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A30562 A visitation & vvarning proclamed and an alarm sounded in the popes borders ... being the account of a journey to Dunkirk, and the proceedings there among the Jesuites, and friars and papists, with some particular quæries, and also some propositions sent unto them : which may be satisfaction to many who may behold the difference in part between th papists and the people of God, and between the idolaters and the true worshippers / by one that travells in the labour of the Gospel of Christ for the elect seeds sake, Edw. Burrough. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1659 (1659) Wing B6055; ESTC R36306 27,470 36

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Gentibus bibit sanguinem sanctorum Martyrum corrupit Terram secit u● omnes biterunt ex poculo Scortationum suarum Pseudoprophetae supervenerunt in nationes deceperunt ea● Deinde Ecclesia vestra est de populis turbis tribubus in quos Bestia potestatem recepit quibus insedit meretrix quosque pseudoprophetae deceperunt 5 Quod vera Christi Ecclesia uxor Agni electa sponsa urbs illa dilecta que peperit eum qui Gentes erat Recturus fugit in solitudinem alita fuit in loco luctus desolationis mille ducentis sexaginta diebus calcaverunt Gentes urbem sanctam uxorem Agni dominium habuerunt in ipsam mensibus quadraginta duobus etiamsi haud fuerit ipsa separata seu victa adeo ut omni existentia penitus privari in deserta solitudine tamen exstitit in luctu ac desolatione in illa gloria excellentia quam olim habuit nequaquam apparuit sed amisit plane vestimenta ornatus suos haeredem suum maritum ab ea separatum raptum ad Deum thronum ejus in hoc tempore divastationes conculcationes Civitatis illius Sanctae uxoris Agni Regni Bestiae meretricis Ecclesia vestra quae est ex muliere falsa non ex Electa sponsa quae Agno nupra est exhibita fuit in potentia sua gloria 6 Quod coactio compulsio personarum per externam aliquam legem potestatem conformes esse hujusmodi vel istius modi Religioso Cultui est Bestiae meretricis non Dei Cultus Quinimo trucidare persequi Conscientiae ergo propter abnegationem hujus aut illius Religiosi Cultus est a Diabolo Dracone nequaquam a Deo nec secundum e●m quinetiam Ecclesia vestra quae per istius modii media cogit ad suum cultum in hoc non succedit Apostolis Ecclesiae verae sed est de Bestia meretrice quas in deil us suis Iohannes vidit venturus esse nos in nostris venisse videmus Regnasse per praeteritas generationes affirmo etiam cuicunque Religoso cultui Conformes se praebentes non sponte sed coacte per vim violentiam legum esse duplo magis quam antea Diatoli filios nec per hoc conversos esse ad Deum sed sieri Idololatras quos Deus judicaturus est 7 Quod nulli pro totum terrarum orbem sunt vera membra de vera Christi Ecclesia veb jus habentes ad haereditatem Eternae vitae nisi qui e mundo Collecti sunt per praedicationem Evangelii sunt transfigurati itidem Renovati per potentiam Domini Dei in Corde per spiritum ejus in ipsis docti in omnem veritatem ad Christum Caput agglutinati aggregati in eternam unitatem infiniti Corporis per eundem spiritum unctionem in ipsis habitantem ex hujusmodi consistit vera Christi Ecclesia nunc temporis quemadmodum in temporibus Apostolorum de talibus vero membris non est Ecclesia vestra in presenti hac aetate nec est in ordine regimini spiritus veritatis sed in forma absque vi in illa fuit origo est status ejus in hunc usque diem 8 Quod oportunitas dies Domini plenitudo temporis praestituti appropinquat in quo Babylon illa magna dejicietur cadet dominus in illam vindictam inferet judicia reddit comprehendentur Bestia meretrix pseudoprophetae quibus subjiecerunt se Regna terrarum orbis vivi conjicientur in stagnum Diabolus Satanas non amplius seducent nationes sed Regna mundi hujus mutabuntur facta erunt Regna Domini Christi ejus Cujus Regnum revelabitur in Cordibus Electorum Suorum in potientia multa gloria Et Ecclesiam Romanensem etiam omnes falsas Sectas Ecclesias per Vniversam terram subvertet Dominus Deus vera ipsius Ecclesia recolligetur●e deserto pulchritudo Ierusolymae novae Ecclesiae Sanctae vxoris Agni aeque glori●fa faerit ac ante fugitum ejus illuc conculcationem suam per Gentes Dominus Deus Omnipotens dignoscetur erit cum hominibus Tabernaculum ejus Haec Testor vobis in nomine Domini veritatem eorum quae certa est probaturus sum de hisce caeteris paribus cum quocunque vestrum Sobriae mentis disceptaturus eademque per spiritum Domini nec non secundum scripturas infallibilia esse demonstraturus Qua propter consideretis ea in mansuetudine patientia credite in lucem Christi in vestris ipsorum conscientiis qua cum unumquemque qui venit in Mund●m Christus illuminavit ut ad agnitionen● veritatis ab omnibus viis obliquis perveniatis si vestrum aliquis in gratiam totius Corporis hisce Responsum Reddet si possitis per atramentum calamum vindicare vos met ips●s de hisce quae vobis imputantur hoc erit per me Candide receptum etiam in levitate cum Responsione revertetur in ordine adulteriorum manifestation●m veritatis ut veritas Iustitia Clarissime appareat ●mplectatur delusio omnis Anti-Christi impostura confundatur abnegatur qui sunt in veritate in eadem stabiliantur qui in errore Commone fiant in hoc die visitationis Mundi Dominus venturus est ad judicium qui omnium Cordium Secreta Iudicabit Vniversum mundum in Iustitia Dun. 20.3d mon. 1659. Per Amicum Justiciae omnium animarum Amatorem EDVARDUM BURROUGH The English of these propositions is as followeth To all ye Iesuits Priests and Friars and to all you in generall of the Romish Church in and about Dunkirk FRiends in dear love to all your immortall souls I am moved to lay these things before you that you may read and consider them in the fear of the Lord God for as much as for some dayes I have been in this Town according to the will of God and having rightly observed your Religion in its originall and in its present standing and in its practises and having truly examined some part of your faith and Doctrines and the manner of your worships and your ordinances and the orders and discipline and government of your whole Church and in the spirit of the Lord having laid all things to the line of true ●udgment and equally measured them hereupon I do from the Lord and by his spirit propound and assert these things unto you First That your Church is not the true Church of Christ the Lambs wife and elected spouse but is degenerated in her faith and in her
veni●tis unquam est pars ista in vobis subacta necne ab qu●m addite fuit lex Dei venistis ad Christum ad ipsum cognoscitis sicut fuit ante Abrahamum ante Mariam Et quammodo fuit Davidis Dominus Et quammodo ejusdem filius utrum natus est Christus in vobis vobis Revelatus per quam mundus fuit factus expectatis necne perfecte liberari a paccato adeo ut in hac vita terrestri non amplius illud committetis 5. Quid est anima quinam fuit status conditio ejus ante transgressionem quaenam in transgressione potestne aliquis per Adamum secundum restitui manens adhuc in terra in statum eundem quem amisit in primo etiam vel non Amici in nomine potentia Domini Dei a vobis requiro ut per atramentū calamum de hisce mihi respondeat aliquis vestrum subscribantur nomina vestra ut reddam itidem vobis responsum ulterius queramus de vobis a Domino enim missi sumus ad visitandū explorandum vos si in perfecta veritate sitis alios ad religionem vestram covertere desideretis tum candide nobiscum agite in zelo vestro optimis utamini armis vestris spiritualibus ad defendendum causam vestram contra nos pro Deo ve●tro appareatis sine vero de vestris ipsorum viis observationibus dubitatis nec ad Religionem vestram defendendam sufficientes sitis tum obtaretur os vestrum divertite ab idololatria nunc enim orbus est Dominus ad judicandum vos juste etiam ac universum orbem Sum animarium vestrarium amator sed testis contra quascunque falsas vias Antichristi ac meretricis qui diu valde in mundo regnavere quin etiam sum Servus Domini Edvardus Burrough per derisores mundi vocatus Aglice A Quaker The English of these Queries followeth The English is this To all ye that Professe your selves devoted to the service of God and separation from the world and mortification in your lives who are called by the name of Fryars and Nunns in and about Dunkirk THe mighty day of the Lord God is come and coming upon you and all the world Awake awake ye that sleep in in the earth for the dreadful God is arising to plead with you and to give unto all the world the cup of his fierce indignation because of your idolatries and hypocrisies and abominations which hath corrupted the earth is come up before him and hath provoked him and the cry of the just who hath been smitten and laid slain is entred into the ears of the most high and his sword which is the words of his mouth is awakened to wound and slay all his enemies and the day of your visitation is now come wherein the Lord is searching you and trying you that he may recompence you and this is the word of the Lord to you Wherefore I am moved of the Lord to propound some few Q●eries to you for the tryal of your spirits and wayes to which I demand your answer that all things may be brought to light and true judgement and that you may be Judged justly and by the spirit of the Lord cleared or condemned according to your deeds 1. Whether there was such orders of men and women in the true Church of Christ in the Apostles dayes and where did Christ give Institution for such worships practices and manner of life and slothful idleness and unprofitableness to God and men as ye hold forth And whether any are bound to believe you and follow your Religion and practices except you can prove by the Scriptures the words of Christ or example of his Saints and Apostles your Religion and lives and practices and worships and whether you do admit of tryal in all your whole Religion by and according to the Scriptures and writings of the Apostles yea or nay 2. Whether the world in your hearts and the worlds nature even the root of lust the root of pride covetousness and the love of this world and its vanities and the root of Idolatry is subdued in you to the light in your consciences I do speak and what is the root of all these things and what is it that subdues it is it an outward abstinence by the force of locks and doors and bolts or self-separation and secret places that subdues the worlds nature in men and women and is i● by such means that Christ gives victory over sin and overcomes it in his people or is it not by the power of God in the heart onely And whether is it not damnable hypocrisie in you to appear outwardly holy and free from these things while yet the nature and root of all these things are alive in you and boiling up in the motions of them and is any outward thing the Crosse of Christ and Christ crucified which mortifies to the world which the Apostles Preached and rejoyced in 3. Whether is it a true denial of the world in you to deny it in one manner and place and to run into it and imbrace it in another way and place it doth not appear to me that you have denyed the world as the Apostles did for answer me where had they any such ●eats in the finest and fattest places of the Cities and Towns as ye have such great fine houses and Gardens and such revenues by the year as ye have staying all their dayes in a great house and spending their time in sloth and idleness as ye do they went up and down the world Preaching the Gospel and had no certain dwelling place but followes the Lamb of God in the spirit and did not settle themselves in fat places of the earth continuing all their dayes as ye do therefore we judge that you are out of the life and not in the spirit as the Apostles were in but are in the form of righteousness and holiness without the power So I demand an answer to clear your selves if you can and to prove that you are of the true Church and t●at your w●yes and practices are in and by the spirit of God and according to the Scriptures 4. What is that death that hath passed over all and reigned from Adam to Moses and whether it doth not reign yet in and over you and what is Moses Ministration and whi●her ever through it you yet truly came and whether that part be subdu●d in you which the Law of God was added upon and whether are you come to Christ and knowes him as he was before Abraham and before Mary and how was he Davids Lord and how his Son and is Christ within you born and reve●led to you by whom the world was made and do you expect to be perfectly freed from sin that ye shall not commit sin in this life upon earth
Doctrines and in her worships and ordinances in her orders discipline and government from what the true Church of Christ was in the Apostles dayes before the Apostacy 2. That the constitution of your Church and the chief part of your worship and ordinances and the way and maner of your discipline and Government are of man and set up and standeth by the will of man and are not after God nor according to him but are after the traditions of man learned and practised therein which is Idolatry and are not in the commandements of Christ nor in the example of his Apostles nor according to the Scriptures but without the spirit of God being set up since the dayes of the Apostles and since the Apostacy came in which hath over-shadowed the whole world 3 That there hath been over the world for generations and many ages since the dayes of the Apostles and true Churches a generall declination and falling away from the true faith and doctrines and from the worship and ordinances and from the discipline and Government that was amongst the Apostles and practised in the true Churches of Christ in their dayes and your Church is in that declination and falling away 4. That Ant●christ the Beast and the whore and false prophets have reigned over the world for generations the Antichrist that hath opposed Christ and been exalted in the Temple of God and been worshipped as God The Beast that hath killed the Saints and warred against them and had power over Kindreds and tongues and the world hath wondred after him The Whore whom the Beast hath carried she hath sat upon peoples multitudes and Nations and drunk the blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs and she hath corrupted the earth and caused all to drink her cup of fornications And the false Prophets have overspred the Nations and deceived them and you and your Church are of the peoples the multitudes and the kindred that the Beast hath received power over and the Whore hath sat upon and the false Prophets deceived 5 That the true Church of Christ the Lambs wife the ele●●ed spouse and the beloved City who brought forth him that was to rule the ●ations hath been fled into the Wildernes been fled into the place of mourning dissolation for a thousand two hundred 60 dayes the Gentiles feet have troden down the holy City the Lambs wife and had power over her for forty and two moneths and though she hath not been prevailed against nor overcome so as to be extinguished from having a being yet her being hath been the Wilderness in mourning and disolation and she hath not appeared in the glory and excellency which once she had but hath lost her garments and her attire and her heir and husband separated from her and caught up to God and to his Throne and in this time of the disolation and treading down of the holy City the Lambs wife and the reigning of the Beast and the Whore hath your Church been extant in her glory and power which hath been of the false woman and not of the ele●t spouse that is married to the Lamb 6. That forcing and compelling of persons by any outward Law and Authority to be of such or such a Religion and to conforme to such a way of worship is the worship of the Beast and of the Whore and not the worship of God and to kill and persecute persons for the exercise of conscience and because they will not be of such a Religion and cannot conform to such worship is of the Divill and the Dragon and not of God nor according to him and that your Church herein is not successor of the Apostles and the true Church of Christ but is of the Beast and the Whore which Iohn saw was to come in his time and which we see are come in our dayes and have ruled for generations and I affirme that persons so made conformable by force and violent Laws to such a Religion and worship are but two fold more the Children of the Divill and are not at all converted to God thereby but becomes Idolaters whom God will Judge 7. That none upon earth are true members of the true Church of Christ having a portion in the inheritance of eternal life but such who are gathered out of the world by the preaching of the Gospel and are changed and renewed by the power of the Lord God in the heart and are led by his spirit within them into all truth and are joyned unto Christ the head and gathered into the eternall unity of the infinite body by the same spirit and anointing dwelling in them and of such onely doth the true Church of Christ consist now in this present time as it did in the Apostles dayes but of such members doth not your Church consist in this present age neither is it in the order and Government of the spirit of truth but in the forme without the Power therein was its beginning and is its standing at this day 8. That the time is at hand and the day of the Lord draws near and the fulness of time is approaching wherein great Babylon shal be thrown down and fall to the ground and the Lord will be avenged on her and will render Judgments unto her and the Beast and whore and false prophets un●o whom the Kingdoms of the world hath been subject shall be taken and cast alive into the lake and the devil and Satan shall deceive the Nations no more but the Kingdoms of this World shall be changed and become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ whose Kingdom shall be revealed in power and great glory in the hearts of his chosen and the Church of Rome and all the false sects and Churches upon the earth will the Lord God overthrow and his true Church shall be gathered out of the Wilderness and the beauty of new Ierusalem of the holy Church the Lambs wife shall be as glorious as before she fled thither and before she was troden down of the Gentiles and the Lord God Almighty shall be known and his ●abernacle shall be with men These things I assert to you in the Name of the Lord and the truth thereof is certaine and should be ready to argue and dispute these things with any sober person amongst you upon equall tearmes and to prove the infalibility hereof by the spirit of the Lord and according to the Scriptures wherefore consider of them in patience and meekness and believe in the light of Christ which is in your consciences which Christ hath lightened every man that commeth into the world withall that you may come to the knowledge of the truth and out of all false wayes and if any of you will returne an answer hereunto in behalfe of your whole body and can be able to clear your selves in writing from what is charged upon you it shall be gladly received by me and a reply in meekness returned to you for
the further manifestation of truth that truth and righteousness may clearely appear and be imbraced and all deceit and false wayes of Antichrist may be confounded and denied and who are in the truth shall be confirmed and who are in the error may have warning now in the day of the worlds visitation The Lord is coming to Judgment who will Judge the Secrets of all hearts and the whole world in equity Dunkirk 20. of 3. moneth 1659. English account By a friend unto righteousness and a lover of all souls Edward Burrough This was sent to the chief Rector of the Iesuites Colledge in Dunkirk in Latine FRiend thy wisdom and thy knowledge is earthly and sensuall and thereby canst thou not know the things of the Kingdom of God thou canst neither learn them thy self nor teach them to others for thou art but a blind leader of the blind and thus saith the Lord God unto thee the fruitles tree is standing in thee that brings forth no fruit unto God the head of the Serpent is not broken in thee that deceives the soul nor the body of sin put off that burdens the just and the Sword shall cut thee to pieces even the sword of the Lord it shall slay thee and friend the time is at hand that the Lord will make thee know that thou art and hast been in thy life time a dishonour to him and that thou hast not serv'd him but thy self and the Divil and thy heart is not right in his sight but is corrupt and deceitfull for thou art tryed and measured and thou art found wanting in all things and God will Judge thee and the witness in thy conscience shall answer his Judgments and all thy Idolatrous practises and profession of Religion and Church and Ministry thy many Prayers and thy works of Righteousness all this shall not hide thee from thee wrath of the Lamb though now thou art hardened and utterly insensible yet the stone shall fall upon thee that will grind thee to Powder and thou shalt not escape but the burden of thine own iniquities shall weigh thee down into perdition except thou speedily Repent Therefore fear and tremble before the Lord God and remember thou art warned by one that seeks the peace of souls but makes War by the sword of the spirit against the kingdom of the Divil and Antichrist in whom soever it stands And friend answer me this one Querie What is that Whore that hath sat upon multitudes and peoples and what is that Golden Cup in her hand and what are the Abominations and Fornications of which her Cup is full which she hath caused the Kings and people to drink and with which she hath deceived the world Answer me this and subscribe thy name E. B. And now this I have to say concerning the Church of Rome to them to all the world as having been in a measure an eye and eare witnesse of their idolatrous and false waies practices and doctrines never having in all my daies till this time and at this opportunity of going to Dunkirk not having any knowledge outwardly what their waies and practices were not having any knowledge I say by my sigh● and particular hearing concerning them without me otherwise then what the spirit of the Lord within me did make manifest Though from a child the spirit of the Lord in me hath abhorred popery and all that which savours of i● But now having been an eye and eare witnesse in a little measure of their practices and doctrines this I have to say to them and all men blindnesse and ignorance covers them as with a mantle and they are wrapped up in the body of darknesse and grosse darknesse they do dwel in and all their waies and worships are but the works of darknesse which they are led on in by the false feigned spirit of imitation from one generation to another being exercised therein And the sense of the spirit of life they have not but have wholy lost it and they know nothing at all of the leading of it nor of its teaching This they hisse at as a thing of nought when it is spoken of to them They have even sold themselves into the land of ignorance and blindnesse and they hate to be reformed they are setled upon a false foundation even the traditions of men which the Lord will break down and their whole building will fall And when I consider how thousands and ten thousands lies in the captivity of blindnesse and darknesse under them my heart is rent for them upon the consideration how they are led in darknesse and blindnesse and how they rest in a false confidence which will destroy their Souls and the blood of many rests upon the heads of them that leadeth them for they that lead them cause them to erre and the blood of souls will be required at their hands And as for the poor and the common sort of them there is a pity in me for them because they are led by the blind and are out of the way but as for the Priests and Jesuites and Clergy men they are to be cut off with the edge of the sword of the Lord God and the woe is unto them and no pitty because they cause the people to erre and keeps the people in ignorance and blindnesse under their false and unrighteous waies and worships And this I know the word of the Lord is gone forth against the whole body of the Romish-Church from the head to the tail of them will God plead with them the time is at hand and his eye shall no● pitty neither shall his hand spare to punish them The decree of the Lord is Sealed and he will take vengeance upon their unrighteous lawes which binds the consciences of people and limits the spirit of the holy one their unrighteous Ecclesiastical Lawes I meane under which is defended all manner of Idolatry and they compel people to be Idolaters by a Law and whereby they drink the blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs but the Lord will take vengeance upon them and disannul their covenants and decrees and his spirit shall not be limited but shall rend them to pieces even their Laws and cruelties and Inquisions by which they are defended and their Religion upheld in the world and whereby they kill the j●st and murders the innocent that are better then they for the fulnesse of time is come and all these shall be tumbled down for their unjust Lawes and Inquisi●ions are the main strength and pillars of their Church whereby their Church and worishp doth stand and if they had not these cruel Lawes and Inquisitions to defend themselves by in their Religion they would be soon prevailed against for they have nothing of the spirit and authority of God to stand in nor to fight with against such as do oppose them but their weapons are carn●l and devilish and by murders oppressions and tyrannies they do defend themselves and when these