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A51275 Geography rectified, or, A description of the world in all its kingdoms, provinces, countries, islands, cities, towns, seas, rivers, bayes, capes, ports : their ancient and present names, inhabitants, situations, histories, customs, governments, &c. : as also their commodities, coins, weights, and measures, compared with those at London : illustrated with seventy six maps : the whole work performed according to the more accurate observations and discoveries of modern authors / by Robert Morden. Morden, Robert, d. 1703. 1688 (1688) Wing M2620; ESTC R39765 437,692 610

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said but towards the Sea generally fertile and full of Pasturage The Principal Rivers of the 17 Provinces are the Rhine the Meuse and the Scheld The Rhine rises in Switzerland running chiefly through Germany After it has divided it self at Fort Schenk as it enters into the Low-Countries it mixes with several other Rivers and loseth its Name in the Sand a little below Leyden in Holland The Meuse which falls out of France and Lorrain has this Advantage above the Rhine that she retains her Name and preserves her Waters unmix'd till she fall into the Ocean where she makes several good Ports The Scheld was formerly the Limits between France and the Empire in the time of Charles the Bald. At Gaunt the Lis a Navigable River falls into it and before it wholly loseth its Name it divides it self into two principal Arms of which the Left which they call the Hout and the Right which flows to Tolen falls into the Meuse Besides these Rivers and those that fall into them there are Cuts Channels and Marshes which serve the Inhabitants both for Traffique and Defence Of France FRANCE FRance Anglis Francia Italis Hispanis Franckreich Germanis Alfrangua Turcis Gallia Caes Plin. c. The first Inhabitants of France were the Ancient Gauls who passing the Alps under the Conduct of Bellovesus Conquered the nearest parts of Italy called Gallia Cisalpina and under that of Segovesus over-ran the greatest part of Germany The same Nation under the Command of Brennus discomfited the Romans at the River Allia sacked the City and Besieged the Capitol These were the Men who ransacked Illyricum Pannonia Thrace and Greece and Plundered the Temple of Delphos But at last were totally subdued by Julius Caesar but not without much difficulty for they did not then sell their Liberty at so cheap a rate as other Nations did 1192000 of them being slain before they would submit to the Roman Yoak by whom the Country was divided into four parts viz. Narbonensis or Bracata containing Languedoc Dolphin and part of Savoy 2. Aquitanica from the City Aqua Augusta now D' Acque comprehending Gascoign Guienne Saintonge Limosin Querci Perigort Berry Bourbonnois and Aurergne 3. Celtica containing the Provinces of Bretagne Normandy Anjou Tourain Maine La Beause the Isle of France part of Champagne the Dukedom of Burgundy and the County of Lionoise 4. Belgica containing Picardy the remainder of Champagne Burgundy and the Spanish Netherlands Long it stood not in this state for about the year 400 Honorius being Emperour the Goths having over-run Spain and Italy sent part of their Forces and subdued Gallia Narbonensis calling it Langue de Goth afterwards corruptly Languedoc Then extending their Conquest unto the River Ligeris now Loire they founded a Kingdom the principal Seat whereof was at Tholouse About the same time the Burgundiones or Burgundians a people that Inhabited part of the Country of the Cassubii and part of the Country of the Marquisate of Brandenburg together with the Vandalls and Sueths seized upon other parts of France and constituted a Kingdom called Burgundy comprehending both the County and Dutchy of Burgundy the County of Lionoise Daulphine Savoy and Provence whose chief City was Arelate now Arles About the same time also the Franks a German Nation having passed the Rhine seized upon the adjacent Territories of France where founding a Monarchy under their first King Pharamond al. Waramond gave it the Name of France France lies excellently compact together between the most Flourishing States of Christendom and in the middle of the Northern Temperate Zone where the Inhabitants breathe a most serene and healthy Air. In short it is Rich Fertile and well Peopled there being reckoned in it about 4000 good Towns and Cities It s Length from Calais to Toulon is about 620 miles 73 to a degree the Breadth from Brest to the Borders of Lorrain or from Baione to Nice in Piedmont is not more than 492 miles I well know all other Authors falsely makes it much more Most of her Cities are equal to Provinces and most of her Provinces are equal to Kingdoms Her Corn her Wine her Salt her Linnen Cloth her Paper and several Manufactures inrich the Inhabitants The Limits and Bounds of this Kingdom have been various at present saith a French Geographer the Kings Conquests cannot be bounded d●d● not by the Rhine nor by the Ocean nor by the Pyreneans nor by the Alps. And those that are not altogether strangers to the world will acknowledg that of all the Kingdoms of Europe there are none but may be said to be inferior to France in some respect or other The greatness of its Territories the populousness of i● the number of their Nobility and Gentry their natural Courage with the advantage of their Military Actions and Warlike Exercises the Situation of their Country the fruitfulness and riches of the Soil the prodigious quantity of all Commodities and Manufactures and the great Revenues of their Kings These Advantages have in all Ages raised in them aspiring thoughts of the Erection of a new Western Empire And how far this present King has gone by his Acquisitions of late years the rest of the Princes of Europe may consider of The Kingdom is Hereditary and by an Ancient Constitution as they pretend called the Salique Law never falls into a Female Succession And by the Law of Apennages the younger Sons of the King cannot have partage with the Elder The King 's Eldest Son is called the Dauphin The Monarchy which has stood ever since the year 420 hath been upheld by the three Royal Races of Marovinian Carolinian and Capetine in a Line of 65 Kings Pepin the short Son of Charles Martel deposed Childerick the last of the Merovignian Line the Pope approving and confirming of it About the 918 Hugh Capet Earl of Paris outed the Caroline Family Since this Capetine Race has gone in three Families first in a direct Line till 1328. then in the House of Valois till Henry the Fourth of the House of Bourbon Anno 1589. Among other Titles the King hath that of Most Christian and Eldest Son of the Church bestowed upon him by the Pope The Arms have been Three Flower-de-luces Azure in a Field Or ever since Charles the Sixth The Christian Religion was here first planted by Martialis among the Gauls but among the French by Remigius in the time of Clovis the Great At present the people are divided some following the Roman others the Reformed Religion which have occasioned two several Massacres viz. that of Merindol and Chabrieres 1545. upon the Borders of France and Savoy the other that at Paris 1572. and now this late Persecution The Kingdom is composed of three Orders or Estates the Clergy the Nobility and Commons There are 16 Arch-Bishops 106 Bishops besides those of Arras Tournay and Perpignan 16 Abbats Heads of Orders or Congregations about 50000 Curateships besides many other Ecclesiastical Dignities Several general and particular Governments 12 Ancient
upon the departure of the German Nation towards the Roman Frontiers flocked hither and by reason of their common Langave or mixture with the Sclaves of Illyricum thus accounted and being united in the common Name of Sclaves setled in that part which we now call Poland the Estate hereof being much improved by the Conquest of many Sarmatian Counties But whether Zechus and Lechus the Founders of the two Nations by all Historians were Strangers or Native Inhabitants is uncertain since all ancient History is silent herein The time when these should arrive here according to Historian reports was Anno 649 under Lechus a time indeed near unto the general flittings of the Barbarous and Northern Nations and therefore the more probable In Anno 963 they Received the Gospel Anno 1001 they had the Title of King conferred upon them by Otho the Emperour His Revenue is computed to be 600000 Crowns per Annum arising from Salt and Tin and Silver Mines His Houshold Expences and Daughters Portions being at the Publick Charge Nor do the Wars at any time exhaust his Treasure It is very Fertile in Rye Wax and Honey Other Commodities are Flax Masts Cordage Boards Wainscots Timber Rosin Tar Pitch Match Iron Pot-Ashes and Brimstone It is well Furnished with Flesh Fowl and Fish Rich in Furrs the fairest of which are brought thither out of Muscovy Near Cracovia or Crakou they dig Salt out of the Famous Salt-Pits that make a kind of City under Ground and yield a great Revenue They boyl it in Russia but in Podolia the Sun makes it They have the Conveniency both of the Black and Baltick Seas but are not addicted to Traffick neither are they well provided with hips The Rivers called the Vistula Vistillus Plin. Istula Ptol. Visula Mela. Bisula Amin. Vulge Wixel vel Weixel Weissel Incolis Vistule Gal. Vistula Ital. The Niemen the Chronus of Ptol. Memel Ger. Niemen Sclavis test Cromero Decio But by Rithaym Eras Pergel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sheld And the Duina or Duna empty themselves into the Baltick The Borysthenes Arist c. Naparis Herod Dnieper Decio Brisna Lunel Beresina Pucer Eberstenio Dnester Nester Cromero Nieper Mr. Cluver Briet The Bogg Hypanis Arist Herod Plin. c. And the Niester the Tyras of Herod Ptol. Tyra of Strab. Plin. now the Nester or Niester Teste Cromer Eberstin into the Black Sea. The Vistula runs by very fair Cities but the Mouths of Borysthenes under the Jurisdiction of the Turk who in the year 1672 took the Vkraine into his Protection having subdued all Podolia after the Surrender of the Fortress Kamienick This Kingdom is Elective being the only place in Europe where the People at this day freely retain and practise the Privilege to Elect their King yet the next of the Blood-royal commonly succeeds The Government is an Aristocratical Monarchy where the Senators have so much Authority that when we name the Quality of the State we may call it the Kingdom and Commonwealth of Poland The Senate is composed of Arch-Bishops Bishops Palatines Principal Catellains and Great Officers of the Kingdom The Prince like the King of Bees or a Royal Shadow cannot Act against his Nobles without the Consent of the Senators Yet his Dignity is so far considered that never any one Attempted against the Life of any of his Predecessors Their Kings were more anciently Free and Soveraign but by the common calamity of Elective States now bereft of Royal Right and Prerogatives having limited power Governing according to the strict Laws and Directions of the Council and Diet who solely have full liberty to consult of and determine the main affairs of the Kingdom These are of two sorts 1. The Senate aforesaid 2. The General Diets which are composed of the Orders aforesaid of the Senate or Council and of the Delegates of each Province and chiefer City sent in the name of the rest of the Nobility These are for the more high and important businesses of Republick Kingdoms not determinable by the Senate Warsaw or Varsovia is usually the place of Election and Crakow or Cracovia that of the Coronation The Arch-Bishop of Guesna Primate of the Kingdom Crowns the King and has almost all the Authority during the Interregnum for then he presides in the Senate and gives Audience to Embassadors He also contests with the Cardinals for Precedency and therefore there are few in Poland His Revenue is above 150000 Livres a year The Kingdom has three Orders the Church the Nobility and the Third Estate which comprehends all those which are not of the Nobility Though all sorts of Religions are here to be found yet the Roman Catholick is most predominant therefore the Clergy are next in Superiority to the King and then the Palatines and Castellans Written fixed Laws they have but a few if any Custom and Temporary Edicts being the Rule both of their Government and Obedience The Polanders wear long Garments shave their Hair upon the Chin and leave only one tufft of Hair upon their Heads in Remembrance of Casimir the First whom they fetched out of a Monastery to be their King. They are generally handsome tall well Proportioned good Soldiers and speak the Latin Tongue very fluently The Gentry are more Prodigal than Liberal Costly in their Apparel Delicious in their Diet very free and liberal but the Peasants no better than Slaves The Absolute Power they pretend to and ill Usages of the Nobles towards the Commonalty and Feuds one with another was certainly the cause of the Revolt of the Cossacks and produced all the Disorders in the Kingdom Their Cavalry is very considerable insomuch that if they were but United they might be able to bring into the Field above an 100000 Horse The Confidence they have therein and their Fear to render a Knight or a Burgher too Potent has made them Neglect Fortifying their Towns. Their Horses are of a middle size but quick and lively pompously Harnessed in Silk Gold Silver and Precious Stones Their Weapons are generally a Scymitar Sword Battle-Ax Carbine Bows and Arrows The Cossacks had always a peculiar Discipline in War though they were the same Nation At first they were Voluntiers that made Incursions upon the Turk and Tartars King Bathors reduced them into a Body and joyned to them two thousand Horse to whom he assigned the fourth part of his Revenue Their Habitations are in the lower parts of Volhinia and Podolia which they call the Vkraine which Country is the best Peopled and the most Fertile in all Poland There are other Cossacks that live in the Islands of the Borysthenes which is not Navigable by Reason of the Falls which they call Porowis Their Custom was formerly to put to Sea with several flight Vessels and to plunder the Territories of the Great Turk that lye upon the Black Sea. Some years since these People Revolted notwithstanding the Lot which was offered them of Kudack upon the Borysthenes and began
entertain the best Prince in Christendom Mantoua is of great Antiquity Schottus saith 't is 4 Miles in compass hath 8 Gates and about 50000 Souls It was miserably attacked by the Germans 1619. and by the Emperor Ferdinand 2d's Army in the year 1630. The Dukes yearly Revenue is said to be 400000 Crowns yet the present Duke is very poor being indebted to the Venetians as Leti saith four Millions of Crowns There are besides four or five small Princes but Soveraign Lords viz. Novellara Guastella Bozolo Sabionetta whose male-line is failed Castiglione and Solfare As also of the Estate of the Dutchy of Montferrat which doth in part belong to the Duke of Mantua the other part to the Duke of Savoy as aforesaid Of the States of Venice THE Demeasnes of the Venetians are very full of Rivers Lakes and Channels 't is a Republique of above 1200 years standing and the Bulwark of Christendom against the Turks The chief City is Venice or Venetia Seated at the bottom of the Adriatick Sea or Gulf of Venice built on 72 Islands distant from the main Land about five miles and defended from the fury of the Sea by a Bank of some say 60 others 35 miles in length open in seven places which serve for passages for Boats or Gondola's of which there are 1300 but for Ships or Vessels of great burden the only passage is at Malamocco and Castle Lido which are strongly fortified it is about eight miles in compass having about 4000 Bridges of which that of the Rialto is the chief built over the Grand Canal The Lagunes or Shallows of Venice sink of late so much that the preserving it still an Island is like to become as great a charge to the Venetians as the keeping out of the Sea is to the Dutch. It s Arsenal is the most beautiful the biggest and the best furnished in all Europe being about two miles in Circuit where they always keep 200 Gallies with all Materials for War. It s Magazine of all sorts of Engines and Arms for Sea and Land among which are 1000 Coats of Plates garnished with Gold and covered with Velvet But above all its Church of St. Mark Reported to be the fairest and richest in all the World a Church of Admirable Mosaick Work with Pillars of Marble Porphyry c. and for the inside the Riches of it are so great the Images Tombs c. so glorious the Altars so adorned with Gold Silver Pearls and Precious Stones that all the Treasury of the State may seem to be amassed in the Decking of it In this City are 200 particular Palaces built of Marble adorned with Columns Statues Pictures c. of great Value of such Grandeur as that they are fit to Lodg and give Entertainment to any Prince 17 Rich Hospitals 56 Tribunals or Courts of Justice 67 parish-Parish-Churches 26 Monasteries of Nuns 54 Convents of Friers 18 Chappels 6 Free Schools and its Piazza's sumptuously adorned with Statues Paintings c. As for the Religion of this State though they Tolerate that of the Greek Church they profess that of the Church of Rome but with Caution and Respect to their own Authority Of their Forces some estimate may be made by the Arms they brought against Lewis the XII where they had 2000 Men of Arms 3000 Light Horse and 30000 Foot most of their own Subjects without any Detachments from their Forts or Garisons And a signal Evidence of their Power at Sea was their great Fleet set out against the Grand Signior for the War of Cyprus Anno 1570. in which they Manned out one great Gallion 11 great Gallies 25 tall Ships and 150 Gallies of lesser size To sum up all they once held a War for seven years together against all the Princes of Europe except England in all which time they neither wanted Men nor Money We may conclude therefore That as Europe is the Head of the World and Italy the Face of Europe so Venice is the Eye of Italy the fairest strongest and most Active part in that Powerful Body The Annual Revenues of this Republick according to Mr. Rays information was about five Millions and 300 and 20000 Venetian Duckets yearly Other Cities with their Territories belonging to the State of Venice are the pleasant Vicenza or Vicentia the Healthy Populous and Fruitful Brescia Brixia The strong Fortresses Crema six miles of which is the famous Cave of Custoza 4000 Foot long and 3000 broad and three miles in Circuit with its stately Temple Sancta Maria della Cruce and Bergamo The pleasant Physick-University Padoua Padua the Patavium of the Ancients built by Antenor and is famous for the Birth of Livy Zabarel and Maginus noted for the Civility of the Men and Chastity of the Women with its Garden of Simples Tarvisium Trevigi with its excellent Wheat Verona with its Hill Baldus Famous for Medicinal Herbs The Territory of Friuli where is the well fortified Palma Feltre and Belluno The Territory of Istria Istrie Gall. Hystereich Germ. where is Triest or Tergestum Petana now Pedena belonging to the Emperor Citta Nova or Aemonia Parenzo Parentum and Pola Rovigo once belonging to the Dukedom of Ferrara with Chioggia the Bulwark of Venice Besides all these the State of Venice commands a great part of Dalmatia with the Islands Corfu Cephalonia Ithaca Zant Cithera and others The Isle of St. Maure and the strong Prevesa were in the year 1685. conquered from the Turks The Bishoprick of Trent which belongs to its proper Bishop is in the Protection of the House of Austria It s chief City of the same Name is Inhabited by Italians and Germans and is Famous for the Council held there But of this we have Treated of more at large in the Description of Tirol in Germany Of the Estates of the Church or Pope THE Second part of Italy according to our Method contains the Estates of the Church of Tuscany and Lucca The Territories of the Church are the more considerable because the Pope to whom they belong is a Spiritual as well as a Temporal Prince Chief and Sovereign Pontifex as he styles himself of all Christendom Patriarch of Rome and of the West Primate and Hexarch of Italy Metropolitan of the Suffragan-Bishops of Rome and Bishop of St. John Lateran The chief City is Rome formerly the Capital City of the most considerable Empire in the World Mistress of the fairest part of the Universe Famous for her great Men that excelled in Valour Justice and Temperance The Seat of Kings Consuls and Emperors said to have been 50 miles in compass and her Walls Fortified with 750 Towers But now not having the Moiety of its former pristine splendor and Magnitude scarce containing 11 miles in circuit yet few Cities can compare with her if we consider her Antiquity her Churches her Palaces and other Curiosities Here was the Capitol saved from the Fury of the Gauls by the Cackling of Geese It was twice burnt once in the Civil Wars of Marius
Nation in matters of Government Famous in Arms Glorious in Arts Admirable addicted to the love of Vertue Civil of Behaviour affectors of Liberty and every way Noble only in their Commonwealth Principles and Civil Dissentions unhappy But now under the Turkish Yoak their Spirits are low their Knowledg is Ignorance their Liberty contented Slavery their Vertues Vices their Industry Idleness They are generally of good Proportion and of a swarthy Complexion Their Women very well favoured brown and excessive Amorous In Habit and Garb both Sexes generally follow those under whom they live Their Primitive Language needs no Commendation being well known for its lofty sound Elegancy and significant Expressions genuine Suavity and happy Composition of words Excellent for Philosophy and the Liberal Arts but more Excellent for that so great a part of the Oracles of our Salvation is delivered therein but now not only the Natural Elegancy is lost but the Language almost devoured by the Lingua Franca Turkish and Sclavonian Tongues The Christian Religion was here first Planted by St. Paul who went into Macedonia passing thence to Thessalonica from thence to Athens and thence to Corinth watering the greatest part of Greece with the Dew of Heaven But now considering the Tyranny of the Turks on the one side and the Temptations of Preferment on the other 't is almost a Wonder there should be any Christianity left amongst them yet the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against this afflicted Church for its members are endued with a Divine Humility patience and constancy their Priests are reverenced the Articles of Faith and Rules of a Holy life preserved their Fasts and Feasts observed the power of the Keys Exercised and the Judicature of the Church preferred before that of the Divan As to the material Points of their Religion I shall refer to the Description of my Scripture Maps This Country hath formerly been Famous for Miltiades Aristides and Themistocles of Athens Lysander and Agesilaus of Sparta Pelopidas and Epaminondas of Thebes Aratas and Philoparmeus of Achaia Pyrrhus of Epirus Philip of Macedon Alexander the Great brave Commanders For Plato Socrates Aristotle Divine Philosophers For Demosthenes Isocrates Aeschines Eloquent Orators Hesiod Homer c. Excellent Poets Solon and Lycurgus Eminent Law-givers Xenophon Thuciades Plutarch Herodotus Famous Historiographers with several other Authors and Promoters of Arts and Sciences too tedious to relate But to proceed to the Provinces The Inhabitants of Greece were of old divided into three sorts viz. the Iones the more famous whereof were the Athenians The Dores the most renowned of whom were the Lacedemonians and the Aeoles who sent Colonies into Asia near to Phocaea By the ancient Writers called Achei Achiai Argivi Danai Dolopes Dores Dryopes Hellenes Iones Myrmidones and Pelasgi The Province of Romania or Romelia is the Ancient Thrace by Stephanus Aria by some Scythia by Josephus Thyras from Thyras the Son of Japhet by the Turks now called Romeli A Country neither of a Rich Soil nor pleasant Air yet well Inhabited But the chief Glory of this Province and of all the Ottoman Empire is the Renowned City Constantinople formerly called Lygus Byzantium and Nova Roma now by the Greeks Istampoli and by the Turks Stambol seated in the Latitude of 40 Degr. 56. In shape Triangular commanding the Propontis Bosphorus and Euxine Seas Seated on a Haven so deep and Capacious that the Turks for its Excellency call it the Port of the World. At this day the chief Buildings are the Turks Seraglio and the Temple or Mosque of St. Sophia for Beauty and Workmanship exceeding Admirable to behold The Seraglio is a vast place inclosed and divided from the rest of the City with a wall three miles in Compass wherein are stately Groves of Cypresses intermixed with delightful Gardens Artificial Fountains and all varieties of Pleasures which Luxury can effect or Treasure procure The principal Beauty of the City is the situation of it on the Mountains Crowned with Magnificent Mosques with Gilded Spires reflecting the Sun-beams with a marvellous splendor Other Cities of this Province are Andrianopolis or Hadrianopolis Ptol. formerly Oresta Lampridio Vscudava seu Vscadama Ammiano Andernopolis Turcis Endren teste Busb a fair large and well composed City with fair and stately Mosques especially one built by Sultan Soliman the Second a very Magnificent Structure Galipoli formerly Callipolis seated near the Hellespont within the Sea of Marmora the first City that ever the Turks possessed in Europe surprized by Soliman Anno 1358. Below Galipoli is the straitest passage of the Hellespont formerly famous for Xerxes's Bridg but especially for the two Castles Sestos and Abidos noted for the Story of Hero and Leander now called the Dardanelles or Old Castles the New Castles being at the mouth of the Hellespont and are the Bulwark of Constantinople as the Castles on the Thracian Bosphorus are on the other side Galata or Pera is opposite to Constantinople where live all the Foreign Ambassadors Residents and Envoys Belgrade is 12 or 15 miles Northwards where are the Summer-Houses of the Nobility and the Costly Aquaducts that supply Constantinople St. Stephanoes is Inhabited most by Christians At Great Schecmashe are the Seraglio's of the Nobility Selimbria hath Mosques a Bazar and Greek Churches Heraclea Leunc Heraclia Soph. Perinthus Plin. Ptol. its Harbor makes it a Peninsula of four miles in compass now an Arch-Bishops See and its Church the best in Turkie Noted also of old for the Palaces of Vespatian Domitian and Antoninus Emperors of Rome as also for its Amphitheatre cut out of one entire Marble Rodeste Redaestum Plin. Bisanthe Ptol. Rodosto Sophi 30 miles from Heraclia seated on the side of an Hill at the bottom of a Bay peopled with about 15000 Inhabitants Christians Turks and Jews much frequented but of little Trade Myriophyton by the Greeks Murston by the Turks it hath about 200 Houses about five miles from Rodesto Abdera now Asperosa was the birth-place of Laughing Democritus Aenos now Enio Eno Grec Ygnos Turcis a Town of great strength and safety therefore an honourable Prison Lisimachia once of great Importance now Heximily said to be built out of the Ruins of Phillipoli from Philip the Father of Alexander Cardia Cardiapolis Ptol. was the Birth-place of Eumenes a Curriers Son but a famous Warrier Quae Steph. Pa●s ●adem Lysimachiae Hexamilio The Province or Kingdom of Macedonia was so called from a King Macedo Son of Osiris Others say it had its name from a Son of Jupiter and Thyae or as Solinus says from Maced● a Son or Grandchild of Ducalion called also Aemathia Plin. Peonia Aemonia Livio Formerly it contained several Provinces the Names whereof are in my Sheet-Map of Greece and 't is said was inhabited by 150 several Nations By the Ancients it was divided into four Principal parts viz. Prima Secunda Tertia Quarta That towards the West or the Fourth part is now called Albania That part
Gods for its excellent Ships and Archers for the Bull that ravished Europa for the Amours of Pasiphae and Ariadne for the cruelty of the Minotaur for the Government of Saturn for the habitation and Sepulchre of Jupiter for the Laws of Minos and Rhadamanthus for the Labyrinth of Daedalus and many other things the Inhabitants boast of but there is no belief of men that were always accounted Lyers as Tit. 1.12 out of Epimenides Anciently it had an 100 Cities 40 remaining in the time of Ptolomy 1. Gnossus now Cinosus 2. Cydon now Canea Mater Orbium hence Poma Cydonia now Adam's Apples 3. Eleuthera or Erythraea 4. Miletum named 2 Tim. 4.20 with Act. 27.7 8 c. and 21.17 5. Gortyna hence Spicula Gortynia their best Arrows 6. Dictamnum 7. Ampelus 8. Minoa now Allemara The chief Mountains are 1. Ida the highest in the Island now called Psiloriti from the top whereof may be discerned both Seas 2. Dicte now Sethia and Lasthi 3. Leuci a long Chain of Hills called of late di Madara la Spachia and la Sfacioles The Rivers are none of them Navigable but the defect is supplied with good Harbours and Bays The Mullet Scarus was a great Roman delicacy Its Commodities are Muscadel Wine Sugar Sugar-Candy Honey Wax Gum Olives Dates Raisins but little Corn. This Island was first Governed by Saturn then by Jupiter who was Interred at Gnossos then succeeded Minos his Son begotten on Europa after that the Island was Governed by a Republick and in the time of Pompey the Great it was subdued by the Romans then the Emperors of Constantinople were Masters of it after it was given to Boniface M. of Montferrat who parted with it to the Venetians Anno Dom. 1204. But the Turks in the year 1669. after a War of 24 years quite expelled the Venetians and so became Masters of it This Island is now divided into four Territories which bear the Name of so many Principal Cities viz. Candia Canea Retimo and Sittia The Principal Fortresses are Grabates Suda and Spinalonga held by the Venetians Candia the Capital City so strong by Art and Nature that it was the Bulwark of Christendom and maintained it self against many long and desperate Sieges of the Turks before it surrendered to them Other Islands are 2. Claude Act. 27.16 now Gozo 3. Dia now Standia 4. Letoa now Christina 5. Aegilia now Cecerigo Crete has one Archbishop and eight Bishops The Ionian Islands 1. Zant anciently Zacynthus in North Lat. 36 degr 30. min. The Town is stretched along the shore and is very populous according as the rest of the Island that has 50 Towns and Villages some Springs it is infested with frequent Earthquakes The Greek Church is here and as in other places under the Venetian much Latinized in their Doctrine though they hate the Church of Rome The Latines have here a Bishop and divers Churches and Convents The English have a Factory but no Priest as in other places and they seem to the Natives to live without Religion to die without hope as they are buried without decency to the disgrace of our Reformed Church and the great scandal of them that are without Here is plenty of Currans Wine Oyl Mellons and other good Fruits 2. Straphades 2 Isles 50 miles South of Zant here live many Greek Monks well fortified 3. Cephalonia formerly Samos Melaena and Teleboe 't is 120 miles in Circuit the greatest Isle in Vlysses Kingdom Argostoli a large Port every way Land-lockt the Residence of the Venetian Proveditor the chief Town is Cefalona it affordeth abundance of Currans Wine Oyl c. 4. Thiaki four or five miles over against Port Pescarda it affords abundance of Currans 5. Ithaca formerly Dalichium now Val de Compare the Birth-place of Vlysses now without Inhabitants yet it has good Currans 6. Echinades five Scoglio's now called Curzolari at the mouth of the River Achelous near these were fought the Battels of Actium and Lepanto 7. St. Mauro by the Greeks Leucas Leucada and Nerilos 't is separated from Acarnania by a Streight of five Paces over and three or four foot deep in water the Castle is strong called St. Mauro Delivered up to General Morosini July 1684. The Port is good and named Chimeno and the Island Leucas 't is inhabited with Turks and Greeks most are Pyrats 't is thirty or forty miles in Compass and fruitful in Corn Pasture Oranges c. 8. Corfu formerly Corcyra an 180 miles in Compass but for a Rock West the Town would be almost impregnable in the Castle East resides the Venetian General by Sea and Land to whom the other Islands appeal The Ruined Towns are Cassiopia now Cassopo 2. Chersopolis now Palaeopoli here are also the Gardens of Alcinous c. The Inhabitants are very revengeful here is plenty of Wine Oyl and Fruits but little Corn. The Greeks have here a Proto-pappa subject to the Bishop of Cephalonia but the Latins have a Bishop Thus much for the Graecian Islands in the Aegaean Cretan and Ionian Seas The present State of the Countries Forts and other Places which belong to the Europeans in the West and East-Indies THERE were at first but two Nations in Europe that Successfully undertook long Voyages by Sea or who sent Colonies into Distant Climates The Spaniards toward the West and the Portugals into the East These also obtained from Pope Alexander the Sixth a Donation of all Lands undiscovered but the other Europeans were not satisfied at the Pope's Liberality for the English Dutch and French would also have their share since which time there have been several Changes in those Countries that Rigor which the Portugal and Spaniard used to exclude all other Nations serving only to destroy themselves The French have first in Canada Montreal the Three Rivers Quebec Tadousac and other Places upon the great River of St. Lawrence and upon Sufferance or Incroachment they pretend to that which we call Nova Scotia the Island of Cape Bretan In New-found-Land they have Bay Plaisance and Bay Blanco 2. Among the Islands called Antilles part of St. Christophers St. Bartholomews Santa Cruez St. Martins Guadaloupe La Desirée Maria Galante Les Saintes Martinique St. Aloisia Grenada and the Grenadins La Tortue and several Colonies in the Western part of the Spanish Island otherwise call'd Sancto Domingo 3. Upon the Southern Continent of America upon the Coast of Guyana the Island of Cayene where stands the Fort St. Michael de Ceperoux now call'd Fort St. Louis The Islands of Corou Coonama Comoribo c. 4. The Trade of the Coast of Africa upon the Rivers of Senega where they have a Fort Also upon the River of Gambia at Rufisque near Cape Vert at great Sestre at Ardra and many other places in Guinie 5. Fort Dauphin and many other Fortresses in the Island of Madagascar call'd by them the Dauphin Island The Islands of St. Marie Bourbon and Diego Rois The Bereaux new Suratt and other Places in the Mogull's
Ethiopia the King reserves for himself The King and chief Nobility think it an office beneath them to lift their Hands to their Mouths to feed themselves and keep Boys to cut their Meat and put it into their Mouths which they do in great gobbets as those that cram Poultry Axuma or Ascum erroneously Chaxumo was formerly the Metropolis of Habessinia from whence they were called Axumites And then adorned with beautiful Structures a fair Palace and a Cathedral proudly vaunting her Obelisks Sculptures and sumptuous Edifices but now demolished by the Wars or defaced with Age and the City now totally ruined seated it was in the 14d 30 m North Latitude and distant from the North Sea forty five Portugal Leagues or six or seven tiresome days Journeys by reason of the Mountains Besides Axuma there are no Cities in Habessinia and but few Towns Dobarowa in Tygra is the Seat of the Vice-Roys Fremona was the first Residence of the Fathers enlarged by the Portugals Gubay a Town in Dembea where the Queen resides Nanina in Gojam was long inhabited by the Portugals The Celebrated Mountains of Amhara are their only Citidels where the Kings Children were formerly committed to custody The Kings he says always live in Tents and seldom long in a place In the year 607 the Camp pitched in Coga In 1612 it was at Duncaza and after at Guendra which Bernier called the Metropolis of Ethiopia Their Tent is of a white colour and very large standing in the midst of the Camp a large space being left round it for the conveniency of Persons to approach it Next this two Temples are plac'd and Tents for the Queen and her Attendents Next these the Nobles the Kings Friends Servants and other Courtiers pitch their Tents then all the common Soldiery with the necessary Attendents of the Camp and those that come to Negotiate When they remove as they often do and come to set down anew in a few hours space all things are seen plac'd in the same order they were before for every man knows his place and the measure of his ground the order of the Camp being always the same But Peter Pays built the King a Palace after the European manner in Gorgora by the Tzaneo Lake not much inferiour to the Country Palaces of our European Princes Murtherers are given to the nearest Relations of the Person murthered it being in their power to pardon them or take a sum of Money or to sell them as Slaves or put them to what death they please If the Murtherer be not found the Inhabitants of the Place and all the Neighbourhood are fin'd In the third Book which treats of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Habessines our Author tells us That some hold they have had the knowledge of God ever since the time of Solomon That they use Circumcision though not on any Religious Account in Obedience to the Law of Moses but only as a Custom of their Country being done by a Woman privately the Jews slit the Skin with their Nails till the Preputium falls down and leaves the Nut bare The Habessines only round the Skin with a Knife That they do not Circumcise Women as some idly affirm though it 's a Custom not only with the Habessines but likewise with other People of Africa as the Egyptians and Arabians to cut off from Girls something which they think to be an undecency and superfluity of Nature That they abstain from Swines Flesh Blood and suffocated things not as commanded by Moses but by Apostolick Constitution this having been always observed in the Oriental Church and in the Western Church for many Ages and having been ratified by some Councils And they condemn us for leaving the practice Nor do they allow the Jews Sabboth out of respect to Judaism but because it was the antient Custom of the Primitive Church for which they have some written Antient Constitutions Yet they prefer the Lords Day before the Jewish Sabbath for upon that Day say they our Lord Jesus Christ rose And upon that Day the holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles in the Oratory of Sion And upon that Day Christ shall come again to reward the Just and punish the Evil. He says If an Habessine marries his Brothers Wife or commits Polygamy the Civil Magistrate takes no notice of it For they are of opinion that whatsoever does not offend the Commonwealth nor the security of Private Persons ought not to be chastised with Secular Punishments Nevertheless the Church is severe in the case and will not permit Persons so married to receive the Sacrament He also tells us That Habessinia is full of Monks that their Institutions and Habits are different from the Greek and Latin. He speaks of the portentous Miracles of their Saints their Austerities and Spontaneous Torments It 's a common fame in Europe that the Conversion of the Habessines to the Christian Faith was effected by the Eunuch of Queen Candaces But our Author says this is certain that in the time of St. Athanasius Patriarch of Alexandria in the Reign of Constantine the Great about the year of Christ 330 or not long after it the Conversion of Ethiopia hapned after this manner Meropius a Tyrian Merchant going into India came to the Coast of Ethiopia in the Red-Sea dying there he left two Sons Frumentius and Aedesius who being taken and carried to the King were kindly received by him and he finding them ingenious employ'd them in keeping his Books of Account During the time of their Employ they did all good Offices to Christian Merchants that came to those Parts and shewed so fair a specimen of their Virtue and Integrity that they wrought in the Habessines a great esteem for the Christian Religion Which ground being laid Frumentius went to St. Athanasius who considering the excellency of his parts and the constancy of his Faith created him the first Bishop of Ethiopia and returning thither he baptized the Inhabitants created Deacons built Churches and so first planted the Christian Religion The Hab●ssines received the Scripture with Christian Religion and it is translated into the Ethiopick Language from the version of the Septuagint and that according to a Copy used in the Church of Alexandria They have the New Testament translated from the authentick Greek Text. They enjoy the holy Scriptures intire and reckon as many Pooks as we do tho' they divide them after another manner They acknowledge the holy Scripture to be the sole and only Rule of what they are to believe and do They use the Nicene Creed they admit of the antient Greek Councils they acknowledge the Trinity and the sufficient Merits of Christ one Person in Christ his Divinity and Humanity they use Baptism and the holy Communion they Administer it to the Laiety and Clergy as it is the Custom of all the Eastern Churches and acknowledge the Real Presence but not Transubstantiation pray for the Dead deny a Purgatory He gives an Account of their Errors as