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A07288 Saint Peters chaine consisting of eight golden linckes, most fit to adorne the neckes of the greatest states, nobles, and ladies in this land, as the chiefest iewell of true nobilitie: and not vnfit for the meaner sort. Digested into eight chapters, and published by R.M. minister. With a praier annexed to the end of euerie chapter. Mavericke, Radford, b. 1560 or 61. 1596 (1596) STC 17683; ESTC S112697 95,593 198

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speake yet still of naturall kindnes as wee are brothers by nature and creation Insomuch that most certainly we now liue in those last dayes and perillous times which the Apostle S. Paule foreprophesied 2. Tim. 3.1 shoulde come before the end of the world when men shoulde bee louers of their owne selues couetous boasters proude cursed speakers disobedient to parents vnthankfull vnholye without naturall affection truce breakers false accusers intemperate fierce despisers of them which are good traitours headye high minded louers of pleasures more than louers of God hauing a shew of holynesse but hauing denyed the power thereof all which thinges are most certainly fulfilled in our time But leauing to discourse farther of naturall kindnesse and of such vnkinde naturall men as this age yeeldeth I must come to the chiefest thing that ought to bee spoken of in this Chapter euen vnto christian brotherly kindnes which the Apostle Saint Peter in anie case woulde haue vs to linke vnto the sixe former vertues for Christians must not onelye shewe brotherly kindnesse one to another because wee are brothers by nature and creation but chiefelye and principally because wee are also brothers by grace of redemption by profession and religion because wee haue one God one faith one baptisme one sauiour and redeemer And is this brotherhoode neerer and dearer than the other O farre dearer by nature and creation we are brothers according to the flesh but by grace wee are knit Brothers by redemption nearer and dearer then by creation together in vnitie of spirite by nature wee inioye heere in a fraternitie the temporall thinges of this worlde and that neyther but by vsurpation or tolleration but by grace wee inioy through hope those durable riches which shall neuer fade By nature we are the sonnes of men but by grace wee are made the sonnes of God The same spirite bearing witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God If wee bee children Rom 8.16.17 wee are also heires euen the heires of God and heirs annexed with Christ if so be that wee suffer with him that wee maye also bee gloryfied wyth him By nature wee are heires heere of temporall inheritances but by grace wee are heires and coheires wyth Christ Iesus of eternall glorie in a worde by nature or rather by corruption of nature we are the children of wrath and damnation but by grace wee are restored vnto life and saluation If by nature therefore wee ought to shewe kindnesse to our brothers according vnto the flesh howe much more vnto them that are brothers both by nature profession This Argument from the lesser to the greater doeth the Apostle Saint Paule vse when hee would perswade his beloued Philemon Brothers both by nature profession Phile 16. to shewe kindnesse vnto Onesimus an old seruant of Philemons I beseech thee sayth the holy Apostle Saint Paule for my sonne Onesimus whome I haue begotten in my bondes that thou wouldest receiue him for euer not nowe as a seruant but aboue a seruant euen a brother beloued speciallie to mee howe much more to thee both in the flesh and in the Lorde Heere then was brotherly kindnesse to bee shewed both because Onesimus was once Philemons seruant and of his familye in which respect Saint Paule as the learned doo note doeth call Onesimus Philemons brother according to the fleshe as also because hee was now a brother according vnto grace Furthermore as there are degrees of brotherly kindnesse according to nature so also according to grace for though loue whereof wee must speake in the next chapter Degrees of brotherlie kindnes according to grace doeth extende it selfe farre and neere to all the children of God alike that are dispearsed thoroughout the whole worlde yet christian brotherly kindnes doth shewe it selfe by degrees which sheweth a differrence betweene loue and brotherly kindenes according to country kindered affinitie fellowship and so foorth It was godly brotherly kindnes in Moises so earnestly to pray the Lord to pardon his country people Exod. 32.31 the children of Israel though therein he had chiefely respect vnto Gods glory or els to rase his name out of the booke of life In like maner it was christian brotherly kindnes in Saint Paule to wishe himselfe Rom. 9. 3. separated from Christ for his brethren that were his kinsemen according to the flesh And the same brotherly kindnes haue all the faithfull though not in so great a measure euen vnto this daye The faithfull husband doth chiefelie desire the saluation The fruites of brotherly kindnes of his wife the wife lykewise of her husbande faithfull parents the saluation of their children children ought to beare the same affection vnto their parents so brothers and sisters so neighbours and friends so kinstolke countrey folke should beare this Christian brotherly kindnes one to the other For these vertues which wee had first giuen vnto vs by creation are not taken away by grace of redemption but rather restored Therefore Saint Paule saith Be ye affectioned Giftes of nature restored by grace of redemption to loue one the other with brotherly kindnes And the author to the Hebrues faith Let brotherly loue continue And againe forsake not the fellowship that ye haue among your selues as the manner Heb 12. 1. of some is And Saint Peter in the second Chapter of his first Epistle saith Honour 1. Pet. 2.17 all men loue brotherlie fellowship Therefore the saintes of God in the primitiue Church are commended in the third of Act. 3.42 the Actes because they did continue not onely in the Apostles doctrine but also in Christians should liue together in godly fellowship fellowship If these Christians were commended for that they continued in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship howe are many that beare the names of Christians in this age to be condemned for that they agree neyther in the Apostles doctrine neyther in brotherly kindnes and Christian felowship but deuide separate themselues one from the other How are all the nations in Christendome deuided and rent asunder the one from the other a token that the latter day draweth The bonds of Christian fellowship broken neer Are not almost al the bonds of christiā fellowship brotherly kindnesse broken Doth not one christian nation thirst for the bloude of an other Nay will all the bloude of all the true Christians in Europe quench the thirst of that blouddy beast of Rome that doth nothing els but seeke to make hauocke of the church of God and that vnder the pretence of holines and religion Surely it is most certaine that Antechrist that spirituall whore of Babilon hath not onely made drunken the most part of the Kinges and Princes of the earth with the cup of her fornication but also hath beene the very The pope the bellows of discention bellowes which out of hell mouth hath kindled the coals these many yeares of most parte of the warres
in christendome France Germany and many other countries may be produced for witnesses yea I am perswaded that the King of Spaine himselfe which at this day is content to be in this respect at the Popes command to runne to go to fight when he bids him woulde also confesse this The Spanish cleargy the drudges of popery truth if he were not affraide of his cleargy the very drudges of Popery The Turkes and Sarasens neede not trouble themselues to make warre against Christendome for wee haue them that by name and profession are Christians which doe trauel in paine as a woman ready to be deliuered till they heare or see all christendome together by the eares But let Spaine aboue all take heede lest while they prepare A good caueat for Spaine their forces to fight against christians their countrie be ouerthrowen by Turkes and Barbarians And as for that beaste of Rome and the Cittie and country thereof which a long The iudgement of the whore time haue fed and pampered such a blouddy beast and beastly whore Let her I say assuredly knowe that her sinnes are come Reuel 18.5 vp into heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities and will rewarde her as shee hath rewarded other and giue her double according to her workes and in the cuppe which she hath filled to other shall bee filled to her the double In as much as she hath glorified her self liued in pleasure so much shal she haue torment and sorrowe for she saith in her harte I sit as a Queene and am no widdow and shall see no mourning Therefore shall her plagues come at one day death and sorrow Ver. 8. When God iudgeth there is no end of torment and famine and she shal be burnt with fire for strong is the Lorde God that will condemne her Yea God doth dayly destroy her with the breath of his mouth but shal vtterly abolish her at the brightnes of his comming which 2. Thess 2 8 shal be at the day of iudgement And that this day is at hande this is not one of the least signes that nation shal rise against nation kingdome against kingdom as now is to be seene in christendome that Tokens that the day of iudgement is at hand brotherly loue kindnes among christian nations is waxen colde iniquitie abounding euen as our sauiour foretolde shoulde come to passe before the end of the world Therefore let all the wicked ones of the Mat. 24.7.12 world specially they that haue receiued the marke of the beaste in their right Reue. 13.16 hand or in their foreheade howle crie and weepe for the iudgement of the great day is comming But O heauen reioyce of this 18.20 and ye holy Apostles and prophets martirs for God hath giuen you iudgement vpon The godly reioyce for the iudgement of the whore Luk. 21.28 the beast and let all the godly and faithfull people in the worlde bee glad and lift vp their heades with ioy because their redemption draweth neare Thus haue wee seene howe the bondes of brotherly loue and kindnes are broken and rent asunder throughout all the landes of christendom And I would to God ther were no breach of this brotherly loue and kindenes among those christians which liue together in one land vnder one christian Prince hauing all one God one faith one baptisme one true religion that we would walke worthy Contentions among Christians lamentable Ephes 4. 1 2 3 4 5.6 of the vocation whereunto wee are called in all humblenes of mind and meeknes with long suffering supporting one the other through loue endeuouring to keep the vnity of the spirite in the bonde of peace euen as we are called in one hope of our calling and that wee woulde all speake one thing that there were no dissentions among vs but 1 Cor. 1.10 that wee woulde bee knit together in one mind and in one iudgement So should God be glorified so should all our Princes good and godly lawes be obeyed The fruit of Christian concord so should the mouthes of our aduersaries bee stopped so shoulde vertue florish and righteousnes should looke downe from heauen vpon vs so should Sion reioyce and Israel would be glad to see brotherly kindnes maintayned among vs. God is not the authour Galat. 6 16 of confusion but of peace and as many as follow this rule the God of loue and peace bee with them Amen A Prayer for brotherly kindnes O Most wise and mightie creator Lord of heauen and earth who by thine infinite wisedome hast knit mankind together in a most wonderfull order to this end that wee shoulde shew all frendlines and brotherly kindnes one to the other and as in all other liuing creatures of this worlde so specially in man thou didst at the beginning infuse into his breaste this secreat force of nature that we should like and liue together in godly fellowship societie among our selues but so it hath fallen out by reason of sinne the malice of Sathan that as in all other good things so especially in this we do degenerate and grow out of kind one man careth not for another but eueryman for himselfe selfeloue is strong and headdy but brotherly kindnesse weake decayed Therefore good Lord I beseech thee renew agayne in me and in all people by the benefite of grace that which we haue lost by sinne and corruption that as we are all brothers by creation so all nations if it be thy will may shew natural kindnes one to the other but specially graunt grace O Lord to me al Christians that as we are nowe knit together againe by a more neerer bond of religion christianitie so we may shew our selues in all dutifull kindnes to be the children of one God members of one bodie heyres and coheyres with Christ Iesus of eternall saluation purchased vnto vs by his death and passion to whom with God the Father God the holy Ghost bee all praise and glory for euer Amen Of Loue or Cheritie Chap. 8. IT is the manner of cunning and curious golde-sinithes that worke onely vpon fine and pure gold euermore to put vnto their worke some priuie signe or marke whereby they will know their owne doinges from others that vse not so fine gold as they doe The very same thing in a sorte our skilfull and perfect workeman Sainte Peter seemeth to doe in this excellent peece of worke now in hand he hath beaten out all his linckes of the purest and finest golde hee hath so curiously lincked one lincke in the other riuited the same fast with the hammer of Gods worde that it cannot bee perceiued where the soldering is Now being about Saint Peters chaine made all of pure gold to finish his chaine he addeth this last linck of loue vnto it which serueth him as a priuie signe or marke to know this chaine made all of purified gold from all