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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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bée séene and glorious in beholding as these places palaces that are builde on high hilles and mountaines like the earth which he stablished for euer vnderstande and like the earth for this is an other similitude expressing the firmitie and continuance of the Church which shal indure vppon the earth vnto the comming of Christ and afterwardes for euer and euer in heauen Verse 70. Hée chose Dauid also his seruant after that he had spoken of the Arke religion and seruice of God hee commeth to speake of the kingdome and politique gouernement for these two things were principal signes of Gods goodnes and grace and tooke him from the shéepefoldes i. from a poore and meane estate for hee was no better then a shéephearde as it were Ver. 71. Euen from behind the ewes with young i. as hee followed the ewes either ready to eane or hauing eaned all ready for the worde I take it may be referred to both to féede his people in Iaakob i. to rule and gouerne his people Iaakob vz. those that came of Iaakob his inheritaunce in Israel i. the Israelits which were his inheritance I knowe these words in Iaakob and in Israel may haue an other sense as though hee put the names of the father of the people inhabiting the place for the place it selfe but mee thinketh the other is more simple Verse 72. So hée fed them i. ruled and gouerned them according to the simplicity of his heart i. as he was of a single mind so hée gouerned iustly and holyly and guided them i. went in and out before them exercising holy and lawfull gouernement ouer them by the discretion of his hands i. by most iust rule and gouernement for the worde hande is in many places of Scripture by metonimia put for worke rule and gouernement because kinges in their handes did vse to beare their Scepter a signe and seale of their gouernement All this serueth to shewe that Dauid did not vnaduisedly handle the thinges that hee was to passe through but did that which apperteined to his office through wisedome aduisedly also and with iudgement Verse 1. Teacheth vs to bring attentiue eares with vs Do. to the exercises of the worde Ver. 2. That the more darke and high the thinges are that are propounded the more diligent should we be in hearing and meditating thereof and not discouraged as many men are with the hardnesse Ver. 3. Teacheth that the workes and worde of GOD which either wee our selues haue tryed or other in trueth haue tolde vs of should bée great grounds of strength to our consciences and perswasions Ver. 4. Teacheth vs to haue a care for posterity that the worde and works of God may in trueth and sinceritie continue with vs and our séede for euer Ver. 5. Sheweth that Gods word bestowed vpon any people is no small signe or token of his fauour or loue towardes them Ver. 6. Sheweth that God giueth his word to the end that the people present and they that should come after might be instructed in sound knowledge of his truth Ver. 7. Teacheth that Gods word is ordeined to two especiall purposes the one is to increase hope in the heartes of his children and the other is to worke obedience Verse 8. Teacheth that fathers are not alwayes to bee followed and therefore that they say nothing that say they will treade in the steppes of their fathers Verse 9. Teacheth that weapon and armour are nothing where GOD his strength and fauour is not ioyned with them Verse 10. Teacheth that disobedience and rebellion against GOD is a grieuous sinne Verse 11. Teacheth vs howe fowle a sinne forgetfulnes of Gods goodnes is Verse Setteth out Gods great loue towardes his people who maketh thinges against nature to prouide for them rather then they shoulde bee hurt or want any thing that were good and all this hée doeth to the ende that they might haue their fayth stedfastly stayed vppon him and his goodnes Verse 17. Teacheth that sinne against GOD after benefites receiued is very horrible and monstrous Verse 18. Teacheth vs that euill motions of the heart are sinne Verse 19. Teacheth that there can no greater dishonour bee offered to God then to call his power and will into question Verse 20. Sheweth howe the wicked peruert those things that God doth for them so the increase of their distrust and infidelitie Ver. 21. Teacheth two thinges first that the Lorde séeth the thoughts of the hearts heareth the words of mens mouthes conceiued or spoken against him secondly that sinne shall neuer bee vnpunished Verse 22. Teacheth that distrust in God is a most heinous and grieuous offence Verse Expresse Gods great loue in giuing the people whatsoeuer they desired and that in wonderfull plenty and abundaunce to the ende that by that meanes he might bring them to amendment Ver. 30. Teacheth that the wicked are not drawne to repentance by Gods benefites but rather goe on forward more and more in their sinne Ver. 31. Teacheth that the abuse of Gods goodnes and mercy shall neuer bee left vnpunished also that God respecteth no persons in the execution of his iustice but hee that hath offended of what countenance soeuer he be shall smart for it Ver. 32. Teacheth that there are a sort of people so setled in their sinnes that no graces of God will pul thē out of them Ver. 33. Teacheth that hasty and sodaine destruction oftentimes ouertaketh the wicked Ver. 34. Liuely painteth out the nature of hypocrites their counterfeite repentance so doth verse 35.36.37 Ver. 36. Teacheth that the abuse of mens mouthes and tongues must be answered to the Lorde Verse 37. Sheweth that God specially regardeth an vpright heart Ver. 38. Doeth wonderfully commend the riches of Gods grace and goodnes Ver. 39. Doth marueilously set out the vanity and frailtie of man in all his glory Ver. 40. Teacheth howe the vngodly cease not sinning but procéede from one iniquitie to another Ver. 41. Teacheth that to set god his bounds is a grieuous transgression Ver. 42. Teacheth that the forgetfulnes of gods benefits towardes his children or of his iustice vpon his and their enemies is a grieuous transgression In that description of gods wrath executed vpon the wicked Egiptians and comprehended Ver. Wee may learne many thinges first that the enemies of gods people shall neuer escape vnpunished which also expresseth gods iustice against persecutours Secondly wee sée the mightie power of the Lorde who wil arme the least of his creatures with such might as all the Monarchies in the worlde shall not bee able to resist Thirdly in that there are so diuers and sundry punishments reckoned vp we learn that the Lord hath all his creatures at commandement to vse them for the manifesting of his glory either in the maintenance of his seruants or for the punishing of the wicked Ver. 52.53 Do not only expresse gods great loue towards his children but also they teach howe that in
admonition of God who will not the death of sinners but rather that they should repent wishing them in time for feare of after punishment to turne to his Maiestie from verse 10. to the ende of the Psalme Se. Ver. 1. Heathen put for people not being Iewes If you vnderstand this Psalme of Dauids kingdome if otherwayes of Christes kingdome as it is referred thereto Acts. 4.25 Then vnderstande by Heathen and people of the enemies of Christ whiche were of thrée manner of sorts and in this first verse he noteth two kindes of them some that through rage were caried to outrage and violence and othersome that were not so cruel and yet murmuringly opposed themselues in wordes Some reade the later part of the first verse thus And the Nations meditate or thinke vpon a vaine thing i. a matter that can not be brought to passe but shall lack his effect the sence commeth all to one effect Ver. 2. The kings of the earth i. they that had the highest authority bend themselues or after some stand vp meaning that they cōsent and conspire together as it were and the Princes i. the great men by whose counsel and wisedom kings gouern their countries noting hereby that neither might nor councell was wanting in Christs aduersaries are assembled or after some do take counsell together agaynst the Lord A strange matter that men like Giaunts should arm thēselues against God against his Christ i. his annointed one meaning either Dauid as the figure or Christ himselfe as the truth ver 3. the Prophet putteth down the vngodlies spéeches Let vs breake q.d. Let vs ioyne all our force to assay to breake not that they can but that such purposes they haue in their hartes and wordes in their mouthes their bandes i. God the fathers lawes published by Dauid and Christ which hee calleth bandes because that by them as it were by certaine bandes the subiectes are wont to be bound kept in their dueties their cordes or as some terme it thick i. strong cords from vs I suppose that the Prophet vnderstandeth by cords the rule and authoritie that God hath giuen to Dauid and his son Christ the meaning is Let vs not obaye say the wicked their lawes and let vs labour that they may not rule ouer vs ver 4. He that dwelleth others reade He that sitteth in heauen a notable description of God wherby the Prophet meaneth to show that they are not able to match with him and they are Dauids words q.d. Howe wil these wicked men as wicked as they are fight with him that is so high aboue their reach shall laugh or in the present tense as some reade it doth laugh i. maketh no account of al their rage and murmuring and this is spoken of God as the rest of the words in this verse and the next that follow are according to many and as his capacity is able to cōprehend shal haue them in derision or as others read it doth deride them it is a repetition being the same in effect that the former part of the verse is by which doubling the holy Ghost noteth the certaintie assurednes of the thing Ver. 5. Then vz. when time shal require and at that very instant which God in his eternall decrée hath appointed shall he i. God speake vnto them vz. the wicked and vngodly eyther by his wordes or by his rods Iob. 33.14 c. but chiefly by his roddes as Iob in his wrath i. being angry with them meaning that hee will most vehemently and sharpely rebuke them and vexe them i. plague them so that they shall be vexed greeued in his sore displeasure he meaneth that being moued with great wrath he wil destroy and ouerthrow thē Ver. 6. amend thus Saying vz. God himselfe but I annoynted my kingly placing him in his kingdome putting the signe of his imagination or entrance into his kingdom vz. annoynting for the possession enioying therof And putting these words my king for him whom the Lord had aduanced thereto either Dauid or Christ had made him ruler ouer Sion which place was the seat of Dauids kingdome as may appeare by sundrie places the Prophet vsing a part for the whole land and the people contained therin and a figure also of Christs Church Isaiah 2.3 the Mountains of my holines i. My holy mountaines for so do the Hebrues sundry times speak vsing the Substantiue for the Adiectiue now it is called Gods holy mountaine because that Dauid brought thither Gods own arke and there were the holy exercises of his religion obserued till the Temple was builded sée 1. Chron. 15.16 Chap. and this verse comprehendeth God the fathers wordes sitting in iudgement as it were and condemning the wicked who laboured the ouerthrow of his kingdome Ver. 7. I will declare i. I will faythfullye shew and set abroad the decrée vz. which the Lord hath determined cōcerning men thou art my sonne vz. by adoption if we vnderstand it of Dauid and by nature if we vnderstand it of Christ This day if you vnderstād it of Dauid you must refer it to the time of his first annointing so forward If you vnderstand it of Christ you must refer it to his first manifestation in the flesh not but that he was begotten of the Father from before all beginnings and this 7. verse are the words of Dauid or Christ declaring Gods eternal decrée touching their gouernments Ver. 8. are the wordes of the Father inuiting Dauid or Christ to aske somewhat of him and as it were a prophecy of the inlargement of their kingdomes In Dauid somewhat more narrowly thus that the Heathen round about him and namelye those that inhabited the coasts nigh to the land of Iudea as Ammonites Moabites c. should be brought in subiection to him as may appeare in the Histories in 2. Samuel in Christ more largely to wit that of all the nations and peoples vnder heauen he should haue diuers subiected to his kingdome by the ministerie of the word Ver. 9. is declared the power of Dauid or christ Thou shalt crush or after some thou shalt breake them together vz. not onlye those enemies mentioned in the beginning of this Psalme but all others whatsoeuer that shall rise vp or rebell agaynst thée with a scepter or after some with a rod of yron whatsoeuer it be the holy Ghost meaneth vnder these termes to sette out the inuincible power and force of Dauid or of Christ agaynst their seuerall enemies And breake them in péeces or after some shalt scatter them abroad vz. being already broken which I rather allow of lyke a Potters vessell vz. which is broken alreadye noting by this maner of spéeche not only a iudgement to bee executed vpon the wicked but such a iudgement as the vngodlye shall bée past all hope of repayre and recouery Ver. 10. Is a notable exhortation to Rulers in time to turne to the Lord and his obedience Now i. while it is time before such
A RIGHT GODLY AND learned Exposition vpon the whole Booke of Psalmes Wherein is set forth the true Diuision Sence and Doctrine contained in euery Psalme for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian Reader Newly and faithfully set forth by a Godly Minister and Preacher of the word of God 2 Tim. 3. Ver 16.17 For the whole Scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improue to correct and to instruct to righteousnesse That the man of God may be absolute being made perfect vnto all good workes LONDON Printed for T. Man and W. Brome 1586. ¶ The printers of this present worke to al godly and Chrystian readers do wish all increase of knowledge and strength of faith in Christ for euer THere are two thinges especially that behoueth all good men to haue regarde of in this life The one is the inlarging of the kingdome of Christ to the vttermost of their powers in a lawfull and holy vocation And the other is simplicity and plainnes in the places that God putteth men into or in the words or workes that he inableth them to performe therein At both which things we our selues haue aimed so farre forth as humāe infirmytie would suffer in the pulishing of this present work for the further declaration whereof wee haue beene contented to prefixe these fewe lines By Gods good prouidēce the booke it selfe came into our hādes from amongst the writings of that religious worshipful Gentlmā M. Herlakinden of Kent esquier late deceased and for whose cause onely as we suppose the penning of this was performed at the first Which hauing once gotten into our handes we could not let lie and perish amongst the wormes and moaths as the prouerbe is vnles we would closly vnder hand haue hindered the edification of the Church but indeuour to our vttermost the publishing of the same Wherein if any man thinke we did it for glory or gaine vnto our selues wee can not but tell them that as they doe vncharitably surmise against vs so they doe fondly and fouly deceiue themselues as for glorye how can we attayne sith the labor is wholy an others and no part ours except men would thinke vs to be so conceited that wee would count it credit to be decked with other birdes feathers and to waxe rich with the robbery and vniust spoyles of others And for gayne there is as litle if not lesse reason for besides that we know not what vent we shal haue the sale being very vncertaine what likelyhood is there that our aduantage can be much in publishing cōmentaries vpon that booke of which there are so many learned expositions extant already And yet least any should imagine that we haue without cause caused this to be printed besides the reasons before alleaged we say that both the soundnes of the matter it selfe and the manner of deliuery obserued therein which is both plaine and short the one seruing for the more simple sort of people and the other fitting such as either can not or will not allowe themselues leasure to read long commentaries hath drawen vs on hereto Wherein we do willingly giue al the world to vnderstand that we speak not so much our own minds for we confesse our selues to be men not greatly able to discerne of such high points but we vtter that that men of good countenance in the Church of sound iudgement as in respect of religion haue deliuered and that we hope all that read it shal well find and perceiue There resteth no more but this that euery good man labour to referre it to good ends and holy purposes namely to the building vp of thē selues and others in knowledge in faith in repentance and obedience of al such good things as God hath reueiled in his worde praying the Godly reader for his better more plain direction in that behalfe diligently to obserue these few points following First that all that is spoken vppon all the Psalmes or any of them respecteth either the diuisiō of the Psalme it selfe into his members and parts or the true sense and natural meaning of the very words or the doctrines touching faith and manners that are therein conteined Secondly that wheresoeuer they shall finde these letters markes or directions ensuing i. vz. q.d. they would take paines to resolue and interpret them thus namely that i. signifieth that it is to say vz. signifieth to wit and q.d. meaneth as if he should say Thirdly that the framer of this work in all his notes at the least for the most part we are sure of it had speciall respect to that english text of the Psalmes and Bible that was Imprinted at Geneua which was as it shoulde seeme the first yere of the raygne of our gracious Queene which also we thought good to aduertise the reader of that so he may haue an eye always in his reading to that text or others conformable to the same printed vpon good authoritie though it be not wholly put downe here nor the wordes of it in other letters for difference sake as had been to be wished Lastly wee are earnestly to intreat the godly reader fauourably to interpret and with loue to correct whatsoeuer hath escaped here through the negligence or ignorance of the workemen imployed about this busines some taste whereof also euen we our selues haue thought good to giue vnto them by putting downe some fewe scapes obserued in the ouer reading of it that so if there be any such like as we hope there are not many they may by these amend the rest And thus beseeching God to giue a blessing vnto this work in the heartes of all these into whose handes it shall come we end the 28. of Aprill 1586 Lord Iesus begin and make an end An Exposition vpon the whole Booke of Psalmes The penners of the Psalmes were diuers men as Dauid Moses c. but all led by one and the selfe same spirit so that the holy Ghost may rightlie be said to be the Author of this Booke SOme Psalmes haue titles and inscriptions of which we will shew somewhat when we shall come to them othersome are without Titles or inscriptions of which we shal not néede to say any thing These that haue Titles do eyther containe the name of the writer of that Psalme or the instrument wherevpon it was sung or the end wherevnto it was appoynted or the principal matter therein contayned As they were diuers Writers so they comprehended diuers matters some are full of instruction touching both fayth and maners as Psal 1.37 c. Othersome containe confession of sinnes and prayer for repentaunce as Psalme 25.51 c. Othersome are Prayers agaynst the enemies of the Church as Psal 79.83 c. Some containe the histories of the olde Testament as Psal 78.105.106 c. Some are commendations of Gods lawes as Psa 19.119 c. Some descriptions of Gods wonderfull power as psal 18.164 Some are particuler prayers of
that contrary to the knowledge and truth that God had manifested vnto him he had cōmitted gros iniquities Ver. 7. Purge me with Hysop no doubt hee alludeth to the ceremonies purifications of the law among which Hisope was greatly vsed as Leuit. 14.6.7 Leuit. 19.18 yet so that he would haue the truth also signifyed by these outward things and he putteth purging and Hisope and washing which were outward parts of the legal puristings for a thorow whole cleansing as ver 2. and I shall be cleane q.d. otherwise I cannot bee cleane vnlesse thou O Lord performe it indéede whiter then snow Sée Isaiah 1.16.18 for the vnderstanding of this Verse Verse 8. Make me to heare i. eyther to féele one sence being put for another a thing vsuall in Scripture or else by some one of thy Prophets or other make me to know my sinnes to bée forgiuen as Nathan pronounced the same vnto him 2. Samuel 12.13 ioye and gladnesse i. that comfortable and ioyfull message touching the frée and full pardon of my sinnes that maye make me ioyfull and glad indéede that the bones i. I my selfe both body and soule he putteth a part for the whole which thou hast broken vz. by the horror of thy gréeuous iudgementes agaynste mee for my sinne sée Psalme 38.3 may reioyce i. haue matter of reioycing ministred vnto them and performe that ioy indéede whilst that they inioye their former féelings Verse 9. Hide thy face from my sinnes i. bury them as it were in perpetuall forgetfulnesse for we doe not easily forget those things that be continually in our sight put away sée before verse 1. of this Psalme all mine iniquities one and other for so long as any sinne presseth vs the conscience can hardly be quiet Verse 10. Create in me a cleane hart he prayeth because the heart is the seat of the affections and naturallye it is inclyned to all filthinesse euery day sée Matth. 15.19 Gen. 6.5 Gen. 8.21 That God woulde reforme it taking away that filthinesse and planting goodnesse in it which he calleth creation a right spirite i. a minde frée from all hipocrisie and abhorring crooked wayes some read a stedfast spirite meaning a spirite and mynde so well stayed as might not in tyme afterward be remoued from his obedience Ver. 11. Cast me not awaye from thy presence hee vseth here a metaphor taken from Kings who will not vouchsafe such to beholde them as they hate or lyke not of thy holy spirite i. the effectes and workes of thy holy spirite for neyther doth the spirite substantiallye dwell in men as some haue dreamed neyther is the pledge of the spirite so taken awaye as some haue imagined though it be hidden sometimes vnder the ashes of corruption Verse 12. Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation i. make me to féele agayne that vnspeakeable comfort of saluation that I was wont to feere so that it séemeth that Dauid was almost at the dore of dispayre with the féeling of his sinnes the iudgements of God agaynst him for the same establish me i. make me strong and stedfast with thy frée spirite the spirite of God is called frée in diuers respects as because it is Gods effectuall instrument to set vs frée from the bondage of sinne for where the spirite of the Lord is there is fréedome 2. Corinthians 3.17 because also thereby god worketh in vs fréenesse and readinesse to the doing of those thinges which he commaundeth and lastly because it maketh vs fréelye and boldly to professe that we are Gods children as Rom. 8.15.16 some reade principall or princelike spirite meaning thereby a moste excellent spirit suche as Kings and Princes haue néede of that they may know how to guide them selues in their offices Verse 13. Thy wayes i. thy mercies louing kindnes which are called Gods wayes because he alwayes sheweth them to true penitent sinners q.d. If thou wilt pardon me my sinnes I will be thy instrumente to teach thē that shall come to the like féeling of their transgressiōs thy wonderfull mercy and goodnesse and sinners shall be vz. by that meanes conuerted vnto thée vz. from whom they haue gone astray he meaneth that hee will take paynes to winne men to god but that the profit thereof shall redounde to gods owne glory Verse 14. From blood he meaneth not only from the sinne committed in shedding Vriahs blood and others with him as 2. Sam. 11.17 but also the punishments that by that sinne he had drawne vpon himselfe whereof sée Genesis 9.5.6 God of my saluation sée Psalme 18.46 my tongue shall sing ioyfully i. chearefully and aloude prayse thy righteousnesse i. thy goodnesse faythfulnesse and truth which thou promisest and performest to thē that craue pardon and forgiuenesse Verse 15. He prayeth the Lord not onely to giue him an occasion but also to inable him to thankfulnesse and then he will performe it Verse 16. Must be vnderstoode by the way of comparison and not supplye for yet in his time sacrifices were to be vsed and that by the prescript of gods law sée Psalme 50.8.9 c. Isaiah 1.11.12 c. Verse 17. The sacrifices of God i. such as he principally alloweth and accepteth a contrite spirit i. a spirite brused and broken as it were with the feeling of the sinne committed and the acknowledgement of his owne weakenesse and vnworthinesse which as I take it the Apostle calleth godly sorrow 2. Cor. 7.10.11 Thou wilt not despise i. thou wilt graciously and mercifully accept for not refusing or despising with god is gracious accepting Verse 18. Be fauourable i. notwithstanding my sinne continue gracious and heape vp benefits vpon benefits vnto Sion i. vnto thy church and people he putteth the place where Gods people dwelt and the exercises of his religion were vsed for gods people and Churche sée Psalme 48.11 for thy good pleasure i. for thyne own goodnesse sake and not for any thing in them or me for there is nothing in vs that can procure that build the wals of Ierusalem i. not onely defend thy church by thy mighty power and prouidēce but giue it all the meanes whereby it may resist the assaults of thine enemies as walles to a citie are a good defence to saue them from the violences and outrages of their enemies Verse 19. Sacrifices of righteousnesse sée Psal 4.5 q.d. When sacrifices and burnt offrings shall be referred to a right ende God will allow and like of them then shall they i. thy people offer Calues vppon thine altar i. sacrifices of prayses and thanksgiuing vnderstanding no doubte by Calues euen the instruments of their lippes to prayse God withall sée Hosea 14.2 also Heb. 13.15 Verse 1. When we are touched with the féeling of our sinnes Do. Gods mercy is the only medicine that we must looke to for the curing of our sore Ver. 2. We must pray for pardon and full forgiuenesse of our sinnes or else it is nothing as also verse 9. of this Psalme Verse
Ver. 3. Teacheth that there is no wisedom power nor policy against the Lord. Ver. 4. Setteth out the inlargment increase of Gods kingdome vpon earth Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that gods works would be diligently déeply considered otherwise they shall litle profite vs. Ver. 6. Teacheth that for the benefite of his children the Lord can and will inuert the nature of thinges Ver. 7. Teacheth first that Gods power ruleth ouer all secondly that nothing can be hid from his presēce thirdly that the wicked howe mighty so euer they be shal neuer preuaile against him Ver. 8. Deliuereth the same doctrines that ver 1.2 doe Ver. 9. Teacheth that in God we liue and moue and haue our being also that it is he alone that vpholdeth vs that we sinke not downe vnder the burthen of sinne and calamities Ver. 10.11.12 Teach that God sundry ways exerciseth the faith and proueth the patience of his children whereby also we learn that it is no new thing that the godly are afflicted Ver. 12. And these wordes but thou broughtest vs out into a wealthy place doeth teach that howe great and gréeuous soeuer the afflictions of Gods saints be yet in the end hee remembreth and deliuereth them with an euerlasting mercy Ver. 13. Teacheth vs to frequent the publike assemblies of the Church and to shewe our selues thankeful to God for his graces Ver. 14. Teacheth that affliction is the time that maketh vs to drawe nigh to God both in word and déede Ver. 15. Teacheth vs to yéeld vnto God such a seruice as he hath prescribed and not as we deuise Ver. 16. Teacheth vs reuerently and diligently to hearken vnto good thinges that others speake to vs also that we should declare to other the graces of God shewed to vs that therby their fayth might be increased Ver. 17. Teacheth that mother tongues and all the members that we haue shoulde bee earnestly occupied in hearty calling vppon God Ver. 18. Teacheth that when we come to pray to God wee must labour to cast away from vs our wickednes and corruption Ver. 19. Teacheth that god is nigh to the earnest supplications of his children Ver. 20. Teacheth vs to yéeld humble and hearty thanksgiuing to our God for al his mercies towards vs. Psalme 67. Di. THis short Psalme may be diuided into thrée partes In the two first verses is comprehended a prayer for that people whome God had prepared vnto himselfe and for the blessing of them with al maner of knowledge In the second part is comprehended an other prayer for the increase and inlarging of Gods kingdome throughout the earth and this reacheth from ver 3. to the end of the 5. In the third is declared what great benefites and blessings shall insue after that God shal haue thus multiplied his Church and this is in the two last verses Se. The first part of the title of this Psalme is expounded before Psalm 4. A Psalme or song sée Psalm 48. in the title Ver. 1. God be merciful to vs vz. who by the meanes of sundry our infirmities stand in néede of it and blesse vs vz. with all good things both bodily spiritual and cause his face i. his fauour to shine i. to appeare and bee felt among vs vz. though there bee no cause on our partes why he should so do The Church prayeth that God would shewe not onely lay aside that wrath which hee had exercised vppon it but also that hee would shewe himselfe gracious and fauourable putting into their hearts by the working of his holy spirite a true tast and féeling of his fatherly loue Verse 2. That they they change the person from the first to the thirde they meane that by Gods fauour practised towardes his Church the Church is more and more confirmed in the obedience of Gods trueth and not onely the Church it selfe but euen diuers that are without may knowe vz. by thy word and spirite thy way i. which thou thy selfe hast prescribed vnto them in thy lawe to walke in vppon earth i. so long as they liue here and thy sauing health i. that saluation and deliueraunce which thou bestowest and giuest to men among all nations vz. of the worlde in what quarter soeuer they dwel Verse 3. Let the people vz. of the earth meaning chiefely the Gentiles let all the people vz. if thou sée it so good or else hee putteth all for an infinit number which I take to bee the more simple sense Verse 4. Bee glad and reioyce q.d. they haue no cause of sorrowe that thou gouernest but rather of vnspeakable ioy for thou shalt iudge the people righteously i. with great equitie and vprightnes shalt thou rule and beare sway after the manner of Iudges Kinges for wee knowe that the people of the Iewes were a long time ruled by Iudges and Kinges to which here hee alludeth and gouerne the nations or else as some read which also I like better lead them out vz. as sheepeheards doeth their flockes noting thereby Gods tender care towardes his Church and all that is here spoken of Gods gouernement must be vnderstood of the spirituall iurisdiction which hee exerciseth in his Church by the scepter of his word and discipline to bring all peoples in obedience to him Ver. 5. Is the same in wordes and sense with ver 3. Ver. 6. Then shall the earth vz. which was cursed for mans sinne and striken with barrennes bring forth her increase i. all manner of fruite and that in abundance through Gods especiall blessing and God euen our God i. the onely true God shall blesse vz. with all good thinges both bodily and spirituall as ver 1. of this Psalm Ver. 7. All the endes of the earth i. people out of al parts and quarters of the world hee putteth the places inhabited for the people inhabiting them this worde all for the great multitude that God will drawe to himselfe shal feare him i. imbrace his religion and seruice and that either soundly in déede or else in hypocrisie and flauish feare Verse 1. Gods mercy must bee fled to Do. as the onely fountaine of all goodnes to vs warde Verse 2. Teacheth vs to pray for increase of knowledge in Gods worde also that wee shoulde wish the same not to our selues only but to others also Verse 3. Teacheth vs to wish and pray for the inlarging of Gods kingdome and his prayses in the same Ver. 4. Teacheth vs that it ought to bee the greatest ioy that can come to vs in this life to bee vnder the gouernement of our God by his worde and discipline Ver. 5. Repeating the same both words and matter with ver 3. Teacheth the earnestnes of the Church in prayer and continuall care for the conuersion of others Ver. 6. Teacheth that when God is fauourably reconciled to his people there can be no want of good things Ver. 7. Teacheth all to haue a care to imbrace Gods religion and to followe his worship Psalme 68 Di. THe Prophet in
dennes of violence vz. which they practise against other men q.d. the holes which men sought for refuge and defence are by these mens cruelties become very dennes of outrage violence Ver. 21. Oh let not the oppressed vz. by the iniurie outrage of cruel men returne vz. from thy maiesty specially séeing he prayeth vnto thee but let the poore and néedy praise thy name i. giue them occasion to prayse and extoll thy power by deliuering them from their enemies and supplying their wantes Ver. 22. Arise O God vz. to declare thy might vpon thine enemies and to helpe thine maintaine vz. against the violence and rage of thine enemies thine owne cause i. thyne own glory now hazarded in the person of thy people like to be ouerthrowne if thou lay not to thy hand q.d. the enemies will say that either thou canst not or wilt not helpe and so thy glory shal be defaced remember this is spoken according to man and not that God forgetteth though hee séeme so to doe thy dayly reproch i. the reproches which thy enemies and the enemies of thy people do daily vtter against thée by the foolish man i. which the wicked man speaketh foole put for a wicked person as Psal 14.1 Verse 23. Forget not this is spokē as in the other ver remember the voice of thine enemies i. the roaring and blasphemies that they cast out against thee thy temple and people sée ver verses of this Psalme for the tumult i. the rage and outcries of them that rise against thée i. of thine enemies and thy peoples enemies ascendeth vz. into thy sight and presence continually q.d. thou canst not chuse therefore but remember and thinke vpon the same as in the beginning of this very verse Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that God many times layeth grieuous afflictions vpon his children to the end he might thereby drawe them nigh vnto himselfe Verse 2. Teacheth the faithful not only to haue recourse to god by praier in the time of their troubles but to ground themselues vppon that experience which either they thēselues or their forefathers haue had of his goodnes Ver. 3. Teacheth vs that we may safely pray against the enemies of the Church Ver. Do liuely paint out the rage violence of the enemies of god and that against the outward marks of religion which may teach Gods children hatred and zeale against the monuments of idolatry superstition Ver. 9. Teacheth vs that euident signes of Gods wrath displeasure as the want of his worde the stopping of the true ministers mouthes c. should touch vs to the quicke Ver. 10. Teacheth vs with patience to beare the Lords hand vpon vs till it please him to remoue it and yet notwithstanding to craue according to his wil the taking of it from vs. Ver. 11. Sheweth that Gods right hand and power is the only assured meane of defence of his children the destruction of the vngodly Ver. 12. True tast and féeling of gods former deliuerances should strengthen the hope of his seruants that they shal again be deliuered out of al their distresses Ver. are particular descriptions of the might power of God in certaine particular works of his out of which we learne to stay our selues wholly vpon him who hath al power in his owne hands and doth whatsoeuer pleaseth him both in heauen and in earth Ver. 18. Setteth out the malice of the wicked which reacheth not only vnto men on earth but to God in heauen Ver. 19. Teacheth vs to haue recourse to God by earnest prayer in the middest of all our calamities and afflictions Ver. 20. Teacheth vs that Gods frée couenant made with vs is not only a good ground for prayer but also a matter of great comfort to the conscience because we know he wil not go backe from that which he hath promised Ver. 21. Teacheth that it is no small comfort to the godly when they féele by effects that their praiers are heard Ver. 22. Sheweth that God his people be so linked together that reproch can not be offered to the one but it is offred to the other Ver. 23. Teacheth vs that euen the very outrage cruelties of the wicked are effectuall instrumentes to drawe from God as iudgements against their owne soules so deliuerance to his people Psalme 75 IN the argument of this Psalm I do somewhat differ from the Geneua Bible taking it to be a Psalme made by Dauid before that hee bare rule ouer the twelue tribes what time there was such great warres betwéene him and the house of Saul the Prophet promising here that if God will establish him in the full gouernement hee wil praise his name continually for the better proof of this my assertion consider the words of the third verse of this Psal This Psal specially expoundeth thrée things Di. first is a solemne promise of hearty thanksgiuing vnto the Lorde and this is comprehended ver 1.9 The second is a protestation what he wil do when god shall aduance him to the kingdome and this is in ver 2.3.10 And the thirde is a louing admonition to the wicked with graue reasons of that admonition that they set not themselues against God and his ordinance and this is conteyned in ver For the exposition of the title of this Psalme sée Psalm 57. in the title Se. and also Psal 48. in the title and Psal 50. in the title out of al which laid together you shal haue these termes destroy not a Psalme and song committed to Asaph expounded and as for these words to him that excelleth they are declared before Psalme 4. in the title Ver. 1. We wil praise thée O God vz. for thy benefites and graces bestowed vpon vs and the doubling of the wordes noteth the constant mind and earnestnes which they caried with them to performe it and all this Dauid speaketh in the person of the faithful in his owne name also for thy name is néere i. thy power maiesty as Psal 20.1 meaning that God by his power began to approch for his good profit therefore they i. not only I but al other faithfull and godly people will declare i. publish and set abroad and that to all others thy wonderfull workes i. those workes of thine which thou doest for those that are thine are in déed for the excellency and greatnes of them to be wondered at Immanuel readeth the latter part of this ver thus for thy wonderful workes declare that thy name is nigh q.d. this shalbée one cause of our praysing thée because we perceiue by thy wonderfull workes that thou in power drawest nigh to helpe vs in these confusions and troubles and this is in my mind a very good sense Ver. 2. When I marke the sodaine change of the person this Dauid speaketh of himselfe not of God as the note in the Geneua Bible goeth shall take i. obtaine and get a conuenient time i. that time
thée meaning that he would prouide that one of his children posterity should cōtinually succéed him in the kingdom Ver. 12. If thy sons i. thy posterity these are gods words to Dauid establishing the couenāt with him his séed kéepe vz. vnfaignedly and with all their hart my couenaunt i. the couenante which I haue made with them and is passed betwéene them me and my testimonies i. my law word and that euery particular péece of it for so muche do I think doth the plural number in this place signifie that I shall teach them vz. by the ministery of my seruaunts the Priests and Prophets their sonnes also i. their posterity euen to many generations shall sit vpon thy Throne i. shall succéede thée and them in the Kingdome putting throne a part of the kingdome for the whole and it is called Dauids throne or kingdome because he was the first man of al his race that God aduanced to that high honor for euer i. for a lōg season referred to Dauid his natural séede but for all eternitie referred to Christ sée these words expounded 1 King 2 4 also 1 King 8 25 also 2. Chron. 6 16. Verse 13. For the Lord vz. himselfe hath chosen vz. of his great mercy Sion i. his Church or Ierusalem vz. to be the place where his arke should abide he himselfe be serued and loued vz. of his own good pleasure and not for any excellency or worthines that was in it to dwell in it i. to remayne and to abide there as in the next verse Ver. 14. This vz. place is my rest i. is the place wherein I will haue mine arke to staye for euer i. for a long tyme if we referre it to the Materiall Ierusalem but continuallye euen to all eternitye if wée referre it to the Churche here will I dwell i. in this place I will giue of my presence power and continuall aboade for I haue a delight therein i. I haue delighted and loued to dwell there as in the nexte verse before going sée Psalme 78 68. Verse 15. I vz. who am able to do it wil surely i. without all fayle blesse vz. plentifully and abundantly hir vitailes i. all thinges that I shal giue her necessarye for the maintaynaunce of this present life q.d. I will not only giue them abundaunce of vitailes but I will make their meate and drinke profitable vnto them and will satisfye vz. with abundaunce and plentye her poore i. the poore which shal be in Sion or in the Churche with breade i. with thinges necessarye for the nourishmente of this life He ioyneth here spirituall graces to the temporall blessinges declaring that hée will so prouide euen for the poorest of them that they shall not onelye not want their ordinarye vittayles at anye tyme but haue them in greate plentye Verse 16. And vz. I my selfe who am the only Lorde will clothe sée before verse 9. of this Psalme hir Priestes i. those that attende vppon holy exercises and seruices in hir with saluation i. with deliueraunce from daungers and distresses he meaneth that hee will defende and kéepe vnder his sauegarde the ministers of his Church and his saynts i. the people of Sion or of the Church sée before verse 9 shall shout for ioy vz. of that goodnesse and grace whiche GOD shall shewe to the whole Churche and euerye particular member of it and this phrase shouting for ioye or as it is in the hebrew in singing shall sing doth not only note the great ioy which they shall haue But the certaintie and assurednesse of it also Ver. 17. There i. in Sion Ierusalem or in the Churche will I make i. cause thorowe my power goodnes the horn of Dauid i. the power might kingdome c of Dauid my seruant to hud i. to prosper and increase it is a metaphor taken from beasts who haue snags in their heads as deare haue which are vnto thē in stéed of bowes as it were by which he noteth their flourishing and prospering for I haue ordeined vz. in mine eternal counsel a light vz. euen in that place meaning by light the regall dignity glory and the godly person that should execute the same as 2 Sam. 21.17 1 King 11 36. for mine annointed i. for Dauid my seruaunt whom I haue appointed to be King some expound it thus q.d. I wil bring to passe that the kingly dignity shal not so be quenched but that it shall always shew forth some light the other sence is better in my minde Ver. 18. His enemies i. Dauids enemies and the enemies of his godly posteritie will I clothe with shame i. compas them about with confusion of face so that they shall not dare to lift vp their heads meaning further that he would euen confound and destroy them but on him i. him himselfe his posterity shall his crown florish i. his kingdom shal continue florishing and not wither away but be preserued alwayes in his force and beauty and this was fully accomplished in Christ Verse 1 teacheth vs to beséech the Lord to declare by effect that he thinketh vpō vs. Do. Ver. 2 teacheth vs to bind our selues by all lawful means we can to the obedience seruice of our God Ver. 3 teacheth vs that we shoulde little estéeme all the pleasures of this life in respect of God and his glory Ver. 4 teacheth vs that we should make but little account of profitable necessary thinges in respecte therof Ver. 5 teacheth vs to ioyn our selues to the exercises assemblies of gods congregation Ver. 6 doth cōmend vnto vs the care of Gods Church religion seruice Ver. 7 teacheth vs not only to heare of Gods Church but when wee haue heard of it to labour the finding of it Ver. 8 teacheth vs to pray the Lord to be continually present with vs to beséech him to giue vs al the signes testimonies of his fauour Ver. 9 teacheth all but specially Kings to pray for the ministers and officers of Gods Church for the whole congregation Ver. 10 teacheth vs to offer vp all our prayers in the name meditation of Christ Iesus only Ver. 11 sheweth how that God for the strengthening of our fayth in the truth of his word doth euen bind himselfe vnto vs by an oth Ver. 12 teacheth vs that albeit the couenant that God hath made with vs be of it selfe and as it procéedeth from God frée yet it is deliuered vnder certaine conditions whiche he would haue to be obserued that we in some measure performing the same might be more and more confirmed in the truth of it Ver. 13 sheweth vs that gods frée loue is the chéefe cause of al his graces towards the Church Ver. 14 teach vs that Gods grace towards his Church is vnchangeable and abideth for euer Ver. 15 setteth forth Gods great liberality towards the Church and his singular fauour who will not destitute no not the meanest or poorest Ver. 16 teacheth vs euen in