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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02628 A recantation sermon preached in the gate-house at VVestminster the 30. day of Iuly 1620 In the presence of many worshipfull persons, by Iohn Harding, late Priest and Dominican Fryar. Wherein he hath declared his iust motiues which haue moued him to leaue the Church of Rome, and to vnite himselfe with the reformed Church of England, whose faith and doctrine, the ancient fathers and holy martyrs haue confirmed both by bloud and writing. Shewing herein the grose errors of Rome, in matters of faith, their corrupting the Fathers, and their present declining to some strange and future ruine. Harding, John, fl. 1620. 1620 (1620) STC 12756; ESTC S115165 15,923 28

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euery Spirit but try the Spirits whether they bee of God or no Likewise I did much ruminate and ponder with my selfe the place of the Prophet Esay where he saith to the Law and the Testimony If they speake not according to this Word It is because there is no light in them Whence I did gather that all Seruices and Doctrines of Religion are not acceptable before God For Faith commeth by hearing and hearing of the word of God so that if they speake not according to this Word it is rather fancy then faith humane traditions then Gods institutions and consequently condemned by our Sauiour in the 15. of Mathew where he expresly reprooued the Commandements and traditions of men And St. Paul reiecteth as Bastard slippes all voluntary Seruices what apparance or outward shew of deuotion soeuer they beare By which and other like places I was moued to examine my profession whether it were of Gods institution and especiall command specified to vs or whether God were the author of those Seruices and Ceremonies which now beate great sway in the Church of Rome and after due examination I found out for certaine that many points of the Religion now embraced by the Romanists are not to be found within the volume of Gods Word When I considered this and perceiued the weakenes of the grounds that must warrant our soules it gaue me occasion to forsake my communion with the Church of Rome in whose bosome I haue beene long detayned of whom I may iustly complaine as the Prophet Ieremy did of the false teachers in his dayes they haue reiected the Word of the Lord and what wisedome is then in them Likewise I often busied my selfe in reading of Books treating of Religion such as handled matters now in controuersie as the Apollogy of the most reuerent Father and learned Scholler Iohn Iewell Bishop of Sarisbury written against a friend and neere Kiseman of mine Docter Harding together with another no lesse reuerent then learned Marcus Antoniuus de dominis Archbishop of Spalato whom after I had well perused I found such comfort in my conscience and such sollid doctrine for my soule that I made no doubt to say with the Prophet Dauid a domino factum est hoc this is the Lords doing Now the Sunne is vp and the Clouds of ignorance are gone the truth shineth and the Kingdome of Heauen is at hand therfore I may say with my Text bonum est mihi quia humiliastime It is good for mee that I was in trouble for thereby I haue learned thy Statutes But what are these Statutes they are the Word of God contayned in the Law and the Prophets which are the rule of our Life and the square of our Faith and the very Oracle of Almighty God from Heauen to reueale his will vnto vs for certaine it is that Christ came not to destroy the Law but to fulfill it hee swarued not from the Law and the Prophets neither did the Apostles teach any thing vpon their owne will and discretion but the Doctrine which they receiued of Christ they faithfully deliuered it vnto the people and Nations And this they preached at the first in viua voce that is in a liuely Voyce and afterward deliuered it vnto vs in writing to be the foundation and Pillar of our Faith Qui hoc credit saith Tertullian nihil habet quod vitra credat He that beleeueth this hath no Obligation to beleeue any thing else and this is that which we ought to beleeue without either adding or diminishing I would now demand of the Pope and his Papalins in what Gospell in what Apostle in what Prophet or Euangelist or Book of Moses they find either Pope or his supremacy where are his Pardons where is his Masse where Images together with many other his Fopperies which now they hold to be very precious We reade in the 20. of Exodus that almighty God doth expresly forbid the making of any Image to represent the Person of Almighty God or to do any seruice and obey sance to any Picture or representation of the creature for first God is a Spirit invisible incomprehensible and Eternall and therefore hee cannot be signified by any Image or creature which is both corporall and momentary and therefore God in his second Commandement forbiddeth all seruice done vnto Images but contrary vnto this the Church of Rome doth command and allow not only the making of Images but also doth command the seruing and worshipping of them as by incensing them in lighting of Candles vnto them by kneeling before them and by yeelding vp their offrings and deuotions vnto them All which can bee no lesse then grosse Idolatry for albeit they do not worship their Images as stocks and stones but as they represent either God or some Saint So likewise did not the Isralits worship their golden Calfe as the true God but they did worship the true God in the Calfe and yet notwithstanding the Text saith that they did commit Idolatry and many of them were seuerely punished for the same Exod. 32. so that the Idolatry of the Church of Rome is as grosse as that of the Isralites What can bee more iniutious vnto God then to hope for helpe of him and yet notwithstanding to pray vnto a sencelesse stock The faith of the Patriarkes and Prophets righteous Fathers from the beginning of the world was the same as ours is and ought to be as the Apostle saith that they were all baptized in the red Sea and did eate the same spirituall meate and iniutious vnto drinke the same spirituall drinke as wee doe now But was Abraham Isaack or Iaacob Papists did they fall downe before stocks and stones before Idols or Images to pray or offer vnto them did they go on pilgrimage one to anothers Relikes to doe deuotion vnto them there is neither shew nor shadow of these things in the Word of God Chrysostome saith that Christ nee discessit a lege neque a Prophetis but none of all this is to bee found in the Law or the Prophets therefore in no wise to bee admitted As touching the distinction which they vse betwixt Duleiam and Latreiam affirming that they giue to Saints onely Du●●iam that is a kind of Religious Seruice and that they giue Latreiam vnto Almighty God intimating thereby that they both worship God and serue their Images Our Sauiour confoundeth them in the 4 of Mathew saying as is written Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serue And Saint Paul perswadeth the Corinthians to turne from Idols and Images and to serue the euerliuing God where hee doth vse the word Duliea for the Seruice of the true God shewing heereby the opposition that is betwixt the one and the other that he that serueth Images cannot in any wise serue the Almighty God yea God himself speaketh it plainely in his first Commandement to worship and serue him only neither will he giue his Honour to any other
Scripture but in the meaning Therefore Saint Paul saith that the Communicant doth eate Bread after Consecration for if the Bread were wholy and truly Transubstantiated into the Body of Christ hence it followeth that euery one that doth receiue the sacrament doth also eate the Body of Christ and consequently cannot be damned For our Sauiour saith He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Bloud hath eternall life so by this rule the wicked shall be saued as well as the godly Moreouer if Christ be present according to his humane Nature then is it no Sacrament for euery Sacrament is a signe inanis est signi visus vbi resipsa presens est the signe is to no effect where the thing it selfe is present And it is to be noted likewise that the signe must haue some Analogie with the thing that it signifieth Now the thing signified is the Body and Bloud of Christ which is true meate true drinke as our Sauiour himselfe witnesseth in St. Iohns Gospell but the species or accidents of Bread and Wine are not true meate nor true drinke by that meanes cannot giue any fit proportion with the thing signified by them Further it is an Axiome in Phylosophy that accidentis esse est in esse that the being of an accident is to be in some subiect But these accidents as colour sauour and roundnesse they cannot bee in any subiect and so by consequence they cannot exist in the Sacrament For they cannot be in the body of Christ because it is glorified but the accidents are subiect to corruption and therfore they must either exist without a subiect which is contrary to Phylosophy or else to bee seated in the Body of Christ which is now glorified and this is impossible It is further to be noted that the Church of Rome doth mutilate and curtall this Sacrament for they take the bloud of our Sauiour which is our redemption from the lay-people yet certaine it is that our Sauiour did institute this Sacrament vnder both kinds and as he said to all take eate this is my Body So did he likewise speake vnto all when he deliuered the Cup saying drinke ye all of this and Saint Paul writing to the Corinthians sayth As often as ye eate of this Bread and drinke of this Cup ye shew forth the Lords death vntill he come For as Alexander of Hailes saith whole Christ is not conteyned vnder each kind but the Flesh only vnder the forme of Bread and the Bloud vnder the forme of Wine And heere vpon Gelasius Pope made a Decree that they should either receiue the whole vnder both kinds or receiue none at all vnder any kinde For there can bee no deuision of this one Sacrament and high mistery without great Sacriledge so that by their owne Doctors it is euident that they commit great Sacriledge in deuiding this Sacrament and do much abuse the people of God in deceiuing them of the precious Bloud of our Sauiour The 5. Motiue which mooued mee to persist in this my enterprise is that the Pope challengeth authority vnto himselfe to forgiue sinnes and thereupon sendeth forth his Bulls Pardons and Indulgences pardoning whom he list and as he list as if he were God himselfe hauing absolute power to do what he list insomuch as Traytors and Rebels against God and their lawfull Prince hee will not only pardon without exception but he will enable them in their damnable courses to the ouerthrowing of themselues and their Princes What the Religion of Rome is it may easily appeare by this that a man may haue for money a Licence or dispensation for any sinne a Popes pardon is sufficient for all but to what end serueth pardons when as there is no Purgatorie for neither the ancient Fathers make mention of it and the Grecians vntill this day beleeue it not Siluester Prierias in his Booke against Luther saith that Pardons are not knowne vnto vs by any authority of the Scriptures but by authorie of the Pope which is greater then the authority of the Scriptures Vox bouis non hominis It is the voice or saying of some Beast and not of any Christian man Certaine I am that the Pope cannot justifie an vnrighteous man whom God abhorreth neither can he condemn the faithfull whō God doth much tender and fauour therfore his Pardons are rather pernitious then any whit commodious to the persons that buy them bearing them in peace and security when indeede they are in much perill and misery VVhere doe they find that the Pope hath any superiority ouer Kings Princes or Emperours that hee hath any authority to depose them from their Crownes and dignities and to absolue their subiects from their Oath and Allegeance which they haue sworne vnto their Princes That vpon his Excommunication it is lawfull for them to rebell against them and so practise all Hostility to depose them There is not one word sentence or place out of the Scripture to proue it no precept or example of antiquity to warrant it and yet they commend it for a chiefe point and ground of Catholike and Christian faith By what right doth he claime this supreme authority if he clayme it as a successor of St. Peter it is impossible for that Saint Peter neuer had any such Title or preeminence ouer the rest of the Apostles It is true that Christ said to Peter Thou art Peter and vpon this Rock I wil build my Church These words hitherto giue no superiority to Peter aboue the rest Only they shew that the Church is built non super petrum sed super Petram not vpon the person of Peter but vpon the Rocke Of which Saint Paul saith Petra autem erat Christus the Rock was Christ whom Saint Peter confessed to be the Sonne of the euerliuing God This confession of Saint Peter is that Christ is the Rock wherevpon the Church is builded aliud fundamentum nemo potest ponere nisi id quod positum est Christus Iesus Other Foundation can no man lay but that which is laid already namely Christ Iesus Where then shall wee find that Peter was made Prince of the Apostles to rule ouer all the rest as our Popes doe now But what hath the Pope to doe with Peter or what doth the Pope doe as Saint Peter did Saint Peter did conuert soules plant Churches and preach the Word of God vnto all Nations but in what Pulpit hath our Popes euer set foote where haue they preached the Gospell or expounded the Word The first Lesson that Saint Peter teacheth vs is to feare God the next is to Honour the King Quis haec est voluntas Dei for this is the will of God But the Popes say that they are Princes aboue Nations and Kingdomes they can depose Kings and pull downe Emperours they haue authority ouer their subiects to discharge them from their Oathes they haue the right and clayme vnto both swords as well temporall as spirituall And that