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A80106 A collection of divers papers presented unto the Houses of Parliament by the Commissioners of Scotland since May last, 1645. Scotland. Parliament.; Buchanan, David, 1595?-1652? 1645 (1645) Wing C5144; Thomason E305_1; ESTC R200320 22,259 40

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matter of the Directory for the publike worship of God But cannot wonder enough what should be the cause that the government of the Church which is the wall of Ierusalem and the hedge for preserving of other parts of Religion is so long expected by all the Reformed Churches especially by the Church of Scotland so earnestly desired by the Assembly by the godly of the Ministry and people both in City and Countrey is opposed by the enemy as the finall determination of the controversies of Religion and the ruine of all their presumption and expectation ever to recover themselves and would so much conduce for Order and Peace both in Church and State should stay so long in the birth and not be brought forth and established We cannot conceive the want of the love of Religion which is so acceptable to God that without it nothing can be accepted and so profitable both to the publick and to every mans private that it is the one thing that is necessary to be the cause when wee remember that the honourable Houses by their Commissioners and in their Declarations to the Kirk and Kingdome of Scotland and the reverend Assembly of Divines in their letters by their direction have so fully and frequently professed That Religion was the controversie betwixt them and the contrary party And the chief ground of craving aid and assistance from the Kingdome of Scotland And of the solemne League and Covenant now known to all the World the prime Articles whereof are for the Reformation of Religion as well in discipline and government as in doctrine and worship and for unity and uniformity in all these in the three kingdomes Like as upon the other part it was the principall cause that moved the Kingdome of Scotland to deny themselves to forsake their own peace and ease and to joyne with their Brethren in the time of their distresse for prosecuting this war wherein they have spent so much bloud in this Kingdome and at home lost so many worthy and pretious men and endured so many miseries In all which and against death it selfe their chiefest comfort hath been the testimony of their consciences that they were contending suffering and dying for Religion And for the Cause and Covenant of God which is also the consolation of their Widdowes Orphanes and Friends whom they have left behind them Nor do we apprehend how the judgement or obstruction doth come from any other party Such as have wilfully refused to joyn themselves in Covenant or do deale falsely in the Covenant are not to be regarded but are to be reckoned amongst the enemies And what ever their professions or pretences be are not indeed serving the Lord Jesus Christ or the publick but seeking themselves and their own ends And such as have taken the Covenant and make conscience of the Oath of God will not sleight Reformation Vniformity or the extirpation of superstition heresy schisme and profannesse far lesse appeare against the setling of the government of the Church But will with all their strength endeavour it as the meane appointed of God for so necessary ends No man can be so destitute of sense and reason as to thinke such an Anarchy and confusion as now prevaileth in the Churches of this Kingdome to be the Ordinance of God No Christian can be so void of knowledge and faith as to imagine such a monstrous deformity to be the beauty and glory of the Kingdome of Christ on earth No brother can beare a mind so contrary to charity as to judge such an intolerable condition to be the reward of so much bloud as hath beene shed in this cause And of the so many and greevious sufferings of all the three Kingdomes Nay wee are perswaded that God hath provided better things for us that necessity will bring all that tender the preservation of Religion and the peace of the Church to joyn at last in the right order and government of the Church and that both Houses which is all our desire concerning this will adde from that authority wherewith God hath vested them their civill Sanction to what the pious and learned Assembly after long and serious debates have advised as most agreeable to the Word of God There be alwaies some Incendiaries and evill instruments who will be raising jealousies against Church-government as a collaterall power erecting it selfe at the side of the Civill and in the ●nd overtopping it which is nothing else but to raise jealousies against the spirituall Kingdome of Christ as if it were inconsistent with the Kingdome of this World In other places where Civill powers are no lesse tender to their greatnesse and superiority there is no such thing Upon the contrary the Civill powers finde their honour and authoritie increased the people under them more dutifull and obedient and their places more comfortable both in peace and war by the Discipline of the Church in Presbyteries and Synods Ministers in their persons and professions are subject to Civill authority and though they receive the rules and directions of their Ministerie from Christ yet may the Civill power command and compell them to doe their duty in preaching administring the Sacraments and exercising of Discipline and may hold them to such principles as are well knowne by the confessions of the Reformed Churches and their long peaceable practice agreeable thereunto And therefore no danger is to be feared from their power but much helpe and happinesse from their faithfulnesse if they finde encouragement from the Civill power which they will greatly need against so many difficulties as they have to wrestle with before this Church be setled in purity and peace It is no mervaile that wicked men the sonnes of Belial are unwilling to submit their necks to this yoke that Christ may raigne over them this is their corruption and will prove their misery But it is the excellencie and praise of Church-government that it is terrible to such as an Army with banners Nor should it seem strange that some of the godly who have been sore pressed with Prelaticall tyranny and usurpation should be afraid of all Ecclesiasticall government But this will appeare to be needlesse feare when they cast their eyes upon the sweet and peaceable government of all the reformed Churches for so many yeeres and when they consider that the power of the Keyes is not to be exercised at the pleasure of any one in a Monarchicall way but by a Company and Colledge of Ministers and Elders chosen with the consent of the people Or that others of the godly measuring the constitution of Presbyteries and Assemblies by the corruption and prophanenesse of many Presbyters in the Prelaticall times should conceive of them as formidable to the power of godlinesse But when they shall perceive that by the wisdome and care of the Parliament the Presbyters and Assemblies are constituted and made up of orthodox pious and select persons zealous of the honour of Jesus Christ and of the edification
A COLLECTION Of divers Papers Presented unto the Houses of Parliament By the Commissioners of SCOTLAND since May last 1645. Published by Authority LONDON Printed by Moses Bell. 1645. Ingenuous and Courteous Reader HEre I present unto thee a Collection of some Papers of which I shall onely say that in them thou wilt finde Reason and Truth the publishing whereof I am perswaded in the first place will give content to men of judgement and integrity concerning divers things murmured and rumored every where almost against men so well deserving in the service of this Cause of God and of his people and consequently against the Cause it selfe for which they have and doe undergoe so much hardship toyling care and hazard c. in all these three Kingdomes not only in opposing the violence and plots of the open and declared enemy but also in declining and stopping the undermining devices of counterfeit friends and false brethren In the next place it will make false-hearted and by-ended men blush for shame if they have any as also the simpler ones acknowledge their owne sillynesse suffering themselves thus to be deluded and as it were led by the Nose by the specious lyes of crafty and deceitfull men but before thou goe to the reading of the papers themselves give me leave to detaine thee a little with these ensuing lines Of late many reproaches have been cast upon the Scots in the pursuance of the service in this common Cause namely for three things First on the one side the Malignants that is the enemies of Church and State adversaries to our solemne Covenant blame the Scots for pressing and urging the setling of the Church-Government to the end that all grosse Idolatry and Superstition with Tyrannie may be pulled downe as also all fanaticall errours and Heresies with confusion may be repressed in the Church and it preserved pure as the Spouse of Christ according to his holy Word and conforme to the practice of the first times and example of the best reformed Neighbour Churches as we are all bound by our solemne Oath on the other side divers men of zeale to the glory of God and good of his people blame the Scots that they are too white-lipp'd and doe not put home with vigour enough the setling of the Church as they are conceived to have done in their owne Country and so they are wish'd by these Zelots to make their stoutnesse more clearely appeare in this businesse of the Church for these well-meaning men are grieved from their heart to see the setling of the Church these five yeares in hand so slackly pursued yea in the latter times stopped by some of those who formerly did make a shew of an earnest affection for the setling of the same as aforesaid but now with an unparallel'd impudency doe publickly affirme that Religion was not the first and maine quarrell betwixt the Parliament and the common enemy against the Declaration of both Houses when they tooke Armes and against the Declaration of both Kingdomes joyntly and more particularly against the Nationall Covenant To this it is answered the Scots in conscience and duty to God and his people and particularly by solemne Oath are bound to put on the setling of the Church with all faithfulnesse and earnestnesse and yet they have to this day proceeded therein with all meekenesse longanimity and tendernesse studying to gaine by faire meanes those who are so backward to the setling of the Church if it were possible 2. The Scots on one side are blamed by those who are enemies to the setling of Government in the Church and good order in the State for expressing so seriously their desires of peace the Church being setled in truth and purity and the State secured with due Priviledges and lawfull liberty And on the other side divers blame the Scots for not pressing home enough the obtaining of Peace so much the rather that they are affraid to have a Peace both long in comming and uncertain when it is come except the Scots presse it and be engaged in it To this it is likewise answered the Scots have undertaken war not to make a Trade of it but to obtaine peace and the sconer the better for the stopping of the torrent of wickednesses of all kinds so openly and with so high a hand committed against God and the wrongs done unto his people in warre for they finde by woefull experience that the Sword is the heaviest of the three maine scourges wherewith God punisheth the children of men for their iniquities yet they conceive the thing is to be done with judgement and discretion for fear of surprisall and circumvention by the common enemy who studieth to undoe us by deceit in making an uncertaine peace if not prevented by wisedome since he failes in his plots and open violence by warre to destroy us 3. The Scots are blamed that their Army hath done nothing this Summer and hath laine heavily upon the people yea and put Taxes upon them to a huge and immence value if it went through the whole Country To this also it is answered If the Scots have done nothing I pray you where doth the fault lye for they have been ever willing and ready with us when we will have the Plough to goe first we give meate both to man and beast next we furnish the Plough with all instruments as sock culter c. fit for the worke then let it be knowne with what and in what measure the Scots have been furnished for any undertaking yea in downe-right tearmes they have been so dealt withall that it seemeth there hath been a set designe to keepe them from doing and to make them odious to the people yet they have not been idle notwithstanding their wants for the sending of the King twice South-ward and the breaking his Northerne design is as advantagious to the main service of the common Cause as any thing hath been done any where this yeare all wise and judicious men doe acknowledge and confesse this To lay aside divers other particulars done by the Scots this yeare but as for the Taxes or Assesments said to be against the liberty of the people it is answered that first they are moderate and reach no further then the places nearest unto their quarters not going through the whole Country as some doe seeme to intimate in their letters then if it be against the liberty of the people without Ordinance from Authority to lay Assesments upon the Country it is against the nature of men to live upon nothing or starve till Order from Authority come Againe I pray you whether or not is it more convenient for the people that moderate Assesments should be laid upon them then that the Souldier driven by necessity should take at discretion Further whether or not is it better for keeping an Army of foot for the good of the people to have a set Taxe paid and appointed in a place then to run up and downe at all times
for provisions are not the forces in the West driven to the same exigencies for want of pay yea some of late although they have been formerly with care lookt unto have abandoned their Colours and run away yet I am sure if the Scots Army had the fourth part of pay that the Westerne hath had this Summer they would render ten for one for any thing that should be taken from the people of this they have given evidence enough by their former carriage in this Kingdome moreover they have frequently and earnestly solicited for pay to fit them for action and keepe them from being troublesome to the people and since they speake of liberty I pray you if the Scots had not come in where had the liberty been and where had the Parliament been siting for judgeing of the liberty of the people Is it not knowne to all that the Parliament is Assembled at the occasion of the in-coming of the Scots then the Court Plots against the Parliament were disappointed by reason of the being of the Scots Army in England Thirdly the Scots being solicited by the Court upon great promises to side with it against the Parliament not onely refused to doe it as most base but also gave notice of it to the Parliament with assuranee of their service Lastly if the Scots had not come in when they came where had the liberty of the Parliament and people been ere now After all this some malicious men studying to advance their worldly condition and private ends by confusion in the Church and disorder in the State doe what they can to give a distaste to Parliament City and Country of the Scots but in vaine for as sure as the malicious calumnies of Papists and Prelates with their adherents hath come to nothing and their devices fallen upon their owne heads so without doubt ere it be long these enemies to the setling of the Church of God with their wickednesse and pride will fall to the ground notwithstanding all their cunning and craft for nothing can subsist but truth and honesty A Collection of divers Papers given in to the two Houses of Parliament by the Commissioners of Scotland THe sense of the goodnesse of God in the late victory granted to the Forces of the Parliament the experience of all ages wherein the greatest and most sudden victories have through security or negligence so far miscarried that they have proved either hurtfull or unprofitable and the desires we have that this present victory may be thankfully and wisely improved to the honour of God and the publike good have constrained us humbly to offer our thoughts and desires about this matter of so great weight and consequence that by this honorable Committee they may be represented to the honourable Houses of Parliament First we desire that unto the publike and solemn thanks giving already offered unto God there may succeed a publike and reall testimony of thankfulnesse in the speedy setling of Religion and the House of God wherein his glory and honour is neerely concerned no monument or Trophee of victory can be so pleasant in his sight nothing will more confirme and incourage all good Christians at home and comfort and satisfie all the Protestant Churches abroad no means will be more effectuall for setling of unstable minds for curing and preventing of Sects Schismes and Heres es and for stopping the mouthes and shaming the faces of such as have not been ashamed to say That the Parliament in policy pretendeth religion but doth not really intend it and thereby draw many Disciples after them Secondly least victories run continually in a vicissitude as they have at some times done formerly which is not onely a signe but a means of the continuance of this unnaturall warre we desire that presently while the iron is hot and before the Enemy gather strength againe course may be taken by the joint Councels and forces of both Kingdomes for the speeedy vigorous and constant prosecuting of the war that by the blessing of God it may at last be brought to an end and nothing may be left undone which may be a meanes to deliver these Kingdomes from their present sad condition under the heavy hand of God Thirdly we humbly move and desire it may be considered whether the present condition of the Kings Army and the blessing of God upon the Parliaments forces both of them joyned make not an opportunity and such a season as is very desirable for renewing the desires of the Parliaments of both Kingdomes in the most convenient and conduceable way for a just and well grounded Peace Thus apprehending all occasions of demanding Peace it will appeare that although War be necessarily in our hand yet Peace is in our heart and that we follow not War as a trade or for it selfe but as a means of Peace If it shall please God to move the Kings heart to listen unto our just and necessary desires our troubles are at an end and we may sit downe in peace But if God shall so far desert the King that he will still prefer the pernitious and destructive suggestions of wicked men unto the Counsels of the Parliaments of both Kingdoms In that case we may say before God our owne consciences and the world that we have delivered our owne souls our Enemies will be convinced that peace is our desires our friends will extend themselves to the maintenance of a necessary war and the Armies of both Kingdomes will doe duty with the greater resolution and courage when they see no other remedy which may be a means upon this side to bring the war to a speedy and happy conclusion These our motions desires we humbly present to be seriously considered by the wisdome of the honourable Houses that the Lord Chancellor of Scotland being now about his journey into that Kingdome may be acquainted with their resolutions and may make the same knowne unto the Scottish Army in this Kingdome and to the Parliament of Scotland that all matters whether of Peace or Warre may still proceed with the consent of both Kingdomes 20 June 1645. By command of the Commissioners for the Parliament of Scotland John Cheisley HAving now seen and perused the divers Letters and Papers of great importance mentioned in the Answer of the honourable Houses of Parliament to our paper of the twentieth of June which may give light to the future proceedings of both Kingdoms having also observed the good successe of the Parliaments Forces since that time whereby the King and his Armies are brought to a much lower condition which in Divine Providence may be a further preparation to an happy Peace and having reason from what we have learned in time past to apprehend that men will not be at rest but still be dealing under hand and tampering for a Peace of their own making and for their owne private ends to the great prejudice of the Publike the further alienating of the Kings heart from a safe and
Ireland upon grounds contained in the large Treaty and in the Propositions made by Commissioners sent from both Houses and particularly by the Ships which according to an Article of the late Treaty were to be employed for defence of the Coast of Scotland An Enemy neverthelesse from Ireland entred the Kingdome of Scotland having no other controversie nor pretending any other cause against them but their Treaty and Covenant with England and their assistance following thereupon and hath prevailed so farre as hath made this sad Remonstrance necessary at this time It is no matter of great difficulty unlesse wee will shut our eyes and hide from our selves our owne danger and threatned ruine to discerne and determine what is the great and maine designe of the Enemy now waxed proud and insolent by the afflictions which the Lord hath brought upon the Kingdome of Scotland When hee hath brought all there under his power a work which through the malignancy of some open and many formerly secret enemies now appearing and joyning with him through the sufferings calamities and hatred brought upon the best affected and such as have beene most active and instrumentall in this Cause and through the discontent and distemper of the multitude for the losse of their meanes and friends in this warre at home and abroad he presageth to be more easie and faesceable then what he hath already brought to passe His second expedition is against the Parliament of England which is not any uncertaine conjecture but his owne professed resolution and confidence And is too apparent that unlesse he be speedily suppressed he may through the concourse and combination of the Malignants of Scotland and of the Northerne Counties of England grow to a greater strength especially if he joyne with the King and his Forces which he is also very confident of then be afterward easily opposed and thereby may reduce these Kingdoms to a more miserable condition in respect both of Religion and Liberty beside all their intervening sufferings then they were in before the begining of this unhappy warre We know the cause is the same which it was at the first undertaking that the Godly in Scotland who loved it from the beginning and are resolved to live and die in it that the conjunction of the two Kingdomes which the enemy laboureth to divide and so to overcome is no lesse beneficiall to both then it was formerly conceived to be That the Popish and prelaticall faction in forraine parts as well as His Majesties Dominions upon the union of these Kingdomes are more strictly and powerfully combined then they have beene at other times That the Reformation of Religion the common interest of all the reformed Churches in Christendome groaning so long under the crosse is as much to be looked unto as ever and who knoweth but the Lord in his wisdome and justice is putting both their Kingdomes to a further tryall the one by suffering the other by doing that it may be known whether they have been seeking their owne peace and preservation or the honour of his name and the good of Religion We may without giving the least cause of offence in this conjuncture of time make use of the words of the Declaration of the Convention of Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland to the subjects there concerning their expedition into England for the assistance of their Brethren only changing the persons and if they were not extant in that Declaration we would have expessed our selves in another manner The Lord save you from the curse of Meroz who came not to helpe the Lord to helpe the Lord against the mighty when we looke upon the cause which Scotland maintaineth the Prayers Teares and Blood which they have powred forth and the insolencies and blasphemies of the Enemy we cannot doubt but enlargement and deliverance shall come unto Scotland but England hath reason to feare if upon so faire a call they sit still and hold their peace they shall perish by the hand of the same enemy and there shall be none to deliver them We have many grounds of assurance that this cloud shall passe over and after the Lord has proved and tryed the constancy of his servants the malignancy of hipocrites and the fellow feeling of our Brethren his face will againe shine upon us and his hand will raise us up and ruine our enemies Our desire and expectation is that in the day of our rejoycing our Brethren may rejoyce with us and be comforted in this testimony that they did not forsake us in the day of trouble Wee cannot deny that during the sitting of the Parliament and divers times before this Kingdome hath laid to heart the dangers of the Kingdome of Scotland nor can it be denied that the Kingdome of Scotland hath of late given abundant testimony of their affection and faithfulnesse to this Kingdome in departing the Kingdome in such a manner in the yeare 1641. which wee mention because of the many sinister suspitions and unjust calumnies vented to the contrary and by their comming againe to this Kingdome at such a time for such ends and against so many impediments If any discontents differences or jealosies have beene raised which were nothing strange because very ordinary and incident in time of War a time that useth to produce many and great difficulties wee desire they may be all mutuall forgiven and forgotten that the War be managed in Scotland as in England by the joynt counsells of both Kingdomes and that in every thing a right understanding and a strong mutuall confidence may be revived and renewed that either Kingdome may helpe the other in time of trouble as if they were but one Kingdome and that the Lord may delight to blesse the endeavours of both Sep. 1645. By command of the Committee for the Parliament of Scotland IOHN CHEISLEY VVHereas in answer to our paper of the date Iune 20. 1645. bearing our earnest desires of the setling of Religion and Peace in these Kingdomes and our other papers since to the same effect diverse votes of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled have beene communicated unto us which for so long a time have not been effectuall to produce the intended and so much desired ends We are upon many and very urgent causes constrained to renew our former desires and are very confident that the honourable houses judging of us in relation to the trust committed unto us as if wee were their own Commissioners in the like case And consider that our demands of establishing Truth Peace are not only agreeable unto but confident with their own maine intentions for which they have done and endured so much We shall not onely be free of the censure of importunity but shall have their approbation with such an answer as may give us satisfaction and put our minds to rest hereafter And first concerning Religion we blesse God and thankfully acknowledge the zeale and endeavours of the Parliament for what is already done in the