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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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emperours souldiours were inclosed by his enemies Anni regum britannie 49 and in great distres of water The yere of the worlde 4135 The yere of Christ 174 by the praier of certaine christians whiche were as than in the hoste it rained so plentiousely that not onely they were reliued with aboundaunce of water but also a great numbre of their aduersaries slaine and destroyed with the tempest of raine and lightning Dolicianus the .x. bishoppe of Hierusalem that was a gentle Anni regum britannie 50 Au●dius Cassius who was sent to quiete the east partes traiterously named him selfe emperour The yere of the worlde 4136 The yere of Christ 175 but not long after he was slaine of his owne souldiours and his heade brought to the emperour Anni regum britannie 51 In this time diuers deuoute and greate learned men bothe in writinge and open disputations The yere of the worlde 4137 The yere of Christ 176 defended the christian veritee against the vaine opinions of many heritikes that were spread in the churche as A●gesipo●s Dionisius bishoppe of Corinthe Pynithus of Creete Theophilus of Antioche Melito of Sardis Ireneus of Lions Apollinarts of Hieropolis Modestus Philyppus Musanus and other Tatian an horrible heritike was famous whiche before tyme was a chrstian disciple of Iustine the Martyr this man taught that matrimonye was noo better than horedome or aduoutry He forbade also diuers kindes of m●at●s About this time Calphurnes Agricola was sent from Rome into Britaine where he repayred the walle of Adrian that was brokē down by the Pictes and Scottes he subdued the welshemen and other Britons that rebelled and quieted the I le of Wight The yere of the worlde 4138 Antonine his sonne Commodus Anni regum britannie 52 triumphed for hys victory in Germanye The yere of Christ 177 Eleutherius the .xii. pope .xiii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4139 The noble and famous phisician Galene Saluius Iulianus the lawier The yere of Christ 178 Fronto the famous oratour Anni regum britannie 53 Oppian a poete were in great estimacion Montanus an heretik taught mariage to be dyssolued and prescribed lawes of fasting Prisca and Maximilla women whom Montanus affirmed to haue the spirite of prophecie Gratus proconsul of Asia The yere of the worlde 4141 The yere of Christ 180 LUcie the sonne of Coilus Anni regum britannie 1 was ordeyned kinge of Britones who in all his actes and deedes folowed the steppes of his forefathers in suche wise that he was of al men loued and dread This Lucie in the eight yere of his reigne that was about the yeare of our lorde 187. sent louinge letters to Eleutherius pope desiringe him to sende some deuout and lerned men by whose instruction bothe he and his people mighte be taught the faythe and religion of Christe where of Eleutherius beynge veray glad sent into Britaine two famous clerkes Faganus and Dunianus by whose diligēce Lucie and his people of Britaine were instructed and baptized in the faith of Christ .1294 yeres after the arriuall of Brute The citee of Smirna was ouerthrowen with an earthquake for the restauraciō wherof the emperor remitted ten yeres tribute Marcus Aurelius Antonius ended his life Antonius Commodus the .18 Emperour reigned after his father .13 yeres Anni regum britannie 2 This man The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ although he were of nature mischeuous wicked cruell and euen from his infancy inbrasinge filthy pleasure gluttony riote with other vices yet by the counsail of certaine wise men whiche before apperteined to his father at the beginning of his reigne his dissolute life was much restreined but at length through the importune sute of flatterers he shut vp his eares against all good reason and counsayle and alwaye sought occasions to despatch out of the way the mooste wise and graue Senatours whiche were as bridels to his naughtinesse He vsed often times to play naked at weapons with the sworde players not only in the common scholes but also openly in the theatre wherby he greatly defaced the imperiall maiestee Cōmodus triūphed for his victories ouer the Germains Pantenus a man of great deuocion and learning was in highe estimacion at Alexandria and taughte in open schole diuine letters of whiche occasion the custome remayned there alwayes that certayn most excellent in al kinde of learning should be chosen to instructe the people in godly knowlage Lucilla the emperours sister The yere of Christ for so muche as she was by her brother depriued of certayne imperialle honours which were geuen to her by hir father Anni regum britannie 4 The yere of the worlde 4414 by meane of adulterie entised a noble yonge man named Quadratus to conspire against the emperour who by the counsaile of the more part of the senate committed the whole matter to one Quintianus whiche watching his time shoulde slea the emperour but he by his rashnes was detected taken and straightly examined and vttered the hole conspiracie For whiche cause Commodus kendled a greuous hatred towarde the senatours Perennius whom Commodus had made gouernour of the empire vnder him Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4184 The yere of Christ 187 for so muche as by priuy meanes he aspired to the imperiall auctoritee was putte to death In these dayes was great quietnesse in the churche and many noble men of Rome were conuerted to the faith among whiche was Appolonius who reading openly in the senate a boke that he had made in defence of Christian religion The yere of the worlde 4149 The yere of Christ 188 was after beheaded Anni regum britannie 9 The capital a liberarie were burned with lightninge The yere of the worlde 4151 The yere of Christ 190 Maternus a souldiour conspired to slea Commodus but he was disclosed bi one of the same coniuracion Anni regum britannie 11 and so preuented Cleander whom the emperour had aduaunced from a seruaunt to high dignitye in Rome vsed greate crueltee and exaction towarde the people for whiche cause they reised a great commocion The emperour to satisfie the people commanded Cleander to be put to death and his head to be caried about the citee Uictor the .13 pope .x. yeres A great dearth and scarcitee in Rome Commodus published that he would be called Hercules and the sonne of Iupiter The Scottes and Pictes not longe from this time ouerthrewe Trebellius the Romaine capitain in Britaine The Britons through the couetousnes of Trebellius rebelled and were vanquished shortli after Pertiner was sent by Commodus into Britain and warred against the Scottes and with gentlenes and wyse counsaile quited the B●●●ons Commodus in shoting or casting the darte had so stedie a hande The yere of the worlde 4152 The yere of Christ 191 Anni regum britannie that he would hit what so euer he appoynted Wherfore to shewe his cunninge in these feates in the open sightes he killed a great multitude of wilde beastes In this time were
good letters euē frō his infancy an d by his parentes brought vp therin veray diligently soo that he had prepared for him scholemaisters and instructours most excellent in al sciences he was after by the commaundemēt of Adrian adopted to the empire by Antonius Pius Adrian the emperour to the entente he would retaine his empire in quietnes Anni regum britannie 52 The yere of the worlde 4085 The yere of Christ 124 trauailed thro gh all prouinces pertaining to the Romaines as wel in Europe as Asia and by the maiesty of his presence and great wysedome quieted dyuers cōmocions without warre or bludshed Cornelius the .4 byshoppe of antioche Leui the .xii byshop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 53 Adrian repaired Carthage The yere of the worlde 4086 The yere of Christ gaue it to name Adrianopolis Eferem the .xiii. bishop of Hierusalem COilus the sonne of Marius was ordeyned kynge of the Britaines he was brought vp euen frō his yong age in Italy among the Romains The yere of the worlde 4087 The yere of Christ 126 Anni regum britannie 1 and therfore fauoured them greatly and payed the tribute truly Some write that he buylded the towne of Colchester Ioseph the .xiiii. bishop of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4090 The yere of Christ 129 Iudas the .xv. bishop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 4 to his time al the bishoppes of that citie descended of some familie of the Iewes and were circumcised The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 131 Anni regum britannie 6 Minutius Fund●nus proconsull of Asia Barchochabas beinge of great power and estimacion amonge the Iewes vexed with most cruel tourmentes as many of the christians as would not deny Christ and his religion Antinous a childe of wonderful b●au●ye and fauoure dyed in Aegipte while Adrian was there in progresse whom he loued so excedingly that he erected 〈◊〉 ymages in his name and buylded a towne in those partes called Antinous he affyrmed also that he sawe a sterre in the firmament whiche should be called Antinous sterre according to the name of the childe Telespho●us the vi●● bishop of Rome .vii. yeres Eumanes The yere of the worlde 4094 The yere of Christ 133 the .vi. bishop of Alexandria Anni regum britannie 8 The yere of the worlde 4095 The yere of Christ 134 Satan the infest enmy of al trouth Anni regum britannie 9 which leaueth nothing vndon wherby he may hinder the religiō of christ which at this time was greatly augmented and spread largelye in the worlde sowed by his ministers certayne heresies in the church and first stirred vp Saturninus which in all poyntes taughte as Menander dydde that Christ had not a true body but a phantastical He denyed the resurrection and affirmed that .vii. angels made the worlde contrary to the conscience of god the father The Iewes rebelled agayne and spoyled the countrey of Palestine Agaynst whom the emperour sent Iulius Seuerus who ouerthrewe in Iudeo .50 castels burnt and destroyed .980 vyllages and townes and slewe of the Iewes .50 thousande so that with famine sickenes sword and fire Iudea was almost desolate Adrian erected a sumptuous library in Athenes The yere of the worlde 4096 The yere of Christ 135 Marcus the first bishoppe of Hierusalem that was a Anni regum britannie gentile Adrian repaired the citee of Hierusalem and named it Aelia Capitolina He graunted inhabitance therin onely to Christian men Anni regum britannie 11 The yere of the worlde 4097 The yere of Christ 136 and defended the Iewes to enter into the citee Ceionius Commodus was adopted to the empire by Adrian Anni regum britannie 12 he was a veraie delicate and nice person The yere of the worlde 4098 The yere of Christ 137 greatelye deliting in strange pleasures for he made hym a bedde of rose leaues and a couerlede of the floures of lyllyes hys fotemen he caused to weare whinges like to Cupido and gaue them the names of the foure wyndes he died before he toke fruicion of the empire The notable heritike Basilides was famous who amonge other thynges taught Anni regum britannie 13 The yere of the worlde 4099 The yere of Christ 138 that Christ was not crucifyed but Simon Tireneus whiche was constreigned to beare the crosse when Christe waxed fainte ▪ he affirmed also that it was noo offence to forsake Christe in tyme of persecucion he denied the resurrection Against whose he resies a learned man named Agrippa Castor wrote certaine bokes whiche were after in great price amonge the Christians Adrian the emperour died with bledyng at the nose Anni regum britannie 14 Antonius Boionius The yere of the worlde 4100 The yere of Christ 139 who for hys clemencie and gentle behauoure Anni regum britannie 15 was surnamed Pius succeded Adrian The yere of the worlde 4101 The yere of Christ 140 and reigned .22 yeres This man was of pleasāt nature gentle in maners honourable in continance quicke of witte of excellent eloquence famous in lerning sobre diligent paciente curteyse liberall muche geuen to housbandrye and tyllage of the earthe and all these thynges in measure withoute bostynge and vainglorie he vsed often this princely sentence of Affricane I had liesfer saue one citizen than destroye .1000 aduersaryes he vsed hys frendes beyng emperour as he dyd when he was a priuate persō Higinus the .viii. byshoppe of Rome Anni regum britannie 16 Earpocrates the famous heretike was in these dayes whiche denied that Christe was God and saied The yere of the worlde 4102 The yere of Christ 141 that he was not borne of the virginne Mary but onely gotten of the sede of Ioseph and that he suffered amonge the Iewes and hys soule onelye ascended into heauen He affirmed also that the worlde was made by angelles and not by god He reiected the olde testament and denied the general resurrection Ualentinian and Cerdon notable heretikes came to Rome Ualentinian denied that Christ had a natural body but rather a phantastical Cerdon taughte Anni regum britannie 17 that Christ was neuer borne of a woman The yere of the worlde 4103 The yere of Christ 142 and that he had no fleshe nor suffered any passyon but feined onely to suffer He affirmed that god whyche is declared in the lawes and prophets to be god was not the father of our sauiour Christe for so muche as he was knowen the other vnknowen the one was iust the other was good It was his doctrine also that some creatures were of them selues yll and that they were not made of that god that was the chiefe goodnesse but of an other god of al naughtynes whom he called the chiefe or pryncipall myschiefe He sayed also that the olde testamente was naught Iustine the philosopher wrate a boke to the emperoure and Senate in defence of Christian religion Cassianus the .ii. Bishop of Hierusalem of the Gentils About this time was a great famine in Rome .300 houses also were destroyed with
The yere of the worlde 4546 The yere of Christ 585 He recouered againe Mesopotamia Anni regum britannie 34 and retourned with great praie and yrches The Lumbardes perceiuynge the Romaynes to bee greatly ayded of the Frenchemen puisantlye inuaded the countrey of Fraunce called Narbone where they chased the Burgonions and slewe Ama●us the Emperours deputye with a great noumber of souldyours Anni regum britannie 1 CAreticus beganne to rule the Britayns This man as witnesseth all writers loued ciuile warre The yere of the worlde 4547 The yere of Christ 586 and was so odible both to god and also to his subiectes that they excited the Saxones to warre vpon him which toke from him a great part of his lande Mauritius after the death of Tyberius the .ii. was ordeyned emperour at Constantinople and reigned .21 yeres This man sent a greate summe of money to Chil●erich one of the kynges of fraunce to the entent he should make warre vpon the Lumbardes The Romaine capytayne Mummolus by the healpe of the frenchemen Anni regum britannie 2 put to flyght the Lumbardes in the borders of Fraunce The Saxones whiche accompanyed the Lumbardes whan they fyrste inuaded Italy forsoke them The yere of the worlde 4548 The yere of Christ 587 and made alyance with Sigibert kyng of Austracie and shortly after retourned toward their owne countrey The Saxones in theyr retourne were discomfited and slayne of the people called Sueui Anni regum britannie 3 The yere of the worlde 4549 The yere of Christ 588 whiche sens that tyme helde the countrey that is now called Suauia or Suaue Laudrie one of the Dukes of Soysons in fraunce fearyng that his aduoutrie committed with the quene Fredegunde shoulde be disclosed by hir counsaile slew Chilperich the kynge Chilperich leste after hym one younge sonne named Clothayre whom his mother Fredegunde committed to the tuicion of Gunthranus his vncle and than kynge of Orliaunce The Saxones hearyng of the discencion betwene Caretius and his Britains accompaniyng them with Gurmundus kynge of Irelande made warre vpon hym in suche wyse that it was fayne to take the towne of Sycester where they assauted hym so sore that he with hys men fled from thens into Wales by whiche meanes he lost a great part of his dominion ▪ and shortly after ended his lyfe THe Britayns whiche were chased of their enemies into Wales as I before sayed helde theim in that partes The yere of the worlde 4550 The yere of Christ 589 Anni regum britannie 1 and assauted the Saxones somwhyle in one coste and somewhyle in an other vnder sundry Dukes and so continued the space of .24 yeres Gregory was sent to the emperour to excuse Pelagius for that he was chosen and admytted byshoppe of Rome without his consent A noble man of Constantinople named Smaragdus ▪ Anni regum britannie 2 was ordeyned lieuetenant of Italy The yere of the worlde 4551 The yere of Christ 590 and sent of the emperour with an armie to deliuer Italy from the Lumbardes Who at his comminge toke the towne called Classense discomfited the Lumbardes and slewe theyr capytaine Feroaldus with many of his souldiours The Lumbardes whiche had been the s●are of .x. yeres without a kyng The yere of the worlde 4552 The yere of Christ 591 vnder the gouernaunce of Dukes Anni regum britannie 3 ordeyned to theyr kynge a valiant younge man called Antharis the sonne of Clephis Leon●gil●us kynge of Spayne slewe his owne sonne Hermengilde because he woulde not consent to the heresie of Arrius In Britaine Ethelfr●dus gouerned the north Saxones who made suche continual warre vpō the Britains The yere of the worlde 4553 The yere of Christ Anni regum britannie 4 and chased them so sore that it is thought he slew mo of them than all the other Saxon kynges By hys crueltie the faieth of Christ was almost vtterly extinguisshed among the Britaines which had continued sens the time of Lu●ie about .400 yeres and manye of the Britaynes were chased of the lande An●haris kyng of Lumbardes inuaded ●ystria and spoyled the countrey with sworde and fyre The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 593 Anni regum britannie 5 He dyscomfyted Fransilyo the president of Gallia Cisalpina and toke the citee Cumus By ouermuche raine hapned a great floude in al the countrey of Italie so that the riuers ouerflowed manye citees and townes to the great damage of the inhabytauntes by whych vnseasonable weather rose also great dearth pestilence and famine by occasion wherof Gregorie ordayned first the latinie to be songe in 7. partes Richaredus was ordeined king of Spaine This man calling a counsayle at Tolet condēned the heresy of Arrius and caused the catholike fayth to be receiued of his people Anni regum britannie 6 Childebert one of the kinges of Fraunce gaue his sister in mariage to Richaredus of Spayne The yere of the worlde 4555 The yere of Christ 594 reiecting the affinitee of Anthar●s the Lumbarde who also desyred his sister to wife Antharis maried Teudelina the doughter of the king of Bauarie Chidebert king of Fraunce making warre vpon the Bauarians chased theyr kinge Gariabalde out of this countrey and possessed his lordship of Bauarie Teudelina with her brother Gondoald fled into Italie to Anthaxis Childebert besieged the citee of Trent in Italye and spoyled the countrey there about wyth muche crueltee wherby he put the Lumbardes in great dread caused theim to feare muche his power Luiba the sonne of Richaredus was king of Spaine ii yeres v ▪ monethes He was slayne by the treason of Uictec●s Agi●u●phus succeded Antharis in the kyngdome of Lumbardie Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4556 The yere of Christ 595 who foorthwith made peace with the frenche men Gunthranus king of Orliaunce made Childebert his heyre Aldaine king of Scottes being confederate with the Britaines about this time warred fiercely agaynst Ethelfride king of Northumberlande and the Picces and ouerthrew them in .ii. great battailes Gregory the first surnamed the great was ordeyned bishop of Rome This man because that Italy had bene of long time disturbed with continuall warres and therfore all thinges out of honest orber entendinge to reduce the church to some good and commendable fourme of religion ordeyned diuers new ceremonies whyche in processe of time by his folowers broughte into the churche diuers abuses wel nere vntollerable The yere of Christ 596 Romanus beinge ordayned lieutenant in Italy Anni regum britannie 8 recouered many townes The yere of the worlde 4557 citees and castels to the dominion of the emperour The Britaines being chased out of their countrey into Wales the Saxones o●teyned the whole dominion of this ilande sauing a part of Scotland which was subiect to the Pictes and Scottes Uictericus king of Spaine He was slaine of his people The yere of the worlde 4558 The yere of Christ 597 whan he had reygned .vii. yeres Anni regum britannie 9 Gregory sent Augustine
The yere of the worlde 3461 The yere before Christe 502 Before Britayne knovven 452 P. Ualerius Plublicola the contemner of rychesse after he had been fower times consul died so poore that he was buried by the common expenses of the citee ¶ The same yere a conflict was fought betwene the Romanes and Aruncians wherin the Romans as victours triumphed ¶ The Iones and Atheniens tooke Serdis and burnt it The yere of the worlde 3463 The yere before Christe 500 In the ninthe yere after the expulsion of the kynges a newe dignitee was created ī Rome Before Britayne knovven 450 called the Dictatorshyp whiche was of more power than eyther the consulshyp or maister of the horsemen for they all were obedyent to the Dictatour and he was not chosen but in daungerous warres ne contynued longer in that offyce than sixe monethes The Persians ouercame the Iones and toke Miletū ¶ Mardonius The yere of the worlde 3464 The yere before Christe 499 receiuyng of Darius a mighty nauy Before Britayne knovven 449 subdued the Thasios and brought the Macedons in subiection Nere vnto Athenes by tempest of the sea he suffred a great wrecke wherin there perisshed .20000 men He brought to his no lyttell damage and hurte Brygis vnder his power A conspiracie in Rome to bryng in Tarquine but by the industrie of the consul Seruius they were apprehended and put to deathe A. Post humius the Dictator fought with the Latines where he ouercame and triumphed FErrex with his brother Porrex Before Britayne knovven 446 ruled this lande of Britayn .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 3467 The yere before Christe 496 but it was not long ere they fell at ciuile discorde for the soueraigne dominion in whiche Ferrex was slayne And Porrex afterwardes by his mother was killed in his bedde Thus cruelly was the bloude and house of Brute destroied whan that this realme by the space of .616 yeares had been gouerned by that lygnage The feastes Saturnales were instituted in Rome Tarquine dyed at Cume In Rome were constituted xxxi tribus Before Britayne knovven 444 The commō people rose vp agaynst the Senatours for defente of their libertee Before Britayne knovven 443 The yere of the worlde 3469 The yere before Christe 494 The yere of the worlde 3470 The yere before Christe 453 but by the wisdome of Memmius Agrippa they were pacified and had graunted vnto theim the tribuneshyp that is protectours of the communaltee Before Britayne knovven 442 ¶ The Atheniens by their capitain Callimachus The yere of the worlde 3471 The yere before Christe 492 with the counsail of Melciades at Maratho ouerthrewe the army of the Persians in whiche battail there fell of the Persians .9300 of the Atheniens .192 The Uolsces were vanquished and peace was made Before Britayne knovven 441 After the death of the two brethern Ferrex and Porrex The yere of the worlde 3472 The yere before Christe 491 this royalme was rent in pieces with ciuil warres for lacke of one souerayn gouernour whiche continued the space of .51 yeres vntyl that the noble Dunwalle reduced the same in to one monarchy Gelon tyran of Sicily reigned ¶ Darius receyuynge knowelage of the ouerthrowe of his army at Maratho prepared in three yere warre agaynst the Grecians ¶ A great famine and pestilence in Rome Before Britayne knovven 440 Marcus Coriolanus by the protectours of the communaltee was exiled The yere of the worlde 3473 The yere before Christe 490 the Uolscians receiued him for their capitayn they proclamed warre agaynst the Romains they tooke many citees of the Latines bisieged Rome Finally at the humble prayers of his mother and wife he reised vp his siege for whiche cause the kynge of the Uolscians slue hym Before Britayne knovven 438 The Aegyptians rebelled agaynst the Persians The yere of the worlde 3475 The yere before Christe 488 Darius in the preparacion of his warres died Before Britayne knovven 436 Xerxes the fifte emperour of Persia reigned .20 yeres The yere of the worlde 3477 The yere before Christe 486 He succeded his father in the will to serue and honour god and dyd all thynges folowynge him that perteined to religion and vsed the Iewes liberally He exceded all his predecessours in rychesse and raysed vp all his power agaynst the Grecians He also subdued the Aegyptians constitutyng his brother president ouer them Hamilcar capitayne of the Carthaginenses Leostratus of the Atheniens The lawe Agraria in Rome was made ¶ Xerxes with an army of .1000000 men and a nauy of 1208. shippes made his expedicion into Grece The yere of the worlde 3478 The yere before Christe 485 Before Britayne knovven 435 At his setting foorth The yere of the worlde 3842 The yere before Christe 481 vpon the coste Sapiades in a calme day Before Britayne knovven 431 by a sodeyne pyrey .400 of his shippes were lost he made a bridge ouer the streictes of Helespontus with his ships wherupon his army passed ouer The yere of the worlde 3483 The yere before Christe 480 Before Britayne knovven 430 When he came to Athenes he bourned the city The Grecians toke .xv. shippes of Artemisium of which Sandaces was admyrall The battaile foughte at the streictes of Thermopyle where Leonides capitayne of the Lacedemones with 600. men put to flight the great army of Xerxes and ther with very werinesse of fighting dyed in the defence of theyr coūtreye Themistocles likewise at Salamine with a small noumbre of shippes destroyed the mightye nauye of the Persians ¶ That day that the Grecians ouerthrew the Persians at Salamine Gelon and Theron vaynquyshed Amylcar in Sicilie Amylco succeded ▪ his father Amylcar in Carthage Before Britayne knovven 429 The yere of the worlde 3484 The yere before Christe 479 Athenes Thesbia and Platea were destroyed by the barbarouse people Fabius fought a sore battayle with the Hetruscians in whiche he was victour he wold not triumphe because of the great numbre that was slayne The yere before Christe 478 ¶ The familie of Fabius Before Britayne knovven 428 at theyr owne charge for the publike weale The yere of the worlde 3485 warred agaynst the Ueientes in whyche they were al slayne except one who by his prowesse and wisedome reuiued that name agayne The yere before Christe 485 Mardonius toke Athenes Before Britayne knovven 425 receiued of Xerxes .30000 men The yere of the worlde 3488 and caused the kinge to retourne into his roialme They fought at Plateas where they were put to flyght The same daye vpon the sea Lenthichides ouercame them also Ionia forsoke the Persians Xerxes a freshe prepared warre agaynst the Grecyans ▪ Before Britayne knovven 422 The yere of the worlde 3491 The yere before Christe 472 Cymon the sonne of Mylciades capytayne of the Atheniens ouercame him both on lande and sea and compelled him to flee away in a litell fisher boote where before scarse the lande and sea were able to receyue his power For these warres thus vnfortunately atcheued he begā to be contemned
fire The yere of the worlde 4105 The yere of Christ 144 Tyber ouerflowed the citee Anni regum britannie 19 In Asia dyuers townes were ouerthrowen wyth earthquakes A chylde was borne with two heades A woman at one byrthe was delyuered of .v. chyldren In Mesia .iiii. meke lions offered them selfes to euery man to be taken at this tyme what soeuer misfortune happened in any parte of the worlde it was holly imputed to Christian religion Conarus whiche was the chiefe causer of hys fathers deathe was made kynge of Scottes who dyssimuled the vices wherto he was naturally inclined but as soone as he was established in the kyngdome he wasted al the rentes perteininge to the crowne in hys leude lustes and gaue landes and riches to most vile and naughtie persones because they fauoured his corrupt lyuing He inuēted new actions vpon hys people and therefore was of hys nobles cast in pryson and his wycked counsailours hāged In his place Argadus guyded the realme about .14 yeres Herus the .v. byshoppe of Antioche Crescens a philosopher caused Iustine a greate learned man and defendour of Christian religion to be persecuted because he rebuked the philosophers In whiche persecucion Iustine with his death glorified Christ and cōfirmed his religion Anni regum britannie 27 The yere of the worlde 4113 The yere of Christ 152 Anni regum britannie 34 Policarpe bishop of Smirna came to Rome The yere of the worlde 4120 The yere of Christ 159 Anicletus the .x. pope .xi. yeres Anni regum britannie 35 Atidius Cornelianus ruler of Siria The yere of the worlde 4121 The yere of Christ 160 Iulianus the .vii. bishop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 36 Antonius Pius the emperour gaue place to nature The yere of the worlde 4122 The yere of Christ 161 Anni regum britannie 37 Marcus Aurelius Antonius succeded Pius The yere of the worlde 4123 The yere of Christ 162 and reigned .xix. yeres He made Lucius Uerus his kinsmā of equall power with him in the empire This Lucius was muche geuen to wanton and dissolute liuinge and was of nature fierce and cruel but Marcus was of excellent vertue wisedome and learning and seemed to be prouyded of god against the troubles and miseries which happened to the common weale in his time For vndoubtedly the state of the empire had bene greatly appared ne had bene the great wisedome of this emperour which by his foresight and counsaile gouerned the same and kepte it frō much daunger he made many goodly lawes which at this day remayne in the pandectes Uologesus The yere of the worlde 4124 The yere of Christ 163 king of the Parthians sente his defiaunce to the emperour Anni regum britannie 38 made warre vpō the Romains and dyscōfited Acidius Cornelius president of Surie agaynste whom Lucius Uerus was sent with an army who whā he came to Antioche and Daphnis in Surye gaue hym selfe to pleasure and bankettinge and made warres by his capitaines Statius Priscus fought prosperously in Armenie and toke their chiefe towne A●taxa●ae Au●dius Cassius and Narsius the Romain capitains perced the countrey with their host euē vnto Babilon Media subduing alwaies their aduersaries before them for which prosperous successe Lucius Uerus though he were not present was named Parthicus Armenicus Medicus In this time flourished the famous astronomer Ptolomei by whose benefite remaine at this day in the world the noble sciences called Mathematicall the knowlage wherof the Egipcians had kept amonge them eu● from the time of Ioseph to this Ptolomei whiche is aboute 20000. yeres For first the great Alexander afterwarde the Romains for that cause had Aegipt alwayes in high estimaciō and lest that goodly knowlages should decay with great costes mainteined the Aegipciās schole whiche than at last perished whan that countrey became subiect to Macomet and the Sarasens wherein that cursed people moste of all other thinges declared their rude Bar●ar●knesse suffering that noble schole which hadde continued aboue thousandes of yeres ben preserued bi so many great princes in the which flourished al kindes of honest disciplines through their vile ignoraunce and crueltee to perishe The yere of the worlde 4126 The yere of Christ 165 Seleutia a noble citee of Assyria was taken Anni regum britannie and .500 thousand men therin A great dearth and pestilence in Rome so that they caried out men that were dead in cartes and wagons Marcus the emperour published very straighte lawes concerninge of dead men Ethodius nephewe to Mogallus was ordeyned king of Scottes and reigned ●3 yeres This man was greatly delyting in huntinge and made manye lawes therof he rewarded Argadus for his good administracion of iustice he quieted the yles and beynge accompanied with Pictes vāquished Uictorine the Romain capitayn and brake downe the wall of Adrian The yere of the worlde 4127 The emperour loked for warre of the Britons Anni regum britannie 41 agaynst whom he sent Calphur●ius Agricola The yere of Christ 166 Ausidius Tictorinus went with an army againste the Catteans whiche had broken into Germanye and Rhetia and spoyled those partes The yere of the worlde 4128 The yere of Christ 167 The two emperours Marcus and Lucius Anni regum britannie 42 triumphed for the victories in Parthia The yere of the worlde 4129 The yere of Christ 168 The emperours of Rome made preparacion for a ieoperdous warre against the people of Germani named Marcomanni Anni regum britannie 43 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 169 ¶ A greuous persecution of the Christian people in Asia and in Fraunce where a great numbre of them Anni regum britannie 44 whiche truly professed Christe suffered most cruell tourmentes and peines At Lyons in France were many christians martired among the which was Ph●tinus their bishop whō Ireneus succeded whose workes remaine at these daies to the great profit of christian religion So●er the .xi. pope .8 yeres The holy man Policarpus bishop of Smirna was burnte Anni regum britannie 45 Asianus The yere of Christ 170 bishop of Sardis wrote a boke to Antonius the emperour in defence of christian religion The yere of the worlde 4131 Theophilus the .6 bishop of Antioch Ualens the .9 bishop of Hierusalem Anni regum britannie 46 Whan bothe the emperours came with their puissance to the citee Aquileia The yere of the worlde 4132 The yere of Christ 171 the Germains which were causers of the foresaide commocion repented theym and desired peace whiche being to them graunted the emper●uis returned i● to Italy by the waye it fortuned Lucius to dy After that Marcus was returned into Italye The yere of Christ 173 not onelye Marcomanni Anni regum britannie 48 The yere of the worlde 4134 but also diuers other people of Germanye rebelled against whō the emperour sped him in all hast which warre he finished and subdued his enemyes with as great wisedome fortune and successe as euer did any prince that man can remembre Whan that the
of Rome was sente to subdue Carassus Anni regum britannie 1 whiche vnl●●ully vsurped regallye in Britain to which Alectus fortune was so fauourable that he chased Carassus and lastlye slue him whan he had reigne d .8 yeres Alexander the emperour forbade that great officers should haue substitutes or vicegerentes and commaunded euery man to do his owne office diligently Anni regum britannie 2 Artaxarces the persian The yere of the worlde 4188 The yere of Christ 227 slewe Artabanus kinge of the Parthians and restored that kingedome to his signorie of Persee chalenging also of the Romaines al Asia and a part of Europe as due to his dominion Theodorus called also Gregorye and Anthenodorus disciples of Origene Anni regum britannie 4 and bishoppes of Ponte The yere of the worlde 4190 The yere of Christ 229 were famous Aphricanus a man excellent in the knowlage of diuine scriptures flourished Alectus the Romaine whiche gouerned the Britons after he had subdued the lande againe to the Romaines vsed amonge them muche crueltee and tyrannie Wherfore they entending vtterly to expelle the Romains meued a noble mā called Ascleopidatus to take on him the kingedome who gathered a greatte power and made sharpe warre vpon the Romains and chased them from countrey to countrey vntil at length Alectus kepte him at London for his most suertye whither Ascleopidatus pursued him and nere to that citee gaue to him battaile in whiche Alectus was slaine whan he had gouerned Britaine .6 yeres AScleopidatus after Alectus was thus slaine The yere of the worlde 4193 The yere of Christ 232 girt the citee of London with a strong siege Anni regum britannie 1 and therin Liuius Gallus the Romaine capitain and ere it were long by knightly force and vyolence entred the citee and slew the forenamed Gallus nere vnto a broke there at that day renninge into whiche broke he threwe him by reason wherof it was called Gallus or Wallus broke and at this daye the streate where somtime that broke ranne is called Walbroke After whiche victorye Ascleopidatus gouerned Britaine .30 yeres Firmilianus bishop of the citee of Cesoria in Capadocia Alexander the emperour as sayeth Lampridius ouercame the Persians But Herodian affirmeth that partly through his owne slacknesse partly by the great multitude of the Persians he was put to the worse The Romaine capitaine F. Celsus had prosperous successe in the warres in Mauritania likewise Uarus Macrinus in Iliria and Iulius Palmatus in Armenia ¶ Origene fled to Cesaria leuinge Haraclas in his roome at Alexandria The yere of the worlde 4194 The yere of Christ 233 Anni regum britannie 2 Pontianus the .17 pope .vi. yeres The yere of the worlde 4196 The yere of Christ 235 About this time the emperour Alexander Anni regum britannie 4 by the counsaile of hip mother Mammea sent for Origene to Rome being meued with the fame of his excellēt learning and godly lyfe The yere of the worlde 4197 The yere of Christ 236 At Mense in Germanie Anni regum britannie 5 Alexander with his mother Mammea was slayne by Maximinus whom he of a mulettouor had aduaunced t rhighe dignitees Dometr●us bishop of Alexandria died when he had bene bishop .43 yeres after whom folowed Heraclias The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 237 Maximinus was emperour after Alexander Anni regum britannie 6 and reygned .3 yeres This man in his youthe was a mulettour in Thracia After he came to Rome and there practised feates of armes wherin for the wonderfull bignesse and strength of his bodie whiche he had ioyned with excellent boldnes of minde he so profited that in chiualrye he passed all men of his time Wherfore he was set vp of the souldiours agaynst Alex ander After whose deathe he exercised great tyranny towarde his frendes Of him it is written that he did eate euerye daye .40 pounde of fleshe and dranke .v. galones of wine Maximinius vanquished the Germains and in his retourne shewed great crueltee to the Romains Dionisius the disciple of Origene succeded Heracla● in the schole at Alexandria Maximinus persecuted the Christians The yere of the worlde 4200 The yere of Christ 239 Berillus bishop of a towne in Arabia Anni regum britannie 8 named Bosterna taught that Christ neither was before his carnal natiuitee nor had any propre diuinitee but onely the deite of god the father dwelling in him whom Origene confused and brought againe to the vnitee of the churche The people of Afrike not susteining the crueltee of Maximinus chose Gordian an auncient Senatour to be emperour whereof the people of Rome were veraye glad But Cap●llianus prouoste of Mauritania for dyspleasure that he bare towarde Gordian went agaynste hym with a strong army and in battail slue his son and discomfited his hoste Wherefore Gordian fearinge to come into his enemies handes hanged him selfe Antherus pope one moneth and after hym Fa●ian .xii yeres Anni regum britannie 9 Maximus Balbinus and Gordian a chylde were named emperours of the senate against Maximinus The yere of the worlde 4201 The yere of Christ 240 who not longe after was slaine at Aquileia of his souldiours Babilas beshoppe of Antioch Atherco after the slaughter of Ethodius his father was chosen kinge of Scottes and reigned .xii. yerres At the beginninge he shewed some token of honest towardnes but after he was so inuolued in all vncleane vice effeminate luste that he was not ashamed to goo in the sighte of the people playinge vpon a flute and reioysed more to be a fidlar than a prince finally beinge pursued for rauishinge the doughters of Nathalas a noble man of Arg●le he slewe him selfe Marimus and Balbinus for that they were not fauorable to the souldiours Anni regum britannie 10 were slayne at Rome The yere of the worlde 4202 by whyche occasion Gordian the childe reigned alone The yere of Christ 241 This Gordian accustomed to say that he was a wretched prince frō whom by flatterie the truth of matters is hid Sapores kinge of Persians .31 yeres Sabinianus reised a sedicion in Afrike agaynste Gordian whiche was quieted by the prouost of Mauritania Anni regum britannie 11 Gordian toke to wife the daughter of a wyse and wel learned man called Misitheus The yere of the worlde 4203 The yere of Christ 242 by whose counsayle also he gouerned the empire wyth the greatte fauour of the senate and people of Rome Porphir●us the disciple of Piotine and deadly enemye of christian religion flourished in Rome Theopompus the philosopher at Cherona Nicanor the sophister at Athenes Affricanus also a man of excellent learning whiche wrote to Origene were famous Anni regum britannie 12 Gordian went into the east against the Persians In his iourney he vanquished his enemies in Thracia The yere of the worlde 4204 The yere of Christ 243 In Surie by the counsaile of Pisitheus he ouercame Saxor king of Perse and by force droue him out of Surie ▪ He recouered
bee thoughte of all the successoures of Gregorye in the sea of Rome which haue not onely take vpon them that name to the derogacion of all other bishops as Gregory complaineth but also to bee called the heade of the vniuersall church christes vicar in earth with other names and cities of blaspgemy to the great dishonour of god callengyng also vsurping vnder this pretence a full iurisdiction auctoritee not onely ouer the whole clergy but also ouer emperours kinges and princes of the worlde alteringe and disposing their realms and kingdomes at their own pleasure by ree●ing of moste deadlye warres to the vtter disturbance of all Christendome Yea and that is moste vntollerable auauntinge theym selfe in their decrees to haue auctoritee aboue the woorde of god and that the interpretacion therof was onely in theyr handes because as they saye they could not erre yet by their errours and diuelishe ordinances haue brought into the churche all naughty doctrine supersticion and deprauing of goddes woord whe rby they haue wel nere vtterly banished true religion and shewed them selfe to be the chiefe head and membre of Antechrist The yere of the worlde 4573 The yere of Christ 612 Prasini and Ueneti people of Asia Anni regum britannie 24 with mutual warres pursued eche other very cruelly The Hunnes called Auares or Bauares inuaded the prouince of Forumiulii ouercame the Lumbardes in battaile slewe theyr capitaine Gysulphus whose wyfe Romilda being enamoured vpon the beauty and comely personage of Cacannus kinge of Hunnes betraied to him the citee of Forumiulii on this condicion that he should take her to his wife Who vsed her as wife onely one night and than commaunded her with mooste greuous tourmentes to be put to death taking of her woorthye punishement for her treason and vncleanesse Forumiulii was wasted and spoyled The Sclauines perced Histria and Dalmatia subdued to theim all that countrey CAdwane duke of Northewales Anni regum britannie 1 was made soueraigne of the Britaines The yere of the worlde 4574 The yere of Christ 613 who comming out of wales gaue stronge battayle to Ethelfride kinge of Northumberlande theyr most deadly enemye and in diuers encountres so discomfited the sayd Ethelfride that he was forced to entreate for peace After whyche concord made betwene these two princes they continued all theyr life time as two speciall and louing friendes Cosdroas king of Persians inuaded the landes of the empyre and tooke from the Romaines many citees and countreyes at whiche time the empyre beganne fyrst to decaie in the east partes There was at the same time a commocion in Afrike by the treason of the lieutenaunt Heraclianus father to Heraclius which after was emperour Phocas the emperour was slaine by Heraclianus Heraclius by meanes of his father was aduaunced to the empyre and crowned with the imperiall diademe by Sergius patriarke of Constantinople Anni regum britannie 2 The yere of the worlde 4575 The yere of Christ 614 He reygned .31 yeres In hys tyme fell muche aduersitee the Romayne empyre in the east Anni regum britannie 3 Theodobert and Theodorich The yere of the worlde 4576 The yere of Christ 615 kinges of Austracie and Burgoyne by the counsaile of Bennichild theyr graund mother made warre vpon Lothayre their cosin and king of Soysons In whiche warre was so greate slaughter that the course of the riuer Arunne was stopped with the multitude of dead corses whiche were cast therein But the more parte fell of the souldiours of Lothayre Richaredus kyng of Spayne reigned one yere Eleutherius was ordeined the .7 lieuetenant of Italy The Persians toke the citee of Hierusalem The yere of the worlde 4577 The yere of Christ 616 wherein they slew of the Christian men .9 thousande Anni regum britannie 4 and toke the holy crosse with theim into Persia. Anni regum britannie 5 Eleutherius toke the cytee of Naples and ouercame ●amp●inus capitain of the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4578 The yere of Christ 617 and made peace with theim for .x. yeres An other battayle was foughten betweene Lothayre and his kinsman Theodobert kyng of Austracie in whiche Lothayre was discomfyted and with greate losse of his men fled to Paris Deusdidit the .66 byshop of Rome .iii. yeres Suittilla the soonne of Richaredus kyng of Spayne reigned .x. yeres He made hys sonne Rachimir felowe with him in the kyngdome Anni regum britannie 6 Kingilffus and Quincellinus The yere of the worlde 4579 The yere of Christ 618 after the death of Colwolphus ruled ioinctly the principalitee of weast Saxones in Britaine whiche in the beginning fought against the Britains at Ampton beside Oxenforde and wanne of them the towne with other holdes The Persians toke Alexandria in Aegyp and after the death of Heraclianus the emperours father Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4580 The yere of Christ 619 subdued to them Carthage and and all Afrike The emperour desyred peace of the Persians whiche he could in no wyse obteyne Anni regum britannie 8 Heraclius proclaymed Costantine hys sonne partaker The yere of the worlde 4581 The yere of Christ 620 of the Empyre Heraclius the emperour went foorthe in his vyage against the Persians whom in dyuers great battayles he vanquished and slew of theim many thousandes This warre continued .vi. yeres Boniface after Deusdedit was made byshop of Rome He fyrst ordeined ▪ that they whiche fledde into churches should not be taken thens by violence Eleutherius the Emperours lieuetenant traiterously named him selfe kyng of Italye For whiche treason he was slaine of the other capitaines and his head sente to Constantinople After whom Isaac was lieuetenant of Italye Adoaldus succeded his father Agilulphus and gouerned the kyngdome of the Lumbardes The yere of Christ 621 Deadlye malyce was kendled betwene Theodorich kyng of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde 4582 and his brother Theodobert Anni regum britannie 9 Ferquharde the eldest sonne of Eugenius was king of Scottes .xii. yeres In the tyme of this mans reigne by his neglygence was greate diuision and debate amonge the nobles of the realme Warre betwene Theodorich and Theodoberte Anni regum britannie 10 in the whiche Theodobert and his host was discomfited at Toull The yere of the worlde 4583 The yere of Christ 622 and fled thens to Coleine where by treason he was slaine and his head conueyghed to hys brother Theodorich being enamoured vpō his brothers daughter woulde haue taken hir to wyfe had not hys graund ▪ mother Brunichilde withstode his pourpose because she was so nere of his bloudde wherwith Theodorich was sore dyspleased and threatened to slea hys graundmother ▪ because she before tyme hadde entised hym to make warre vpō his brother Theodobert vnder this pretence that he was not his owne brother but the sonne of a gardiner Brunichilde fearing his manasinges found meanes that he was shortely after poysoned and than dyd Elotdayre rule Fraunce alone which a good season was diuided
nauye sailed forth against the Sarasens in Egipte Anni regum saxo 60 The yere of the worlde 4705 The yere of Christ 744 in whiche meane time one Arthaustus bi trait●rous meanes inuaded the imperiall crowne and was confirmed of the people Wherof when Constātine had knowlage he retourned with his armie and besieged the citee of Constantinople and tooke the sayd Arthaustus whom he berefte of hys sight and condemned to banishement with other of hys conspiratours Griffon the yongest son of Charles a man of a fierce and wilde nature being miscontent with suche bequest as his father to him had geuen arrered warre vpon his other bretherne who behaued them so wisely that with out notable battail they toke theyr brother and kept him in warde Anni regum saxo 61 Sigibert was auctorised king of weast Saxones in Britain He was cruel The yere of the worlde 4076 The yere of Christ 745 and tyrannous towarde his subiectes and tourned the aunciēt lawes and customes after his owne will and pleasure And because a certayne noble mā some deale sharpely aduertised him to change his maners he maliciously caused the same person to be put cruelly to death And forsomuche as he continued in his malice and would not amende he was depriued of all kinglye auctorite and lastelye as a persone dessolate and forlorne wandring alone in a wodde was slayne of a swine hearde whose lorde and maister he being king had wrongfully put to death Charlemaine being of great power in France became a man of religion and yode to Rome Anni regum saxo 64 Kenulphus of the linage and bloud of Cer●icus The yere of the worlde 4709 The yere of Christ first king of weast Saxones reigned in that kingdome .31 yeres The vertue of this man farre passed his fame At the beginning he appesed certain murmours and grudges that were among the people for the deposing of his predicessour Sygebert Griffon the youngest sonne of Charles whych in thys passe time had ones or twise vexed his brother Pipine disturbed also Tassilo Duke of Bauary disseased him of his lordship for which cause Pipine went against his brother and restored the sayd Tassilo to his possessions After whiche time Griffon fledde to the duke of Guyan named Gayfer The yere of the worlde 4710 Racharis king of Lumbardie brake the league whyche he had made with the Romaines for the space of .xx. yeres The yere of Christ and wasted the countrey about Rauenna Anni regum saxo 65 and besieged Perusia To whom went Zacharie the pope and in such wise enchaunted him with his exhortaciōs that he did not onely leaue the siege but also renounsing his regall power became a religious monke The yere of the worlde 4711 The yere of Christ 750 Pipine gouernour of Fraunce vnder Childerich Anni regum saxo 66 entending to defeat his lorde and soueraigne of that kyngedome and to obteine the same by his ambassadours demaunded of Zacharie pope his bounden friende thys questiō whether he were more worthy to be king which was kinge onely by name and natural succession or els he whiche bare the bourden of the kingdome alone and yet lacked the dignitie of a kinge meanynge hym selfe To whom the pope aunswered that it was more ryghtfull that he which toke the charge of all thinges should be called king On whose iugement Pipine presuming deposed Childerich and made him selfe king In whom beginneth a newe progenie of the kinges of Fraunce For this Childerich was the laste kinge of the stocke of Meroneu● the firste christian kinge of fraunce Aistulphus was made king of Lumbardie The yere of the worlde 4712 The yere of Christ 751 Zacharie pope assoyled Pipine and the other frenchmē of their othe of allegiaunce and fealtye Anni regum saxo 67 that they hadde made to Childerich and confirmed Pipine in the kingedome of Fraunce Phroilla reigned in Spaine .13 yeres He vanquished the Sarasens whiche troubled the C●laces and slew of them .50000 Anni regum saxo 68 Griffon endeuouring to steere the people of Guian against his brother pipine The yere of the worlde 4713 The yere of Christ 752 was of theym slaine for auoyding of further daunger Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardes sette a tribute vpon the Romains whiche because they would not paie Stephene at that time Pope went into Fraunce to desyre ayde of Pipine against the tyrannie of the Lumbardes Who mete with the pope in the waye as sayth Platine and kissing his feete went on fote by hir horse the space of iii. miles Anni regum saxo 69 Pipine entring Italye with a great power The yere of the worlde 4714 beclipped the citee of Pau●e with a stronge siege The yere of Christ 753 and inforced Aistulphus to intreat meanes of peace which was to him graunted on condicion he woulde restore to the pope all that belonged to the churche of Rome The Turkes brake firste out of the mountaynes called Hyperborei Anni regum saxo 71 and inuaded Asia The yere of the worlde 4716 The yere of Christ 755 The cause whereof was that the Persians beyng ouerset with warre of the Sarasens desired ayde of the Turkes whiche beinge redye at theyr request entered Asia and firste ouer ran the Halianes after the people of Cholcis Arm●nie and the les Asia and lastly vanquished the Sarasens betwene whō peace was made on this cōdiciō that the Turkes shuld reigne in Persia and be called Sarasens Aistulphus of Lumbardie brake the league with the Romaines and besieged theyr citee .iii. monethes whereof whan Pipine had knowledge at the desire of pope Stephene he perced Italye besieged Aistulphus in Pauie and constreigned him to yeld to his mercy Pipine gaue the gouernance of Italy to the pope nothing regarding the auctoritee or desire of the emperour of Constantinople which willed him to the contrarie at which time the lieutenauntes ended their power in Italy Here maye a man perceiue how vaine it is that the fautours of the pope saye that Italye was geuen to him by great Constantine Anni regum saxo 72 Offa a noble man The yere of the worlde 4717 The yere of Christ 756 reigned in Mertia or middle Englande He made warre with the Northumbers and them for the time subdued He warred also against Etheldred king of Eastangles and vanquished and toke prysoner Egbert king of Kent Constantine the emperour did persecute theim which worshipped ymages Tassilo king of Bauarie submitted him to Pipine The yere of the worlde 4718 The yere of Christ 757 Aistulphus kinge of Lumbardie Anni regum saxo 73 dy●d as he was in huntinge after whom Desiderius by force obteyned the kingdome and was confirmed of Paule being thē pope to whom he fled for succour when he was ouerset in battaile of Rachisius the brother of Aistulphus The Saxons called Soisons disturbed the French men The yere of the worlde 4719 The yere of Christ 758 and were forced of Pipine to aske peace Anni regum saxo 74 vpon condicion that yerely after thei should
yelde to the Frenche kinge .300 good horses in waye of tribute Offa kinge of Mertia in Britaine buylded the churche of Wichcom The yere of the worlde 721 The yere of Christ 760 and the abbey of S. Albones Anni regum saxo 76 He chased also the Britaines or Welshemen into wales and made a famous Dike betweene wales the vtter boundes of Mertia whiche is nowe called Offedike The yere of Christ 761 Pipine made warre against Gayfer duke of Guyan because he required a tribute of the priestes or spirituall l andes within his Duchie The yere of the worlde 4722 The yere of Christ 77 This warre was troublous to Pipine and continued longe Eugenius the .viii. was kinge of Scottes and was slaine of his lordes for his auarice filthy luste and crueltee when he had reigned .iii. yeres Thelesius kinge of Bulgary inuading Thracia was put to flight of the emperour The yere of the worlde 4724 The yere of Christ 763 Anni regum saxo 79 and chaset into his countrey where for that misfortune he was slaine of his own people Sabinus was king of Bulgarie who agreed to the emperour in abrogacion of the images For which cause he was shortly after depriued of all kinglye dignitee of hys subiectes and fledde to Constantinople And after him was Paganus made king of Bulgarie Aurelius by treason murdered his brother Phroill Anni regum saxo 80 and obteined the kingedome of Spaine The yere of the worlde 4725 The yere of Christ 764 and reigned syxe yeres To the entent he might shewe the indignacion of the people he toke for his heire by adopcion the sonne of his brother named Ueremunde Fergus the .iii. was made kinge of Scotlande and reigned .iii. yeeres He was a foule dronken glutton and so outragiouslye geuen to harlottes that he neglected his owne wife and brought her to such penuri ▪ that she was faine to serue other noble women for hir liuinge Wherfore she murdered him in his bedde and after slewe her selfe also Anni regum saxo 83 Great discencion and tumultie was in Rome The yere of the worlde 4728 The yere of Christ 767 for the election of theyr pope For a noble man of the Lumbardes had by force aduanced his brother Constātine to the bishoprike being but a laye persone and not within orders whom the Romains after deposed and disanulled whatsoeuer was by him decreed Guian after longe warre was subdued to the signory of Fraunce by Pipine which shortly after ended his life Carolomanus and Charles surnamed the great begā theyr dominion ioinctly ouer the Frenchemen Anni regum saxo 84 The yere of the worlde 4729 The yere of Christ 768 Charlemaine had to his porcion middle Fraunce and Charles possessed Austracie with the other deale of Fraunce Solnathius reigned in Scotlande .xx. yeres and than died of the goute In his time rebelled B●nus of the yle of Tyre and Gillowham of Gallowaie whiche were brought to due obeisaunce Anni regum saxo 85 Desyderius king of Lumbardi The yere of the worlde 4730 The yere of Christ 769 cōminge to Rome vnder pretence of religion priuily rebuked one Paulus the emperours chamberlaine which abode as then in Rome for that he did not punishe the rebellious people nor endeuour to bring againe the gouernance of Italye frō the pope to the empire By whose woordes Paulus beinge stered put to death and cast in prison diuers whiche fauoured the partes of the Frenchemen and the pope and beganne to take vpon him in the emperours behalfe To quiete this trouble Stephene the thirde sente for ayde to Charles of Fraunce For the popes of Rome when any thinge was done contrary to their minde which they coulde not amend with theyr manasinges vsed to complaine to the French kinges desire succour of them by whose power maintenance thei in processe wer made lordes of the world and subdued to theyr beckes al other princes Hunildis whom Pipine had made ruler of Guyan rebelled against kinge Charles whom Charles subdued and vpon faithful promise of his good abbering restored him to the gouernaunce of Guyan Sillo driuing awaye Ueremunde possessed the kingdome of Spaine .vi. yeres He toke to wife Egimanda the widow of Aurelius Charlemaine the brother Charles dyed whose wyfe Bercha with her sonnes The yere of the worlde 4732 The yere of Christ 771 Anni regum saxo 87 fledde to Desiderius the Lumbarde Charles beganne his warres against the Saxones whiche continued the space of .xxx. yeres The yere of the worlde 4733 The yere of Christ 772 Anni regum saxo 88 Constantine the emperour setting forthe an nauye of ii thousande shippes against the Bulgares by a wonderful tempest lost a great part of them Desiderius king of Lumbardes besieged Rauenna and with sword and fire wasted the countrei about And when he had taken diuers citees and townes belōginge to the pope he toke his iourney towarde Rome When Adrian pope perceiued that his threatning of excommunicacion coulde not stoppe the rage of Desiderius The yere of the worlde 4734 The yere of Christ 773 he desyred helpe of Charles Anni regum saxo 89 whose comming into Italy feared so muche the Lumbardes that Spoletium and diuers other citees by meane of ambassade yelded and swore to be true to pope Adrian Charles after he had discomfited the Lumbardes in diuers battailes entred Rome where he was receiued with great pompe and made perpetuall league with the pope confirminge the giftes that his father Pipine had graunted and restored what so euer was taken awaye by the Lumbardes The yere of the worlde 4735 Charles when he had conquered Pauie and Millaine did sette frenchemen to be rulers therein The yere of Christ 774 Anni regum saxo 90 and banished Desiderius with his wife Lyones Here endeth the kingdome of the Lumbardes and Italy in the popes dominion The Saxones inuaded the Frenchmen Charles vanquished chased and slew the Saxons in diuers conflictes and stronge battailes Anni regum saxo 91 Charles ones againe ouercame the Saxones The yere of the worlde 4736 The yere of Christ 775 and toke them to mercie Anni regum saxo 92 The yere of the worlde 4737 The yere of Christ 776 To subdue certaine rebelles Charles retourned into Italy toke the citee Foriulium obteined Taruisium beheaded Rotgandus Constantine the emperour going against the Bulgares forced them to aske peace whiche when they shortly after brake and rebelled he manfullye vanquished and subdued them and retourninge to Constantinople tryumphed Mauregatus the sonne of Alphons Catholicus by his concubine after the death of Sillo by the ayd of the Moores obteined the kingdome of Spaine and reigned .iii. yeres Anni regum saxo 93 The Sarasens inbabiting the boundes of Aquitaine desyred ayde of Charles against theyr owne kinge The yere of the worlde 4738 The yere of Christ 777 At that time reigned in Spaine .iii. kinges of the Sarasens Charles gathering a great power went toward Spain where he toke and destroied the cites
of Christ 863 and other prouinces of Englande He was a man framed of nature as wel to peace as warre Amonge his subiectes he was milde gentell louing and pleasaunt against his aduersaries seuere fierce valiant and hardy He lyued in continuall warre with the Danes which all the time of his reigne vexed the land with moste deadly warres A company of Danes landed in Northumberland and after many skyrmishes and battailes to them geuen by strength they possessed and held that countrey the space of .60 yeres and toke also the citee of Yorke An other company entred in the prouince of Mertia and tooke the towne of Notingham from whens thei were shortly expelled by Etheldrede and his knightes Nicolas the first pope decreed that nosecular prince or emperour shoulde be at the counsayle of the clergye The yere of the worlde 4826 The yere of Christ 865 Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 4828 The Sarasens breakinge into Italy destroyed the citee called Beneuente The yere of Christ 867 Anni regum Angli 5 Against whom the emperour Lewys fought prosperouslye wyth the ayde of his brother Lothayre The Normans inuaded diuers prouinces of Fraunce whom Charles was fayne for that time to please wyth riche giftes and treasure The Bulgares which to this daye dissented from the churche of Rome The yere of the worlde 4829 The yere of Christ 868 agreed with them in all thynges Anni regum Angli 6 At whiche tyme theyr kinge forsaking his regally became a monke Sueropilus kinge of Dalmacie with his people the Sclauines receyued firste the religion of Christe The kingedome of Dalmacie was diuided into .iiii. partes the names wherof remaine at this daye A counsaile was holde at Constantinople Anni regum Angli 7 where after many wordes had for the vnitee and concorde of the Latines and Gretians The yere of the worlde 4830 The yere of Christ 869 it chaunced that the olde variaunce toke place and was againe renewed A company of the Danes entred the countrey of Northff where they slew the holy kinge Edmunde which gouerned the prouince of Northfolke because he would not for sake the faith of Christ. The yere of the worlde 4831 The yere of Christ 870 Basilius by treason murdered Michaell Anni regum Angli 8 and possessed the empyre of the east .xvii. yeres Lothayre king of Loraine ended his life at Placence of whose landes Charles king of Fraunce by strengthe toke possession For whiche cause was great debate betwene him and his elder brother Lewys of Germanye The coūtrey of Lorayn was deuided betwene Charles and Lewys wherewith Lewys the emperour was sore greeued and sent a sharpe message to them that neither the tone Anni regum Angli 9 nor the tother The yere of the worlde 4832 The yere of Christ 871 shoulde intermitte with the landes of Lothayre to the which he had most rightful titel The Danes which afore hadde perced the countrei of Northff landed againe in Southerie and continued till they came to Reading and toke the towne and castel at whiche time while Ethelrede was busied against them he had woorde of the landinge of Ofrike kinge of Denmarke as saye the english croniclers with an other company to whom the kinge gaue many stronge battayles but in the ende he was put to the Corse and receyued a wounde wherof he died ALurede the .iii. sonne of Ethelwolphus The yere of Christ 872 beganne his reigne ouer the more part of Englande Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4833 This man was of faire stature comely personage no lesse renoumed in marciall pollicie than in ciuile gouernance of his commen weale He was wise discrete and learned and fauoured good letters excellently well In youth somwhat he was disposed to the vyce of the fleshe and therfore besought god to chastice him by some continuall sickenesse whereby he myght serue god the better and yet not be made vnapt to worldly busynesse Wherfore by the ordinaunce of godde he was taken with the euyl called Ficus ▪ and was therof sick a longe space Alurede in the first yere of his reigne in sundrye places fought .vi. times with the Danes bi meanes wherof his people were so weakened that he was gladde to make peace with his enemies Anni regum Angli 3 A wonderful multitude of the flyes called Locustes The yere of the worlde 4835 The yere of Christ 874 vexed wel nere all the countreys of France This flye burneth the corne with touching and deuoureth the residue Wherof ensued a great scarcite dearth in Frāce About this time as sayeth the Scottishe historie Hungar and Hubba the bretherneof Cadaaus kinge of Denmarke with a great company of Danes inuaded Scotlande with whom theyr kinge Constantine met at the first encountre put theym to the worse but after by the negligence of his souldiours he was vanquished taken and slaine with .10666 Scottes when he had reygned xiii yeres Solomon king of Normains died after whom a cyuile warre was reysed betwene Pasquitanus and Uurfandus for succession in the kingdome wherby many of the Normains were slaine Belles were first vsed in Grece The Danes brake the league made with Alurede Wherfore in as secrete maner as he might The yere of the worlde 4737 The yere of Christ 876 Anni regum Angli 5 he assembled a chosen company and set vppon them sodeynlye And after the firste discomfiture helde them so shorte that he constreigned them to geue hostages for suerty of peace Ethus reigned in Scotland .ii. yeres He was so swifte that in rēning he could ouertake a great hert or greihoūd Charles surnamed the Balde Anni regum Angli 6 king of France obteined by great giftes of Iohn pope The yere of the worlde 4838 The yere of Christ 877 to be admitted to the imperiall auctoritee Wherwith Lewys king of Germanye his elder brother was much displeased But this Lewis before he could reuenge his quareli ended his life Than Charles of Fraunce ceassed vpon the lande and prouince of Lorayne For whiche iniury and also to recouer the empyre to the Germaines Lewys the sonne of the forenamed Lewis of Germany with his brethern Charles and Charlemaine gathering to them great power sette vpon his vncle Charles of Fraunce and him vanquished put to flight and chased and after that diuided the landes of his father betweene him and hys bretherne Gregour reygned in Scotland .xviii. yeres This was a sage wise and puissant prince and a man of great prowes He recouered Fiffe and Louthian the countreys that were taken frō the Scottes by the Danes or other enemies He droue the Danes out of Northumberlande as affirmeth the Scottishe historie and made that prouince tributary to him he toke from the Britains Cumber and Westmerland and vāquished and subdued the Irishemen The yere of the worlde 4839 The yere of Christ 878 Charles the emperour sickned at Mantua Anni regum Angli 7 and there was poysoned by one
emperour The yere of the worlde 4892 whom Bernarde Anni regum Angli 7 and Thiatmarus his capitaines subdued and slewe and toke prisoners to the numbre of .220 thousande In Fraunce fell so great a dearth and scarcitye that a quarter of wheate was woorthe .xx. poundes of that money which is in value after sterlyng money .50 shillinges The yere of Christ 932 Arnolde Duke of Bauayer ledde an armye into Italye against Hugh the kyng The yere of the worlde 4893 Anni regum Angli 8 where he was receyued of the cytye Uerona and ioygnynge in battayle with Hughe was chased and with great losse of his men retourned into his countrey At the citye of Gean flowed a well of bloudde Iohn the ●i was byshop of Rome .v. yeres Wyllyam the .ii. Duke of Normandye sonne of Rollo was slaine by treason of Arnolde Erle of Flaunders He lefte after hym a soonne that was to younge to rule that Duchie whiche thynge caused great troubled betwene the Normains and Lewys kyng of France who endeuoyred to bringe that countrey againe to his dominion and toke of him the tuicion of the younge Duke named Rycharde R●imirus the .iii. beyng but a childe obteyned the kyngdome of Spaine and reigned .25 yeres The yere of the worlde 4895 The yere of Christ 934 The Hungares exacted trybute of the Saxones Anni regum Angli 10 and with a puissant army inuaded the Turinges whom Henry the emperour ouerthrewe The Sarasens landed on the sea coste of Galyce and were dryuen backe by the Erle of Gundesalue at Santium Anni regum Angli 11 The Sarasens of Afrike The yere of the worlde 4896 The yere of Christ 935 with a mighty company entred Italye and spoylinge the sea costes of Hetrucia toke G●ane and most cruelly intreated man womā chylde sparing no kinde condycion or age An other company perced the countrey of Germany euen to Aquisgrane where encountringe with the inhabytantes Sagitus theyr capitayne was slayne Henrye emperour of Almayne ouercame the Danes that warred on the Fresones and made them tributarye He caused also Nuba their king to receiue baptisme Inger king of the Northmains whiche be called Russi Anni regum Angli 12 came to Constantinople with a nauye of .1000 shippes The yere of the worlde 4897 The yere of Christ 936 where Romanus the emperour mette with them with a smalle numbre of gallies and casting fyre into theyr shippes destroyed theyr nauye and toke of theym many prisoners Leo the .vii. was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres The sonne of Sithericus the Dane that fledde into Scotland beinge alyed ▪ with Constantine the kinge and by him ayded retourned into Englande and warred uppon Ethilstane of whom they were vanquished slayne with many of their souldiours Ethylstane subdued also the Britaynes that dwelled at Herforde and made them tributary Anni regum Angli 14 The Hungares wasted wyth fire The yere of the worlde 4899 the countreys of Germanie Fraunce and Italy The yere of Christ 938 Otho the sonne of Henry was ordeyned emperoure after his fathers discease and reygned nobly .36 yeres This man was excellent as well in the gyftes of nature as of wytte and fortune whose fierce and valiant courage was so tempered with gentylnesse that he is worthilye noumbred among the most noble prynces For he did not onely profyte his realme in subduinge forayne enemyes but also in appeasinge the malicious furie of certaine rebellious traitours amonge the whiche were Euerharde Erle Palatine and Gisibert duke of Lorayne whiche set vp against him Henrye his elder brother with whom he fought diuers battayles and lastlye finished his warre that had continued .vi. yeres The Saxones put the Hungares to great domage and losse of men by meane wherof they were in more quyet a good space after FDmunde the brother of Ethilstane toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of England The yere of the worlde 4910 The yere of Christ 940 Anni regum Angli 1 whose shorte reigne toke frome him the renowne of moste hyghe prayses that should haue redounded to his posteritee for he was a man dysposed of nature to noblenes and iustice The Danes remayninge in Northumberlande with other that came out of Irelande and the ayde of straunge nacions inuaded this realme of Englande and by Edmunde were driuen backe and slayne Beringarius the .iii. whych before hadde entred Italye agaynst kinge Hugh perceiuinge the great preparacion that Hug he made to withstande hym fled to Harmanne Duke of Swaue Hugh king of Italy besieged Fraxinetum and by the helpe of Romanus the emperoure The yere of the worlde 4902 The yere of Christ 941 Anni regum Angli 2 burned and destroyed the nauy of the Sarasens Otho emperour of almaine began his warre agaynst Boizlaus of Boheme which trayterously murdered hys naturall brother Uinceslauo a man of great religion and iustice which warre continued to the .xv. yere of Otho Lewys king of Fraunce inuaded Lorayne and by Eberharde and Giselbert his capitaynes toke the cite Brisacum Stephene the .viii. bishop of Rome .iii. yeres At Andermake by the souldiours of Ottho The yere of the worlde 4903 Anni regum Angli 3 Eberharde the treitour was slayne The yere of Christ 942 and Giselbert in the flighte was drowned in the riuer of Rhine Whereof whan Lewys had witting he fled into Fraunce and Ottho recouered Brisacum The yere of Christ 934 Lewys kinge of Fraunce warred vpon the nobles of Normandy The yere of the worlde 4904 for the recouery of Richard the yong Duke Anni regum Angli 4 whyche was priuilye conueyed from his court to the erle Barnarde The Normains beynge ouerset submytted theim to the kyng and restored the childe Martine the seconde was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres Anni regum Angli 5 Alberike kyng of Rome The yere of the worlde 4905 The yere of Christ 944 Aboaram kynge of the Sarasens in Spaine was vanequished in battaile of Rada●yre the most Christiā kyng of Galyce Malcolme the sonne of Constantine reyned in Scotlād .xv. yeres and at the laste was slayne by conspiracie of certaine traitours Stephene and constantine the sonnes of Romanus emperour of Constantinople depriued theyr father of al imperial auctorytee and sente hym in exile And whiles they attempted to worke the same treason toward Constātine Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 4906 the soonne of Leo The yere of Christ 945 they were bothe taken and caste into a monasterye as into a perpetuall bondage after whyche tyme Constantine reigned in the east .xvi. yeres A blasing sterre appeared in Italie EDmunde kynge of Englande ended hys lyfe after whome succeded hys brother Eldred Anni regum Angli 1 The yere of the worlde 4907 The yere of Christ 946 For Edwyne and Edgare hys sonnes were thoughte to younge to take on theim so greate a charge This Eldrede had the earnest fauoure of his commons because he was a greate maynteinour of all honestye and moste infest enemye to naughtye
of Christian and politike gouernemente when yeres sh●ul●e make ripe those fruites of vertue which euen in his tender age appeared to be sowen in hys royall herte Under this Kynge in the the tyme of hys minoritye hys vncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde protectour with the rest of the counsel gouerned this realme By wh●me to the furtheraunce of gods worde and true religion commissioners were sent into al partes of the realme with commaundement to take all Images oute of churches for auoydinge of Idolatrie and to cause al persons to leaue the superstitiouse vse of beades Wyth these commissioners were sente certein godlye learned preachers which dehorted men from superstition and enstructed them to geue theim selfe to true and vnfayned worshyppyng of god in heart and mynde with due obedience towardes theyr prince This yere order was taken that the pompous and superstitious maner of goyng in processi●n shuld be lefte and no more vsed The last day of Iuly Steuen Gardiner Bisshoppe of Winchester was sent prisoner to the towre of London And about the same tyme Doctour Smith of Oxford recanted openly at paules crosse diuers articles conteyned in twoo bookes whiche he had made one for the defence of the sacrifice of the Maise an other to proue that vnwritten verities oughte to be beleued vnder payne of damnation Shortlye after the Lorde Protectoure and Erle of Warwike wente into Scotlande with a stronge army requiringe the Scottes to fulfyll their promise made before to kynge Henry concernynge the mariage of theyr younge Quene with noble prynce Edwarde hys sonne But the Scottes alwayes vnfaithfull of promisse stubb●rnel●e came againste them with a greate puisaunce And not long after the two armies encoūtred in the feldes of Muscleborow● at a place called Pinkersloughe the englishmen not thinckynge as then to haue battaile And because the fronte of the Scottishe army was so terribly set with pikes our horsemen that gaue the firste on set were enforced to recule with losse of certen gentlemen whiche reculynge muche abashed our footemen But yet by the great wisedome and pollicye of the capitaynes and the good stomake of our souldiours wherewith god had at that present strengthed them they gaue a new onset and without any notable fight discomfited the Scottes and optayned a noble victorie At this tyme were slaine of the Scottes betwene thyrtene and fouretene thousande and not passynge an hundred Englysshemen This yeare dyd the pestilence so rage in the Citie of London that men fell to buryeng their deade early in the mornynges and late in the euenynges whervpon a commaundemente was geuen to all curates that they shoulde bury none before .vi. in the mornyng nor after vi at nyght and that a bell should ryng .iij. quarters of an houre or more After Myghelmasse was holden a parliament wherein chauntries were giuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at his pleasure It was also ordeyned in this parliam●nt that the body and bloude of Christe shoulde be receyued of all persones in bothe kyndes breade and wyne And an order was appoynted for the auoidyng of sturdy vagabundes and beggars In this meane whyle Peter Martyr a Florentine borne and of excellent knowlege in diuinitie being sent for by Thomas Cranmer archebyshop of Canterbury came into Englande ▪ in Nouember and shortely after was made reader of diuinitie in the vniuersitie of O●forde for his excellencie and soundenes in doctrine Also in this parliament were repealed certain bloudy statutes made in the tyme of kynge Henry the eight Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1548 emongest whiche the statute of sixe articles was one The fifte day of Februarye the aboue named duke of Somerset with the reste of the counsaylours of the realme dyd wryte vnto the Scottes in the kynges name a very longe and piththy Oration exhortynge theim to embrace peace but in vayne as afterwarde appeared to the great losse of bothe realmes In this February hotte persecution beganne agayne in Fraunce and especially at Paryse for the doctrine of Martyn Luthere where as in the meane whyle in Englande mens wyttes were occupied in dyuysynge howe to abolyshe the masse vtterly In Aprile folowynge Martine Bucer beeynge sente for by the marques of Brandenborough one of the princis electours came frome Strawsborough in Germany to Aus●orough and was there of hym and other at his appoyntemente entreated and perswaded by fayre woordes and promyses by roughe wordes and threatenynges and by all meanes possible to geue his consent to a booke called Antididagma whiche the Papistes had bene in hande with frome the yeare of our Lorde a thousande fiue hundred fortye and two to this present● yere a .1548 and hadde as nowe made it perfect as they thought But al this not withstanding Bucer departed not geuyng consent to theyr boke but not without danger of his lyfe This boke was fyrst pende against that boke of reformation of religion which Herman byshop of Coleyn caused to bee drawen and was afterwardes sette forth in his name But yet when they had made it as perfect as they coulde and had confirmed in it all popery welmoste it coulde not be allowed by Gods vicar of Rome bicause there were in it some thynges graunted to the contrary parte The fyrst day of October Edmunde Boner byshop of London was depriued of his byshoprike and put in prison in the Marshalsey for that he obstinately stode in the defence of popisshe supersticion and Nycholas Ridley byshop of Rochester was by the kynges authoritie transl●t●d to London The fourth day of Nouember was a parliament holden at Westminster vpon prorogation wherin was authorised a boke of an vniforme order of common praier and administration of the sacramentes in the englishe tongue Also the mariage of priestes was in the same parliament made laufull Moreouer the acte made in the .xxxii. of the reigne of kyng Henry the eight concernyng contractes of matrimonie was in this parliament repealed for that many beastly persons maliciousely enterpreting the same did by obtaynyng the firste carnall copulation take frome honest men their despoused wyues Sir Thomas Seimour lord Seimour of Sudley high admyrall of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 3 was by parliament attainted of treason for which his head was striken of at the tower hill in London the .xx. of Marche It was sayd that he fought to distroy the yong kynge Edwarde his neuewe and to make hym selfe kynge but moste men thynke he dyed innocent in that matter In Aprile Martine Bucer and Paulus Fagius men of excellent learnyng after many letters sente to theim from Thomas Cranmer archbyshop of Cantorburye came into Englande and were frendly receyued of the kyng hymselfe of the whole nobilitie welmoste and of the people also And after they had a while refreshed thē selues with the archebyshop of Canterbury they were bothe sente to Cambri●ge there to teache the trewe doctrine of Christe In Maie