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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30956 A remembrancer of excellent men ...; Remembrancer of excellent men Barksdale, Clement, 1609-1687. 1670 (1670) Wing B806; ESTC R17123 46,147 158

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employed in a wise and Religious Lahour 10. These were great things and matter of great envy At first the product was nothing but great admiration at his stupendious parts and wonder at his mighty diligence and observation of his unusual zeal but this quickly past into the natural daughters of envy obloquy and slander His zeal for recovery of the Church Revenues was called oppression and rapine his care of reducing Religion to wise and justifiable Principles was called Popery and Arminianism and I know not what names which signifie what the Authors are pleas'd to mean and the people to construe and to hate This made him to walk more warily and do justly and act prudently and conduct his Affairs by the measure of Laws as far as he understood and indeed that was a very great way And though every slanderer could tell a story yet none could prove that ever he receiv'd a bribe to blind his eyes to the value of a pair of Gloves It was his own expression when he gave Glory to God who had preserv'd him innocent 11. See the greatness of truth and prudence and how greatly God stood with him When the numerous Armies of vexed people heaped up Catalogues of Accusations when the Parliament of Ireland imitated the violent procedures of the then disordered English when his glorious Patron was taken from his head and he was disrobed of his great defences when Petitions were invited and Accusations furnished and Calumny was rewarded and managed with Art and Power when there was above 200 Petitions put in against him and himself denyed leave to answer by word of mouth when he was long imprison'd and treated so that a guilty man would have been broken into affrightment and pittiful and low considerations yet then he himself standing almost alone like Callimachus at Marathon invested with Enemies and cover'd with Arrows defended himself beyond all the powers of guiltiness even with the defences of Truth and the bravery of Innocence and answer'd the Petitions in Writing sometimes 20 in a day with so much clearness evidence of truth reality of fact and testimony of Law that his very enemies were asham'd and convinc'd they found they had done like AEsop's Viper they licked the File till their tongues bled but himself was wholly invulnerable 12. They were therefore to leave their Muster rolls and decline the particulars and fall to their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to accuse him for going about to subvert the Fundamental Laws the way by which great Stafford and Canterbury fell Which was a device when all reasons fail'd to oppress the Enemy by the bold affirmation of a conclusion they could not prove But the Martyr-King Charles the first of most glorious and eternal memory seeing so great a Champion likely to be oppress'd with numbers and despair sent what rescue he could his Royal Letter for his Bail which was hardly granted to him and when it was it was upon such hard terms that his very delivery was a persecution He that does great things cannot avoid the tongues and teeth of Envy but if Calumnies must pass for Evidences the bravest Heroes must always be the most reproached persons in the world But God who takes care of Reputations as he does of Lives by the orders of his Providence confutes the slanderer that the memory of the righteous man might be embalm'd with Honour And so it hapned to this great man For by a publick warrantry by the concurrent consent of both Houses of Parliament the Libellous Petitions against him the false Records and publick Monuments of injurious shame were cancell'd and he was restor'd in integrum to that fame where his great Labours and just Procedures had first instated him Which though it was but justice yet it was also such an honour that it is greater than the virulence of tongues which Stratagem they did in part by open Force they turned the Bishop out of the Town and upon trifling and unjust pretences search'd his Carriages and took what they pleas'd till they were asham'd to take more However though the usage was sad yet it was recompenc'd to him by his taking Sanctuary in Oxford where he was graciously receiv'd by that most incomparable and divine Prince But having serv'd the King in Yorkshire by his Pen and by his Counsels and by his Interest he return'd back to Ireland where under the excellent conduct of his Grace the now Lord Lieutenant he ran the risque and fortune of oppressed Virtue 15. But God having still resolv'd to afflict us the good man was forced into the fortune of the Patriarchs to leave his Country and his Charges and seek for safety and bread in a strange Land He was not asham'd to suffer where the Cause was honourable and glorious Thus God provided for the needs of his banished and sent a man who could minister comfort to the afflicted and courage to the persecuted and resolution to the tempted and strength to that Religion for which they all suffered 16. And here this great man was indeed triumphant for so it was that he stood in publick and brave defence for the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England There wanted not diligent Tempters in the Church of Rome who taking advantage of the Afflictions of his Sacred Majesty in which state men commonly suspect every thing and like men in sickness are willing to change from side to side hoping for ease and finding none flew at Royal Game and hop'd to draw away the King from that Religion which his most Royal Father the best Man and the wisest Prince in the world had seal'd with the best Blood in Christendom and which himself suck'd in with his Education and had confirmed by choice and reason and confess'd publickly and bravely and hath since restor'd prosperously Millitier was the man witty and bold enough to attempt a zealous and a foolish undertaking and address'd himself with ignoble indeed but witty Arts to perswade the King to leave what was dearer to him than his eyes It is true it was a Wave dash'd against a Rock and an Arrow shot against the Sun it could not reach him but the Bishop of Derry turn'd it also and made it fall upon the Shooters head For he made so ingenious so learned and so acute Reply to that Book he so discover'd the Errours of the Roman Church retorted the Arguments stated the Questions demonstrated the Truth and shamed their Procedures that nothing could be a greater Argument of the Bishops Learning great Parts deep Judgment quickness of Apprehension and sincerity in the Catholick and Apostolick Faith or of the Follies and Prevarications of the Church of Rome 17. But this most Reverend Prelate found a nobler adversary and a braver Scene for his Contention He found that the Roman Priests being wearied and baffled by the wise Discourses and pungent Arguments of the English Divines studiously declin'd any more to dispute the particular questions against us but fell at last
committed to this trusty Messenger intercepted the Doctor charged for holding intelligence and presently Voted both out of the Assembly and out of his Estate and Liberty 10. On September 30. a Warrant mentioning no Crime was brought from the Committee to commit the poor Doctor whom they so plundred that he had no more mony left him than one poor five shillings piece of Gold which he bestowed on the Officer that conducted him to Prison There skipped hastily into his Livings those who had long gaped for them While into Lambeth and Nye into Acton Many sad months did our Doctor spend in Prison wanting his sweet Air and the comfortable society of his Books and Friends and indeed all things except a good Conscience which might qualifie the bitterness of a tedious life 11. In the height of these his sufferings it happened that a Papist sent a bold Challenge abroad throwing dirt in the face of the Protestant Church The Parliament recommended the answering of it to our Doctor whom they knew to be well versed in the matters in question Had they first restored him to his Liberty and Estate this had been a just and noble encouragement But he was a poor Israelite under the Egyptian Yoke and must be content to abate the straw yet make the brick only they voted him the use of his Books three of them at one time and by this Vote his Library was a while preserved and himself diverted the irksomness of his sad Imprisonment To work he went and at length he finished and published his Answer to the Challenge Aug. 1. 1644. in a Book intituled Roma Ruens 12. Nor may I forget another Book which he had perfected and published the same year against the Anabaptists and other Sectaries called The Dipper Dipt Whereat the Sectaries being enraged and some others threw upon him a foul and odious aspersion That Dr. Featley was turn'd Papist To vindicate himself he publish'd his Manifesto and therein saith I have thought fit to make known to you all whom it may concern that being chosen Provost of Chelsey-Colledge I have under the Broad Seal of England a Warrant to buy have and keep all manner of Popish Books and that I never bought and kept any of them but to the end and purpose the betttr to inform my self to refute them c. 13. To which Vindication in the same Manifesto he adds this Challenge whereas I am certainly informed that aivers Lecturers and Preachers in London and the Suburbs who have entred upon the Labours of many worthy Divines and reaped their Harvests do in their Pulpits after a most insolent manner insult upon them demanding Where are they now that dare stand up in defence of Church-Hierarchy or Book of Common-Prayer or any way oppose or impugn the new intended Reformation both in Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England I do here protest that I do and will maintain by Disputation or Writing against any of them these three Conclusions viz. 1. That the Articles of Religion agreed upon in the year of our Lord 1562. by both Houses of Convocation and ratified by Queen Elizabeth need no alteration at all but only an Orthodox explication in some ambiguous phrases and a Vindication against false aspersions 2. That the Discipline of the Church of England established by many Laws and Acts of Parliament that is the Government by Bishops removing all Innovations and Abuses in the execution thereof is agreeable to Gods Word and a truly antient and Apostolical Institution 3. That there ought to be a set Form of Publick Prayer and that the Book of Common-Prayer the Ralendar being reformed in point of Apocryphal Saints and Chapters some Rubricks explained and some expressions revised and the whole correctedly Printed with all the Psalms Chapters and Allegations out of the Old and new Testament according to the last Translation is the most complete perfect and exact Liturgy now extant in the Christian World 14. Notwithstanding the great Service which the Doctor had done for the Church of England at the request of the Parliament by his Answer to that Popish Challenge in his Roma Ruens yet they suffered him to continue in Limbo in his old Prison But when through bad Air and bad Diet and ill Lodging and other inconveniences he fell into a Dropsie and other Diseases upon his humble Petition and his Physicians Certificate after sixteen weeks attendance of his Friends the House granted him an Order to remove to the fresh Air of Chelsey-Colledge for six weeks Thither he came about the beginning of March 1644. but neither Physick nor Air nor Diet nor better Lodging nor Company nor Cordials nor any thing else could remove his Diseases or give him hope of Recovery 15. There he spun out a short time in much Piety and Holy Exercises although wearied with pains and worn out with afflictions whereof none were so grievous to him as the presenr Distractions in the Church and State April 14. 1645. he set his House in order and made his Will beginning thus First for my soul I commend it to him whose due it is by a three-fold right My Creator who infused it into me my Redeemer who freely ransomed it with his dearest Blood my Sanctifier who assisteth me now in my greatest and latest assaults of temptations c. The next day he made a Confession of his Faith to Dr. Loe and others April 17. which was the last day of those six weeks his Enemies had allotted him his spirit waxed faint and drawing near to death he prayed thus Lord strike through the reins of them that rise against the Church and King and let them be as chaff before the wind c. But upon our gracious Sovereign and his posterity let the Crown flourish This said he is the hearty and earnest prayer of a poor sick Creature 16. With which words and many heavenly Ejaculations commending his Soul into the hands of his faithful Creator he fell asleep But his Nephew coming in caused a small dose of Cordial Spirits to be administred to him which made him once more to open his eyes and seeing the tears of his mourning Kinsman said Ah Cousin the poor Church of God is torn in pieces More he said not but sweetly and gently groaned out his wearied and fainting Spirit and resigned his Soul into the extended Arms of his merciful Redeemer 17. In Lambeth-Chappel according to his desire he was solemnly buried Dr. Loe preached the Sermon afterward Printed To add a short Character of his Person and Graces He was low of stature yet of a lovely graceful Countenance and of a convenient strength and health of Body of a most sweet disposition being affable and courteous to all without the least commixture of that sullen morosity which some men mistake for gravity He was generally free from all shews both of pride and anger only when he disputed with Hereticks and Schismaticks in defence of the Sacred Truth his Zeal and
England for whose sufferings he sorrowed unto death Those and the foresight of that barbarity wherein Learning and Learned men were to be the objects of scorn and cruelty broke his heart 12. Time was even amongst the Heathen that Learning was a sufficient protection against Tyranny witness Antonius Triumvir who when Varro his Enemy and of a contrary part was listed for death He thus gallantly superscribed his Name Vivat Varro Vir doctissimus 13. This our Learned Friend deceased at Kidlington Mar. 13.1646 And was buried in Christ-Church in Oxford Where lives the memory of his Virtues especially of Courtesie and Humility not disdaining the meanest Scholar nor proud of his Victorious discourses with the most learned And all that knew him will testifie how free and liberal he was of his treasury to the full satisfaction of all Inquisitors Epitaphium Joannis Gregorii NE premas Cineres hosce Viator Nescis quot sub hoc jacent lapillo Graeculus Hebraeus Syrus Et qui te quovis vincet idiomate At ne molestus sis Ausculta caussam auribus tuis imbibe Templo exclusus Et avita Religione Jam senescente ne dicam sublata Mutavit Chorum altiorem ut capesseret Vade nunc si libet imitare R. W. VIII Dr. Brian Duppa L d. Bp of Winchester From D. Jasper Maine 1. WHen I look back upon our late suffering times the saddest which I think any History hath recorded where oppression backt with power made the Ruine of our Church the horrid step and ladder to the Usurpation of the Crown and where the very name of Bishop was criminal and odious And when withal I do consider by what unlookt for way of providence the Order and Religion like a Treasure snatcht from Shipwreck was stupendiously restored after many years confusion Methinks that bush which Moses saw was the Emblem of our Church kept safe by miracle in the midst of hungry fire and the ship in the Gospel was presented to my eies where Christ and his Apostles were lost in a hideous storm but he awaked and stilled the winds and put a calmness to the Sea 2. In those daies of publick calamity I saw some take for their Pattern the Prophet Jonas and sleep securely in the storm Other to preserve their wretched fortunes compounded with the Tempest and made a League and friendship with the winds others of a nobler and more Christian temper whose just reward is now to shine like stars of honour in the Church immoveably resolute to maintain their Loyalty and Conscience with the loss of their lives as they had already with their fortunes 3. Yet I hope it will be no diminution of their Virtues if I say that the Bishop of Salisburies Carriage in those times of persecution was to me most remarkable who by this happy restitution and addition of more honour was made a greater Bishop but not a greater person than he had been in his lowest ebbe of Fortune 4. The payment of his vow in building of an Alms-house on the place at Richmond where himself so often sate weeping ore the prospect not then pleasant to his eye His large bounty to the Colledge of which I am a member which if I should name the Sum would make the world believe he meant to found a new Colledge and not complete an old His dying liberalities bequeathed to others in his Will even to his meanest Servants who were his Servants in distress are things which do proclaim him a great and noble Benefactor 5. But these are but the good deeds of his Fortune done by the Bishop of Winchester the Charities of one possessed with plenty and abundance his Rents and Mannors share with him as Co-founders and his new Alms-house might have it written on the Walls A poor Bishop vow'd this house but a great and mighty built it 6. That which made him truly great and Reverend in my eies was to look into his Noble heart his large and bounteous mind where his good deeds now were then but wishes and designs He was truly great to me when I saw him in his poverty anticipate his Alms-house and liberal at his door and the poor people in his house now had then places at his gate when being reduced to his last cruse of oyl he made the drops run to others and when there was but a handful of meal left in the little barrel he then dealt his loaf to them that wanted daily bread In short when he had but two Coats left to give one to the Naked when he had hardly more than one dish to make the poor his guests to see him walk on the Hill with not much money in his purse and return back with none But then to think of laying up treasures in Heaven when he had so little left on earth was a Charity which raised in me a Religious admiration and lookt something like the Miracle wrought by our Saviour in the Gospel where Multitudes were sed with two fishes and five loaves 7. Nor may I without some injustice to his Virtues forbear to let the world know That I never saw Afflictions born with a more serene and even temper than he did his who in the worst of times stood like a firm unshaken Rock in the midst of angry waves his Courage still the same unbroken or undisturbed with any sad Disasters not more publick than his own 8. The Old Church of England still kept up in his house with all its Forms and Rites though publickly forbidden Prayers constantly and twice a day read by him for the King at a time when such Devotions were made Treason by the Tyrant and weekly Sermons preacht before him filled with so much loyalty and truth as would any where else have cast the preacher into bonds if not sent him from the Pulpit to the place of Execution 9. To all this his Lordships continued kindness to me his encouragement of my younger studies which grew up under his example his Rescue of me from a shipwrack in the late undoing times when being tost and stript of all he was a plank to save me and threw me out a line which drew me safe to shore are Reasons sufficient to let the world receive this publick Testimony of my Gratitude Ob. An. Dom. 1663. IX Dr. John Bramhall L d. Archb. of Armagh From Bishop Taylor 1. THe Death of our late most Reverend Primate the Church of Ireland hath very great reason to deplore and we have great obligation to remember his very many worthy deeds done for this poor afflicted and despised Church S. Paul that excellent Preacher Heb. 11. made a Sermon in Commemoration of the Saints For since good men while they are alive have their Conversation in Heaven when they are in Heaven it is also fit that they should in their good names live upon Earth Their great examples are an excellent Sermon to the Living and in praising them when envy and flattery can have no interest to interpose
as it is the best incentive to great things so to conceal what good God hath wrought by them is great unthankfulness to God and good men 2. This great man whom God hath lately taken from our eies was bred in Cambridge in Sidney Colledge under Mr Hulet a grave and a worthy man and he shewed himself not only a fruitful plant by his great progress in his studies but made him another return of gratitude by taking care to provide a good employment for him in Ireland where he then began to be greatly interested Augustus Caesar gave his Tutor an honourable Funeral Marcus Antonius erected a Statue to his Gratian the Emperour made his Master Ausonius to be Consul and our worthy Primate suffered not the industry of his teacher to pass unrewarded 3. Having passed the course of his studies in the University and done his Exercise with that Applause which is usually the reward of pregnant wits and hard study he was remov'd into Yorkshire where first in the City of York he was an assiduous Preacher but by the Disposition of Divine providence he happened to be engaged at Northalerton in disputation with three pragmatical Romish Priests of the Jesuits order whom he so much worsted in the Conference and so shamefully disadvantaged by the evidence of Truth represented Wisely and Learnedly that the famous Primate of York Archb. Matthews a learned and most excellent Prelate and a most worthy Preacher hearing of that Triumph sent for him and made him his Chaplain In whose service he continued till the Death of the Primate but in that time had given so much testimony of his great dexterity in the Conduct of Ecclesiastical and Civil Assairs that he grew dear to his Master and in that employment was made Prebendary of York and then of Rippon The Dean of which Church having made him his Sub-dean he managed the affairs of that Church so well that he soon acquired a greater fame and entred into the possession of many hearts and admiration to those many more that knew him 4. There and at his Parsonage he continued long to do the duty of a Learned and good Preacher and by his wisedome eloquence and deportment so gain'd the Affections of the Nobility Gentry and Commons of that County that as at his return thither upon the blessed Restauration of his most Sacred Majesty he knew himself obliged enough and was so kind as to give them a Visit so they by their coming in great numbers to meet him their joyful reception of him their great caressing of him when he was there their forward hopes to enjoy him as their Bishop their trouble at his departure their unwillingness to let him go away gave signal testimonies that they were wise and kind enough to understand and value his great worth 5. But while he lived there he may seem like a Diamond in the dust his low fortune cover'd a most valuable person till he became observ'd by Sir Tho. Wentworth Lord President of York whom we all knew for his great excellencies and his great but glorious misfortunes This great person espied the great abilities of Doctor Bramhall and made him his Chaplain and brought him into Ireland as one whom he believed would prove the most fit instrument to serve in that design which for two years before his arrival here he had greatly meditated and resolved the Reformation of Religion and the Reparation of the broken Fortunes of the Church 6. The complaints were many the abuses great the Causes of the Church vastly numerous but as fast as they were brought in so fast they were by the Lord Deputy referred back to Doctor Bramhall Who by his indefatigable pains great sagacity perpetual watchfulness daily and hourly consultations reduc'd things to a more tolerable condition than they had been left in by the Schismatical principles of some and the unjust prepossessions of others for many years before For the Bishops were easie to be oppress'd by those that would and they complained but for a long time had no helper till God raised up that glorious instrument the Earl of Strafford who brought over with him as great affections to the Church and to all publick interests and as admirable abilities as ever before his time did invest and adorn any of the Kings Vice-gerents 7. And God fitted his hand with an instrument as good as his skill was great For the first Specimen of his Abilities and diligence in recovery of some lost Tithes being represented to his late Majesty of blessed and glorious Memory it pleased his Majesty upon the Death of Bishop Downham to advance the Doctor to the Bishoprick of Derry Which he not only adorned with an excellent spirit and a wise Government but did more than double tht Revenue not by taking any thing from them to whom it was due but by resuming some of the Churches Patrimony which by undue means was detained in unfitting hands 8. But his care was beyond his Diocess and his zeal broke out to warm all his Brethren for by the favour of the Lord Lieutenant and his own incessant and assiduous labour and wise conduct he bought in divers Impropriations cancell'd many unjust alienations and did restore them to a condition much more tolerable I say much more tolerable for though he rais'd them above contempt yet they were not near to envy But he knew there could not in all times be wanting too many that envied to the Church every degree of prosperity And for ever since the Church by Gods blessing and the favour of Religious Kings and Princes and pious Nobility hath been endowed with fair Revenues the enemy hath not been wanting by pretences of Religion to take away Gods portion from the Church c. I have heard from a most worthy hand that at his going into England he gave account to the Archbishop of Canterbury of 30000 l. a year in the recovery of which he was greatly and principally instrumental 9. But his care was not determined in the exteriour part only and accessories of Religion he was careful and he was prosperous in it to reduce that Divine and Excellent Service of our Church to publick and constant Exercise to Unity and Devotion and to cause the Articles of the Church of England to be accepted as the rule of publick confessions and perswasions here that they and we might be populus unius labii of one heart and one lip building up our hopes of heav'n on a most holy Faith and taking away that Shibboleth which made this Church lisp too undecently And the excellent and wise pains he took in this particular no man can dehonestate or reproach but he that is not willing to confess That the Church of England is the best Reformed Church in the World God by the prosperity of his labours and a blessed effect gave testimony not only of the piety and wisdom of his purposes but that he loves to bless a wise instructor when he is vigorously
upon a general charge imputing to the Church of England the great crime of Schism and by this they thought they might with most probability deceive unwary and unskilful Readers for they saw the Schism and they saw we had left them and because they consider'd not the Causes they resolved to out-face us in the Charge The Bishop now having an Argument fit to employ his great abilities undertakes the question and in a full Discourse proves the Church of Rome not only to be guilty of the Schism by making it necessary to depart from them but they did actuate the Schism and themselves made the first separations in the great point of the Pope's Supremacy which was the palladium for which they principally contended He made it appear that the Popes of Rome were Usurpers of the Rights of Kings and Bishops that they brought in new Doctrines in every Age that they impos'd their own devices upon Christendom as Articles of Faith that they prevaricated the Doctrines of the Apostles that the Church of England only return'd to her Primitive purity that she joyn'd with Christ and his Apostles that she agreed in all the sentiments of the Primitive Church 18. The old Bishop of Chalcedon known to many of us replyed to this excellent Book but was soon answer'd by a Rejoynder made by the Lord Bishop of Derry in which he so pressed the former Arguments refuted the Cavils brought in so many imimpregnable Authorities and probations and added so many moments and weights to his Discourse that the pleasures of reading the Book would be the greatest if the profit to the Church of God were not greater Whenever men will desire to be satisfied in those great questions the Bishop of Derry's Book shall be their Oracle 19. I will not insist upon his other excellent Writings but it is known every where with what Piety and acumen he wrote against the Manichaean Doctrine of fatal necessity which a late witty man had pretended to adorn with a new Vizor but this excellent person washed off the ceruss and the meretricious paintings rarely well asserted the Oeconomy of the Divine Providence and having once more triumph'd over his Adversary betook himself to the more agreeable attendance upon Sacred Offices and having usefully and wisely discoursed of the Sacred Rite of Confirmation impos'd hands upon the most illustrious Princes the Dukes of York and Glocester and the Princess Royal and ministred to them the promise of the Holy Spirit and ministerially established them in the Religion and Service of the Holy Jesus 20. And one thing more I shall remark that at his leaving those parts upon the Kings Return some of the Remonstrant Ministers of the Low-Countries coming to take their leaves of his great man and desiring that by his means the Church of England would be kind to them He had reason to grant it because they were learned men and in many things of a most excellett Belief yet he reproved them and gave them caution against it that they approached too near and gave too much countenance to the great and dangerous errours of the Socinians 21. He thus having serv'd God and the King abroad God was pleas'd to return to the King and to us all as in the days of old and we sung the Song of David In convertendo captivitatem Sion When King David and all his Servants returned to Jerusalem this great person having trod in the Wine-press was called to drink of the Wine and as an honorary Reward of his great Services and Abilities was chosen Primate of this National Church He had this Remark in all his Government that as he was a great hater of Sacriledge so he professed himself a publick enemy to non-residence and religiously against it allowing it in no case but of necessity or the greater good of the Church 22. There are great things spoken of his Predecessor St. Patrick that he founded 700 Churches and Religious Covents that he ordained 5000 Priests and with his own hands Consecrated 350 Bishops How true the story is I know not but we are all witnesses that the late Primate whose memory we now Celebrate did by an extraordinary contingency of Providence in one day consecrate two Archbishops and ten Bishops and did benefit to almost all the Churches in Ireland and was greatly instrumental to the endowments of the whole Clergy and in the greatest abilities and incompararable industry was inferiour to none of his most glorious Antecessors 23. The Character which was given of that Learned Primate Richard of Armagh by Trithemius does exactly fit this our Father Vir in divinis c. He was learned in the Scriptures skilled in secular Philosophy and not unknowing in the Civil and Canon Laws in which studies I wish the Clergy were with some carefulness and diligence still more conversant He was of an excellent Spirit a Scholar in his Discourses an early and industrious Preacher to the People And as if there were a more particular sympathy between their souls our Primate had so great a veneration to his Memory that he purposed if he had lived to have restor'd his Monument in Dundalk which time or impiety or unthankfulness had either omitted or destroyed So great a lover he was of all true and inherent worth that he loved it in the very memory of the Dead and to have such great examples transmitted to the intuition and imitation of Posterity 24. At his coming to the Primacy he knew he should at first espy little besides the ruines of Discipline a Harvest of Thorns and Heresies prevailing in the hearts of the people the Churches possessed by Wolves and Intruders mens hearts greatly estranged from true Religion and therefore he set himself to weed the Fields of the Church He treated the Adversaries sometimes sweetly sometimes he confuted them learnedly sometimes he rebuked them sharply He visited his Charges diligently and in his own person not only by proxies and instrumental deputations he design'd nothing that we know of but the Redintegration of Religion the Honour of God and the King the restoring of collapsed Discipline and the renovation of the Faith and the Service of God in the Churches and still he was indefatigable and even in the last Scene of his life not willing that God should take him unemployed 25. The last of January God sent him a brisk alarm of Death whereupon he made his Will in which beside the prudence and presence of Spirit manifested in making a just and wise settlement of his Estate and provisions for his descendants at midnight and in the trouble of his sickness and circumstances of addressing death he kept still a special sentiment and made confession of Gods admirable mercies and gave thanks that God had permitted him to live to see the blessed Restauration of his Majesty and the Church of England confessed his Faith to be the same as ever gave praises to God that he was born and bred up in this Religion and prayed
his Spirit he added an indefatigable Industry and God gave a plentiful Benediction for there were very few kinds of Learning but he was a Mystes and a great Master in them 21. He was a rare Humanist and hugely verst in all the polite parts of Learning and had throughly concocted all the antient Moralists Greek and Roman Poets and Orators and was not unacquainted with the refined Wits of the later Ages whether French or Italian 22. But he had not only the Accomplishments of a Gentleman but so universal were his parts that they were proportion'd to every thing And though his Spirit and Humour were made up of smoothness and gentleness yet he could bear with the harshness and roughness of the Schools and was not unseen in their subtilties and spinosities and upon occasion could make them serve his purpose And yet I believe he thought many of them very near a kin to the Famous Knight of the Muncha and would make sport sometimes with the Romantick Sophistry and phantastick Adventures of School-Errantry 23. His skill was great both in the Civil and Canon Law and Casuistical Divinity And he was a rare conductor of Souls and knew how to counsel and to advise to solve difficulties and determine Cases and quiet Consciences And he was no Novice in Mr. S.'s new Science of Controversie but could manage an Argument and make reparties with a strange dexterity He understood what the several Parties in Christendom have to say for themselves and could plead their cause to better advantage than any Advocate of their Tribe and when he had done he could confute them too and shew that better Arguments than ever they could produce for themselves would afford no sufficient ground for their fond Opinions 24. I shall adde only his great acquaintance with the Fathers and Ecclesiastical Writers and the Doctors of the first and purest Ages both of the Greek and Latin Church which he has made use of against the Romanists to vindicate the Church of England from the Challenge of Innovation and prove her to be truly Antient Catholick and Apostolical 25. But Religion and Virtùe is the Crown of all other Accomplishments and it was the Glory of this great man to be thought a Christian and whatever you added to it he look'd upon as a term of diminution And yet he was a zealous Son of the Church of England but that was because he judg'd her and with great reason a Church the most purely Christian of any in the world 26. In his younger years he met with some assaults from Popery and the high pretensions of their Religious Orders were very accommodate to his devotional Temper But he was always so much Master of himself that he would never be govern'd by any thing but Reason and the evidence of Truth which engag'd him in the study of those Controversies and to how good purpose the world by this time a sufficient witness But the longer and the more he consider'd the worse he lik'd the Roman Cause and became at last to censure them with some severity but I confess I have so great an opinion of his Judgment and the Charitableness of his Spirit that I am afraid he did not think worse of them than they deserve 27. But Religion is not matter of Theory and Orthodox Notions and it is not enough to believe aright but we must practice accordingly and to Master our Passions and to make a right use of that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and power that God has given us over our own actions is a greater glory than all other Accomplishments that can adorn the mind of man And therefore I shall close my Character of this great Personage with a touch upon some of those Virtues for which his Memory will be precious to all Posterity 28. He was a person of great Humility and notwithstanding his stupendious Parts and Learning and eminency of place he had nothing in him of Pride and Humour but was courteous and affable and of easie access and would lend a ready ear to the Complaints yea to the impertinences of the meanest persons 29. His Humility was coupled with an extraordinary Piety and I believe he spent the greatest part of his time in Heaven His solemn hours of Prayer took up a considerable portion of his life and we are not to doubt but he had learn'd of St. Paul to pray continually and that occasional ejaculations and frequent aspirations and emigrations of his Soul after God made up the best part of his Devotions 30. But he was not only a good man God-ward but he was come to the top of St. Peters Gradation and to all his other Virtues added a large and diffusive Charity And whoever compares his plentiful Incomes with the inconsiderable estate he left at his Death will be easily convinc'd that Charity was steward for a great proportion of his Revenue But the Hungry that he fed and the Naked that he cloath'd and the distress'd that he supply'd and the fatherless that he provided for the poor Children that he put to Apprentice and brought up at school and maintain'd at the University will not sound a Trumpet to that Charity which he dispersed with his right hand but wouldnot suffer his left hand to have any knowledge of it 31. To sum up all in a few words This Great Prelate had the Good Humour of a Gentleman the Eloquence of an Orator the Fansie of a Poet the acuteness of a Schoolman The profoundness of a Philosopher the Wisdom of a Chancellor the Sagacity of a Prophet the Reason of an Angel and the Piety of a Saint He had Devotion enough for a Cloister Learning enough for an University and Wit enough for a Colledge of Virtuosi And had his Parts and Endowments been parcell'd out among his poor Clergy that he left behind him it would perhaps have made one of the best Diocese in the world 32. But alas Our Father Our Father The Horses of our Israel and the Chariot thereof He is gone and has carried his Mantle and his Spirit along with him up to Heaven and the Sons of the Prophets have lost all their beauty and lustre which they enjoy'd only from the reflection of his Excellencies which were bright and radiant enough to cast a glory upon a whole order of Men. But the Sun of this our world after many attempts to break through the crust of an earthly Body is at last swallow'd up in the great Vortex of Eternity and there all his Maculae are scatter'd and dissolv'd and he is fix'd in an Orb of Glory and shines among his Brethren-stars that in their several Ages gave Light to the world and turn'd many Souls unto Righteousness 33. And we that are left behind though we can never reach his perfections must study to imitate his Virtues that we may at last come to sit at his feet in the Mansions of Glory which God grant for his infinite Mercies in Jesus Christ. Ob. Aug. 13. 1667. Soli Deo Gloria FINIS * Duacens Praef. ad Lib. de triplici Hom. officio * See a former Vol. * AEnea Pila Diog. Laert. * Archbish Laud B Mentague B. Lindsey Mr. John Selden c. * Jo. Antioch hist. tran out of Greek into Latine with Annot.