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A19272 Certaine sermons vvherin is contained the defense of the gospell nowe preached against such cauils and false accusations, as are obiected both against the doctrine it selfe, and the preachers and professors thereof, by the friendes and fauourers of the Church of Rome. Preached of late by Thomas by Gods sufferance Byshop of Lincolne. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1580 (1580) STC 5685; ESTC S120768 201,470 274

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defende strengthen and maintaine the same against all assaultes that they may to his glorie performe their worke whereto he hath appoynted them For so our Sauiour Christ willeth vs to cal vpon the Lord of the Haruest that he would send forth plentiful store of labourers to bring in his Haruest The seconde way to beware of false Prophets is a diligent and continual reading of the Scriptures of God which as I haue said before is y ● rule of true knowledge and right doctrine Herevnto Christ exhorteth when he sayth Search the Scriptures for in them you thinke ye haue eternall lyfe And they are they that testifie of me And the Thessalonians that did heare Paule at Berrhaea dayly searched the Scriptures whether things were so as Paule preached or no. S. Augustine also doth exhort vs to the same by a very apt similitude Euen as a Prince or gouernour in time of peace maketh prouision for armour munition and all warlike furniture that when he is assaulted by his enemies he may not be foūd vnprouided so saith he is it necessary that al good Christians should diligently reade carefully hearken to the teaching of the word of God and out of that storehouse to furnish thē felues with all spirituall furniture against the assaultes of Sathan his instruments whether it be in matter of faith and Religion or behauiour of life For of all the spirituall armor y t S. Paul describeth aboue all things he warneth to haue y t Target of faith the sword of gods holy word By y t weapō only you know y t christ our sauior droue back y t Deuil whē he indeuoured to seduce him by peruerting y t scriptures of God They therefore y t forbid the people to reade y t scriptures do hearken to gods word are to be esteemed no better thā traitors y t take frō the people of God their chief defence to leaue thē open to y t daunger of their enimies Or if men be not able to reade y t scriptures themselues in any wise as they haue care of their soules let thē learne to vnderstand y t generall principles of Christian Religion in their Catechisme that is the .x. Commandemēts the articles of their beliefe y t right vse of the Sacraments the Lordes Prayer And this must they learne not as Parrets to sound the words but to vnderstand the truth of the matter And then surely w t gods assistance may they be easily able to discerne the spirites of the Preacher tollerably to iudge of his doctrine as I could by some particular examples declare vnto you if the time would serue But if men will be take themselues to the Colliars faith that beleeued generally as the Church beleeued and knewe not one word what the church did beleeue or ought to beleeue they shall by such wilfull ignoraunce lay themselues open to false teachers that shall come vnto them in sheepes clothing and seeke nothing but as rauening Wolues to deuour their soules c. ¶ The thirde Sermon vppon this part of the Texte By their fruites shall ye knovv them Mat. 7. 16. THE Churche of Rome and the writers thereof doe interprete these wordes not of the fruites of doctrine as I haue done but of the fruites of godly and honest lyfe and withall challenge to themselues a singular holynesse aboue the Preachers of the Gospell in these dayes Who as they saye discourage men from vertuous exercises of godlye lyfe and in their owne behauiour shew a dissolutenesse and loosenesse of life fo that vice and wickednesse euer since the rysing of thys newe Gospell as they call it hath increased among men And for this cause will they haue vs noted to bee the false Prophetes that Christ willeth men heere to take heede of and say that we are knowne by our euill fruits Wherefore I thinke it most necessarie at this tyme to pull thys Lambes cloathing from them that the worlde or at least such as be not too muche affectionate to them may see how lyttle helpe they haue by this colour eyther for themselues or against vs. Neither doe I thinke that there is any fitter meanes to doe this than to let men vnderstand by the course of their owne histories and other credible writers how great corruption of lyfe and how foule vices haue ben vsually practised not among common persons of the meanest sorte but among the most holy and reuerend fathers of the Churche of Rome the Popes themselues that thereby you may gheasse what state of Religion hath most preuailed wyth them For it can not bee that that place can bee the seate of true Religion and holynesse whiche hath bene alway a sinke of most horrible and foule vices And here I protest vnto you that I will not speake or alleage anye thing of stomacke to aggrauate the matter but as I finde it in trueth layde downe in verie credible histories And first to begynne with the most notable roote of the corruption Simoniacall ambition in aspiring to that exceedyng power whiche this manye yeeres they haue vsurped About the yeere of our Lord. 600. Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople because that Citie was the Royall seate of the East Empyre obtayned of Mauritius the Emperour with intollerable pride to bee vniuersall Byshoppe the head and ruler of al other Against whom Gregorie 1. at y t time Bishop of Rome did write very earnestly reproueth sharply his exceeding ambition saying y t whosoeuer doth so aspire doth shew himself to be the forerunner of Antichrist And he calleth y t name of vniuersall Bishop a new a peruerse a superstitious a prophane a foolishe a proude a wicked name a name of errour a name of singularitie a name of vanitie a name of Hypocrisie a name of blasphemie Notwithstanding Boniface 3. y ● next Pope of Rome sauing one w t great suite obtained of y t wicked traiterous Emperour Phocas y t he his successors might haue that name Title of vniuersall Byshop and heade of the whole Church This was the first open step of their monstrous exceeding pride ambition which afterward by corruption briberie they continually followed still heaping on wicked practizes euery day more more as their owne histories do witnesse What shall I say of Constantius y t. 2. who being a lay man by exceeding ambition with great broile stirre obtained y ● Popedome was after depriued cast in prison had his eyes pulled out What shal I say of Formosus y t. 1. which by manifest briberie came to the Bishoprick I wil come to y t time wherin their owne secretaries Platina and Stella Venetus openly cry out on them y t is about the time of Benet the. 4. 900. yeeres after Christ Of which time Stella Venetus sayth Omnis virtus tam in capite quam in membris ex hominū ignauia consumpta est i. All vertue
in Examples they be infinite I should holde you too long A witnesse or two of approued authoritie for this may serue Roffensis agaynst Luther This saith he I speake for the Fathers vvhose iudgement I had rather follow then the Schoolemens for that in this pointe they bee repugnant one to the other Erasmus in his Enchiridion sayth Si Turcis vt Christum amplectantur Occamos Durandos Scotos Gabrieles aut Aluaros proposuerimus quid cogitabunt quid sentient vbi audierint spinosas illas argutias de instantibus de formal tatibus de quidditatibus c. Praesertim vbi viderint eos de his adeò non conuenire vt frequenter vsque ad pallorem vsque ad conuitia vsque ad Sputa nonnunquam vsque ad pugnos in●ucem digladientur If wee to winne the Turkes to embrace Christ shall offer or alleage vnto them Durande Scotus Gabriel Aluarus or any their followers what wyll they thinke What will they gather when they shall heare those Sophisticall and contentious subtilties De instantibus de formalitatibus de quidditatibus c. Whiche are altogether friuolous contentions rather for wordes then matter But especially when they shall see these men in such sorte to disagree for these things that often they striue euen till they be pale withall euen till they fall to chiding euen till they spit one at an other euen til they fall to blowes together The like repugnancie is betweene Thomas and sundrie other Diuines For the Vniuersitie of Paris condemneth Thomas in diuers articles as manifestly erring in the faith as it may appeare in certaine additions set to the end of the maister of the sentences I omit the contrarietie of Councells by manifest decrees impugning one another I omit the greeuous contētion betwene the Councell of Basill the Popes struggeling which of them should haue the chiefe authoritie in the Church I omit the repugnant opinions of Gerson sundry other Diuines touching the same I will not speake of the great stirre that was betweene the Vniuersitie of Paris and the Freers for the whole state of their religion and continued many yeeres vntill the Popes highnesse tooke the Freers into his tuition against a great number of learned Diuines that disputed preached and wrate sharpely against them I will not speake eyther of the disagreeing betweene the Canonistes Scholemen for sundrye matters as betweene the Monkes and Freers for the conception of our Lady Ouely I will in a word or two put you in minde of some of their chiefe champions that euen in this age euen in our dayes euen in our remembraunce haue not onely differed in some small pointes but in chiefe and great articles one writing against another Yea and I will note unto you the Fathers of one onely counsaile of Tridente that thereby you may take taste what agreement is betweene the residue if their doinges shoulde bee sifted Doth not Catharinus Archbishop of Compsane one of the Popes legates and great Cardinalls in rigour and fierce manner impugne the iudgement of Dominicus a Soto ● Spanishe Frier of great credite and one of the Emperours confessors the same Soto as sharpely write against Catharinus that in no such small controuersies as in a trifle touching apparel but De Fiducia hominis Christiani of the hope of a Christiā Of predestinatiō of originall sinne of free will c. belike ech part had his assistances For one of their bookes was printed in Rome w t the alowance of the Byshop and Cardinals the other were printed at Antwerp Cam priuilegio Imperatoris and the allowance of of the Scholes of Louaine Colone the prelates of Flaunders The same Catharinus writeth as vehemently against Cardinall Caietanus of famous memorie a great patrone of the Popes to his dying day but in hys workes Katharinus noteth 200 pointes of doctrine erronious as he saith heretical That booke came forth after Caietanus was dead or else like it is that he woulde haue done as much for Catharine as that commeth to Like contention was betwene Catharinus and Franciscus Torrensis for y e single life of Priests and the residence of Byshops whiche thing Francis sayd were appointed by Gods lawe but Catharine earnestly defendeth the contrary Who is of greater credite in y e Church of Rome thē Albertus Pighius who hath more stoutely or w t more countenance of learning defended that side And yet in the weightie articles of Originall sinne Iustification and Free Grace beside diuers other Ruardus Tapper Deane of Coleyne in his 2. Tome doth namely expressely write against him say that hee was deceaued Because the time doth now cut me so shorte I will here end this matter as hauing giuen you a sufficient triall how the Patrones of the Sea of Rome agree among themselues And yet forsoothe these are they that fynde so greate faulte wyth lacke of agreement betweene the Preachers of the Gospell in these dayes and vppon euerie diuers worde in the interpretation of a sentence will deuise the name of a sect among vs onely of malice onely to defame our doctrine as Doctor Staphilus dealeth with vs in c. Wherefore when wee heare these lying and sclaunderous repartes that the Teachers of the Gospel are licentious seditious disagreing amōg themselues let vs consider that these are the blastes of malitious enimies tenne times more offending in the same things themselues Let vs remember that the Gospell of Christ is y ● true Rule of perfect life the paterne of obedience and the assured bonde of vintie peace and concorde and therefore still say wyth S. Paule I am not ashamed of the Gospell Last of all they which depend wholy vpon the iudgemēt of men and estimation of the world and are ashamed of the Gospell because of the Multitude the power the authoritie and noble estate of them that mislike the Gospel They see not onely losse of estimation and contempt of the world but commonly persecution also eyther partly annexed or alway imminent and at hand to the preaching of the Gospell As it is well written Crux est comes Euangely i. The Crosse and persecution is the companion of the Gospell so it is as truely proued on the other part that Sensus carnis crucem execratur fugit i. The vnderstanding of the fleshe detesteth and flyeth frō the Crosse Wherefore worldly men because they see that the greater part do hate the Gospel That fewe Nobles or great estates doe soundly fauour it That they are disdayned and had in contempt that puerly doe teache it that there is continuall erpectation of the Crosse of persecution to lyght vpon it for this cause I say many doe shunne it fewe doe embrace it all men euerie hower stande looking what mutabilitie of time will bring vnto it This causeth that in the Vniuersities many excellent and goodly wittes that myghte bee singular ornamentes ●● the Churche
of y ● Preachers of the Gospell in it Wherefore vndoubtedly this was no small temptation in those dayes especially in the Citie of Rome which then was Ladie and Empresse of the world stoode much vpon their estimation of wisedome honour thought it reproche for them to admit so base a state of saluatiō as appeared to be in Christ Jesu But of this very pretily saith S. Hilarie de trinit 5. O stulta mūdi sapientia opprobrium Christi non intelligens dei virtutē esse stultitiā fidei non sentiens esse dei sapientiā y t is O foolishnes of the wisdome of this world which seeth not that that which it imagineth to be reproch to Christ is euen the most mightie excellent power of God which also perceiueth not that that which it termeth foolishnesse in the beleefe which is in Christ to be euen the great wisdome of God Wherfore S. Paul armed w t the spirit of God to y e great cōfort of al Christiās saith as I haue read vnto you I am not ashamed of the Gospell c. Whatsoeuer you doe esteeme it to be how reprochfull soeuer the world doth account it although the Epicures do deride it although y ● wise politike worldlings do inueigh agaiust it although y e Jewes be offended although y ● Atheistes scorne it although fantasticall hipocrites do detest it sure I am y ● in it selfe it is y e mightie power of God to saluation of all y ● beleeue faithfully embrace it Howe y ● mightie power of god doth shew it self in subduing y ● enimies of our saluatiō the good Christian man doth perceiue who hath learned out of the scriptures to how great enimies mans nature was subiect in thraldome Sinne Sathā hell death and damnation had vs in captiuitie from y e tyranie of al which we are deliuered by Christ Jesu crucified First he ouercame sinne whē being y ● sonne of God in y e shape of reprochful mā as an innocent lambe deseruing no punishment yet suffring most cruel punishmēt bitter death gaue him selfe a full perfect sacrifice for our sinne And whē sinne was by his death passion destroyed death was in y e same victorie disarmed maimed For Sin as S. Paul saith is the sting of death And whē death had lost his sting was conquered in Christs resurrectiō frō death Satā also lost his strēgth power which rested only on thē which therough sin were in daūger to death for Stipēdiū peccati mors The reward of sin is death Finally bicause hell onely deuoureth them y t through sin death are slaues to Sathā it followeth y t when y e other three were by him so mightily vanquished hell also w t all y ● daunger therof was subdued we deliuered frō all their tyrannie as y ● reuerend father Zacharie saith Prestitit iusiurandū quod iurauit c. The Lord God of Israel hath performed the othe which he sware to our Father Abrahā that he would giue vs that we being deliuered c. Now as by his death resurrectiē he hath mightily conquered our enimies so hath he by his as●●ntiō gloriously triumphed ouer thē And therefore S. Paule sayth very wel out of the Psalme Cum ascendisset in altū captiuam duxit captiuitatē c. When he had ascended vp on high he led captiuitie captiue We then may now say triumphantly with S. Paule Oh Death where is thy Sting Oh Hell where is thy Victorie Though Sinne and Death rage neuer so like Tyrauntes though Sathan roare neuer so like a Lyon though Hell gape neuer so greedily sure we are they cannot preuayle againste vs that haue victory ouer them in Christ Jesu It is God that iustifieth who is it then that condemneth it is Christ that died yea or rather which is risen again from death and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father as our perpetuall Intercessour Who then can hurt vs Who can pull vs from the fauour of GOD not Life not Death not Sinne not Hell not Sathan not any power or principalitie They are all in Christe Jesu confounded This is that mightie power of the Gospell that S. Paule sayth doth bring Saluation to all beleeuers and whereof he protesteth that he is not ashamed of it But God did shew his mighty power to saluation of mankinde not only in the price of our redemption it self but also in the publishing and preaching of it by his Apostles Ministers For to it he annexed such force of his holy spirite that it had greater strength and authoritie than all the eloquence than all the Wisedome than all the learning than all the policie and power of the world For notwithstanding that the preaching of the Gospell was resisted by all these worldly giftes and powers yet had it meruailous successe and did wonderfully increase Demosthenes Pericles Cicero for their eloquence Solon Aristides Caro for their wisedome Plato Socrates Aristotle for their learning Alexander Pyrrhus Pompey for their manhood were of power were of great fame and able to do muche in the world But the best of all these had much a doe euen a fewe yeares to keepe their owne Citizens their own countreymen their own subiects in obedience and to cause them to giue place to good and wholesome counsayle and to obey orders prouided for their owne commoditie Yea euery one of them almost to their own confusion proued of how small force their wisedome their eloquence their power was and with the ende of their liues lefte their common weales well neare vtterly decayed and vndone But contrarywise marke I pray you in the Apostles of Christe and consider the maruellous power of Gods working For they hauing as you know their beginning of the Jewes nothing commended or sette foorth with any of those giftes and ornamentes that men so greatly doe esteeme wente foorth into the world preaching the disdayned Gospell of Christ crucified and by the simple doctrine thereof did in fewe yeares for the state of religion change the face of the whole world notwithstanding that the Empyre of Rome other mightie principalities did to the vttermost of their power resist it and the reformation that by the Apostles in this manner was begon continued and spread it selfe mightily and maruellously euen agaynst the assaultes of most cruell and tyrannicall persecutions vnder Nero Domitian Traian Adrian Antony Dioclesian and many mo And vntil such time as by the secrete iudgement of God the power of Antechrist began to spread it selfe against it as well in Asia vnder Mahomet as in Europe vnder the Pope Neuer any Empyre or Kingdome was so largely spread as the Kingdome of the Gospell neuer any principalitie so mightilye proceeded and went forward maugre the malice of all enimies as it hath done And so doth Tertullian witnesse agaynst the Iewes speaking of the Kingdome
to bee of this Churche which yet in Gods appoyntment are the certaine members of it as euidently was shewed in the example of S. Paule But the visible Churche that is discerned of man and by outwarde tokens is knowne to the worlde maye in thys manner bee described to you It is the multitude of all them bee they fewe or manye whiche beeing vppon the face of the earthe and called by the worde of the Gospell protest to beleeue in our Sauiour Christe looking for sanctification and saluation by hym and worshipping him according to his holy word That it is the whole multitude of all beleeuers it is euident when Christ himselfe sayth Ite predicate Euangelium omni creaturae i. Go ye and preache the Gospell to all creatures He excepteth none and therefore the grace of God and benefites of his Church are not tied to anye one place as to Rome to Hierusalem to Constantinople to Antioche or any other place That the number of this Church may be as wel small as great Christ himselfe teacheth saying Grex meus pusillus est i. My Flocke is verye small And where two or three be gathered togither in my name there am I in the middest of them Hereby maye you learne that the argument of Multitude or great number is not alwaye strong For by it the Doctrine of the Prophets the Doctrine of Christ and of the Apostles mighte be reiected which vndoubtedly were but few in comparison of them that misliked and reproued it That this multitude must be called by the word of the gospel S. Paule affirmeth Rom. 10. Fides ex auditu auditus per verbum Dei Et quomodo predicabunt nisi missifuerint that is Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God And how shall they preache vnlesse they be sent And therefore Christ did sende his Apostles to preache the Gospell that thereby they mighte by brought to the beleefe of the Church The members of the Church be graffed into it by professing the beleefe saluation in Christ In the 8. chapt of the Acts. When the Eunuche desyred Baptisme Phillip aunswered If thou beleeue with all thy harte thou mayst he aunswered I beleeue that Iesus Christe is the sonne of God By this branche of the description the Jewes and Turkes are excluded and as many as seeke other meanes of saluatiō then by Christ Jesus though y t they pretend to be christians though that they pretend to be the church This church is knowne by certayne markes and tokens Nowe what they are lette vs consider The Gentiles for the state of their Religion alleadge Pindarus and other Poets The Jewes their Talmud The Turkes their Alcorane and all sorts doe ground their religion vpon some authoritie But God in Esay to his people saith this Ego ineo cum his quiresipuerint in Iacob hoc meū foedu● vt Spirit us meus qui est super te verba mea quae posui in ore tu● non recedant ab ore tuo neque ab ore seminis tui amodo vsque in saeculum i. I will make this my couenaunt with them that turne from iniquitie in Iacob My spirite that is vpon thee my words which I haue put in thy mouth shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede from henceforth euen for euer Here you see that God willeth his church to sticke vnto his word And in the 10 of Iohn Qui ex deo est verbū Dei audit He which is of God heareth Gods word And Oues meae vocem meam a●diunt c. My sheepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow me A stranger they wil not follow c. True doctrine then according to the word of God is one vnfallible token of the righte church of Christ For god by his Prophet by his sonne witnesseth that it is his worde and that it is his voyce that his people doe staye vpon This marke S. August acknowledgeth in his Booke Contra litteras Petil. I haue the manifest voice of my shepheard sayth hee without all circumstaunces declaring which is his Churche My sheepe heare my voice and they follow me Beholde we heare his plaine and euident voyce For how dareth he call himself christes sheepe that doth not vouchsafe to followe christe Let no man saye vnto mee what sayde Donate what sayde Petilian or Pontius for wee must not consent to catholike Bishops if they be in any pointe deceaued and iudge contrary to the canonicall scriptures c. And agayn If thou crie out recite vnto me any other thing vnderstād then that after the voice of our sheapherd vttered euidētly vnto vs by the mouth of the Prophets by his owne mouth and by the mouth of the Euangelists we will not hearken to your voices nor giue eare to any thing that you shal speake Whosoeuer wil not wāder frō his flock let him hearken to him let him folow him Now as Christ y ● true sheapheard doth call his sheepe by his voice lead them by his word so doth he mark thē by his Sacraments The Gentiles the Jewes the Turkes haue their ceremonies but only the church of christ hath the true Sacramēts by him appointed distributeth the same orderly lawfully vnto faithfull people according to his Justitucion for by one spirit saith S. Paule are we al baptised into one body And of y ● Lordes supper he saith We being many are one bread one body because we are all partakers of the same bread By these marks thē of baptisme the Lords supper Christ doth vnite his flock togeather in one folde maketh them known to be his Now let vs examine these tokens how well they agree to the Church of Roome Touching the fyrst how can they haue truth of doctrine which vse not that rule of Religion nor that Touchstone whereby onely all truth of faith and holinesse is tryed Can that Goldsmith alwaies haue good and pure mettall that doth not vse a right and true Stone to trye it The right touchstone perfect directory whereby all trueth in doctrine is known is The word of God deliuered in his holy scriptures Therefore sayth y ● Psalmist Thy word is a lantern to my feete and a light vnto my pathes And Christ himself saith vnto y e Jewes Search the scriptures for they beare witnes of me He imputeth the grosse errours of the Saducies to the ignoraunce of the scriptures The Conuerts of Berrhaea in the Acts to trie Paules doctrine did dayly search the scriptures whether all thinges were so as Paule preached This is it then wherby preachers and teachers are discerued This is it whereby the true church of God is tried This is it wherby al truth of doctrine is examined So sayth Chri. The Lord knowing the cōfusion of al things that would be in the latter dayes
see y t not only the ecclesiastical state but also al the Realms of Christendom besyde by the ambition of these Bishops were brought to hatred dissention and horrible warres Neuer was there like canuassing stir for y t attaining of any principallity either one or other as hath bene for the sea of Rome as in part you nowe maye perceiue and I could farre more amplie declare vnto you but that I feare I should weary you with hearing as I am now with rehearsing examples to the profe of the same If any man thinke I speake of affection more then truth is let him examine the Histories and hee shall find I haue not sayde so muche by a great deale as iustly I may affirme But what was this onelye the Vice that reigned in that holye Sea of Roome no truelye their Pryde Crueltie Couetousnesse and vniust dealing was muche more horrible I will not offende the chaste eares of many with some other Vyces onelye I will touche a fewe Examples of these thinges I haue named Was not this thinke you vncharitable and cruell dealing amonge Prelates of the Church not only by violence and armes to depose their enemies but to cast them in prison to putte out their eyes to pul of their noses to famish thē to death to cut of their heads and fingers as they serued Constantinus the 2 Formosus the 1. Leo the 5. and diuers other Such Tyrantes were Stephane y e 6. Iohn the 13. Sergius the 3. John the 14. Boniface the 7. and a number moe Of John the 14. Platina writeth that when the Emperour had subdued an ennimie of the Bishops one Peter a notable man and committed the same vnto his hande to vse him as he thought good This charitable Bishoppe stript him starke naked and hung him vp a whole daye by the heare of the head Afterward hee sette him on an Asse with his face backwarde and the tayle of the Asse in hys hande and so led him through the Citie and they whipped him and cast him into banishment Calixt the second vsed like crueltie toward Gregorie that was chosen Bishoppe agaynst him and in like despight brought him into Rome on a Camels back w t his face toward the tayle as Carsellanus Platina Stella and Vincentius do write Mighte not these heades of the Church haue learned charitie and mercie of the Pagā Licurgus who as Plutarche writeth was contented gently to remitte and pardon him that in a seditious styrre had put out his eye Yea might not Caligula Nero and Phalaris himselfe haue the commendation of gentlenes seing the Prelates of Religion the heads of the Church and the Vicars of Christ doe passe them in crueltie But they vsed not this only among themselues or towarde meane ennimies but towarde Kinges Princes toward the head rulers of the earth those to whome by Gods lawe they ought most humble obedience I mean the moste worthy and noble Emperoures After there had bene hatred a long time betweene the Emperour Henrie the fourth and Pope Gregorie the seuenth that wicked Tyraunt as Benno sayth most vniustlye by sundrye meanes had wrought him muche trouble at the last the good Emperoure for sparing of Christian blood willing to yeelde and seeke meanes of Concorde in a colde and sharpe winter and moste daungerous passage came with his wife and Children to Carnusium where the Bishop was and there being wullwarde and bare footed came to the gates of the Cittie by the Bishops commaundment was kepte out three dayes in moste sharpe cold weather ere he coulde bee admitted and then at the intreatie of a Lady called Mathildis the fourth day after was let into the Cittie and had his Pardon but not before hee had sworne Obedience to the Sea of Rome and maynteynance of the same as Platina wryteth And yet all would not serue in the ende for the wicked Bishop did sette vp 3. Rebels agaynst him Rodulphe Harman Egberte all which by the iust iudgement of god came to foule end Rodulphe in battayle had his right arme cut of and thereof died crying out vpon the Bishoppes that had incited him Herman was slayne by a woman casting downe a greate stone from a Castle that he besteged Egberte flying into a Mille was taken and slayne Thus God preserued the good Emperour maugre the malitious hart of the cruell Bishop Of this Gregory the 7. Abbas Vrspergens in his Chronicle writeth thus Constat Hildebrandum non à Deo electum sed à se ipso fraude pecunia intrusum qui ecclesiasticum subuert it ordinē Christiani imperij turbauit regnum pacifico regi intendit mortē periuros defendit lites seuit discordias seminauit quicquid inter piè viuentes rectè stare videbatur concussit i. It is manifeste that Hildebrād was not chosen of God but by himself intruded through deceit and money Who did ouerthrow ecclesiasticall order troubled the kingdome of the Christian Empire practised the death of the peaceable king defended periured persons planted strife sowed discord and ouerthrew all whatsoeuer semed to be well established among those that led a godly life How cruelly vniustly Alexāder the 3. vsed the Noble Emperour Friderike it is wonderful to read in Nauclerus Funcius By misfortune being takē prisoner of the Venetians this Emperoure for safetie of his Lyfe was fayn to yeeld and came to Venice where the Bishop was but could not obtain pardon before he came to S. Markes church and did prostrate himself on the ground before the Bishop at which time with exceding pride he set his foote on the Emperours necke caused this Verse of the Psalter to be song Super aspidem Basiliscum ambulabis c. Thou shalt walke vpon the Lion the Adder the yong Lion and the Dragon shalt thou tread vnder thy feete That verse y t the spirit of god ment of our Sauiour christ this proud Antechrist turned to the aduancing of his own glory and repressing of Gods cheefe minister to whom he had giuē by lawful means y ● thefe gouernmēnt of y ● earth I neede not put you in mind that they admittted Kinges Emperours to go at their styrrapes as footemen So did Charles the great King Lewes of Fraunce and King Henrie of Englande both at one time Yea Adrian the fowerth blamed Friderike the Emperoure that comming on foote to meete him he did stay the styrrop on the wrong syde when hee lighted from his Horse And at another time impudentlye blamed the s●●ne Emperoure because in the Tytle of his Letters that hee did sende hee didde sette his owne name before the Popes The time wil not suffer me to declare vnto you the intollerable pride and crueltie of Gregorie the 9. Clemēt the 6. The one of y t which after most despightful cruel iniuries wold not be recōciled to Friderike the 2. before he had paide in way of penance one hundred and twenty thousand
maliciously seeking to supplant one an other Which of you is able to accuse vs that wee pull downe Townes and inclose whole fieldes to feede wylde beastes famish a number of Christian people or that we ioyne house to house lande to land with oppression of the poore as thoughe wee woulde lyue alone vppon the face of the earth Which of you is able to saye that wee wast the treasure of the lande in feedyng three Cankers riotously to consume the same I meane Monstrous Vanitie in Apparell Needelesse pompe in Sumptuous building and Excessiue charge in daintie feeding Which of you is able to say that in all our doings we set not the feare of God before our faces make not his holy word the directiō of all our deuises Which of you I say is able to accuse vs in any of all these things If all men in all states and conditions bee able with good conscience thus to say Surely this lande is blessed But Heauen and earth seeth and the Lorde knoweth that it is not so in a number yet God forbyd for that number that we should condemne all God hath his in euery state and condition of man Nowe come I to the thirde parte contayned in the second sentence of my Theame Si veritatem dico vobis quare non creditis mihi If I say the truth why doe you not beleeue mee Wherein I promised to let you vnderstande that the doctrine of the Gospell which we haue Preached in this lande by the space of this 20. yeeres and that hath beene confirmed and established by the authoritie of the Prince lawes of this Realme is the onely truth that there is no truth of doctrine but it therfore y t you ought both faythfully without exception to embrace it and constantly wythout reuolting to abyde in it But mee thinketh I heare some say Sir if you coulde resolue vs that it is the trueth whiche you Preache wee would easilye receaue it but wee may iustly doubt of it For ye are but men and such men as carie their blemishes openly in the sight of the world ye may be deceaued and deceaue others As good Clarkes as you and as honest men for any thing wee see teache vs the contrarie and say their doctrine is the truth or at the leastwyse wee may iustly thinke that those great contentions that you make against y t Churche of Rome are but for trifling ceremonies and matters of small weight and importance and therefore that Christian Princes might do ver●e well to see some order for those matters and to force you to agree for the residue whether you will or no that you may no longer trouble the worlde as you haue done these many yeeres with these needelesse controuersies Surely that they wyll not receaue our doctrine with triall I can not mislike it for S. Iohn in his 1. Epist 4. cap. giueth them the same Counsell Deerely beloued saith he beleeue not euery spirit that speaketh to you but trie the spirites whether they be of God or not for many false Prophetes are come into the world Therefore I would to God all sortes of men but chiefely Princes Counsellers and Magistrates would trie our doctrine by the true touchstone of Gods word as those noble Conuerts of Berrhaea did mētioned in y ● Act. 17 which came to heare Paules Sermons not of custome and fashion onely But dayly searched the Scriptures whether those things were true that Paule spake or no. If God would moue them so to doe they should easily vnderstand not onely that our doctrine were the truth but also that the controuersie betweene vs and the Church of Rome is not for trifling Ceremonies as they saye or matters of small weight but for the very substaunce of our fayth and ground of all Christian Religion and that there can bee made no more agreement betwene our doctrine and theirs then betweene light and darkenesse truth and error God and Beliall Christ Antichrist which thing it behoueth all Christians and professors of the Gospell deepely to consyder For as before time often I haue sayde in this place so now thinke I the time draweth nigh that Godds iustice for our vnthankefulnesse will pull vs to the tryall of our fayth and therefore it behooueth vs to vnderstande that we contend not for trifles but for matters of principall importance as I mean now to declare vnto you And if som persons shall thinke these poyntes needelesse to be spoken of in this place I humbly craue leaue that for the confyrmation of mine own fayth I may declare vnto you y ● grounds of my conscience that if euer I liue to be tempted to forsake my Lorde God and his truth that this my protestation made in this place may bee a bonde vnto my conscience The rule that I will vse to prooue that our Doctrine is the truth and not that which commeth from Rome shal be the same that the Scripture of God layeth downe by S. Iohn in the place before mentioned where after he hath as you haue heard admonished men to trye the Spirites whether they be of God or no hee addeth these meanes of triall Euery Spirite that confesseth Christ to haue come in flesh is of God and euery spirite that denieth Christ to haue come in flesh is not of God but is the Spirit of Antichrist of whome you haue heard howe hee shoulde come and now already is he in the worlde Nowe that you may vnderstande I go not about to deceaue you with shewe of eloquence and Rhethoricall amplifications and with motions of affections to leade you into erroure ear● you be ware I will laye open myne argumente vnto you nakedly and barely that you may see euery ioynt thereof and with your selues consyder of what force it ought to bee in any christian cōscience And this I say euery spirit that confesseth Christ to haue come in fleshe is of God and teacheth you the truth And euery spirite that denyeth Jesus to haue come in fleshe is not of God but leadeth you into errour and is that spirite of Antichrist But wee and the Preachers of the Gospell in all Godly sence cōfesse Christ to haue come in fleshe and our Aduersaries of Roome doe not therefore we and not they haue brought the truth vnto you The 2. proposition I know wil be denied for both y t parts therof which I wil proue vnto you by this meanes First I will let you vnderstand the causes why christ came in fleshe and what benefites he procured to mankynde by the same Secondly I will shew vnto you what it is to denye Christe to haue come in fleshe The firste of these two shall confirme our truth The seconde shall confound their error As touching the cause why christ came in flesh When sinne had made separation betweene God and man and the exceding great mercy of God was not willing vtterly to cast away man and to ras● him
of the high and most excellent meanes of oure saluation deuised by the wisedome and vnspeakeable mercye of God For it should greatlye impeache the wisedome of God if he should send downe his sonne the seconde person in Trinitie into the vale of miserye here to take Fleshe and in the forme of a Seruaunt and abiecte man to suffer most vile and reprochfull Death to bee a partye redeemer or a partie Sauiour and to yeelde a great parte of the honoure and glory thereof to other No no he is GOD he giueth not his glory to other He onely onelye I saye hee is our full and perfecte reconciler and Redemer and all the residue that I haue spoken of before This is the Doctrine which we teache this is the Gospell whiche we preache and this is no new Doctrine but that whiche was conceaued in the bosome of the wisedome of GOD before the beginning of the Worlde For wee were chosen sayeth Sayncte Paule in Christe Antequám iacerentur Fundamenta Mundi i. Before the Foundations of the Worlde were layde This is that Gospell that GOD himselfe opened in Paradise to our fyrst Fathers I will set enmitie sayeth he to the Woman betweene thy seede and his seede and thy seede That is one that shall come of a woman shall breake the Serpents head That is ouerthrow the whole power of the Deuil and delyuer mankynde from sime This is that Gospell that was renued to Abraham and all the Patriarches In thy Seede shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed This is that Gospell that was fygured to the Jewes by the Paschall Lambe by Manna by the Rocke by all the Sacrifices and Ceremoniall seruices of the Lawe This is that Gospell Where vnto all the Prophets beare witnesse As Saynt Peter sayeth in the Actes That all they that beleeue in him shall haue remission of sinnes by his name This is that Gospell that Saynt Iohn the Forerunner poynted vnto Beholde the Lambe of God c. This is the Gospell that Christe himselfe preached and deliuered to his Apostles and they to the whole Worlde So GOD loued the Worlde that hee gaue his onlye begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeued in him should be saued Therefore as I haue sayde Our doctrine is no newe Doctrine but the moste aunciente Doctryne that euer was vpon the face of the Earth neyther doe wee teache anye other Doctrine then this and those that doe of necessitie depende vppon this or bee grounded vppon this Neither doe wee impugne anye Doctrines in other but suche as are repugnaunte to this Fayth and eyther directlye or indirectlye impeache the same For I protest before GOD and his Aungels and in the presence of this honourable Audience for my selfe and as many professoures of the Gospell as I know that whatsoeuer Doctrine is agreeable to this wee doe gladly receiue it and with both armes imbrace it though it come from the Churche of Roome And whatsoeuer Doctrine is repugnant to this and will not stande with it wee doe reiecte it though it come from an Aungell in Heauen Seeing then wee haue nowe this 20. yeares taught you this vnfallible trueth Why doe you not beleeue vs c. Now as touching the second branche what it is to denye Christe to haue come in Fleshe and who they are that denye it you shall vnderstande that there bee two wayes to denye Christe to haue come in fleshe The one flatlye and groselye and in playne wordes as Ebion Erinthus Marcion Valentinian Arrius and a number suche other in the Primatiue Churche whiche denyed eyther the Deitie or Humanitie of Christe But in them Sathan shewed himselfe in his owne Coloures like a blacke Deuill and therefore the Heresyes beeing so grosse were soone confuted and confounded in the Churche of GOD. There is another waye more subtle and perilous vndirectly to denye Christ to haue come in fleshe in whiche Sathan tourneth himselfe into an Aungell of lighte and as Cyprian sayeth Vnder the name of Christe confounding the Religion of christe That is While in wordes they confesse the Incarnation of Christ by peruerse Doctrynes in effecte they deny it by denying those causes for which the Sonne of GOD was Incarnate attributing the effect of oure Saluation to other thinges And after this sorte the Teachers of the Churche of Roome very plainlye and perilouslye denye Christe to haue come in fleshe as I wil particularly lette you vnderstande by the Branches of our saluation before recyted As touching the fyrst cause of Christe his Incarnation that Christe is the onelye reconciler mediatoure and attonement maker betweene God and vs and for that cause sitteth at the right hande of God perpetualy to appeare before his face for vs Against this Article they teach blasphemous Doctrine of Inuocation of Saintes that they are our mediatours and reconcilers that by their merites and prayers we haue accesse vnto God and are for their sakes heard receiued and accepted into the fauour of God agayn euidently displacing the son of God frō the cheefe office of his eternall priesthood setting his creatures in his place and dignitie and y t with out any warrant of scripture eyther by word or by exāple This Doctrine is ioyned with two other foule erroures Firste that they conceaue of Christ as of a dreadfull God and terrible iudge and not as of a mercifull Mediatour therefore that wee haue needs of other spokesmen to make the way to him for vs though he himselfe most gratiously and mercifully cryeth vnto vs Come all ye that trauayle and be heauy loden and I will refresh you And in sundry places commaundeth vs to pray vnto God the father in his name assuring vs that whatsoeuer wee desire it shall be graunted vs. And therefore doe they shew them selues to mistrust the Credite of Christ Secondly in this praying to the Saintes not without great daunger of Idolatrie they attribute vnto them diuine power For in their praying to them they imagine of them that they bee of Vniuersall knowledge and vnderstanding not onelye what men speake but also what they thinke in theire hartes Agayne they attribute vnto them Almightie power as being able to worke and bring to passe whatsoeuer is desyred of them And lastlye they shewe themselues to beleeue that they are More merciful and readye to heare sinners then Christ himself which is flat Blasphemy As touching the second cause of christ his Incarnation that he is our onlye redeemer and purchazer of remission of our sinnes This ground of our faith they weaken by a number of corrupt Doctrines As first that in parte wee haue saluation and remission of sinnes by the Merites of Saintes for thus they praye Tuper Thomae sanguinē quem pro te impendit Fac nos Christe scandere quò Thomas ascendit Graunt vs O Christ by the blood of Thomas which he shed for thee thether to goe whether he is ascended And to
Saint George they pray thus Hie nos saluet à peccatis vt in coelo cum beatis possimus q●iescere Let him saue vs from our sinnes that we may rest with the blessed in heauen And touching Saint Anne they say thus Deus qui beatam Annam matrem tuae genetricis fieri voluisti praesta quaesumus vt meritis vtriusque matris filiae regna caelestia consequamur O God thou which wouldest Saint Anne to become the mother of thy mother graunt we beseeche thee that by the merites of the mother and the daughter we may obtaine thy heauenly kingdome In thys you heare three Sauiours beside Christ and in like maner doe they acknowledge a thousande moe Secondly they say we haue remission of sinnes and saluation in parte by our owne Merites and good doynges For this writeth Gabriel Biel That the Passion of Christ may be the first and principall cause of attaining grace and opening the way to heauen Sed nunquam est totalis causa quia semper cum merito Christi concurrit aliquod meritum recipientis gratiam that is to say But it is neuer the whole cause for that euer there goeth with the merite of Christ some merite of him that receaueth grace What shall I say of Pardons of Pilgrimages of Purgatorie of holy Water and a number of other like Superstitions false errours by which not without blasphemie they matche transitorie things and vaine deuises of men with the most excellent price of our redemption the blood of Christ Iesu y e sonne of God our Sauiour exprefly contrarie to the holy ghost thus writing by Saint Peter Ye are not redeemed with transitorie things as with Golde or Siluer but with the blood of the immaculate Lambe Christ Iesus As touching the third cause of Christes Incarnatiō that he being our only high Priest according to the order of Melchizodech hath once for euer offered himself vpon the Crosse purchased for vs eternall redēption they impugne it wyth y ● most horrible doctrine of the propiciatorie sacrifice daily offered in the Masse wherin they teach that mortall sinfull men in a state of Priesthood succeede Christ continually offer the very reall naturall body of Christ to God the father for the remission of dayly sinnes not only of thē that Cōmunicate but of them that looke on receaue not yea and of them that be absent and procure the same to be made eyther for money or otherwise aswell for themselues as other which is directly contrarie to the doctrine of the holy Ghost in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Where at large he prooueth that neither the Priesthood of Christ can haue any successiō nor his sacrifice any repetitiō without euident note of imperfection As concerning the fourth cause of Christes Incarnation that he is the only Maister and teacher of his Church and hath reuealed vnto vs the perfecte wyll of God and true waye of Saluation so that nowe after hym wee shoulde receaue no doctrine but that is vttered by the voyce of our hygh Sheeparde in his holye worde Yes sayeth the Churche of Rome there bee many weyghtie matters of necessitie of saluation to bee beleeued which Christ in hys written worde hath not deliuered vnto vs and the same to bee receaued wyth lyke reuerence that the written worde of God is Last of all the fifte cause of Christes Incarnation that he came to be the onely Head Ruler Gouernour and Directour of his Churche the Patrones of the Churche of Rome manifestly denye saying that Christ is in deede the onely heade for saluation but not for gouernment because the Pope is the Ministeriall heade and gouernour and directour of the vniuersall Churche wherein they manifestly alter the nature of Christes kingdome For whereas the kingdome of Christ is not of this worlde but a spirituall kingdome wherein by the word of God and the power of his holy spirite hee ruleth and raygneth in the heartes of true Christians the Pope hath transferred it to an earthly kingdome and Empyre by which as the Vicar of Christ he challengeth a vniuersall gouernment not onely ouer the Ecclesiasticall state but also ouer all Princes and gouernours of the earth This opposition and contrarietie of the doctrines of the Churche of Rome to the doctrine of y ● Gospell if you diligently marke and obserue you shall euidently see in them the spirite of Antichrist althoughe not grossely and playnely yet vndirectly and colourablye denying Christ to haue come in fleshe What shall I saye that the doctrine of that Churche dothe not onely disgrace the office of Chryst in the worke of our redemption but hys person also by brynging hys humanitie and the trueth of hys bodye in doubte whyle they teache that the verye naturall bodie of Christ is really in all places or in tenne thousand places at once that is in euerye host consecrated through out the whole worlde And what Christian knoweth not that it is the propertie of of God alone and of no creature bee it neuer so holye to bee in manye places at once Finallye I adde that the Churche of Rome teacheth corruptlye as touching Originall Sinne freewill and the grace of GOD Faith and Justification good workes and the merites of them the vse of the Sacramentes and almost of all doctrines touching Christian Religion Therefore I trust you nowe perceyue both the partes of my second proposition euidently proued that is that we sincerely confesse and teache in all true sense that Christ is come in fleshe and they doe not therefore accordyng to the wordes of my Theame I say vnto you If we teach you the truth why doe you not beleeue vs If it be the onely right way of saluation why is it not fauourably receaued and embraced If it be the glad tidings of the Gospell sent by God vnto you why are the Messengers thereof disdayned and contemned People that doe feare God heare the worde of God with reuerence and not onely heare it with the eares but faithfully beleeue it in the hart and not onely beleeue it but constantly abyde in it not onely themselues to abyde in it but by all meanes they can to labour to drawe other to it and to represse all such as eyther reuolte from it themselues or seeke to disgrace or discredite it in others God is not more displeased with any thing than with the contempt of his word and Ministers Thus sayth the Lord by Ieremie in y t 6. chap. reprouing the obstinacie of his people Stand in the wayes and behold aske for the olde way which is the good way and walke therin and there you shall finde rest for your soules but they said we wil not walk therin Also I set watchmen ouer you which said take heede to the sounde of the Trumpet but they said we will not take heede But consider what God addeth immediatly Heare O earth saith he beholde I will cause a plague to come vpon