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A68462 The right, and prerogatiue of kings against Cardinall Bellarmine and other Iesuites. Written in French by Iohn Bede, aduocate in the court of Parliament of Paris, and published by authority. Translated by Robert Sherwood.; Droit des roys, contre le cardinal Bellarmin et autres jésuites. English. Bédé de la Gormandière, Jean.; Sherwood, Robert. 1612 (1612) STC 1782; ESTC S113797 80,394 213

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who established the Priests in their charge yea Salomon deposed the Priest Abiathar And Nehemias restored the seruice of God caused the Law to be read and enterpreted making the people to vnderstand it by reading And if the Spirit of God taught Nehemiah this forme of enterpreting the Law by the holy Scripture which conteined then but the bookes of Moses and a few others of the old Testament how dare men taxe the Scripture of obscurity now that it is illustrate with the Commentaries of the Gospell of the Sonne of God and with the gloses of the Apostles Euangelists Certaine it is that this forme of enterpreting the Scripture by it selfe wil not be reiected vnlesse it be of such as the Apostle speaketh of 2. Cor. 4.3 If our Gospell be hid it is hid to them that perish in whom the God of this world hath blinded the mindes Now all those Princes were not Priests and therefore did nothing but in the quality of Kings exercising the charges depending of the Crowne True it is that sometimes one and the same man was both King and Priest as Melchizedec but it was in asmuch as he figured the onely King Priest and eternall Prophet of his Church to wit our Sauiour And if Cardinall Bellarmine will at this day bring in a mixt power into the Church either hee will make vs still in expectation of the Messias by such figures or will manifest vnto vs vnder the Gospell that which Pope Nycholas speaketh of in these termes Nichol. Epist 8. Before the comming of CHRIST some haue bene typically Priests and Kings as Melchizedec which the Deuill would imitate in his members Out of which words may be gathered that if there bee found since the publication of the Gospell any person exercising both the functions that hee is a member of the Diuell according to the opinion of Pope Nicholas who fauoureth not in that the Bishops that be Lords Temporall and Spirituall And as Kings fully discharging their office were blessed of God so they tooke not vpon them any thing pertaining to the office of the Priests and Leuites neither intermedled they with making vnleauened cakes sacrificing of Calues or sprinkling of the bloud vpon the Altar for in this case it was permitted the Priests to reproue and God did punish them for it So Azariah the chiefe Priest said to Vzziah 2. Chron. 26.18 It pertaineth not to thee to burne incense vnto the Lord but to the Priests the sons of Aaron that are consecrated for to offer incense And not onely the chiefe Priest but the least hauing charge in the Church may admonish in conscience in godly manner all Kings Emperours after the example of Nathan and Saint Ambrose Bishop of Milan who shut the Temple against the Emperour Theodosius For it is not a case reserued to the Bishop of the first sea to put Kings in minde of their conscience to make knowne vnto them their sinnes it is the Law of God that speaketh and not man whose person or degree is not considerable but his Diuine commission After this manner vnder the Law yea from Adam vntill our Sauiours comming in the flesh Kings haue behaued themselues with the Priests Christ was borne in the yeare of the world 3963. and all the Church for the space of foure thousand yeares CHAP. IIII. That since the comming of our Lord IESVS in the flesh the authority of Kings ouer Ecclesiasticall persons is not diminished THERE is nothing truer then this Proposition of our Sauiour Mat. 5.17 I am not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it Also Ioh. 18.13 My Kingdome is not of this world Whence it followeth that the Iustice which is Patrimoniall to all Princes is not taken away from them ouer one part of their Subiects That IESVS hath not established any other power aboue their Estate for to dispense their seruants of their allegeance due vnto them that hee hath not taken away from them the command that they had in time of the Law ouer the Church to reforme it ouer the Doctors of the Church to assemble them and ouer the chiefe Priest to depose And therefore Saint Paul saith that Kings are established as well to maintaine piety and religion as honesty and pollicy 1. Tim. 2. To the end saith hee that wee may lead a peaceable and quiet life in all godlinesse and honesty For why should the yoake of the Gospell which CHRIST calleth light to all that will vndergoe it bee heauy on the necke of Kings to whom God giueth titles and prerogatiues aboue all other men calling them the CHRISTS Ier. 4.20 or annointed of the Lord And as our Sauiour is called the light of the Gentiles 2. Sam. 21. 1. King 14. 1. Sam. 13 1● 〈…〉 in the song of Simeon so also is the King called the Lampe of Israel and Moses and Dauid Men of God And in the Psalme speaking of this authority I haue said ye are Gods all children of the most High Whence come then those heresies that already take roote in all the society of new Doctors That Kings are rather slaues their Lords that Popes haue degraded many Emperours Bel. de Pont. lib. 1. c. 5. lib. 3. c. 16. lib. 5. c. 8. Emanuel Sa Iesuite in his Aphorismes Printed at Antwerp v. Princeps v. Clericis but neuer any Emperour deposed one Pope That Bishops may depose Kings and abrogate their Lawes That Ecclesiasticall persons dwelling in a Kingdome are not the Princes subiects and cannot bee iudged by them though they iudge Princes Now who is it that seeth not the iugling deceit of the Iesuites throughout the Chapters of this Treatise neither can the Cardinall bring any reason to the contrary and although wee agree in this that Kings are ordained of God for the people yet wee must discouer the fallacy of these Doctors equiuocating in the word for which is applyable both waies to serue and to command So wee agree that Kings are for the people but it is as the soule is created for the body and the head for the members to wit in a superiour degree to command and not to set the feete aboue the head Thirdly if this Doctor will not attribute to himselfe more authority then CHRIST and the Apostles haue done who in this world subiected themselues to it hee will not hold Kings in the ranke of slaues And if it had bene needfull to abase them in this estate the Lord IESVS had power enough to make the proudest stoope But if neither hee nor his Apostles haue enterprised any such thing then when the Church was in her purity it followeth that the perfection of the State Ecclesiasticall dependeth not on the superiority of Magistrates Soueraigne or subalternall And seeing the Apostle commandeth his successours to bee imitators of him 1. Cor. 11 1. Phil. 3.17 as he is of CHRIST they should say one to another as Christ did of himselfe
before Rome the walles of the Citty fell downe Then hauing entred the Citty and brought forth his Cannon out of Saint Markes for to plant it against the Castell the breach was made without shooting against it but for all that Sananorola was not beleeued because saith the Historie part of the Coūcel were corrupted with money for that the Cardinall of Saint Malo gouerned the Kings treasurie These delaies called to the Crowne King Lewis the twelfth who sent the Cardinall of Amboyse to Trent to the Emperour Maximilian and to Ferdinand King of Arragon to consult about the reformation of the Church not in the members onely but also in the head Which caused Pope Iulius who had a contrary intention to solicite the King of England to diuert Ferdinand from this purpose by giuing him the inuestiture of the Kingdome of Naples and besides to allie himselfe with the Switzers by meanes of a thousand Florins giuen to each Canton The King notwithstanding lost not courage but assembled the Prelates of his owne Kingdome in the Citty of Tours about an hundred yeares agoe in September last See Du Till in the end of his Chronicle and in the same were giuen Catholicke dicisions against the Pope which stands for Law against such as would at this day perswade Frenchmen that they must not succour their confederates nor make warre otherwise then it pleaseth Rome The King did more with the Emperor for he published a Councel at Pisa which the Pope that hee might auert the same assigned at Saint Iohns of Latran In those times was inuaded the Kingdome of Nauarre by Ferdinand of Arragon against King Iohn de Albret whom the Pope had excommunicated in hatred of the succours hee gaue to the King And at that time Ignatius Loyola a Spaniard being hurt and maimed within Pampelune which the King besieged deuised to erect a society of Iesuites that should vphold from thence-forth both the vsurpations of his Maister and the title vpon which they are grounded to wit the power of the Pope which they extoll aboue the goods life and honour of Kings and for this effect they haue a vow which no other religious men take It is a blind vow which maketh them moue subiects against their Princes Now the Popes continuing their proceedings in the raigne of Francis the Great the King had for enemies the Emperour the King of England the Duke of Milan and others notwithstanding hee letted not to say boldly That if hee were constrained to goe into Italy to get his absolution hee would go so well accompanied that they should send to meete him Since the Popes making vse of religion for to trouble the States of Christendome to hinder from any more speaking of reforming the Head as the Emperour Maximilian King Lewis the twelfth had determined to doe France being very much weakened Pope Sixtus the fifth made a league excommunicated the deceased king then King of Nauarre and my Lord the Prince of Conde who the sixt of Nouember 1585. fixed vp their oppositions with an appeale as in case of abuse and gaue the lie to Sixtus the fifth calling himselfe Pope in that hee termed the King and the Prince Heretickes Which proceedings Gregory the foureteenth continued against King Henry the third and all his seruants whom hee excommunicated by his Nuncio Landriano sent into the Capitall Citty of the Kingdome Here was the time that Frenchmen should haue feared if this scar-crow had bene to bee feared by the seruants of their King The capitall Citties were reuolted such as remained still vnder the name of the King were in many places retained in their duty by force there were few souldiers and no money But an excellent counsell a graue Senate of faithfull seruants to the King The sentences of Tours and of Chaalōs one expers terroris Achilles it is therefore said by sentence of Court that this Bull shall be burnt in the publicke place by the hands of the common executioner decreed against Landriano Nuncio Inhibitions are made that no man shall cary money to Rome or prouide any for the dispatch of Benefices Gregory the foureteenth entituling himselfe Pope declared enemy of the peace of the Catholike vnion of the King and of the State and adherent to the conspiracy of Spaine the fautor of rebels guilty of the most destable parricide committed in the person of King Henry the third Since that King Henry the Great hauing maintained with his authority the liberty of the Gallican Church the fautors of the Popes power contrary to the ordinance of God ceased not till they had murthered him as they had before done his predecessor And immediately after haue published their manifestation touching the pretended Temporall power of the Pope vnder the name of Cardinall Bellarmine Iesuite Which Treatise the Court of Parliament at Paris hauing seene gaue their solemne sentence the most Soueraigne Courts of the great or gilt chamber of the Tournelle and of the Chamber of the Edict or mixt Court being assembled which containeth these words The Court doth prohibite and forbid all persons of what quality or condition soeuer they bee Sentence of Parliament of Paris on the 26. of Nouember 1610. vpon paine of being held guilty of high Treason that they shall not receiue keep communicate Imprint cause to bee Imprinted or expose to sale the said booke containing a false and detestable Proposition tending to the euersion of Soueraigne powers ordained and established of God to the raising of the subiects against their Princes withdrawing of their obedience inducing to attempt against their persons and States and to trouble the rest and quiet of the Common wealth Enioyneth c. Behold how and by what meanes the State-royall hath bene maintained against the proceedings of Popes But if there bee at this day any that would bring into France new matters more pleasing to the aduersaries that is to say to the Iesuites those new counsellours are bound to produce like proofes for their opinions as wee haue done for ours taken out of Historie But it shall be to purpose in a matter of such importance that they present themselues in publicke the halter about their neckes after the manner as in old time the new Law-giuers did that they may presently be cut short in case they perswade not their auditors This course wil assure the Kingdome and deliuer your Maiesty from many importunities CHAP. VII What is the power of Ecclesiasticall persons And that the Pope is not grounded in the pretentions of Cardinall Bellarmine neither on Diuine nor humane law or right AS they that incroach vpon the rights of Kings imitate that Emperour who said if the Law bee to bee broken it must be done for a Kingdome so we haue obserued that another head of the same Common-wealth lead an army into Affrica for to with-draw the enemy out of Italy According to which stratageme wee will passe ouer the Alpes descend vpon the place and examine the power
friendship cōbinations practised among mē that is not done with consideration of the ordinance of God is a conspiracy priuate complotment and confederacie and not a legall society nor religious charity 1. Cor. 13.5 which seeketh not her owne particular profite but executeth her effects outwards For there is no vnion neither in faith nor in charity sauing in IESVS CHRIST alone who is the center and perpetuall end of all good to which purpose saith Saint Paul 1. Cor. 10.31 whether yee eate or drinke or whatsoeuer yee do do all to the glory of God And S. Peter recommending subiection towards the Prince referreth it to his vse 1. Pet. 2.13.14 c. Be yee subiect for the Lords sake Now as the morall vertues of the heathen are sinnes before God in as much as they are not done with hauing regard to his commandement which they know not So the contēpt of the King who hath right ouer the subiect by the law of God ariseth onely in the minde of him that contemneth the authour of the Law And by the same reason it necessarily followeth that such a man hath first violated his faith towards God before he faile in the seruice of the King for so long as hee remaineth faithfull in the first Table hee will not passe to the transgression of the second which is not well obserued but in the consideration of the first of which it is a sequele and necessary dependancy Wherefore wee see ordinarily that idolaters do easily rebell yea boldly attempt against the person of their King on the contrarie Religous soules serue them though they bee froward yea Infidels as wee haue noted some examples but after the transgression of the honour due to God the contempt of the King followeth soone after Thus is Samuel comforted by God They haue not cast thee away 1. Sam. 8.7.8 but they haue cast mee away that I should not raigne ouer them And as they haue forsaken mee seruing strange Gods euen so they forsake thee And Zedechias being tributary King before he came to despise the King hardened himselfe against God 2. Chron. 36.12.13 Zedechias did euill in the sight of the Lord his God and humbled not himselfe for Ieremiah the Prophet speaking in the name of the Lord and also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezar which had caused him to sweare by the name of God Also in another place the Holy Ghost interpreteth rebellion to be an euill as dangerous as to goe to sorcerers and witches Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and transgression is wickednesse and idolatry 1. Sam. 15. Thence it commeth that of late some of them that labour to weaken the authority of the King and haue fostered rebellion in this Kingdome of France haue also questioned the Pythonisse woman possessed and examined the Diuell Wherefore wee need not wonder if they that like not the right way directing to Holy Abba Father which art in heauen swerue frō the obedience of our Abimelec that is to say our Father the King which is on earth And as the Iesuites substitute to God our Holy Father another God on earth whom they call Most holy Father and separate IESVS CHRIST from his Body Spouse the Church for to create vnto him a Vicar and Liuetenant generall in all his Kingdomes Bel. lib. 1. de Pontif. cap. 9. etiam Christo secluso So these same Spirits will at this present erect a Monarke aboue Kings which are the fathers and husbands of their people and country to the end they should not enioy their Soueraigneties but so long as they shall please him Thus hauing begunne with disobedience towards God they end with rebellion against the King his Liuetenant on earth Wherefore none will euer defend the Kings rights and prerogatiues as they ought except hee first beginne with the Lawes of God and if hee bee a preuaricator in the first Table he will easiy be perswaded to lay such grounds as ouerthrow the Kings right for hee that granteth the greater will not sticke to giue the lesser This is the cunning deuise Ieroboam vsed who as it is written retained the people to himselfe 1. King 12.26.27 c. and hindred them from returning to the house of Dauid in causing them commit idolatry And for as much as the Article of confession of the reformed Churches aboue rehearsed conteyneth a submission of all the inhabitants of the Kingdome without excepting the Ministers and in as much as the Moderne Clergy-men whē a Priest is cōuerted to their Religion make him renounce among other things that pretēded priuiledge of Clericature Lastly for as much as the honour which we owe vnto the King is for conscience sake Rom. 13. as saith S. Paul and for Gods sake as S. Peter speaketh 1. Pet. 2.13 It followeth that the Cardinall Iesuite maintaineth a formall heresie Bellar. li. 3. recognit de Laicis in making some Christians subiect to the King not for conscience sake but for seruile feare obeying for no other cause but for that they are not the strongest and for feare of punishment not for loue of God For if the conscience be bound by the Law of God to the obedience of the King who is the subiect capable to attempt against the lawes rights or prerogatiues of the King but hee that falsifieth his faith vnto God Of this Saint Iude writing to his beloued of the common saluation saith that certaine men crept in Iud. v. 3.4 which were before of old ordained to this condemnation men without piety turning the grace of God into wantonnes renouncing the onely Dominator IESVS CHRIST our God and Lord. Then he passeth to the second Table affirming that such men breake it in consequence of that former renunciation And likewise these dreamers defile their flesh and despise Gouernment Vers 8. and speake euill of authorities And propoundeth a terrible example for them that curse Soueraigne Princes Yet Michael the Arch-angell when hee stroue and disputed with the Diuell about the body of Moses Vers 9. durst not marke blame him with cursed speaking but said onely the Lord rebuke thee Satan And in the 11. verse speaking of Core that gainesaied Moses with these words Is it a small thing that thou hast brought vs out of a land Num. 16.13 which floweth with milke hony c. except thou make thy selfe Lord and ruler ouer vs pronounceth a woe against such like men For saith hee they perish in following the gainesaying of Core And note that this Core and his fellowes Dathan and Abiram Num. 16.2 and two hundred and fifty were of the principall men of the Synagogue to shew that it is not of late yeares that these Doctors of the Synagogue resist the King and that God hath chastized them Now if this holy Angell of God who had expresse charge to doe that which hee did and being therein thwarted by the Diuel durst not curse him but