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A07348 Ecclesiastica interpretatio: or The expositions vpon the difficult and doubtful passages of the seuen Epistles called catholike, and the Reuelation Collected out of the best esteemed, both old and new writers, together with the authors examinations, determinations, and short annotations. The texts in the seuen Epistles of Iames, Peter, Iohn and Iude are six and forty. The expositions vpon the Reuelation are set forth by way of question and answer. Here is also a briefe commentary vpon euery verse of each chapter, setting forth the coherence and sense, and the authors, and time of writing euery of these bookes. Hereunto is also annexed an antidot against popery. By Iohn Mayer, B. of D. and pastor of the Church of Little Wratting in Suffolke. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1627 (1627) STC 17731; ESTC S112551 448,008 564

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mountainous places and Ilands were sought out to be destroyed which is expressed in saying the mountaines and Ilands were remoued out of their place then all professours of the Christian religion sought to hide themselues from the anger of him that sitteth vpon the throne thinking God and the Lambe to bee angry with them set forth in the last words Bullinger Pareus Others will haue the corruption in the time of Antichrist meant which time say they began when Constantine aduanced Syluester the Bishop of Rome and his successours and continueth in the Papacy to this day then began a great earthquake by the change of the state of the Church into Pontificall then the Sunne the doctrine touching Christ was darkened through the interposition of traditions the Moone the Church was turned into bloud either by murthers committed by Antichrist or by the corrupt worshipping of God the starres the ministers of God fell from heauen by apostatising from the truth the heauen the Church was folded together as a booke when it appeared not any where or the holy Scriptures were shut vp from the people the mountaines Emperours and Kings were remoued by Popes the Ilands the people were remoued out of their place by being made beleeue vpon paine of damnation that the Pope is the head of the Church And being brought to this estate of corruption as there can be no sound peace but terrors of conscience out of the truth so all estates are set forth as terrified by a conscience of Gods iudgement and some indeed fulfilled this according to the letter going into wildernesses and Monasteries seeking by applying themselues to perpetuall deuotion to quiet their consciences accusing them for former offences but could not effect it But herein Pareus differeth from Bullinger for hee applieth this of the generall feare of all estates and degrees to the last day of iudgement which shall follow after that the world hath beene so corrupted in the time of Antichrists reigne Lastly some vnderstand by this earth-quake Forbs c. the great alteration that came vpon the Romane Empire by meanes of the Gothes and other barbarous nations which was so great as that the whole world seemed to be changed But I subscribe to the first exposition because most agreeable to the letter and where the literall sense may stand there is no vse of allegories And indeed without straining no time but the day of iudgement can be rightly called the great day of Gods wrath wherein all the wicked of all estates and degrees are filled with terrour at Gods presence If it bee taken as an allegory there are so great differences that there will bee no certainty of truth Besides that it doth no way answer the precedent cry for vengeance so fitly as being literally vnderstood of the last day for whatsoeuer commotions there be in states and kingdomes yet euery one is not at such times so seuerely animaduerted against but many escape whereas here euery one is said to tremble and feare Whereas Pareus includeth both the persecution vnder Antichrist and the day of iudgement also I cannot see how that can stand for the fleeing away of all estates and degrees for feare is an effect of those stupendious accidents in heauen and in earth as in reason it is likely when such things shall come to passe no lesse can be expected but horrible feare Let vs then study to pacifie Gods anger before this day commeth by true repentance and humiliation that wee may not finde it a day of wrath but of euerlasting mercy to vs. CHAP. VII THE dreadfull manner of Gods comming to iudge and to take reuenge vpon the enemies and corrupters of his truth hauing beene set forth in the sixt Chapter lest there should arise anxiety in the minds of the faithfull about the Lords care touching them in the midst of all the miseries before described for that it hath not yet appeared how they are prouided for when all things shall be so full of dread feare he doth apart here set forth Gods care ouer them during all those troubles and affrighting apparitions they were marked in the forehead that no hurt might hereby seize vpon them but these tribulations might be to them a way to future glory and the inuestment with white robes washed in the Bloud of the Lambe at what time all teares shall be wiped from their eyes for euer For the meaning of the particular passages here Quest 1. Vers 1. After this I saw foure Angels standing vpon the foure corners of the earth holding the foure winds that they might not blow vpon the earth c. What is meant by these things Rupertus Caelius Pannon Answ Most Expositors vnderstand by these winds the Spirit of God in the Preachers of his Word diffusing it selfe in all parts of the world but the euill angels the Deuils which rule in the Antichristian Sect seeke to hinder these winds by suppressing the pure preaching of Gods holy Word in all places Dionys Bullinger Pareus Brightman to the corrupting and decay of all true Religion They keepe the winds from blowing vpon the earth that is the vulgar sort the sea that is Doctrine the trees that is men of more eminency or by the earth they vnderstand men dwelling in any part of the earth by the sea the inhabitants of Ilands by trees such as lurked in woods or they take the earth for earthly ones the sea for the worship of God and trees for people good and bad which professe to worship God Againe there is difference also about these foure Angels for some vnderstand the foure Monarchies Primas Haimo Ambrose Amsbert Lyra. in the time whereof the truth was hindred Some foure persecuting Emperours who after that Dioclesian and Maximianus had forsaken the Empire did together persecute the Christian Religion in the foure parts of the world viz. Maximianus in the East Seuerus in Italy the west Licinius in Alexandria in Egypt the South Maxentius at Rome and whereas all others vnderstand Christ by the Angell with the seale he vnderstandeth Constantine the great who suppressed these tyrants And some againe by the Angell in the East vnderstand the Mahumetans in the West the Pope in the North the Germane Empire in the south Spaine For mine owne part when I consider the premises of great and horrible miseries to come vpon the world I cannot but thinke as I intimated before in generall that comfort against these euils is here intended to the godly and therefore I subscribe rather to those that vnderstand these things literally of foure Angels appointed by God as his Ministers herein for it is said To them it is giuen to hurt c. to destroy all things Arethas Ribera Fox and this is fitly set forth by holding the foure winds because in wind and breath consisteth the life of euery thing in this world things of the earth as men and beasts of the sea as fishes and fowles and the trees
rather to die expecting no end of these miseries To shew the warlike manner of their comming they are further likened to horses prepared vnto the battell to shew the soueraignty to which they attained Crownes like gold are ascribed vnto them to shew that they were no true Locusts but onely of their quality and condition they are said to haue the faces of men and the haire of women to shew their barbarousnesse and the teeth of Lions for their deuouring and cruell tearing in peeces none being able to withstand them in their time Their iron brest-plates shew their might their wings their swift and sudden comming their noise their hideousnesse in their comming Their terme of fiue months is againe repeated to make the Allegory taken from true Locusts to hold the better seeing this is the whole terme of their life as hath beene already shewed and therefore it is set forth by months and not by daies The Angell of the bottomlesse pit a murtherer and destroyer is said to be their King to note out by whose instigation they came forth and vnder whose banner they fought although God vsed them herein as instruments to execute his iust iudgements And thus I haue by Gods grace fitted a most kindly exposition to this most hard and mysticall passage Whence we may see that besides ordinary God hath vnexpected waies to plague wickednesse withall and to abate the pride of those that are most potent and thinke themselues most secure And whosoeuer are the instruments to execute Gods will in this kinde can doe nothing no longer time than he permitteth them And howsoeuer the godly being mixt with others partake in outward miseries yet nothing shall be able to hurt them God hauing a speciall care at these times ouer them so that they haue wherein to reioyce when all things are confounded for no hurt which is an hurt indeed can come to them seeing these outward things are but shadowes and as the superfluous haires of the head in losing whereof there is no detriment as Chrysostome and Augustine speake Quest And the sixt Angell blew his Trumpet Vers 13. and I heard a voice from the foure corners of the altar c. Loose the foure Angels bound in the great riuer Euphrates And these foure Angels were loosed being prepared for an houre for a day for a month and for a yeere Who are these foure Angels What voice commandeth their loosing and what is meant by the time of an houre day c. for which it is said they are prepared Answ Some by these foure Angels vnderstand two Popes Lyra. P●t Aureol●● D. Ant. and two Emperours Symmachus and Laurentius an Antipope and Anastasius Emperour in the East an Eutichian Heretike and Theodoricus King of Italy an Arrian about ann 502. For these two in contending for the Popedome this Emperour and King in standing for their heresies destroyed a great number of people which they were ready to doe before but now being loosed put it in execution and they are said to be bound in Euphrates because it was the bounds of the Roman Empire Some which desire to draw men a farre off that they may not looke at the Pope and Papacy Beda Richard de Sancto victore Haimo Rupertus Arethas c. expound this of all the Deuils in hell which are now bound but shall be let loose in the time of Antichrist to make such hauocke in the Church destroying and killing of Catholikes so as the like was neuer done before and this Viegas the Iesuite saith is the common opinion But neither of these expositions can stand not the first because it is much forced to expound the Angels bound in Euphrates of such as liued a farre off and farre distant one from another nor the second because it is a iudgement vpon the world for sinne not a triall of the Church by further persecution And it may bee plainly found out to haue beene already fulfilled and therefore in vaine applied to future times There is then a third exposition embraced by all ours by which the Saracens and Turkes are vnderstood here to haue beene loosed at this sounding to become a scourge to Popery the last and greatest trouble of the Church of God This sixt Angell sounded vnto iudgements vpon the idolatrous Papists the great corrupters of religion set forth before by the pale horse after that the Goths were put down who were sent for a plague of Arrianisme Now although the Longobards were the next iudgement in Italy yet because there will be a fitter place to figure them out in another vision Chap. 13. the Spirit of God proceedeth here to the Saracens the greater and more vniuersall iudgement The voyce which was heard speaking to the sixt Angell from amongst the foure hornes of the Altar is by the consent of all the voyce of the Lord Iesus who had suffered and was sacrificed for our sins he vttereth his voice not from the midst of the throne where he stood but from the midst of the Altar vnder which it is said before the soules lay crying for reuenge to shew that their cries were heard and preuailed to the producing of the grieuous euils following They were answered before by signes for the Angell tooke coales from the Altar and threw them downe to the earth whence insued thunders lightnings and earthquakes but now by a liuely voyce commanding to loose the foure Angels bound at Euphrates who stood alwayes ready at an houre day moneth or yeere that they might goe forth to kill and destroy and come vpon these grosse corrupters of religion with innumerable and inuincible armies of Saracens and Turkes Brightman Some vnderstand by these foure Angels foure chiefe rulers of the Turkes stirred vp by the euill Angels which are deuils ann 1300. For after a great ouerthrow receiued by the Scythians recollecting their forces againe they diuided that part of Asia which they held amongst foure Peeres Carmanus Sarchanes Gregor lib. 7.1 Calames and Ottoman there was also for a time a fift Amurius but the gouernment was soone reduced to foure againe They are said to be loosed when they began to preuaile on this side Euphrates which was not till about this time For howsoeuer they did much damnifie the Romans before yet they were made still to retire by the Catalaunes vnder the reigne of Andronicus Gregor lib. 7.3 who put them to flight and kept them in great awe but not pursuing their victory but returning home they brake out and in a short space possessed themselues of the holy land held till then by the Christians and in other places also did greatly inlarge their dominions whereunto they were more inabled by growing to a monarchie vnder Ottoman after that they had beene a while diuided vnder foure The time of an houre day month and yeere according to this is applied to the continuance of the Turkish greatnesse which counting a day for a yeere is 396. yeeres and so shall haue
not in a corner but in all countreys and nations of Christendome and shall wee doubt not be diffused into all other parts ere long This is the same in effect with that Chap. 10. Thou must prophesie againe to Nations and Kings and many peoples Feare God Vers 7. and giue glory to him c. this is all the effect of our preaching now and the speech is adaptated to the present occasion for in the time of Popery men feare the beast Pareus giue him glory and worship him as most admirable as was shewed Chap. 13. The chiefe thing therefore now to be pressed is to feare God and to worship him by giuing ouer that fond admiration of the Pope whereby they were drawne after him trusting in him and receiuing his Dictates as the Oracles of a God which indeed is the worshipping of him And the phrase here vsed giue glory to God doth fitly answer that in Chap. 11.13 where it is said that the great city being fallen and seuen thousand slaine the rest trembling gaue glory to God that is were conuerted from that superstition The time of his iudgment is come that is is at hand so that wee may gather hence as Chap. 10. where after the open booke appearing the Angell sweareth that time shall be no more c. that now since these things haue come to passe the destruction of the Pope and Papacy and of all wicked ones is very neere euen at the doores Touching the second Angell proclaiming the fall of Babylon Vers 8. it is plaine that by Babylon here the old city of the Assyrians so called is not meant both because this Babylon is described to be such as had dominion in the time of Saint Iohn ouer the Kings of the earth Chap. 17.18 and because the people of God are bidden to come out of this Babylon where they had not beene fiue hundred yeeres before the time of this Prophecie But some haue held that by Babylon the world is meant wherein there is so much confusion by reason of the Deuils reigning in it But this cannot stand Ambros Beda Arethas Haimo Primasius Ansel because this Babylon is spoken of but as a part of the world for with her all nations haue committed fornication and when it is fallen yet the world of the wicked remaine for they are threatened with euerlasting torments by the next Angell And lastly wee are bidden come out of Babylon which we cannot doe if by Babylon the whole world be vnderstood If wee looke backe to Chap. 11.8 we shall finde a great city mentioned which before was called the holy City vers 2. trodden vnder foot by the Gentiles two and forty moneths in which city it is said the Lord was slaine and his two witnesses their dead carkasses being cast out and all nations and kindreds beholding them which city all men know according to the letter is Ierusalem but spiritually the Text saith it is Aegypt or Sodome This city I shewed there setteth forth the Church of the Gentiles sometime holy but by Popery and Mahumetisme in time corrupted wonderfully and therefore called Aegypt or Sodom and the fall of it in part is also there spoken of vers 13. Now the same is called Babylon another great city and of great note for rule and dominion and of infamy for idolatry and cruelty and because Rome is the head of this corrupted Church and the chiefe city of the world the Papall Empire residing there but extending it selfe into all parts it is meant by this Babylon the name being aptly changed from Aegypt or Sodom to Babylon Ribera to expresse this imperiall Babel-like power Ribera the Iesuite acknowledgeth Rome to be meant by Babylon here alleging many worthy Writers who affirmed the same As Augustine August de Ciuit. Deid 8.6.22 who saith that Babylon falling Rome was built the daughter of Babylon and another very Babylon so likewise Euseb lib. 2. cap. 14. Beda Oecumen Victorinus Ieronym in Esa 24. Tertull. lib. 3. contra Marcion Sixtus Senensis Ludonicus Viues Lindanus Bellarmine c. But hee will not haue Rome as the state thereof now standeth to be Babylon but as it was vnder the persecuting heathen Emperours But this is a most vaine defence 1. Because Antichrist was not come whilst heathen Rome stood who by the consent of all must be come before this fall of Babylon 2. Because from this Babylon spirituall fornications that is idolatries are deriued to all countreys and nations whereas it was neuer so with heathen Rome for then all countreys were suffered to enioy their owne religions but the Christian onely 3. Because none of the Authors alleged except Tertullian liued whilst heathen Rome stood and therefore could not call Rome Babylon meaning heathen Rome Lastly because this Babylon is afterwards called The great Whoore noting a state apostatizing from the truth sometime receiued to goe after Idols for in the holy Scriptures Israel only and Iudah are taxed for whoredome and not either Countries because they were married as it were vnto the Lord and yet they fell from him to the seruing of Idols Other Nations which were neuer taken in for Gods peculiar though they were full of Idols could not properly be said to goe a whooring no more could heathen Rome but the Popish state now iuling there may justly be thus charged Ribera seeing that it is but a shift to apply this to Heathen Rome at the last leaueth it and saith That Rome is meant as it shall be when in the time of Antichrist it shall forsake the Pope and the Catholike Religion as he laboureth to make it probable that it shall doe But who so is wise will easily see that this is but a shift to elude a plaine euidence To Rome that now is and to the Pope who hath his seat there all circumstances doe so agree as that we are sure this Prophesie thus taken is already verified a state falling from the Pope there and returning to their old heathen idolatry is but a phantasma like the man in the Moone which none but fooles will beleeue to be so indeed Here is now the Empire ouer Kingdomes and Nations here are miracles and shewes that draw the world after the Pope After a long time of delusion by faire pretences the eternall Gospell is come to light againe and this state hath beene much shaken this thousand yeeres and vpward and is in a great part fallen but yet murthereth and destroyeth the Saints according to their old manner from hence are idolatries and superstitions deriued into all Countries and lastly now standeth that reuiued head which was deadly wounded being the seuenth which was to come after Saint Iohns time for of the seuen fiue were fallen one that is Emperours then stood and the seuenth that is the Pope was to come And the Iesuite in yeelding that Rome shall fall away to heathen idolatry from the Catholike Religion doth quite forget himselfe of that grand Maxim that
testified from Heauen Mat. 3. saying This is my beloued Sonne but to confesse the Sonne is to confesse the Father also and the way to be accepted for his in the world to come Mat. 10. For hee that confesseth mee saith Christ before men him will I confesse before my Father which is in Heauen From this 23. verse to the end of this Chapter there is nothing difficult more That which they heard from the beginning is that which our Sauiour Christ taught that who so would attaine to life should beleeue in him Ioh. 17.3 and that it is life eternall to know God and whom he hath sent Iesus Christ vers 24 25. Now these things he saith that he wrote vnto them because of seducers not that they needed any instruction herein for so much as they had the Spirit of God to teach them Note that such as erre in the doctrine of faith are very Antichrists Note and accordingly to be had in abomination and to be auoided Heresie is in effect to deny God the Sonne and so to deny the Father and to ouerthrow all religion and piety that they which are tainted herewith shall haue no more benefit of the Christian religion than Pagans and Infidels And therefore let vs hate Popery as being most notorious heresie not being deceiued because in word they professe Christ as wee doe Note againe Note that there are some in the Church which are not of the Church and this is manifested by their apostasie and falling from the truth to errour So that if any depart from the reformed Religion to Popery wee ought not to be troubled at it for they were neuer sound at the heart otherwise they could not haue departed Note also Note that the truly faithfull are instructed by the Spirit of God which as a sweet oyntment doth so sweeten their mindes with the truth as that they can neuer be corrupted and come to an ill sauour through errour and wickednesse Sinne they may but be destitute of grace sufficient for their saluation they can neuer be CHAP. III. HAuing made some way in the last verse of the former Chapter as I haue already shewed to returne to the commendation of a righteous and holy course of life he doth more at large prosecure that argument here ioyning vnto it a commendation of brotherly loue Touching righteousnesse and holinesse he stirreth vp vnto it first from the consideration of our estate we are the children of God and yet haue greater hopes and therefore cannot but be pure as he is pure Vers 1 2 3. Secondly from the consideration of that reference which we haue vnto Christ we are in him but he hath no sinne nay his comming into the world was to take away sinne and therefore who so is in him sinneth not Vers 4 5 6. Thirdly from the consideration of the state of wicked and sinfull men they know not Christ they are of the deuill Vers 6 7 8. Fourthly from the consideration of our new birth by the seed of God which being in vs keepeth vs from sinne Vers 9 10. Touching brotherly loue coupling the want of this with a sinfull life he first sheweth Vers 10. Vers 11. Vers 12 13. Vers 14 15. that such as haue no loue are not of God and then setting downe the command which wee haue to loue hee dehorteth from enmity and hatred instancing in Cains hatred against Abel and the worlds hatred and shewing the euent both of loue and of hatred Then hee exhorteth to loue vrging to loue in deed after the example of Christ Vers 16 17 18. condemning other loue which extendeth not to the releeuing of the miserable to be no loue And that this exhortation to loue indeed Vers 19 20 21 22. might take the more effect he sheweth what confidence towards God such a man may haue to obtaine whatsoeuer he desireth as doing his will herein and that which is pleasing vnto him Now that he doth his will and commandement he proueth because his command is that we beleeue in Christ Vers 23. and loue one another which last is a plaine euidence of the first he therefore that beleeueth and loueth keepeth his commandements and so abideth in him and how this may be knowne he immediatly sheweth euen by the Spirit which he hath giuen vs Vers 24. and thus againe he maketh way to speake of diuers spirits in the Chapter following 1 IOHN Chapter 3. Verse 1. For this the world knoweth vs not because it knoweth not him Beloued now we are the sonnes of God but yet it is not made manifest what we shall be c. BEcause we are the Sonnes of God the world knoweth vs not Th. Aquinas in 1 Iohn 3. that is by the knowledge of approbation or as the Glosse hath it they know not our dignity to loue and respect vs but doe esteeme basely of vs and afflict vs Because it knoweth not him that is beleeueth not in him It doth not appeare c. that is the great glory wherewith we shall be glorified appeareth not it is as a light hidden in a Pitcher till it be broken or as a light within a mans hands appearing onely through his fingers We know that when he shall appeare that is by the certainty of faith for faith doth assure vs of things inuisible now we know our selues to be Gods children by the vertues and miracles which by his spirit we are inabled to doe When he shall appeare that is at the day of iudgement Wee shall be like vnto him that is in the conformity of nature of grace and of glory We shall see him as he is that is in the very substance of his Deity which is not granted to any man liuing here The doubts of this place are first Mayer what is meant by the worlds not knowing of vs and to what these words For this haue reference I answer that the world of wicked men and vnbeleeuers are said not to know vs that are accepted to be the children of God because they doe not see into the excellency of this estate to prize and to esteeme of it And for this they know vs not because they know not Christ it was hidden from them of what excellency hee was which was the cause that they vsed him as base and contemptible For had they knowne him they could not but haue knowne his so much resembling him as they that haue knowne the father if his sonne commeth in presence which is very like him they know him to be his sonne and as he that hath well knowne a man if hee seeth his picture he knoweth whose picture it is And this is spoken to make vs vndismaid at the contempt and ignominy that shall be offered to vs in the world as a Prince laugheth at the railings and ill vsage of him by his owne seruants whilst they know him not Chrys Hom. 78. in Iohan. They know not saith Chrysostome what
the meaning is I would put you in minde of the great deliuerance that was once wrought by the Lord for his people which yee know So that knowing this once is as much as knowing this to haue beene once done But the second time he destroyed those that beleeued not that is as all agree afterwards he destroyed euen those for whom he had done such wonderfull things partly by serpents partly by plagues and partly by the sword and the earths opening of the mouth Touching the Angels sinning Vers 6. and being punished therefore see 2 Pet. 2.4 only I will adde thus much more in way of expounding these words The Angels that kept not their beginning this in the vulgar Latine is their principalitie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word vsed signifieth both Graec. Scholia Oecumen c. the Greeke Scholia fauoureth that of principalitie saying that they kept not the dignitie of their nature Others that after their beginning Erasmus Bezs they continued not such as they were created for they were good but became euill the Reader may follow either of these readings for their beginning was both holy and full of power and glorie This they kept not when they sinned but left their habitation Faber Stapi● Some expound this of the punishment of their sinne when they were cast out of Heauen downe to Hell But seeing the punishment followeth in the next words and hereby their sinne is set forth I rather subscribe to those that expound it of the holy and heauenly course of life in which they were set by their creation which was as it were Oecumen a proper dwelling for them or according to the sound of the words that in ambition they went out of the places assigned vnto them aspiring to the Throne of the most High Th. Aquinas and so this passage is an allusion to that of the Prophet Esay 14.13 For the chaines of darknesse in which they are said to be kept enough hath beene spoken already in the place before referred vnto 2 Pet. 2.4 Note that heretickes are vnder a spirituall iudgement Note which is a certaine fore-runner of the Eternall at the last day they please themselues indeed in their damnable errours and sensuall liuing but blinde soules they see not how little cause there is of taking pleasure yea what great cause of horrour and feare vnto them as being now in the verie suburbs of hell Note againe that it is not without a secret prouidence Note that heretikes and sensuall liuers spring vp in Christian Congregations to the great scandall of the Church for such as haue beene guided by the Spirit of God haue written long agoe of them Though some fall thus fouly yet the estate of all is not fickle and vncertaine for these haue beene long agoe appointed vnto this it is not the case of any of the elect true-hearted Christians to fall thus Note lastly Note that there is one externall blacke brand of Arch-heretickes seruing to discouer them to such as are not able to iudge otherwise of them by their doctrine and that is vnder a pretence of religion and zeale to bee wanton and filthie in their liues And such are most of the holy Orders in the Church of Rome and Popes themselues as their Histories doe abundantly declare Haply some of the common sort may be stricter in their liues but their Ring-leaders are notoriously licentious VER 8. Likewise also these dreamers doe defile the flesh they set light by authoritie and blaspheme glories Vers 9. Yet Michael the Arch-Angell when striuing with the Deuill he disputed about the bodie of Moses durst not bring the iudgement of blasphemie c. In calling them Dreamers Oecumen in Iud. hee doth wonderfully hide the obscoenitie of the thing by the honestie of the speech their filthinesse was so great as that it was too much for any waking to doe so The filthinesse of the Barborites so called from their sordid basenesse is laid open by Epiphanius in his booke written purposely thereof called Pannarium Neither did they onely such filthy things according to the flesh but waxed mad moreouer against the Diuine Nature abrogating the Domination and vniuersall Empire thereof as Ireneus writeth Or else by the Domination or authoritie which they are said to set light by or to vilifie the ceremonies of Christs mysterie are meant in the roome of which they brought in their owne villanies The glories which they are said to blaspheme are the old and new Testaments for vnto them both Paul attributeth glorie 2 Cor. 3. 2 Col. 3. 3 Ioh. Or else Ecclesiasticall Dignities against which they inueighed as Saint Iohn saith of Diotrephes that he vsed railing speeches against them The Arch-Angell Michael conflict with the Deuill about the bodie of Moses was this The sepulture of the bodie of Moses is said to haue beene committed to Michael herein the Deuill hindred him alleaging that Moses was guiltie of murther for that he killed an Aegyptian and therefore ought not to haue any such honourable buriall but his bodie belonged vnto him Vpon this his striuing with him the Arch-Angell refrained himselfe from opprobrious speeches and so from the greater being in contention with the Deuil he argueth to the greater conuiction of them in their railing Moreouer there is another end also in alleaging this example that hereby wee might gather how the Deuill lieth vpon the catch after our departure out of this life to hinder vs from Heauen if hee can obiect any wickednesse against vs and how the good Angels of God stand to defend vs if wee bee guiltlesse Vers 10. Such things as they know not they raile against c. that is the mysticall points of religion but in those things wherein they haue knowledge that is in vile lusts they doe like bruit beasts defile themselues Then hee compareth them to Cain Vers 11. because by their errours they killed mens soules and by eating the seed of generation they destroyed bodies that might haue beene And to Balaam because they did these things for gaine And lastly to Core because though vnworthy they did with him arrogate to themselues the authoritie of teaching They set light by authoritie that is Tho. Aquin. either of Princes or Prelates whom they commonly disobey through a desire to aduance themselues And they blaspheme the Maiestie of God yet the Glosse by glories vnderstandeth either God or the Angels or Saints who are blasphemed by erroneous doctrine Out of what Scriptures the storie of Michael is taken it is vncertaine yet it is credible when God by the ministerie of his Angell hid the bodie of Moses Deut. 34.6 lest the people of Israel finding it should abuse it to idolatrie the Deuill stroue with him to bring it to light In other passages here Thomas Aquinas differeth not from Oecumenius Mayer neither is there much difference more amongst other Expositors Briefly therefore these expositions
long time Some vnderstand the time of the reigne of the ten persecuting Emperours a Brightman Some precisely but ten dayes Lastly some the ten yeeres of Traians persecution who raged all that time like a Deuill till that by Pliny the second writing vnto him of the innumerable company of Christians that were put to death a cessation was obtained Yet one will haue it referred to the ten yeeres of Dioclesians persecution Fox for that lasted iust ten yeeres according to Eusebius For mine owne part I preferre that exposition of the ten persecuting Emperours euery ones time being his day and their times are said to be but ten dayes that is but a short time to comfort the faithfull in their sufferings and because with the Lord many yeeres are but as a day A long time cannot be meant because this would haue greatly discomforted them nor an vncertaine time for the comfort of the faithfull in their sufferings is that God limiteth the time of their sufferings to the very day beyond which they shall not passe For Traians time they had their persecutions as sharply repeated ouer againe after it and for Dioclesians it were much that comfort should not bee spoken to them against any before for though no persecution were so terrible yet they were all terrible enough to shake their faith had they not beene supported with this comfort that they should haue but ten such brunts and then be deliuered Touching the different title giuen to the reward here promised Vers 12. He shall not be hurt of the second death this serueth to arme them against the feare of death bodily according to the argument of the Epistle and as hath beene already touched THe third Epistle is to the Church of Pergamus The third Epistle contained in six verses 12 13 14 15 16 17. wherein their constancy in the faith is commended and the following of the doctrine of Balaam condemned with an admonition to repent vnder paine of being stricken with his sword and incouragement to ouercome by the hidden Manna and a white stone with a name written thereon promised Quest 1. Why is the Lord set forth here Vers 12. as hauing a sharpe two-edged sword Answ Because as all agree he is to deale with rebels against the truth whom hee threateneth to cut off with the sword One hath a conceit vpon the name Pergamus signifying the diuision of hornes Gorran because Heretikes haue two hornes to push at the truth one is the wresting of the Scriptures the other is their sophistry in arguing against which a two-edged sword is opposed Quest 2. What is meant by Satans throne Vers 13. which he saith was there and who was Antipas his faithfull Martyr Answ I omit to speake any thing of the Angell of this Church because I finde nothing said of him who it should be Satans throne according to most argueth the height of impiety and sin and his dwelling the continued course hereof and withall the outward eminency of this place For the seat of the persecuting Emperors is called afterwards the throne of the dragon Chap. 13.2 and of the Deuill and Satan Chap. 12.9 so that it may hence be gathered that Pergamus was a royall city and so it was indeed for it was the seat of Attalus Philometor a king after that of the Roman Proconsuls Liu. Decad. 4. l. 7. And most notoriously sinfull this city was for it was giuen to idolatry according to Arethas more than any city in Asia Antipas as Arethas thinketh was a Pastour of that Church burnt to death in a brazen bull for the profession of the Christian religion whereby they could not yet be made to shrinke But God still had a Church there and why not then in the midst of Popery If it be obiected if there were any many yeeres agoe it was inuisible so as this Church was not I answer it might be so indeed and yet true that there was such a Church as in the dayes of Elias but it was not so inuisible but that the Antichrist of Rome could finde them out in all ages to put them to martyrdome Quest 3. What is meant by holding the doctrine of Balaam Vers 14. Thou hast there such as hold the doctrine of Balaam Answ Here is not onely made mention of Balaam but vers 15. of the Nicolaitans also which whether it be a taxation of two vices or of one diuersly expressed some make question But it is most likely by the manner of speaking Parous that it is onely declared by this circumlo quution wherein the wickednesse of the Nicolaitans did consist which was before passed ouer in silence After the maner of Balaam they were Authors to the Christians of eating things offered to idols and of fornication for so the sequele of the History of Balaam doth declare Num. 22.23 24. that he aduised Balaak to set faire women to call the Hebrewes to their idolatrous feasts and thence to luxury For this doth so necessarily append vpon the other that Ierome hath rightly said Venter vino aestuans citò despumatin libidinem Vicina sunt venter genitalia pro vicinitate membrorum sequitur confoederatio vitiorum Vers 17. The bellie boiling with wine doth soone seeth ouer into lust And againe The belly and the genitals are neere together and therefore through the vicinitie of members followeth a confederation of vices Quest 4. Why is eternall blisse here propounded vnder the name of hidden Manna and a white stone two names or two wayes when as other Epistles propound but one Answ Most Expositors obserue three wayes of setting forth the reward here the hidden Manna the white stone and the name written in it vnknowne to any saue to him that hath it But they may well come vnder two because this name is comprehended in the second For the diuers rewards named more than in other Epistles before going the like course is vsed also in the three Epistles next following but I finde nothing by Expositors obserued hereupon but onely that this is spoken according to the necessity of these Churches being more oppressed by the wicked aduersaries and so hauing more temptations where almost all were enemies Whereunto if we adde that more is here spoken for the amplifying of the benefit promised we shall attaine to the full reason of this variety More particularly the reward is compared to hidden Manna that is the pot of Manna kept in the Arke for a monument of what God had done for the Israelites in feeding them miraculously in the wildernes with Manna when other food falled it is said to be hidden because the people might not looke into the Arke to see it Exod. 16.33 Heb. 9.4 To this Manna it is alluded here because as that was ministred vnto the people of Israel in the wildernesse so they were preserued when in mans reason they must needs haue perished for want of food so the
before it is so vsed with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as that it must necessarily be taken for the beginning I expound it thus only Now to this Church the Lord doth thus set forth himselfe that it might be warned to repent seeing all the taxations here are true and whatsoeuer she pretended of being rich c. yet she was certainly poore and naked and if she would bethinke her selfe to be better furnished she might well come to him for gold and cloathing or any thing because he was the beginning of the creature all things haue their being from him and therefore of him store of all spirituall furniture is to be had My Authors adapt it vnto power because of Christs power to spue them out Brightman Brightman refers it to the accomplishment of Gods blessings promised to godlinesse in outward things for which he saith that he is faithfull We learne from hence to submit when we are taxed from the Lord and acknowledge our vilenesse indeed and to seeke from him a supply of all spirituall necessaries who is the beginning of the diuine creation in whom all are new creatures their deformity being put away Quest 2. I would that thou wert either cold or hot Vers 15. What is meant by cold and hot and how is the cold preferred before the luke-warme Answ Some by cold vnderstand such as being sinners haue a sense of sorrow for their sinnes by hot such as haue ioy in Gods saluation by luke-warme Greg. lib. 34. Mor. c. 2. such as are well enough pleased in their sinfull estate as not being so great sinners but bearing themselues vpon their outward workes Others by cold vnderstand such as are altogether vnconuerted Tho. Aquin. Qu. 3. de malo Ambros●ser 118. Richard de Sancto victore c. and so enemies to the truth by hot such as are zealous for the truth by luke-warme such as by outward profession are for the truth but in their liues and doings as sinfull as the cold and hereunto all our new Writers agree And this is the most probable for there is more possibility of the conuersion of a Iew or Pagan than of him who hauing receiued the truth is without all power of it in his life and the condemnation of the one shall be easier than of the other as is declared Ezech. 16. Heb. 10.2 Pet. 2. Matth. 11. c. God doth not therefore wish that men were cold as taking any pleasure in it but comparatiuely that such Christians as haue no zeale to follow and liue according to the religion by them professed might learne to acknowledge their dangerous estate they are worse than Infidels than enemies of the truth that were neuer inlightened Quest 3. Vers 13. I counsell thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire c. What is meant here by Gold and Garments and Eye-salue and wherefore are they bidden to buy it of him and when as there were foure things complained of he aduiseth but against three there was Pouerty Nakednesse Blindnesse and Misery here Gold Garments and Eye-salue Answ Some by God vnderstand Charity by white Garments good workes Beda Richard de Sancto Victore Rupertus Bullinger Pareus by Eye-salue spirituall ill umination and because the want of these three make a mans case miserable therefore these onely are mentioned as which being obtained his misery ceaseth Others by Gold vnderstand the Word of God receiued by faith because it is compared vnto Gold tried seuen times in the fire Psal 12. and by white Garments the righteousnesse of Christ put on by faith Primas Gregor l. 4. Moral c. 34. Others by Gold vnderstand wisdome and by fire charity so that gold tried in the fire or fired is wisdome ioyned with charity For mine owne part I am not satisfied with any of these expositions vnlesse by charity we vnderstand the substance of grace diffused so in the heart as that it is truly addicted to all holy obedience and by good workes and vnblamable life like to that of Zachary and Elizabeth and as for the Eye-salue all are agreed that it is spirituall illumination whereby a man seeth the excellency of these things and the vanity of temporall being therefore taken vp in his meditations and affections with the one and contemning the other And thus this passage will most fitly agree to this Church for that being Christian only in profession but wanting all zeale and care of a conuersation sutable it is said to be poore naked and blinde poore through the want of soundnesse of Religion within naked and so deformed through heathen-like conditions and worldly manners blind through an ouer-esteeming of the vaine and transient things of this world and a sleighting of heauenly things Wherefore if soundnesse of Religion within be gotten and an vnblameable carriage without and spirituall light of vnderstanding there will bee a full deliuerance from all this misery And soundnesse within may well be set forth by the purest gold because as that is most precious of all metals so this of all graces being the very oile in the Lampe Mat. 25. 1 Cor. 13. and the charity without which all is vaine and therefore some are said to be vessels of gold 2 Tim. 2.20 As for white garments it hath beene already shewed vpon vers 5. that they doe rightly set forth an in-offensiue life seeing the scandalous are blacke spots and blots For the Word of God and Christs righteousnesse applyed by faith I cannot see how they can so fitly be brought in here seeing this Church is not charged to haue left the Word and expecting to be iustified by faith as no Hypocrites doe but onely faulted in remisnesse Buying here is nothing but getting by prayer and spirituall endeuours not for any price giuen by vs as is expressed by the Prophet saying Esay 55.1 Come buy wine and milke without money as all Expositors consent Wouldst thou not therefore be miserable get soundnesse at the heart and rest not in holy shewes with Hypocrites get white cloathing of a spotlesse conuersation and to be lifted vp in thy heart to things aboue that thou maist bee drawne after them and grow into a contempt of the base things that are here below That which is added I chasten those whom I loue is spoken as a reason of the sharpe reprehension before-going that they might not despaire but be drawn to embrace his counsell how bitter soeuer he might seeme to be against them because it is spoken in loue And it seemeth that this admonition had some good effect to cause this Church to repent Euseb Eccl. hist lib. 4. cap. 26. lib. 7. cap 28. for Eusebius praiseth the Church of Laodicea in his time and particulatizeth some excellent Bishops there who stood zealously for the truth Quest 4. Behold I stand at the doore and knocke Vers 20. if any man heare my voice and open the doere I will come in and sup with him c. What
Aug. lib. 20. de Ciuit. Dei c. 17. that here the same things are many waies repeated that diuers things may seeme to be spoken when as it may be found out that the same things are spoken diuers waies Wherefore with these my Authors I distinguish this Booke from hence-forward to the end into six visions First of the seales c. to the end of the seuenth Chapter Secondly of the Trumpets to the end of the eleuenth Thirdly of the woman in child-bed c. to the end of the fourteenth Chapter Fourthly of the seuen Vials to the end of the sixteenth Chapter Fiftly of the whore of Babylon to the end of the nineteenth Chapter Sixtly of the Angell binding Satan c. to the end of the Booke To beginne with the vision of these two Chapters Quest 1. Behold a white horse Vers 2. and he that sate on him had a bow c. What is meant by this white horse and by the red and blacke and pale horse and why doth the first beast prepare to the beholding of this the second to the second c. and why in speaking of the third is there a voice out of the Throne heard Vers 5. A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barly for a penny c. Petrus Aureolus Cardinalis Blas Viegas Ans There is great difference amongst Expositors here Some will haue the Roman Emperours vnderstood at foure times First vnder Caius Caligula in whose time the enemies of Christianity the Iewes were destroied and Caius though not purposely was made the instrument Secondly vnder Nero Domitian who first put out publike edicts for the persecuting of Christians Thirdly vnder Titus whose Empire was a blacke time to the Iewes suffering besides many other things much famine Fourthly vnder Domitianus who moued the second persecution and put Iohn into boiling lead But all these things being past and this vision tending to set forth things to come this exposition cannot stand Primasius Augustine Haimo Beda Arethas Others vnderstand by the first the going forth of the Gospell vnder Christs conduct who with his spirituall arrowes pierceth mens hearts and hath a Crowne to reward the faithfull withall by the second oppositions of the truth stirred vp by the Deuill as the rider of the red horse by the third false Christians and hypocriticall hauing a ballance onely for a colour whom the Deuill also rideth by the fourth persecutions to the death by the sword and wilde beasts c. But neither doth this agree because killing one another vnder the second horse is expresly mentioned and not opposing onely and the exposition of the third is too generall concerning all times whereas doubtlesse the intent here is to set downe the diuers condition of the Church in seuerall ages Bullenger Forbs Brightman Aretius Others vnderstand by the second horse wars wherewith the world was punished for not receiuing the Gospell when the Romans were so full of trouble by the third famins wherewith they were afterwards punished as in the dayes of Seuerus witnesse Tertull. in Apologet. who maketh mention both of a most grieuous famine and of a strange ecclipse of the Sunne in Conuentu Vitcensi By the fourth horse plague and pestilence wherewith they were further punished If by these three last horses iudgements were set forth vpon persecutors how is it that the soules vnder the Altar complaine for want of reuenge this happened in the dayes of Gallus and Volusianus for then a plague beginning at Aethiopia ouerspread almost all the East and West enduring fifteene yeeres as Zonaras writeth and Dionys Alexandrinus in Epist ad Fratres But partly because according to this exposition either the words following of the day of iudgement must bee forced or the greatest space of time betwixt that pestilence and the end of the world will bee left vntouched and partly because these punishments tooke not vp all but some of those persecuting times whereas if it may bee such an exposition is requisite as may agree to the whole tract of time from this Reuelation made vnto the end therefore I cannot see how this may be receiued Richard de Sancto victore Io●chim D. Chytreus Aretius Fulco Franc. Lamb. Pareus Collado The most common receiued exposition is that by the second horse is set forth the bloudy persecution ensuing the preaching of the Gospell which went out conquering vpon the first horse which persecution continued till Constantine By the third horse which is blacke is set forth the trouble which the Church suffered by Heretikes such as Arrius Macedonius Nestorius c. with which trouble the Church was conflicting aboue two hundred yeres And by the fourth horse which is pale is set forth the trouble of the Church by corruption in religion in the Papacy and Mahumetisme destroying a world of people after all which hell the reward of these disturbers of the peace of the Church followeth for almost to this effect many Writers speake And herein as in the most sound exposition of these horses doe I rest for the horse being for warre is fit to set forth either how religion hath preuailed or how it hath beene in countered and hindered I doe not so approue that Christ should bee the rider of the white horse for hee standeth at this time as a Lambe opening the seales but the Christian religion is the rider and hath a crowne in token of victory vpon the red horse rideth persecution red with bloud-shed and in that a sword is spoken of it agreeth excellently to the prediction of our Sauiour Christ I came not to send peace but a sword Vpon the blacke horse rideth Heresie which though it were red through bloud-shed also yet because the most dangerous thing herein was the obscuring of the truth by subtilty of argument it is said to bee blacke Vpon the pale horse rideth corruption in religion said to bee pale like death because that insensibly hereby is brought a deadnesse all ouer the world all pure bloud of religion which maketh fresh and ruddy being wrought out by degrees and when any begin to reuiue as of late yeres thanks be to God there haue beene many they haue beene presently destroyed in innumerable multitudes so that it may well bee said that the third part is thus consumed Touching the beasts in order stirring vp to attention Brightman I doe not thinke with some that either the Apostles in the first age are set forth or Iustin Martyr in the next or Tertullian in the third or Cyprian in the fourth but because a crowne suteth well with a Lion a sword or knife with a calfe a paire of scales with a man and a multitude of dead carkasses with an eagle to which it vsually resorteth I thinke that it is said the first beast like a Lion calleth to the first sight and so the rest vnto the other or perhaps there is no signification at all herein intended but because these
expressing the same time Pareus resolueth it well Pareus This phrase is borrowed from Daniel 7.25 and c. 12.7 where it setteth forth the time of Antiochus his rage who was the forerunner of Antichrist Brightman that this is done that we might not faint vnder this persecution when we shall see it last long for though being set forth by 1260. daies it may seeme short yet the Spirit of God would haue vs know that it is a long time as we account there being first a certaine space of time and when that is expired times and last of all halfe a time more and Brightmans conceit herein is excellent that haply the Lord by this distinction would haue vs vnderstand that in this time of Antichrists reigne and the Churches being vnder there are three distinctions one of Antichrists rise wherein was the beginning of this womans solitude to bee vnderstood by a time for in this space he came to his height and the Church was brought to the lowest ebbe the second of his holding in that state which is twice as long the third of his declining when the Church shall grow towards her deliuerance which is effected in halfe a time Thus he But I hold me rather to the former resolution as more agreeable to that which I haue before deliuered touching the determination of this time which in all probability will not be till ann 1860. And then the declining time of Antichrist and the rising time of the Church will bee 360. yeeres And thus I haue deliuered what I conceiue touching the time when this persecution beginneth for when we come to expound the time of continuance in the Wildernesse I hold the same with diuers learned Writers on our side before mentioned who make the Cities conculcation when the Witnesses prophesie and the time of this lying hid in the Wildernesse all one Let the Reader consider and iudge of all Touching the floud cast out of the Dragons mouth after the woman Brightman which was by the earth swallowed vp in succour of the woman some vnderstand it of the ouerflowing of Africa and part of Europe by the Goths Vandals Heruls and Longobards by whom the whole Church was endangered as by a floud of being vtterly extinct but these earthly and barbarous people set forth by the earth comming into these parts were brought to the embracing of the Christian Religion though corruptly and so became more milde towards Christian people which is the earths swallowing vp of the floud I cannot see how this doth any way agree both because this incursion by these Barbarians was made about ann 400. long before the Churches desolation here described and if the Church had beene succoured by their growing more gentle it would haue beene said rather but the floud dried vp and not as here the earth swallowed it vp noting some reliefe that came to the Church aliundè Some by the floud vnderstand the Popes endeuours to bring the Roman Catholike Princes into a league Grasser to root out with their ioint forces the reformed Religion which they could neuer effect by reason of the differences amongst them in respect of their earthly possessions this made Clement the eighth of late to excommunicate the Councellors both of Spaine and France and this variance of theirs about earthly things is said to be the earth helping the woman by Gods prouidence who turneth it to the good of the Church Some will haue this Floud to bee the edicts of heathen Emperours against Christians to root them out Fox and the Earth the Famines and Pestilences and Warres that still happening hindered the execution of these decrees but these things being in former times are misapplied here Bullinger And likewise whereas some vnderstand it of the Scismes and Heresies hapning in the primitiue Church and of the troubles and persecutions stirred vp by Satan when the Church was fled amongst the Gentiles against which they were succoured vnexpectedly the earthly ones themselues being oftentimes a meanes to appease these tumults as the Towne Clerke in Ephesus was Act. 19. Pareus reckoneth vp other Interpretations made by some Parcus that this floud is the troubles and afflictions of the Church in all times but this is too generall and more specially the heresies and blasphemous opinions held in the daies of Christian Emperours whereby the Deuill as by a floud sought to drowne all true Religion for the space of 300. yeeres after Constantine which before hee set forth to be the time of the womans fleeing away and herein he resteth The earth hee saith some interpret to be Christ for his stability some generall Councels called from all parts of the earth for the condemning of heresies which is not likely seeing such Councels do rather resemble Heauen Ioh. 3. Christ is said to be from Heauen heauenly in opposition to such as be from the earth earthly He therefore expoundeth it onely in generall of a miraculous preseruation Numb 16. in allusion to the earths opening the mouth and swallowing vp Chorah and his company holding that wee ought not to search any further into any particular meaning But for so much as I haue already gone from the ground of this exposition viz. the reckoning of the time of the womans fleeing to be 300. yeeres and this floud was cast out after her vpon her fleeing and being come into the wildernesse which was in a short time for she was soone chased thither and when she abode there this floud was sent out after her I must needs rather subscribe to them which hold that the time of casting out this floud was in the time here described Grasserus said to bee a time and times and halfe a time and so some great warres attempted by the Popes instigation for the vtter rooting out of the reformed Religion are figured out by the floud And of such warres we shall finde there haue beene many euer since the breaking out of the light in the time of Iohn Husse and Ierome of Prague and before that against the Waldenses and Albingenses and afterwards against the Lutherans in Germany and the Caluinists in France where diuers great men entred a league to root them out But the earth holpe the woman The History of the Bohemian warres is most famous for the illustrating of this for Sigismund the Emperour being stirred vp by the Pope to persecute the Bohemians for cleauing constantly to the Doctrine of Iohn Husse after that it and they were condemned in the Councell of Constance inuaded Bohemia with a great power but his army being ouerthrowne and much wasted by a few scattered troupes of the Hussites Henrici Mutij Chron. lib. 27. the Emperour departed home much discouraged But soone after greater forces are sent against them being led by the Princes of Germany the Duke of Saxony the Marquesse of Brandenberge and the Archbishop of Treuers by the instigation of Pope Martin the fifth They entered in three
a notable place for satisfying that question Note what became of the Church all the time that the Pope preuailed if the Roman Catholike Church bee not the true Church As in the dayes of Elijah there were seuen thousand scattered thorowout the tribes of Israel who were vnknowne 1 King 19. so in these times there were many thousands some in one countrey and somein another that did distaste the idolatries and superstitions of Rome preserued by the care of the Lambe when the roaring Lion the Deuill deuoured most Touching this company with the Lambe and the harpers whose musicke is heard and the found in heauen as of many waters there are some that vnderstand the seruants of God vpon earth by them all Bullinger Napier Fox the multitude of whom is set forth by the voyce of many waters their bold threatning of iudgements against sinne by thunder and their ioy in the middest of trouble by singing and playing vpon harpes that new song of redemption by the bloud of Christ set forth in the Gospell not an old song such as was wont to bee sung vnder the Law though this song be also to be applied vnto the Saints in heauē And one more particularly vnderstādeth the noise as of many waters Brightman of the teaching of the Doctors that liued in the time of the womans first beginning to be in the wildernesse such as Augustine Ambrose Ierom c. who made a confused noise like to that of many waters not distinctly setting downe the points of faith the noise of thunder of Wickliffe Iohn Husse Ierom of Prague Luther c. who stirred vp men in diuers parts as the cracking thunder and the harpers singing of the reformed Churches after obtaining a liberty of the true religion in Heluetia Sueuia Geneua c. where God was praised for the light breaking out amongst them Lyra. One telleth a tale of an hundred forty and foure thousand Monkes slaine by the Hagarens in Syria and Antioch about the end of Heraclius his reigne Ribera Some vnderstand such a number of the Iewes which shall be conuerted when Antichrist shall come or part Iewes and part Gentiles But Pareus is of the same minde and agreeth with this our exposition distinguishing the company with the Lambe and those of whom the noise is heard and indeed to vnderstand it otherwise is to confound things distinguished seeing after the hundred forty and foure thousand spoken of vpon mount Zion with the Lambe this noise is heard from heauen and these vpon earth still learne their song which none else could doe because as none but the faithfull haue the Spirit of God and feele that ioy which is in the grace of God so none but they can produce the true effects of this ioy by heartily magnifying Gods holy Name Heartily to praise God then being affected with his mercy in Christ Note is a propriety of such as belong vnto Christ the praises of others are but the harsh sounding of the instruments of an orall voyce without the grace of the consent of the animall voyce wherein onely is life and sweetnesse Touching the description of these hundred forty and foure thousand Bullinger Tossanus Pareus Fox Aug. non polluerunt se m●l cribu● l. ●●●u●ciau●rāt carnal cupiditat bus nec adhascrunt idolis d●js alients l●ae●●●ius aut ei●ori●us sed sunt virgines spirituales quorum spoasus Christus est These haue not defiled themselues with women c. most of our new Writers consent to that which hath beene said that whoredome committed with the great whore is specially meant from which they haue beene free though some apply it vnto chastity also in respect of the body both in the single and married estate And not onely our new Writers but the ancient Fathers vnderstand spirituall pollution by idolatry here as Augustine saying They haue not defiled themselues with women that is they haue renounced carnall concupiscences neither haue they cleaued to idols to strange Gods heresies or errours but are spirituall Virgins whose husband is Christ And Ambrose saith vpon that speech of the Apostle I haue prepared you for one man that I might present you a pure Virgin vnto Christ He will haue them to be virgins in faith such as Iohn doth describe being with Christ in the Reuelation where he saith these are they that haue not defiled themselues with women It is most absurd to hold here with the Hieracite a sort of Heretikes of old who condemned marriage as ioyned with pollution and many Popish Writers now adayes that apply this vnto votaries that leade a single life and therefore one of them Alcasar being ashamed of this Alcasar consenteth with vs that they are the Virgins here meant who haue not corrupted themselues by an inordinate affection towards the creature And indeed if Virgins properly vnderstood should be meant many absurdities would follow thereupon 1. None of the Patriarkes could be followers of the Lambe because they were all married as were diuers of the Apostles also 2. Gods owne ordinance should be an hindrance to the following of the Lambe 3. All that are truly religious must needs be single because all that are redeemed and saued are here set forth c. It is the praise of those that haue beene separate from Popish abominations they as pure virgins are of the society Note and make the Spouse of Christ others that are corrupted by error haue nothing to doe with him no more than impure with pure darkenesse with light Belial with God Touching their following of Christ whithersoeuer he goeth it is well expressed further by some Bullinger Brightman that if hee will haue them goe after him to the losse of their goods of their good name yea of their life by any kinde of most cruell death yet they are ready thus to follow him They are a first fruits vnto God that is most holy and but a few in comparison of the great multitude that shall come in as the truth shall further inlarge it selfe Antichrist being more and more consumed and confounded euen as the first fruits of corne are consecrated vnto God and are but a little quantity in comparison of the whole crop This allegory is most significant to set forth the small number of those that shall be saued and their praise before going Note which is also their happinesse serueth notably to shew the Christian resolution of this number they are ready bent to follow Christ thorow the greatest troubles and worldly miseries so that if any will be a follower of him but onely so farre forth as may stand with his ease profit or preferment he is excluded out of this number Quest 2. And I saw another Angeli flying thorow the midst of heauen Vers 6 c. hauing an eternall Gospell to preach to all the inhabitants of the earth and to euery nation tongue and people c. What is set forth by this Angell and
preuaile as it is said of a threefold cord that it is not easily broken These preuaile so as that the Potentates of the earth stand to the Pope and fight for him and his religion euen vntill the great day of the Lords battell when all shall bee cut off that is at the day of iudgement which is described vnder the next viall by the commotions in the aire by thunderings and lightenings c. Others by the first plague vnderstand the Hierarchicall kingdome set vp in the dayes of Gregory the seuenth Grasser when the Roman Clergy began to be exempt from the secular iurisdiction becomming thus the more licentious in their filthinesse seeing none but the Pope and his instruments now had power to iudge them So that they make these seuen vials none other but types of corruption by degrees inuading the Church of Rome first in their manners they becomming most filthy and vile 2. In their doctrine set forth vnder the second viall by the sea turned into bloud 3. In their bloud-shed by being an occasion of many ciuill warres and dissentions 4. In their tyranny scorching like the heat of the Sunne in the Canicular dayes beginning in the dayes of Gregory the eighth 5. After all this the throne of the beast was darkened in the Councell of Constance by meanes of Iohn Husse and Ierom of Prague boldly laying open the wickednesse of the Papacy which made them euen to gnaw their tongues for sorrow 6. The sixt viall tooke effect in the sixteenth age of Christs incarnation when the Lusitanians passing beyond the promontory of the cape of good hope came into the Persian gulfe whereinto the riuer of Euphrates falleth and subiected the East parts thereof and going further tooke Calecut and Molucco and Iapania which are the vttermost bounds of the world and of the East in respect of vs founding there many Bishoptickes and seminaries of Iesuites whereas this way was neuer opened before neither had they any knowledge of the Romish religion And that this Prophecy might be fulfilled according to the letter by the comming of the Kings of the East from those parts so farre remote the Iesuites brought ouer the Embassadours of the three Kings of Iaponia ann 1584. thorow the most famous parts of Spaine and Italy to Rome where in the name of their kings they did obedience to Gregorie the thirteenth then Pope Genebrard in Psal 68 v 34. and this Genebrard himselfe a Papist acknowledgeth to bee the fulfilling of this prophecie holding that they came ouer to succour the Church now languishing through the great opposition that it findeth in these parts And in this time the Popes Legats and the Iesuites like frogs leaping about bestirre themselues to make ciuill commotions in all parts of Christendome for the rooting out of heretikes as they call them but the armies are gathered together into Harmageddon signifying a cursed army and so they make a way hereby to their owne vtter destruction figured out vnder the seuenth viall This exposition is prosecuted very largely by the Author Others vnderstanding by the earth whereupon these Angels are bidden to powre out their vials Forbs the earthly kingdome of Antichrist distinguish them according to the relation betwixt the earth sea riuers and aire which at the first are altogether vnderstood by the earth which is below being opposed to heauen aboue And thus the first viall is the first and lightest degree of euill that befell this kingdome when by the light of the Gospell their auarice filthinesse pride and hypocrisie as noisome boiles were detected ●ew yet daring to challenge their doctrine which is impugned vnder the next viall when this Sea appeared filthy like bloud the very worship processions and pilgrimages amongst them being exclaimed vpon as superstitious Vnder the third the corruption of their chiefe Doctours who as riuers seeke by their eloquence and learning to sweeten this Sea is set forth and withall the execution done vpon them for their conspiracies and treacheries against states and kingdomes Vnder the fourth viall they are inraged against the truth being exceedingly heat and vexed by the light and Sun-shine thereof growing clearer and of more force euery day for in stead of repenting they are more obdurated hereby Vnder the fift viall is shewed how the glory of Antichrists kingdome is darkened the Pope and Papistry becomming now vile and odious to many whereupon like men distracted they gnaw their tongues for sorrow Vnder the sixt viall is shewed how the riches glory and dominion of this kingdome being decayed set forth by the riuer Euphrates dried vp wherein it is alluded to Ier. 51. an open way shall be made for the Iewes and Mahumetans in the East to come in and receiue the Gospell that as their defection in the Easterne parts to Mahumetisme was occasioned by the rise of the Pope so their comming againe to embrace the truth may follow vpon the fall of the Pope But the Popes emissaries compared to vncleane spirits and frogs shall still seeke to hinder it by exciting the Potentates of the earth to wars in fauour of the Pope which when they shall be about with an high enterprise set forth by the word Harmageddon that is the mountaine of Megiddo which place is twice mentioned 1. Iudg. 5. when Iabin and Sisera are said to fall at the waters of Megiddo 2. when Iosiah was slaine by Pharaoh Necho in the valley of Megiddo 2 King 23. but here neither waters nor valley but mountaine of Megiddo is named to shew that when they should be at the highest pitch of their designe they should be defeated as God is said to foile Gog vpon the mountaines of Israel and hence a two-fold sorrow shall ensue one worldly of those that are ouerthrowne as the Midianites sorrowed when Iabin and Sisera were discomfited the other godly of those that hereby take occasion to see and acknowledge him whom they haue pierced as Zach. 12. and as they mourned for Iosiah when he was slaine by Pharaoh Necho Vnder the seuenth viall the great alteration that after these things shall be in the world is set forth all the enemies of the truth being destroyed the Church shall come to a flourishing state hauing nothing to expect more but the comming of the Bridegroome Christ Iesus Some more particularly holding that by these Angels certaine eminent persons are set forth Brightman who were stirred vp against the Papacy will haue the first to bee Queene ELIZABETH of blessed memory about ann 1560. and the byle to be her fauouring of the reformed religion turning out of their Bishoprickes and liuings Popish Bishops and Parsons The second Chemnitius in his writing of that booke called Examen Concilij Tridentini wherein the Sea of the Councell of Trent is set forth in the colours all bloudy and corrupt The third the Parlament here in England ann 1581. decreeing that they should be proceeded against as traitours who should at any time after goe about
but by the Westerne Kings who set vp the Whore she must be made desolate againe as is plainly shewed Chap. 17.16 and it were strange that such a poore runnagate people as the Iewes should haue the title of Kings of the East where they are the basest and of the least account I subscribe therefore to them that expound it as altogether Allegoricall by Euphrates the reuenues of the Popedome being meant and by the Kings of the East such Kings as God would stirre vp in these parts to be her vtter ruine and ouerthrow the great defence which is in the riuer of worldly wealth being taken away as sometime Euphrates was dreaned whereby Babylon was taken by Cyrus and Darius Easterne Kings And because the wealth of Spaine is so great a meanes to strengthen this kingdome yet I thinke it not amisse to bring that in also within the compasse of this great riuer In that part where the Popes reuenues runne the water is very shallow at this day there is great probability that the other will be much diminished shortly if not cleane dryed vp if the Indian treasure be once cut off which is very powerfully attempted And hitherto I thinke that these vials haue taken effect for the most part already onely we are to expect the drying vp of this Euphrates more and more and then that such Kings and Princes as abominate Rome for the wickednesse therof should vniting their forces giue the on-set vnto her desolation Touching the seuenth Angell I hold it best to go with the common streame of them that expound this of the finall iudgment 7. Angell not only of the beast and his followers but of the whole world that of the beast being againe re-assumed to bee more fully declared in the Chapters following as being the most remarkable thing pointed at in this booke For without wresting and straining the passages here in such manner as that there is no president for it in other places of holy Scripture it cannot be applied otherwise It is done Babylon came into remembrance to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenesse of Gods wrath and euery Iland fled away and the mountaines were no more found What else can these speeches set forth but the full and finall recompencing of the Whore of Babylon and of others enemies of the truth which cannot be said to haue beene done but at the last day For then onely it may be rightly spoken it is done it being till then but in doing and it is at that time onely that there is flying away to hide themselues from the wrath of God and that the fashion of the world is altered It should seeme to make against it that the great city is not said to fall Vers 19. but to be diuided into three parts I answer with Pareus that hereby the vtter ruine of it is set forth seeing three parts which may well be taken for all the parts of a building are said to be diuided or rent in sunder and in speaking of three it is alluded to the three before spoken of as the founders of this city the Dragon the beast and the false prophet the three vncleane spirits like frogs comming out of their mouthes Againe the nations are immediatly said to haue fallen that is to be quite ouerthrown and therfore it is not likely but that the vtter ruine of Rome is meant also though deliuered in a diuers phrase Or if by the great city we vnderstand all the countries where the Christian religion hath beene planted as I haue expounded it before vpon Chap. 11. then the city of Rome is not so much meant but the whole dominions of Turke and Pope for it is likely that Rome shall be destroyed before the riuer Euphrates the defence thereof being dryed vp yea it must needs bee so by reason of the lamentation made by such as haue had trafficke there for the desolation of that city Chap. 17. which cannot be after the great day of iudgement And if the great city bee thus taken then by the nations other countreys which are neither Mahumetane nor Popish are to be vnderstood which for their sinnes shall come to ruine also this being plainly set forth and the fall of the city by a periphrasis taken from such a fal as is by diuision as Ierusalem fell before the Romans by a triple faction therin to which in particular it is to be thought that it is alluded for so much as Ierusalem trodden vnder foot by the Gentiles is a type of Christendome vnder the dominion of Turke and Pope as hath been shewed more at large vpon Chap. 11. Vers 21. If it should seeme to make against this exposition that a great haile like talents is said to follow after all this whereupon men blaspheme God which as Brightman saith is not to bee thought shall be at the day of iudgement because all mouthes shall then be stopped the generall silence of all arguing their consent to the iustice of Gods proceedings and none blaspheming any more I answer with Pareus againe that howsoeuer the wicked shall subscribe to this iudgement in their owne conscience as most iust and so shall not mutter any word of reason against those proceedings yet the sense of the extremity of torment from which they shall despaire euer to be deliuered will so inrage them Exod. 6. as that like the Aegyptians when haile fire mingled therwith came down from heauen or like the Canaanites vpon whom God hailed with exceeding great hailestones to the destroying of most of them to which I think it is rather than to the other alluded here as they I say being moued with anguish did doubtlesse bitterly take on against the God of Israel so here the wicked at the last day are brought in blaspheming to expresse the sense of intolerable pangs vpon which wicked men are wont thus to do And haply their tongues will thus rebell against God as the tongues of persons inraged euerlastingly These things being thus explained wee see that there is no reason why any should be offended and doubt whether Popery shall euer goe downe altogether or no because it is still vpheld after so many yeeres since it first receiued a blow for it must fall by degrees as it rose by degrees and as it had a long time of rising to the full height so it must bee long in falling into vtter destruction And seeing fiue of these Vials haue so manifestly taken effect already and the sixt in a great part why should wee not by faith assuredly expect the full accomplishment of it as well as wee see the accomplishment of those foregoing by experience O yee foolish and blinde Papists why are ye so hard to beleeue the things that this Prophet hath foretold touching your Babylon if ye loue your soules open your eyes and by that which hath beene hitherto done be assured of a full destruction and therefore come out of Babylon in
time and be not led hood-winked into ineuitable perdition Quest 2. Vers 13 14 15 16. Who are these three vncleane spirits like Frogs that come out of the mouth of the dragon the beast and the false prophet and what place is that Harmageddon into which the Kings of the earth are gathered and by whom are they gathered together into that place Answ It is agreed that these foule spirits are instruments of the Pope who come as it were out of his mouth because so like vnto him both in the same end which they aime at and the meanes to effect it lying signes and wonders and more particularly I hold them to be none other but the Iesuites because the time of their beginning by Ignatius Loyola within these threescore yeeres doth notably agree and their leaping vp and downe in Kings Courts they being the greatest Statists that the Pope hath for him to maintaine his credit with the Kings of the earth that his reuenues may be no more diminished neither doe their practises to stirre vp to warre against Heretikes vniustly so called disagree for they are knowne to be the very firebrands of dissentions tumults treasons and bloudsheds thorowout all Christendome euer since they beganne to be They are said to be three when as indeed they are many thousands to note out their triple originall from the Dragon who is the Deuill the Beast the Roman State which they trauell for and the false prophet the Pope who before was called the second beast and not till now a false prophet but here more fully declared by his name as there by his pseudopropheticall practises whose eldest sonnes they are bending themselues vp to the highest streine of wit and resolution for the supporting of his tottering chaire These stirre vp popish Kings and Princes so as that they enter into leagues and vnions to root out poore Protestants But silly men that they are whilst they are thus busie for the benefit of the Popedome little doe they thinke of him that sitteth aboue and laugheth them to scorne for that the ioyning of popish Princes together to root out the truth shall by him bee turned to a gathering together to be destroyed so as that they shall neuer be able to make head againe And this is intimated in saying That they gather them together to the battell of the great day of God that is Vers 14. wherein God will haue glory by their vtter ouerthrow which is also further confirmed in that changing the number by and by he saith Hee gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Vers 16. Armageddon What is meant by this word Armageddon there is great difference of opinions Some thinke Beza Iunius Forbs Fox Pareus Iudg. 5.19 2 Chron. 35.22 that it is to bee read Har-megiddo and so expound it as alluding to the place called Megiddo where Iabin and Sisera with their army were destroyed before Debora and Barak by the Lord and where Iosiah fell before Pharaoh Neco King of Aegypt giuing occasion to a great mourning to the children of Israel for the losse of so good a King for each History may be well alluded to here that of the Canaanites destruction for the ouerthrow of popish kings with their people the other of Iosiah for the mourning which the Iewes being conuerted shall make for their former opposition against Christ slaying him so good a King that came to saue them as is foretold by the Prophet saying I will powre out vpon them the spirit of compassion Zach. 12. and they shall see him whom they haue pierced and mourne euery family apart For they hold that at the same time the Iewes shall be conuerted As for the change of the waters of Megiddo as it is in the first place or of the Valley of Megiddo as it is in the second into Har a Mount and Megiddo they thinke that this is not without a mystery Forbs it being hereby intimated that the enemies of the truth shall be in an high attempt when this destruction shall befall them Beza Iunius and therefore purposely a Valley is turned in the word here vsed into a Mountaine whereas it should be Megiddo Others reade it Horma-geddon a cursed warfare Luther Grasserus of Horma signifying a curse and geddon which commeth of Gadad signifying to gather together an army or of Harma crafty because by craft they shall be gathered together to their owne destruction as God will turne it Others with a single 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 reade it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 expounding Har a Mountaine and Maggedim Delights holding that it is alluded to that in Dan. 11.45 And he shall fasten his tents in the mount of his holy beauty 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for as there the Turke is pointed at apart so here all the enemies of the Church ioyning together and as Ierusalem is properly so called so the pure Church of God figured out thereby is here called so and therefore this battell and destruction of the enemies shall be made in these parts of the world where the pure reformed Religion hath taken effect Napior Some expound it the Mountaine of the Euangelist applying it likewise Some expound it the destruction of an Army of Cherem destruction Deut. and Gedud an Army holding that the slaughter of the enemies shall be so great that according to the manner of the Hebrewes amongst whom many places are named from the euent the place where this shall be shall take the name also Ierome as Pareus sheweth expoundeth it Montem furum the Mountaine of the eues others a cursed troupe others the destruction of the Riuer All wee see are agreed here that no proper place is designed but some place onely where the enemies of the truth shall be destroyed There will be no errour therefore which way so euer it be taken only I thinke it dangerous to admit of any corruption in the change of the word by the incury of the Scribe I preferre that of Dent holding withall that it is alluded vnto the destruction of Iabin and Sisera with their armies and that it should be likewise with the enemies of the truth ere long they shall bee in a Catholike league together bending all their forces against the reformed but God helping his their attempts shall bee turned to their owne vtter ouerthrow Whether this be now a working seeing they were neuer so combined together neither haue they beene about so great attempts as now God knoweth Haply the gathering together of Papists at this time is the gathering together here pointed at if not as the time will scarce beare it is a preludium thereof some famous destruction may happen to them in the end of this conspiracy now but the greatest whereunto this may make a way afterwards Howsoeuer let all men take heed of the Iesuites as of vncleane and dangerous spirits and let vs be comforted when the Romish Catholikes bend their forces
it as a comfort in suffering seeing when a man hath suffered death for Christ he is receiued vnder his wing being conformable to him in being sacrificed they rest and are safe with him for euer Some expound the Altar of Christs humanity Bernard serm 4. Omnium sanct which the faithfull are receiued vnto now it being reserued till the last day to giue them the full fruition of his diuinity also Some by the Altar vnderstand the places of the martyrs buriall or sufferings Ribera Viegas because Altars were wont to be built vpon them and the crying of their soules they will haue to be none other but as the crying of Ables bloud where it was spilt and soules are spoken of by a phrase vsuall so many men being called so many soules But this is a meere Iesuiticall imagination seeing Altars vpon martyrs sepulchres were of a later edition and though so many men be often called so many soules yet when the soules of any that are slaine are named it cannot bee so taken Whereas most stand for Christ meant by the Altar I should willingly incline to thinke so to but that Christ yet standeth as a Lambe and therefore I cannot see how he can at the same time bee represented by an Altar also I conclude therefore as I began that by the appearance of an Altar is represented their sacrificing when they suffered the place wherein they now are being heauen the common receptacle of all faithfull soules but said to bee vnder the Altar to denote the manner of their death neither doth Iohn see them with his bodily eyes but being in the spirit And fidy doe the soules of the martyred appeare after such a number slaine by cruell enemies crying for vengeance not vocally for soules doe not vtter voyces but vertually the destroying and murthering of them hauing a loud cry in the eares of God so that a desire of reuenge in them is amisse surmised to bee from hence who being in the flesh had so much loue as that they prayed for their persecutors and were farre from the spirit of reuenge But they are brought in crying aloud for the terrour of persecutors seeing the cryes of such shall without doubt bee regarded though in respect of many more yet in these times of corruption to bee crowned also with martyrdome a delay to bemade Whereupon it is that their answer is also set forth in this manner And thus I haue briefly resolued the rest of the doubts without delaying the reader by the diuersity of expositions Pareus Brightman Chrysost Hom. in Psal 9. August Serm. 30. detemp some interpreting their cry for reuenge to be onely for deliuerance of the Church from persecutors hauing beene already so long oppressed and some for the taking away of this malice out of mens mindes that there may bee no more persecuting by confounding such Kings and Potentates that they may bee brought to turne vnto Christ The white robes giuen vnto them Bullinger Brightman howsoeuer some contend that they were signes of some comfort and breathing time which the Church should haue and had about this time according to their exposition yet both the plaine speech which is vsed in answering them is against it for they are told of their brethren that must be slaine also and white robes are neuer spoken of in this sense Pareus but to set forth heauenly glory which is not to be thought now first to haue been giuen vnto them but immediatly vpon their departure out of this life when their deaths began first to cry though it was not represented in vision till now so that euen when they cry they are in the midst of heauenly ioyes and without all passion of sorrow onely they are not perfectly glorified till the whole company being made vp at the day of iudgement being reunited to their bodies they shall reigne in heauen for euer wherefore they are bidden rest till their fellow seruants were slaine also And well doth this cry come in after the fourth seale representing the corruptions in the Church fighting against the truth because this persecution hath beene longer than any before it and therefore needfull it was to tell of martyrs which had beene already made crying out and of such as should yet bee made when it might seeme to bee full time to put an end to these miseries that expecting so long a continuance wee might arme our selues with patience Quest 3. The sixt seale being opened Vers 12. there was a great earthquake and the Sunne became blacke as haire cloth and the Moone as bloud c. What is meant by these things and whether the day of iudgement or no Answ Most Expositors hold that the day of iudgment is here described Fox Richard de Sancto victore Pannonius Primasius Beda Rupertus Arethas c. when the reuenge before cryed for is taken vpon all sorts of persecutors of the Church and the words here vsed are nothing else but a periphrasis vpon this day for thus the Lord setteth forth the day of iudgement Luk. 21.11 There shall be great earth-quakes in diuers places Vers 25. There shall be fignes in the Sunne Moone and Starres and vpon the earth distresse of nations with perplexity Vers 26. Mens hearts failing them for feare c. and more expresly Mark 13.24 The Sun shall be darkened the Moone shall not giue her light 25. The starres of heauen shall fall and the powers of heauen shall be shaken The Sun shall be darkened because it shall no more giue light to this world the Moone shall be turned into bloud to shew the great destruction that then shall be the stars shall fall there being no further vse of them when men shall cease to bee here euen as the leaues of the figtree fall off when there is no further need of them to couer the figs. The heauens are as a booke folded vp when they lofe all their light being as it were clapt together whereas now it standeth open That which followeth of the mountaines and ilands remouing out of their places is to shew the greatnes of this earth-quake euen to the destroying of the earth Then all wicked men how great soeuer they haue beene in this world shall quake and feare being vnable to beare the wrath to come vpon them set foorth in their calling to the mountaines to fall vpon them c. Blas Viegas Who also saith that many Doctors expound this thus Brightman Grasser Others will haue these things vnderstood allegorically the great earth-quake of the great persecution vnder Dioclesian being in all parts of the earth at once then say they the Sun of righteousnesse Christ was darkened in his members the Moone the Church appeared like bloud being all bloudy with slaughters the starres the ministers of God many of them fell for feare from Christianity to idolatry the he●uen the Church was folded vp as a booke hiding it selfe for feare at that time and the inhabitants of
the Church cannot erre and is alwaies visible whereas if this should befall the Church of Rome which they hold to be the onely Catholike Church it should both erre fowly and the Church should sometime be ouerthrowne by the gates of Hell and put downe from the visibility into such contradictions doe they plunge themselues that are contradictors of the plaine and euident truth of Gods Word Touching the third Angell threatning eternall destruction to the followers of the beast Vers 9. enough hath beene said already to shew to what time it is to bee referred and as for the torments here mentioned and the comforts propounded to the faithfull it is easie for any man of himselfe to render the sense thereof Note from all that hath beene said Note that the doctrine of the reformed Churches at this day is the very doctrine of Gods Angell for we teach to ascribe all glory and to giue all worship ●o God only and not to make any a parta●er with God herein and in these points not to feare the tyranny of the Pope and his adherents but in the feare of God to persist herein to the end which is the very effect of the Angels teaching To this tendeth our impugning of Images and the worshipping of Saints departed our denying of the merit of workes and supererrogations the Popes power of pardoning sinnes our ascribing all to grace in the conuersion of a sinner and holding no vertue to be in crossing and holy water c. Againe Note see a plaine euidence that this is the truth and the Roman Catholike state Babylon falling before it in diuers Countries and which shall be vtterly razed to the foundation so that a stone shall not be left vpon a stone Lastly Note all prosperity and preuailing is not to be expected by the seruants of God vpon the first falling of Babylon for she maketh head still and putteth many to death whose comfort yet is that they are blessed and rest with the Lord whereas if cowardly they should for feare turne to the beast they must be tormented miserably for euermore But why is this word from henceforth put in are not all the dead that die in the Lord at any time blessed Yes doubtlesse but there is an opinion of Popery by which men were carried away in times past touching the paines of purgatory fire to be suffered after death which is secretly here glanced at as if it should haue beene said Hitherto a long time it hath beene thought that there is no r●st in death to the godly but further pangs yet to be endured in Purgatory but the vani●y of this tenent being now discouered by the preaching of the Gospell set forth vnder the type of the three Angels no such thing shall henceforth b●feared but they shall comfort themselues in the expectation of immediate rest and ioy Quest 3. And behold one like vnto the Sonne of man sitting vpon the cloud Vers 14. hauing vpon his head a crowne of gold and in his hand a sharpe sickle c. Who is this and what are the Angels next mentioned whereof one comming out of the Temple calleth to him to put his sickle into the haruest and a second comming out of the Temple also hauing a sharpe sickle to whom a third comming out from the Altar that hath power ouer fire calleth to put his sickle into the Vintage which is cut downe and trodden in a Winepresse without the City the bloud comming out vp to the bridles of the horses by the space of 1600. furlongs Answ Almost all Expositors agree that the comming of Christ to iudgement is here represented for hee is like the Sonne of man though a great Iudge he shall come in the Clouds 1 Thes 4. and the consumma ion of the world is likened vnto the cutting downe of the Haruest Mat. 13. and both to the Haruest and Vintage Ioel 3.13 from whence this phrase seemeth to bee taken But some vnderstanding Christ by one like the Sonne of man as it is commonly taken P. du Moulin yet hold that some other iudgements vpon Babylon are here set forth to be applyed to the times of the three Angels going before the first whereof come with the eternall Gospell ann 1039. in Berengarius opposing transubstantiation and preuailing so farre that France Spaine Guil. Noribrigens Eng. ●●ist lio 2 chap 13. Italy Germany were full of men holding the same with him for William Noribrigens saith that they were as the sands of the Sea but they were persecuted for this whereupon the Lord being offended sent his Angell with a sharpe sickle of iudgement ann 1076. About the time of Berengarius his death by a quarrell arising betweene Henry and Gregory the seuenth named Pope Hildebrand betwixt whom forty bloudy battels were fought and all things were filled with confusion and misery The second Angell came with threatnings against Babylon by Peter de Bruis and Henry de Tholouse ann 1130. and by Iohannes de Waldo of Lions ann 1158. for they called Rome Babylon and exhorted all men to goe out of her but Innocent the third then Pope caused the Croisado to be preached and by that meanes within a few moneths 200000. of them were slaine in Prouence Ioh. Cassanion Hist Languedoc and Guienna Hereat God being againe offended sent another sharpe sickle by Fredericke Barbarossa his armies and the Popes by reason of which the miseries were so great as that no Pen can expresse them sufficiently For whilst these warres lasted the Moores wasted Spaine together with the Sarazens murthering all the Christians which they could finde and the Saladine destroyed the Kingdome of Ierusalem which had cost so many millions of mens liues to conquer it The third Angell came with admonition to beware of worshipping the beast by the Preachers of these times against which when the Papacy shall grow most outragious some greater iudgement then euer yet shall come vpon them to the effusion of so much bloud that it shall come vp a wonderfull great space of ground to the very horse bridles which is not yet effected Forbs Grasserus Others hold that here is set forth the increase of such as should stand for the truth it being first vpheld by the immediate power of Christ set forth by his comming in a cloud with a sharpe sickle but afterwards diuers Countries being conuerted his Angels dare be bold to be seene to stand for the truth both temporall Kings set forth by the Angell with his sharpe sickle and spirituall Ministers comming from the Altar who by their exhortations and preaching stirre vp the other against Babylon so that here in briefe is set downe what is more at large described vnder the seuen Vials powred out by the seuen Angels following Some more particularly by one like the Sonne of man vnderstand the protestant Princes in Misnia Brightman Hassia Prussia c. such as Fredericus Saxo Mauritius Philippus Lantgranius Iohannes
follow that it is a vaine thing to search into these mysteries wheras we are in sundry places commanded and incouraged so to doe The third is absurd because they enter into heauen who goe thither in soule as all the godly doe continually whensoeuer they depart out of this life The fift is too particular in applying this entring to the Iewes and both fift and seuenth too much strained in making the smoke a signe of obscurity for as these plagues shall be executed certainly we shall be more enlightened in the mysteries of God here set forth Note Note that the world is deceiued in their common tenent that they can repent when they list let them consider this example and tremble taking time before the smoke of Gods anger for their persisting in sinne become so great that not one of them can enter his Temple The Israelites hardened themselues Heb. 3. wherefore God sware that they should neuer enter into his rest no more shall they that now harden themselues in hope of turning afterwards soone enough to obtaine mercy Againe see a reason why now a long time the proceedings of the reformed religion hath beene almost at a stand little ground more being gained of the Papals It was thus appointed to bee in the purpose and decree of God long agoe whilst the vials are powring out against the Papacy none can enter the Temple But the time shall come when that all these vials being emptied the nations shall thicke and threefold be brought in with vs to worship God aright CHAP. XVI AND I heard a great voyce out of the Temple Vers 1 c. saying to the seuen Angels Goe and powre out your vials of the wrath of God vpon the earth And the first went and powred out his viall vpon the earth Quest 1 c. What are the plagues here figured out and at what times are they or shall they be executed Answ Some hold that the iudgements of God vpon the world for sinne euer since the time of the Gospell Napier are here figured out in seuerall ages 1. From the yeere 71. to 316. when the Roman Empire was iudged diuers wayes 2. From 316. to 561. when the seat of the Empire being translated to Constantinople it was left as a prey to the Gothes 3. From 561. to 806. when Mahumetisme ouerspred the world and became a great plague vnto it 4. From 806. to 1051. when contentions were rife about images and men blasphemed calling them Gods that were no Gods 5. From 1051. to 1296. when Zadock an Emperour of the Turkes inuaded the Roman Empire more and more to the great astonishment of those that were of this Empire 6. From 1296. to 1541. in which time was Ottoman the great Turke who wan Constantinople comming from Euphrates and then by the solicitation of agents on both sides said here to be vncleane spirits they were stirred vp to fight many battels both they of the Popish and of the Mahumetan religion 7. From 1541. to 1791. when all shall either be Papists Protestants or Neutrals being diuided into three parts and in this age the world shall end And thus they parallel these seuen vials with the seuen trumpets before going Others not much differing for they referre these plagues also to this large space of time by the first vnderstand the great Fox plague vpon the heathen persecutors in the dayes of Gallus and Volusianus which was a little before the ten yeeres persecution by Dioclesian By the second and third the destructions of heathen Emperours by violent deaths being as the sea and of subordinate powers vnder them being as riuers By the fourth that extraordinary heat of the Sunne in the campe of Antoninus Philosophus the Emperor about an 162. in his expedition against the Marcomanni when his whole army hauing beene oppressed herewith by the space of fiue dayes together and now ready all to perish a great showre of raine was obtained by the twelfth legion being full of Christians By the fift the ruinating of the Roman Empire by the Gothes Vandals c. By the sixt the iudgements which came vpon the world by the Turkes and Tartarians before figured out vnder the sixt trumpet after which all ioyne together against the truth the Dragon which is the Deuill the beast which is the Pope and the false prophet who is the Mahumetan for though one of these is against another yet in this they ioyne all together that they persecute Christ in his members Iudg. 5.19 But they assemble together none otherwise than Iabin and Sisera did at Megiddo that is to their owne destruction in the end By the seuenth the end of all things Neither of these expositions can stand because the first of these plagues is inflicted vpon such as beare the marke of the beast as is expresly said vers 2. Wherefore they must needs haue all reference to the latter times after that Antichrist had long tyrannized and compelled men to beare his marke putting to death all that refused so to doe Others therefore more rightly apply these plagues vnto the times since that Antichrist began to be discouered by men zealous for the truth of God But yet in the particular declaration of themselues they differ much one from another Some by the first plague vnderstand the French pox the beginning whereof is noted to haue beene ann 1494 in the Neopolitan warre made by the French and Spanish Bullinger by meanes of an whore in their army with this loathsome disease especially the Friers and Nuns of France are plagued who are such infest enemies against Matrimony By the second the pestilence which is caused by the corruption of waters and aire By the third the chiefe Doctors of the Romish religion who are compared to riuers of bloud because such incendiaries of war in all parts of Christendome By the fourth some great drought breeding feuers and hot diseases in mens bodies the cōmon effect whereof is to make them outragious By the fift the obscuring of the glory of the Popish religion by the arising of the light of the truth that being now detested as full of errours abominable which before drew all men vnto it as most venerable By the sixt the taking away of the profits of the Roman Sea which were wont to come from the countreys round about whereby it shall be made weake and feeble and so be quite ouerthrowne by the professours of the truth who are meant by the Kings of the East for they are said to be Kings and Priests vnto God and as Euphrates was to Babylon so the Popes rich reuenues are a defence to his Sea Against this plague the Pope bestirreth himselfe sending out his Legats which are said to bee three euill spirits like frogs because they are euer croaking in the eares of kings and princes of the earth to moue them to warre for the defence of holy Church and they are three that is a full number likely to