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B08142 A most godly and vvorthy treatis of holy signes sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God, euen since the beginning of the world. Very necessary for Christian understanding. ; Seene and allowed by authority.. Worseley, Edw. 1609 (1609) STC 23434.5; ESTC S95424 138,496 398

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haue forbiddē their Massalian sacrificers to minister vnto the Christen people which they call lay the body of Iesus Christ vnder both kinds but only vnder the holy signe of bread and not of wine the which they kept for the Priestes Massalians sacrificers Is not this corruption directly against the holy gospell and instition of the supper of Matth. 29. Mark 14. Luke 22. 1. Cor. 11. Iesus Christ which hath ordained and commanded all faithfull to ea●●●●s bodie and drinke his bloud When hee tooke the cup vsed hee not these proper tearmes Drinke all of this wine in memorie and remembrance of my bloud shed Hath hee vsed any other tearmes for eating of his bodie by the figure of bread then he hath done for the drinking of his bloud by the signe of wine If one should compare herewith the holy signe ordained of God in the Church of the Israelites a figure of the communion of the body of Iesus Christ which was the pascall lambe the fleshe whereof was cōmanded to be eaten of all persons without exception for as much as they were circumcised Was there euer any difference in the eating of the pascall Lambe and celebrating of the Passeouer of the Iewes among the Leuites of the stocke of the Priestes and the other cōmon people For another detestable corruption the Massalians haue instituted by their missall Idolatries to sacrifice and offer the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in reiterating by meanes the sacrifice of Iesus Christ perfectly ended cānot be done againe for that it was not after the order of Aaron but after the 1. Cor. 11. order of ●●lchisedech an euerlasting sacrificer who hath left no successor Also the holy apostle whē he admonished the Corinthians reuerently to celebrate the supper of Iesus Christ did he command them to sacrifice No but to communicate and eate togeather the body and bloud of Iesus Christ The beginning of the holy supper was not to kill offer and ordaine a sacrifice to offer to God But onely to eate and drinke at the holy feast prepared for vs by Iesus Christ the euerlasting sacrifice euerlasting sacrificer which hath reserued vnto himselfe only this eternal priesthood And yet neuertheles hath left his holy institution a banquet ordained for vs of bread and wine representing his body and bloud After the corruptions aboue sayde Sathan the diligent Babilonicall builder imploied all his forces strong●●es to build an inuincible fortresse of Idolatrie to the end to fight against and vtterly to throw downe the kingdome of Iesus Christ when he did enterpri●e the building of the Masse to be brough● in in the place of the holy sacrament of the supper as we wil briefly and so clearely declare that the most hard hearted Pharisies made olde in their ancient ●●olatries shall acknowledge by the veritie of histories their errours and abh●minable herefies Before the painting out of this Maze of error whereinto the Mes●●lians are pl●ndged I thought it necessarie briefly to discouer the ancient religion of the Romaines the raigne of the occidentall empire and of the Emperours which haue exercised both the temporal office and the dignitie of the great bishops superintendents of the religion Church Tit. ● in lib. 1. Decad. 1. of Rome All other as well as I shall confesse that the Romaine religion altogether for the most part to haue been● Funestell● his booke of magistrats of Rome instituted by Numa Pompilius the second King of the Romaines about 700 yeares before the incarnation of Iesus Christ Then were instituted the Bishops which afterward were brought to a certaine number vnto foure then the number was augmēted to eight and by Sylla to 15. In the colledge of Bishops there was one chiefe Bishoppe which was chosen by the other lesse bishops of the same order and dignitie like as the little bishops purple Cardinals haue practised the election of the great Romaine Bishop of their estate order and dignitie This Pompilian religion hath beene so well obserued by the Romanes from the father to the son that it hath beene impossible to destroy and plucke vp the same but hath continued to this day as euery one may easily perceiue by this little collection To confirme this point there is none that can bee ignorant which lusteth to read the Romaine histories that before the incarnatiō of Iesus Christ there was not one King Consul Dictator or Romaine Emperour instructed in the lawe of God But all were Idolaters and Infidels following the religion of Numa Pompilius the coniurer And that more is after the incarnation of Iesus Christ for the space of 300. yeares or thereabouts there was no Emperour nor Romane Euseb in his booke of the Church historie the yeares of Christ 34. 68. 94. 112. 113. 167. 202. 238. 254. 257. 276. 292. Councel which would change his religion to embrace the lawe of Iesus Christ But contrariwise they haue labored with tooth and naile to exercise all kind of cruelltie against the church of Iesus Christ as the Ecclesiasticall histories doe largely declare painting out great persecutions vnder the great Romaine Bishops to wit Claud. Tiber. Nero Claud. Domitian Nero Fla. Domitian Traian Elie Hadrian Antonian Philosopher Septime Seuere Iul. Maximus Mar. Quin. Traian Dece L●cime Valerian Valere Aurelian and Diocletian All which were Emperours and gouerned the Empire and Romaine religion for 300. yeares after the incarnation of Iesu● Christ and in their moneyes sepultures m●n●ments tytles and autentique letters did hold the name of great Bishop● and high Priestes as diligently is gathered in a booke of the antiquities of Rome wherein bee described the Images moneies and monuments of the an● In the booke intituled the discourse of the religion of the ancient Romaines by Wi●h a● de Choul bayly of Daulphine ancient Emperours of Rome which were all called great Bishops by these titles Iul. Ces Pon●if max Tiber. Nero Pontif. max Claud. Nero. Pontif. max. Vas p●sianus Ces p●ntif max. Traianus Impera Poatif max. M●rc Aurel. Anton. August Pontif. H●liog ●balus summas sacerdo● A●g Adrianus Imper. Pontif. max. G●●erius M●ximi●ianus Pontif. max. Tit. Ces Pontif. max. Commod Impe pontif max. Flauius Constantius Aug. Pontif. max. Which being then Emperours and great Bishoppes would suffer none other head in the religion and Romaine Church then themselues being alwaies enemies of ●esus Christ For when the Aposties did preach Christ to be the Soueraine Priest great and euerlasting sacrificer without any succeslour after the order of Melchisedech the tyrants of Rome and their Lieutenants did take an occasion to condemne Iesus Christ fearing that the authoritie of the Emperours and great Romaine Bishops should bee diminished With In the Catalog of Emperours i● the end of the historie of Nicephore the yeare of Christ 410. what furie were they inraged for the space of 300. yeares against the christians and Christs religion to defend their auncient religion of Pompilius what answere was giuen to
Italy Afterward Paul Emil. lib. 1 the yeare of Christ 568. raigned Totilas which forced robbed and burned Rome and all Sicile In the end the Lombards conducted by their Kings 〈◊〉 did raigne which vsurped Italy These barbarous nations Idolaters and Infidels did serue as whippes ordained of God to punish the Idolators of Rome committed by them which had knowledge of the holy Gospell And yet turned back frō the true worshiping of God violating and corrupting the holy sacraments by the inuentions of men To punish also the infidelity and obstinacie of the Emperours and Senators of Rome which first of all caused the Lieutenants officers appointed in Iudea to crucifie Christ his holy Apostles to persecute the Christians and alwaies to resist the lawe of the Gospell to maintaine their religion Pompilian Thus we may conclude that during the space of 400. yeares the Romane church of Emperours and Senatours hath euer beene contrary and enemies to the lawe of Iesus Christ Then afterward the occidentall Empire being ouerthrowen Rome and all Italy was ruled gouerned 300. yeares or there about by Kinges Princes and Dukes Idolators and Infidels namely by the Vādales by the Gothes by the Hūnes by the Astrogothes by the Visigothes and by the Lumbards in such sort that during the space of 700. yeares or there about after the incarnation of Iesus Christ there was no Emperour Kinge nor Prince of Rome which would embrace the law of Iesus Christ The which gladly and shortly I haue declared to the end that the Reader thinke not strange that I haue heere shewed the sacrifice of the masse to haue taken his beginning of the ancient religion instituted by Numa Pōpilius more then 700. yeares before the incarnation of Christ And so afterward also the same sacrifice hath beene continued by the Idolatrous Romanes inueterate and hardened so in their Pompilian Religion that they woulde neuer put away the same But to the end that nothing in the Romane Histories bee kept close which might obscure the clearenes of the veritie during the tyranny and vsurping of the nations aforesayd in Italy was erected a litle Lordship at Rauenna which continued about 183. yeares vntill it was rauished by a Bishop which inuested himselfe and encroched into the chaire of S. Peter by the meanes of a donation and demission practised by Pepin in the yeare 758. in recompence of a tyranny exercised by Zacharie Grec Bishop of Rome who spoyled the true inheritors of the crowne of France namely Chilperic or Childeric whom he shut vppe in a cloyster to make the kingdom to fall vnto the sayd Pipin the sonne of Charles Martell bastard This donation of Pipin thus giuē to the great Romane Bishop was the first originall of the greatnesse of the Popes of Rome who do holde vnto this day the Lordship Blond lib. 1. P●ul Emil. 2. of Rauenna 800. yeares being past with a great number of Townes a long the Sea Hadriatike cōmitted vnto them by Pepin contrarie to the expresse commandementes of Constantine then raigninge Emperour of the East in Grecia Whiles this little lordship was continued The yeare of Christ 588. at Rauenna long time before the donation of Pepin the Bishop of that place seeing that there were no more Emperours of Rome which was gouerned Sabelli● and kept vnder by barbarous people and Infidels lift vp his hornes in such sort that hee preferred himselfe to be Bishop of Rome and made himselfe the heade of the Church and also himselfe and his successours Bishops of Rauenna so long as the Lordship hath continued This was the first little Antichrist which would take vpon him a tyrannie in the Church to follow the earthly tyrannie of his Lordship Afterward there rose vp another In the yeare of Christ 600. Blond lib. 1. greater Antichrist in Constantinople named Iohn Bishop of that place Who seing the occidentall Empire of Rome ouerthrowne and the other of Constantinople highly exalted hee would als● Greg l●b 4. ●● his ep●●●es cap. ●● follow the tyrannie of the world and st●●re vp a spirituall r●●e in the Church o● Iesus Christ Hee caused himselfe t● be declared by a councell holden at hi● The yeere of 〈◊〉 6●● pleasure Bishop E●ume●ious that is t● say generall and head of the whole 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Church But soone after the great Bishops of Rome gaue such order that b●●●eason the Emperour Maurice it Constan●●ople was cr●ely slaine hee his wife and fami●●e by wicked Ph●●●● who to recompence this detestabl● murder comm●●●ed by the aduise of th● Church of Rome alwaies contrary to Iesus Christ hee declared Beniface the The ●e●re o● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 third ●f that name the generall head of the church of God taking vpon him the 〈◊〉 of Iesus Christ the grea● and euerlasting high Priest the onely spouse and head of his church Who can be●●er describe an Antichrist than hee that doth enterprise a tyrannie in the church of God a po●●gamie in the church the spou●e o● Iesus Christ attributing Ma● ●●6 to himselfe that power which Iesus Christ hath reserued to himselfe to bee perpetuall with his church by the vertue of his holy spirite to conduct and gouerne the same May not hee rightly be called Antichrist which doth enforce himselfe directly to goe against the holy gospell of Iesus Christ who commanded his Apostles when he sent them to● preach his word that they Math. 23. Luke 11. Marke 2. should not institute a Monarchie in the church as the Princes Kings and tyrants of the earth That none amongst them should enterprise to call himselfe the head or greater then other but all as brethren were humb●e being assured to haue one head and one heauenly father which will tarrie with them and assist them for euer to inspire and conduct them in his holy will Is not hee of good right Antichrist which will haue himselfe called the successour of Iesus Christ in the great Bishoprick in the high priesthood by him exercised The which dignitie he hath reserued to himselfe abiding a high soueraigne Prie● for euermore who hath left no successour in his dignitie as Aaron did and hi● successours in the dignities of the hig● Priests of the Iewes But is after the order of Melch●sedech a king high prie● without any successour in his dignitie Wherfore then O Antichrists of Rome haue you taken vpon you the dignity ●● the highest Bishops as the heads of th● church of God and vsurped also the authority of Iesus Christ causing you● selues to be called most blessed most reuerend fathers and Popes hauing instituted a colledge of little purple Bishoppes to choose the great Bishop bu● onely to the end to renew the auncient Romaine religion of Numa Pompilius the first authour of your Pontificall dignities About the same time that Ph●●a● the cruell murtherer did erect an Antichrist in the Romane Church Mahomet was risen in the Church of Arabia instructed by the Monke
Theodose the Emperour by the senate and senatours of Rome when it was put forth vnto them to change their religion and to receiue the religion of Iesus Christ They shewed that they had possessed their Pompilian religion more then 1000. yeares that all changing of religions were the destructions of common wealthes Wherefore consisting in their olde Romane religion they remained without receiuing of the law of Iesus Christ By these histories it is easie to bee resolued that for the space of 400. yeares and more the bishops of Rome which called themselues Christians could neuer obtaine of the Senate and Romane 〈◊〉 to recei●e the holy Gospell much lesse could they con●er● the Romane Ido●ater causing them to forsake their in●e●e●a●e Idolatry For the Bishops of Rome were too much occup●ed in restoring the Iudaical and Pagan● ceremonies for the distinctiō of mea●es ordinance no● to f●st Sunday and Thursday In the cannon re●●a●ed ●● C●eme●● Bishop o● Rome 21. 22 62 95. to●e● an order for table cloathes ●eales vessels of gold and siluer sensors and tapesterie other ornament● of the a●ters which consumed with age were ordeyned to be burned and the ashes to be put in the fount Other were meruailously occupied to restore the Iudaicall ceremonies of sweete breade and trauailed their spirits greatly to corrupt Alexander the first of that name Bishop of Rome in the yeare of Christ 110. the true vsage of the holy sacraments instituted of God by mingling of water with wine bruing of salt with the water to make it purged and coniured to driue away Diuels Other also Sixtus Bishop of Rome in the yeare of Christ 121. did trauell to institute Corporasses of fine linnen to lay vppe the consecrated hostes and to ordeine also albes and other vestiments of the Priests for their Siluester Bishop of Rome sacrifices of white collour without spot Some did torment their braines to inuent the feastes of dedication and consecration Higinus Bishop of Rome in the yeare of Christ 140. with coniuring with salt to driue away Diuels And some other to inuent oyles and creames to corrupt the holy sacrament of Baptisme Moreouer ●abian Bishop o● Rome in the yeare of Christ 240. during the raigne of these Tirants Emperours and great Bishops the Bishops of Rome desiring to make their names to continue for euer did dreame in their Pius Bishop of Rome in th● yeare of Christ 144. spirits to builde Temples not vnto the honour of God but in the name of their hee and shee Saints canonized by them at their pleasure Other did occupie themselues to ordaine that the consecrated breade and wine falling vpon the ground should be left to the sacrificer the rest remaining should be burned with fire and the ashes should be layed vp among the reliques Other did trauell Zeph●rin Bishop of Rome in the yeare of Christ 200 to set an order among chalises whether they should be of glasse or of wood And by other were instituted solemne Cali●tus Bishop o● Rome in the yeare of Christ 220 ceremonies foure times a yeare to bring Christians to the bondage of distinction of daies Some were occupied meruailously to Eutich Bishop of Rome in the yeare of Christ 282 ordaine the offering and consecration of fables to celebrate funerals in purple garmentes after the maner of the vestiment called Trabea the which the Idolators did vse in triumphes celebrated in the honour of their Gods And the like purple garment is vsed The red robes of Cardinalles Siluester bishop of Rome in the yeare of Christ 314. of the Cardinals to this day Others were occupied to inuent a confirmation for yong children and that the Bishops only should consecrate the creame To honour also the Bishop of Hostiense by whose hāds the bishop of Rome must be consecrated with a cloke called Palliū And to inuent an infinite nūber of other vnnecessary ceremonies cōtrary to the libertie of the Gospell giuen vnto vs by Iesus Christ How was it then possible that the first Bishops of Rome shoulde drawe the Princes Senators Romanes vnto the law of the Gospel during 300. or 400. yeares after the incarnation of Iesus Christ seeing they did not labour but to corrupt the vse of the holy sacraments and to restore the Iudaicall ceremonies and Idolatries of the heathen the ancient Romanes But here might one obiect one Philip which some vaunt to haue beene conuerted to holy Baptisme the maners of whom were so wicked that they gaue occasion to the most credible authors to describe him vnworthy the name of a Christian One might bring in Constantine Chronicle of Iohn Baptist the great which caused the Councell of Nice to assemble but his residēce was in Grecia being called the Emperour of the East And yet would he neuer receiue the signe of Baptisme to Histo tripart lib. 3. cap. 12. bee regenerate by the bloude of Iesus Christ vntill he was 65. yeares olde at what time he was baptised by a Bishop of Nicomede Arian named Eusebe the same Constantin● being at point of death Siluester then Bishop of Rome must not cracke that he conuerted this Emperour to the ●aith For this same Siluester would not assist the assemblie of the Councell holden at Nice in the yeare of Iesus Christ 32● How so euer it be it is conuenient to haue recourse alwayes to the verity of Histories wherein is recited the answere of the Senate and Senators of Rome to the Emperour Thecdez● more then 60. yeares after the death of the same Constantine the great Which was that they woulde not receiue the lawe of Iesus Christ but obserue their auncient lawe Pompilian to auoide the ruine of their common wealth which might come by the changing of religion whereby may be well gathered that then the lawe of God was not receiued nor approued at Rome by the Senate and Senators It resteth that presently we come nearer to the time following After the decease of Theodoze the Romane Empire of the West began so to bowe that in short time it was quite put out by Wandeloys Alayns which were the chiefe Paul Emil. lib. 1. the yeare of Christ 412. 154 that sacked Rome burnt the most part of it and rauished the proper daughter of the Emperour Theodore whom they married to Ataulphe king of the Gothes A litle while after succeeded the Hūnes Blond lib. 2. Decad. 1. Then Attilia King of the Gothes which vsurped Italy About this time the Romane Empire Procop lib. 3. of the warre of the Vandals in the yeare of Christ 486. of the West was spoiled of all Germany Asia Sarmatia and all the Prouinces tributaries vnto Danube Spaine also Aquitania Gascoygne Bourgoyne and all the Gaules did reuolt from the Romane tyranny Then succeeded the Ostrogothes with their King Valemir The yeare of Christ 550. 554 Theodemer Theodorike and other Heathen and Infidels The Visigothes also all vsurpers successiuely of
Sergius about the yeare 620. for this Apostate Heretike seeing the lawe of God altogether corrupted by the traditions of men and the holy Gospell contemned sectes and diuerse heresies sowed as well by the Iewes Pharisees Esseens Saduces Masbutheans Galileans Hemerobaptists and Samaritans as also by the Christians Simoniaques Nicolaits Cerinthiēs Menandriēs Ebionites Valētinians Cerdonians Marcionistes Montanistes Seeke the Church histories Cataphriges Tatians Eueratits Seuerians A●temonistes Porpherians Helchesaites Nouatiens Sabellians Chiliastes Paulianistes Manicheans Automousiastes Arrians Eunonians Macedonians Euuomiotheophroniens Euuomioentichiens Aetians Donatistes Luciferiens Patripassians or Theophatites Photiniens Marcellians Paulosamosetans Apolinaristes Iouinianistes Pelagians Acariens Olimpiens Quaternitaries Monothelites And other Heretikes hauing corrupted the true vsage of the holy Sacraments ordeyned of God Seeing also specially the Messa●ien secte to prosper in their ceremonies taken partly out of the Iudaicall lawe and partly out of the heathen Idolatrie he inuented the great Alcoran decree wherein he set many chapters articles called Azoares which are as lawes and rules of the Mahomet Religion This preface briefe discourse of the Romane history me thought necessarie to recite before I would begin to discribe the originall of the sacrifice of the Masse Alwaies to bring the Reader to vnderstand the veritie of the fact How the Emperour of Rome hath bin gouerned vntill the decay thereof about the yeare of Christ 410 And how the barbarous Idolators did vsurpe the same for the space of 300. yeares how also the Antichristes did rise and in the end the Emperour of Rome was transferred to the Almaines which keepe it to this day 500. yeares being passed Of the Masse TO begin this our little treatise of the Masse first of all it is conuenient to interprete The originall of the tearme of the Masse this tearme Masse of the ancient Romaines called Missa Some haue honoured this Missal sacrifice to haue taken his beginning of the Hebrewes bringing in the place of Daniel speaking of Maozin as Daniel 11. if they would signifie the Masse by Maozin But this tearme is very strange frō Missa or Masse And there are other Hebrew words which are more nearer to wit Messa which is as much to say as conculcation or treading downe whereof mention is made in the history 4. Kings 11. Missa of the kinges of Israel Another tearme also is found very comfortable vnto this common tearme Masse namely Messall that is to say hell or graue But Iosua 19. Messall I am well assured that the high Priestes of Rome will not take the originall of their sacrifice of the Masse from the Hebrues acknowledging their Masse and Messall to be a conculcation graue or hell Further to speake the truth the Author of the Romane Religion Numa Pompilius neuer thought of the Hebrues when he first instituted the Masse Messal Hell much lesse this tearme Massa or Masse can haue his originall of the Greekes seeing they haue no sacrifice of that name notwithstanding that some haue made some reason to bring in this terme of Greeke Miz●in that is to say in English to whisper or hide in secret As if the Messalian sacrificers had receiued of the Greekes Idolatours to keepe secret the chiefe and principall words of their Masses to the end they should not bee vnderstood of the assistance but haue obserued to murmure and blow betweene their teeth the Canons and other speciall words which neither they vnderstoode themselues nor other which beheld them Neuerthelesse neither the Hebrue termes nor Greeke vocables in no wise can be appropriated to the missall sacrifice Wherefore it behoueth to haue recourse to the true original of the terme Missa or Masse taken of the Masse taken of the ancient Latins Romans auncient Latines the Romanes which were accustomed to vse these termes Missus M●ssa Missilis and Missio As we say in English a Messenger a Message and Messiuenes for letters sent For whē the ancient Idolaters Romanes Apud Graecos Sacerdos functus misterio sic renunciabat Laois aphesis quasi populum misum faceres would giue leaue vnto the assistance at their Sacrifices celebrated to go home they caused to be pronounced in the end of the sacrifice these words I lieet Missa est Depart it is permitted the assembly hath leaue to retire or depart And in processe of time for that this song did note vnto the people a licence to go home most agreeable and desired as a songe and terme most comfortable Apul. lib. 11. de asin au pleasant it hath bin kept and the sacrifice honoured with this terme Masse or Missa to confirme this point there is two thousand yeares past and the same tearmes bee sung yet vnto this presen● day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which doth signif● 〈◊〉 giuen to the company or assembly to depart and goe home In such sort that those which do 〈◊〉 the temples or churches as soon as they doe vnderstand this pleasa● song 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a man may see the● ordinarily to awake and leape for ioy as being assured to haue licence to go to dinner The Arabian 〈◊〉 instructe● of long time by the m●nke Sergius ●● we haue declared haue this terme of Masse in great commendation with In the booke of the description o● 〈◊〉 by Iohn Leon 〈◊〉 which vocable they haue honoured ● towns or cities called Messa scituate vpon the mouth of the Ocean vpon the point which doth make the begining of the 〈◊〉 Atlas Nere vnto the same towns in the subu●bes there was a temple much reuerenced 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 by the Idolatrous Turkes for that they did be 〈◊〉 that in Messa should be borne the iust bishop promised and prophecied by Mahomet They did beleeue also that vpon the coast of the said place of Messa Ionas was cast after hee Messa Iamans In the booke of the great Turks Court by sryer Antony Gefferie was swallowed vp of the whale They haue also this name Messalamaines in as great honour as we haue the name of Christians As if the would signifie by this vocable Messalanian saued Moreouer the Mahematists doe honour also their priests with the name of In the booke aboue sayd Messen Messit Masse calling them Messen and their temples Messi● or Meschit Those then which are inforced to bring to light the Anatomy or descriptiō of the Masse the pieces the groundes the pathes and encreasemēts ought to describe it with great reuerence hauing due respect to the ancient religion Pompilian and Alcoran of Mahomet Now after that we haue resolued the name of Masse and of Missa in the Latine tongue to haue taken her begining of the ancient Romaine Idolatours and not of the Greekes or Hebrews It behoueth vs to come to the garmentes of the Messalian sacrificers But in passing by we must not omit that name Bishop to haue his originall also of the Romaines as wee haue declared also in our commentaries Also the name Papa or
wicked cease from their tyranny and they that haue laboured valiantly shall be at rest there shal the prisoners rest together heare no more the voyce of the oppressor there shal be small and great and the seruant shal be free from his master and euery man liuing shal draw after them as before there were innumerable wee shall bee brought all vnto death and to the house appointed for all the liuing For in the hand of the Almightie is the soule of euery liuing thing and the breath of all mankinde the daies of man are determined the number of his monethes are with him hee hath appointed him as bounds which he cannot passe man knoweth not the houre of his death for when his flesh is vpon him he shal be sorrowful while his soule is in him it shal mourn but when death shal come then he sleepeth and riseth not for he shall not wake againe nor be raised from his sleep vntill the heauens be no more For all shall go to one place all was of the dust all shall returne to the dust But though after our skins wormes destroy this body yet shal we see God in our flesh whom we our selues shall see and our eies shall behold and none other for vs though our reines be consumed within vs for our redeemer liueth and he shall stand the last on the earth and he shall bring euery worke to iudgment with euery secret thought whether it be good or euill Therfore take away griefe anger and enuie out of the heart and cause euill to depart from thy flesh thinke oft on the saying of the Apostle in the 9. to the Hebrues It is appointed vnto all men that they shall all once die and after that commeth the iudgement So Christ was once offred to take away the sins of many and vnto them that looke for him he shall appeare the second time vnto saluation for we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things that he hath done in his body according to that he hath done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or euill This death thē vnto which all flesh shal come is either an entrance or gate to perpetual liberty and pleasure or to perpetual prison and paine the death which maketh entrance to euerlasting paine is termed Ghostly and the sicknes which warneth of the same is also Ghostly which Ghostly sicknes and infection proceedeth of the malice of Satan and corruption of our owne wicked nature driuing all of whom it taketh hold either to errour in religion errour in life or errour in both Of errour in life the booke of Wisedome speaketh saying Seeke not death in the errour of your life destroy not your selues through the workes of your owne hands And of errour in religion it is spoken in the 106. Psalme and 39. verse Thus were they steined with their owne workes went a whooring with their owne inuentions The like wherof is affirmed in the 2. Epistle of S. Iohn where it is said He that transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that continueth and abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne which commandement and lesson our Sauiour had taught before in the Gospel of S. Mathew the 15. chapter and the 9. verse And in vaine do they worship mee teaching doctrines commandements of men as do all the heathenish idolaters Iewes Infidels Turks Heretikes Miscreāts which do worship false gods or honour and serue the true God after a false manner according to the inuentions and commandements of men embracing doctrines and traditions for the worship and seruice of God more then are deliuered in the holy scriptures the word of God and some also contrary to the same according as doth the Court or Church of Rome and all the company of Catholike Papists disciples and followers of the Court and Church of Rome which ghostly sicknes infectiō of errour in religion errour in life or errour in both bringeth with it euerlasting death both of body and soule if the infected truely penitent renouncing and detesting all his former errours both of religion life be not washed purged and clensed in the pretious bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of God so through Gods mercifull grace and goodnesse granted in his beloued sonne bee forgiuen and fully pardoned of the same according as S. Paul affirmeth That without bloud nothing can be made cleane and the bloud of Christ shal cleanse our conscience from all sin It is then necessarie for you and all others that looke and hope for saluation to beleeue and hold stedfastly vnto your liues end the true holy Catholike and Christian saith cōteined sūmarily in the articles of our beleefe according as the same hath bin of ancient time gathered and drawē out of the scriptures of the old new testament the holy writtē word of God and is more amply and large declared in those holy bookes with all other things taught in those bookes necessarie for a Christian man to instruct him fully perfectly and sufficiently in the way to euerlasting life Quest Do you then truely and vnfeynedly beleeue that all things pertaining to the true worship and seruice of God and for the instruction and guiding of your soule in the right knowledge of the way to euerlasting life and saluation are sufficiently and fully contained and taught in the holy written word of God of the old and new Testament and will you heartily and vnfeinedly renoūce al other faiths worship and seruice of God not being most truely conteined and taught in those holy bookes Answ I beleeue and embrace that faith worship and seruice of God conteined and taught in the holy books aforsaid as only fullie sufficient through the grace of Gods spirit to instruct and teach my soule in the way to euerlasting life and I do heartilie vnfeinedlie renounce all faithes worship and seruice of God more then that or contrarie to that which is most truelie and sufficientlie taught and deliuered in those holie bookes of the old and new Testament Reioice then and be of good comfort that god doth giue you grace to beleeue and hold stedfastly the true ancient Catholike Christian faith of our Lord Iesus Christ contained and fully taught in the holy bookes oforesaid Qu. Do you as all true beleeuers christiās confesse according as you are taught in gods holy word that you haue not spēt the time of your life past so holy vprightly as you ought to haue done hauing in thought word deed many times and waies transgressed the most holy cōmandemēts of god deseruing therby the sentence condēnation of eternall punishment and he● fire Answ I confesse it Quest Are you truely and vnfainedly heartily sorry for it Answ ● am and I beseech God by his grace to make me truelie penitent of all my offences