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A36461 The triumph of Christianity, or, The life of Cl. Fl. Julian, the Apostate with remarks, contain'd in the resolution of several queries : to which is added, Reflections upon a pamphlet, call'd Seasonable remarks on the fall of the Emperor Julian, and on part of a late pernicious book, entituled, A short account of the life of Julian, &c. Dowell, John, ca. 1627-1690. 1683 (1683) Wing D2057; ESTC R8708 83,984 256

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Constantius created him Coesar and he contrary to his Loyalty Faith and Gratitude usurped the Imperial Dignity Certainly he was one of the most ambitious and vain-glorious men in the World After he had made sport with all the preceding Emperors he concludes that drolling Tract with this encomium of himself Mercury directing himself to me thus saith I have made thee to acknowledge Apollo thy Father whose commands obey make him whilst alive thy secure refuge and when 't is requisite that thou departest out of this Life depart with a good hope under the propitious conduct of that god How this was verified the death of Julian doth declare The then Clergy he dreadfully loads with unjust imputations of Ambition Hypocrisy and Sedition 1. Ambition Pag. 14. This discerning Prince soon saw their design was to erect in all parts of the Empire their own Mosaic or Ecclesiastic Polity by themselves metamorphos'd from a Democracy into an absolute Tyranny they having advanc'd so far already as to procure of Constantine the sole Jurisdiction over Christians and leave to assemble themselves at Nice to divide the Roman Provinces amongst themselves and make a new Body of Laws called Ecclesiastical-Canons to the utter abolishing of the Roman Laws and Government and the great oppression of those Gentiles whom God had not yet enlightned with his Grace 1. The Church was never governed by a Democracy 2. The Convention of Councils was by the mutual consent of Bishops and the Churches in use down from the Apostles times 3. The Emperor being Christian gave the Christian Bishops liberty to meet at Nice where they did not then divide the Roman Provinces amongst themselves but confirmed that Division of the Ecclesiastic Government according to what it was before Therefore 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Let the Ancient custome be observed Can. 6. Concilii Niceni 'T is notorious in Ecclesiastick Story that the Bishops of those Cities which had the principal command in the Empire had their dignity and precedence therefore Rome first next Alexandria then Antioch and after that Constantinople became the Imperial Seat It was made by the Decree of the Council of Chalcedon the second Patriarchal See and this because it was Nova Roma This precedency was observed in the times of Persecution Carthage being the chiefest City of Barbary the Bishop thereof was the Primate of that Province And make a new Body of L They did not make a new body of Laws c. Under this Head may I rank this Slander Pag. 16. That he could see no person nor rank exempted from the dire Anathema neither could he know but that the Soveraign Prince himself might upon a Pique such as the disgrace of a Potent Prelate be on a sudden Paganized and next Assassinated even by them that had advanced him since he so lately saw Constans armed against his own Brother Constantius by the Roman Bishop and the great Athanasius merely because the latter had been outed his See though as some say for Treason Sorcery and Murther If he means that the Canons of the Church opposed Idolatry we must grant it but that they medled with the Civil Government or Law is to me false I know no Canon in the first four General Councils which doth interfere with the civil Laws of the Empire nor any Canon was formed to oppress the unconverted Gentiles Read the Councils General or Provincial in which any Canon or Decree was made which concerned the Imperial Laws or the Civil Estate 'T is true that Constantine and Constantius discountenanced Idolatry and did demolish many Heathen Temples Constantine the Great Commanded that all Idol Temples should be shut that an access for any person should be prohibited Cod. L. 1. Tit. 11. L. 1. and Sacrifices he commands should not be offered L. 1. That Constantine Commanded the Temples to be demolished that the famous Temple of Serapis in Alexandria was destroyed Eunapius in the Life of Edesius doth complain but these were Imperial Laws not the Laws of the Church which hath nothing to do with such matters When the Heathen did so violently persecute the Christians destroying their Churches burning their Sacred Books inflicting all sorts of punishment no wonder that Christian Emperors should prohibit Idolatry and demolish their Temples yet Cod. L. 1. Tit. 11. L. 6. 't is Commanded that no Christian should abuse the Authority of Religion to injure any Jew or Pagan that lived peaceably It is obvious that in Christian Armies Heathens were advanced to Command that often under Christian Emperors Heathens were Prefects in the greatest Cities as Atticus in Constantinople was Prefect under Arcadius and Nobilis Pretextatus in Rome 'T is not ingenuous to cast this Dirt and Odium upon the then Christian Clergy 'T is true there was an Episcopalis audientia granted and confirmed by Christian Emperors but was not till after Julian's Death Goto in rubri Episcopalis audient That it was not Forum nor jurisdictio hence upon Cod. L. 6. Goto in Civili negotio possunt Laici in Episcopum Arbitrum Cognitorem compromitere ejusque judicium firmum est The Bishop was to decide more Arbitri in all this which was after Julian's time it was a Power given by the Emperor and only over those that were willing and the Bishop was not a judge but an Arbitrator these things being true what verity is in his imputation is easily discerned 'T is known that no Heathen could be Excommunicated and Julian saw no Christian Emperor Excommunicated what he adds Pag. 16. is notoriously false he never saw any Emperor slain by virtue of an Excommunication that was of a Later date And what indeed might he not justly fear when he saw with what bestial rage the several factions the Bishops formed themselves amongst the People by whom they were then elected did massacre each other We have vindicated Christianity from that feral rage of Christians against Christians If any Man as imagine it were at Alexandria had a design to supplant a more potent and popular Competitor no way so likely to ruin him as by giving out that he was not a right Christian but a Corrupter of the true Faith for that he used to Read Origen and Plato unsanctified Authors and then ten to one but he was knock'd on the Head by the Rabble of the Town or by Sholes of Anthropomorphite Monks who commonly made what Bishops they pleased and for a long time made a Prey of the Egyptian Kingdom Origen was disliked by many none in danger of his Life or suffered in his Fame for reading Origen and Plato but for following those opinions which were not consonant to the Christian Doctrine and Faith The Anthropomorphites were more numerous than the other sort of Monks They moved a Sedition against Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria but that by their Power they elected an Alexandrian Bishop or made a Prey a long time of the Egyptian Kingdom is to me a Riddle The Haeresy was begun by one Audius about
the Spaniards were there What bloody Tragedies have been acted over all Enrope on this account This savours not of the meekness and sweetness of Christianity The Religion of the Holy Jesus must not be reproached by the passions and evil opinions of men 4thly All are not Christians that call themselves so all are not Pythagoreans that are in the School of Pythagoras A feral spirit amongst many who call themselves Christians arises not only from an ill guided Zeal but from Principles contrary to the design of Christianity The Faith of the Lord Jesus is pretended when ambition and temporal prosperity are design'd And this has been undoubtedly the original of infinite slaughters amongst Christians which have been vailed with the glorious pretence of Piety Certainly for Christians to Arm for the recovery of the Holy Land and the redemption of so many Thousand Christians from the slavery that they were then involv'd in was for excellent purpose After the Lateran Council when a great Army was raised for that end by the instigation of the Pope the Swords of Christians in the West were turn'd against the Christians in the East Under that sacred vail was hid the design of reducing the Eastern to the obedience of the Western Church The Ambition of Rome was to set up a Latin Empire Ecclesiastical and Civil in the Greek Church and State The Gun-powder Treason in England whence proceeded it but from ambition The late feral Plot acknowledged to be Devilish by His Sacred Majesty and Three Parliaments Let Religion be pretended what was under the Varnish Coleman a name execrable not only to Protestants but to Romanists a Mushrom gaining favour durst be so arrogant as to attempt the introducing of Popery make the English Scepter truckle to France What was his aim To be a great Minister of State The same was proposed by those who assisted him in these detestable actions Religion was in the Front but in the Rear Great Ministers of State Ecclesiastical Dignities and Military Offices these must be their encouragers Tho' that Coleman durst to his last breath deny that there was any intention to introduce Popery by the Sword which denial of his was a most notorious falsity yet that Fame Dignities and accumulated Riches were the Port to which he Sail'd nothing more clear They who fall from one Religion to another must disguise their Apostacy with the fairest vails of Conscience Salvation and a future Glory Yet they give a reproach to themselves and to Religion when they design their Apostacy to open a Gate for preferment no wonder that these persons prove Persecutors Religion is not to be charged with these bloody actions No they are to be imputed to a damnable hypocrisy and worldly interest Coleman a Ministers Son a pragmatick Sophister in Cambridge went into Flanders changed his Religion turn'd Romanist then went up and down City and Country to make Proselites a person of a daring impudence tho' clearly bafled in disputes would never discover that he was conscious of a foil by one blush Durst proh bone Deus attempt those things which has given the greatest disquiet that ever could have been given to his sacred Majesty to the two Houses to the whole Kingdom to the Three Nations to the Protestant Interest Nay it may justly be averred that no English Romanist ought to pronounce his name without abhorrence and reluctation He can palliate his Villanies with no other pretence than Religion which he designed to promote not by blood or any feral means but by those holy methods which the holy Ghost approves as he attested at his Tryal Non verba sed facta loquuntur His words and actions give an eternal evidence against him Could we imagine that his Life gave an indication of the Heavenly composure of his mind Chrysostom in his so justly famed Books 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 stiles him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the Apostate Why calls he him the Apostate Did he dissert his Religion fall from the Faith of the Lord Jesus No. But being born of rich and illustrious Parents his retiring into the Wilderness or to the top of a Mountain for the privacy of mortification and the more assiduous practice of holiness he at the Twentieth year of his age relinquished his divine Life returned into the City and there lived splendidly his retinue and Table were sumptuous and magnificent for this declining from the severer practice of Holiness Chrysostom condemns him and with all imaginable eloquence and piety endeavours to recall him But we have here an Apostate from the excellent Religion of the Church of England who not only imitates but outvies this Theodorus Theodorus reassumes his estate lives gallantly at the expences of his Patrimonial inheritance Coleman vies with the primest of the Nobility he that sprung up in a Night made his Apostacy the Ladder to climb to the highest preferments and the Favourite to bring him into the Councils of the greatest Princes of Europe and the great encourager to attempt the most notorious villany in the World Is this Faith and Godliness Can Christianity be reproached Must the Faith and Loyalty of the French Nation be condemned for the Treason of a Ravilliack That unchristian designs and secular aims are many times the cause of Christians shedding the Blood of Christians amongst many more Examples I will annex two Upon the death of Liberius Damasus and Vrsibinus were competitors for the Roman Pontificate The people are divided the parties are hot and passionate their heats are so vehement that both Parties fight Damasus his party was superior in this Bloody contest a Hundred Thirty Seven Bodies were found slain in one Church a Church which was once the House of one Sicininus the dissention was so great and fierce that Viventius the Prefect of the City could not appeale it This rage gave a disturbance to the City some time after perhaps the parties were not pacified till Vrsinius was gratifyed with the Archbishoprick of Naples Upon this Marcellinus an Heathen gives us this remark I can't deny considering with what gallantry the affairs of that City are managed that they who are competitors to gain what they so much desire should strive with the greatest ardour and force for when they have obtained their longed-for Dignity they are secure seeing that they shall be enriched with the oblation of Ladies they being gorgeously cloathed they shall be carried up and down in Coaches their Feasts shall be profuse and they shall maintain Tables superior to those of Kings These persons might indubitably be more Blessed if they contemning the splendor of the City would compose their demeanors after the mode of some Provincial Bishops whose spare Diet mean Garments and their Eyes constantly cast upon the Earth commend themselves to the True God and his Genuine Servants Macedonius was certainly an ambitious man Paulus being canonically elected Bishop of Constantinople was commanded by the Emperor Constantius to be removed from that See Phillip
The Triumph of Christianity OR THE LIFE OF Cl. Fl. Julian THE APOSTATE WITH REMARKS contain'd in the Resolution of several Queries To which is added REFLECTIONS upon a Pamphlet call'd Seasonable Remarks on the Fall of the Emperor Julian And on part of a late pernicious Book entituled A Short Account of the Life of Julian c. Thanks be to God who has made us always to Triumph in Christ LONDON Printed by J. Grantham for R. R. and are to be sold by Hugh Ellis Bookseller in Oxon 1683. THE PREFACE TO add to those many Arguments which prove and demonstrate this great Truth That the Religion of the Holy Jesus is Divine and most certainly true I have not without reason judged that the Life and Death of Julian the Apostate is a great demonstration of it The Christian Religion was more opposed by this Emperor than by any preceding Heathen Persecutors By those same means which establish and aggrandize this Religion he designs to ruine it The Religion given us by the Holy Jesus is incomparable for the Holiness of its Laws a Religion in the whole frame and model of it suitable to our natural faculties a Religion rendred so admirable by its publick Rites and Form of Divine Worship a Religion made so illustrious by that universal Sanctity which appeared in the times of the Primitive Christians and is now though a degenerate age conspicuous In no age the Shades of Darkness so overspread the Church in which no Stars did appear To revive the Pagan Superstition he endeavoured to make it resplendent by making the Worshippers of Idols to imitate the admirable conversations of Christians The Religion of the Holy Jesus carries the Signatures of Heaven it hath the impress of Gods Omnipotence in Miracles of Gods Omniscience in Prophecies That he might give the precedency to Paganisme he with his Philosophers who attended him addicted themselves to all sorts of Divinations and likewise they gloried in Miracles but how false the one and ridiculous the other were this History fully manifests There was another Divine Character in the Religion of the Holy Jesus to which they could not pretend The Infinite Holiness of God Holiness being his cheif attribute was elucent in the enabling so many Millions of all sorts Sexes and Ages not only to lead the most exemplary lives but to chuse and endure the most lingring Torments even unto death rather than they would violate the Law of the Lord Jesus or be Apostates from the Religion which gives the best rules for living well and from whence springs the sweetest comforts Produce any Religion in any Age which glories in so many Martyrs as the Christian does So true is that of Trajane the Roman Emperour No people suffer so much for their God as Christians do Pythagoras a great Philosopher and of eminent conversation gained such an esteem that he sometimes had Divine worship given him and was ambitious to be esteemed Apollo By his followers he was honoured as a Demi-God His Disciples took from him the name of their lofty and refined Sect which flourished in Magna Grecia now Calabria Chilo the Cratonean a rich and potent Epicurean being incensed against them raised the Arms of that City and cut them off his fury did not there cease for he led his forces and destroyed them in other Cities Let History be appealed then it will be evident that Christianity hath gained by persecution and according to my Reading never was there such a School of the Pythagoreans before or after that Slaughter of them Here Julian was at a loss to ruine Christianity he opened the Schools of Philosophers encouraged the flowing Tongues and Pens of Orators yet nothing could raise the minds of Heathens to do and suffer as the Christians did for the Glory of God Add to all his Stratagems his bloody Persecutions he must really be judged one of the greatest persecutors in the World Yet this Christian Religion Triumphed Christians by their Divine Philosophy and Gracious Lives the Patience and Courage which they shewed in their greatest Persecutions they bafled the Pens of Philosophers and blunted the Swords of Tyrants and the Laurel of the Church flourished notwithstanding the Artifices which this great enemy of our Faith used to extirpate it But now Christianity is opposed by another sort of persons The School of Epicurus is now reviv'd and opened that School which was laughed at not only by Christians but by all the wisest Men in the world now seems to flourish The first that encourag'd it as appears to me was Beregard at Pisa which is delivered to us in his Pisane Circle It gain'd a greater strength and esteem in the world by Gassendus his Dissertations upon the Tenth Book of Laertius they both were great men and really had been as great as any of their Age if their Sentiments had not given a desperate wound to Religion and made way for Hobs and Spinosa's Impieties If there be a Fatal necessity as Hobs and Spinosa directly affirm How can Moses his Narrative of the Worlds Creation be believ'd And indeed what Religion Justice and Virtue is there and whether that which Beregard and Gassendus speak de facto libertate primi Motoris according to Epicurus his Dogma intimate not the same I am vastly mistaken Religion which is confirmed by Miracles and Prophecies receives an Authority from the Broad Seal of Heaven They who deny both vainly endeavour to give a fatal wound to the Eternal Gospel He that Reads what Beregard saith of Miracles and his scoffing at Chariots of Fire comparing them to the fiction of Orlando Furioso and what they both affirm concerning Fate and Liberty of the Will may easily conjecture what they intend In words they expresly acknowledge both but aver what is a real Miracle or Prophesie cannot be known but by the determination of the Church Hobs rejecting this he that he might not seem to deny Miracles or Prophecies doth so speak of them as they must not be esteemed so except the Supreme Magistrate saith they are so Spinosa throws off the vail and makes all Prophecies to be but mere conjectures And tells us that a Miracle cannot be granted in Truth If the being of a Miracle depended upon the Judgement of the Ecclesiastical or Civil Power there was no Miracle or Prophecy for either the Sentence they pass is true or not if true then the existence of a Miracle precedes the determination of the Church or Civil Power The determination of the nature of a thing can't depend upon the determining but upon the nature of the thing it self That is a true judgement which agrees with that thing on which the judgement is passed This is a most unreasonable and absurd Paralogism on which depends and runs through the Divinity Ethicks and Politicks of Hobs and Spinosa That the worship given in Religion is Divine because determined by the Magistrate or a Law just because establish'd by Authority or the publick management
Nazianzen was a Physitian at Court a man of very great parts and of a Singular life an able Physitian and a profound Philosopher Him Julian for his learning and endowments very much honoured and endeavoured by all means to draw from the faith of Christ but all in vain for no eloquence no force of Argument nor the powerful Rhetorick of Rewards and Honours could move him for he evades all the Artifices of Julian by this free confession I am a Christian Julian never published any Sanguinary Edict against the Christians whom he knew would endure all sorts of Tortures for the Honour of their Master generously and joyfully The effects of Dioclesians Butcheries made him understand that no Garden being Seasonably watered more flourishes than the Church of Christ when the blood of Martyrs was poured on it Yet he delighted in the Blood of Christians Murders were committed in popular tumults which he did not punish or prevent but would palliate his cruelty not with Religion but the pretence of Criminal Offences Helbidius the chief Commander of the pretorian Guard by reason he found him constant in his Religion he removed from his Command and being desirous to put him to an ignominious Death laid Treason to his Charge condemn'd him to be drawn by Wild-Horses and afterwards to be burnt to Ashes Christians who during the Empire of Religious Princes had thrown down Idolatrous Altars demolish't Temples and hindred the Oblations to Heathen gods were hurried before the Courts of Judicature and condemn'd and if one that persisted in Christianity was but accused of such actions though he had no hand in them he was condemned He commanded all Physitians Orators and Soldiers either to abjure their faith or leave their profession he permitted no Christian to be of the Pretorian Guard by this means he shewed his most deadly hatred of Christianity If persons on such an account would abjure their faith they would render themselves ridiculous to the world by preferring riches to faith If they generously persisted their Victory was not glorious for what great matter would it be for the sake of Religion to contemn an Art or Profession He removed the Cross from the Imperial Zebarum and instead of it placed the Axcilia and to his publick Images he caused the Image of Jupiter to be affixed as a god appearing out of Heaven and reaching a Diadem and Purple to him Mars and Mercury were drawn looking upon his Picture to testify by the cast of their eyes that in him Eloquence and Military discipline Superlatively met which he out of a deep policy commanded that unwary Christians which were in his Army by that means should be induced to Idolatry It was a Custom in the Army to shew Reverence to the Images of the Emperors which if according to the Ancient mode they did they then gave Reverence to the Heathen gods not many of the Christians perceived this fraud for if they denyed the doing of Reverence to the Images of the Emperor they were punished as Malefactors and Enemies and Seditious Innovators to their Prince If they did they were in Danger of Idolatry Thus did he varnish his impious designs It was usual at some set times of the year for the Roman Emperors to reward their Soldiers Julian when the Largesses were appointed to be given commanded that Fire and Incense should be prepared that when the Soldiers received their donatives they might cast incense upon the fire By this device he entrapped the Covetous and unwary Soldiers who being caught in this snare fell into Idolatry Some perceiving this cunning trick preferring Religion to all gain or honour refused the Emperors Largess Some through fear others bribed by Coveteousness wittingly communicated with Pagans in their Rites others were deceived and through Ignorance complied Of these some coming to a Feast with their fellow Soldiers when they drank according to the Holy manner of Christians invocated the name of Christ to whom one that was present returns how dare you invocate that Christ whom you have so lately denied For when you received the Emperors Money you offered Incense At which words they were struck with horrour and ran up and down the Streets bitterly bewailing that fact calling God and all his Saints to witness that they did it out of Ignorance that they were Christians and did remain in the Faith of Christ When they came to the Emperor they threw the Gold at his feet and desired that they might expiate their Crime by Death and as by fire they Sinned so by fire they might Suffer But Julian though grieveously incensed did not not put them to Death but cashier'd and banished them To discountenance Christianity he prohibited Christians to execute any Civil power saying that those that deserved Death ought not to be trusted with the Sword of Justice Though he made an Edict that no Christians should remain in the Army yet some for their valour and fidelity he retained in his Service as Jovian who was a great Commander in his Army in the expedition against the Persians and Valentinian In the Cathedral Church at Constantinople he placed the Altar of Fortune upon which to offer Sacrifice he went accompanied with his Courtiers and great Officers amongst whom was this Valentinian whose place being immediately before the Emperor those to whom the care of the Church or holy things was committed standing in the Porch with Holy-water to cast upon those which came to worship some of it fell upon Valentinian which threw him into such an Holy indignation that he gave him that threw the water a box on the ear and said that by that dirty water he was not expiated but polluted and tore so much of his Garment off as the water fell upon which being done in the prsence of Julian cast him into an extraordinary anger and so he banished him At Constantinople he endeavoured to force the Christians to Idolatry by famishing them for though all things which were for the food of Man as Bread and Flesh were publickly exposed to Sale yet he polluted them by offering them up to Idols whereby the Christians must either dye by Famine or to preserve their Lives must give an honour to the Heathen-gods but being in this danger they were rescued miraculously My Author reports that they consulted Theodorus the Martyr as their Oracle by whom they were counselled that instead of Bread and Meat they should eat boil'd wheat which they did and were thereby sustained and freed from the suspition of Idolatry Julian Seeing this device frustrated permits Victuals freely to be sold During that Policy of Julian the Rich shewed their Liberality to the Poor in the bestowing bountifully amongst the indigent boil'd Wheat In memorial of which at Constantinople on the Aniversary of that Martyr the rich Christians distribute amongst the poor boild wheat After he had tarried at Constantinople ten Months coming to Chalcedon on the other Side of the water there came to him from the King of
should Adore him and that the Action which was intended for the scorn of Religion should so conduce to the Honour of it that he commanded his Head to be severed from his Shoulders such is the goodness of God and power of Grace to make of a deriding Scorner a glorious professor of Christianity of a Mimick a Martyr of the Lord Jesus He caused his Army to keep their Winter-Quarters in Antioch to oppress the Christians there and commanded Provisions which was bought by Merchants at dear Rates to be sold at cheap All the Fountains and Rivers he commanded to be polluted with heathenish Sacrifices all sorts of Provision he commanded likewise to be polluted defiled with devilish ceremonies that so the Christians might either starve or else by eating seem to give an Honour to Devils The Christians detested this fact of Julian bewailed the condition that they were reduced to yet they drank of the Waters and did eat of the Meat The Apostle hath resolved the case in 1 Cor. 10. 25. Whatsoever is sold in the Shambles that eat making no question for Conscience sake Julian was very Ambitious of Glory and though he was the professed enemy of Christianity yet he endeavoured to gain honour by clemency He made no Sanguinary Laws yet his Bloody designs could not be concealed for those Cities in which the multitude of the Heathens were the greater when in uproars and sedition they had cruelly massacred many Christians he did not punish but applaud them and would jeer Christians complaining that their Brethen were slaughtered of whom Nazianzen O! illustious Prince and full of Clemency that the righteous Judge saith what great matter is it that one Grecian kills ten Galileans Is not now his cruelty manifest to the world are not such words a sanguinary Edict Nazianzen couldnot but with the greatest reason and justice think that the license and impunity in murthering Christians in Popular tumults was most equivalent to the most severe Edict of Persecutions and therefore he thus bravely accuses him of perscutions and removes the Vail of his pretended Clemency and Patience he set out publick Edicts for the Destruction of our Sacred Churches Shall I pass by his violent seizing upon the Churches treasure a depradation that flows from coveteousness as well as impiety The contumelious handling with prophane Hands the sacred Utensils shall I conceal the Tortures that Bishops and their Flocks have endur'd for Religions sake shall I not mention the Pillars that have been dyed with the Blood of those that have been bound to them and dreadfully scourged shall I bury in Oblivion the feral actions of the Sagitary who running up and down the Cities handled Christians more cruelly than they would do their Barbarous Enemies The mention of all these things I will wave Who is ignorant of the Alexandrian cruelties where the Tumultuous and Turbulent people added this to their Impieties they filled the Temple with the Blood of Men and Beasts and that under the command and conduct of a certain Imperial Philosopher The seditious Conspiracy of Eliopolis is known to all The fearful rage of Gaza is unknown to none by which they gained this admiration Honour and Esteem The cruel Frenzy of Arethusa made them who were otherwise obscure famous At Askalon and Gaza Cities of Palestine the Heathens rip 't up the Bellies of Priests and Virgins and having filled them with Barly threw them to be devoured by Hogs At Eliopolis they cruelly massacred Cyril a Deacon and having cut up his Belly tasted his Liver The Eliopolitans used the sacred Virgins cruelly and barbarously they stripped them naked exposed them to publick view cast all imaginable disgraces on them Shav'd their heads and then cut them in two and that Hogs might eat their Bowels they threw Barly on them At Arethusa very grievious cruelties were exercised upon the Christians of the City especially upon Marcus their Bishop who having in the time of Constantine caused some Heathen Temples to be destroyed Julian being Emperor by reason of the hatred which the Pagan Arethusans had conceived against him had fled but upon notice given him that many of his Flock were cast into Prison he returned and delivered himself into the hands of the Citizens who after various and cruel Tortures annointed his torn Body with Honey and putting him into an Osier Basket hung him up in the Air to be stung to Death by Wasps but even then he spoke mildly to them saying I am above and you below which was Prophetical nothing that glory which he was presently to receive By the Testimony of this City of Arethusa though a Pagan it appears that the generous constancy of this Ancient Marcus was the glory of Christianity and the confusion of Paganisme This Persecution reacht the West for Constantius had removed the Altar of Victory outof the Capitol which the Senators of Rome that were Heathens redeemed and the Estates of those Officers and Courtiers of Constantius which were Christians were confiscated upon pretence that they grew rich with the Spoils of Heathen Temples Julian in his Edicts was not ashamed to insert that Christians when they were despoyled of their Estates could not complain of Injury done to them because their Master exhorted them to Charity and commended Poverty as the means of Perfection And if other pretexts was wanting this was always ready so that the Estates of Christians were not Secure Unquestionably Rome and the Western Church during this persecution yielded Confessors and Martyrs for the Roman Senate was composed of Christians and Pagans and the implacable hatred of these was manifest against the other In the Reign of Julian Gordianus Prefect of Rome commands Januarius a Presbyter whom he had cast into Prison not as a Christian but as a Malefactor to appear before him But Januarius was so assisted with the Divine Spirit and applies himself to Gordianus in great Piety and Prudence with such success that he converted him whereupon at Night Gordianus comes to Januarius in Prison with his Lady Marina and testifies his Repentance and extraordinary sorrow that he had been the Author of Shedding Christian Blood and therefore upon hopes of obtaining pardon from Almighty God and that he might shun Eternal Torment he desired to be Baptized wherefore Januarius after he had further instructed and stronglier confirm'd him in the Faith of the Holy Jesus Baptized him with his Lady Marina and Fifty-three others of his Family concerning which Clementianus a Tribune acquainted Julian who being extreamly incens'd attributes this miraculous grace of Providence to Magical Incantation removes Gordianus from his Dignity and substitutes Clementianus in his place who summons Gordianus before him whom after dreadful Torments he beheads condemns his Lady to Slavery and Stigmatizes Januarius as a Rogue That nothing might be wanting in Julian to extirpate Christianity he prohibited Christians to teach or to be taught humane Learning concerning which it is Queried Whether by Julian's Edict Christians were only
Beard to please the Philosophers which made the Antiochians reflect on him Their Satyrs he wittily answers in his Miospogon the Antiochians would have him make Ropes of his Beard He mattered not that Vermin should run up and down his Beard as Wild Beasts in a Wood. He valued not the taking or giving of a Kiss Being sent as Coesar into Gaul to defend it against the barbarous Nations that dwelt beyond the Rhine living amongst the Gauls who were lovers of and inur'd themselves to Austerities Labours and Fighting with hardy and rude Nations and that in the horrid Woods of the Hercinian Forest He gave himself up to a neglect of all curiosity seldom cut his Hair or Nails his Body was overgrown with Hair so that he resembled a Goat He in his Misopogon commending himself for his austere Life abuses the Antiochians for their loose and soft Conversation and retorts upon them That his Beard might make Ropes if their tender Fingers durst touch the rough Hairs of it He so much affected Austerities that he spent waking-nights on an hard Bed so watchful that when Aristotle held a Ball in his Hand that at the noise of its fall he might awake and others had their Servants to rouze them he could wake when he pleased That great Christian Soldier Scanderbeg that miracle of Policy and Valour never slept above two hours in a Night Julian never eat to fulness and his meat was not delicious when he was Coesar wintering at Paris the Season being sharper than ordinary he would not permit a fire to be made in his Chamber nor in any Chamber of Note he was not at at all disposed to Covetousness he affirms of himself that he horded up no Riches if his Treasures were considered he might be esteemed a King of Mimicks Jesters or Stage-Players He would often pronounce that brave saying of Alexander Where are your Treasures and answer like a great Prince in the Coffers of my Subjects a saying worthy of an eternal Fame Queen Elizabeth had this rare happiness never to be denyed by her Parliaments any Aid or Mony In her last Speech worthy to be writ in Gold and Cedar she out of a Princely mind remitted two of the Subsidies given her in that Parliament It was an excellent saying of Julian that It was a shame for a Wise man that hath a Soul to seek for Commendation from the Body he was a severe punisher of Crimes by which admirable managing the Empire he was both loved and feared The Crown of a Prince is secured when defended by the Hearts of his Subjects this Love arising from the great goodness and excellent qualities of him raises a veneration and reverence that they dare not violate his Authority abuse his Person or offend his Laws In the Ark was the Rod of Aaron and the Pot of Manna to note an excellent Prince by Religion by Justice and Liberality is his Subjects joy and maintenance by his Rod and Scepter he rewarding and honouring men of worth and discountenancing Vice and Impiety his Person and Authority is loved and rever'd He was a great pretender to Justice and would say that Astroea who had left the Earth came from Heaven in his Reign Amianus Lib 22. Cap. 10. relates that when he himself sat to hear and determine causes he would unseasonably enquire of those whose causes were depending before him what God they worshipped and what Religion they professed yet no definitive Sentence was pronounced by him but what was consonant to Justice This was done by him when he kept his Court and lay in his Winter-quarters at Antioch a City full of Christians and therefore he deadly hated it Notwithstanding all these flourishes in the History is reported what Injustice he was guilty of It will be evidently manifest that Justice did not guide him the intent of him was evil Generally he pronounced a just Sentence betwixt man and man in civil causes but what disorders he permitted in his Court are before recited what injustice he exercised against Christians how unjust and ungrateful he was to Constantius endeavouring to divest him of his Empire and Life is declared In his Misopogon he takes notice of Constantius his former favour to him and his succeeding enmity and commends himself for giving an honour to his Manes yet does not attempt the palliating his ungrateful Treason The Antiochians truly accused him of the highest injustice hence it was usually spoken amongst them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 By those initial Letters they meant Constantius and Christ neither of which injured their City which Letters are the Lemma subscribed to King Charles the Martyr's Picture drawn before his incomparable Works Julian replies Constantius never injured the City but by creating me Coesar but that by the Divine Providence turned to the Honour of Christ and the joy of the Antiochians That Julian's Justice was not perfect Marcel acquaints us that he admitted persons to enjoy Freedoms Offices and Honour in Municipal Cities whose Birth and Quality made them uncapable of such priveledges and dignities The Donatists who took on them the name of Christians famed him for Justice the Answer to them take from the Pen of St. Austin De Civ Dei Lib. 5. Cap. 20. Qui Constantino Christiano ipse Apostate Juliano c. That God that gave the Empire to Constantine a Christian gave it to Julian the Apostate whose ardent desire of Command put upon him a fatal Imposture Ep. 166. Ad Donatistas Julianus desertor Christi et inimicus c. Julian the desertor and enemy of Christ at your petitions presented by Rogatianus and Pontius gave an indulgence to the destructive Faction of Donatus but at that time when he opened the Churches to Hereticks he opened the Temples to Devils by this means he imagined the name of Christ must utterly be extirpated he envying the Unity of that Church from which he Apostatised permitted Sacrilegious Divisions This is the so famed Justice of Julian from whence it is observable that he gave not these Immintives to the Donatists upon the account of Justice but to destroy the Christian Religion Note an Universal tolleration is a means to ruine the Gospel Epist 48. Ad Vincent charges the Donatists with this absudity that they could not call him just whom they confest to be an Idolater to this may be joyned he was devoted to Divinations his lucky Omens encouraged him to rebel against Constantius and his unlucky Omens could not disswade him from his ruine The Philosophical reasons which Marcel gives for Divinatons are not tollerable who can vindicate Julian from this notorious Injustice that to give as he judged a true prospect of future Contingences he would cause the Bellies of Virgins to be ript up that he might inspect their Bowels whilst they were miserably giving up their last Breath He was indefatigably industrious his Pen and Sword was always imployed As Julius Coesar would awake at Midnight to Study and Write so Julian in the heat of
Invectives of Julian be embraced as sure Arguments to sully the Honour of the Church of God which is a clear refutation of that Tract and is the Glory of Christianity That the Testimony of Enemies are produced against it which Enemies themselves have given a real Commendation of it when that Julian himself in his Epistle to Orebasius proposes to the Arch Priest of Galatia the Examples and Carriage of Christians to be imitated by the Heathens by that means to render Paganism its self more amiable Reflections upon part of the Book called A Short Account of the Life of Julian IT seems indubitable that a Lawful Heir by a Lawful Authority upon a Lawful Reason may be secluded from his Inheritance The Lawful Authority in England is His Sacred Majesty and the Two Houses of Parliament To them the Lawful Reason must be referr'd But there is a vast difference 'twixt the Laws of England and the Imperial Laws the Succession to the Imperial Crown of England and the Eagles It is known in our Land that nothing has the force of a Law but what is ratified by the King and Two Houses of Parliament His Sacred Majesty to give ease to his People and to appease the angry humours of the Dissenters issued out a Declaration for an Indulgence The Parliament upon the next Convention questioned this Act His Majesty in his Speech to them averr'd that He would stand to his Action They addrest themselves to the King the King return'd that they invaded his Prerogative They reply'd That there was never put an Instance of the like Prerogative It 's otherwise in the Imperial Laws Quod Principi placui Legis habet vigorem What pleased the Emperor was a Law The Reason is thus given for by the Kingly Law which was Enacted concerning the Empire the people did grant unto the Emperor and transfer upon him all their Dominion and Power that whatsoever therefore the Emperor did by his Letters command or in his own Person Decree or by any Prescript enjoyn it was manifest was a Law and Just Titulo 2do Sect. sed quod the same is found C. lib. 1. Tit. 17. Sect. 7. Cum enim Lege antiqua que Regia nuncupabatur c. When by the Ancient Law which was called the Royal all the Right and all the Power with which the Roman people were invested was transfer'd upon the Emperor we will not therefore divide the Laws according to the names of those that Enacted them we will have the whole Code to be our own For how can Antiquity abrogate our Laws which fully evinceth that all right was seated in every Emperor And therefore Justinian intending to reform correct and reduce the former Laws into one Code he would have that call'd his own It was once in the power of the Roman people to chuse their Magistrates the created Consuls and Dictators but they transferring all their Power upon one single Person it was in the breast of that person to enact all Laws and to constitute what Officers he pleased and his Successors And therefore nothing more frequent in the Roman History than the Examples of Emperors by their own Decree making Laws creating Coesars and designing the successive Emperor which is otherwise in England The manner of Succession is determined by the Laws made by the Authority of the King and the Two Houses And 't is observable in the Roman Story that all the power being thus devolv'd upon the Emperor whosoever gain'd the Empire enjoy'd the same power And 't is observ'd the Emperors were created frequently by the Military suffrage It seems a great error therefore in the Author from the Example of Julian to meddle with the English Succession 't is to be acknowledged that Julian by reason of the Barrenness of Eusebia Constantius's Empress and that his two Brothers dyed leaving no Heir Gallus being likewise cut off was the next Heir to Constantius but that title had been invalid if Constantius had not created him Coesar Eusebius and Eumenius the Pagan Orator did say that Constantine came to the Empire by the Law of Nature and a Paternal right But that was Oratory and allusive to the general usage of Kingdoms where the Son succeeds the Father but 't is not so in the Roman Empire Constantius Chlorus was but a Coesar under Maximianus Herculeus the Emperor How could Constantine be by a Paternal right Augustus when his Father was but Coesar But his Father having influenc'd the Army they upon the Death of his Father unanimously saluted him Emperor And Julian being made Coesar by Constantius he gain'd the affection of his Army who after several Victories got over the Germans and Almans the Army saluted him Augustus to which he had no other title but what the Sword gave him and by his Rebellion against Constantius did by the Roman Laws forfeit all his right and title It appears an extravagancy to accommodate Julian's Succession to the Succession of the English Crown The actions and behaviour of the Christians towards Julian do not at all interfere with a passive obedience The Question is thus stated Whether a Prince invested with Dominion may in matters of Religion be resisted by Arms No Christian did during the Persecution ever take up Arms against the Emperor or make the least resistance their Passive Obedience was their glory and their Blood watered the Church of Christ But he rejoyns that the Christians professed a Doctrine contrary to the Laws of the Empire and thereupon a Passive Obedience was necessary But where Religion is the Law of the Country there it may be defended by the Sword Hence the Army under Julian would if they had power have resisted by Arms because they professed that Religion which became the Religion of the Empire and was ratified by the Laws for Fifty years But here certainly is a grand mistake Quod Regi placuit legis habet vigorem and tho' Constantine and Constantius by their Edicts favouring Christianity that Religion was the Religion of the Empire while their Authorities remain'd But Julian a Pagan succeeding he by his Edicts reviving Idolatry it was made the Religion of the Empire And therefore 't was as unlawful for the Christians under Julian to resist him by the Sword as it was for the Christians under the Heathen Emperors to resist them Thus it appears in our English Constitutions King Edward the Sixth in his Parliament established the Protestant Religion whereby that became the Religion of the Country Queen Mary a Papist succeeding gains a Parliament that rejects the Protestant and establishes the Popish Doctrine then Popery became the Religion of the Country and no Protestant during her Reign did oppose her Person or Authority The Protestants in Norfolk and Suffolk were great instruments to set the Crown upon her Head some of whom afterwards patiently endur'd the Flames and none drew a Sword nor after her Coronation was any violent means used against her by which the Authors 2d Ch.
the Prefect performs the Emperors command by a fine trick without the knowledge of the Citizens sends him into Banishment and then takes Macedonius into his own Coach and carries him into the Church the people were disconted the multitude was so great that what by the throng and the Sword of the Soldiers a passage was made for him to the Throne by the Corps of One thousand Three hundred and Fifty When possessed of that See what cruelties did he not exercise banishments confiscation of estates were but lighter punishments those that would not communicate with him he Imprisoned some he Tortured Women and Children he caused to be severely Scourged he forced the mouths of those that would not communicate with him to be opened and his Mysteries to be put into them he caused Eggs to be heated and cast upon the Breasts of Women he made the Breasts of other Women to be put between burning Plates and seared off he acted such Cruelties upon the Christians that were unheard of to the Heathens with an excessive pride without the consent of the Emperor he removed the Corps of Constantine the Great out of the Church in which he was inter'd into the Church of Acasius the Martyr This fact was endeavoured to be hindred by the Orthodox Christians of whom he killed many the Floor of the Church and Street adjoyning flowed with the Blood of them Were these sanguinary Acts the product of Religion No but of pride and his temporal Interest Qu. VI. Wherein the Christian Graces have a real preferency to the Pagan and Philosophical Vertues IT will not be unworthy to discuss this Great Question Wherein the Graces and Lives of Christians are superior to the Actions and Vertues of the Heathens Julian against whom these Papers are chiefly design'd was a Prince conspicuous by many excellent endowments Amongst the Heathens there were many Philosophers and Statesmen Orators Generals and Princes eminent in their singular qualifications Is Valour a Virtue Many were patient in bearing Calamities and none more daring in undertaking great actions Is Justice a Virtue they were diligent hearers of Causes and unbiassed in their final determinations Is Temperance a Virtue They were to a Miracle Abstemious Is Charity a Virtue they were Bountiful and haters of the base sin of Covetousness If a composure of mind by which persons are fitted for admirable Actions If industry and vigorous prosecution of Employments be excellent Ornaments in them they might glory To all which may be added in the Exercise of Religion which is the foundation of Virtue they were very devout To all these they made a great pretence Some of those Eminences must be granted yet to the Question it will with clear Reason and certain Truth be replied That the excellency of Christian Graces and Virtues are superlatively to be prefer'd to Pagan Eminences To evince which these Axioms must be premis'd 1. Bonum ex integra causa Malum ex quocunque defectu An Vniversal concurrence of Causes is required to make a thing good when any deficiency suffices to render it evil One obliquity makes a Line crooked when a continued recital is necessary to constitute a strait Line 2. When Virtues are intense then they are concatenated there is a Conspiration of all Virtues where the degrees are Heroical 3. That the fam'd Philosophers agree in this That there is a true God whose Will is the rule of Virtue 4. That then it must evidently follow That they who worship not the true God are not Virtuous 5. 'T is evidently perspicuous that Virtues must have a respect to their adequate objects He that is Temperate must both eat and drink moderately he that is Just must be so to all persons 6. That to the Constitution Prudence is required If this were not the Guide of the Pagan Virtuosi then it must of necessity follow they were not truly virtuous My Pen shall not be too crabbed nor my sentiments too bold in censuring the state of dead Philosophers What sentence the Divine Power hath passed upon them is known to him only to whom belongs righteousness and forgiveness I am not daring to peep into the dark but confident that the highest pitch of Virtue the severest Pagan arriv'd at is much beneath Christian perfection and the sublime life of Christian Philosophers 1. Let the actions of any person be never so exact and congruous to those Laws which goodness prescribe yet if the end be vain-glory they are not true Virtues Ambition is that deformity which sullies the splendor of the best Conversation in that life which seems to be a mirror to give the liveliest image of Goodness As the purest Chrystal is by breath so that by popular applause is stain'd which vice is infinitely oppos'd by Christian Religion Humility being adopted as a part of it it 's one of its prime constitutions enforced by the example of the Holy Jesus How guilty the Ethnick Philosophers were of this crime is notoriously known They were termed Vanoe glorioe mancipia How trifling was that temper of Demosthenes who was hugely pleased that the murmurs of a Rivulet from him gliding brought to his Ears the noise of a Woman speaking to her Companion This is the very Demosthenes Cic. Tusc Quest lib. 5. And Tully himself that great Orator and Virtuoso and famous Moralist Trahimur omnes glorioe studio optimus quisque maximè glorià ducitur The chiefest aim of the best men he makes to be Glory by Plutarch accused of Ambition and so judg'd by his Friends Crecens by Justin call'd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And of himself Cicero saith Orat. ad pop before his Banishment Quam virtutis gloria summâ cum laude ad coelum extulit He was infinitely affected with those expressions of kindness which he receiv'd from the Romans after his return from Banishment that he cries out I am come to Rome upon the Shoulders of all Italy As for Julian how vain-glorious he was take it from the Pen of Marcellinus he rejoyced very much in vulgar applause he was an immoderate hunter after praise even from the least things that were His affecting popularity made him to converse with mean and abject persons Christianity commands not to seek the praise of men but of God That he who glorieth may glory in the Lord. The glory which we receive from men is but small imperfect inconstant and makes not the person the better the glorying in God is raised perfect perpetual and makes the person really happy 2. We shall rarely find that there was a Concatenation of all Virtues in Heathen Philosophers and in them their Virtues had not a respect to their adequate objects which is otherwise in Christians In many thousands of them gloriously appear'd a concurrence of all Graces 'T is a Christian Axiom He that offends in one is guilty of all Christian Graces are like a Crown or Circle in which if there be any part taken away that ceaseth to be a Circle From the