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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07828 Two treatises concerning regeneration, 1. Of repentance, 2. Of the diet of the soule shewing the one, how it ought to be sought after and may be attained vnto, the other, how it being gotten, is to be preserued and continued. Morton, Thomas, of Berwick. 1597 (1597) STC 18200.5; ESTC S4792 100,213 251

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his company presence where they did daily see and behold his wisedome how much more shal we account our selues happie when as we are in the cōpanie house presence of God beholding the wonderfull misteries of his wisedome laide open before our eies the which passeth the wisedome of Salomon and of al the men in the world further then the great Ocean doth a drop of water And surely whosoeuer can and doth by the grace of God seriously consider the dealing of God with his Church from time to time the tragicall end of the reprobate liuing here for a time in all iollity and pleasure the happie estate abiding the godly who in this world are miserably afflicted the fall of man comming of his owne wilfulnesse the saluation and regeneration of the elect proceeding from the mercy loue of God He that compareth the law with the gospel the babish estate of the Church of the Iewes with the Churches vnder the Gospel being come to ripenesse and perfection the agreement of the tipes with the bodies the wisdome contained in the iudicial lawes of Moses And lastly he that cōsidereth the incarnation death resurrection of Christ with the ●est of points of christian religion shal vndoutedly see wil cōfesse that al the wisest lawes the deepest deuises counsels of the greatest and most subtile politicians that euer liued the learnedest works of the wittiest philosophers and schoolemen are but meere foolery seely shifts yea he shal be compelled to crie out say with the Apostle Rom. 11. O the riches of depth of the wisedome and knowledge of God how vnsearchable are his iudgements and his wayes past finding And 1. Tim. 3.16 Without controuersie great is the mistery of godlinesse God manifested in the flesh iustified in the spirit seene of angels preached vnto the gentiles beleeued in the world and receiued vp in glorie Neither can any man answer say I confesse indeed that there are notable points of wisedome to be seene in the word of God in the hearing cōsidering wherof I haue takē great delight but I haue heard thē so often reiterated that nowe it is irksome to me to heare the word preached for as the wise man saith euen the hony combe the sweetest thing in the world is lothsome to the ful stomacke But we cannot be thus affected toward the word of God and the wisedome of God therein contained the which is so infinit that it can neuer be sounded to the bottome and fully comprehended by the mind and therefore it commeth forth euery day new and fresh not cloying the hea●er but inflaming him more and more with a desire of hearing and learning Of other things it is truely said that a wonder lasteth but nine dayes for that nothing hapneth so strange but that the cause of it at length will bee found out but the wonderfull things of the law of God do more amaze him that hath spent al his time in the se●ious contempl●tion of them then him who i● a nouice in the schoole of Christ. Thus we are to thinke of the word of God and thus we ought to stirre vp in our selues a greedie and vnsati●ble appetite of it yea great care and attention in hearing it yea they wh●m God hath endued with most excellent spirituall gifts and the greatest measure of knowledge ought not to think themselues exempted frō this duty of continuall attentiue hearing of gods word as no man is so strong in bodie that he may abstaine from meate because hee is by the word of God both to restore that spirituall strength which is daily weakened by the corruption of sin and also to encrease his strength til he come to some ripenesse in Christ. But contrarily he is with great care ioy and pleasure to giue himselfe to the hearing of Gods word when soeuer iust occasion is giuen Sect. 3. FVrther as it is not sufficient for the feeding of the body that meate be receiued into the stom●cke for that if by any infirmitie thereof it be straightway voyded it doth not any iot nourish the bodie no more will it serue for the feeding of our soules that we heare the word with great ioy delight yea with care and attention vnlesse also we remember and so keepe it in our soules This point of spiritual Diet is necessarily to be regarded for that many faile in it who do in some measure heare aright as many haue an insatiable appetite in deuouring meate who cannot keepe it for any space of time This we see both in the parable of the seed Luke 8.13 and also in daily experience whereof the one saith that many heare the worde with ioy but it taketh no roote in them the other sheweth vs by the vnfruitful and barren professions of many Christians that bee daily and attentiue hearers of the word that they let it soone slip out of their mindes for that otherwise it could not possibly but bring forth some fruit in their liues The meanes of remembring the word preached are these first carefull attention for nothing cā be remembred which is not first minded marked secondly to repeate with others either with our friendes in way of con●erence discussing euery point seuerally to see what is doubtful or manifest what singular and excellent or vsuall for as in the word of God so in the sayings of men some are more notable then others or with those who are any way committed to our charge in way of examination as our wiues childrē seruants schollers and such others But of all other the surest way to remember the word is application when as both in and after the hearing of it we consider how it concerneth our selues or any other what experiments wee haue had of the truth of it and how it will make for our spirituall edification whereunto if practise be ioyned then we make it our owne for euer Thus we being carcful in receiuing the food of the word of God preached and as Christ warneth vs taking heed how we heare it cannot be but that by the blessing of God wee shall continue and increase the spirituall health of our soules Sect. 4. IN this publike banket which God maketh in his church for the refreshing strengthning and feeding of the soules of his children besides the ministerie of the word which hath the first the chiefe place there is a second seruice to wit the sacraments appointed for the same end being the word of God as the other althogh in another forme and is as it were prepared after another maner They nourish the soule in that they increase in vs knowledge faith mortification of sinne and all the parts of new obedience when as the true vse end and significatiō of thē is duly weighed as namely in Baptisme which is the sacrament of the lawe and of death the mortification both of our soules for the guilt of sinne and also of the corruption of sinne inherent in our soules signified
to a treasure lying hid in the fielde and beeing founde by him who looked for no such thing in that place And thus wee neede not doubt but that many comming to heare Gods worde for fashions sake or in a wicked desire of hindering it and hurting the professours of it haue bene of a suddaine wonderfully conuerted and effectually renued Thus it pleaseth God sometymes to worke regeneration without any meanes that it may bee seene to come not from anie vertue inherent in the meanes but from the powerfull operation of his spirite yet this is not his ordinarie and vsuall manner of working according to the which hee doth nothing without some kinde of meanes no not in miraculous and supernaturall actions wherin the meanes doth not helpe forward the matter any iot but onely is vsed for a shew or colour to hide the immediate working of God whose glory it is to ke●pe himselfe his counsels iudgements and manner of working secrete and hid from the eies of men as we read Pro. 25.25 Thus he healed N●aman by washing him in Iordan and the sicke in the primitiue church by anoynting them with oile And thus he raised the widowes sonne 2. King 4 35. from death by laying the warme bodie of Elizeus vppon his dead and colde bodie and thus hee healeth the sickenesses of the soule yea restoreth it frō death to life by the preaching of the word in all which miraculous actions the meanes are not in any respectable to bring forth the effect yet they haue in them a vertue tending to that end wherto the effect may easely bee ascribed by carnall and ignoraunt men So that although GOD can alwayes and dooth at some times worke regeneration without meanes yet ordinarilye hee vseth meanes the neglect or contempt whereof is an impious tempting of God and presuming of his goodnesse Henc● it is that regeneration hath place and is to bee found not among the Iewes Turkes Moores and other Infidelles but onely in the Church of God wherein his worde is preached his Sacraments administred and all other meanes of beginning and continuing grace daily vsed yea of Churches professing the name of Christ as some are more pure and sound in doctrine more diligent and zealous in seruing God and in vsing all Christian exercises so they haue oftner experience of this miraculous worke of God putting his helping hand to the godly endeuours of his seruants Yea of Christians those who are carefull and painfull in seeking and seruing God are farre lyker to attaine to grace then they who are otherwise euen as they are liker to retaine and recouer their health who are carefull in vsing a competent diet of meate and medicine then they who do carelesly distemper thēselues in sicknesse and in health nor regarding what things are wholsome or hurtfull for them Sect. 5. THus much of the fals● conceats or errors conceaued of regeneration by ●he which men are hindred from seeking it the first being the ignorance of spiri●● all regeneration the second despaire of obtaining it by any means the third presumption or a perswasion of getting it without meanes Nowe wee come to the other hinderances whereof to let the rest passe these three are most vsuall the first is infidelitie Atheisme the second worldly cares and pleasures the third is offence taken at those who professe this regeneratiō For the first although it may seeme a thing not to be named in the Church of God yet many of those who professe themselues to be Christians haue in their hearts and mindes no other religion then Atheisme no God but their owne bellies no hope of any other world then this which they presently enioy They say in their hearts that there is no God nor diuell no heauen nor hell no reward for the godly nor punishment appointed for the wicked no truth in the scripture and that it is but folly to serue God or at the least they do so doubt of the truth of these things that they are not by the cōsideration of them either moued to any good or restrained from any euill as the apostle writeth to the Corinthians among whom the doctrine of the resurrection from death was called in question that some of them were ignorant of god that is were meere Atheists That this is the religion of many christians it appeareth both by their liues dealings which are altogither void of conscience and the feare of God and also by the plaine and voluntarie confession of the simpler sort being by sickenesse feare hope loue or anie other meanes made to declare their conscience in this behalfe These men cannot possiblie seeke for regeneration seeing that they make no account of eternall saluation wherevnto it leadeth And therefore this hinderance cannot be taken away but by proouing that there is a God who hath promised and will certainly perfourme it eternall saluation vnto all those that seeke for it as they ought to do But wee are not heere to take in hande the demonstration of the principles of religion the which requireth manie seuerall tractates Yet as touching this ignoraunce of GOD the which contayneth in it all errours whatsoeuer it may bee refuted by as manie arguments as there are creatures in the worlde all which ioyntlie and seuerallie doo preach and make manifest the Deitie power wisedome and goodnesse of GOD to all those who are not wilfully blinde and doo not put out their owne eyes not onelie to Christians liuing in the Church as in the cleare light of the word of God by euen to Infidelles remayning in darknesse and in their naturall blindnesse as wee reade Roman 2.20 The Godheade that is the eternitie and power of God may be behelde in the creatures For wee must of necessitie suppose some infinite power by the which they were made and are continually ordered and preserued and some great king and monarch hauing authoritie ouer the whole world and who will one day call all his subiects to account and giue vnto euerie one according to their workes The greatest obiection which the minde of man maketh agaynst the Godheade and the most forcible motiue to this infidelitie is the inuisibilitie and insensible secrecie of GOD and of his actions in that hee dooth not continuallie shewe foorth his omnipotencie in newe and straunge myracles his iustice in punishing sinne and rewarding good deedes his presence in hearing those that pray vnto him but suffereth all things to go according to the ordinarie course of Nature yea as if hee had layde aside the administration of the worlde the wicked to prospe● and the godly to be afflicted A● for the creation of the world although in it selfe it bee the greatest miracle that can be yet it being daily and continualle behold ceaseth to driue men to admiration or to acknowledge the power of God as the common prouet be sayth that a wonder lasteth but nine dayes Yea this secrecie of God is greater now in the time of the Gospel and in these
grace if hee may what difference there is betwixt him and a carnall man we answere that regeneration is the roote and the possibilitie but not the act of all graces as a liuing bodie although naturally it bee thee subiect of sense yet some one part of it may be benummed and senslesse so the soule of one regenerate hath in it at least the beginnings and seedes of all graces howsoeuer some of them at some tymes doo not woorke or appeare whereas a carnall man is altogither destitute yea vncapable of them Among these particular diseases the first place is giuen to the diseases of the mind the which are three in number conceate errour and ignoranc● of Gods particular prouidence Conceate is a fonde opinion which a man hath of his own excellency in respect of others esteeming himselfe more iust wise and holy then any other and therefore more highly in Gods fauour and more worthie to bee honoured among men This proceedeth from that selfe loue which is naturally in euery man yea in euery liuing thing by the which he is mooued to desire and to endeuour the aduancing of himselfe and the bettering of his owne estate for the which purpose hee hath his minde continually set and fixed on those thinges wherein his excellencie doth consist and so fitting his opinion to his desire and affection thinketh them to bee mo and greater and himselfe more excellent in respect of them then he is in deed Thus are not onely carnall men in regarde of outward blessings and naturall gifts but euen the godly often puffed vp in pride in regard of spirituall graces seeing themselues to be aduanced to so high a dignitie as far passing the common condition of men as the heauen is higher then the earth as wisdom is better then folly light then darkenesse holinesse then sinfulnesse and happinesse then eternall miserie Yea as they haue a more certaine knowledge of their owne gifts and graces which they feele wrought and working in their heartes and liues then of other men which they but coniecture and of other mens wants infirmities sinnes and faults then of their owne wherof they cannot abide to thinke or heare so they thinke farre better of themselues then of others This corruption dooth manie wayes shewe forth it selfe as namely in insolent talke and behauior in obstinate maintaining of erroneous opinions and vnlawfull or vnmeete practises and especially in contempt of our brethren their companie giftes opinions in t●o sparing acknowledging of their vertues and graces But it is carefully to bee resisted and auoyded as beeing displeasing yea odious to GOD who resisteth the proude and giueth grace to the humble and in whose eyes nothing is more acceptable then a meeke and lowlie spirite as also hurtfull to our selues in that it maketh vs obstinate and incorrigible in errors and sinnes and depriueth vs of that good and comfort which might bee reaped by the giftes and companie of our brethren whereof wee may reape great profite and comfort The remedie of this disease is the consideration not of our gifts and graces but of our wayes sinnes the which no doubt will pull downe these peacockes feathers and make vs base yea vile in our owne eies By this reason the Apostle exhorteth the Romans Rom. 12.3 not to be drunke and besotted with any great conceate of themselues but rather to thinke soberly and modestly of themselues for that God hath giuen his graces not all to any one least hee should haue matter of pride but some to euerie one that none should bee subiect to the contempt of others Wherein the great wisedome and godnesse of God is to be considered praised and admired who doth so temper his graces bestowed on the faithfull with their owne wants and sinnes that neither the one is able to lift vppe the minde too high in vaine conceates nor the other to presse it downe too lowe with disgrace but supplyeth the greatest wantes with other most excellent and rare giftes and qualifyeth the abundance of grace with some great want or grieuous sinne as wee are taught by the examples of Lot Noah Dauid and Salomon that the most haynous and horrible sinnes haue beene found in the holiest men and extreeme folly in the mirror of wisdome Sect. 8. THe second disease of the minde is errour the which vsually commeth of conceate and dooth accompanie it Where we do not meane any light errours in matters of small importance for no man either is or can bee free from these as long as he is in this world but such as are neare about the foundation and substance of Christian Religion which may seeme to endaunger a mans saluation as about Christ his incarnation passiō natures about the manner or matter of our iustification the Church or Sacraments or any other waightie poynt Yet not any such errour maketh a spirituall disease but onely when as it hapneth in a time of light and knowledge wherein the contrarie truth is both plainly reuealed by God and also generally or at least commonly acknowledged by the Church Otherwise if it be a time of ignorance and darknesse wherein that truth is reuealed the most grieuous errour that is doth not argue the distemperature of the soule or make a spirituall disease as we know no man accounteth him either blind or ill sighted who cannot see and discerne things in the night or in the darke dungeon or him to bee of an euill constitution of body who is infected with a common sicknesse or plague But it commeth often to passe that the faithfull are ignoraunt when they might see the truth it being by others seene and acknowledged In this case great errors argue an euill constitution of the mind an vnsound iudgement yea they make our regeneration to be doubted of and cald into question For this is a property of a mind sanctified and enlightned by Gods spirit if not to search and find out the truth when it is vnknowen yet to acknowledge and receiue it when it is offered But notwithstanding all this it cannot be denied for the experience of all ages doth witnesse it that men truely regenerat may both liue and die in great and most dangerous errours yea when as the truth is both expounded to them by others and also sought for by their owne labour and continuall study The remedie of this disease consisteth in these things First that wee suspect our selues in those opinions wherein wee disagree from those who are godly and learned knowing that they haue the spirite of God to leade and guide them into all truth as well as wee Secondly in knowing that God doth often suffer them to fall into gre●u●us errours to whom he doth shew great fauour not onely in their regeneration but also in immediate and extraordinary reuelations So wee read Deut. 13. If there arise among you a Prophet a dreamer of dreames and giue thee a signe or wonder and it come to passe saying let vs serue strange