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religion_n church_n government_n kingdom_n 3,695 5 5.8013 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00190 Articles to be enquired of, in the ordinarie visitation of the most reuerend father in God, George by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury ... holden in the yeere of our Lord God, 1632, and in the two and twenty yeere of His Graces translation. Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1611-1633 : Abbot); Abbot, George, 1562-1633. 1632 (1632) STC 10227.3; ESTC S422 11,637 16

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may weare a Night cap or Coyse Or who doe giue themselues to babling talking or walking and are not attentiue to the word preached or read or reading or praying during the time aforesaid Whether any of your Parish being of sixteene yeares of age and vpwards do not receiue the holy Communion in your Church thrice euery yéere wherof once at Easter and whether they doe not deuoutly kneele at the receiuing thereof 39 Item whether any of your Parishioners being admonished therof doe not send their children seruants and apprentises to the Minister to be catechised vpon such Sundayes and Holidayes as are appointed or whether any of them do refuse to come or if they come refuse to learne the Catechisme set foorth in the booke of Common Prayer 40 Item how many of the sayd Catechismes haue bin dispersed in your Parish or Chappell according to the number of such children and seruants as can reade and are to learne the same according to the late Iniunction of your Ordinary and who they bee that haue refused to obey that order so enioyned and what are their seuerall names 41 Item whether any of your Parish doe entertaine within their house any soiournier common guests or other persons who refuse to frequent diuine Seruice or receiue the holy Communion as aforesayd Present their names their qualities or conditions 42 Item what recusāt Papists are there in your parish or haue dwelt or made vsuall abode there within the space of two or thrée yéeres last past and whether they still dwell or remaine there or where doe they dwell or make their abode Present their names qualities or conditions And whether keepe they any Schoole-master in their house which commeth not to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Communion What is his name and how long hath he taught there or else where 43 Item whether doe any of the sayd Popish Recusants labor to seduce and withdraw others from the Religion now established or instruct their Families or children in Popish Religion or refuse to entertaine any especially in place of greatest seruice or trust but such as concurre with them in their Papistry 44 Item whether the tuition of the children of any of your Parishioners dying within your Parish be committed to any Popish Recusants conuict contrary to the Stat. 3 I●● Cap. 5. and if so to present and certifie the names both of such children and of the Tutors or Guardians to whose tuition and education they are committed 45 Item how long haue the sayd Popish Recusants abstained from Diuine Seruice or from the Communion as aforesayd 46 Item whether is there any in your parish that retaine vndefaced or sell vtter or disperse any Popish Bookes or Writings or other Bookes Libels or writings of any Seetaries touching the Religion State or Gouernment Ecclesiasticall of this Kingdome of England or kéepe any Ornaments of superstition vncancelled or vndefaced 48 Item whether haue you any in your parish which hertofore being Popish Recusants or Sectaries haue since reformed themselues and come to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Sacraments If yea then who they are how long since haue they so reformed themselues And whether they still remaine and abide in that conformitie 49 Item whether is there any in your parish that refuse to haue their children baptized or themselues to receiue the Cōmunion at the hands of your Minister taking exception against him and what causes or exceptious doe they alledge Or haue any married wiues refused to come to Church according to the book of Common prayer to giue God thanks after their Child-birth for their safe deliuerance And whether doe any of or in your Parish refuse to haue their children Baptized in your parish Church according to the forme prescribed in the booke of cōmon prayer 50 Item whether any in your parish hauing a Preacher to your Parson Uicar or Curate doe absent themselues from his Sermons and resort to other places to heare other Preachers or whether any of your parish doe Communicate or Baptize their children in any other parish 51 Item what persons within your parish for any offence contumacy or crime of Ecclesiasticall conusance doe stand Excommunicate Present their names and for what cause they are Excommunicated and how long they haue so stood and what person and persons doe wittingly and vsually kéepe them company 52 Item whether doe any not being in Orders execute any Priestly or Ministeriall office in your Church Chappell or Churchyard and what be their names 53 Item whether is there any in your parish that hauing hertofore taken vpon him the Order of Priesthood or Deacon hath since relinquished the same and liues a Lay-man neglecting his vocation 54 Item whether hath any person or persens in your parish quarrelled or stricken or vsed any violence to your Minister or hath strucken or quarreld with any other persō within your Church or Churchyard or demeaned himselfe disorderly in the Church by filthy or prophane talke or any other lewd or immodest behauior Or haue disturbed the Minister in time of diuine Seruice or Sermon or haue libelled or spoken slanderous words against your Minister to the scandall of his vocation or defamed any of his neighbours touching any crime of Ecclesiasticall conusance 55 Item whether haue any of or in your parish without consent of the Ordinary or other lawfull authoritie caused any to doe penance or to be censured or punished for any matter of Ecclesiastical conusance by any Uestry-meetings or otherwise by their own authority or haue takē any money or cōmutatiō for the same present their names that haue don it and who haue béen so punished in what manner and vpon what cause 56. Item whether any person in your parish do exercise any trade or labour buy or sell or keepe open shops or ware-houses vpon any Sunday or Holiday by thēselues their seruants or apprentices or haue otherwise profaned the said daies contrary to the orders of the Church of Englād And whether there be any Inne keepers Ale-house-kéepers Uictualers or other persons that permit any persons in their houses to eate drinke or play during the time of Diuine Seruice or Sermon or reading the Homilies in the forenoone or after-noone vpon these dayes 57 Item whether hath the fift day of Nouember bin kept holy and thanksgiuing made to God for his Maiesties this States happy deliuerance according to the Ordinance in that behalfe And whether haue you in your Parish Church or Chappell the bookes in this behalfe set foorth and commanded by publike authority 58 Item whether doth any of your parish hold or frequent any conuēticles or priuate congregations or make or maintain any constitutions agreed vpon in any such assemblies Or are there any that do write or publikely or priuately speake against the booke of Common prayer or any thing therein contained or against any of the Articles of Religion agréed vpon in Anno 1562. or against the Kings Supremacy in causes
a comely Pulpit set vpon a conuenient place with a decent cloth or Cushion for the same a comely large Surplice a faire Communion Cup with a couer of Siluer a Flagon of Siluer Tinne or Peuter to put the Wine in wherby it may be set vpon the Communion Table at the time of the blessing thereof with all other things and Ornaments necessary for the celebration of diuine Seruice administration of the Sacraments And whether haue you a strong chest for almes of the Poore with thrée lockes and keyes and another Chest for the keeping the Bookes and Ornaments of the Church and the Register Booke And whether haue you a Register Booke in Parchment for Christenings Weddings and Burialls and whether the same be kept in all points according to the Canons in that behalfe prouided And whether haue you in your said Church or Chancell a Table set of the degrées wherein by Law men are prohibited to marry 28 Item whether are your Church and Chappell 's with the Chancels thereof and your Parsonage or Uicarage house your Parish almes-house and Church-house in good reparations and are they imployed to godly their right holy vses Is your Church Chancell Chappell decently and comely kept as well within as without and the seats well maintained according to the 85 Canon in that behalfe prouided Whether your Church-yard be well fenced kept without abuse and if not in whose default the same is and what the defect or fault is And whether any person haue encroched vpon the ground of the Churchyard or whether any person or persons haue vsed any thing or place consecrated to holy vse prophanely or wickedly 29 Item whether haue you the Terrier of all the Gleabe Lands Meddowes Gardens Orchards Houses Stockes Implements Tenements and portions of Tithes whether within your Parish or without belonging vnto your Parsonage or Uicarage taken by the view of honest men in your sayd Parish And whether the sayd Terrier bée layd vp in the Bishops Registry and in whose hands any of them are now And if you haue no Terrier already made in Parchment you the Church-wardens and Side-men together with your Parson or Uicar or in his absence with your Minister are to make diligent enquirie and presentment of the premisses and make subscribe and signe the sayd Terrier as aforesayd III. Schoole-Masters 30 WHether doeth any in your Parish take vpon him to teach Schoole without license of the Ordinary and is he conformable to the Religion now established And doth he bring his Schollers to the Church to heare Diuine Seruice and Sermons And doeth he instruct his Schollers in the grounds of Religion now established in this Church of England and is hee carefull and diligent to benefit his Schollers in learning IIII. Parish-Clerkes and Sextons 31 WHether haue you a fit Parish-Clerke aged twenty yéeres at least of honest conuersation able to reade and write Whether are his the Sextons wages payed without fraud according to the ancient custome of your parish if not then by whom are they so defrauded or denied By whom are they chosen and whether the said Clerke be approued by the Ordinary and hath he taken an Oath as in such cases is fit and required and is he diligent in his Office seruiceable to the Minister doth he take vpon him to meddle with any thing aboue his Office as Churching of women burying the dead and such like 32 Item whether doeth your Clerke or Sexton kéepe the Church cleane the doores locked Is any thing lost or spoyled in the Church through his default doeth hee suffer any vnreasonable ringing or any propane exercise in your Church or doth he when any is passing out of this life neglect to tole a Bell hauing notice thereof V. Physicians Surgeons and Mid-vviues 34 HOw many Physicians Chirurgions or Mid-wiues haue you in your Parish How long haue they vsed their seuerall Sciences or Offices and by what authority And how haue they demeaned themselues therein and of what skill are they accounted to bee in their profession VI. Touching the Church-wardens and Sidemen 34 WHether you the Churchwardens Quest-men or Sidemen from time to time do haue done their diligences in not suffering any idle person to abide either in the Church-yard or Church-porch in Seruice or Sermon time but causing them either to come into the Church to heare diuine Seruice or to depart not disturbe such as hée hearers there And whether haue they and do you diligently sée the Parishioners duly resort to the Church euery Sunday and Holy day and there to remaine during diuine Seruice Sermon And whether you or your predecessors Church-wardens there suffer any Playes Feasts Drinkings or any other prophane vsages to bee kept in your Church Chappel or Church yards or haue suffered to your and their vttermost power and endeauour any person or persons to be tippling or drinking in any Inne or Uictualling house in your Parish during the time of diuine Seruice or Sermon on Sundayes or Holydayes 35 Item whether and how often haue you admitted any to preach within your Church or Chappell which was not sufficiently Licensed And whether you together with your Minister haue not taken diligent héed and care that euery of your Parishioners being of sixeteene yeeres of age or vpwards haue receiued thrice euery yéere as aforesaid and also that no stranger haue vsually come to your Church from their owne Parish Church 36 Item whether haue there bin prouided against euery Communion a sufficient quantitie of fine white bread and of good and wholesome wine for the communicants that shall receiue And whether that wine be brought in a cleane and swéete standing pot of pewter or of other purer mettall 37 Item whether were you chosen by the consent of the Minister and the parishioners And haue the late Church-wardens giuen vp a iust account for their time and deliuered to their Successors the money and other things belonging to the Church which was in their hands And are the Almes of the Church faithfully distributed to the vse of the poore VII Concerning the Parishoners 38 Whether is there any of your Parishioners beeing sixteene yeeres of age or vpwards or others lodging or commonly resorting to any house within your parish that do wilfully absent them selues from your Parish-church vpon Sundayes or Holydayes at Morning and Euening Prayers or who come late to Church depart from Church before Seruice be done vpon the said daies Or who do not reuerently behaue themselues during the time of Diuine Seruice deuoutly knéeling when the generall confession of sins the Letany the ten Commandements and all prayers and Collects are read vsing all due and lowly reuerence whē the blessed Name of the Lord Iesus Christ is mentioned standing vp when the Articles of the Beliefe are read or who do couer their heads in the Church during the time of Diuine Seruice vnlesse it be in case of necessity in which case they