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A49316 The prerogative of the monarchs of Great Brittain asserted according to the antient laws of England. Also, A confutation of that false maxim, that royal authority is originally and radically in the people. By Bartholomew Lane, Esq; Lane, Bartholomew. 1684 (1684) Wing L330; ESTC R222011 59,818 160

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bin so chary of them to collect and reduce them into one Body and leave them as a sacred Relieque to the prejudice of his Successors And from thence our Fundamental Laws derive their illustrious Descent and may therefore justly claim the Title of High-born contriv'd by Soveraign Princes as well for their own safety as the Peoples security Which being at length made publick with the unanimous consent and approbation of the Peoples Suffragans there was nothing binding to the Prince but what Princes had already condescended to and nothing impos'd upon the People but what themselves thought necessary and convenient To come to particulars first in reference to the safety of the Prince those good and famous Monarchs of our own gave ample testimonies that they were not ignorant what procures the Honour and Esteem what the ill will of the Subject And therefore in the first place none were more devout according to the knowledge of those times none greater observers and setlers of Religion and none more bountiful enlargers of the Churches Priviledges And in regard the next Applause belongs to them who best provide for the Civil Government therefore they took care to make good Laws that by them they might govern well For as they have justly merited immortal Honours who have bin the Establishers of Religion and good Government so none have clouded their Memories with greater infamy then the Contemners of Religion the Subverters of establish'd Government and Oppressors of the People For it is but the Counterfeit Glitter and Delusion of false Honour that captivates the Ambitious and enslaves them to the desire of enslaving others and mounts their unruly passions rather to an affectation of upbraided Tyranny then renowned and God-like Kingship And yet there is that shame of ignominy and that eager thirst after what is most praise-worthy among Men that the worst of Tyrants would sooner be accompted Agesilaus's Timoleon's and Dio's then Nabis's Phalaris's and Dionysius's Nor shall we find that Timoleon and the rest had less Authority in their several Dominions then Phalaris or Dionysius but this is certain they liv'd in much more safety and security If we consider the difference between those Roman Emperors and virtuous Princes that rul'd according to Law and those that took a contrary course Story is full of the never dying Encomiums of Nerva Trajan Adrian Antoninus Pius and Marcus Antoninus who needed not the Guard of Praetorian Bands nor the Defence of armed Legions to secure them as being sufficiently defended by their own Justice and Moderation the Affection of the People and Love of the Senate whereas all the Power of the Roman Empire could not save Caligula Nero Vitellius and those others like themselves from those mortal Enemies which their own depraved Lusts and Tyranny rais'd to their destruction the most abandon'd of Men at their Falls Which was the reason that of twenty six Emperors from Caesar to Maximus sixteen came to untimely and unfortunate Ends. Land-marks sufficiently visible whereby to discover the happy Road of Honour and Security from the Sands and Shelves of Reproach and timorous Anxiety It is a pleasure to dwell in History under the Raigns of those virtuous Emperors which give us a full view of Princes safe and secure in the midst of their secure and faithful Subjects the World flourish'd in Peace and Justice the Senate enjoy'd their Authority the Magistrates their due Honours the People grew Rich and Wealthy Virtue and Nobility was exalted and fear only possess'd the Gates of the Enemy Reverence Obedience and the Peoples Hearts were the Princes satisfaction Freedom and Security the People's On the other side under the Lawless Raign of Will and Tyranny behold the World all in dismal Combustion there War and Bloodshed here Tumult and Sedition Cities dis-peopled Rapes and Adulteries Triumphant Guards doubl'd the Prince in perpetual Fears and Jealousies in continual disquiet and distrust the People mad and raging and unruly as the inundations of the unfetter'd Ocean and in a word nothing but disorder and confusion till the gaping Jaws of Ruine swallow All. And therefore it is recorded of Numa Plut. in vit Num. so highly eminent for his Justice and Affection to his People that during all his Raign there was neither War nor Sedition nor so much as the least commotion that tended to a Tumult Which was the reason of Plato's assertion That it was impossible to move the Throne of that Prince in whom a Philosophers mind and Regal Supremacy met together On the contrary it is said of Tiberius Non Fortuna Tacit. Annal l. 6. c. 6. non Solitudines prolegebant quin Tormenta pectoris suasque ipse paenas fateretur Therefore saith Cicero Fear is an ill preserver of Diuturnity but love and respect is faithful and to Perpetuity And from hence it was that when the Poets represented in the person of Jove a wise and virtuous Prince they brought him in attended by Obedience and Equity but when they make him a Tyrant they associate with him Injury and Fear And Juvenal setting forth the unsafe Condition of Arbitrary Pomp and the perillous Estate of Tyranny goes a great way in two lines Ad generum Cereris Sat. 10.112 sine caede vulnere pau●● Descendunt Reges sicca morte Tyrann●● Reges being there taken abusive in the same sense with Tyranni But the words and sentence of a King are of greater force Therefore let us hear the determination of Ferdinand of Arragon ●●uan l. ● 4. who marry'd Isabella of Castil● It was a part of the Arragonian Constitutions at that time that if the King went about to violate the fundamental Laws of the Kingdom it might be lawful for the Nobility to create another in his room This seem'd very severe to the Castilians and therefore they advis'd Ferdinand to abolish that Law as prejudicial to Royal Dignity But Ferdinand reply'd That he was bound by the sacred Oath which he had taken from doing any such thing Besides that he was of Opinion that the safety of a King and Kingdom was secur'd by the equal poise of Power and that if at any time it happen'd that the Power of the one out-hallanc'd the other that without doubt the ruine of the one or the other would ensue And it is recorded of Augustus Caesar That when he listen'd to the Advice of his Wife Julia and govern'd by the Law Dio in vit August that he was from thenceforth free from Conspiracies and that the People and Senate were always after that faithful and obedient to him Which was also Escovedo's Counsel to John of Austria Governour of the Spanish Netherlands telling him withal that he could never be safe among those who were not safe from his own Ministers for that Security was to be obtain'd by mutual Security S●ada l. 9. circa princip And indeed the Kingly Office made and ordain'd for the defence of the Law of the Subjects Fortes
are altogether to be laid aside who tells us of the Simplicity and Virtues of the first Ages of the World and that the most ancient of Mortals co-habited without inordinate Desires free from Villany and Impiety and so not under fear of Punishment or Coertion and that there was no need of reward when every one voluntarily pursu'd the Tracts of Virtue and void of all extravagant Desires requir'd no restraint of their Excesses These were only florid Conjectures For it is apparent from authentic History that Violence and Treachery enter'd the World when there was yet but the small number of Four and of them the one that slew and the other that was slain Of which the Tyranny and Cruelty of Lamech being no less an immediately ensuing Instance they both afford an emergent Evidence that they were not ignorant of the Enormity of the Facts they had committed as convicting themselves by that Law of Nature which inwardly upbraided them for having so highly transgress'd So though in part it might be true that Luxuriant Dominion and Injurious Violence when just Equality and Modesty grew out of date inforc'd the necessity of Laws yet does it not appear that the World was so long ignorant of Mischief as to merit those Encomiums of Ethnic Fancy But though the Apprehension of a Law commanding Good and restraining Evil and a deep fence of Punishment incurr'd by the breach of that Law were imprinted thus in our first Progenitours yet we do not hear in all the Thousand six hundred fifty six Years for I omit the fabulous Calculations of the Egyptians before the Flood that ever any one attempted to erect a Sovereignty or to assemble the confused Multitude under any settl'd Constitutions Although there be who affirm Dresserus among the rest that Cain Erected a Peculiar Kingdom and a Religion of his own which well he could not do without prescribing Rules and Institutions proper to his Government After the Flood no longer than a Hundred sixty one Years so ancient is Kingly Government most certain it is that Nimrod assum'd to himself Imperial Dignity and Dominion as being the first Founder of the Assyrian Monarchy In whose Raign also Ashur went out of Shinar and built several Cities wherein it cannot be thought Men liv'd without the Tyes and Bands of Political Government Nimrod having led the way we read of many others in many other places as Amraphel Kedorlaomer Tidal King of Nations and therest all mention'd together And now Particular Laws and Customs apparently discover'd themselves Abraham gives the Tenth of his Booty to Melchisedech and the reseu'd Kings voluntarily resign him the share of the Spoyl which he had won in Battel Leagues were made for mutual defence and under variety of Governments every one held their Native Rights and Customs so dear that as the first War we read of in the World was made to subdue the next was a revolt to recover lost Liberty and to throw off the Yoak of Arbitrary Dominion Now the same Law that restrain'd Injury and Wrong asserted Right and Property or lawful and peculiar Possession of the Assistances and Conveniences of Living And this was also taught to Man by Nature For at the same time that the Breath of Life was infus'd into him was also bequeath'd him that light of Nature that gave him not only Reason but right Reason and consequently the true Grounds and Foundations of Law Therefore it was that Cain and Abel betook themselves to different Occupations to the end they might the better understand what belong'd of right to each other it being but reason that they should both enjoy the advantages and emoluments of their different Labours Thus Adam was the first that Planted Cain the first that dealt in Pasturage and Abel the first that follow'd Agriculture Who as the World encreas'd made a disposition of right to others according as they saw convenient And it was but rational for them that were thus invested in possession to establish the right of their peculiar Claims and Properties upon the Divisions and Bequests of them that were Lords of All. After them were born the Inventers of Arts and Handicraft Trades From whom 't is very improbable to think 't was then lawful to rifle their Inventions without Exchange or the plenary satisfaction of one Commodity for another These things were well observ'd by Seth the third Son of Adam 235 Years after the Creation in the hundred and fifth Year of his Age by which time as the World was vastly stor'd with People so had they as greatly encreas'd their Proportions of Stock and Substance and improv'd their Allotments and Inheritances of Land And therefore he began to deem it now high time to think of Framing Laws and Ordinances for the better Government of so numerous a Common-Weal And this fell out to be in the Year that his Son Enoch was born at what time as the Text records Men first began to call upon the Name of the Lord. For that then it was that Seth first introduced the Practice of Religion or the Awe of Divinity and made Laws and Constitutions for the safety and security of Right and Property and to prevent those disorders and disturbances of common Tranquillity of which it may be well conjectur'd he was not a little fearful from the bad Examples of Cain and Lamech So that although Cain and his Off-spring that totally perish'd in the Deluge were the first that broke the Law of Nature Yet Seth by another Line another Son of Adam begot by him after his own Image and Likeness that is to say Prudent Good and Virtuous as he was whose Race re-peopl'd the drown'd World and continues to this day He it was that made this Light of Nature burn more clearly by bringing Religion into Form of Worship and Law into Precept and Practice And it may not vainly otherwise be thought but that under that same Form of Worship and under those Laws Men in all respects continu'd obedient and conformable while Adam liv'd that is till within seven hundred and seven years before the Flood so great a veneration they might have for him that was so well known to be the surviving Original of all Humane Race However it were this remains unquestionable that the general Corruption and Impiety of Mankind occasion'd the Wrath of the Omnipotent Creator and that thereupon he sent the Deluge to destroy from the Earth that numerous Succession which had so highly offended him Of this the reason assign'd in general was that already mention'd a total Defection of all the Sons of Men from God which had infected every thought of their hearts All the Precepts of Religion and Nature all that good Order which Seth had settl'd in the World was at length utterly ranvers'd Liberty and Property was invaded and the Repose and Peace of Common Society spurn'd and trampl'd on by Potent Cruelty and Domineering Injustice And all this seems to be included under the particular reason of Divine
Realm but a Collection of those ancient Constitutions of the Saxons Danes Mercians and Northumbrians which were by Matthew Paris call'd Bonae adprobatae antiquae Regni leges leges Edvardi Regis quae prius inventae sunt constitutae in tempore Adgari avi sui leges aequissimi Regis Edvardi These the English oppress'd by Norman Tyranny eagerly thirsted to have restor'd and were impatient till they were at length in most solemn manner confirm'd first by King John and afterwards by Henry the Third with the severest Anathama upon the Infringers of it that State or Religion could devise Know ye saith the King that We in the fear of God for the Salvation of our Soul the Exaltation of the Church and the Amendment of the Kingdom In which words are contain'd the Motives inducing the King to make the Grant and next the Final causes of the Grant The first Inducement is the Fear of God And this those Two Great Monarchs Favorites of the Almighty Victorious David and Wise Solomon both conclude to be the beginning of Wisdom Which Wisdom as it can consult nothing but what is good and virtuous in General so when It comes to be chief Privy Counsellour and Minister of State to a Prince in the Establishing a particular National Government can never be suspected to advise otherwise then for the general Good and Preservation of the People from whom Obedience to that Government is requir'd 'T would be impiety to think that the Beginning of Wisdom could have any other aim or intention then what is just and profitable Therefore where a Prince is blessed with the fear of God That Religious Fear instructs him with Heav'nly Wisdom and that Heavenly Wisdom guides him to make and establish such Laws as may come nearest to the Laws of God himself which respected nothing more then the safety repose protection and welfare of his own People Happy then is the English Nation whose Lives Estates and Liberties are wrapt and folded up in such a Charter of Laws which had its Confirmation from the fear of God Certainly their Estates their Lives and Liberties can no where be more safe then in the fear of God by nothing more cordially or warily preserv'd then by the Beginning of Wisdom Which when the late Usurpers violated they soon found it to be the Beginning of Folly The second Inducement was the Good of the Kings Soul Which he well might hope for from the Promises of the King of Kings Himself He might well have a fair prospect of Eternal happiness when he was so largely providing for the Temporal Felicity of his People It was an Argument of the Queen of Sheba That God delighted in Solomon and that the Lord loved the People of Israel because he had made him King to do Judgment and Justice This is the Great Charter of Heaven by which Princes hold their Supream Dignity the Execution of Judgment and Justice is the high Employment to which God has appointed Kings In so doing they observe the Statutes and Ordinances of Heaven The Rock of Israel spoke to David saying Let him that ruleth over Men be just ruling in the fear of God The recompence of which is to be rewarded according to their Righteousness Which is the Guerdon that David acknowledges to have bin the happy retaliation of his Integrity in observing the Precepts and Statutes of God by him fram'd for the publick Benefit of his People and who may be also said to be the Author of all good and wholsome Laws grounded upon Reason and Nature And therefore the King might well hope for the reward of his Equity and Justice from the God of Both. And the People might well hope for security temporal of their Lives and Liberty from Laws confirm'd for the Eternal security of the Confirmer And as the Motives and Incentives to pass this Grant were twofold so were likewise the Final causes of the Grant it self First the Exaltation of the Church Thus Moses provided first for his own Worship in general in the first part of the Decalogue as he also did in his particular Worship in the Erection of the Tabernacle and the Consecration of the High Priest and subordinate Levites And this order and method the very Heathens were prompted to observe by the very Light of Nature The first care of Numa was to settle the Heathen Worship of the Gods the next care of Servius Tullus was to provide for the good Order of the Politic Government And Justin speaking of Moses and a feigned Son of His whom he calls Arnas and the great Benefit which the Jewish Commonweal had reap'd from their good Government Quorum Justitia saith he Religione permixta incredibile quantum coaluere Which mixture of Religion with Justice was by some of the Heathens accompted so absolutely necessary that they would not separate the Priesthood from the Kingly Office as we may read in Virgil Rex Anius Rex idem hominum Phoebique Sacerdos Vittis Aene●d l. 3. sacro redemitus tempora Lauro And it was the Fatherly advice of Charles the Fifth to his Son whereby he might approve himself a worthy Prince Strada l. 1. to be constant in the Patronage of Religion and the protection of the Laws which he calls the true and certain Establishments of all Kingdoms For the Ship of the Common-weal can never Ride safe without the sacred Anchor of Religion For it concerns all Princes that Study the Diuturnity of their Dominions above all things to preserve the Worship of God in its intire purity There being no more dangerous symptoms of a perishing Kingdom then the neglect and contempt of Religion This is easie to be understood if Men would give themselves to understand the Fundamental ground and reason of the Religion where they are born and bred For that Religion has its Birth from some peculiar and awful Original or other The Religion of the Heathens was grounded upon the Answers of the Oracles and the Observations of Diviners and Soothsayers Believing that those Gods which could foretel good and evil could also bequeath them the same Felicities or vex them with the same Misfortunes But the Foundation and Original of Christian Religion it is not to be question'd but that we all know as being establish'd in the World by the Eternal Son of the ever living God And the ends of it are to procure Salvation in Heaven and Tranquility Union and Peace upon Earth And while the Faith and Integrity of Men makes no other use of it the Intermixture of it with secular Justice makes that binding Cement that renders the Bulwark of Government impenetrable to all the assaults of Humane Violence For by the Exaltation of the Church is not meant the Exaltation of Pomp and Gawdy Ceremony and the pampering it up in worldly Honour and exorbitant Wealth quite contrary to the Institutions of the Founder who laid the Foundations of his Doctrine in Humility and Peace From whence
while Men in Holy Orders deviate and maintain the forbidden Interest of Worldly Glory while they seek to support the name and shew of Religion they Adulterate Justice and many times become the main disturbers of the publick Peace Whence Matchiavel makes this observation Matchiavel dis●c●●si l. 1. c. 12. That those People who inhabit nearest to the Church of Rome have the least Religion and ascribes the Bad Estate of Italy to the Roman See And for this he gives two invincible as he calls them Reasons First for that by the evil and wicked Examples of that Court the whole Nation have lost all their Piety and Devotion The next Reason proceeds from the different Interest of Christian Humility and Antichristian Vain-glory. For the Roman Court to maintain the Pomp and Splendour of a Temporal Hierarchy is forc'd to keep not only Italy but all Europe in Division and sometimes to League even with the Turk for its own preservation by which means unhappy Italy being prevented from uniting under their own supream Prince and one frame of Law is expos'd to all the Pretences of her more powerful Neighbours and her pettie Princes are but the precarious Tenants at Will to more mighty Potentates Nor does the Exaltation of the Church encourage the Priesthood to move irregularly out of their Sphere or to lead an Amphibious Life sometimes in the running Streams of the Gospel sometimes upon the Terra Firma of Temporal Government Nor is it in Scripture a warrantable method of seeking Church preferment to oblige the secular Interest by strain'd and wrested Interpretations of the Immaculate Scripture Like Shaw Preaching up the Title of Richard the Third and Latimer the right of Jane Seymour For if the Kingdom of their Lord and Master be not of this World no more does temporal preferment belong to the Ministers of his Doctrine But the true Exaltation of the Church is to protect it's Ministers in the Preaching of sound Scripture to the Conversion of Souls to the building up the new Jerusalem and advancing the future Kingdom of Christ by their endeavouring to increase the number of his Celestial Subjects The Exaltation of the Church protects her neat and pure and exactly cleans'd and swept from all the Cobwebbs of Babylonish Superstition For then will Rome despair of ever setting Foot in England more when with grief she beholds all her Follies and inveigling Allurements Root and Branch extirpated To which end the same resolution might well become the Clergy of England in reference to the Relicks of Popish Ceremonies which was applauded in King Stephen in relation to the Roman Laws who hearing that they were brought into England and lodg'd in the custody of Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury commanded them out of his House publish'd an Edict against the Laws of Italy and banish'd them out of his Realm Not enduring tho' a Forraigner himself any other then the Honesty of the English Constitutions An Act of his not recorded by any of our Historians but by the Learned Selden in his Notes upon Fortescue cited from Roger Bacon's Compendium Theologiae and John of Salisbury in his Treatise de nugis Curiaticum On the other side the Wolf in Sheeps cloathing outwardly Meek and insinuating Heresie and Schisme are equally dangerous and contagious For Heresie the Illegitimate Brat of Contumacy while it labours to shake off from the minds of Men the easie Yoke of Christ at the same time teaches Men to violate their Allegiance to their lawful Princes and they that strive to bring in the Innovations of obstinate Opinion if they get the upper hand seldom change the Religion alone Therefore the Exaltation of the Church defends and guards those Men that give themselves to compose the breaches of Ecclesiastical Differences and labour to beget a harmony and unity of Faith and Devotion which then Religion most truly useful and the most unblemish'd Aid of Civil Justice The second final Cause of this Great Charter was the Amendment of the Kingdom The miscarriages of those times are by our Historians said to be the Cancelling of the Great Charter by the advice of Hubert de Burgh Chief Justiciary of England as first confirm'd by the King during his Nonage The displacing the English Nobility and admitting Poictovins and Forraigners into the Chief employments of the Kingdom and the Impoverishment of the Nation by vast and continual Taxations By the means of which undue proceedings the ancient Laws of the Realm were render'd useless and the Liberty of the People lay at the Mercy of Evil Ministers The amendment of which Grievances as being an Act due to the Honour of God the Salvation of the Kings Soul and the Exaltation of the Church is now intended by the Confirmation of this Great Charter From whence it is inductively demonstrable that if the Establishment of good Laws be the way to procure such inestimable Happiness to a Prince the continuance of bad Customs and Oppression inclines to all the contrary consequences that is to be dishonourable to God hazardous to Salvation and injurious to the Church Which considerations of Eternal Detriment or Felicity when they come to be the inducements to Reformation must certainly be a great advantage to such Reformation that it may prove effectual to all its purposes And then such Act of Reformation is of that high Merit that it produces a benefit of the good exceeding the mischief of the Evil the reason perhaps why Machiavel ascribes a more Exalted renown to those Princes who reform the corruptions of a disorder'd State then to those who only continue the Good Government which they found E veramente saith he un Prencipe cercando la gloria del mondo doverebbe desiderare di possedere una Citta corrotta non par guastarlo come Caesare ma per riordinarla come Romulo A Prince Ambitious of the Honour of this World would desire to come to a Kingdom under the corruption of ill Customs not to ruine it like Caesar but reform it like Romulus For as it is impossible but that Ambition desire of absolute Dominion and many other oversights of Government will many times disturb the Courts of Justice and let in confusion at the Breaches of the Law so is that Prince the more highly to be honour'd who reforms those abuses and restores exiled Justice by how much such Reformation must needs be the more welcome and acceptable even as health is more valued by such as know the Inconveniencies of Sickness then by those who never understood the want of Cure and by how much the Joy is greater for the recovery of the lost Sheep then for those that never went astray Now this Amendment of the Kingdom imply'd the defect of Government and such a defect which endanger'd the Estates Lives and Liberties of the Subject which since they could be no way secur'd but by the Recovery of the Ancient Laws of the Kingdom it follows that seeing the Rights and Liberties of the English People are