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A14352 Most godly prayers compiled out of Dauids Psalmes by D. Peter Martyr. Translated out of Latine into English by Charles Glemhan. G. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed; Preces sacrae ex psalmis Davidis desumptae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Glemhan, Charles.; Simmler, Josias, 1530-1576. 1569 (1569) STC 24671; ESTC S103274 186,941 520

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administration of thy holy Sacraments and others innumerable which belong to the bewtefying of this thy heritage But wée alas being vngratefull of all these moste excellent and singuler giftes haue accomplished nothing as was required of vs. Therefore the wicked and barbarous Nations are not without iust desert stirred vp togither through thy wrathfull indignation to inuade thy holy Churche and to shed the bloud of thy faythfull people and blessed inheritance as if it were water making of vs a verye scorne and laughing stocke and that which is more lamentable and greatlier to be sorowed they persecute in vs not our deadly sinnes but thy owne selfe thy holy Gospell thy diuine honor and pure worshipping of thée Wherfore O God most déere father our earnest request is that thou wouldest not bée alwayes angrie with thy people and shéepe of thy pasture Poure out therefore thys thy wrath which is kindled against vs for our sinnes vpon the heathen that haue not knowne thée and suffer not thy blessed Church to be deuoured of the vngodly We hartily desire thée for thy infinite mercies sake and by the intercession of thy moste déerely beloued sonne our Lorde to haue no more in remembrance our olde heynous sinnes And séeing that we put our whole trust and confidence in thy goodnesse onely assist and deliuer such as crie and call vnto thée euen for the glorie of thy names sake Be mercifull vnto our gréeuous sinnes otherwise the vngodly will say that thou hast reiected thy owne case Let the sorrowfull sighing lamentable teares of the oppressed came before thée and not be put out of thy sight pardō whatsoeuer we haue gréeuously cōmitted agaynst thee and vouchsafe to shew vpon vs the force of thy assistant help to the intent that we thy louing heritage thy faythfull people and shéepe of thy good pasture maye giue thee thankes for euer and shewe forth thy worthie prayses from one generation to another through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme LEt the wonderfull examples of thy rygorous iustice O moste mightie God wherewith thou hast subuerted the Kingdome of Israell and wrapped that people for their rebelliousnesse agaynst thee in slaughters rapes booties burnings captiuities with all kinde of miseries and infelicitie be a wholesome and comfortable admonition vnto vs so that we may with a right chéerefull minde lay hold vpon true repentaunce and be deliuered therby from most gréeuous torments which through our innumerable heynous sinnes we haue worthely deserued For verye méete it is that thou shouldst haue an especiall regard vnto thy moste blessed and glorious name but if thou shalt poure out thy wrath vpon vs the wicked will imagine that thou hadst no care to helpe such as duely honor thée and craue thy assistaunce with abundance of teares for if any calamitie or aduersitie light vpon thy sacred Church it is incontinent their accustomed maner malipartly to scoffe agaynst the same saying where is nowe their God become What profite haue they by theyr religion By meanes whereof this kinde of reproch redowndeth vnto thée ▪ vpon thy sacred doctrine and vpon thy holy Gospell Wherefore our humble and earnest request is that being right mindfull of the sheepe of thy pasture thou wouldest so defende and mainteyne vs as we may perpetually in all places both publish and also set forth thy worthye prayses through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxx. Psalme A prayer for the repairing of the afflicted Church THou hast alwayes hitherto béene accustomed O most mightie god to be present like a louing shéepeherd with thy faythfull people and to lead them forth vnder thy protection as if they were sheepe We now therefore require thée to stirre vp thy mightye power in so great perilles and shewe vs the bright light of thy fauourable countenaunce Rayse vp thy selfe and be ready to helpe and deliuer vs. We truely acknowledge and earnestly confesse that in consideration of our heynous iniquities most gréeuous sinnes committed against thée thy heauie wrath hath not without good desert béene kindled agaynst vs and thy iustice to be the principall cause why these excéeding great mischiefes wherewith thy blessed Church is nowe opprest haue inuaded the same But séeing that at this present we are right hartily sorie for all the sinnes which haue by vs béene committed agaynst thée and that we may lamentably require thy louing fauour and mercie how long wilt thou be angrie with vs Howe long wilt thou suffer the great strife gréeuous rebukes and opprobrious slaunders wherewith the vngodly and moste lewde persons do touch thée in vs Turne vnto vs O excellent father in this most troublesome time the quiet and cheerefull coūtenaunce of thy inestimable goodnesse and be mindfull of thy notable benefits which thou hast bestowed vpon thy sacred church and séeing that thou hast hitherto nourished it bewtified it and alwayes garnished the same with the most plentiful and large giftes of thy blessed spirite Deliuer hir not now ouer we humbly beséeche thée to be spoyled of the outragious vngodly most cruell Antichristians suffer not so pleasant and chosen a vineyarde which with thy most high excéeding mightie right hand thou hast planted increased to be shamefully and after a very wretched maner cast downe set on fire and vtterlye rooted vp Looke downe from heauen and haue an especiall regard vnto suche as earnestly crie and call for thy spéedy assistaunce let the vngodly perish at the rebuke of thy louing countenaunce who doe perpetually blasphéeme cruell bondage of Antichrist but we vile wretches haue most filthily abused our fredome and benefite of quietnesse Thou hast oftner then once as thou didst vnto the Israelites both by the sacred Scriptures and also through the ministers of thy blessed worde protest vnto vs on this wise giue eare vnto me O my people and acknowledge me truly to be thy God not in words I say only but in minde verily and with a perfect and most pure worshipping But we alas haue turned our heart from thy holy wordes whereby our heynous sinnes are continually more and more increased and the aduersaries of thy holy Church also whome thou without doubt wouldest haue ouerthrowne and cast downe if wée had giuen credite vnto thée are nowe become a very terrour vnto vs for we that might exceeding quietly and carelesly haue inioyed thy most swéete and pleasant gifts are nowe ouerthrowne day by day wyth greater and more greeuous afflictions Yet we humblye beséeche thée for thy singuler mercyes sake not to forsake thy sacred Church being vexed so miserably and after such a wretched sort Be present at length therevnto in such wise that she may perpetually kéepe and retaine the true Religion and pure doctrine which thou hast set forth and deliuered vnto hir through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxxij Psalme THe gouernment of all kingdomes and earthly power appertayneth vnto thée
merites of Christ and haue an especiall regard vnto thée being in no dispayre thereof at all thou at length according to thy accustomed goodnesse and vnspeakable mercie grauntest their humble requestes thou hearest theyr lowde cryes out of the deepe waters and sticking fast in myre and durt liftest them out thereof with thy most puyssaunt helpe Whereby it happeneth that they beyng mightily deliuered haue thy enestimable prayses cōtinually in their mouthes which they celebrate with new ditties both openly and priuately to the intent they would stirre vp and prouoke all men to the perfect beliefe assured hope and due feare of thée Giue vs therefore at this present such grace as we maye both repose our whole trust in thée onely and also not to passe for the prowde persons or lyers that haue risen vp togither against thy sacred church perceyuing right well that thou art the authour of all wonderfull matters who hast in the high treasures of thy diuine prouidence such deuises and purposes which no man can rehearse or shewe forth in order nor yet once to vtter in as muche as they excell in number and greatnesse all force of wordes and efficacie of speache Therfore where as we haue hitherto greeuously offended thée by reason of our heynous sinnes neyther can make sufficient satisfaction by any sacrifice of our owne graunt vs an obedient fayth to be at all tymes procliue and readie to followe thy blessed will which thou hast vouchedsafe to manifest and reuele vnto vs in the booke of thy sacred lawe graunt that we maye readily and with a frée will execute the same being surely printed in the most inwarde partes of our sinfull bodie And like as thou doest neuer withhold thy selfe from spéedie mercie and vnspeakable goodnesse towardes vs so againe let thy zealous louing seruauntes manifestly shew forth thy stedfast faythfulnesse vpright iustice and sincere truth both in their words and conuersation Thou séest howe we are borne downe and loden with gréeuous sinnes howe we are ouerwhelmed with miserable aduersities and howe both heart and witte fayleth vs wherefore haue thou an especiall regard to our saluation and make spéedy hast to helpe vs. Or rather confound and putte the fierce enimies of thy blessed name to vtter confusion but let vs which vnfeynedly séeke thée be at length greatly refreshed and cause vs to finde by proofe that it is not in vaine that thou art reported to be the most assured saluation it selfe and helper of poore siely wretches and greeuous afflicted persons through Iesus christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THey which suffer the prolonging of thy fauorable helpe O most mighty God with right pacient mindes do at length well perceyue and assuredly féele that thou hearest their feruent prayers and when in good earnest they finde themselues to bée deliuered do not onely celebrate thy glorious name with due prayses but giue a sufficient example to other godly men for to do the like Nowe therefore which we may onely doe forsomuch as thou delightest not in outwarde sacrifices we indeuor and striue to obteyne thus much by oure hartie prayers that we may become verye louing and desirous to follow thy holy wil dayly more and more setting forth thy blessed truth and vnspeakeable mercye towardes vs with often or rather continuall praises But in the meane season what soeuer we haue done dishonestly or after a wicked maner agaynst thee according to thy louing mercye and excellent goodnesse forgiue it vs neyther suffer those gréeuous punishments and wofull calamities to ouerwhelme vs which our sinnes haue iustly deserued And let such as séeke thy dishonour and our confusion be put to vtter shame and rebuke but cause those that be excéeding zealous and very carefull of thy blessed name to be replenished with true ioy and perfect gladnesse But séeing thou right well knowest that we are greatlye dispised marueylous destitute of worldly and fleshly helpe make thou hast mightily to saue vs who art our puyssaunt defence and very strong fortresse through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xlj. Psalme IT is a token of no small grace O most mightie God well to iudge both of such as be féeble minded A prayer agaynst the enimies of Gods holy worde and for the worke of charitye and also of all the Godly whome thou doest sometime chastice and scourge diuers maner of wayes although thou vsest correction with a fatherly affection yet wilt thou readily deliuer them speedily quicken them and in the ende abundantly blesse them with thy excellent presence which hope we also leaning vnto and trusting vpon who are nowe most gréeuously afflicted doe here togither earnestly require thée to haue mercy vpon vs by releuing and deliuering vs from the greeuous sinnes wherewith we haue most heinously offended thée Thou knowest vndoubtedly that the cruell enimies of thy holy Gospell wishe vs muche euill thou vnderstandest what they ymagine and determine amongest themselues of our destruction They verily practise and goe about nothing more then to ouerthrow thy blessed Church and with them also do such take part as we though to haue béene allyed with vs both by religion and also for many other respectes and good turnes Extend thou therefore O good God thy mercie and compassion towardes vs whereby thou hast béene accustomed not onely to rayse vp suche as are fallen and lie vnder foote but also vtterly to confound and bring their aduersaries to vtter ruine Giue not the fierce enimies of true religion and perfect godlinesse scope to reioyce at thy faithfull seruants destruction But if thou wilt mightily deliuer vs out of these present calamities and with great force confirme the same by thy holy spirite thy blessed name shall be openly commended and highlye praysed of all godly men which thing wee earnestly require may continually come to passe and that without ceassing throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THere remaine wonderfull great rewardes O most good and mercifull God for such as haue much compassion vpon the afflicted but those that shewe mercy vnto the most miserable and such men as be in great distresse doe immitate and follow the example of thy excéeding great goodnesse For thou art woont to comfort thy faythfull seruaunt which lieth sore sicke in his bed so that thou thy selfe séemest to make the same to the intent that he which is diseased might lye the softer neyther is there anye point of dutifulnesse which wee accompt most singuler wherewith thou doest not verye fauourably pleasure and serue the turne of thy blessed people whensoeuer thou shalt thinke time conuenient to helpe them Wherefore seeing we may well perceyue that for our gréeuous sinnes we be fallen into most daungerous and sore distresses we humbly flie vnto thy goodnesse onely hoping that thou wilt vouchsafe to remit whatsoeuer we haue offended or displeased thee in neyther suffer the wicked enimies of our
but for our Lord Iesus Christes sake thy most déerely beloued sonne be mercifull vnto vs and set forwarde thy selfe to defende vs agaynst our most vehement and outragious enimies and publishe that abroade to their shame which is rightfull excéeding iust when it shall séeme good in thy sight Thou vpholdest the earth and whole worlde and euery creature depend onely vpon thée wherfore if thou doest stand on our side nothing can so hinder vs but that we may be safely preserued The very foolishe and vngodly Antichristians haue not onely lift vppe their hornes but also are wonderfull outragious against vs who vtter horrible and vnspeakable blasphemies agaynst thée and with a stiffe necke cast away from them euery yoke or burthen that thy sacred worde bringeth Our helpe O good God which is of any force commeth neyther from the East nor from the West nor yet from any other part or coast of the world but thou onely oughtest to be our iudge who canst at thy will and pleasure both rayse vs vp and cast vs downe againe But forsomuch as the cup is in thy hande let them drinke and sucke out the dregges thereof wherewith they may be so brought a sléepe as thy blessed Church maye be no more hereafter troubled of them We will then talke of thée and sing Psalmes vnto thy glorious name when as the hornes of the vngodlye shall be broken in péeces and the righteous take quiet and peaceable rest in thée through Iesus Christ our lord Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOr this intent and purpose O moste mightie God are we determined to honor extoll thée bicause thou art alwayes readie to heare those that call vpon thy glorious name with a right sincere fayth and doest manifest thy presence by the bestowing of notable and excellent giftes We render most heartie thankes vnto thee for this cause chiefly in that thou hast vouchedsafe to choose vnto thy selfe a Church out of this great number of vs wherein seeing it is conuenient that thou shouldest reigne and shewe thy almightie power we earnestly require thée vtterly to subuert all maner of vngodlinesse and contrariwise maintein innocencie and right pure religion What earthly and fleshly thing of the worlde remaineth in vs let it forthwith be drowned and cause thou all thinges which by thy heauenly spirite thou hast bestowed vpon vs in our regeneration to bée throughly grounded in vs make thy righteous and elect seruauntes like vnto most strong pillers but let suche as inhabite the earth which striue against thy holye name and blessed doctrine stagger and fall Haue a regarde to this we humbly beséech thée O excellent father that the fooles may forsake at one tyme or other their folly and let the wicked at length ceasse to abuse their power which they séeme to bend against godlinesse and thy sacred Gospell doe away their furious wordes arrogant taunts and rebellious blasphemies Neyther haue thou O good God any respect in this case what our sinnes haue deserued which are verye heauie and right gréeuous to be borne neither are we ignoraunt of them nor yet doe we mistrust but thou for thy infinite mercies sake wilt vtterly blotte those out least we be inforced through the same to drinke drie the cup of thy most bitter wrath Let so manye as giue themselues to naughtinesse drinke of the same yea make them to sucke out all the dregges thereof so that thy blessed church may haue thy iust iudgements in perpetuall remembraunce and extoll them with continuall prayses when as she shall sée the hornes of the vngodlye broken and suche mightily preserued and highly set vppe as haue altogither addicted thēselues to righteousnesse a perfect godly life through Iesus Christ our lord Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Lxxvj. Psalme A praier that our courage faileth vs not in affliction IT hath pleased thy vnspeakeable goodnesse without anye of our desertes O most mightie God that thy blessed worde shoulde be well knowne amongst vs and thy sonnes holy Gospell preached in the midst of vs which thing as we do know to be a singuler and right excellent benefite so doe we diligently cōsider that through our owne default the same doth greatly burthen vs. For we haue doubtlesse vsed shamefull vnthankefulnesse towardes thy diuine Maiestie in that we haue framed our life nothing at all according to the knowledge of thy blessed worde and sacred doctrine Notwithstanding forsomuch as we be sorowfull for our great wickednesse and are willing to amend our heynous faultes we humbly require thée to helpe them that are fallen stretch out thy ayding hande to such as call vpon thy most holy name and pardon vs whome it heartily repenteth to haue any thing at all offended thée And forsomuch as according to thy louing promises we be thy Tabernacle and dwelling place against the which the vngodly haue set themselues in battaile to the intent they maye vtterly subuert it and pull vp the same by the rootes breake thou their Dartes and Bowes in péeces and strike downe their shields swords armor This canst thou doe without any trouble bicause thy force is more excellent of greater power then all the tirannie of the world Let it therefore wast al to spoile them let both their horsmen footemē be cast in a dead sléepe at thy mighty rebuke And whē as such haue slept their sléepe which leane so prowdly to their own strength let them find in their hands that which may eyther do them good or delight them We know for a certaintie that thou art very terrible and how no man is able to stande before thée when thy heauie wrath shall be kindled wherfore we humbly require thée to arise and saue thy méeke people For at what time thou shalt subdue this force and furie of our aduersaries it will redowne to thy worthie prayse forsomuche as therefore thou canst mightilye bridle the spirite and crueltie of Princes neyther suffer vs to come vnder the yoke thereof but rather assist vs in such wise that we atchieuing and getting the victory maye pay the heartie vowes which wée owe vnto thée with a right ioyfull minde and most ready will through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme FOrsomuch as O moste mightie God thou hast chosen thée an house and mansion place in thy sacred Church therefore art thou well knowen in hir and thy glorious name is there most notably set forth bicause thou hast full many a time and very often driuen the shaftes bowe sworde and shielde therefro with all warlike ingines and subtil deuices inuented by souldiours which the fierce aduersaries of thy sacred doctrine and enimies of true religion did prepare against the same being set vp thereto by thee There thou hast I say for this cause béene continuallye famous and had in very great admiration aboue al robbers tyraunts of this wretched world Wherefore our right humble request is
God greatly to magnifie thee A prayer of thankes giuing for Christs benefites bestowed vppon vs. and highlye to sanctifie thy holy name But able we are not thus to doe vnlesse the heynous sinnes wherewith we are miserably oppressed be first put away and driuen farre from vs. We haue receyued at thy mercifull handes through the preaching of thy blessed Gospell the most noble and excellent gift of saluation but we haue hitherto led our life so coldly therin and wrought so contrary to our vocation in neglecting and dispising thy sacred commaundements that néedfull it was in the ende for the calamities which we now suffer to incounter with oute lewdnesse and that thou shouldest extende thy furious wrath vpon vs by these moste gréeuous perilles being moued and prouoked thereto through oure wicked desertes and naughtie behauiour Notwithstanding O good God haue no regard at all to our merites but rather sée to this that thy famous glorie may be greatly published amongest the heathen and thy wonderfull worckes made manifest vnto all people Both thy aduersaries and ours also repose their whole affiaunce in worldly strength and cursed Idolatrie who would inforce vs to yéeld such honor vnto Antichrist as they do wheras we contrarywise acknowledge thée to be a great and terrible Lorde aboue all Goddes Wherefore we earnestly call vpon thy excellent Maiestie and in these daungerous daies flie vnto thy mercy seat requyring pardon for our heynous sinnes and that thou wouldest shewe howe vaine our enimies goodes be Iudge O good god the aduersaryes of thy true worshippe and enimies of thy sacred Gospell so that thou as right méete it is mayst reigne beare dominion ouer the heathen Stretche out thy inuincible power thy puyssaunt glory and thy renowmed magnificence O good God for our speedy deliueraunce who being deliuered from so many and great inconueniences maye render vnto thée due oblations of heartie prayses Cause thy glorious name to be well spoken off in euery place and let all men honor and reuerence thy diuine Maiestie with moste pure and perfect deuotion through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy benefites O almightie God are not only bestowed vpon vs cōtinually but also after a new and vnaccustomed maner do spring vp freshe from time to tyme wherefore vnlesse we will be marueylous vngratefull they deserue that we should euermore magnifie the same with newe prayses and pleasaunt songes Such is thy magnificencie and vnspeakeable power whose bewtie and Maiesty is so great that thou doest surmount beyonde all measure what Godhed or Deitie soeuer mē could at any time deuice to themselues Graūt therfore that whensoeuer we go about duely to honor reuerently to worship thée we may chéerfully offer vp our selues al that euer we haue to thy incōprehensible glorye so that we may preache thy glorious kingdome to all nations not onely with wordes but in verteous lyfe and holy conuersation to the intent euery man maye right well knowe and perceyue that like as thou hast created vs and the whole vniuersall worlde so also shall we and all thinges be repayred againe throughe Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcvij. Psalme A praier that we may appeare in the ●ay of iudgement with a ●ure chear●ull heart THou thy selfe O moste mightye God which art the author of full ioy and perfect gladnesse art also indued with exceeding seueritie and dreadfull power which thy properties thou bestowest vpon man according to thy infinite iustice and righteousnesse Wherefore our earnest request is that thou wouldst not burne vs vp with the fire of thy wrathfull indignation who otherwise by reason of our heynous sinnes are worthie of most greeuous punishments but according to thy great mercie and through the merits of thy onely Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour remit and pardon whatsoeuer we haue lewdly committed agaynst thée but contrariwise turne the wrath of thy heauie displeasure vpon thy fierce aduersaryes Let those men be set on fire make them to tremble let them melt away like wax at the sight of thy bright countenance But let vs being restored and reformed in a new kind of life by thy blessed spirit feele in our selues and set out thy noble iustice such wise vnto them as all people maye right wel perceyue the same For although we haue greatly and verye muche strayed from thy holy will reuealed vnto vs in the sacred scriptures we are notwithstanding heartily sorye for our lewde deserts and be verye desirous to make thy glorious renowme excéeding famous Let not therfore this our assured hope and feruent desire be made frustrate put them to confusion who beleue nothing at all in thée but haue an infinite number of Idols wherein they put their whole trust wherevnto they shewe much worship merueylous great honour and wonderfull obedience And finally graunt this thing also that suche as thou hast regenerated and quickned with thy blessed spirit may vtterly detest sinne and whatsoeuer fighteth or is repugnant to thy holy will Afterward take the soules of thy faythfull seruauntes out of wicked mens handes and when we be throughly delyuered from them cause vs not onely to reioyce with great gladnesse but make thy healthfull light of saluation to shine vpon all that are thine whereby they may bee conuerted vnto thée and celebrate thy worthie memoriall with perpetuall prayses throughe the selfe same Iesus Christ oure Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing it is thou O almightie God that rulest farre and néere and mightily gouernest all things there is nothing in the whole worlde but ought to be excéeding glad thereof for like as thy glorious kingdome which is the chiefest thing to be desired is most gorgeously decked with iustice and equitie euen so is there such strength and puyssaunce graffed in the same as no crafty deuices and subtile practises can preuaile agaynst it but that whatsoeuer thou hast with a most rightful counsaile and singuler iustice decreed vpon shall be brought to good ende We earnestly require thée therefore that as the earth heauen and vniuersall worlde are most euident witnesses of thy vnspeakeable wisedome and singuler iustice so the truth and sincere worshipping of thée may appéere in thy blessed Church where all men maye heartily reioyce togither bicause supersticious and corrupt Religions are altogither banyshed Let them be ioyfull in this behalfe which purely and with feruent zeale do vnfeynedly loue and honor God whome finally we humblye beséeche to augment the light of our mindes and that we maye with an exceeding pleasant chéerefulnesse reioyce in the sacred Congregation of hys blessed Sainctes for the vnspeakeable benefites he hath bestowed vpon vs through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme FOrsomuch as all thy iudgementes O most good and mercifull God doe shine forth with perfect equitie and right vp iustice we ought therefore to be excéeding glad
and very ioyfull For although thy faithful seruants be punished for a while so lōg as they are in this wretched life yet the time will one day come when thou by fire and with the cléere lightsome presence of thy diuine Maiestie shalt iudge the world rewarding euery man vprightly according to his deserts Then shall the very heauens shewe foorth thy righteousnesse and al men compelled whether they will or no to say that thou art most iust and then also shall thy blessed Church be filled with true and perfect ioy Seing that therefore the matter standeth thus so long as we are here straūgers from thée cause light to rise in vs and a spirituall reioycing with excéeding purenesse of heart whereby we may sincerely and after a due maner ioy in thée onely so that one of vs maye alwayes put an other in remembraunce not to bée forgetfull to publish thy vnspeakable holinesse through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcviij. Psalme A prayer for the fauour of Christ through his glorious resurrection THou hast shewed oftentimes that saluation belongeth vnto thee only O moste mightie God for the doing and accomplishing whereof thou hast no néede of any creatures assistaunce Thou shewedst marueylous wonders in our fathers dayes and diddest often preserue them with thy onely right hande and blessed arme for thou hast in such wise extended thy readie helpe towards them that thy excellent mercy vnspeakable goodnes became manifest to al nations Seing that therfore thou hast not hitherto bene forgetful of thy faithful promises but rather hast alwayes assisted thy beloued seruants whē soeuer they stoode in néede of a deliuerer whervpō they thought thy glorious name was to be extolled praysed all maner of wayes so much as in them lay both with heart voyce trumpets harpes shawmes and sundrie ditties of songes we therfore thy faythfull people doe in like sort pray at this present that thou hidest not thy selfe from vs in this time Thou truely art not ignoraunt how many and howe great the perils are which do gréeuously molest vs. And so long as we do wey the case by our owne deserts they séeme to be more hard and gréeuous vnto vs then we be able in any wise to beare for we haue sinned in such wise agaynst thee so impudētly transgressed thy sacred lawes and so often playd the rebelles agaynst thy diuine Maiestie that if thou shouldest reward vs according to our lewde lyfe and filthie condicions we may be euen in vtter dispayre of our saluation But we do greatly with much feruencie labour to obteyne this at thy fauourable handes both that thou wouldst deale with vs according to thy accustomed maner by forgiuing the penitent pardoning their heynous offences which vncessauntly call vpon thy blessed name and being mercifull vnto such as faythfully trust in thée And also that of thy singuler iustice and excellent clemencie thou wouldst mightily deliuer vs after a puyssaunt maner maintaine vs and defend vs with an inuincible force from the most cruell enimies of thy blessed name through Iesus Christ oure Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme AL mankind in generall O most mightie God are bounde to prayse and sette forth thy blessed name excéedingly for the notable benefits thou bestowest vpō them and most especially for that thou hast deliuered vs from euerlasting death by the helpe of none other creature but onelye through the sole oblation of thy alone and most dearly beloued Sonne insomuch as we may rightly saye that thou onely defendest vs with thy holy arme and puissant right hande Thou hast verye certainlye shewed howe mindfull and what a good kéeper thou art of faythfulnesse and goodnesse which the whole endes of the earth and all mortal creatures may assuredly see and right well perceyue by our redemption but we be so dull rude and blockishe that we haue in a maner lost the whole perceyueraunce of so noble and great liberalitie the fault whereof we must impute to our heynous wickednesse and mischieuous déedes Wherefore with a mightye lamentation and verye sorrowfull crie wée doe earnestly call vpon thy inestimable mercie to forgiue whatsoeuer wée haue moste gréeuously committed agaynst thée and to take from thy blessed Churche the occasions of so great sorrow For whilest we knowe godlinesse and religion to hang in so great distresse we can in no wise sing vnto thée with heart and voyce as we ought to do or prouoke all creatures through oure great ioye to vnspeakeable gladnesse We do nowe earnestly require thée to come and iudge the case of thy faithfull people Rayse vp and sustaine with thy iudgement such as mourne and comfort the afflicted that thy equitie and iustice wherein thou doest much excell all others may moste manifestly shewe forth it selfe through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the .xcix. Psalme A prayer for the iustification of fayth agaynst the righteousnes of workes IT is truly an excéeding great force of thy glorious kingdom that thou moste mightye God vsest in the defence of the Godly and ouerthrowing of the enuious and rebellious people which our fathers haue oftentimes had tryall of Whereby we doe most certainly beleue and earnestly confesse that so long as thou doest fauour thy faythfull seruaunts the courages minds and strengt● of those that assault them yea and the ver● earth also doth quaile seeing therfore tha● thy puyssaunce and strength is so great i● the Church let thy mightye power we b●séech thee disquiet and trouble all nations which would quite subuert and vtterly ouerthrow thy glorious kingdome And as thy puyssaunt force and mightie strength surmounteth all Gods and kings euen so nowe shew thy selfe a terrible and feareful GOD for the preseruation of thy blessed Church It is verily not vnbeknowne vnto vs that thou louest iugdement and decidest mens causes vprightly We heartily require thée therefore to vouchsafe that when as our iniquities which we haue cōmitted prouoke thée to extend thy seueritie vpon vs thou wouldst turne thy eyes from these thinges and bend them wholy vpon Iesus Christ our sauiour who is for vs in the stead of Aaron Moses Samuell and a true Bishop Bée mindfull of the prayer sacrifice bloud and teares which he shed for vs vpon the Alter of the Crosse Admit we haue committed an infinite number of naughty factes yet remember that we thorowe him doe call vpon thy blessed name pardon therefore forgiue and vtterly remit our heynous transgressions and make no ●ariance in deliuering vs from these exceeding great and daungerous perils so that we may leade our lyfe with an vncorrupt heart towards thee and exalt thy glorious name euen as it right wel deserueth with such prayses as maye pearce the heauens through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme ALthough the vngodly O most mightie God seeme to ruffle sometime so greatly as they turne all things vpside downe yet
abundance of water to drie and sandie places and in altering and turning the barren ground to a fruitfull soyle And contrariwise mens sinnes are the occasion thereof that by a wonderfull exchaunge thou makest pleasaunt and fertile places to be come barren and altogither fruitlesse in fine to the intent thou mayst be well knowne thou causest mortall creatures to féele thy inuincible force by casting downe excéeding mightie kings and princes and making them to be had in contempt and become a moste shamefull laughing stock and liftest vp the poore and basest in degree vnto highest kingdomes We earnestly require thée therefore not to suffer vs to thinke of those thinges negligently but rather graunt this thing onely that we being moued hereby may commit our selues altogither both to be preserued through thy vnspeakable goodnesse and also guyded by thy sacred lawe so that thou being our chiefe Capitaine and ruler we may swim out of worldly sourges whose mindes being hitherto vtterly voide of good déedes may now bring forth most abūdant fruit and that wheras we haue bene pinched with an excéeding scarcitie of goodnes we may by thy onely helpe attaine to the excellent riches of the kingdome of heauen through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme WHosoeuer they be O moste good and mercifull God that thou deliuerest from exceeding gréeuous daungers it behoueth them vncessantly to celebrate thy worthie praises and to render condigne thanks to thee for the same Such as are driuen to wander from place to place and walke through théeuishe wayes in solitarie and vnhaunted places being in daunger of wilde beasts and théeues euen these when they earnestly pray vnto thée do dayly feele thy louing mercie and readie helpe Thou art present also with them that are distressed with captiuitie bound with fetters of Iron and layde in moste darke dungions Neither art thou forgetfull of them whom deadly diseases haue almost consumed and made vtterly an end of forsomuch as thou hast once decréed that suche as lamentably require thy assistaunce from the bottome of their heart shall neuer be destitute of thy helping hand We therefore that haue of long time and that gréeuously wandred out of the path of godlinesse and holy life doe nowe come vnto thee for succor who being so wretchedly opprest with the tirannicall bondage of our heynous sinnes do call vppon thée and finally in all our prayers doe earnestly desire that thou wouldest heale the diseases of our wounded soules so that we may alwayes liue as thy faythfull seruaunts and thou thereby to receyue perpetuall praise through Iesus Christ our lord Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cviij Psalme A praier that the godly may ●aue grace to ●ithstand the assaultes of ●he wicked STrengthen and furnish our mindes and heartes in such wise with thy holy spirite O most mightie God that although diuers sundrie mishappes fall vpon them or that they be shaken with the feare and dread of the enimies of true godlinesse and sincere religion yet they may not ceasse to shewe forth thy worthie prayses Let our whole witte minde and perceyueraunce O excellent father he stirred vp in vs for the right vnderstanding of thy goodnesse and acknowledging of the moste stedfast faythfulnesse of thy benigne promises For these two things are so famous in thée as they do not onely by reason of their hugenesse surmount the highe Cloudes of the ayre but also farre excéede the height of the heauens Therefore are we bolde humbly to intreat and heartily beséech thée that our innumerable and most gréeuous sinnes being forgiuen thou wilt set vp thy honor againe and shewe thy famous glorie to the whole worlde by deliuering thy sacred Churche from the Iawbones of Antichrist Call to remembraunce that she is thy beloued heritage and chosen possession which although for our iniquities sake thou séemest sometime to relinquishe and cast of from thy fauourable protection yet art thou not able for thy goodnesse faythfulnesse sake to forget it in déede Wherefore our whole trust consisteth in thée onely as they that know most certainly that mans helpe is of none effect Be thou therefore present with vs and graunt that we maye behaue our selues both boldly and with great constancie in the behalfe of thy glorious name and of thy holy Gospell through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme WHilest we call to our remembraunce and thinke vpon the riches O moste good and mercifull God of thy louing promises we are wonderfully stirred vp to celebrate thy name with singuler prayses which then augmenteth a more vehement desire when we finde by experience that thou doest very faythfully performe whatsoeuer thou hast promised to bestowe vpon vs. Thou verily hast giuen vs hitherto many thinges and that truly without our desertes yet there bée manye remayning which we earnestly require may very spéedily be accomplished Thou hast begunne to deliuer vs from the handes of our cruell enimies and let this luckie beginning procéede to a further successe we bée nowe so farre forth exempted from sinne that so long as we truely beleue in thée they shall not be imputed to vs vnto death But yet for all that are we hitherto still oppressed with them let vs therfore by thy high and mightie power shake of their yoke dayly more and more Forsomuch as thou art the first founder of thy sonnes Kingdome who is the true Dauid haue a regard therefore we humbly beséech thée to set forth make famous the light thereof amongest all Nations and that he may purely with great deuocion be honoured and called vppon by vs in especiall whereby thy sacred Church may doe thinges nobly for the aduauncement of thy glorie and not be plucked back by the enimies of vngodlinesse from the right path of perfect religion through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cix Psalme WE acknowledge and confesse that thou alone O most mighty god doest giue vs all thinges which we possesse A prayer of the godly for the enimies of the gospell vnder whose gouernment and religion wee accompt it a marueylous felicitie to leade our life neyther haue we anye other thing so déere and precious vnto vs as to continue in the prayse and commendation of thy glorious name Dissemble not at this time nor kéepe silence against the wicked persons guilefull enimies of thy holye Church who doe not onely rise vp agaynst thée with forged tales and blasphemies but also make war agaynst vs with a most furious hatred and outragious crueltie being vtterly forgetful of all humanitie and godlinesse But thou O good God right well knowest howe peaceably we haue béene hitherto towards them and haue heartily loued those men and earnestly prayed for them both publikly and priuately who nowe recompence vs with extréeme afflictions and gréeuous calamities for our good turnes extended towardes them Wherefore be thou stirred vp agaynst them O heauenly
which thou hast vouchedsafe more then once to enter into with thy faythfull seruaunts We right well perceyue and the Scripture doth euery where put vs in remembraunce how thou hast alwayes stood most constantly to thy blessed couenaunts For thou hast not onely brought our Fathers out of Egipt but of thy wōderful clemencie feddest them in the desert who didst according to thy faythfull promise place those thy people in the land of Canaan our earnest request and humble desire is therefore O excellent father that thou wouldst extend thy mercie truth no lesse towards vs. For performaunce whereof sende out thy most puyssant force of thy blessed word whereby the true honouring of thy holye name in thy sacred Church may be set frée from errors and darknesse so that we may at length luckily attaine to the true worshipping of thée which is the originall and piller of all wisdome through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxij Psalme A praier that ●he godly ●aye be ●lessed FOrsomuch as we haue not yéelded such honor vnto thée O most excellent father as was our right bounden dutie neyther haue bene obedient to thy blessed commaundementes as we ought therefore are these troublesome and difficult tymes nowe come vpon vs. For those which duely obey faythfully loue and truely worship thée according to thy prescript word do not wallow in darknesse but are strengthned in righteousnes and order all their doyngs with an vpright iudgement Let thy vnspeakable mercye therefore O most mighty God amend that in vs which hath through our lewde default béene greatly appared First vouchsafe to giue thy benigne consent vnto this that we swarue hereafter nothing at all from the perfect waye which thou hast set forth vnto vs then so strengthen oure mindes and heartes that we be not more affrayed of imminent mischiefe then néede is but vndershore thou the weakenesse of our féeble minde and graunt that we may repose our whole trust in thée onely Cause the horne of thy people to bee exalted and lifted vp in this so sharpe and perillous a battaile Thou séest how greatly ourwicked and vngodly enimies do fret at vs for if they were of abilitie they would not only destroy vs and all that we haue but also vtterly race and abolishe out of the Church the pure worshipping of thée all perfect Godlinesse and true religion who gnashe the téeth of their crueltie and with moste forceable weapons they rage without mercie Beate thou downe therefore and make frustrate their deuilishe enterprises with thy excellent might and inuincible power so that they maye fade awaye as voyde of their fond practises and all their moste detestable ymaginations vtterly perishe to the glorie and prayse of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THe due feare of thée O moste mightie God that is to say reuerent godlinesse causeth men to be right blessed who care for none other thing then howe they may most readily obey thy blessed will Therefore are we moued lamentably to require thy louing mercie whereby thou mightest renue thy holye Church being in a maner come to vtter ruine for otherwyse shall not hir or rather thy posteritie or ofspring be at any time eyther famous or mightie for the abundaunce of spirituall giftes is to be looked for from none other place neither wil light burst out by any other meanes in the middle darknesse of errors and wickednesse Moreouer if godlinesse according to our earnest peticion may reuiue in hir the perfect office of charitie towards our neighbor shall not be wanting but euery man will pleasure his brethren somuch as in him lyeth ordering his doings not rashely or by chaunce but with a spirituall ghostly iudgement Wherefore we earnestly desire thée to establishe vs quickly in thy confidence from the which let not eyther tempestuous stormes gréeuous aduersities or the delight of fortunate thinges in any wise withdraw vs through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme LYke as they which indeuor themselues to the vttermost of their powers for to follow true godlinesse and the obseruation of thy holy commaundements O mercifull God do leade a right happie and blessed life euen so do we right well perceyue that it was very agréeable to thy incōparable iustice that we should be presently tormented with these troublesome times who haue coldely applied our selues to the true honoring of thée and negligently obeyed thy sacred law as becommeth vs. But take not thou O good God for thy infinite mercies sake such reuengement of our sinnes as they haue iustly deserued but cause some light to shine out vnto vs in so great a mist of darknesse whereby pure godlinesse may be set vp agayne in thy sacred Church and holy religion flourish excéedingly Graunt moreouer that thy true worde and faythfull promises may take such déepe roote in our sinfull hearts that although we heare of gréeuous mischiefes hanging ouer our heddes yet let vs not start nor stagger any thing at all from thy sacred fayth and holy purpose Vnderproppe thou vs thy owne selfe by causing it thus to fall out that we may in this dreadfull time leane stedfastly to thée alone so as Antichrist may fret and gnash with his téeth and the spitefull aduersaries of thy glorious name pine away But contrariwise let the prayse and clearenesse of thy fauourable mercie exalt it selfe more and more and be made manifest to all creatures through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxiij Psalme A prayer for the comfort cōsolation of Christes Church SEing that we ought to magnifie thy glorious name O most good and mercifull God so much as in vs lyeth and by all the meanes we can possibly deuise who haue not liued in such wise heretofore as to further thy worthy prayses according to our right boūden dutie but rather thy blessed truth and sacred Gospell hath through our great default and cursed lewdnesse béene muche slaundered and that thing which ought to haue béene highly commended amongst all Nations is euery where by our naughtinesse made of none accompt Wherefore we heartily acknowledge and earnestlye confesse that thou hast most gréeuously vexed and troubled vs to the intent we should the better vnderstand thy iustice vpright iudgement Yet notwithstanding our earnest request is that forsomuch as nothing can be compared vnto thee in respect of goodnes mercy thou wouldst at length be our ready helper speedy deliuerer who hast béene accustomed of thy infinite bountiousnesse to looke not onely vpon the things that are in heauen but also doest humble thy selfe to beholde all matters which be done vpon the face of the earth Haue an eye therefore vnto the troublesome estate of thy blessed Church and diligently regarde the moste greeuous oppression of thy faythfull people Forsomuch as we haue hitherto wallowed in the m●ery puddle of our lewd
Iesu it behoueth vs to leade a life amongest our selues not like straungers but as brethren and sisters ought to do neither haue the godly a greater desire or more pleasure in anye thing then to be in perfect vnitie peaceable agreement in the house of God Wherefore it is no small griefe vnto vs that this brotherly affinitie is euery where rent and broken asunder which we ought warely to chéerishe and haue in great estimation But we acknowledge oure selues to haue giuen an apparaunt cause of this gréeuous vexation and sorowfull calamitie for how can it be then that we who are not knit vnto thee with our whole heart and be nothing in such wise obedient to thy sacred commaundements as thou requirest should be well ioyned togither or be in loue with our neighbours We humbly beseech thée therefore O good God to pardon whatsoeuer we haue heretofore lewdly committed agaynst thee béeing aduersaries to thy diuine lawe and sacred commaundementes and to couple vs one to another with an excéeding stedfast charitie into the sacred bodie of thy holye Church so that our louing consent faythfull agreement may spread it selfe abroade most largely as a swéete smell of mutuall loue and through the pleasaunt dew of thy heauenly blessing become euery day more fruitfull then other in good and godly workes leading of thy singuler good will not onely a quiet and peaceable life frée from the present euils in this wretched worlde but finally obteyne such a one as is blessed and euerlasting through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme SEing thou hast of thy louing kindnesse O most good and mercifull God chosen all faythfull people to be thy déere children graunt that we who are brethren by a blessed generation may be fastned togither in mutuall loue long peace and perpetuall charitie so that during this lfie wée maye take perfect pleasure of such kinde of tranquilitie and also become an excéeding delectable odor towardes the perpetuall saluation of all others which be as yet straungers to thée Thy blessed Church may bee O heauenly father through this especiall example greatly wondered at of all men For certainly we know by experience that thou hast vsed to poure out a moste ample blessing vpon so many as lead an agréeable and friendly lyfe in thy healthfull doctrine and pure religion and therefore doe wée nowe requyre this earnestlye at thy mercifull handes béefore all ritches and other earthly commodities through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxiiij Psalme A prayer for fayth in our dayly peticions IT ought to be a most pleasant and ioyfull thing vnto vs O almighty God to celebrate thy high prayses perpetually and shewe forth thy marueylous workes without ceassing for the performance whereof godlinesse would require that we shoulde not onely doe the same on the day tyme but also in the night season But yet notwithstanding our most heinous sinnes and continual backslidings compell vs rather to brust out into sorowfull teares piteous sobbinges and déepe sighes wherethrough we may say alwayes before thée we verily haue sinned O good God excéeding gréeuously whose offences are more in number then the sande of the sea and Starres of the skie but nowe wée lift vp our handes vnto our holy sanctuary which is Iesus Christ thy dearely beloued Sonne so that whatsoeuer we cannot obteyne through our owne worthinesse and desertes we indeuour to atchieue the same by his onely meanes and gracious fauour We heartily require this at thy mercifull handes O most excellent father that thou wouldest at one tyme or other out of Sion that is to say out of the hid treasure of thy clemencie be fauourable vnto the people which flie to thee for succor by deliuering them from present mishaps whereby thou who diddest make heauen and earth hast vouchedsafe to call vs vnto the knowledge of thy blessed name so that we maye lawfully render abundant thankes and shewe forth thy worthy prayses with a moste free and ioyfull heart through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme SEing thou hast bewtified all those with a notable promise O most mightie god which are knitte togither in the honouring of thy blessed name so that thou wilt not onely be present with them but also bestowest excellent benefites vpon these men whosoeuer they are that excell in sincere fayth and pure godlinesse and haue an exceeding desire to be in the blessed congregations insomuch as there is nothing which they more couet or desire then to appeare diuers tymes before thée in the sacred assemblies But bicause we see our selues greatly defiled with most heynous faultes ouerlading vs in such wise as we dare not celebrate and prayse thée as Christians ought to do our earnest request is therfore that thou wouldst of thy vnspeakable mercie infinite goodnesse and excellent clemencie deliuer vs from the Champions of Antichrist and his ministers who indeuour themselues so much as they can possible that thy faythfull seruaunts might no more assemble and meete togither for to honor thée sincerely and as they are willed to do Reserue those to thy selfe we humblye beseech thée who haue so great a desire to lift vp their handes vnto thée and to direct their prayers vnto thy mercies seate with a most holye intent shewe these men much pleasure from heauen cherishe them greatly and be their strong defence being a thing nothing impossible to thy wonderfull and inuincible power forsomuch as the whole worlde and all thinges conteyned therin were not only made by thy puissant might but also indure and bée preserued through thy omnipotencie by Iesus Christ our lord Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy vnspeakeable goodnesse is such O most merciful God as it ought alwaies to be greatly praised and highly magnified Wee will therefore lift vp pure handes in all places touching the publishing of thy glorious name render perpetuall thanks according to our bounden dutie for thy louing kindnesse extended towards vs. But seing that this ought to be done in the most sacred and holy assemblies our earnest desire is for to haue thée present there wyth vs to bestow thy plentifull blessing vpon thy beloued Israell through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxv. Psalme WHosoeuer they be that are moued by the holy ghost to assemble togither O almightie God for to celebrate thy glorious name A prayer against a 〈◊〉 and false confidence haue a wonderfull heape of benefites set out before them which thou hast most plentifully bestowed vpon vs. For looke what thinges thou hast by thy wonderfull wisdome created in heauen and earth all the same doest thou continuallye dispose according to the pleasure of thy good will causing the clowdes raine windes and other workes of nature to be in such wise obedient to thée as they serue excéeding commodiously for the vtilitie of mankinde But seeing that the
feruent desire it hath towards thée To the intent therefore our stonie and frozen hearts might be more vehemently styrred vp thou hast chosen out for thy selfe one people which was Israel by whom thou mightest declare with howe great zeale and after what maner of prouidence and moste large benefites thou hast shewed thy selfe beneficiall vnto such as continually applyed themselues to the true worshipping of thee and vnto godlinesse But hast at length poured out al treasures of thy excellent goodnesse in Christ Iesu our Lord and thy most intierly beloued sonne to the ende thou wouldest deliuer vs from eternall and euerlasting death For which cause sake we being prouoked through the wonderfull miracles of so great and manifolde benefites do render hartie thanks vnto thee although verily not such as thou deseruest yet those that we are able and to the vttermoste of our power we doe commend thy sacred Church vnto thée by the selfesame Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxvij Psalme WHosoeuer they bée O almightye God that make a true accompt of sincere godlinesse and pure religion A prayer ●gaynst su● as be eni●●es derid● of the gosp● are excéeding sorowfull if they sée the sacred Church scattered wholesome doctrine derided the prayses of thy diuine name had in contempt such things as apperteyne to a deuout worshipping of thee turned vnto heathnish gewgawes and voluptuous pleasures To the intent therfore these things may in no wise happen as nowe vnto vs which we sée not to be farre of we power forth dayly before thée with great submission these our dolefull complaints that thou wouldest first of thy excéeding great goodnesse and louing mercye blot out all our heynous offences being in a maner infinite and excéeding gréeuous committed not onely through weaknesse and ignoraunce but also done oftentymes both maliciously and of a set purpose Moreouer be fauourable vnto our gréeuous sinnes and turne away from vs in such sort the most fierce wiles and subtile layings awayte of Antichrist as thy sacred Churche bée not depriued of all blessed ioy and spirituall gladnesse suffer not the mouthes of good and wholsome instructors to be closed vp permit not thy due honour to be had in obliuion nor yet let the hymnes and songs wherewith thou art highly celebrated bée vsurped of such as will haue the same in derision We humbly beséech thée O excellent father that what wrath or indignation so euer is due vnto vs by reason of the heinous sinnes we haue wickedly committed thou wouldst for the glorie of thy famous name turne it from thy sanctified Church and poure out the same rather vppon them who with a enimy like rage and most malicious affection ymagine nothing else but quite to marre and vtterly laye waste thy blessed heritage through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same psalme THy sacred Church would be greatly desirous O most mightie God to extoll thy famous name ioyfully with Psalmes and Hymnes but as yet hir oppression and bondage is so great in darknesse and blinde errors of newe fond supersticions that haue béene brought thereto as it is more agréeable for hir sorowfull estate rather to laye aside the instruments of gladnesse and giue hir selfe day night to weaping wayling mournings lamentable prayers and most feruent supplications wherewith she may craue thy furtherance and readie helpe to the intent it may in the straunge tentes of this wretched world rather be forgetfull of all delectable pleasures then vtterly voyde of true perfect worshipping of thee Our earnest request is therefore that thou wouldst very spéedily deliuer hir from the tirannie of the enimies of Godlinesse who haue in nothing so great a delight as to reioyce in the destruction thereof Turne thy selfe wée hartily require thée vnto them and restrain their mad outrage so that they may hereafter the lesse pollute and defile the Church thy louing spouse eyther with theyr deuilishe errors or lewde behauiours through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ A prayer out of the Cxxxviij Psalme THy mercie O most mightie God is so notable famous ● praier that ● men of ●●eat power ●d high au●oritie may ●brace the ●ord of god as it ought to be celebrated with séemely prayses euen in the assembly of princes highest powers for séeing that thou hast with all faithfulnesse aboundantly accomplished thy louing promises the reputation of thy glorious name is wonderfully augmented by giuing saluation euery where to such as lamētably requyre the same Forsomuch as therfore the monuments of thy great mercie be innumerable we earnestly intreat humbly beséech thée not to decline therfro in these our most wretched dayes nor yet permit thy selfe to bée alienated withdrawne from vs. Although we haue not framed our déedes according to thy sacred lawes and diuine will as was our bounden dutie but haue wretchedly sinned agaynst thée deadly offended and spitefully reuolted from thy excellent Maiestie which verily we heartily acknowledge and earnestly confesse and albeit we are vnworthy that thou shouldest be fauourable and mercifull vnto vs yet it greatly apperteyneth vnto thée for to pardon such as craue mercie at thy hands thorow an vnfayned fayth Wey not then in this so cruell a case what we are bound to doe but that which belongeth to thy vnspeakable goodnesse For if thou wilt be present at this time to helpe such as vnfeynedly cal vpon thée there is no man liuing but shall follow thée with a wonderfull admiration The common people the nobilitie yea and kinges also shall striue who maye prayse thée most for thou shalt very manifestly proue to their faces that thou hast a great respect to such things as be excéeding lowlye and of verye small reputation although thy tribunal seate be in heauen for notwithstanding thou seemest to dwel very ry farre of from vs yet thou makest all men vnderstande the wonderfull tokens of thy excellent iustice and vnspeakable goodnesse Establishe vs O good God with hope in in such wise as if we shoulde walke euen through the middest of trouble and great distresse thou wilt not permit our courage being vpholden with thy right hande any thing to fayle but remember the worke of thy handes what maner a people so euer we be of our selues through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen An other prayer out of the same Psalme THe people common sort of men ought not onely to extoll the honor of thy glorious name and noblenesse of thy famous words with right great praises O almightie God but also such as bee noble and renowmed are bound to do the like bicause thou pourest thy singuler benefits vpon all mortall creatures and neuer faylest of thy louing promises in faythfulnesse and truth but rather doest perpetually giue an attentiue eare to those which call vpon thée with a pure fayth and vncorrupt minde Let so many therefore as be famous and excell in dignitie and power amongest men prayse thée