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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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name borne of the Countrey of Marses in the Citie of Talleric a Phisitians sonne gouerned the Romane Church the space of seuen yeares At the request of this Pope the Emperour Phocas commaunded that the old Temple of Pantheon wherin were all the Goddes and Goddesses of the Painims should be consecrated and dedicated to the honor of the virgin Mary and of al Saints And then was insttiuted the Feast of All-Saints in the Moneth of May which after was brought to the first of Nouember See how those Fathers rather chaunged then chased away superstitions Leontius Bishop of Naples in the I le of Cyprus made a booke of the life of S. Iohn the Almes giuer Bishop of Alexandria Abb. Tris. After the death of Boniface the fourth the seate was vacant 7. moneths and 25. dayes for the great discentions which were at Rome The yeare of Christ 612. Phocas was miserably slaine by the souldiers of his guard Abb. Vrsperg Others say that Heraclius and Priscus slew him cutting off his hands feete Others adde that his priuie member was cut off Finally after his head was cut off his body was burnt See the ende of this wicked Tyrant who caused so many good people to die All his brethren and parents had like ende and his race was vtterly extinct The Romane seate is worthie to haue had such a monster to authorise his primatie aboue all Churches Heraclius the sonne of Heraclien succeeded Phocas When his Father a Captaine in Affrica marched from Affricke into Egipt and Asia with a great Army the Persians being out of feare of him assailed Affricke and brought it into their subiection Corfrees King of the Persians would neuer receiue any conditions of peace vnlesse they renounced Christian Religion The Bishop Didier of Vienna was stoned at the commaund of Theodorus King of Soissons Deus of dedit or Dorothea a Romane Pope ruled three or foure yeares His Father was a Subdeacon after some He ordeined that no Christian should take in mariage his Gossip Item that the sonne of a Gossip or Suertie should not take in marriage the daughter that his Father had held at the Font And ordeined this so straitly that if the Father or Mother carried their childe to Baptisme that they should be seperated notwithstanding that the wise might receiue her dowry and that after a yeare she might marry again in any other place There happened a great Earthquake at this time in the moneth of August and after a great mortalitie The Councell of Auxerre in this time wherein it was decreed that it was a thing vnlawfull that the Estrenes should be giuen the first day of the yeare calling them diuellish ceremonies because of the obseruation of the day In the 12. Chapter there was forbidden to giue vnto dead bodies the Eucharist or the Paxe to kisse In the 21. Chapter it is not lawfull for a Priest to lye with his wife nor for Subdeacon nor Deacon In the 24. and 25. Chapter it is not lawfull for Abbots nor Monkes to goe to marriages nor to haue commothers nor to present children to Baptisme In the 31. Chap. it was forbidden to take his cousin Germaine or the issue of cousin Germaine in marriage In this time were Loup Arch-bishop of Sens Amand and Bauon in Flaunders And Priscian after Abb. Trit and Eloy Bishop of Noyon after the Sea of Histories Cosroes King of the Persians was vanquished by Heraclius And Anastatius a Persian Monke was martyred for the faith with 70. others He was hanged three houres by one hand and after be headed Abb. Vrsp Boniface Pope 5. of that name borne at Naples gouerned the Church fiue yeares This was hee who first ordeined that offenders which saued themselues in Churches should haue Immunities and priuiledges and that from thence they should not be deliuered by force but that such as committed Sacriledge in all places should be excommunicated The waine and decaie of the Romane Empire The Romane Empire began to fall For whilest Christians were at warres one with an other the Sarrasins occupied Egipt and Affrike and do yet holde them And in the space of an 120. yeares all Asia was lost from the Christians Also the best part of Europe was occupied because of the couetousnesse discention and carelesnesse of the Emperours and Popes which mused and studied vpon lesse matters namely to forge naughtie inuentions and ordinances vpon ordinances Cyrus Bishop of Alexandria seeing the Sarrasins came into Egipt and that there was no succours on the part of the Emperour Heraclius a carelesse man yeelded himselfe tributarie to the said Sarrasins at a certaine annuall summe vpon which condition they returned back He was after accused before the Emperour as he who transported the riches of Egipt to straungers Wherefore he was deposed and Manuell of Armenia ordeined in his place who would not pay the said tribute whervpon the Sarrasins came againe into Egipt and occupied it Which the Emperour vnderstanding repented himselfe and sent Cyrus in Embassage towards the Sarrasins to cause them to goe out of Egipt and they should haue their said annuall tribute But one of them answered in these words Canst thou Cyrus saide he plucke downe this piller He answered no. As impossible said he it is that we should leaue Egipt By like pride many Countries haue bene lost Many common-wealths by tributes haue bene maintained in peace Faith promised euen to enemies must be kept The encrease of the kingdome of France From the yeare of saluation 514. hitherto the kingdome of France was diuided into certaine kingdomes because the kings of France had many heires One kingdome was called Austrasia comprehended Lorraine and Brabant and that which is betweene Rhene and Mense from Culloine to the Countrie of Alsasia The other called Neutria which comprehends the Regions which are betwixt Mense and Loire and Paris was the chiefe Towne thereof The third was called the kingdome of the Soisons In this diuision of Gaul the kingdome of Arles tooke also his beginning which had vnder it Sauoy the Countrey of the Switzes Zepingen Haspurge and Dauphine but at this time those particular kingdomes returned into a Monarchie Car. Dagobert the 11. King of France possessed first Austrasia after he ioyned vnto it the kingdome of Burgoine and finally was made Lord almost of all France and the name of France was then vniuersall for all those kingdomes When Dagobert dwelt in Austrasia his Pallace was in Alsatze And he builded a Castle at Rufach called Eisenburge he also builded many Monasteries of S. Benet wherevnto he gaue great reuenewes and chiefly to that of Wittenburge within 8. leagues of Strasbourge on the side of Rhene An other at Surbourge two leagues from Wittenburge Item an other at Haselach hard by Strasburge in the West mountain He also brought the church of Strasburge to a Bishoppricke and enriched it with great reuenewes Heereby note that France was then
which the Elector sent away safe forbidding them to maintain opiniōs or teach in his countries The 25. of May the Pope the King of Spaine and the Venetians made a league against the Turke The fourth day of Iune it rayned great abundance of Turnep-rootes Peas and other kinde of corne at Goldtberge Lemberge and Lauben in Solesia whereof the peisants and poore Countrey people made bread and were nourished in a great famine which afflicted the Countrey On the other side in base Saxonie in a litle Towne called Leubourge nie to Lunebourge and Hambourge two Vsurers and sellers of corne were destroyed through a maruellous iudgement of God The one fell dead suddenly as he opened his barne doore the corne whereof also was eaten and carried away with vermine And the other Corne-seller as he was going to drowne himself was taken and carried to prison where he hanged himselfe the night following About the same time the Muscouites made courses and strange forragings vppon the frontiers of the Kingdome of Snede and meaning to enter further they were constrained to retire to goe to defend their owne countrie which the Tartarians put to fire and sword The first day of August Famagoste a capitall Towne in the I le of Cyprus hauing sustained a long siege and diuers furious assaults was yeelded by composition to Mahomet Bassa who in the place to keepe his promise caused to be slaine all the Christian Captains and souldiers which came towards him and certaine daies after caused one Mark Anthony Bragandin a Venetian Gentleman Gouernour of Famagoste to bee scorched and broyled aliue and so got all the whole I le for Selim whose successors are at this day peaceable possessors thereof The 29. of September almost through all Almaine the Sun was seene of the colour of bloud The same day the Towne of Reuel the chiefe Towne of Liuonia was sucked and spoyled by the Muscouites The seuenth of October the memorable Nauall battaille in the gulfe of Lepante in the Mediterrane Sea betwixt the Army of the League and that of the Turkes Selim lost there 15. thousand men and the most part of his Vessels The Christians tooke a great number of prisoners This victorie greatly abated the pride of the Turkes yet the Venetians certain time after perceiuing the estate of their affaires required peace they sought and obtained it of Selim. The tenth day of October the Theologians and Ministers of the Electorship of Saxonie assembled at Dresde to prouide for troubles alreadie come for matters of Religion and they agreed to publish a confession of the person and incarnation of Iesus Christ of his maiestie ascention and sitting on the right hand of God also of the Supper of the Lord. The other Theologians of Saxonie opposed themselues by writings Imprinted against the said confession wherevpon many debates followed A coniuration against the Queene of England was miraculously discouered and the Duke of Northfolke Captaine of that coniuration arrested and condemned vpon Letters and after executed to death Almaine was greatly afflicted in many places with daungerous diseases and with extreame famine in Snabie and in Bauiere The Churches of France were a good quietnesse because of the good countenance that the King shewed vnto them of the Religion The sixt day of Ianuary The Riuer of Vistule passing in the Duchie of Pruse nigh vnto Thorne was conuerted into bloud the space of three dayes to the great feare of all the people hauing againe taken his ordinary colour about nine of the clocke at night there was a straunge Earth-quake two cloudes rent and let fal their waters with so great a force that fortie houses were carried away by the furie of the Riuer sixe Arches of Thornebridge ouerthrowne and 300. persons drowned There fell also from heauen stones of ten pound waight wherewith many people were slaine The 22. of the same moneth the Towne of Inspruck was troubled with so terrible an Earthquake which endured three dayes that the most part of the houses the Pallace of the Arch-duke of Austriche the Church and the Printing-house went downe by meanes wherof the Arch-duke was constrained to retire into a great Parke where were nourished diuers sorts of sauage and wilde beastes euery man iudging the world should haue ended Munchen in Bauiere and Ausbourge had their part of this feare The Castle of Wirtzbourge was burnt the 29. of that moneth so suddenly that the Bishop had no leisure to carrie any thing away but his shert He lost by that fire all his Registers titles and papers The winter hauing bene very sharpe this moneth continued all Ianuarie and Februarie exceeding sharpe and extraordinarie In the moneth of February the Duke of Alua thinking to haue come to the vpper hand of all his purposes laid vpon the Flemmings great exactions and amongst other the tenth penney perpetual And notwithstanding remonstrances vnto him of the impossibilitie thereof and that without the aduise of the Estates of the country he could not charge nor taxe them yet resolued he to put it in execution But the people especially of Bruxelles sought all means to exempt themselues from it Such as were absent beholding this ouerture thus made gathered in companies here and there to busie the Spaniard as they did soone after For the first day of Aprill the Count de la Marche sieur de Lumey arriuing secretly frō England surprised the Ile the Towne of Brielle in Holland straight Flusshing a notable hauen of Zeland and Emchuse forsooke the Duke of Alua his part who to remedie it sent the Count de Bossu with an Army of Spaniards into Holland who the ninth of the same moneth sacked Roterdam and slew a great number of the Burgesses The Count Lodowick the Prince of Orange his brother hauing obtained a new Army in France with certain Lords of the Religion by the Kings consent suprised Monts in Hainaut the 24. of May where shortly after hee was enclosed by the Duke of Alua his troupes houering thereabouts and stopping the passages Valenciennes was also take but straight againe recouered by the Spaniards Then also it seemed that France should haue bin peaceable for a long time that the reformed Churches should no more be disquieted in time to come namely in regard of a marriage concluded of Henry Prince of Nauarre with Margarite the kings sister as also that then the Admirall seemed in great credit in the Court by means wherof the most part of men especially they of the Religion imagined already a Gospell without the Crosse and a worldly Christ Pope Pius the fift died the first day of May and the 13. after his obsequies ended the Cardinalls elected for Pope a Boulognois Doctor of the Canon lawe called Iaques Boncompagne against the purpose of diuers competitors He called himselfe Gregorie 13. and for his entry gaue order for warre against the Turkes confirmed the decrees of the Councell of
of Brabant In Cyonia a Citie of Muschouie within a pleasant valley the tombe of P. Ouidius Naso was found with this Epitaphe Hic situs est vates quem viui Caesaris ira Augusti Latio cedere iussit humo Saepe miser voluit patrijs succumbere tectis Sed frustra hunc illi fatadedere locum Genebrardus The 18. day of March the Prince of Orange being in Antwerpe quiet and in the greatest fortune that hee was euer was shot in his house as he was rising from the table in the middest of all his seruants with a Pistoll by one Iohn Scarigni a Biscaine mooued therevnto by zeale of Religion as hee pretended the bullet hitting him vnder his right Iawe passed forth through the windowe and although hee was supposed dead yet was he cured and liued and the offender was presently slaine by his guard and all such as were found accessary were executed Cardinall Albert Arch-duke of Austria was made gouernour of Portugall Ieronimo Conestaggio Don Antonio departed for France from the Terceres leauing Emanuel de Sylua in his place with 500. Frenchmen vnder the charge of Baptist Florentine and Charles a French man their Captaine In the moneth of August the Forces of Don Antonio king of Portugall skirmishing with Phillip king of Spaine in a battaile at Sea at S. Michaels Mount were discomfited Heere Strossius the Generall of the Forces of France with the losse almost of all his Army was in the ende discomfited Genebrardus There was one thing worthy of obseruation in the fight at Sea Within the Gallion of S. Mathew a Priest called Iohn de Iaem Chaplaine vnto the Marshall of the field a man which had seene the warres during the fight being vnder lowest deck of the Gallion when hee sawe so much wilde fier cast by the French heauing their shot and seeing the hurt which the Cannon did he died onely of feare and amazement hauing receiued no wound Phillip after the death of Diego his eldest sonne who was sworne Prince of Portugall at Tomar hee would likewise that the same oath should bee made in the person of Phillip his second sonne being then sicke and for the swearing of him hee assembled the estates at Lisbone resolute to accomplish this ceremonie before his departure At that time the Duke of Alua consumed with a continuall feauer died in the Pallace at Lisbone in the Kings owne quarter being of the age of three score and fourteen yeares During his sicknesse hee was greatly fauoured of the king who did visit him a litle before his death but after it the next day the Portugalls obserued that he went publikely to Masse without any shewe of discontentment in him contrary to the custome of their Kings who vpon the death of one of lesse qualitie hauing done many notable seruices to the Crowne relied themselues for a time the which seemed the more straunge for that King Emanuel vpon the death of a noble Pilot withdrew himselfe three dayes Ieronimo Conestaggio He arrogating too much to himselfe caused a statue of brasse to be erected for him in the Citadell of Antwerpe which the king willed afterwards to be beaten downe Charles Borgia Duke of Candia a man of greater vertue then experience succeeded in his place Vpon the 28. of Iune Peregrin Bartu Lord Willougbie was sent Embassador to Frederick the second with the Garter The Prince of Orange hauing recouered his hurt came abroad His wife Carola lineally discended from the right noble house of Montpensier with ouermuch ioy of his recouerie within three daies after died of a plurisie D. Chytreus In this yeare of our Lord 1582. this Pope by anticipating tenne daies in the yeare gaue himselfe to correct the Calender and to eternize his name this Calender he called Gregorianum and by his decree all Christian Princes obeying the Romish Sea gaue commandement to cut of tenne daies in the moneth of October so as for the fift day they should generally write fifteene the which was done to fitte the meanes and principall aspects wherein the heauens were when as our Redeemer Iesus Christ suffered that they might celebrate Easter and the other Feasts vpon their proper dayes The which they had not formerly done for that the true course of the Sunne which makes the yeare being certaine minutes of an houre lesse the time which they vntill then had taken for a yeare It seemed that in the course of so many yeares so small a difference had mounted vnto tenne dayes so as by this equallitie it was made cōformable to the time past Ieron Con. D. Chytreus Phillip caused the bones of Sebastian late king of Portugall to be brought out of Affricke the which with king Henries that were at Almerin he would before his departure see solemnly interred in the Church of Belem neare to the other Kings of Portugall At this time were revnited all the kingdomes of Spaine which from the entrance of the Moores into Spaine 860. and so many yeares fithence haue bene diuided M. Cyprian Valera D. Saunders the Popes Nuntio and Legate who came from Rome with Iames Fitzmoris in Iuly in the yeare 1599. to beare Armes in Ireland against her maiestie after that hee had wandred vp downe three yeares together with the Earle of Desmond and Syr Iohn his brother hee fell sicke of an Irish Ague and a Flixe and lay in the wood Clennetisse which wood is full of withies bryers thornes and through which is no passage where partly through his sicknesse but chiefly through famine and want dyed Hollenshed The Earle of Desmond was taken by one Kollie an Irishman in an old house alone and there slain whose head was sent into England and set vpon London bridge Amias D. of Leneux so created in the yeare 1579. was now in this yeare vpon displeasure banished Scotland and enforced to returne into France in whose exile was performed an olde prophecie That a man of fiue shillings should buy all the Dukes of England Scotland For when this Duke was out of the Scottish kingdome there was neither Duke in that Countrey nor in England Idem Henry King of Nauarre when hee vnderstood that the Archbishop of Cullen was in great distresse and the many traiterous practises of the Pope against him hee sent his Embassador to the Electors Princes of Germanie who professed the true doctrine of the Gospell First for the establishing of a generall concord by a generall Synode of the Churches in Germanie France England and other Countries imbracing the true Religion Then that these Princes of the reformed Church should by oath all ioyne their powers against the Pope his adherents which that hee might the better perswade hee set downe in his Letters the imminent daungers ouer the principall kingdomes in Europe which professed the true Faith As many as in Spaine or Italie were suspected for the truth were put into the Inquisition and so martyred In France
the promulgation of the Councell of Trent and the constitution of the Inquisition was vrged by the Popes Legate against the intercession of the Senate and the liberties of the Church of France That in England by the treacherous practises of the Iesuites the hearts of her maiesties subiects were drawne from their alleagiance As for the Scots such matters were set abroach euen in the Court that those of the better sort and such as studied for the common good and peace of the realme by the dissention of some Nobles and the Kings youth were banished which vnlesse it were presently remoued it would hazard the estate of their Church and raise warre betweene England and Scotland The miseries of Belgia it being so ouerpressed by the Spanish powers and they euery day encreasing promise no good successe to their Church In Heluetia by the Popes contributions subtilties and the most turbulent preachings of the Iesuites these two yeares haue bene ciuil warres Insomuch that the Bernates imbracers of the reformed Religion should be oppressed by the power of the D. of Sauoy The Churches of Suecia stand wauering whilest the Popish ceremonies are there kept and Iesuites frequent the Court and feare least their perswasions should alienate their King And for Germanie in the which by the care sinceritie of the most mightie Princes the surest and safest harbours are giuen to the Churches the Pope doth what in him lyeth to confound and ouerthrow In Coloine he hath stirred vp such tragedies against that Princely Elector the ende whereof vnlesse it be brought vpon his owne head he hopeth wil be the confusion of all Germanie This Embassage although it was beningly receiued of all the Princes to whom it came yet new disputations troubles arising in France about the death of Alanson the dangers encreased D. Chytreus Georgius Ernestus the last Prince of Henneberge died this present yeare Idem Elias Thacker was hanged at S. Edmonds-Bury in Suffolke and Iohn Copping for spreading certain bookes seditiously penned by one Robert Browne against the booke of commō praier established by the lawes of the realme their bookes as many a could be found were burnt before them I. S. Iohn Lewis who named himselfe Abdiot an obstinate heretike denying the Godhead of Christ and holding diuers other detestable heresies much like to his predecessor Mathew Hamond was burned at Norwich Albertus Alasco free Baron of Lasco Vaiuode or Palatine of Syradia in Poland arriued at Harwiche in Essex and on the last of April came by water to Winchester house in Southwarke where he remained for the most part of his abode Frances of Valois Duke of Alanson attempted diuers exployts in the lowe Countries the issue whereof fell out to his misfortune wherefore feeling himselfe sicke he retyred from Dunkerke towards Fraunce where hee fell into so straunge a iudgement that euen the Phisitians beganne to doubt him for a flixe of blood issued so continually out of his nose and mouth that they were still forced to hold him a Basen whereinto hee voyded the cleare and pure blood whereof he dyed Some say this happend either by his riotousnesse in the lowe Countries or for griefe of the hard successe of his affaires there or by Salcedas meanes that was executed His death weakened the most drowsie heads it brake all the bonds that staied the proceedings of the League and caused it presently to waine at Chalouns Rhemes Troy Dyon and Mezeiuel Historie of France The tenth of Iuly William Nassau Prince of Orange in the one and fiftie yeare of his age was slaine with a Bullet by Balthazar Gerardus otherwise called Serach See Genebrardus This villaine beeing taken aliue confessed that hee was neither set on by the French nor Spanish but did it of his owne minde thinking that thereby hee did God good seruice foorthwith hee was punished with such a death as the qualitie of so hainous a fact deserued Yet a certaine writer of Coloine setteth him downe for a Martyr See Dauid Chytraeus H. Earle of Darbie by the Queenes maiestie was sent Embassador to Henry the third the French King the 30. of Ianuary to inuest him with the order of the Garter Hyperas the eight day of April and Briges which next to Gaunt is the chiefe Citie of Flaunders a little before the Prince of Orange his death in the moneth of May was recouered by the Prince of Parma all former offences forgotten so that they would restore the Catholicke religion of Rome and performe true allegiance to the king of Spaine Assoone as the League perceiued that diuers Townes had made great fiers for ioy of her byrth it was presented to the Pope that he might giue it his blessing auouch it for his and declare it to be for the Catholicke Apostolicke and Romish Church But Gregorie the 13. desiring to shewe himselfe the Father of all Christians and a Pastor and not a dispearser of his flocke considering that the raising of Armes against a most Christian Catholicke king was wholy contrary to the doctrine of the Gospell the examples of Christ and his Apostles and the lawes of policie and state certified the Leagues Deputies that he could not approue their inuentions and to conclude sent them back againe without an answer And not long before he dyed hee said to the Cardinall Est that the League should neuer haue Bull Letter nor Commission from him for hee knew not what they meant and that hee would not serue for a fire-brand to kindle a warre which he could by no means quench In the prime of this yeare the first of April S. Walter Raleigh tooke his voyage for the discouery of that land which lieth between Norembega and Florida in the West Indies and returned in August following preparing afterwards for a second voiage S. H. Gilbert attempted to discouer with intention this country of Norembega to settle an English Colonie there in the yeare 1578. accompanied with a company of Gentlemen of good calling and ten sailes of all sorts of shipping but the iourney tooke no successe for all their ships inforced by some occasion or mischance made their present returne that only excepted where his brother S. W. R. was Captaine who tooke his course to the West Indies but for want of vittailes other necessaries when he had sailed as farre as the Ilands of Cape de Verde vpō the coast of Affrica he was cōstrained to set saile and returne for England But S. H. G. enterprised the voyage the second time and set to sea with three shippes and pinnases this yeare 1584. in which iourney he lost his life This yeare also S. W.R. encouraged by the reports of his men of the goodnes of the soile and the fertillitie of the country which they had discouered the last yeare past and now by her maiestie called Virginia furnished with 8. sailes of all sorts set them to the sea appointing S. Richard Greenfeeld his Lieutenant enioyning him either to
entertain hold the people in a vain hope of deliuerāce but all this while famine made warre against the Parisians Gregorie 14. before called Nicholas was borne at Millaine his fathers name was Frances Sfondrate of an auncient wealthy family He was elected Pope in the place of Vrbane The 8. day of Ianuary he instituted a Iubily and commaunded it to be published Anth. Cicca After this he made Gcnerall of the Churches army Count Sfondrate his nephew and sent him with an army into France to the maintenance of which warre he contributed fiue hundred thousand ducats besides other 40000. poundes of his owne He created his nephew Duke of Mount Marian the which state for that the great D. of Florence for his conspiracies and rebelliō against the church was put to death was now void by confiscation and therfore the Pope said he might bestow it where he thought good A great dangerous tumult hapned at Cracouia the king himself being there vnder the name of religion chiefly by certaine schollers who egged on by their maisters the Iesuites assaulted violently such houses where the exercise of religion different from the Popes were celebrated This was soone appeased by the magistrates but the third night when they thought all had beene quiet they gathered their companies together and set fire on the house D. Chytraeus The Princes Romane Catholicke Lords which were the Kings partakers perswaded with him to frame himselfe to the exterior profession of the religiō and by the D. of Luxembourg who had before made a voyage vnto Rome in their name they practised with the Pope to that end On the contrary side the Protestant Lords beseeched the king to haue them in remembrance who were so faithfully imployed for him Other of his Councel pressed vpō him to prouide for his peaceable subiects as wel of the one as of the other religiō Also that he wold preuent the new attempts of the Pope and his adhaerents against France And these sollicitations begat an Edict for the vpholding of the two religions in his kingdome D. Chytraeus An act was made by the high Court of Parliament at Chalouns and at Tours against the Popes Bulls his Nuntio and his Legate in France This likewise was proclaimed We haue proclaimed and do proclaime Pope Gregorie the 14. of that name an enemy to the common peace to the vnion of the Romane Catholike Church to the King and to his roial state adhearent to the conspiracie of Spaine a fauourer of rebels guiltie of the most cruell most inhumane and most detestable parracide traiterously committed on the person of Henry the 3. of most famous most Christian and most Catholike memorie Christian Duke of Saxonie Prince Elector died of the age 31. yeares D. Chytraeus Gregorie the 14. fell now sicke of a quotidian Feuer hee was also troubled with a continuall flix and the stone whereof he dyed and was buried in the Chappell of the Gregories in S. Peters Church Hee sate in the seate ten moneths and as many dayes and it was vacant 15. dayes Anth. Cicca In this time there was a great dearth through the most part of Italie and other Christian Prouinces after which followed a great plague There dyed in Rome from August 1590. vnto the end of August the yeare following 1591. threescore thousand Idem Innocent the 9. before called Antonius Fachiuertus Cardinall of the 4. holy Crownes He was borne at Bononia and before hee was Cardinall by Pope Gregorie made Patriarke of Ierusalem Fredericus Wilelmus Duke of Saxonie and Iohannes Georgius Elector and Marquesse of Brandebourge had the Protectorship of Christians sonne these no further vrged his mandates concerning Religion and recalled home many Ministers of the Church and Superindents who had not obeyed them and therefore banished by him a litle before his death D. Chytraeus The Duke of Guise by a cord which was giuen him wherwith sliding downe out of a window escaped out of prison and fled to the Lord de la Chastre The great Chancelor of Poland Zamoscius rebelled against his leige Lord with an Armie of 30000. men Pope Innocent the 9. being 70. yeares of age and hauing ruled two moneths odde dayes dyed So that in the space of fourteene moneths 4. Popes dyed Sixtus Vrban Gregorie and Innocent and it is to be thought the most or all of them dyed of poyson For Brazuto is not dead that giueth them poyson This Brazuto killed 6. Popes with poyson as it is to be read in the life of Damasus The seate was vacant one moneth and a day Edmond Coppinger and H. Arthington conferring with one of their sect called William Hacket they offered to annoint him king but Hacket taking Coppinger by the hand said You shall not need to annoint me for I haue bene already annoynted in heauen by the holy Ghost himselfe then Coppinger asked him what his pleasure was to be done Goe your way both said he and tell them in the Citie that Christ Iesus is come with his Fanne in his hand to iudge the earth Which they did in diuers streets crying also repent England repent and in Cheapeside got vp into a Cart and preached how this Hacket represented Christ that they were two Prophets the one of mercy the other of iudgement sent and extraordinarily called by God to assist him in this great worke and were witnesses of these things For these misdemeanors and spreading of false prophecies as also for his traiterous words against the Queenes Maiestie Hacket was hanged But Coppinger dyed in Bridewell and Arthington long after was reserued in the Counter in Woodstreete in hope of repentance I. Stowe Hippolitus Aldobrandinus Cardinall was elected Pope by the name of Clement the eight When Sebastian King of Portugall went with his Armie into Affrica hee requested hostage of Muhameth to whom hee deliuered his sonne Mulei Xeques him Sebastian sent Magaza but they both being slaine in the battaile of Alcazar 1578. Xeques was sent into Spaine and brought vp vnder King Phillip At the last this yeare hauing before by degrees perswaded to become a Christian was baptised with his kinsman other of his Nobles in the most famous Monastery of S. Laurence and vowed euer after to continue true Christians Genebrardus The 16. of Ianuary Cassimere Duke Palatine to the great sorrow and discomfort of the Church of Geneua departed this life Ladislaus King of Hungarie and Boheme died of the age of 18 yeares This yeare Amurathes Emperour of the Turkes prepared for warre against the Christians The cause was this The truce taken was yet kept betweene the Emperour and the Turke to the great quietnesse of both their subiects But in the meane season a peace was concluded betweene the Turke the Persian Wherefore many of the Turkish Bass●es perswaded their Emperour to make war vpon the Christian and so forthwith he dispatched a puissant Army into the confines of Hungary The Emperour
Rodolphe although hee had this opinion that Amurath would deny that the truce was broken by him notwithstanding knowing that it is the Turkes custome not to restore those Cities which they had once taken maketh all the power he can to resist his Forces M. G Belg. William Lantgraue of Hesse a most wise vertuous learned Prince being 70. yeares of age departed this world William Duke of Brunswicke the sonne of Ernestus a Prince of most sincere Religion dyed likewise leauing behind him seuen sonnes whom he had by Dorithie the daughter of Christian the third King of Denmarke D. Chytraeus At this time deceased likewise Iohan 3. King of Suetia the Father of Sigismond the 3. King of Poland As the Leaguers were promised great things by the Estates of Paris and the partakers of Spaine held it for a most certaine troth that the Duke of Parma would returne yet the third time with puissant Forces to doo some notable exployt thereby to couer the shame of his two former voyages and so to assure the K. of France to King Phillip or to the Princesse his daughter But death cut off the thred of his life together with his enterprises the 2. of December 1592. His bodie was carried to Parma and buried without any great solemnitie in the litle Chappell of the Cappuchins with this Epitaphe Alexandr Farnesius Belgis diuictis Francis obsidione leuatis vt humili hoc loco cadauer eius reponeretur manaauit 3. nonas Decem. 1592. Et vt secum Mariae eius coniugis optimae ossa iungerentur Genebr The Senate and the people of Rome caused his statue to be made and set vp in the Capitoll M. G. Belg. After much conference commings goings Letters and answers frō the deputie on each side the supplications of those which desired in such sort that the king who since he withdrew himselfe from the Court of France for 15. yeares before had made open profession of the reformed religion cōtrary to the aduice of his Ministers went to see heare Masse sung in the Cathedrall Church of S. Denis the 25. Sunday of Iuly where he was receiued of the Archbishop of Bourges and other Prelates with certaine peculiar ceremonies peculiar receiuing which was incontinently published throughout the Realme with diuers censures as well of the Catholicke nobilitie as also of those of the religiō wherof not one followed this example The Preachers belonging to the League publike priuately before after the truce their discourses at Paris other places were that the Masse which they sung before the king was but a deceit That the Pope should not recatholize him that it was lawfull for the people to rise against him his officers that it appertained to the Sorbonists to iudge whether the Pope ought to receiue him as King And if peraduenture hee should doo it neuerthelesse hee might be held for an hereticke and one excommunicate that it was lawfull for any particular man to kill him that should say he was vnited to the Catholicke Romane Church D. Chytraeus The Parisians and other Townes that held for the League desired that the King of Spaines daughter might be marryed to the Duke of Guise and so be crowned King and Queene of France Ernestus Duke of Pomerian a Prince endued with singular vertues most bountiful to the Churches Vniuersities departed this life leauing his successor Philippus Iulius of the age of seuen yeares who was committed to the custody and protection of Bogislaus Chytraeus In Poland the marriage of Sigismond the 3. king thereof and Anne of Austrich the daughter of Charles the Archduke was solemnized Idem In Belgia Maurice Count Nassau the sonne of William Prince of Orange and Gouernour of Holland tooke the Mount Gertrude a Towne well fortified bordering on the confines of Brabant and Holland when for three moneths he had besieged it and they by force and famine were constrained to yeeld although Petrus Ernestus Count Mansfeeld to whom after the death of the Duke of Parma the king of Spaine committed the gouernment of the lowe Countries labours in vaine by his forces to raise the siege At Aquisgrane the dissention in Religion raised great tumults but they of the reformed Religion had the worst The Turke spoyled and deliuered many Townes in Hungarie and Croalia but comming with his Forces to Gomorra he was most valiantly resisted He not only presecuted at this time the Christians but the Persians also vpon some cause vnkowne the truce being broken and inuaded them with two hundred thousand men where he made great hauocke sparing none After this the Christians had a notable victorie ouer the Turkes in Hungarie and did kill in fight put to flight more then fiue thousand of the Turkes Charles Guise Duke de Maine vnder the colour of restoring the Catholick religiō in France were confederate with the Pope and the King of Spaine against Henry the 4. K. of France and Nauarre therefore out of euery Prouince of the kingdome elected certaine Embassadors to holde a Parliament at Paris there to determine and set downe for a Catholike king Pope Clement the eight sent Phillip Cardinall of Plaisans And the King of Spaine his Embassadors At this time the King of France was againe excommunicated Afterward the Duke of Guise the sonne of him that was slaine by Henry the 3. being of the age of 25. yeares was nominated and elected King by certaine of the confederates but the Senat Parliament of Paris not admitting that any one should be King vnlesse he were of the blood royall he was not proclaimed neither would the Guise beare the citie thereof D. Chytraeus Vpon this the King of France as before is declared bare-footed with a candle in his hand went to the Temple of Saint Denis and being confessed to the Archbishop of Bourges and absolued of his heresie had solemne Masse and remoued the Preachers of his late professed Religion out of his Court. At Riga in Liuonia the Kings Commissaries amongst their affaires of the Estate vrged them for the restoring of the religiō to the same estate it was determined with king Stephen and the Churches likewise that the Iesuites should be againe admitted into the Temple of S. Iames and Mary Magdalen whom the yeare before the incensed Citizens had expulsed So by these meanes that the Senate and people of Riga should hold all the other Churches within the Citie and the suburbes with all the goods profits and reuenewes belonging to them But the Senate and Citizens refusing to entertaine the Iesuites as being most vnquiet turbulent spirits and the very brands of discord and sedition as also the better part of them desirous to keepe and continue in their Citie one onely religion of the confession of Augusta Or if they should altogether obey the Kings authoritie and the present necessitie of the time and fate thinking it better the secular authoritie as King Stephen had set it
Subtilties of the Romane Court. Deceits of the Roman court Notable misteries O true Bulls That is of Sathan Marcel 2. The Popes Character is to be an enemie vnto the truth Marcel Inquisitor generall Ierome Vida Cremona The cause wherefore Vergerius was put from the Councel Paul 4. Theatin before hee was Pope confessed the truth A tumult at Geneua Vlpian victualled Mariēbourg The Lucarnois demanded the Gospell Dissention of the Supper renewed by thē of Breme Hambourge The death of Frederick Palatin A wonder in the Country of Aouste Pruse receiueth the confession of Ausbourge Iohn Functius Comete Parracide of three childrē Iourney at Ratisbone The returne of Charles the fift into Spaine The death of Dauid George Ferdinād 1. Of the Spanish Inquisition Martyrs of Spaine Other Marties of Spaine Diethmarsois brought vnder the yoke The death of Paul the 4. Pius the 4. elected Pope The marriage of Phillip King of Spaine with Elizabeth of France The state of France An. 1560. vnder Francis the 2. which died in the moneth of December The estate of Scotland The death of Melancton Warre in Piemont The begining of troubles in France Notable executions at Rome King Charls the ninth sacred Reconciliation of the Prince of Conde and Duke of Guise A conference at Poissy about matters of religion The death of Shuvenckfeld The state of France Frances Maximilian crowned king of the Romans and of Boheme The death of Peter Martyr The Duke of Guise slaine and peace made The estate of Almaine The Kings Maioritie A citation frō Rome against the Queene of Nauarre The Bishop of Wirtzbourge slaine Battaile betweene the Danes The end of the Councel of Trent The death of Musculus The death of Hiperius The death of Caluin A battaile betwixt y e Danes and Snedes Maximilian The death of Ferdinand The estate of the Flemish Churches War at Malte Deluges Warre in Hungary The death of Pope Pius 4. The death of Conrad Gesner An Edict against the Religion in the lowe Countries Pius 5. The violent death of the king of Scotland A league in Flaunders against the Inquisition War in Hungary Selim succeeded Soliman Iohn Functius others beheaded War against Iohn Frederick of Saxonie Images burst in the lowe Countries Troubles in the lowe Countries Continuation of troubles beginning of warre in the lowe Countries The death of the Duke of Brunswick Certaine Bayliwickes yeelded to the Duke of Sauoy The Duke of Alua commeth into the lowe Country and his first exployts The second ciuil warre in France Great deluges in Italie Cassimere bringeth succours to them of the Religion Reisters in France Siluer stayed The death of the Duke of Pruse The Prince of Orange and the Count of Hochstrate iustifie themselues Open warres in the lowe Countries The Counts d' Aigmont and d' Horne beheaded The Count Lodowick ouerthrowne The Prince of Orange taketh Armes The miserable estate of the Churches The death of the Prince of Spaine The king of Snede Three Moones at one instant Treuers besieged Exercise of Religion in Austrich The third ciuill warre in France A conference at Aldebourg Reisters in France The Queene of England tooke three Spanish ships The Duke de Deux Ponts leadeth an Armie into France Confiscations in the lowe Countries The Prince of Conde slaine An Imperiall Iourney The Popes present to the Duke of Alua. The death of the Sieur de Andelot Exercise of Religion in Austriche Great Duke of Thuscane An arrest against the Admirall The battle of Montcōtour Pardon of the Duke of Alua. A coniuration in England A continuation of warre in France Troubles for matters of Religion in Almaine The Turkes denounce war to the Venetians A Sinode in Polongne Exhortation vnto pacification A truce An Imperiall Iourney Executions to death The 3. Edict of pacificatiō The death of Iohn Brencius the father of vbiquitie Deluges in Friseland France and other Countries Nicosia taken Marriage of the King of Spaine Earthquakes Marriage of the King of France Deluges in France An Imperiall Iourney Peace betwixt Denmarke and Snede Vaiuoda of Transiluania A disputation against the Anabaptists A league against the Turke Raining of corne Rodes of the Muscouites Famagoste yeelded A strange Sun A Nauall battaile at Lepante A conference at Dresde The Duke of Nothfolke beheaded Strange wonders in Pruse Fire in Wirtzbourge A sharp winter Exactions of the Duke of Alua and resolutions in Flaunders Appearance of rest in France The death of Pope Pius the 5. and election of Gregory 13. The death of the Queene of Nauarre The ouerthrow of the Duke de Medina Coeli Alliance The Prince of Orange iustified himselfe to the Emperour The death of the King of Polongne War in y e lowe Countrie Horrible murders in Frāce A new starre Exploits of warre in Holland and Zeland Sieges of Rochel and Sancerre The siege and losse of Harlē Warre in Barbary Requescens ouerthrowne and Middlebourg yeelded Henry de Valois king of Polongne Peace betwixt the Venetians the Turke Troubles in France The ouerthrow of the Duke Christopher and of the Count Lodowick The death of Camerarius The death of Cosme de Medices Antwerpe pilled by the Spaniards The second besieging of Leiden A fire at Venice Bruxelles The taking and death of Montgommery The death of Charles 9. Leyden deliuered The death of Selym. The aftaires of France The estate of the lowe Countries The king of Poland lost his kingdome The death of Bullenger Rodolphe crowned king of Hungarie Boheme and of the Romans The estate of France The estate of low Country The death of Sinder A new king of Poland The death of Maximilian Rodolph 2. Rodolph 2. The death of Fr. Palatine of Khene The estate of France Salentinus Iohn de Austrich Mathias Archduke of Austria Sebastian King of Portugall The Parliament at Blois Syr Martin Forbisher Croisada A Comet Warre and other acccidēts in the lowe Countries Cassamire The Prince of Parma created Duke Free exercise of the reformed religion Malcontents The reformed Church at Antwerpe Prince of Parma An heretike burnt at Norwiche The estate of Almaine Irish rebellion Thomas Stukely The 2. voyage of Sebastian with his Army into Affrike The death of Sebastian Molucs death Mulei Mahamet drowned Hamet proclaimed king Monsieurs voyage into Flaunders Institution of the order of y e holy Ghost Maistricht taken The Turkes Almaine The death of Henry King of Protugall An Earthquake K. Phillip The death of the Duke of Sauoy The tyrannie of the Duke Alua. A blazing Star A Proclamation against Iesuites The death of Q. Anne Iesuites D. of Aniou The crueltie of a father Richard Atkins burned for religion The Queene of France discontented with king Phillip D. Alanson Ouids tombe The Prince of Orange shot Cardinall Albert. A Priest died for feare The death of the Duke of Alua. Charles Borgia The new Calender set forth by the Pope D. Saunders Amia banished Scotland The King of Nauarre Albertus Alasoo The death of Fr.
Bishop of Tusoule was created Pope This Pope although he was accounted a very learned man yet because he had not such knowledge of things that hee had to gouerne as was requisite and also because he was of inconstant and mutable maners as Platina saith hee brought much more domage vnto the Popedome then honour or profit For he did many things wherein he shewed himselfe astonished and light There was one onely point wherein he was worthy praise that is that willingly hee helped many young people which had desire to profit in good Letters in giuing them siluer and Ecclesiastical Benifices and aboue all such as were pressed with pouertie The Venetians then did greatly molest them of the Marquesdome of Ancone because they made traffique of Marchandise into Dalmatia without paying any portage to the Venetian the Pope defended them not as he ought they beeing the Churches subiects for hee was readie inough in words but when it came to lay hand to worke he had neither courage nor hardinesse They of Ancone seeing themselues destitute of the Popes succours taking courage made a sallie vpon the Venetians which had besieged their Towne and droue them away after hauing greatly indomaged them In all things this Pope accustomed not to vse any other Councell but of Iohn de Gauiette by the will and direction of whom all things were gouerned for that by his meanes hee was chosen Pope He sent Embassadors as well towards Michael Paleologne as to Westerne Kings exhorting them in his name that they would make Peace one with another and take Armes against the Sarrasins and other enemies of Christian religion which thing if Paleologne would not do and if he kept not the vnion that he had accorded vnto Iohn would giue his Empire vnto Charles king of Sicilie This Pope promised himselfe long life yea he foretold it by the Starres and affirmed before euerie one that he should liue long But as he affirmed such a folly in the presence of his people a new Vault Valerius calls it a playing Hall Stella a rich and precious Chamber which he had builded in his Pallace at Viterbe fell suddenly the fourth day following the yeare 1277. And the seuenth day after the said ruine being found miserably slaine betwixt the stone and the wood was enterred in the great Church the 8. moneth of his Popedome He knew by experience how great was the vanitie of his Diuination The Sea was vacant by the space of sixe monethes by the meanes of debate amongst the Cardinalls Hee writ certaine Problems following therein Aristotle the Canons and rules of Phisicke The treasure of the poore and certaine Epistles The doctrine of the Waldois After that Waldo and his company were driuen from Lyons one company drew towards Lombardie where they multiplied greatly In so much that their doctrine began to be dispearced through Italie and came euen to Sicilie As the Patents of Frederic the second giuen against them when he raigned witnesseth By the recitall of such as writ against them and likewise by one Reinerius who liued and and writ a litle after this time it may be gathered that this was their doctrine That we must beleeue the scriptures onely in that which concerneth saluation and that no other thing ought to bee receiued but that which God commaundeth vs. That there is but one onely Mediator and therefore we must not inuocate Saints That there is no purgatorie but that all men iustified by Christ goe to eternall life and such as do not beleeue goe to eternall death And that there is neither third nor fourth place They receiue and allowe two Sacraments Baptisme and Communion They said that all Masses and chiefly such as were inuented for the dead were abhominable and damned and therefore ought to be abolished All humane traditions ought to be reiected without holding them for necessarie to saluation That singing and recitall of the officiall and fastings tyed to certaine dayes superfluous feasts the difference of meates as well of degrees and orders of Priests Monkes and Nuns as blessings and consecrations of creatures vowes pilgrimages and all the confusion and great heap of ceremonies before inuēted ought to be abolshed They denied the Popes supremacie aboue all the power he had vsurped vpon pollicies And they admitted no degrees but Bishops Priests and Deacons That the Romane seate is very Babilon and that the Pope is the fountaine of all euils at this day That the marriage of Priests is good and necessarie in the Church That such as heare the word of God and haue a right knowledge thereof are the true Church to which Iesus Christ hath giuen the keyes to cause Sheepe to enter and driue away Wolues See briefly the doctrine of the Waldois which the enemies haue impugned and for which by their owne witnesse they were persecuted in this time Mathias Illiricus in the Catalogue which he gathered of the witnesses of the truth saith that he hath by him the consultations of certaine Aduocates of Auignon Also of three Archbishops of Narbone of Arles and of Aix and likewise of the Bishop of Alban to roote out the Waldois written past 300. yeares by which it appeareth that then and before there were a great number of the faithfull heere and there dispearced throughout all France It may also be collected by the consultations of the said Archbishops that as the number was very great the persecution was very cruell For in the end of them there is thus found written Who is so new in France that is ignorant of the condemnation of these Heretikes Waldois made of long time so iustly A thing so famous so publike as hath cost so great expences sweats and trauells for the Catholique and hath bene sealed with so many condemnations and deathes of those wicked Infidells can it be called into doubt It appeareth then what a butcherie in this time was made of the faithfull and what crueltie the supporters of the Romane Antechrist exercise against the good Nicholas 3. borne at Rome of the house of Vrsins called before Iohn de Gauette the election being deferred vntill the sixt moneth not wthout great debate and contentions amongst the Cardinalls occupied the papall seate Charles king of Sicilie as Senator of Rome had the charge of the Conclaue who insisted much that some of the French Nation might be chosen After then that Nicholas had taken possession of the Popedome meaning to diminish the credit and power of Charles tooke from him the Vicariatship of Tuscane and filled all Italie with vprores and tumults of warre and to the end he might prouide well for his businesses he perswaded Peter King of Arragon these be old Popish trickes to redemaund the Kingdome of Sicilie shewing him that by right of heritage it belonged vnto him because of Constance his wife Which counsell pleased Peter well But what fruite wrought the counsell of this S. Peter Peter hauing gotten into his power a puissant Armie
the like Luther denieth it and saith that the bodie of Iesus Christ is within the bread wine and that it entreth into the mouth The Saxons follow Luther and Swisses Zuinglius Of long time hath Sathan with his darke cloudes obscured the doctrine of the Supper and now by contentions and debates hee also seeketh to take away from men the true taste thereof The sedition of peasants remained not only in Almaine but spred it selfe also in Lorraine nigh to Sauernes Duke Anthonie accompanied with his brother Claude de Guise and of some of the French troupe which were at the Iourney at Pauie fought with them and slew a great number keeping not his promised faith vnto them The Sorbonist Doctors of Paris whilest their king was in draue out of France Iames Faber d'estaples partly vpon enuie and partly vpon suspition of Religion The King aduertised hereof made the cause to be staied vntill his returne Frederic Duke of Saxonie dyed and Iohn his brother was his successor Carolostadius writ against Luther vnto whom hee answered at large The Pope Clement whilest the King was a prisoner writ Letters vnto the Parliament of Paris greeuously to persecute the Lutherans Touching the seditions of the peasants multiplied in diuers places See the Historie of Sleidan Luther taketh a Nunne to wife whereby he receiueth many reproaches at his aduersaries hands In Ianuary a peace was made at Madril in Spaine betwixt the King and the Emperour vpon condition aboue all to bandie himselfe against the Turke and the heresie of Luther The King after he had seene his two children as hostages returned into France The Emperour espowsed in Spaine Isabel the daughter of Emanuel and sister to Iohn king of Portugall The Turke departed from Belgrade and hauing passed from Danubie and Sauo hee drew strait into Hungarie and bad battaile vnto king Lewis who died in the fight and his wife Mary the Emperours sister saued her selfe with swift running Iohn Sepuse Vaiuoda de Transiluania after being allyed with the Turke against Ferdinand was appointed king of Hungaria as his vassall and Tenant Whilest they debated their rights by dint of the sword there fell out a very damageable warre both for them and their neighbours Francis king of Fraunce returned from Spaine allyed himselfe with the Pope the Venetians to defend Italie by sea and land against the Emperour and to recouer the kingdome of Naples and published a writing whereby he shewed his reasons And the Emperour caused to be published an other to the contrary Swisse infected with Anabaptists At Saint Gaull one of that Sect before his Father and Mother and others his Parents cut off his brothers head saying hee had beene so commaunded of God by reuelation Ioachim Vadian a learned man Consull of the said Towne with other Iustices incontinently caused the head of the said paracide Anabaptist to be cut off They of Berne made knowne to their next Bishops their disputations touching the reformation of Religion and publish Articles Bourbon willing to passe for the Emperour into the kingdome of Naples tooke his way towards Rome which he got by assault Bourbon was there strooken with a Bullet as he scaled the wall and there left his life The Towne was pilled the sixt day of May. Clement was besieged a long time with his Cardinalls in the Castle of Saint Angelo And finally the seuenth moneth after hee was deliuered by his raunsome of 40000. ducats after some The birth of Phillip the Emperours sonne was this yeare 1527. The King of France hauing made a league with the King of England sent into Italie the Lord de Landrece to succor the Pope he tooke Alexandria and after Pauie The seuenth of Ianuary they of Berne held disputation wherein Zuinglius Oecolampartius Bucer Capito Blanrer had by the holy scriptures surmounted and vanquished such as were of the aduerse partie Finally they confirmed by the authoritie of the Magistrate through all theyr lands the said Articles abolished the Masse and threw downe Images and Aultars The Kings of England in France demaunded of the Emperour many things by their Heraulds The King of Fraunce his children offering siluer for them He of England first three hundred thousand skutes for the borrowing of fiue hundred thousand of interest because the accords made betwixt them in the yeare 1522. had by him bene violated and broken Finally three yeares pension which by paction betwixt them the Emperour was bound to pay him that is to say 133000. skutes by yeare If hee refused their Heraulds were to denounce warre At Strasbourge by the Popes aduise euery man assembled in his Tribe The Masse was laide downe vntill the Papists should shew by the holy scripture that it is a seruice agreeable vnto God It may then lie downe long enough For contrary it is wholy opposite vnto the Supper of Iesus Christ Sedition at Basil betwixt the Burgesses and certaine of the Senators for the cause of Religion The Burgesses hauing taken Armes cast downe the Images in Temples which was the cause that the Senate agreed to what they demaunded yea and that twelue Senators which fauoured Papistrie should be deiected out of the Senate And that from thenceforth when any question fell out to ordain any thing concerning the common wealth that a Councell of 200. should be called therevnto to haue their aduise therin The Masse then was abolished through all their Seignorie and Images publikely burned as the Instruments of Idolatry Vpon a Wednesday which the Papist call Ashwednesday the Idolls were burnt at Basil Lantrec being dead and Andrew Danre of Genoua reuolted the French King began to hearken vnto peace Margarite the Emperours Aunt and Loyse the Kings mother assembled at Cambray and dealt for a peace in the moneth of August in this sort The Emperour left to the King Bourgongne if he engendred any male childe of his sister The King gaue for the deliuerance of his children to the Emperour twentie hundred thousand Skutes the debt of England being comprehended therein The Article againe is added to extirpate the Lutherans The Emperor returning from Genes and arriuing at Ausbourge denounced vnto the Protestants that they should let their preaching cease and goe to Masse with him They refused both he one and the other shewing there was no reason to constraine them to do it vnlesse the cause were debated The 24. of February after he had sworne namely that he should all his life defend the honour dignitie of the Romane seate he is with great pompe magnificence crowned Emperour at Boulogne Ellenor the Emperours sister and the Kings spowse came from Spaine into France with the Kings two children Frauncis and Henry after they had bene foure yeares in hostage in their Fathers place The Pope Clement and the Emperor besieged the Florentines because they set out of their Towne such as were of the house of Medices In the ende Ferrand de Gonzague brought them to composition and
vnto the people The 18. day of May Charles the ninth of that name sonne of Henry de Valois and of Catherine de Medicis was sacred king at Reimes in Campagne and soone after crowned at S. Denis in France The Churches of his kingdome to the eye-sight flourished to the preiudice whereof was made an Edict called of Iuly notwithstanding which they maintained themselues with great testimonies of the blessings of God In the meane while the king of Nauarre the first Prince of the bloud next vnto the kings brethren sent for Peter Martyr and Theodore de Beza to be at the disputation of Poissy which were sent thither by the Lords of Zurich and Geneua The 24. of August the Prince of Conde was recōciled by the King and his Councell with the Duke of Guise who vpon the Princes words which he spake on high I hold him and them for villaines which haue caused my imprisonment answered I beleeue so it nothing toucheth me Soone after the gouernmēt of the kingdome during the kings minoritie who was then but ten yeares old an halfe was cōfirmed to the queene mother In the meane while the deputies of the Churches and certaine other Ministries with safe conduit arriued at Poissy presented vnto the king a request for the order of the disputation and also the confession of their faith who with good countenance receiued thē promising to communicate their requests vnto his Councell make them an answere by his Chancelor In the beginning of September many requests were presented to set forward that which was begun and finally the 9. of the said moneth in the presence of the King Prince Lords and notable persons of the kingdome of France as wel of y e one as the other religion Theodore de Beza in the name of all the French Churches after publike inuocatiō of the name of God made long oration cōprehending a summary of all the Christian doctrine held preached by the Ministers of the reformed Churches and his oration finished he presented their cōfession of faith which was receiued deliuered into the hands of the prelates to prepare themselues to answer it But they opposed themselues only against two Articles of that oratiō The one of the Supper and the other of the Church and pronounced their answere by Charles Cardinal of Lorraine who had for his maister Claude Despence a Doctor of Sorbone who once shewed some seed of religion This answere hauing bene made certain daies after the oration the Ministers prayed that they might reply straight way but it was deferred to an other day and audience was giuen them but not so notable as the first thē fel there out a sharp disputation which began an other time after a third oration Then entred into conference fiue of the Romane Churches side with fiue of the reformed Churches who after a long disputation vpon the matter of the Supper retired without according any thing assuredly Frō the end of this moneth vntil the end of this yeare diuers leagues factions were made against the Churches seditiōs were stirred at Paris and in other places against the Christians assembling to heare the word of God the kings councel being occupied to prouide by some Edict against the mischief to come to procure rest for the kingdome About this yeare died Shuvenckfeld a very pernitious heretike who by his wicked doctrine greatly endamaged the Churches of Almaine The summe of his principall errours was to reuiue and renew againe the heresie of Eutiches For hee maintained that the humaine nature of Iesus Christ ought no more to be called a creature but we must think that it is at this day swallowed vp by the diuine nature by that meanes cōfounding the two natures Vpon this foundation so badly placed he established other mōstrous opinions the fault was in not wel cōsidering the vniō of the two natures in Christ and the communicatiō of the properties But these opinions are not dead with him but contrary haue bene renued promoted by such who will needes at this day haue the the humaine nature of Christ infinit In the moneth of Ianuary which was then 1591. because they then began the yeare at Easter and at this present we begin it the first of Ianuary an assembly was made of the most notable persons of all the Parliaments and other renowmed people besides the priuie Councellors which decreed and set foorth that notable Edict named of Ianuary which permitted free exercise to them of the Religō through all the kingdome of France prouiding good securitie for all people and rest for the Common-wealth Many thought that hereby the Churches should haue rest when soone after newes arriued of the massacre of Vassi committed by Francis the Duke of Guise who in his owne presence caused 42. persons of the Religion to be slaine and a great number others to be wounded being all assembled to heare the word of God This was the beginning of the ciuil warres of France For the Duke of Guise and his partakers tooke Armes on the one side The Prince of Conde the Admirall and others meaning to maintaine the Royall authoauthoritie the Edict of Ianuary and the Churches that were vnder the protection and defence thereof opposed themselues against them by Armes also and the war began through all the kingdome where infinit cruelties were exercised in diuers places against them of the Religion as the history of our time maketh mention Many Townes Fortresses were besieged carried away by assaults sacked spoiled more cruelly thē by the most barbarous people in the world diuers encounters bloodie battailes namely that of Dreux wherein the two chiefe Captaines of both partes remained prisoners many of the Nobilitie and souldiers as well Straungers as French were slaine Churches dissipated and dispersed in most part of the Prouinces and a maruellous desolation in infinite Families Maximilian the Emperour Ferdinands sonne was declared king of the Romanes the 14. day of Nouember and sixe daies after he was crowned two moneths before he was crowned king of Boheme Peter Martyr borne at Florence an excellent Theologian and professor of Theologie at Zurich where he writ bookes full of great and sound doctrine died the 12. day of Nouember being then of the age of 63. yeares The ciuill warre continued in France notwithstanding the taking of the Prince of Conde and the Constable The Duke of Guise hauing laid siege before the Towne of Orleance being kept by them of the Religion was wounded in the shoulder with a Pistoll shot the 18. day of February and died certaine dayes after in great torments By this meanes Orleance was deliuered a peace concluded the moneth following the Edict of Ianuary abolished in the most part of the Articles to the great disaduantage of them of the Religion which notwithstanding tooke hart and in the quarters maintained themselues in their accustomed order In the moneth of Iuly
enclose them abandoned their Forts left their siege and retired away shamefully Selym Emperour of the Turkes dyed about the 15. of December after hee had ended the warre against the Walaques wherin he lost an infinit number of men and tooke peace with the Venetians His sonne and successor Amurath at his comming in caused fiue of his bretheren to be put to death and two wiues of Selym the one of which who was great with childe seeing the death of her children threw her selfe to the ground out of an high windowe Hauing thus prouided for his estate hee prepared to make warre vpon the Polonians some of which called Kosaques had succoured the Vayuoda of Watachia The 12. of Ianuary 1575. they of the Religion found meanes to get Arguesmortes a strong Towne and of great importance in Languedoc especially for Salt that comes from thence and greatly furnisheth the Prouinces The same day the Marshall d' Danuile made a league with them of the Religion and a publike and large declaration containing the causes of his doings The Duke de Montpensier tooke Fontenay in Poictou and Lusignen yeelded vpon composition This notwithstanding the Churches of that Prouince and other nigh vnto it in some sort maintained themselues euen in the middest of Armes The Duke d' Vzes sometimes affectioned vnto Religion tooke Armes against it but hee prospered not much therein The Churches of Languedoc and Dauphine redressed themselues after the King was retyred from Auignon but their vnion with the Politikes or Malcontents destroyed them within by the wicked liues of many of those Politikes badly aduised King Henry the third was sacred at Reimes the fifteenth day of February and espowsed soone after Louyse the daughter of Nicholas Count de Vandemont in Lorraine So that then and after there was nothing in the Court of France but pastimes such as there is lesse euil to conceale then profit to describe In the mean while warre continued in Languedoc well for the aduantage of them of the Religiō being assisted of the Marshall de Danuille their confederate vnto which part many enclined and ioyned themselues daily In the moneth of April a negotiation and parley was made at Paris betwixt the Kings Councell and the Deputies of Churches the Politikes without any conclusion But contrary the warre waxed hot in Dauphine Languedoc with losse on both sides but they of the religion were the stronger And since we are vpon that point we will set downe in this present Article that which was done in France during this yeare 1575. worthy of note in few words About the end of April the Duke d'Vzes besieged Bais a litle Towne vpon Rhosne and got the Towne but they of the Religion which held the two Castles constrained him to forsake it after he had lost many of his people To reuenge himselfe he burnt a part of the Towne and continued after such sackings and destructions that he became very odious In the month of May sell a tumult at Marseillis and in certaine other places of Prouince against gatherers Farmers of the kings demeasnes which were chased away And therevpon arose a band of Politike malcontents which they called les Raises shauen because they caused their beards to be shauen or some part of them to be knowne by that signe and in Prouence they of the Religion held certaine places as Riez Lourmarin Siena and others some of which soone after were taken out of their hands The 17. day of Iune le Sieur de Monbrun a Daulphenois Gentleman a wife and valiant Captaine of warre ouerthrew le Sieur de Gordes Gouernour of Daulphine who saued himselfe by flight within Gap and left 22. companies of Swisses in the field which were broken and nine hundred cut in peeces straight with Frenlich their Colonell and sixteen Captaines with 18. Ensignes carried away by Monbrun and his people which had a great bootie of Armes especially and lost on their part but sixe men Le Sieur de Gordes after that gathered great Forces and againe meeting in the field he ouerthrew Monbrun who meaning to leape a ditch to obtaine a meet passage for his retrait his horse fell and he vnder him whereby his thigh was broken and so remained prisoner hauing only lost twentie two men and thirtie eight were taken prisoners This happened the ninth of Iuly and soone after by decree of a Parliament at Grenople Monbrun had his head cut off On the other side the Duke of Vzes destroyed and burnt all the flat Countrey of Languedoc with the losse of infinite Corne. Le sieur de Lodignieres ordained Chieftain of the troupes of Dauphine in the place of Monbrun gaue order for the affaires at the beginning of August and tooke many places Vpon these actions and the sixteenth day of September Francis Duke d' Alencon and brother vnto the King conueyed himselfe secretly in the night from the Court then at Paris wherevpon came brutes and discourses maruellous straunge and diuers Two dayes after his retraite hee published by writing the causes thereof declaring that hee meant to procure a good peace and reformation in France Hee writ vnto the Princes and Lordes of the Religion to the Churches to the Marshall Danuile and to the Politikes vnto the same end Insomuch that each one assured himselfe soone to see goodly things and there remained but verie fewe which feared any hid euill as discourses after published doo shewe In the meane time the Prince of Conde tooke order Almaine to leuie an Army to enter into Fraunce and by Armes to obtaine some rest for them of the Religion and for the whole estate hee dealt fully with Duke Cassimere of all things requisite for such a good The King the Queene mother and their Councell were greatly troubled as if all had beene lost by the retrait of the Duke d' Alenson writing to all places calling as they say tag and rag they made leuies and brought troupes into the field and yet without any exployt of warre They made flie a report of souldiers from Almaine and Sueuia yet none entred France during that fourth warre to do seruice vnto the King who in the meane while demaunded siluer of his Townes and for the rest hee bore himselfe as if there had beene no appearance of warre His mother in the meane time got her towards the Duke d' Alenson as some said to make peace betwixt the two brethren and for the quiet of the kingdome In the meane while the King forbad all the nobilitie to come nigh the Duke of Alenson hee sent also certaine troupes to hinder not onely that but the comming of certaine Almaines which le Sieurs de Thore and de Cleruant ledde which were ouerthrowne by the Duke of Guise and Cleruant was taken prisoner with certaine others the tenth of October Soone after was there a truce made betwixt the Queene mother and the Duke of Alenson for sixe moneths wherewith each one was miscontented but the
all that yeare passed in doubtfulnesse in regard of the Churches and the estate of France Warre began in Flaunders in Brabant betwixt Iohn de Austria and the Estates he gained a battaile the last day of Ianuary and after he got Giblon Louaine Arcscod Tiltmond Diest and Sichem and in this last handled most discourteously the officers of the place The 8. of February the Towne of Amsterdem by capitulation with the Prince the estates of Holland revnited themselues with the other Townes of the Countrie vnder the Princes gouernment The estates at the same time sent their Embassador to the Imperiall iourney where they shewed the iustice of their cause and demaunded succours The Duke Cassimire prepared himselfe with an Army the Queene of England also promised to furnish them with men and money Cassamire by the counsell of Imbysa Consull of Gaunt and Borhutus was requested by those of Flaunders to take the Earldome vpon him came to Gaunt where he found Petrus Dathenus and others the chiefe of the congregation by whom the Citizens being stirred vp thrust out all the Masse Priests and Monkes out of the Citie and put their goods into their treasurie to serue afterwards for the necessary vse of the Common-wealth and by a booke set forth by them they drew others to the free libertie not onely ciuill but also to a libertie of conscience and religion From thence Cassamire in the beginning of the next yeare came to the Queene of England for money to pay his souldiers Alexander Farnese Prince of Parma the sonne of Octauius the Nephewe of Peter and Pope Paulus the 3. his Nephewes sonne was created Duke of Parma by the King of Spaine D. Chytraeus The Iesuites and certaine Friars were thrust out of Antwerpe in the moneth of May as then Phillits a Towne yeelded it selfe by composition to the Spaniard Kempens was besieged taken by the estates A noble encounter hapned betwixt thē and Iohn de Austria who had the worst the first of August In the moneth of August a free exercise of the reformed Religion was permitted in Antwerpe by Mathias Arch-duke chiefe Generall and Lieftenant of the Prince of Orange and the authoritie of the estates So the libertie of Religion was proclaimed vpon these conditions that the reformed should not hinder or trouble either by themselues or others the rights and exercises of the olde Religion nor should offer any iniurie reproach or violence to any one for the diuersitie in Religion that they should obey the political Magistrates beare the like taxes impositiōs with other Citizens that they shuld haue no Sermons but in such places as the Magistrates appointed that the Ministers should swear to preach nothing scandalous or seditious in their Sermons that no man shuld spoile any holy place or breake any Images nor should sell any ballads or libels reproachful to the other religiō c. These the Gouernor the Deputie of Brabant the Praetor Senate of Antwerpe promised to receiue into their charge and patronage This libertie of religion they of Gaunt with the Hollanders and Zelanders embraced To the which a litle after the States of Geldria condiscended But the Hannonians Artesians taking in very ill part that the Catholick Roman religion which they professed at Bruxelles they would constantly retaine before the Emperror the King of Spaine and other Princes should now be left and abolished of thē of Gaunt in whose Citie their protestation was made seperated themselues frō the other estates who had changed their religion by bookes published accused them of their inconstancie and periurie And therein protest that they wil be faithful maintainers defenders of the Catholick Romane faith and true liegemen to the king if he would conserue their priuiledges These were presently called Malcontents who forthwith made war vpon them of Gaunt deadly hating them for this change They of the reformed religion at Antwerpe desired to haue their religious exercise which they obtained with fewe Churches namely the Chappell of the Castle the Temple of the Iesuits of the Iacobins S. Andrewes and halfe of the Friars Certain daies after the Protestants of Ausbourge obtained also certain tēples The Emperor the King of France sought to make some agreement betwixt the parties but it came to nothing On the other side Cassimere hauing soiourned in the Countrey of Zutphen certaine time for the muster of his people being in number 4000. footmen 6000. horsmen came into Brabant and ioyned with the Estates the 26. of August Iohn de Austria died of the pestilence in his campe nigh Nance the 21. of Octob. Alexander Prince of Parma succeeded him in his charge The Malcontents made war vpō the Gauntois vnder the conduct of Sieur de Montignie the Cardinall of Granuell his brother This league did after maruellously hinder the proceedings of States affaires and vnder that ouerture the Spaniards who could not long haue stood do hitherto maintaine themselues The 20. of Nouember the Towne of Deuentry yeelded it selfe by composition vnto the Estates Mathew Hamond by his trade a ploughwright three miles frō Norwich was conuented before the Bishop therof for that he denied Christ to be our Sauiour For this and many other heresies he was condemned in the Consistorie and burned in the Castle ditch of Norwiche About the end of the yeare they of Alenson forsooke the Estates to draw into France The Prince of Orange appeased the troubles which hapned at Gaunt Almaine was then in quiet in regard of ciuill affaires but greatly troubled by the practises and factions of certaine Disciples of Brencius the father of the Vbiquitaries whereof after followed many disputations without any conclusion of the mater They which desired a truce of peace in the Church attended no other thing by the sollicitation of so many wandering spirits but some great troubles in both the politicke and Ecclesiasticall estates if God be times remedie not the same by the wisedome of the Princes and States of the Empire At this time the Irish men rebelled in diuers parts of that kingdome pretending the libertie of Religion and complained to the Pope taking for their leader the Earle of Desmond Onrake and some other of the sauage Irish affirming that if they were aided they would easily drawe the whole Countrey from the Queenes obedience The Pope did communicate this with the Catholicke King exhorting him to vndertake this action as most godly and to succour this people the which they resolued to do But for as much as the Queene of England did seeme in words friend vnto the King and did as the Spaniards supposed couertly vnderhand assist the Prince of Orange in Flaunders against him the King would likewise walke in the same path and make a couert warre against her They concluded to assist this people in the Popes name but secretly at the Kings charge To this effect they leuied certaine footemen in
tarry himselfe or to leaue some Gentlemen of good worth with a competent number of souldiers in the Country of Virginia there to begin an English Colonie After they had sailed a certain number of leagues on the sea by force and violence of fowle weather they were seperated one from the other so that S.R.G. being singled from his fleete all alone arriued in the Iland of Hispaniola in the West Indies about the midst of Iune following In the moneth of May the Prince of Parma recouered the Towne of Bruges which next to Gaunt is the chiefest Citie in all Flaunders all matters forepassed forgotten vpon condition they would restore the Catholicke Romane religion and become true leigemen to the king of Spaine They of Gaunt likewise all their Townes about them being taken by the Spaniards and all their passage for prouisiō stopped vp as also constrained through famine entered into counsell either of deliuering their towne or else of some reconciliatiō and the Prince of Parma offered them the same cōditions which they of Bruges had all which the Senators addicted to the Romane religion and the Citizens thought good to imbrace And Imbysa who being Consull sixe yeares before was the cause that their pacification was broken and the expelling of the Popes Agents necessitie thus constraining yeelded therevnto The Pope daily vrged by his Embassador the Emperour Rodolphe that his Calender might be receiued vsed throughout all Germanie But although the Emperour commaunded it to be kept and obserued in the kingdome of Bohemia Austria and other his hereditary possessions yet the Princes of Saxonie and others constantly refused so to do following the counsell of Augusta But the Bishoppes for the most part and amongst those Ernestus of Coloine Elector and the Bishop of Monasterie began to allow of it in their Diocesses The Senate of Augusta said that in allowing of this Calender they intended nothing against the quiet of Religion but for policie sake that they might exercise their vsuall marchandise with the subiects of those neighbour Princes and Bishops which had receiued it and that all manner of confusion in iudgements markets and other publike places in the Citie risen by the difference of the Calenders might be auoyded the which decree was obtained Which when it was published at Augusta the Ministers of the Gospel wrote to the Senators that they would obey the decree in all politicall affaires but in their Churches and celebration of their Feasts exercises of their religion they would by no meanes obey the Pope Therefore the 24. day of May they denounced to their auditorie the Feast of the Ascentiō of Christ the next day the 28. of May to be celebrated which the Bishops had finished one moneth before The Senate taking this in ill part caused the Superintendent to be carryed out of the Citie but the Citizens knowing thereof ran first vnarmed then with weapons and at the gate of the Citie tooke their Pastor out of the Cart but the tumult increasing the Ministers of the Gospell at the intreatie of the Senate disswaded the Citizens from sedition and appeased them When some should be chosen out of the Senate Patricians Marchants and the Commons which should determine this controuersie To these the D. of Wittenberge and the Senate of Vlme ioyned their Embassadors who the 4. day of Iune which according to the Gregorian Calender was the 14. doo so arbitrate the matter that al faults remitted they after that throghout the whole Citie should follow the new Calender which should be kept in policies and both the Churches of Religion Notwithstanding the peace and quietnesse of it should remain constant and firme And that it should be lawfull for the Ministers of the Gospell to protest vnto their Auditors that they had chaunged nothing nor would chaunge any thing in that doctrine which they had hitherto preached vnto them nor that they did obey the Pope but the Imperiall maiestie and politicall magistrates in obseruing keeping the new Calender with the rest in the Citie D. Chytraeus About the middle of Iune Syr I. Perrot Knight was sent ouer to be Lord Deputie in Ireland This Deputie by the aduise of the Councell of Ireland thought it best to bring the whole land into shyre grounds whereby the lawes of England might haue a thorough course and passage And what S. H. Sidney had done in fewe Countries that be performed in the whole realme and to euery new County he appointed assigned seuerall Sheriffes Hollen Vpon the K. of Frances deuise when he was K. of Poland Manet vltima caelo the Leaguers made this Distiche Qui dedit ante duas vnam abstulit altera nutat Tertia tonsoris nùnc facienda manu Ericus Duke of Brunswicke the sonne of Ericus who spent the better part of his life in Belgia Italie Spaine and gaue himselfe more to the Romish religion then the true doctrine of the Gospell imbraced of his Nobles and subiects in the fiftie sixe yeare of his age departed this life at Papia in Italie vpon whom this was written Papa tibi Papiaque fuit non patria cura Hinc procul a patria te tegit vrbs Papia Whom Iulius founder of the Vniuersitie of Iulia succeeded in the kingdome D. Chytraeus Iohannes Basilides the great Duke of Mochouia or Emperour of Russia who for 25 whole yeares had afflicted scourged Linouia with warre this yeare ended his tyrannie with his life Who after the manner of Russia is reported to haue bene verie godlie Beeing readie to die hee called his sonne Faedor so they call Theodore and the chiefe of his Nobilitie to him in whose presence with a godly exhortation he committed the whole Empire and ioyned to him foure of his wisest Counsellors who should haue care of him and the Empire whom hee perswaded that being warned by him they would abstaine from making warre and make peace with their neighbour Kings and Princes He commaunded also that for ten yeares space they should remit his subiects sore wasted and brought to pouertie by his waries all his tributes taxes and Subsidies that in this space they might recouer themselues and to all his Captaines he gaue free leaue either to stay or depart after this done he was shauen and betooke himselfe to a Monasticall life and so dyed Idem The same time that Amurathes ioyned the North part of Tauricus Cherronesus to the Turkish Prouinces all the Christian Churches at Constantinople of which I vnderstand there are about 30 in Monasteries and otherwise remaining had almost bene conuerted into denne● and holes of the religion of Mahomet by the earnest motion of the high Bishop of the Turkish Priests whom they call Mufti And when the Grecians Armenians and other Christian nations most humbly pleaded and alledged the priuiledges granted by Mahomet the second and other succeding Emperours to the Christians for a free exercise of their religion the answere was that they were tollerated
Garrisons dyed at Antwerpe The Estates of Holland and the vnited Prouinces that they might more establish and make strong the Common-wealth which they had already instituted and begun published a new Edict against those that rashly go into the Prouinces and Cities of the aduerse faction or should come out of them into theirs also against the Iesuites against such as were in the Vniuersities subiect to the king of Spaine and against those who were preferred to promotions vnder the oath of the mainteinance of the Romane religion Further it was decreed that all the fauourers and adherents of the pernitious and bloudie sect of the Iesuites should be excluded out of all the confederate Prouinces and that by no meanes they should be againe remitted It was likewise enacted that none of the same Sect whether borne in the same Prouinces or a Stranger do at any time come into these vnited Prouinces either by Sea or land vpon paine to bee taken for an enemie and so to be presently executed although in this case he come with testimoniall by Letters Furthermore that within the space of two moneths they depart out of these Prouinces nor returne againe into them during the present warres vnlesse in that space they go to the Gouernour and Magistrate and satisfie them in euery point and renounce their oath and fealtie to the K. of Spaine Besides that all his subiects beware that after the publishing of this Edict they doo not frequent any schoole of the Iesuites in Belgia Of the Academies they determined that none inhabiting the Prouinces should studie in any of the Vniuersities which are subiect to the king of Spaine willing also that within sixe moneths after this Edict published they should depart from those Vniuersities Against those that haue sworne to maintaine and vphold the Romish religion and to othersome that were promoted to dignities this punishment was set downe that heereafter they should haue no dignities officies or publike ministeries in the confederate Prouinces Whosoeuer after sixe moneths next comming shall be preferred vnder the oath of the defending the Romish errors and superstitions and that they haue alreadie got this promotion or in sixe moneths after shall get it and are now admitted to offices or shal be hereafter admitted shall first desire that they may be absolued from this oath and in that stead shall sweare alleagiance to their Countrey and shall vtterly renounce and abiure the gouernment of the K. of Spaine And this absolution of oath and exaction of the new to bee made before a Iudge to whom full power thereof and authoritie is giuen If they doo not appeare and satisfie this Edict they shall not execute their offices Those that doo not obey they shall presently depart the Countries which if they doo not the first moneth they shall bee fined at discretion the second time the penaltie shall bee doubled but if at the ende of three moneths they shall bee found to stay within the confederate Prouinces they shall bee banished for euer The 24. day of August the Cardinall came to Antwerpe where hee was receiued with great pompe And the next moneth following the English Nauie and certaine shippes of the Hollanders and Zelanders returned out of Spaine richly laden In Hungarie the Christians recouered against the Turke the Citie of Hattawan where except some fewe they put all to the sword On the 20. day of September the Turkes laid siege to Agria by which the way lieth open into Transiluania Bohemia Morauia and Silesia and with faire words and promises desired them to yeeld but the gouernours of the Citie for that by reason of the continuall battailes they could not possibly any longer hold out set fire on the Citie and got them to the Castle The Turkes then entered and through couetousnesse of the spoyle saued most of the houses Then did the Emperour of the Turkes request them to yeeld but they denyed it and brauely resisted the fierce assault made against the Castle In the end beeing so farre ouermatched they were constrained to their great griefe and losse to yeeld vp the Castle where the Gouernours and diuers Captaines were in most cruell maner put to the sword for the slaughter which they made of the Turkes at Hattawan Maximilian leauing off this came downe with an Army consisting of 60000. horse and foote The Christians then marched towards Agria where the Emperour of the Turkes was The first encounter was with light skirmiges but when the maine battaile was ioyned the Christians got the better part and hauing slaine certaine thousands of the Turkes they put the rest to flight and were maisters of their Tents But whilest they too greedily entended the spoile the enemie recouered his scattered troupes and vpon the sudden killed a number of the Christians in their Tents the rest beeing daunted with this vnexpected ouerthrowe betooke themselues to flight This so amazed the Christian Hoste that they were all dispearsed and Maximilian himselfe accompanied with a small number came to Caschoccia Thus the victory that was thought happy in the beginning sorted to this vnluckie end King Phillip determined to marry his daughter to Cardinall Albert and for her dowry giueth the Prouinces of the lowe Countries On Sonday the 8. of August great triumph was made at London for the good successe of the two Generalls and companies in Spaine the winning sacking burning of the famous Towne of Cadiz the ouerthrow and burning of the Spanish Nauie and other accidents The 29. day of August the Duke of Boloine arriued in England and came to the Court at Greenwich and there by her Maiesties oath confirmed the league of amitie and peace betwixt the two Realmes of England and France and shortly after souldiers were sent ouer to aide the French in their wars against the Spaniards Presently vpon the departure of the Duke of Bulloine the right honourable Gilbert Earle of Shrewsburie was sent Embassador into France to take the oath of Henry the fourth the French King for the confirmation of the said league as also to inuest the King with the order of the Garter I. Stowe This Sommer arriued heere an Orator from the King of Polonia and had audience at the Court then at Greenwich whose Oration was in Latin the which was presently most learnedly eloquently answered by her Maiestie in the same language In the Parliament at Roane the reformed Churches desired free exercise of their religion throughout the whole kingdome of France wherefore concerning the controuersie of the two Religions in the Parliament at Paris these Articles following were set downe 1 First that an heretike fallen and by name excommunicated by the holy Sea shall not loose the right of the crowne 2 That he is a lawfull king sent and appointed of God 3 That the Church cannot depriue him of this right nor generally any Princes of their dignities or succession of their kingdomes for any heresie whatsoeuer 4 Nor release their subiects of their alleagiance to
THE Estate of the Church With the discourse of times from the Apostles vntill this present Also of the liues of all the Emperours Popes of Rome and Turkes As also of the Kings of Fraunce England Scotland Spaine Portugall Denmarke c. With all the memorable accidents of their times Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike Gentleman LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede 1602. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPfull Syr VVilliam VVray of Glentworth in the Countie of Lincolne Knight THis worke Right Worshipfull called the Estate of the Church from the beginning of the raigne of the Emperour Augustus to the first yeare of Rodolph the second now liuing First written in French by I. Crispinus and lately translated into our mother tongue by a Gentleman of desert at the request of my very friends I haue bene intreated to propagate to this present time For him although some hold that translation is not capable of that elegance as is the original because the one hath full libertie of inuentiō the other is by necessitie tyed to obseruation yet in my opinion the Author hereof for his faithfull significant indeuour therin hath deserued to be ranked with the choisest inuentions For my selfe in the continuation as I haue alwaies in matters of small consequence shewed the mightie perturbation of my mind feare so in this labour of extraordinary moment especially in presuming of protection vnder your worships patronage I am confounded since the shewe of my deuotion is begun with so meane a sacrifice for to this heape I haue onely added an handfull In the whole discourse is set downe at large the originall of Papacie that slaughter-house of consciences the aduancing increasing therof the beginnings of all heresies the persecutions of the faithfull the chaunge of religions the decrees and Councells of Bishops the Canonie and lawes of the Church The iudiciall knowledge wherof is a light illuminating the blindnesse of soules and deliuering them from the more then Cimerian darkenesse of ignorance This rectifieth the iudgement of man and teacheth him rightly to distinguish between true Religion and superstition who both haue one ground which is his soule This prospectiue shewing the spots and errors of the Church of Rome with the darke sullen colours of hypocrisie heresie which two venemous wormes like snakes do poyson and infect the florishing estate of a setled Church will manifest the right Diaphonia and concord thereof But iealous of this ouer-boldnesse I take my leaue humbly dedicating my poore labours to your Worships true-iudicial consideratiō desiring withal your gentle hand of approbation to this essentiall testimony of my most dutious loue Your Worships humbly at commaund IOHN CRISPIN to the Church of Iesus Christ SVch as apply their spirites to collect Histories ought to look vnto this principall marke to propose as in a glasse the power wisedome iustice and admirable bountie of the liuing and eternall God to the ende hee may lesse nothing among men of that which appertaineth vnto him As indeed he proposeth and setteth out nothing in the world be it in the person of kings or of such as be of base condition wherein he meanes not to shew that it is hee which setteth his hands to all things that men may learne to depend vpon him to hope for all good things at his hands and to honour and tremble vnder his iudgements When we see an Historie that some kingdome hath bin established and brought into good estate which before was dissipated diuided or else that some man hath bene deliuered from some great calamity and hath recouered some prosperitie behold heere is a glasse to let them know which reade such things what good and happie issue they may attend at Gods hands after long and troublesome calamities if they trust in him Againe if we encounter such an example that a Common-wealth which otherwise was of no great force to resist many enterprises attempted against it yet it standeth fast only making it selfe strong vpon the succours it looked for at Gods hands behold here a Painter to represent vnto vs liuely with what wisedome God worketh breaking the counsels of the proud which abuse their power to confound and oppresse such in the middest of which he hath established his seate to be honoured Moreouer when such witnesses appeare as the greatnes force magnificence the long spreading stretching of great Monarchies cannot often hinder but all this hath bin ouerthrowne or at the least comen to some decay this is an other portrait which should make vs thinke vpon the admirable iudgements of God raigning who therein shewe euidently has strong and outstretched arme from aboue and would giue men to know that if he can reduce and bring to nothing powers established in so apparant assurance farre more easily can he ouerthrow euery arrogant and proud head to the end there may be no humaine creature of what condition or estate soeuer it be which trembleth not in the consideration of such wonderfull iudgements Moreouer so many chaunges and straunge mutations which the discourse of time bringeth vs do demonstrate vnto vs what may be the assurance and felicitie of all the frame of the world and what may be the common condition of men As indeed there is nothing so well gouerned vnder the Sunne be it neuer so well ordeined and established which is not subiect to diuers chaunges We see the Crownes of kings fall downe to the earth the scepters of Emperours bruised yea broken in pieces the glory of Common-weales fade and decaie but ambitiō proud ingratitude insatiable auarice of such as were ordeined to rule and acknowledged not God are the cause of such ouerthrowes and mutations But since all men seeke to finde some firme estate wherein they may subsist stand the reading of such examples should bring them to behold their God who is the firmitie assurance of all things and without whom nothing can remaine firme one minute of time And as he hath shewed this assurance in the middest of his Church against all tempests and stormes and against all the assaults machinations of Antichrists as is clearly shewed in this present collection so should this bee the refuge of euery one to finde out that hee would seeke for The Church may well be shaken but it can neuer be ouerthrowne for it leaneth vpon the foundation of the truth of God It may be tossed by tempests waues stormes but her ancre ascendeth euen to heauen and is sure held by the hand of him which cannot be remoued out of his place But contrary men perceiue not the stormes and tempests which are to settle and sinke the great kingdomes of the world yet it is so that without being shaken they fall vanish away as of thē selues But the spirituall kingdome of the sonne of God which is his Church ought not to be esteemed after the daungers of this present life for it is
he liued for a great Priest Montanus was of Phrygia of a Towne called Ardaba Hee called himselfe the Paraclet Hee forbadde marriage and inuented and instituted Fastes Against those Heretickes writte Apollinaris Hierapolitaine and before him Milciades and Apollonius Appelles the Disciple of Marcian whome Theodotius called the great Hereticke put a beginning to God Also that Christ appeared in a fantasticke bodie Tatianus and his followers Encratites and Seuerians in this time These abstained from all kindes of flesh and drunke no wine They blamed Marriage as well as fornication They cast off the Epistles both of S. Paul and S. Peter The Doctrine of Christian libertie beganne at this time to bee greatly obscured and by little and little the errour tooke encrease For although yet there was no forbidding to vse the good thinges or God yet the Historie of Alcibiades recited in Eusebius Booke 5. Chap. 3. sheweth that by little and little men beganne to place a certaine Religion in seruices forged at pleasure This Alcibiades was one of the Martyres which suffered death in Gaul vnder Marcus Antonius Verus the Emperour Hee vsed to liue so austerely as hee did eate onely bread and drunke water In so much that beeing in prison hee would vse no other diet Attalus a Romane a man renowned amongst the Martyrs being also imprisoned shewed Alcibiades a better way and brought him to this point that after hee vsed indifferently the creatures of God without scruple and with thankesgiuing Eleutherius borne in Greece at Nicopolis ruled at Rome 15. yeares and more Hee made a commaundement against the heresie of the Seuerans which then raigned that no Christian for any ceremonie should reiect any sort of meates whereof there is an accustomed vse Also that none should be dismissed of his Office vnlesse first hee be accused and conuinced of crime That Bishops should finish nothing in an accusation intended against a Bishop without knowledge of the Pope but they might determine by Sentences the causes of other Church people That a Clarke may not be drawne into any cause but before his Bishop from whom if there were cause of suspition he might appeale Christian Religion then greatly augmented and came into farre greater suertie then before Lucius King of England and his Countrey receiued the Faith Many Nobles of Rome with their wiues and children were conuerted and Baptized The said Lucius left his Kingdome and went to preach the Faith first in France after in Almaine where hee was martyred Smyrna in Asia whereof Policarpus was Bishop was ouerthrowne by Earthquake and for the repaire of it tributes and tallages were laid Commodus the 18. Emperour raigned 13. yeares cruel luxurious incestuous of his owne Neeses hee held in his Pallaice three hundreth Concubines and three hundreth buggering boyes In a wicked rage he slew Lucilla his sister Being at the hot houses and but pricked with a Flea he cast the maister of the house into the Furnace Ireneus Bishop of Lions flourished The Temple of Serapis burnt in Alexandria The Capitoll at Rome and the Librarie burnt by lightning Apollonius a Senator of Rome accused to be a Christian presented to the Senate a booke conteining a defence of the Christians He was beheaded because the Imperiall lawe had so ordeined it Heereby appeares that Popes or Bishops of Rome were not as at this present they are Apollonius a man of authoritie could not shunne the sentence of death onely because he was a Christian hauing so many friends at Rome The Imperiall Lawe then was that such as were in Iudgement conuicted to be Christians should be punished with death Commodus made die many Noble persons It is recited in the History of the Martyrs of Gaule that the Painims sollicited and by torments constrained the seruants of Christians to confesse of their maisters things impossible once to be imagined Namely that they did eate the flesh of litle children that they committed paldiardizes and whoredomes such as is vnlawfull to name In so much as they which before had vsed some moderation in Christians causes gaue themselues greater licence to exercise crueltie against them This happened at Lions and at Vienne Eusebius reciteth it in his Epistle of the faithfull of Lions and of Vienne in Chap. 1. of the 5. booke At Rome the Pallace and the Temple of Vesta and of Peace and the greatest part of the Towne was consumed by fire Commodus the 13. yeare of his Empire was strangled of the age of 32. yeares by the counsell of Martia his chiefe Concubine who fauoured the Christians and other her friends which he had condemned to death because they shewed him certain his insolencies but they by this meanes preuented him and little there wanted that the bodie of this Tyrant was not drawne into Tyber by the common people Aelius Pertmax the ninteenth Emperour held the Empire by the space of sixe moneths His couetousnesse caused his death for retaining his souldiers wages He was of the age of seuentie yeares Didius Inhanus of Millaine 20. Emperour raigned foure or seuen or two moneths as some say Hauing slaine his predecessor hee was slaine of his Successor of the age of 56. yeares For his auarice he was hated of all Some say he was slaine by a souldier of little estimation within his Pallaice Victor Bishop of Rome borne in Affricke ruled tenne yeares He ordeined that such as would not reconcile themselues should be depriued of the Table of the Lord. Hee instituted that vnlesse it were in cases of necessitie Catholicke Baptisme should be celebrated in the time of the feast of Easter As we may see in the first Decretall Epistle attributed vnto him It were incredible if all Historians did not witnesse it that for the day of celebratiō of the feast of Easter so great a schisme should happen in the Church that of a dissention and question thereof so terrible a warre should come and all by this Victors meanes who would needs haue the feast of Easter celebrated on the Sunday because of the mysterie of the resurrection and would not haue the Fastes broken but on that day Victor writ to Policrates who was a Ruler amongst the Bishops of Asia and gaue commaundement in his Letters whereat all the Bishops of Asia were greatly offended Septimus Seuerus Pertinax borne in Affrica 21. Emperour raigned 18. yeares and dyed of the age of 70. yeares in England Many Sinodes were held in diuers Prouinces touching the Feast of Easter vpon what day it should be celebrated and by common accord it was agreed that the saide Feast of Easter should be celebrated vpon the Lordes day on which was his Resurrection and on no other day But the Bishops of the Countrey of Asia were of a contrary opinion saying that they should keepe the customes of of their Auncestors touching that Which Victor seeing would needs haue depriued generally all the Churches of Asia and
Wherefore preachest thou my Iustifications And wherefore takest thou my Testament in thy mouth c. And incōtinently shut the booke then sat he downe sheading teares and lamenting with great cry being not able to speake and all that were present wept with him Suidas addeth that hee was buried in the Towne of Tyre Euse Lib. 7. cap. 1. saith it was vnder the Emperour Gallus 255. or thereabouts and then was it betwixt the yeare 50. of his age or 69. after Nicephorus And as it may be thought he dyed in great pouertie and miserie if not in dispaire S. Ierome although he sometimes handled him rudely yet he admireth him and praiseth him because of his great knowledge in the Epistle to Pammathus and Ocean He praiseth his spirit but not his faith This should make vs walke in feare and care in our vocation Stephen borne at Rome was Bishop of Rome and the successor of Lucius The greatest paine that he had in his gouernmēt was that he opposed himselfe forcibly against S. Cyprian and all the Councell of Affricke touching the difference that then was moued to rebaptise heretikes as it is recited by Eusebius Lib. 7. ca. 2. 3. The contents of the two Decretall Epistles attributed vnto him deserue no credite The one to Hilarie Bishop and the other to all the Bishops of the Prouinces touching accusations made against Priests For it seemes not that the Romane Church was in such prosperitie then that Stephen Bishoppe thereof had no other thing to do and ordaine but with what reuerence a man must handle the Chalice and holy garments or as Isidore and Polydore witnesse of him that he was the first Inuentor of the Couerings of the Aultar Damasus attributes vnto him two ordinances in which sixe Priests fiue Deacons and sixe Bishops were ordeined and saith that after he had gouerned seuen yeares and fiue moneths he was martyred But Euseb Lib. 7. cap. 5. sheweth that hee was but two yeares in his office S. Cyprian writ vnto him certaine Epistles which are in his workes Denis Bishop of Alexandria excellent in doctrine although he suffered not martyrdome but watched in the midst of the Church therfore God preserued him from Martyrdom as Niceph. speaketh Li. 15. ca. 28. Notwithstanding he endured terrible afflictions diuers banishments in two violent persecutions vnder Decius and after vnder Valerian He died very olde and it hapned at what time the two Councells were held against Paul Samosaten An. 12. of Gallien and of Christ 288. hauing gouerned the state of Alexandria 16. yeares and the Church 17. About this time many Nations cast themselues vpon the marches of the Romanes The Countrey of Denmarke was taken out of their hands Likewise the Almaines came euē to Rauenna putting all to fire and blood This was the first waining and decreasing of the Romaine Empire For the Countrey was neuer after recouered Egipt reuolted France was lost Macedonia Pontus Asia wasted by the Gothes Pannonia by the Sarmates Zenobia Queene of the Persians ruled in the East To vnderstand all this diminution and fall of this Empire See Trebellio Pollia a Romane Historiographer Phillip Bishop of Alexandria martyred and his daughter Eugenia at Rome The great Temple of Diana in Ephesus was pilled and burnt by the Gothes A second Cerinthus hereticke promised in the kingdome to come great store of meates and women and that after a thousand yeares should bee the resurrection and the kingdome of Christ should be on earth Xistus or Sixtus the second of that name succeeded Stephen he was of Athens He was ordeined Bishop of Rome by the election of the Cleargie comming from Spaine where he was preaching There are attributed vnto him two Decretals the one to Gayus Bishop the other to the brothers of Spaine the which containe nothing but the forme of the common gouernment which they make vs beleeue was thē Item touching the vowes of Priests But we may easily see that all is forged at pleasure Damasus after his maner reciteth that hee made orders twise ordeining Priests Deacons and Bishops Bergomensis Sabellicus recite that Xistus trauelled much to take away the heresies of the Sabellians Cerinthians and Nepotians Finally that he was accused by them before Gallien and vpon his commaundement beheaded and with him 6. Deacons S. Ambrose in his Offices li. 1. cap. 41. reciteth that as he wēt to death it is said that one Laurence a Deacon spoke to him in this sort Father wilt thou goe without thy sonne And Xistus answered him My sonne I shall not leaue thee There are greacombattes for the Faith prepared for thee thou shalt follow me three dayes after In the meane while if thou hast any thing in thy treasure distribute it to the poore This Laurence was the chiefe of the seuen Deacons of the Church of Rome which had the handling of the goods deputed for almes The Gouernour of Rome being hungry of siluer and perswaded that the Church had gold siluer moueables as Candlesticks Chalices and such like things would needs haue forced Laurence to haue tolde him where those treasures were Laurence to do this hauing taken the terme of three dayes distributed it all to the poore whatsoeuer he had Then hauing gathered together on an heape all the poore lame and diseased which were maintained of almes At the day assigned hee prayed the Gouernour to goe with him to that place and shewing him al those poore and diseased people he said Behold the vessels of siluer yea the Talents in order receiue them and thou shalt adorne the Citie of Rome and enrich the Reuenewe of the Emperour and thine owne The Gouernour seeing himselfe mocked commaunded hee should be stretched on an Iron grate red hotte and soone after the tormentors laid him on it who with great courage endured that cruell and long torment and finally prayed and inuocated the Lord and so yeelded his happie soule Prudencius a Christian Poet in his booke of Crownes describeth this martirdome Denis succeeded Xistus and as Damasus saith of a Monke was made Bishop But it appeareth rather by that which Eusebius Lib. 7. Ca. 7. and S. Hierome say that he was a Priest of the Church of Rome the yeare of our Lord 266. and the 10. yeare of Gallien Two Decretall Epistles are attributed vnto him In the first he exhorteth Vrbain to follow the true Religion The second distributeth and makes partitions of Churches into Parishes and Diocesses Item that two seuerall times he held orders But Eusebius saith Lib. 7. Cap. 30. that Denis died without martyrdome hauing gouerned 9. yeares Others say sixe yeares and sixe moneths The Councell of Antioche against Paul Samosetaine was celebrated in his time wherein the said Paul was condemned and cast out of the communion of the vniuersall Church and Donus a man accomplished with vertues was ordeined in his place He was the sonne of Demetrian who had ruled in that Church without
he writ to many But finally being tormented by the filthinesse and stench of the place in the end he yeelded his spirit to God the yeare 308. Eusebius a Gretian by Nation a Phisitians sonne after Damasus succeeded in the gouernment of the Romane Church in the great persecutions in the time of Maxentius the horrible Tyrant The Authours of the Ecclesiasticall history make no mention of this Eusebius The booke of Councells attribute to him three Decretall Epistles The first to the Bishoppes of Gaul The second to the Egiptians The third to the Bishoppes of Tuscane and Campania His ordinances contained in those Epistles are these in effect That sheepe shall not draw their Shepheard or Bishop into Lawe vnlesse he denie the Faith That a mayd which shall be espowsed only by words of the present time may enter into Religion That the Sacrifice of the Aultar be consecrated not in cloath of silke but in linnen cloth and such like bables which the infamous fauourers of the seate of Popes haue not beene ashamed to assigne to those good and faithfull Ministers of the Lorde to disfigure and defile with their orders this honest face of the primitiue Church which follow his head Iesus Christ in continuall persecutions to establish their seate of perdition and to pollute the bloud of those holy Martyrs But contrary Eusebius trauailed much in the haruest of the Lords word as well at Rome as other where in the time of persecutions vnder Maxentius vntill that as Christianus Mattoens saith hee finished his life by martyrdome the yeare of the Lord 309. But amongst Histogoriographers there is great diuersitie for the number of yeares Licinius born in Dare was made Augustus companiō of the Empire with Maximin Galari after the death of Seuerus the yeare of our Lord 308. He was a warlike man and Slauonia was first giuen him to gouerne after the East he was noble although he came of a pesant he shewed himselfe cruel towards the children of Galerius his ally He was an enemy vnto letters as hauing no knowledge no not to write his owne name And he called the liberall Arts a publike poyson and pestilence Euseb lib. 4. ca. 13. He deserued praise in that he repressed abuses the boldnesse insolencies of the brauest of his Court which he called the Moathes and Rattes of his Pallace He raigned 14 yeares liued 60. See Pomp. Laet. Constantine the great sonne of the Emperour Constantius and Helena S. Ambrose in his funerall Oration of Theodosius saith that hee was a seruant in a stable and was borne in England Hee was instructed in the Militarie Art vnder Galerius He tamed the Sermates a fearce Nation barbarous brought their Duke captiue to Galerius who cōceiued enuy at the glory of this yong Prince whereof being aduertised he retired from Rome towards his Father into England who dyed soone after By the fauour of Princes he was declared Emperour the yeare 309. The Senate writ vnto him Letters to aduertise him of the euil gouernment Maxentius for the great cruelties hee exercised at Rome wherevpon he marched towards Rome and pursued Maxentius who retiring into the Towne made couer Tyber with Boats nye the bridge Miluius which by subtil deceit as hee thought he made ioyne together to deceiue Constantine and to haue drown'd him whē he followed him But he himself as furious first comming out to flie not remembring his owne stratageme that hee practised for an other entred on horsebacke with a fewe people vpon the bridge where he was drowned in Tyber the 6. yeare of his Empire For this happie deliuerance honors were giuen to Constantius so he acquited Italie and Affrike For his Father had only left him the Gaulois and Spaine and would so haue contented himselfe had it not bene for the warre that Licinius raised making himselfe Cesar and was established in the East Maximian as we haue said with his great griefe had forsakē the Empire being greeued so long to lead a priuate life did his best by the meanes of Maxentius his sonne chosen Emperour to returne to the Empire but because hee succeeded therein not well he retired towards his sonne in lawe Constantine vnto whom he had giuen his daughter Fausta and sought by ambushes to cast him out of the Empire Which Fausta perceiuing well reuealed to her husband preferring him before her father Wherefore the sonne in lawe besieged him at Marcellis tooke him aliue and bad him choose whatsoeuer kind of death he would He strangled himselfe with a cord or girdle And so this wicked and bloudie man which had shead so much Christian bloud vnluckily finished his life of his age sixtie Licinius at the first had some great familiaritie with Constantine and to please him made a shew to loue the Christians in so much that he married Constance the sister of Constantine and by a mutuall consent together caused to publish lawes for the Christians but afterward comming againe to his nature and forgetting the honour that Constantine had done him began to conspire against him because Constantine so fauoured Christians whose enemie he declared himselfe alleadging this cause that in their assemblies they prayed for Constantine and not for him Licinius then beganne the persecution by his owne house after he stretched it farre by Lawes and Edicts into the Prouinces of the East forbidding especially Bishoppes to make assemblies and Sinodes Secondly that men and women to auoyd scandalles and offence not to assemble at prayers Thirdly that such as were appointed prisoners as transgressors of Edicts should not be visited nor succoured in paine to incurre the like condemnation c. He then set himselfe against the Bishops not openly for feare of Constantine but made them die secretly by his Committees Euseb Lib. 10. Chap. 8. In the Towne of Sebasta Losias killed in a poole fortie souldiers whose Martirdome Basile the great described and other Martirs which were cruelly murdered Licinius increased more and more his crueltie but the Lord sent Constantine to represse him who experimented against him the Forces of the Gaules and Italie hauing ouerthrowne him in Hungarie and pursued him into Macedonia where he repaired his forces He was chased into Asia and in the end yeelded himselfe seeing he was vanquished by sea and by land and was sent into Thessalonica to liue priuately yet could he not so escape the true vengeance of his boldnesse crueltie and infidelitie For hee was slaine by Constantines souldiers about the yeare of our Lord three hundred twentie and foure after some writers Melchiades the thirtith Bishop succeeded in the Church of Rome and was of Affrike after Damasus A man of great pietie and a true seruant in the holy Ministerie of the Gospell and in the affaires of the truth of God vntill hee was put to death vnder Maximin Galerius the yeare of the Lord 314. Read herevpon the Ecclesiasticall History of Eusebius where he reciteth diuers cruell kindes of death wherewith the
learne the Magike Art by the law Culpasimilis Cod. de maleficis mathematicas Finally the Lord ordained this Emperor Theodosius as a second Iosias wholly to roote vp all the Idols Temples Thod li. 5. ch 20. On the other side the Doctors of the Church were exceeding carefull to refute all this false religion of the Painims and Ethnikes Arnob. Lactantius Theodoret and the most part of them which writ in that time vnto whose bookes we send them that will know more at large Damasus builded certaine Temples and adorned them with gifts he gaue fields and possessions and bathes to the Cleargie He augmented certaine straunge facions of seruing of God He approued S. Hieromes translation of the Bible The hearts of the Archbishops of Rome began to be taken with too much ambition After this Damasus as hee could diligently calculate times to the end that in time to come in the Romane seate might bee placed Bishoppes of renowme hee drew briefly in writing the liues and statutes attributed to his predecessors Bishops of Rome yet this was not without manifest lies As for his faith and doctrine Theodoret giueth great witnesse he had a good opinion of the Trinitie and by his Epistle to the Bishops assembled at a Sinode at Constantinople exhorted them to maintaine the holy doctrine of the sonne of God But in his Epistles although he call the Bishops vnto whom he writ his brothers yet he sheweth himselfe too much giuen to eleuate the dignitie of the Romane seate For he thus beginneth his aforesaid Epistle to them of Constantinople In the reuerence deare children which you owe to the Apostolike seate you doo much for your selues c. Theod. Lib. 5. Chap. 9. He had many combats to maintaine the doctrine of the Councell of Nice especially against Auxentius of Millan Hee condemned many heretikes and amongst others the Apollinaries at a Councell of many Bishops at Rome Hee had firme amitie with Hierome who in his writings gaue great witnesse of him Virgin Doctor of the Virgine Church in his Preface vpon the foure Euangelists calleth him great Priest Athanasius in his Epistle to the Bishops of Affrike calleth Damasus his very deare companion in the Ministerie c. Gregorie Nazianz calleth Damasus happie in his Epistle to Clidonius Damasus dyed of the age of 80. yeares in the raigne of Theodosius witnesses Hierome and Suidas after hee had administred his Bishopricke 18. yeares the yeare of Christ after Naucle 385. but after Prosper the yeare 387. Aduertisement From the time of Siluester the first and others after him the Bishops or Archbishops of Rome being inriched by gifts munificences of many began to liue at their ease and to receiue vnvsed apparell as Miters and other pontificall ornaments to make themselues to be accounted of and to prepare the seate for the great Antichrist by their traditions and canons yet neither Siluester nor his successors till Boniface the 9. who was about the yeare 1390. were Lords of Rome much lesse did they holde the domination of the West For wee haue seene that Liberius was sent into exile by Constantius that Iulius implored the aide of Constantius for Athanasius against the furie of the Arrians and that Damasus by vertue of the Letters of Theodosius called the Easterne Bishop vnto the Sinode of Rome And as for the right to choose the Emperours to Crowne them and put on their Imperiall purple and such other solemnities requisite it was partly done by ordinary souldiers And the Emperours Constantine the great Iulian Iouinian Valentinian the first and second were created Emperours and Cesars by the Campe of souldiers Constantine ordained his three sonnes Valens was ordained by his brother Theodosius by Gratian. Arcadius and Honorius by the Father It is not read in any approued Author of this time that any Romane Bishop thrust himselfe in to choose or crowne an Emperour Theodo lib. 5. chap. 6. saith that Theodosius in a dreame sawe Meletius Bishop of Antioche who gaue vnto him the Mantle and the Imperiall Crowne Syricius a Romane the sonne of one Tiburtius succeeded Damasus There are attributed vnto him many ordinances Hee put such as were Bigami that is such as were married twise from the misteries of the Masse and was the first that admitted Monkes to receiue Ecclesiasticall orders because of their continencie which before were not accounted no not amongst Clarkes Fastings and abstinencies The varieties and multiplications of Fastings certaine dayes at this time engendred great disputations and contentions Augustine in his Epistle to Casulan writeth that some men fasted on the Wednesday because Iesus Christ was solde that day And on the Fryday because hee was then on the Crosse As for fasting on Satterdayes there was great strife They of Millain and of the East maintained that none ought to fast on it because Iesus Christ rested that day in the Sepulchre And contrary the Romanes and Affricanes and others fasted it because Christ was cast euen to the ignominie of the Sepulchre P. Martir Monicha S. Augustines mother comming from Affrike to Millan seeing none fast there on the Saterday maruelled greatly Augustine her sonne beeing then not yet baptised came to Ambrose and prayed him in the name of his mother to expound what were best to be done therein Doo answered Ambrose as I doo Augustine by this answere thought he should not fast vpon Saterday because Ambrose fasted not but hee declared his meaning more plainely in these words When I am at Rome I fast on the Saterday because there they fast but when I am returned to Millan againe I there fast not Men attribute to Melchiades Bishop of Rome aboue mētioned the ordinance not to fast on the Sunday nor Thursday because Christians fastes should bee farre from the fastes of Ethnikes and heretikes Epiphan also bringing the reason wherefore wee should fast on the Wednesday saith because Christ that day ascended into heauen And that it is written when the Spowse shal be taken away that then the Apostles shall fast c. and this hee affirmeth to bee a tradition of the Apostles I leaue other Fastes of Angaria that is to say of torment when some calamitie comes and other differences and abstinences and meates which were after inuented as these discourses in their place shall shewe Superstition hath peruerted the exercises of pietie despight or negligence hath caused them to be forgottē in the Church which are two extremities that all the faithfull must shunne Theodosius after hee had established peace in the Church and caused many publike Sinodes to be assembled died at Millain of the age of 50. yeares and raigned 17. that is to say 6. with Gratian and 11. after The same yeare his body was carried to be buried in Constantinople See Aurel. Vict. Pomp. Laet. Paul Diac. lib. 12. Ambrose lamented his death and made a funerall oration wherein amongst other things hee said I loued this Prince who when his soule
was ready to depart from his body had more care of the state of the Church then of the dolours of his death This care for Religion is a singular vertue worthy of a Christian Prince Archadius and Honorius the children of Theodosius and of Placille his wife a vertuous Ladie raigned after their mother the yeare 397. Arcadius was Emperour of the East and Honorius of the West Their father ordained them Tutors before hee died to Arcadius Rufin and to Honorius Stillico and Gildo was also Instituted Gouernour of Affrike Honorius then ruled the Empire at Rome his brother gouerning that of Constantinople Three yeares after this Gildo Gouernor of Affrike carried himselfe as Maister and Lord but afterward he was ouercome by Mascezel his brother whose children he had slaine The Westerne Church about this time receiued the fashion to sing Augustine in his Confessions the 9. booke saith it was by the meanes of Ambrose For in the time of the Arrian fury this holy person being constrained by the people to remaine in the Temple yea euen in the night time fearing it should haue bene deliuered to the Arrians accustomed the people to sing Psalmes and Hymnes to put off griefes and passe away the time The East Church from the beginning receiued singing as appeares by Plinie to the Emperour Traian who was at the time that Iohn the Euangelist liued But Augustine in the same booke confesseth he failed therein in that hee gaue more attention to the Song then to the words that in it are passed and accused that sinne for that the voyce and the Song are made for the word but not the word for the Sōg In that place likewise he reciteth the maner of the Church of Alexandria vnder Athanasius See also Hierome vpon the Epistle to the Ephesians Whensoeuer you assemble as S. Paul saith if each one sing Psalmes or Doctrine or Reuelation or Language or interpretation let all be done to aedification 1. Cor. 14. f. 26. The appellation of the Masse The communion of the Eucharist at this time to be called Missa It is twise found in S. Augustine namely in his Sermon of Time 237 wherein hauing exhorted men to pardon iniuries done to one another saith You must come to the Masse of the Catechumenes There we pray Pardon vs our offences as wee pardon them which wee haue offended c. And in an other Sermon 91. he saith In the historie which is read at Masses c. Many doubt whether these Sermons bee S. Augustines But Peter Martir a Diuine of Zurike saith the stile and sentences seeme to bee S. Augustines I am of opinion saith he that in that time of S. Augustine it beganne onely to bee vsurped For if it had beene vsuall S. Augustine would haue oftner made mention of it seeing hee vsed to applye his Sermons after the common manner of speech Iohn Cassian liued in this time vnder the Emperour Honorius The heretikes chased him from the Church of Ierusalem hee came to Marcellis and liued there a Monastike life The word Masse is found in his writings Lib. 3. Chap. 7. and 8. but in an other signification then for the holy Communion that is for the accomplishment and the ende of the congregation of the faithfull For speaking of the sleepe of Monkes he saith Being contented with the time that is permitted to them to sleepe that is from the Masse of the Vigiles vntill the light of the day c. vnderstanding by these words the time wherein they ended the Vigiles As for the deriuation of the name euen as the Latine Doctors which were before this age vsed the word Remissa for remission Tertullian Lib. 4. against Martion in the leafe 24. and Ciprian in his booke of the good of patience so it seeemeth afterward they said Missa for Missio or Demissio that is sending away when the Catechumenes went out of the Temple For after the holy scripture was read in the assembly and that the Sermon was done the Deacon with a loude voyce pronounced Goe or goe out Cathechumenes After this the Cathechumenes went out with the Euergumenes that is to say they which were handled with euil spirits and thirdly such as did penance Dionisius in his Hierarchie makes mention of these orders and so the Latine Church called the celebration of the Eucharist Messe because it was done after the dimission or sending away of the Catechumenes and such as were not capable to bee admitted therevnto And in this signification Ambrose saith Missas facere for sending or letting goe This is the opinion of Peter Martir in his Commentaries vpon the Iudges Some haue said that the word Missa was deriued of the Hebrew word Mas because the gifts which the faithfull offered were said to be presents and sent And the occasion hereof came of the oblations which the Iewes offered at their feast of Pentecost If it were so the Papists abused the word Masse for they will not name it of the almes and gifts which are giuen there but of the oblation they make of the body and bloud of Christ for the quick and dead P. Martyr Catechumenes signified such as were instructed in the faith and were not yet baptized The word is deriued from the Greeke word which signifieth to teach especially by liuely voyce Tertullian calleth them sometimes Hearers or Auditors Augustine calleth them Competitors For before they were admitted to be baptised at Easter they gaue vp their names 40. dayes before During which time the Pastors not onely got information of their faith and doctrine but also of theyr life P. Martir The Papistes Apes of antiquitie had it in custome to send their children to schoole in Lent Rufin before named French by Nation tempted with pride sent presents and siluer to Alarike King of Gothes and stirred him to raise vp warre against Archadius perswading him that that young Prince affrighted would leaue him the Empire His practise was dicouered and Stilico pursued him The souldiers cut off his head and his right hand and after carried them into Constantinople for a shewe See Pomp. Laet. Deuastation of the fourth Monarchie The yeare of the Lord 405. the Gothes entred into Italie with a great and fearfull company But because there is often mention of them we will briefly touch the history of their originall The appellation of Gothes doth not only comprehend one people but many that is to say Gothes Vandales Rugians Hunnes c but the Gothes properly were they which from the I le of Gothland occupied a great part of Lifsland Procopius an Historiographer saith they were Cymmerians and Greekes Being come into Thrace and Hungarie the Romane Emperours sought to driue them backe but could not The first greatest battaile of the Romanes against them was vnder the Emperour Decius wherein he was slain But after the Vandales and Huns comming from Scithia did driue away the Gothes and placed their seates in Hungaria The
it was ordained in the 2. Chapter that in Churches the Apostles Creed should be recited euery Sunday with an high voyce that the people might be better disposed to the Cōmunion after they had made a confession of their faith The Visegothes conuerted to the Catholique faith left the Arrian heresie by the means of their king Recaredus or Richandus and Leander Bishop of Siuile The confession of their faith was sent to the said Councell of Toledo The Councell of Mascon first and second wherein the oblations and offerings of bread and wine are commaunded for remission of sinnes This ordinance is wholly against the word of God and the merite of Iesus Christ by whom alone comes remission of sinnes And this is the beginning of the establishment of merites Great abundance of waters were in Italie and principally at Rome wherewith many were drowned and of the corruption of the dead bodies came a great pestilence Pelagius died of the plague at Rome Pretextatus Bishop of Rouan was called from exile Fredegonde was slaine in the Church on Easter day at the sollicitation of whom this Bishop was exiled Gregorie Pope first of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 14. yeares or after some 13. yeares tenne moneths and sixe dayes This man was called one of the foure Doctors of the Church with S. Augustine S. Hierome and S. Ambrose His Father was a Senator of Rome and of the estate of Seneshall or Captaine The said Gregorie was a Monke after a Deacon and finally the Romane Bishop In this time the Emperors cōfirmed the election of Popes and Churches There arose in this time a great contention for the premacie of the Church For Iohn Bishop of Constantinople was in a full Sinode of the Grecians published and declared the vniuersall Patriarke and the Emperour Maurice commaunded the said Gregorie to obey that Patriarke of Constantinople But Gregorie could not endure that any Bishoppe should be vniuersall ouer all others whervpon it came that he called himselfe Seruant of the Seruants of God See Gregorie in the 32. Epistle to Maurice and 38. to Iohn Patriarke See Iohn Caluin in the Institution of Christian Religion Note here Reader that after the persecutions before Siluester and the heresies before Gregorie now the Church lifteth it self vp by ambition of preheminence which engendred such a combat betwixt the East Church and the West that since that time that schisme is not yet ended The Emperour Maurice was sharply reprehended by Gregorie for that he constrained Ecclesiastical persons to go to the warres the which Gregorie resisted greatly Gregorie sent into England after Naucler or Ireland certaine great persons to preach the Faith and amongst others one called Augustine and Melitus and other Monkes Instituted in the rule of S. Benet to plant that order there and their labour prooued so well that from thence came great troupes of Monkes into France and Almaine Of the number of these Irish Monkes was Colomban and his Disciple Gallus who after preached in diuers places of Almaine and finally hee retyred into a sollitarie place which at this day is called S. Gaul in Suisse Great libertie and immunitie was graunted vnto Blacke Monkes by the Pope Gregorie at the Councell of Lateran by the consent of the assembly In this time raigned Seuerus Bishop of Marseil who caused the Images of Saints and of Christ to be broken seeing the people worshipped them Gregorie reprehended him for breaking them but praised him that hee forbad the worshipping of them See the Register or the booke of his Epistle the 10. part Epistle 4. And Pollidorus Virgil. lib. 6. chap. 13. The building of the Masse The greatest part of the ceremonies thereof came from this Gregorie For he brought the office of the Church as they call it into a forme So that at this day it is called the Gregorian Office He brought all the Masse into certaine lawes and almost such as it is at this day And therefore many say he was the Authour thereof And although he constrained none to follow the Romane forme as hee testifieth to Augustine Bishop of Canterbury yet all Churches followed the manner to celebrate their Masses after the Romane Church the English men by the said Augustine the Spaniards France and after Almaine by Boniface Bishop of Magunce who was of great renowne He made the Antiphones and Introite of the Masse of some verse of the Psalmes Item the Kyrieleison should be sung nine times the Alleluia in the end of the Offertorie of the Communion At the beginnig of the Canonicall houres Deus in adiutorium and in the end of euery Psalme Gloria patri filio c. Item that the Pater Noster should be sung with an hie voyce ouer the consecrate hoste He added to the Canon of the Masse Diesque nostros in tua pace disponas c. And made the Supper with his people in the language of his Country which was Latin common and intelligible to all as he witnesseth in the preface vpon Ezechiel In the Register of his Epistles in the 8. part and 7. Epistle he saith the Canon that is to say the prayer which the Priest saith in secret ouer the Eucharist was made by one called Scolasticus This word Masse was inuented in his time although as aboue the Supper of our Lord be called Messe of the writers who called it with a common name of their time as is said But you must heere note that so oft and wheresoeuer the Church was assembled the Bishops preached to the people and principally at Masse And this custome endured yet in Gregories time but after it was omitted by ignorant Bishops a multitude of ceremonies were brought in in the place of preaching Henry Bullinger He instituted it Rome the great Letanies on S. Markes day against the pestilence which was then with the Procession of order The first conteined all the Cleargie The 2. the Abbots and Monkes The 3. the Nunnes The 4. the Children The 5. Laie-men The 6. Widowes The 7. married women And caused there to be carried the Image of the virgin Marie The people died neezing whereof comes yet at this day that when one neezeth they say God blesse you He instituted a great part of the stations at Rome chiefly such as are made to S. Peter He ordeined for the great multitude of people which resorted to Rome to the said stations and patrons certaine Priests to keepe the Sepulchres of the Apostles and called Chamberlaines which afterward were deputed to keep the Popes Chamber And Leo the tenth made a Colledge of them Briefly this Pope Gregorie vpon deuotion which was not according to knowledge brought into the church a great masse of superstition which by little and little suffocated and choked the true Religion which remained In his time in a certaine Sinode of twentie foure Bishops assembled at Rome the foure generall Councells were approued to be
of Pope Zacharie and his wife was put into a Monasterie and in his place the said Pippin sonne of Charles Martel and Father of Charlemaigne was made King and consecrated at Soisons by Boniface Arch-bishop of Magunce by the election of all the Barons of France and by the consent and Councell of Pope Zacharie being therevnto required Who not only commanded and confirmed the said election but also absolued Pippin of the oath which he had made to the King and to the Crowne of France Abb. Vrsp This Pope did as much with the King of Lombards called Lachis For he found meanes that he left his kingdome made himselfe a Monke and his children and wife and his brother Astulfe succeeded him In the 2. volume of Councels Carloman Pippins brother was also shauen and made a Monke at Rome by the perswasion of Zacharie and remained in the Abbey of the mount S●rap in Lombardie and after in the mount Cassin Constantine the fift of that name Emperour 74. sonne of Leon raigned 35. yeares This as he was baptized made water in the Font and therfore was he called in Greeke Copronymos What necessitie was there to hold a naked Childe ouer the Font This gaue a forewarning that hee should be an euill Christian Naucler And indeed many crimes were imposed vpon him because hee constantly maintained his Fathers opinion against the Pope touching Images and from thence came also that they say he dyed desperate when he said I am deliuered from the fire eternall Fasc temp Chron. Sigeb and others They which consent not to the Popes Decrees are Iudged damned Vnder Pippin a Sinode was held in Fraunce by Boniface Arch-bishop of Magunce Bucardus Guntarius and other Bishops which had not beene in 80. yeares before In so much that men said that Religion in France was dissipated and laide vnder feete Naucler It was then ordained that eache yeare there should be a Sinode in France That no Church-man should beare Armes That none of them should vse hunting nor keepe Dogges nor Birds of pray That euery Priest and Bishop should hold himselfe in his Parish and do their diligence to roote out auncient heresies that is to say Paganisme and errors of the sacrifices of the dead diuinations enchauntments and other Immolations which are yet done after the manner of Painims nigh Churches vnder the name of Martyrs and Confessors Naucler Paganisme of the Gods was persecuted in France but true Religion was not therefore established In this time the Hunnes called Hungarians occupiped Pannonia They were diuided into seuen bands euery band builded a Castle which yet at this day are called Septem Castra in Latin which is a strong place against the Turkes Edward King of England who otherwise was reputed an vpright man left his wife and entertained Nunnes who was admonished by Letters from Boniface to leaue off that vice Naucler These be the fruites and enticements of that cursed single life Pippin le Court dyed at Paris after hee had raigned 17. or 18. yeares after some leauing his two sonnes Charlemaigne in Soisonnois and Carloman at Noyon Stephen Pope second of that name a Romaine ruled at Rome sixe yeares Hee was carried vpon mens shoulders vnto the Church of S. Lateran and thereof it comes that at this day Popes cause themselues to be carried The Emperour Constantine the 14. yeare of his Empire assembled a Councell at Constantinople of 330. Bishops where it was commaunded that all Images of Saints should be taken and burnt Also he caused all his subiects to sweare no more to honour any Image of God nor of Saintes but condemned to die all such as called to the Virgin Mary for helpe and that had in their houses any Relikes of Saints They commaunded Monkes to Marry and Nunnes to follow the estate of marriage Sigeb After this the Emperor sent the defruition of this Councel to the Pope commaunding him to cast Images out of Churches Sabin King of Bulgaria throughout his Kingdome caused all Images to be taken away after the example of Constantine whereby he came in grace with the Emperour Naucler Stephen went into Fraunce towardes King Pippin demaunding aide and succours against Astulphus King of the Lombardes This King Pippin went and met the Pope and discended from his horse tooke the bridle of the Popes horse in his hand and so ledde him to the Pallace Suppl Chron. Stephen consecrated him and his two sonnes Charlemaigne and Carloman in the Church of S. Denis in France and confirmed them in such manner as hee and his posteritie should holde the kingdome of France in heritage for euer and excommunicated all such which should set themselues against it Fasci temp Also hee transported the Empire of Constantinople into France which afterward Pope Leo approued ratified and put in execution And therefore the Empire was parted into East and West Supp Chron. Fasci temp Naucler From whence came this authoritie to bestowe kingdomes of the world but from the diuel who is called the prince therof Pippin went into Italie to the Popes succours and obteined victory against the Lombards Astulphe was constrained to agree to the Popes will Sigeb The Exarchate which was occupied by the Lombards and appertained to the Emperour is giuen to the Pope by Pippin without any right For the estate of such as held that dignitie and office were assigned the Townes that follow Rauenna Imola Boulonge Mutina Rhegin Parma Placentia c. At this time happened an horrible thing in the Abbey of S. Martin at Tours For all the Monkes which were giuen to pleasures and wickednes dyed suffocated and choaked except one Fasci temp The Parliament Instituted in France Constantine the Emperour sent gifts to Pippin praying him to render vnto him the Exarchate Pippin answered that hee came not the second time into Italie for any temporall profit but in dutie to guard the Church against the Lombards and to take from them Rauenna and the Exarchate and other goods of Italie to giue them vnto the Pope Naucler Abb. Vrsp Thassido Duke of Bauier did homage to the King of France Paul brother of the former Pope 94. gouerned 10. or a 11. yeares In whose election there was great debate For some had chosen one called Theophilactus Buggandus Bishop of Metes at this time was very affectionate towards holie bodies and heaped vp Relikes He transported from Rome into France the bodies of S. Gorgon and Saint Nazare and of many others Rome which before was the butchery of Martyrs now selles bodies and bones Constantine seeing the foolish superstition of Christians at the Sepulchres of Saintes kissing and worshipping their Relikes caused their bones to be taken out of their graues and to be cast into the Sea At this time it was that Sigebert reciteth that in Berithe a Citie of Siria was found an Image of Iesus Christ wherevnto the Iewes did many outrages pearcing his feete hands and
Church of Reate in Italie euen then falling vacant he would not consecrate the Bishop who was chosen there vnlesse hee would first acknowledge that the Emperour should approoue his election But see what followed after As soone as he was come to Rome he beganne to thinke that the right and preheminence giuen to Charlemagine and his successers might bring with it many mischiefes therefore taking the greater hardinesse by the softnesse and benignitie of Lewis thought it good to abolish such a right and there vpon pronounced that the Popes election ought to be in the power of the Cleargie of the Senate and of the Romane people yet fearing to prouoke the Emperours anger against him he added this Interpretation namely that it should be very lawfull for them to elect the Bishop of Rome without the authoritie of the Emperour but that it should not be lawfull to consecrate him without the Emperours presence or his Embassadors So by this meanes for a certaine time were the Emperours kept from the election of the Pope Yet because Stephen occupied not the seate past eight moneths hee could do litle of that hee forethought to encrease his authoritie But he died in his accustomed superstition Anno domini 817. Pascal first of that name a Romane Monke following the traine of Stephen his predecessor was chosen Pope by the Cleargie and people of Rome without the consent of the Emperour And as the Emperour complained of this election Pascal subtilly purged himselfe by his Embassadors sent thither By tract of time this subtill and malitious Pope seeing there was daunger if he longer deferred to augment his authoritie so straungely enchaunted the Emperour Lewis insomuch as he bare great honour to the Romane Church that he consented to remit into the hands of the Cleargie and the people the right of electing of the Pope which had beene giuen before to Charlemaigne and also that hee should by his Letters confirme all Donations made by his predecessors although they were made of things acquired by vniust vnlawfull violence This hee did as one ignorant of their cautelous and deceitfull dealings and sealed them with his seales But after he had Crowned at Rome Lotharie his sonne Emperour to the end that by that meanes he might more easily compasse that which he sought he did so much by treason and secretly that Theodorus and Leon officers of the Emperours house which faithfully held their maisters part had their eyes put out and after their heads cut off by the meanes of certaine mutinous and seditious people And although he were accused to the Emperour as well for the sedition which had bene stirred as for the murder against their persons committed after he had assembled a Sinode of a certaine number of Bishops he purged himselfe by oath Notwithstanding he accused of treason them which were slaine and pronounced that by good right they had bene slaine declaring them to be absolued which murthered them Behold the holinesse of these holy Fathers in their kingdome of perdition Pascal honoured with a most magnificall Sepulchre in the Towne two thousand bodies if he faile not in his account of Saints before dead which were buried in Church yardes He builded all new the Temple of S. Praxides and set in it the bodies of S. Cecilie Tiburcius Valerian Maximian and other Martyrs also of S. Vrbain and other Bishops He reedified some Churches which were like to fall with great age Lewis vpon great deuotion he had to the Apostolike Sea bestowed vpon the people and Cleargie of Rome the power to choose the Pope and the Bishops which authoritie belonged to the Emperours But hee reserued this prerogatiue that the Pope beeing chosen hee should alwaies send to the Emperours to confirme amitie Naucler The Emperour also ratified the donation made to the Pope of Rome by his predecessors and signed it with his owne hand and his three children tenne Bishops eight Abbots and fifteene Earles The Copie of these Letters are in Volateran in the third booke of his Geographie Pascal then tarried not long after to commaund vnder paine of excommunication that none should presume to receiue an Ecclesiasticall Benefice of a Lay-man whosoeuer hee be Supp Chro. Great signes and maruells happened in this time In Saxe a great Earthquake so that many villages as Vrsp saith perished by fire In diuers places it raigned stones amongst haile which slew men and beasts Naucler Eugenius Pope second of that name borne at Rome ruled three yeares A Schisme rose vp in the Church and there was great discord amongst the Cardinalls some choosing Sozimus but finally Eugenius obtained the Papacie for he had in him great appearance of holinesse At this time a Peace was confirmed betwixt Leo Emperour of Constantinople and Lewis the Romane Emperour Naucler The King of Denmarke named Hariolus cast out of his Kingdome by the children of Godfrey came for succours to the Emperour Lewis and obtained helpe to be restored into his Kingdome Chron. Sigeb Translation of holy bodies Now was translation of the bodies of many Saints from Italie into Almaine France and England Fascic temp This was all the Religion of this time Michael Emperour of Constantinople sent Embassadors towards Lewis Debonaire to vnderstand his opinion towching the Images of Saints namely whether they should keepe them or reiect them Lewis sent them to Pope Eugenius to heare his opinion Bonif. Simoneta This Emperour Michael sent to Lewis the bookes of the Hierarchie of S. Denis Chro. Sigeb Lotharie King of Italie came to Rome and was royally receiued of Pope Eugenius hee reformed the estate of the Towne and all Italie and ceased all partialities and appointed at Rome Magistrates to do right to the people Naucler Blond Valentine second of that name Cardinall and Deacon a Romane gouerned at Rome onely fortie dayes an eloquent man Bonif. Simoneta Organes became first in vse in France about this time by a Priest called Gregorie who learned his cunning therein in Greece See the Hist of France Gregorie Pope fourth of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 16. yeares This Pope would neuer accept the Popeship vnlesse first the Emperour would approoue his election and therof he was certified by an Embassage which the Emperour sent to Rome to examine the said election Naucl. and Abb. Vrsp The Sarrasins with the Souldan of Babilon came into Rome and of the Church of S. Peter made a stable for horses and wasted Pouille Calabria and Sicilie and pilled and spoiled all where they went Chron. Euseb and Naucler Naucler saith that in the Councell held at Aixle Chapele vnder this Pope the yeare of Christ 830. there was ordained a meane and rule for Monkes Nunnes Canons and others to liue in There was also ordained that euery Church should possesse rents and reuenewes that so Priests might haue whereon to liue and so to keepe them from applying themselues to any prophane thing or dishonest gaine Prebendes were ordained
nothing and he should be in suretie but hee would not returne Wherefore he caused a Councell to be held wherein the Pope was condemned and deposed for his euill life And there was substituted in his place Leo a Romane 8 of that name but soone after the Emperours departure the seditious and inconstant Romanes droue away Leo and recalled the aforesaid Iohn receiuing him in great pompe Leo got him to the Emperour who fearing to molest the Church with a greater schisme permitted the said Iohn to hold his seate But finally beeing surprised in adulterie hee was slaine by the womans husband Robert Barns Chron. Sigeb Nauclerus and Iohn Maire Conferre good Reader these Popes with the first and see the difference The yeare of Christ 958. there hapned at Venice a memorable thing The Duke of Venice Peter of Candie was besieged in his Ducall Pallace and the Venetians angrie against him set fire on the Pallace in so much that not onely the Pallace burnt but also the Church of S. Marke nigh vnto it and more then three hundreth houses about it And as the Duke thus pressed retired into a secret place of the Pallace which was not yet touched with fire the people altogether enraged hauing found him holding yet his onely sonne a young Infant betwixt his armes and requiring vpon both his knees and in great pittie the mercie of the people they were not content most cruelly to murther him with his innocent sonne and wife but after their deathes the bodies of the father and sonne were carried vnto the butcherie and hewen in peeces and after cast vnto dogges Iohn le Maire and Sup. Chron. The cause of this massacre was because he had constrained his first wife to make her selfe a Nunne to the ende hee might with colour espouse the sister of Hugo Marquis of Hetruria of whom he had alreadie had one sonne Wherefore hauing married her the Allies and kinsfolkes of his said wife stirred the people vnto sedition and so they perished vnhappily Supp Chron. About this time flourished Windichinne a Monke of Corney in Saxonie Smaragdus Abbot of S. Michael of the order of S. Benet wrote the booke called Diadema monachorum a right Monkish booke Item vpon the rule of S. Benet and vpon the Psalter another two vpon the Euangelists and Epistles Item one of diuers Sermons Trit Abb. Spauher Benet Pope fift of that name a Romane ruled after Nauclerus 6. monethes and 5. dayes or 2. moneths and 5. dayes after Supp Chron. hee was chosen by the Romanes against the Emperours will after Iohn was slaine in adulterie The Emperour vnderstanding these newes returned to Rome besieged the Towne and so afflicted it that they were cōstrained to present Benet vnto him at his pleasure The Emperour restored Leo to the seate and Benet was depriued not onely of the papall dignitie but disgraced also of his Sacerdotall and after banished and sent into Almaine where hee died in the Towne of Mamburge others say he was put in prison and there strangled Leo then eight of that name a Romane was restored into the Popedome and raigned a yeare and foure moneths This Pope minding to shunne the fury of the Romanes which proceeded to the Popes election by corruptions menaces and subtill deuices ordained in a full Sinode that none should be made Pope without the consent of the Emperour vnto whom aboue belonged the right of election from Charlemaine and others Naucler and 63. dist cap. in Sinodo He restored also to Otho all the donations made to the Romane Church And this was it which they say Constantine Iustinian Pippin Charlemaigne Lewis le Debonaire and Arit part had giuen to the Church All this he reuoked and accorded to Otho the first of that name and to his successors to the end to keepe Italie from oppressors R. Barns The Abbey of S. Quintin in Vermandois was in this time founded Chron. Sigeb Richard Duke of Normandie founded and restored many Churches and Abbeys amongst others the Abbey of Fesanan of S. Ouan at Roan and the Abbey of S. Michael nigh the Sea An Aduertisement Note heere Christian by the passed and subsequent Histories how in this time Christian Religion was so annihilated that it was altogether set to gather dead bones to build Churches and Monasteries to reare vp and transport dead bodyes to honour reliques to dreame miracles to make themselues Monkes and Nunnes to dedicate and consecrate Churches to compose Hymnes and praises of Saints to sing and pray for the dead and such like ceremonies About this time also began the fourth pestilence of the Church that is to say the Schoole Diuinitie mingled with Aristotles Philosophie which after engendred Transubstantiation and other new doctrines by the Questionaries as thou shalt vnderstand by this discourse Iohn Pope 14. of that name an Italian a Bishops sonne called Iohn gouerned Rome sixe yeares eleuen monethes and tenne dayes Supp Chron. Hee beeing apprehended by Peter Prouost of Rome was put in prison in the Castle of S. Angelo where he remained a 11. monethes but when they heard say the Emperour Otho came against them with a strong hand they tooke him out and established him Some say he was sent into exile banished into Campania frō whence he came again after 2. monethes For the Emperor tooke vngeance on thē that persecuted him causing many of them to die by diuers kindes of death such as were found culpable of the fact and banished some into Saxe As for Peter Prouost he was deliuered to the Pope to doo with him at his pleasure Who gaue him into the tormenrers hands so hee was vnapparelled and his beard being cut off he was set vpon an Asse his face towards the taile and his hands bound vnder the taile of the said Asse and so was ledde through the Towne and beaten with Roddes After this he was againe brought to prison and finally sent into exile in Almaine Naucler Iohn Pope in recompence of the benefite receiued of Otho called and declared Otho the second sonne of Otho the first Augustus Palin In the time of this Pope Theodorike or Deodorike Bishop of Mets caused infinit holy bodies to be transported from Italy into France with a peece of S. Stephens Chaine and a part of S. Lawrence Grate which the Pope Iohn gaue him Chron. Sigeb These bee the Iewels of this darke time The King of Denmarke and all his Countrey were conuerted to the faith by Popon Clarke Chron. Sigeb Benet Pope sixt of that name a Romane ruled a yeare and sixe moneths He was put in the prison S. Angelo wherein he was strangled by one called Cinthius or Cincius Others say he dyed of hunger for which iniurie he neuer did Iustice nor vengeance Naucler Roger Bishop of Liege founded the Abbey of S. Iohn the Euangelist in the I le of Flaunders Chron. Sigeb The heroicall acts of this Emperour Otho the first do sufficiently shewe him to bee one
by violence and a popular sedition of the Romans and an other ordeined in his place but after the Antipope was reiected and Benet established in his Popedome with great honour who soone after dyed Supp Chron. The Historiographers doo heere alledge Peter Damianus a Cardinall of Hostia who saide that this Pope Benet after his death appeared to a Bishop his Familier vpon a blacke horse and the Bishop said vnto him Art not thou Pope Benet which art gone out of this world Hee said I am that vnhappie Benet Being againe asked how he did he answered I am greeuously tormented but yet I may be helped with the mercy of God by suffrages Masses and Almes deeds Therefore saith he goe to my successor Pope Iohn and tell him in such a coffer he shall finde a great sum of siluer let him distribute it all to the poore The said Bishop hearing these words accomplished them and after dispatched himselfe of his Bishoppricke and entered into Religion This is recited by Naucl. R. Barnes Suppl Chron. Fascitemp Iohn le Maire Bonif. Simo. Et Cora. Abb. Thus played Sathan with his Instruments to establish his kingdome by Infernall Idolatries by Purgatories Masses and such suggested things Iohn Pope 21. of that name a Romane the sonne of Gregorie Bishop of Port. Suppl Chron. ruled 9. yeares 7. moneths or about 11. yeares after Naucler And was chosen before hee was promoted to Ecclesiasticall orders against their rights He had great troubles against the Romanes but finally he was deliuered by the Emperour Conrade his helpe Supp Chron. whom also hee crowned vpon an Easter day there being present Rodolphe King of Burgongne and the King of England Naucler Henry 31. King of France raigned thirtie yeares He had great contentions with his brother Robert touching the kingdome but they agreed He founded the Pryorie of S. Martin in the fields nigh Paris and put therein Regular Chanons He raigned 27. yeares some say 28. hauing caused his sonne Philip to be crowned At this time flourished in Italie Guido Aretin a Monke of the order of S. Benet an excellent Musitian who first inuented the Gamma to learne vpon the hand and the notes Vt re mi fa sol la. See The Sea of Histories He writ also against Berengarius Trit Abb. Benet Pope ninth of that name a Tusculan before called Theophilact the Nephewe of Benet the eight surpassed in malice his vncle and gouerned the Romane Church tenne yeares foure moneths and 9. dayes after Suppl Chron. Conrade dyed at Trect and was enterred at Spire Henry the third of that name surnamed the blacke sonne of Conrade the Emperour and of Giselle was chosen King of Romanes by the Electors he was a courteous Prince merrie and liberall by nature He appeased Hungarie which was troubled with diuers seditions He did as much at Rome to the three Popes which were there His wife was Agnes daughter of the Duke of Aquitaine and the marriage was at Ingelheim at which he did an act worthie of memorie For he cast off all pompes and put away all Moris Players Dauncers and such like and in their places brought poore people The Pope Benet was accused of many crimes by the Romanes and therefore the third yeare hee was driuen from his promotion and in his place was ordained the Bishop of Saint Sabine called Siluester the third who likewise was reiected after fortie nine dayes because he was vnprofitable Benet recouered his dignitie but hee was againe cast off and it was giuen to Iohn Arch-bishoppe of Saint Iohn Port Latin who was called Gregorie the sixt Others say that Benet after he was againe receiued into his Popedome solde it for money And so at one same time the seuenth yeare of the Empire of Henry the third there were at Rome three Popes Benet the ninth Siluester the third and Gregorie the sixt One held his seate at Laterane in the Pallace An other at Saint Peters And the third at Saint Maries A Priest called Gratian mooued with zeale went vnto the Popes and perswaded them each one to take some good some of money depose themselues from the Papacie Which they did R. Barnes and Naucl. Vpon these stirres the Emperour Henry the third hauing heard of those tumults and scandalles at Rome to abolish them was constrained to goe into Italie with a great power Gratian Pope met the Emperour and gaue him a crowne of great price The Emperour receiued the Pope honourably and they came together vnto Rome The Cleargie assembled and shewed that Gratian was a Simoniacke hauing with money caused others to yeeld vp their rightes that he himselfe by that meanes might come vnto the Popedome R. Barnes and Naucler The Emperour then caused a Councell to be held wherein all those Schismatickes and Simoniacke Popes were deposed and new created See Reader and note the honour hereof as true ensignes of the seate of Antichrist The heresie of Transubstantiation commenced At this time Lanfrancus an Italian borne of Pauie flourished in France He was one of the first inuentors and authors of Transubstantiation and hereticall doctrine new and pernicious before wholly vnknowne of the auncient Doctors notwithstanding receiued since the yeare of Christ 1053. at the Councell of Verseil as shall be said The new Doctors which haue written touching Transubstantiation were Iohn Scotus and Bertramus both which guided with the spirit of truth writ properly touching the body and bloud of Christ in the Supper Abande of such new Doctours as opposed themselues against the true doctrine of the Supper 1 Pascasius Abbot of the Abbey of Corbey in Saxonie in the time of Charles le Gros the yeare of Christ 880. 2 Ratherius Monke of Lob after Bishop of Verone vnder Henry the first 3 Herigerus Abbot of Lob of Saint Benet vnder Otho the third 4 Guido Monke Abbot of S. Benet vnder Conrade the 2. 5 Adelmanus Bishop of Brixe vnder Henry the third 6 Guimondus Monke and after Archbishop vnder Henr. 3. 7 Algerus Monke of Corbey vnder Henry the third 8 Lanfrancus Archbishop of Canterbury in England before Monke of S. Benet vnder Henry the third 9 Hildebert Bishop of Mans and after Archbishoppe of Tours a Disciple of Berengarius but after a great persecutor of the holy doctrine thereof vnder Henry the fourth 10 Honorius Priest vnder Henry the fift and others as Nolsus Ancelmus Lomberdus Petrus Commestor and Innocent the the third which came after Siluester Pope third of that name a Romane Bishop of S. Sabine before called Iohn after Benet was driuen away as is said was chosen by gifts and corruption and ruled 55. dayes or two moneths Behold the time of horrour and confusion He which then was most wicked and would giue most obteined the feate soonest Supp Chron. Gregorie Pope sixt of that name ruled two yeares sixe moneths in the time of the former Schisme hee had bene adiudged a Simoniacke and Homicide yet he bought
at Siennes in Tuscane ruled at Rome 12. yeares and one moneth rather a Monster in nature then a man Hauing abandoned the Monasterie of Clugny where hee was a Monke and being come to Rome he insinuated himselfe into the familiaritie of Laurence an Archpriest of whom hee learned Magike Arts and Negromancie which Arts the said Laurence being yet young had learned of that diuellish Monster Syluester Pope second of that name with certaine others There was a certaine particular intelligence betwixt this Laurence Thoaphilacte Iohn Gratian and Hildebrand all Archpriests or Cardinalls of the Sinagogue of Rome Wherfore Hildebrand did whatsoeuer he would with Theophilacte whilest hee was in the Popes office vnder the name of Benet the ninth But which is more vntill he came to be Pope nothing was done vnder the other Popes but at his pleasure When hee list as Benno saith he would shake his skirtes and fire would come out like sparkes and by such miracles he abused the eyes of simple people as if it had bene some signe of sanctetie And therefore saith Benno when the diuell could not persecute publikely Iesus Christ by the Painims he disposed himselfe fraudulently to destroy his name by that false Monke vnder the shewe and colour of religion Authors rehearse that this Hildebrand poysoned seuen or eight Popes by the seruice of Gerard Brazut to the ende by that meanes he might the sooner come vnto the Papacie Yet during those great troubles he handled all things so subtilly that none doubted he by any meanes aspired to the seate And although he was not Pope by name yet in effect he was the Organe and onely Instrument of him that was ordained Pope or of all his wicked inuentions and by litle and litle he practised vnder the other Popes that which he executed in his owne Popedome This notable Hypocrite vnder the colour of Canons and a certaine pietie hee did whatsoeuer hee would although he was the most vniust and the wickeddest in the world He accused Alexander the second his Lord and Maister because he had sought succours and helpe of the Emperour against his aduersaties and said it was not reasonable according to Canons that he should enioy the Papall dignitie which had demaunded succours of a prophane Prince Hauing dismissed the said Alexander of his dignitie he imprisoned him and caused him secretly to die and incontinently vsurped the Papall seate whilest men prepared for the obsequies and funeralls of the dead He communicated his siluer and counsell with Brazut and certaine Iewes his familiars by the meanes of which he found many tongues at his hire which cried with an high voyce yea euen before Alexander was buried S. Peter the Apostle hath chosen Hildebrand and they placed him in the Papall Chaire vnder the name of Gregorie the 7. And this was done the 1000 yeare after the destruction of Ierusalem In the which yeare the 6. Vicars of Sathan began to attribute vnto themselues openly the name of God and the office and vertue of Iesus Christ true God and true man For as soone as the said Gregorie had bin declared and ordained Pope the same was proclamed that the true Vicar of Christ Iesus was chosen And also the same Gregorie appropriated vnto himselfe that which is said of Iesus Christ in the second Psal Hee ouerthrew the lawes of God in forbidding marriage to Priests and casting kings out of their seats It was he which shead out the first seeds of the warre of Gog Magog which were the most pernitious and bloudie that euer was and which his familiar Vrbain 2. of that name afterward pursued Baleus Anglus The beginning of the mischiefes and extreame calamities of Croysades against the Turkes vnder a shewe of recouering Ierusalem Benno a Crdinall rehearseth the history folowing One day saith he as Gregorie came frō Albe to Rome he forgot to bring with him a booke of Negromancie which he held very deare and without the which hee neuer went or at least very seldome Whereof remembring himselfe at the doore of Laterane hee called hastily two of his most familiars which accustomed to serue him in all his wickednesse and villanies and commaunded them that they should bring him the said booke with all expedition straightly charging them that they should not presume so much as to open the booke by the way and that vpon curiositie they should not enquire vppon the secrets thereof But the more he commanded them the more inflamed he their curiositie diligently to seeke the secrets thereof As then returning they had opened the booke and had curiously read the diuellish commaundements of that Art suddenly the Angells of Sathan presented themselues the multitude of which and the horror of them brought those two young men almost out of their wits that with much adoo could they come to themselues And as they themselues rehearsed it those euil spirits insisted strongly saying Wherefore haue you called vs wherefore haue you disquietted vs Commaund vs quickly what you will haue vs to doo else we will fall vpon you if you keepe vs any longer here One of the young men then answered cast vs downe these walles straight And saying so hee shewed thē with the hand certaine high walles nigh the towne of Rome which in a moment these euill spirits ouerthrew to the earth They then thus terrified trembling almost out of breath scantly could come to Rome vnto their maister Behold what Benno saith who was in that time Gregorie being come to the papall dignitie began incontinently to sollicite that the Canons which his predecessors had made by his cautelous Councell touching Simonie and singlenesse of life in Priests and Monkes should be obserued not to the end hee might wholy abolish the wicked and detestable marchandise which was made of Ecclesiasticall Benefices but that vnder some colour of honestie hee might take from Princes the power to conferre and bestow them and to the end that by that meane all Bishops might be reduced and brought vnder the power and authoritie of the Romane seate which because of the right of Inuesture were obliged and beholding vnto Princes more then vnto the Pope of Rome And although that the Emperour Henry were the greatest of all Princes yet this arrogant and proud marchant iudged it best first to touch and deale with him tragically for the cause of Simonie Hee assembled a Councell at Rome in the place of Laterane touching these things but the Emperour beeing hindered because of his warres could not intend to debate his right in the Sinode The Pope notwithstanding had taken the matter so at heart that for that cause he ceased not to vse both treasons and murders and that more is he stirred in many places intestine and inward warres which engendred all maner of calamities For first he laide ambushes for the Emperour hee sought by diuers meanes to cause him to die In so much as hee sought to haue slaine him euen in the Church
France He commanded to assemble an vniuersal Councel of all the church in the Citie of Cleremont in Anuegue and made an Oration of great efficacie For straight there crossed themselues to the combat at least three hundreth thousand men all readie to goe vnto Ierusalem of the number of which there were many valiant Princes who to make mony solde their owne landes and signeories as Hughe the great the King of Fraunce his brother Robert brother of the Duke of Normandie Robert or Rambert Count of Flaunders Raimond Count of S. Giles Stephen Count of Blois Brunamon or Bayamond Prince of Pouille and Godphrey de Bullon who was the chiefe with his two brethren Eustace and Baudwin Also Ansele of Ribemont and many others He excommunicated the King of Galatia because he had put a Bishop in prison and exacted this oath of such as he would promote to orders So God helpe me and these holy Euangelists of God Hee made also certaine their statutes namely Clarkes should euery day say the houres of the Virgine Mary a verie Idolatrous thing and vnto her to dedicate the Saterday with a Masse He ordeined that no person should come into Popish orders vnles he were a virgin that is to say vnmarried whoremonger or buggerer as their acts shewed As for Priests they must needs be without wiues althogh they passed not for whordomes He forbad that Bishops should be ordeined without titles that faith shuld be kept vnto such as Popes had excommunicated He held himselfe close for the space of two yeares in the house of one Peter Leon for the feare he had of one Iohn Paien a Romane Citizen where also he died the yeare of the Lord 1099. and his body was buried secretly beyond Tiber for feare of enemies The same yeare died also Guibert which was called Clement the 3. after he had seene three Popes dead in his time Theodorus Bibliander writeth in this sort of that Hildebrand aforesaid and this Vrbane speaking to the Princes of al estates Hildebrand saith he in inciting the Emperour of Greece against the Turks sowed the seed of the war of Gog and Magog against which crieth the bloud of the Church shead with a miserable ruine and losse by the sword of his tongue O how much blood hath beene shead at the sollicitation of Vrbane the second to the end that vnder the colour of making warre to amplifie the Christian religion and recouer the sepulchre of the Lord he might be put againe in the Romane seate after hauing oppressed such as were of the faction of Guibert Fredericke Barbarossa did so the yeare of the Lord 1188. Frederic 1228. The King of France Lewis 9. who was a Saint after his death did as much the yeare 1288. Sigismond did it twise Anno. 1409. Vladislaus King of Hungarie Anno. 1420. who dyed nigh Varne And at this day what shall we iudge of such as bring the Turke into Christendome to auenge their particular iniuries This Pope Vrbane by excommunications constrained Philip King of France to take againe Berthe his first wife which he caused to be detained prisoner in the Castle of Monstrell vpon the sea and to leaue his second Bertrande who was wife of the Count de Angiou Nice in Bithinie is taken and after the Towne of Ierusalem by the Christians whereof Godfrey of Bulloine was constituted King Naucler Antioche was taken by Boemondus a Norman sonne of Robert Duke of Pouille Supp Chron. The reward that those noble Combatants and fighters for Christendome got was the carrying away of Relickes The Speare which pearced the side of Iesus Christ was found in the said Towne in the Church of Saint Andrewe Supp Chron. Robert Count of Flaunders brought away the Arme of Saint George which he sent into the Abbey of Anchin Sigeb Godfrey was the first King of Ierusalem Baudwin his brother is called the second Naucler Paschall second of that name borne of Italie called before Rainer a Monke and lately created Cardinall of the title of S. Clement by Hildebrand his maister succeeded Vrbane the second in the Papacie When this proud Squire knew hee was chosen he would not mount into the Papall seate vntill first the people had cryed thrice Saint Peter hath chosen Rainer After this beeing apparrelled in a Scarlet Roabe and a Theatre or Crowne vppon his head mounted vpon a white steed hee was ledde to the place of Laterane where the Papall Scepter was giuen him and he was girt with a Baudrier or large Girdle at which hung seuen kayes and as many seales as Ensignes or tokens of the Papall power so much did this great Antichrist and aduersary of God magnifie himselfe by which things signified that according to the graces of the holy Ghost which they distinguished into seuen he had the power to open and shut Churches By this meanes this harlot mounted on horsbacke being come vnto a perfect age in such sort encreased that she got vpō the Beast with ten hornes which she had gouerned vntil our time in great pride arrogancie as had bin foretold Apo. 13.17 This soueraigne Vicar of Sathan on earth imployed all his time in warres and seditions whilest Godfrey de Bulloine and other Christian Princes fought against the Sarrasins in Siria And to the end he might not be esteemed lesse thē Hildebrand he sought all the meanes that might serue to the greatnes of his Romane seate Hee furiously deposed from their dignities all the Bishops and Abbots which had bene ordeined by the Emperour He sent into exile one Albert Theodoricke and Maginulphe who aspired vnto the Papacie He assembled at Rome a Councell of the Bishops of Italie and France Anno. 1101. because of an opinion of a Bishop of Fluence touching Antichrist alreadie borne as Sabellicus rehearseth For seeing so many mischiefes committed in the Church he said Antichrist was alreadie manifested but he was repressed by many iniuries done vnto him He againe prohibited Ministers to marry as all his Prelate predecessors had done and called that marriage the heresie of the Nicholaits He pronounced that they were great heresies to make no account of yeelding obedience to the Roman church and to despise censures and also to receiue Inuesture of Benefices at the hand of a prophane man He renewed the statute of paying tenths to Priests that said Masse and would needes it should be a sinne against the holy Ghost to sell tenths In this Sinode he renewed the excommunication of Gregorie the seuenth and of Vrbane the second against the Emperour Henry the fourth and published it againe And which is more the rage of this cruell tyrant was so inflamed against him that he stirred the sonne of the said Emperour called Henry the fift to take armes against his Father an horrible thing to speak There was neuer inhumanitie nor cruell act if this were not The Sonne yea that onely Sonne not angred or stirred vp by any publike or particular iniurie despised not onely his Parent
Ierusalem raigned sixe yeares Chron. Euseb Berthold Duke Zeringen sonne of Conrade the Emperour founded two Freburgs that is to say free Bourgages or Francborgs the one in Brisgoy and the other in little Bourgogne commonly called Vchland against Sauoye And 12. yeares after he founded the Towne of Berne which he surnamed because of a Beare which he encountred in the place where the said Towne was builded For that word in their tongue signifieth Beare Naucl. The scituation thereof is almost an Iland which the Riuer of Arre maketh Phillip dieu done 2. of that name 41. king of France sonne of Lewis le ienne constituted the Escheuins of Paris and enuironed with walles a great part of the towne and walled the wood of Vincennes nigh Paris Naucler At this time was a great multitude of Iewes in France of which there went a report that euerie yeare they stole a Christian childe and ledde him vnto a place vnder the earth and after they had tormented him crucified him and that day they call great or good Friday King Phillip hearing this caused the Iewes to be taken and tormented in diuers sorts Hee burned 80. in one fire and after the yeare 1186. he draue them all out of his kingdome except such as were conuerted to the Faith After the King being scarce of mony through warres demanded of the Iewes a great summe thereof and hauing it graunted he was content they should again come into his kingdome As also his successour Lewis opened them all the kingdome of France Lucius Pope third of that name of Luke ruled at Rome foure yeares two moneths and 18. dayes He was before called Hinebaldus or Vbaldus Cardinall of Ostia This Pope would needs banish the Consuls Patricij at Rome wherefore he was cast out of Rome and withdrew himselfe to Verona Such as tooke his part some had their eyes put out others were set vpon Asses their faces towards the hinder part and were ignominiously handled After some In this time was the fourth expedition made beyond the Sea and there were crossed vnto it the King of France Philip Augustus and Henry King of England And there was a tenth laide vpon all Benefices and reuenews of Church goods to help the charges of the warre And this Subsidie was called Saladins tenth Iohn le Maire Vrbane Pope third of that name borne at Millane of the people of Cribelles ruled a yeare and sixe moneths or as it were eleuen Suppl Chron. Before he was called Imbert Suppl Chron. Sigeb Baudwin King of Ierusalem left the kingdome Guyon of Lusignan his sisters husband and the saide Guyon was the last King of Ierusalem Saladin by auarice ambition and discord of Christians occupied Ierusalem which the Christians had held from Godfrey de Bouillion 88. yeares He tooke also Aca Beritus Biblon and all the rest euen to Ascalon inclusiuely Naucler Gregorie Pope 8. of that name borne in Beneuent ruled at Rome 57. dayes Hee sent messages vnto the Christian Princes and their people to goe against the enemies of the Faith promising Indulgences and pardons vnto all but he dyed vpon that enterprise as he went vnto Pise to sollicite that they of that Towne with the Geneuois together might send into Asia for the defence of Religion Cor. Abb. Lynonia or Lyfland a Northerne Land was conuerted to the Faith Clement Pope third of that name the sonne of a Romane Citizen ruled at Rome 3. yeares and 6. moneths and made a Decretall against such Priests as celebrated Masse in wodden vessels and with common bread The Emperour Frederic Philip King of France Richard King of England and the Pope Clement agreed together to send mony vnto the Christians they sent also many ships and after went themselues in person with many Princes and Prelates of Ierusalem but they could not accord therefore soone after they returned Supp Chron. The yeare of Christ 1190. Frederic being at Nice a Citie of Bithinia it being also very hotte he descended into a floud to wash but the force of the water carried him away so that he was drowned in the presence of his people the 37. yeare of his Empire leauing fiue children which hee had of his wife Beatrix daughter of Regnand Count of Besanson The King of England was taken by a Duke of Austriche called Leopold as he returned passing through Almaigne and was deliuered vnto the Emperour Henry the sixt For his raunsome were solde the treasures of the Church the Chalices of Gold and Siluer c. and so returned into England During this time the King of France but a litle before also returned into France and occupied certaine Townes appertaining vnto the King of England The treasures of England solde for the Kings raunsome came 200000 markes of siluer Celestine 3. of that name a Romane before called Iacinthus very aged his Father was called Bubonis was chosen Pope by the Cardinalls vpon Easter day The next morning he Crowned Henry Emperour 6. of that name sonne of Fredericke and at the exhortation of this Pope he made an expedition to goe vnto Ierusalem William king of Sicile dying without heires it was thought that therefore the kingdome should devolue vnto the Romane seate but the greatest of the kingdome elected Tancredus the bastard sonne of the said William The Pope stirred heereat drew Constance the daughter of Roger and sister of William king of Sicilie out of an Abbey of Nunnes in the Towne of Palerme and dispensed with her marriage Wherefore Henry sonne of the Emperour Fredericke espoused her and so came vnto the kingdome of Sicilie and occupied it And Tancredus was slaine in battaile so Henry abode in place The said Constance of the age of 55. yeares conceaued and brought forth a sonne called Fredericke the second who after was Emperour Supp Chron. The order of the Friars of the Hospitall of the Almaines beganne at this time Also the order of the Trinitie The yeare 1191. the Towne of Aca was taken by the Christians Naucler saith here that Saladine seeing the force of the Christians determined to haue yeelded them the towne of Ierusalem but the discord happening betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of England was cause of verie great troubles In matter of diuorce Celestine permitted the Catholike partie to remarry if the other partie fell into heresie But contrary the Pope Innocent forbad it Poll. Ver de diuor cap. 5. Arthois was erected into an Earledome the yeare 1195. and the first Count or Earle therof was Lewis sonne of king Philip. The kingdome of Cyprus came into the hands of the Christians and remained there 275. yeares The Archbishop of Magunce with a multitude of Almains the King of Hungarie the Queene went into Palestine against the Sarasins Sigeb They tooke Berinthus and Ioppe Naucl. Innocent Pope third of that name borne in Campania his father was Trasimondus of Anagnia a man of base estate Suppl Chron. ruled at
Rome 18. yeares This Pope a very daungerous pestilence added vnto the Articles of the Faith Transubstantiation as a 13. Article See the Decretalls Tit. 1. De summa Trin. side Catholica ca. Firmiter credimus This Decretall was made the yeare of Christ 1215. promulged in the Councell of Lateran Where were the Patriarkes of Constantinople Ierusalem 70. Archbishops 400. Bishops 12. Abbots 800. conuentuall Priors and many Embassadors of kings princes to stop the Sarasins For there was a Croisado published therfore was there demanded the 4. peny of all rents He commaunded that the Canon of the Masse should be receiued as if it came from and were ordeined of the Apostles See the Decretals Dit 46. De celebratione Missarū ca. 6. cū He commanded confession in the Priests eare that is that he which came to be capable of deceit should confesse himselfe at the least once in the yeare to his owne Pastor See the Decretals Tit. 38. chap. Omnis vtriusque sexus In the said Councell of Lateran it was ordeined that the Canonization of Saints might not be done but by the Pope There also was condemned the booke of Ioachim Abbat against Peter Lombard Now was the error of Almaric Bishop of Chartres of whom we shall hereafter speake and of the Albigeois against which Innocent made preach the Croisado There was also ordeined that if Princes had offended one an other the correctiō therof shuld appertain vnto y e Pope Nauc The yeare of Christ 1199. the Emperour Henry dyed at Palerme Being sore heated in the pursuit of an Hart he drunke so much of a Fountaine that he rankeled his bodie Philip brother of the said Emperour Henry Duke of Souabe obtained the Empire and raigned 8. yeares He was crowned at Magunce Innocent hated Philip and was against his election The Bishop of Colongne and other Princes as well seculars as of the Cleargie seeing themselues despised that they had not bene called to the electiō of the said Philip vpon an assembly at Aix they chose for Emperour Otho the sonne of Henry surnamed Lyon Duke of Saxonie and Bauiere and was crowned by the Archbishop of Boulongne so was there a diuision in the Empire whereof great mischiefes came in Almaine by Rapines pillings fires warres Robberies Benefices Ecclesiasticall became litigious and much siluer did runne to Rome Naucler and Vrsperg Otho then 4. of that name Duke of Bauiere and Saxonie a man proud and hardie raigned three yeares being a fauourite of Pope Innocent who had said that he would either take away Phillips Crowne or he should take away his Vrsperg There happened then great discord in Almaine by the Popes treason who procured Phillips death Otho of Wittilispach Count Pallatin entered into the Emperor Phillips chamber at Bamberge and slew him traiterously with a dagger the ninth yeare of his raigne His Esquire seeing this being greatly troubled began to crie and being wounded in the cheeke fell downe The traytor fled to the Bishop of Bamberge a companion of the conspiration in the Popes fauour who notwithstanding was afterward slaine by the Emperours Marshall nigh Ratisbone being hid in a poore cottage See Naucler After the death of the said Phillip the Pope sent vnto Otho to come to Rome to be crowned and so he was the yeare 1209. Adolphe Bishop of Colongne who sometimes was on Phillips side was deposed by the Pope and died in exile Naucler and likewise the Bishop of Sutry before the said Phillip was Emperor because he had absolued him frō an excommunication The yeare of Christ 1210. Otho whom the Pope so much loued in despite of Phillip the Emperour is now become the Popes mortall enemie yea euen to be excommunicated and in full Councell declared to be deposed from his Empire with commaundement from the said Innocent that none should hold him for Emperor nor obey him acquitting his subiects of the oath they ought him Naucler This done he sent Letters to the Archbishop of Magunce that he should declare the said Otho through all his Cities to be excommunicated and deposed frō his Empire in full Councell held at Rome which he did Wherevpon the Princes of Almaine inuaded his Bishoppricke and put all to fire The cause wherefore the Pope published the said excommunication was because Otho occupied Romandiole the patrimonie of the Romane Church Otho then fearing a new chaunge left Italie and returned into Almaine which hee found all troubled for the said excommunication The Abbey of S. Antoigne by Paris a religion of women was founded about this time The Sea of Hist. The king Phillip gaue to the Church of S. Denis diuers precious reliques which the Emperour Baudwin had sent him frō Constantinople that is to say the true Crosse of a foote long also the haires which Iesus Christ had in his Infancie one of the thornes of the Crowne one side and foure teeth of S. Phillip the cloathes wherein Iesus Christ was wrapped in the maunger and the purple garment which he had on at his passion See the Sea of Hist. Such as were great in this world submitted their greatnesse vnto those toyes and trifles more then childish The yeare of Christ 1212. Otho hauing assembled the Princes at Noremberg shewed the Popes subtil deu●●s against him and that vniustly he persecuted him From thence hee led his Armie into Turinge against his enemies which tooke the Popes part After he came into Saxonie where his marriage was celebrated with the daughter of king Phillip who died foure daies after Iohn King of England King Richard his brother made his kingdome subiect to the Romane Pope For a signe whereof he promised to pay yearely fiue markes of gold Suppl Chron. or 1000. markes of sliuer See the Annales of France After Otho had bene Emperour 4. yeares Frederic 2. of that name sonne of Henry 6. king of both Sicilies and of Ierusalem succeeded and after his election made in Almaine hee was annointed and crowned at Aix and Otho depriued of his Empire died the yeare following of a fluxe of bloud Naucler and the said Frederic raigned 44. yeares or 33. after Suppl Chron. Innocent edified the Hospitall of the holy Ghost and gaue vnto it great reuenewes He repaired the Church of S. Sixtus He gaue vnto all the Churches of Rome the waight of a pound of siluer to make their Challices on vpon condition that none should sell or alien them The foure Sects of begging Friars S. Francis an Italian of a Towne called Assisium was in this time S. Dominike a Spaniard of Caliroga in the Diocesse of Lexonia in this time also The said Dominike went to Rome and prayed the Pope Innocent in the said Councell of Lateran to confirme his order of Iacobins but hee would not consent therevnto Albert Patriarke of Ierusalem made the rule of Carmes the first Author of the said order in Siria The Pope approued the order of the
sonne Maximilian he gently buried all occasion of warre commenced Hee was crowned at Rome his wife Helenor which he espoused at Naples in king Alphonsus his Court. At his departure from Rome he went to Naples vnto the said king Alphonsus his wiues nigh kinsman of whom and after of the Venetians he was entertained with great honour and prouision and so euer after hee loued the Venetians He would often say to his wife vnto whom her Phisitian counselled to drinke wine to auoyd barrennesse that he could better loue a sober barren woman then one fruitfull giuen to wine Naucler Chron. of the Emper. Printing inuented The noble Art of printing with Letters made in Brasse was found out in this time a verie diuine inuention worthy of memorie and admiration yet were it more admirable if it were not so much prophaned The inuention was Germanike and very straunge at the beginning and of great profit Iohn Gutemberge Knight was the first Author of this goodly inuention The thing was first assayed at Magunce 16. yeares before it was divulged in Italie One saith that Iohn Faustins called Gutman inuented it with Peter Sheffer Eun. 10. Dionysius Charthusianus in this time writ vpon Daniel The Pope Engenius retiring from Florence came and dwelt at Rome where he was welcomed because hee diminished their tallies and subsidies Naucler The Swisses except Berne and Soleure made warre against some of their Allies called in Latin Duricenses because contrarie to their alliances they ioyned with the Dukes of Austrich and the said Swisses obtained victorie against their said Allies Naucler Foure thousand Swisses were put to death against the Armie of the aforesaid Dolphin which was of 25. or 30. thousand horsemen besides footemen and was ouerthrowne nigh the Hospitall of S. Iames by Basill The said Dolphin hauing wasted the Countrey of Alsarce returned with great losse of his Campe. The yeare of Christ 1444. on S. Martins euen the Turke Amurathes gaue battaile against the King of Polone Vladislaus and the Cardinall Iulian who was president in the Councell of Basill The said Iulian the Apostolike Legatein Hungarie fled after the battaile was lost but as he let his horse drinke he was perceiued and knowne of the Hungarians who slew him thinking he had had much money about him and hauing dispoyled him they left him naked See Naucler This Legate vppon the exhortation of Pope Eugenius councelled the King Vladislaus to breake his faith with the Turke and to assaile him in his Countrey the which hee did with 30000. combatants all which vnluckily perished in that warre whereof rose infinite mischiefes and carnall and mortall warres throughout all Christendome The King fell from his horse had his head cut off which was carried on a Launce throughout all the Countrey The bloud of many Princes and Prelates was shead Two Bishops were cause that the Chrstians lost the victorie For beeing willing to pursue the Turke they kept not the places which they had in charge In so much as the Turkes as it were vanquished returned againe into battaile and entred into the Christians Armie Iohn Huniades fled from the battaile with a great number of people to the number of tenne thousand Hungarians Francis Caldemonio a Cardinall of Venice Nephewe vnto Pope Eugenius the fourth being Legate and chiefe of the Armie by sea ordained to keepe the straight of the Arme S. George that the Turkes should not passe that way to goe to the succours of their people and although he had a great and puissant Armie of the Christians yet vpon treason and cowardise hee let passe through that straight an hundreth thousand Turkes with Amurathes their Prince and which is worse hee vsed not diligence to aduertise the Christian Armie A Carack of Genoua ledde their way whose patron was of the house Grimald and made the said passage vpon a couenant with the said Turkes namely to haue a Ducat for euery head The said Grimald of Genoua Patron went from thence into Flaunders to employ his hundreth and 60. thousand Ducats which hee had gotten but he was consumed before he came there with a Sea-tempest Constantine Paleologue the brother of Iohn Paleologue was the last Christian Emperour of Constantinople and raigned eight yeares Eugenius the 4. died the 20. day of the moneth of Aprill of the age of 64. yeares hee did many good things to the Towne of Rome and in diuers places caused it to be repaired and paued Amurathes the second of that name being Victor did not pursue the Christians after the discomfiture nor shewed himselfe merrie as his custome was being demaunded why he was so sad not reioycing at his victorie Hee answered I would not alwaies thus ouercome Soone after hee dismissed himselfe of his dominion and principalitie and left the gouernment to his sonne Mahomet he after made himselfe a Monke of the straightest religion that was amongst them See Nauclerus Nicholas Pope fift of that name borne at Genes ruled at Rome eight yeares before hee was called Thomas de Sirsone or Sarresane in the signiorie of Lucan Cardinall of Bolongne sonne of a Phisitian Suppl Chron. This Pope in lesse then a yeare was made Bishop of Bolongne Cardinall and Pope of Rome hee was elected the sixt of March and crowned the ninteenth of the said moneth the yeare 1447. yet ceased not the schisme of the Church For still liued Felix the fift of Sauoy who accounted himselfe Pope Nicholas was esteemed a great Theologian In this time writ Laurentius Valla Blundus the Historiographer Trapezontius the Rhetoritian and Theodorus Gaza The King of Fraunce recouered Normandie which the English men held And recouered the yeare after the Countrey of Aquitaine The Sea of Hist The yeare of Christ 1448. after some 1449. Felix the 5. renounced his Popedome and sent to salute Nicholas the true successor of S. Peter so was obedience giuen vnto Nicholas and by that meanes ceased the 23. schisme Then brake off the Councell of Basill which for that purpose was assembled This treatie and composition of that Session was made as Lausanna by many Princes of France Almaine England and Sauoy for the vnion of the Church And this was at the sollicitation of the Emperor Frederic and the request of Pope Nicholas The King Charles the 7. to bring a peace in Christendome caused a Councell to be assembled of the French Nation at Lyons to appease all Iohn le Maire This yeare brought the first inuention of the Francarchers in France Nicholas Pope sent the Cardinalls Hatte to the said Felix appointed him Legat a Latere in Saouy in France and in Almaine This Felix or Ayme de Saouy was of litle stature a deuout man founder of the Monasterie of Rapaille vnder the rule of S. Augustine wherein hee was sumptuously buried Fasci Temp. Whatsoeuer hee said Felix had done and decreed during his Papaltie was ratified and held for good Iohn le Maire The yeare of Christ 1450. the Pope
they receiued for their Prince Alexander de Medices vnto whom the Emperour promised his bastard daughter Margarite In this time Tiber at Rome ouerflowed his bankes and the winde so beat back the surges and waues therof that the whole Towne was greatly terrified therewith The like and more greeuous tempest came also in Holland the Countries adioyning the sea hauing burst her banks and leuies and tooke away all it met withall the length of the flat Country Ferdinand the Emperours yonger brother the fift of Ianuary at Cullen is proclaimed king of the Romanes And the eleuenth of Aprill following crowned at Aix notwithstanding the Duke of Saxonie protested by his sonne that he would not agree there vnto The Turke returned the second time against the Towne of Vienna in Austrich but the Emperour and Ferdinand went against him in battaile and forced him to retire The eleuenth of October Zuinglius of the age of fortie foure yeares younger then Luther by foure yeares was slaine at a battaile of the petit Cantons against them of Zuric and about the ende of Nouember Oecolampadius of the age of 49. yeares passed also from this life into an other in the Towne of Basil Mary the widowe of Lewis King of Hungarie is appointed by the Emperour her brother in the gouernment of the lowe Country in the place Margarite his Aunte lately deceased A Comete appeared almost through the whole moneth of August Loyse mother of the king of Fraunce and sister to Charles Duke of Sauoy dyed this yeare A warre recommenced betwixt the Swisses namely they of Zuric and fiue Cantons but in the end a peace was concluded The Towne of Munster receiue the Gospell Christierne King of Denmarke now banished from his Countrey by the space of tenne yeares hoping to recouer his kingdome was taken by sea and laid in prison His sonne which the Emperour his vncle entertained dyed of the age able to be imployed in warlike affaires Soliman Emperour of the Turkes came with a great Armie to Belgrade and from thence drawing on the left hand he besieged the Towne and Castle of Giunte but Nicholas Iurixe being then within made him leaue his siege Iohn de Leiden a Cutler an Hollander secretly and Harman Staprede Minister Rotmans companion publikely beganne to dispearse about the Towne of Munster the seede of Anabaptisme Rotman after he had resisted him in the beginning and caused them by the Senate to be driuen out of the Towne declared himselfe to be an Anabaptist in a disputation appointed in the Towne house See the Historie of Anabap. of Munster Who would not tremble at such a iudgement of God to see such as lately professed the Gospell of the Lord to fall into so great wickednes George Prince of Saxonie for the Gospell banished three score and ten Bourgesses of the Towne of Lipsic because they would not communicate in the Sacrament of the Supper vnlesse it were vnder both kindes of bread and wine The Pope Clement signified the Councell vnto the Duke of Saxonie that it should be at Plaisance or else at Boulongne or at Mantua Imperiall Townes The Duke sent his Embassadors towards the Protestants about the last of Iune who answered by writing that they woulde haue a Councell free and wel ordeined in Almaine where the difference in Religiō might be decided by newter and equall Iudges yea and that by the bookes of holy scriptures In fauour also of the French King hee made foure French Cardinalls Odes de Chastillion Phillip de Bologne Claude de Gnyuri and Iohn the hunter In the moneth of March the Emperour of Italie sailed into Spaine There was a marriage at Marceille delt in betwixt Henry the King of France his sonne a Prince of the age of fifteene yeares and Katherine de Mecides Pope Clements Neece by the King of Fraunce his meanes and the saide Clements During the Emperours absence the Lantgraue passed into Fraunce and in the name of Vlrich Prince of Wirtemberge engaged and pawned vnto the King borrowing of him readie Siluer the Earledome of Montbeliard to the ende to restore the saide Prince his cousin into his Seignories and Countries vpon this condition that if within three yeares it were not redeemed it should remaine hereditarie vnto the Kingdome of France Henry King of England hauing put away the daughter of Ferdinand king of Spaine the said Henry his brothers wife tooke Anne Bullen wherevpon the Pope commaunded him to take againe the said Katherine See Sleidan The Pope Clement by the counsell of Curtius his Phisitian hauing chaunged the Regiment and maner of his liuing in his age dyed in the ende of September of a disease of the stomacke Iohn Baptist Folengius in his Commentarie vpon the 105. Psalme speaking of Pope Clement his death saith thus Some say that in our time Clement the seuenth Pope of Rome dyed of so dishonest a death as he was eaten with Lice Others thinke he was but poysoned In the moneth of Nouember at Paris were many Placarts fixed vnto postes in diuers places against the Masse and other Articles of the Popish Religion Wherevpon was exercised great crueltie and horrible butchery against such as they called Lutherans Paul Pope third of that name an auncient man was chosen the 11. of October and created Pope of Rome and crowned the third of Nouember He raigned 15. yeares whereof we will handle hereafter In the moneth of Ianuary the King of France came to Paris ordeined there a generall procession where the Idoll Saint Geneuiefue was carried about in great pompe there also made hee an Oration to the people against the Lutherans as they called them And for a solemne Sacrifice to appease Gods anger hee caused sixe poore Christians to be burned which confessed the name of God in sundrie places of the Towne For this cause was hee ill beloued in Almaine In the moneth of Aprill the Emperour embarking at Barcelonne went into Affricke where he tooke the Towne of Thunis and the Fort of Golete hee after made tributarie the king Muleasse Barbarosse the Turkes Lieutenant who occupied that kingdoms escaped and assembled a certaine number of vessels in Argell And the Emperour retired into Sicilie In the moneth of Iuly the King of England beheaded Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Thomas Moore his Chauncellor because they would not agree to the Edict and statute made for the abolishment of the Popes authoritie who challenged to be head of the English Church Fisher whilest he was prisoner was chosen Cardinall which nothing amended his cause with the King About the ende of the moneth of October Francis Sforce Prince of Millaine deceased without any heires The sixt of December the Protestants assembled at Smalcalde Guillaume de Bellay Lord de Langeny Embassador for the king of Fraunce came thither who the 19. of December excused the king for the executions hee had made of the Lutherans saying they were seditious people and held a farre other
imposed vpon him lawes of extreame rigour Amongst others that hee should subiect himselfe to that which the Pope would ordaine vpon him touching Religion The Duke wished rather to die whereat the Emperor maruelling remitted that condition but yet he tooke from him all his goods sauing 50000. Crownes which the Duke Maurice vnto whom that spoyle came should giue him yearely The 21. of May Wittemberge yeelded it selfe by that Dukes commaundement after hee had acquited to his sonne and his subiects the oath of fidelitie they ought him and Maurice tooke season thereof An example of magnanimitie and constancie more then Heroicke that is Christiā which God giueth to his in the middest of the greatest afflictions of this world The estates of the Empire assembled at Vlme There the Emperours Embassadors purposed to make a league frō thenceforward to appease all troubles if any such arise like this last But the pestilence dissipated this conspiration against the Gospell and the estates retired to Ausbourge The Lantgraue of Hesse to obey the conditions of peace proposed vnto him came vnto the Emperour at Hale and after supper as he would haue departed he was stayed He complained that hee was betrayed and promises not performed vnto him The Emperour before the estates at Ausbourge declared the cause wherefore he set him not at libertie to be this That hee exhibited not the Letters and secrets of the League of Smalcalde And taketh witnesse vnto Maurice and Brandebourge that he neuer meant him lesse then a perpetuall prisoner The doctrine of the Papists dispenseth herein namly that vnto Heretickes men should keepe no faith Peter Lewis the Popes sonne was shine at Plaisance in his Castle by a Band of 36. which had cōspired against him They hanged his body in a chaine on the toppe of the Castle walls a thing much pleasing the people He was slaine the 10. of September on the same day wherevpon his Father Pope Paul being cunning in Negromancie had warned him to take heed The end of tyrants are miserable and horrible and should put vs in mind of Gods iudgement Certaine time after he had beene cast into the graues the Plaisantines themselues massacred him with the stabs of Daggers After Dom Ferdinand de Gonsague strengthned the towne with a Garrison The Masse was abolished in England by a decree iudgement of the publike Councell of all the Realme The Venetians after the Emperours fashion made a very rigorous Edict against such as are called Lutherans One called Francis Spiera of the Citadelle a Towne of the Territories of Venice for that in the said Venice before Iohn Cuse the Popes Legate he had renounced the truth of the Gospell which hee knew fell into dispaire and of a vehement and great apprehension thereof got a great malladie and sicknesse wherein hee could no way be comforted and whatsoeuer any alleadged of Gods promises of his mercie he would still answere that they nothing appertained vnto him because he said hee had sinned against the holy Ghost And in that dispaire finished he pitiously his dayes This is a great good example worthy to be earnestly thought on Maximilian the eldest sonne of Ferdinand from Trent arriued in Spaine and in great magnificence espowsed Mary the Emperours eldest daughter his Cousin-germaine Iane the onely daughter of the king of Nauarre who before was promised vnto the Duke of Cleues was giuen in marriage vnto the Duke of Vendosme The Emperour giueth charge to certaine traytors of the truth namely Iulles Pflug Michael Sidonius and Iohn Islebe Agricula with a Secretarie of Grauiele to build a booke of Religion and called it Interim This booke shooke Almaine more then all the grieuous persecutions that had bin before It was called the Emperours booke Ellenor the dead king Francis widowe left France and retired into her brothers lowe Countries The Bourdelois in Guienne mutined against the King because of a subsidie or taxation and slew the kings Lieftenant there whereof they were by the Constable chastised He constrained themselues to make the fire and to burne all their priuiledges He caused a great number of the chiefe of the towne to be put to death They were constrained to follow the Funeralls of the said Lieftenant slaine in the habit of Criminalls carrying Torches in their hands and demaunding mercie Ambrose Blaurer Minister of Constance and with him a great number of the Bourgesses left the Towne because of Religion The Princes and Townes of Almain are sollicited and forced by the Emperour to giue answere vnto the approbation of his booke The Emperor also caused to be set out a forme of Ecclesiasticall reformation for an outward shew which after they had heard recited they approoued and promised to cause them to be obserued in their Churches with the Popes good pleasure The Duke of Wirtemberge at the alone commandement of the Emperour straightway caused the booke to be read vnto the people forbidding them to do any thing to the contrary The Duke of Saxonie being prisoner was much sollicited to receiue the Emperours booke of reformation but he still remained constant without bowing or yeelding either by threatnings or promises which was cause that his gardes began to handle him more roughly and rudely The Preacher which he alwaies till then had with him fearing danger found meanes to escape A great diuersitie of courage betwixt the two Dukes The Duke Maurice returning into his Countrey proposed the Emperours decree caused the Diuines of Leipsic and of Wirtemberge to assemble and determine therevpon Which after they had two or three times assembled they ordained of things indifferent commonly called Adiaphores In the end they set out in writing at Leipsic a forme of Religion which all Duke Maurice subiects should follow The Bishop of Strasbourge summoned the Ministers and Regents of the schoole which held the Colledge of S. Thomas to receiue the Emperours decree Bucer and Phagius with the Senates leaue departed the first day of April to goe into England whither they were called by Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury Thus the Lord prouideth for his After he hath taken his truth from one place he sendeth them into an other to doe his worke there The King of Fesse in Affricke being chased by a certaine Zepziphe king his neighbour who from low estate was growne vnto that greatnesse implored helpe of the Emperour at Auspourge Whilst Religion was thus troubled in Almaine the Pope thought it good to make his profit thereof Therefore he sent their Legates into Almaine with an Indult by which power was giuen vnto them to receiue all such as they would into the bosome of the Church and to permit by the Popes authoritie to communicate the Supper of the Lord vnder both kinds and to eate all kinde of meates at all times The Ministers of the Lantgraues Country refused the Indult Phillip of Austrich made his entry into Bruxelles where his Father was and is receiued in great magnificence and pompe the
porke was who answered that his Phisitian appointed that none should be serued Then cryed he in this manner Bring me my porke flesh Al di spetto di Dio that is to say in despight of God This now is a common ieast and ordinarie amongst rakehells and rascalls ruffians and bawdes through Italie as Also many other speeches as infamous and dishonest Blasphemies vsed in Italie authorised by the Popes word Hauing one day seene a Peacocke at his dinner which he had not touched keepe said he this cold Peacocke for my supper spread the table in the Garden for I will then haue company As then he sat supper he saw other hot Peacockes serued vpon the table and not seeing his colde Peacocke which hee commaunded to be kept being exceedingly vexed he disgorged an execrable blasphemie against God At which certaine Cardinals that sate with him at the table said Let not your holines be so chollericke for so small a matter Wherevnto Iulius answered If God would bee so angry for an Apple as to cast our first Father Adam out of Paradice wherefore should it not bee lawfull for mee that am his Vicar to be angry for a Peacocke seeing a Peacocke is of much more valewe then an Apple As hee was about to create Cardinall Peter Betan Bishop of Fano of the order of the Iacobins certaine of the Cardinalls resisted him and amongst other things alleadged that he was infected with the heresie of the Lutherans Vnto whom Iulius answered Although it be so should it not be wisely done by putting a redde hat on his head to purge him of that euill and so retaine him one of ours with such a bond then to suffer him to flie from vs and ioyne with our enemies that we haue in Almaine as Vergerius did The 10. of September Affrike a Towne of Affrike was taken by the Emperours Armie vnder the conduction of the Viceroy of Sicilie Dracut Lord of the Towne withdrew towards the Turke his maister and the warre began againe more sharpe betwixt the Emperour and the Turke A sedition in Ausbourge because of certain Spaniards which in the moneth of August made mockes in the Church at the Sermon A woman also of the said Towne mocked a Priest which in his Surplice walked through the Towne with his hoste The Emperour had put the said woman to death had it not bene that Mary the Gouernour of the lowe Country entreated for her and saued her Maurice and Albert his cosin the Elector of Brandebourg and Henry of Brunswic tooke Armes against them of Magdebourge Nicholas Pernot sieur de Granuelle dyed at Ausbourg about the end of August to the Emperours great griefe Anthony Pernot his sonne Bishop of Arras succeeded in his estate About the beginning of Nouember Virich Prince of Wittemberge deceased from this world and his sonne Christopher was his successour Stephen Bishop of Winchester was dispossessed of his Bishopprick in England and put in prison because he would not submit himselfe vnto the Kings Edicts and lawes touching Religion The last of February Bucer dyed at Canterbury and was very honourably buried with a great number of Epitaphes made by learned men lamenting his death The Councell of Trent was deferred by the Pope from the first of May vntill the first of September In Saxonie diuers prodigious things were seene as three Sunnes and three Moones now pale and bleake or blew now red as blood The king of France caused to be published a very cruell Edict against the Lutherans confirming yea passing all his former Edicts and left nothing behinde that appertained to extreame crueltie On all sides the Papists assembled at Trent on the Councell day likewise from Almaine resorted the Electors Ecclesiasticall The Cardinall of Cressentia was President in the Popes place The Emperour and the King Ferdinand sent thither also their Embassadors But the King of France by his Embassadour disavowed the Councell for generall reputing it but a particular congregation to the profit of some His protestation was held for none without vouchsafing to record it Le sieur d' Brisac tooke in Piedmont and about Turin a certaine number of Townes and amongst others Cheri and Saint Damian The Turks Army after hauing assayed the Fort of Malta and rushed vpon Tripoly in Affrické and tooke it The Emperour accused the King of Fraunce to bee the Authour of this losse An Edict published by the King of Paris whereby it was forbidden to transport any siluer out of the kingdome to Rome because of the warre betwixt the King and the Pope There came a writing from the Emperors Court whereby was declared the cause and originall of the warre of Parma and wherefore hee receiued Plaisance into his protection The fact of Duke Octauius is condemned and detested The French to the contrary shewe also by writing the daunger wherein Octauius was at Parma the iust cause that the King had to succour it and that wrongfully the Emperour had taken the Towne of Plaisance The Duke of Somerset is againe imprisoned in October by the meanes of the Duke of Northumberland vnto whome came the gouernment of the Realme after him The eleuenth Session of the Councell of Trent was in October where was confirmed the locall presence transubstantiation and all that euer was inuented for the Deification of that faire morsell of bread George de Martinuse of Dalmatia commonly called the Monke a man of great authoritie in Hungarie was made Cardinal who was after slaine the 18. of December in his own house by certaine Italians vnder colour that he dealt with the Turke suspitiously although before he had so wrought with the wife of the deceased Vaiuoda that she gaue ouer the gouernment of Transiluania to the King Ferdinand In Nouember the Duke Maurice agreed altogether with them of Magdebourge The ende of her euils and calamities was the entry of a great warre yea of all ill luck vnto the Emperour For Maurice hauing practised with Kings and Princes straungers determined with himselfe by force to deliuer the Lantgraue his Father in lawe which notwithstanding hee deferred a certaine time because first he thought it good to prooue all by loue The Duke of Somerset the vncle of King Edward was beheaded at London at the instance of the Duke of Northumberland Maurice by a writing dedicated vnto the states of the Empire greatly complaineth of the discord of Religion amongst them Item of the captiuitie of Lantgraue a prisoner by treason to the great dishonour of the Emperour Albert of Brandebourge complaineth also of the miserable seruitude of Almaine and hauing expressed the causes thereof he declareth that he and his companions do iudge the Ecclesiasticall people to be the chiefe authours of all the abouesaid euils And Maurice and Albert allyed and ioyned themselues together at Rotebourge Ausbourge besieged by them is taken The Fathers of the Councel at Trent being at discord the Imperialists against the Romanists after they vnderstood
le Gourt Phillip Parmentier Peter Millet Iohn Befferoy Peter Arondeau M. Anne du Bourge a man of great pietie very learned a Councellor in the Parliament of Paris The death of this last man was especially amōgst others noted because of the qualitie of his person his constancy astonished also many of his enemies who notwithstanding left not to cōtinue as wel in Paris as in other Parliaments of France in that remainder of the yeare 1559 in al the yeare following during which the French Church before being hid because of persecutions began to shew it self Insomuch that in all Prouinces thoughout the kingdom they of the religion had Sermons openly the zeale of some surmounting the crueltie of others In this same yeare 1559. in the moneth of May the Lord triumphed ouer Antichrist in the cōstancy patience of many Christians executed to death for the witnesse of his truth in the kingdome of Spaine by the practises of the officers of the Inquisition wherof it shal not be impertinent briefly to touch About an 100. yeares ago that Ferdinand and Isabelle kings of Castile established that Inquisition against the Iewes which after baptisme kept their cerimonies Certaine yeares after the Monkes assailed by the doctrine of the Gospell did so much that it was cōuerted practised especially against such as they could discouer to be neuer so litle aduersaries of the Romish traditions For the better establishing of this tyrannie and to lift it vp aboue the King and the Councell of Spaine the Spanish Theologians made thē belieue that the holy Inquisitiō could not erre and for the exercise thereof they had Iudges officers in the most part of the Townes of the realme which alwaies had a watchful eye to bridle all the world But ordinarily they espied the richest the learnest such as of little began to become great for they desired bootie of some they feared y e knowledge of others and the last are odious least they should make head against the Inquisitiō They espied marked very nigh these 3. sort of people that if there came any word out of their mouthes it shuld be noted thogh they spake no word yet would the Inquisitors finde meanes enough against such as worshipped them not sufficiently for after they had shut them in prison they would keep them there a long time without speaking vnto them and at leisure inuent Rymes against them In the meane while no man durst sollicite nor speake for the prisoners If the Father shewed to haue any care of his childe hee was straight imprisoned as a fauourer of heresie No person could haue accesse to any prisoner which was in any dungeon or other obscure place neither might hee write but besides the misery and horror of the prison the prisoners endured a thousand outrages and menaces and after blowes with whips and diuers other the greatest iniuries that can be imagined Sometimes they are suffered to escape by infamy and from some high place they are shewed vnto the people During their imprisonment their processes and their Inditements goe not forward in course of lawe and for ordinarily a prisoner shall be so kept vp tormented two three or foure yeares and if there be any thing done therein there are none but the Inquisitors their officers and executioners that know any newes of them After one hath tortured and beaten them the space of many moneths he that will haue his life he must diuine and gesse at his accusor If then the accused can diuine the name of his accusors and what is the accusation in firmely and strongly denying that which is imposed and laid to his charge and after great protestations to be an hartie and a very affectioned seruant and subiect of the Popedome his life being so saued yet he is not thereby set at libertie but after hauing endured infinit pouerties miserie which they call their penance they are let goe but yet in such sort as they make him weare a kinde of coate of yealow colour called Sambenito which is a publike infamy vnto him and all his race But if contrary the prisoner be an ill diuiner after diuers tortures he is condemned and cruelly burnt They that constantly maintaine the truth of the Gospell are so vngently tormented and cruelly handled that the punishments of the greatest Tyrants which were in the time of the Primitiue Church were nothing in comparison vnto these But then assoone as many persons of high and base condition in sundry places of Spaine beganne to see the light of the word of God the Antichrist his subiects straight discouered certaine assemblies insomuch that the Inquisitors imprisoned a great number of them whereof some were put to death the 21. of May in the presence of the kings sister their gouernesse in her brothers absence of Dom Charles Prince of Spaine and of many great Lords which deliuered their oaths vnto the Inquisition namely the Gouernesse and the Prince to maintaine against all This done with great solemnities the faithfull remaining constant were burnt aliue namely Augustine Cacalla late the Emperour Charles the fifts Preacher Francis de Biuero Priest of Valledolid the brother of Augustine Blanche and Cōstance de Biuero their sister Alphonsus Peres Priest of Valence Christopher del Campo Christopher de Padille Antonio de Huezvelo Catherine Romaine Francis Errem Catherine Ortegne Isabella de Strade and Iann Velasque Many other men and women were then condemned to diuers honourable amends as they call them and to remaine prisoners a certaine time In the moneth of September following the Inquisitors of Siuil caused to be burnt Iohn Ponceus de Leon sonne of the Count de Bailen a Gentleman amongst all Spaniards commendable because of his great pietie constancie and doctrine Iohn Gonsolue Theologian of Siuile Isabelle de Vacine Mary de Viroes Cornelie Mary and Iane de Bohorques Ferdinand de Saint Iohn Iulian Fernand and others in great number For three yeares before a goodly Church was raised and set vp at Siuile which being discouered by the spies of the Inquisition very nigh eight hundred persons were imprisoned insomuch that after that the tormentors did no other thing but hang strangle and burne men and women yet notwithstanding many verie liuely tasted the doctrine of the Gospell and forsooke Spaine the more freely to serue God some flying into England others into Almaine to Geneua Likewise all the Monks of the Couent of Saint Isodore nigh Siuile forsooke their habit and their Country and saued themselues at Francford two of which namely Iohn Leon Iohn Fernand were taken in a Port of Zeland brought againe into Spaine and put to death In this same yeare the Estates of the Empire were assembled at Ausbourge to handle affaires of Religion and it was agreed that things should remaine peaceable and the funerall of obsequies of the Emperor Charles the fift were then made The Embassador of Othon Henry chiefe Elector assisted
and the Prince vnto the court after stared them prisoners and handled the prince very rigorously On the other side their forces assembled on all sides to ouerrun the realme The king of Spain should enter into Bearne to ruinate destroy the queen of Nauarre and to solemnise the entry of the Estates the prince should haue bene publikely beheaded afterward straigt vpon the conclusion of the Estates the Armies marched to sacke and spoyle such as were suspected and the people were suffered and countenanced to runne vpon all such as were religious to dispatch them with out other Inquisition And to the end to leaue none aliue the King should cause all the Princes Lords and Knights of the order to sweare and seale all the articles of Sorbone sending to the fire without longer proces all such as denied it The Chancelor did the like with such as were of the order d'la longe robe about the court The Parliaments Prelates had charge to do the like with such as belonged to Iustice and to the Cleargie Likewise Ladies honorable womē were not forgotten This being done the Inquisition of Spain entred into France to begin new tragidies But as all things were vpon the point to be executed God cut the strings thereof striking the king Francis with an Apostume in his eare wherewith after he had languished certain dayes he was finally stifled and dyed the fift day of December 1560. hauing only raigned 17. moneths This death ouerthrew the disseines and purposes of the Duke of Guise and constrained the aduersaries of the reformed Church to yeeld some reliefe vnto the faithfull who had that yeare giuen them in mockery the Huguenots because of their night assemblies to muse deuise new subtilties and persecutions whereof we will God willing speake briefly in the years following but yet the Churches in that yeare prospered in all Prouinces with infinite witnesses of God his fauour towards his and of his iudgements vpon his enemies of all estates Some of the Religion were publikely executed in diuers places but for one which died there came a thousand to the doctrine of the Gospell In so much that it was incredible the great number of persons which this yeare and that following forsooke the Romane Religion to come vnto the Christian This yeare Scotland was troubled with a ciuill war by the practises of some which would needs commaund all ouer vnder the colour of maintaining the Romane Religion but they frustrated of their hope and the reformed religion began then to set foote in that kingdome by the fauour and assistance of Elizabeth Queene of England The Queene widowe of Iames the fift died in the moneth of Iune Martin Bucer and Paul Phagius whose bodies had bene buried and burned foure yeares before in England by the sollicitations of Cardinal Poole were established in their first honor and their memorie publikely celebrated the 30. of Iuly The 10. day of Aprill before died that very learned and modest person Phillip Melancton an excellent ornament of all Almaine after whose decease many wicked spirits troubled the Almain Churches which during his life they durst not haue enterprised Ioachim Camerarius a man very learned and his great friend hath described his life The moneth of Ianuary before tooke also from this world Iohn Alasco a Gentleman of Polonia one very affectionate to the aduancement of the kingdome of Chist whose memory is precious in all Churches About the end of the same yeare Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy warred vpon them of the vale of Angrogne and their neighbours professing the doctrine of the Gospell which after assaying all meanes of peace to conserue it offering their Prince all that good subiects should do defended themselues though fewe in number so couragiously and were assisted of God that after many combats they were left in peace which at this present they enioy the fauour of Margarite of France Duchesse of Sauoy amongst other humane meanes seruing them greatly both then and afterwards In the same Countrey of Piemont were seene many prodigious wonders the like in France Austrich Pologne Almain At the begginning and vntill the end of this yeare 1561. the French Churches encreased openly shewed themselues Katherine de Medices Queene mother hauing all affaires in her hand was counselled by the Princes of the house of Bourbon by the Admirall and other great Lords of the Religion by meanes whereof the greatest of the Romane Religion entred into league with them and so made priuie preparation for great troubles and vexations after hapning In the moneth of Ianuary the Princes and great Lords being assembled at S. Germaine in Laye an Edict was made the seuenteenth of the said moneth which on the one side gaue some release and libertie vnto them of the Religion and on an other side curbed and brideled them After the Councell assigned on the ninth day of September following was a conference and disputation at Poissy betwixt the Doctors of the Romane and reformed Churches In that same moneth the Electors and Princes of Almaine being assembled at Neubourge in Turinge to take Councell for maintaining the confession of Ausbourge by them presented vnto the Emperour Charles the 5. Anno 1530. gaue audience about the beginning of February the Popes Embassadors which commaunded them to send their Embassadors vnto the Councel assigned at Trent to effect which they offred for the Pope their M. such safe conduct as was possible to desire The 7. of February the Electors and Princes made answer that they found it strange that the Pope being the cause of all the cōfusions then in the Church should go about to assemble a Councel to assigne it vnto them whom he had nothing to doo to command that they did not neither euer would acknowledge any soueraigntie to belong vnto the Romane seate yea they were assured that it appertained not vnto the Pope to conuocate or call a Councell And after they had shewed the orders and filthinesse of the Romane Church and that it were good to regard and looke vnto the meanes to procure a generall and free Councel they sent away their Embassadors and after they writ vnto the Emperour Ferdinand that they all with a commō aduise agreed vnto the confessiō of Ausbourge afterward they published in an Imprinted writing their causes of reculation against the Councell of Trent These Embassadors went into diuers other places to the same effect but they receiued no good answere o any King Prince or great Lord making profession of the Gospell but especially the Queene of England would not giue leaue to the Abbot Martinengue who was sent by the Pope vnto her to passe the sea to come into England The 5. day of March the Pope caused to bee strangled in the night time in the S. Angelo the Cardinall Charles Caraffe he beheaded also in an other prison the Counte of Palliane and certaine other Cardinalls the next day shewing all their bodies
prisoner The Flemings in a certaine request presented vnto the Emperour and the states of Almaine assembled at Spire declared that that imprisonment was practised by the Inquisitors of Spaine because the Prince condemned the dealings of the Duke of Alua and the rigor of the Inquisition and bore great amitie vnto them of the low Countries against which they proceeded with a straunge violence which cōtinued more more In the month of February the Elector Palatin stayed in his hands a great sum of money descried in the country of the Empire which was going vnto the Duke of Alua into Flaunders by reason whereof there was great notice threatnings but in the end the marchants were faine to pacifie and content him The sixt day of March the Prince of Conde Cassimere besieged and assaulted the town of Chartres so that their troupes made ready to goe to the breach the king sent to offer a peace which was incontinently accepted and the second Edict of pacification published in the Campe the 30. day of the same moneth of the same tenor as the first But this accord endured not for so soone as the Duke Cassimere was retired they of the Religiō were assailed as they went homeward and in their houses and people were dispatched on all sides to seaze and take dead or a liue the Prince of Conde the Admirall the Lords Gentlemen and Captaines professing the Religion so that in a moment appeared the third ciuill warre on all sides what remonstrances soeuer the Prince could make to cause the contentions against the Edict to cease The 20. day of March died Albert Marquesse of Brandebourge Duke of Pruse of the age of 78. yeares a Prince right noble vertuous learned wise and fearing God He repurged his Countrey of the errors of Andrew Osiander Anne Mary of Brouswic his wife by his second marriage deceased the same day and left a sonne called Albert Frederick then of the age of 15. yeares The 25. day of Aprill William de Nassau Prince of Orange and Anthony de Ludain Count Hochstrate published their defences and iustification against the personall adiornament decreed vpon them by the Duke of Alua at the instance of the Proctor generall and shewed in their writings vnto whom the cause of all the troubles of the lowe Countries ought to be imputed and that they were nothing culpable of these stirres In the moneth of May certaine people being chased from diuers Prouinces gathered themselues together attending the Count de Hochstrate and other Captaines but they were ouerthrowne and the most part cut in peeces by the troupes of the Duke of Alua. In the same time the Count Lodowick tooke Armes and seazed vpon many places in Frise The Duke of Alua sent incontinently an Army of Spaniards vnder the conduct of the Count d' Aremberge They encountred the 24. of May where the Spaniards were ouerthrowne their Captaine slaine in the field the Count Adolphe Lodowicks brother was also slaine as hee pursued the victorie But because the Prince of Orange and others that were adiourned appeared not at the day assigned they were declared criminalls of treason The first of Iune the Duke of Alua greatly stirred with the death of the Count d' Aremberge caused to bee beheaded at Bruxells many Gentlemen amongst others the two Barons of Battembourge and foure daies after the Counts d' Aigment and de Horne which had done great seruice vnto the Emperor Charles and King Phillip The same day the house of the Count de Curembourge where the Lords of the League assembled when they made their request was sacked and destroyed and a piller placed in the middest thereof with a writing that it was raced for the execrable coniuration made therein against the Catholicke Romane Religion the Kings maiestie nor the estate of the Countrey At the same time the Count de Bure the onely sonne of the first marriage of the Prince of Orange a Student at Louaine was taken carried into Spaine against the priuiledges o● Brabant and of the Vniuersitie of Louaine After there was an Edict published forbidding ●●pon con●●●●●cie 〈…〉 any way or 〈◊〉 doe with 〈…〉 the Count Lodowick was alwaies in the field the Duke of 〈◊〉 ●●nt an Army to ouerthro●●● him who attended 〈◊〉 resolutely But at the ioyning his souldiers refused to fight so that hee was constrained to saue himselfe by swimming ou●● a Riuer nigh vnto that place had leauing many of his people there the 21. day of Iuly The Prince of Orange seeing that the Duke of Alua continued in his strange and bloudie actions after diuers sorrowful cōplaints vnto the king of Spaine wherof there was no account made published his iustifications and tooke Armes and conducted his Army with such speed that quickly he passed Meuse resolued to giue battaile to his enemie But vpon the point to fight his souldiers demaunded siluer which the Prince not able to do ledde a part of his troupes through Brabant and Hainaut and entred France where the Princes and Lords of the Religion called him to their succours Then the Churches of France and the lowe Countries were very desolate As for the lowe Countries the Duke of Alua and the bloudie Councell sought by all meanes to roote out Religion to plant the Inquisition and to ruinate all the Countrey killing publikely and secretly an infinit number of innocent persons The affaires of France were in no better case For from the peace made vntill the ende of August there were slaine in diuers fortes more people of the Religion in Townes and the fieldes without any distinction of Sexe age or estates then there died in all the second warre The 23. of Iuly died in prison Charles Prince of Spaine hauing attained the age of 23. yeares Certaine daies after deceased Elizabeth Queene of Spaine The 28. of the same moneth Iohn Duke of Einland was chosen king of Snede in the place of his brother Henry who for his demerites was deposed Three Moones were seene at one instant in heauen in egall and sufficient distance one from an other especially in 〈◊〉 the ninth day of August The Towne of Treuers long 〈◊〉 before besieged 〈◊〉 Archbishop thereof 〈◊〉 ●●●bg●t to 〈…〉 by the mediation of the Emperour and 〈…〉 In the same m●●●th the Emp●●●●● 〈…〉 many times bene desired at last permitted the Lords 〈◊〉 Gentlemen of Austrich profess●●● the Gospell to 〈…〉 in their Castles 〈◊〉 and ho●s●s 〈…〉 doctrine contained in the confession of Ausbourge The 23. of the said moneth the Prince of Conde being vpon the point to fall into the power of his enemies saued himselfe with his wife and children and departing from Noyers in Bourgongne accompanied with the Admirall of Sieur d' Andelot and of their traine passed the Riuer of Loire at a Forde and were constrained to saue themselues at Rochell Then began the third ciuill warre in France wherevnto both parties prepared
themselues Iane d' Albert Queene of Nauarre an excellent Princesse came thither to find her brother in lawe the Prince of Conde brought with her her son Henry then very young From that time that campe of the Religion was called the Army of the Princesse They presented and published many Remonstrances which serued for nothing and Churches were dissipated and dispersed in the most part of Prouinces and very rigorous Edicts published against them of the Religion Henry Duke of Aniou and brother of King Charles the ninth being then chiefe of the Army of the Catholicke Romanes The Chauncelor d'l'Hospitall perswading to peace was sent to his house and his Seales giuen to an other The Almaines and other Straungers were sollicited on both sides to come to their succours The Emperour behaued himselfe very wisely in this behalfe The 21. day of October sixe Theologians of the part of Augustus Elector of Saxonie and as many on the side of Iohn William Duke of Saxonie were assembled at Aldenbourge to agree the controuersies hapning amongst these Theologians vpon certaine points of Christian doctrine The Duke Iohn William assisted there personally that conference and disputation continued vntill the beginning of March in the yeare following and there was at large disputed vpon Iustification and many Articles depending thereon As the acts of the disputation do shewe The 25. of this moneth Paul de Ridnend sieur de Mouuans a braue and valiant souldier amongst the French Captaines much affectioned towards Religiō was ouerthrowne with his footmen of Prouence and Daulphine by the companies of horsemen of the Duke Montpensier of the Count de Brissa● and other Catholicke Romanes were slaine in the field with a great number of souldiers and losse of many Ensigne Such as escaped ioyned themselues to the Princes Army The 12. of Nouember the Captaine la Coche a Gentleman of Dauphine was ouerthrowne with his troupes by the Duke d' Aumale betwixt Metz and Sauerne He was taken and after put to death About the ende of Nouember the Prince of Orange not beeing able to take order in the affaires of the lowe Countries withdrew into Almaine with certaine warriours attending the departure of the Duke de Deux Ponts who prepared to giue succours to the Princes In the meane while the French Armies besieged and tooke diuers places remaining in the field notwithstanding the rigour of winter which killed a great number of souldiers Christopher Duke of Wittemberge and Count de Montbelliard died the 28. of December About the same time 5500. Reisters conducted by Philibert Marquesse de Bade and other great Lords of Almain passed Rhene and soone after they entred The Queene of England about the 23. of Nouember tooke three Spanish ships laden with great riches The sixt of Ianuary she made a reason of her action in an Imprinted writing Wherein she shewed how litle the Duke of Alua his menaces astonished her During the moneths of Ianuary and February the next Countrie to Strasbourge was seene full of people of warre Almaines readie to enter France The Prince of Orange was in great distresse about pleasing of the Reistres but in the end he appeased them and ioyned himselfe to the Duke de Deux Ponts who before he departed wrote largely vnto the King the reasons that mooued him to succour the Princes and them of the Religion and the next morning mounted on horsback and the 12. of March he mustered where there were found seuen thousand and sixe hundreth Reistres well mounted besides the troupes of the Prince of Orange and of certaine French Lords and Gentlemen and certaine Lansquenets footemen The last day of February the Duke of Alua adiourned by publike Edict all fugitiues of the lowe Countries to appeare in person within six weekes after vpon paine of confiscation of their goods They doubting his crueltie thought it better to loose the sleeue then the arme In so much that no person returned therfore the Duke fatted himselfe with confiscations and continued also to feede himselfe with the bloud of such faithfull as he could catch The thirteenth day of March Lewis de Bourbon Prince of Conde fighting valerously in the battaile fought nigh to Coignac in Poictu amongst the troupes and Army of the Catholickes was ouerthrowne from his horse to the ground taken prisoner vpon his faith and against all right diuine and humane slaine with a Pistoll behinde on his head by one called Montesquian The Catholicke Romanes made great reioycings at that death thinking to haue gained as much as if they of the Religion had now no helpe at all There were also great triumphes made at Rome Many Gentlemen and valiant Captaines were slaine with the Prince The Admirall de Chastillon hauing gathered together his troupes vnder the authoritie of Henry de Bourbon Prince of Nauarre and of Henry de Bourbon Prince of Conde sonne and successor of Lewis both of them as yet very young hartned so euery one that the Catholicke Romanes willing to pursue their victory with an inconsiderate boldnesse were beaten downe before Coignac had other notable great losses after that The Princes the Admirall the Lords Gentlemen Captaines and souldiers of the Army renewed their former oath to do their duties in opposing themselues against the violence of the enemies to procure a good peace to the glory of God to the rest of the churches of al the kingdome The Queene of Nauarre brought the Prince her sonne into the Armie and after hauing made many good remonstrances and reasons to encourage and stirre him to the performance of his dutie towards God and his Country she retired into Rochell Then waxed the warre hotter then before with diuers exploits and chaunces on both sides The estates of the Empire were assembled at Francford the 14. day of Aprill to prouide for the affaires of Almaine In the same moneth the Pope sent vnto the Duke of Alua as a recompence of so great paines as he had taken to maintaine the Popedome an helme and a paire of gloues blessed with great ceremonies on Christmas day Paul the third sent the like present vnto the Emperour Charles the fift after he ouercame the Protestant Princes The seuenth day of May Francis de Colligni Sieur d' Andelot Colonell of the French footemen very affectionate towards the maintaining of the true Religion a Knight without all feare and greatly dreaded of the Gospells enemies died of poison in the Towne of Saintes Many other great Lords and Gentlemen of the Religion died in the same manner before and after by the cunning art of certaine poysoners sent through Fraunce and better recompenced for such execrable acts then the wisest valiantest and faithfullest seruants of the Crowne The Duke de dreux Ponts being entred into France maugre the hinderance of Claude d'Lorraine Duke d' Aumale besieged and tooke Charite a Towne placed vpō the Riuer of Loire and passing forward to ioyne himselfe
to the Princes Army arriued vpon the marches of Limosin where an hotte feauer tooke him and carried him out of the world the 11. day of Iune leauing for Commander of his troupes Wolrad Count de Masfeld who brought his Army nigh to the Princes foure daies after this accident and performed greatly his due with the other Lords that accompanied him in all the rest of this warre hereof is a witnesse that which happened in the encounter which was the 25. of that moneth at what time if a great ruine had not come the Army of the Catholicke Romanes had bene ouerthrowne yet they loft a great number of their auantgard and afterward the Princes got many places in Poictou Although the Princes were strong yet they neuer ceased to demaund peace but their Herauld was not suffred to carrie their request vnto the king so warre was continued and the Princes besieged Poiters where they lost time and many people by diseases happening in their Campe. Whilest things were thus confused in Fraunce and Flaunders the Emperour Maximilian the 18. day of August suffered the Lords and Gentlemen of the Archduche of Austrich to enioy a free exercise of Religion in their Townes Villages and Castles after the doctrine of the confession of Ausbourge The 27. of the same moneth Cosme de Medices Duke of Florence was created and after solemnly proclaimed at Rome great Duke of Thuscane by the declaration of the Pope Pius the fift The Parliament of Paris condemned the Admirall as guiltie of treason who notwithstanding was of great authoritie in the Princes Army couragiously acquiting himselfe of the charge he carried without any apprehension of the daungers wherevnto he was still subiect by murderers and poisoners which were daily sent to sley him One of which who had once bene his chamberlaine was put to death for the like attempt by the sentence of the Princes Lords and Captains of the Army the 21. of September After the one Army had long time sought the other finally they encountred in the plaine of Montcontour the third of October and there was a generall battaile wherein after great losse of both sides but more of the Princes especially of their Lansquenets and a part of their French footemen the field remained vnto the Catholicke Romanes which made great triumphes thereof through Europe But in lieu of following their victory they stayed vpon the siege of the Towne of S. Iohn d' Angeli which was yeelded to them by composition at the end of certaine weekes during which time the besieged occupied themselues so well that the Catholickes lost many thousands of men and that of the most resolute of their troupes by meanes whereof the Princes had meanes to reassure theyr people to gather in their forces and to prouide for the affaires of warre so that the Catholickes found themselues againe to begin The sixteenth of Nouember the Duke of Alua caused to bee published in the lowe Countries certaine Letters of absolution and pardon of the king of Spaine for such as were absent and would returne into their houses but this deceit serued for nothing but to bring in birdes too much alreadie tamed with the too much violence of so bloudie a Fowler The 24. there was discouered in England a coniuration or rebellion of certaine Earles which would haue planted Poperie in that Kingdome But the Queene prouided there so well for all things that their forces remained wholy vnprofitable The third of December S. Iohn d' Angeli was yeelded by composition Sansac other Catholick Romanes were shamefully chased from before the Towne of Vezelay in Bourgongne after great losse of his brauest souldiers to the number of 150. The rest of the yeare passed in diuers exployts of warre heere and there to the great hurt of both parts and to the ruine of the kingdome In the beginning of the yeare 1570. the Princes and Lords of the Religiō of the kingdome of France desiring peace had diuers negotiations about it but at that time nothing was concluded but warre continued the Churches then being very desolate The Theologians of the Countrey of Saxony being then in great contention for the intelligence of certaine Articles of Christian doctrine namely of Iustification of free will of good workes of things indifferent and of the presence of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper By occasion whereof they assembled themselues in a Towne of the Duchie d' Aumale called Zeruest where by the stepping in of a certaine Doctor of Tubingue called Iames Andrew a man then very renowmed in all Almaine through the Prouinces whereof hee had not ceased certain yeares to runne to cause that monstrous opinion of the vbiquitie of Christs body to be receiued by the meanes whereof the errors of Nestorius and of Eutiches auntient heretikes and their complices are againe renewed there was made a certaine agreement which after was reiected and controwled by diuers Theologians Heerevpon afterward happened greater troubles which euen at this day doo endure by the practises and slaunders of that vbiquitarie Doctor Whilest the Christians contended with their voyces with their writings and blowes of sworde in diuers places of Europe and that the Westerne Antichrist sought by all meanes to maintaine his tyrannie the Antichrist of the East did what hee could by meanes of Selim Soliman his successor the Turke to encrease his domination For Selim sent his Embassador who arriued the 27. of March at Venice and denounced warre against the Venetians if they refused to yeeld him the I le of Cyprus Which they refusing there was preparation for warre on both sides The 4. of Aprill the Ministers of the Churches of Lithuania and Sathogitia comprehended in the kingdome of Polongne held a Sinode in the Towne of Sendomire where they agreed vpon certaine Articles touching the Mediatorship of Iesus Christ and the holy Supper to the end they might all agree in one concordance of doctrine During this time the troubles of France continued The Electors Palatin and of Saxonie assembled at Heidelberge with certaine Princes and great Lords of Almaine for to honour the marriage of Duke Cassimere who espowsed Elizabeth daughter of the Duke of Saxonie sent large Letters to the king to exhort and induce him to enter into a pacification About the end of Iune the king of Polongne and the Muscouite made a truce for three yeares The Muscouite was then sore troubled with extreame famine In the moneth of Iuly the estates of the Empire were assembled at Spire to prouide for the affaires quietnesse of Almaine The Emperor was there in person with his two daughters Marie and Elizabeth which were affianced vnto the kings of Spaine and France vnto which they were sent In the moneth of August the Duke of Alua put to death in the Towne of Antwerpe a great number of souldiers of the garrison of Valenciennes for a mutinie against
fell to a peace about the end of this yeare The Cardinall Don Henry brother of King Don Iohn the third grandfather of Don Sebastian was by a generall consent of the Nobles and Gouernours chosen and sworne king of Portugall who like an other Anius was made king of a preist of whom Virgill saith in the 3. of his Aeneiads Rex Anius Rex idem hominum Phaebique Sacerdos Of this Cardinal say the Portugalls that he was borne in the Eclips of the Moone and in the Eclips of the Moone he died M. Cyprian Val. Almaine was troubled by the cries and factions of the Vbiquitaries against whom certain Princes common-weales and learned mē opposed thēselues both with liuely voice writing The faith and obedience of the king of France his subiects began to decline Vpon the 31. of Ianuary Henry Cardinall King of Portugall departed this life he began to die in the Eclips of the Moone and died with the end thereof as if that the celestiall signe had wrought that effect in him being a man of a weake body which it doth not in strength or at the least not so suddenly as Astrologians do write neither is the houre to bee neglected being the same wherein he was borne 68. yeares before This was the last King of Portugall in whom ended the right Masculine line And as the first Lord of Portugall although vnder the title of an Earle was called Henry so doth it seeme the last should be so termed He was Bishop Gouernour of the Realme Inquisitor Maior Legate Apostolicke and King On the sixt of Aprill being wednesday in Easter weeke about sixe of the clocke towards euening a certain Earthquake happening in London and almost generally throughout England so amazed the people as was wonderfull for the time This Earthquake endured in or about London not passing one minute of an houre but in Kent and on the Sea coasts it was felt three times as at Sandwich at sixe of the clocke at Douer at the same houre These and many other places in East Kent the same Earthquake was felt three times to mooue at sixe at nine and eleuen Hollenshead The first of May after 12 of the clocke in the night was an other Earthquake felt in diuers places in East Kent namely at Ashford and great Chard King Phillip performed the funerall obsequies of Sebastian in the Church of S. Ierome at Madrill although it was secretly muttered that the Duke of Alua should say the King should haue performed it in Potugall in our Ladies Church of Belem where the other kings are accustomed to be interred inferring it may bee that Phillippe was successor vnto Sebastian or at the least should assure himselfe by force of the succession after Henry causing himselfe to be sworne Prince Ieronimo Conestaggio In the beginning of Iune the Frislanders passing Rhene returned into their Countrie and meeting the Count Hollocke with 22. Auncients and two thousand horsmen gaue him an ouerthrow in which were slaine of the Counts part one thousand and fiftie and on their owne side but fiftie and fiue by this encounter the siege was raised at the Groine and many Townes Hauens and holdes of Friseland were redeemed Genebrard After K. Henries death whē Katherine Duchesse of Brabant Anthony the bastard sonne of King Lewis and others had promised themselues the next succession at the last Phillip king of Spaine who was for that named of the dying Cardinall was inuested by the consent of the Lords spirituall and temporall Others chiefly they of Lisbone did sweare to Don Antonio but Phillip with a great power both by sea and land of the which he made the Duke of Alua Generall came to Lisbone and expulsed Don Antonio and recouered the Citie Who beeing hotly pursued by Sanches d' Auila was constrained to flie into France and England for succour Chytreus In the moneth of Iuly Stephen king of Poland comming out of Luchem in Moschouie tooke by force two Fortresses Vualisium and Vsuum and after that Vuielukim but hauing lost many of his men at the end of the yeare hee returned Genebrard On the nineteenth day of August the king of Spaines prescription was published against the Prince of Orange at Namours In these monethes of Iuly and August Fera a Citie in Picardie was deliuered to the Huguenots Emanuel Philebert Duke of Sauoy died this moneth a Prince most famous for his courage wisedome and religion leauing his sonne and heire and sucessor Charles The first day of September of this present yeare the Grecians and Muschouites began to recken the yeare from the worlds creation 7089. Certain Spaniards and Italians confederate with the Earle of Desmond and some of the Cleargie of Ireland landed there and tooke certaine holds and Castles but they were soone discomfited and chased away Ferdinand Duke of Alua began to exercise his tyrannie at Aquisgrane a chiefe Citie of the Empire vpon certaine Citizens and others that came from Antwerpe and the lowe Countries such as were of the reformed religion by whose conference and conuersation very many of Aquisgrane when they had embraced their profession desired of the Senate that they might vse a publike exercise of their Religion which when it was denied neuerthelesse they met openly at Sermons and the celebration of the Sacramens Which beeing shewed vnto the Emperour certaine Commissioners were appointed to roote out the religious and onely to establish the doctrine and rites of the Pope The Emperour himselfe wrote also vnto the Senate that they should banish those Preachers forth with and that they should iustly keepe the old lawe which was that none should be admitted of the Senate vnlesse they were altogether Catholicke D. Chytraeus The eight day of October immediately after the new Moone there appeared a blazing Starre in the South bushing towards the East which was nightly seene the aire being cleare more then two moneths In this yeare there was great abundance of corne wine and all maner of fruite and in Autumne in many places Roses did bud againe A great sicknesse did followe spreading it selfe throughout all Europe This is the yeare which the Grecians holde for the seuen thousand yeare from the beginning of the world Genebrardus Iohannes Martianus a Millanois Embassador for Spaine to the Turke hauing obtained a truce for three yeares returned from Constantinople into Spaine but so as neither desired others friendship but that the Turke molested by the Souldan feared the Christians and the Spaniard hauing enough to do at home was constrained by warre to seeke repossession of his owne Idem In Ianuary Proclamation was published at London for the reuocation of sundry the Queenes Maiesties subiects remaining beyond the Seas vnder colour of studie and yet liuing contrary vnto the lawes of God and of the Realme And also against retaining of Iesuites and Massing Priests sowers of sedition and other treasonable attempts I. S. Queene Anne the wife of King Phillip fell sicke
with plaine force wonne the Towne and Castle of Calais in spight of all the Kings Forces and the resistance of the besieged There dyed in the taking heereof a great number of the Nobilitie of France The Cardinall following this new wonne victorie besieged the strong Towne of Ardres in the beginning of May and became maister thereof the 23. of the same moneth seuen daies before Fere was yeelded to the King vpon composition Chytraeus The Emperour appointed Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara Generall against the Turkes who thirtie yeares before in the time of Maximilian the second the father of Rodolphus had waged warre against them at his owne charges But hee beeing the last Duke that was of his house and hauing had no issue by his three wiues was very desirous to leaue a certaine successor before hee departed and therefore he desired the Pope that Cardinall Est might be his heire and to that end offered him a great summe of gold but the Pope stifly denying to do it the expedition for Hungary was intermitted by the Duke of Ferrara D. Chytraeus Christian the fourthking of Denmarke the sonne of Fredericke the second of the age of twentie yeares was crowned King In the moneth of Iune the Queene of England sent a Fleete of 16. sailes well appointed with munition and vittaile vnder the conduct of Robert Earle of Essex into Spaine who with a prosperous gale hauing passed the bound of France and Portugall the 20. of Iune arriued neare Gades and lighted vpon the 12. Apostles of the king of Spaine of the which S. Phillip carried 900. souldiers and 62. peeces of Ordinance and 57. Marchants ships bound for the Easterne Indies But when in these straits they had fought with them valiantly and happily and had set S. Phillip on fire the rest conueying themselues into the deepe the Earle came on land with part of his company and when he came neare the Citie the gouernours and knights of the Citie to the number of 400. came out who seeing the English so well appointed drew backe into the Citie but such was the courage of our men that following some of them got into the Citie with them some at the assult got vpon the walles and recouered the Market place although they were much troubled by the Citizens from out of theyr houses and house tops The same euening the greatest part of them got into a Castle the lower part of the Citie was spoiled the vpper part was ransomed for 12000. Ducats And for the Indian fleet they offered great store of gold But the Duke Medine would not let it be redeemed and therefore set it all on fire The losse of which was 12. Millions of crownes The English Nauie in August following returned to England D. Chytraeus The Spaniards greatly incensed with this daring enterprise of the English of their owne free will gaue a great summe of money to their king whereby to make new ships and leuie new forces against them and in the moneth of October the Fleete loosed out of the mouth of Tagus into Corouis a Hauen in Spaine towards the farthest North in the territories of Gallicia which Ptolomey calleth the harbour of the Artabry a people by the Promontory Artabrum which is in Portugall But when the Nauie came neare the coasts of Gallicia by night it ranne vpon the Rockes where 30. of the Spanish ships perished the rest went forward to Corouis and attempted nothing else this winter The Emperour appointed Arnold Baron of Echwartzenberge in Belgia Marshall of the field in Hungarie against the Turke in the place of the D. of Ferrara whom the Pope Clement the 8. would not graunt that his adopted heire should succeed him Anne Q. of Poland the widow of Stephen the sister of Sigismond Augustus died this yeare being 70. yeares of age leauing great store of treasure behind her which shee gaue to her sisters Catherines children Q. of Suetia Sigismond the 3. king and Anne his sister The last of Aprill deceased Syr Iohn Puckering Knight Lord Keeper of the great Seale he died of a dead Palsie and was buried at Westminster In Prussia a Prouince in the kingdome of Poland the chiefest Bishops armed with the kings decrees against the true Churches of the Gospell remooued many Preachers out of their Parishes into the Countrie and vpon S. Iohn Baptists day tooke possession of the chiefe Church in the Citie of Turon the like was done at Meua and Stargardia besides they earnestly desired that the Church of S. Maries which was neare the Market place might be deliuered to them with the Monasteries of S. Briget and that therein their religion might bee freely exercised and all their causes belonging to the Consistorie to be referred to their Officialls in the Citie and to be iudged by them Iacobus Fabritius Gouernor of the Colledge was peremptorily cited to Subcouia for that he allowed preached maintained publikely the doctrine of Caluin and as they inferred against the expresse priuiledges of the Citie the constitutions of the Commissaries and the decrees of the Senate concerning religion But the Senate excusing him said that the Citizens were not bound to appeare out of their Citie the Bishops sent their Commissaries into the Citie who with their Officialls should there proceed against him The King himselfe likewise commanded that the Senate should deliuer vp the Church to the Bishop of Subcouia within certaine daies or should agree with him But Agria a neare neighbour to Poland being newly taken by the Turkes and the Court was busied in counsell how to auoyd new dangers the Dantiscanes were quiet till Easter the yeare following The estate of the vnited Prouinces of Belgia Geldria Zutphen Holland and Westfrizeland Zeland Vtricht Friseland the Groine c. with the Q. of England and the K. of France entered a league of defence for themselues and offence of their enemie the K. of Spaine None of these could make peace with him without the consent of all Which was also agreed betweene the king of France and the vnited States of Belgia that the kings of Scotland and Denmarke should be vnited to the societie of this league The 22. of Iuly the right honourable H. Cary Baron of Hunsdon and Lord Chamberlaine to the Queene deceased at Sommerset house in Strandstreet and was honourably buried at Westminster The second of Iune the Emperour Rodolphe caused all the Princes Electors and others of his dominion with the Embassadors of those that were absent to come before him in the Pallace of the Bishop of Ratisbone who all appeared the next morning and accompanied him to the Church and from thence to the Court where when euery one according to their calling had taken his place Philippus Ludouicus stood vp and made an Oration in the name of the Emperour Rodolphus Caesar wherein he shewed how the Emperour of the Turkes Sultan Amurathes had broken the truce which was made in the yeare 1591. by Haly Bassa in
sixtie yeares hath made vs againe see all the maruells of the worlds passed in the gouernment of his Church as well in the efficacie of his word as in the vertue thereof to maintaine it to fortifie his seruants against all sorts of enemies within and without and to represse tyrants Apostates heretikes and hipocrites which we hope he will pursue more and more and we pray him to do it for the loue of Iesus Christ his sonne vntill that great Sauiour appeare in the cloudes to iudge the qucke and the dead Amen FINIS A Table of the principall things contained in this booke A. ABbey of S. Denis in France builded by Dagobert 190 Absimarus Emperor 206 Abbreuiataries created 465. destroyed 487 Acarius an heretike murdred 69 Acephali heretikes 82 Acolites 91 Achaia and other Countries brought into Prouinces 73 Acchio D. of Millain from whose helme fell the serpent 114 Adamites heretikes in Bohemia 81 Adiaphores 130 Adrian the Emperour chaunged the name of Ierusalem 34 Adrian the 4. angry because the Emp. held his right stirrop 130 Angry because hee placed his name before the Popes 136 He is choaked with a flie 140 Albertus Alasco 145 Aluaes tyrannie 636 His death 641 Amais banished Scotland 643 A Priest dieth for feare 641 A notable act of the Seignory of Venice 653 Antwerpe yeeldeth 655 Augusta 659 Augustus D. of Sax. dieth 657 A Fleet for Lisbon 671 A Iubiley 677 An act against the P. Bulls 677 Albertus made Generall 692 He winneth Callais 693 Articles concerning controuersies in religion 703 Aemilian Emp. 65 Ayme D. of Sauoy became an hermit 89 Albarit Marquesse of Toscane chaseth away the Sarrasins 55 Alban martyred 49 Appellation of the Masse 141 Albert first author of the Carmes 106 Adrian Pope a buggerer yet worshipped as God 36 His death Ibid. Aeli●s Pertinax 45 Alexander Seuerus Emp. 53 Albigeois or Albiois opposing themselues against Transubstantiation are ouercome 112 Albinus first K. of Lombard is slaine 67 Alcoran of the Mahomatists 190 Alcibiades Martyr of a scrupulous life 42 Almaine followed the fashion of the Romane Masse 94 Almaine changed by ciuil war 91 Alexander Bishop 13 Alexander ordaineth new ceremonies 36 Alexander martyred 42 Alex. Bishop of Ierusalem 58 Alex. 3. sent vnto the Souldā the Image of the Emp. Barbarossa 103 He fled in his cookes attire 109 Hee treadeth vpon the necke of Fredericke Barbarossa 117 Alexander 5. poysoned 122 Alexander 6. poysoned 129 Ambrose beeing sicke receiueth the Eucharist 73 Anacletus 28. Martyr 29 Auicetus Pope 28. Martired Ibid Antonius Pius Emp. 37 Amurathes Emp. of the Turkes 452 Anastatius commandeth to worship a quaternitie 145 Anastatius the Emp. dieth with lightning 99 Annates imposed vpō Frāce 451 Confirmed 460 Antichrist in his ful tiranny persecuteth the faithfull after the yeare 130. according to Sybilla Erithred and makes warre vpon himselfe 153 Anthonius his cohaeritikes 96 Anthonius Bishop of Nicomedia Martyred 73 Anthropomorphits 268 Antinous 36 Antioche shaketh trēbleth 91 Sinketh in an Earthquake 100 Taken by Boemundus the Norman 111 Antiphones and the Introite of the Masse 145 Apollonius beheaded 44 Apostles gouerne Churches 11 False Apostles Ibid. Apostles their charge 9 A fabulous apparition of S. Michaell 61 Arabici heretikes 19 Arcadius and other martired by Genseric 83 Archilaus Herods successor 31 Archpriests and Cardinalls 54 Arrius his adherents excommunicated 103 Could not bee revnited with Alexander 105 Purgeth himselfe by oathes Armacan publisheth conclusions against the Friars 116 Armenia againe receiueth the faith 70 Arnoldus de noua villa a true and faithfull man 399 Arnold Brira opposeth himselfe against the Cleargie vsurping the temporall sword 329 Arnulphus Bishop of Lyons slain 322 Arrius Antonius persecuteth the Christians 33 Articles of the doctrine of the Valdois 339. Of the Bohe. Ibid. Artois erected vnto an Earldome or Countie 227 Asia looseth 13. Townes by earthquake 6 Asia the lesse hath flourishing Churches 8. Persecuted 49 Attyla spoyseth Aquileia and all Italy 153. Taketh Rome 224 Besiegeth Orleance 227. Is discomfited by Meronee 244 Aug. S. dieth 151 Athanasius 109 Aubriot accused of heresie is cōdemned to perpetual prison with bread and water 128 Augustines drawne from their Hermitages to preach in good Townes 367 Auignō the seat for the Romane Court. 394 Auriflame the French standerd 343 Ausbourge deliuered from the Barbarians 72 Augustus Caesar 1 Aurelian Emp 64. His death 70 B BAbilon hath a Church 10 Battaile of Lepante 602 Baiazeth 4 Emp. of the Turkes slew his brother Soliman 486 Baia. is put in an Iron cage 447 Baiazeth giueth 200000. Ducats to Pope Alexander the 6. to poison Gemē his brother 451 Basilides heretikes 26 Bauier conquered 223 Beda the Venerable 118 Bellisarius makes Affrica tributary 123 Beneuent giuen to the Pope 326 Bennet the yonger cast into a fornace 190 Berēgarius smothered the truth vnder certaine errours 294 He speakes against himselfe Ibid. Benet 1. Pope 176 Beginning of leaden seales 200 Baron 366 Berillus heretike 33 Barnard Monke poisoned H. the 7. 223 Bishop and Priest all one 14 Bishops married 68 Bishop of Rome made vniuersall 92 Bishoppe ought to bee conuinced by 12. witnesses before hee be condemned 129 Bishops make of a Councel a conuenticle and a monopoly 248 Blasphemy new of the Popes keies 313 Blondus the Historiographer 300 Boheme tamed by Charlemaine 156 Is erected into a kingdome 302 Brought into the obedience of Otho 307 Bohemians communicate vnder both kindes 315 Make no account of the Pope ●19 Withdraw from subiection 334 They propound 4. articles in the Councell of Basill 351 Boniface Pope 116 Boniface an English man preacheth in Frise and is there Martyred 221 Burgraues 366 Bruno the first Chartreux with Hugh Bishoppe of Grenoble 307 Bulgaria made subiect to the Romane Church 221 Bull of gold 249 Bull of the Stigmates of S. Frances 110 Bullist and Friars minors doo striue for the gouernment of the Nuns 226 Burchardus compileth the auntient Canons 121 Bells in vse 30 Bell tolls at noone-tide 461 C CAligula afflicteth the Iewes 6 Calyphe the great comparable to the Pope 366 Hee dieth of famine in the midst of his great riches 371 Caluin 579 Charlemaine first called Treschristian 226 Canons obserued by the commandement of Caelestine 153 Canonization of Saints 346 Cardinalls name now in vse 282 Cardinalls alone to weare redde hats 468 Cardinalls named as principalls of the Cleargie 54 Cardinalls exalted against heretikes 58 Carmes called the bretheren of the Virgin Mary 378 Carpocrates heretike 35 Carus Emperor died being stricken with lightning 62 Cataphryges heretikes 35 Catechumenes 101.43 Cathares heretikes called Nouatians 101 Chapplers inuented 362 Cassimere 627 Carmelites 341 Conrade Emp. 263 Celsus heretike 35 Caelestinus Pope 150 Cerdon a stoicke heretike 38 Ceremonies inuented 52.180 Cerinthus heretike 40 Caesar Valentine Alex. the 6. his bastard 482 Chaldeans afflict the Iewes 76 Chanons regular or irregular instituted 307 Calixtus Bishop of Rome 52 Carus Emp. 74
D. of Alanson The Prince of Orange is slaine Syr H. Gilbert S.W. Raleigh S.R. Greenfeeld Bruges recouered The refusall of the new Calender The death of the Duke of Brunswicke Iohannes Basilides The Christian Churches at Constantinople The Patriark of Constantinople Seminaries banished An insurrection about the new Calender The Popes death Sixtus 5. A notable act of the Seignory of Venice The Prince of Saxonie prisoner The League The K. Edict 18. of March 1585. against raising of men Antwerpe yeeldeth to the king of Spaine S.F. Drake The Pope excommunicated the king of Nauarre and y e Prince of Conde The death of Augustus The death of the L. Russel Heluetians The death of the Queene of Scots The Death of S. Ph. Sidney Augusta Bathorus dieth Iames K. of Scots besieged and taken M. Cauēdish voyage about the world Contention about the election of the king of Poland Maximilian Sigismond D. of Guise Max. taken prisoner Maria de la Visitatione K. Phillip asketh counsel of Maria de la Visitatione The Spanish Nauie A tempest diuideth them S. F. Drake A strategem The Prince of Conde poisoned The Duke of Guise slaine The generall troubles and tumults in this yeare Poland Q of Scots England Turkes Italie Guise The Pope angrie with Henry the 3. He threatneth excommunication Huguenots The death of the Queene of France The king of France excōmunicated The K is slain by a Iacobin Friar The Death of the king of France H. the 3. The victory of Harens The siege at Paris Phillip displeased with the Pope A Fleete for Lisbone Friar Lewis de Baltram Priests recanted The Popes great treasure An heretike burned The marriage of the King of Scots The battaile at Yurie The death of Carls Bourbon The death of Sixtus 5. Vrban 7. The death of Pope Vrban Magus Bragadinus D. de Maine Gregorie 14 A Iubily A tumult at Cracouia about religion An act against the Popes buls The death of Gregory 14. A Dearth Innocent 9. The escape of the Duke of Guise The death of Innocent 9. Clement 8. Xeques Mulei his sonne becommeth a Christian The death of the Duke of Parma The end of the yeare 1592. Dissention in Religion The Turkes ouerthrowne D. of Guise The King of Fraunce conuerted A motion for recalling of the Iesuites into Riga Peter Barrier The death of Nemours Sigis K. of Poland H. crowned K. of France Mathias Arch-duke of Austria An expedition against the Turke Note D. Lopes The Turkes ouerthrowne The King of Fraunce wounded The death of Amurath Mahomet Wars proclaimed against Spaine The king of France is absolued by the Pope Arbertus the Cardinall made generall The D. de Maine restored to fauour The Duke of Aumale Arch-duke of Austria He winneth Callais Fere yeeldeth An English Nauie for Spaine The Fleet for India burned The Spaniards seeke reuenge and are crossed The death of Anne Q. of Poland The Church troubled Iacobus Fatricius The death of Amurath 3. An Edict against Iesuits Maximilian commeth to Agria The death of Alphonsus Embassadors from Marocco Embassadors from Moschouie Three times of the Christian Church The first from the preaching of the Apostles vntill Phocas distinguished into three periodes Of the first periode of the first time of y e Church Of the second periode of the first time of the Church Of the third periode of the first time of the Church The second time of the Church frō Phocas vntil Charls 5. The first periode The second periode The third time of the Church from Charles the fift til this present time