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A62650 Two journeys to Jerusalem containing first, a strange and true account of the travels of two English pilgrims some years since, and what admirable accidents befel them in their journey to Jerusalem, Grand Cairo, Alexandria, &c. by H.T. Secondly the travels of fourteen Englishmen in 1669. from Scanderoon to Tripoly, Joppa, Ramah, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho, the river Jordan, the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah, and back again to Aleppo. By T.B. VVith the rare antiquities, monuments, and memorable places and things mentioned in holy Scripture: and an exact description of the old and new Jerusalem, &c. To which is added, a relation of the great council of the Jews assembled in the plains of Ajayday in Hungaria in 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. By S.B. an Englishman there present. VVith an account of the vvonderful delusion of the Jews, by a counterfeit Messiah or false Christ at Smyrna, in 1666. and the event thereof. Lastly, the fatal and final extirpation and destruction of the Jews throughout Timberlake, Henry, d. 1626.; Brett, Samuel.; R. B., 1632?-1725? Journey to Jerusalem.; T. B. 1692 (1692) Wing T1277A; ESTC R219326 92,206 197

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being 158 in number Now taking our leaves of the Fathers they all shewed great affection to us weeping and expressing their desires to enjoy our company longer and our desires were as much to be nearer home to have an Account of our Friends Iune 4. we departed our Mulletteers having provided us Horses intending to take Emaus in our way but night drawing on we made St. Ieroms Church our sleeping place formerly Fathers lived in it but the Arabs came upon them in the night and cut all their Throats The Church is well built and hath been adorned with Pictures on the Wall of which some remain to this day About two hours riding from Ierusalem we passed over the brook out of which they say David gathered the Pebble stones to slay Goliah Iune 5. we arrived at the Convent in Ramah about ten in the Morning where we tarried till mid-night at which time there was a Ship to depart and some of us intended to embarque the rest took a Boat like a Gravesend Barge we put our provisions of Bread and Wine aboard and so put to Sea keeping always near the shore for fear of a Storm After three days Sail we arrived at Aerica formerly called Ptolemais always coming to Anchor at night this place is famous for nothing but the ruins the Road being so bad that all the Art Captains have can but keep their Cables together The Commodities in this place are only Cottons Pot-ashes and some Filletto's Two days after we arrived at Trippoly where we made bold at our old House the Consul receives us very gladly and our design was to depart next day but the Plague still raging at Aleppo the Consul forced us to stay 12 or 14 days all which time we were treated like Princes and then by his leave we imbarqued on a Dutch Ship for Scanderoon the rest of our Company whom we left at Aerica to go to see the Sea of Galilee being arrived Iune 26. we arrived at Scanderoon where some were dead and others dying and one flying from another We tarried upon the Mount and aboard the Ship for some time and July 2d we arrived at Aleppo where there died at that time Seventy or Eighty of a day of the Plague And thus ended our Journey A True Relation OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GREAT COUNCIL OF THE JEWS Assembled in the Plains of Ajayday in Hungaria about 30 Leagues distant from Buda to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. On the 12 th of October 1650. By Samuel Brett an English-man there present IT hath been much desired by many honest Christians that this Relation of the Jews Council should be Published which I did intend to Communicate only to my private Friends The chief Argument which perswaded me to do it was because they conceived it to be a preparation and hopeful sign of the Jews Conversion And that will be glad-Tydings to the Church of Christ therefore I yielded to satisfie their desires And thus it was At the place above-said there assembled about 300 Rabbies called Jews from several parts of the World to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ. It seems this place was thought most convenient for this Council in regard that part of the Country is not much Inhabited because of the continual Wars between the Turk and the King of Hungaria There they have Fought formerly two bloody Battels Yet both these Princes notwithstanding their own Differences did give leave to the Jews to hold their Council there The Jews for their own Accommodation made divers Tents for their repose and had plenty of Provision brought them from other parts of the Country during the time of their sitting The Jews making as we said divers Tents they set up one Large Tent only for the Council to sit in being made almost four-square the North and South not altogether so large as the East and West part It had but one Door and that opened to the Ea●t In the middle of the Tent there stood a Table and a Stool for the Propounder to sit on with his face towards the Door of the Tent. The Propounder was of the Tribe of Levi named Zacharias And within this Tent round about were placed Forms on which stood the rest of the Council They were enclosed with a Rail at a distance from them to prevent all Strangers and all such as could not prove themselves to be Iews by Record or dispute in the Hebrew Tongue which many had forgotten that lived in such Countries where they were not allowed their Synagogues As in France Spain and those parts of Italy that belong to the K. of Spain and the K. of Naples with the Province of Apulia Sicilia Calabria and Sardinia In which places if a Iew be found and denies the Popish Religion he is condemned and Executed for it And yet Profit and Benefit allure them to dwell in those Countries notwithstanding their fears and dangers And they are willing themselves to forget and neglect to teach their Children their Native Language rather than lose their opportunity of Profit And again some of those Iews have burned the Ancient Records of their Tribes and Families that they might not be discovered by searching or otherways And for this defect that they could not prove their Tribe and Family they were not permitted to come within the Rails in the time of their Council but commanded to remain with the Strangers that attended to see the Event of this Assembly We conceive the Number of the People that attended to see the Issue of their Proceedings were about Three Thousand Persons the most part of them Germans Almains Dalmatians with some Greeks and a few Italians but not one Englishman more than my self For I was informed that the K. of Hungary not favouring the Reformed Religion did give no no Encouragement to any Protestant Churches to send any Divines thither But he did allow there should be some Assistants sent from Rome and their coming thither proved a great unhappiness to this hopeful Assembly or Council The FIRST Day When the Assembly first met they spent some time in mutual Salutations and as their manner is kissed one anothers Cheeks expressing great joy for this their happy Meeting And now all things being prepared for their Accommodation they Considered of the Iews that were to be admitted for Members of this Council For they only were admitted to be Members that could by Record prove themselves to be Native Iews And I observed there were about five hundred refused and put by though doubtless they were true Iews yet they could not by Record prove themselves so to be And for this were not admitted to be Members of this Council but commanded to abide without among the Strangers that attended there The number of them that could prove themselves Jews by Record were three hundred who were accepted to sit in the Council And this was all that was done the first day The SECOND Day the Assembly being full the Propounder Zacharias of the Tribe
whereby they were restored to their former condition again But this answer gave little satisfaction to the Council and especially to Abraham Whereupon Abraham stood up and replied how could this Christ Charm them Blind Lame and Dumb c. When they were so born before Jesus Christ himself was born as it appeared some of them were This seemed a Paradox to the Pharisees And truly the prosecuting of this Argument almost put the Pharisees to a Nonplus But at last they began to speak again and gave this answer though a weak and vile one perhaps say they the said Impotent Persons were made so by other Magicians and conjured to be Lame Blind and Dumb c. And though himself were not then born when they were born with those evils yet this Iesus being a greater Dissembler and more cunning than any Magician before him Power was given him by the Devil to remove those Charms which others had placed But there was one Pharisee among the rest named Zebedee who among all the Pharisees there assembled did most Opprobriously and Blasphemously revile Christ and vehemently urged those things to the Council against him But I conceive not to the well liking of any that heard him even of the Members of the Council or of the Pharisees And as the Pharisees played their part against Christ so did the Sadduces likewise For some of the Council were of that Sect who did endeavour to render Christ vile and odious to the the rest of the Iews I observed it to be with the Pharisees and Sadduces as once it was with Herod and Pilate Though these two could not agree at other times yet they could agree together to Crucifie Christ. So the Pharisees and Sadduces though they be much divided in Opinion among themselves yet did they at this time too too well agree to disgrace Christ with their Lies Clamours and Blasphemies For the Sadduces as well as the Pharisees accused him for a Grand Impostor and Magician in that in his Gospel he taught the Resurrection from the Dead which say they we deny But it is no Miracle to see Factions agree in some evil design against others as I found by experience in 1650. which was the year of their Iubile At which time there was a great Strife between the Iesuits and the Friars of the Order of St. And though their Dissension hath been by the care and vigilancy of Pope smothered over that the World then took not much notice yet this Fire broke out again into a Flame greater as they informed me tha● before even to Publick Disputations and bitter Wranglings one against another opening the deluge of Errors and one anothers Factions Thus seeking to disgrace one another the Pope threatned to Excommunicate the Authors of all such black Libellous Books tended to the dishonour of the Clergy as he called them to make them infamous to the World But these things by the way The Great Council of the Iews in Hungaria 1650. Page But so soon as the Assembly of the Iews heard these things from them they were all exceedingly troubled thereat and fell into high Clamours against them crying out No Christ No Virgin Mary No Woman Gods No Intercession of the Saints No Holy Crosses No Worshipping of Images c. Their Grief and Trouble was so great that it would have troubled an hard heart to have seen and heard it For they rent their Clothes and tore their Hair and cast dust upon their heads and cried out Blasphemy Blasphemy Blasphemy against Iehovah and Christ our King And in this great Confusion and Perplexity the Council brake up But being willing to do something being yet unresolved they assembled again upon ●he EIGHTHDAY And all that was done upon that Day was to agree upon another meeting of the Iews which was to be ●hree years after which was then concluded ●pon before their final departing I believe saith the Relater there were many Iews there who would have been easily perswaded to own the Lord Iesus Christ. And I assure it for truth to the hono●r of our Protestant Religion and for the encouragement of our Divines that one of the Rabbies eminent among them did deliver unto me in conference his opinion in this wise 1. That he found at first that they who were sent from Rome would cause an unhappy prejudice to their Council 2. That as he professed to me he much desired the presence of some Protestant Divines at their Assembly and especially of our English Ministers of whom he had a greater liking than of any in the World beside For he did believe we had a great love to their Nation And the Reason for his good opinion of our Ministers was as he told me That he had often heard that they do Pray ordinarily for the Conversion of their Nation which he did acknowledge to be a great Token of their love towards them Especially he commended th● Ministers of London for their excellen● Preaching and for their Charity towards thei● Nation as he had heard by many Trave●lers Moreover he said that he did a●compt the Church of Rome to be an Idol●trous Church And therefore will not ow● their Religion But by conversing with 〈◊〉 other of the Iews I found they thought there was no other Christian Religion in the World than that of the Church of Rome and by the Romish Idolatry they took offence at all Christian Religion Whence it doth appear that Rome is the greatest enemy of the Iews Conversion Now for the place of the Iews next Meeting it was appointed to be in Syria In which Countrey I also was and did converse with the Sect of the R●chabites who still observe their old Rules and Customs They neither Plant nor Sow nor Build Houses but live in Tents and often remove from place to place with their whole Families Bag and Baggage The Italian Tongue is much spread in the World And the Jews as frequently discourse in that Language as their own And therefore I did converse with them as well as if I could have spoken their own Language And if God give me leave and opportunity I shall be willing to attend their next Council which will be in the year 1653. The Lord Prosper it Written by Me Samuel Brett A Brief Chronology Concerning the JEWS From the Year of Christ 1650 to 1666. HAving evidently seen in the foregoing Relation what was Solemnly Acted not done in a Corner in 1650 towards the Call of Israel and how far many of the said Council were brought over to acknowledge Christ our Messiah And how much further They and many Others of the Council might have acknowledged Christ had not the Jesuits and Friars given them an Irreconcilable offence pretending the Rubbish of the Popish Religion and Idolatrous Worship to be the Ordinances of Christ there being not one Protestant Divine present to Balance against them Ye have also heard what was Resolved upon of the same Nature to be Acted in the year 1653. Of
where our Saviour first appeared to her after his Resurrection I might give you a particular description of the Adornment of these places but to be short every one have Lamps burning at them some are paved with Marble others are hung with Pictures the place where our Saviour was laid down to be nailed to the Cross is paved with Marble also but in the exact place where the Cross stood the Marble is covered over with Silver with Silver Lamps and Wax candles continually burning and our Saviour Crucified standing on it the Sepulchre also is covered with Marble with Silver Lamps continually burning on it so hath the Anointing Stone you must go into the Sepulchre bare foot as also on Mount Calvary Here all sorts of Christians have their Churches The Greeks have the best the Latines the Armenians the C●pty's and the Syrians have each of them Churches here The Greeks and Latines are the two powerful Religions in the Temple and with great Sums of money and the credit they have at Stambul or Constantin●ple buy these Holy Places out of one anothers hands the other Parties are poor and squeez'd into a small part of the Temple The Latines once offered ten thousand Livers for a piece of the Cross which the Greeks bought out of their hands These Religious People bear little respect one to another speaking very basely each of other After our Procession we went to view all the places and Churches again the Greeks have a place in the middle of their Church which they say is the middle of the World they have another place by the Prison of Christ with two holes to put the Feet in there is also a Narrow Passage between two Pillars which is in imitation of the streightness of the Path to Heaven which the Greeks Creep through In the Church of the Syrians is the intended S●pulchre of Ioseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus And near the Anointing Stone is a Tomb where Godfrey and Baldwin Kings of Ierusalem are buried In the same place is the Rent of the Rock which begins above near the place where our Saviour was Crucified and in that Rent they say Adams Head was found when our Saviour gave up the Ghost Thus having seen the Temple we returned to t●e Convent May 28. we went out of the City at Damascus Gate and turning on the right came to one of the Fish-ponds of the old City and a quarter of a Mile further to the Gro● where Ieremiah lived when he Wrote his Lamentations on the left hand in the entrance is a Led● in the Rock about a Story high where they say Ieremiah slept and below over against the Door is a hole intended for his Sepulchre and passing through a Ruinate Door you come into the Y●rd where his Well is being a very good Spring of sweet Water there you pay one Liver afterwards passing along the side of a Mountain that lies level with the City a little beyond Ieremiahs Tomb we came to the Sepulchre of the Kings the entrance into the first Room was so small and low that we were forced to creep in in which there were seven Sepulchres cut out of the Rock in the second Room were eight and in the third Room twenty six and many more in several other Rooms One of the Rooms hath a Door of Stone Cut out of the Rock and shuts and opens as a Door with Hinges this Door belongs to the Room wherein Iehosaphat was Buried his Coffin is of Stone with a Cover to it and is very neatly Wrote on the sides with Flowers as several of them are also in the first Room but they know not what Kings they are there is also one ●ther Chamber into which we crept so that there are in all 42 Burying places under Ground to which there is but one door to enter all adorned with Admirable Workmanship which I being unskilled in am unfit to express in proper Terms and so we return'd to the Convent entring the City at the same Gate May 29. we reposed some of our company being a Marking May 30. we took Horse to go for Bethlehem and went out at the West Gate called Ioppa Gate and turning on the left hand and taking the lower Path we passed along the Road that the Virgin Mary brought our Saviour when She came to offer him at the Temple and half a mile from the City is the place where the Tree Tirabintha Grew which the Virgin Mary sat under to give him Suck but the Tree being Cut down the place is incompassed with a Wall On the left hand you see Davids house when he spied Bathsheba washing her self on the right a little out of the Road is old Simeons and Elias House and a quarter of a Mile further is a Well where the Wise Men first saw the Star a little further is the Ground where the Reapers were at work when Habakkuk coming to bring them Meat the Angel took him up by the Hair of the Head and carried him into Babylon to Daniel in the Lions Den afterward we saw Iacobs House and a hill like a Sugar Loaf where the Franks remained forty Years after they were driven out of Ierusalem next is a Monastery of Monks of the Order of St. Tavola Paula Romana who when they die are Buried at the Convent in Bethlehem A Mile further is the place where the Angels appeared to the Shepherds and cryed Gloria in Excelsis c. When our Saviou● was Born where there hath been a Convent but now there only remains an Arched Vault where we paid Money to the Arabs who when they espy any Franks going thither Ride Post before to take Possession of the place and get something from them A quarter of a Mile from hence in the way to Solomons Cisterns is the Village of the Shepherds on the back part whereof is a Well of which they say the Virgin Mary desired to Drink but the Inhabitants denying to draw her any Water it presently Overflowed for her to Drink a little way from this Village is Iosephs House and a while after we came to Solomons Gardens lying shelving At the bottom of them is the Road from Grand Cairo and round the Top passes the Aqueduct which feeds Ierusalem with Water from thence we saw Tekoa standing on a high Hill the water comes from the Fountains which feed Solomons Cisterns passing a Mile along by the Aqueduct we came to Solomons Cisterns which are Three the first had no Water in it and might be about 250. Yards long sixty broad and of a great depth the second had little water something less in Compass the third was full of Water and as big as the first they run one into another and are fed by the Spring that feeds the City The Fathers say that they were made ●o Swim in they being built with steps for a Man to go down but seem rather intended for a reserve of Water for the City or the Gardens having passage to both near the
Gardens is an ill contrived Castle where a few Villains inhabit to whom we paid one Liver per Man for leave to go into the Grot where the Springs are that feed the City and the Cisterns it is large and hath three Springs and a large passage cut through the Rock toward the Cisterns passable by a Man but we went not to the end of it We mounted our Horses to proceed on our Journey leaving the Castle on the Right Hand and at a distance we saw St. Georges Church where the Fathers say the Chains remain wherewith St. George was bound which will presently cure a Mad-man if he be bound therewith After an hour and a halfs Riding we came near to Bethlehem where passing through a narrow Lane the Guard consisting of four or five Musqu●tiers received five Livers of every one of us and our Druggerman that went with us received three and arriving at the Convent we paid one for our entrance and after our being welcomed by the Fathers we took our repose till five of the Clock in the Evening and then we prepared to go in Procession to the Holy Places in the same manner as we did at the Temple in Ierusalem the Places we Visited were these 1. The Place where our Saviour was Born 2. The Tomb of St. Ioseph to whom the Virgin Mary was espoused 3. St. Innocents Tomb. 4. The place where St. Ierom lived when he translated the Bible into Latin 5. St. Ieroms Praying place 6. St. Ieroms Tomb. 7. St. Pauls Tomb. 8. St. Eustachias her Daughter 9. The S●pulchre of St. Eusebius Abbot of Bethlehem 10. We return to the Chappel of St. Catherena built by St. Paula Next is the great Church without the Convent which hath 48 Pillars of Marble about three Yards long all in one Piece At Evening we went to visit the place of our Saviours Birth formerly belonging to the Latines till the Greeks bought it out of their Hand● so that now the Latines when they go their Procession Pray at that Door by which they formerly entred The Precipio hath two Doors one over against the other which are well lined with Carved Iron and strengthned with Iron Spikes We went in bare-foot on the Right hand in the entrance is the place they say where our Saviour was Born which is lined with Marble and in the middle of the Room there is a little place covered with Silver by which they set a Dish to receive your Charity On the left Hand is the Manger where the Virgin Mary laid our Saviour which is Lined with Marble and at the end of the Manger on the Right Hand is the Picture of St. Ierom naturally in the Marble which the Fathers esteem as a Miracle Over ●gainst this Manger is the place where the three wise Men stood when they came to Worship our Saviour at the end of this place in a corner is a hole made up with Marble wherein they say the Virgin Mary put the Water when she had washed her hands Over which a Lamp Burns continually and a great many in other places Over this Precipio in the great Church is the Altar of Circumcision where our Saviour was Circumcised Having seen what was Rare at Bethlehem May 31. early in the Morning we rose to proceed in our Journey in which we saw these Places following 1. The Grot where the Virgin Mary hid her self when she was warned to Fly into Egypt and her Milk running out of her Breasts there made the Earth turn White which Earth the Catholicks do very much esteem 2. Davids Cisterns 3. The Grot wherein the Virgin Mary and Ioseph lived before they could get a House 4. The Tomb of Rachel Iacobs Wife which the Turks do also much esteem 5. The Field of Sennacherib where the Angel of the Lord slew in one Night One hundred eighty five thousand of the Syrians in this Place is a Village which is called Botechelle where the Fathers affirm no Turk can live 6. The place where the Pillars of the Convent of Ramah were built 7. The Vineyard whence the Spyes of the Land of Canaan took the Cluster of Grapes to shew the fruitfulness of it also the Fountain where Philip Baptized the Q. of Sheba's Eunuch 8. The Desarts of Iohn Baptist and after an hours Riding we came to Iohn ●aptists Fountain where was his Chamber and a Rock wherein there was a place cut out like a Bench for his Bed to break off any bit of this Rock is Worthy Excommunication 9. Zacharias House where the Virgin Mary came to salute her Cousen Elizabeth for the Angel that told her she should conceive told her also that her Cousen was with Child and upon her salutation the Child leaped in the Womb Near this is House a Fountain with two Cisterns which is called Elizab●ths Fountain 10. A Stone where Iohn Baptist Preached which the Fathers say the Turks have endeavoured to break in pieces but could not 11. The place where Iohn Baptist was Born now a Stable but formerly a Church where the Fathers upon Iohn Baptists day carry their Organs thither and Adorn the place for their Prayers 12. The Tombs of the Maccabees which we saw at a distance and being ruinated appear as so many Arches 13. We passed by a Village where the Men are all Turks and the Women Christians for the people being poor the Turks were very severe with them for their Harach who not being able to pay all at once turned Turks c. 14. We came to the Mountain Crupil where part of the Wood whereof our Saviours Cross was made was cut down and over the place where they say the Tree stood is a stately Church in the possession of the Greeks the just place wh●re the Tree grew is inlaid with Silver by which they set a D●sh for Charity The Floor of this Church is well Wrought with Mosaick Work and painted with Scripture Stories and instead of a Bell they knock upon a board that hangs up which sounds somewhat like a Bell. And now we go forward to the Convent at Ierusalem passing by M●unt Gihon where Solomon was Anoin●ed King and about night we came to our Lodgings having made two days journey to see the Holy places and Traverse the Mountains of Iudea we slept very well that night but still we have mere Pilgrimages June 1. We lay still to recover our selves of our Bethlehem Journey But Father Tomasa out of his Zeal is very importunate with us to be walking to see other places which is very Meritorious in the Roman Church and had we been of their Religion it had been impossible to have mist Heaven for we had received indulgences for all our Lives which fancy I wish do not deceive too many June 2. We began to search for the Holy places which are these following 1. The Immolation of Isaac near the Temple called Mount Moriah inlaid with Silver and a dish set by for your Offering 2. Peters Prison still made a