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A12064 A looking-glasse for the Pope Wherein he may see his owne face, the expresse image of Antichrist. Together with the Popes new creede, containing 12. articles of superstition and treason, set out by Pius the 4. and Paul the 5. masked with the name of the Catholike faith: refuted in two dialogues. Set forth by Leonel Sharpe Doctor in Diuinitie, and translated by Edward Sharpe Bachelour in Diuinitie.; Speculum Papæ. English Sharpe, Leonel, 1559-1631.; Sharpe, Edward, 1557 or 8-1631. 1616 (1616) STC 22372; ESTC S114778 304,353 438

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other sprung vp a man of a more fierie spirit De iustae abdica Hen. 3. Gal. Re. William Reynolds and another Saturnine or Gracchus William Reynolds who said that Henry the third French King was ipso fact● excommunicated because hee fauoured Heretickes Who after a long disputation concludes that hee was lawfully put to death before the excommunication published For saith hee publicke greife doth not attend for legale formes And though in a hidden crime no man ought to be condemned his cause not being heard or the partie not being cited yet in publick and notorious crimes the euident knowledge of the fact is in stead of the sentence What would this man doe to an Hereticke Prince who thought a Catholicke not to be spared § 63 Symancha proceedes farther and he affirmes that by the law a secret Hereticke is to be e●communicate Symancha and not he alone but his sonne also because Heresie is a leprosie and that leprous sonnes are begotten by leprous Parents and therfore to be put from the succession of the kingdome O dambd Rascall that cuts vp the roote with the branches Aquinas Toletane and Caietane were more temperate these goe to the quicke neither speake they so mildely and schollerlike but they speake to the purpose I could name you some Priests that beare armes and that you held Saturnine to be lawfull Very odious said Saturnine are these your calumniations § 64 wherewith you load our Priests as if they had carried armes they vse spirituall not temporall swordes But your spirituall sworde must command the temporall if the Pope command said Patriotta And you perswade that other should take armes as Alanus did The practise of Papists But what difference is there betweene the Author of a mischiefe and the Actor Whether you counsell others to beare armes against the Prince or beare them your selfe you doe not arme the hand of a Subiect but you enflame his minde You doe not drawe forth the sword but you whet on the spirit with absolutions promises praises rewards not onely in this life but in the life to come Is this your Catholike faith Doth this make for the saluation of soules Christ and his Apostles did instruct both by their doctrine and example their disciples to humilitie patience faith and obedience You stirre vp your disciples to insolencie furie treacherie and sedition Good God how farre doth your new Diuinitie differ from the ancient You haue seene alreadie what Christ and his Apostles taught now marke what they did Christ for the redemption of the Church suffered his blood to be shed Christs Vicare as he is cold for the enlarging of his Empire is euer shedding other mens blood Peter and Paul for the confirmation of their faith did with quiet mindes endure martyrdome inflicted by the Prince And many Romane Byshoppes did afterward tread in the same steps But you their degenerated and bastardly ofspring for the sealing vp of your treacherie did go about with most bloody mindes to bring the most barbarous martyrdome vpon our whole Nation that euer was deuised since man was created O vnworthy attempt Therefore the spirituall Father of Kings as hee is stiled shall he tread vnder foote the maiestie of a King And the vniuersall Pastor of the flock feed himselfe fat not with the milke but with the blood of the flocke And shall hee breake in peeces Scepters with his crosiars staffe And stall he stirre vp the people being quiet whom hee should haue quieted being stird vp And shall he set together by the eares Princes being at peace whom being at a iarre hee should haue appeased And shall hee set forth with the holiest title of religion those two wicked policies the discord of Kings and the rebellion of Subiects As if when he fild all places with garboiles and murthers he shall thinke hee hath deserued Gods fauour by the bloody sacrificing of innocents § 65 God hath hitherto disclosed the Popes deuises against the English Church and God hath taken vengeance on you and that stone which you tost vp and downe is ô ye seditious Priests rould down vpon your own heads For what Do you not thinke that your daily conspiracies are not as clearely apparant as the noone day and all your deuises with many proiects made knowne and euident that you as subtile Sinons lurke closely among vs professing loue to your Catholickes worse then any hatred perswading them to violate their faith sworne to the King and hayle in that Troiane horse full of deceit pernitious aswell to them as to vs That haue your Cursitors as Pegasus who runne about hither and thither quickly taking vp all reports that may inueigle mens mindes and watch for all occasions That haue your boy-priests gadding vp and downe who may increase your number and forces and as Gracchus striplings may stir vp such as be offended already and prouoke them to an vprore That set the olde and greater Foxes ouer these cubbes who first open the schoole of deceites to them and a shoppe of craftie deuises teaching that the Pope hath plenarie power to depose a King and absolue their subiects from the Oath of fealtie and that the King though hee bee not by name excommunicated doth yet stand excommunicated by diuers buls because he hath infringed the authoritie of the Popes supremacie c. and therefore that the subiects may if fit oportunitie be offred attempt any mischiefe against his sacred person perswading them in the meane while to dissemble their faith and shew an outward obedience to the King while they reserue their heart to the Pope You cherish closely your Catelines who when the conspiracie waxeth ripe may be your Captaines and standerd-bearers to execute your wicked deuises with actions and armes Lay aside therefore that visard of religion which you haue worne so long cast away that habit of grauitie plucke of that cloke of sanctitie appeare such as you are confesse your selues to be the trumpets of warre not of the word that you feed not soules but seeke for blood that the Magistrate may distinguish between a deuout and a quiet and between a Machiuilian and a turbulent Papist But you Calander and you the rest of English Papists § 66 that be Laickes I beseech you by Iesus Christ I doe exhort you by your owne saluation that you repell these Sirens musicke not onely vnprofitable but hurtfull to the hearers from your eares and your mindes lest you bring a most iust reproch vpon the true Catholike Religion an incurable wound to the conscience a lamentable ruine to your familie and an extreme plague to your country This I had to say of the fealtie and obedience of subiects to bee performed to Kings and Magistrates ordeyned by the perpetuall commandement of Christ and the Apostles against the inhibition of the Pope and the sophismes of the Iesuites it followeth that I pursue the second foundation of our obedience the examples of ancient Christians and chiefly of the Roman
Byshoppe of Rentzburge when he deliuered the bull against the prince All of them scoft at the mans impudency and disdainefully askt what that light headed and superstitious French man what the Rome-pope himselfe did in Germanie without the consent of the Germaine-byshops his colleagues They disdaine that discordes should be sowne that the libertie of Christians should bee opprest that the flocke of Christ redeemed by his blood should bee brought into slauerie by false Teachers And when the Legate would not giue ouer the Germane Byshoppes did not onely dispise his commandements but denounced a curse against him in all their Churches as an enemie to Christian peace and an Arch hereticke and pronounced him to be worse then any Turke Saracene Tartar or Iew. They did publickly likewise accuse the Byshoppe of Rome for attempting such matters among Christians which were against reason and the law of nations against the doctrine of Christ and which were not at any time done among the most sauage Tartars And as the Byshops so the nobles of Germanie did take in foule scorne so great a wrong offered by the § 116 Pope to the Emperour their Master to repell it conuented all the States wherein Eberhardus the Archbyshoppe of Salisburge a godly olde man when hee had knowne ten Romane-byshoppes and had diligently markt their practizes and dispositions vnder Fredericke the first Henry the sixt his sonne and Fredericke the second his Nephew for fifty yeares together that the chiefe byshoppe was wholy compounded of auarice luxurie contention warres discordes and desire of rule and so did decipher him for a rauenous wolfe in each part vnder a Shepheards weede and so liuely paint him out that although in other matters he were not a Lutherane in this one you would haue said he had beene almost Luther himselfe The old Catholicke fathers Oration is extant in Auentine a Catholicke Writer Auenti annal lib. 7. fol. 683. there you may haue it if you will read it § 117 That which the Byshoppes and Nobles of Germanie with the whole commons did with common consent against Innocent the fourth in the quarrell of Fredericke the Emperour the very same they did in the like quarrell of Lewes the fourth Emperour against Iohn the 22. that although they were released from the Oath of Obedience they did notwithstanding take the Oath of obedience to be faithfull to Lewes though hee were remooued and that they did by the iudgement of all the Doctours in both lawes Philip the faire the French King in a councell with full consent of the Nobles and Byshoppes did not only set at nought and despise the iniust sentence of the Popes depriuation sent out against him but brought all the kingdome from the Popes obedience and that hee might the better tame his pride he laid hold of the Pope kept him in durance so that within sixe weekes after in great anguish of soule hee gaue vp the Ghost Popes crossed by the French The pragmaticall sanction is well knowne which did of old infringe the Popes authoritie and all the canons of the Church of France that part which maintaineth the popish religion and all the decrees of the Kings parliament do so disanull the Popes power in excommunicating Kings and releasing their Subiectes from the Oath of obedience Tract inscript le Franc. Discours an 1600. that the very body of Sorbone and the whole Vniuersitie of Paris doe condemne the doctrine of the Iesuites as schismaticall and pernicious Neither Henrie the 8. onely Edward the 6. and § 119 Queene Elizabeth English practise against Popes whom you tearme Caluinists and Heretickes did by their lawes expell this vsurped authoritie of the Pope and punished by death the Abetters thereof but other Kings of England who raigned in the midst of poperie thought good to contemne the Popes censures and to suppresse the Actors therein by your Lawes The law of Edward the 3. 25 Edwar 3. doth it not seeme to bee made by a Caluinist which makes it treason to attempt and go about the death of the King to mooue warre in his Kingdome against the King or to ioyne with the Kings enemies in his kingdome or to giue them aide and comfort either within the Kingdome or without Doe you not see how that two hundred yeares before Queene Elizabeth was borne the Priests treason couered with the habite of religion by the Statute of Edward the third in euery branch of it as it were with lime twigges is met with and suppressed If to attempt the death of the King be treason therefore Greenway and other Iesuites who tooke counsell to destroy the King and kingdome had beene Traytors by Edward the thirds Law although Queene Elizabeth had made no such law If to raise warre against the King in his kingdome were then treason the priests were Traytors who stirred vp papists to take armes and to ioyne themselues with Catsby and Persie in the rebellion If to ioyne with the Kings enemie in his kingdome were then treason how can you then ye Iesuits auoide the sharpenesse of King Edwards law who being the instruments of sedition doe adheare to the Pope the Kings deadly enemie vnder the colour of religion If to aide and anima●e the Kings enemies either within his kingdome or without was treason at that time truly whosoeuer at this day vnder pretense of religion whatsoeuer do either solicite foraine Kings to inuade this Kingdome as Garnet Creswell Baldwine and others haue done or perswade the people to take armes to depose their King as Greenwell Hall and others haue vndertaken were Traytors although Elizabeth with her Caluinists had neuer made any law against them § 120 But King Edwardes law you will say doth not touch the people by name True But when the noble King remembred that the French King was stirred vp against Iohn King of England who had contemned the Popes censures that the Subiectes were incensed against their King the Barons and Byshops fell from him and were the Ministers of the Popes wrong that thereby hee might the better confirme his subiects in their obedience against the French the Spanish and the Romane and all others whatsoeuer fro● whom he foresaw danger might come to himselfe and his kingdome and that he might decline the enuy of naming the Pope particularly made a generall Statute with the consent of the Byshoppes Baron and Commons without any exception of person or cause whatsoeuer wherein hee made him a Traytor whosoeuer did adhere to the Kings enemy in his kingdome or did aide or animate any either within his dominions or without who should moue warre against the King including by his generall word aswell the Pope as the Popes factours as if hee had expressely named them § 121 But in the 26. of Richard the second the Prelates Dukes Earle Barons and a●l the Commons of England the Clarkes and Lay people named the Pope when they all ioyned in a couenant of association with the
and tell you must bee necessarily made against my Church for you are like to haue Christ himselfe against you in the field I know full well that lately at Rome as often before a cōuenticle of Priests haue bin gathered together by the Pope of Rome and Sathans command to deface and diminish my glory That they tooke counsell wherein the Popish Kings and Princes were in a league confederated among themselues against the Protestant Kings and Princes chiefely against IAMES the King of Great Britanny who concluded the Pope to be Antichrist and as hee rightly inferred Popish Kings and Princes were the members of Antichrist that the common cause were to be maintained by common forces that he sent in his Priests who might prouoke his sons as hee calles them to wage warre against my seruants The Kings therefore of the Reformed Religion haue more neede imposed by Antichrist to fulfill the prophesie and to fight Gods warre and vnite their forces and powers against that double horned Beast the Pope For I thinke that popish Kings haue learnt more wit at the last then to put in execution the bloody and cruell counsell of the Beast They know that the first Beast bore it not scot free whose ten hornes were sayd to bee crowned because it spilt the innocent blood of my seruants For the very same power of the Empire which did condemne mee being borne into the world the Prince of your saluation and fasten mee vpon the crosse the same did endeauour to ouerthrow the Primitiue Church with ten persecutions How I did reuenge the death of my Saints vpon the authors thereof how I did cut off some of the Emperors by mutuall fights how did I comsume the people with continuall plagues how I did deuoure the cities with floodes and earth-quakes how I strucke and dispersed whole armies with thundrings and lightnings cast from heauen their stories doe well declare As many creatures as I had so manie viols I had of my raging wrath which I powred out vpon mine and my seruants enemies But some of you will saie Those were Pagans that did kill and Christians that were killed wee are Catholikes which doe punish they are heretickes which are punished They are as certainly hereticks as you are Catholiks You Catholiks I wold you were Christians they be not words but deeds must make this good You carrie the name of Christ I confesse but you plaie the Pagans vnder the name of Christ Are they heretickes True as I am an hereticke that call all things to the rule of the Word But Antichrist doth alleadge Scripture also true as the Diuell did alleadge them misvnderstood Who as he enticed the Iewes to kill me shadowed out and promised in the Propheticall Scriptures to bee the Messias so he hath moued manie Catholikes in name in truth most hereticall heretickes the bond slaues of Antichrist to burne both my seruants and their books and they blot out as much as lay in them by their cunning and their power the faith and the Church whose quarrell I often reuenged with a high hand stretched from heauen I will giue you one notable example After that the Counsell of Constance had condemned to the fire those two my seruants Hu● and Hierome the Pope sent two Erinnes into Germanie the Cardinall of Winchester and the Cardinall of Saint Angelo who when they had called backe Sigismund the Emperour from making warre against the Turkes they incited him to beare armes against the Bohemians the new professours of my Gospell and brought into the field three other great Germane Princes with all their forces will you heare the issue of their whole fight passage The Bohemians leuy an armie come into the fielde strike vp the alarum they had scarce come to handy gripes but the King and the Princes being stroke with a causlesse suddaine feare in their rage crying out to their souldiers to stand to it and fight did cowardly and beastly flie away fiue times they made inrodes into Bohemia and fiue times they were discomfited And so not long after three seuerall Popes the Authors of this tragedy and those two diuilish Cardinalls not without great shame and sorrow came to a fearefull end In all which occurrences hee that doth not behold the hand of God is blinde he that doth not feare it is wicked I passe ouer that inuincible Spanish Armado which being gathered together by the instigation of Priests was dispersed by the windes swallowed vp by the seas and brought to confusion by the hand of God What do you thinke that Gods hand is shortened or doe you thinke that God hath left off to defend his seruants Infinite be the examples of Gods power which God hath shewed both in former ages and often in this present age in the defence of the Church against her mightiest enemies Let thinges to come be taught by things past And if those former tyrants or those that followed had gone vnpunished for their wickednesse there had beene cause for Antichrist with all his faction to haue reioyced in their sinne there had beene some reason that the Kings of the earth had promised to themselues impunitie who had bestowed all their might in building vp and enlarging the Kingdome of the two horned beast Now that I haue first crackt and broken to peeces the ten crowned and bloody hornes and after haue scattered both by land and sea the smokie slaues of the second beast what at last shall become of Antichrist is declared in the sixt seale But what in the mean time may Antichrists souldiers hope for who being set on fire by these fire brandes did turne all their forces to do mischiefe I doe aduise you therefore yee popish Kings and Princes that ye depart out of Babylon as fast as you can then that being conuerted to me you make warre with vnited forces in the quarrell of the Church against Antichrist at least that you giue no eare to these Syrenes or Erinnes which will bring destruction both to your soules and bodies On my word the Byshoppe of Rome and the great Antichrist are termes conuertible The decree of God standes fast for euer that the Byshoppe shall be consumed by those Kings by whom he was adored You cannot serue mee and the Pope with whom peace being made by you see if it be not to be called peace rather then a compact of slauerie From whence if I cannot drawe the popish Kings and Princes I will for all that warne you yee Kings and Princes Protestants that you preferre a holy warre before a wicked league with the Pope and think those armes to be holy when there is no hope left but in armes And take heede that being deceiued with an opinion of a false peace you bee not on a suddaine brought to ruine I wish you may bee at peace with neighbour Kings and neighbour Kings with you but at no hand haue peace with the Romane Antichrist Why so it is wicked it is dangerous it cannot hold
of excommunication that the Catholikes shall not take the Oath of Allegeance or else retract it being taken And it is to be doubted that to whom the definition of heresie doth agree whether heresie the thing defined doth agree That Grosthead being dead seemeth with his definition as with his Crosier-staffe to strike the Pope vpon his brest Then Saturnine What Schismatikes saith he what § 21 Sigebert what Vincentius what Grosthead with his Crosiers staffe do you reckon vp As if they were not all condemned by the Church because they were at contention with the head of the Church But that wee may not seeme rather to contend with the authorities of men then of God Paul the Apostle forbad to salute an Heretike yea he warneth that after the first or second admonition we should auoide him If it be not lawfull to salute an Heretike is it lawfull to serue and obey an Heretike Paul teacheth that we sacrifice an heretike as hatefull to God as a great sacrifice to him and tha● we flie from him as from a gangrene And shall it not be lawfull to cut of the gangrene and cast it away lest it doe infect vs when as we are bidden to cut off our owne flesh if it be affected with a gangrene Now saith Patriotta you shew your selfe a right Iesuite § 22 when as Paul did forbid that we should salute an Heretike How heretikes are to be delt withall but auoide him after the first or second admonition in one word he did forbid voluntarie societie not necessarie dutie familiar salutations which curtesie affords not reuerent obseruance which pietie imposeth priuate acquaintance whereby soules are infected not publike obedience whereby gouernment is maintained It is not lawfull to salute an Heretike will you not therefore pay an Heretike the money that is owing him yes that I would say you I demand againe whether the debt of obedience be not more iust then the debt of money which is of greater force a debt contracted in your owne consent or that which is imposed vpon you by the commandement of God § 23 Here Saturnine We owe nothing saith he to Heretikes Nothing said Patriotta Doth not the seruant owe faithful seruice to his Master being an Heretike he oweth it you say to an Infidell not to an Heretike You trifle If you owe it to an Infidell which doth oppugne the faith doe you not owe it to an Heretike who only doth erre in the faith Doth not the wife owe faithfull obedience to her husband though he be an heretike yes when nothing may be the cause of diuorce but adulterie as Christ teacheth no not infidelitie it selfe as Paul saith Lastly children are bound to obey their Parents in the Lord although they be Heretikes Therefore shall not subiects much more obey the Prince Lord of the familie the husband of the common weale the publike father of the country although he be an heretike for heresie doth not dissolue the bond of dutie but breaketh of the knot of acquaintance But heresie is a gangrene as the Apostle faith But although we are commanded to cut of all heresie as a gangrene yet are we not commanded to roote out euery heretike It were wrong with the Papists if this your opinion were setled in our mens mindes But we leaue these parts of cruell Surgeons to your selues who presently betake your selues to lanching and fearing and alwaies vse the cutting knife and fire and look not for easier and gentler remedies But seeing in this quarrell you seeme to buckle with vs with weapons out of the Scripture which you doe seldom handle whereby you proue that Kings in right may be and in fact haue been depriued that subiects may by a word be absolued as by a word they were bound with an oath of obedience Goe to let vs see before you come to the second foundation the practise of Christians what you can say against vs in the former Then Saturnine I will freely speake saith he what I § 24 verily thinke God had not securely prouided for his Church if he had not sent some holy stout Prophets and Preists who might with their Church discipline correct and keep vnder such Kings as were wicked and tyrannous when they grew desperate Examples out of the old Testament 1. Saul and might remooue them being the hatred of God and men the shame to religion and the burthen to the people Therefore we read the first King ouer Gods people because he seemed to take vpon him the spirituall function was excommunicated by Samuel at Gods commandement and put from the possession of his Kingdome although after Dauids annointing and his owne deposing he held it by tyrannicall force many yeeres and did often attempt to murther both Dauid the competitour of the kingdome and Samuel the executioner of Gods decree as he had slaine foure-score and fiue of the holy Preists the Nobites Who knoweth not that a speciall Prophet was sent § 25 of God to Ieroboam King of Israel 2. Ieroboam who did denounce the iudgement of God against the King and the Kings race because he had separated the people by a wicked schisme from the ancient and true worship of God begunne at Ierusalem and had erected a new altar in Bethel whereby the schisme and diuision from the Apostolike See is properly prefigured and ordained a new Cleargy a hunger-starued and contemptible out of Aarons order such an one as yours is The sinne was afterward so seuerely punished according to the censure of the Prophet that there was none left of the Kings stocke to make water against the wall The King did very fondly lay hold vpon the man of God to kill him because hee thought the denouncing of Gods iudgement was treason against the Kings crowne and dignity § 26 3. Ozia We read likewise that Ozia the King of Iuda beeing puft vp with intolerable pride not content with the honour of a King did insolently presume to vsurpe the spirituall and Priestly office being stoutly withstood by Azaria and 80. other Priests and violently expelled out of the Temple and that because he threatned and resisted the Priests he was strucken with a filthy leprosie and therefore not onely cast out of the Temple but by their authority separated from the company of men which was a speciall figure of the Priestly authority vnder the new Law which may excommunicate Kings as well as others for heresie which is a spirituall leprosie and committed the gouernment of the Kingdome to Iotham his sonne An apparant example that it is lawfull for Priests to take armes and by force to bring vnder the wickednesse of Kings when as they deeme it is auailable for the preseruation of religion and the honour of God § 27 The zeale of the good Priests in the depriuing of that wicked Queen Athalia is worthily commended 4. Athalia whom Iehoida the cheefe Priest with a power of the Priests and Commons did command to be
to the spirituals Carerius a Doctour of Padua Carerius against Bellarmine a sharpe witted and earnest fellow hee is of a contrarie opinion and doth not only striue with argument but laies a curse vpon the aduersaries sparing none no not Bellarmine himselfe whom he taking in hand of purpose to refell in a whole booke written as the Preface importes against the wicked Polititians and Heretickes of our time did a little too plainely touch the Cardinall So farre are they from agreeing in the manner of diriuing so great authoritie to the Pope from Christ Here Patriotta your Doctours saith hee § 83 seeme praeposterously to wrangle among themselues of the manner to deriue such authoritie from Christ when as yet it appeareth not that he hath any at all and in vaine do they argue whether the Pope receiued directly or indirectly such gouernment when it is doubtfull whether he receiued any or no. But I easily grant them by their dissenting about the manner to ouerthrow the thing it selfe that the confusion of tongues may againe seeme to happen in building their tower of Babel § 84 Then Velbacellus somewhat more gently I pray Patriotta Although that I ingenuously confesse while they thus egerly striue among themselues about the manner and ouerthrow their owne opinions with mutuall contradictions they seeme to leaue the Pope very small or no authoritie at all in temporalties For Carerius saith the Pope hath either ordinarie and direct authoritie to depose Kings as he is Pope or he hath no authority at all But he hath none direct and ordinarie as he is Pope by Bellarmines assumption Therefore hee hath none at all by Carerius conclusion It were long to set downe all the reasons drawne from Scripture whereby Bellarmine hath vtterly ouerthrowne the direct and ordinarie authoritie of the Byshoppe neither were it necessarie because they may bee had in his fift booke he set out so that men may thinke hee spake one thing and thought another Which when he might not touch openly for offending the Pope he did with sleights and deuises impugne that he might by any meanes deliuer the truth For he seemeth indirectly that I may vse his owne aduerbe to take away all power of the Pope of depriuing Princes For if the Pope as hee is Pope cannot directly and ordinarily depose Princes though the cause bee iust as Bellarmine saith and yet as hee is the chiefe spirituall Prince may dispose of kingdomes taking them from one and giuing them to another if it be necessarie for the sauing of soules that is indirectly in order to spiritualls as hee affirmeth what other thing did he closly insinuate but that the Pope had no power at all to displace Princes For Saint Peter neither did or could transfer any power but ordinarie Besides it is plaine that the Pope is no otherwise the chiefe spirituall Prince but as he is Pope so that what he cannot do as Pope he cannot do as he is the chiefe spirituall Prince Which Carerius concludeth against Bellarmine and doth vrge it with this grant that the Pope is properly called Gods Vicar Either he is not saith he the Vicar of Christ or else he deposeth inferiour powers as Pope But he deposeth them not as Pope by the witnesse of Bellarmine He is not therefore the Vicar of Christ by the conclusion of Carerius So Bellarmine gaue Christs Vicar so greiuous a wound if we beleeue Carerius that he could neuer cure with all the remedies of his distinctions And Carerius while he deckes him with strange fethers spoiled him of those were his owne Whom while hee ordeined Lord of the temporalties hardly left him Lord of the spiritualties In the mean time when neither the direct nor indirect power bee a matter of faith formally determined by the publicke sentence of the Church as Alanus and Couarruvias confesse there was no reason why Saturnine should call my friend Blackwell wretched Apostata who neuer swarued from the Catholick faith vnlesse by inueighing so bitterly against Blackewell he vaunt himselfe to be of the contrarie faction Then Patriotta I willingly behold Bellarmine and § 85 Carerius as Cadmeyes brethren or the Madianites cutting one anothers throate But I could more willingly behold the Pope as a iacke-daw dispoiled of his Egles and Doues feathers which he hath stolne which is of all his regall and Byshoply ornaments wherewith hee hath so long ietted so proudly and terribly vp down but I leaue this cause to God to be mended by him at his due time But truely Baronius and Carerius with all their faction doe flatter the Pope more grosly but Bellarmine with his cunning opposition flatters him more smoothly being the more dangerous enemie to Kings because the more cloase But that I often obserued the witty old fellow crossing of himselfe with his owne trickes and coyning those distinctions whereby hee vnweaued those things which he had weaued before O Penelopean skill of disputing But while he doth touch kings crownes indirectly and tels vs that it is all in the Pope so that he thinkes it meete to belong to a spirituall end he bewraieth lesse malice but greater craft Here Argentine who had kept silence from the beginning looking earnestly first on Saturnine then on Velbacellus Saturnine saith he seemes to me to bee more strickt in this matter then is requisite and Velbacel more loose and remisse because he gaue too much authority this none at all to our most holy father to suppresse Kings when neede requires This great Doctour of the Church therefore Bellarmine tooke a middle course who first ouerthrew that infinite power of ordinarie and inherent gouernment then retained that extraordinarie and borrowed authority in the Pope least Kings like vntamed coultes as it were not hauing bitte and bridle should waxe too lustie whom the most holy Pope might bring againe into the circle of religion and iustice if once they began to start out first with his counsell and after if that were relected with some other moderate chastisement Which would be the most safe course for Kings and very auaileable for subiectes § 87 Then Carolus Regius this moderate chastisement of Kings Argentine as you call it is their vtter ruine and rooting out if you vnderstand Bellarmine aright For there lurkes vnder those Aduerbes certaine deceites which subiectes haue found to be as damnable to them as Kings haue For he bringeth in your Pope whom one doth well tearme Satans Asse with this his extraordinarie and borrowed power which he bestowed vpon him curbing of Kings with a bridle when the raynes lay on his owne necke turning and ouerturning kingdomes at his pleasure taking them from one and giuing them to another Meanes of the Popes greatnesse when he thinketh good that it is for the order tending to spirituall good And by what counsells he alwaies vsed to take from Kings both their kingdomes and their liues all histories do shew them to haue beene by the emulation of
neighbour Princes the faction of subiectes the treason of the nobles and the superstition of the people And doe you call this a moderate chastisement And safe for kings and good for subiects Wherein as there are many thinges very vniust and vnworthy so those are most of all that hee tearmeth these wicked treacheries holy counsells and pretendes that they tend in order to a spirituall end And doe in that manner sowe the scruples of conscience mingled with the seedes of treacherie in the harts of men as if the graines of religion and rebellion had sprung out of one and the same blade So it comes to passe that the Romane faith at this day doth beget and nourish most dangerous faction both to Kings and subiectes which so long is very demure and humble till as a wise man obserues it hath found the keye of power and authoritie For as all faction which springs out of the heate of desire is dangerous so that is most dangerous which riseth out of the scruple of conscience For when it riseth from desire it is like fire that taketh hold of stubble which though presently it rise vp into a great flame yet soone being consumed is extinguished But when it ariseth from the conscience it is like fire that heates iron which getting his strength but slowly keepes it surely as a very worthy and a wise Senator left it in writing Wherefore that which Bellarmine said of the Oath of § 88 allegeance that it was not therefore lawfull because it was offered someway tempred and qualified that may more iustly be said of the Popes temporall dominion as it is qualified and tempered by Bellarmine knowe therefore Argentine that such qualifications are nothing else but Satans sleights and deceits wherewith the maiesty of Kings is either openly or closely assailed which Christ hath fortified plainely with his commandements That these vaine pretences of Aduerbes are Sathans ginnes and stratagems whereby vnder the colour of religion he bringeth vtter destruction both to your soules and bodies But because you will not giue as good credite to vs as to your owne men and I think it not meete to take vpon mee Velbacellus part I pray you Calander entreat your Confessour that hee would lay open and vnfold the subtill and hurtfull fleights deuises of this working braine Yeelde so much saith Calander to the Catholikes your friends Velbacellus yeelde it to the Catholike religion which is necessary to bee discerned from these false Catholike opinions as you call them lest the consciences of Catholikes be corrupted § 89 Then Velbacell I will doe saith hee as you require me in respect of my duty to the King not vnwillingly but against the Popes inhibition not so willingly howsoeuer it bee I answer for the satisfying of the conscience sincerely and for the Catholike religion not vnfitly The Oath of Allegeance and Supremacy confounded by Bellarmine And I maruell much that Bellarmine beeing a learned man and of great wit did confound the Oath of Allegeance with the Oath of Supremacy but I am greeued at the heart that the supremacy of the Pope which he doth of right enioy in spirituall and ecclesiasticall causes is so enfolded with the worldly gouernment which is in temporall and ciuill causes that hee brings his lawfull authority in hazard to be lost Adde thereto that when he had ouerthrowen the direct dominion of the Pope in all temporall matters with sound reasons hee did maintaine the indirect gouernment in order to the spirituall as hee speaketh with such slight flaggy arguments that with this his playing fast loose hee seemes to haue left him no authority at all Although other thinke otherwise and thinke that hee doth aswell submit Kings crownes to the Popes feete as Baronius doth But let it bee as euery man takes it Hee cannot directly take away the crownes from Kings What then but he can indirectly hee cannot as Pope ordinarily depose Kings but extraordinarily he can as hee is the cheife spirituall Prince Hee hath not inherent authority but that is fetcht else where much forsooth what matter is it with what authoritie Kings be cast off if they may be cast off by the Pope But they be worse then mad who subiect the crownes of Kings to schoole-distinctions Heere Saturnine But although sayd hee it please § 90 you to scoffe at the distinctions of Catholike Doctors yet I hope you will not deny that the Pope is Lord of all the temporaltyes which doth belong to the Bishopricke of Rome But that England Ireland are portions of Peters patrimony and the Bishop of Romes temporalties it is plaine by the articles of agreement betweene Alexander the third Pope of Rome and Henry the second King of England agreed on in the yeere of the Lord 1171. who when he was absolued by the Pope for the death of Thomas of Becket did couenant that none should afterward accept that Crowne of right or should be acknowledged for King till hee had his confirmation from the cheefe pastour of our soules Which couenant was renewed in the yeere 1210. by Iohn King of England who had confirmed the same by oath to Pandulphus the Popes Legate at the request of the Barons and Commons as a matter of great importance to preserue the common-weale to keepe it from the vniust vsurpation of Tyrants and to auoyd other mischeefes whereby before they had smarted and to preuent that they fall not into the like againe by the default of any wicked King thereafter Wherefore if it bee honourable and pious for the Bishop to dispose of the kingdome being made tributary why may hee not likewise depose a refractory and a disobedient Prince § 91 Then Velbacellus you alleadge saith hee a worme eaten and ridiculous charter whereby you make the King of England Tributarie to the Pope England not tributarie to the Pope neither can bee which was neuer done and if it were it neither could or ought binde the successours Kings of England For Rome neither can nor euer could at any time shew such a grāt as Thomas Moore that great Catholike doth argue and if it could it was to no great purpose for no King of England might at any time giue away England to the Pope or make his kingdome tributary though he were so disposed Therefore let vs passe by that counterfet compact and that friuolous deuise and let vs returne to the matter in hand The question is not Saturnine of the true temporalties of the patrimonie of Peter but of the true temporalties of the patrimony of Kings the soueraignty whereof either directly or indirectly is giuen to the Pope and it is giuen either by Law diuine or positiue and therefore the temporalties of Kings doe no more belong to the Pope then the temporalties of Peter belong to Kings And euery King may as well depriue a Pope as any Pope may depriue a King And an Emperour may aswell he called Lord of all the spiritualties as
no errors The Pope of Rome doth erre by the Papists iudgement Peter de Aliaco a Cardinall Adrianus Pope The three Legates of the Trent councel I wonder that Peter de Aliaco a very learned Cardinall granted that there were many things not only in manners but in faith had neede of reformation Why did Adrian the sixt ill touching the fountaine it selfe say that all mischiefe came from the cheife Byshoppe into the whole Church and promised reformation of all things by his Legate Cheregatus to the Germaines I wonder also why the three Legates in the Councell of Trent did apply that Prophesie of Ieremy to themselues and to the popish people This people haue committed two great euills They haue forsaken mee saith the Lord the fountaine of liuing water and haue digged to themselues cisternes that can hold no water And in the Councell it selfe Cornelius the Byshoppe of Bitont did openly acknowledge the Apostasie of the Church of Rome in the chiefe heades both of doctrine and life I would to God saith he that they had not falne wholy from religion to superstition from faith to infidelitie from Christ to Antichrist from God to Epicurisme saying out of a wicked heart and with an impure mouth There is no God Neither did any Shepheard or Pope care for these things For all of them sought their owne and not one of them all sought for those things that belong to Iesus Christ § 137 I wonder also why after that Councell many not onely priuate Doctours did plucke in peeces the decrees of that Councell as Sixtus Senensis Canus The councell of Trent reiected by their owne side Lindanus the Byshoppe Catharinus Pighius Ouander Ferus and many more but Pope Pius himselfe confest that the worshippe of the Church of Rome had much swarued by continuance of time from the ancient institution Therefore these reuerend Doctours Cardinalls and holy Byshoppes doe giue mee both cause and leaue greatly to doubt Neither doe I desire only that the chiefe Articles of immediate Reuelation be discust which I embrace with all faith and reuerence but these articles of the second sort which are supposed to be fetcht from the first and in truth doe altogether ouerthrow them For whereas by the aduice of Austen the simplicitie of beleeuing no● the quickenesse of vnderstanding is required not an humble desire of learning things necessarie but a curious desire to seeke after high mysteries is forbidden by him For the simplicitie of beleife Implicite faith blinde Idoll doth as well shut out brutish ignorance as presumptuous knowledge I can therefore no longer adore that blinde Idoll implicite faith whereby we are taught to receiue with all reuerence what the Church teacheth and to beleeue as the Church beleeueth though wee doe not well know what the Church beleeueth Bellarm de iustific lib. 1. cap. 7. Neither can I giue credit to Bellarmine saying that faith doth consist in the assent not in knowledge and may better be defined by ignorance then vnderstanding Whence our learned aduersaries do too truly conclude that as Cleargy poperie was before nothing else but a catechisme of treason so Laicke-popery was nothing else but meere idiotisme and as they worthily laugh at the fox-like craft of our Doctors so likewise the asse-headed ignorance of our schollers Such faith which the colliar had so commended by Staphilus A certaine colliar being at the poynt of death Apol●g Staphi pars 1. pag. 53. was tempted by the Diuell and demanded what faith he held the colliar answered I beleeue and die in the faith of the Church of Christ The Colliars faith And beeing againe demanded what was the faith of the Church answered as it § 138 were in a circle it is that faith that I holde and so the Diuell being vanquished by this answer fled away if we may beleeue Staphilus Therfore the faith of a Romish Catholike is the Colliars faith that is a circular faith I pray you Saturnine teach mee first before I giue my assent and write to that reuerend Bellarmine that hee will prouide that implicite faith which is nothing else but blinde and affected ignorance bee put out of the creede wherewith the grauity and wisdome of the Catholike religion is greatly defaced I haue learnt at last to distinguish between the fictions of mans braine and the doctrines of Christian faith the foundations wherof are not the opinions of men but the oracles of God and those which are committed to writing by the Prophets and Apostles by inspiration of God wherein all necessarie principles of faith and precepts of life are plentifully contained as I heare it affirmed by the fathers Let vs now come to the creed § 139 Wherein first I demand whether the supremacy of Peter with such things as depend thereon haue her foundation directly in the Scripture as the Cardinall writeth in Tortus For I hold no doctrin necessary to be beleeued vnlesse it bee founded on the Scripture as Pope Gregorie the first reacheth I am a bad Text-man and I reade the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles but seldome the reading whereof the Church hath forbidden to vs lay-men fearing lest by reading we should fall into heresies But I am both ashamed and repent of that my ignorance and negligence Yet I leaue not off to reuerence the fathers both olde and new whose sonne I professe my felfe to bee and not their seruant I account them for schollers in the Scripture not masters witnesses and interpreters thereof not arbitrators and iudges Neither am I so much mooued with their names as with their reasons I seeke not then what they bring out of themselues but what they prooue out of the Scripture in the cause of faith I will henceforth admit of no definition of the Church vnlesse it relie vpon a manifest testimonie of holy Scripture or at the least a necessarie conclusion drawen from thence I will not haue the matter ordered by bare authority but let thing with thing cause with cause and reason striue with reason neither am I led with the number of arguments but with the waight * Number doth oppresse the memory waight doth beget knowledge Neither am I delighted with circumstances I desire breuity And I will preferre one sound argument shortly and directly concluded out of the Scripture before all the quirkes of men brought for pompe and shew Neither will I suffer any of you to leape from this one poynt to another before I see this bee fully sifted and discussed among you Buckle vp your selfe therefore Saturnine to set the onset and confirme the supremacy of Peter and the succession of the Pope and that power which you say is annext to the supremacie out of the holy Scripture but that you may not swarue from the state of the question remember that you are to prooue the primacy not of order and distinction which is granted to Peter but the primacy of power and iurisdiction which is denied For
reuelations naked names of Fathers hired testimonies of Scholemen which she I must confesse hath furnished with fine words and well polished and with a curious composition of sentences attiring the Romaine harlot with all her trimmings with the entisements whereof the vnstable and vnwary young age of many may be caught and deceiued Vpon the Fauorers of which bookes who either bring them ouer to vs or by reading defend them or giue them to other to be read with allowance of them I wish that punishment might be inflicted D. Ed. Cok. do com place in his Epistle prefixed before the case of Postnati which a most Reuerend Iudge declareth to be prescribed by law The authors of these bookes assoone as the Italian ayre hath blowne vpon them do thinke the northerne people to be scarce men who write against them though they write with a better conscience and greater faithfulnesse then themselues For they hold themselues to the true Canon they trust wholy to the writen word they go to the originall The discription of a Protestant they haue the same text and commentarie but that they bring in the Apostles breaking the way and the Fathers following after as witnesses of their owne times as those that iudge the Apostles in a matter of faith are to hee harkened vnto without the Fathers and not the Fathers without the Apostles So they doe not play with reedes in their hands like the Aduersaries but strike thorow with their dartes neither doe they alleage arguments without testimonies or testimonies without argumentes which they doe not reckon vp for number but consider for the weight neither do they deceitfully vrge parcells taken out of the body of the Scripture as the Aduersaries who read them reported out of some magistrall booke or other but alleage them being furnished with all circumstances that from thence they may inferre and vrge the truth neither doe they follow after types and allegories but search out the inward substances and natures of things neither doe the vse any whorish trimmings but such sound and sober ornaments which become the cause of God Fearefull opponents great Orators such as many more are to be esteemed who doe not write whose stinges if any shall thinke are lost because they lye close he is much deceiued By hearing of whose learned Lectures and Sermons and reading their bookes I ingenuously confesse I come better instructed and prepared to defend the cause That as we read the familie of the Scipios were borne to the ruine and ouerthrow of Carthage so me thinke I may hope that our Clergie is borne againe of God and sent into the world to the vtter ruin and destruction of Rome Whom therefore may I better desire to be the Patrone of my labors then that Clergie that is the fatall vanquisher of Rome I may adde thereto that seeing my selfe in the former course of my life haue beene ioyned with many notable men in the Vniuersitie either in the fellowshippe of studies or in the Court in the dutie of preaching or in conuersation in the bond of friendship I thought by this my dutifull Dedication I should renew the memorie of our acquaintance in Christ Last of all who is ignorant that our writers when once they haue stirred vp more earnestly the God of this world and haue touched Antichrist to the quicke with what virulent calumniations the professed enemies will traduce them And it is not to be wondered at if they spare not their bookes whose throates they would cut and detract from their good names whose liues they seeke after who when they cannot doe mischiefe to good men by themselues will attempt to effect it by false brethren If this were done in the greene tree how much more in the withered and if they deale thus with the tale Cedars how will they presse downe the meane trees and lower shrubbs The greater is my hope that it will come to passe that they who write being moued with the sense of their iniurie and they that do not write being moued with the goodnes of the cause will by their authoritie maintaine another that offers himselfe to danger for the glory of Christ For the Doctors and writers in the cause of the Gospell as they be most odious to such as bee wicked so should they be most deare to them that be well giuen For these causes Fathers and Brethren I haue thought good to haue these my small labours to be most humbly and dutifully dedicated vnto you in whose religion I thought faithfulnesse in whose doctrine assistance in whose loue comfort and in whose authority helpe did consist You haue seene as I said at the first the insolencie of the Papists your Fathers haue felt their crueltie you cannot neither ought you to forget the powder or rather the Iesuits treason which threatned the Kingdome the massacres of Paris and the Church the fires of Queene Marie whose imbers the Pope your old friend O ye Clergie of England doth hide and couer he doth well remember your dutie he forgets not your loue toward him Against your argument drawne from the Scripture he fetcheth his drawne from the fagots You passe ouer the fire couered ouer with false ashes Therefore that which ministreth occasion to many to write the same must be an occasion for all to take heed And that which was cause to me to seeke for your patronage and helpe the same should be the cause of stirring vp our zeale and watchfulnesse GOD preserue the KING and Kingdome GOD defend the Clergie the most flourishing of the whole world being the eye of the Kingdome from the iniuries and treacheries of all their enemies Your Lordships and Your worships most deuoted in Christ LEONEL SHARPE THE EPISTLE to the Christian READER Wherein the glasse of Christ and Christianitie is conteyned YOV are not ignorant Christian Reader that the hatred of the Synagogue of Rome hath been a long time very deadly and open against the reformed Church and that it hath been secret against the Scripture and couered ouer with a shadow of outward Religion and a vayle of deuotion For although shee be much moued with the enuy at our florishing Church and with the iniurie of her owne beauty so despised yet because shee feeleth hirselfe so wounded in her head with a weapon from heauen cast by the hand of man shee is no lesse angry with God that gaue the weapon than with man that cast it Which if it were not so truly shee would neuer haue endured so many a Aesops fables a nose of waxe a shipmans hose a Delphian sword blacke and inkie Diuinitie Scripture men inckie Diuines slanders so wickedly prophanely vtterd against the holy Scripture to haue been published in print shee would neuer haue furthered such deuises in her inward Laterane Conclaue which should haue framed b Matth Paris in Hen 3. pag 104. a new Gospell c Li●● consor Fran●isi pag 304. a new Iesus d The Bull of Pius
Purgatorie is growne very gainefull and the bargaines about sinnes very profitable Then could the Images walke a foote then could the Bells strike alone without helpe then could the Angells like Quoristers chant it out in Canterburie Minster and play vpon Dunstans Harpe then could the Apostles come downe from heauen to helpe Basill to say Masse These lying miracles were faigned by cheating knaues to confirme strange lyes and to cozen simple people of their coine For how often hath a spirit being apprehended by the Magistracie and an Angell stript and our Ladie sent to her Cell been all of them notably whipt Soules so whipt with rodds that they had rather beene in Purgatorie So they couerd all their tricks and conueyances their kinde of deceit and their manner of working with the feare of punishment Of these miracles Paul spake which being meerely false had a shew of miracles but not the power being the deuises of cogging companions There were other miracles of deceiueable spirits which were wrought partly by the force of naturall causes partly by the power of Satan So that that Synagogue seemed to be another Canidia Antichrist doth make fire to descend from heauen in the view of men saith S. Iohn that is in the opinion of men as they imagine Whether that be taken mystically or literally let vs in a word consider Fire according to the Scripture descends mystically either when God doth approue the religion and sacrifices of his seruants How fire descends from heauen in the Scripture as of Abel and Elias or when God doth by an extraordinarie fashion send downe the graces of the Spirit into their hearts as in the fiery tongues or when God did cast downe fire from heauen moued by the prayers of his seruants as of Elias to destroy his enemies Three sorts of fire 1. Is the fire of sacrifice 2. The fire of grace 3. The fire of Reuenge In all these Antichrist is Gods Ape For he hath confirmed and approued the sacrifice of the Masse and Transsubstantiation with miracles The Masse confirmed by a false miracle witnesse that pillar of fire from heauen falling to the earth euen vpon that place where by the negligence of the Priest as the Legend reports the bodie of God fell out of the pixe vpon the grasse that pillar of fire shining like the Sunne was about the bodie of God so that all the beasts of the field except a blacke Horse which bended but one of his leggs bended all their foure leggs to the bodie Which miracle I haue brought out of the Legend that I might gratifie Bellarmine who knowes that beasts then were well nurtured like to his leane iade that forgetting to eat his meat did adore the sacrament vpon his knees which the beasts had not done if God forsooth had not brought downe the fiery pillar from heauen whereby they might haue discerned the bodie of God lying vpon the grasse Adde hereto that Antichrist doth bestow the grace of the spirit sanctification vpon his Agneit Dei his hallowed graines his holy water and his bells as Primasius hath it Further hee striketh his enemies with vengeance from God as it were with fire fallen from heauen but that in the conceit of men that they whom Antichrist his furie doth daunt may seeme to be wounded with heauenly reuenge as it were with fire falne from aboue Which whether it be true of the flash of excommunication which the Pope who is called the God of reuenge casts abroad let Kings looke to it whose kingdomes haue been often set on fire by such popish lightning But to excommunicate a King is say they no miracle But so to excommunicate a King that you cast him out of his kingdome and release subiects from the obedience of their Kings it is a great miracle that either Kings are so patient to endure or Subiects so madde to beleeue Wherefore this is not materiall fire but mysticall brought downe from heauen by Antichrist in the sight of men not that he doth so indeed but that he seemeth so to doe Although if the literall sense doe more content you I haue found out Gregorie the seuenth Gregor the 7. miracle that notable enchanter who could strike fire out of his bosome as oft as he listed Thus I infer Whosoeuer in the conceits of simple men doth seeme to bring downe reuenging fire out of heauen is Antichrist This the Pope doth and hath done Therefore the Pope is Antichrist CHAP. XVII Of the Popes Character I Proceede The Beast is sayd to imprint his character vpon all both great and small to bee carried either in their fore-head or their right hand Wherein he doth peruersly follow Christs character which GOD doth imprint vpon his seruants subiection to Christ and the acknowledging of him to bee their head and Sauiour And it is partly inward partly outward Christs character of two sorts The inward character is true faith imprinted vpon the soule by the spirit of God whereby we beleeue that Christ is our onely Redeemer The outward character is the confession of the mouth the operation of the hands And therfore a Christian doth beare the marke of God in his heart by faith in his fore-head by profession Rom. 10. in his hand by working as S. Paul hath expounded besides that the two sacraments are the seales of faith the witnesses of profession and the practises of holinesse The diuers characters of the Pope In like sort Antichrist hath a marke proper to himselfe of his owne which he doth imprint and brand the Antichristians withall Which character hangs vpon his name and his name vpon his state Of the first Beast that is of the Romane or Latine monarchie The seauen formes of gouernment among the Romanes there were seauen heads that is seuen kingly formes of gouerning the common-weale 1. Kings properly so called 2. Consuls 3. Decemviri 4. Tribunes of souldiers 5 Dictators 6. Emperors properly called 7 Antichrist The state of the Beast is Romane or Latine Therefore the character of the Beast is a note of difference whereby all they are discerned from all other who are of the Romane or Latine Religion whom we tearme Papists And the subiection to the Pope of Rome as to their head and the acknowledging of that See the inward and outward marke of Antichrist The double marke or character of Antichrist The inward marke is that implicite faith which I toucht before The outward marke is that outward profession of the mouth and the conformity of life to the Popes lawes as the obseruation of the heathenish rights was called the character of the Greekes which is made perfect by the sacraments of confirmation and order inuented by the Pope And Antichrist doth so imprint all his with the marke of the Beast that hee will suffer none to buy or sell except they be branded with the Beasts marke So euery Papist is a stigmaticke otherwise he cannot hold his house
of Boniface the 8. Hee was loosed from the death of the Baptist almost 300 yeeres that he might rage in the Romane Emperours against the primitiue Church to the Empire of Constantine when hee was bound againe with the Angells chaine for a 1000. yeeres v 2. cap 20. He was againe let loose that hee might rage for a litle while v 3. as before almost three hundred yeeres in the Turkish Emperors and the Rom Bishops from Ottoman the first and from Boniface the 8 whereof he without this within 1300 yeeres from the death of Christ 1000 from the death of Constantine began cruelly to rage against the Church one in the East the other in the West There are who number the beginning of the 1000 yeeres from the yeere of Christ 73. wherein Ierusalem being defaced Satan cap 12. did endeuour to put out the Church dispersed among the Gentiles the seede of the woman which fled into the wildernes for a short time that is a time times and halfe a time which space doth well answer 42 monthes and 1260 daies as the learned teach which according to the supputation of Daniel doe make two hundred ninetie and foure yeeres In which time the Dragon as is said being angry with the woman did goe about to destroy the rest of the womans seed that remained Now in the 20. chapter where the same historie is thought to be continued the Angell is said to haue bound Sathan with a chaine for a thousand yeeres which was ended in the yeere 1703. at what time Satan is vnderstood to be loosed in Gregorie the 7. Gregor 7. in whom Antichrist as a strong man began to striue against the Empire Difference about the loosing of Satan But they seeme more rightly to interpret this place who thinke that Satan bound for a thousand yeeres was let loose at the riuer Euphrates in the outward enemie of the Church Ottoman the first Emperor of the Turkes and his posteritie the most barbarous enemies of the Christian name in whom the prophecie of Gog and Magog is thought to be fulfilled Vnlesse they be rather to be beleeued who vnderstand the place not of the Turke only nor of the Pope only but of them both counting as I said the second loosing of Satan from the raigne of Constantine wherein he was bound for a 1000 yeeres to the raigne of Ottoman and the Popedome of Boniface wherein hee was loosed after that bloody decree of the counsell of Laterane about the burning of Gods seruants termed by them Heretikes which hath most cruelly deuoured and consumed many millions of innocent men tormented with a lingring death who referre the place to Antichrist only doe shrewdly gale Bellarmines master who referre it to the Turke only doe take away Bellarmines demonstration They that referre it to them both Two sta●es erected for crueltie when both performe the same they erect two stages one at Constantinople thother at Rome wherein wee may see a blacke Diuell furiously raging in the one and a white Diuell in the other For whereas it is certaine that the Saracens without and Antichrist within did bring many plagues vpon the Church within the compasse of that 1000 yeeres and did stirre vp many mischiefes and many garboyles within the bowels of the Church Satan being the leader and the Pope the author First I say that the inuasion of the outward enemies neither was so generall nor so continuall nor the persecution of the inward enemies although it was raised vp often for the shew of religion not so often for the cause of religion as for a greedy humor to gouerne that the Church might feele rather the outward peace to be intermitted then quite omitted and that Satans chaine did seeme rather to be somewhat slackned by the Angell rather then altogether loosned For Satan did rather nourish and increase Antichrist his darling and sweet heart with outward peace then warre flattering the world rather then threatning it bound rather then loose so that in comparison of those continuall inuasions of Turkes and the perpetuall persecutions of Popes wherwith the whole East and West Churches haue bin most miserably torne in pieces these 300 yeers The outward peace may seeme to bee giuen to the Church as a breathing time for a thousand yeeres but yet such as the Church may cry out with Esay behold in peace my bitternesse is most bitter for by those meanes whereby Sathan did grant an outward peace to the Church by the same hee assayed to take away the inward being very carefull to yeeld to the Pope his gainfull merchandize of soules while hee solde sinnes Sathan did more hurt bound then loose as it were by the drumme in the Temple at the highest rate and did racke and gather together great treasures to his companion compast him with pleasures and got him all authority all which he could not haue effected without long peace Sathan therfore was bound ☜ not that hee should not at all stirre against the Church but that he might doe it more mildly and for his owne good that hee might seeme rather to play then rage in his chaine and to play not the cut-throat but the cozener and might rather infect men then kill them and might not massacre them with murthers but deceiue them with lies and shew himselfe more a Comedian then a Tragedian and deceiue the world more with sweete baites then mingle any sower vnlesse it were when he went about to get his eldest sonne the Empire then he is sayd to play the Tragicomedian So Sathan being bound did doe more good to Antichrist then if he had beene loose yea rather he lost that being loose that hee got being bound For whom Antichrist long held blinded with superstition and deceiued with the enticements of peace those he did after so stir vp worne out with warres and discontented with persecutions that they at last rebelled against him and did very valiantly defend the oppressed cause of the Gospell Now that I haue shortly expounded the place of Sathans loosing let vs returne to Bellarmines argument who prooues out of this place that the most greeuous persecution that euer was shall be vnder Antichrist which if it touch the Turke onely it taketh away the foundation of Bellarmines demonstration if it presse the Pope the argument is brought vpon the authors head For the most greeuous persecution whereof he speaketh is come already And therefore Antichrist is come Adde that this comes neerer the Pope then hee is aware For The inward most greeuous persecuter of the Church is Antichrist The Pope is the most greeuous inward persecuter of the Church The Pope therefore is Antichrist But Antichrists persecution must be most notorious saith he The Popes persecution is not most notorious why so because all the wicked would oppugne the Church with open warre and not onely infidels and knowen sinners but hypocrites and false brethren would ioyne themselues to the Pope and laying themselues open would
truth and power to be ouercome by errour and wickednesse Assuredly hee will neuer suffer it The Christians therefore haue no cause to feare the Pope hath no cause to insult For the Pope alone hath all the markes of Antichrist The Pope alone therefore is Antichrist CHAP. XLII The scope and conclusion of the whole worke I Haue finished the Glasse Paul the fift set before you to see your selfe before others to look on themselues wherein Antichrist is fully set downe as in preface Heere you may see contained his right and true marks the false being reiected and cast by Euery of them in seuerall and all of them ioyntly together doe prooue the Pope to be that great Antichrist Hence it followeth that Popery is Antichristianity What hee is and who he is appeares out of the preface What he doth and what he teacheth out of the Dialogue diuided into three bookes First comes vpon the stage Antichrist pragmaticall In the two other bookes Antichrist dogmaticall There he carries himselfe like a Rebell heere like a Sophister there he doth impaire the glory of the Empire heere the truth of the Gospell there hee doth vndermine the faithfulnesse of subiects heere the faith of Christians The first booke doth propound the rules and grounds of Christian fealty and obedience toward Kings against Christian rebellion shadowed ouer with a shew of Catholike religion The other two doe erect the foundation and pillers of Christian doctrine and faith against the Antichristian heresie compacted of twelue new articles of the faith brought into the forme of a creede by Pius the fourth whereupon I call it the Popes creede I doe solemnely professe that I am afaithfull seruant of Christ and the King I doe not take vpon me being the meanest and the least of all other to giue warning vnto Kings once already warned by the great King not therefore to bee warned of any but of Christ the King of Kings Let Iesus Christ therefore bee in our thoughts a while who although he be absent in body yet present in spirit hath an interest and being yea and a gouernment also in the spirits of all Christians and chriefly of all Princes his bountie is to be loued his maiesty is to be dreaded euen of Kings for as the powerfull gouernment of Kings is to be dreadfull to their owne subiects so the most powerfull gouernment of God is to bee dreadfull to Kings of God I say manifested in the flesh who being present with them in spirit seemeth thus to speake and complaine CHAP. XLIII THE PROSOPOPEY I AM not ignorant who am ignorant of nothing ô yee Christian Kings and Princes that the Byshop of Rome my Vicare as he calles himselfe my Aduersarie The Pope both an hereticke and traytor as he carries himselfe hath beene a Teacher of heresie in the Church and a Practiser of treason in the common-weale for these many yeares For euer since hee was made the vniuersall Byshop he hath done nothing else but corrupted my Gospell and peruerted your Empire And no maruell for out of the corruption of the Gospell doth follow the dissolution of the Empire For whereas I haue erected by the Gospell a twofould pillar of gouernment Authoritie in Magistrates and Allegeance in Subiects it is strange to see the Gospell peruerted in the mindes of men how each pillar of gouernment falles to the grounds The greatest fault whereof is in the Byshops treacherie and in your slothfulnesse that whereas I had submitted all Byshops vnder your power and iudgement you haue suffered one to fly out so farre aboue the rest that he dare not onely rebell against yours but against my Maiestie also That therefore the ancient dignitie of the Empire may be recouered being lost and for euer maintained being recouered my counsell to you is that the truth of the Gospell shaken and long weakened by the Popes tyrannie may at last be restored by your princely authoritie For what is more reasonable then that I should haue you defenders of my glory whom I haue appointed Ministers of my power And if it were in question heretofore whether that Byshoppe were that Antichrist He is so prophetically described by my beloued Disciples Iohn and Paul that now it is out of question seeing that euent hath laid open and made cleare the prophecie For all the partes of the prophecie are so plainely interpreted All notes of Antichrist agree with the Pope of the succession of the persons the nature and disposition of the King and kingdome the acts of the beast the impression of the Character the number of his name the scituation of his seate the time of his reuealing the cuppe of the whore the kind of his marchandise the fall of Babylon lastly the comming in and going out the birth and death of Antichrist the last answering the first and the middle answering both with such a consent and barmonie inferring things to be fulfilled by things that are fulfilled that I could not haue made it clearer if I had named the Byshop of Rome himselfe And Antichristianity is well defined by my Apostle to be not iniquitie but the mysterie of iniquitie For if Antichrist had appeared to you in his owne likenesse you needed not to haue beene so carefull about the businesse Now that hee doth insinuate himselfe with a counterfet holinesse and a dissembled sanctity how many millions of innocent men hath he cosoned and deceiued with his hidden mysticall wickednesse But let the visard be taken off from this hidden Antichrist then none can hereafter be deceiued but he that will wittingly and willingly be deceiued Beware therefore that the old trickes and stratagemes being laid open beguile you no more He faineth himselfe to be the Prince of the couenant and yet he hath altered my couenant Hee pretendes himselfe to be a Keeper of my will and testament and yet he hath not only raced and defaced my testament The Pope hath altered Christ his Testament and brought in a new but hath foysted in one of his owne He termes himselfe the foundation of the Church and chalengeth to him my peculiar title and yet hee doth with cunning deuises subuert and ouerthrow my Church He makes a shew of great zeale to my crosse and yet doth annihilate the power of the crosse The holy Scripture makes mention of Gods double gouernment the Legale and Euangelicall The legale which hath the condition of working annext vnto it do this and thou shalt liue Ierem. 31.31 Heb. 8.5 ad finem The Euangelicall requireth the condition of beleeuing Beleeue and thou shalt be saued But it requireth faith not as a worke but as an instrument whereby you may receiue the promises of the spirit therefore that is called a conditionall this a free conuenant Where there is no couenant there is no faith and where there is no faith there is no saluation Humane faith doth rest vpon an humane couenant heauenly faith vpon a heauenly couenant Heauenly faith is
they may distract your mindes and stirre them vp to make warre against your brethren that thereby that Latiall Iupiter waxing great by your discords may leape for cruell ioy at your miseries and destructions I appeale to your own consciences haue you not at all times found the Popes Nuntij Dataries and Iesuites to be such Let there bee an end of quarrelling at the last all these mischiefes shall bee presently taken away and now this serpent that hath swolne so bigge with discords to the publike hurt shall be broken and consumed Let me therefore be a counseller to you The duty of Kings that a true and a sound peace being concluded among you euerie one of you in your seuerall kingdomes wherein I haue left you Kings to be my Vice-gerents that you restore the true worship of God renew a right faith establish good manners purge the true Sacraments of the Church call backe a-againe the olde discipline brought in by the Colledge of the Apostles and confirmed by the counsell of Neece Further that what euery one haue done all the rest doe allow that you gather together a generall counsell by generall consent wherein the feare of danger being taken away and the partaking of sides being layd aside An admonition to the Pontifician Princes to beware of Syren and Erinnis the cause of Christ may bee safely and freely handled against Antichrist Heere I doe seuerally admonish the Romane Catholike Kings Princes to beware of two counsellers whereof I call one of them Syren the other Erinnis Syren doth perswade them to follow their pleasures auoid labour feare danger doe not stirre a settled pollicy doe not break truce with their olde friend and companion the Pope that they goe not about to mend any mischiefe that is almost past help For they cannot she saith cast off the Pope though they would Can they not What cannot the arme of a King bring to passe being strengthened with the arme of God from thence faith doth arise from faith the magnanimity of kings whereof that driues away blinde superstition this base sluggishnesse and cowardice That makes them to discerne this makes them to withstand all human hinderances so that they may cast off the Pope as easily as an old heauy gown It is a reproch for the Popish Kings to say that the mischiefe is greater then can be remedied that as yet they cannot mend it That they cannot cast out the Pope if they would Could the Princes of Germanie could the Kings of Denmarke Scotland and Sueuland that I may not speake of a great part of France Heluetia Polonia Bohemia and Pannonia The Kings of England could the Father the young Sonne and the Daughter euen then when all their neighbours abroad were alienated from them when at home they had a seditious cleargie and a superstitious people euen then did the holy courage of a Man a Childe and a Woman breake thorow and passe ouer all humane lets and impediments whatsoeuer Let it be a shame for Popish Princes both young men and ancient men not to bee able to doe that which a Childe and a Woman were able to doe But Syren perhaps will whisper that it is not good stirring of Paul the fift beeing full of Gregories Alexanders Bonifaces and Iulij O what foolish feare is that so to take heede that they feare a mischiefe which when they are able to put it cleane away they pull it and draw it vpon them But some will not cast off the Pope if they could They think it a necessary euill for Kings to bridle their subiects and for subiects to bridle their Kings To whom Christ doth seeme more hard and rigorous as hee that neuer dispenseth with sinne and doth remit nothing but to him that earnestly repents They haue neede therefore of a gentle and a cockering Antichrist who may dispense with adultery and incest and may approoue and allow of marriages forbidden by the Law of God As the fashion of the world is now adaies licēce is to be giuē to sinning so sin doth make the Pope necessarie Vnhappy necessity which necessarily brings damnation to a man He doth worthily loue his sinne who while hee keepes that loseth his soule Hee rates his short life at too high a price who that while he may liue a while after his owne lust doth lose life eternall In the meane time while Antichrist doth constraine them with so extreame necessity what a heauy burthen doth he lay vpon them that he seemeth to bind them with linckes of golde in this life whom he hath appointed for the chaines of darknesse in the life to come These you shall easily breake asunder by the helpe of God and assistance of Protestant Princes But the contrariety of their religion is suspected vnto vs. But this contrariety is your security for if the Popes bee so sawcy to doe such things when so many Princes haue forsaken the seat of pestilence what would they attempt if none at all had departed from them for if the Frederickes Henries and Charles did so easily punish the Gregories Alexanders and Clements euen in the very midnight of popish darknesse if Philip the Faire and Lewis the 12. did handle the Bonifaces and Iulij after their deserts how farre more easily may their posterity with the ayde of Protestant Princes in so cleere a light of the Gospell tame and bring vnder Paul the fift Especially seeing Philip the 2. the present king of Spaine cannot forget that his father who alwaies was the Popes champion was vnworthily and basely abused by the Pope in keeping Sicilie and Naples from him And let the French King remember that not onely Henry the 3. but Henrie the 4. his father was cruelly murthered by a villaine sent in for that purpose Therefore the holy courage of Protestant Kings should not mooue suspition in Popish Kings against the Kings their neighbours but rather it should stir vp their anger against the Pope that with ioyned forces they might breake the Idols head shorten his armes pare his nailes open his belly cut off those legs and feet wherwith they may remember their ancestours crownes were so basely cast to the ground You haue heard how euill Syren hath perswaded them now heare how farre worse Erinnis doth aduise them whose deadly musique if you bee wise you shall keepe farre off both from your mindes and eares perswading you that it is fit to raise warre in the defence of Antichrist against your brethren and allies for they purpose nothing else but that their treasure being spent on both sides and their forces being weakened by mutuall warres as it often hapned heeretofore that they may build vp a chaire for the Priests and by casting downe the thrones of Kings to whom it is great pleasure to lift vp their shrubbe which may set fire on the wood and consume the Cedars of Libanon Now I tell you before hand that you take heed of that war which these holy Erinnis will cry out
are too forgetfull and continuall praiers are to be powred out for the time to come that hee may alwaie defend both the King and Kingdome of Britannnie against their secret and diuellish deuises For Gods help beginnes there where mans helpe failes as Philo saith In the meane time let vs take heede that when Gods prouidence is not wanting to vs we be not wanting to Gods prouidence § 10 Let Saturnine goe shake his eares that calles Queene ELIZABETHS Law cruell which condemneth such Priests as haue beene the deuisers teachers executioners of treason And let the Romane Catholikes themselues iudge Calander and Argentine whether in this waighty busines they ought to follow such guides who doe not onely reach and offer to vs and you but drinke to the Laity a large draft out of that cup which being guilded ouer with a vaine title of religion but indeede being full of most bitter poison the Pope hath mingled and prepared Very vntowardly I assure you Wherein they deale as those doe who meaning to make others drunke vse to make themselues drunke first For what drunkennesse of the minde is this or madnesse rather to make two things most neerely knit together by the commandement of God Eccles cap. 5. cap. 8. v. 1. seuer and part asunder by the inhibition of man And whereas Ecclesiastes doth draw from faith and obedience to God as a necessarie effect out of a proper cause faith obedience toward the King althogh he be euill to put these two chiefe duties of a Christian so well agreeing and so neerly vnited into another ranck of such things as be cleane contrary and opposite as if one being set downe The cheefe head of the Popes bull the other were taken away As the Popes bull doth pretend concluding in bad Logicke but in worse Diuinitie that the Oath of Allegeance toward the king cannot be performed with faith reserued toward God § 11 Another horned argument of the Popes In the mean time the lay-people are at a maze when they be enforced by you Saturnine that if they haue not at all taken the Oath of obedience that they should stoutly refuse it if they haue taken it that they speedily retract it Hence it is that they which refuse it bee guilty of secret treason they that retract it haue their conscience troubled with manifest periury I am not ignorant that it seemes a Distinct 19. q Si●om sacriledge to you to dispute of the Popes action b Extra● Io 22. cum inter non nullos Heresie to doubt of his power c Causa 25 qu. 1. vi●latores ibid gloss blasphemar● Blasphemie against the holy Ghost either to say or doe anie thing against the Popes canons and decrees d Distinct 4. si Papa although hee draw infinite numbers of people by heapes into hell as Boniface speaketh Such an holy phrensie hath distracted mens minds that whatsoeuer hath proceeded frō the Pope althogh it be against the commandements of Christ against the examples of the Primitiue Church although it bee manifestly conuinced to bee against Iustice and common sense yet they thinke it must bee receiued as an Oracle from God But make not ship-wracke of your estates or liues Calander and Argentine I aduise you that laying aside all seruile preiudice you earnestly consider what you haue to doe Then Saturnine the losse of a mans estate or life is § 12 lesse then the losse of his soule which is made by the forsaking of Gods Law Malac. 2.7 For the Law of God is forsaken when as the will of the chiefe Priest whose lippes doe preserue knowledge as Malachie witnesseth is neglected True sayd Patriotta so long as the lippes of the cheife Priest doe preserue the Law so that the voice of the Law and the voice the Priest doe agree But if the Law doe faile from the Priest as Ieremy foretold might come to passe that the Law may bidde one thing and the Priest another then without doubt we are not now to obey the Apocryphall voice of the chiefe Priest Sum Syluest verbo obedien num 50. but the canonicall authority of the Law as Syluester that Catholike Doctor gaue warning If the Pope enioyne any thing vnder the paine of excommunication which sauoureth of sinne in the performance whereof it is presumed there will succeede a scandall of soules and bodies in the city then the Pope is not to be obeyed Then Calander being somewhat mooued started vp from his seat and said that hee greatly wisht that the chiefe Priest would resolue his owne Dilemma and withall did much commend the clemencie of the King who had vsed the Oath of Allegeance for distinction sake that hee might truely discerne the true Catholike subiects from the treacherous And added further that it was newes to him which hee heard from Patriotta about the Iesuites whom if it did appeare by Garnets voluntary confession to haue beene the principall authors of the gun-powder-treason he would neuer heereafter receiue any Iesuite into his house The subiect of the whole Dialogue but because saith he we are met together to know the reasons of faithfull obedience to the Prince of what sort soeuer he be and of the power of the Bishop of Rome in deposing hereticall Kings and absoluing subiects from their faith and obedience while these things bee argued by you that bee learned on both sides wee that bee vnlearned Laickes doe promise you our best attention § 14 Two foundations of Christian obedience due to any King 1. The perpetuall commandement of Christ 2. The practise of the ancient Christians Then Patriotta First I will lay downe saith he two grounds or foundations of faithfull obedience to bee performed of all subiects to kings as well euill as good Pagans as Christians Hereticks as Catholikes 1. On the perpetuall and immutable commandement of Christ 2. The other the example of the first Christians and chiefly of the Bishops of Rome for 800 yeeres and more after Christ Let vs consider them both against the cheife head of the Popes bull wherein he affirmeth but prooueth not The bull that the oath of allegeance and obedience to King Iames cannot be kept with reseruation of the Catholike faith and saluation of your soules Matth. 22.21 Why then did Christ say Giue to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are Gods by which words what meant he else then that Christians should giue ciuill obedience to the Emperour and spirituall obedience to God Why did hee make good this commandement with his owne example when he sealed his obedience with payment of tribute for himselfe and for Peter Christ therefore gaue in charge that Christians should faithfully obey Tyberius a Pagane and a most cruell Emperor and that which is more obeyed him himselfe and shall the Pope forbidd the faithfull Papists to obey King Iames a Christian and a most mercifull Prince and shall he dare to
put beside her throne and put to death and did annoynt and crowne the true heire § 28 Who is ignorant how couragiously Elias answered being designed to death by Achab and Iezabel 5. Ahab who had cast downe the holy altars and had slaine the true worshippers of God That it was not hee and other men of God but Achab and his house that had troubled Israel and with what zeale hee slew Iezabels false Prophets restored the holy altars called for fire from heauen wherewith he did destroy Ochozias captaines and messengers and annointed Iehu king ouer Israel and cast Achab with all his posterity out of the Kingdome of whom it is sayd That he put downe and ouerthrew Kings and cast the mighty out of their seats Eccles 48. as God appointed Ieremy ouer kingdoms that he should plant and roote them vp build them vp and plucke them downe Which power of Christs Preisthood vnder the new Testament doth appeare to bee farre larger and more ample and is giuen to the chiefe Preist the Bishop of Rome that he may in the name of Christ break in peeces and beat to powder with his iron rod as if they were earthen vessels such kings as lift vp themselues against Christ his Church which is his spouse his kingdome For by those examples it is euident that Kings annointed and iustly created may of right bee deposed Secondly for what causes they may in fact bee depriued Lastly that in the inauguration and consecration of kings as also in their depriuation God did vse the ministery of Priests and Prophets either ordinarie or extraordinarie to that purpose that they might be not onely Iudges but correctours of kings For whereas kings doe holde their dignity and supreame authority from God and haue bound themselues with all their might to promote the true religion and worship of God and the honour of their highest King and Lord and to gouerne the people in the faith and fear of God the Priests and Prophets to whom the cheefe and principall care of religion and soules is committed and who haue beene set aboue Princes in spirituall matters did of right oppose themselues against them in those passages which brought dishonour to God ruine to the religion and damnation to the soules of subiects and did exercise iustice and iudgement against their Princes in the name of God who abused their gouernment to ouerthrow the true worship of God brought in and established idolatry heresie and other abominations § 29 For there was betweene God and the King a certaine compact as it were which had force euer after either openly or at lest secretly that none should draw away their subiects either by force or by any other meanes from the faith of their Ancestours and from the religion holy ceremonies of God deliuered receiued by the hands of Preists whereby God did insinuate that if they did obserue these precepts and conditions they should long raigne with their posterity otherwise it should come to passe as we taught before that as the Prophets and Preists did annoint kings on that condition onely that they should defend and maintaine the worship and honour of God so likewise they should depose kings when they broke the couenant of God and fell to strange gods and draue their people to Apostasie And thus it appeareth it was vnder the olde Testament And if God did furnish the Priests and Prophets of the olde Testament with such power of excommunication whereby they might depriue wicked and tyrannous kings cast out of their thrones and driuen from the companie of men not onely of life if they could and this common light that they might bring no damage to the Synagogue with how much greater authority hath he strengthned the high priest of the new testamēt the vicar of Christ that he might cast out expell from the Communion of the Church beeing so cast out depose from their kingdomes such Kings as are Infidels Apostataes Heretickes and Tyrants and that not onely but release their peoples oathes giuen to such kings who haue broken their owne oath made to the Priest in the name of God at their coronation vnlesse we thinke that God had lesse care of his Church then of his Synagogue or doth more beare with Kings in these dayes who be heads of Apostasie from God then he did with Kings of former times Both which bee it farre from Gods Iustice and prouidence Truely he had left a miserable and a wretched Church as desolate and forsaken if he had exposed it being bereft of the helpe of holy Preists to the lust of cruell Tyrants that they might tosse and turne it at their pleasure and alter the state of religion euery yeere For whereas heeretofore Christian Bishops did not depose Nero Dioclesian Iulian the Apostata Valens and the like it was because Christians wanted temporall strength for otherwise they might haue done it by right I say by right the Bishops might haue depriued the Pagan-Emperours Apostataes and Hereticks if the Church had had that force to resist as before and after getting force it did resist Then Patriotta while in your malice Saturnine you § 30 suffer your selfe to bee thus carried against Kings you belch out notable blasphemy against God for what is blasphemy if this bee not to accuse Gods prouidence against the Church vnles he giue power to holy Preists to depose wicked Kings you haue very vnaduisedly founded the depth of Gods counsell with the plummet of your shallow iudgement who hath neuer the lesse I cannot tell whether much the more prouided for his Church as well by trying her patience with aduersity as seeking after thankfulnesse with prosperity aswell when he consumed the sinnes of the Saints by the persecution of Princes as when hee satisfied their desires with the mercy of pious Princes aswell by spoiling his sonnes of earthly pleasures recompencing them with the rewards of the blessed as continuing them hee delighted them with the comforts of such as were miserable Which I doe not speake to that end that I may excuse the cruelty of Tyrants but that I may set foorth the mercy of God because those things which they intend to the Saints for their euill God turneth to their good But you went about to daily with the expresse commandements of Christ and the Apostles with a few examples of the Priests and the Prophets ill vnderstood and farre worse applyed to the Pope How did that vnbeseeme a Diuine let vs therefore if you please waigh them seuerally § 31 Samuel you say did excommunicate Saul and being excommunicate cast him out of his kingdome Samuel did not excommunicate or depose Saul therefore the Pope hath power to cast a Prince out of his Kingdome I denie first the Antecedent It was not the Prophet but God himselfe that cast off Saul for his wickednesse for it is Gods onely prerogatiue to depose the mighty out of their thrones to raise vp those that are
a Pope Lord of all the temporalties But God hath distinguisht these giuing the spirituall swords to Popes and the temporall to Kings as Bellarmine himselfe seemeth formerly to confesse who if hee had beene still the same man hee would neuer haue placed Popes to be Lords of temporalties indirectly for order to the spirituals and haue rooted and cast them out as Kings and haue attempted any euill against them by their agents either subiects or strangers when place and occasion was offered if they thought it auailable to spirituall good So it is a spirituall action but a diabolicall as if he thought the murther of Kings to be a spirituall action which after some sort may bee sayd with a distinction that the spirit of God doth not direct and gouerne such bloudy counsels but the spirit of Sathan Who if hee goe forward as he beginnes and vse the pen of such a man as Bellarmine is it is to bee feared I will speake plainely what I thinke truely it is I say to be feared that blood will ouertake blood and that Kings will imitate Charles the fift who when Clement the seuenth beganne to grow proud belegred Rome with his armie Bellar. de Rom. Pont. tit lib. 5. cap. 6. and battered the castle of Saint Angelo not with arguments but with cannon-shot But why added the Cardinall to his aduerbe indirectly § 92 other of the like force Bellarmines dangerous ad uerbes incidently and casually seene as if he should say although the Pope as hee is Pope cannot ordinarily no not vpon iust cause depose a Prince yet as hee is Lord of the temporalties incidently and casually he may change kingdoms and take them from one and giue them to another if not as the politicke Prince of the Church yet as the cheefe spirituall Prince whether I say hee doe not lay trappes for Kings whereby they may more certainely of a sudden be surprized Theeues haue not an ordinary power to breake vp houses well fenced or to robbe trauellers by the high-way-side being well accompanied but they haue power casually to do both when they light vpon houses that be but sorrily defended or trauellers that be ill appointed So hee denieth that the Pope hath ordinary power to depose Kings and to cast them off but grants that hee hath a power accidentary and casuall whereby he may either with his owne or others forces or with the secret deuices of his part by any meanes ouerthrow king when they least suspect it and finde them most weake and feeble looking for no such matter What is this else but to make the Pope Machiauils scholler sometime playing the Lyon sometime the Foxe attempting the destruction of Kings with whom he is displeased either by force or fraud as hee can casually bring his purposes to passe and swallow vp Kings as it were their prey which without doubt is farre from the holy fathers minde but so it sometimes fals out that wicked men being deceiued by such distinctions do abuse the opinions of learned men against the Popes will to the ruine of Princes § 93 Therefore Calander and Argentine if you will bee aduised by mee put out of your mindes and consciences this bewitching and ouerthrowing diuinity you may doe better to goe the plaine and the Kings high-way directed by Christ and his Apostles and shewed vnto you erewhile by Patriott and auoyd these by-pathes and dangerous downfals that you may liue and die with the honor of your families and safties of your consciences Then Patriott I wish it I wish it sayd hee with all my heart Velbacell The second foundation of obedience the practise of Christians chiefly of the Ro. Bishops that you vnderstood all the mystery of iniquity aswell as you vnderstand this part in controuersie I will cleare your eye-sight with an oyntment as olde Tobies was And being warned by you I will shew you the right way of obedience prescribed by Christ and trod foorth by the footsteps of the ancient Christians and cheifely of the Bishops of Rome that I may finish that I promised that it may appeare what predecessours the Bishop of Rome had in the better ages and what in the worse who were so far off from hauing power in the tēporalties that they had it not in the spirituals they who vaunt themselues now to be Lords ouer kings acknowledged thēselus to be their seruants as I will make it plain out of your own histories § 94 And when I often thinke of the former times it is doubtfull to mee whether the Bishop of Rome grew greater by the pietie and obedience of his ancestors How the Pope grew great or by their impietie and rebellion or whether he attained greater power and wealth by the munificence of former Caesars or by the ouermuch patience of such as succeeded for when as the ancient noblenesse of that Imperiall citie and the great estimation of the Apostolike See and the inuincible holinesse of thirty Martyrs had first made him famous then the great fauour of Christian Emperours Popes for their excellency first had primacy of order and the syncere faithfulnesse of the Bishops and their dutifull obedience did so highly promote and aduance him that hee did easily obtaine the primacy of order among all the other Bishops And you might perceiue for the first sixe hundred yeeres at the least vertues in the Bishops contending with vertues patience with obedience and constancy with learning and you could hardly know whether they were more famous for the glory of their zeale and martyrdom or for the commendation of their knowledge and obedience So great was the fauour of Emperors so deadly the hatred of Pagans so exceeding the loue of Christians was toward the Bishops that you may well doubt whether their crueltie did more purge and refine the Bishops holinesse or this ouer lauish bounty did infect and corrupt it Whence came that notable speech of Tertullian The bloud of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church aswell as that of Augustines Religion brought foorth riches and the daughter eat vp the mother Which I thinke was not spoken to that end as though the subsequent peace had cleane extinguished that primatiue zeale which persecution had raised vp but rather cooled abated it for as the Bishops for 300. yeeres to Syluester performed passiue obedience to the Heathenish Emperours so before and after Boniface for 500. yeeres they performed actiue obedience to Christian Emperours And when as either an Hereticke or an Apostata or a Tyrant possest the seate of the Empire yet by the doctrine of Christ when they might not doe that the Emperour commanded they would suffer that the Emperour inflicted The histories are extant which shew that the Emperors § 95 were acknowledged supreme Lords Popes subiect to Emperors euen in things spirituall by the Rom. Bishops that they were reuerenced obeyed not with a constrained but voluntarie obseruancie not with a counterfet but
Ecbertus ruine Eebertus flying out of his throne into a sincke-hole to saue his life lost it Conradus the elder sonne being rightly disinherited of his fathers kingdome which hee had betrayed died miserably Conradus ruine Henry the younger sonne being instructed by the Popes lesson to breake his oath wherewith hee bound himselfe to his Father Henries treacherie against his father first leuied an armie against his Father And when by the intercession of diuers of the nobilitie who regarded the sunne rising more then the sunne setting the quarrell seemed to be ended between the Father and the Sonne the sonne allured the Father with promises teares and Oathes to enter into a castle whom he receiued as an Emperour but detained as a prisoner and made him this offer that either he should resigne his crowne or his head O most periurde and vilanous parricide O most wicked scholler of a wicked master That stone which Gregorie the 7. first moued against § 104 Henry the 4. Emperour with his ouerthrow as it appeareth the same other Popes afterward haue not left off to cast downe vpon other Emperours and Kinges sometime with no better successe alwaies with no lesse disgrace to the Church As Adrian the 4. and Alexander the third against Fredericke the first Honorius and Gregorie the 9. and Innocent the 4. against Fredericke the 2. two very wise deuoute and valiant Emperours that we name no others For Adrian the 4. Adrian against Fredericke an agreement being made with the Cardinalls and William King of Sicely and other peeres and cities of Italy that they should expell Fredericke the first out of Italie first cast out his bolt of excommunication And when a flie shortly after had choakt Adrian as he was a drinking Choakt with a flie Alexander the third persecuted the Emperour in the same footsteppes hee sent out his Cursitors out of his owne bosome who should sollicite Crema Placentia V●rona Mylaine Brixia to rebellion he did more incense William the King of Sicely his aduersarie to assault Fredericke He did corrupt Henry Duke of Saxonie and made him forsake his soueraigne in the field hee raised vp the French the English the Spanish and the Venetian to molest and vexe him with these deuises and engines he endeauored to strippe the Emperour of his kingdome and his life But God did so blesse and assist his seruant Fredericke that he tooke the cities of Italy and ouerthrew them droue the treacherous Duke out of his dukedome and the Pope from his Popedome and made him flie to Saint Marke at Venice vnder the habite of a Cooke Although hee afterward being mooued by naturall affection to release his sonne out of captiuity suffred himselfe to be there trod vpon by Alexanders feete Alexander trod vpon the Emperours necke Which base indignity was not so reproachfull for the Emperour to suffer as for the Pope to commit § 105 It is not requisite to touch the causes why the Popes thought meete that Henry the 4. As Cardinall Wolsie de●lt with King Henrie the 8. Emperour and Fredericke the first should bee deposed whenas there was no lawfull power or iust reason for any Popes at any time to depose Emperours Adrian the Pope that followed was displeased with Fredericke the first because the Emperour had set his name in his letters before the Popes name because he forbad the Cardinalls vnder the colour of visiting the Churches to robbe and to spoile them i. because hee withstood the Byshops ambition and auarice As Gregorie the seuenth set vpon Henry the fourth that hee might transferre the donation of byshoprickes taken from the Emperour to himselfe so Adrian to exempt the persons of Byshops whereby neither in respect of their benefice or duty they might adheare to Princes Fredericke the second had good successe against the Pope Pla. in Greg. 9 The like causes did incense Honorius and Gregorie the 9. and Innocent the 4. against Fredericke the second his Nephew whom God did assist being so vnworthily abused that hee handled the treacherous Cardinalls according to their deserts plagued the Popes and his Priests shut vp Gregorie the ninth and brought him to that miserie that he died in great anguish of minde Let the Pope take heede lest if hee Gregorize with Princes Princes Henrize and Frederize with Popes Neither is Innocent the 4. Conuina Theobaldus Franciscus Gulielm de San. Seuerino Pandulphus therefore the more happy § 106 man that by the name of the Church the power of the keyes the discord of princes the negligence of Byshoppes the superstition of the people he droue Fredericke the second out of his Empire and prouided two other to bee chosen in his roome For if they had not preuailed more with conspiracies and poysonnings then elections Caspini in Freder 2. Fredericke murthered they could neuer haue surprized Fredericke that noble Prince But at last hee was taken away by poyson as he returned into Apulia Whereof when he seemed to haue recouered hee was choaked with a pillow by Manfred his bastard sonne as hee lay in his bed These bee the actes of Popes whereby they ruinate Princes and so highly aduance their Popedome The popish engines against Princes Excommunications wherewith as with hookes they catch after kingdomes and as with whippes to scourge kings open rebellion whereby they tosse Princes vp down as balles with their feete and secret conspiracies wherby as with ginnes they lay for and entangle Princes and take them vnawares that they may more couertly take them out of the way by poyson That there is a great doubt as I said left whether the Byshoppe of Rome grew more by the vertue and obedience of his predecessors or by their treacherie and wickednes whether by the beneficence of former Emperors or patience of the later he is come to that height and toppe of greatnesse that the world wonders at I haue now laid the two foundations of obedience toward a King whatsoeuer he bee and of the fealtie of their subiectes One in the perpetuall and vnchangeable decree of Christ the other in the perpetuall practise of the ancient Christians and chiefly of the Byshops of Rome for eight hundred yeares at the least till worldly ambition had cleane put out all pietie and religion § 107 Here Saturnine that I may omit saith he other things least our disputation be ouerlonge which you haue collected out of histories concerning the Byshoppes of Rome that one I cannot passe ouer that you said that Gregorie the 7. whom you defaced as much as you could was the first Authour that excommunicated and deposed Kings For both Leo the 3. Emperour was excommunicated by Gregorie the 2. and plainely depriued of all his temporalties he held in Italy and the Greeke Emperors were remoued from the Empire by Leo the third Byshoppe of Rome for defect in religion and forsaking the defence of the Church and the Empire translated to the Germaines The defence
of Popes Causa 15 qu. 6. alius Plat. in Zach. 1. F●●sing lib. 5. cap. 22. For who knoweth not that Childricke the French King was deposed by Pope Zecharie the first as foolish and vnprofitable and Pipine appointed in his place as it is cleare in our law and Platina writes that by his authoritie the kingdome of France was adiudged to Pipine And Frisingensis which Author your selfe do follow writes that Pipine was absolued by Pope Steuen from the Oath of fealtie which hee had giuen to Childricke and the other peeres of France likewise and that the King being shauen and thrust into a Monasterie Pipine was annointed King More then that Gregorie the great whom erewhile you called a worme in respect of the Emperour did bring the same into practise whereof we now speake foure ages before Gregorie the 7. for in the charter of a priuiledge granted to the monasterie of Saint Medard he so decreeth If any king Prelate Iudge or other secular person whatsoeuer do violate the decree of the Apostolicke authoritie and grant of what degree or state soeuer hee bee let him be depriued of his honour Wherefore in that you depraue Gregorie the seuenth that most holy man being dead because he was the first that offered to depose Henry the 4. Emperor a man full of dishonest lust The Empe●●● Henry the 4. slandered Auenti lib. 4. Anna. Bot● infamous for his adulteries whoredomes which his verie freinds could not denie as Auentine writeth truelie it bewraies both great ignorance and singular malice in heretickes And that I may not heape manie things together wherwith the histories of those times haue set foorth the fame and glorie of Gregorie the forme of his election as it is set downe by Platina Sabellicus and other writers Author 3. conuer Angli par 2 cap. 7. doth easily shew what kinde of man hee was Wee haue chosen this day being the 21. day of May in the yeere of our Lord 1072. for the true Vicar of Christ Gregories false praise Hildebrand the Arch-deacon a man of great learning great holinesse wisdome iustice constancie religion The commendation of Lambert Schafnabergensis is extant wherein he writeth that those things which were vsually brought to passe by the prayers of Gregorie with signes and wonders and most feruent zeale for God and the lawes of the Church doe sufficiently defend him against the venemous tongues of all slanderers And what other authors write euen the Germanes themselues of Gregories enemy infamous for adultery Marian. Sco. i● chro an 1075 simonie and other trespasses what shall need to speake Marianus Scotus is witnes that Gregorie the 7. moued with the iust outcries of Catholike men who mightily spake against the sauagenes of Henries impietie did for the same excommunicate the Emperour but principally for his simonie in buying and selling of Bishoprickes And this act of the Pope did greatly content Catholikes but displease them who were ready to buy and sell benefices and fauoured the Emperour I might alleadge the same for Adrian the fourth and § 108 Alexander the third against Fredericke the first and for Honorius and Gregorie the ninth and Innocent the third against Fredericke the second but that I remember you gaue vs a caueat that the question betweene vs was not about the quality of the person but about the right of power I might shew also if it were not ouer long that those verie Romane Bishops themselues whose humility and obedience you commended did performe the same not with any preiudice of their right but for want of power to resist the hereticall and tyrannous Emperours I might alleadge likewise nationall Councells and Parliaments also which did alwaies approoue the necessary and iust correcting and deposing of such Emperours and Kings as you name by the Popes censures § 109 Then Carolus Regius it is prettie said he which the Oratour obserues to put ouer the businesse till another time when you haue no more or better matter to alledge though you would But that I may breifly answer the obiections that Leo the 3. Emperour was depriued of all his temporalties by Gregorie the second Leo the Emperour how deposed by the Pope which he held in Italie certainely if we diligently search the historie although the reuolt of the Italians from Leo the Emperour of Constantinople may seeme to be the act of Gregorie the second Zoner an Tom. 3. in impera Leo. Isaar as historians testifie because it made much for the Bishop to haue the Emperours wings clipt in Italy yet it nothing belongs to the controuersie in question for the Pope did it not as the minister of excommunication but as the head of rebellion neither as a Bishop without the rest but as a Rebell with the rest not with that vniuersall authority which § 110 he now claimeth but with a popular sedition Visp●rg●in an 718. Sige●ert in an 731. Blond dec 2. l. 1 Sab●ll Enne 8. lib. 8. Au●ntin Anna lib 4. fol. 344. Sigebert in an 801. How the Empi●e was translated to the Germanes But the Empire was translated from the Greekes by Pope Leo the third to the Germanes Not so For the Empire was translated not by the Popes keyes but by the decree of the people of Rome as your owne historiographers testifie neither for religions sake but for respect of ciuill iustice for the Romanes who had in purpose reuolted long since from the Emperour of Constantinople who perceiued themselues to bee forsaken of the Grecians and exposed to the inrodes of the Lombards taking that occasion because a frantick woman that is Irene the mother to Constantine the sixt had put out her sonnes eies and taken awaie his crown all of them with one applause chose Charles for their King crowne him by the hands of Leo the Pope and salute him Caesar and Augustus Neither did the Pope depose Childericke Sabell ●nne 8. lib. 8. the French § 111 King but gaue consent to the Peeres and people of the Kingdome deposing him who making much of Pepines prowesse Childericke not deposed by the Pope and being weary of the Kings silly weaknesse Zacharie the Pope being first consulted withall and the title of a King taken from Childericke that all hope of ruling might be taken from him shaue him for a Preist and chose Pepine for their King He was therfore set besides his Kingdome not onely by the Popes consistorie but the councell and consent of the Peeres and people for that hee was vnprofitable for the kingdome as you obserued how iustly I doe not dispute onelie I shew that not by the excommunication of the Pope who could neuer haue brought so great a matter to passe but by the ioynt-consent of the Nobles and people he was put from his Kingdome and Pepine and his posteritie substituted in his place For whereas you said that Gregorie the great brought § 112 the deposing of a King into act that is verie ridiculous for
King against the Pope that the● would maintaine to the houre of death against the papall citations suspensions excommunications and censures the crowne of England which they held as alway free subiect to no common-weale but immediately subiect to God and not subiect by name to the Byshoppe of Rome that they would vnite thēse●ues to the King against the Pope in all causes vndertaken by the Pope against the King his crowne and dignitie and wou●d liue and die with the King This was the loue and the ancient faithfulnesse of the whole English people toward their King namely against the Pope they were so far from suffering the King to be deposed by the Pope Now the Spaniards with what earnestnes they haue § 122 detested the treacherie of subiects against their king couered with anie pretence or colour of religion whatsoeuer Concil Teleta 4 Cano. 75. their manie Councels of Toled doe declare in that booke which is intitled the Apologie for the Oath of Allegeance The practice of Spaniards against Popes wherein they seeme to checke your equiuocation which they obserued in many things when as they made profession of their oath with their tongue and retained in their minde perfidious treachery Doe you not see how in the thicke darknesse of Poperie these noble Nations the I●●lians Germanes French English and Spanish did retaine this light and heat of obedience toward their Kings against the Popes and that in this businesse neither the Bishops dissented from the Nobles nor the Nobles from the Bishops but the Laickes with the Clearkes and the Clearkes with the Laickes Councels with Parliaments did fully agree to maintaine the dignitie of the King and the obedience and concord of subiects against the popish censures what is becom of this ancient nobility and this vertue of the people where is that magnanimity of the Italians French Germanes and Spanish when shall wee euer see a second Fredericke or another Philip the faire who will suppresse the Popes insolency in Germany and France when will these noble Kingdomes bring foorth such Catholike Bishops which will keepe the Kings crownes and the peoples consciences free from the Popes tyrannie They haue England Scotland and other famous countries going before them in this businesse But you call these schismaticall the Italian Germane French English and Spanish who with common consent resisted the Pope But marke if you beleeue Sigebert your Abbot if it bee not a harder matter for you to wipe away the note of heresie from the Pope who carries himselfe so proudly against Kings then to take away the aspersion of schism from those Catholike people who did maintaine their Kings against the popes § 123 But from these things which we haue spoken it doth sufficiently appeare Saturnine how that is very false which you alleadged erewhile that the Councels and nationall Parliaments did euer approoue the deposing of Kings by Popish censures when as they did publikely condemne their insolencie cruelty treacherie toward their Kings as you see For so the matter stands grace did neuer destroy nature or diuinitie ciuility faith did neuer ouerthrow ciuill iustice but made it better nor euer took away the affection of man but made it more humane And when men ought to behaue themselues reuerently toward the parents of their bodies much more reuerently ought they to carrie themselues toward their countrie and the father thereof for this loue of our countrie and reuerend respect of our Kings is not taught vs by a master but in bred and grafted by nature which whosoeuer doth vnder pretence of religion either weaken or blot out he opposing himselfe to God the author of nature is to bee accompted not a Pastour but an impostor not a holy father but a cruell tormentour of soules and bodies But you as if the Popish religion put all ciuill honestie out of the minde of men and as if Popish zeale did blot out all naturall affection you thinke that the glorie of your Pope must be builded vp with the blood of our Princes and the greatnesse of your Kingdome with the ruines and desolations of our Countrey And if Catholike Kings did retaine those Princely spirits of their ancestours proud Popes would not more boldly desire to rule without the commandement of God then they to forbid them being armed with the sword of God And by the exāple of most excellent Protestant Kings they would not onely prune and cut off these hurtfull sprigges of this vniust and poisonfull power but they would vtterly cut vp and plucke vp that poisoned tree from the verie roots out of their Kingdoms But the beginning of all this mischeife is the Popes spirituall supremacie whereby hee claimes to be the head of the visible Church the Vicar of Christ the Iudge and Father of Kings the vniuersall Bishop of Bishops to whom the originall of all spirituall iurisdiction doth forsooth immediately descend from Christ to be deriued mediately to others from him which whether it be done with greater wrong to Kings or to Bishops I cannot iustly set downe But all this spirituall supremacie from whence all the force and nature of that excommunication doth depend whereof so many things haue beene spoken and of the deposing of Kings and of releasing of subiects from the oath of obedience Patriott shall plucke it in peeces in the Creede wherein first he shall flie at the head of Popery after hee shall wound the bodie Thus wee haue seene Pragmaticall Antichrist vpon the stage now wee shall heare him disputing out of his chaire DOGMATICAL ANTICHRIST OR The Popes Creede OR The Pastor raigning The second booke of the Dialogue AFter that the most renowned Iames § 124 King of Great B●itaine had made answer to the Popes two buls Bellarmines Epistle for the Oath of Allegeance One Matthew Tortus vnder whose visard Bellarmine lay hid vttred both elswhere diuers articles blasphemous against God and those two reproachfull against Princes full of insolencie and crueltie one of the supreme dignitie the other of the depriuing power of the Pope and set them out being taken foorth of the Popes new creede with all the skill hee could This creede was composed of twelue new articles of the Romish-Catholike faith The diuision of the Popes creede taken in Councell of Trent as it it propounded in the bull of Pius the fourth about the oath of the profession of the Christian faith It may bee diuided into two parts one wherein the faith of Christians the other wherein their faithfulnesse toward Princes is corrupted From that spring out the articles of superstition and idolatrie from this of treason and sedition By them they are made euill Christians by these euill subiects that it is hard to say whether they haue more troubled the Church or this the common-wealth Hence Lionell Sharpe an English Diuine tooke vpon him to lay open the popes whole creede and to illustrate it in a Dialogue For when as the most learned Bishop of Chichester had
plainely shewed against Tortus or rather counterfet Bellarmine that the Apostles Creede was set foorth whereto Iames the Apostle before his martyrdom had added the Article of Christ before the departure of the Apostles from Ierusalem and therefore before S. Peter came to Rome by the testimonie of Baronius himselfe Anno 44. and had concluded necessarily from thence that the Catholike faith was fully finished before the Apostolike See was begunne hence it is said there arose a doubt in that right honourable Calanders conscience a Papist but very moderate and honest not onely of the supremacie of Peter and of that depriuing power annexed to the supremacy but of all the whole Romish Catholike faith which he saw was contained in the popish not Apostolicall Nycene or Constantinopolitane Creede § 125 Therefore when those former learned men together with William Argentine came againe to visite him It is very well sayd Calander that you are met againe to discusse before vs a verie difficult controuersie of the popes new creede which Pius the fouth had formerly compiled Paul the 5. comanded it lately to be printed my good freind Argentine hath lately recited it and I hope by and by he will recite the same to you This being prescribed by the Church vtterly to reiect it I doe as yet to speake truely make a conscience and to admit it wholly vnlesse it bee ratified by the testimonies of the holy Scripture I cannot admit without scruple of conscience For I haue lately learned to giue attendance to the holy Scripture which holy S. Peter doth directly affirme to bee as a candle lightned in this life to vs wandring in darknesse 2. Pet. 1. Which holy Paul doth likewise make the foundation of the Church Ephes 2.20 1. Tim. 3.15 and yet I cannot depart rashly from the Catholike Church whereto I haue beene accustomed which the same S. Paul calles the piller and ground of truth by which there is a creede of faith set out for me So I hang doubtfull betweene the Scripture the Church which God hath giuen vnto vs as the Sunne and Moone the two great lights to giue vs light to life Then Patriott you say right Calander said he in the § 126 generall that as the Sunne and Moone so the Scripture and the Church as two lights shew light vnto vs The Scripture and Church compared to the Sun Moon but that you erre in the speciall as after it shall better appeare But the holy Scripture hath light in it selfe as the Sunne the Church is a light but borrowed from the Scripture as the Moone from the Sun these two I confesse are giuen vs of God to direct vs vnto eternall life But the Scripture directs vs with masterly authority the Church with her ministery for the holy Scripture is the wisdome of God in Christ inspired from aboue into holy men for the eternall saluation and perfection of the Church as the Apostle hath defined it God hath commended the Scripture to the Church The office of the Church as an heauenly charge that it may discerne expound keep and publish it to men the Scripture is therefore mens master but the Church is Gods minister Therefore the Apostle calles the truth the foundation of the Church and the Church the piller of truth as Salomon made his chariot to haue a golden axtree and pillers of siluer vnderstanding by the axetree the sound doctrin of the Messias by the pillers the faithfull teachers of the same § 127 It is a wicked thing therefore to detract from the maiestie of the holy Scripture and it is vniust to derogate from the ministery of the true Church for the Scripture is the truth of God The office of the Scripture and the Church is the house of God the truth is the golden foundation of this house and this house is the siluer piller of this truth that is cut out of the truth as out of the rocke as Chrysostome obserueth So if the Scripture be the base of the Church then the Church is the piller of the word as he spake very wittily Now reason teacheth that the foundation is not sustained by the house but the house by the foundation And religion concludes from thence that truth makes the Church not the Church the truth For the approbation of the truth is the working cause of the Church For before it do approue the written word of God it is but a company of Infidels and Idolaters after it hath approoued it it beginneth to be the familie of the faithful worshippers of God that is a Church Further although the Church by the Spirit doe discerne the true Scripture from the false yet the Scripture being once knowen and acknowledged as before it made so after it sheweth the Church For what more certain note can there be of shewing a thing then the working cause of the thing Againe what priuiledge soeuer the Church doth rightly challenge to it selfe it receiued from the Scripture as that which calleth the Church the piller of truth Therefore the truth of the Scripture is more ancient in time more perspicuous for the light and greater for authority then the Church which when it once receiueth her essence light and power from the Scripture then at last as a piller it vpholdeth with her ministery the truth in respect of men and reueales it to the inhabitants of the earth and it is that ground whereon men both may and ought to leane and rest Lawes vpon pillers so the Scriptures on the Church Whereupon the Propheticall and Apostolicall doctrine is said to bee the foundation of the Church the Church is the strength of doctrine not the foundation It is euident therfore that the Church is founded and sustained by the truth and that the truth is sustained and reuealed by the Church once founded as it were a watch-tower for trauellers to direct them into heauen The Heathens were wont to write their lawes in tables and hang them vp vpon pillers to bee read of the people The Apostle describing the Church compareth it to such a piller the vse wherof was to shew the Law when it selfe was not the Law So the true Orthodoxe and Catholike faith being written in the tables of the Scripture is fastned to the Church as it wereto a most beautifull piller as a most strong prop which resteth vpon it not with its owne but a borrowed strength Wherefore the Apostle in the second to the Ephesians defines the Church when in the second to Timothie hee describes it For there hee argueth from the causes heere from the effects in each place he vnderstandeth the Church of Ephesus that is a particular Church In the first place he teacheth what made that in the second what that did nor so much what it alway doth for of necessitie the foundation being taken away the Church must fall as it happened first to the Church of Ephesus and afterward to the Church
limitation of the ciuill to him the bond of the spirituall obedience is the disioynting and loosing of the ciuill Is not Bellarmines deceit euident enough who vnder the pretence of spirituall obedience hath taken the ciuill cleane away So he playeth the iugler Ciuill obedience taken away to deceiue the Papists sight and that with a twofold tricke One whereby he perswadeth that for the shew of ciuill obedience they thinke the spirituall may bee abiured by them the other whereby vnder the shew of spirituall obedience he cleane taketh away the ciuill Hence ariseth those new and strange interpretations § 177 of Bellarmine in the schoole of Diuinitie Bellarmines new and strange interpretations Let not obedience be shewed to man contrary to the obedience of God that is let not obedience be shewed to the King contrary to the obedience of the Bishop And we must rather obey God than men that is we must rather obey the Pope than Kings I appeale to your owne consciences ye Papists whether you thinke this to be the Apostles commentarie that in respect of spirituall obedience which consisteth in faith deuotion loue and feare of God a sinfull mortall man should be aduanced into the seat of God What if the Pope command which God forbiddeth that wee take from Caesar the things that are Caesars by Gods owne gift his sword scepter crowne subiects and life is not this vnder the shew of spirituall obedience to forbid ciuill obedience And to command that obedience be giuen to the Pope commanding vniust things against Gods obedience who hath enioyned your subiection to the King Rom 13. This ought not to appeare spirituall obedience to you but spirituall cousenage whereby vnder the cloake of spirituall obedience which the Pope hath gotten by the gift of men he loose the bond of ciuill dutie which is due to the King by the gift of God § 178 I beseech you ô yee Christian Kings and Princes whether you thinke it be for your good A caue at for Kings that such positions as these be setled into your subiects mindes That such a catechisme as this not only lye close hidden in books but be openly taught in your Vniuersities Churches There be none so dangerous trecheries to Princes as those which are hid vnder the cloake of duty and coloured with the name of catholike religion Vnder the pretence whereof Bellarmine hath cherished rebellion in the subiects of the Venetian common-weale which professeth Popery as hee hath done at this time in the subiects belonging to the most excellent King of Great Britaine A Troiane or a Tirian to him are all alike Beware ô yee Kings lest the mischiefe intended to one fall vpon all the rest Saturnine is an ill egge of an euill bird as in the proofe of the article of supremacie he is a corrupter of Gods will so in the practise of it he is an enemy of princely gouernment And as you had him ere while a manifest forger so now you haue him an open traytor § 179 Here Calander both your discourses said he the one against the Pope the other for the King giue me iust occasion of two doubts one how the spirituall and ciuill obedience is distinguished in the word of God the other whether the former Councells did cast of this spirituall power which the Pope doth generally vsurpe Which two points being briefely and plainly discust will cleare the whole controuersie and satisfie any man that is not contentious Then Patriott You do wisely Calander saith he to call euery thing to her beginning for euery thing as it is first so it is true and that which is right sets out both ●●lshood and it selfe First therefore I answer about the distinction of the double power the Spirituall and Ciuill Chrysost de verbis Esa Vidi D●m hem both which Christ ordayned I call that Spirituall which concernes the soules and that Ciuill which rules the bodies That 4. Power distinguished Christ committed to his Minister this to his Magistrate somtime to more somtime to few often to one That is called Episcopall gouernment this Princely or that is spirituall this ciuill Each as I said is of God To whom it is committed and how performed The Holy Ghost hath appointed Bishops to rule the Church of God Act 20. and Wisdome saith By me Kings doe raigne and Law-makers appoint iust things Therefore Kings doe rule by God as Bishops do feede Gouernment belongs to them Ministerie to these But these you will say haue Gouernment also I confesse it Bernard de consid ad Eug But these haue an inward gouernment ouer mens soules they haue an outward ouer mens bodies Bishops haue the key of the word and sacraments to be exercised not in the name of the King Matth 16. but in the name of Christ nor the key only of knowledge The difference of gouernment between Princes and Bishops Rom 13. Chrysost ex Paul ibid. but of discipline and that not after their owne pleasure but after Gods will Kings haue the sword to be drawne in defence of godlines and iustice whereby they command those things that be true and good forbid such as be false and euill and punish the wicked of what calling soeuer and defend the righteous The weapons of Bishops are spirituall of Kings corporall Therefore Bishops ought to teach to admonish to reproue to depriue of the seales of grace and to driue from the communion of the faithfull those that grieuously and publikely offend till they repent Chrysost ibid. Kings ought to restreyne them according to the qualitie of the offence either of libertie or goods with losse of limmes or of life it selfe Therefore the gouernment of Bishops is by perswasion of Kings by compulsion of a Bishop directing of a King constreyning A King rules men a-against their will a Bishop with their wills Jerom. al Heli● in Epitap N●potiani Hee doth gouerne by feare this bringeth to libertie He reserueth the bodies for death this keepeth the soules for life Either of them doth punish not only theeues murtherers adulterers periured men traytors but also blasphemers Idolators Heretickes Schismatickes whether they be of the Laity or Clergie but he with the corporall sword the byshoppe with the spirituall Either of them haue equally a care of holinesse and honesty the one that he may teach by precepts the other that hee may ordaine by lawes Either of them is practised about holy things but not vpon holy things For they are not subiect either to the wil of the Pastor or gouernment of the King The King is conuersant about holy and diuine things not in the administration and execution thereof as Vzias but in appointing and ordering them as Ezechias A byshoppe is conuersant about holy things in the doing and executing of them to preach the word to Minister the sacraments and vse the keies Good lawes are made to settle truth by the counsell and faithfulnesse of the
at the last The description of Antichrist whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is destroying The very Romane Antichrist himselfe destroying soules ouerthrowing common weales casting downe crownes dissipating Churches being armed with so many bloudy lawes so many conspiring Councells so many warlike Legions fetters halters gallowses rackes fires inuironed with so many Inquisitors so many cursatiue Iesuits some of them dogmaticall some pragmaticall King-killers that hee may be rightly called Abaddon and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 You see Paul the fift the disposition of the Romane Antichrist by the starre that fell from heauen by the key of the bottomlesse pit which hee receiued by the pit which he opened by the smoake of the pit which he brought forth by the kingdome of smoake which hee built vp by the stinch of the smoake that he thrust out by the Locusts and Scorpions which do very liuely resemble the Monkes new and olde by their infinite swarmes whereby they do hurt their double venome which they instill their deadly sting wherewith they strike their power pride cunning cruelty which they practise very worthy subiects of their King Abaddon whom they obey CHAP. XIV Wherein is set downe actions of the Beast OF what kinde Antichrist is wee haue expounded now wee must shew whereabout hee is occupied The starre which fell from heauen doth shew his disposition The beast that rose out of the earth shall expresse his action Saint Iohn describeth two beasts one ascending out of the sea another out of the earth The first doth resemble the Romane Empire the other Antichrist properly so called Saint Iohns Sea-beast The Romane Monarchy rose out of the sea that is out of a turbulent state out of the factions and disorders of nations as out of a troublesome sea who is called a beast not in respect of his ciuill authoritie which he hath from God but of his beastly vices which hee tooke from the Dragon Saint Iohns land-beast The Prophet brings in another beast rising out of the earth not the same but diuers from it like in many things yet not the same For I saw saith Saint Iohn another beast rising out of the earth which is both the seuenth head of the Romane beast and yet a beast in it selfe for her different beginning and nature The actions of Antichrist the land-beast 1 Ascending out of the earth therefore Antichrist is the sonne of the earth Therefore from the earth being borne of earthly and sensuall concupiscence and diuelish counsell as Iames the Apostle doth ioyne these 3. Ia. cap. 3.15 signifying all one thing earthly sensuall diuelish To speake like the Dragon 2 She is said to speake as a Dragon although shee dissembles the 2. hornes of a lambe whereof I spake before And herein Bellarmine doth almost agree with vs. That by the Dragon the Deuill is vnderstood by the first beast the great number of sinners but vnder the Romane Empire as we haue set downe by the consent of all Interpreters neither doth Bellarmine greatly denie it By the later Beast Antichrist as elsewhere as also the Preachers and Apostles of Antichrist being the head of the first beast cut off and liuing againe hee doth acknowledge with vs to be the true image of that Beast 3 She is said to worke all her power in his sight She worketh in the sight of the first beast First it is certaine that one and the same seat the citie with seauen hills belongeth to them both which hath ruled ouer Kings and Princes which can bee no other then that great Lady Rome In which seate the land-beast did succeede the sea-beast and deriued all the power of the Romane Empire to herselfe so that by her owne men it is called the Kingdome of Priests shee doth shew all the power of the first beast in his sight that is at Rome 4 She doth constraine the earth and the inhabitants thereof to worship the beast how will some say when the Pope doth enforce the inhabitants of the earth not to worshippe the Emperour but himselfe So you are to vnderstand the beasts not to be the person that did raigne either in the Empire or in the Popedome but those tyrannicall powers which those beastly persons did put in practise Againe you are to consider the Papall power to bee truely imperiall and although it commend it selfe vailed with the name of Christ yet that it was brought in by the Dragon as well as the other that it might worship the Dragon and be an expresse image of the Imperial power which contained in it the Papall The actions of Pagan Emperors For the Emperor was the cheife Bishoppe Now the Emperours did belch out blasphemies against God condemne the true worshippe of God oppresse the true worshippers of God maintaine the worshippe of Deuills and did openly serue the Dragon from whom they receiued their tyrannicall power And what did the Popes The action of the Antichristian Popes Did they not with a blasphemous mouth challenge to themselues the diuine name and godhead with Domitian did they not scoffe at the grace of Christ with Iulian did they not persecute the seruants of Christ with Dioclesian did they not bring in the worship and doctrine of Deuills and while they did openly professe the name of Christ did they not closly and secretly serue the Dragon So the difference betweene the Emperours and the Popes about the manner of worshipping the Dragon was somewhat but in plaine truth nothing at all But heere is a necessarie distinction to be vsed There was in the Emperours a blinde ignorance of Christ in the first Bishoppes a true confession of Christ in their successors a fained who did in word condemne the olde Romane Idolatrie and tyrannie What popery is but did call it backe againe in deede For what is poperie indeede if you doe truely weigh many of the parts of it but refined paganisme The Authors whereof were so bewitched of the Deuill that they intended one thing and did another in intention they worshipped God in very deede the Dragon as deceiuers so deceiued the principall Authours of the Deuills worship as Saint Iohn saith of the doctrine of Deuells as Saint Paul saith What is popery else therefore whether you consider the worshippe or the doctrine but secret Draconisme 1. They thinke that they do gaily well when they call vpon other Mediators either Angells or Saints when they adore the Pictures of Saints yeelding worshippe to the Image as they say which is due to the example whenas the contrary is fit to giue no worshippe to the Image when none is due to the substance They thinke they do passing holily but indeede they worshippe the Deuill when they worshippe the Image as Iohn teacheth whence Lactantius concludeth there is no religion there where there is an Image Hence it followeth that the Romane Synagogue is voide of religion which is full of
Images The Popes imagine that they be Masters of abstinence and continencie when for conscience sake they forbidde meates and marriages when as in truth they bring in the doctrine of deuills as S. Paul teacheth They doe not intend so you will say The murtherer doth not intend to kill his Father but his enemie but in stead of his enemie hee killeth his Father in the darke shall we say hee killed not his father but his enemie because he intended not his fathers but his enemies death which if it be absurd to speake in this outward darknes do we not thinke it as absurd in this inward darknesse of the soule if any man say that he doth worship God when hee doth worship the Dragon because hee doth intend to worship God not the Dragon Therefore the Emperours and the Popes doe agree in a third that is in worshipping the Dragon from whom they haue receiued their power Adde hereto that the Pope in whom the image of the first beast doth reuiue and liue againe as shall appeare afterward while he driueth men to worship himselfe it may be said that he doth compell them to worship the image of the first beast from whence thus I dispute He that compelleth men to worship the image of the first beast is Antichrist The Pope doth compell men to worship the image of the first beast The Pope therefore is Antichrist CHAP. XV. The decayed Emperour reuiued by the Pope 5 FOR shee is said to cure and heale the deadly blow of the former beast and to restore to him a spirit and a voice That I may not be longer about those things which are so copiously vnfolded by others the Empire tooke a deadly wound in Augustulus The Empire dead which was the last Emperour of the East from whom the Empire lay as it were dead for 325 yeeres till it was restored againe by the Pope and receiued as it were new life in Charles the Great as Bellarmine doth vauntingly confesse For he saith That the Pope did translate the Empire first from the Greekes to the French reuiued afterward to the Germaines and appointed that the choice of the Emperour should be made by seauen Electors on that condition that the confirmation and inauguration of the Emperour so chosen should belong to the Pope that by this meanes that dead head might seeme to liue and flourish againe by the spirit of the Pope But reseruing to himselfe the power of the Empire hee left the title to the Germaines Cap. 15. de mira Anti as Bellarmine doth vnaduisedly confesse that Antichrist shall be the last that shall enioy the Romane Empire without the name or title of the Romane Emperour The Emperor but titular And therefore the Germane Emperour in respect of his power is only Titular for the Pope hath not only deriued to him the spirituall power but the temporall also therefore the state of Antichrist is the liuely image of the old Empire The Germaine Empire is not now the Empire but the title and dead ghost of the Empire to whom the Pope giueth spirit that is authoritie and a voice that is his Edicts when he giueth life to the Emperour by his confirmation To what end I pray you ● that it may sustaine and vphold the Popes Seate wherein the power of the Empire doth reside without a name according to Iohns Prophecie Hence the Germane Emperour is called the Procurator and protector of the Apostolicall See I dispute then thus Antichrist is the restorer of the old Romane Monarchie witnes S. Iohn The Pope of Rome alone is the restorer of the old Romane Monarchie Bellarmine not onely witnessing it but glorying in it The Pope of Rome therefore alone is Antichrist CHAP. XVI Of bringing downe fire from heauen BVt Bellarmine doth expound this place according to the letter as that likewise of bringing downe fire from heauen Antichrist saith he and the Antichristian Church doth make the image of the Beast to liue and speake But the Pope and the Popish Church did neuer make the image of the Beast to liue and speake Therefore the Pope is not Antichrist Besides Antichrist saith he doth cause fire to come from heauen in the sight of men The Pope did neuer bring downe fire in the sight of men The Pope therefore is not Antichrist The proposition of the former syllogisme taken literally is not S. Iohns proposition for not the image of euery beast is to take life from Antichrist but the image of the first Beast that is of the Romane Empire which the Pope in name and title renued in the Emperour in strength and power retained in himselfe And therefore hee peruersely collecteth out of Iohn that power is giuen to Antichrist to giue life and frame speeches to Images which may seeme as credible to sober men Popish false miracles as that the picture of Memnon being enlightned by the Sunne beames spake very plainely as Tacitus reporteth But grant it be so the assumption literally taken agreeth with the Pope and the popish Synagogue if ye beleeue the Legend How often by them are images counterfeited to moue to sweat to nodd to speake in the sight and opinion of simple people that they may be allured to the worship of those Saints whose images they be There was some wonder toward as oft as the image began to speake Martialis The Deuill did often speake in the images of the Ethnicks but a Priest in the images of the Papist that hee may seeme to take the Deuils turne in deluding of men I retort therefore this argument Whatsoeuer Church doth make images to speake in the opinion of men is Antichristian But the popish Church doth make images to speake in the opinion of men Therefore the popish Church is Antichristian 6. Now I come to Bellarmines latter syllogisme if first I shall explaine the sixt action of the Beast Shee worketh great signes so that she maketh fire to descend from heauen in the sight of men The Beast that is Antichrist doth worke great miracles v 13. which blessed Paul calls lying signes and wonders 1. in respect of the end because they serue to seduce men Ioh 14. 2. in respect of the matter for they be either the counterfeytings of lying men or the wonders of deceitfull spirits as Augustine speaketh 3. In respect of the forme for whereas true miracles doe exceede nature and are wrought by the omnipotent power of God false wonders are they which are partly effected by naturall causes partly by the power of Sathan Bellarmine doth well agree with vs in all False miracles The miracles of the first and second kinde haue been infinite in the darke kingdome of Antichrist the apparition of Spirits the visions of Angells our Ladie how often hath shee come gliding out of heauen how often haue the miserable soules crept puling out of Purgatorie besetting high-wayes and recounting their torments to procure men to pittie them hence the market of