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A84708 Forraign and domestick prophesies: both antient and modern. Fore-telling the several revolutions which shall yet befall the scepter of England: His Highness's arrival to the scepter, soveraignty, and government of Great Brittain; the fall of the Turk, Pope, Emperour of Germany, and most of the great princes of the world. His Highnesses lineal descent from the antient princes of Brittain. Also a short account of the late Kings original. Published in Welsh and English, for the satisfaction of the intelligent in either tongue: by a well-wisher to his native country. 1659 (1659) Wing F1552; Thomason E974_1; ESTC R207662 109,319 200

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the Children of the Mould-warp An. Vanish away and live in strange Land for evermore Q. What shall become of she Queen of the first white King An. The Rose female and her Flowers shall for ever vanish away Qu. What shall become of the posterity or race of 2 Henries An. They will be wholly extirpated of the Kingly Government Qu. Having done with the Temporality what will become of the Clergy both at home and abroad and first what will become of the Pope of Rome An. Fall to the ground Qu. By whom shall he have his fall An. By the great Turk and the Brittish Branch Qu. What will become of Bishops here in Great Brittain An. Fall likewise with their Hiera●chie Qu. What will become of the Clergy of the Mould-warp or white King An. Fall in like manner to contempt and misery and be barred of their temporal Livings Qu. What will become of Crosses Images and supersticious Rites and Ceremonies An. Demolished abrogated and taken away for ever Qu. By whose means will this come to passe An. By means of the Reformed Prince or Conquerour of the Brittish blood mentioned in the 15 Question before Qu. Whether the antient forms of Marriages Baptism the Sacrament and Burials will stand or no An. None of these will stand but altered into other forms more wise and agreeable to Gods Word Qu. Shall the Church and State here in Great Brittain be free from trouble and invasion of forreign Nations after the year 1656. An. No but shall be further tryed with troubles both from its own bosom and from enemies abroad Qu. How long will such trouble continue to the Church and State after the year 56 An. Look not for settlement till the year 63. Qu. Shall there be unity peace and concord after that year here in Grrat Brittain An. Yes assuredly Qu. Shall Beirdhth and Poets be yet in esteem An. Yes Fo ddaw Paredraeth i bob Prydidd Q. What shall be the chief grounds of the falling out between the Mould warp red Lyon or whi●e King and his Parliament An. The chief cause or grounds thereof will be about the old or Romish Religion Qu. Thou hast spoken of a Conquerour tell us of his Birth and Parentage An. He shall be a Brittain by descent from the fathers side and an Englishman born Qu. When shall such Conquerour appear with his warlike Actions An. He shall be the first after E. the young King or E. which will dye in his youth viz Edward the Sixt. Q. Whose Standard shall this Brittish Conqueror beat down An. The Standard of C. or Charles A Bright Northern STAR Discovering the Fate of GREAT BRITAIN IN the year of Christ 540. In the time of Maelgwyn Gwinnedd in Latine Maglocunus King of the Britains there lived in North Wales a Prince called Gwiddno Garranir which had a Weere or a design to take variety of fish in great abundance especially at some seasons of the year and upon the Eve of St. John Baptist Elphin eldest Son of the said Gwiddno a prodigal youth begged of his Father the fortune of the sai● Weere for that night the which was kindly granted next morning Elphin went ver● early to view the fortune destinated for him then the Nets were aken up but no mann●r of fish only a close leather bagg in or enta●gled about the said Net the which was taken up and tipt open the first object that appeared was a forehead of a lively child upon sight thereof Elphin sayd O! Jessu wnned ydiw i dalken Behold O Jesu how white is his forehead 〈◊〉 thereupon the child reply●d and said We le ti am henwa●st i T●liesin in ge●wir Thou hast given me a name which shall be Taliesin but prodigal Elphin b●gan t● be sorrowful at his hard fortune seeing that he had no manner of fish when his father had them in great abundance especially at such a season of the year Then the young child finding Elphin discontented for his hard fortune began to solace him wi●h most divine Exhortations to trust in the living God which never faileth his after these as followeth Then the child was brought along with Elphin to his father house where be was nourished and brought up a Scholar and after few years he became Master of all Languages Arts and Learning and also absolute perfect in the knowledge of holy Writs and excellent in the gift of Poetry which he delivered most sweetly in way of Traethiawd wawd or owdwle● in high and elegant phrase A Champion for the Protestant Religion which he professed and maintained as appears by his Creed and other writings herein incerted And an enemy to the Church of Rome vehemently exhorting the Clergy and Layety of the Britains to take heed and beware of the corrupt Doctrine thereof he was a great Prophet as is already expressed This Taliesin made ' former appearances and bore several names at the first time called Gwin bath the second time Merthin and lastly Taliesin the manner of these former appearances I have omitted least my Narration prove too tedious to the friendly Reader Merlin Amboorse that lived in his time gave him reverend and respective Titles Now to Taliesins first Language which he delivered in an Exhortative way to the said Elphin ap Gweddno 1. Ephin deg tawath wylo Na Chabled neb e eiddo Ni wnales it ddrwg obeithio Nid a wyl dun ai Portho Ni thir dvwrr Addawo Ni bidd koeg gweddi kynlo Ni chaed yngoced widdno E ioed ●ystall a heno or first born The Translation Toliesin finding Elphin sorrowful for his hard fortune began to exhort and to solace him and said Fair Elphin leaveoff thy weeping be not discouraged at thy loss nor contemn what thou hast received it will not avail thee to be hopeless man is not sustained with what he seeth God will not break his promise the prayer of Kynllo will not be fruitless there was never had in the Weer of Gwiedno so good a fortune as this 2. Elphin deg ssuch dy ddeyvdd Inth wared fod yn brodd Ni wna les gormod kystydd Kvo tybbiaist na chefaist fvdd Nag Ammav weithiav dofvdd Kvd bwyf fycha●e wyf golfvdd O for ag o fynvdd oeigiawnafonvrdd I dewfin dvw dda ir dedwvdd The Translation Fare Elphin wipe off the tears from thy face it will not avail thee to be pensive neither will it profit thee to be too sorrowful thou thinkest thou hast no gain mis-doubt not the works of God for from the Sea and Land will he send riches to the happy or just man 3. Elphin Cynneddfav diddan Anfil wraidd yw dy Amkan Kid bwf eiddil a bychan Hr fodd garw firw mordnilan Ind rhaid it ddirfawr gwvfau Gwell dvw na drwg ddarogau Im A wnaf it yn invdd kyssran Well na thrychan Maran The Translation Well quallified Elphin thy purpose and hopes are not Warriour like while I am small and tender After such sort thou needest not desperately complain
I le a phr●fi pimp or prifie When a frostie Christmas comes and New-years day on Thursday a barren spring and the prime V. Take notic of this year 57. A song of Taliesin against ignorant Beirdhes and Musicians Ni wyddoch thwithav padraethach tafodav nadosparth Diav chwng y chwirach gave beirddion bychain brain bro Braidd nadewchi arffo Barthmin gostego gosteg nis Kaffayn i el dau grothoo doddaiar agro Ar sawl am grandawo Mab dvwai kano Elphin ap Rwyddn● synnat Artheco Dan dri ar ddeklo am gau moli Athco Myfi yw Taliesin ben Beirdd y Gorllewin Aga Adwen bob gorsin yngoger gorllewin Ag Aollwng elffin oi hval evrin First he rebukes the unskilfull Poets and Harpers and faith that the Bardh which cannot controle him should be put to silence but poureth forth his prayers to God for such that observe his counsel directions and saith that Elphin ap Gwiddno was murdered for landing his Tutor and interred in the earth of Arthtro and that hee was Taliesin cheis of the western Beirdhs and that he would set Elphin at liberty from his p●ecious bonds surely he alludes at the resurrection by the sound of the trumpet of an Augel A prophesie of both the Merlines of the coming of Owen the Conquerour after the year 1640. Pan fo oedoan mab duw yn vil a 6 C a lx mylynedd yno i daw Owain yn wir i gleduv ddvr dir i daw ag yn eber Tawe y llevad o lau hafren Owain ar i law ag i dir katwg Rhysel by th nidd iddi Rhag llaw gwilied pawb ramser The Translation When the year of Christ comes to 1660 then verily Owen will come with his sword of his steel will he come with the moon from Civern bank and Owen on his hand and then warrs shall never come to the land of Katwg Let the time be observed A prophesie of Taliesin of great warrs wherein the French and English will confederate together and then Castles shall be destroyed but a Britain shall overcome them and then a good world will follow Y Tyrrav kadarn yn wan a wnant Llafaraf gwelaf golav foliant I gymrv yn hv pau hwyliant Frank llen a saeson byd enbyd Awnant Am Dalfa Tyrfa Twr minant Am gyfrank vn didd Rhif y mirdd syrthiant A moroedd ky edd dofvdd ai disant Brithon ai toeblia ywna fyddant Brithfyd a ddyfyd o ddikter karant A saiff hid llawen pau ehedant The Translation Behold I do clearly forsee and prophesie the advance of Brittaines at such time when English and French will joyn together with armes and armies then strong Castles and Towers shall be made weak and then will be a dangerous time then will these English and French seek Towers and Castles in the behalf of him which will be possessor or owner of multitudes or armies then will be sharp fightings at sea but a gracious person will come who through his own free motion shall destroy or overcome them and then Brittaines will wear them out and be chiefe and then from a bad world will become stand and continue a good and merry world A prophesie of one of the ten Sybils setting out the destruction of many Countries and Isles by the Turk the Calamitie of the Church and State through all Europe the fall of Emperours Kings Princes Pope Bishops and Cl●rgie with several punishments and signes of the same of a British Conquerour and Reformer of the world The Turks shall destroy many Christian Isles nigh unto them the Countries of Armony Phrygia Denmark Norway shall be s●re debatled so that many good Countries in Christendome without help or victory shall be destroyed the Castles standing upon the river of Tyber at Rome upon the river of Ridonya in France and upon the river of Danubia in Almayn or Germany shall be subverted and cast down so likewise in Spain by reason of marvellous great floods which shall come to the said Rivers the Countries of Dardania shall be brought to great ruine because of great and marvellous earth-quakes which shall happen there Between the Arroganes and the Spaniards shall be great debate and tribulation and then there shall be no peace or love amongst them until such time that their Countries and Kingdomes be utterly destroyed the Countrey of Gasgoyne shall bewail their great calamity After the year of our Lord God 1647 shall come the universal Church of all the world shall lament and be sorrowfull Shortly after shall be great destruction robbing and extreme wasting of the most noble and the most famous Citie which is the Lady and head of all Christendome Every Church throughout all the world shall be spoyled and deprived of their temporalities under the signes and motion of Saturn and Venus in the tayle of the Dragon And then there shal not be so great a man in the Church but he shal be weary of his life Churches shal be befouled and made profane places All manner of Religions shal be put unto violence for very fear and fright of the most cruel Ire The He●dmen and the Heads of all Churches shal be expulsed and put from their dignities Prelates shal be st●iken with the rod or scourge of punishment and shal flie from their houses and shal so remain despised in sundry places and shal likewise remain stil without any Leaders or Governours The Governour of all Churches shal role and flye and finde no place of refuge or securitie and the temporal men shal be turned from the Church and there shal be no defence or resistance for the space of 22 months Neither the Bishop of Rome nor the Emperour neither a rightful King in France by the space of three years The wrath of God for sin shal fal upon the world and for manifold sins and false judgment all Elements shal be changed fear and dread shal remain Castles and strong Towers shal fal down and be subverted by fear of earth-quake that shal happen The fruit of the earth shal faile the roots of plants shal putrifie and waxe deaf and rotten seeds wil fal The sea shal roar and crye against the world and shal overflow and swallow divers and many ships The Air shal be pestilentious and noisom for the malice and iniquity of men The heavens shal shew divers and manifold marvelous signs and tokens The sunne shal waxe dark and also shal appear red of colour many starrs shal fight together which shal be a sign of destruction and killing of men Two moons shal be seen at once almost by the space of four houres divers passions sorrowes and deadly sicknesses and also sudden deaths shal be as wel in men as in bruit beasts Pestilential sickness and miserable deaths shal be in the most part of the world as was never heard of All the Countrey of Bononia sh●l loose all the company and flower of its Clergy and Learning The Countrey of Lotheringe shal lament and bewail the great spoyling
coming shall be chastisement without measure and without mercy and God shall g●ve over into their hands all the kingdoms of the wicked and further saith That Spain shall p●rish by the sword and that the Inhabitants thereof shall be led Captive Philippus Boskierus a learned Franciscan Friar in his 9 Phil pp ck for the holy Land writeth That the kingdome of Spain is in great danger of desolation and destruction at the hands of the Turks and Moors for their cruelty used against the Americans Likewise Nostrodamus in divers of his predictions fore-telleth that the Turks shall over-run Hungary and Italy yea saith Antonius Torquatus France shal not be free from the Turkish fury nor yet Germanie and Reynardus Lolardus saith that the Agaren● shall yet once again gather themselves together and come ●ut of the desarts in troops into Germany and that they sh●ll ob●ain the land of the Moon for the space of eight years they shall subvert Kingdoms and Cities kill the Priests in the holy places prof●ne the holy ●●ss l d●ssour Christian women turn the Churche● into Stables and tye their Steeds to the mo●uments of the Saints because of the wickedness of Christian people in th●se d●●es and in end th y shall be destroyed near unto the golden Apple of Agripp●ne when as there shall be few Christian Pri●ces left to make resistance and almost none alass saving a cer ain most inv●ncible K●●g of Spain who in those daies shall kill the last Successor of the Mahometane Duglossius So shall the lofty pr●de of the Turks have a fall th●ir Kingdomes shall be brought to the Church the Turkish Empire of Trapezond shall be br●ught back again to the Partimony or Empire of our crucified Lord by the hands of the Cross beating servants and souldiers and then shall the Church grow again into a new sta e of everlasting Charity C●ncord and Peace for there shall be a reformation a new kinde of I●w or religion better t an an the old together with honesty of conversation both in Clergy and Layti● And again saith Reynardus if the Princes of Ger●any do not agree with the great Eagle but fa●l to the kind●ing of civil warrs amongst themselves Duglossius heir shall not fail to come even the fi●teen●h branch of the Turkish tyrannied tree and waste Poland Mista Thuring Hesse Prut●n P●cardie Brabant Flanders and ●u●p sse farre in cru●lty and rage the fi rcest beasts against the ●hr●stians of the North W st but hee shall be kill●d b sid●s the golden A●ple of Agrippine according to the pred●ction of Merl n. Out of his 8 section from the Prophesie of St VINCENT Then there shall enter i●to Italy three most puiss n● Armies one from the West another from ●h East and th● third from the N●rth which shall fight to get her and there sh●ll be such blood sh d as the l ke ●ath not been seen in Ital● si●c● the world began and th●n ●h E●g●e sha●l ●●k● the counterf●i● King and all things sha l be subdued and made ●b●dient un●o him and there shall be a new reformation in the world but wo and wo again shall be then to the shaven Order for the sect of divisers and attempters shall cease Again saith the same St Vincent because the understanding of holy Scripture hath borrowed a strange colour from Philosophers for the most part of preachers now adayes preach not the simplicity of the Gosp●l but the subtilty of Aristotle in which words the holy man taxeth the nice and subtile kinde of divinity devised by the School-men Wee have likewise saith he drunk water for money that is to say we have been made to buy with our money the holy Sacraments which are the instruments of Gods free grace signified by the water for now all our Priests are guilty of Simony Out of his 10 section fol. 44. S. Brigide foretelleth how that out of the Western part of the world shall spring a Lily which shall grow to a thousand thousands in the Virgin land and shall be strong r than the Cedar and recover the things that are lost and with his odour or sweet smell perfume and as it were bewater the infected and poisoned parts of the world S. Cataldus Finius likewise fore-telleth that among the Lilies shall arise a comely Prince having a near name amongst the Kings of that Countrey and whose nature and nation shall have a resemblance with his name unto whom the whole world shall do homage when the high O●e is fallen and when he hath stricken down the prickly Bear meaning the Turk happy and blest shall his years be from the West to the East from the East to the cold Quarter a●d from the North to the warme South This flourishing or flowery Prince bearing the new name sh●ll plant the Vine of out Saviour unto whom all Nations shal submit themselves and the Crown of the East shall be given him to keep Out of his 12 section fol. 55. S. Methodius fore-told that the Ishmaelite● shall possesse from East to West and from South to North their yoke shall be heavy upon the neck of all Nations and that none shall be able to resist them until a certain determinate time be past that they s●all come forth of the desart in the sixt thousand years and vexe mightily with warr Spain France and Germany and put the Romans to flight and to the edg of the sword But saith Reynardus Lolardus and also Jevenu Anglicus the Turk shall in the end be overcome and killed at the Golden Apple of Agrippine Paracelsus fore-tells that when a certain terrible Ecclipse of the Sun is past together with great inundation or overflowing of waters that then divers tumults seditions battels burnings and blood-shedings shall mightily molest the Northern Nations n●mely Brabant Flanders Zeland and Holland in those daies saith he the Lily shall wither Johannes Wolfus in his 16 Century alledgeth a prediction That when King Henry shall reign twice made King beloved both in word and deed a certain strong man shall pluck the Lilies out of the French Garden the King himself shall fall and his people both Clergy and Layty shall perish by the sword the pl●gue fam●ne and fire N●stradamus in his 1 Century and 49 quadrin fore-telleth that the Oriental Nations shall about the year 1700 subdue almost all the Northern corner or quarter of the world and in his 5 Century and 94 quadrin saith that the great Duke of Arm●nie shall assault Vienna and Collen and in his 2 Century and 78 quadrin he saith that the chief of Scotland together with six of Germany shall be taken captive of the Orientals at sea and carrid through Spain into Persia and there pr●sented to th●ir new King Tha● in the end saith Nostradamus the Northern Nations being confederated together shall prevail over the Eastern and that certain Princes of the Trojane French and German land especially two whom he calleth brothers not brothers shall practise such prowess and
saw in a Vision in the year of our Lord 1482 two Crosses the one was black planted in the midst of the City of Rome spreading as it were the Armes over the whole earth and with the top touching the heaven whereon was written these words Crux Irae Dei the Crosse of Gods anger or wrath which having seen behold faith hee incontinent I beheld and saw the aire darkened and troubled with tempestuous clouds windes lightening darts swords fire and haile and me thought I saw innumerable number of men destroyed through the force and violence thereof so that few were left behinde unslain Afterwards I saw a sweet fair and a clear time ensuing and lo I beheld and saw as it were a golden Crosse in the midst of Jerusalem of the bigness and height of the former so bright that it d●d enlighten the whole world and filled the same with new gladness and joy and it had written upon it Crux Misericordiae Dei the Crosse of the mercy and favour of God And lo incontinent and on a sudden all the Nations of the world of both sexes came in troops from all parts to behold and embrace it by the which the holy man was f●re-warned of the future cast gation and renovation of the Church of Rome how that the Aposto●ical sea should be removed from thence to Jerusalem which is likewise according to the prediction of the Francisean Friar Iohannes de Rupe scissa Whereunto may be referred the prediction of Merlin Caledonius which is thus I rejoyced of those things that were revealed unto me for after a long tribulation of Christians and an exceeding effusion or spilling of innocent blood the prosperity and peace of God shall come to a desolate Nation for God will send a Reformer and Co●querour who shall rectifie and redresse all things amisse both in the East and West Church and bring all things according to the form of the primitive Church then one Faith or Religion will be in force then there shall be one Pastor and one Law for Christ Jesus shall redresse and bring into good order all things amisse Out of the Appendix of the same fol. 117. The Revelation of Reynardus saith That after ten years past in after-times a great Eagle shall arise which shall chastise many and make the inhabitants of the seas to mourn Who can resist him saith he seeing he hath power from the most High he shall carry away with him 3 kingdomes and the people shall cry Alas alas wo wo the same is the great Eagle which after 5 years sleep shall begin to talk familiarly with the Lily and afterwards shall make it to tremble together with other lofty mountaines Cities and Castles he shall astonish with the noise of his wings and there shall be a great and bitter mourning such as hath not been heard of of old amongst the Inhabitants of the West sea and in the Virginal land he shall spoil the Lilies In the which predictions the great Eagle seemeth to be the Turk who should subdue the rest of the Empire and mightily subdue the Countries of the West especially the most noble Countrey of France according to some other predictions formerly alledged A prophesie of S. Bridgide out of the same fol. 118. Surgat Rex pudicus f●ri c. that is to say There shall arise a King of a shamefast countenance who shall reigne over all and entering into the h●use of the mother Eagle shall hold the Monarchy from East to West Reynardus again fore-telleth That the children of the low Countries of Dutch-land shall be a prey to the Fowles of heaven and to the beasts of the earth so shall those under the heart of Virgo and of Scorpio they shall fall before the mouth of the sword and the habitation of the Western people and of the Scorpionists shall be defart The Lord saith he shall unsheath the sword of warr and of extream desolation upon those of Picardie Flanders and the neighbouring-Countries afterwards those of Bavier shall be brought under his Scepter and many beams of the Church shall be darkened both in Germany and France because the coming of that King shall be sudden and unexpected in the midst of security and peace It is not amiss for memories sake to give you a brief summ of the principal subjects handled in those prophetical Collections First you have two grand Tryals and the Defendant or Brittish Conquerour maintained by prophesie to be a Brittain by the Paternal line or descent and an Englishman born 2. Said to come in the first-born after Edward the Sixt. 3. Said to descend from 7 Ancestors by expresse names 4. Said to strike or maintain warrs with the blood of Vrien 5. Said to beat down the standard of a Scottish C. or Charls 6. Said to have his descent from Blethin ap Cynvin Prince of Powis 7. Said to make a full Conquest of what the Brittains for●erly enjoyed The Plaintiff likewise is maintained to be of the Scottish race 2. Of the race of Griffith 3. Of the race of Llewelin 4. Of the race of Vrien 5. To bear the name of a Charles Now followeth the Judgwents of learned and famous Divines Astrologers and Astronomers touching a great change in the world amongst Kings Princes and Emperours at certain times and yeares probably to fall out In the year of the World 3665 Ptolomaeus Ph'ladelphus reigning in Egypt some 469 yeares after the budding of Rome there lived one Hiparchus a famous Astrolo●er who reports That in his time the Starr commonly called Stella Polaris which is in the Tayle of the lesser Bear was 12 degrees and 2 firsts distant from the Poles of the Equator This Starr from age hath insensibly still crept nearer to the Pole whence it appears that the Poles of the Equator are moveable It was not in the time of Peter du Moulin the observer hereof past 3 degrees distant from the Poles of the Equator When this Start therefore shall come to touch the Po●e there being no further space l●ft for it to go forward which may well enough come to passe within 5 or 600 yeares it seemet● that then there shall be a great change of things and that this time is the period which God hath prefixed to Nature Du Moulin in his accomplishment of Prophesies fol. 251. Learned Brightman in his exposition of the 12th Chapter of Daniel ver 12. concludes That the two grand enemies of Christ viz. the Turk and the Pope shall be destroyed and the dispersed Jews called in to the Christian faith with a flourishing time of Christianity by the year of Christ 1 Henricus Alstedius concludes these happy and desired events together with Christs personal reign on earth in Anno 1694 Nicholas Culpepper his Annotations and Predictions upon the ecclipse of the Sun March 29. 1652. It is a remarkable thing the two superiour bodies Saturn and Jupiter who alwaies use to make a Conjunction in one and the same triplicity should