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B25425 Troposchēmalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c. with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K; Tropologia. Book 4. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.; De Laune, Thomas, d. 1685. Tropologia. aut 1682 (1682) Wing K101A; ESTC R7039 690,855 608

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only a Woman and a City but a very evil Woman and a City of Confusion There is the Name of the Lamb much spoken of but his Doctrine undervalued and slighted his Laws trampled upon and violated his Example not regarded for Imitation either by the Bishop himself his Cardinals or inferior Orders having his Humility and Self-denial only in Words like those the Apostle speaketh of that in Words profess God but in Works deny him For under this verbal Humility here is the greatest Pride in the World under this verbal Meekness and Self-denial the greatest Oppression and Cruelty Covetousness and Love of the World as appears by their pompous Garbs their cruel Punishments and the vast Sums of Money brought in from all parts of their Dominion by Sleights and cunning and deceitful Cheats Besides a meer Hodg-podg of Principles one Order or Fraternity professing that which another writes against and cries down which is the more strange to come from a Church infallible Besides the strange Mixtures in their visible Worship of Traditions and human Inventions of lying and diabolical Tricks of blessing by a Cross consecrating holy Water and cleansing by it which are too numerous and tedious to relate and the less needful because every Man that hath seen their Ways hath an imperfect Book of it in his own Mind and can read the Truth of what we say within himself And let any People in the Christian World pretending to Religion be compared to them for supernumerary trifling and insignificant Ceremonies crouded into their pretended Worship nay let all the People in the Christian World be laid in the Ballance against the Church of Rome in this respect and they will be found inconceivably wanting for which we have this Reason to judg her to be Babylon and the City of Confusion If there is more Confusion in Contrariety of Principles Practices contradicting Pretensions crouding in Supernumeraries and Mysteries of Unscriptural Inventions into visible Worship in Rome Papal or the Church of Rome than is to be found amongst any or all People pretending Religion in the Christian World besides Then is Rome Papal or the Church of Rome the great Babylon or City of Confusion But there is more Confusion in the forementioned Respects to be found in Rome Papal or the Church of Rome than in any or all People pretending Religion in the Christian World besides Ergo c. IV. Babylon is not only a Woman and a City a City of Confusion but she is a Whore which is a strange Word to be applied to a great and famous People a Word that carries in it one of the highest Impeachments but no other than was given to Israel Isa 57.3 16.17 Hos 4. 5.3 Judah and Jerusalem in the Days of old upon a very good Reason for they being joined in Covenant with God to serve him in Obedience and Subjection did like to an adulterous Woman break Wedlock and set up other Lovers or Idols in his stead Ezek. 16.38 Hos 1.9 2.2 5. and continued so a long time till a Bill of Divorce was given and God proclaimed them not married to him as his Wife but a Whore and divorced yet it is observable that they used his Name tho they worshipped Idols and cried The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord are we IV. Rome Papal or Church of Rome is not only a Woman and a City a City of Confusion but according to Scripture-History and notorious Matter of Fact she is a Whore also and may be justly so called for in the Apostles Time she joined her self to the Lord by firm Ties of a Gospel-Govenant and Profession and was the renowned Spouse of the Son of God owned and profess'd him in the Time of Heathenism received the Apostles and Servants of God amongst them withstood the Fury of the Emperors suffered Persecution had their Faith spoken of throughout the whole World and yet after all this like Israel of old she left God and his holy Laws made Idols to her self of Saints Angels Reliques and Images upon which she doted and forsook the Son of God upon the working and appearance of the Man of Sin who exalted himself into the place of Christ and became her Head by which means she is so far degenerated from what she once was that she retains nothing holds fast nothing of what really appertains to true Godliness but the bare Names of God and Jesus Christ having corrupted the true Worship of the Son of God her first Husband and notoriously abandoned Obedience to him taking this vile Person to be her Head and chief Guide and setting him in the Place of and Dignity above her first Head and true Guide of her Youth and yet like Israel of old still cries The true Church the Catholick Church the mother-Mother-Church are we having on her Forehead a strange Mystery written i. e. God Christ Truth Verity Infallibility and next to this there lies nearest her Heart Devil Pope Lying Deceit Perjury Idolatry and horrible Cruelty towards the best of Men professing Christ and Religion in Uprightness and Truth For which Change of her first Head Husband and Guide of her Youth for this vile Person with which she commits most abominable Lewdness together with the Kings of the Earth she is ranked by the Angel amongst the worst of Women and stiled as her Type and Predecessor of ol● a well-favoured Harlot or of the Angel a Woman a City and notorious Whore which ill and black Characters we conclude with this Argument If there be no Body of professing People in the Christian World that hath so apparently de●lined or adulterated from what they once were deserted the holy Doctrine Example and right Government of Jesus Christ and set up another visible and publick Head of the Church in room and stead of him whose Power and Laws are preferred above and before the Authority and Laws of the Lord Jesus as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Whore spoken of But there is no Body of professing People in the Christian World that hath so apparently declined or adulterated or deserted the holy Doctrine Example or right Government of Christ ut suprà Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Whore spoken of To reinforce this Argument let it be shewed by any Man that any People different from the Church of Rome hath made such a Change in point of Religion and Headship and Matters thereto pertaining so as that this black Character of Whore can more fitly and fully be made to meet upon them and we must confess our Argument not weighty but till then we conclude it carries Conviction in the Bowels of it V. Babylon this Woman this City of Confusion this Whore is a very great Woman City and Whore And the great City was divided Rev. 16.19 Chap. 17.18 chap. 18.10 Verse 16. And the Woman which thou sawest is that great City
Wickedness tho an Apostle he is not so far changed since to be fond of a wicked Pope as to make him immediate Deputy to Christ and to impose a Wolf as Shepherd upon the Universal Church 2. Who saith That he is an infallible Judg to determine Articles of Faith and impose them upon great Penalties so that as a Lord he hath Dominion over Mens Faith and Souls too which the Apostles disclaimed 3. Who saith The Church cannot err tho God and the World knows there are not such great Errors in Principles nor such villanous Enormities cursed Actions cruel and immoral Practices in the World besides which the poor Multitude believes and kill others that oppose it and venture Body and Soul upon it 4. That says that a Priest tho he be a treacherous Villain a Contriver of Murther an abominable Adulterer hath Power to absolve his equal and Fellow-Sinner from all his Offences if he come to Confession tho the pretended Penitent keep his old Habit of Wickedness still contrary to what God and Jesus Christ say That the Dauber with untempered Mortar and the Daubed the Layer of the Pillow under sinful Elbows and the Leaner thereon the blind Leader as well as the blind Follower shall all fall together 5. That saith There is a Purgatory that is no part of Heaven or Hell and that Men may be redeemed thence for Money Tho God saith The Redemption of Mens Souls is precious and ceaseth for ever after the Offering of the Body of Jesus once for all that Redemption is not with corruptible Things as Silver and Gold but with the precious Blood of Christ as a Lamb slain without spot 6. That saith That the Hands and Mouth of a filthy unclean Priest can make not only the Bread and Wine sacred but turn both into the real Body and Blood of the Son of God make whole Christ of a pitiful Wafer-Cake that after it is eaten turns to Corruption and before it is earen is a fit Feast for Rats and Mice not only contrary to Reason but the full Verdict of all our Senses 7. That saith That no Person how good and pious soever he be can be saved out of the Pale of their polluted ungodly and devilish Church tho the Scripture plainly affirms That in every Nation he that fears God and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him 8. That says 'T is no Sin to lie swear and forswear to kill slay and murther such as they call Hereticks tho never so good if it be for the Cause of the Church with a thousand Things of the like Import which the People do verily believe And as they dare not gainsay upon their Salvation so will they embrace and use all Opportunities to fight and make Wars overcome Cities and lay waste Countries and Kingdoms to kill and slay by Massacre and all manner of murthering ways all Ranks and Degrees of Men that oppose the horrid Principles and Practices of those cursed Children Nay they will go boldly to their own Death when convict and condemned for Villanies and deny that to day that they were convicted of but yesterday and tho never so notoriously guilty yet will take it upon their Death and Salvation that they are as innocent as the Child unborn What can this be tho they drink it down for most sweet and pleasant Wine but an Infusion of the rankest and most deadly Poyson that the lowest Celler of the Bottomless Pit can afford the very Wine of Fornications and the most dangerous Drunkenness and Intoxication in the World Which is attended with this Aggravation that the best prepared Medicines of the wisest Physician will not recover them for Babylon having made the Multitude drunk with this sort of poysoned Wine how rare is it to have any come to themselves to their right Mind again And to shut up this Head take this Argument Argument If no People in the Christian World hath made the Multitude or common Sort of People drunk corrupted and intoxicated their Minds by wicked Lies and false Doctrine such as before-mentioned as Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath done Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Babylon treated of But no People in the Christian World hath made the Multitude or common Sort of People drunk corrupted and intoxicated their Minds by wicked Lies and false Doctrine such as before-mentioned as Rome hath done Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is this Babylon treated of IX Mystery Babylon is such ill Company as to let Kings be dishonestly familiar with her and make the lower and ruder Sort of her Associates drunk She is said to sit drunk upon a Scarlet-colour'd Beast and this Beast is full of the Names of Blasphemy Rev. 17.3 And I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast full of the Names of Blasphemy c. So that the Woman and the Beast are distinct the Woman the Church the Beast the Secular Power or Civil State This appears evident from divers Considerations arising 1. From other Prophecies relating to the same Thing 2. From the Letter of the Text. 3. From Arguments in Reason 4. From the Confession of the Woman Babylon or the Whore her self Dan. 2. 1. From many Prophecies the latter part of the Image is partly Iron and partly Clay two States really distinct that could never so incorporate as to become one 2. From the Letter of the Text I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast Rev. 17.3 full of the Names of Blasphemy The Colours of the Royal and Imperial Vestments the Angel in the next Words declares distinct and the Apostle in the Vision beheld them distinct 3. They appear to be distinct from Arguments in Reason For 1. The Beast is in the Masculine the Whore in the Feminine Gender Ver. 11 2 4 6 16. compared 2. The Whore else did sit and ride upon her self an high Absurdity 3. The Horns being of the Beast shall hate the Whore if not distinct the Whore must hate her self even to Ruine and Desolation which is nonsensical 4. The Beast shall abide tho in Captivity after the Whore is thrown down or destroyed 4. From the plain Confession of the Woman or Whore her self who saith I sit a Queen I am no Widow Ergo she hath a Head or Husband which is the Beast little Horn or Man of Sin that Paul declared should rise after the removal of the then present Power which did lett which the Primitive Fathers as Tertullian Cyprian Jerome and others understood to be the Imperial Power in its pure civil iron or unmixed State IX Rome Papal or Church of Rome hath not only been ill Company to the Kings and great Men of the Earth in drawing them into her Idol●try Abuse of God his blessed Son the Christian Religion and blessed Books of the Old and New Testament but she hath made the lower and ruder Sort of People drunk too And 't is no Wonder she thinks she may do any thing
Proper and Metaphorical Notations thereof 2. Such things as necessarily contribute to it are 1. Great and vehement Thirst 2. Plenty of the thing thirsted after 3. The greedy taking their fill of it 3. The Signs of Drunkenness are 1. When the Faculties are so disordered that they will not submit to the best Reason that can be given them 2. When they will abuse those whom they are most obliged to love and respect 3. When they have cast off all consideration of their own and others Good and forbear no Mischief but what they are restrained from by force 4. That these things are evident in the Church of Rome and cannot be so fairly fixed upon her Opposites or supposed Hereticks appears 1. Because she hath shed a Mass a very great Mass of Blood upon the account of Religion all which was unlawfully shed of this the whole Christian World is a Witness 2. To clear her supposed Hereticks from this red and bloody Crime 1. It is against their Principle to kill Men for Religion and this they do avowedly profess pleading for Liberty of Conscience in Matters purely Religious in all places 2. They have wanted Power to do it in case they had been for it in Principle all Power being in the Hands of Papists before the Reformation 3. Where there hath since been a Protestant Seate or Kingdom governed by Laws different from that of the Popish Countries yet they have not made use of their Power and Laws to take away the Lives of Papists meerly for Religion and if it hath happened at any time that some Ecclesiastical Persons have been put to Death by Protestants it has been but very rare and seldom and the Cause not for their Religion but for Sedition Rebellion and Treason otherwise they have lived peaceably under Protestant Governours enjoying their Civil Right in Common with other Men. And for the confirming of this we make a Challenge to all Christendom to come forth and make it appear Where England Scotland and Ireland the Vnited Provinces c. since the Reformation have by Massacres Murders or Martyrdom put one thousand nay one hundred to Death of Men Women and Children only because they professed the Romish Religion or any Religion different from theirs so far have they been from making themselves Drunk with the Blood of Saints and Religious Men. And if this cannot be done then having brought our Character within the Confines of the Christian World we must necessarily charge this Drunkenness by Blood upon the Church of Rome This Head we will conclude with the following Argument If no Sect of People in the Christian World be guilty of so much Blood drunk with Blood innocent Blood Blood of Saints as the Church of Rome is Then the Church of Rome is this Woman that St. John saw to his great astonishment Drunk with the Blood of the Saints and the Martyrs of Jesus But there is no Sect of People c. guilty of so much Blood or Drunk with the Blood of Saints c. Ergo The Church of Rome is this Woman c. XIV Babylon is a Church or Body of People that sits upon a Beast that had seven Heads or seven sorts of Soveraign Governments 1. Kings of whom Romulus was the first Rev. 17.9 10 11. 2. Consuls See Mede Peter du Moulin c. 3. Military Tribunes 4. Decemvirs 5. Dictators 6. Heathen Emperors 7. Christian Emperors Rev. 17.9 10 11. And here is the Mind that hath Wisdom the seven Heads are seven Mountains on which the Woman sitteth And there are s●ven Kings five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come but when he cometh he must continue a short space And the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and of the seven and goeth into Perdition XIV Besides all that hath been said we hope to very good Purpose if we find not Rome here we will let her go for ever For 1. This is the place which hath had seven Soveraign Governments five of which were gone off the Stage and the sixth viz. the Heathen Empire was in Being in St. John's time 2. The seventh was to appear and to continue but a short space viz. the Christian Empire for it cannot be the Papal Power because that was not up in St. John's time so not the sixth Head and as the Papal Power for that Reason could not be the sixth Head so for a very good Reason it could not be the seventh Head because that whensoever that did appear it was to continue but a short space which respects not the Papal Power but answers the Christian Empire for the Papal Power has continued longer than any of the other Soveraignties that went before and if the Papal Power be neither the Sixth nor seventh Head then it must needs be the eighth which is of the seventh and goes into Perdition or else it must be no Head or Power at all But a Head and a Power it is a great Head and Power it hath been therefore it is the eighth Head which carries the Whore according to the express Le●ter of the Text and shall go into Perdition And that by the Woman City or Whore that sitteth upon the seven Mountains is meant Rome we have no cause to doubt because the great Sons of Rome themselves as Baronius Bellarmine and many others do confess it but would defend their Mother from being a Whore by putting it off to the Power of Rome in its Heathen State to which we have fully answered already And do say that Rome Papal is neither the sixth Head nor the seventh but the very last Beast or eighth Head in which there is a Secular and an Ecclesiastical Power joined together which makes up a Beast a most Blasphemous Beast and a Whore a most Devilish Drunken and Bloody Whore which hath her Seat upon seven Mountains on which this City of Rome was built as before This Paragraph we shall shut up with this Argument Arg. If Rome Papal or Church of Rome be born up by a Secular Power which had seven sovereign Governments seated upon seven Hills Then Rome Papal or Church of Rome is the very Mystery Babylon that the Apostle John saw in his Apocalyptical Vision But Rome Papal or Church of Rome is born up by a Secular Power which had seven Soveraign Governments and seated upon seven Hills Ergo Rome Papal or Church of Rome is the very Mystical Babylon c. This Argument shines so clear that unless our Adversaries can assign any Protestant State by them called Heretical that these Characters do better and more fully agree to it must pass for current Coin and which we shall be ready to receive from them So we proceed XV. Mystery Babylon is not only a Beastly Woman that has made her self Drunk with the Blood of the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus that sits upon a Beast that had seven Heads or seven sorts of Soveraign Governments and was seated upon
proceed from one and the same Ground viz. a wicked Pretence that the Scriptures tho divine Truths and the Word of God yet do not contain all God's Will but that there are these other unwritten Verities handed down one says from Moses and the other says from St Peter c. by Word of Mouth Since therefore the Bible hath thus wonderfully surmounted all Difficulties and Oppositions for so many Generations and in so many Dangers and against so many Endeavours to root it out of the World we may according to that Maxim in Philosophy Eadem est Causa procreans conservans The procreating and conserving Cause of Things is one and the same conclude That the same God is the Author of it who hath thus by his special Providence preserved it and faithfully promised and cannot Lie that Heaven and Earth shall pass away but one Iota or Tittle of his Word shall not pass away X. The Scriptures did not only Survive but have Triumph'd over 10. The Success of the Scriptures in converting the World all the Oppositions of the Devil and the World That Success wherewith the Gospel was attended even in its Infancy the mighty and marvellous prevailings of it where-ever it came notwithstanding the many and great Disadvantages it was to encounter are a strong and irresistible Argument that it was from Heaven That a Doctrine directly opposite to the whole corrupt Interest of Human Nature and to the Wisdom and VVill of Man (p) 1 Cor. 1.21 Rom. 8.7 carried on and published by but a few and those to outward appearance weak ignorant and simple Persons Illiterate Fishermen Tent-makers c. without any Force of Arms or Temporal Support but on the contrary against both VVind and Tide the Cruelties of raging Powers and Affronts of vaunting Wisdom A Doctrine against which the whole World Jews and Gentiles perfectly concurr'd those hating it as a Stumbling-block and these counting it Foolishness that such an improbable and unpleasing such a friendless unwelcome slighted opposed Doctrine by such Instruments and under such Circumstances should make its way in the World and subject so many Nations to the Obedience of the Cross and make those who to Day persecuted it to Morrow ready to lay down their Lives in Defence and Justification of it evidently shews it to be owned by Omnipotency and not to be of Human Extract XI But besides these outward and more visible Trophies of the Sacred Scriptures 11. Their inward Efficacy how marvellous is their Empire Efficacy and Power within upon the Hearts and Consciences of Men 't is this that Converts the Soul Enlightens the Eye (q) Psal 19.7 Discovers Sin (r) Rom. 7.7 Convinces Gainsayers (ſ) 2 Tim 3.16 Killeth and Terrifieth (t) 2 Cor. 3.6 Rejoiceth the Heart (u) Psal 19.8 Psal 119.103 Quickneth (x) Psal 119.50 Comforteth (y) Rom 15.4 Manifesteth the Thoughts (z) 1 Cot. 14.52 Overthrows false Religions Casteth down Strong-holds and subverts the whole Kingdom of Satan What Consolations at some Times What Terrors at others do proceed from this Sacred Book How are the poor Souls of Men by it mightily refresh'd Their weak Hearts wonderfully strengthned Their dead Spirits raised and made to live again Those that sate in Darkness and the Shadow of Death are Enlightned Many that were in Chains and Fetters of Fears and Terrors of Soul are delivered and set at Liberty Is it reasonable to conceive that a Tree that bears such wonderful Fruit was planted by any other Hand than that of God Who can speak Words that shall restrain and repel all the Powers of Darkness when falling in to make Havock and Desolation in the Souls of Men That shall be able to give Laws to the Terrors of Death nay Eternal Death when they have taken hold of the Consciences of Sinners Are not all these Wonders perform'd by the holy Scriptures And do they not often on the other side breath Thunder and Lightnings throw down the Mighty from their Seats and destroy the Thrones of the Proud and Confident Do they not turn the Security of many into Trembling and Horrour and make their Consciences to burn as if the Fire of Hell had already taken hold of them These Things are evident from the Experience of Thousands that have felt and undergone such powerful Effects of the Word Nay I verily believe there are few that have read the Scriptures with attention and seriousness but can more or less witness the same And whence should such Mighty Operations proceed but because the Almighty Author has endued them with such Vertue through the Spirit whereby they become the Power of God unto Salvation 12. The Testimony of the Church and Martyrs XII Add to all these Arguments the Testimony of the Church and her Holy Martyrs who have sealed this Truth with their Blood By the Church we do not mean the Pope whom the Papists call the Church Virtual nor his Cardinals Bishops c. met in General Council whom they call the Church Representative But the whole Company of Believers in all Ages who have professed the true Faith The Pen-Men of the Scriptures good pious honest holy Men delivered it out as the Word of the Lord and ever since there have been Thousands and Hundreds of Thousands that have believed and testi●ied the same down from Age to Age in a continual uninterrupted Succession The Church of the Jews to whom were committed the Oracles of God (a) Rom. 8.3 professed the Doctrine and received the Books of the Old Testament and testified of them that they were Divine and in great Misery they have constantly confessed the same when as by the only denying thereof they might have been partakers both of Liberty and Rule And remarkable it is both that notwithstanding the High Priests and others of that Nation persecuted the Prophets while they lived yet received their Writings as Prophetical and Divine as also that since the Spirit of Blindness and Obstinacy is come upon Israel and notwithstanding their great hatred to the Chri●tian Religion the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament is kept pure and uncorrupt among●t them even in those places which do evidently confirm the Truth of the Christian Religion as Isa 53.3 And as for the Christian Church it hath with great Constancy and sweet Consent received and acknowledged the Books of the Old and New Testament for the Universal Church which from the beginning thereof until these times professed the Christian Religion to be Divine did and doth also profess that these Books are of God And the several Primitive Churches which first received the Books of the Old Testament and the Gospels the Epistles written from the Apostles to them their Pastors or some they knew did receive them as the Oracles of God and delivered them afterwards under the same Title to their Successors and other Churches And all the Pastors and Doctors who being furnished with Skill both in
Destruction o● Jerusalem For as the Guilt of all the Blood shed from righteous Abel to the Death of Zacharias is by our Saviour fix'd upon Jerusalem and cannot be removed to another People so the Blood of all the Martyrs and Followers of Jesus is by this Revelation ●●x'd upon the last Babylon R●v 17.6 And I saw the Woman drunk with the Blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs of Jesus Chap. 18. v. 24. And in her was found the Blood of the Prophets and of Saints and of ALL that were slain upon the Earth But Rome Heathen was not guilty of all the Christian Blood that was shed upon Earth by Murthers Massacres and Martyrdom since the Destruction of Jerusalem For to look back but for six hundred Years last past in which Time we shall find Hundreds of Thousands of profest Christians most butcherly and barbarously put to Death for their Zeal and Love to the Christian Religion in the respective Nations of Europe before which the Heathenish State of Rome was gone off about the space of six hundred Years So that if we will regard the full satisfying of this Prediction about My●●ery Babylon we must of necessity bring her down lower than the Heathenish State of Rome 6. Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylon under Consideration because the Discoveries of other Prophecies relating to the same State no way agrees to the Power of Rome Heathen 1. This State of Babylon is called the Mystery of Iniquity This no way agrees to Rome Heathen but fully agrees to Rome Papal Compare 2 Thess 2.7 with Rev. 17.7 viz. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work The Angel said unto me Wherefore didst thou marvel I will tell thee the Mystery of the Woman and of the Beast that carrieth her 2. The Head of this State of Mystery Babylon is called the Man of Sin by way of Eminency 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not only beyond the common Rank of Men but beyond the highest Sons of Wickedness that went before him And there is a great Truth in this for if we consider the Pope in respect of Pride Hypocrisy Idolatry and Blood he is the most unparallel'd Man of Sin 3. This State or Mystery of Iniquity began to work in the Apostle's Days which is no ways applicable to the Power of Rome Heathen for that did not then begin it being at that time in the very Meridian of its Greatness and universal Sovereignty Luke 2.1 And it came to pass in those Days that there came out a Decree from Caesar Augustus that all the World should be taxed 4. This Man of Sin Mystery of Iniquity or Head of this Babylonish State is saie to be let or hindred in his Designs He that now letteth will let until he be taken out of the Way 2 Thess 2.7 But now Rome Heathen had no Lett or Hindrance either from the Word of God for that declared it as it was a Civil Magistracy to be God's Ordinance nor from any opposite Power either Civil or Military they giving Laws to the greatest Part of the World and enjoying the Supreme Government of the best Kingdoms in the Universe none being able to cope with them at that Time 5. This Head of the Babylonish State is said to sit in the Temple of God which the Power of Rome Heathen did not do neither in the Temple of Jerusalem nor in the Church wh●ch is more properly the Temple of God For the Jews kept the Possession of the Literal Temple till it was destroyed and for the Church of God the Heathen Emperors never loved it so well at to make their Residence in it But the Bishop of Rome before he shewed himself to be that wicked One viz. the Man of Sin d●d evidently sit in the Church or Temple of God and so fulfilled this Prophecy in the very Letter of it 6. He that is the Man of Sin or Head of this Babylonish State was to rise by Apostacy or falling away from the Christian Religion 2 Thess 2.3 There shall come a falling away first exactly agreeing with another Prophecy to the same purpose 1 Tim. 4.1 Now the Spirit speaketh expresly that in the latter Times some shall depart from the Faith c. But Rome Heathen did not rise by Apostacy from the Christian Religion or a departing from the Faith which they never profess'd as is evident to the whole World Ergo Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylonish State 7. This Man of Sin or Head of Mystery Babylon lay hid in the Apostle's Time and was not revealed 2 Thess 2.3 Rev. 17.9 but the Power of Rome Heathen did not then lie hid or wanted to be revealed for it stood visible and high upon a Hill even upon seven Hills according to the Roman Poet Ovid who lived about the very Time of Christ's being on Earth in Lib. de Tristibus Sed quae de septem totum circumspicit Orbem Montibus Imperii Roma Deûmque Locus That is But Rome which from her seven Hills the whole Earth views around the Place of Gods and Rule c. Ergo Rome Heathen cannot be this Babylonish State 8. This Mystery of Iniquity is said to oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped 2 Thess 2.4 But this the Power of Rome in its Heathen State did not do for they worshipped offered Sacrifices and bore a Reverence to their Gods which by Nature indeed were no Gods and 't is only the Head of Rome P●pal that runs down all Gods but those of his own making Ergo Rome Papal and not Rome Heathen must of necessity be this Mystery of Iniquity 9. The Rise or Coming of this Mystery of Iniquity is after the working of Satan 2 Thess 2.9 But the Rise of the Romish Greatness and Power when Heathen was not after the working of Satan Dan 7.2 3 but was said by Daniel to be produced by the Providence of God or the four Winds of Heaven and by the Apostle to be Powers ordained of God Rom. 13.1 Therefore Rome Heathen cannot be the Mystery of Iniquity c. here meant 10. This Mystery of Iniquity is not only said to come after the working of Satan 2 Thess 2.9 but also with All Power c. But the Rise of Rome Heathen was not after that manner Ergo c. To illustrate the first Proposition note That the Term All Power marks out the Romish Pope so notoriously that whosoever runs may read it for if we do but impartially consider his impudent Usurpations upon Crowned Heads and his Pretences of Supremacy over the whole Christian World his proud imperious Decrees Bulls c. his Disposal of the Kingdoms of Princes and the Inheritances yea the very Lives of private Persons of any Rank that dare disobey him his Pretences to shut and open Heaven Hell and his feigned Purgatory his carrying a Symbol of that vast and God-like Power viz. a Brace of Keys hanging at his Girdle All these will appear
ΤΡΟΠΟΣΧΗΜΑΛΟΓΙ'Α Tropes and Figures OR A TREATISE OF The Metaphors Allegories and express Similitudes c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed Divers ARGUMENTS to prove the Divine Authority of the HOLY SCRIPTURES Wherein also 't is largely evinced That by the Great Whore MYSTERY BABYLON is meant the Papal Hierarchy or present State and Church of Rome Philologia Sacra The Second Part. Wherein the Schemes or Figures in Scripture are reduced under their proper Heads with a brief Explication of each Together with a TREATISE of Types Parables c. with an Improvement of them Parallel-wise By B. K Oratio Metaphorica est perspicua sensibus ad animum affectúsque movendos aptissima Burgersd Log. lib. 1. Hos 12.1 I have used Similitudes by the Ministry of the Prophets Gal. 4.24 Which Things are an Allegory c. Heb. 8.5 Who serve unto the Example and Shadow of heavenly Things LONDON Printed by John Darby for the Author MDCLXXXII THE EPISTLE TO THE READER THou hast here a Multitude of Scripture-Metaphors Types Similies and other borrowed Terms opened and practically improved which 't is hoped may tend to the Advantage of all who love to read the Holy Scriptures and long after Knowledg either Natural or Divine The wisest of Men tells us that the great Lesson his Father taught him was to get Wisdom and Understanding because 't is the principal Thing Where to find this invaluable Jewel we are informed by the Son of God Search the Scriptures c. Which John 5.39 as the great Apostle saith are able to make us wise unto Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ How to obtain it we are elsewhere told We must ask it of God who giveth liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given to us James 1.5 In a word It is to be cried after sought as Silver Prov. 2.3 4. and searched for as hid Treasures He who sincerely giveth up himself to frequent Prayer and Meditation and resolves to be in the continual Pursuit of this chief of Blessings may assure himself of Success having the Promise of a faithful God who cannot lie for his Security The Means are plain and the Encouragement great beyond comparison It is therefore the Interest of every Christian to converse with the Word of God in order to obtain a Purchase so eminently dignified with the Title of Principal Thing No Age since the Infancy of Christianity had greater Advantage to arrive at Scripture-Knowledge than we enjoy nor does the Light of the Gospel shine with more eminent Lustre in any Nation than in England at this time which causes Satan and his Hellish Emissaries to strive to darken or eclipse its Glory by introducing Popery Superstition and Error amongst us England and particularly its famous Metropolis is the very Butt of Antichristian Spite and Fury because it is indeed thought to be the main Bulwark of the true Protestant Religion throughout the World We have the Scriptures translated in our Mother-Tongue which the sacrilegious Adversaries of Truth lock'd up in Languages unknown to the Vulgar We have the Comments and Expositions of the Learned instead of the pestilent and Heretical Glosses of Rome we have still notwithstanding all the Machinations of the Enemies of the Gospel a painful powerful preaching Ministry And if we improve not all these Mercies to the acquisition of this divine and sublime Knowledg how inexcusable shall we be and how just in God should he in one day deprive us of all It was said by the Learned Illyricus In sacris Literis amplissimus instructissimus Thesaurus paratus est ut nos inde omnia nobis necessaria ac salutoria Remedia hauriamus In the holy Scriptures a vast and most immense Treasure is provided from whence we may be furnished with whatsoever is necessary and wholesom Here is a large Field of spiritual Employment I adore saith Tertullian the Fulness of the Holy Scriptures What a vast Number of Commentaries Expositions and Elucidations are extant yea one single Verse affords a most learned and procopious Theme for a whole Volume yet there 's Work enough still left and the learned and profitable Labours of those eminent Worthies that have gone before us do not prohibit the Additions of subsequent Ages nor render them unnecessary All sorts of Knowledg are improvable and that which is divine calls for the most earnest and sollicitous pursuit because all other Sciences are vain and useless without it and is comprehensive in as much as it gives a full Discovery of Christ of what is necessary to Salvation 1 Cor. 2.2 Phil. 5.8 This renders it universally good and Good is communicative It is a Talent that calls for Improvement to the Profit of Communities It is called Light the Nature of which is perfectly diffusive of its Radiance and bright Illustrations and 't is not to be put under a Bushel but in a Candlestick to enlighten the whole House Every Christian is to improve and stir up the Gift that is in him And tho a Work be not done so well by one Man as it might by another who hath greater Accomplishments were it set upon his Heart to undertake it yet may the Profit to some Souls countervail the Labour and the Whole bless the World more than not to have it done at all Besides what Man in this nice and censorious Age can give Content to all These Considerations seemed so weighty as to incline me to employ some of that Time and Talent the Lord hath entrusted me with to compleat this Work 'T is obvious to every one's Observation that the Holy Scripture abounds with Metaphors Allegories and other Tropes and Figures of Speech Similitudes are borrowed from Visible Things to set forth and illustrate the excellent Nature of Invisible Things yea heavenly Things are often called by the very Names that material or earthly Things are called which is not to obscure or hide the meaning of them from us but to accommodate them to our Understanding God by a gracious 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Condescension conveying the Knowledg of Himself and spiritual Things by preaching them by their respective earthly Similitudes c. If I have told you of earthly Things and ye believe not how shall ye believe if I tell you of heavenly Things John 3.12 And tho the Stile of the Holy Scripture is not varnish'd with that Delicacy of superficial Ornament that jingling Cadency of Sounds and Fancy-pleasing Trifles as the pompous Oratory of Greece and Rome is beautified with yet it has Qualities far more excellent 'T is grave and masculine it hath a magnificent commanding Elegance peculiar to it self suitable to the lofty Things it treats of which no other Writing can imitate reaching the inner Rooms of the Soul and stirring up Affections in so spiritual and sublime a kind as the artificial Bravery of Cicero or Quintilian's Elocution could never do There are Mysteries which Nature as
Woman in Travail and Anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first Child The Voice of the Daughter of Zion that bewaileth her self Jer. 4.31 that spreadeth forth her hands saying Wo is me now for my Soul is weary because of Murtherers Be in pain labour to bring forth O Daughter of Zion Mich. 4.10 like a Woman in Travail For now shalt thou go forth out of the City and thou shalt dwell in the Field and thou shalt go even to Babylon there shalt thou be delivered the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine Enemies IV. A Mother when she hath brought forth her Children layeth them to her Breasts to feed and nourish them and letteth them lie in her very Bosom taking abundance of Care and Compassion of them IV. So the Church of God when she hath in a spiritual manner brought forth Children she giveth them her two precious Breasts which are the sound and sacred Doctrine of the Old and New Testament those she draweth forth to give her new-born Babes the sincere Milk of the Word that they may grow thereby 1 Pet. 2.1 1 2 3. Prov. 31.1 V. A godly Mother giveth good Counsel and Instruction to her Children It was a great Mercy to Timothy that he had such a good Woman as Eunice to be his Mother who took care to give him good Education and brought him up religiously 't is said he knew the holy Scriptures from a Child V. So the Church of God giveth good Counsel and Instruction to all her Children Saints are not only fed by the Church but well taught also Solomon exhorts the Sons of Wisdom to hear the Instruction of their Father Prov. 1.8 and not to forsake the Law of their Mother The true Church teacheth nothing for Doctrine but what she hath received from the Mouth of Christ She doth not like the Mother of Harlots teach for Doctrine cursed Fopperies idle ridiculous and superstitious Ceremonies which are a Reproach to the Christian Religion and a great Hindrance both of the Jews and Heathens from owning of it They are all holy Rites pious and undeniable Laws and just Rules of Discipline consonant to the holy Word of God that she teacheth all her Children VI. A Mother ought to be obeyed and reverenced in all things by her Children her just Commands must be submitted to 'T is a great Evil to rebell against a Mother VI. So the Church of God ought to be obeyed and reverenced in all things 'T is an abominable Evil to slight or disobey the Church our spiritual Mother Her Instructions and Admonitions must be received with all due care and readiness and those who stubbornly and obstinately refuse to submit are guilty of great Sin VII A wise and godly Mother greatly loves and is tender of all her Children She taketh care to carry it evenly towards every one of them not to indulge any one out of a fond and great Passion and slight another because not so beautiful and amiable to look upon VII So the Church of God taketh care to carry it tenderly and with much Wisdom to all her Children She acts not partially towards them to countenance one more than another the weak and poorest Saint is as dear to our spiritual Mother as the strongest and richest of them VIII A tender Mother hath much Compassion and Bowels towards her weak sick and helpless Children her Heart akes many times for such VIII So God's Church is filled with Bowels of Pity and Compassion towards her weak and distempered Members How is she troubled for such as are under Temptations or fallen into any spiritual Distemper of the Soul The Churches Bowels should exceed the Bowels of a natural Mother to her sick Children upon this account IX A gracious and godly Mother loveth those Children best that are most dutiful and who dearly love and are most like their Father IX So the Church of God loveth those Children or Saints best that are most diligent dutiful and obedient to Christ and to all the good and wholesom Laws of the Family who love and are most like God in Mercy Mat. 5.45 Heavenly-mindedness in good Works and Acts of Pity and Charity to the Poor these she esteems and prizes highly X. A Mother is allowed by the Father to chastize or correct those Children that grow heady and proud or any ways misbehave themselves to the dishonour of the Father and reproach of the Family X. So the Church is allowed nay required by Christ to correct by gentle Reproof those Children or Members that do transgress the Law of God and if they grow heady proud and stubborn she reproves them sharply but if that will not reclaim them but that they still proceed in a rebellious Mind and misbehave themselves she proceeds further and taketh the Rod of Church-Discipline and withdraws her self from them and denieth them to come to the Table with the rest of her Children Nay if they fall into any scandalous Evil to the Reproach of Christ his Truth and the Houshold of Faith she chastizeth them with the Rod of Excommunication and putteth them quite out of the Family Deliver such an one unto Satan 1 Cor. 5.5 for the Destruction of the Flesh that the Spirit may be saved in the Day of the Lord Jesus XI A Mother is sometimes allowed in the absence of the Father to be chief Governess in the Family and to chuse according to the direction of the Father a Steward over her House and other inferior Officers and as they behave themselves she ought to encourage them and continue them or otherwise turn them out of their Offices XI So the Church of Christ in his absence is appointed to govern all the Affairs of his House and according to those holy Laws and Directions left by him ought to chuse a Steward viz. a Bishop Minister or Pastor to take the Charge of the great Affairs of the Family and other inferior Officers as Deacons c. to take care of the Poor And as the Pastor or Deacons behave themselves she ought to encourage him or them and continue them in their Places but if they fall into Sin or neglect their Work and are unfaithful in their Places she hath power to correct and turn them out always provided she acts according to Rule Against an Elder receive not an Accusation 1 Tim. 5.1 under two or three Witnesses XII A Mother tho her Children prove never so vile and ungodly hath no power to kill them if she doth tho they are her own Children she is deemed by the Law as a Murtherer and as such must die XII So the Church of God tho some of her Members prove very vile and will not be under her Government or turn Hereticks sucking in damnable Errors yet the most she can do is to pass the Censure of Excommunication against them An Heretick Tit. 3.9 10 after the first and second Admonition reject c. And therefore the
needful for him to see to his proper Work and Business he may not acquit his Command when he pleaseth The Commander in chief may prefer or degrade his Souldiers as seemeth good to him but he may not he cannot dispose of himself Pastors must keep their Places Deacons keep their Places Members of each Church keep their Places and not when they please withdraw themselves and get into another Company but must abide under particular Command where Christ hath set them Shall any one think that God who hath placed such Order in other Creatures in Heaven and Earth is not strict touching that holy Order set and appointed in his Church If the Sun Moon and Stars keep in their own Sphere and move in their own Orbs if the Sea hath its Bounds and Limits set beyond which it must not go can it be imagined that the Church of Christ should be a more disorderly Piece than the inanimate and irrational Creatures God is the God of Order and not of Confusion 1 Cor. 14.33 in all the Churches of the Saints Therefore if any Christians that are of this or that particular Company or Church do break the holy Order and regard not to keep in their Stations or neglect their proper Work what a Reproach is it to them and to Religion it self Besides the Danger they are exposed to if Saints neglect Prayer or hearing the Word or the Lord's Supper or are divided amongst themselves is very great unless they rally the sooner and unite again and keep their Ranks they are in danger of being utterly routed and undone by Satan Many hence have been enticed by the Subtilty of the Devil to desert their General and flie from their Colours XII Souldiers must follow their Leader this is one Word of Command XII So must every Christian follow Jesus Christ he ought to have his Eye upon him how often hath he commanded us to follow him Shall any list themselves under his Command and refuse to be subject to his holy Laws and Authority or follow him for a Time and then grow weary Mat. 16.24 If any Man will be my Disciple let him take up his Cross daily and follow me We read of a great and famous Army consisting of Forty Four Thousand a certain Number put for an uncertain Rev. 14.1 2 3 4. that follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth We must follow Christ in every Ordinance follow his Doctrine and follow his Example in every one of his gracious Qualifications viz. in his Patience how contented was he in the midst of his greatest Poverty in his Lowness of Mind and deepest Humility in his Tenderness Bowels and Compassion towards those that deserved nothing how kind loving and merciful was he Follow him in his Reproaches Afflictions and Indignities follow him in all Difficulties and Dangers with Peter follow him to Prison and to Death it self when he calls us thither Be ye Followers of me as I am of Christ Jesus Joh. 10.17 My Sheep hear my Voice and they follow me XIII It behoveth a Souldier to be well-skilled in all Stratagems of War for that conduceth much to his just and needful Accomplishments Policy having many times out-done Power and humane Strength XIII So a Christian ought to be well-skill'd and expert in all Divine Wisdom and Policy in the Management of the Spiritual War against the Enemies of the Soul Christ's Counsel is Be ye as wise as Serpents but as innocent as Doves And indeed nothing is more necessary for spiritual Souldiers than Wisdom and Policy in the carrying on of the War against their internal Adversaries because of their Craft and Subtilty Their Adversary the Devil is compared to a Serpent upon this very account and in other Places we read of his Devices and Wiles Eph. 6. That ye may stand against the Wiles of the Devil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly the Methods of Satan 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gurnal which signifies that Art and Order one observes in handling a Point we say such a one is methodical Now because it shews Ingenuity and Acuteness of Wit so to compose a Discourse therefore it is transferred to express the Subtilty of Satan in laying of his Plots against a Christian Indeed the expert Souldier hath his Order as well as the Scholar there is Method in forming an Army as well as in framing an Argument The Devil is a subtil Enemy and Saints are most endangered by his Craft and Policy he hath always got the greatest Advantage upon Christ's Souldiers by this means It was the way he took when he set upon Man at first and if he overcame him when he was in his perfect State no marvel if he prevail upon him in his depraved and maimed State And therefore Wisdom is needful and more especially to discover his Stratagems 2 Cor. 2.11 We are not ignorant saith the Apostle of his Devices Some of which I shall note here for the spiritual Souldier's Profit and Observation with respect to his drawing Men and Women to Sin First He shews his Subtilty in chusing the most proper and advantagious Season for Tempting An hundred Souldiers at one time may turn a Battel and save an Army when Thousands will not do it at another Satan knows when to make his Approaches and the Time when he is most likely to prevail Gurnal The Time he takes to tempt in is 1. When newly converted No sooner is the Child of Grace the new Creature born but this Dragon pours a Flood of Temptations after it 2. When a Saint is beset with some great Affliction this is a blind Lane or solitary Place fit for this Thief to call for his Purse 3. When a Christian is about some notable Enterprize for God's Glory then Satan will lie like a Serpent in the Way An Adder in the Path that biteth his Horse Heel Gen. 49. Zech. 3.1 2 3. so that his Rider shall fall backward Thus he stood at Joshua's Right-hand to resist him The Right-Hand is the working Hand and his standing there implies his Desire to hinder him and his Enterprize Indeed the Devil was never a Friend to Temple-Work and therefore that Work is so long a doing What a handsom Excuse doth he help the Jews unto The Time is not come Hag. 1 2. Mat. 4.1 2. When our Saviour was baptized and was just entring upon his Ministry then Satan set upon him 4. When he hath the Presence of some Object to enforce his Temptation Thus he took Eve when she was near the Tree and had it in her Eye 5. After great Manifestation of God's Love then the Tempter comes Such is the Weakness of Grace sometimes in a Believer that he can neither well bear Smiles nor Frowns from God When Paul was exalted with abundance of Revelation 2 Cor. 12.1 2 3 c. then was the Time that Satan set upon him with his strong Temptations 6. At the Hour of Death
Pilgrim but he had such a cruel Burthen upon his Shoulders that he tired before he came to the end of his Journey Covetousness or an unsatisfied Desire after the Things of this World is compared to a Burthen or Load of thick Clay Who enlargeth his Desires as Hell and cannot be satisfied c. Wo to him that encreaseth that which is not his how long Hab. 2.5 6 And to him that ladeth himself with thick Clay Would not a Man that hath a long Journey to go be laugh'd at should he carry with him a heavy Burthen of Dirt and Rubbish Such Fools are many Professors See Runner III. A Pilgrim in his Travels goes up-hill and down-hill sometimes he meets with good Way and sometimes with bad Way Sometimes he passeth over Stiles and through dirty Lanes and then again through green Fields and pleasant Pastures and delightful Paths till he comes to his desired Place III. So the Pilgrim that would travel to the New Jerusalem meets with various Ways and Passages 1. He must go out of the horrible Pit of Prophaneness that is Work enough for the first Day 's Journey 2. Through the Brook of sincere Repentance or true Contrition for every one that leaves open Prophaneness is not truly penitent 3. Down the Valley of Self-denial a very difficult Passage 4. Over the Mountains of Opposition for the Devil and all will straitway make head against him 5. Over the Stile of carnal Reason Immediatly I consulted not with Flesh and Blood 6. Into the pleasant Ways of the New Covenant 7. So upon the Top of the Rock of Ages and there he may take a Prospect of his own Country IV. A Pilgrim that hath a long and difficult Way to travel is very thoughtful how to find the right Way being a Stranger in that Country through which he must pass And besides being told there are many cross Ways and Turnings and hard difficult Passages to find he takes care therefore to get a good and skilful Guide lest he should lose his Way IV. So the spiritual Pilgrim spares no Cost omits no Study to get the best Information imaginable of the ready Way to the Land of Promise He ceaseth not to enquire of such as pretend themselves to be Guides and such as know the Way but finding them to be short-fighted and ignorant of the Way themselves he seeks further And as he goes along one cries This is the Way Mat. 24.23 another That Some bid him believe as the Church believes and he shall never go astray Others bid him co●form to the Laws of Men and do whatever the Supreme Authority of the Nation doth enjoin in Matters of Faith and Religion Others call upon him to be led wholly by the Light of his Conscience and that will bring him unto the Land of Promise the Place he longs for And at last he meets with another that seems yet to differ from them all and greatly to slight and condemn one grand Fundamental God's Word holds forth under plausible Pretences He cries up Holiness and just Living which all confess is required but in the mean time strives to persuade him to cast off the Satisfaction of Jesus Christ and trust to his own Righteousness or to refined Morality rendring Faith in Christ crucified little more than a Fancy and that the main Design of Christ in coming into the World was only to be a Pattern of Holiness and Humility But he perceiving the Danger great upon this account and that none of these Pretenders could give any convincing Evidence why they should be believed and their Counsel followed above others he rejected all their Directions and resolved to be led by none of them further than their Doctrine agreed with a certain Directory which through the Grace of God he hath obtained namely the written Word of God and that tells him plainly The Way is Christ viz. Christ as a Priest dying for him to appease the Wrath of God Joh. 14.6 and make Atonement for his Sin fulfilling the Law and bringing in everlasting Righteousness Christ as a King to subdue his Sin and to rule and reign over him Dan. 9.24 according to those blessed and wholesom Laws Ordinances and Institutions given forth by him and left in his Word Christ as a Prophet to teach and instruct him Christ as a holy Pattern and Example to imitate and follow so far as by the help of Grace he is able See Surety Sin a Debt The Word compared to Light The Spirit to a Teacher and Guide He hath learned of Christ to be holy and is helped therein by the Holy-Ghost to excell his Neighbour and denies all his Ungodliness and worldly Lusts and yet casts himself only on Christ relying upon his Merits labouring to be like him in all things as the Apostle observes 1 Joh. 3.3 He that hath this Hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure He lets his Sins go nay loaths that which is evil he lives a mortified Life unto the World and yet trusteth not to any thing that he hath done or can do for eternal Life Acts 4.12 knowing there is no Salvation but by Christ alone He is as godly as any Socinian in the World and yet magnifies the Riches of God's Grace and Christ's Merits so as not to expect Justification any other way V. A Pilgrim often meets with Trouble and great Difficulties in his Way by Winds Storms and Tempests hard Weather Cold Frost and Snow deep and bad Ways and many Dangers which he narrowly escapes V. So the spiritual Pilgrim is also exposed to many Difficulties in his Journey Heaven-wards Terrible Storms sometimes arise Winds of Persecution and Temptation blow so hard that he is scarce able to stand upon his Legs Psal 73.2 My Feet were almost gone my Steps had well nigh slipt c. He is often beset with Crosses and Afflictions that he is as a Man in the Mire and can hardly get out VI. A Pilgrim is a Stranger in the Country through which he passeth and being not known he is much gazed on and sometimes abused by the rude Rabble all which he takes with patience and makes no resistance VI. So the Godly are Strangers in this World And confessed Heb. 11.13 that they were Strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth David breaks forth Hold not thy peace at my Tears Psal 39.12 for I am a Stranger with thee and a Sojourner as all my Fathers were Hence they are made oftentimes a Gazing-stock to Men by Reproaches and Afflictions Heb. 10.33 And how grievously have they been abused by the wicked Rabble of the Earth as Jesus Christ himself testifieth If ye were of the World the World would love its own Joh. 15.19 22. but because ye are not of the World but I have chosen you out of the World therefore the World hateth you All these things will they do unto you because they know not him that sent me VII A
his Days Or who having a long Race to run that requires all his Strength resolves to defer it until old decrepid Age IX Wicked Men think 't is time enough to repent when they have spent all their Days in Sin and in serving the Devil When they should reap the Harvest of a godly Life they think 't is time enough to begin to sow to the Spirit and convert to God They sow to the Flesh and yet think to reap Life everlasting when nothing is more evident than this viz. Whatsoever a Man soweth that shall he reap therefore saith the Apostle Gal. 6.7 8. He that soweth to the Flesh shall of the Flesh reap Corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life everlasting Shall foolish Men think to serve the Devil all the best of their Days and yet hope that at last God will accept of their Repentance X. A Fool delighteth to do Mischief Prov. 10.23 or as Solomon saith It is a Sport to a Fool to do Mischief We daily see how mischievous Idiots are 't is dangerous to let some of them at large or to be in Company with them tho others are more harmless X. Wicked Men are full of Mischief Hence saith David Psal 26.10 Gather not my Soul with Sinners nor my Life with bloody Men in whose Hands is Mischief c. Psal 28.3 Draw me not away with the Wicked and with the Workers of Iniquity which speak Peace to their Neighbour but Mischief is in their Hearts Yea he deviseth Mischief upon his Bed he setteth himself in a way that is not good Nothing more evident than this How restless have the ungodly been in every Age of the Church to contrive Mischief against their peaceable Neighbours especially the wicked Papists What Plots and Sham-Plots have they devised to destroy the Quiet and Peace of this Land nay to destroy the upright and godly People that dwell therein They care not what Mischief they do so that they may undo and spoil those who hate their idolatrous Church One while they study Ways how to blow up the King and Parliament another while burn our Houses and lay our famous City in Ashes And as if this Mischief were not enough they have carried on a secret and devillish Design to take away our Religion and Lives and whatsoever is dear to us and then to blind the unwary and credulous Sort of People invent Sham-Plots to cast all upon the innocent Protestants But let them remember in this they are but Fools they have the Mark and Brand of Fools upon them and their Mischief shall fall upon their own Heads He that seeketh Mischief Prov. 11.27 it shall come upon him XI Is not he a Fool that labours for the Wind and thinks to feed on the Wind and pursues a Shadow and sets his Heart upon that which is not XI Wicked Men are said to labour for the Wind Riches are compared to the Wind and he that pursues after them pursues after the Wind and what a Fool is he that doth thus What Profit hath he saith Solomon that hath laboured for the Wind And as Men are said to labour for the Wind Eccl. 5.16 so likewise they are said to feed upon the Wind Ephraim feedeth on Wind Hos 12.1 and followeth after the East-Wind Which saith Mr. Burroughs is a Proverbial Speech to note the following after vain and unprofitable Things that is to feed on the Wind when Men please themselves in their own Conceits and in their own Counsels and Plots c. 1. When they promise to themselves great Matters by Ways of their own and leave God's Ways and Institutions they may be said to feed on the Wind and the Prophet rebuketh the Ten Tribes for this 2. They feed on the Wind saith he and so their Hearts are puffed up in Pride and carnal Confidence You know according to the Food a Man or Woman feedeth upon so will their Bodies be so those that feed upon the Wind must needs have proud Hearts or be puffed up with Pride and Self-conceitedness 3. Evil Men that live upon Comforts that are carnal and seek for the Honour and Applause of Men they feed upon the Wind they seek to satisfy themselves with Vanity they strive to take hold of a Shadow and follow after the Wind Things that cannot fill the Soul nor satisfy its Desires Things that are uncertain lost by one Storm at Sea consumed by one Spark of Fire or gone by a false Oath or wasted by the Badness of Trade or by the Extravagancy of an evil and foolish Son and therefore are Fools XII Is not he a Fool that esteems the greatest Evil above the greatest Good XII Wicked Men set their Hearts upon their base and cursed Lusts love their Sins more than God and Christ We read of some who are Lovers of Pleasure more than Lovers of God Now is not Sin the greatest Evil and God the greatest Good 2 Tim 3.4 There is nothing bitterer than the one nor nothing b●tter than the other and yet they chuse Sin and refuse the Good that is in the eternal God and account Christ not worth the Pleasure of one wicked Lust and therefore Fools XIII Is not he a Fool who to avoid a Spark leaps into the Fire or to save his Hat loses his Head XIII Wicked Men to avoid a little Trouble and Affliction in this World expose themselves to eternal Torment before they will deny themselves of their Lusts they will burn in Hell for them rather than go to Prison for Christ they will go to Hell for denying of him Inferences LAment over wicked Men Fools are to be pitied 2. Be patient and thou wilt see what will become of these Fools 3. It shews what abundance of Folly and Fools there are in the World 4. It shews us how strangely ungodly Men worldly wise Men are deceived in themselves 5. It shews what true Wisdom is The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom and to depart from Evil is Vnderstanding and in another place 't is said Psal 111.10 The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom and a good Vnderstanding have all they that do his Commandments 6. Let it caution thee to take heed lest thou art a Fool The Characters of such an one as given by wise Solomon take as followeth 1. He will be medling Prov. 2.3 2. One that is as you have heard mischievous Prov. 10.23 3. One that many Afflictions and Stripes will not work upon nor humble 4. One whose Sin cleaves to him Prov. 27.22 5. One that is full of Words Eccles 10.14 6. One that will utter all his Mind Prov. 29.11 speaks that which he should conceal 7. One that Prosperity destroys Prov. 1.32 8. One that is slothful Eccles 4.5 9. One that trusteth in his own Heart Prov. 28.26 10. One that holdeth it Folly to depart from Evil. Prov. 13.19 Wicked Men compared to
to fight against and slaughter his deceived Nations of whom it is said The Lord shall go forth and fight against those Nations Zech. 14. as when he fought in the Day of Battel Which will be so dreadful a Fight or Battel as never yet was fought for Slaughter and Blood and so destroy this vile Person with the Brightness of his Appearance to fulfill 2 Thess 2. and cast him as the Son of Perdition into the burning Flames to fulfill Rev. 19.20 And the Fowls of Heaven shall be filled with their Flesh And here is the Mind that hath Wisdom The Beast that was and is not and yet is is of the seventh Head and is the eighth and goeth into Perdition V. The first Beast or Head of the Caldean Kingdom or Literal Babylon did invade Judea besiege Jerusalem take the City and trample it under foot till raised again by an Edict from the next great King of Persia V. The last Beast or Head of the Roman Kingdom call'd Mystery Babylon doth invade Sion the Gospel-Church hath closely besieged her and block'd up her Privileges and trampled under f●ot the holy City for a long space of Time Rev. 11.2 VI. The first Beast or Power of the Caldean Kingdom call'd Literal Babylon did take away the two Olive-Trees that stood before the God of the whole Earth VI. The last Beast or Power of the Roman Kingdom hath taken away or endeavoured to slay the two Witnesses that bore up the Light and Testimony of God to the World VII Caldea or Literal Babylon did set up Image-Worship commanding upon pain of Burning the Worshippers of the true God to fall down Jer. 5.38 Dan. 3.6 It is the Place of graven Images and they are mad upon their Idols And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same Hour be cast into the midst of the burning fiery Furnace VII Rome or Mystery Babylon requires Worship to be given to the Crucifix the Image of the Virgin Mary and other Saints but especially to the Idol of the Mass so that whosoever will not own that most ridiculous Idolatry of a piece of consecrated Bread coming out of the Priest's unhallowed Hands to be their God and Saviour shall be burned at a Stake as many blessed Men and Women young and old were in the Marian Days See Fox 's Acts and Monuments VIII Caldea or Literal Babylon was the Place of Captivity and Spoil for she carried the Servants of God away captive and made a Spoil of their Treasures and rejoiced in so doing Jer. 52.28 29 30. Ezek. 1. Dan. 1. Here we shall find Ezekiel and Daniel and Thousands more in Captivity here we shall find the Spoils of Jerusalem and the Enemy rejoicing in the Spoil Because ye were glad because ye rejoyced at the Destruction ye are grown fat as the Heifers at Grass and bellow as Bulls c. VIII Rome or Mystery Babylon is become the place of Captivity and Spoil for 't is by her Orders Dictates and Influence that the Servants of God have been carried away captive and their Goods and Possessions made a Spoil of in all parts of the Christian World In her Dominions it was where we find John Hus Jerome of Prague the Noble Lord Cobham and thousands more captivated and destroyed 'T is in their Jails we find good Men imprisoned in Popish Countries we find the Inquisition and other cruel Usages For who is it in all the Christian World besides that imprisons spoils and destroys Men for their Religion that persecutes the People of God but the Vassals of this sinful City of Rome Her wicked Sons did not only kill and spoil in Bohemia Piedmont and other Countries but they rejoyced in their horrid Wickedness as appears in the Histories of the Saints Sufferings written by Mr. Fox Mr. Clark Sir Sam. Moreland and others c. IX Caldea or literal Babylon notwithstanding her great Wickedness yet was the most lofty and proud of all Countries besides called the Lady of Kingdoms and the Glory and Beauty of Excellency for which God doth severely threaten her Isa 13.19 Behold I am against thee O thou most Proud saith the Lord God of Hosts Jer. 50.31 For thy Day is come the time that I will visit thee IX Rome or Mystery Babylon notwithstanding her great Crimes and most horrid Wickedness yet hath been the most Proud of any City or People in the Christian World who saith in her Heart I sit a Queen am no Widow shall see no Sorrow for which Haughtiness and Pride of hers the Lord will remember her with Judgment and Severity when he comes to make Inquisition for Blood and avenge upon her the Injury done to Sion Rev. 18.7 How much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much Torment and Sorrow give her c. X. Chaldea or literal Babylon was not only a People of great Pomp Pride and Covetousness but of great Riches and Treasures Thou that dwellest upon many Waters Jer. 50.37 51.13 abundant in Treasures thine end is come the end of thy Covetousness X. Rome or Mystery Babylon is not only a People of great Pomp and Pride arrayed with Purple Scarlet Gold Pearl and precious Stones but she sits upon many Waters is Covetous as well as Proud and full of Treasures and indeed it must needs be so for besides the Gifts that were first given in the time of Constantine as is pretended she hath made a Prey upon Nations a Spoil upon Saints had the Gifts of Kings had vast Revenues setled upon her Orders and Clergy she has peeled the People by selling Pardons and Indulgences raising Peter-Pence and the like so horribly covetous is she that she is not willing any should go to Heaven without the Gift of Money to holy Church by which slight she is grown so exceeding Rich and full of Treasure that she can afford a golden Cup to present her intoxicating Wine in to be clothed with Scarlet deck'd with Gold Pearl and precious Stones she makes the Merchants of the Earth rich that do trade with her she hath indeed as a full answer to her Type Lam. 1.10 stretch'd forth her hand upon all the pleasant things of those Countries and Kingdoms where she hath sate as a Queen XI Caldea or literal Babylon did spoil the meetings of God's People made the Ways of Sion to mourn because Men could not come to the solemn Assemblies Lam. 1.4 The Ways of Sion do mourn because none can come to her solemn Feasts or Assemblies All her Gates are desolate her Priests or Ministers do sigh her Virgins are afflicted and she is in Bitterness c. XI Rome or Mystery Babylon hath spoiled the Meetings of God's People the true Professors of the Religion of the Holy Jesus by driving the Gospel Sion or Church into the Wilderness and oftentimes burning and plucking down their Meeting-Places and persecuting her Ministers driving them into Corners frighting and dispersing their Auditors by Fines Imprisonments
Banishments and cruel Usages so that her Ministers have been made to sigh her Gates become desolate none being suffered to enter without Danger and their Virgins the best sort of Professors have been afflicted the faithful Pastors grieving because they might not preach to their Flocks and the People mourning because they could not hear the pleasant Voice of their Pastors by reason of Violence c. XII Caldea or Literal Babylon made the worst of Men Chief among the Nations and Provinces over which she ruled suffering none to come to Preferment but such as were Enemies to Sion and the ways of Worship by her observed Lam. 1.5 Her Adversaries prosper and are the Chief c. XII Rome or Mystery Babylon hath made the worst of Men Rulers or Chief among the Nations not suffering Men to bear Office in Kingdoms Cities or Corporations nor indeed comfortably to buy and sell unless they would relinquish Goodness and Religion and receive the Mark of the Beast in their Forehead or right Hands viz. publickly profess or privately subscribe to such Injunctions as were against their Consciences and inconsistent with their Religion Who can be Cardinals unless they do own the Pope Who can be Kings without being deposed or poysoned that subscribe not to the See of Rome Who can sit safe as Governours over any Cities where she sits as Queen without truckling under that Yoke of Servitude that she puts upon the Necks of all her Vassals Rev. 13.16 17. XIII Caldea or literal Babylon was guilty of starving or famishing the Children of Sion in the days of her Power and Reign which made the Prophet cry out Lam. 1.19 4.7 8 9 10. 5.10 My Priests and mine Elders perish'd in the City while they sought their Meat to refresh their Soul those that were purer than Snow whiter than Milk more ruddy than precious Stones curiously polish'd became as black as a Coal withered and wrinkled their Skin cleaves to their Bones for want of Food XIII Rome or Mystery Babylon hath been guilty of this most horrid Cruelty by forcing tender and heavenly-born Souls both Ministers and People from their Dwellings and that in a most bitter season driving them up into Corners where they have been kept till starved to Death by much hunger of which we have a lamentable and Heart-breaking Relation in the History of the Irish Massacre c. XIV Caldea or literal Babylon delighted so in burning-work as that they set on Fire and burnt down the very Houses and Dwellings of the People of Sion as well as the places of publick Worship Jer. 52.12 13. In the nineteenth year of the King of Babylon came his chief Steward and burnt the House of the Lord and the King's House and all the Houses of Jerusalem and all the great Houses burnt he with Fire c. XIV Rome or Mystery Babylon hath so much delighted in the cursed Trade of Burning that she hath not been contented with burning the Bodies of Men and Women to Ashes but she hath burnt down their Meeting-Places wherein they worshipped God and not only so but the very Habitations and dwelling-Places of the faithful Servants of Christ leaving them and their Wives and Children Harbourless as she did not only to the blessed Witnesses of Christ in the Valleys of Piedmont but to famous and renowned London it self c. remember 1666. XV. Caldea or literal Babylon was so villanous as to ravish the Women in Sion and the Maids in the Cities of Judea declaring their Sin like Sodom Lam. 5.11 They defiled the Women and ravish'd the Maids in their Cities c. XV. Rome or Mystery Babylon hath been so beastly villanous that it is almost beyond Belief taking Women before their Husbands Faces and Maidens before their Parents Faces first ravishing them openly in the sight of the Sun and then imbruing their barbarous Hands in their Blood as divers Histories do declare XVI Caldea or literal Babylon delighted in Hanging as well as Burning serving God's People as Men serve Dogs that they do not think fit to live as well as used them like dry Bones and rotten Wood by burning them to Ashes and Powder they hang'd them up as well as burnt them and hang'd them up in a miserable manner too even the best among the People Lam. 5.12 Princes are hanged up by their Hands the Face of Elders were not honoured which is the worst way of hanging for continuance of Shame and Pain XVI Rome or Mystery Babylon hath not less answered her Type in this than in many other things for she hath served the best of Men like Dogs that have been counted not fit to live for besides making them like rotten Wood and burning their Bones into Lime Dust or Powder she hath driven a very cursed Trade in hanging and because she would see which was the wor●t way of hanging she has hang'd some by the Neck till dead and others by the middle and burnt them by degrees to lengthen out their Pain and Misery others by their tenderest Parts O monstrous Barbarity A Shame to have it told in Gath or publish'd in the Streets of Askelon What was done to the noble Lord Cobham and many others in these parts of the World is so plain and notorious as if she had been under a constraint to accomplish the Iniquity of her Type Here we shall for the further clearing up of this Mystery run a brief Parallel between the little Horn and the Popes or Bishops of Rome and so conclude I. The little Horn rose at the latter end of the Fourth Kingdom or when the Roman Empire stood upon its last Legs or fell into a Division of ten Parts Dan. 7.7 8. And the Roman or fourth Beast had ten Horns and behold there came up amongst them another little Horn. I. The Popes of Rome were kept under by the Emperors who kept a strict Eye over them curb'd their Insolencies and Exorbitances and at the first appearance nipping their aspiring Projects in the very Bud sometimes deposing and banishing some proud Prelates when they shew'd at what they levell'd their Designs But after the Power of Rome which before was entire in one Emperor fell into ten Parts and Divisions which happened in the Year of our Lord 456 as * Accomplishment of Prophecies Du-Moulin and the Learned † Lib. 3. p. 779. Mede shew at large out of the Roman Histories Upon this Division and weakning of the Empire the Bishop of Rome took his advantage to make his Advance and rose up to Regal Power enacting Laws raising Taxes and levying Souldiers by which means he struck in with Parties and encroached upon Italy and the Parts adjacent II. This Power arising upon the Weakning and Division of the old State of the Fourth Monarchy or Kingdom is call'd a little Horn because truly so at its first beginning Dan. 7.8 And behold there came up amongst them another little Horn c. II. The Papal Power or Bishop of Rome
like a Lamb spoken of Rev. 13.11 IX This little Horn hath so many Marks upon him that they are too numerous to handle distinctly after our usual Method and therefore we shall put the remaining part into a general Rank and conclude this Subject IX The Pope of Rome hath so many Marks or Characters upon him that are too numerous to be handled distinctly in a little room and therefore we shall but touch upon them so far as they shew the Texts made good and form an Idea of Truth in the Minds of Men. 1. He must change Times and Laws 1. The Pope hath changed Times and Laws in two respects 1. He hath set up and pluck'd down Kings which is called a changing of Times and Seasons Dan. 2.21 2. He has made strange Alterations of the Laws Orders and Institutions used in the Church in respect of Officers Administration of Sacraments and Celebration of Days 2. Continue a long space of Time 2. Hath continued above twelve hundred Years 3. He is a vile Person 3. He is as vile a Person as any in the World tolerates all kind of Wickedness by his Dispensations Pardons c. 4. Had not the Honour he hath fairly given to him either by God or Man but gain'd it by Flattery 4. Had his Exaltation neither by Inheritance lawful Conquest nor rightful Gift from rightful Donators 5. Remov'd the preceding Power by the Arms of a Flood 5. He had the help of Phocas to kill the Emperor Mauritius and by the help of Gothes and Vandals enlarged his Power 6. He became strong by a small People 6. Became strong by a small People having only a declining Church and Apostate Christians to assist him 7. He shall have power over the fattest Places of the Province and there scatter his Riches 7. He hath power over Italy which is reputed the Garden of Europe c. 8. Such as do wickedly against Religion he shall accept 8. He hath accepted entertained and encouraged the People of any Nation that would turn wicked and sacrifice all Piety and Religion to serve his Interest 9. Under him the Saints fall by Captivity and Spoil by Sword and Flame many days 9. Under him the Saints have fallen by Flames Captivity and Spoil many days 10. Shall do according to his own Will not accounting himself tied to any Laws 10. He hath done according to his own Will and doth not look upon any Laws to be obligatory to him either from God or Men. 11. He shall exalt himself above every God and speak marvellous things against the God of Gods 11. He the Pope hath exalted himself above every God that is such as are so accounted amongst Men or Gods on Earth by excommunicating deposing treading upon their Necks and kicking off their Crowns by his blasphemous Edicts and Injunctions he exalts himself above God himself and his written Laws c. 12. Shall not regard the God of his Ancestors 12. He doth not regard the God of his Ancestors either the Idols of the Emperors or the God of the good Bishops that went before him 13. Nor the desire of Wedlock 13. He hath been remote from the desire of Women in a lawful way nay and frights his Clergy from it too who are made uncapable of spiritual Promotion and censured as heinous Transgressors if married 14. Nor any God in a pious way 14. He hath not regarded any God in a pious way for tho he doth name the true God often and in Words profess him yet in Works he doth defie him and prophane his holy Name 15. Shall give Honour to them that have armed Forces 15. He gives honour to them who have armed Forces and lends them Assi●tance to carry on his black and diabolical Designs 16. Shall own a strange God with splendid Ceremonies Dan. 11.38 16. He hath owned a strange God a Mark compleatly made up in the Mass which is adored with splendid Ceremonies Upon all which we fairly frame this Argument If all these sixteen Characters meet no-where so clear and evident as upon the Pope of Rome then the Pope of Rome is the little Horn and vile Person set forth in the Book of Daniel But all the aforesaid Characters meet no where so clear and evident as upon the Pope of Rome c. Ergo c. To these Characters we shall add a few more out of the Evangelist Matthew the 20th of the Acts the first Epistle to Timothy and the second to the Thessalonians and so draw to a Conclusion Christ foretold that Enemies should come in his Name and own him to be the true Christ with an Intent to deceive that they should appear in Sheeps cloathing and under this Vizard hide their devouring Teeth And Mat. 27.15 Beware of false Prophets which come to you in Sheeps cloathing but inwardly are ravening Wolves that is have a design to destroy you The Popes of Rome in their Succession have been cloathed with Sheeps cloathing covered their D●sign with the Name of Christ the true Christ but with an intent to deceive for all their Pretences of Jesus being the true Christ have been but as a Vizard to hide their devouring Teeth whilst they hid themselves under the Notion of Christianity they have carried on most pernicious and destructive Designs shewing their wolfish and devouring Nature in these three respects 1. If there have appeared any Kings in the Christian World that have been piously disposed they have forthwith endeavoured to pervert them by their Diabolical Doctrines or destroy them by their Holy Poyson 2. If any Ministers or Men of Parts have risen up to set forth God's holy Truth and bless the World with Gospel-Light and saving Doctrine they have either choaked them with Preferments affrighted them by dreadful Fears or by a ravenous thirsting after their Blood have most wickedly and treacherously destroyed their Lives 3. If collective Bodies of pious Congregations of Saints have sprung forth in the World they have followed them like Blood-hounds and devouring Wolves with Fire and Sword fearful Massacres Devastations Murthers and Slaughters till they have spoiled them torn in pieces and devoured them Compleatly fulfilling that Prediction of the Apostle Acts 20.29 30. For I know this that after my departure shall grievous Wolves enter in amongst you not sparing the Flock Also of your own selves shall Men arise speaking perverse Things to draw away the Disciples after them Who can this Prophecy so exactl● agree to as the bloody Popes who at first arose out of the Church and acted the ●art of Wolves to purpose 1. By affrighting the Flock 2. By dispersing and scattering them ab●oad 3. By drinking or sucking the Blood of any of them they could fasten upon in a most astonishing and prodigious manner As for those two eminent Gospel-Prophecies viz. the beginning of 2 Thess 2. and of 1 Tim. 4. we will give a brief Abstract by way of Parallel shewing how these relate only to the Pope of Rome and no other The
decide the Case who is clean and who unclean who is to be put out and who to be taken into his Church The Tabernacle and what it was the Type of THe Tabernacle in some respect according to the Learned was a Type of Christ's Human Nature 1. It was exceeding glorious within all the inward parts thereof were overlaid with pure Gold This might signify how the Human Nature of the Son of God was covered with the Diety that being the true Tabernacle that God hath pitched and not Man Saint John saith The Word dwelt or tabernacled amongst us speaking of his being in our Flesh or taking upon him our Nature it being conceived by the Holy Ghost and not erected by Man 2. The Tabernacle was the place where God met with his People now God meets with his People in Christ 't is in and through him we come to know or have the true Revelation of his Will and enjoy his gracious Presence c. Those who would be accepted with God and worship him aright must wait at the door of this Spiritual Tabernacle Others understand by the Tabernacle the Church or Mystical Body of Christ wherein God graciously dwells and hath promised also to meet his People 1. It was moveable signifying the troublesome State of God's People whilst they pass through the Wilderness of this World 2. The Tabernacle had three places 1. The outward Court wherein stood the brazen Altar 2. The Holy Place 3. The Holiest of all In the first it typifies forth the visible or outward Form of the Church in respect of the external Exercise of Religion and Worship hither the common People may come The second typified out the Spiritual State or more close and holy Fellowship of the Church which none have admittance into but sincere and sanctified Persons who feed upon the Spiritual and true Shew-Bread Jesus Christ The third typified Heaven it self or the Church of God triumphant where Christ is set down in Glory at the Father's right hand to intercede for us 3. The Entry to the Holiest of all was by the Holy Place and to the Holy place was by the outer Court c. So our Entry into Heaven is by being Members of the visible Church through Faith and a good Conscience He that would enter into the Holiest of all must first be Holy and he that would come into a State of true Holiness and Communion with God and his People must learn to know where the Candlestick and true Shew-Bread stands which is the visible Church 4. You read of the fixed Pillars of the Holy Place they might signify the Holy Apostles of Jesus ●hrist and his faithful Ministers who help to support the Spiritual Structure the Church as Pillars do support a House c. 5. The divers Ornaments and Instruments thereof might signify the diversity of Spiritual Gifts and Graces in the Gospel-Church the Tabernacle was exceeding glorious within and all the inward parts thereof were overlaid with pure Gold Exod. 35. Psal 45. So inwardly the Church of God is very beautiful the King's Daughter is all glorious within 6. The several cov●rings thereof typified the Lord's sure and safe Protection of his Church by his own immediate Power and gracious ministration of Angels 7. Gold within and Skins without might signify tho the Church is glorious within yet outwardly to the sight and view of carnal Men she hath no Beauty but is look'd upon as contemptible 8. The Tabernacle and all the Instruments thereof yea the very Ash-Pans and Snuffers of the Candlesti●k must be made according to the Pattern shewed in the Mount which figured forth Exod. 25.40 that the Church of God and all the exercise of Worship that is therein whether Doctr●ne or Discipline must be exactly according to the express written Word nothing must be a●ded to nor diminished from no Alterations one way or other must be made 9. The voluntary Oblation of the People to build the Tabernacle signifies how willing Christians should be to contribute of their outward Substance to uphold God's Church and the publick Worship thereof 10. The glorious Door of the Tabernacle might be a Figure of Christ who saith I am the Door Joh. 10.7 't is by him we enter into the Kingdom of Grace and Glory The Veil of the Holiest Exod. 26.31 and what it figured forth IT was glorious of Embroidered Work this saith Guild signified the Body of Christ filled with the fulness of God Heb. 7.26 or beautified with all the most excellent and Heavenly Graces of the Spirit Joh. 1.51 II. It was replenished and wrought full of Cherubims noting thereby that serviceable and ready attendance of the Angels on Christ's Natural and Mystical Body III. It was born up by glorious and costly Pillars overlaid with Gold on Sockets of Silver to shew that the Humanity of Christ especially in his Sufferings should be born up by his Deity which his Manhood overveiled IV. By the Veil only there was entry into the Holiest place of all So by the Veil that is to say the Fl●sh of Christ w●ich was rent as it were upon the Cross a new and living way is made for us to the Father Heb. 10.20 The Ark a Type of Christ THe Ark was an assurance of God's Presence amongst his People So Christ is the Cause and Assurance that God in a gracious way is present with us II. Where the Ark was there it was lawful to offer Sacrifice and no where else which might shew that our acceptance in God's Sight is through Jesus Christ If Christ dwell not in our Hearts by Faith if we have not the Ark with us Christ with us God will not accept of our Prayers nor Service III. In the Ark was the Pot of Manna to shew that in Christ is the Life Comfort and Spiritual Nourishment for our Souls IV. The Ark had a Crown of Gold round about it signifying the Majesty of Christ's Kingdom or his Regal Power V. The two Tables were in the Ark the Ark kept them which might signify Christ's keeping the Law perfectly for us and deliver us thereby from the Curse of it VI. When the Ark was set in the Temple of Dagon Dagon fell down and broke to pieces So when Christ and his Truth are set up in a Man's Heart or a Nation Sin and Idolatry will go down VII Where the Ark was there was the Glory of God and when that departed the Glory of God departed So where Christ's blessed Truth and Gospel is there is the Glory of God but when Christ leaves a People takes away his Gospel the Glory of God goes from that People Some run a Parallel between the Church and the Ark others between the Publick Worship of God and it But in my Judgment it more clearly was a Type of Christ which may comprehend much of what they say in respect of other things The Mercy-Seat Exod. 25.17 a Type of Christ IT was called the Mercy-Seat or as