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A07026 The bee hiue of the Romishe Church a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe. Translated out of Dutch into English, by George Gylpen the elder.; Byencorf der H. roomsche Kercke. English Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598.; Stell, John, fl. 1580.; Gilpin, George, 1514?-1602. 1579 (1579) STC 17445; ESTC S119818 327,751 730

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no maruell that she hath of her selfe set vp so many newe ceremonies and sacrifices and brought in so many Patrones Baalims builded altars and erected chappels in all high places and wayes and that she doth daily kill the Prophetes and doeth crucifie Christ again in his members For seeing the Iewes haue done so she is much more bounde to do it And vpon this point is the before alledged text verie plaine and cleare saying thus Hereby it doeth appeare that men may alledge and bring in good arguments and instructions vpon the examples of the Infidels Which doth serue our purpose verie well to the setting forth of this our purpose considering that hereby is apparaunt that matter which we haue in hand to wit that our mother the holy Church is not subiect to anie Bible or woorde of God and muche lesse to anie Councels or Popes decrees but may dongue her grounde with all kinde of dyrte and may make her Bee hiue fatte The ix Chapter VVherein is declared that the holie Church of Rome hath gathered manie things of the doctrine examples of the Heathen which she hath conuerted and turned to her owne commoditie and profite YEa here it is plainlie to be seene that she doth not helpe her selfe with the Iewes onely but likewise with all sorts of false doctrine religion and examples So that it is euident that she hath followed the steppes and Religion of the godlesse Infidels as well Romanes as other wheresoeuer the same might serue her turne For out of the rounde Temple at Rome which is called La Rotunda which was in those dayes by the Heathen dedicated to all the Gods and to that ende was named by a Greeke worde Pantheon thereof hath she made following the saide Heathen a Temple for our Ladie and all the Saints But is were mere foolish to stand vpon one example thereby to proue a matter whereof all the bookes and the whole Theologie of the Catholike men is full euen to the toppe For the verie foundation it self of their doctrine diuinitie is much more deepely grounded and built vpon the doctrine of Aristotle than vpon any either Prophete or Apostle by this same token that at this present a Doctours hoode or the Caputium of a Theologian or Diuine at Louen is called Aristotles breeche or Codpeece Yea and moreouer the most part of all our Scotistes Thomistes Albertistes Occamistes Realistes Nominalistes and other Doctours are sprong vp of Aristotle of Plato of Porphyrius Auerroes Abeupace and such other like Saintes euen as out of their head spring and principall well In so much also that the Doctours and Theologians of Colen haue very wittily conclud●d That Aristotle hath bene Praecursor Dei in naturalibus sicut Iohānes Baptista in diuinis that is to saye Aristotle was the forerunner of God in al things naturall as Iohn Baptist was in thinges diuine and supernaturall And for this cause amongst other hath the holy Church condemned Martin Luther for that the doctrine of Aristotle which is the verie mother of the diuinitie of the Louanistes Sorbonistes and Colenars was by him reiected and nothing set by After this doth the worthie Bishop Durādus testifie That the holy church did learne of Nabuchodonozor to halowe their churches and altars euen like as he caused his golden image to be halowed and consecrated which he would haue all people and nations to pray vnto So that it ought not to seeme straunge to anie man that the Church according to his example doeth likewise cause Heretikes to be burnt which will not praye to her images considering that he caused the three yong men of the Hebrewes Sidrach Misach and Abednago to be throwen into the hoate burning ouen because they denied to praye vnto his consecrated golden image But what neede I to trouble my self much with these matters The children in the streetes doe knowe well inough that a great many of the ceremonies of the holy Church of Rome are gathered out of the ordinances and religion of Numa Pompilius king of Rome For the decrees and the booke of Sentences do very cunningly set forth that from thence they proceede and that in these dayes men call the Pope in Latin Pontifex because Numa Pompilius caused his high Priestes so to be named From thence likewise the generation of Priestes hath issue For like as Numa Pompilius had his Flamines Arches●amines and Protos●amines appointed euen so nowe hath the holy church her Sacerdotes that is her Priests her Archipresbyteros that is her high Priests and her Protonotaries as by plaine wordes is to be seene in the booke of decrees So that Eberardus Bishop of Saltzburgh about 200. yeres ago at a general assemblie called a Rii●x day did verie wel rightly in naming the Priestes of Rome Flamines Babyloniae that is to say Babylonish Priestes And hath not our beare mother the holy Church ordeined the bonefire of Peter ad Vincula in place of a holy day whereon at the same time the Heathen did make bonefires to the honour of the Emperour Augustus And likewise the other saint Peters day which is commonly calles Saint Peters Seate is not that come in place of another bonefire daye which the Heathen did obserue at the same time And Cādlemasse ▪ I pray you what is that els but a kind of Candlemasse which the Heathen did vse whereon they euen at the same time of the yeare vsed fire with burning of torches and candels in the worship of Ceres Proserpina and Flora And of whome haue they learned I pray you that euerie man must serue God according to the vsage of his owne countrie as his fathers haue done before him but only of Pythagoras and of Plato A thing directly contrarie to the cōmandement of God who saith by the mouth of his Prophete Ezechiel You shall not liue after the commandements of your fathers neither obserue their statutes neither pollute your selues with their idols for I am the Lorde your god You shall liue after my commandements and you shall obserue my statutes and followe them Where haue they fished out the Legende of Saint Margarete but only out of the fable of Andromeda or Hesiona the daughter of Laomedon And what is their S. George but a dumbe or mumming Perseus or an Hercules on horseback And her Chrystopher is a newe Polyphemus or Nessus And her seuen Sleepers are not they of the kinred of Endymion After al this what doth this meane that they haue so specially cōmanded That all their altars shoulde bee set toward the East but that they will directly herein followe the example of the Heathen who in honour of the Sunne whom they named Apollo did in all their prayers and offrings turne them selues towarde● the East Considering especially that God had for the same cause forbidden the Iewes to be like vnto the Heathen in that point as to turne their faces towards
perfection of Saint Fraunces Saint Dominicke Saint Barnarde Saint William and many more of the same stampe which sort men knewe not to speake in the Apostles time when men were satisfyed with the pure and vnmingled milke of God his woorde like newe borne children as Peter doth beare witnes yea for these riche treasures were not reuealed to Iesus Christ him selfe who taught nothing but that whiche hee had receyued out of the bosome of his father and the same did hee deliuer fully and wholie ouer to his Apostles But of this coulde hee saye nothing for this was too daintie a dishe for his mouth and therefore must bee kept for the last course agaynst the time that the holy fathers of full perfection and Gods deare friendes Saint Fraunces Saint Dominicke Saint Barnarde and Saint Alane who had sucked our blessed Ladies brests as well as Christ him selfe and walked about the towne with her as the bridegrome with his bride shoulde appeare For what needes muche rehearsall of so manie euident visions which happened to that holie woman Briget Or of the notable miracle of the wilde Marie Aegyptian who ranne through woodde and wildernesse ouer hilles and dales starke naked like a wilde beast Or of the goodlie and pleasaunt orders of Saint Clara the which our deare mother the holy Church hath receyued for verie precious Canticles with great triumph Well goe to nowe reade the whole Bible ouer and ouer and I will bee bounde to giue the Theologians or diuines of Louen a pottle of wine to make mery withal if thei cā find out there that either Christ or his Apostles did euer knowe that who soeuer doeth die in a Gray friers cote shall neyther come in Purgatorie nor in Hell. And yet notwithstanding not onely Radulphus Agricola Albertus Pius the Prince of Carpi and Pope Martinus woulde die in such an habite and be buried in it but likewise many other Kings Dukes Earles and Barons as in the booke of the conformities of Saint Francis is specified and with the Popes Bulles established Conformita 83. Or likewise what knewe they that hee that shoulde die in a white Friers Scapularie shoulde be saued like as our blessed Ladie did declare to Simon Stocke In hoc moriens saluabitur That is to say Who dies herein shall be saued Like as in euery place in their Churches is painted forth Or what knewe they that Alanus shoulde make the Rosarie of our Ladie which must be esteemed as the Gospell like as the good Catholike men Tarthemius and Leander haue written witnessed Well nowe do we not plainly see that the holy Church of Rome hath but a while agoe founde out maruellous holinesse of this newe Religion of the Iesuites neuer heard of before who haue found out a way of ful perfectiō which neither prophet nor Apostle could neuer spie out before For this was founde out first in the yeere of our Lord 1537. by a Spaniard borne in Biskay named Don Egnatio Leguiola who with twelue companions whom he named to be his Apostles went vp to Rome and from thence to Venice pretēding to go on fourth to Heirusalem but finding at Venice no shipping readie he returned backe againe to the holy citie of Rome where as this costly treasure was then marueilously published and set abroade Notwithstanding that a litle while before to wit in the yeere 1523. one Iohn Peter Guarraffa then Bisshop of Quietta had found out the stampe or paterne of the same who afterwardes comming to be Pope him self did set forth and by his Bulles established this order of Guiettens for the most pure order In so much that all those which followe this order do farre passe all Angels in holinesse I let alone Angels for they do farre exceede Saint Frances to whom the Angels are nothing to bee compared as by the holy Church is iudged and determined according to the setting foorth of his Vineyard and golden Legende And for that he did liue a much more perfit life than Christ him selfe as the Decretalles do specifie And yet are there but three vowes to make in the order of S. Frauncis to witte Obedience Pouertie and Chastitie But in this newe order of Iesuiten or Guietinē ouer and besides these three vowes before named they professe yet a fourth vowe to the ende to giue a pushe farre beyonde all other Religions which is That they are bounde and shall at all times be readie to runne and trudge from one countrie into an other like poore pedlers and rogues to what part soeuer it shall please the holy father the Pope of Rome to sende them yea although it were euen to the worldes ende like as men may see and knowe that they are alreadie runne to the Indians and Pir●ue therewith to merit heauen Yet besides this the holy Church hath of late founde out another newe perfite order whereof neither Christe nor his Apostles did euer once dreame it is named Pauline or Gastaline which was firste founde out about the yeere of our Lorde 1537. by a certeine Countesse of Mantua in Italie called Ghastalia by the good coūsell and instructiō of that holy Monke brother Baptiste of Cremona the Preacher of his order Which religion doth conteine a newe way and meane whereby a man may mortifie him selfe and his fleshly lustes and thus it went to worke There was an olde wife called Iulia which would take the yong men and maydes and after that they had bene by making proofe and skirmishing a while well trained vppe laye them then together in a bed And for that they should not one byte another nor kicke backewardes with their heeles shee did laye a Crucifixe betweene them to keepe them asunder and there must they set foote to foote and striue so long till they had wholy mortified their fleshe And heare nowe what a miracle chaunced It happened so that there was an other old wife at Venice which had a great mind to preasse and traine vp yong men to this kinde of warre who wrought a trim feate whereby shee did greatly strenghthen this perfect Angelical holines For shee caused two great bookes to be made both of equall bignes like fashion wherof the one was a Bible and the other was hollowe within as a litle chist made in all points like a book with claspes al which she filled with flat bottles ful of Malmesie and with good fine Marchpanes which she her selfe made of the brawne of Capons and Partridges with Sugar and Almondes like a lickerous Ladie and then gather into a prettie Cell with these two bookes and there sat prounking and tarying alone in her deuout contemplations sometime fiue or six dayes together praying for her Champions and reading full deuoutly till the bible was quite emptie not eating or drinking anie thing else all that while Was not that well fasted And was not such a wonderfull miracle sufficient to establishe the
strength and worthinesse of this new religion of Champions Trueth it is that she was at the last when the matter was knowen banished out of Venice but that was not done for her holinesse but specially because there were a great manie of amorous letters founde about her which were of great importance For else alas what could haue bene said to her heauie and pitiful penance whereof the like is daily done You maye see them sometimes in Italie go alongst the streetes with a great rope about their neckes as if they were dropped downe frō the gallowes and sometimes they weare a sawsige or a swines pudding in place of a siluer or golden chayne Is not that sufficient to deserue heauen by But if I should go about to expresse euerie particular religion alone which our mother the holye Church hath founde out beside the Scriptures I should haue work for this seuen yeres Wherefore it is not needefull For all good Catholike men do knowe well ynough that our holye fathers the Popes haue sufficient authoritie to bring in and establish newe religions and rules of perfection as manie as it shall please them although it be plaine that the whole Scriptures neuer make mention of anie such as it is most euident by so many diuers orders and religions which haue bene by their holinesse set vp brought in established As there are the orders of the Basilians Augustinians Benedictines Dominicanes or Iacobines Carthusians Carmelites or Ladie brothers Seruitours or Seruants Graie Friers Obseruantes Conuentuales Penitentiaries Minimers Capucines Mendicantes Cluinares Camaldulenses Valembrosences Cisterienses Barnardines Coelestines Gibertenenses Milicenses Castellenses Burfaldenses Mountoliuetes Castinenses Arme●tes Regulars Premōstratenses Whilliamites Lateranes Georgians Iohannians Trinitaries Indians Ambrosiās Magdalines or Lazarines red Augustins Helenians Sophians Visitensers Wincesbaterers Gregorians Constantinopolitanes Columbins Crossed brethrē Starred brethrē Fratres Clauorū Blackfriers Smocked friers Btethrē of the holy Sepulchre Brethren of the vale of Iosaphat Brethrē of S. Ioseph of S. Rusius seuen thousande like Of which number the most part haue their mates and companions in the women Cloisters of which some be Bagghines other close Nonnes other called Sisters the fourth are called Chanonesses who haue likewise their Patronesses as S. Clare S. Bridgit S. Lucia S. Agnes S. Marie Magdalene S. Valdrud c. All which haue bene receiued established by our holy fathers the Popes for good and holy Ouer and aboue these they haue ordeined many sundrie Heremitages orders of Heremits as of S. Anthonie of S. Hilarie of S. Makarius S. Theon S. Frontinian S. Horus S. Helenus S. Appellomius S. Paul the Hermit S. Martarius S. Piamōtius S. Castomianus many more of the like rabie Now are there more added to these the holy Giides or Confraternities as The fraternities of S. Roche of S. Hubright of S. Sebastian of S. Coronne which go cladde in blew of S. Anthonie in blacke of S. Martin in white of S. Dominick in black c. And to the ende that the heritage should not be without Rutters or Pensionars they haue appointed certeine newe religious orders of holy Knights likewise such as are the knights of the Rodes or of Malta Dutch Knights the Templers the Knights of S. Iames our Ladie Knights Saint Georges knights knights of Hierusalem Calitrauenses Montenienses Gartarienses c. But truly I had need of vi hūdred tongues two hūdred pennes a mouth of steele with an iron voice if I should declare all the diuersities of orders religions which our holy fathers the Popes haue set vp not only without but directly against the holy Scripture and yet without naming of the Popes themselues or their Cardinals Prelats Archbishops Bishops Metropolitanes Suffraganes Archdeacons Deacons and such like strange beastes whereof neither Prophet nor Apostle euer heard Nay I dare saye that if the Apostles had but once seene or hearde the hundred part of these new religious orders and professions named they would haue bene afraide of them For seeing that S. Paule could not suffer that amongst the Congregation of the Corinthians some should call them selues the Disciples of Peter other of Paule the thirde of Apollo howe would he then haue bene afraide and out of quiet when he should haue seene or hearde of such an innumerable companie of newe and diuers names professions religions Gods seruices and rules of perfection whereof some were clad and apparelled in blacke some in white some in gray some in green some in blewe some in red some in furres and in all maner of diuers colours and euerie one of them did esteeme his owne order and rules for the best and most worthie to be regarded He would surely haue thought him selfe to haue bene come into a newe world Therefore it is a great follie that men will founde them selues onely vpon that which the Apostles haue taught or written considering that the world is now chaunged and that the holy Church hath found out and established newe religions newe commandements and newe articles of our faith whereof the Apostles neuer knewe For otherwise beleeue me if nothing els were estemed but the bare Scriptures and writings of the Prophets and Apostles then should all the Decrees Decretalles all good holy Ordinances of the Church of Rome all the goodly Councelles which haue bene kept and holden by the order and commandement of the Popes yea all the before specified orders and religion of Friers Nōnes the Heremites Gildes and Knighthoods be vtterly ouerthrowen yea all their merites and supererogations would not be worth an Oaten cake if men should begin to esteeme and accept the holy Scripture alone for a true and sufficient rule and direction and then should Luther haue done well when he caused the decrees and de●retals to be burnt O no truely We must aboue all mainteine those in reputation yea euen in greater estimation than the woorde of God it selfe for who soeuer doth sinne against the word of God his sinnes maye be forgiuen him but he that doth sinne against the Decrees of the Pope doeth sinne against the holy Ghost and therefore his offence shall neuer be forgiuen him Therefore it is vndoubtedly a great ouersight of them that would compasse and pale in the holy Church with the bounds of the holy Scripture seeing she may steppe or leape ouer it with a staffe or without anie feare and as often as euer she wil. Yet it is true that sometimes shee doeth helpe her self with the scripture for if there were no scripture howe should one knowe whether there must be a Church or no or wherby should a mā discerne the true church of God from the church of Antichrist Yet doth she alway rule the Scripture makes therevpon such a glosse as best serueth her turne yea that is more she is the very occasion that any beleefe or credit is giuen to the scripture as is pleasantly set foorth by the holy and
Colledge of Cardinals Monasteries of Monkes Fraternities of Friers Nestes of Nonnes and the rest of the Pharisaical Frie as whole handfuls of Helleborus or pounds of Colloquintida can neuer auoide wote you what that will pull downe their mother the holie Churche vppon her knees with thought and sorowe Well I leaue the benefite of this booke to thy diligence in reading And thus farewell Thine in Christ Iohn Stell This is a cleare and perfect interpretation of the Epistle of Maister Gentian Haruet nowe latelie set foorth in French and in Dutch and directed to those that are fallen from the true Christian beliefe WHerein the full foundation and profounde establishing of the holie Romishe beliefe is declared all newe heresies confounded the might authoritie and worthines of the Church of Rome expounded and by Scriptures confirmed all dissentious articles put to silence and a plaine demonstration where the right Church is to bee founde In summe all the articles of the holie Catholike Romishe beliefe are here drawne out of all sortes of flowres in the holie Scripture olde Fathers Councelles Decrees and Canons gathered together and as in a sweete Bee hiue brought all in one and in the last is set forth the manners conditions nature and essence of Bees the honie and honie-combe of this Bee hiue collected out of the best olde writers as well Grecians as Latinistes Made and brought togither by Isaac Rabbotenu of Louen Licentiate in the Popishe lawes To the right worshipful holie profounde and learned Doctor and Magister noster Maister Franciscus Sonnius nowe most woorthie Bishop of Shertoghenbosch health and blessing from God and the Pope our most holie father RIght worshipfull louing and holie father and bishop when I do well consider thinke vppon the noble commendable woorthie deedes which your honor with the good helpe of the moste famous and deuoute Cardinall Grandvelle and other good subiectes of the most holie Apostolicall Catholike Popish church of Rome haue within these niene or ten yeares taken in hande and almost brought to passe touching our ancient and wellnigh ouerthrowen Romish Religion to proppe and vnderset the same with newe pillars strong styles ▪ binding it with well twisted ropes and cordes of the Spanish Inquisition I must needes and of right in the name behalfe of all my countriemen and inhabitants of the base countries of Germanie geue you worthie thankes for the great alterations and changes whiche within these fewe yeares haue happened and chaunced to the proofe within the said lowe countries For had not your Honor about the yeare 1558. in the time of the most holie Pope Iulie the fourth stoutlie and diligentlie trauelled and obteined that these our base coūtries might be prouided for with newe Bishops to serue for Inquisitours and accusers of heretikes and Huguenotes Surelie the case was such that the Popes holines with all his boothes and shoppes must out of hande haue bene trudging out of these countries and all by reason of this newe Gospell which men woulde needes set forth whereof your Bishops Myter crosier staffe and your laudable Inquisition haue not read much considering that your Honor can content your self with your Portesse a canne of good rennish wine whereof if it had so come to passe a most pitifull case must needes haue followed As especiallie that a man shoulde scarse afterwardes haue founde anie one that would haue saide Masse for monie yea the Priestes themselues began to be so ashamed of their shauen crownes that in some places they woulde haue beene glad to couer them with cowe doung as in an olde prophesie is declared The Bishops the Prelates the holie Monkes and Chanons the Inquisitoures and all idle officers of the spirituall courtes shoulde not haue had anie more worke I omit howe that the famous doctoures of Louen the Licentiates and Bachelers of Diuinitie shoulde drinke no more Vinum Theologicum or Vinum Cos that is to say of the persons fatte but must haue taken patience with small ale and single beare whereof they might soo●e haue gotten the Collica passio And where I pray you shoulde the foure holie begging orders haue become And especially the deuout Franciscanes should they not all in generall haue gone and hanged their cowles vpon the hedge And then what should haue become of all the godlie ornamentes of the Churche as braue altars gylte christes holie reliques braue images Copes of gold siluer and silke and other moe suche like iewels wherewith all the Churches and holie Saints as well Feminine as Masculine are decked vp and trimmed which all the Byshops haue promised by solemne othe to mainteine and defend to the vttermost of their powers But what is all this to the purpose The Masse the Masse I saie yea the holie blessed masse laie so extreemely sicke that men began alreadie to sing a Requiem ouer her the holie Saintes did not get anie more liberall offrings more sensinges nor more pilgrimages Yea the people began alreadie to pul downe images from the alters No man would geue any thing for pardons nor for the Popes bulles Yea the hole staple of pardons especially purgatorie beganne to waxe coulde The Pope himselfe was esteemed for an howlieglasse The Decrees and Decretals the Sophisticall gloses the sentences the Quotlibets and suche like toyes of the schollers and doctours of Louen were cast behinde the benche Satisfaction and ful recompence were no more made anie accounte of Auriculer confession was almost murdered Shroue tuesday and Iacke a lent had almost broken their neckes all the holie and goodlie Processions with the stately stations Perambulations going about the streetes were esteemed for boyes plaie the holie Sacrament was no more deuoutlie caried vp and downe with fiffes and drummes In conclusion all the holinesse of the Catholike Church of Rome beganne to fall in the ashes and in place thereof you should heare nothing else neither in the townes nor without yea nothing was read but the Byble or Saint Paule The people would pray to none other but to GOD alone neither woulde haue anie other mediatour but Christe Iesus no● put their trust and confidence in anie other thinges but in his merites No reioycinges but in his Crosse death and passion They did onely esteeme for Sacramentes Baptisme the Lords Supper yea and did vse the same very simply without anie stately station or ceremoniall brauerie without coniuringes of the diuell without spittle without salt without greasinges also without albes surpleses or coapes without singing of Per omnia saecula saeculorum or Dominus vobiscum They would go no more to shrifte vnde● their ghostlie Father but to God aboue or else before the whole congregation They did not passe anie more for absolution they woulde not praie anie more for the sillie soules whiche lie in Purgatorie but euerie one would groūd his praier vpon the holie scripture They woulde acknowledge but one supreme heade of the Churche namely Iesus Christe the
Romish schole and take vpon them to face vs out with their Paul with their Esaie their Ieremie What a mischiefe Do they not know that those fellowes whome they alledge and bring vs forth were likewise esteemed for Heretikes as well as they are themselues Yea ▪ in so much that one of them was hanged another was burnt the third clouen thorough the middest with a saw the fourth set vpon a wheele c. And therefore are we no more moued for them than for a bladder full of beanes For the holy Church of Rome would neuer accept their doctrine but vpon this bargaine and condition to wit that shee might alway applie the same as she should thinke good and as might best come to passe for her selfe and that no reuoking nor reuolting nor appellatiō should be made against her doings no nor that the name of Iesus Christ should in that case serue like as shall by vs shortly in the part next folowing be declared at large For this verely is most true that if our blessed Lorde him selfe would haue followed the exposition and cōmentarie which the Priestes Phariseis Doctours had at that time made vpon the holy Scriptures in the name of the holye Church he had neuer bene crucified or hanged vpon the crosse But because that hee would full wisely go and bring in newe matters and so set vp a newe reformation according to the text and doctrine of the Gospell like as these Heretikes go about nowe to do therfore did they deale so hardly with him Notwithstanding that nowe since the holy Church of Rome hath so finely handled and set forth this newe religion of Christ and brought it vnto such a trim frame that nowe it is very gladly receyued of euery one in a maner yea and if it were so that these Huguenotes would accept the same setting it forth likewise surely men would no more be so readie to bring them to a stake as heretofore they haue done yea and pretend hereafter to do But nowe to come to our matter againe it is necessarie that we well consider and substantially declare wherein the worthines and authoritie of the holy Church doth specially consist what commandements traditions and ordinances of the same men must receyue and accept without all contradiction or gainsaying And this for so much as our Doctors of Louen are troubled with so manye other profounde and deepe questions that they haue not the leasure to set out this point effectually is notwithstanding the right ground and foūdation of all their building yea and is most needefull to our saluation and to the extirpation and rooting out of all heresies For it may be demanded Whether men shall holde for commandementes and traditions of the Church only alone that which is plainely set forth in the scriptures of the olde and newe Testamentes Or els that which the olde holy Fathers Doctours as Augustine Chrysostome Hierome and such like haue left behinde them in their bookes and writings or a great deale rather that which hath ben concluded in the holy Councels either els that which the holy Popes of Rome haue ordeined and enioyned or last of all that which is scraped together out of the one and the other all layd in one Pastie and baked in one Cake and which is nowe in our dayes obserued in the holy Catholike Church of Rome The 2. Chapter VVhereby is declared that the Church vvith her povver and authoritie can not be inclosed vvith in the pales of the holy Scripture but that the Church may adde to the Scripture or take from it vvhat she thinkes good and therevpon are many examples and profoūd reasons alledged VPon this demande profound proposition very much might be saide but we will make short of the matter And to begin withal we conclude with our Master Gentianus and with the holy Coūcell of Trent That all they which woulde inclose the power and the authoritie of the Church within the limites bounds of the holy Scripture as though the holy Catholike church of Rome could reade no further than is spelled before to her in the Bible are euill and naughty heretikes yea they are euen of those Apostataes or backsliders to whom our Master Gentianus hath written this his Epistle For as touching that for the defence of their opinions they bring forth howe it is written That none shall either put to it or take from it one iote that is simply spoken to the Iewes Rabbines onely so that they should not take any such thing vpon them as to change any words of the texte and to correct Magnificat like as they haue presumed to do as mē may see clearly without a candle by the honourable Bishop Guilielmus Blindasinus in his booke intituled De optimo genere interpretandi w●●ch is to say Of the best and surest maner of expounding or interpreting For therein he doeth shew very plainly that al Hebrew textes of the Bible are falsified and embaced by the Iewes yea and the like is done to all the textes in Greeke of the new Testament by some Heretikes enemies of the trueth So that neither Christ nor his Apostles nor anie of the olde Doctours should haue had the right Bible but onelie our most holy Catholike Church of Rome which only was borne vnder the right Planet and shee alone hath shot downe the Popingaie Therefore must the texte before specified be vnderstoode and meant of the Iewes alone and of such like Heretikes which haue so falsified the textes of the Bible But you may not gather by this that the holy Church of Rome is not licenced to ad vnto the Scripture whatsoeuer shee doeth marke to be yet lacking and to innouate change and remoue al that tendeth not perfectly to her purpose For you see daily that she doeth freely take vpon her so to do and furthermore she doth punish for ranke Heretikes all such as will not allowe and accept her adding and changing for the perfite worde of God. Men do knowe very well that shee hath finely conueyed out of the Register of the ten commandements the seconde commandement which was That no Images should be made nor fashioned because shee did perceiue the Heretiks would alledge the same to the hinderance both of he she Saintes which stand vpon the altars in the Church Furthermore because men shuld not lacke the number of ten shee hath taken the last commandement speaking of desire and diuided the same in two so made the tailes agree iust And likewise notwithstanding that our Lord Iesus Christ had openly cōmanded That the Communion should bee ministred as wel with wine as with bread yet the holy Catholike Church of Rome considering the great daunger which was therein for that the wine might be spilt or being in the winter freeze or be turned into sowre vineger if it should be long kept in a Pixe or litle Sacrament Boxe And especiallye considering that when
necessitie must followe that the Church hath a full and resolute power ouer the expresse worde of God aboue the cōmandement ordenāce of Iesus Christ and aboue all the scriptures of the Prophets Apostles But what neede is it I pray you to bring so many and diuerse ensamples one by one for the deference of this matter Sithence we see euidently that shee in all her deuotions Gods seruices and ceremonies doth alter the expresse wordes of the Scripture yea doeth openly and wilfully ouertread it euen as though it were done in spite and anger of the holy Scripture in the Bible For by the holy Scripture it is openly and vpon great paynes earnestly forbidden That in the seruing of God first no commandements traditions nor deuises of men shall bee vsed nor take anie place but to rest wholy and onely vpon the special commandements of God and to do thereafter Finally to turne neither to the right hand or to the left Secondarily not to make or haue anie Image or similitude ▪ carued or molten nor shall vse the shape or likenesse of anie such thereby to shewe or set forth the spirituall forme and incorporable maiestie of God by earthly things and dumbe and dead creatures Thirdely that no man shall vse anie witchcraft sorcerie or inchantment of anie creature to the intent to giue to the creatures that be senselesse and voyde of life anie might or worthinesse other then by nature is prescribed vnto them Which thing is likewise by all Councels and Synodes as well Iudiciall as Canonicall openly and straytelie forbidden Here agaynst notwithstanding hath it pleased our dearely beloued mother the holy Church of Rome to vse her full and inestimable authoritie and power and so without hauing anie respect at all to that which is aboue written hath to beginne withall sette vp a certaine kinde of seruing of God which is altogether contrarie to the good opinions traditions and ordinances of all men For besides that the blessed Masse is by diuerse Popes Cardinals and Bishops at sundrie times and in sundrie places raked vp in a huge heape with many peeces patches of mens deuises like to a beggers cloke sowed together besides so many traditions of idle heades which the holy Church of Rome hath receyued for a perfite seruing of God as fasting dayes yeares of grace differences and diuersities of dayes of meates of clothing consecrating of Churches of altars of candles pilgrimages Letanies Kyrieelesons Images Processions holy ashes holy Paceegges and flanes palmes and palme boughes Albes Copes Maniples Vestmēts Miters Staues fooles hoods Shelles and Belles Paxes licking of rotten bones carying of the Pixe about and praying to a lumpe of doaw fasting vpon certaine speciall dayes creeping vpon knees before a Crosse of wood buying of Bulles and pardons mumbling of Pater nosters and Aue Maries by tale vpon a paire of Beades before a dumbe image shauing of crowne and beard to giue blessing with two fingers and ten thousande more such prankes Yet aboue al this is by the holy Church as it were in spite of God and his word ordeyned That euery man being a good Catholike maye appoint and choose for himselfe a Saint and patrone erect a new image and specially build a new chappel and an altar set vp a newe and particular religion weare a peculiar or special kinde of garment assume and take a seuerall vse of meates and ceremonies finally and to conclude doe what soeuer his good meaning and intent persuadeth him vnto Secondarily it is so that our deare mother will not set vp any seruing of God but shee must of necessitie haue therevnto all sortes of ymages as well carued as painted and worship the same by kneeling and praying with burning of candles with kissing and licking with pilgrimages and other such like deuotions And in setting vp the sayde images in all high wayes in all streetes and in all corners euen as for an euident token and protestation that they neither do once thinke vpon Gods commandement set forth in the holy Scripture neither wil be subiect or bounde to the same Thirdly all her diuine seruice all her ceremonies and deuotions and all her holinesse is grounded in cōiuring of creatures and worshipping the same and in flat sorcerie and witchcraft in working whereof they speake vnto the dumbe creatures as though they had as much vnderstanding as the Priests themselues and so do abuse the blessed name of God and the textes of the holy Scripture openlye and without respect The water is by them exorcised or coniured by these wordes I coniure thee thou creature of water In the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost to the ende thou become a chosen water to take away all the power of the diuell and that thou mayest driue awaye and confounde the diuell him selfe with all his wicked Angels c. The oyle and the balme are coniured and bewitched with much mumbling blowen vpon with many breathings with three times crying All haile holy oyle three times All haile holy annoyntment and three times All haile holy baulme And then it is kept for a most holy thing in a fine vessell therefore made and so caried along the streets by the Priests with great deuotion and prayer The salt is coniured in this maner I do coniure thee thou creature of salt by the liuing God by the true God by the holy God and by the same God which commanded Helias to cast thee into the water to take away the vnwholesomnesse of the water that thou mayest become an exorcised or coniured salt to the saluation of the faythfull and to worke the preseruation both of bodie and soule to all them which shall enioy thee and that all the subtiltie wilinesse and filthie intents of the Diuell and that all wicked spirites maye flee from that place where thou art scattered and cast abrode And then is this salt mingled with the foresayde water to be the right purger and sanctifier of the people wherethrough all the power and might of the diuell is withstood our daily sinnes therewith finely cleansed Nowe besides all this shee doeth exorcise and coniure certeine hearbes vpon certeine dayes to the health both of bodie and soule and to driue away all daungerous hurt all diuelish bewitching all pestilence vnwholsomnesse and corruption of the ayre Shee doeth coniure and exorcise the candles the waxe and the tallow to the qualifying and extinguishment of thunder and lightening Also she doth exorcise and coniure beads of wood of stone of corrall and of all other stuffe whereby they receyue great power against sinne the diuell and hel And which is more shee doeth not let these thinges be thus coniured by the Pope and Priests onely but the Pope may whensoeuer it shall please him giue the like power and authoritie to whom soeuer he will be it man or woman This may well appeare and be perceyued of all men by the example of
the East But the holy Church as touching this matter was much wiser tha● God for shee w●ll hereby giue to vnderstande that Christ is risen or sprong from the highest and that af●er the doctrine of Aristotle other Philosophers the East is on the right side of heauen where as Christ at the day of iudgement will place his elect Is not this a deepe speculation Who would euer haue thought that such doltish Asses could haue founde out such a great and profound secret which God him selfe did neuer thinke on The x. Chapter VVhich concludeth that the Church of Rome hath gathered all these before named pieces together and taken out of them what shee ha●h thought good which are called Traditiones Romanae Ecclesiae that is to saye The traditions of the church of Rome and the foundation of our beleef● BVt if I should now bring in all things particularly to pro●e h●we that our deare mother hath verie finely and subtily brought in mingled the Philosophie and Poetrie of the Ethnikes with her Religion and Gods seruice I should haue worke inough for seuen yeeres Therefore this is sufficient for vs that by this it may well bee perceiued that she hath gathered her holines and ceremonies as well out of the Heathen authours as of the Iewes olde Heretikes and brewed the same all together so cunningly that it is a maruellous pleasant cup of drinke to swallow downe without anie chewing So that nowe wee may stoutly conclude vpon the former question what that is for a beast which men call Traditiones Ecclesiae The traditions of the Church of Rome Seeing we now well perceiue that her foundation ground stands not vpon the writings of the Prophetes and Apostles like as Paul would in his time haue mainteined much lesse then vpon the Councels Fathers and decrees but it is partly founded vpon the Scripture being first well glosed and sophistically handled partly out of the chiefest writings of the olde fathers partly out of the scomme of the Councels and decrees partly out of the fine flower of olde Heretikes partly out of the Caballa of the Iewes Rabbines and lastly out of the Theologie of Numa Pompilius the Philosophie of Aristotle and out of the examples of the Heathen Now all gathered together on a heape and baked in a cake are called Traditiones sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae The traditions or commandements of the holy Church of Rome Which vpon paine of damnation of the soule and the body to be burnt in fire must of necessitie be beleued of al men and holden in as great reputation as the worde of God it selfe which is written in the holie Scriptures Therefore it is that the bookes of the holy Catholike subiectes of the Church as Eckius Piggius Hosius Bunderius Asotus Ruardus Tapparde Iohannes Latomus Iohannes a Louanio Franciscus Sonnius Gulielmus Blindasinus Iodocus Rauestein a Tileto and other more are finely set forth and brauely decked with feathers of all colours after the Indian fashion and trimmed vp with all costly stuffe euen like Saint Iames wi●h his shelles and sometime they fetch a witnesse or authoritie out of the Scripture by the necke sometime out of the fathers then a Councel out of a corner a decree of some Pope or Bishop sometimes they bring out an example from the Iewes and an allegorie or some tri●le out of the Thalmoode and nowe and then a sy●logisme out of Aristotle or Porphyrius or else a verse out of Virgil or Ouid and such other like skipping and leaping like Monkies from one place to another so helpe themselues with handes and feete and with all the ●●●mes of their bodie Prouided alwayes that they hang still as fast on their principall foundation as a theefe on the gallowes to wit That the holy Church cannot erre nor by anie meanes go out of the right way For as long as they holde that end fast they can neuer loose the threede And it is but follie to talke the Heretikes must needes be taken in the trappe for if by chaunce they scape out at one hole they are by and by caught in another After this they brewe you a noble and pleasant drinke iumbling the olde fathers and the newe together the true with the false And if they can once catche an Augustine or an Ambrose by the necke then will they after that bring in a trimme toy of the fine letters of Clemens and Anacletus which a dronken Monke and vnlearned buffell did babble out somewhere on a Saint Martins euen and mingle therewithall the goodly fables of one Dionysius whom they call Areopagita which one of the seuen sleepers haue found I wote not where behinde a banke then also come they lustily foorth with a Thomas de Aquino or a Scotus ioyne with him a Bricot or a Holcot or a Peter de Broda to keepe him companie And lastly for a sawce they bring in vpon that their Legendum Aureum and then Dormi secure and so make thereof a Compost or as it is called at Louen a Brodium such as the Heretikes must needes bur●● if they taste but one spoonefull of it And this is the inuincible Panoplia or Stratagēma that is The defensible furniture fighting weapons of warre which the right honourable Bishop Guilielmus Blindasinus vseth This is the Verbum nō scriptum the vnwritten worde or veritie which all Catholike writers doe alwayes stande vpon this is Consuetudo sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae that is to say The vsage and old custome of the holy church of Rome whereon they boast themselues a great deale more than anie towne doeth of their priuiledges This is Traditiones patrum The traditions of the fathers of which the children do boldly boast and bragge In summe this is the ground and foundation of the hellish Catholike Romish beliefe wherevpon our dearely beloued mother the holy Church doth stande so fast as it will be verie harde for all the diuels of hell to blowe her off with all their bellowes The xi Chapter VVhich teacheth how that vpon this foundation Heretikes must be examined And what questions are to be proponed vnto them in the inquisition THerefore the order and maner to dispute with Heretikes nowe adayes is no more to bring in many Scriptures or Councels against them for therein woulde they be too readie and ripe reasoners but we must onely lay before them the good intents ordinances and statutes of the holie Church And it is sufficient to prooue that by any one of the argumentes before specified for whensoeuer men can alledge only one whether it be out of the Fathers Councels Decrees or out of Aristotle or Virgil then it is cocke on our side and the battell is wonne But now contrariwise whensoeuer the Heretikes goe about to ouerthrow any article of the beliefe by the holy Church brought in and established it is not therefore sufficient that they proue it to be contrarie to the
pearch to make place for this honest man After that hauing assembled and gathered together the Cardinals at Bullin by force of armes compelled therevnto to the ende they should choose a Pope according to his liking when they had nominated three or foure which did not please his mind at last he demaunded for him self Saint Peters cloake and habit francklie to bestowe it where it pleased him best But hee put it on him self and saied Egomet ipse nunc Papa sum that is to say I am nowe Pope my selfe Was not this an excellent orderlie and lawfull election of the holie Ghost After this He was conuicted and proued in the Councell of Cōstance an apparant Heretike vngodlie knaue an oppressour of the poore a persecutour of the righteous a staie to the wicked a piller to barterers of benefices a glasse of dishonestie a vessell full of all vice ▪ yea a Diuell incarnat therefore deposed from his holie Apostolical Romish Seat beeing conuict with witnesses that he had not onely vnlawfullie kept companie with his brothers sister manie holie Nonnes yong maides and married wiues but also like a Captain and worthie champiō of all Hereticks did make sale of all manner of Prebendes Benefices Churches and Bishoprikes for his most profit bestowed them on yong babes misse begotten bastardes Yea moreouer did him selfe oftentimes sell one benefice to sundrie persons at one time and made a mocke at all religions for that hee did not onelie contemne Masses Eeuensong the Seuen tides the Fasting dayes and Abstinence but had likewise solde Saint Iohns head which lay in Saint Syluesters cloister to the Florentines for fiftie thousand Duccats if so be he had not bene hindered from the same by the Citizens of Rome And had said openlie in the presence of many Prelates and other honest and credible hearers That after this life no other was to be looked for yea remained vnmoueable in the same that the soule together with the bodie did quite die and that there is no resurrection at all Aha Sirs is not this good stuffe And yet notwithstanding this holy father being accused of more than foure and fiftie such like articles which were orderlie read to his face hee answered to eche of them sighing verie heauilie Alas I haue committed yet a more haynous offence than this is namelie for that I haue descended and come down from the moūtaines of Italie and haue submitted my selfe in Germanie vnder the subiection of this Councell Nowe marke well if our holie fathers and Popes by this example are not well instructed to suffer no Councel to be holden out of Italie in a coūtrie where they haue neither power nor iurisdictiō In cōclusion this holy father was deposed from his Popedome notwithstanding he was him self exceeding holy considering he had canonized Saints had entred S. Brigit in the register of saints And he was the same which sōg the high Masse on Christmasse day in the councel of Constance where the Emperour Sigismund in maner of his Deacon did sing the gospell Therfore it is great reason that this place be bequeathed vnto him And further seeing Leo the 7. did freshlie followe him in his holy Romish beleefe he shal also furnish the place following with his armes i● this quarter For besides his great gluttonie incōtinēcie for the which he is set forth for a horrel in histories also besides that he deposed the Duke of Vrbin from his Dukedome ioyned the same to the Sea of Rome that he likewise did bereaue the Duke of Ferrara of two townes Mantua Regiū Lepidi and besides the bloudie warres which he kindled mainteined betwixt the Emperour Charles 5. Francis king of France ▪ yet hath he to an euerlasting memorie left this brag of him self namely That he esteemed no more of the life to com thē the foresaid Iohn whatsouer is written of Christ in the gospel he accounted for iestes fables In consideration whereof when Peter Bembus a learned man which afterward likewise became a Cardinall did alledge vnto him a certein and true place and reason ●ut of the Gospell he answered laughing I pray you what come you nowe forth with your fables of Christ Insomuch as he in deede hath earned an honest roome amongst this sacred companie At last we wil conclude these eight first quarters with Clement the 7. who hath also bin a holie father of the Spiritualtie most famous and renoumed by reason of his diuelishnes poysoning treason and coniuring For he dispatcht manie Cardinals with the Italian tricke to the end he might possesse their goods and so gather money wherewithall hee might buie the Popelie seate which was resigned vnto him for thirtie thousand Duc●ates Yet especiallie it is reported of him that hee lying on his death bed said That nowe at last he shuld be resolued of that great doubt whether soules were mortall or not So as it may ea●●lie bee coniectured hereby what opinion hee helde t●uching Christian beleefe the whole Scripture of his owne religion which he manifested directlie yet an other way For beeing destitute of money he set certein Apostles of gold to pawne to get some money by that meane and after that did raise an Impost vpon the expedition of Bulles which hee named Pro redemptione Apostolorum that is to say For the redeeming of the Apostles In respect whereof wee may worthilie place him to stoppe vp the neathermost hole in the bottome of these eight first noble quarters seruing properlie for Heretikes and publike blasphemers of GOD which for armes beare in their shieldes Foxes Wilde Swine Dragons Sea horses called in Latin Hippopotami Adders Basiliskes Snakes and Spyders ▪ and in their bāners the cities whence they are descended namelie Rome Samaria Dan and Bethel ▪ And for their squiers ▪ Epicurus Lucian Arrius Sabellius Iulian the cōductours of reprobates and other such like The second eight quarters of this noble and renoumed stocke of spiritualtie depend most vpon vnchastitie whorehūters breakers of Wedlocke or adulterers and Sodomiticall knaues Of which Pope Ioan the ninth or Iuth is the right mother and most meete auncient bearer For as a litter of pigges are farrowed of a fruitfull Sowe so are the Priestes and Monkes and all the Spiritualtie sprong from her And in very deed she was inflamed with such a zealous loue towards this holie generation that she suffred her selfe be gotten with child by one of the Cardinals and was deliuered of a childe in the midst of the streate at the midway betwixt the Colosseū S. Clements chappel euen as she was deuoutlie and statelie treading in procession By the same token that yet at this day there doeth remaine an image of stone hewen out of the earth that the Popes in their processions doe neuer passe that way fearing lest the like might happen to them also Neuerthelesse for the auoiding of such a chaūce the holy Romish Church did
booke Sacri De●re in the Bull of pope Nicholas 4 beginning Exi●t qui semina● Nec his quis ● de ve●b signi● Pauline Gastaline Iulia causes the yong men maidens to lie in one bed together 〈◊〉 old wife of Venice A subtil fashion of a Bible Names of diuers orders of religion Of mens cloisters Orders cloisters of women Brotherhoods Knight brethren It is sinne against the holye Ghost to do any thing against the Popes decrees Iohannes Blindasinus Iere. 23.29 Hebr. 4.22 Iohn 5.34 Iohn 7.19 2. Pet. 2 19. Psa. 119 1●3 Esai 8.20 Ephe. 2.20 Capitulo Si Roman parag quib ad hoc dist 19. Iohn 2 27. Euangeliū aeternum at Paris This doth Mat Pa●●s write being in those dayes a writer of Histories In the foresaid ca. Si Roman dist 13. In the 3. ●●oke and 〈◊〉 beginning Fra●●●scu● sublin ●ur Confirmites of Saint Francis better than the Gospel yea S. Francis is set in Lucifers chaire aboue Angels Iodocus Rauesteyn Tiletanus in his book written against the cōfession of the preachers at Antwerpe printed in Anno. 1567 1. Pet. 1.23 This hath also amōgst other bene openly defended by Siluester Pr●erias chief●st ●ard of the popes court in his booke written against Martin Luther Augustinus in the 19. Epistle ad Ianuarium in the booke of baptisme against the Donatists in the 3. chapter it is brought in again the 95. chap. Quis nesciat distin 9. Item in the booke of the vnity of churches in the 3. chapter Item in the booke named de Genesi ad litteram lib. 2. chap. 1. Item in the booke de peccatorum meritis l●b 1. cap. 22. In the booke de natura gratia cap. 51. and in his ▪ 19. Epistle to S. Hierom. and is brought in in the cap. Ego solis dist 29. Item againste Criscouium Grammaticum lib. 2. cap 32. Item the 21. Epistle to the Bishop Fortunatus and in the 112. Epistle to Paulinus Item in the 3. booke agaynst Maximinus in the 3. chapter and in many other places mo b August vpon these wordes of Iohn whosoeuer hath the bride c Athanasius in the beginning of his booke against the infidels Origene in the 7. homilie or sermon vpon the prophet Ezechiel and in the 7. homilie vpon Esaias Hilarius vpon Matthaevv Irinaeus in his 2. booke Cap. 56. agaynst Valentinus c. and in his 72. Epistle c Tertullian in his boke de Praescriptionibus Haereticorū Cyprianus in his sermon of the baptising of Christ and in his 3. Epistle ad Ce●i●i● ▪ and is brought in in the chap. Si●olus dist 5. wherewith doeth likewise agree Cap. Si frustra cadem distinct Chrysostomus in the 4.9 Sermon vpon the 24. chapter of Matthevv Item vpon the 95. Psalme Hieronymus vpon Matth. cap. 32. and vpon Esai cap. Vino Distinct. 37. and cap. Non adferamus 24. quaest 1. Ambrosius vpon the 4. chap. of the epistle to the Corinthians The holy Church is aboue all auncient fathers Bookes of the ancient fathers falsified Cap. Si Roman dist ●● a Monarchy is to say a realme or region gouerned at the wil and discretion of one man onely b Augustine in his boke de Praedestinatione sāctorum in the booke de bona per seuerantia de natura gratia de fide operibus de perfectione iustitiae thoroughly Item in his retractations Itē vpon the 70. Psal. and vpō the 31. Psal. and in many other places mo c Ambr. vpon the epistle to the Romanes and in the booke of Isaac and the soules Chrysostome in his sermon of adding to the holy Gospell vpon the wordes of Paule to the Philippians on the first It is no matter how so that Christ bee preached And in the 4. Homilie or Sermon of Penance d Augustine in his booke of true Religion and in the Booke called Confessiones In the 10. Booke and 42. chapter Item in his 4. booke to Boniface in the 4. chapter e Agustinus in his first book of the vse and professiō of holy Church 34 Chapter and in the 44. Epistle writen to Maximinus f Augustine vpon Iohn in the 24. treatise Leo in his fiftenth Epistle to the Palestins g Epiphanius in the the thirde part of the thirde Booke of Heresies in fiftie and one Heresie This doeth Epiphanius set foorth in the Epistle written to Iohn Bishop of Hierusalem which Epistle is set forth by Saint Hierome like as appeareth in the third volume of his Bookes Theophilactus vpon the twentie and fiue Chapter of Matthew h Ambros. vpon the epistle to the Romanes the 1. chap. of the death of the Emperor Theodosius in the 3 part of his bokes August in his 49 epis to Deo gratias presb vpon the 113 Psal and whole thorough in his booke de ciuit dei Lactantius whole thorough in al his bokes and specially in the 2. chap of his 2. booke and in the 5. booke of Gods iustice in the 8 chap. Origen in his 4. booke against Celsus Athanasius in his booke against infidels Clem. in the 6. booke Stromaton and in the booke called Protrepticos Hieronymus in the explanation of the 65. chapter of the prophet Esai Chrysostome in his sermon vpon the 2. and 11. chap to the Hebr. and in his 2. sermon of Lazarus August in his 54. epist. to Maced in his 66 serm of the time and Hypog the 9. booke against Pelagius i Cyp in tract de simplicitate praelat and is rehersed cap. loquī dom 24. quaest 1. Hier. vpō the epist of Tit. 1. cap. Chrysost. hom 35. and the 20. chapter of Matthew and standes cap. vlt. dom 40. i Gregorius in the epist. ad Eulogiū Patriarch of Alexandria and in the 35. epis to Iohn Bishop of Cōstantinople and in the 6 booke of the epistle to Maurice ca. 94. Pelagi●us ca. nullus dist 99. Gregorius in the 4. booke of letters cap. 80. Col. 2. against the Bishop of Constantinople wherewith Augustine doth likewise agree in his thirde booke against Dotius in the thirde chapter saying ▪ Let no man take vpon him to be bishop of bishops Tertullian in the 4. booke agaynst Mer●io Augustinus against Amantius in his first booke 12. chapter Cyprian in his 2 epistle vnto Pope Cornelius Augustinus in the Booke sententiarum of Prosperus and is set foorth cap. dum frangitur de consecra dist 2. and in his 26. treatie vpon Iohn Hieronymus in the ▪ 3. chapter vpon Sophanius Gelasius in the cap. compe●imus de consecra dist 2. and many other mo Irinaeus in his 5. booke against heresies which is of Are●as and Andreas bishops of ●esaraea afterwards followed Tertullian in his boke against the Iewes in the 3 booke agaynst Merchio Hieronymus in his epistle to Marcellus The Holy Church aboue all Councels Generall councel neuer came to any good ende Cap signifi ffaiunt de electione electi postea In the coūcel of Lateran holden at Rome an 1519. 20. in the end of the 2. ses and 1.