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A00233 Articles to be inquired of vvithin the dioces of Norwich in the first visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God, Matthevv, Lord Bishop of Norwich.; Visitation articles. 1636 Church of England. Diocese of Norwich. Bishop (1635-1638 : Wren); Wren, Matthew, 1585-1667. 1636 (1636) STC 10298; ESTC S122526 22,475 20

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ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF VVITHIN THE DIOCES OF NORWICH In the first Visitation of the R. Reverend Father in God MATTHEVV LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH Printed at London by Richard Badger 1636. The Tenour of the OATH to be Ministred to the Church-wardens and any other of every Parish that shall be sworne to make Presentments YOu shall sweare that you and every one of you shall and will duly consider and diligently enquire of every one of these Articles here given you in charge and of all the branches therof and make true answere to all particulars therein demanded and that all affection or favour or hatred or hope of reward and gaine or feare of displeasure or malice of any person and all other pretences set aside you shall and will present every such person of your Parish or within it as hath committed any offense or f●ult or made any default mentioned in any of these Articles or which is vehemently suspected or otherwise defamed of any such offense fault or default wherein you shall deale uprightly and fully according to the truth neither presenting nor sparing to present any contrary to the truth Having in this action God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and vertue and to suppresse vice and to discharge your owne consciences So helpe you God and the Holy Contents of this Booke God save the KING Articles to be enquired of in the Dioces of Norwich at the Visitation holden in the yeere of our Lord 1636. Chap. 1. Concerning Religion and Doctrine ARE there any abiding in your Parish or resorting to it who haue wilfully maintained any heresies errours or false opinions contrary to the faith of Christ and holy Scripture Or that do impugne any of the 39. Articles of Religion agréed vpon in Anno. 1562. and stablished in the Church of England And is the declaration which the Kings Maiesty prefixed before those 39. Articles concerning the setling of the questions late in difference duly obserued by all within your Parish according to his Maiesties commandement 2 Be there any in your Parish that haue denied or perswaded any other to deny withstand or impugne the Kings Maiesties authority and supremacy in causes Ecclesiasticall within this Realme 3 Is there in your Parish any that hath béene or is vehemently suspected to haue béene present at any vnlawfull assemblies conuenticles or méetings vnder colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion Or do any affirme and maintaine such meetings to be lawfull 4 Be there any abiding in or resorting to your Parish that are commonly reputed to be ill affected in matter of the religion professed in our Church or taken to be Recusant Papists or factious separatists refusing to repaire vnto the Church to heare diuine Seruice and to receiue the holy Communion Or that haue or do publish sell or disperse any superstitious seditious or schismaticall Bookes Libels or Writings touching the Religion State or Ecclesiasticall gouernment of this Kingdome of England Present their names qualities and conditions if you know or haue heard of any Chap. 2. Concerning publike Prayer and administration of the holy Sacraments c. 1 HAue any in your Parish spoken or declared any thing in derogation or deprauation of the forme of Gods worship establ●shed in the Church of England and the administration of the Sacraments Rites and Ceremonies set forth and prescribed in the Booke of Common Prayer Or do any preach speak or declare that the Book of Common Prayer containeth any thing that is repugnant to the holy Scripture or not méet to be vsed Or do vse any scornefull words against those godly Sermons called The Homilies of the Church 2 Hath any in your Parish caused procured or maintained any Minister to say any common or publike prayer or to administer the Sacrament of Baptisme or of the Lords Supper otherwise or in any other manner than is mentioned in the said Book of Common Praier Or hath any interrupted hindered let or disturbed the Minister in reading of diuine Seruice or administring the Sacraments in such manner as is mentioned in the said Book Or hath any interrupted him in his preaching or reading the Homilies 3 Is the Sacrament of Baptisme rightly and duly administred according to the forme prescribed in the Booke of Common Prayer with due obseruation of all Rites and Ceremonies prescribed to be vsed in the same without adding or altering of any part of any prayers or interrogatories Is the signe of the Crosse euery time vsed and the Surplice neuer but worne in the administring of it 4 Hath the administration of the Sacrament of Baptisme beene at any time deferred longer than till the next Sunday or Holiday immediately following the birth of the childe 5 Hath the Sacrament of Baptisme béene refused to be administred to any children borne in or out of wedlock their birth being made knowne to the Minister of the Parish and they offered vnto him to be baptized Or haue any such children died vnbaptized 6 Haue the Parents of the childe baptized beene at any time admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers to the same Or haue any been admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers to any child before they haue receiued the holy Communion Or haue any Godfathers or Godmothers vsed any other answers or speech in Baptisme then is by the Book of Common Prayer appointed Or haue they giuen to the children baptized any name that is absurd or inconuenient for so holy an action 7 Haue any children been baptized in priuate houses or by any Lay-person or Midwife or popish Priest or by any other than your owne Minister And haue all children priuately baptized if they liued beene afterwards brought to your Church that the Congregation and the Minister of the Parish in case they were not baptized by him might be certified whether they or any of them were lawfully baptized or no 8 Haue the children that haue béene borne to any popish Recusant in your Parish beene publikely baptized in your Parish Church by your owne Parson Uicar or Curate Or by whom else were they baptized or where to your knowledge or as you haue heard 9 Hath the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper béene duely and reuerently administred in your Church or Chappell so often and at such conuenient times that at least thrice euery yeere whereof once at Easter euery parishioner within your Parish being of the age of 16. yeeres or vpwards might receiue the same 10 Hath the said blessed Sacrament been deliuered vnto any or receiued by any the Communicants within your Parish that did vnreuerently either sit stand or leane or that did not deuoutly and humbly kneele vpon their knees in plaine and open view without collusion or hypocrisie 11 Haue any of your Parish which are openly knowne to liue in notorious sin without repentance or any excommunicate persons or schismaticks common and notorious deprauers of the Religion and Gouernment of this Realme without vnfained sorrow shewed by them for
Antichristian Or hath spoken reproachfully or disgracefully of the Kings Maiesties Courts Ecclesiasticall or of the procéedings thereof 4 Haue you any in your Parish that doe come to the Sermon onely and not to Diuine Seruice or which vse to come late to Church and to depart from Church before the Blessing be giuen wherewith they are to be dismissed at the end of Seruice Or that do not reuerently behaue themselues entring into the Church and during the time of Diuine Seruice Doe all both men and women deuoutly knéele when the Generall confession of sinnes the Letanie the Ten Commandements and all Prayers and Collects are read as well at Baptismes Mariages and Burials as at other parts of the Diuine Seruice Doe all vse due and lowlie reuerence when the blessed Name of the Lord IESUS is mentioned and stand vp when the Articles of the Creed are read Doe any men couer their heads in the Church vnlesse it be for infirmity in which case they may only were a coife or night-cap or then and there giue themselues to babling talking or walking and are not attentiue to the Prayers and Hymns and to heare Gods word read and preached Doe all say Amen audibly and make such other answers both in the Letanie and all other parts of diuine Seruice as by the Rule of the Common Prayer booke are to be made by the people 5 Doth any within your Parish men or women being sixteene yeeres of age and vpwards or any other lodging or commonly resorting to any house in your Parish wilfully absent themselues from your Parish Church or Chappell vpon Sundayes and Holydayes and other dayes appointed at morning and euening prayers or refuse to receiue the Communion or perswade others from comming to Church or receiuing the holy Communion 6 Haue you any popish or puritanicall Recusants in your Parish that be of insolent behauiour not without publike offence or that do boldly busie themselues in seducing or withdrawing others either abroad or in their owne Families from the Religion established in y e Church of England And how long haue the said popish or puritanicall Recusants obstinately abstained either from diuine Seruice or from the Communion Whether of any long time or of late only 7 Are there any in your Parish who do absent themselues at any time from your own Church and doe resort to any other Parish or place to heare other preachers Or are there any in your Parish that doe communicate or that do baptise their children in any other Parish 8 Is there within your Parish in any house or familie any one that is called or reputed a Chaplaine or that is knowne or supposed to haue entred into holy Orders Or any that liueth there in imployment as a scholler Present their names if there be any such and how long they haue béene there 9 Is there any in your Parish who do refuse to haue their children baptized or themselues to receiue the Communion at the hand of your Minister because hee is no Preacher or doth not edifie in their phansie 10 Doth any maried woman within your Parish after childe-birth neglect to come to Church according to the Booke of Common Prayer to giue thankes to God for her safe deliuerance vailed in a decent manner as hath beene anciently accustomed And doth she then knéele in some conuenient place nigh to the Communion Table w●ile the Priest standing by her giueth thankes for her And if there be a Communion doth she then offer her accustomed offerings and receiue the holy Communion 11 Are there within your Parish or thereunto resorting any players on Stage or with Puppets or any Musitians Fidlers Rimers or Iesters which do vse any prophane or filthy passages in their songs speeches or gestures to the dishonour of God abuse of Scripture or the corrupting of good manners or which do publish any thing scandalous to the State or reproachfull to the Holy Clergy 12 Haue you any in your Parish that are commonly knowne or reputed to bee blasphemers of Gods holie Name common and vsuall swearers drunkards vsurers filthy speakers adulterers fornicators incestuous persons bawds concealers of fornicators or adulterers Haue any in your Parish beene detected of such notorious crimes and what penance haue they done for the same 13 What corporall punishment for any such offence hath beene commuted and changed into a pecuniary mulct or summe of money by any Ecclesiasticall Iudge exercising iurisdiction within this Dioces by vertue of any Graunt or Commission What was the sum of money by any of them so receiued and taken and to what vses was the same imployed And vpon such Commutations was the vnfained repentance of the delinquent published in the Church 14 Doe all Fathers Mothers Masters Mistrisses cause their children seruants and apprentises to come to the publike catechizing on Sundayes and Holydayes to be instructed and taught therein And those that do not their duties herein in not sending them to it or not comming or not learning and answering you shall present their names 15 Haue any in your Parish receiued or harboured any women gotten with-childe out of wedlock and suffered her to depart without punishment first inflicted on her by the Ordinary You shall truly present as well the party harbouring as harboured and who is suspected to be the father of the childe 16 Is any person or persons suspected or detected heretofore of incontinency and therfore departing out of your Parish for a season now returned againe Or in what place else is he or she now abiding to your knowledge or as you haue heard You shall not faile to present the whole truth in that behalfe 17 Doe all your Parishioners of what sort soeuer according as the Church expresly them commandeth draw néere and with all Christian humility and reuerence come to the Lords Table when they are to receiue the holy Communion And not after the most contemptuous and vnholy vsage of some if men did rightly consider sit still in their Seats or Pewes to haue the blessed Body and Bloud of our Sauiour go vp and downe to séek them all the Church ouer 18 Are there any lately deceased in your Parish whose last Wils and Testaments haue not yet béene proued or did they dye intestate And if so who hath taken vpon him the administration of their goods and whether by lawfull authority from the Ordinary or without What be the names of such deceased and of their executors and administrators 19 What persons be excommunicated in your Parish and for what cause to your knowledge and how long haue they stood excommunicate And doe any of them not being absolued presume to be present in the Church at diuine Seruice And doe any familiarly vse the company of such as do obstinately stand excommunicate knowing the same and what be their names 20 Doe you know of any that haue abused the Church-wardens or other sworne men of your Parish or giuen them euill words for executing their office or
to disharten and deter them from executing it as by oath and duty they are bound Chap. 8. Concerning Schoole-masters Physitians Chyrurgions Midwives and Parish-Clarkes HAue you any Schoole-master in your Parish that teacheth publikely or in priuate houses Is there any teaching of Schollars to reade or write in the Chancell or in any part of the Church Doth any Papist kéepe a Schoolemaster in his house who commeth not to Church to heare diuine Seruice and to receiue the holy Communion What is his name and how long hath he taught there or elsewhere Doth your Schoolemaster teach any Papists or Sectaries children that come not to Church Doth he bring his schollars to church and duely instruct them all to learne the Catechisme in the Booke of Common Prayer at the least once euery wéeke or what other Catechisme doth he teach Is he of honest and sincere life and religion and conuersation Is he a Graduate and sufficient to teach and diligent in teaching and bringing vp of youth 2 Is any thing with-holden and otherwise imployed that hath béene giuen to the vse of a Schoole in your Parish What is it By whom is it imbezelled 3 What Physitian or Chyrurgion haue you in your Parish who not being a Doctor of Physick or otherwise sufficiently licensed in either of the Uniuersities doth notwithstanding practise physick What other persons haue you among you either male or female who take vpon them to professe physick or chyrurgery And who be Midwiues in your parish 4 Haue you a fit Parish-Clark aged 20. yéeres at least of honest life able to reade and write Are his and the Sextons wages duly paid without fraud or diminution according to the ancient custome of your Parish By whom is he chosen Is he diligent in his office and seruiceable to the Minister Doth hee keepe the Church cleane and the doores locked Is there any thing lost or spoyled by his default 5 Doth your Clarke or Sexton take vpon him to haue or suffer any superstitious or any vnseasonable ringing of the bels at any time or any ringing without good cause such as the Minister and Church-wardens haue not allowed When notice is giuen of any Christian passing out of this life within the Parish doth he neglect to toll a passing bell or to ring after the departure Chap. 9. Concerning Ecclesiasticall Officers WHat peculiar or exempt iurisdictions know you of within y e compasse of this parish 2 Are there any Ecclesiasticall Officers exercising Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction within this Diocesse or any Ministers or Clarkes vnder them who do take or exact any extraordinary fées for any cause that you know of 3 Haue any Church-wardens and Quest-men concealed and not presented any abuses or offences punishable in the Ecclesiasticall Court Or haue any such offences being by them presented to the Chancellor Archdeacon Commissary Officiall or any other vsing Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction within this Diocesse beene suppressed or left vnpunished for bribe reward pleasure friendship feare or any other partiall respect 4 Are any Assemblies called Uestry-méetings held in your Parish when and how often are they In what place and by whom Hath any thing that you haue heard of been proposed treated or concluded therein touching the diuine Seruice or the doctrine and discipline of the Church Or any thing medled with for the gouernment of the Church or Parish which belongs to the Ecclesiasticall cognition and Iurisdiction 5 Doth the Arch-deacon once in thrée yéeres visit and suruey your Church touching the repaires of the same and vpon any defect found hath he made certificate of it as far as you know or haue heard 6 Are there placed by the Registrar two Tables containing the seuerall rates and summes of all fées due to the Iudge and other officers of your Courts one in the vsuall place or consistory where the Court is kept the other in the Registry in such sort as euery man may come to view the same without difficulty And doth the Chancellor Arch-deacon Commissary or Officiall or any other Minister of the Court exact or extort any other greater fées or sums of money than in the said Tables are contained 7 Doth any Arch-deacon Officiall or Surrogate vnder him make commutation of any penance or doth the Chancellor or any Commissary or any Surrogate vnder any commute or change any penance or corporall punishment for any money without the consent of the Bishop And what money haue they or any of them receiued for such commutation and of whom when and what was the offence for which any such sum of money was receiued or appointed to be paid 8 Doth the Chancellor Arch-deacon Commissary or Officiall or any other person vsing Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction speed any act in any cause priuately of themselues and not in the presence of some publike Notary or Actuary 9 Is the number of Apparitors increased in this Diocesse And wherein and in what manner is the Countrey ouer-burthened or grieued by them Hath any of them vnder pretence of authority cited or summoned any person vnlawfully or hath any of them taken any reward for the concealing of any offence or sin or that the offenders might escape punishment Who be they that haue so done Or doe any of them take any fées that are not vsuall Haue they threatned any to prosecute them if they had no reward giuen them Or do any of them cause any party to appeare in any Ecclesiasticall Court within this Diocesse without a citation first obtained from the Iudge of the Court 10 Hath any Ecclesiasticall Iudge or Officer whatsoeuer Aduocate Registrer Procter Clerke or other such Ministers any way abused themselues in their Offices contrary to the Lawes and Canons in that behalfe prouided 11 Were there any particular or speciall iniunctions giuen as you know or haue heard by the Uicar generall or any other Commissioner at the last Metropoliticall Uisitation of the most Reuerend the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury his Grace And how haue the same béene performed or obserued by the Minister or any other of the Parish whom they concerne 12 Lastly haue you and euery of you by your selues read or haue caused to be read to you all these Articles Haue you well examined and inquired into euery particular therein intended Haue you sincerely vprightly without any partiall affection or concealement presented and made knowne all and euery of the offenders in any of the particulars either as they are taken in truth to be or by common fame reported If you know any other matter of Ecclesiasticall cognisance worthy the presentment in your iudgement and fit to be reformed by Ecclesiasticall censure though it be not expressed in these Articles yet you shall likewise present the same by vertue of your oaths The Minister also of euery Parish may and ought to ioyne with the Church-wardens or other Sworne-men for the presenting of offences and if they be so irreligious as not to do it the Minister of himselfe may ought to present the offences or the Church-wardens and Quest-men for not presenting and is required in his Canonicall obedience so to doe There must be distinct answer made to euery Article and to euery branch thereof as far as they know or haue heard of any offence And if their Oath and all this aduertisement notwithstanding any Church-wardens or other Sworne-men shall follow the customary manner and be carelesse in inquiring and presenting as they ought then shall they not be able hereafter to say that they had not faire warning to the contrary giuen them in the spirit of meeknesse or to complaine that they are hardly dealt with if vpon information and proofe otherwise had they be called to answer their willfull periury in some other course of iustice for neglecting to inquire and present to all the particulars herein proposed And to the intent that all things aboue mentioned may by the helpe of God as well be kept as set in good order the Chancellor of the Diocesse and all the Commissaries are hereby required that so far as to them in their seuerall places it shall appertaine when the Synods and Generals are holden respectiuely they do faithfuly inquire after all these things in all places of their Iurisdictions exact a due obseruance of the same The Parson Uicar or Curate of this Parish is required to receiue this Booke and vpon the Sunday next after the receipt hereof immediatly after the Morning Seruice to publish the contents of the Process which is sent forth That all Preachers and Lecturers if there be any in the Parish together with the Church-wardens both of this present yeere and of the last yeere and two or three of the chiefest parishioners beside as also all Physitians Schoole-masters Chyrurgions Midwiues and Sequestrators may take notice of the day place specified in the said Processe for appearance at the Lord Bishops Uisitation and after publication so made this book of Articles is to be presently deliuered to some of the said Church-wardens for the vse of themselues and the rest that are to make Presentments Ma. Norvicen FINIS