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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A41263 Fidelis Achates, or, An Historical account of the most remarkable actions in the late reigns and the present revolution in heroick verse. 1699 (1699) Wing F847; ESTC R29825 50,814 178

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Immortal Annals bears a Name Who can distinguish what is Good or Ill Where Law 's establish'd by a boundless Will Observe what Consequences now attend Preceding Ills succeeding Faults ne'er mend As only one Absurdity allow'd You 'll streight disclose a long depending Crowd These Romish Tools now vaunt the Field their own Their scatter'd Trophies are the Church Throne Involv'd in Guilt and all defil'd with Gore They teach the World strange Crimes unlearn'd before Mercy it self cou'd no Forgiveness own It blush'd a Pardon for such Crimes unknown Till then unknown till those unhappy Days When Yew and Cypress justl'd out the Bays No other Means their Counsels can propose Of Safety but the Ruine of their Foes A thorow Extirpation is decreed Each Individual of the Whole must bleed This Reformation must the Land atone Stand still or to retreat they 're sure to be undone What cou'd Young Caesar in this Juncture do No Humane Strength cou'd match th' insulting Foe His Loyal Friends in sad Effigie lay The dismal Ruins of a routed Day Some faithful Few with him to Exile fly And wait a more propitious Destiny They leave the Isle and trust to Seas and Wind To Seas than Rebels were at home more kind From this forc'd Flight we date succeeding Woes Which Time in After-ages will disclose What dreaded Dangers these wild Zealots fear'd And all the Brain-sick Babels they had rear'd Distracted Notions of returning Rome And how a boundless Sway design'd their Doom These Terrors all by this ill Fact alone They antidate and make them all their own On unborn Tribes th'entail a woful Fate Their Teeth are edg'd w th Grapes their Fathers eat Achates now was in his Bloom of Years Had run thro' all the Stages of the Wars The Valiant Youth by daring Caesar's Side In Battels oft and Sieges had been try'd By Land or Sea no Danger cou'd subdue Achates faithful was to Caesar's Interest true He left the Isle with his retreating Lord And try'd more hospitable Coasts abroad The Genius quits the Land a sad Presage An Omen boading Ill unto the Age. With Joy transported hateful Rome surveys Our Civil Broils and bless'd th' inhumane Days Ignatius Brood was to their Master dear Those impious tragick Instruments of War An Order now establish'd and enroll'd Like Comets beaming Mischief to the World What Joys did not their Expectations yield Romes Granaries with Albions Harvest fill'd Already in Idea they embrace The Land and re-assume their Ancient Place 'T was nearer than a Possibility They had the full Assurance in their Eye They 've now a Game of vast import to play This Cast well manag'd wins a glorious Day What subtile Machins for this End combine They muster all their Force and in one Body join With equal Joy Rome and the Rebels saw The Monarch banish'd and the Sword the Law Yet diff'rent Aims these present Joys attend Alike tho' pleas'd yet opposite the End Ajax at home claims All to be his own Profanes with vulgar Mud the ravish'd Throne Defies the Int'rest of a wand'ring Prince Bankrupt he 's lost for ever banish'd thence The Basis deep a daring Pile he rears The Crown 's Entail'd for endless rouling Years But other Movements did Romes Joys create She laughs at this Mock-Pageantry of State Another Prospect charms her roving Eye She careless saw this mimick'd Majesty Already saw the bold Usurper down Foresaw on Caesar's Head the rifl'd Crown She ey'd the Prince forlorn on Foreign Coasts Ev'n to himself and to his Country lost In Spring of Youth and Blossom of his Years Scarce early Down upon his Face appears A proper Season this to be embrac'd To stamp her Doctrines on his easie Breast And raze all other Principles imprest She view'd his Friends that round his Person stand They 're Nobles all or Chiefs that rule the Land This Goal she aims and this contended Prize This Game the Thoughts of crafty Rome employs Her Temples now with gawdy Luster shine And splendid Beauties deck each artful Shrine Her graceful Paint exalted Colours shew By Titian's Pencial drawn or Angelo Her Altars all Imperial did appear And Tuneful Lays invite the ravish'd Ear Her Priests in Robes beyond a Tyrian Dye Their Rites perform and awful court the Eye All that con'd please or cou'd allure the Sense With utmost Pomp and Grandeur they dispense Her next Advance is to pervert his Mind A Medium for the Project she design'd She whispers to his Thoughts his Countries Crimes And aggravates the Mischiefs of the Times The sad Effects of Civil Broils runs o'er Draws blushing Lines with his dead Father's Gore She represents the Hydra of the Land A monstrous Beast untam'd to all Command That daily new blasphemous Heads appear And all around with wild Destruction tear Th' establish'd Church enervate grown and weak A rising Faction cou'd destroy or break Its Canons were not Proof against its Foes Its Basis mean did the whole Work expose Cou'd such a Fabrick be from Wrongs secure Cou'd it tempestuous Shocks of Storms endure When its Foundation 's not on Rock but Sand Its Fall was sure its Ruine now at Hand These Troubles from the first Reformers spring They were but Tools to an incensed King From lawless Lust the Quarrel first began Succeeding Int'rest now the War maintains They never can a Pious Union know Whilst Holy Church is treated as a Foe Look round observe our strict Conformity All Schism we and factious Zeal defie In distant Regions the same Faith we own One mother-Mother-Church and one Religion known The Pope is not that Brute they represent His Call is Sacred sure from Heav'n he 's sent He does not make a King a Scepter'd Slave He ne'er destroys the Right that Nature gave The Civil Rights he leaves in Trust with them In Matters Sacred only he 's Supreme And this Commission was transmitted down To him from Peter by th' Almighty's Son Come injur'd Prince return to us once more Our alter'd Sons bring back again restore Its ancient Rule to your revolted Land And know your Pow'r again and once again command One People then in one known Faith you 'll rule And all your Rebels monstrous Gods controul A Train of Gods as num'rous they adore As all the Heathen Pagods were before Their sawcy Zeal will urge the King to yield Command his Bow to ev'ry Form they build Or else for Arms the jangling Beasts prepare And ' gainst the Throne proclaim Confed'rate War Our Treasures shall assist you in your Cause To gain your Native Rights the blasted Laws Your Albion shall be famous as of old And your Illustrious Acts in future Annals told What cannot Words effect in youthful Minds Where want of Power pleads and promis'd Succor blinds Rome knows how best to perfect Holiness When e'er she finds a Monarch in distress It is not Faith can reach St. Peter's Key Distress directs the Prince the narrow Way For Kings with ease ascend the Heav'nly Throne Whilst they
Caesar's Endeavours and our Hopes were vain The ungrateful Glebe makes no returns again No pregnant Show'rs cou'd urge a smiling Bloom No ripen'd Sheafs by all the Tillage come But this defect was not on Caesar's side 'T was not his Fault this Blessing was deny'd For other Mothers did the Nation grace With numerous Births and worthy Caesar's Race One pity'd Son compos'd of too much flame His Thoughts too Royal too sublime his Aim With daring Pinions soar'd too nigh the Sun Sing'd in his Beams he fell and was undone For young Caesario a fit Mate was found Ten Thousand quiver'd Cupids learn to wound Tho' Royalty did in her Birth not shine The Father still enobles all the Line And now Britannia's hopes were center'd here New dawning Joys to future Times appear How vain are all th'Efforts of human kind How many wild Projections are design'd In Fates dark Legends how unread is Man Lost in the Dusk he makes essays in vain At her own Weapons worsted Rome falls down Which after Generations will make known Prudent Achates with himself Debates Wisely to play this After-Game of State The Royal Issue 's his peculiar Care He was of all the Romish Wiles aware And with unerring Judgment scap'd the Snare He urg'd the gen'ral Council of the Land Early to constitute a faithful Band A Guard reform'd might their young years improve And for th' establish'd Church engage their Love Our Learned Prelates in the Task engage And fence these tender Blooms from Romish Rage Nor cou'd a Father's powerful Arts withdraw Religion is above Paternal Awe The Snakes thus perish'd by Alcmena's Boy He in the Cradle Juno's Rage destroys So Rome was baffl'd and her Projects crost And all her Hopes in these fair Blossoms lost But she 's too resty to be thus o'ercome A bolder stroke she bids a daring Doom Antaeus like tho' foil'd she bounds from Earth And with the Fall renews both strength and breath The Jesuits in Consultation joyn Dare they profane that Name with such designs Strait to their Aid they all the Furies call T' assist them in the Ruine of the whole Chameleon like in ev'ry Shape they 're found Lurking in close disguise they aim to wound Flames Envy Murther in their Breasts recoil In ev'ry Vein their furious Passions boil Eager they carry on this grand Debate How to secure themselves and fix a Seat Then thus they argue If e'er our Arts for Mother Church prevail We must their whole united Pow'rs assail For if we spare a part the stubborn Crew Like Hydra's Heads still as they 're lop'd will grow High as the Pyramids let 's raise each Pile On which the baneful Hereticks must broil And with these cover all Britannia's Isle No other Clouds shall darken then the Skies But those which from our hallow'd Fires arise This only will compleat the Sacrifice Were these the Doctrines Jesus did declare Or recommended to th' Apostles here Sure all he Taught was more Divine and Good His Tenets never were defil'd with Blood His Blood sufficient for more World's than these It did for Sin th' Almighty's Wrath appease For lost Mankind his sacred Drops suffice A Christians Blood to him 's an Impious Sacrifice But they defie all Laws of God and Man A contradictory Thesis they maintain They cast their Eyes on their most Christian Son A Bigot he by Birth he 's all their own He had not Will or Pow'r to retreat From Rome's proud Lash 't was not decreed by Fate Some weak Endeavours by his Subjects try'd Were baffl'd all they fell the weaker side How can the People act without a King Their giddy Thoughts a vast disorder bring They found him all Imperial for their Aim A warlike Soul he bore and courted Fame His zeal for Mother-Church was strong and good His Youth was ripen'd with his Subjects Blood Rough Persecution thro' his Kingdom flies Whoe'er's a Foe to Rome must turn or die His wandring Vassals leave their cruel Home And all around to neighbouring Countries roam Such bloody Decalogues he does declare More terrible than Sinai's Thunders were Their Aims were now this Champion to espouse Confirm him strong to Rival all their Foes And when their Projects had acquir'd an Head And mighty Caesar number'd with the Dead Caesario might a potent Succour find For all the Revolutions he design'd They by their Force united might destroy The hated stubborn Northern Heresie Too easie Means they found to gain their Ends Some Britains false to us to them were Friends Their ready Tools prepar'd assistance bring False to their Faith their Country and their King We held a Bulwark near the briny Tide Our Albion's Strength her Glory and her Pride This Fortress curb'd the Pow'r of Gallic Kings A certain refuge for our Canvas Wings Here mighty Piles of British Bones you see High as the Pyramids in Egypt be Which our bold Soldiers for their Country lost And joyn'd the Continent to Albion's Coast The Gauls cou'd never were this Hold our own Insult the Ocean with their Rising-Sun We then unrival'd might Command the Main Old hoary Neptune and his Sea-born Train Wou'd court no Friend but the Royal-Sovereign Their trembling Ports might hear our Cannon roar Rage thro' the Land and reach the frighted Loure This Bulwark's yielded to the aspiring Foe For a sinall Cargo brought from Mexico This ravish'd Prize from large Iberia torn Does now the Gallick Diadem adorn What Man cou'd do Achates did perform Prov'd all his Int'rest to divert the Storm He represented to the Court the Shame Of Injur'd Honour and our tarnish'd Fame How little it wou'd look to Foreign Kings Besides the present Mischief that it brings What Folly 't was to Arm so near a Foe This certain this well-manag'd Game to throw Away distracted Conduct it wou'd show If in the Gallic Scale this Weight we lay It wou'd Britannia's Ballance quite out-weigh The Disadvantage doubles on our side Our Strength is weaken'd and the Foe supply'd All Arguments he urg'd the Theme cou'd bear He urg'd in vain for Caesar wou'd not hear Ah! who can dive into the Faults of Kings But Ruine surely from such Conduct springs Now what returns can recompence this Day This blooming Fortune this auspicious Prey Gallia as grateful for this Point appears As those that pay a gratitude thro' fear What e'er they give th' Intentions to destroy And send a Present with a base Alloy Fair Julia comes surrounded all with Charms Ten Thousand Cupids wait her with their Arms So Venus entertains the God of War And all his Martial Terrors disappear This finish'd piece of Beauty and of Parts Was worthy Caesar's Joys and Gallia's Arts. So Thracian Planets with destructive Beams From gloomy Caves invite the Rural Swains Whilst they admire their Aspects and Grandeur Each Star becomes their Executioner Rome now in Triumph bounds it o'er the Field New ripening Joys succeeding Projects yield Caesario is the sole ascendant grown And points determin'd Measures to the