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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85090 The false and scandalous remonstrance of the inhumane and bloody rebells of Ireland, delivered to the Earl of St. Albans and Clanrickard, the Earl of Roscomon, Sir Maurice Eustace Knight, and other His Majesties Commissioners at Trim, the 17. of March, 1642. to be presented to His Majesty, by the name of The remonstrance of grievances presented to His Majestie in the behalf of the Catholicks of Ireland. ... Together with an answer thereunto, on behalf of the Protestants of Ireland. Also a true narration of all the passages concerning the petition of the Protestants of Ireland. ... August 27. 1644. It is this day ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning Printing, that the books, intituled, An answer presented to His Majestie at Oxford, unto the false and scandalous remonstrance of the inhumane and bloody rebells of Ireland; together with A narration of the proceedings at Oxon, be forthwith printed and published: John White. 1644 (1644) Wing F343; Thomason E255_2; ESTC R210053 139,001 137

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truth First as to their vaunt of 1300 yeares unalterable profession of the now Romish Religion It is most apparent in the learned Treatises of the Lord Archbishop of Armagh and otherwaies that for above 600 yeares within the said time of 1300 yeares the Religion professed by the Clergie and people of Ireland was more agreeable to the true Protestant Religion now by law established and by publique Authoritie maintained in that Kingdom then unto that Roman Catholike Religion as they call it which they doe now professe the free exercise whereof throughout that Kingdome they by their confederacie and oath of Association are to maintain and doe now by force authorize And for most of the time after the said 600 years the Religion professed in that Kingdome was far otherwise then now it is professed and practifed by these Confederates and some of their Ancestors for the Councell of Trent which ended about the yeare 1563. brought Articles of Faith into the Church farre different from the former Catholique faith And this new Religion of Popery is the Romish Religion which they call Catholike and is now professed by them And this is the great Antiquity of these Romanists present profession which they fay they and their Ancestors have so long unalterably professed though that also in so large an extent is utterly untrue for besides what is declared in the Statute lawes in Ireland enacted in the Reigne of King Henry the 8. and Queene Elizabeth expressing the detestation of those Paliaments against the Popes usurped authority in that Kingdome his wresting of Gods holy word and Testament to his worldly and carnall affection and entangling and troubling the jurisdiction and Regall power and much unquieting the people making that unlawfull which by Gods Word is lawfull and many such like expressions in severall Statutes which shewes the genius of the people of Ireland at that time It is cleere that since the Reformation in the latter end of the Reigne of King Henry the 8 in all the time of King Edward the 6. and Queen Elizabeth the Natives of that Kingdome Ancestors to these Confederates howsoever perhaps in mind popishly affected according to the ignorance of those times did generally without scruple resort to the Protestant Ceurches in all places where any Protestant Clergie could reside untill about the 13. yeare of Queene Elizabeth that the Bull of Pius Quintus was sent into Ireland And then began some persons of note to stand at distance But after that they did also generally come to Church both in Townes and Country till about the 30 yeare of Queen Elizabeth that the Spaniards wracked upon that Coast dispersed themselves into the Townes and severall other parts and left generally many evill impressions which caused some more wilfulnesse in Recusancie yet after that most of the Natives of Ireland all the residue of Queen Elizabeths Reigne for then there were few new English and most of the Reigne of King James partly by faire inducements and partly by the weake impulsives of the Statute of 2. Eliz. did still for the most part till of late yeares come to Church which is all that Your Majesties Government and Your Laws there do enjoyn them generally unto not offering to enforce the Conscience with torture death or otherwise as the Romanists doe Neither were they so unalterable in their supposed Catholique profession but that of late yeares severall of them even of noted pregnancie in the Doctrinal part did for a Majoraltie in a City or to save a pension in some times or some other imployment in others forsake their Masse for that season to come to Church Sir Philonty O Neal makes it more plain in his Letters of triumph to his holy Confessor that his purpose was conquest and not defence of Religion his Majesties Prerogative or their Liberties there being none there that offered any offence to either of them and for Liberty in their profession they had little or no restraint Vid. the epistle of Paul Harris Priest to P. Vrban the 8. in his booke intituled Fratres sobrii estoie An 1634. It is as hard to find what numbers of Friars be in Dublin as to count how many frogs therewere in the 2d plague of Egypt for they had by the patience of the Governours their titular Archbishops Bishops Vicar generall and provinciall Consistories Ecclesiasticall Deanes Abbots Priors Moncks Nunnes Iesuites Priests and Friers without number all officers proper to that Hierarchy and free use of Masse aswell in Townes as Country they not so much as in truth doubting or fearing any violent cruelty of the English knowing their nature and disposition as they did so as feare of being massacred for their Catholique Religion was not their motive for taking Armes as they fraudulently pretend It is utterly untrue that ever since the Statute of second Elizabeth the Catholiques of that Kingdome were debarred from places of honour and trust in Church or Common wealth for after that Statute many Noblemen of the old English were made Councellours who were bred in the ignorance of those times though afterwards they came to Church And after that Statute tenne severall Iudges of that Birth and education possessed successively all the prime Places of all the Benches of the Law and likewise all the Inferior Iudges of those Benches were of the same birth and education though afterwards most of them came to Church and the officers in Courts of Iustice and otherwayes were exercised by men of like condition the Malignity of Popery being in those times not discerned to be so perillous as of later times the Spanish Armado in 88 Tyrones Rebellion the Powder Treason this present Insurrection and many other treacherous and mischievous machinations and plots have discovered it to be T is true that about the 29. yeare of the Reigne of Queen Elizabeth upon the death of Sir John Plunket Chiefe Iustice of the Kings Bench Sir Robert Gardner was sent out of England who was the first English Iudge sent into that Kingdome in many yeares before And after upon the death of some of the rest a little before the end of the Raigne of the same Queen three more were sent thither and so from thenceforth as the rest dyed others were sent thither And how the reformation of the Kingdome and Your Majesties services were advanced before the comming of those English Iudges the Stories and Records doe shew And for the Natives of that Kingdome such as would conforme and come to Church were freely admitted to be Counsellors Iudges and Officers as many of them were and yet are Besides for matter of trust many of the Lords and prime Gentry of the old English though reputed Catholiques were throughout that Queenes time made Commanders of men in her Army and very many made chiefe Commanders in severall Counties and of the forces in those Countries All which time that Kingdome was kept almost in continuall garboyle and as well then as ever since her decease the Noblemen
sorts as well of State as Civill and Marshall they make War and Peace at pleasure they punish with death and all other corporall punishments they pardon and protect at pleasure they publish Proclamations as well in paine of death as otherwise in their owne names they convoke generall Assemblies out of all Counties in nature of Parliaments they have Assembled and held Synods and Convocations of their Titulary Arch-Bishops and Bishops and other Popish pretended Clergy and therein made Canons and Constitutions for the government of the Church they have excommunicated many of your Majesties Subjects and thereby inforced them to joyne with them in their confederacy they have taken possession of the Churches and seized the whole meanes of the Protestant Clergy into their owne hands and exercise the whole Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction and function they have received and yet entertaine a Nuncio from the Pope and two Agents from France and Spaine as themselves give out they treat with forraigne States in matters of the Kingdome they annoy the seas and hinder traffique they coyne money make it currant and advance and Decree Coynes already currant they settle and alter Possessions and in summe by way of exclusion to all Your Majesties Prerogatives Rights and Authorities they published an Act in print that no temporall Government or Jurisdiction shall be assumed kept or exercised within that Kingdome or any Province or County thereof during the troubles other then what is approved or instituted by their generall Assembly or supreame Counsell and have in this and other acts shewed themselves in the highest degree to be Antimonarchicall and contemners of Your Majesties Royall Scepter and Soveraignty neither were they necessitated to take up Armes for the defence of their lives estates and liberties of their Country they being in no feare of their lives or estates by any violence or illegallity so much as offered or intended by Your Majesties Governours or Protestant Subjects neither can it be instanced than at any time since the Reformation of Religion either Your Majesties Governours or Protestant Subjects ever offered any open violence against the person or estate of any Papist quatenus a papist nor otherwise except in case of Rebellion wherein there was necessity to desend Your Majesties good people or represse the Rebells unjust insolence by way of just chastisement Your Majesties Governours and Officers there using all their skill and labour to preserve the happy peace of that Kingdome which they well knew Your Majesty esteemed the highest blessing of Almighty God upon earth and for just Liberties of Subjects it equally concernes Your Majesties Protestant Subjects with the Papists and each of them have so freely enjoyed them during the gracious Raigne of Your Sacred Majesty and Your most illustrious Father untill this present Rebellion as no Nation in Christendome hath exceeded them in that blessing as it will best appeare if comparison be made with former times when for many ages there was in Ireland absolute tyranny in the Chieftaines ruling in an Irish manner and direct slavery in the inferiours which it seemes these Remonstrants doe rather affect then the legall peaceable regiment of Your sacred Majesty and the wholsome Lawes of England and since that Rebellion began Your Majesties people of Ireland have by the confederates been wholly subjected to illegall Ordinances oppressions and Arbitrary powers and indeed to the will of a raging and sinisterly incensed multitude and therefore those Figg-leaves of their faigned excuses are ill put together pretending the murther robbery and destruction of Your Majesties Protestant Subjects should be for the preservation of the said confederate whereas in truth Religion might teach them to discerne that the innocent blood they have thus cruelly and wantonly spilt would cry to Heaven and to Your Sacred Majesty Gods Vicegerent within Your Dominions for a just revenge against them Touching the frustrating of these Remonstrants attempts to present complaints to Your Majesty since the Rebellion began there will appeare no truth in this suggestion when all things are duely examined nay it will appeare that the Lords Iustices and Counsell have not concealed or debarred them or any thing that came from them to their Lords hands but have furthered the same to Your Majesties view or knowledge so fast as they could As first about the sixt of November 1641. the Rebells of the County of Cavan sent up a presumptuous Proposition to the Lords Iustices and Counsell which their Lordships answered with all the moderation and satisfaction that could stand with their duty as may appeare by the same and forthwith certified the one and the other to the late Lord Lieutenant to whom Your Majesty had expresly commanded them to send all addresses for the affaires of Ireland after that when about the 23th of December 1641. certaine Lords of the Pale had declared by a former Letter that they would stand on their guard and after they had joyned with the Northerne Rebells in the siege of Drogheda the Lords Iustices received a Letter from seven Lords of the Pale wherein after some unjust Challenges made to the Lords Iustices and Counsell they signified they would not come to them though before they the Lords Iustices and Councell had sent them security for their persons and published the same by Proclamation and desired that the Lords Iustices and Councell would send them certaine Commissioners to conferre concerning the Common peace and other things This the Lords Iustices and Councell thought not good to discend unto considering their former great undutifullnesse And hereof they forthwith certified the late Lord Leiutenant also but the truth is that for severall moneths in the beginning of this Rebellion they little regarded any thing the Lords Iustices could say or doe while they hoped to carry all before them by surprize or open force And indeed untill your Majesties Armies by accesse of succours sent out of England had redeemed such of your protestant Subjects as with life only escaped from that overwhelming destruction by these confederates prepared against them and enabled your Majesties distressed subjects to make head against their bloudy cruelties and that they felt their owne weaknesse to maintaine their disloyalty against so potent a Monarch as your Majestie is Neither indeed had they any colour of complaint the cause of griefe being intirely on our side And at the beginning of this Rebellion they had lesse reason then ever having lately received so much grace And satisfaction in all their pretended greivances though they had not he duty and patience to forbeare force and humbly to reape the fruits thereof The second overture which any of them made unto the Lords Iustices and Councell was by a Letter written to the Earle of Castlehaven dated the 16th of March 1641. signed onely by the Lords Gormonstowne Netterville and Slane in the stile of united Lords wherein they desired to have a meeting in some convenient place and that in the meane time there might be a Cessation of