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A77859 The necessity of agreement with God: opened in a sermon preached to the Right Honourable the noble House of Peers assembled in Parliament, upon the 29th of October, 1645. being the monethly fast. / By C. Burges, D.D. preacher of the Word to the city of London. Published in obedience to an order of their Lordships. Burges, Cornelius, 1589?-1665. 1645 (1645) Wing B5673; Thomason E307_19; ESTC R200347 36,324 55

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and protest against it professing they will lay down all rather then be bound by it and that they repent their taking of it and declare by their carriage to all the world not only a thwarting of it but a deriding of all that presse them with it But I come to some particulars of the Covenant 1. I beseech you that it may be considered what sincerity reality and constancie hath appeared in many in the Reformation of Religion in this Kingdom at least in the matter of Discipline and Government according to the word of God and the example of the best Reformed Churches thereby to bring all the three Kingdoms to the neerest conjunction and uniformity therein Be there no plottings no bargains in the darke to hinder that Reformation we have covenanted to promote No scornes put upon that uniformity which our Covenant bindes us to endeavour No engagements for confusion under the specious but false name of Liberty of Conscience and toleration of all opinions and sects for fear that if the contrivers of such a designe should pitch upon a liberty for those of their own way only they must needs leave so many out of the bargain as would soon cause all other sectaries to forsake them and make them appear a very small inconsiderable company who now vapour it in all places as if all the sectaries in the Kingdom were for their wayes and opinions Are there none who to effect this cast Remora's in the way of setling any thing in hope there will be ere long a necessity of setling nothing Be there none who notwithstanding their Covenant give it out aloud that nothing at all no not so much as the main substantials of Church-Government so farre as concernes the standing Officers and Ordinances of Christ ought to have any stamp of Divine Right set upon it and that there is no such thing as a Church-Government in reference to Church-Censures to be found in Scripture but the Civil Magistrate is wholly trusted with that and whatever Discipline be established it is to derive from the Civil Magistrate only It is true some things requisite unto the exercise of Church-Government in reference to common order and peace are not of Divine Institution but from the light of nature Nor have any of those who have been called to advise in things of this nature affirmed otherwise of them But that therefore the very standing Officers of the Church their Offices the Ordination of Ministers * This the Parliament hath asserted to be the Ordinance of Christ See Ordinance for Ordination and Church-Censures are not instituted of Christ no man acquainted with the Gospel and Kingly Office of Christ in any Church visible can with any reason deny For men then to pretend in a Covenant the promoting of that Church Discipline and Government which is according to the Word of God and the example of the best Reformed Churches who as all know do without prejudice to the Civil Power unanimously and clearly hold out the essentials of their Discipline to be of Christs Institution and then to tell the Civil Magistrate there needs no other Government but what he pleaseth to appoint and that to have no authority at all but from him is to put him upon an action somewhat like that of Philip of Macedon * Plutarch in Ph l. who commanded sumptuous statues of twelve principall gods of Greece to be exactly made and carried before him at a great solemnity with shew of doing much honour to the gods but withall he caused one statue more to be made for himself which took place of all the rest For which act he stands branded unto all posterity for a contemner of the gods and of all religion 2. What care hath been taken without respect of persons to extirpate heresie schisme prophanenesse and what ever is contrary to sound Doctrine and the power of Godlinesse Is there any effectuall course taken against any of these Are there not sectaries hereticks and hideous blasphemers scattering their poison where ever they please without suppression even after proof made of their broaching sundry damnable opinions and blasphemies Is there any opinion vented be it never so pernicious and destructive but some will be found to plead for the maintainers of it and helpe them out of the briars when questioned for it And as for prophanenesse how doth it abound and flame out in the lives of even innumerable numbers of men that have covenanted against it Nor can I account them better then prophane who suddenly leap out of the very gulf of prophannesse into some one or more of those wayes and opinions which they finde to be most in request with those who are able to pleasure and preferre them becoming great zealots in crying up or down as the market goes those things which they understand not without giving any testimony of their repentance for their debosheries and lewd conversation or making any haste to forsake them Yea is there not a way projected by some to pluck up the sluce of hell it self to let in upon us all errours and heresies that ever were and baits laid to draw the incautious heady multitude to swallow them all the more to increase and endeer a strong party to themselves for the better carrying on of private ends and interests 3. How have we endeavoured to preserve and maintain the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament c. This because Magistracy is an Ordinance of God is the duty of every one that fears God For if the Magistrate be the Minister of God to thee for thy wealth Å¿ Rom. 13.4 thou art bound by the fifth Commandment to assist and support his just rights and authority But alas are there none among us that begin to be fond of a Democracie yea to whisper not only an alteration but subversion of all Government and to bring in Anarchy and confusion Is not this one of the Tenets of the Anabaptists which are now so much dandled and courted by some whose Covenant bindes them to suppresse their errours and fury And of those that look after this branch of their Covenant are there none who terminate all their care and zeal sometimes upon one sometimes upon the other of the two Houses of Parliament as their fansies lead them talking of the other as if they had rather covenanted to pull it down then to support and maintain it Are we not by the fundamentall Laws of the Kingdom which we have fought for all this while bound equally to preserve the Priviledges of both Houses Not that any should be lesse zealous for either but rather more The thing I complain of is their negligence and partiality who are not alike zealous for both For it cannot sinke into any wise mans head that if the one be weakned or sleighted the other can continue strong or honourable Castor and Pollux were both the sonnes of Jupiter and did well together but ill asunder while they joyned they scoured the
all his party they heartily close with his children and servants where ever they meet them and are enemies to all that are enemies to God It is so in all firme Leagues and Feuds He that loves him that begat loves him also that is begotten of him 1 Joh. 5.1 And this Commandement have we from him that he who loveth God love his brother also 1 Joh. 4.21 On the contrary If they meet with Gods enemies they dare make this appeal to God Psal 139.21 22. Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies Trial. Now consider seriously how you stand affected to the faithfull servants of Jesus Christ Are you for them indeed are they in your hearts to live and die together do you countenance and encourage the faithfull Ministers of Christ Nay rather is not their fidelity to Christ interpreted pride and ambition after exorbitant power are not the godly your greatest eye-sores are they not looked upon as a company of silly ignorant rash peevish men because they will not bow or bend in matters of Religion to humane inventions of any Authority nor depart so much as an hairs bredth from their principles Or if they be sometimes made use of in case of necessity when things cannot be carried on without them are they not afterwards by some cast aside as people not owned or worthy of any respect especially if a new generation of projectors men that are more malleable and fit to be moulded to serve turnes arise and present new notions projects Or if we do make shew of some respect to this or that eminent man as Herod to the Baptist is it in truth of heart for the graces of God shining in them or rather to grace our selves by countenancing of them And how stand we affected to all wicked men are they not our chief at lest our ordinary companions Do we not set more by a scurrilous wit a Buffone then by an holy humble Christian whose speech may administer grace to the hearers Who are the most usuall companions of many that have given themselves out Reformed There is no surer triall of a mans inward temper of spirit then by choice of his company Jehoshaphat may in Courtship comply with Ahab but he shall surely smart for it shouldest thou helpe the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord 2 Chron. 19.2 Let them look to it who do as he did that while they run such a course they may not foolishly dream that God and they are agreed for this bred a quarrell between God and Jehoshaphat although a godly Magistrate and eminent for holinesse of life Thus have I endeavoured to bring all to the Test whereupon I doubt it will appear that we are not the people we would be taken to be being yet very farre from that agreement with God which we stand in need of and rest upon as actually made up between him and us nor can promise to our selves that continuance of Gods walking with us which we do expect but have just cause to fear his sudden departure from us and the exposing of us and the Kingdom to much more wo and misery then ever we have yet felt or feared Vse 3 Wherefore suffer the word of Exhortation unto a two-fold duty 1. Be deeply humbled before the Lord this day for our want of agreement with him that hath done so many so great things for us for that great enmity and malignity that yet remaineth in us against the God of our mercies for our crosse affections and peevish passions whereby we are apt upon all occasions to fly out against him for all our carnall corrupt and base ends and designes which thwart and oppose the wise holy and good purposes and counsels of our God for our standing out and refusing to come into the bond of his Covenant or dealing unfaithfully in it for our want of Zeal for Christ in doing our utmost in our severall places and callings to promote the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdoms of England and Ireland not only in Doctrine and Worship but in Discipline and Government according to our Covenant for our great lukewarmnesse in not endeavouring as we ought to extirpate superstition heresie schisme profanenesse and what ever is contrary to sound Doctrine and the power of godlinesse whereby we do in great part partake of other mens sinnes and bring our selves into apparent danger to receive of their plagues for want of that reality impartiality and constancy in preserving the Priviledges of Parliament and liberties of the Kingdome which we ought upon all occasions to expresse many growing weary of the Parliament and clamouring against it as one of our greatest grievances and abusing the Liberties of the Kingdome to all licentiousnesse and confusion for want of courage and faithfullnesse in the discovery of all Incendiaries Malignants and evil instruments that do palpably and openly hinder and oppose that Reformation of Religion which we have bound our selves by Covenant to promote or that secretly undermine and way-lay all endeavours of Peace between the King and his people or that labour to make division between the two Kingdoms or factions and parties among the people contrary to our Nationall League and Covenant for want of zeal in doing all we can according to our places and interests to maintain and preserve that blessed Peace so happily setled between England and Scotland that they might remain conjoyned in a firme League and union to all posterity and that justice may be done upon the wilfull opposers thereof for our great unwillingnesse constantly to assist and defend all those that in this common Cause of Religion Liberty and Peace of the Kingdomes enter into the Nationall League and Covenant for our aptnesse to be withdrawn from that blessed Vnion and Conjunction to the other side or at lest to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in the Publike Cause which so much concerneth the glory of God the good of the Kingdoms and the honour of the King for our not humbling our selves even unto this day for our own sinnes and for the sinnes of all the three Kingdomes for undervaluing the Gospel for not receiving Christ into our hearts and walking worthy of him in our lives for want of a true and unfeigned purpose desire and endeavour for our selves and all others under our power and charge both in publike and private in all duties we ow to God and man to amend our lives and each one to go before another in the example of a reall Reformation that the Lord may turne away his wrath and heavy indignation and establish these Churches and Kingdoms in truth and peace Finally for want of that Christian and brotherly charity and unity that every where appears in many sad rents and dangerous divisions that daily in all places abound
began Novemb. 3. 1640. to the admiration if not envy of the neighbouring Nations Insomuch as all other Protestant Churches and States that look Heaven-ward have their eye and heart upon our Parliament as Iacob upon his Benjamin For as he accounted his life to be bound up in the lads life k Gen. 44 30. so they reckon their welfare and happinesse to be wrapped up in the safety and prosperity of this Parliament even as all the Popish crew and prophane Atheisticall Belialists do measure their hopes by the good successe of the publique Incendiaries of this and the other two Kingdoms in this bloody warre of theirs for the extirpation of our Religion Laws and Liberties all at once How hath the Lord guarded guided and enabled our Parliament to bring back from the grave even a dead Kingdome whose Laws and Liberties had yeelded up the ghost and to revive Religion which lay drawing on toward her long home expecting every moment to breath her last Popery having long since prepar'd her winding-sheet and the soveraign power being imployed to draw away her pillows and to close up her eyes How marvellous have the outgoings of our God been toward our Armies even from the beginning when it was more to bring an Army into the field then now to lead it thorow the Kingdome At the first taking up of this Warre the Popish plotting destructive faction looked upon the very Nobility and Gentry of this Kingdome who adhered to the Parliament with as much superciliousnesse and scorne as sometimes Tiberius and his Court-Parasites beheld the Romane Senatours l O homines ad servitutem nati coming in a servile way to visit him after he had by the instigation of Sejanus and other lewd Counsellours and companions in evil to be rid of that great Councell withdrawn himselfe from Rome first into Campania and then into the Island of Capres where he might be most remote from the Senate and more free to contrive the ruin of it as well as to act wickednesse at his pleasure with his minions without interruption or controll If any were sent from our supreme Senate or from the Army with humble Petitions and seasonable advice they were looked upon with so much contempt and scorne as if they came rather to be made a sport to all the scumme of man-kinde then to offer any thing worthy the acceptance of reasonable men And as for the generality of this Kingdome they having been so much over-awed and accustomed to an iron yoke of Arbitrary power it was too too evident that the ancient English generosity of spirit was degenerated into so much poornesse and pusillanimity that it was a very difficult worke to draw together any considerable power at first to withstand that strong torrent of violence and oppression which had for so long time carried all before it and broke down whatever stood in the way to oppose it and began to plead prescription against all Law and Justice Our condition therefore at that time when the enemy presumed that none durst be so hardy as to appear in Armes against them required more then ordinary spirits to break the ice and to appear in the head of an Army or Navy to give the first onset and charge against a party so great and puissant so inveterate and subtile so combined so many years preparing so many wayes assisted and so strongly backed and countenanced by the Royall Majesty which they had also deeply ingaged for the destruction of all that the faction had necessitated to take Armes in defence of the Royall Authority as well as of the Laws and Common Liberties Yet even then God stirred up some Noble and Publike spirits from among the Governours of Israel who offered to sacrifice themselves willingly among the people * Judg. 5.9 whom God went along withall and did great things by them wherein we greatly rejoyced what ever the unthankfull world apt to cry Hosanna one day and stone him the next when their own turne is served please now to barke to the contrary But this last Summers successes have been beyond all expectation and almost beyond credibility The right hand of the Lord hath so visibly smitten thorow the loyns of our proud enemies that even themselves must confesse God hath every where sought for us against them How many victories have been obtained Towns and strong holds wonne and recovered and the strength of the enemy how is it every where broken This is so marvellous in our eyes that we are like men that dream scarce daring to believe our own eyes Oh that we could more exalt our God and give unto him the glory due unto his Name for so many so great so glorious salvations afforded to his people by his own Almighty arme stretched out for them in so eminent a manner But will God thus walk together with us for ever He alone that is our strength our buckler the horne of our salvation and our high Tower grant it may be so and cursed be that man who shall so much as in his secret thoughts desire it may be otherwise Howbeit remember the Text and remember the Doctrine which it hath yeelded us together with the Instances whereby it hath been abundantly confirmed There must be an agreement yea another manner of ugreement then most are aware of between God and us before I dare promise any long continuance of his walking with us as he hath hitherto done Nay I must pronounce the contrary from the Lord and do here call God and all his people to witnesse this day of that I speake namely that it is as possible for light to walke with darknesse for Christ to keep company with Belial for one contrary extreme not to oppose the other as for God and England to walke long together while they be upon no better termes of agreement then for ought appears they be yet come unto Let our Parliament and Counsels consult let our Armies fight and be as prosperous and expeditious as Caesar when he every where made that good Veni Vidi Vici Let the enemy be every where routed scattered and shattered all to pieces before our forces yea let the great City be never so strongly fortified guarded united yet unlesse God be really and fully agreed withall I must say mutatis mutandis unto them and you as sometimes Jeremy of the Caldeans who for a while were forced to quit their siege of Jerusalem when Pharaohs Army was upon their march against them and when the people grew confident that now the worst was past and the danger was over Deceive not your selves saying The Caldeans I say Cavaliers shall surely depart from us for they shall not depart For though ye had smitten the whole Army of them that fight against you and there remained but wounded men among them yet should they rise up every man in his Tent and burne the City with fire Jer. 37.9 10. It is not multitude or strength will do it there is
seas of Pirates and did what they list at land too in behalf of the oppressed Therefore the Romanes erected but one Temple for both that none might honour the one but he must honour the other When but one of their starres appeared without the other they who beheld it especially Mariners were stricken with such fear upon it that they presently fell to their superstitious devotions and apprehended it as a very bad Omen and would never give over sacrificing till they had obtained sight of both together again Let either of our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our Tyndarides our Gemini our two Houses of Parliament begin I will not say to part asunder but only to shine weakly or to dipp in or suffer an eclypse and farewell all our happinesse and hopes our Government Religion safety and whatever is justly precious and dear unto us in this world 4. Have there been any conscionable observation of our Covenant in the faithfull discovery of Incendiaries Malignants and evil Instruments that hinder Reformation of Religion that make divisions among our selves or between the two Kingdoms that contrive and raise factions and parties among the people contrary to our League and Covenant and hath there been due care used to bring them to publike triall and condigne punishments Have we not rather forgotten that ever we covenanted with the great and dreadfull God to do any such thing Are there not found among us concealers harbourers yea abettors of such vipers Did never any escape publike punishment who have been upon publike triall and conviction condemned Is there no where the price of blood to be found If there be hear what God doomed Ahab unto 1 King 20.42 Because thou hast let go out of thine hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction thy life shall go for his life and thy people for his people This the Lord made good upon him For how ever Benhadad crouched to Ahab at that present and was content to buy his life at any rate restoring all the Cities that he or his fathers had taken from Israel and promising all peaceablenesse and good neighbourhood towards Ahab for all time to come Yet at three years end another battell is fought at Ramoth Gilead fatall to Ahab who by the speciall direction of the same Benhadad to his Captains to fight neither with small nor great save only against the King of Israel t 1 King 22.31 was there singled out and slain Thus God oftentimes makes them who are unduely spared to be the destruction of those who did not execute justice upon them Again is there no labouring to gain proselytes to a party among the people no pleading by word and writing against what we have bound our selves by Covenant to promote no brow-biting blasting and slandering of men of honour and approved fidelity if they stand in their way no artifices to ingage all men against what ever shall be setled by Parliament touching matters of Religion as if the best keeping of Covenant did consist in the strongest opposition against it Shortly after the beginning of this Parliament there was tampering with our Army in the North to march Southward with a Petition but the meaning was to force the Parliament I hope it will not so soon be forgotten but that the wisedom of the Honourable Houses will be vigilant and carefull to prevent like tamperings in all time to come 5. As for the preservation of that League and unity so happily setled between the two Kingdomes and the bringing to punishment all that sowe division betwixt them what shall we be able to answer either to God or men for the daily neglect hereof yea for the manifest endeavours of too too many to set them at variance for causes known best to the contrivers of such a wicked and pernicious designe Albeit some speak their fears thereof with grief yet when such a question as this What shall we and our Brethren of Scotland fall out is made but the occasion of a further discourse against them and to open a way to some confident slander or backbiting of our Brethren in common discourse and that by those who have neither certain intelligence of their actions nor commission to call them to account thereby to worke them out of the hearts of so many as they can not so much to reforme things amisse between us as to be rid of them putting not any difference between the acts done or avowed by the Nation or by their Commissioners and those faults that are made by some particular persons among them this can be no other then a breach of our Covenant by a cunning artifice of telling news and a manifest endeavour to make a quarrell between the two Nations And therefore if they who have power do not punish and suppresse this unsufferable liberty God must needs visit for such hypocrisie and avenge the quarrell of his Covenant upon all such miscreants who will rather mingle Heaven and hell together and break thorow all bonds that very Heathens have ever held sacred then misse of their own ends and wills what ever become of the publike in respect of Religion or Government These these be the men that will destroy all if your wisedom and justice do not seasonably prevent it although the Lord should give us to tread on the necks of all other enemies 6. And as for assisting and defending all that enter into this Covenant in the maintaining and pursuit thereof not suffering our selves to be by any means drawn from it either to a defection to the other side or to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in this Cause of God I report me to you how this hath been performed Have not many brave and gallant spirits received discouragements been many wayes traduced and at length cast aside as broken bottles Nay is there not an endeavour in some so farre to exasperate Authority and the whole Kingdome to break if it were possible with a whole Nation that for our sakes entred into this Covenant Are they few that have made defection to the other side and are there none who were once very hot for the Covenant even to the punishing of those who truly out of conscience scrupled any thing in it at first that are now grown cold and remisse yea are gone beyond neutrality or indifferency therein But to conclude this part of our Triall by the particulars of the Covenant Let all whom this may concerne no longer flatter themselves with vain imaginations that God and they be agreed but know for certain that there are none in the world further off from agreement with him For he puts Covenant-breakers in the number of those who are given up by him to their own lusts and to the most vile and outragious abominations that can be committed by persons incurable and ordained to everlasting destruction Rom. 1.31 So farre our fourth generall head of Trial. Rule 5 5. Lastly they who are at agreement with God agree with