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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08078 A Request presented to the King of Spayn and the Lordes of the Counsel of the State by the inhabitantes of the Louue Countreyes protesting that they will liue according to the reformation of the Gospell, the xxij. of Iune. 1578. Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1578 (1578) STC 18445; ESTC S1311 8,688 28

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my Lorde the Prince of Orange and the Estates of Holland and Zelande it is certaine and nature teacheth it vvithoute vvronging of any that there is nothing so naturall but as by the consent of the tvvo partes the contracte hathe bin made passed and promised so by the consente of the one parte and the other it could not bee in parte broken qualifyed and interpreted for the common vveale of the Countrey and for cutting off the secrete vvorking of the enimie But the sayde Protestantes thinke not in anye vvise to vvithstande it nor doe mynde to be the cause of the breache thereof seeyng that they abyding in the tearmes of the saide pacification most humblie demaunde and require that by the meane of the generall estates there shoulde prouision be made for the free and publike exercise of Religion Concerning the second poynte experience hath at all times shevved the contrary vvhether vve consider the auntient or nevv Emperoures or behold the natiōs neere adioyning For it is vvell knovven to them vvhich are but meanely seene in Histories that the Emperoures being at the beginning Paynims haue neuerthelesse maynteyned vnder their Empire Christians and Paynims hauing vvhole legiōs of Christiās and the rest of their armie Paynims all marching vnder one generall of the armie And notvvithstanding there vvere founde in that time as at this present vncircumspect councellers vvhiche did put suche opinions into their Princes heads that the tvvo Religions coulde not endure togither vppon occasion vvhereof the Emperoures fell to persecute the most part but incontinentlie they firste suffered the punishmente for suche foolishe councels Aftervvard in the times of Christian Emperours the like hath bin a verie long time and not only that but also amōg them that did beare in common the name of Christians the Church hath bin allovved to stād open to them vvhich helde doctrine altogither contrarie vvhiche may be seene in the histories of Constantine his children Theodosius and others As for our time there are so many examples that if vve are to iudge them by the number one may sooner saye and more certainely that vvhosoeuer hathe gone about to abolishe one of the tvvo Religions hath put his state in greate daunger Hovvsoeuer it be if vve looke about vs the tvvo mightiest nations and vvith vvhich vve are enuironed to vveete Germanie and Fraunce after so much spilling of bloud haue founde no meane to staunch it but by condescending to the exercise of the one and the other Religion We beare yet in minde the greate inuasions that the Emperoure Charles of most famous memorie made into Germanie of the great likelyhoodes of good successe that he had in the beginning hauing subdued the better part thereof and hauing in his povver the chiefest brauest and mightiest Princes the issue notvvithstanding vvas such that after he vvas brought to greater extremitie thā euer such a mightie Prince vvas he had no vvay to assure himselfe but in condescending to the one and other Religion your highnes grandfather a Prince of greate and rare iudgement and councell the Emperour Ferdinand perceiuing that he had no other meane to assure the one and the other to take avvay the suspitions that vvere in Germanie condescended to the Religions-friedt and since that time there hath not bin one mutinie in Germanie the Ecclesiasticall persons might enioy their goodes dignities and preheminences vvith greater assurance than in any other place of Christendome in many tovvnes as at Francfort VVormes Vlme Ausbourg and others is exercised the one the other Religion vvithout diuision or vprore in the Churches of any of these tovvnes The Emperour of most noble memorie your highnesse father hath not onely mainteined that vvhiche hath bin so vvell framed by his predecessors but besides hath alovved it in his ovvne countreys vvell perceiuing that this vvas the onely meane to keepe his subiects in peace In like maner Rodolph your highnes brother at this presēt enioying the sacred seate of his predecessors hath not many days past grāted the same to the nobles of his kingdome of Hungarie I vvill not say vvhat the state of Hungarie hath bin since Sigismund As touching Fraunce vve are too neere neybors to be ignorāt that the stremes of bloud vvhich ran in such abundance could neuer be stayd vntill that she had hir libertie grāted vvhiche hath alvvays brought vvith it quietnes as vvhē she vvas hindred forthvvith the Realme hath bin vvholly on fire ready to cōsume himself to bring himselfe to ashes But if likevvise vve can take example by the cōmon enimie of Christendome to vveete the Turke vvho knovveth too vvell vvhat it is to beare rule vve see that he suffreth alike vnder his Empire the Christiās and the Ievvs being for al this in no doubt of any reuolting yet he hath vnder his Empire vvithout cōparison moe Christiās vvhich do not acknovvlege nor vvil acknovvlege the Pope thā ther be in this Europe vvhiche do acknovvledge him The K. of Marroques Fleez doth the like And as for the K. of Poland besides the diuersitie of Christian Religiō that he hath in his coūtrey he hath also a great nūber of Mahometanes vvhich obey him not hauing for this respect any cōmotiō in his coūtrey The Pope himselfe vvhome they of the Romish Church hold for their head his examples for infallible rules suffereth at Rome and in all places vvhere he hath any propertie that the Ievves haue their publike Sinagoges yea for a little money he vvill suffer that euery one may haue it to himself The like is seene in many Cities of the Empire Likevvise my Lordes the Estates heere vvith vs haue not let the said Ievves to dresse their Sinagogs in some places of these Countreys and that in consideration of a small profite vvhich in no vvise is to be compared to that vvhereof there is question at this presente And notvvithstanding the said Ievves do denie Iesus Christe and are enimies of the Churche of God the vvhiche shall not be found in thousands of Protestāts vvhich hope in Christ as the onely vvorker of their saluation and are not enimies of the Church but rather desire only the reformation As touching the thirde pointe the sayde Protestants can not so soone make knovven to al the vvorld the good desire they haue to liue peaceably vvith their tovvnesmates and Countreymen but hope in time to make most certaine proofe thereof the said defiances being set aside and suspitiōs taken avvay the vvhich they shall promise before God to performe In the meane season they most humblie beseeche youre highnesse and my Lords to offer all such meanes of assurance as you shall thinke meete and they shall be very forvvard as muche as lieth in them thoroughly to obey and to frame themselues thereto and persuade themselues vvith this that they shall promise that they vvill finde some Princes good friendes to this Countrey and great Lords vvhich vvill doe them this honoure to aunsvvere for their faithfulnes and