Christes incarnation The time of the publishing of the law The vse and effect of the moral Law. The Author of the law The Mediator of the law The law a leader to the Gospell The spirite To walke Flesh Lust of the flesh The deedes of the flesh Whordome Idolatrie Ten other sinnes or deeds of the flesh and their cōtraries Drunkennesse and gluttonie The frutes of the spirite Loue. Ioy and peace Long sufferaunce Gentlenesse Goodnesse or vprightnesse Faith. Meekenesse Discreetnesse Who be vnder the law and who be not Modestie or myldnesse and how glorie is to be coueted and obteyned Good name is to be sought The foundation of trew glory Facers and braggers Fighters or enuiers Precisians Selfeweners Buzybodies Plutarkes saying Ciceros saying concerning glorie The exposition of this word Catachisme What the lerners ought to render to their teachers Sowing in the fleshe Reping of corruption Sowing in the spirit The iudgemēt of the vvorlde concerning such as are afflicted What is to bee looked vppon in aduersitie Constancie Reasons vvhy vvee should not take offence at persecution or troubles Prayer the refuge in trouble Too whome and how wee ought to pray What wee ought to pray for Ageinst Stoical destinie The ends of al vocations or callings The welspring of concord Lowlynesse Meeknesse Patience Reasons mouing to cōcord Gods cōmaundement Rewards that bee promised The commodities and discommodities Voitie of body and spirit One hope One Lord. One Faith. One Baptim One God. souerein good The souerein blisse of worldlings Philosophicall blissednesse Platos doctrine of blissednesse The law pointeth out true blisse but furthereth not the certainment of it The true souerein good The cheefest richesse Perseuerance The laste iudgement The old mā Decieueable lustes To put on the new mā The newe man. What Gods image is What lying is Truth Friendlynesse Paynfulnesse and labour To walke Honest labor To walke warely Redeeming of the time Euill dayes Ageinste all riot and excesse Musicke Musicke in Churches Luther the Germane Orpheus Basil concerning Psalmes and spirituall songs Mans lyfe is a warfare Mans enemies The Diuell The flesh Heretikes The world The sworde girdle of a Christian His brest-plate His shoes His Buckler or sheeld The firy da●●●s of the Diuell The helmet of a christian His swoord Earnest prayer Testimonles that God heereth our prayers Manlynesse Examples of manlynesse Flesh blud ▪ The povvers of darknesse Our souereine or cheef good Thanksgiuing ▪ Perseuerance Frendlynesse The doctrine of good vvoorkes Prechers must be patternes too theyr flocke In doctrine In cōuersation In louingnesse In spirit or zelousnesse In fayth or faythfulnesse Enimies of Christs crosse Belly gods Worldly minded The difference of the gouernments of Moses of the world and of Chryst What Faith is The parts of Faith. True knovvlegde Too Walke How good woorks please God. Six good woorks First Fayth 2. Manlynesse 3. and. 4. Patience Long sufferance 5. Ioy of conscience 6. Thanksgiuing Of iustification What iustification is The desert of iustification In teaching thiogs must be repeted oft Tabernacle or tent The foundation of religion The matter or substance of the christian doctrine Witnesse by syght The record of god the father The record of the prophets To take heede Gods worde the lanterne of lyght The commendation of scripture The marke whe● at the prophets shoote How scripture is to be interpreted Interpretation what it is in generall Interpretation of sc●●pture Best interpretacion of the scripture by conference of textes The prating of the Papistes The comforte of all persecutions troubles and greefes Testimonies of the resurrection Philosophicall consolatious ageynst death and all grief It behoueth Christians to reade the Philosophers and P●●●es The proposition or ground of Ciceros first Tusculane question and his argumēts vppon the same The blindnesse of mans reason in the cheef pointes of knowledge Watchfulnesse Sobernesse Chastitie Meeknesse Gouernement Of the institution of Aduent Take tyme vvhen it commeth for tyme vvill avvay The gospell is the cheef of all doctrines All folke of all ages haue but one way too saluation The vvorks of darknesse The armor of lyght The day light Feasting Chambering and vvantonnesse Stryfe and enuying Too put on Chryst Prouision for the flesh Of bearing vvyth the vveake The profit of holy scripture The vncerteintie of mennes lerning The errour of the Enthusiastes wherfore scripture serueth The vses or effects of holy writ Patience True and stedfast comfort The doctrine of Gospell Assured hope of deliuerāce The ministerie of the Gospell The definition of a Minister Faithfulnesse in teaching The mysteries of God. Ministration of the sacraments Austin The authoritie of bynding and losing Excommunication Good example Ordering of ceremonies or orderlynesse All ministers equall Degrees of ministers Difference of the minister and ciuile magistrate 1. Outward discipline The temporall svvoord Of taking office or charge vpon a man. Conueniene skill Heede and diligence Constancie Earnest prayer All men by nature couet contentation of mynd Christen ioy Why men run in darknesse The felicitie of worldlings Christen ioy The firste feast of the new Testament Emmanuell What incarnation is The efficiēt cause of Christes incarnation The inward forcing cause of Christes incarnation The outward forcing cause Why it behooueth Christ to bee both God and man. The matter whereof Christ tooke flesh The endes and effectes of Christes incarnation Iesus Aliaunces of naturall things to Christes incarnation What blissing is Redemption Too visit Redemption Horne of saluation The house of Dauid Promises concerning Chryst Saluation Mercy Testament promisse couenant leage agreement Deliuerance from the hand of our enimyes Without feare Holynesse and ryghtuousnesse Before God. Chrystes benefites Significations of this woorde Prophet To go beefore the face of the Lord. To giue knovvledge of saluation Bovvels of mercie What mercie is Rysing or Dayspring To giue light Lyght Darknesse The way of peace What it is too yeeld thanks The Hebrew Phrase ▪ Words of sēce or perceuerāce Turning of the proper Adiectiue intoo a Substantiue Great things Myghtye Gods stedfast mercy The definition of Mercy Who they bee that feare God. Too shevve strength Gods arme The proud Putting dovvne of the mighty Exalting of the lovvly Filling of the hungry To hold vp Israell Child To whom the promises were made Afflictions are healthfull Platos opinion concerning afflictions Obiection Aunswer Obiection Aunswer Places of doctrine conteyned in this Epistle The efficient cause of the ministerie Degrees of Ministers The finall cause of the ministerie Why God gathereth a church and apoynteth ministers The first preacher of the gospell Apostles Prophets Euangelists ▪ or gospeller● Shepherds Teachers Chrystes body A perfect man. Children Leavvdnesse and craf●inesse Truth The knitting of the head and the body togither Of the apostel Mathew The definition of an Angell The creation of Angels The degrees of Angels Names of certeine Angels Offices or duetie of Angels Cygnaeus Symon Grynaeus Satan Diuell Sathan a lyer Sathan a murtherer