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A91909 The mystery of the two witnesses unvailed Wherein wee have a description of their persons time acts death and office. manner of prophecie. sufferings. resurrection. With the consequences that follow. Together with the seaventh trumpet, and the kingdome of Christ explained. by John Robotham, preacher of the Gospel in Dover. Robotham, John, fl. 1654. 1654 (1654) Wing R1732; Thomason E1469_3; ESTC R208689 148,859 409

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is the true Temple in which we must worship and the holy Altar upon which we must offer and they onely are owned and accepted that make use of him they are onely to be measured and taken notice of Now for all others of what profession or quality soever be their externall formes of worship and service never so glorious or amiable in the sight of men yet it is rejected cast forth and disowned if they worship not in the true Temple if they offer not upon the everlasting Altar that God hath appointed for all his Hence it is the Lord saith take measure of those that worship in the Temple these are they that I owne I take notice of none but these I will accept of no more These are they that serve me in truth and worship me in spirit and I will owne them and acknowledge them for my owne Sixtly and lastly for as much as 6 Observ Temple Altar and worshippers must be measured Observe That the Lord hath alwayes had a people that have been measuring of divine things John here did personate all Saints who in all ages and periods of time under the sury and rage of Antichrist have been ready to give in a testimony for Christ and his truth and have alwayes born witnesse against the man of sin the Son of perdition and against all his superstitious formes of worship alwayes casting off and rejecting his service and inventions Every one according to his measure hath been ready to stand up and give in their Testimonies for the truth of Christ against the falshood of AntiChrist So much for the first verse VERS 2. But the Court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy Citie shall they tread underfoot fortie and two moneths IN the former verse we had John● call to measure the Temple of God the Altar and the worshippers therein Now here he doth receive a prohibition or a negative command not to measure the outward Court which was without the Temple because it was given as a portion to the Gentiles In this verse we are to take notice First what that is which must not be measured The Court which is without the Temple Secondly the prohibition it selfe Leave it out measure it not Thirdly The reason of this prohibition for it is given to the Gentiles Fourthly The use that the Gentiles make of the outward Court and the holy City They tread them underfoot Fiftly How long Fortie and two moneths First That which must not be measured is the outward Court so called as being distinct from the inward Court which was appropriate to the Priests in which was the Altar where they offered sacrifice which was also adjoyning to the Temple This outward Court is here spoken by an allusion to that mentioned in Ezek. 40. 17. which was far larger and bigger then the inner Court Therefore called The great Court 2 Chron. 4. 9. being wide and large enough to containe multitudes of people This was not hallowed as the inner Court and Temple was but was common for all people By the outward Court is meant all Antichrists worships and worshippers even the whole surface or superficiall part of things as all outward professions all externall formes of worship power order government wisdome art or whatsoever is without the Temple of God all that the Gentiles or carnall professors may take up and be exercised in these be all the outward Court The outward face of the visible Church was given to Antichrist to Gentiles to worldly Christians to use and enjoy while the true servants of the Lord are serving him in the wildernesse as in the inner Court of the Temple They were that inward and secret Temple with whom the Lord was present Secondly The prohibition it selfe Leave it out measure it not The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies to cast forth as we use to cast things of no value out of doors As if he had said cast it forth as common and of no use account it not of the Temple nor of any part thereof but rather esteeme it as a portion for the Gentiles which they may enjoy and be exercised in therefore measure it not Now by measuring of the Temple Altar and worshippers he was to take a true dimention of the servants of God who worshipped him in Christ and served him in spirit who were the true invisible and secret Temple of God serving the Lord in the wildernesse Then by not measuring the outward Court is meant thus much That he should not measure or judge the true servants of the Lord by externall things for the outward face of the visible Church was to be given to the Gentiles and that Antichrist was to sit in the Temple of God and should exercise in all externall formes of worship order government he should exercise in all outward ordinances and in the highest acts of Religion as prayer preaching and expounding of the Scriptures and the like and therefore though these Gentiles or Antichristian professors should thus exercise themselves in formes of worship in church-Church-government in highest externall acts of Religion were called Christians possessing and injoying the outward face of the visible Church yet they were not to be accounted as the Temple of God to be of his structure or building as measured by the true reed or weighed by the ballance of the Sanctuary they were not to be accounted as Gods approved Church or to be the true Temple of the Lord. Thirdly The reason of this prohibition For it is given unto the Gentiles All worldly Christians and Antichristian professors are here called Gentiles by an allusion to those that were enemies unto the Jewes they were called Heathens and Gentiles as appeares in Psal 2. 1. And the Psalmist complaines in Psal 79. 1. saying O God the heathen or the Gentiles are come into thine inheritance thy holy Temple have they defiled they have layd Jerusalem on heaps c. This was the complaint of the Church of the Jewes unto the Lord against the most barbarous tyranny of the Babylonians when they raz'd Jerusalem polluted the Temple and murdered the people So here the sons of spirituall Babylon who most barbarously and cruelly torment the Saints and tread the holy City under foot these also are called Gentiles and heathen Now saith he the outward Court is not to be measured because it is given to the Gentiles it is a Gentiles portion a worldly Christian a carnall professor may take up use and be exercised in any of these externall things he may take up the highest forme of worship he may make the greatest profession of Godlinesse he may be exercised in the most eminent acts of Religion therefore measure not my true servants and Temple by these they are but the outward Court and the portion of Gentiles Fourthly What use doth the Gentiles make of these things They tread them under foot And the holy City
or disguise to act his part in and so flyes out of the appearance of this beast into another The third day of Antichrists powerfull raigne is in the forme of a beast with two hornes like a lamb mentioned in Revel 13. 11. This beast doth relate to Episcopacy and such like formes of pretended reformation so that this appearance carries with it more fair pretences and greater shewes of religion then the former and therefore more closely hypocriticall and deceitfull then the former This beast is said to arise out of the earth viz. from a Kingly or earthly power and had two hornes one was a politicall or civill the other called Ecclesiasticall or spirituall like a Lamb professing much meeknesse and gentlenesse but speak like a Dragon as being very feirce and cruell taking upon him to exercise the power of the first beast to act by humane force and governe the Church by civill authority and so did but heal up the wound of the former beast And this he doth by lying miracles as to cause fire to come downe from heaven in the sight of men seeming to have the very spirit of Elisha counterfeiting the spirit of God in his workings by which he deceived the people of the earth But these deceits and hypocrisies of this beast being perceived by the Saints of God he is forced to flee into some other forme to hide himselfe under some other disguise being closely beset and driven up into a narrow compasse must fly farther for succour and refuge and is compelled to make some other image or pretence to shelter himselfe This being the third day Lastly We have the halfe day in which time we have the image that the last beast causeth to be set up Revel 13. 14. The beast being changed into an image comes forth more refined moreglorious in shew pretending the greatest reformation of all as being the last refuge that Antichrist hath the last terme of time he hath to raign the halfe day and therefore now he puts on his best dresse and cloths himselfe with his finest ornaments This halfe day and last appearance comes neer Rome to our owne times and therefore I shall not describe those that set up the image of the beast by any proper name but rather by these six particulars following that we shall collect from that place in Revel 13. from verse the 14. to the end of the Chapter First They that set up the image of the beast ar● those that will make Disciples unto Christ by a humane power and by pressing some externall comformity upon men they will convert the world into a Church and make many to be Christians against their wills and hence it is that there are so many poor darke and carnall professors of Christ Now this is diametrically opposit to Christs rule who prevailes upon the heart by meeknesse and gentlenesse and doth gaine upon the soule by truth and righteousnesse and winne upon the affections with peace and love Christ doth not use any coactive or constraining power to compell men to be subject unto him but of an unwilling people he makes them willing by the swavity sweetnesse of divine grace working upon their hearts But contrarily these advance their Church by humane force and worldly power causing all that will not worship the image of the beast to be killed Thus by force and cruelty they make Disciples or rather make many hypocrites bring many under the force of Religion that know nothing of the power of godlinesse Secondly Those that cause an image to be made they prescribe rules of worship service according to their own fancy and invention Hence it is said vers 15. They cause the image to speake That is by constituting and appointing platformes of worship advancing their owne devices and directories above the lawes and institutions of Christ These onely will define what is truth and what not as comprehending the whole mystery of truth within their systems or models of divinity as if they were the onely Cisternes of living water and the very oyle that must cause the lamp to shine making themselves to be the very treasury and storehouse of all wisdome and knowledge and thus they sit down in Christs Throne and Temple officiating his office and authority robbing him of his dignity and glory by putting of his crowne upon their own heads Thirdly These cause all to worship the image which they set up and by humane force and secular power doe compell all men to follow their edicts and platformes to observe their invented ordinances and devised worship It hath been the custome that the Clergy so called must first study the faith and afterward the earthly powers would confirme it by some civill sanction and so enforce their owne devices upon the consciences of people Hence it was that the late Bishop that suffered here in England did professe at his death that he dyed in that Religion that was established by law Now Christ doth never call up the powers of the earth to rule and beare sway in his kingdome The Lawes by which Christ doth rule by are the law of the new creature and of love the law of his word and spirit by these he doth enforce a sweet compliance of the heart unto the will of God The law of Christ is most heavenly and divine and it is of the most constraining force and of the most indispensible necessity of any law This is called the law of liberty because it frees the soule from the vassallage and power of mans devises and brings the soule into a reall compliance with the divine will Thus Christ doth change the minde renew the spirit and alter the constitution of the soules of men and so make them subject unto his own kingdome while Antichrist doth enforce many to his kingdome to yeeld blind obedience unto him by vertue of some humane law or secular power Fourthly those that undertake to set up the image of the beast they enforce some marke or badge to every one as a token of subjection unto their way or invented forme of worship Revel 13. 16. These require worship and homage of all sorts both small and great and cause them to receive a mark in their right band by some externall obligation and in their forebeads as some badge to be knowne by otherwise none may buy or sell or have any communion with them or enjoy any power or priviledge that they themselves doe enjoy So that these give forth some Character or mark whereby all that come under them may both be knowne to be of them and also engaged unto them Fiftly Those that erect the Image of the beast have not the power of the beast because all they set up is but a statue image or shadow We must remember the time of the image is but the halfe day therefore short and hence it is that those that manage the worke of framing the image are hardly warme in their seats they are no sooner advanced
The outward word is but the clothing of the spirit neither hath it life and power but as the spirit doth goe forth in it Then the spirit is the true measure whereby we may take an equall scantlet or true dimention of heavenly things This is that the Apostle doth plainly tell us in 1 Cor. 2. 10. That the Spirit doth reveale the deep things of God So that the deep and hidden things the most secret mysteries of Gospel-truth are revealed unto us by the Spirit Now what man is it that doth not imagine he hath the true measure and rule of the things of God Every man pretends it and lays claime unto it Therefore before I passe this poynt I shall shew upon what grounds many men are mistaken and also make knowne what are the true foundations and principles of the true knowledge and discernnance of the things of God Concerning the false rules whereby men mistake take notice of these which follow First Fleshly wisdome and carnall reason are the principles that many men thinke to finde out truth by and by these principles of nature they would professe to attaine unto the knowledge of divine things but there is an utter inability in man by all his corrupted principles of nature rightly to judge or discerne of spirituall things Christ tells Nicodemus That which is borne of flesh is flesh Jo● 3. 6. Now what doth he meane by flesh he doth not meane materiall flesh and bloud but he meaneth the corrupted principles of mans nature the wisdome will and affections of the n●turall man which cannot enter into the kingdome of God Againe the Apostle tells us of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an animate sensuall or naturall man and of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a spirituall man or one enlightned by the spirit of God Now the naturall man is not able to judge of things above the principles of nature for every truth is discerned by principles of light suitable to it selfe Hence it is that the Apostle saith in 1 Cor. 2. 11. No man knoweth the things of man but the spirit of man that is in him Now what are the things of man but all created things of whom man is the epitome or compendium of them all they being all comprehended within him as in a Mapp or short abridgement so as for the secret and hidden things of nature or of the creature there is none can fadome or comprehend them but the spirit of man or the reason wisdome or understanding of man So it falls out in the things of God for saith the Apostle Even so the things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God Heavenly things are onely judged and discerned by him that is spirituall who judgeth all things by a true light Then it is in vaine for man to grope in the darknesse of his own wisdome and reason after the knowledge of heavenly truth Mans knowledge is a weak and dimme light as the light of a Candle to the light of the day or like the shine of the Moon unto the glory of the Sun it is a low fleshly and most unperfect light and altogether insufficient to measure divine things by Secondly Many there be that ground their knowledge of divine things upon some barren notion or fruitlesse opinion or meer speculation and when they have got some jejune and dry Maximes of Divinity or some poor lean and saplesse syllogisticall reasonings that then thinke they have attained to a most compleat knowledge of the things of God and that they are well seen in the mystery of truth when alas all these things are not sufficient to present unto the soul the least glimpse of true and saving light Thirdly Others thinke that the whole mystery of truth is bound up or comprehened within some circle or forme of Religion Such as these are apt to say Lo here and lo there as Christ speaks in Luke 17. 21. that is Lo here is Christ in this way of worship in this form of Religion in this opinion and doctrine but saith Christ The kingdome of God is within you That is The kingdome of God is not so much of forme but of power of righteousnesse and peace of light and joy of love and life and all these are best manifested within us for Christ is best knowne where he lives It hath been the practice of Antichrist to cry up the Temple of the Lord while they cry downe the Lord of the Temple and to take up the forme of Religion as a meanes to persecute the power thereof Then t is not an empty and barren forme of Religion that can furnish us with the true light of the kingdome of Christ or the knowledge of his will Fourthly and lastly the most of men thinke that if they have some historicall knowledge of Christ and some literall knowledge of the Scriptures and are trained up as Parrets to speake over such things as they read in books and Treatises and are well versed in the Systems and body of Divinity that then they are sufficiently instructed in the mysteries of the Gospel when alas the truths of God are hidden from their eyes and every word and letter they read are written with an unknowne character which cannot be deciphered without the Spirit of God The most learned Scribe the greatest Rabbie that shall understand the Originall language in which the Text of Scripture was first written as the Hebrew and the Greeke but yet shall want the language of the Spirit cannot give a true interpretation of the hidden and secret truths contained in the Scripture There is not onely a history but also a mystery of Christ there is not onely letter but also Spirit in the Scriptures which the most learned in the world cannot finde out without the Spirit of Christ The Apostle gives in a full testimony unto this in citing of that place which saith I will destroy the wisdome of the wise and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent where is the wise where is the Scribe where is the disputer of this world hath not God made foolishnesse the wisdome of this world 1 Cor. 1. 19 20. Then t is not carnall reason or fleshly wisdome t is not a barren notion or meer speculation t is not a round circle or empty forme t is not a literall knowledge or historicall relation of Christ and the Scriptures that are sound principles of saving light or the true measures or rules by which we may discerne spirituall things Thus having shewen rules and principles whereby men are mistaken in their judgement of divine things Now it followeth in the second place that wee make a discovery of those principles of light and truth whereby we may come to a true sight and knowledge of the things of God First Divine truths are knowne by the Spirit The Apostle tells us in 1 Joh. 5. 6. The spirit is truth The spirit is the fullest the highest the most absolute and the most comprehensive truth it 's
taketh with himselfe seven other spirits more wicked then himselfe and they enter in and dwell there c. Something of the workings of iniquity doth appeare from this Text. The uncleane spirit cast forth of man is the spirit of open and gross prophannesse the naturall conscience being in some measure convinced cannot any longer content it selfe in such palpable wickednesse but by some outward profession or externall reformation this Devill is cast forth as not to be born with any longer But what comes of it This same evill spirit comes againe makes a reentry dwells there and in what appearance doth he shew himselfe He finds the heart emptie swept garnished with some externall forme of religion and is now exercised in some excellent performances of prayer preaching hearing fasting and the like and here the soule takes much satisfaction in comparing it's present actings with it's former courses Yet here is seven worse spirits or the very perfection or mystery of iniquity for though these garnishings be never so beautifull and glorious though the outward profession be painted over and much adorned yet the evill spirit dwells within the perfection of wickednesse within the perfection of wickednesse the mystery of iniquity remaines still in the heart and this is the highest deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse the very spirit of Antichrist and inward actings of the man of sin Then while we looke abroad in the world and strike here and there at the externall formes and images of Antichrist let us behold the spirit of Antichrist within us having it's throne and seat in our hearts continually acting of it's parts in all our duties and performances in all our worships and services all the blindnesse deceit self-love and hypocrisie that lies wrapt up in our hearts proceeds from this corrupt principle Therefore it will not be enough that we cut off the top-boughes of outward prophanenesse but that we lay the Axe to the root of the Tree and destroy that spirituall wickednesse that lies hid within our owne breasts Thus much for the spirit and mystery of Antichrist Secondly We have the forme and appearance of Antichrist Now though the spirit of Antichrist or that corrupt principle in mans heart be the very sourse and root of all evill yet it doth not onely lurk privily in mans heart but puts it selfe forth into the world openly and visible to the eye and that in many severall formes and figures in many shapes and appearances Hence it 's said There be many Antichrists 1 Joh. 2. 18. that is there be many shapes and appearances in which Antichrist shall come forth to act his part Concerning these variable shapes of the man of sin I shall now endevour in some measure to demonstrate These forty two moneths notes the various and changeable images of the beast which terme of time is the same in proportion with the three dayes and halfe mentioned in vers 9. being the time the witnesses should he dead and slaine I shall make use of that terme of three dayes and halfe in stead of the forty two moneths and shall shew how in each day and halfe day we have a changeable forme in which Antichrist doth shew himselfe The first terme of time or day of Antichrists visible raigne was in the shape of a Dragon mentioned in Revel 12. 3. By which we have represented to us the Romane Emperours who usurped authoritie over the Church and Saints of Christ being very much corrupted were exceeding great persecutors and tormentors of all that professed the name of Christ This great red Dragon is said to have seven heads ten hornes and seven Crownes which doth import the largenesse of his Dominion the greatnesse of his power and strength And for his carriage 't is Pharaoh-like who sought to destroy the first-borne of Israel and as Herod sought to destroy Christ as soone as he was borne so this beast was ready to devour the child that the woman was to bring forth The spirituall Church is compared to a woman as being espoused to Christ and likely to bring forth some excellent and worthy instrument as Constantine who was sought to be destroyed by Galerius but God taking this child into his own bosome and prorection and preserving the woman in the wildernesse from the fury and rage of this Dragon at last raising up Constantine here called Michael which spiritually is meant of Christ to fight against Maxentius Maximinus and Licinius and overcame them that they ruled no more in the Roman Empire Thus those wicked and persecuting Emperours that did so much vex and oppresse the Saints are now cast out of heaven as not retaining their usurped authority of the Church Now the subtilty of the Serpent put forth in the cruelty of the Dragon or corrupt Magistracy acting in such grosse and abominable wickednesse is now detected and cryed downe for bloudy tyranny and oppression so that Antichrist could no longer continue in this forme this his first day being ended and he being cast to the earth is forced to seek some other habit or disguise to appeare in under some fair shew or pretence of Religion The second day of Antichrists powerfull raigne or new forme that he comes forth in is in the likenesse of a beast like unto a Leopard as appeareth from Revel 13. 1. This beast doth prefigure the universall Bishop of Rome or Popish Empire Now this universall Bishop came in like an Angel of light pretending religion and reformation but intended nothing but hypocrisie and abomination This beast ariseth out of the sea or Nations round about having had seven heads and ten hornes as the former beast had and ten Crownes ten kingdomes being subjected to the Popish Empire his likenesse was like unto a Leopard fierco and cruell his feet like the feet of a Beare devouring and ravenous and his mouth as a Lion powerfull and mighty And received the seat and authority of the Dragon Now this beast being exalted in dignity and greatnesse and all begin to submit themselves to his service and formes of worship crying Who is like unto the beast but now what doth he Notwithstanding at the first he pretended to sanctifie and reformation yet now by degrees he comes to blaspheme God his name Tabernacle and people making warre against them by subduing and slaying them And thus did this beast trample upon the Temple of God and upon the holy Cities in his moneths and seasons while they were given into his hand But the Lord having raised up many eminent instruments as Hush Luther Melancton Wickcliff Calvine and Bede with many others that have respectively according to their light given forth their testimony against this beast laying open his hypocrisie and deceit his filthinesse and abomination whereby hee hath received such a deadly wound that it never will be recovered and therefore is ever since upon the declining hand So that now Antichrist is forced to cloth himselfe in some other dresse and come forth in some new habit
hope it trembles and quakes the root of all humane life strength wisdome policy is cut in sunder at once The foundation of all power ecclesiasticall and civill is shaken the very stability of Church State Religion order government shakes and falls downe unto the earth And needs must it be so for the witnesses are the very basis and pillars of the earth they were the strength and stability of the world like unto the two pillars in Solomons Temple the one called Jachin the other Boaze 1 King 7. 21. that is as much as to say stability and strength which indeed did prefigure the stedfastnesse and strength of the Saints These two Witnesses while they lived below in the earth they were the strength and succour of the world but when they arise out of the earth and ascend to heaven then the strength and stability of the earth ascends with them The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved I beare up the pillars of it saith the Lord Psal 75. 3. The Lord holds up the earth by these pillars namely his witnesses and when he calls them to heaven to his kingdome to live in the liberty and glory thereof then the very pillars of the earth are removed therefore the earth must needs quake and tremble This sore judgement is so terrible and amazing that there is no shelter or succour nothing that man hath or doth enjoy can be secure it is the most sweeping and affrighting evill it pitties nor spares none but carries all before it As Sampson carried away the gates of the Citie upon his shoulders so these two witnesses when they arise from the earth and leave the world they carry away with them the strength the peace the comfort the order the power of the earth and so leave the world and Antichrist in confusion and distraction The whole interest that the world hath in all it's enjoyments is but borrowed from the witnesses and when these are taken away and raised up above their former station the world falls into ruine and confusion Secondly from the time of this earthquake The same houre c. observe That 2 Observ all the time of this great earthquake the witnesses are rising ascending The same houre and time yea and all the time of these great commotions and stirres upon the world the witnesses get ground and ascend higher and higher though the world neither know it nor perceive it This great earthquake that this very day doth shake Kings kingdomes States Churches rules and dominions doth plainly demonstrate that the witnesses are now in rising that they begin to shake off their sackcloth and mourning they stand upon their owne feet and doe not any longer depend upon other mens shoulders they ascend above the oppression and powers of their adversaries into the glorious priviledges and liberty of Christs kingdome Know that thorow this thicke and darke cloud that God hath drawne over the earth and in the midst of these nationall stormes and earthquakes the Lord will shine forth more and more and the Sunshine of his favour and love shall display it's beams upon his Saints in working out their salvation and liberty God by the plentifull showers of divine grace and by his distillings of his spirit upon his people will burne up that drosse and fleshlinesse in them which God doth manifest in some already And by this great earthquake will so shake the powers of the world that they shall not be able to oppresse the Saints any longer O that we could with faith and patience waite a while and we shall behold within a few yeares yea in a very short space what desolations and devastations God will make in the earth and what unexpected salvations and deliverances he will worke for his people farre above what his enemies feare or his people hope for Therefore I say wait but a while stand still and see the salvation of the Lord the Lord will come and will not tarry for in this very day of the great earthquake in the very time now of these nationall stormes and commotions are the witnesses rising above their adversaries and ascending up into the heavenly enjoyments immunities of the kingdome of Christ Thirdly from the first consequent of this great earthquake and the tenth part of the Citie fell observe That nation 3 Observ that shall first of all shake off and disclaime the power of Antichrist God will honour that nation first of all in raising up his witnesses in it There is a tenth part of the nations that have formerly given up their power and authority to the beast that shall fall off and disown that man of sin that shall withdraw themselves from the yoke and bondage of Antichrists service and that in this earthquake under the sixt Trumpet and that before the ten hornes shall hate the whore and burne her flesh with fire Now I say that nation or nations that shall first shake off the yoke of the oppressor and the burden from off their shoulder are the tenth part of the Citie that here is sayd to fall in the earthquake The power and dominion of Antichrist that this nation or tenth part of the Citie did once yeild and submit unto now that authority and rule is wholly dissolved and abolished Now I verily believe that England is this tenth part of the Citie or take England Scotland and Ireland as being united together into one as being subjected under one dominion and government to be the tenth part of the nations that shall first withdraw from under the raigne of Antichrist for the tenth part is not tied to one nation but to the tenth part of the nations that were brought under the power of Antichrist And if the tenth part should be meant of one nation onely yet this tenth part is but that nation that the Lord doth begin his worke in he will carry his designe from nation to nation untill the ten hornes are all brought to hate the whore and to burne her flesh with fire This indeed is the full accomplishment when the forty and two moneths shall be ended and the word of God fulfilled the whole ten kingdomes shall joyne together to make war with the beast to give up their power to the service of Christs kingdome But the Lord doth first begin with a tenth part that shall first withdraw it selfe from under the dominion and power of the beast And I believe that this Island with the nations adjoyning to it will be the first fruits of the world that here shall appeare the new Jerusalem and the nations of them that be saved shall walke in the light thereof for many nations shall be joyned to the Lord upon the coming downe of the new Jerusalem and finall downfall of Antichrist Now if it be demanded why Germany or some of the reformed churches abroad may not be meant the tenth part of the Citie to which I answer thus That though those called the reformed churches have