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B00013 Articles to be enquired of vvithin the dioces of London, in the second trienniall visitation of the right honorable, and right reuerend father in God, William Lord Bishop of London. holden in the yeere of our lord God, 1631. Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1628-1633 : Laud); Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1631 (1631) STC 10264; ESTC S122642 17,330 25

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his house or frequent the company of any man or woman that are suspected either to be of euill religion or bad life Or whether is he a common haunter of Tauernes Alehouses or any suspected place Or whether doth he boord or lodge in any of them Or is a common Gamester or player at Dice Cards Tables or other vnlawfull games A common swearer a drunkard or one that applyeth not himselfe in his Studie or faulty in any other crime punishable by Ecclesiasticall censures whereby hée is offensiue and scandalous to his Function or Ministrie 35 Whether doth your Minister vse the forme of thankesgiuing to women after their Childbirth Or hath hee admitted any woman begotten with child in Adultery to be churched either publikely or priuately without licence from the Lord Bishop of London or his Chancellor 36 Whether doth your Minister baptize any children in any Bason or other vessell then in the Ordinary Font being placed in the Church or doth put any Bason into it 37 Whether your Minister or any other that hath taken holy Orders now licenced or suspended or other person or persons either of the Ministry or Laity within or néere your Parish of your knowledge or as you haue heard hath béene at or vse to méete in any Barnes Fields Woods priuate house or houses and held priuate conuenticles or méetings either in your Parish or in any other Parish And whether hath your Minister or any other publikely or priuately preached or spoken in eregation of the booke of Common Prayer or in any thing depraued the same or against the present estate of the Ecclesiasticall gouernment established by authoritie affirming the same to be vnlawfull Popish or Antichristian 38 Whether at any such méeting doe they or any of them preach conferre or agrée vpon any priuate orders for diuine Seruice Prayers Preaching or expounding the Scriptures or vse any other Prayers Preaching or forme of Diuine Seruice then such as is in the Booke of Common Prayer and by the Lawes established appointed or be drawers or perswaders of others to any such Schismaticall conuenticles If yea you shall present them all and euery one of them specifying their names surnames and quality or addition and places of abode 39 Whether his Maiesties Instructions lately sent to your Parish concerning Lecturers celebration of diuine Seruice catechizing and Sermons be duly obserued if not you shall present by whom and when any of the said Instructions haue béene transgressed 40 Item you shall carefully and héedefully obserue and inquire whether your Ministers in their Sermons preached by them in your publike Churches and Congregations doe raise and deliuer out of the texts chosen by them such pertinent notes as tend to teach obedience and to edifie the vnderstanding of their auditorie in matters of faith and religion without intermeddling with any State-matters not fit to be handled in the Pulpit but to be discussed by the wisedome of his Maiestie and his Councellors of State And if you finde any faulty herein you shall present him Concerning the Church WHether haue you in your seuerall Churches and Chappels the Booke of Constitutions or Canons Ecclesiasticall 2 Whether is there in your Church or Chappell one parchment Register Booke prouided for Christnings Marriages and Burials And whether is the same duely and exactly kept according to the Constitutions in that behalfe prouided And is the mothers christen name therin registred as well as the Fathers and a transcript thereof brought in yéerely within one moneth after the 25. day of March into the Lord Bishops principall Registry 3 Whether haue you prouided the Booke of Common Prayer lately commanded by his Maiesties authority onely to be vsed and the Booke of Homilies two seruice Books a large Bible of the last edition 4 Whether haue you in your Church or Chappell a Font of stone set vp in the ancient vsuall place a conuenient and decent Communion Table standing vpon a frame with a Carpet of silke or some other decent stuffe and a faire Linnen cloth to lay thereon at the Communion time And whether is the same then placed in such conuenient sort within the Chancell or Church as that the Minister may be best heard in his prayer and Administration and that the greater number may Communicate And is the same Table so vsed out of diuine seruice or in it as it is not agréeable to the holy vse of it by sitting throwing hats on it writing on it or is it abused to other prophane vses 5 Whether are the ten Commandements set vpon the East end of your Church or Chappell where the people may best sée and reade them and other sentences of holy Scripture written vpon the walls likewise for the same purpose 6 Whether haue you a conuenient seate for your Minister to reade Seruice in together with a comely Pulpit set vp in a conuenient place with a decent Cloth or Cushion for the same a comely large Surplesse a faire Communion Cup of Siluer and a couer agréeable for the same with all other things and ornaments necessary for the celebration of diuine Seruice and the administration of the Sacraments and a strong Chest for the Almes of the poore with thrée lockes and keyes whereof the Minister to kéepe one key and another Chest for the kéeping of the ornaments of the Church and Register Booke 7 Haue you a faire paper-booke wherein euery Preacher which is a stranger shall write his name the day he preached and by whose authority he is licensed 8 Whether are your Church or Chappels with the Chancels thereof and your Parsonage or Vicarage house and all other houses thereto belonging in good reparations and decently and comely kept as well within as without and the seates well maintained as in the Canons is appointed If not then through whose default and what defects are 9 Whether your Church-yard be well and sufficiently repaired fenced and maintained with walls railes or pales and by whom And if part be to be maintained by any particular persons then you shall present how much and what part euery such person hath or is to maintaine and repaire 10 Whether any person hath incroached vpon the ground of the Church-yard If any hath then you shall present him and specifie what quantity of ground hée hath so incroached and how the old and former fences stood and how they nowstand and are fenced and with what matter or stuffe 11 Whether haue you in your Church any ancient or true note or terrier of all the gleabe lands meddowes gardens orchards houses stocks implements tenements and portions of tythes lying within or without your Parish which belongs to your Personage or Vicarage If there be any whether it is well kept and preserued for the good of the succéeding Incumbents and in what particular place it is kept And whether a true copy thereof vnder the hands of the Ministers and Church-wardens hath béene transmitted into the Lord Bishops principall Registry and when if you
in the time of Common Prayer or Sermon on the Sabbath day or Holy dayes or any that did not receiue the Communion yéerely at the feast of Easter or within some conuenient time after 3 Whether the Churchwardens doe prouide against euery Communion with the aduice of the Minister a sufficient quantitie of fine white bread and of good and wholesome wine for the number of the Communicants that shall receiue and that to be brought in a cleane and swéet standing pot of Pewter or other pure metall 4 Haue you admitted any to preach within your Church or Chappell which was not sufficiently licensed and how often And haue you with your Minister taken diligent care that no strangers doe vsually come to your Church from their owne parish 5 Whether haue you or your predecessors Churchwardens there suffered since the last Visitation of the Lord Bishop of London any Playes Feasts Banquets Church-ales Drinkings Musters and shewing of Armes or any other prophane vsages to be kept in your Church Chappell or Churchyard Were you chosen by the consent of the Minister and Parishioners 6 Whether hath your Minister Churchwardens and Parish Clerke or Clerkes taken care that all excommunicated persons be duely published in the Church as the lawe requires And likewise had care that no excommunicated persons be admitted to the Communion nor suffered to be present at Diuine seruice and publike prayers in your Church you shall truly present euery one that hath neglected this duty or béene stacke therein 7 Whether the Churchwardens at the end of their yéere giue vp in writing a iust account before the Minister and Parishioners of their receipts and disbursements and deliuer the residue by Bill indented to the next Churchwardens And whether at any time heretofore the Churchwardens or the Ministers or the Parishioners or any of them to your knowledge or as you haue heard haue with-held or detained in their custody or haue sold wasted spent or otherwise alienated any Lead Bells or Bell-metall or other of the Church goods or stocke of money and let them specifie their names and the value and quantitie of such things as were so sold made away or detained and how long since Concerning Parishioners and others of the Laitie WHether any in your Parish or elsewhere néere about the same to your knowledge or as you haue heard hath affirmed that the King hath not the same Authoritie in all causes Ecclesiasticall which the Kings Christian Emperors had in the Primitiue Church or that haue impeached or gain-said his Royall Supremacie 2 Whether doe you know or haue credibly heard of any within your Parish that depraue the Christian Religion and namely as it is established by publike authority and professed within the Church of England And whether hath any person as you haue heard affirmed that the Church of England is not a true Catholike and orthodoxe Church and doth not teach and maintaine the Catholike Faith and doctrine of the Apostles 3 Whether any haue said or affirmed that any thing in the Booke of Common Prayer or in the Booke of Articles set forth by the Conuocation Anno Domini 1562. Or any of the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England in or by the same appointed are corrupt wicked Antichristian superstitious vnlawfull or repugnant to the Scriptures or that any of the said Articles may not with a good conscience be subscribed vnto or any of the said ceremonies may not with a good conscience be approued vsed or subscribed vnto 4 Are there any that doe not reuerently behaue themselues during the time of Diuine Seruice deuoutly knéeling when the generall Confession of sins the Letany the ten Commandements and all prayers and Collects are read and vsing all due and lowly reuerence when the blessed name of the Lord Iesus Christ is mentioned and standing vp when the Articles of the Beliefe are read or which doe couer their heads in the Church during the time of Diuine Seruice vnlesse it be in case of necessitie in which case they may vse a nightcap 5 Whether haue any affirmed preached or taught that the forme of making and consecrating Bishops Priests and Deacons or any thing therein contained is repugnant or not agréeable to the Word of God Or that the Bishops Priests and Deacons so made are not to be accounted for Bishops Priests or Deacons or ought to bée ordained in any other forme Or that the gouernment of the Church by Archbishops Bishops or others that beare any Office therin is Antichristian or not agréeable to the Word of God 6 Whether any person haue lurked or tippled in Tauerns or Ale-houses on Sundaies or other Holi-dayes or vsed his or their manuall Craft Trade or Mysterie or any bodily labour or kept their shops open vpon the said dayes or any of them especially in the time of Diuine Seruice or suffered his or their seruants to sell any wares or victuals in that time or to offend in any of the promises 7 Whether are there any in your Parish that since the Lord Bishop of London his last Visitation haue or doe prophane the Lords Day called Sunday or other Holy-day contrary to the orders of the Church of England in that behalfe prescribed which hath not heretofore béene openly punished for the same and what be their names 8 Whether hath any person in your Parish brawled quarrelled or striken or vsed any violence vnto or with your Minister or any other person in the Church or Church-yard or vsed himselfe disorderly in the Church by filthy and prophane talke or any other rude and immodest behauiour 9 Whether haue any in your Parish bin Godfathers or Godmothers to their owne children Or whether your Minister or any Godfathers or Godmothers haue vsed or doe vse any other forme answer or spéech in Baptisme then is in the Booke of Common Prayer appointed Or doe giue the children baptized any name absurd or inconuenient for so holy an action Or whether any which haue not communicated be admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers contrary to the Law 10 Whether is there any in your Parish that doe refuse to haue their children baptized or themselues to receiue the Communion at the hands of your Minister because he is no Preacher you shall present their names 11 Whether doe all Fathers Mothers Masters and Mistresses cause their Children Seruants and Apprentices to come to the Catechisme vpon the Sundayes and holi-dayes before Euening prayer to heare and to be instructed and taught therein And those that doe not their duties herein you shall present their names 12 How many Inhabitants within your Parish Men or Women aboue the age of sixtéene yéeres doe refuse to frequent Diuine Seruice established by publike authoritie of this Realme or to receiue the holy Communion or are negligent therein or comming to Church doe depart before the end of diuine Seruice or Sermon what be their names and of what degrée state or trade of life are they you are to present
haue none you shall make one and bring it in with your presentment subscribed as afore Concerning Ecclesiasticall Officers WHether doe you know or haue heard of any payment composition or agréement to or with any Commissarie Archdeacon or his Officiall or their Registers or other inferior Officers Ecclesiasticall within this Diocesse for suppressing or concealing of any presentment excommunication or other Ecclesiasticall censure of or against Recusants or any other offenders or for not certifying of Recusants to the Ordinary or for not seruing of Processe without a summe of money or other consideration receiued or promised to any of them in that respect and by whom 2 Whether the Archdeacon Commissary Officiall or any other vsing Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction within this Dioces their Registers or Actuaries Apparators or Summoners haue at any time winked at and suffered any Adulteries Fornications Incests or other faults or offences presented vnto them to passe and remaine vnpunished and vncorrected for mony rewards bribes pleasure friendship or any other partiall respect 3 Whether doe the Commissaries Archdeacons or any their Officials heare any matters of Office or correction priuately in their Chambers without the presence of the sworne Register or his Deputy or hath discharged any mans penance for mony without the consent of the Lord Bishop according to the Constitutions or doe send any writing vnder their owne hands to your Church without the Registers presence at the doing of it either for Marriage of any couples or for ending or ordering of any matter or penance 4 Whether hath any Commissary Archdeacon Officiall or any other exercising Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction within this Dioces or any Register Apparator or Minister belonging to the same Ecclesiasticall Courts exacted extraordinary or greater fées then heretofore of late hath béene accustomed And whether is there a Table of the rates of all fées set vp in their seuerall Courts and Offices Or whether they or any of them haue any way abused themselues in their Offices contrary to the Law and Canons in that case prouided 5 Whether any Commissarie Archdeacon or Official hath or doth commute or change any penance or corporall punishment for any money and what money such Commissary Archdeacon or Officiall hath receiued and of whom when and what the offence was for which any such summe of money was receiued or appointed to be paid and set downe the particulars of the premisses and what Court any of them haue kept since the first day of Iuly last past vpon what dayes and in what Church and place 6 What number of Apparators hath euery seuerall Iudge Ecclesiasticall and wherin and in what manner is the Countrey ouerburdened and grieued by the said Apparators And whether doth any of the said Apparators cause any parties to appeare in the said Courts without first a presentment or citation obtained from the Iudge of the Court. Concerning Schoolemasters WHether the Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters within your Parish openly or priuately in any Noble or Gentlemans house or in any other place be of good and sincere Religion life and conuersation and be diligent in teaching and bringing vp of youth and whether they haue béene examined allowed and licensed for Schoolemasters by the Lord Bishop of London or his Chancellor And how many seuerall Schoolemasters haue you and what be their names 2 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters do themselues receiue the holy Communion as often as they ought to doe and whether doe all their Schollers which be of age sufficient and of capacity by instruction to receiue the Lords Supper come to the Communion either in your Church or where their Parents dwell once euery yéere and be diligent to heare common Prayer 3 Whether the Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters either priuate or publike doe teach their Schollers the Catechisme authorised by publike authority at the least once euery wéeke and doe instruct and examine them in the same or doe teach any other Catechisme and what Catechisme is it that they doe so teach 4 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters or any of them bée knowne or suspected to reade vnto their Schollers priuately any vnlawfull Bookes or priuately to instruct them in their young yéeres either in Poperie Superstition or disobedience or contempt of his Maiestie and his lawes Ecclesiasticall by publike authoritie allowed 5 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters or any of them vnder pretence of Catechizing their Schollers which is a most godly order carefully by them to be obserued doe kéepe Lectures readings or expositions of Diuinitie in their houses hauing repaire vnto them of people not being of their owne family and houshold 6 What Recusant Papists are there in your Parish and whether doe any of them or any other kéepe any Schoolemaster in their house which commeth not to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Communion what is his name and how long he hath taught 7 Whether your Schoolemaster or Schoolemasters within your Parish doe teach his or their Schollers any other Grammar then that which is commonly called the Kings Grammar set forth by the Authority of King Henry the eight teaching the prescript forme thereof 8 Whether are your Schoolemasters negligent in instructing their Schollers in the Catechisme and grounds of Religion and in bringing them to the Church to heare Diuine Seruice and Sermons Concerning Parish Clerks WHether haue you a fit Parish Clerke aged twenty yéeres at least of honest conuersation and sufficient for reading and writing and whether he be paid his wages without fraud according to the most ancient custome of your Parish If not then by whom is hée so defrauded and denied and whether hée be chosen by the Parson or Vicar or by whom And whether he hath presumed to take vpon him the execution of the said place or Clerkeship before hée hath taken the oath of supremacy before the Lord Bishop of London or his Chancellor and hath his approbation from the said Lord Bishop or his Chancellor 2 Is he diligent in his office and seruiceable to the Minister doth he take vpon him to meddle with any thing aboue his office as Churching of women burying the dead or such like 3 Is the Church cleane kept the doores lockt at fit times Is any thing lost or spoiled in the Church and are the Communion Table Font Bookes and ornaments of the Church kept faire and cleane Touching Church-wardens and Sidemen and other Church Officers WHether the Churchwardens and Sidemen doe euery Sunday and Holy-day diligently search who absenteth himselfe or her selfe from Church and whether doe they suffer any to abide in the Church-porch or Church-yard in the time of Common Prayer or Sermon And you shall present such as haue béene or shall be found to bée absent 2 Whether the Churchwardens and Sidemen or any of them haue for money reward fauour or affection forborne to present any that were or bée negligent in comming to Church or whom they haue found as idle persons abroad either in the Church-yard or stréetes