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A32941 Articles of visitation and enquiry within the diocess of Chichester, in the first episcopal visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Peter, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Chichester in the second year of his consecration. Church of England. Diocese of Chichester. Bishop (1669-1675 : Gunning); Gunning, Peter, 1614-1684. 1670 (1670) Wing C4027; ESTC R40820 16,328 25

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〈…〉 Man or Woman that live in Adultery 〈…〉 h●ving married within the degrees pr●h●●i●ed 〈…〉 in a T●able set ●orth by Authority Or 〈◊〉 you 〈…〉 tog●ther in your Parish as man wi●e wh● 〈◊〉 in make known when where or by whom they were Married Or any that being lawfully Married do yet live asunder wi●hou● separation in due form of Law Or h●ve you any B●wd● Entertainers or concealers of incontinent persons or any common Drunkards E●●ortioners Swearers Railers R●vilers common Slandere●s of their Neighbours fi●thy and lascivious talkers or which h●ve sollicited any person to unchastity or any which have used any Charmes Inchantments or consult●ti●ns of these call'd Wizards or cunning men and Sorc●rie● such ●s a●e not made Felony by the Laws of this Realm or w●ich h●ve committed perjury in any Ecclesi●stical C●urt 〈…〉 IX Are there any Recusants in your Parish or other Schismatically affect●d ●h● ke●p in their houses any that take upon them to be spiritual guides and iust u●ters or any Schoolmaster in their Family which come n●t to Church to hear Divine Se●vice and to receive the Holy C●mm●nion or that labour to seduce and w●thdraw others within or without the Family from the Religion in th●s Church est●blished or any in your Parish that retain sell or disperse any Popish books or writings or other books or writings of ●ny Sectaries touching the Religion State or Government Eccl●si●stical of this Kingdom of England or books of Heresie X. Have you any in your Parish that are suspected to be Ana-Baptists Familists Lib●rtin●s Brownists Qu●kers Independents or Presbyterian opposers of the Epis●op●l Government XI Are there any in your Parish that do to your knowledg or as you h●ve heard with-hold the stock of the Church or any part thereof or any goods or legacies or other things given to pious and charitable uses any pr●visio●e for frée Schools A●ms-houses or Hospitals such as are not of his M●jesties Found●tion or Patron●ge employed otherwise than according to the intent of their several fou●dations Are there any T●st●ments or Wills by any conce●l'd or improv'd or any Goods unadministred by lawful Authority XII H●ve you any in your P●rish that refuse to pay their duty for ●●ster off●rings to your Minister or 〈◊〉 re●kon with him then or tha● refuse to contribute and 〈◊〉 Rate c●ssed u●on them for the repair of your Church or Ch●●p●l or for the providing of such Books Furniture or necessary Ornaments as are requisite for the performance of any of the Divine Offices there XIII Do you know of any person in your Parish having the Presentation or gift of any Ecclesi●stical Benefice who hath presented a Minister to it upon any Bargain either for Money or Pension or Lease or reserve of Tythes or Glebe or any part thereof or upon any other Symon●acal contract whatsoever Concerning Church-Wardens Side-men Parish-Clarks and Sextons I. ARe the Church-Wardens of your Parish yearly and duly chosen and sworn Have the last Church-Wardens given up their Accounts before the Minister and Parishioners delivering up also the money remaining in your hands and other things of right belonging to your Church or Chappel and is the s●me delivered to you by bill indented II. Doth any person or persons trouble or molest you the Church-Wardens for presenting any offenders in any of the premises or for performing the duty that lies upon you in executing any part of your office and who are they that do so molest and trouble you III. Do you the Church-Wardens against every Communion provide a sufficient quantity of fine white bread and good and wholsome Wine for the number of the Communicants and do you bring ●he Wine so provided in a cle●● and swéet standing Flagon of Pewter or other purer Metal IV. Do you suffer the Table for the Holy Communion to be applied at any time to any prophane ●r com●on use as of writing setting dead Corps upon it at Funerals or others in the Church to sit upon it or irreverently to make it a place to lay their arms or hats upon it V. Do you the Church-Wardens note them that come late to Church after Divine Service is begun or depart before it be ended and do you take diligent notice of the absent and by Warrant desir'd from some of the Iustices of peace according as by law you are directed do you lev●e by way of distress from every person of the Parish that doth not resort to your Parish-Church or Chappel on every Sunday and Holy-day having no l●wful or reasonable excuse to be absent the summ of 12 d. for every Sunday or Holy-day in which he is so absent and do you distribute the several summs so levied to the poor of your Parish according to the law in that case provided and before you present any for such default do you first seriously admonish them VI. Do you suffer none in time of Divine Service to stand idle or talk together in the Church-porch or to walk in the Church or Church-yard nor children playing or crying in or about the Church nor suffer any to bring Dogs Hawks or Hounds into the Church to the disturbance of the Congregation VII Are the Side-men duly chosen do they assist the Church-Wardens in the executing their Office and do they joyn with them in framing Presentments VIII Have you a Parish Clark aged 20 years at the least chosen by your Minister of honest life and conversation and sufficiently able to perform his duty in reading writing and singing and doth he duly attend the Minister in all Divine Offices at the Church doth be kéep clean the Church and carefully look to it and to the Books and is he pay'd the ancient and usual wages as hath been accustomed IX Doth your Clark or your Sexton if there be any such in your Parish diligently look to the doors of the Church that they be locked and opened at due times and the Bells toll'd and rung at the due and accustomed hours before the beginning of Morning and Evening Service that the People may be warned and invited to come to the Church and when any person is passing out of this life doth he upon notice given thereof toll a Bell as hath been accustomed that ●evout and charitable persons may thereby be warned to recommend the Soul of the dying person to the grace mercy and peace of God Almighty X. Do they at the instance of any make any grave in any part of the Church except in such Isles where some person hath propriety w●thout the express consent of your Minister Concerning Churches and their Possessions Ornaments Utensils and other Necessaries to the same belonging I. IS your Church or Chappel kept in good repair are the roofs the walls the floors windows seats and doors well maintained is your Porch and Steeple in good repair and Bels kept in good order by the care and oversight of the Church-Wardens at the charge of
ARTICLES OF VISITATION and ENQUIRY Within the Diocess of CHICHESTER In the First Episcopal Visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God PETER by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Chichester In the Second Year of his Consecration LONDON Printed by A. Maxwell 1670. The Tenour of the Oath to be administred to the Church-Wardens and Side-men YOU shall Swear diligently to Enquire and true Presentment make of every person now or lately of your Parish which hath made any default or offence enquirable by the King's Laws Ecclesiastical and become known unto you For your direction wherein you shall duly consider all and every of these Articles given you in charge and neither present nor spare to present any for favour or malice hope of reward or fear of displeasure So help you God Concerning Religion and the Government of the Church established in this Realm IMprimis Is there any in your Parish who are guilty of Atheistical or blasphemous Speeches against the Majesty of Almighty God or Scoffers of Religion ●n the Soul 's future Immortal state Is there any guilty of Speeches of Infidelity against the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ Any who in their communication or otherwise defend the Sociman or Arrian Heresie denying the Eternal Godhead of the Lord Iesus or Pelagian denying the nece●sity of Grace and of Baptism for the washing away of Original Sin II. Is there any one that doth affirm or teach and who is he that the Holy Scripture doth not contain all things necessary to Salvation or that what is contain'd in the thrée Créeds ought not throughly to be receiv'd and believed or that the Church hath not Authority in Controversies of faith III. Is there any in your Parish that doth affirm and teach that the Church of England by law established is not a true and Apostolical Church and a true member of the Catholick Church having in her ●ll things necessary to Salvation Or is there any that d●th ●ffirm and teach that the xxxix Articles agreed upon by the Arch B●shops and Bishops of both Provinces and the whole Clergy in the Convocation holden at London A D. 1562 are in any part erroneous or superstitious or such as may not with a good conscience be subscribed unto IV. Is there any in your P●rish that doth affirm and teach that the form of God's W●rship in the Church of England established by law and contain'd in the book of Common-Prayer and Administration of Sacraments is a corrupt Popish or any way superstitious or unlawful Worship of God or containeth any thing in it that is repugnant to Scripture or to the Doctrine and Worship in the Catholick or Primitiv● Church V. Is there any that doth affirm or teach and who is he that Baptism of Infants according to the Church of England is unlawful or unnecessary or better to be delayed or not appointed for the Remission of Sins or that it may be repeated or that Infants duly baptized according to the ●hurch's Order and dying before they commit ●ctual st●●●re not saved everlastingly through God's grace given th●m in Baptis● VI. Is there any who doth affirm or teach that the K●ng's Majesty hath not the same Preroga●ive in C●uses E●●●●si●st●cal which we see hath been given ●lwaies to ●ll god●y Princes by God himself both among the Iews and in the Christian Church Or that doth any way deny or impugn the King's Majesty's Royal Authority or Supremacy in C●use● Ecclesiastical in this Realm Or who denies that within his Maiestie's Realms of England Scotland and 〈◊〉 and all other his Dominions and Countries our Lord the King is the highest Power under God to whom the chief G●vernment of all Estates whether they be Ecclesiastical or Civil in ●ll Causes doth appertain without any subjection due from Him or his Subjects to any foreign Iurisdiction VII Is there any who doth affirm and teach and who is he that the Government of the Church of 〈◊〉 under his Majesty by Arch-Bishops Bishops Deans Arch-De●cons or other chief Ministers bearing office in the same or that the forms or manner of Ordaining and Consecrating of Bishops Priests and Deacons established by law contains any thing that is Antichristi●n or repugnant to the ●ord of God or to the practice of the Catholick Church Or th●t pers●●s so ordained Bishops Priests or De●cons h●●e not s●ffic●ent external calling or that they ought not to be 〈◊〉 truly Bishops Priests or Deacons till they h●ve some other external calling unto those divine Offices or 〈◊〉 teaches that those three Holy Orders above●●●● have not b●en ever in Christ's Church even from the Apostles time VIII Is there any in your P●●i●h ●nd who is h● that by separation of himself from the Church or by joyning himself to Convonticles breaks the Communion of the Church of England or accounts of others as prophane and none of the godly for their orderly conforming themselves to the Church of England as established by law Or that any combining themselves in Assemblies or Congreg●tions of the King 's born Subjects within this Land other then such as by the laws of this Land are held and allowed may truly take unto themselves the name of another purer Church or of the Church of England IX Is there any who doth affirm and teach and who is he that the Rites and Ceremonies and the Rules of the Chu●ch of England by law established are Antichristian supe●stitious or frivolous Or any way unlawful or burdensome or such as may not be subscrib'd unto and practis'd with a good consc●ence or that the Church hath no power to decrée any such Rites and Ceremonies Concerning the Clergy their Duty and Office I. IS the Parson Uicar or also Curate in holy Orders by Episcopal Ordination a Pri●st ordained according to the laws of the Church of England hath he béen legally instituted and inducted into his Benefice or is he known or suspected to have obtain●d his Parsonage or Uicaridge by any Symoniacal Contract II. Did he within two Months after his Induction publickly in your Church or Chappel upon som● Sunday or Holy-day in the time of D●vine S●rvice openly read the xxxix Articles established by Authorit● in this Church A.D. 1562 and then profess and publish his assent and subscribe his name thereto in the presence of the Church W●rdens Do you not know or have you not ●ear● that ●n his reading or pretending to read those xxxix Articles he p●ssed over some one or more of them or some part of one or more and what part of the Articles was it that he left u●read Di● your P●rson Uicar or Curate upon some Lord●-d●y before ●he Feast of St. ●●rtholomew A.D. 1662 or some Lord●-day within two Months after Sis Induction solemnly read in your Church or Chappel both Morning and Evening Prayer as it is appointed in the book Common-Prayer by law established And did he after such reading publickly before the