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A17684 A little booke of Iohn Caluines concernynge offences whereby at this daye diuers are feared, and many also quight withdrawen from the pure doctrine of the Gospell, a woorke very needefull and profitable. Translated out of Latine into Englishe by Arthur Goldinge.; De scandalis. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1567 (1567) STC 4434; ESTC S107218 91,712 246

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betwene vs consisteth not vpō this pointe alone But after the Papistes haue installed the Churche in Christes throne to determine Religiō at her owne pleasure and to iudge of the Scripture without appealynge from her by and by thei take the lawe such as it is into their owne handes We on the otherside bicause it is as easie a matter as daūgerous to be deceiued in will haue it discussed whiche is the true Churche Surely it is no newe thinge that those are sometime cruell Wolues which occupie the roomes of sheapeherdes and that thei are wicked ranke traytours to God his Churche in whose hāde the ordinarie Souereintie is What cause then is there why vaine hobgoblins shoulde make vs so afraide that we shoulde not as becommeth trie whether the same that beareth the name of the Church be the true Churche or no Paule affirmeth the Churche to be the piller of truthe but yet the same Paule foretelleth both the fallynge away of the worlde nowe conuerted and that Antichrist should reigne in y e middes of Gods Temple It is knowen well inough that he susteined the like encoūters as we are exercised with at this daye when the Iewes takinge pryde in the name of the Churche cried out vpon him that he was a forsaker of his order and an Author of Scismes and troubles They report thēselues to be descēded from the very Apostles by continuall succession verely after the same maner that Caligula Nero succeded Valerius Publicola and Lucius Brutus For they clinge vnto the Apostles as if there were not an vnmeasurable Chaos put by them whiche mighte breake all aliances betwixt them if there were any Bicause the dunghil of the popish Clergie is against vs they wil haue vs no lesse pressed with y e peruerse doome than if the Angels condemned vs out of Heauen Uerely with the same pryde did the Scribes in olde time reiect Christ bicause none of the Princes or Pharisies had beléeued in him And forasmuche as they are determined to stande to theyr tacklynge with tooth and nayle euen to the vtterance for maintenance of theyr tyrannie yet are destitute of true reasons it is no maruell though they rappe out vaine soundes But I woulde desire all them vnto whome the false vsurped name of the Church is an occasion of Offence that they would ones finde in their hartes to opē theyr eares and their eyes least the deceitfull image of a body pull them from their head a harlot disguised in the apparell of a bryde carie them frō theyr spouse Christe For what markes I beséeche you haue they whereby thei may know the Churche of Christe in all the whole bande of the Romish Antichrist Onlesse peraduenture whyle they sée the Pope in his Awbe with y e crosse throwen at his féete the Cardinalles in scarlet the Bishops glitteryng with myters croysiers and the reste of the inferiour rable euery one with their seuerall cognisāces beinge contented with these tokens they desire none other Churche than suche a one as appeareth in disguisinges like maskers and players of enterludes For what els is there to be sayd to these trifelyng fellowes when hauinge so often so pitthely and plentuously bene by vs cōfuted they persist still neuerthelesse in takinge vpon thē the title of the Church I sayd at the beginnyng that none almost were here deceiued but suche as beyng lothe to come to Christe doo procure lettes to themselues from a farre of The time hath bene that this same scruple hath hindred many simple godly soules but at this day I say there are fewe that obiect the Offence risinge vpon the name of the Churche againste the wholesome doctrine except it be suche as maliciously and proudely vaunt themselues against Christe Like lewdnesse is it that thei demaūde miracles at our hande wherwith they beyng amazed are at length compelled to yéelde vnto God speakynge by vs. And I saye that seyng our doctrine beareth euident witnesse to it selfe that it hath bene confirmed by all the miracles whiche haue bene since the worlde was made these men whiche forgettynge the olde miracles gape after new for asmuch as they are so astonied at the manifest power of God and so blinde in the cléere light are no lesse monsters themselues than if we should sée a man turned into a beast Bicause diuers are enriched with holy goods and othersome haue méetely well appeased theyr hungar for a time the enemies of the Gospell reporte that we were ledde to alter thinges for desire of spoyle than for any good zeale to Godwarde and many which hawke for a pretence to put by the Gospell giue theyr assent to these malicious sayinges Surely for my parte if there be any that haue spoyled the goodes of the Churche to fill theyr owne pouches I excuse them not And my Bookes are manifest witnesses how much I abhorre frō such sacriledges But as I am not minded to make my self a patrone or aduocate of the defaultes of our parte if any be so the slaunder is not to be borne with that the malicious persones charge vs withall howe we made our pray of all whatsoeuer was taken frō those filthie Seagulles that is to say the chapleynes of Ball and the Mōkes Certeinly whereas the popishe impietie is abolished there at leastwise parte of the reuenewes whiche whores and baudes deuoured with the Priestes is nowe bestowed vpon the poore Somewhat more is bestowed vpon schooles thā was wonte to be true Pastours are founde that minister the doctrine of Saluation to the people expenses are allowed to maintained the state of the Churche and those not small Although this defence doo not acquite vs before God whiche thinge I confesse with a good will yet it declareth that Offence is maliciously gathered thereupō against the doctrine of the Gospell But they shewe howe it is manifest for what purpose we haue bene moued to take this cause in hande in asmuch as almost all beyng occupied about lookyng to theyr priuate affayres are slouthfull in exactyng discipline in correctinge vices and in increasinge and mainteynyng the kingdome of Christe Wherfore then doo not they rather warme vs with theyr heate than they fryse vnto our coldnesse Let the cōplaintes of Aggaeus touchynge the neglectinge of the Temple be read There a man maye beholde as it were painted in a table the slouthfulnesse of our age was not therfore the building of the temple againe a very holy woorke of God bicause at that time euery man beyng busied aboute his owne house cared not for the Temple of God Ought any man therefore to shrinke bicause he sawe some not onely cease from so néedefull a duetie but also wickedly defraude God of his first fruites and tenthes But this is surely the thing that I spake of before anone after the beginnynge that many beyng entāgled with the vnholy friendshippes of the worlde doo couet any Offences that may be against Christe rather than to offende the wicked enemies of
with the losse of the Gospell this surely shalbe the manifest truthe namely to obteyne sinfull and peruerse Religions quietly without stirre bicause Sathan the worst of all Tyrannes dothe without checke take his pleasure of mē halfe dead Notwithstandinge as to the outwarde bondage of the bodie peraduenture it were expediēt rather to suffer sometime than for the recouery of libertie to make insurrection whiche maye burste out into slaughter and confused wastinge But when the matter toucheth the eternall destruction of the soule nothinge ought to be so muche set by that we shoulde either desire or wilfully embrace deadly peace Moreouer hereby we defraude the sonne of God of his preheminence But better it is that Heauen Earth shoulde be confoūded together than that the honour whiche his father hath giuen him should be diminished and much lesse then be taken quite awaye from him and he made Iacke out of Office Shall we then liue at debate with the prince of life to the entent we may enioye peace amonge men shall we make open warre against God to the entent we would not be cōpelled to be at variance with naughtypackes shall we willingly stande at defiance with Christe by whome we are with the Angels reconciled to God It is surely to vnwoorthie a rewarde And when Christe describeth the peaceable kingedome of Sathan he doth not teach vs that it is therefore to be coueted but rather he promiseth it as a greate rewarde that a stronger than he encounteringe with him shoulde bereue him of his vsurped authoritie For if we sée thē so couragious whiche ambitiously fight for soueraintie or for their libertie that they woulde not passe to abide any troubles with how muche more valiant courage ought we to set our selues against the tempestuous troubles which Satan stirreth vp to disquiet the kingdome of Christe the Sonne shall rise against his father the father shall not spare the life of his sonne one brother shall lay waite for another Are these thinges tolde before to the entent that mē should shunne the Gospell and not rather that beynge warned in time they might not conceiue any feare at the straūgenesse of the matter For I haue not to doo with any other than suche as abuse the name of Christe to colour theyr painted peace And yet I am not ignorant that troublesome persones in mouinge seditions are the bellowes of Sathan wherewith he kindleth men otherwise quiet of themselues in hatred against the Gospell So in our age about the beginnynge of the Gospell springyng vp againe he armed barbarous men to proclayme open warre against lawes iudgementes and all kinde of ciuill pollicie But as it is not vnknowen to vs what such kinde of packing meanes so if we do aske peace from the bottome of our harte we shall by assured tryall feele it offred vnto vs of God by his Gospell in such wise that we shall haue it stedfastly also amonge men To swarue from the Gospell to the intent to preuent sedition is a poinct of to much peruersnesse To outwarde appearance this that foloweth is a iuster cause of Offence that as soone as the doctrine of the Gospell began to bee published as though the veyne of some springe had bene opened the wickednesse of many spowted foorth which had before semed holy men Howbeit it had bene muche more méete that this shoulde avayle to the confirmation of the Faith When Simeon assigneth this duetie to Christe to disclose the thoughtes of many hartes so little dooth any man or none stand in deniall therof that the sentence is to be reioysed at What absurditie then is founde in the matter Let vs suppose it had neuer bene spoken to the intent that without preiudice the thinge that appéereth maye be estéemed so to be in déede Whereas about thirtie yéeres agoe religion flourished euery where and all men without gaine saiynge consented in the woorshippe of God which was then commonly receyued now vngodlinesse and contēpt of God gusheth foorth euerywhere First and formest I say it is no maruell if light doo chace away darknesse for it is a common prouerbe of olde time that the dungeons of mans harte are so déepe the nookes thereof so windynge that it surmounteth almost al bottōlesse pittes now if mans dessemblynge be deceitfull in any cace he dalieth with wonderfull leudnesse toward God where he ought to doo it least To the furtherance hereof commeth the wilinesse of Sathan who partly by castinge a miste of ignorance and partly by disguisinge the seruice of God with visers of ceremonies maketh a wonderfull showe of Religion where none is All men that haue eyes doo sée that it hath béene so vnder the Poperie For there the consciences as it were bewitched with the poysons of Circe are brought in a maze by their longe windlasses fléeting from the earnest meaning of God For that same vnmeasurable heape of Ceremonies is assuredly the denne of théeues bycause the hypocrites beynge wrapped in those disguysinges thinke they may doo what they list without checke If suche securitie doo take away the difference betwene true and feined Religion it is no maruell And if at any time thei séeme to approch any thing nere God they doo not to any other ende so much weary and disquiet themselues than that the inward wickednesse of the harte beyng by such remedies appeased shoulde be at rest inwardly Now if by bringyng in the light of the Gospell hypocrisie be put to flight and wickednesse openly discouered the offence thereupon taken is vnrightfull and peruerse In old time amonge heathen men no man was counted a dispiser of God except he were a manifest murtherer or a forger of Testamentes or a forsworne persone and wrapped in all kinde of leudnesse For in asmuch as they had made to them selues carnall Gods nothyng was more easie than to be religious But we see how sharply the Prophetes doo inuey against skorners the which thinge out of all doubt they doo not without weightie causes So the vngodlinesse which shewed it selfe in the Churche of God appeared to be none at all in maner amonge the vnbeleuers shall we therefore saye that the lawe and the Prophetes were bellowes to styrre the same vp shall the pure Religion therefore whiche drewe that Serpent to light be made the lesse accompte of Yea verely euen in the Church of God Ismaell vttered not himselfe to be a scorner but after that Isaac was borne He whiche before was nexte vnto holy Abraham did sodainly burste out into wicked skornynge the grace of God wherby he deserued to be banished his fathers house Ought such an example to haue alienated the householde of Abraham from his holy Ofspringe Furthermore that whiche was lightly shadowed in Isaac was néedeful to be more clerely expressed in Christe and the Historie of the Gospell beareth witnesse that it was so done For we know that since he was brought into the worlde howe muche the madnesse of them hath boyled whiche before times did
To the right 〈◊〉 ble and ●is 〈…〉 staye● Lord Fraun 〈…〉 Lord gouernour of Barwicke and one of the Quéenes Maiesties most Honorable priuie Counsell c. Arthur Goldyng wisheth encrease of Honour and haboundaunce of the knowledge grace of Christe ●ith perfect continuaūce therein 〈…〉 ende IT is agreed on confessed by all men righte Honorable that reason vnderstandynge maketh differrēce betwen● mankinde and other liuynge Creatures but how a true Christian maye be knowē and discerned from an infidell and counterfet none perceiueth saue onely suche as geue diligent héede to the written woo 〈…〉 wherin we may finde that 〈…〉 ●uerlastyng to know one God and 〈…〉 he hath sent that they are blessed whiche heare the woorde of God and kéepe it that not euery one that saith Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of Heauē but he that doth the will of the heauenly Father Whereby it is euident that wicked Infidelles are either altogether voide of the 〈◊〉 ledge of God or els farre from 〈◊〉 walke accordingly if they haue 〈…〉 to any vnderstandyng thereo● 〈…〉 the true Christian not onely laboreth 〈◊〉 beholde the grace of God which bringeth saluation to all men but also learneth to renounce impietie and worldly lustes ▪ and to liue soberly iustly and godly in this present worlde and lookinge for that blessed hope and appearinge of the glory of the great God and our Sauiour Iesus Christe walketh all the dayes of his life in holines and rightuousnes not after mens deuise phantasie but accordinge to the rules and ordinaunces which God hath prescribed And yet beside y e sleights of Sathan the fraylenes of the flesh and the wickednesse of the worlde we maye easily sée how the mallice of men stayeth and hindereth the children of God from procéedinge in that they haue professed while some are driuen to stagger at the prosperitie of wicked when they sée them neyther troubled nor plagued as other men are eyther to feare their powre whē they sée the Kinges of the Earth bande themselues and the Princes confederate ●●●ther against the Lorde and his annointed and euery good man with griefe of harte enforced to complaine with Dauid how longe wil ye imagine mischiefe ye shalbe all slaine ye shalbe as a bowed wall or as a wall shaken They consuite to cast him downe from his dignitie their delighte is in lies they blesse with theyr mouthes and curse with their hartes It is not vnknowen what hath bene concluded in the Councell of Trent what confederacie and conspiracie the Romayne Antichrist hath made with other great Princes against the doctrine of God and such as professe it What force tirannie hath bene vsed to suppresse the children of God what pollicies and practises bothe at home and abroade haue bene and are dayly put in executiō to hinder the course of the Gospell what lies and slaunders are dayly raysed what quarels are inuēted what falsehoode and dissimulation is in euery place practised to kéepe the most parte of men frō the knowledge of truth whereby as we sée the woordes of Dauid verified in the wicked dealyng of this miserable age so haue we iust cause to complaine with him and not onely to proclayme with confidence the like ende to mischieuous men but also to arme our selues against al assaultes that are made to driue or drawe vs from the truth professed Yea it behoueth vs herein to care for other not for our selues onely least by vs any be discouraged where they ought to be comforted or hindred where they ought to be furdered For the vengeaunce is fearefull whiche our Sauiour pronounceth where he saith woo to him by whome Offence cōmeth the charge is not smal which he giueth to his where he willeth that their light so shine before mē that their good woorkes may be séene to the glory of their Father whiche is in Heauen whereof it followeth that God would not haue vs by any meanes to discourage but rather to encourage neither to disswade but rather by all meanes to perswade and allure all sortes of men as much as in vs lieth to the loue and likyng of Gods eternall truth This point of duetie God requireth by his Prophete Esay aswell of Princes as of Pastors when in the kingdome of Christe he biddeth them goe through goe through the gates prepare you the way for the people cast vp cast vp the waye gather out the stones set vp a standarte for the people So God woulde haue all impedimentes remoued so he would that men should be prouoked to the kingedome of Christe Whereunto this treatise written by that excellent instrumēt of God maister Iohn Caluine very much auayleth for in it he purposely entreateth of such Offences stumblinge blockes as at this daye make many men either to feare or to abhorre the doctrine of the Gospell it serueth wel for this our countrie in this light of truth offered to conuince the obstinate to confirme the wéeke to stay the waueryng to instruct the ignoraunt and to occasion all men with reuerence to receiue the glad tidinges of the Gospell and that without delay least for our vnthankefulnesse the publique profession thereof beynge taken awaye it be to late for vs to séeke oyle when we should be readie to enter with the Bridegrome Wherefore I could not deuise how my endeuour might better be employed then in the translation of suche a treatice as remouyng al lettes maketh streight vnto vs the waye of Saluation And because your Lordshippes good gouernment conuersation in these North partes of Englande hath furdered not a fewe to the light of true Religion I thought it most conuenient to be dedicated and presented vnto your Honour as vnto one whom to this day neither prosperitie nor aduersitie coulde make ashamed of Christe crufisied not for that I thinke the matter cōteyned in this Booke néedeth the defence of any man for it rather defendeth then craueth defence but because I truste that other shall be more willinge to receiue it and vse it to their comforte cōmoditie when they sée it after a sorte conueyed and commended vnto them as it were from your Lordeships handes And although my trauaile herein may séeme very smal yet my hope is that your Honour of your accustomed goodnesse will accept it as the testimonie of a duetifull minde as God hath geuen you a singuler desire to aduaunce his glorie and benefite his Churche so I truste ye shall haue no small occasion hereby to continewe procéede therein Notwithstandynge the manifolde impedimentes of these perilous times when Sathan by all meanes séeketh in stayinge the sincere preachinge of Gods most holy woorde to scatter the people into sectes Scismes ▪ and by raysinge of dissention in opinions to slaunder and defame the doctrine of truth against whose subtiltie it behoueth all such as God hath aduaunced to authoritie to labour especially y t the publique preachynge of Gods eternall truthe be furdered mainteyned
bragge them selues of the title of Religion Wherfore let this malicious opiniō take his leaue and be packinge that libertie to doo naughtely springeth out of the doctrine of the Gospell bycause it draweth wickednesse out of his lurkyng holes into the open light And rather let vs be glad of this that the thoughtes are discouered out of the hartes of many howbeit of this matter there is another reason also to be marked namely whē some vtterly refuse the grace of the Gospel offred vnto them some disdeinfully sippe of it a little with their lippes and othersome proudely caste it of from them hauinge receiued it before doth not the vnthankfulnesse of them all deserue that God should punish it sore And vndoubtedly he punisheth sore in déede whē takynge away the fealinge of Religion he casteth them headlong into this horrible blindnesse As many men therefore as we sée at this day like Lucian scoffe and iest at the whole Religion of Christe as many also as we sée like Epycures set themselues to sale to all kinde of naughtinesse without the feare of God so many examples of Goddes vengeance let vs know to be set before our eyes which may commende vnto vs the woorthinesse and preciousnesse of the Gospell Paule sayeth that they were woorthely giuen ouer to a reprobate minde and to filthie and shamefull lustes who vniustly suppressed such knowledge of God as may be conceiued by the onely beholdynge of the worlde to the entent that they which had defrauded God of his honour beyng subiect to vtter reproche mighte receiue the deserued hyre of their vnthankefulnesse The greater sacriledge that the contempt of the Gospell is so much the lesse maruell it is if crueller punishment be taken thereof And why so For shall we confesse that they deserued to be punished who through theyr slouthfulnesse suffered the little sparkes to be quēched whiche appeared in the framynge of the worlde and would we haue them fréely mocke God who of wilfull malice doo ouerwhelme extinguish the full brightnesse of the glory of God shinyng in his Gospell But if it bée very good Iustice that God punishe grieuously the contēpt and castyng away of his grace why are we offended to sée the same punishment whiche is cōmendable put in execution nay rather it would become vs as I haue sayd alreadie that like as by this meanes God auoucheth the maiestie of his Gospell so the reuerence thereof shoulde be stablished in our mindes howe can the Gospell be entertained as it is woorthie whereby he offereth and giueth him selfe to vs in the person of his sonne And yet many doo scarce vouchsaufe the common honour vpon this incōparable threasure some treade it vnderfoote some without remorse of conscience preferre the vayne pleasures of the world before it and many as though it were some maygame doo turne it in iestynge to a heathenishe pastime but what followed theruppon whereas before was at leaste yet some feare of God settled in their mindes now like a sorte of dogges they barke agaynst God And in this their sharpnes of witte they greatly delight them selues or rather take themselues for halfe Goddes bicause they dare turne vp their tayles against the cloudes But if it be a monstruous thyng for a man to be turned into a beast they are so muche the more to be lamented in that thei are not touched with any sorrowe for their euill they laugh smoothely at the foolish toyes of the Papistes but themselues are vnwoorthie that euer they shoulde returne to the papistrie for it is not conuenient that their ende should be like other mennes who haue partly had in derision and partly in contempt the holy bloud of Christe the euerlastyng truth of God and the light of life And assuredly the contempte of the Gospell whiche nowe reigneth is a certaine foretoken of some beastly kinde of life For seinge that this is the laste remedie to cure mens vices namely when God shineth vpon them with his Gospel whome soeuer this remedie helpeth not it is most certaine that they are incurable and they whiche wittingly and willingly doo either iest away or driue away their Phisicion doo wilfully procure thēselues any death Nowe to conclude this title suche as déeme vngodlinesse a heynous mischief as it is in déede thei iudge by the grieuousnesse of the punishment in how ill parte the Lord taketh the contempt of his Gospell and by warnynge therof are confirmed in faith obedience to him It is knowen to euery man that Agrippa Villanouan Delet and suche like did like Giauntes with one eye in theyr forehead fearyng neither God nor manne euer presumptuously despise the Gospell at the last they fell to suche madnesse outrage that they not onely spewed out moste abhominable blasphemies against the sonne of God but as much as perteineth to the life of y e soule did thinke themselues to differ nothinge from Dogges and Hogges Othersome as Rabelayse Deper and Gouean after they had tasted of the Gospell were striken with the same blindnesse And why happened this but bicause they had by their wicked malapertnesse of iestynge scoffynge heretofore profaned that holy pledge of eternall life I name a fewe whosoeuer are of the same stampe let vs know that the Lord doth as it were with his finger pointe them out to vs for an example to the entent we shoulde carefully continew in the race of our vocation least the like happen vnto vs. Furthermore forasmuch as these forlorne men by theyr slidynge or rather by their headlong fallynge downe doo not onely offende the weake but also doo shead abroade the poyson of their vngodlines to the entent to bring al the world in beliefe that there is no God I muste set my selfe at defence against this stumblyng blocke also And that doth the holy Ghost while he warneth vs that there shall come mockers whiche shall trouble our hope with skoffinges but the same spirite affirmeth that vnstable soules shalbe in daunger of theyr enticements To the entent therfore that we maye be out of perill we must gather strength in Christe It is a solemne custome amonge these vnpure Dogges that the more libertie thei haue to belk out blasphemies the more they playe the scoffers So by their mery iestyng in talkynge at the table they girde at all the principles of Religion And first of all they winde themselues into their matter by ouerthwart nippes or couert conceytes howbeit all tendeth to this end to blurre out of mēs mindes all feare of God for at length they burst out into this opinion that all Religions are deuised of mans brayne that there is a God bicause men liste to beleue so that the hope of the life to come was inuented to foode foorth the simple withall and that the dread of doomes day is but a bug to feare childrē with These songes of the Meremaydes are to apt to delight the eares of many men but it is suche eares as are alreadie tickled
any hartie women whiche the women y t Flaūders the Countie of Arthoys hath brought foorth a tenne yéeres agoe doo not matche Shall then the false forsakyng of a few ouerthrow our faith shall that same holy bloud whereof euery droppe are seales to as many godly hartes vanish away without estimatiō or strength Although it be so vile to thē yet shall it not be without glorie before God Neyther shall they scape vnpunisshed for accompaniyng themselues wilfully to their owne decaye the miserable forsakers of Christe and for neglectynge them that with stretched out handes call vs vnto Heauen I come to that let which in our time hath kept many from cōmyng any thing neare to Christe For they haue séene the chiefe Doctors of the newespringynge Churhe not onely disagrée among themselues in contrarie opinions but also sharpely encounter one against another Here a doubt entered into their mindes how much thei were to be beleued that at the first beginnynge dissented Yea and feare came vpon them least they shoulde vnaduisedly leape so farre as frō whence they mighte not retyre Specially that same vnhappie contention as touchynge the Sacramentes it can scarsly be expressed how many mens mindes it troubled Howe singular a practise of Sathan this was to caste a chokepeare into fearefull consciences I my selfe haue proued to mine owne harme But like as I afterwarde perceiued my selfe to haue bene rather hindred by mine owne fault than withhelde by any iust cause so I am not afraide to giue the same iudgement vpō all other men I confesse there is in suche disagréements that whiche maye perce those that be alreadie méetely well cōfirmed and much more those that be vnskilful and nouices But I say men ought to gather their wittes about them that thei may continewe in goyng towarde him who is neuer sought in vaine For it was not to the entent to deceiue vs that he promised that if we knocke it shalbe opened vnto vs that if we aske it shall be giuen vnto vs. They whiche boaste themselues to be deteined still in Papistrie for the hatred they beare to the dissensions which they sée in our parte haue no colour of excuse I speake of a thyng to well knowen There is no point of Religion wherof their schoole diuines doo not dayly contende How contrarie their opinions be howe hatefully they sometime carpe and sometime gyrde one another theyr owne bookes beare witnesse Yea rather they count it a glorious matter to professe diuerse sectes And therefore the innumerable brawlinges and bickerings of the Papistes doo nothing offende these good men and yet one siely disagréement amonge vs so woundeth them that they vtterly abhorre frō al the whole doctrine Surely in one thinge the Papistes are to agréeable that is in bablynge who may bable moste against the Gospell no lesse leudly than stubburnely mainteyninge theyr owne wicked superstitions But when they come amonge themselues againe they doo nothynge els than striue one against another with hoarce and cōfused chattering I know that the Mōkes and other bablers of the same heare are so brazen faced and so farre paste all shame y t they scarre the siely people from takyng any tast of the Gospell chiefly by this reason bicause we are not fully agreed amonge our selues As though the walles of schooles did not sounde agayne of theyr contentions As though all their bookes as is aforesaide were not stuffed with repugnant sentences But I maruell not that they doo so malapertly who take lamentable wickednesse for vertue But howe commeth it to passe that well sighted men to whome none of these thinges y t I speake of is vnknowē doo pretende thēselues to be moued with this Argument Is not this as muche as to shunne the light of set purpose And in so doyng they vaunt of their owne wisedome that they entangle not themselues in daungerous dissentions deridyng thē as takinge no héede who neuerthelesse dare séeke the way of Saluation But in asmuch as I sée no better remedie to correct theyr pryde with than to set them lighte I turne me to the simple who knowyng their owne vnskilfulnesse had rather absteyne from desire of scarchyng out the truthe than to put themselues in perill of errynge When on the one side Luther and on the other side Oecolampadius Zwinglius employed theyr labour earnestly to restore Christes kingdome that same vnhappie contention concernynge the holy Supper of the Lorde rose priuely vp into the societie wherof many others were drawen That from the conflict of these graunde Capitaynes there came fearfulnesse into the hartes of the rawe Souldiers it is more to be lamented than to be wōdered at notwithstandinge the rawe Souldiers are to be admonished that they be not troubled out of measure in asmuche as it is an aūcient pollicie of Sathan to drawe the seruants of God otherwise well minded to strife amonge them selues to the entēt he may hinder the course of the wholesome doctrine who would willingly yéelde to the snares of the Deuill So the dissension betwene Paule Barnabas procéeded euen to open defiance So the dissention betwene the same Paule and Peter did burst out into manifest conflict In these thrée al men acknowledge as I sayd the pollicie of Sathan and why thē are they blinde in this present businesse where theyr owne saluation is handled Some 〈◊〉 will make exceptions that those cōtentions were not touching the doctrine What when some woulde néedes haue the Ceremonies of Moyses lawe kepte still did not the doctrine come in questiō But the Scisme procéeded so farre foorth that it deuided in maner al the Churches will thei say it had bene méete the Gospel should haue bene reiected for that dissentions sake It is well knowen that Luther and they that stoode in contention with him were wise men and garnished with singular giftes of God In y e whole summe of godlinesse thei agreed wonderfull well They taught as it were with one mouth which was the right and sincere woorshippe of God to purge the same from innumerable superstitions Idolatries to set it from mens leude gloses was theyr whole endeuour Ouerthrowyng the affiance in woorkes wherewith miserable men were made dronken and altogither bewitched they taught that al Saluation was layde vp in the grace of Christe The powre of Christe which eyther had bene cast vnder foote or els laye drowned they nobly aduaunced againe Which is the true order of callynge vpon God what is the operacion and nature of Repentance wherof faith springeth and what fruites it bringeth foorth whiche is the lawfull gouernement of the Church they teache without any variablenesse at all Onely in the Sacraments there was some disagreemēt And yet I dare auouch this without rashnesse that vnlesse theyr mindes had bene partly exasperate with ouermuch earnestnesse of the contentiōs and partly filled with wronge suspitiōs the controuersie was not so greate but that it might easely haue bene recōciled But if in that heate of
vncleannesse The Papistes extolt virginitie with wonderfull commendatiōs to the entēt they may séeme like the Angels whosoeuer abhorreth mariage As who should say they had wōne at our handes that out of mariage there were nothynge but all chaste and virginlyke But they séeme to haue theyr beds voide of wiues of theyr owne for this purpose onely that they themselues may be occupied in defilynge other mens For who knoweth not how it is a common saying amonge them that seyng a Monke or a Priest is disbarred the right of takyng a wife as all other men doo it is good right and reason he should helpe him selfe some other way And to the entēt there should be no default on their parte almost all of thē follow lustely this kinde of hunting There is no fitter pursute for Bawdry than confession as whereby they doo not onely wind into their owne clawes such womē as are giltie of any misbehauiour but also doo assigne them ouer from one to another and therefore nowe the matter is come to this point that such as are contented with Lemans in theyr houses are counted amonge the rest to be chaste and temperate Theyr priuie filthinesse vnspeakeable incest I omit And surely I would not meddle with these neyther though they be commonly knowen but that it is néedefull the Readers should be admonished by the waye howe honestly the aduersaries of our doctrine deale with vs while they accuse it of dissolute licentiousnesse bicause it permitteth lawfull mariage for the amendment of so cruell mischieues Though they burst whiche cease not to adorne with forged prayses the constreined singlenesse of the popishe Cleargie yet it is moste certaine that in most part of them is the bottomlesse pitte of all vncleannesse I saye that in them which séeme to be chaste is neuerthelesse an vnpure puddle With such partly priuie flames of lustes specially manifest abhominatiōs doth God as ye may perceiue reuenge that Diuelishe audacitie for that despisinge y e benefite of mariage like Giauntes they buylde Babilonishe towres wherewith to vanquish God and nature by plaine force And so it behoued to come to passe that at least wise men might learne that and none other to be the true chastitie whiche Gods rule prescribeth vnto vs. But bycause we restraine the beastly lasciuiousnesse wherof there is no measure in the Papistrie by the bridle of wedlocke we are reported to disanull modestie by settinge carnall libertie at large And what maruell is it seinge that Christe and Paule were vpbrayded with the like thinge as if they had broken the yoke of the lawe for the nonce to the entent that men might vse theyr willes in stéede of lawe For they woulde not haue purged their doctrine frō slaunders so carefully but if they had bene compelled by the lewdnesse spightfull maliciousnesse of theyr enemies But as many as be curable I trust they wilbe pacified with this shorte excuse that they forge not a stumblynge blocke to themselues of so light and friuolous a matter This also hath some colour that our doctrine is disagreable to antiquitie and the consent of all ages And therefore the Papistes bragge thēselues most therein specially when with blowynge of trumpettes they sounde those highe names of the Fathers and the Church Bicause it is knowen well inough how odious and suspected a thynge newnesse in Religion is vnder the same pretence they fray the vnskilfull from our doctrine And I confesse surely that if any newe thinge be brought it is not to be heard But of this crime there is no better or certainer purgation than that we will nothinge to be admitted onlesse it be proued by cléere substātiall testimonies of the Scripture And herein it appeareth that the Papistes are duller than Oxen Asses whiche at leastwise knowe theyr stall who hauinge forged to themselues a newcome God haue so forgottē the true and euerlastynge God that they haue no sight at all in the antiquitie of the heauenly Oracles Notwithstanding they alledge that we pretende Scripture falsely who endeuer to subuert all the consent of the aūciēt Church It is a cōmon old stale slaūder of theirs but yet so foolishe that I would be ashamed to bestow muche time in confutinge it besides that a longe volume were néedefull for the matter And our bookes doo abūdantly beare witnesse that if the allegations of the olde men be sought our cace is by them more furthered than hindered Albeit it be manifest inough that the doctrine of the auncient Fathers is no more agréeable with the corruptions of Papistrie than a shéepe is like a Woulfe yet notwithstādyng they picke out certeine sayinges of theirs and sometime also woordes as peruersely as lewdly wherewith to deceiue the rude and suche as are not exercised in the readyng of them As often as we obiect the testimonies of the Fathers against thē although they sée themselues ouerwhelmed with the weight and number of thē yet bicause they thinke themselues to be out of all daunger of gūne shot they carelesly despise vs and laugh at vs. For the Sea Apostolicke is so great that it easely swalloweth vp all the Doctors that euer were Neyther is any thing readier with them than this exception that they passe nothinge for any determinations of the Fathers as long as the holy sea of Rome hath decreed otherwise Therefore amōg them all the whole companie of the Fathers shal not be estéemed at a heare onlesse they list thēselues but if any thinge perchaunce hath bene spoken by any one of them dnaduisedly it muste by and by binde vs with so great deuotion that it is vnlawfull to dissent from it neuer so little I saye once againe that this prodigious confused Chaos of the Papistrie is so vnlike the auncient gouernement of the Church as that there is not more difference betwene fire and water But if we séeme to eger full of clamour in condemnynge them the Fathers woulde be much more vehemēt if they liued at this day Take this too that these good sonnes which tosse the name of the Fathers to fro like a tennisball séeme to choose al the grossest errours for the nonce wherunto onlesse we giue our assent they crie out vppon vs that we are the enemies of all antiquitie Melchisedech offered bread wine to Abraham as he returned frō battell The olde doctors thinke it a sacrifice which thyng they haue transferred to the holy supper of Christ. It is almost a childishe errour And yet of theyr so famous wrytinges nothinge liketh the Papistes so well Now least I should stande to lōg vpon this parte they that haue perused the writinges of the Fathers and can iudge but meanely shall sufficiently vnderstande that we are furnisshed with theyr authoritie to assault the Papacie And though they were layde as indifferent betwene bothe yet will they drawe nearer vnto vs. Wherupon then is builded suche a pile of Offences But what if we graunt that the pure veritie of