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A07039 Hay any worke for Cooper: or a briefe pistle directed by waye of an hublication to the reverende byshopps counselling them, if they will needs be barrelled vp, for feare of smelling in the nostrels of her Maiestie [and] the state, that they would vse the aduise of reuerend Martin, for the prouiding of their cooper. Because the reuerend T.C. (by which misticall letters, is vnderstood, eyther the bounsing parson of Eastmeane, or Tom Coakes his chaplaine) to bee an vnskilfull and a beceytfull [sic] tubtrimmer. Wherein worthy Martin quits himselfe like a man I warrant you, in the modest defence of his selfe and his learned pistles, and makes the coopers hoopes to flye off, and the Bishops tubs to leake out of all crye. Penned and compiled by Martin the Metropolitane. Marprelate, Martin, pseud.; Throckmorton, Job, 1545-1601, attributed name.; Penry, John, 1559-1593, attributed name. 1589 (1589) STC 17456; ESTC S112300 39,242 60

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such notable pulpit men There is a neighbour of ours an honest priest who was sometimes symple as he nowe standes a vice in a playe for want of a better his name is Gliberie of Hawsteade in Essex he goes much to the pulpit On a time I think it was the last Maie he went vp with a full resolution to do his businesse with great commendations But see the fortune of it A boy in the Church hearing either the sommer Lord with his Maie game or Robin Hood with his Morrice daunce going by the Church out goes the boye Good Gliberie though he were in the pulpit yet had a minde to his olde companions abroad a company of merrie grigs you must think them to be as merie as a vice on a stage seeing the boy going out finished his matter presently with Iohn of Londons Amen saying ha ye faith boie are they there then ha with thee so came down among them hee goes Were it not then pittie that the dignitie of such a priest should decaie And I would gentle T.C. that you would take the paines to write a treatise against the boie with the red cap which put this Gliberie out of his matter at another time For Glibery being in the pulpit so fastened his eyes vpon a boye with a red cap that he was cleane dasht out of countenaunce in so much that no note could be hard from him at that time but this Take away red cap there take away red cappe there it had bene better that he had neuer bin borne he hath marred suche a sermon this day as it is woonderfull to thinke The Queene and the Counsell might well haue heard it for a good sermon so came down An admonition to the people of England to take heed of boi●…s with red caps which make them set light by the dignitie of their priests would do good in this time brother T.C. you know well Reuerend T.C. You may herby perceiue that T.C. is a bishop The cause why wee are so spighted is because we doe endeuor to maintaine the lawes which her Maiestie and the whole state of the Realme haue allowed and doe not admit a new platforme of gouernment deuised I know not by whom Reuerend Martin Why T.C. saye Eulojin for Eulogein as often as you will and I wil neuer spight you or the Bishop of Winchester eyther for the matter But doe you thinke our Churche gouernement to be good and lawfull because hir Maiestie and the state who maintaine the reformed religion alloweth the same Why the Lorde doth not allow it therefore it cannot be lawfull And it is the falt of such wretches as you bishops are that her Maiestie and the state alloweth the same For you should haue other wise instructed them They know you not yet so thorowly as I doe So that if I can prooue that the Lord disliketh our Church gouernement your endeuors to maintaine the same shew that thereby you cannot chuse but be traytors to God and his worde whatsoeuer you are to her Maiestie and the State Nowe T.C. looke to your selfe for I will presently make all the hoops of your bishoppricks flie assunder Therefore Our Churche gouernement is an vnlawfull Churche gouernment and not allowed in the sight of God Because That church gouernment is an vnlawful church gouernment the offices and officers whereof the ciuil maiestrate may lawfully abollish out of the church marke my craft in reasoning brother T.C. I say the offices and officers for I grant that the maiestrate may thrust the officers of a lawful church gouerment out of the church if they be Diotripheses Mar-elmes Whitgifts Simon Maugustes Coopers Pernes Kenoldes or any such like Iudases though the most of these must be packing offices and al but their offices must stand that the same may be supplied by honester men But the offices of Archbishops and bishopps and therefore the officers much more may be lawfully abollished out of the church by her Maiestie and our State And truely this were braue weather to turne them out it is pitty to keepe them in any longer And that would do me good at the hart to see Iohn of London and the rest of his brethren so discharged of his busines as he might freely runn in his cassocke and hose after his bowle or florish with his 2. hand sword O t is a sweete trunchfiddle But the offices of Archbishops and bishops may be lawfully abollished out of the church by her Maiestie and the state As I hope one day they shal be Therefore marke now T.C. and cary me this conclusion to Iohn O Lambehith for his breakefast our church gouerment by Arch. and bishops is an vnlawful church gouerment You see brother Cooper that I am very courteous in my minor for I desire therein no more offices to bee thrust out of the church at one time but Archb. and Bishops As for Deanes Archdeacons and Chancellors I hope they wil be so kind vnto my Lords grace as not to stay if his worship and the rest of the noble clergie Lords weare turned out to grasse I wil presently proue both maior and minor of this sillogisme And hold my cloake there sombody that I may go roundly to worke For I se so bumfeg the Cooper as he had bin better to haue hooped halfe the tubbes in Winchester then write against my worships pistles No ciuil maiestrat may lawfully either maime or deforme the body of Christ which is the church but whosoeuer doth abollish any lawful church officer out of the church gouernment he doth either maime or deforme the church Therefore T.C. no ciuil magistrate no prince no state may without sinn abollishe any lawfull officer together with his office out of the gouernement of the church and per consequence the offices of Archbishops and Lord bishops which her Maiestie may without sinn lawfully abollish out of the church are no lawful church officers and therefore also the church gouernment practised by Iohn Whitgift Iohn Mar-elme Richard Peterborow William of Lincolne Edmond of Worcestor yea and by that olde stealecounter masse priest Iohn O Glossester with the rest of his brethren is to be presently thrust out of the church And me thinks this geare cottons in deed my masters And I tould you T.C. that you should be thumped for defending bishops Take heed of me while you liue The minor of my last sillogisme that whosoeuer doth abollish the office of any lawfull thurch officer out of the church he either maimeth or deformeth the church I can proue with a wet finger Because euery lawful Churche officer euen by reason of his office is a member of the bodye of Christe Iesus whiche is the church and being a member of the body If the maiestrate doth displace him by abollishing his office and leaueth the place thereof voide then the maiestrate maimeth the body If he put another office vnto an officer in stead thereof he deformeth the same Because the
to M.D. Day somtimes of magdalins that he may procure D. Cooper to know of him that was the last Thomas of Lincolne whether the now B. of Winchester be not perswaded that reuerend Martin hath suffiently prooued it to be vnlawful for the ciuill magestrate to abolishe any lawfull churche officer out of the church Because it is vnlawfull for him to maime or deforme the bodie of Christe by displacing the members thereof But it may be your Coopers noddle profane T.C. doubteth for I knowe you to be as ignorant in these points as Iohn Whitgift or dean Iohn their selues Whether a lawfull Church officer in regard of his office be a member of the bodie of Christ which is the Church Therefore looke Rom. 12. vers 4.5 c. and there you shall see that whosoeuer hath an office in the bodie is a member of the bodie There also you shall see that he that teacheth which is the Doctor he that exhorteth which is the Pastor he that ruleth which is the Elder he that distributeth which is the Deacon as for him that sheweth mercie that is there spoken off he is but a church seruant and no church officer There I say you shall also see that these 4. offices of Pastors Doctors Eleders Deacons are members of the bodie and 1. Cor. 12.8 28. you shal see that God hath ordained them Out of al which hitherto I haue spoken T.C. I come vpon you your bishopprickes with 4. or 5. yea halfe a dozen and neede be suche drie soopes as Iohn of London with his two hand sword neuer gaue the like For they aunswere your whole profane booke First that the platforme of gouernment by Pastors Doctors Elders and deacons which you say was deuised you knowe not by whom is the inuention of our Sauiour Christ For God ordained them saith the apostle 1. cor 12.8.28 And therefore vnlesse you will shew your selfe either to be a blasphemer by terming Iesus Christ to be you cannot tell whom or els to be ignorant who is Iesus Christ you must needs acknowledge the platforme of gouernment which you say was inuented by you know not whō to haue Christ Iesus for the author thereof Secondly that the word of God teacheth that of necessitie the gouernment by Pastors doctors elders c. ought to be in euery Churche which is neither maimed nor deformed This. T. Cooper gainsaieth pag. 2. of his Epistle Because that Church must needs be maimed which wanteth those mēbers which the Lorde hath appointed to be therein vnlesse the Lord himselfe hath by taking those members away shewed that nowe his bodie is to haue no vse of them But as hath bene sayde God hath ordained pastors doctors elders and deacons to be in his Church proued out of Rom. 1. cor 12.8.28 ephe 4.12 And he hath not taken these officers away out of his church because the Church hath continuall need of them As of Pastors to feed with the word of wisedome of the Doctors to feede with the worde of knowledge and both to builde vp his bodie in the vnitie of fayth of Elders to watch and ouersee mens maners of Deacons to looke vnto the poore and church treasurie Therefore where these 4. officers are wanting there the Church is imperfect in her regiment T. Cooper saith it is pag. second Epist Thirdly that this gouernement cannot be inconuenient for any State or kingdom For is it inconuenient for a State or kingdome to haue the bodie of Christ perfect therein Fourthly that euery christian magestrate is bound to receue this gouernment by Pastors Doctors Elders deacons into the church within his dominions whatsoeuer inconuenience may be likely to follow the receuing of it Because no likelyhood of inconuenience ought to induce the magistrate willingly to permit the church vnder his gouernment to be maymed or deformed Fiftly that the gouerment of the church by Lord Archbishops and bishops is a gouernment of deformed and vnshapen members seruing for no good vse in the church of God Because it is not the gouernment by pastors doctors elders and deacons which as I haue shewed are now the only true membes that is the only true officers of the visible body Sixtly and lastly That they who defend this false and bastardly gouernment of Archbishops and bishops and withstand this true natural gouernment of the church by Pastors Doctors Elders and deacons are likely in awhile to become Mar-prince Mar-state Mar-lawe Mar-magestrate Mar-common wealth As for mar-Mar-church and mar-Mar-religion they haue long since proued them selues to be These six points doe necessarily follow of that which before I haue set downe namely that it is not lawfull for any to abollish or alter the true and lawful gouernment of the church because it is not lawfull for them to maime or deforme the body of the church And I chaleng you T.C. and you Deane Iohn and you Iohn Whitgift and you D. Coosins and you D. Copcot and al the rest that wil or dare defende our established Churche gouernement to be tried with me in a iudgement of life and death at any barre in England in this point Namely That you must needs be not onely traytors to God and his word but also enemies vnto hir Maiestie and the land in defending the established Church gouernment to be lawfull You see the accusation which I lay to your charge and here followeth the proofe of it They who defend that the prince and state may bid God to battel against them they are not only traitors against God and his word but also enemies to the Prince and state I thinke Iohn of Glocester himselfe wil not be so sensles as to deny this But our Archbishops and bishops which hold it lawful for her maiestie and the state to retain this established forme of gouernment and to keepe out the gouernment by pastors doctors elders and deacons which was appointed by Christ whom you profane T.C. cal you know not whome hold it lawful for her maiestie and the state to bid God to battel against them Because they bid the Lord to battel against them which maime and deforme the body of Christ vz. the church And they as ●as declared maime deforme the body of the church which keep out the lawful offices apointed by the Lord to be members thereof in their steed place other woodden members of the inuenteon of man Therefore you T.C. and you Deane Iohn and you Iohn Whitgift and you the rest of the beastly defendors of the corrupt church gouernment are not only traytors to God and his word but enemies to her maiestie and the state Like you any of these Nuts Iohn Canterbury I am not disposed to iest in this serious matter I am called Martin Marprelat There be many that greatly dislike of my doinges I may haue my wants I know For I am a man But my course I knowe to be ordinary and lawfull I sawe the cause of Christs gouernment and
be a L. bishop if a man could thogh he were as vnlerned as Iohn of Glocester or William of Liechfeld And I tel you true our brother Westchester had as liue playe twentie nobles in a night at Priemeero on the cards as trouble him selfe with any pulpit labor and yet he thinks him self to be a sufficient bishop What a bishop such a cardplaier A bishop play 20. nobles in a night Whie a round threpence serueth the turn to make good sport 3. or 4. nights amongst honest neighbours And take heede of it brother Westchester it is an vnlawfull game if you will beleeue me Foe in winter it is no matter to take a litle sport for an od cast braces of 20. nobles when the wether is foule that men cannot go abroad to boules or to shoote What would you haue men take no recreatiō Ye but it is an old said saw inough is as good as a feast And recreations must not be made a trade and an occupation ●a master Martin Marprelate I tel you true brother mine though I haue as good a gift in pistle making as you haue at priemeero and far more delight then you can haue at your cards for the loue I beare to my brethren yet I dare not vse this sport but as a recreation not making any trade therof And cards I tel you though they bee without hornes yet they are parlous beasts Be they lawful or vnlawful take heed of them for al that For you cannot vse them but you must needs say your brother T.C. his Amen that is sweare by your faith many a time in the night wel I will neuer stande argling the matter any more with you If you will leaue your card playing so it is if you wil not trust to it it wil be the worse for you I must go simply and plainly to worke with my brethren that haue published T.C. Whosoeuer haue published that booke they haue so hooped the bishops tubbs that they haue made them to smel far more odious then euer they did euen in the nostrels of all men The booke is of 252. pages The drift thereof is to confute certaine printed and published libelles You bestowe not ful 50. pages in the answeare of any thing that euer was published in print The rest are bestowed to maintaine the belly and to confute what think you Euen the slanderous inuentions of your owne braines for the most part As that it is not lawfull for her Maiestie to allot any lands vnto the maintenaunce of the minister or the minister to liue vpō lands for this purpose allotted vnto him but is to content him selfe with a smal pention so small as he haue nothing to leaue for his wife childrē after him for whom he is not to be careful but to rest on gods prouidence and is to require no more but foode and raiment that in pouerty he might be answerable vnto our Sauiour Christ and his apostles In the confutation of these points the scriptures corruptly aplied to proue them there is bestowed aboue an 100. pages of this book that is from the 149. vnto the end Well T.C. whosoeuer thou art whosoeuer Martin is neither thou nor any man or woman in England shal know while you liue suspect and trouble as many as you wil and therefore saue your mony in seeking for him for it may be he is neerer you then you are ware of But whosoeuer thou art I say thou shewest thy selfe to be a most notorious wicked slanderer in fathering these things vppon those whome they call puritans which neuer any enioying common sense would affirme And bring me him or set downe his name and his reasons that holdeth any of the former points confuted in thy book and I wil proue him to be vtterly bereaued of his witts and his confuter to be either stark mad or a stark enemy to al religion yea to her Maiestie the state of this kingdome No no T.C. puritans hold no such points It were well for bishops that their aduersaries were thus sottishe They might then iustly insence her Maiestie and the state against them if they were of this minde These obiections in the confutation whereof thou hast bestowed so much time are so farre from hauing any puritane to be their author as whosoeuer readeth the book were he as blockheaded as Thomas of Winchester himselfe hee may easily knowe them to be obiections onely inuented by the authour of the booke himselfe For although hee bee an impudent wretch yet dareth he not set them downe as writings of any other for then he woulde haue described the author and the booke by some adient The puritans in deede holde it vnlawfull for a minister to haue such temporall reuenews as whereby tenne ministers might be well maintained vnlesse the sayd reuenews come vnto him by inheritance They holde it also vnlawfull for any state to bestowe the liuings of many ministers vpon one alone especially when there is such want of ministers liuings They holde it vnlawfull for anye minister to be Lorde ouer his brethren And they holde it vnlawfull for anye state to tollerate such vnder their gouernment Because it is vnlawfull for states to tollerate men in th●se places whereinto the word hath forbidden them to enter They affirme that our Sauiour Christe hath forbidden all ministers to be Lords Luke 22.25 And the Apostle Peter sheweth them to be none of Gods ministers which are Lords ouer Gods heritage as you Bishopps are and woulde bee accounted Those thinges T.C. y●● should haue confuted and not troubles your selfe to execute the fruites of your owne braines as an enemie to the state And in these points I do challenge you T.C. and you Deane Iohn and you Iohn Whi●gift and you doctor Coosins and you doctor Caprase Cop●●●… 〈◊〉 your name be and as many else as haue or dare write in the defence of the established church gouernment If you cannot confute my former assertions you do but in vain thinke to maintaine your selues by slaunders in fathering vppon the puritanes the ofspringes of your owne blockheads And assure your selues I wil so besoop you if you cānot defend your selues in these points as al the world shal cry shame vppon you you think protely to escape the point of your Antichristian calings by giuing out that puritans hold it vnlawfull for her maiestie to leaue any lands for the vse of the ministers maintenance I cannot but commend you for I promise you you can shift of an haynous accusation very pretily A true man bringeth vnanswerable witnesses against a robber by the high way side desireth the iudge that the lawe may proceede against him O no my Lord saith the thiefe in any case let not me be dealt with For these mine accusers haue giuen out that you are a drunkard or they haue committed treason against the state therefore I pray you beleeue my slander against thē that they may be executed so when I come to my
exact and as vnchaungeable a churche gouernement as euer Moses did Heb. 3.6 These and such like are the points they holde let their cause be tried and if they hold any other points in effect but these let them be hanged euery man of them Now I demand whether they that hold the contrary in these pointes and cause the State to practize the contrary be not outragious wicked men and dangerous e nemies of the state it cannot be denied but they are Because the contrarie practize of any the former points is a way to worke the ruine of the state Now our Bishopps holde the contrary vnto them al saue the 3. and 2. points whereunto it may be they will yeeld cause our estate to practize the contrary whence at the length our destruction is like to proceed For 1 They denie Christ Iesus to haue set downe as exact and as vnchangeable a forme of church gouernment as Moses did For they say that the magistrat may change the church gouernment established by Christ so could he not do that prescribed by Moses 2 In holding all offices of the Church to be members of the bodie for if they be not members what shoulde they do in the body they hold it lawful for the magistrat to attempt the making of new members for that bodie 3 The altering or abollishing of these members by the magistrates they holde to be lawfull And therefore the maiming or deforming Now you wretches Archb. and L. Bishops I mean you Mar-state Mar-law Mar-prince Mar-maiestrat Mar-commonwealth mar-Mar-church and mar-Mar-religion Are you able for your liues to aunswere any part of the former syllogisme whereby you are concluded to be the greatest enemies vnto her Maiestie and the State You dare not attempt it I know For you cannot denie but they who holde it and defend it lawfull yea enforce the magistrate to maime or deforme the bodie of Christ are vtter enemies vnto that magistrat and that state wherin this disorder is practized You cānot denie your selues to do this vnto our magistrate and State because you beare them in hand that a lawfull church gouernment may consist of those offices which the magistrate may abollishe out of the church without sinne and so that the magistrate may lawfully cut off the members of Christ from his body and so may lawfully massacre the body You are then the men by whome our estate is most likely to be overthrowne you are those that shal answere for our blood which the Spaniard or any other enemies are like to spil without the Lords great mercy you are the persecutors of your brethren if you may be accounted brethren you your hirelings are not only the wounde but the very plague and pestilence of our church You are those who maime deforme vex persecute greeue wound the church Which keepe the same in captiuity darknes defend the blind leaders of the blind slander reuile and deforme Christes holy gouernment that such broken and woodden members as you are may be still maintayned to haue the romes of the true and natural members of the body Tel me I pray whether the true and natural members of the body may be lawfully cut of by the magestrate If you should say they may I knowe no mā would abide the spech What May the maiestrat cutt of the true and naturall members of the body of Christ O impudency not to be tollerated But our magestrate that is her maiestie and our state may lawfully by your owne confession cut you of that is displace you and your offices out of our church Deny this if you dare Then in deed it shal appeare that Iohn of Canturbury meaneth to be a Pope in deede to haue the soueraignty ouer the ciuill magestrate Then will you shewe your selfe in deed to be Mar-prince Mar-law Mar-state Now if the magestrate may displace you as he may then you are not the true members Then you are as in deed you ought to be thrust out vnlesse the magestrate would incur the wrath of God for maiming and deforminge the body of the church by ioyning vnnatural members thereunto Answere but this reason of mine and then hang those that seeke reformation if euer againe they speke of it if you doe not I wil giue you litle quiet I feare you not If the magestrate wil be so ouerseene as to beleeue that because you which are the maim of the church are spoken against therefore they namely our prince state which are Gods lieftenaunts shal be in like sort dealt with this credulity wil be the magestrates sinne But I know their wisdome to be such as they wil not For what reason is this which you profane T.C. haue vsed pag. 103. The sinful the vnlawful the broken vnnatural false and bastardly gouernors of the church to wit archb and bishops which abuse euen their false offices are spoken against Therefore the true natural and lawful and iust gouernors of the common welth shal be likewise shortly misliked Ah sencelesse and vndutifull beastes that dare compare your selues with our true magestrates which are the ordinaunces of God with your selues that is with Archbishops and bishops which as you your selues confesse I will by and by proue this are the ordinances of the Diuell I knowe I am disliked of many which are your enemies that is of many which you cal puritans It is their weaknes I am threatened to be hanged by you What though I were hanged do you thinke your cause shal be the better For the day that you hange Martin assure your selues there wil 20. Martins spring in my place I meane not now you grosse beastes of any commotion as profane T.C. like a sensles wretch not able to vnderstand an English phrase hath giuen out vpon that which he calleth the threatning of fistes Assure your selues I wil proue Marprelat ere I haue don with you I am alone No man vnder heauen is priuy or hath bin priuie vnto my writings against you I vsed the aduise of non therein You haue and do suspect diuers as master Paggett master Wiggington master Vdall master Penri c. to make Martin If they cannot cleare their selues their sillinesse is pitifull and they are worthy to beare Martins punishment Well once againe answere my resons both of your Antichristian places in my first epistle vnto you and these nowe vsed against you Otherwise the wisdome of the magistrate must needs smel what you are And cal you to a reckoning for deceauing them soe long making them to suffer the church of Christ vnder their gouernment to be maimed and deformed Your reasons for the defence of your hierarchie and the keeping out of Christs gouernment vsed by this profane T.C. are already answered They shew what profane beastes you are I wil heere repete them But heere first the reader is to know what answere this T.C. maketh vnto the syllogismes whereby I prooue all L. bishops to be petty popes and petty Antichristes
I assure you no other then this he flattly denieth the coiclusion wheras he might if he had any learning in him or had read any thing know that euery dunstical logician giueth this for an inuiolable precept that the conclusion is not to be denied For that must needs be true if the maior and minor be true he in omitting the maior and minor because he was not able to answere thereby granteth the conclusion to be true His answeare vnto the conclusion is that al lord Gb. were not pety popes Because pag. 74. Cranmer Ridly Hooper were not petty Popes They were not pety popes because they were not reprobates As though you block you euery petty pope and petty Antichrist were a reprobate Why no man can deny Gregory the great to be a pettye Pope and a petty petty Antichrist For he was the next immediate pope before Boniface the first that knowne Antichrist and yet this Gregory left behind him vndoubted testimonies of a chosen childe of God so might they yet be petty Popes in respecte of their office Profane T.C. his 1. and 2. reason for the lawfulnes of our church gouerment And what though good men gaue their consent vnto our church gouernement or writing vnto bishops gaue them their lordly titles Are their offices therefore lawfull then soe is the popes office For Erasmus was a good man you cannot deny and yet he both alowed of the popes office since his calling and writing vnto him gaue him his titles So did Luther since his calling also for he dedicated his booke of christian liberty vnto pope Leo the tenth The booke his Epistle vnto the Pope are both in Englishe Here I would wish the magistrat to marke what good reasons you are able to afford for your hierarchie Thirdly saith profane T.C. page 75. All Churches haue not the gouernment of Pastors and Doctors but Saxoni and Denmake haue L. bishops You are a great State man vndoubtedly T.C. that vnderstand the state of other Churches so well But herein the impudencie of a proude foole appeareth egregiously As though the testimonie of a siely Schoolemaster being also as vnlearned as a man of that trade and profession can be with any honestie would be belieued against knowne experience Yea but Saxonie and Denmarke haue Superintendents what then ergo L. Archb. and bishops I deny it Though other Churches had L. Archb. and Bb. this prooueth nothing els but that other Churches are maimed and haue their imperfections Your reason is this other good Churches are deformed therefore ours must needes be so to The kings sonne is lame therefore the children of no subiects must go vpright And these be all the good reasons which you can bring for the gouerment of Archb. and bishops against the gouerment of Christ You reson thus It must not be admitted into this kingdome because then Ciuillians shal not be able to liue in that estimation and welth wherein they now do Carnal and sensles beastes whoe are not ashamed to prefer the outward estate of men before the glory of Christs kingdom Here againe let the magestrate and other readers consider whether it be not time that such brutish men should be looked vnto Which reason thus The body of Christ which is the church must needes be maimed and deformed in this common welth because otherwise ciuillians should not be able to liue Why you enemies to the state you traytors to God and his worde you Mar-prince Mar-law Mar-magestrate Mar-church and Mar-common welth do you not know that the worlde should rather go a begging then that the glory of god by maiming his church should be defaced Who can abide this indignity The prince and state must procure god to wrath against them by continuing the deformity of his church and it may not be otherwise because the ciuilians els must fall to decay I wil tel you what you monstrous vngodly bishops though I had no feare of God before mine eies and had no hope of a better life yet the loue that I owe as a natural man vnto her maiestie and the state would inforce me to write against you her maiestie and this kingdome whome the Lord blesse with his mighty hand I vnfainedly beseech must endanger them selues vnder the peril of Gods heauy wrath rather then the maime of our church gouernment must be healed for we had rather it should be so say our bishops then wee should be thrust out for if we should be thrust out the studie of the ciuil lawe must needs goe to wrack Well if I had liued sometimes a citizen in that olde and auncient though heathenish Rome and had heard kinge D●iotarus Cesar yea or Pompei himself giue out this spech namely that the citty and empire of Rome must needes be brought subiect vnto some danger because otherwise Catelin Lentulus Cethegus with other of the nobilitie could not tell how to liue but must needs go a begging I woulde surely in the loue I ought to the safetie of that state haue called him that had vsed such a speech in judicium capitis whosoeuer he had bin and I woulde not haue doubted to haue giuen him the ouerthrow And shal I being a christian English subiect abide to heare a wicked crue of vngodly bishopps with their hangones and parasites affirme that our Queene and our State must needs be subiect vnto the greatest daunger that may be vz. the wrath of God for deforming his Church and that Gods Church must needes be maimed and deformed among vs because otherwise a few Ciuillians shal not be able to liue Shall I heare and see these thinges professed and published and in the loue I owe vnto Gods religion and her Maiesty say nothing I cannot I will not I may not be silent at this speech come what will come of it The loue of a christian Church prince and state shal I trust worke more in me then the loue of a heathen Empire and state should do Now iudge good reader who is more tollerable in a commonwealth Martin that would haue the enemies of her Maiesty remoued thence or our bishops which would haue her life and the whole kingdomes prosperitie hazarded rather then a few Ciuillians should want maintenance But I praye thee tell me T.C. why should the gouernment of Christ impouerish Ciuillians Because saith he pag. 77. the Canon law by which they liue must be altered if that were admitted Yea but Ciuillians liue by the court of Amraltie other courts as well as by the Arches vz. also the probatts of Testaments the controuersies of tythes matrimonie and many other causes which you bishops Mar-state do vsurpingly take from the ciuill magistrate would be a means of Ciuillians maintenance But are not you ashamed to professe your whole gouernment to be a gouernment ruled by the Popes Canon lawes which are bannished by statute out of this kingdome This notably sheweth that you are Mar-prince and Mar-state For howe dare you retaine