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A18103 The originall of idolatries: or, The birth of heresies a true, sincere, and exact description of all such sacred signes, sacrifices, and sacraments as haue been instituted and ordained of God since Adam; with the true source and liuely anatomy of the sacrifice of the Masse. First faithfully gathered out of sundry Greeke and Latine authors, as also out of diuers learned fathers; by that famous and learned Isaac Casaubon, and by him published in French, for the good of Gods Church: and now translated into English for the benefit of this monarchy; by Abraham Darcie. Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Casaubon, Isaac, 1559-1614, attributed name. 1624 (1624) STC 4747; ESTC S107577 78,965 150

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since the Incarnation of Iesus Christ for the space of three hundred yeeres or thereabouts there was not likewise any Emperour or Romane Consull that changed his Religion to embrace the Law of Iesus Christ but on the contrary they strayn'd all their might and power to put in practice what cruelties soeuer against the Church of Iesus Christ which may bee iustified by the Ecclesiasticall Histories wherein are explained about eleuen seuerall great persequutions vnder the Romane Pontifes which were Claudius Tiber. Nero Claud. Domitian Nero Flau. Domitian Traian Elia. Adrian Antonine the Philosopher Septimius Seuerus Jul. Maximin Mar. Quint. Traian Decius Licinus Valerianus Valerius Aurelianus and Dioclesian All which Emperours gouerned both the Empire and the superintendents ouer the Romane Religion for three hundred yeeres after the Incarnation of Iesus Christ and in their Coynes Sepulchres Monuments Titles and Letters Patents they retained the stile of great Pontifes and high Priests as is most diligently collected in a booke of the Antiquities of Rome wherein are specified the Medails Coynes and Monuments of the ancient Romane Emperours all which were enstil'd Pontifes vnder these Titles Iul. Caesar Pont. Max. Tiber. Nero Pont. Max. Vesp Caesar Pont. Max. Marc. Aurel. Antonine Aug. Ponti Max. Heliogabalus high Priest Aug. Adrianus Jmp. Pontif. Max. Tit. Caes Pontif. Max. Commod Jmpe Pontif Max. Galerius Maximianus Pontif. Max. Elauianus Constantinus Aug. Pontif. Max. Beeing therefore in this manner Emperours and Romane Pontifes they neuer would permit any other head aboue themselues in the Church and religion of Rome which in all ages was an enemie to Iesus Christ For when the Apostles preached Christ to bee the High and Soueraigne Priest the Eternall and Great sacrificer without successour after the order of Melchizedec the Romane Tyrants tooke occasion or at least their Lieutenants to condemne Iesus Christ for feare of impayring the authority of the Caesars high Romane Pontifes With what fury for the space of three hundred yeeres were they excited against Christians and the Religion of Iesus Christ to maintaine their ancient Pompilian Religion What answere was giuen to the Emperour Theodosius by the Senate and Senators of Rome when they were mooued to change their Religion and imbrace that of Iesus Christ They shewed how they had bin in possession of their Pompilian Religion for more then a thousand yeeres and that the alteration of Religion was the ruine of Common-wealths For these reasons persisting in their old Romane Religion they forbare to receiue the Law of Iesus Christ CHAP. X. How the Bishops of Rome began their Corruptions BY these Histories we may easily resolue that during foure hundred yeeres and more the Bishops of Rome who tearmed themselues Christians could neuer draw the Senate nor Senators of Rome to entertaine the holy Gospel As also they could hardly conuert the Romane Idolaters from their old and inueterate Idolatries For the Bishops of Rome were too busie in restoring the Iewish and heathen Ceremonies about difference of meats touching ordinances not to fast on Sundayes or Thursdayes to inuent Table-●lothes Vailes Vessels of gold and siluer on Hangings Tapistries and other ornaments of the Altar worne out with old age and to be burned and the ashes to be laid vp in Fonts Some also were mightily busied to renew the Iewish Ceremonies of vnleauened bread hauing their mindes greatly turmoyled to corrupt the true vse of the holy Sacraments instituted by God by the mingling of water with winae nd seasoning water with salt to make it purgatory and exorciz'd for the repelling of deuils Othersome in like maner tooke great paines to ordaine Ephods of fine linnen wherin to wrap the sacred Host also to constitute Aubes and other vestiments for the Priests in their sacrifices of white no died colours Some had their braines troubled to deuise Feasts of dedication and Consecration with Exorcismes to driue away deuills with salt and othersome to inuent Oyles and Vnctions wherewith to corrupt the holy Sacrament of Baptisme Then afterwards during the time of these tyrant Emperours and great Pontifes the Bishops of Rome desiring to perpetuate their names they wore out their braines in building of Temples not to the honour of God but to the names of men and women Saints by them cannonized at their owne pleasure Others were occupied in ordaining and decreeing that the consecrated Bread or Wine falling to the ground should be licked vp by the Priests and the rest remaining to be burnd in the fire and the ashes to be reserud in a Reliquarie Some looke out for Chalices that they should be of Glasse and not of Wood. Others instituted solemne ceremonies for the foure seuerall seasons of the yeare to bring Christians by this meanes vnder the seruitude of destinction of daies Others were studiously employed in ordaining the oblation and consecration of Beanes to solemnize Funeralls with Purple habites after the forme of a Vestment called Trabea which Idolaters vsed in their Triumphs celebrated to the honour of their Gods The like purple Ornament is in vse at this day amongst the Cardinals Others were occupied in deuising confirmation for little Infants and to consecrate the Creame for Bishops only also to honour extraordinarily the Bishop of Hostia by whose hands the Bishop of Rome is to be consecrated with a kinde of Mantle called Pallium and to inuent a number of other vnecessary Ceremonies yea such as were opposite to the Euangelicall libertie ginen vnto vs by Iesus Christ How was it possible therefore for the first Bishops of Rome to drawe the Princes and Romane Senators to the Law of the Gospell for three or foure hundred yeares after the Incarnation of Christ when they laboured nothing else but to corrupt the vse of the holy Sacraments to restore the Iewish ceremonies and the Idolatries of the ancient Heathen Romanes They may here obiect one Philip which some vaunt was conuerted to holy Baptism whose depraued māners gaue occasion to the most authentick Historiographers to esteeme him vnworthy of the name of a Christian Whereunto they adde Constantine the Great that assembled the Counsell of Nice but his residence was in Greece called the Empire of the East and yet he would neuer embrace the Character of Baptisme to be regenerate by the blood of Christ till he was threescore and fiue yeares old when he was Baptised by an Arian Bishop of Nicomedia named Eusebius When the same Constantine was at the point of death Wherefore Syluester Bishop of Rome need not vaunt of conuerting this Emperour to the Faith For the same Siluester likewise would not be present in the assembly of the Counsell held at Nice in the yeare of Iesus Christ 327. Howsoeuer the matter stands we must euer haue recourse to the truth of Histories wherein is recited the answer which the Senate and Senators of Rome made to the Emperour Theodofius more then threescore
that will terme himselfe to be Iesus Christs successour to the chiefe Pontificacie and to the soueraignty of Priesthood by him administred which dignity he reseru'd onely to himselfe he remaining eternall and high Priest for euer Who left no successour in his dignity as Aaron and his successours did to the dignity of the Iewes high Priesthood but according to the order of Melchisedeck King and high Priest without any successour in his dignity Wherefore O you Romane Antichrists why haue you assum'd the dignity of high Priests as Heads and Soueraignes of the Church of God and vsurpe the authority of Iesus Christ causing your selues to be entituled most happy and most re●erend Fathers and Popes hauing founded a Colledge of petty purple Pontifes to elect a great Pontife or high Priest but to the end to renew the auncient Ethnick Romane Religion of Numa Pompilius the first founder and erecter of your Pontificall dignities About the same time that this cruell murtherer Phocas set vp Antichrist in the Romane Church Mahomet rose vp in the Church of Arabia instructed by Sergius a Monke about the yeare 620. For this Apostaticall Heritick perceiuing the whole Law of God to be corrupted by humane traditions and the holy Gospell contemn'd also the Sects and diuers heresies planted as well by the Iewish Pharisies Esseans Saduces Masbuthians Galileans Hemerobaptists and Samaritanes as also by Christians the Symoniackes Nicolaitans Cerinthians Menandrians and Ebionites the Valentinians Cerdonians Marcionists Montanists Cataphrigians Tatians Eucratites Seuerians Artemonists Porphirians Helchefaites Nouatians Sabellians Chiliasts Paulianists Manechees Antomousiastes Arrians Eunomians Macedonians Eunomiotheophroniens Eunomeoeutichians Aetians Donatists Luciferians Patripassians or Theopachites Photinians Marcellians Paulosomosetans Apolinarists Iouianists Pelagians Platirians Anthropomorphites Nestorians Sabbatians Acephalians Acarians Olympians Quaternians Monothelites and other Hereticks hauing corrupted the true vse of the Sacraments ordayned of God And seeing also that the Sect of the Messalians especially prospered in their ceremonies taken partly out of the Iewish Law and partly from the Panyme Idolatries hee inuented the high decrees of the Alcoran wherein hee employed many Chapters and Articles called Azoares which are like Canons and Rules of the Mahumetan Religion This briefe and compendious discourse of the Romane History I thought requisite to recite before I began to discribe the originall of the sacrifice of the Masse that thereby I might induce the Reader no vnderstand the truth of the matter how the Romane Empire was gouern'd till the declination of the same which was about the yeare of Christ 410. and how the barbarous Idolaters vsurpt it since for the space of 300. yeares as also the Antichrists haue beene rais'd which still enioy it at this day and haue done for some fiue hundred yeares past CHAP. XII Of the Masse in particular with her true Originall FOr beginning to this our briefe Missall Treatise we must first expresse this terme of Masse called by the ancient Romanes Missa Some haue preferr'd this Missall Sacrifice to take originall from the Hebrewes alleadging that place of Daniell when he speakes of Maozin as if by Maozin they would signifie the Masse But this word in sence stands farre from the Missa or Masse and there are some Hebrew words which come farre nearer to it as Messa which by enterpretation is Conculcation of which word mention is made in the Historie of the Kings of Israell There is also an other Hebrew word very conformable to the vulgar terme of Messel which is Missal and that is hell or the graue But I suppose the great Romane Pontifes would not deriue the originall of the Sacrifice of their Masse from the Hebrewes because then they must acknowledge the Masse or their Missell to be a Conculcation or extortion and hell or a graue And to speake but truth the Author of the Romane Religion Numa Pompilius neuer thought of the Hebrewes when he first instituted the Masse neither can this word Missa or Messe take originall from the Greekes Because there is no sacrifice of this name or title though some haue brought in a colourable reason from this Greeke word Myzein which is to say in French to hide or keepe in secret as if the Messalian Sacrificers receiued from the auncient idolatrous Greekes to mumble secretly the principall words of their Masses that the Auditors might not heare them but they vsed to murmur and whisper betwixt the teeth the Canons and some speciall words which neither themselues nor they that looke on vnderstand Neuerthelesse neither the Hebrew nor Greeke words cannot properly be applyed to the Missall Sacrifice And therefore we must repaire to the true etimologie of the word Missa or Messe drawne from the ancient Latine Romanes who vsed these words Missus Missa Missilis and Missio euen as in French we have Messager Message and Messiues for letters sent Wherefore when the ancient Romane Idolaters meant to dismisse the Assistants at the Sacrifices celebrated they pronounced in the end these words I. licet Missa est depart t is permitted and so the Assembly was dismist to goe home But in time because this note signified a pleasing release of the people to goe home to their houses being a chearefull and acceptable sound it was supprest and the Sacrifice honoured with this terme of Missa To confirme this point two thousand yeares being now come and gone these words are pronounced at this present day Ite missa est which signifies a leaue giuen to the company or assembly to depart so as they themselues which frequent these Temples so soone as they heare this pleasing note Ite missa est commonly they skip and leape for ioy being assured that they are then licenced to goe to dinner The Arabians and Mahumetists instructed for a long time by the Monke Sergius as formerly we cited hold this word of Messa in great esteeme By which word they haue nominated three Townes or Cities called Messa scituated vpon the Ocean shore vpon the Cape where Mount Atlas takes his beginning Neere to the same Townes in the Suburbs there is a Temple much reuerenced by the Turkish Idolaters because they beleeue that from Messa should come the righteous Pontife promised and prophefied of by Mahomet they also thinke that about that quarter or shore of Messa Ionas was cast vp againe after his being swallowed vp by the Whale Furthermore they so highly esteeme this name of Messelmans as we doe the name and title of Christians Intimating by this word Messelman as much as saued Moreouer the Mahumetists honoured their Priests with the name of Messe calling them Messen and their Temples Messites or Meschites Wherefore they that publisht the Anatomie of the Masse the Centons the Foundation Augmentation and embellishing thereof could not but write with speciall reuerence in respect of the ancient Pompilian Religion and the Alcaron Institutions of Mahumet After we haue thus decided
THE ORIGINALL OF IDOLATRIES OR THE BIRTH OF HERESIES A true Sincere and exact description of all such SACRED SIGNES SACRIFICES and SACRAMENTS as haue been instituted and ordained of GOD since ADAM With the true source and liuely Anatomy of the Sacrifice of the Masse First faithfully gathered out of sundry Greeke and Latine Authors as also out of diuers learned Fathers By that famous and learned ISAAC CASAVBON and by him Published in French for the good of Gods Church And now translated into English for the benefit of this Monarchy By ABRAHAM DARCIE LONDON Printed by Authoritie for NATHANIEL BVTTER Anno Dom. MDCXXIV TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY CHARLES PRINCE OF VVALES c. Heire Apparant to the incomparable Monarchies of GREAT BRITAINE c. Most mighty PRINCE HEAVEN turning all the Eminent DANGERS and PERILS of your HIGHNES famous TRAVELL to a strengthening and Confirmation of your HEROICALL and Magnanimous SPIRIT happily returned your HIGHNES to your owne proper Soyle with all true Hearts ioyfull CRIES and inexpressible ACCLAMATIONS of your loyall Subiects who with the rest of GODS people are euer bound to yeeld Thankes vnto the LORD in solemnizing that blest SVNDAY whereon your HIGHNES landed I am bold at this your ioyfull Returne to present to your PRINCELY view This Excellent sincere and most learned worke which may serue for a true and bright MIRROR wherein cleerely to discerne the liuely Portraiture of the true CHVRCH by the foule and odious deformities of her OPPOSITE A Treatise so faithfull and rare that it will absolutely resolue many doubts which vndoubtedly haue beene discussed in your HIGHNES hearing and poynt out as it were with a diuine finger the vncleane Puddle and Sinke from which all moderne Impurities in GODS SERVICE tooke apparant Originall It was first Published in French and now by my willing indeauors exprest in English out of a poore Strangers zeale and desire herein to make knowne to your HIGHNES the inward loyall affection of my heart wholly douoted to the humble obseruance of your High and most deseruing Titles and Illustrious dignities Resoluing euer both in life and death constantly to perseuer Your HIGHNES most Humble and deuoted prostitute AB DARCIE A TRES-PVISSANT PRINCE CHARLES PRINCE DE GALLES DVC DE CORNVALL YORKE ET ALBANI MARQVIS D'ORMONT CONTE DE CHESTER c. FILZ VNIQVE DV ROY CHARLES STVART ANAGRAM CHAST STAR RVLE long on your Illustr'ous Name HEAV'N pleasing PRINCE Accept this ANAGRAME AT HOME in FORREIGNE PARTS at SEA on LAND SAFE you haue STOOD So may you euer stand TO fright pale DANGER checke SINNES Surging SEAS SINNE that doth hourely seeke the SOVLES diseas THe various Changes of your FAMES bright STORY ANGELS protect for that IMMORTAL GLORY RIch glittering STAR-LIGHT Sempiternall Sence RAuisht at sight of GODS Omnipotence VNder whose SACRED Sempitern Defence LOng liue CHAST STAR on Earth to RVLE and shine ETernally in HEAV'N a Star DIVINE IN PERPETVALL HONOR AND IMMORTALL FAME OF THE RIGHT Honourable most pious Religious and truly Noble the LORDS of the Magnificent Court of the most Gracious and Noble PRINCE OF GREAT BRITTAINE Sir THOMAS HOWARD Viscount ANDIVER Master of the Horse to our Gracious PRINCE ROBERT Lord CARIE Baron of LEPINTON Chamberlaine to the PRINCE'S Highnes SPENCER Lord COMPTON Master of the Robes to his Highnesse IOHN Lord VAGHAN Controler of his Highnes Illustrious and Honourable Houshold And to the right generous and most vertuous Sir ROBERT CARR Master of his Highnes Priuie Purse One of the Gentlemen of the PRINCE his Bed-Chamber Sir FRANCIS COTTINGTON his Highnes Secretary Sir EDMOND VARNEY Sir WILLIAM HOWARD Sir RICHARD WINN Sir WILLIAM CROFTS Sir IOHN NORTH Mr. IOHN SANDELANS Mr. FRANCIS CARIE Gentlemen of his Highnes Priuie Chamber Mr. THOMAS CARIE Mr. GEORGE KIRKE Mr. ARCHIBALD PITCARNE Mr. ENDIMION PORTER Mr. WILLIAM MVRRAY Mr. IAMES LEVISTON Groomes of his Highnes Bed-Chamber Mr. ROBERT TERVVIT And Mr. IAMES BVY Quary to the PRINCE Mr. PETER YONG Mr. PETER NEVVTON Gentlemen Vshers dayly Wayter Mr. HVMPHREY DETICKE Gentleman Vsher Quarter Wayter Mr. IAMES ELIOT Mr. PHILIP PROGER Mr. IOHN PORTVIS Groomes of the Priuy Chamber Mr. THOMAS GERMAN Page to his Highnes And to the most learned and pious Mr. Doctor MAVVE And Mr. Doctor WREN Chaplaines to the Highnes of Prince CHARLES Most worthy Patrons of HONOVR patternes of VERTVE and Noble Louers of LEARNING and good endeuours ABRAHAM DARCIE presents to their iudicious viewes this Excellent Worke by him Translated for their Honorable vse Wishing to their Religious selues with the rest of the Nobles and worthy Seruants of his Highnesse that were in SPAINE with our PRINCE all externall internall and eternall happines in the holy Trinity TO THE HONOR AND VSE OF THE MOST ILLVSTRIOVS GEORGE Duke of Buckingham his Grace And to the Right Honourable The Earle of Arran Son to the Marquis Hamilton WILLIAM Earle of Denbigh c. HENRY Viscount Rochford c. Sir HENRY RICH Baron of Kenzington Sir DVDLY NORTH Sir GEORGE GORING IAMES Earle of Carlile Viscount Doncoster c. THOMAS Viscount Andeuer c. SPENCER Lord Compton ROBERT Lord Digbigh Sir ROBERT CARR Sir IOHN NORTH Sir WILLIAM CROFT Sir FRANCIS COTTINGTON Sir EDWARD VARNEY With the rest of the Noble Peeres and worthy Gentlemen of GREAT BRITAINE that were in SPAINE to Attend on the Most Mighty and Gracious Prince CHARLES our incomparable Prince ABRAHAM DARCIE humbly presents the Translation of this excellent and rare Worke to their Honorable censure wishing to their Noble Religious and Vertuous Persons all increase of true HONOR in this WORLD and in HEAVEN infinity of those incomprehensible FELICITIES and eternall ioyes allotted to Christs Elect. MOST ILLVSTRIOVS RIGHT HONORABLE RIGHT WORTHY NO HONORS can bee comparable to those which GOD most graciously returnes vpon them who constantly in this WORLD aduance the true HONOR of his NAME and confidently maintaine against all oppositions his sacred Verity and Truth This famous MONARCHY hath alwayes as vpon so many firme and Noble Pillars committed the earthly foundation of GODS Church and flocke to the Religious care and Honourable supportations of her Noble Peeres out of which number you are such Patrons as haue euer manifested a rare and confident protection of GODS vnspotted Religion and Worship but in your late HONOVRABLE employments in forraine parts vnder our Illustrious PRINCE they haue receiued a more apparent testimony of your true HEARTS RELIGION and ZEALE when soiourning for a time as one may say in the very Tents of KEDAR and beholding with your bodily eyes many superstitious Idolatries you yet retained firme and vnshaken the treasure of a sincere faith and inuiolable conscience hauing conueniently L'OEVIL AV GVET the eye at his sight-hole as our French Prouerbe termes it the better to discerne of all obiects and with the surer ayme to leuell all your Honourable Actions and worthy designes There is no doubt but your Noble selues mette with many Oppositions and Encounters by way of
worke and cast out the drosse to be trampled and troden vnder foote wherefore Christian Reader for the better satisfaction and generall good of all Gods Church I haue laboured to translate this curious and admirable Master peece most worthy and necessary to be obserued and read for thou mayest as in a Miner cleerely see and discouer the Birth and the Originall of this soule Monster Heresie in the Church euen from the first ages before the written Law as also during the force and efficacie of the Mosoicall Sacrifices and now in these later times more pertinent vnder the Law and precepts of Christs holy Gospel wherein are deduced the Authors and Founders of the Romane Masse And what conformity it holds with the Ethnicke-Rites and Ceremonies and how farre a digression it hath made from the doctrine life and practise Apostolicall and the ages of the Primitiue Church wherein the Author euer hath abandoned all passion partiality and in ful proofes cited none but either approued and authentike Authors as the ancient Doctors and writers of the Church that liued before the present Inundations of superstitious Traditions Bring them to the Text of Gods Word compare them with the example of the Prophets and Apostles obserue the Customes of the Primitiue Churches and thus by reducing them to their beginnings it will be easie to iudge whether they stand still in that v● spotted integrit●e or haue not adulterously prophaned the sincere worship of GOD with many and meere humane int●emions If thou doest but vouchsafe the diligent and carefull reading hereof I make no doubt but it will yeeld great comfort to thy Conscience confirmation to thy Faith as that which will cleerely delucidate many hidden passages that haue not hitherto been reuealed and if it may take this happy effect I shall thinke my paines sufficiently requited and recompen●ed in all things ayming at GODS glory and not mine owne And thus I rest Thine affectionate and humbly deuoted ABR DARCIE A TABLE OF THE Contents of this Booke CHAP. 1. Of Sacred Signes Fol. 1. CHAP. 2. Of Sacrifices 2. CHAP. 3. Of Corruptions 10 CHAP. 4. Corruptions punished 18 CHAP. 5. The Ceremoniall Law accomplished by IESVS CHRIST 21 CHAP. 6. Of Sacraments ordained by IESVS CHRIST himselfe 23 CHAP. 7. Of the Corruption of the Sacrament of Baptisme 27 CHAP. 8. Of the Corruption of the Sacrament of the LORDS Supper 30 CHAP. 9. The ancient Religion of the Romane Empire 37 CHAP. 10. How the Bishops of Rome began their Corruptions 40 CHAP. 11. The first greatnesse of Popes proouing Antichrists and bringing in the Sacrifice of the Masse 44 CHAP. 12. Of the Masse in particular with her true Original 48 CHAP. 13. The Masse diuided with the true nature of Holy Water Fol. 54 CHAP. 14. The Procession of the Masse 57 CHAP. 15. The third part of the Masse that is the Altars and Candles lighted 61 CHAP. 16. Of Incense and Offertories with other parts of the Masse 65 CHAP. 17. Of the round Hoste with the consecration of the same 69 CHAP. 18. Of diuers parts and sundry Ceremonies belonging to the Masse 72 CHAP. 19. Against Idolaters Antiquity and long possession of the Masse 76 CHAP. 20. Against the Idolatry of the round Hoste 80 CHAP. 21. The inuention of Transubstantiation with confutation of that labyrinth of Idolatry 83 CHAP. 22. Comparison betweene the two holy Sacraments 99 THE BIRTH OF HERESIES OR A true and faithfull description of all such SACRED SIGNES SACRIFICES and SACRAMENTS as haue been instituted of God since the Worlds Creation Together with the Originall and true Anatomie of the Masse As also the corruptions and abuses of all those holy things from the beginning CHAP. I. Of Sacred Signes IN the time preordained of GOD by his inscrutable and incomprehensible Wisedome when hee had created man to his true Image and likenesse the better to moue and incite him to feare and obedience as also to make him partaker of his blessings he gaue him some exercise of vertue whereby hee might acknowledge him his Almighty GOD and omnipotent Creatour were ordained many Signes Sacrifices and Sacraments First to our first Father Adam to whom with his Successors corporall men God allotted corporall signes to approue the better of their obedience to wit trees planted in the middest of the Orchard and earthly Paradise which although they were not of any other qualitie then the other plants yet notwithstanding being dedicated and consecrated of God for Sacraments or Sacred Signes their qualitie was then for to serue as Seales for the Testimonie and approbation of his diuine wil and pleasure which was effected by the infinite goodnesse and bounty of God to make appeare and knowne that the Association Confederation and alliance contracted with man his Creature was ordained from time to time yea from the beginning of all times Thus I say were exteriour and Corporall Signes which man could see and contemplate with his Corporall Eyes constituted to serue for an assurance pledge and hostage of the Diuine Couenant These Trees and substantiall Fruits ordained for our first and common Father were committed and giuen vnto him to keepe without diminishing eating or wasting of them vpon paine of eternal death Wherefore wee must in faith beleeue that they were not vaine Signes and Sacraments or as a meere and simple Picture but whereas life or death depended on them they comprehended both the signes and thing signified wherein consisted the knowledge and wisedom to feare God and obey him And therefore they were called the Fruits of the knowledge of good and ill the Trees of life For in the careful keeping of these sacred fruits and obeying God there was promised etetnall life whereas on the contrary by abusing the Sacrraments and opposing the will of God there was intimated to vs by exteriour signes that eternall death and damnation was purchased For other exercises required of man towards God concerning the reuerence honor adoration of him many and diuers Sacrifices were celebrated euen before the Law written by Moses And though God Almighty Creatour of Heauen and Earth needs not any humane workes or to bee nourished with the bloud of beasts or with terrestriall fruits yet hee had alwayes a desire to draw man vnto him in an externall obedience and feare by Signes Sacrifices and Sacraments so as the Sacrifice of Lambes offered by Abel were agreeable and pleasing to God Noah in like manner after the inundation of waters past in signe of his recognition and obedience towards God erected an Altar immolated an offered sacrifices of vnspotted sheepe and birds whereof hee made a reall Holocaust acceptable to the Lord. By which examples we may easily discerne that Sacrifices tooke not their beginning in Moses time but that Innocent and Iust Lambe was prefigured in Abels Sacrifice as a type of Iesus Christ slaine and offered from the beginning of the world After the rigor iustice of the deluge
Scripture did Alexander learne to mingle water with Wine and to restraine Christians to vnleauened Bread as also his other inuention of driuing away Diuels with salt water exorcized As for the Purgatory Water by him ordained wee will hereafter deriue the originall thereof from Numa Pompilius that great Magician and Romane Idolater But touching the mixture of water with Wine he might peraduenture be instructed by the ancient Idolaters who in celebrating their sacrifices were wont in a Chalice to consecrate Water with Bread especially vpon the Festiuals dedicated to the Sunne which the Persians worshipped called by them Mythros And in the Feast of the Nephalies they also vsed Water for sacrifice With this comparison Iustine Martyr relates the custome obserued amongst Idolaters and by Christians in the consecration of Bread Wine and Water by the one which is to say by the Idolaters in the name of their Idols and by Christians in the Name of their True God And yet this first corruption in the administration of the holy Sacrament by the mixture of water with Wine perseuered not without contradiction For the Greekes were of a contrary opinion and that it was not requisite to brew water with Wine neither would they herein follow the Alexandrian corruptions Amarcanus was of the same opinion as Alexander affirming that the mixture of water with Wine was necessary Scotus the subtile Sophister absolutely denied that it was necessary to mingle the water with the Wine because saith he it cannot then be changed nor transubstantiated into Bloud except the same were first changed into Wine Some others more ingenious laboured to interpret this Institution of Alexander by alleadging that the wine was conuerted into blood but as for the water it was transubstantiated into the water that came out of Christs side This first corruption of Alexanders gaue occasion of many other succeeding abuses For some other more profound Impostors deuised to mingle with the wine bloud that was taken from yong Infants wherewith to besmeare the bread of the holy Supper of Iesus Christ as the Cataphrigians who brought in a kinde of transubstantiation of wine into bloud really and corporlly Some others added cheese thereunto called Artotirites which is to say Cheese-bread-mongers Certaine also abusing this holy Sacrament in stead of wine put in water vnder pretext of the greater abstinence Others had an Institution of steeping bread in the wine the which custome the Messalians also retained in their Missall sacrifices For another detestable corruption of this holy Sacrament some Popes of Rome forbade their Messalian sacrificers not to administer to Christian people whom they call Lay-men the Body of Iesus Christ in both kindes but onely vnder the sacred signe of Bread and not of Wine which they reserued for their Messalian sacrificing Priests Is not this corruption directly against the holy Gospel and Institution of the Supper of Iesus Christ ordained and commaunded that all faithfull men should eate his body and drinke of his blood When he tooke the Cup did he not vse these proper words Drinke all of this Wine in memoriall of my Bloud shed Vsed hee any other words for the eating of his Bodie in the symbole of Bread then hee did of his Blond vnder the signe of Wine For if wee compare the sacred signe ordained by God in the Church of the Israelites being a Figure of the Communion of the body of Iesus Christ which was the true Paschal Lambe whose flesh was ordained to bee eaten without exception of persons so they were circumcised was there euer any difference in the eating of the Paschall Lambe and the celebration of the Passeouer among the Iewes betweene the Leuites being of the race of sacrificing Priests and others of the common people To bring in another odious corruption the Messalians instituted in their Missall-Idolatries to sacrifice and offer the Body and Bloud of Iesus Christ reiterating by this means the Sacrifice fully consummated by Iesus Christ which cannot bee reiterated because it was not according to the forme of Aaron but of Melchizedec the Eternall Sacrifizer and Priest without leauing any successor As also when the Apostle admonished the Corinthians to celebrate sacredly the Supper of Iesus Christ were they commanded to sacrifice No but to eate and communicate together of the Body to drinke of the blood of Iesus Christ The beginning of the Supper was not to kill or immolate or to sacrifice any beast or oblation to God but onely to eate and drinke at his holy banquet prepared for vs by Iesus Christ the Eternall sacrifice and Sacrificer who reserued onely for himselfe this Eternall Priesthood yet neuerthelesse hee left vnto vs a sacred Institution of a banquet set before vs in the Bread and Wine which represent his Body and Bloud After these aboue-named corruptions Satan a diligent Babylonian Architect employed all his power and means to rayse an inexpugnable Fort of Idolatry to the end that hee might wholly demolish and subuert the kingdome of Iesus Christ when hee vndertooke to suborne the Masse in stead of the holy Sacrament of the Supper as wee will briefly produce and so clearely that the most hard-hearted Pharaohs inueterated in their ancient Idolatries shall by the trueth of Histories acknowledge their errours and abominable Heresies CHAP. IX The ancient Religion of the Romane Empire BEfore my deciphering of this labyrinth of Errour wherein the Messalians did so lose themselues I thinke it verie requisite succinctly to lay open the ancient Religion of the Romanes during the reigne of the Occidentall Empire and of the Emperours vsurping both the Temporall scepter and the dignitie of high Priests superintendents ouer the Romane Church and Religion All of them as well as my selfe will confesse that the ancient Romane Religion was either wholly or for the greatest part instituted by Numa Pompilius the second King of the Romanes about seuen hundred yeeres before the Incarnation of Iesus Christ Then were your high Priests inuested which afterwards were reduced to a certaine number euen to foure then the number was augmented to eight and afterwards by Silla to fifteene In the Colledge of Priests there was one Pontifex Maximus who was chosen by the other inferiour Priests of their Order and dignitie euen as the pettie Priest purple-Cardinals make the election of their great Romane Pope out of their place order and dignitie This Pompilian Religion was so religiously obserued by the Romanes from father to sonne as it was neuer possible to irradicate or supplant it but it continues euen to this day as euery one shall manifestly discerne by this succinct Narration To confirme this point no man can be ignorant if euer he read the Romane Histories but that before the Incarnation of Christ there was not so much as one King Consull Dictator or Romane Emperour instructed in the Law of God but all were Idolaters and Infidels obseruing the Religion of that Magician Numa Pompilius For
yeares after the death of the said Constantine the great to wit that they would not receiue the Law of Iesus Christ but rather obserue their ancient Pompilian Law to auoid the ruine of their Common-wealth through a change and alteration of Religion Wherefore it must needes bee inferred that the Law of GOD was not receiued nor approued at Rome by the Senate and Senators Now we must come to the subsequent times After the decease of Theodosius the Romane Westerne Empire began so much to decline that in a short space it was cleane extirpated by the Vandales and Alands who were the first that sacked Rome in part burned it and carryed away the Emperour Theodosius owne daughter whom they married to Atolphus King of the Gothes Not long after succeeded the Hunnes and then Attila King of the Gothes which vsurped Italie About this time the Occidentall Romane Empire was stript of all Germany Dacia Sarmatia and all other tributarie Prouinces euen to Dannbius Spaine also Aquitane Gascoyne Burgundie and all the Gaules reuolted from the Romane Tyrannie Then came the Astrogothes with their Kings Valamir and Theodemir Theodoric with other Barbarians and Infidels as likewise the Visigothes all vsurpers successiuely in Italie After this raigned Totilas who entred sackt and burnt Rome and all Sicilia At last the Lombardes came to raigne conducted by their King Alb●im who vsurped ouer all Italie These barberous Idolatrous and Infidell Nations were as Gods scourges ordained to punish the Romaine Idolaters committed by them who had receiued the knowledge of the holy Gospell and yet ranne astray from the true adoration and worship of God violated and corrupted the holy Sacraments by their humane inuentions and fictions in like manner to punish the obstinacie and infidelity of the Emperours and Senators of Rome who first by their Officers and Lieuetenants Deputies had caused Iesus Christ and his holy Apostles to bee crucified daily persecuted the Christians and euer opposed the Law Euangelicall to maintaine their Pompilian Religion We may therefore resolue and conclude that for the space of foure hundred yeares the Romane Church of Emperours and Senators were alwaies opposites and enemies to the Law of Iesus Christ Afterwards when the VVesterne Empire was extinguished for three hundred yeares or thereabouts that Rome and all Italie was rulde and gouerned by Kings Princes and Dukes that were Infidels and Idolaters which was by the Vuandales by the Gothes by the Hunnes Ostrogothes Visigothes and Lumbards for the space of seauen hundred yeares or thereabouts after the Iucarnation of Iesus Christ there was no Emperours Kings nor Princes at Rome that would embrace the Law of Iesus Christ The which I desired briefly to produce to the end the Reader might not thinke it strange though I here set downe how the sacrifice of the Masse tooke originall from the auncient Ethnicke Religion Instituted by Numa more then seauen hundred yeares before the Incarnation of Iesus Christ and that since also the same sacrifice hath beene continued by the Romane Idolaters hardened and inuerated in their Pompilian Religion which they would neuer abandon nor giue ouer CHAP. XI The first greatnesse of Popes prouing Antichrists and bringing in the sacrifice of the Masse NOw to the end nothing might be concealed out of the Romane histories to obscure the clearenesse and sun-shine of truth during the Tyranny and vsurpation of the aboue mentioned Nations there was erected in Italie a petty Exarcate at Rauenna which stood for an hundred eighty three yeares till it was supprest by a Pope who was inuested in the same encroacht vpon St. Peters Chaire by a Donation or Dismission wrought by Pepyn in the yeare 758. in requitall of the Tyrannie vsed by Zacharias a Greeke Romane Pope who depriu'd the true heires of the Crowne of France which were Chilperio or Childeric whom hee shut vp in a Monasterie to conferre the Kingdome vpon the said Pepyn sonne to Charles Martell the Bastard This Donation of Pepyns bestowed on the great Romane Pontife was the first Originall of the exaltation and eminencie of the Romane Popes who to this day remaine the Exarcate of Rauenna since about eight hundred yeares with many Townes along the coast of the Adriatick assign'd ouer to them by Pepyn against the expresse prohibitions of Constantine then raigning Emperour of the East in Greece While this pettie Exarcate continued at Rauenna a long time before Pepyns Donation the Bishop of the place seeing that there were no more Experors at Rome tyranniz'd and gouern'd by barbarous and miscreant Nations began to lift vp his hornes so as hee would be preferred before the Bishop of Rome and stile himselfe head of the Church both he and his successours Bishops of Rauenna while the Exarcate lasted This was the first petty Antichrist that assum'd a Tyrannie in the Church pursuing the terrestriall Tyrannie of his Exarcate After him rose another great Antichrist in Constantinople named Iohn Bishop of the place who perceiuing the Occidentall Empire of Rome cleane extinguished and that of Constantinople risen to a great heigth he grew also affected to worldly Tyrannie and conformable therevnto erected one Spirituall in the Church of Iesus Christ By a Councell held for the purpose hee denounced himselfe to be Oecumenicall Bishop which signifies generall and head of all the Church But presently after the great Romane Pontifes tooke so good a course herein that by treason the Emperor Mauricius was cruelly slaine in Constantinople himselfe his wife and family by that wicked Phocas who for recompence of this abominable Murther committed by the notice and intelligence of their Church of Rome alwayes contrary to Iesus Christ caused Boniface the third of that name to be declar'd head and Generall of the Church of God vsurping the Authority of the great and eternall Sacrificing high Priest the onely Spouse and head of his Church Iesus Christ Who could better resemble Antichrist then he that assumes a Tyrannie in the Church of God a Poligamie in the Church the Spouse of Iesus Christ ascribing to himselfe that power which Iesus Christ reseru'd for himselfe to reside perpetually with his Church by the power and vertue of the holy Ghost for the conduct and gouernement of the same May not he rightly be term'd Antichrist that labours directly to oppose the holy Gospell of Iesus Christ who forbad his Apostles when hee sent them to Preach the Word that they should not constitute a Monarchie in the Church as the Princes Kings and Tyrants of the earth are wont to doe That none of them should presume to bee called head or greater then the rest but that they should all be humbled as brethren being assured that they had one onely Head and one heauenly Father who would dwell and continue with them for euer to conduct and inspire them in his holy will Is not he truly an Antichrist
risen from the dead ascended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God his Father vntill that he returnes as he is ascended with his humanity and neuerthelesse his Almighty power and Diuinity to be distributed to vs and diffused in earth and in all places especially in his holy Sacraments which he hath left vs for a pledge and exteriour approbation of our faith for memory and recordation of the death and passion of our Sauiour Iesus Christ FINIS To my Noble and most learned Author on his worthy Name I N the Circumference of all Natures frame S O honor'd is learn'd Casaubon thy name A S so much need my encomiasticke lines A S a small Taper when that Phaebus shines C Leare at noone day C An this so litterate Age afford a brest A Closet where such profound wit doth rest S Vch abstruce Learning these he did combine A Peerlesse Graecian and vnmatcht Diuine V Nder the wounds of his Polemicke pen B Led the Idolatrous Whore Rarest of men O Ver all Nations flies thy far-spred Name N O angle but resounds thy datelesse fame The admirer of his works ABRAHAM DARCIE Prou 7. 2 3. Sacrifices before the written Law Psal 50 Genes 4. Hebr. 11. Genes 6. 7 5. Apoc. 13. The Rainbow Genes 9. Circumcision in the yeere of the world 2048. Genes 17. Exodus 12. Exodus 12. The Cloud The Pillar of fire Exod. 13. The diuision of the Arabick red sea in the yeere of the world 2403. 1. Cor. 10. Titus 3. Heauenly Manna Exod. 16. 1. Cor. 10. Iohn 6. Diuers sacrifices ordained by God in the yeere of the world 2455. Holocausts Diuision of sacrifices extracted out of Exodus Leuiticus Numbers Beasts appointed for sacrifice Daies appointed for sacrifices Exod. 23. See the books of Philo the Iew and of Iosephus Holocaust Philo the Iew in his Treatise of Beasts appointed for sacrifice Ioseph lib. 3 c. 20. De Antiq. Iudaic. Leu. 9. 2 3 4. Sacrifice for health Sacrifices for sinne Sacrifices for sinne out of ignorance Sacrifices for the High Priests sinne for the Princes for the Magistrate and for particular men Leu. 3. 4 5 6. Sacrifice for a polluted man Sacrifice for a deliuered woman Leuit. 12. Sacrifice for the Leprous Leuit. 14. Sacrifice for manstruall polution Leauen and Honey forbidden in all sacrifices Sacrifice for a woman suspected of Adulterie Numb 5. Sacrifice of Nazareans Numb 6. Philo the Iew in his Treatise abouenamed Exod. 20. Arke of Couenant Exod. 25. 26 27 28. Ephod Water of Purification consecrated Numb 15. Exod. 38. Brazen Serpent Numb 27. Iohn 3. 7. Corruption began first in Adam Corruption of the sacrifices by Aaron Exod. 32. Deut. 9. Corruption of sacrifices by Nadab and Abihu Leuit. 10. Numb 11. Iosh 7. Iud. 6. 3. 6. 8 9. Iud. 10. Judg. 50. Inhumane sacrifice of Iephta Iudg. 17. Idolatry by the golden Ephod 1. Sam. 2. Ophni and Phinees corrupters of sacrifices 1. Sam. 2. 1. Sam. 4. 1. Sam. 5. 6. Arke of sacred Couenant Against the corruption of sacred signes 2. Sams 6. Osias 2 Chron. 26. Saul 1. Sam. 13. Ioseph lib. ● cap. 4. de Antiq. ludae 1. Kings 11. Ieroboam 1. Kings 12. 1. Kings 14. 1. Kings 16. Achab. 1. Kings 16. Ioseph lib. 8. cap. 10. Ochosias 2. Kings 1. Ioseph li. 9. cap. 1. Purgatory fire 2. Kings 16. In the booke Alcoran Asoar 29. lib. 46. and Asoar 5. Ignem gehennae non nisi numero dierum praeterminato Animas sentire docet Alcoranliber ad diem Veritatis omnes accedere operum suorum mercedem accepturos Asoar 5. The cause of corruption in Sacraments Apo● 13. Deut. 10. 50. Ierem. 4. Esay 7. Psal 41. Esay 66. Ierem. 6. Amos 5. Psal ● 2. Sam. 15. 4. Esdras 7. 4. Kings 15. 24. Ioseph lib. 13. ca. 16. de Ant. Iud. Ioseph lib. de Antiq. Iud. Ioseph lib. 15. cap. 3. Ioseph li. 8. cap. 8. Entros 1. cap. 12. Genes 49. Comparison between Adam and Iesus Christ Iesus Christ the Tree of Life Apoc. 2. Rom. 12. The Rain-bow Circumcision Galat. 4. The flaming Bush Pascall Lambe Iohn 1. Heb. 13. The bread of Life 1. Cor. 5. The Cloud the Pillar of Fire The Red Sea 1. Cor. 10. Job 19. Heauenly Manna The flowing Rocke Liuing Water 1. Cor. 10. Sacrifice Heb. 1. 8 9 10. Heb. 9. Arke of Couenant Brazen Serpent Ioh. 3. Temple of God Ioh. 2. Holocaust and water Purgatorie Joh. 15. Heb. 9. Rom. 8. St. Augustine lib. 3. de doct Christ cap. 9. Sacraments of the New Testament Distribution of the Sacraments to all Conuerts Herod lib. 2. Gen. 17. Numb 19. Tit. 3. Gal. 3. Corruptions of the holy Sacraments Sacrament of Baptisme corrupted Theod. in the booke of the fables of Heretikes Ca●sine ca●posiquam de conerat distinct 4. Epheta Per. Satyr 2. Galat. 3. ●phes 4. 1. Corinth 15. Epiphan lib. 1. tom 3. haeres 38. Epipha lib. 1. tom 3. haeres 42. and lib. 2. tom 1. haeres 49. Exod. 4. Sacrament of the Supper corrupted 1. Corinth 11. Hist. Eccle. Hist tripart it lib. 9. cap. 37. lib. 11. cap. 5. Euseb lib. 5. cap. 24. Hist tripart lib. 9 cap. 39. 39. Euseb lib. 5. cap. 24. Hist Tripar Chap 38. Col. 2. Galat. 4. Heb. 7. Hist. Tripar lib. 9. cap. 38. Euseb lib. 5. cap. 23 In the yeere of Christ 114. Tlatina Sabelli Euseb lib. 3. cap. 27. lib. 8. cap. 14. Cel. li. 39. cap. 21. Iustin in Apolo 2. Inno lib. 4. cap. 5. de officio Disial August lib. de Haereti cap. 26. 64. Epiphan lib. 2. tom 5. haeret 49. Matth. 29. Marc. 14. Luc. 22. 1. Corint 11. 1. Cor. 11 The Romane Emperors and their Priests Titiuill lib. 1. deca 1. Fenestell lib. de Magist Rom. Euseb in his bookes of the Eccl. Hist Anno Dom. 34. 68. Anno Dom. 94. 112. 183. 167. 202. 238. 254. 257. 276. 292. Pontifex Maximus In a booke intituled A discourse of the ancient Religion of the Romanes by William de Choue Bayly of Dolphinois Catalogue of the Caesars at the end of Nicephorus Historie Anno Dom. 410. In the Canons collected by Clement Bishop of Rome 21. 22. 62. 95. Anno Dom. 93. Alexander the first Bishop of Rome in the yeere of our Lord 110. Sixtus Bishop of Rome in the yeere of our Lord 127. Syluester Bishop of Rome Higinus Bishop of Rome the yeere 140. Fabian Bishop of Rome in the yeare 240. Pius Bishop of Rome in the yeare 144. Z●pherin Bishop of Rome in the yeare 200. Calixtus Bishop of Rome in the yeare 280. Eutiches Bishop of Rome in the yeare 262. Red roabes of Cardinals Siluest Bishop of Rome in the yeare 314. Cronic of Iohn Baptista Ignatius Hist●tripartit lib. 3. cap. 12. Paul Aenul lib. 1. In the yeare 412. In the yeare 434. Blon lib. 2. D●cad 2. Procop. lib. 3. Of the wars of the Vuandales in the yeare 486. In the yeare 550. 554. Paul Acmil