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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19078 The Lord Coke his speech and charge VVith a discouerie of the abuses and corruption of officers. Pricket, Robert.; Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. 1607 (1607) STC 5491; ESTC S104999 27,699 62

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Raigne vntill the third yeare of our now Soueraignes gouernment the Papists haue continually labored to aduance the supremacy of the Romane Church which to accomplish they haue contended thirty foure yeares in which time they haue not omitted to practise Treasons and Rebellions onely amongst vs here at home But haue also complotted to bring vpon vs Forraine Inuasions that from time to time so soone as they were dismissed of one hope they presently set a foote some other proiect both at home and abroad and still being by the loue and mercy of GOD towards vs continually preuented At last taking counsell with hell and Sathan they had practised a most hellish attempt wherein their Diuellishnesse brought it selfe nearest to the nature of the Diuell making fire and brimstone the instruments of our destruction And though the principall Actors of that euill haue thereby themselues destroyed yet the former experience of their continuall attempting may giue vs warning that they will not yet sease to attempt and though that Iesuites and Seminaries haue beene the principall Agents in all the seuerall complotted treasons and that the Papists amongst vs cannot generally be accused yet thus much I must say those persons and that Religion whereby Iesuites and Seminaries are receiued protected and concealed are equally to be accounted daungerous for were there not such receiuers amongst vs Romes state Traytors would not so fast come swymming from Tyber hither to arriue at Tyborne onely I conclude therefore that if in great Brittaine there were no Papists this Monarchy should be as free from treason as any Nation in the world But now deare Contrimen seeing you haue heard what godlesse and dangerous practises haue continually by Romes fauorites beene plotted against vs. I desire that with attention you will vnderstand what it is as they say for which with such vehemency they contend The world is made belieue that the aduancement of Religion is the onely cause for which they striue wherein they ioyne themselues vnto the Pope because there is no religion good but that which is by the Pope allowed wherein my purpose is to binde all Papists vnto their owne assertion That Pius Quintus whome those of their side doe account to haue beene a good Pope though by false perswasions too much misled before the time of his excommunication against Queene Elizabeth denounced sent his letter vnto her Maiestie in which hee did allow the Bible and Booke of diuine seruice as it is now vsed amongst vs to bee authenticke and not repugnant to truth But that therein was contayned enough necessary to saluation though there was not in it so much as might conueniently bee and that hee would also allowe it vnto vs without chaunging any parte so as her Maiestie would acknowledge to receiue it from him the Pope and by his allowanc which her Maiestie denying to do she was then presently by the same Pope excommunicated And this is the truth concerning Pope Pius Quintus as I haue faith to God and men as I haue oftētimes heard it auowed by the late Queene her owne wordes And I haue conferred with some Lordes that were of greatest reckoning in the State who had seene and read the letter which the Pope sent to that effect as haue bene by me specified And this vpon my credit as I am an honestman is most true By this then all our English Papistes either Iesuites or Seminaries may learne to knowe that it is not Religion that they striue for but onely to maintaine the Antichristian head of Romes vsurpt supremacie And if there bee in this presence any Romane Catholickes or so manie of this nation as shall heare of that which hath now beene spoken I entreate them as my deare and louing Countrey men that they will no longer bee seduced by any liuing spirite sent from Rome the Pope whom they beleeue hath himselfe allowed that in our Church VVe haue a doctrine of Faith and Religion sufficiently necessarie to Saluation Deere Countreymen wee haue then enough and neede not the helpe of anie Pope Sythence all the Papistes generally came vnto our Churches before our late Queene Elizabeth was excommunicated Against our Dread Soueraigne there is no Excommunication denounced In Gods name then let vs ioyne in our prayers and Sacraments and persorme a due obedience to God and to our King as wee are all of one Nation so let vs be all of one Church and christ beeing onely our head let vs all desire as in one sheepfolde to be the sanctified members of his glorious bodie If there be any Papists so foolish and altogether reasonlesse as to expect that in time his Maiestie may be drawne to such alteration or Tolleration as they desire I will them assuredly to know they hope in vaine for his Maiestie is and euer hath beene confidently resolued in matter of Religion to continue the selfe same order and profession which he now professeth Whereof I will giue you an instance Since the time of the Earle of Northumberlands Imprisonment there was amongst his papers found a letter which was obiected against him in Starre Chamber when himselfe was called vnto his answere The letter was directed to the Kings Maiesty that now is as he was then King of Scotland In which amongst other things the Earle had aduised his Highnesse not to desire to bee proclaimed Heire apparant to this Crowne nor proclaime Prince Henry to be the Prince of VVales But to stay the time vntill the Queenes death And that then he would resolue at his comming to admit vnto the Catholicks a Tolleration for their religion which he requested because the Papists did put some trust in him to Sollicit that businesse in their behalfe This letter beeing read his Maiesties owne answer was shewed Till that time by Gods owne hand preserued to signifie vnto the world ' his religious vnremoued confidence To the first parte of the Earles letter his Highnesse answered that he had no contrary purpose but to attend Gods leasure And for his motion concerning the Catholicks tolleration he was purposed to come vnto this kingdome in peace But as touching matter of Gouernment he was resolued neuer to alter anything either in Church or State His Maiesties most noble and Kingly resolution not enduring then to temporize vnder any pretext of humane pollicy Can it now be thought that his Highnes will be remoued in matter of Religion from that Station whereupon his Soules saluation standeth built Such Papists as notwithstanding the impossibility of their hope will still remaine peruerse despising to be admonished Let them know for certainty that the lawes concerning them shall receiue a most strict and seuere execution you therfore of the iury ought to be very carefull in that businesse And all the iustices in their seuerall Limits are in their allegiance to the King bound in conscience to vse all diligence so to obserue the Papists as that vnto their houses there bee not any lesuites or Seminaries intertayned
I behold a Riuer with a siluer currant bounded in her equall course with what just proportion shee doth disperse her streames without bewraying any little rage of intemperate violence But if the passage of that streame bee stopt then how like a raging Sea shee ouer-flowes her banckes and that then by an vnresisted force the Meadowes humble Vallies weake and low growne Shrubs are drowned vp enduring a recure-lesse wracke whilest Hilles Mountaines stand safe from feare of harme Euen so it fareth with vs The equall course of Iustice being stayed the poore meaner sort of people they are ouerwhelmed with wrongs oppression whilest great and wealthy men like Hilles and Mountaines buyld their Stations sure being freed from any cause of griefe Iustice with-held only the poorer sort are those that smart for it Iustice vnto all estates doth measure an euen proportion to rich and poore her met-wand keepes an equall length being sealed with the testimonie of an vpright conscience To Kings Rulers Iudges and Magistrates this sentence is proper Vos Dijestis you are Gods on earth when by your execution of Iustice and Iudgement the God of heauen is by your actiōs represented but if by vs that so are called Gods Iustice and Iudgement be peruerted it will be heauy for our soules when we shall dye like men Briefly the office of a Iudge is patiently to heare each party speake soberly to answere or object directly to see as neere as may bee possible each truth substantially prooued And then to Iudge with an vpright heart according to Iustice and Equitie Neuer in any one thing preferring Conclusion before a conscionable wise and judiciall Consideration In which vprightnesse the execution of Iustice vsed by the Right Honourable my most worthie Predecessor in this place shall be an Example which I will desire to follow Of all the Morall vertues Iustice Queene-like is enthroned for vnto her onely is a Throne ascribed because her Execution doth neerest represent Heauens eternall Deitie Iustice and Mercie are inseparable Vertues Mercie and Iudgement as it was Righteous King Dauids and lately our good Queenes heauenly Elizabeth so it is nowe vertuous King Iames his Song in whose princely breast Mercie and Iudgement are most gloriously vnited And to the end that I his Subiect and in his place his Substitute and you his Subiects may execute Iustice as wee ought I will nowe out of my last word de Quibus declare vnto you of whom and of what Causes wee are to enquire that Iustice and Iudgement may thereby receiue a more cleare and powerfull Execution Those then of whome wee are in the first place to enquire are such by whome our King is most disobeyed his State disturbed and Kingdomes threatened Whereof if you consider it will be euident That all those growing and desperate attempting euils by which wee are most prowdly menaced and Aflicted doe principally proceed from three sorts of Recusants liuing amongst vs. Of all which the Popish Recusant is the most dangerous with our English Romanists will I therefore at the first begin and in the discription of their Actions and practises I doe desire that my wordes may bee entertained with your best Attention Our Worldes Admired Queene Renowned Elizabeth did as you know in the beginning of her Raigne change the State of Religion in this Kingdome in her first Parlament by the consent of her Lordes Spirituall and Temporall being especially by the Lord of Heauen directed Error Popish blindnesse and Faithlesse Constitutions grounded vpon Humaine Traditions were extinct And Religions Puritie according to the Law of Faith was Reestablished being built vpon the vnremoued foundation of the alone Autenticke word Canonicall The bookes of the old and newe Testament from the trueth whereof shee did alwayes direct the course of her so happie and Tryumphant Gouernment Notwithstanding the Change of Religion it cannot bee denyed That for the first tenne yeeres of her Maiesties Raigne the estate of Romaine Catholique in England was Tollerable though some were Committed in the beginning of her Cōming to the Crowne yet none but those whose precedent Actions had caused the faith of their Allegience to remaine doubtfull and so was the manner of their commitment mixed with such gratious Clemencie As that they rather endured a fauourable restraint then any straight or rigorous imprisonment But aswell those so restrayned as generally all the Papists in this Kingdome not any of them did refuse to come to our Church and yeeld their formall Obedience to the Lawes Established And thus they all Continued not any one refusing to Come to our Churches during the first tenne yeeres of her Maiesties gouernment And in the beginning of the eleuenth yeere of her Raigne Cornewallyes Beddingfield and Silyarde were the first Recusants They absolutely refusing to come to our Churches And vntill they in that sort began the name of Recusant was neuer heard of amongst vs. In the beginning of the eleuenth yeere when three Recusants were onely in this Kingdome to bee found In the same yeere Pope Impius though abusiuely surnamed Pius Quintus his Hellishnes was informed by some of our English Iesuits that such was the number of Romaine Catholiques here in England as that if his Horriblenesse would denounce an Excommunication against the Queene there was in this Realme and Kingdome a power Catholical which would presently vpon an instant be in redinesse to enter into open hostilitie with force sufficient to depose and vtterly to supplant her Highnes and to reestablish the Romaine faith Pope Impius of that name the firste vpon the Information specified the better to seuer his hope in his good meaning to this Kingdome presently plotteth with the King of Spaine for asuddaine Inuasion vpon the present Excommunication of the Queene And to this end one Robert Rodulphy a gentleman of Florence was sent by the Pope vnder colour of Marchandize to sollicit a Rebellion amongst vs. And gaue order vnto him for the receiuing of one hundred and fiftie thousand Crownes to set forward this Attempt And Phillip King of Spaine by the instance of the Pope had determined to send the Duke of A●lna into England with all his forces in the Low Countries To Assist some great men amongst vs who were by the Pope Sollicited to be the principall Agents in a most Rebellious enterprise vnto whome some of the one hundred and fiftie Thousand Crowns was deliuered and some other part sent into Scotland for the like effect Thus as you haue heard euen at the same time when her Maiesty the late Queene delt most mercifully with the Papists did the Pope with them conspire to worke her Ruyne this Kingdomes Ouerthrowe secretly complaning how on sodaine they might bring vpon vs Distructions Spoyle and generall Desolatton when our then Soueraigne that Queene of Vertue knowing Shee had diserued no such euill did not in the least sort suspect any such danger The Pope hauing as he thought surely Established the foundation of his hopes Hee