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A22474 The badges of Christianity. Or, A treatise of the sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued, the doctrine of the reformed churches maintained, and the errors of the churches of Rome are euidently conuinced: by pervsing wherof the discreet reader may easily perceiue, the weak and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion, and the iust causes of our lawfull separation. Diuided into three bookes: 1. Of the sacraments in generall. 2. Of Baptisme. 3. Of the Lords Supper. Hereunto is annexed a corollarie or necessary aduertisement, shewing the intention of this present worke, opening the differences among vs about the question of the supper, discouering the idolatry and diuisions of the popish clergy, ... By William Attersoll, minister of the Word of God. Attersoll, William, d. 1640.; Attersoll, William, d. 1640. Principles of Christian religion. aut 1606 (1606) STC 889; ESTC S115827 366,439 472

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the administration of baptisme and truely performe that which is out-wardly figured and represented Heere heauen was open which for our sinnes was shut against vs heere the spirit descended in the visible forme of a doue vpon Christ to signifie vnto vs that being deliuered from the terrors of sin and iudgement we are at peace with God the voice of the father is heard from heauen saying This is my sonne in whom I am well pleased All these things note out the speciall force and dignity of this Sacrament It is not therefore to bee administred in a corner of the Church with three or foure persons present to witnesse the baptisme the rest of the body of the congregation being departed but in the face and open view thereof forasmuch as God to deliuer it from contempt hath giuen it visible markes of greater honor The Apostle saith 1 Cor. 12 Our vncomelie partes haue more comlinesse on for our comely partes neede it not but God hath tempered the body together and hath giuen more honor to that part which lacked As God hath delt with our bodies so hath he done in this sacrament That which is most subiect to contempt dishonour and disgrace God hath lifted vp with sundry excelent preheminences and prerogatiues as we haue seene in Christs baptisme And albeit there be a difference in the person baptized yet there is none in the substance of the baptisme Seeing then god so highly esteemeth of this ordinance it serueth to conuince to accuse and to condemne their carelesnesse and negligence that refuse to be present at baptisme or if they vouchsafe to bee present for a while departe before the end of the whole action and rushe out of the church before the name of God be praysed and the whole worke finished and concluded with prayer as it was Luk. 3. It came to passe as all the people were baptized and that Iesus was baptized and did pray the heauen was opened And Act. 22 Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sinnes in calling on the name of the Lord. Wherefore we are not to departe before god hath be ene prayed vnto and praysed for his benefits The Apostle chargeth that all things in the church be done in order and comelinesse Now what can be more comely and conuenient then that the Churches begin the exercises of their holy religion together and end them together Forasmuch as nothing is done in the assembly which tendeth not to the edification of the whole body Lastly if in euery true baptisme there be outward and inward parts vnited each to other then the baptisme of lohn and of Christ are in nature and substance all one Contrary to the doctrine of the Trent-councel that teacheth If any shal say that the baptisme of Iohn hath the same force with Christs baptisme let him be accursed Although it be no matter of faith nor greatly necessary in the●e daies to despute of Iohns baptisme seeing no man or woman is now baptized the rewith yet we will shew the truth of this point out of the Scriptures that they are al one in substance and effect not of any other kind nature For first Iohn preached the baptisme of repentance to remission of sins they haue therfore the same doctrine the same word the same promise the same repentance the same forgiuenesle of sinnes as they had the same outward element of water And the Apostle teacheth that there is One body one spirit one hopeof the calling one Lord one father one faith and one baptisme 2. The baptisme of Iohn was consecrated and sanctified in the person of christ for christ was baptised with the baptisme of Iohn 3. It may appeare as we wil proue Ch. 4 that Iohn 〈◊〉 in the name of the blessed trinity Fourthly neither Christ nor his Ap. rebaptized any that wer baptized by the ministry of Iohn Apollos did know onely the baptisme of Iohn he is taken instructed farder in the faith and waies of the Lord but we read not that he was baptized again 5 if Iohns baptisme were not the same with our baptisme it would follow that CHRIST was baptized with another baptisme then we are and that our baptisme was not sanctified in the person of CHRIST which taketh away our comfort and consolation that we which are the members of CHRIST haue one and the same baptisme with our head Sixtly if the baptisme of Iohn were not one with the baptisme of Christ heere by the errour of the Anabaptistes should be confirmed for such as were baptized of Iohn should be rebaptized Seuenthly the Apostles themselues should not be truely baptized for they no doubt were baptized of Iohn some of them being first his Disciples otherwise they should be vnbaptized For Christ with his owne hands baptized none as ap peareth Ioh. 4 1 2 and it is not likely that one of them baptized another yea they should baptize other into another baptisme then themselus had receiued Last of all Christ himselfe testi fieth that the baptisme ministred by Iohn pertained to the fulfilling of righteousnesse Math. 3 15 and Luke testifieth that the publicans and people being baptized of him iustified god but the Pharises dispised the counsell of god against themselues were not baptised Wherfore seeing Iohn bpatised with water in the name of the Trinity to remission of sins and that the blessed Trinity was present thereat we conclude his baptisme was the same with ours onely heerin lyeth the difference in the circumstance of time Iohn baptised in christ that should suffer death and rise againe we baptise in the name of Christ already dead and risen againe to life Against this euident truth directly confirmed Bellarmine the Iesuite taketh diuers exceptions and maketh many obiections all which stumbling blocks lying in the way wherat many stumble are to be remoued before we conclude this chapter For he reasoneth thus The baptisme of Iohn was instituted by Iohn himselfe not by Christ he was not the minister onely but the author thereof therefore it was no Sacrament at all especially of the new Testament and consequently not the same with the baptisme of christ I answer we must consider in this reason the base and vile account that the Iesuites make of Iohns baptisme they make it an idle and vaine Ceremony without fruite or force and no Sacrament or seale of heauenly grace Againe if Iohns baptisme were no Sacrament then CHRIST which receiued no other outward Baptisme receiued no Sacrament and we should be baptised with an other 〈◊〉 then Christ was Furthermore shal we heare with patience and hold our peace when these Iesuites or 〈◊〉 Iebusites 〈◊〉 enemies of the people of God belch out their 〈◊〉 and blot Iohns baptisme out of the 〈◊〉 of sacraments and admit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 false and 〈◊〉 Sacraments of 〈◊〉 Penance Orders Matrimony and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lastly what intolerable boldnes or blindenesse is there in these bayards
THE BADGES OF CHRISTIANITY OR A Treatise of the Sacraments fully declared out of the word of God Wherein the truth it selfe is proued the doctrine of the reformed Churches maintained and the errors of the church of Rome are euidently conuinced by pervsing wherof the discreet Reader may easily perceiue the weake and vnstable grounds of the Roman religion and the iust causes of our lawfull separation Diuided into three BOOKES 1. Of the Sacraments in generall 2. Of Baptisme 3 Of the Lords Supper shewing the intention of this present worke opening the differences among vs about the question of the Supper discouering the Idolatry and diuisions of the Popish Cleargy and vnmasking the insolent bragging of the late Warn-word touching the supposed and pretended vnity thereof By WILLIAM ATTERSOLL Minister of the Word of God 1. Cor. 12 13. For by one spirit we are all baptized into one body whether we be Iewes or Graecians whether bond or free and haue bin al made to drinke into one spirit August tract 80 in Iohan. 13. Accedat Verbum ad elementum et fit sacramentum that is Ioine the word of Christs institution with the outward sign and thereof is made a sacrament Printed by W. Iaggard dwelling in Barbican 1606. To the right Worshipfull Sir Iohn Shurley Knight one of his Maiesties Iustices of the Peace in the County of Sussex Grace and peace in Iesus Christ. RIght woorshipfull it is not vnknowne that fundry means haue from time to time been offered and vsed for the reclaiming and recouering of such as dangerously follow the spirit of errour and dayly reuoult to the Romish religion which hath beene aduanced by tyrany defended by lyes and is now sought to be restored againe by trecheries and rebellions But notwithstanding the many meanes which heretofore haue beene wisely practised we see of late the aduersaries of the grace of god as a pestilent brood of vipers mightily to increase and multiply sending abroad swarmes of their Iesuites and Seminary Priestes not onely to infect the people of the land with the leauen of false doctrine and to sow their darnel in the lords field but to seduce them from their alleageance and to stir vp sedition for the lessening of whose number and suppressing of their power nothing is more necessary then to establish a godly and learned ministery in euery congregation And howsoeuer wholsome lawes haue beene enacted penalties increased conferences with them vsed disputations offered their books answered and sundry other wayes taken by magistrates and ministers yet we shall neuer attaine the ende of our desired hopes vntill euery church haue a learned and painefull Pastor to be resident and remaining among them For albeit Antichrist in this noble kingdome hath long since receiued a notable foyle and fall and the purple whore beene dismounted from her vsurped dignity yet this monster hauing taken this deadly wound will be alwayes looking backe and seeking to sette his footing againe in this realme if good corne be pulled vp and the weeds suffered to growe or if the strongest pillars bearing vp the house be remooued and rotten postes set to vnder prop it and vnlesse he be quelled and conquered by the preaching publishing of the gospell of Christ. Therefore Christ our Sauiour hauing sent out the 70. disciples into euery citty and place whether hee himselfe shoulde come to prepare the hearts of the people after their return said vnto them I saw Satan like lightning fall down from heauen And the Apostle declareth that when the lord Iesus led captiuity captiue he gaue gifts to men and ordained pastors and teachers for the gathering together of the Saintes for the woorke of the ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ. And vntill this holy order and ordinance of Christ which is the power of god to saluation vnto all that beleeue be set vp we can conceiue no hope how the ignorant shoulde be instructed the seduced be regained out of the hands of such deceitfull woorkmen as vnder a colour of conuersion of the land doe seek the vtter subuersion of the church and common wealth Hence it is that the Iesuits who haue gotten the dominion ouer the rest of that generation spare no labour refuse no paines let passe no practise by word or writing to effect their purposes In regard of whose vnweariable diligence it cannot be denied but many of vs haue been too slack slothfull in resisting the approach of these violent intruders For whiles we preach the word of reconciliation euen Christ crucified build vp our people in the doctrin which is according to godlines we doe not bende our forces as we ought to surprise and suppresse the common aduersary Whiles wee sowe the lordes fielde with good corne we suffer the enuious man to scatter his tares accounting it sufficient to teach the trueth to the flock dedending vpon vs and esteeming it better seruice to god to saue one soule then to ouerthrow and destroy many aduersaries Not much vnlike to Scipio African the Romane captain who as Plutarke witnesseth was oftentimes wont to say that he had rather saue the life of one Romane citizen then to kill and conquer a thousand enimies But it is the duty of a good builder not onely to reare vp the worke in hand but to remoue the rubbadge and reliques that hinder the building It is the duty of a good husbandman not onely to sowe his field with good seede but to plucke vp the weedes and gtub vp the thornes that choake the corne It is the duty of a good watchman not onely to see to them in the citty but to descry and discouer the enimy It is the duty of a painfull shepheard not only to feed the sheep but to follow and finde out the foote steps of the wolfe Here vpon the Apostle Paul exhorteth the elders of Ephesus to take heed to themselues and to all the flocke whereof the holy ghost had made them ouerseers to feede the church of god which he hath purchased with his owne bloude because after his departure grieuous woolues shoulde enter in not sparing the flock but speaking peruerse things to draw desciples after them If then the enimies of god and his people be vigilant and watchfull to seduce the simple and to subuert religion how carefull and cheerefull ought we to be not onely to teach the people committed to our charge but to resist with hād and hearte all those that vndermine the good estate of the church among vs. Like vnto the people of god after the returne from captiuity who did build the wal with one hand and held their swordes and weapons in the other For this cause I haue put in writing this treatise following containing the doctrine of the Sacraments being the ordinances of god and the badges of christians whereby all discreet and indifferent men may perceiue the trueth of them cleerly opened out of the woord of
all sides that without consecration and sanctification there can be no Sacrament for without this halowing the matter in 〈◊〉 is bare water the bread in the Supper is bare bread the Wine is Common Wine Now euery creature is sanctified by the word of God and by prayer as the Apostle teacheth 1 Tim. 4. and therefore we cannot assure our hearts that god wil blesse any other creatures as fish or flesh in stead of bread water or beere in stead of Wine seeing the word hath not sanctified these elementes for this purpose They are sanctified by the worde for the ordinary nourishment of our bodyes but they are not by any speciall worde sanctified for the vse of the Sacramentes If then it be simply vnlawfull to change any thing in the matter of the 〈◊〉 no pretence or necessity can 〈◊〉 make it lawsull And as when a lawfull Minister is wanting a pryuate person may not be taken so when the matter appoynted for the administration of this sacrament is missing an other may not bee assumed For as well may wee change the minister of the Sacrament into a pryuate man as the bread and Wine being the signes into another matter If the Sacraments cannot be had according to the precise and pure institution of Christ they may lawfully be deferred or omitted for the danger standeth not in the want as wee haue declared before so long as we are free from the contempt of them The fourth generall vse arising ioyntly from both the signes is if Christ deliuered and the Disciples receiued bread and wine as the outwarde signes of this Sacrament then we learne that the doctrine of transubstantiation is a dotage of mans inuention Though this deuise be now receiued in the Roman church as a matter of saluation as an Article of faith and a maine point of religion that by vertue of these words This is my body this is the cup of the new Testament the substaunce of breade and wine is gone and nothing remaineth but onely the shewes likenes and appearance of them yet if we examine the matter by the words of institucion by the nature of a sacrament by the proportion of faith by the true properties of a true humain body by force of reason by iudgement of the sences by confession of the aduersaries themselues and by the manifold contradictions among themselues we shall find it to be a late deuise inuention of the Papists first decreed and determined in the counsel of Laterane vnder pope Innocentius the 3. in the raigne of King Iohn of England not yet 400. years ago There it was hatched at that time and made a main matter of faith aproued in the church of Rome but yet not then receiud ouer al the world This error is a spice of the error of Marcus who went about to make his fellows and followers beleeue that he did trāsubstantiate wine into blood in the sacrament Thus do the church of Rome at this day he was he noted for an heretick by the fathers I wil not for shortnes sake bring all the reasons that might be broght to ouerthrow and ouerturn the turning of the bread into the body of Christ and the wine into his blood but alleage some few among many wherunto we require them to answer if they can Neither let thē pretend that they haue bin answerd already inasmuch as no sound and certain answer can be brought vnto them to satisfie vs or themselues Our reasons for the present shal be these First that which Christ took in his hands he brake that which he brake he gaue that which he gaue his Disciples he commanded them to eat that which hee commaunded them to eate hee calleth his bodye This appeareth by the testimony of the Euangelistes and coherence of the words But he tooke bread and brake it therefore he gaue bread he commanded to eat bread he saide of the bread This is my body Now if he tooke bread but brake it not or if he brake bread but gaue it not or if he gaue bread to his Disciples to eat but told them not this which he gaue them but some other thing beside that was his body the latter part of the 〈◊〉 starteth from the beginning and the middle swarueth from them both Secondly the Apostle after the words of consecration doth oftentimes call it bread as 1 Cor. 11. As often as ye shall eat this bread and drinke this cup ye shew the lords doath til he come And againe Whosoeuer shall eat this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily shall be guiltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord. And againe Let a man examme himselfe and so let him eat of this bread and drinke of this cup. These men say it is not bread the Apostle saith it is bread whether of these we shall beleeue iudge you So in the former chapter hee saith the bread which we breake is it not the commanion of the body of Christ Likewise touching the other signe our sauiour expressely calleth it wine after the thanks giuing Mat. 26. I will not drinke hencefoorth of this fruit of the vine vntill that day when I shall drinke it new with you in my fathers kingdome This fruit of the vine is wine therfore the substance of it remaineth Now if the bread had bene turned into the body or the wine into the blood of Christ and if the Apostle would haue spoken properly he should haue said As often as ye shall eat not this bread but this body of Christ vnder the forme of breade the blood of Christ vnder the forme of Wine And againe he that eateth the body and drinketh the blood of Christ vnworthily And againe let a man examine himselfe and so let him eat and take in his mouth the very body of Christ his creator But thus the Apostle hath not spoken neither could he so speake truely properly and fitly therefore we do truely properly and fitly conclude that there is no 〈◊〉 Thirdly Christ speaking of the cup saith Take diuide it among you and of the bread he saith he tooke it and brake it But if the substance of bread be abolished or changed into the body of Christ and likewise the nature of the wine turned into the blood of Christ there could be no true distributing or breaking for the blood of Christ is not deuided into parts neither is his body broken Fourthly if the strength or force of transubstantiation depend vpon these words of institution This is my body This is my blood then there can be no reall change before these words be fully finished and pronounced to the end I herefore when they begin to say 〈◊〉 is What is it What mean they I say it is Is it any other then bread and wine by their owne confession till the wordes bee ended So then these sentences shall not be true when they say 〈◊〉 is my body this is my blood
Scripture and nothing by them is added to the Scripture Now as the fathers of the Greeke Church called these holy rites by name of Misteries because the substance of them was onely knowne to the members of the Church and hidden from others so the ancient teachers of the Latine Church called them Sacraments in respect of the affinity and neerenesse betweene them and a Sacrament For a Sacrament properly is that solemne othe in Warre by which Souldiers bound themselues to their chiefe Captaine Such a regard had the old Romaines in the discipline of their Warres that it was not lawfull for any to kill an enemy or enter into the battell to fight vnlesse he were sworne a Souldier So when we are partakers of these holy signes which God hath appointed in his Church by which he bestoweth vpon vs spirituall gifts we do bind our selues to him wee professe openly his true religion we vowe to fight vnder his banner against our enimies so that they are testimonies and tokens of the couenant betweene God and vs that he is our god and we bind our selues to be his people to serue him and no other god So circumcision was a seale of Gods promise to Abraham and a seal of Abrahams faith and obedience toward god By them man is bound to God and God vouchsafeth to bind himselfe to man Wherfore the word sacrament being translated from the campe to the Church from the soldiour to a christian from a ciuill vse to an holy let vs see in this sence and signification what it is Now the word being borrowed from warres is taken two waies first in a generall signification and may comprehend al maner of signes whether naturall or myraculous or voluntary which God commanded men to vse to assure them of the vndoubted truth of his promise as when he gaue to Adam in the Garden the tree of life to be a pledge of his immortality the Rain-bow to Noah and his posterity sometimes he gaue them miraculous signes as light in a smoaking Furnace to Abraham the fleece wet the earth being dry and the earth wet the fleece being dry to Gideon to promise and performe victory to Gedeon In this large acception of the worde we do not intreat of the Sacraments we speak properly of those which God hath left to be ordinary in his Church to bee seales of our communion with Christ and of the righteousnes which is by faith A Sacrament thus considered is a visible signe and seale ordained of God whereby Christ and all his sauing graces by certaine outward rites are signified exhibited and sealed vp vnto vs. In this description we are to consider these 3. things First the whole kind or general secondly the cause or author thereof and lastly the vse of this doctrine deliuered Touching the first wheras it is said that a sacrament is a visible signe and seale this is prooued and confirmed in sundry places of the scripture as Gen. 17. speaking of circumcision he saith It shall be a signe of the 〈◊〉 betweene me and thee And Rom. 4. speaking of Abraham he saith he receyued the signe of circvmcision as a seale of the righteousnesse of faith Indeed a signe and a seale differ one from another as the generall from the especiall for euery seale is a signe but euery signe is not a seale A seale certifieth assureth and confirmeth a thing a signe only sheweth it but a Sacrament doth both It is a signe to signifie and represent a seale to ratifie and assure an instrument to confer and conueigh Christ with al his benifits to them that truely beleeue in him a pledge vnto vs of Gods promises a visible word and as a notable glasse wherein we may behold assured testimonies of Gods eternall fauour of the riches of his grace which he bestoweth vpon vs. This teacheth vs to acknowlege there is more inthe Sacraments then is seen with the eies or felt with the hands therfore we must not conceiue vnreueretly of them nor come negligenly vnto them making them meere carnal and outward things but we must thinke reuerently speake soberly receiue humbly and penitently these holy misteries Againe heereby we are brought to beleeue the promises of god for if the Sacraments be not only signes of his fauour but seales of our faith can we doubt of his mercy and good meaning toward vs hauing left such pawnes and pledges thereof with vs that we might haue assured comfort and comfortable assurance of saluation and eternall life Is it not among men matter of assurance and a note of true dealing to haue a pledge left with vs But behold God hath left vnto vs two pawnes of his promises as it were an earnest-penny that our faith should not wauer If then his alone word be al suffycient hauing a noble addition of the Sacramentes as of his seales let vs beleeue his promises and in all tentations rest vpon them with all confidence and consolation Secondly it is saide a sacrament is a diuine ordinance Not any Angell or Arch-angell not any Prince or prelat but onely God himselfe is the author and ordainer of the Sacramentes This appeareth by many witnesses out of the worde of God I haue set my bow in the cloud and is shall be for a signe of the couenant betweene me and the earth and when I shall couer the earth with a cloud and the bow shall be seene in the cloud then wil I remember my couenant which is between me and you Where we see that when God determined to be mercyfull vnto the world and neuer to drowne the same with water againe as he had drowned it he gaue them a signe of his promise to wit His bow in the cloudes When God would witnesse and stablish to Abraham and his seede after him the promise of his mercy he ordained a Sacrament to confirme the same Gen. 17. This is my couenant which ye shall keepe betweene me and you let euery man child among you be circumcised And the Apostle saith I haue receiued of the Lord that which I haue deliuered vnto you And Christ himselfe instituted Baptisme sent forth his disciples to preach the Gospell All these testimonies as a cloud of witnesses do confirm vs in this truth that non hath power autority in the church to institute a Sacrament but God only And the reasons are apparant First the Sacraments belong to the seruice worship of god now it resteth not in man to appoint prescribe a seruice of God but to retaine and embrace that which is taught by him For in vain they worship him teaching for doctrines mens precepts Againe the Sacramentall signes haue Gods promises annexed vnto them confirming vs in the same which they could not doe but by the blessyng and benefit of him that promiseth so that God onely is able to bestow grace and he alone can appoint true signes of grace For as he only
are present to communicate and receiue this were to commit sacriledge not to deliuer a Sacrament Wherefore vnlesse there be a body to be washed except there be communicants to partake the Supper there can be no Sacrament This appeareth by the words of God to Abraham giuing vnto him circumcision saying Euery male-child of eight daies old shall be circumcised This also appeareth in the words of Christ speaking of baptisme and charging the Apostles to baptize the nations in the name of the father and of the son of the Holy-ghost Where he teacheth that it is not sufficient to take water but there must be a washing So. when he speaketh of his supper he saith Take ye eate ye drinke ye so that there must not only be bread but giuing taking and eating there must not onely bee wine but giuing taking and drinking thereof This truth being euidently deliuered let vs see how it may be profitably applied First of all must the Sacraments necessarily be receiued Then it teacheth that the Sacraments without their lawfull vse are no sacraments at all they are no signes of grace if they be not vsed This condemneth the keeping reseruing holding vp and carying about with pompe and ostentation the Lords supper offering vp kneeling downe vnto and adoring a piece of bread all which are horrible prophanations of that comfortable Sacrament whereby the people isrobbed and depriued of a precious part of their peace in Christ. The bread feedeth not the body reuiueth not the spirits strengthneth not the heart by looking and gazing vpon it by touching and handling it but by eating digesting and feeding vpon it so doth the sacrament strengthen faith not by reseruing and keeping it but by vsing and receiuing of it For sacramentes are actions not dumbe shewes Christ saide not Heare ye see ye gaze re on but baptize ye eate ye drinke ye doe ye this in remembrance of me Secondly are the receiuers an outward part of the Sacrament Then the persons that are to receiue must know that diuers duties are to bee done and performed of them The persons then that are to receiue must ioyne with the Minister in prayer in quickning their faith in the couenant and promises ofGod beholding the former works of the Minister blessing breaking pouring out and distributing ratifieng them in their harts and lastly by receiuing and applying to themselues the visible signes For as we haue shewed if the words of baptisme should be rehearsed ouer the water and no person to be present to be baptized it is no baptisme so if the words of institution in the supper should be spoken and repeated without eating without drinking without receiuing it were no Sacrament Wherefore we must all learne to detest the absurd opinion of Bellarmine and other procters of the Romish religion which teache that the breade and Wine being once consecrate whither they be receiued or reserued whither they bee distributed to be eaten and drunke or whether they be kept in boxes and vessels of the Church for daies moneths and long times and carried solemnly in procession are notwithstanding still the Sacrament of the body and bloode of Christ. Against which dotage wee spake in the former vse and shall speake more in the third booke following Lastly if the receiuing be an outward part then we are not to rest in the outward participation for so farre went Iudas in the Passeouer so farre went Simon that sorcerer in baptisme and so farre went the Israelites as the Apostle sheweth They were all baptized vnto Moses in the cloud and in the sea they did all eat the same spirituall meat and did al drink the same spirituall drinke c yet with many of them was not god pleased but they were ouerthrowne in the Wildernesse And therefore Iohn Baptist said to the Pharisees and Saduces when he saw them come to his baptisme O generation of vipers who hath forewarned you to flee from the anger to come bring foorthe therefore fruit worthy amendment of life Now our righteousnes must exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharisees if wee woulde enter into the kingdome of heauen Let vs all therefore haue this profitable meditatiō so often as we deale with the Sacraments and come vnto them we must looke further then to the outward sight we must consider more then the externall signe otherwise as we approch without preparation so we depart without edification And thus much of the foure outward parts of a Sacrament to wit the minister the word the signe and the receiuer Chap. 8. Of consecration BEfore we proceede to the inward parts of a Sacrament answerable to the outward by a fit proportition it shall not be amisse in this place to speake somewhat of the Consecration of a sacrament First wee must consider what it is for the truth being knowne it will cast downe errour as the light scattereth the darknesse To consecrate then is to take a thing from the ordinary and common vse and to appoint it to some holy vse This therefore is Consecration sanctification and dedication of the outward signes to apply them to an holy purpose This is done partly by the minister partly by the people and partly by them both The minister taketh the water in Baptisme which signifieth the blood of Christ and he poureth it on the person of the baptized he taketh the bread in the Lords supper and breaketh it he taketh the wine and poureth it out he deliuereth them both the people take and receiue they eate and drinke in remembrance of Christ and both minister and people ioynein praier and thanksgiuing vnto God the father for the mistery of our redemption accomplished by Christ our sauiour so that the sacrament is consecrated by the whole action of the minister and people together This maketh the difference betweene common water and the water in Baptisme this maketh the difference betweene that bread and wine of the Supper and the bread and wine which is vsed for ordinary meate and drinke True it is in nature in essence in substance there is none but in the ende and vse Common water we vse for the washing of our bodies but the water in Baptisme is sanctified by prayer to an other vse to be a signe of the clonsing of the soule Bread and wine at mens tables in their houses are set before them for the nourishment of their bodies but at the Lords l'able they are ordained of God to an higher and holier vse euen to be signes of the bodye and blood of Christ. This is noted by the Euangelistes and by the Apostle Paule that the Lord Iesus before he brake the bread and gaue it he blessed and gaue thankes to his father that he had appointed him to be the redeemer of the world and giuen him authority to institute this Sacrament in remembrance of his death and passion For wheras the Euangelist Mathew saith he blessed the other by way
hath giuen vnto vs that we should be called the sonnes of god he loued us gratiously and free'y he loued vs when we were enemics nvto him and spared not his owne sonne but gaue him to death for vs all doe not these thinges deserue loue againe are we not bound to shew duty for these mercies and loue to our brethren for this loue of our God and yet many regard neither these blessings of god neither to walke in vprightnes of hart before him Chap. 15. Of the third vse of a Sacrament THus much of the second vse the third vse of the Sacraments is to be badges and markes of our Christian profession that therby one of vs should acknowledge an other to be of one houshold and of one family of one society and as it were birds of one feather For heereby we doe manifest whose we are whom weserue to what house we belong and to what people and church we are thereby gathered into one religion and distinguished from other sects we are gathered into one church and knit together in one as Eph. 2. Remember that ye being in times past Gentiles in the flesh and called vncircumcision of them which are caled circumcision in the flesh made with hands ye were at that time without Christ without God without hope but now in Christ Iesus ye which once were farre off are made neare by the blood of Christ. The Iewes by circumcision were distinguished from other people and the name of vncircumcifed was reprochfull they were accounted vncleane vnholy persons for the vncircum cised males wer to be cut off from the number of the people of god So by baptisme we are seperated from all other religions and are consecrated only to christian religion and such as continue vnbapti sed with contempt of that sacrament we take them not for our brethren nor for the people of god nor for members of his church because they refuse to take the sacrament of baptisme as the badge and cognizance by which they shoulde be known such as are Athiests Infidels Sarazens Turkes Persians Moores Iewes and other nations that want this mark to be discerned to belong to the family of christ Christ Iesus sending out his Apostles bad them teach and baptize the Gentiles to whom he directed them therefore where the word and Sacraments are there is a church and congregation of the people of god And he that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued And hereunto commeth that saying When the Apostles had exhorted the people to amend their liues and to saue themselues from that froward generation Then they that gladly receiued the word were baptized and they continued in the Apostles doctrin and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers and the same day there was added to the Church three thou sand soules Thus we see that by the sacraments as by certaine bandes and chains God knitteth and bindeth his people to himselfe and keepeth them in his couenant least they shold fall away to infidelity And the people are warned that by these outward signes they differ from the barbarous and vnbeleeuing gentiles and consequently should indeuour and prouide that they likewise differ from them in those thinges that are signified by those signes This osfereth to our considerations very good vses First heereby we are put in mind of our dignity and excellencie Such is our priuiledge and prerogatiue that we do bear the badges of christ our Lord. How do men in this world desire to weare the cloath and shroud themselues vnder the badges of great persons of countenance to protect them how much greater preferment is it to be the seruants of Christ to be gathered vnder his wings and to be his disciples whose seruice is perfect freedome and protection from all euils and whose badges are instrumentes of his sauing graces If this be the glory of the faithfull let vs seeke to maintain our dignity and freedom according as Iohn teacheth Beholde what loue the father hath giuen to vs that we shoulde be called the sonnes of god for this cause the world knoweth you not because it knoweth not him And againe in his gospell As manie as receiued Christ to them he gaue prerogatiue to be sonnes of God euen to them that beleeue in his name which are borne not of blood nor of the flesh nor of the wil of man but of god Whereas on the other side the estate and condition of vngodly men is base vile miserable and contemptible they liue to themselues and to sinne they die to iudgement and condemnation What can be more fearfull what can be more wretched Secondly if we weare the cloath and badge of Christ then we must be bold in the faith and holde out our profession notwithstanding dangers and fear of death For we serue one that is able to beare vs out We see how men belonging to those that are of high place are many times imboldned ther by in lewd practises How much more ought we that haue learned christ to be incoraged in the faith and not to shrink back for fear of offence This was the commendation of the church of Pergamus I know thy works and where thou dwellest euen where Satans throne is and thou keepest my name and hast not denied my faith euen in those daies when Antipas my faithful martir was slaine among you where Satan dwelleth So Christ our sauiour taught his disciples Whosoeuer shal confesse me before men him 〈◊〉 I confesse also before my father which is in heauen But who soeuer shal deny me before men him wil I also denie before my father which is in heauen Wherefore this condemneth those that say I will keepe my conscience to my selfe none shall know my religion but God and my selfe I will not be to forward for feare of after reckonings nor any way countenance such as be forward These men while they suppose to keep their religion to themselues do indeed proclaime openly that they are of no religion For if they did truly beleeue in their harts they would likewise confesse with their tongues according to the saying of the Apostle If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the lord Iesus shalt beleeue in thine hart that god him raised from the dead thou shalt be saued for with the hart man beleeueth vnto righteousnes and with the mouth man confesseth vnto saluation And the Apostle Iames teacheth vs to trye faith by workes as gold by the touchstone Chap 2. Shew me thy faith by thy works and I wil snew thee my faith by my works So then let vs not be ashamed of the Gospell of Christ Which is the power of God to saluation to euerie one that beleeueth and not shrink for troble as deceitfull cloath in the wetting least our maister be ashamed of vs before his father and the holy Angels Th'rdly if the Sacraments be as badges to shew foorth our profession then it
assured paiment yea all the promises of God in him are yea and are in him Amen vnto the glory of God But seeing the goodnesse of God hath abounded in granting vnto vs two Sacraments that where doubting aboundeth there faith might abound much more our sinne is the greater if now we wauer like a waue of the sea tossed of the wind and carried away One tree of life serued Adam to assure him life one raine-bowe sufficed Noah One returne of the fun back ward was inough to Hezekiah and they beleeued If then we seeke a signe behold we haue two giuen vnto vs that hauing two vnchangeable sacraments as it were two witnesses of his worde wee might haue strong consolation The vnbeleeuing Iewes said to christ shew vs a signe and we will beleeue thee Beholde the Lord sheweth vs two visible signes of his spirituall and inuisible graces and shal not we beleeue being stedfast in faith We desire forgiuenesse of sins and assurance therof by these two the Lorde promiseth couenanteth and indenteth to giue the same vnto vs setting the seales to his owne writing Lastly this diuision and numbring vp of the sacramentes serueth to teach that there are not seuen sacraments of the church and so do condemne the fiue supposed and falsely named sacraments maintained of the church of Rome to wit confirmation pennance Matrimony orders and extreame vnction Baptisme we embrace the Lordes supper we acknowledge of these two we moue no question we make no controuersie the other fiue whole father is vnknowne we refuse as bastards and cannot admit them into the number of sacraments the reasons whereof we will render in the chapters following Chap. 17. That confirmation is not a sacrament THe Apostles as the maister-builders of the churches planted the Gospell where the name of Christ had not bin heard Nowe because many seducers arose that trobled the peace of the church and the faith of many beleeuers began to wauer the Apostles agreede together to goe againe to the churches wher they had laid a golden foundation howsoeuer other had builded hay and stubble thereon to see how they increased or decreased as Act. 11. and they confirmed theyr heartes and established them in the faith which they hadde taught And Chap 15. Paule said vnto Barnabas Let vs returne and visit our brethren in euery Citty where we haue preached the word of the Lord and see how they do And we doubt not but when the Gospell was reueiled the Apostles by laying on hands gaue the giftes of the Holy-ghost to the beleeuers in Christ. This practise of the Apostles we finde this we confesse this we approue and allow But of any sacrament of confirmation we read not and therefore allow not Againe it was a laudable custome in the primitiue church of christian parents to bring their children to the Bishop who examined them in the principles and fundamentall points of religion he asked them a reason of their faith he instructed them farther in the misteries of godlines and that this action might haue the more reuerence and dignity they laid their hands vpon them and prayed vnto God for them that he would increase and continue the good things that he had begun in them This imposition of handes with prayer to be strengthened in the Holy-ghost and to haue increase of grace corrupted with annointings depraued with crossings and defiled with sundry superstitions is no sacrament First euery sacrament should haue warant and appointment from Christ but this hath none Secondly it hath no word of institution in the scripture nor commaundement to continue the vse of it vntill the comming of Christ and end of the world and therfore no sacrament For the word must be added to the element and so it is made a sacrament True it is they vse a forged and counterfeit forme in their confirmation I signe thee with the signe of the holie crosse and I confirme thee with the oile of saluation in the name of the father and the son and of the holi-ghost These indeed are wordes but no worde of God they shew an intollerable presumption and not to be excused But indeed a counterfeit Sacrament and there is a good agreement when both writing and seale are sutable that is both forged Thirdly it wanteth an outward signe instituted by Christ. We read oftentimes that the Apostles vsed laying on of hands but we read of no oyle or chrisme Besides we know they gaue thereby the miraculous gifts of the holy ghost which now are ceased as Act. 8. where we see when Samaria was conuerted to the faith by preaching of Phillip and baptized in the name of the Lord Iesus the Apostles sent thither Peter Iohn who praied for them That they might receiu the Holy-ghost for as yet he was fallen down on none of thē then laid they their hands on them and they receiued the Holy-ghost This confirmation thus vsed had then a profitable vse in the church of God But as the brasen Serpent commaunded by God and set vp by Moyses for good purpose was afterward abused and incense offered vnto it and lastly was by that good king Hezekiah destroyed and demolished so popish confirmation hith many intolerable abuses mingled with it it is ministred in a strange tongue that none vnderstand what is spoken and ment they call the oyle the oyle of saluation they acount him no perfect Christian that is not anointed by the Bishop they prefer it before baptisme because any of their piiests may baptize nay priuate men nay women in their supposed time of necessity but confirmation may be giuen among them onely by the hands of a byshop and lastly they blow and halow their oyle that it may be made a spirituall oyntment to purifie soule and body These errors are so grosse that of euery one they may be seene they are so palpable that they may bee felt Wherfore seeing their confirmation is wrought by anoynting seeing it hath no word of God but a word of their own seeing they haue no commaundement for it nor promise of the presence of the Holy-ghost and last of all seeing it hath many abuses ioyned with it wee haue very iust causes to thrust it out of this place and ranke of the sacraments and throw it downe from that high seate which 〈◊〉 hath long vsurped Chap. 18. That popish penance is no Sacrament THe doctrine of repentance and turning from all our sinnes to God to bring forth fruits of amendment of life is taught in the Sacraments and commended vnto all Ioel. 2. Turne you vnto me withall your heart and rent your heart not your garments There is none that liueth and sinneth not we are corrupt and become abhominable the imaginations of our hart are only euill and that continually in vs that is in our flesh or vnregenerate part there dwelleth no good thing we were conceiued and borne in sin and therfore whosoeuer saith He is
other If then any should baptize otherwise then in the name of the Trinity or should name the sonne to be vnequall to the father or should deny the proceeding of the Holy-ghost or should baptize in the name of the Virgin Mary and the Saints this cannot be the Sacrament of baptisme instituted by Christ but a Ceremony made voide and frustrate by our owne inuentions Chap. 5. Of the third outward part of baptisme THe third outward part of baptisme is the element of water which is the matter whereof baptisme consisteth This truth is taught in diuerse places of the new testament Indeeds I baptize with water And Ioh. 1 because he should bee declared to Israell therefore am I come baptizing with water Knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water he saide vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see the spirit come 〈◊〉 and tarrie still on him that is he which baptizeth with the Holy-ghost So Act. 8 36. As they went on their way they came vnto a 〈◊〉 ater and the Enuruch said See heere is water what doth let me to be baptized then he commaunded the chariot to stand stil and they went downe both vnto the water both Phillip and the Eunuch and he baptized him And chap. 10. Can anie man forbidde water that these should not be baptized which haue receiued the Holy-ghost as well as we Nothing is so apt to set sorth the blood of christ and his merits as water which is sit to clense and wash and leaueth no filth behind vpon the body by which outwarde worke Christ would haue vs feele the inward purging and purifying of the soule The vse of this outward part is three-fold First it teacheth that the minister may not baptize with any other liquor and element then with naturall common and ordinarie water whereunto answere the flood the red sea and the Iewish purifyings vnder the law The curious questions whether wanting water we may baptise with sande or water distilled and compounded came at the first from the dangerous and bloody opinion that they are damned which die vnbaptised If any demaund whether sweet waters and distilled may be taken and vsed or mingled with common water especially when children of such as are in high place are to be baptised sealed into the couenant therby to note a difference betweene person and person forasmuch as god hath listed vp the head of one aboue another I answere all power is indeede of god and we with hart and tongue do giue honour to whome honour pertaineth and feare to whome feare belongeth Notwithstanding all mixture of the water is mans inuention and an human tradition which in GODS woorshippe is not to be admitted Whatsoeuer is mingled with common Water is a corruption whatsoeuer the partie be that is baptised The Apostle teacheth that the church hath all one baptisme not one manner of baptizinge the poore and another of baptizing the rich Besides why might wee not allowe mixture of water with Wine in the Lordes supper as well as the mixture of compound water with common water in the sacrament of baptisme Furthermore if there might lawfully bee admitted a different manner of baptising the children of rich-men and the children of poore men then in the other Sacrament the like distinction might be receiued and so a finer kinde of breade be prouided for the richer sort by themselues and a courser sort for the poore by themselues which seperation the Apostle reproueth in the church of 〈◊〉 and calleth it a despising of the Church and a shaming of the poore For in the exercises of religion there ought to be no difference of persons for all are one in Christ Iesus and therefore the Noble Eunuch mentioned Act 8. was baptised by Phillip with ordinary water Now if no composition may be mingled then much lesse may any other signe be vsed and so the element clean chaunged and the ordinance of God altred for the church of God hath no liberty to bring any other signe in place of water If a man were baptised with sande with bloude with wine with milke with snowe with oyle and such lickor it is no baptisme at all but a meere voide and ydle action such a person must afterwarde be sprinkled or washed with water not that any should be rebaptized but because all persons should be once baptised the former action being meerely frustrate Although the forme of words be retained in the administration which our sauiour commandeth and the body be washed in the name of the three persons the father the sonne and the Holy-ghost yet if such an errour be committed in the matter that the signe be changed and another foysted in contrary to the precept of Christ and practise of the Apostles ther is a nullitie of the whole work the partie be-sanded or be-bloodied or oyled is erroneously and vnlawfully not truely and effectuallye baptised Nadab and Abihu are smitten with lightning from heauen for bringing strange fire into the tabernacle whereas they should haue taken of that fire which GOD had appointed though other fire would as well haue consumed the offering And are not all other elementes as strange fire that are brought into this sacrament beside water Or haue we greater liberty to change Gods ordinaunces in the gospell then the Iewes had vnder the Law When GOD appointed the burnt offering to be offered and commanded the people to bring either bullocks out of the heard either Sheepe or Goates out of the folde either Turtle-doues or young Pigeons from amonge the birds being thus limited and restrained might they bring an Asse or an Elephant or a Camell unto him might they cut osf a dogges necke or offer swines flesh before the Lord So whereas God hath ordained the sacrament of baptisme to be administred and hath willed it to bee done with water most common most vsuall most plentifull most fit most significant shall we take sand or saw-dust oyle or other element then god hath allowed The Lorde likewise threatning a generall dearth of Corne Wine and Oyle of which things many of their offeringes and oblations consisted sheweth that the priestes shoulde Weepe and waile because the Meat-offerings and Drinke-offeringes should cease But what neede was there either that the priests shoulde haue lamented or the offeringes haue ceased if they might haue vsed other elementes other signes or other matter then GOD approoued If they might haue taken water in steed of wine or Milke in stead of oyle Or if they might haue taken vncleane beastes in stead of cleane Or the Fishes of the Sea in steade of the Beastes of the fielde Or creeping thinges for their Offerings in steed of such as chewe the cudde and diuide the hoofe Nowe howe can it bee better Warraunted to vs to take oyle for Water then it was for them to take Water for oyle Againe heereby all Popish corruptions and mixtures brought into this
as it ought to be desired or if by godlesse parents it be deferred and neglected yet saluation is not tyed and glued to the outward water Away then with he doctrine of the church of Rome touching the absolute necessity of baptisme and touching children that dye without it a beastly and bloody doctrine ioyned with rigour and cruelty full of error and feare vncharitable in it selfe presumptuous by entring into Gods secret iudgments impious by binding him to second causes ordinary means iniurious to thousands of poore infants discomfortable to al good parents blasphemous against the bottomlesse mercy of a gratious God who hath saide I will be thy God and the God of thy seede where he maketh a coueuant of saluation with vs and our children not adding any condicion of baptisme if it cannot be had as it ought to be If it cannot be had by the infant the spirit of God doth worke the effectuall knitting of them to the body of Christ by a secret working as pleaseth him instead of ordinary meanes For when our sauiour had saide Mar. 16 He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued 〈◊〉 doth not adde contrariwise hee that is not baptized shall be damned but annexeth only He that beleeueth not shal be condemned Thus we haue shewed the malice and madnesse of Satan against poore insants and how he hath vsed proud and pestilent instruments to effect his purpose partly the Anabaptistes who deny Baptisme to their bodies and partly the Papistes who deny saluation to their soules for want of baptisme Chap. 6. Of the forth outward part of baptisme THe last outvvard part of baptisme is the body that is washed For we haue shewed before that the sacramentes without their vse are no sacramentes And albeit the word ioyned to the signe make a sacrament yet this presupposeth a minister to administer it receiuer to take it and then the rule is most certainely to be admitted Now whether the whole body should be washed or a part of the body whether it should be washed once or oftner whether it should be dipped or sprinkled we are neither curiously to enquire nor seriously to contend nor rashly to determine but rest in practise of the church and in the custome os the countrey as in a thing in it owne nature indifferent The dipping and plunging into the water vsed by Iohn Baptist and the Apostles in Iudea and such hote regions are not a necessary rule to bee drawne into imitation especially in these cold quarters and countries But let vs see who they are that haue right and interest in baptisme and who are capable of this Sacrament For not euery one without respect without difference without distinction is to be admitted to this priuiledge because they are not fit receiuers thereof If a minister should take the outward element and vse the word of institution baptizing in the name of the father of the sonne and of the Holy-ghost yet it can bee no Sacrament vnlesse the receiuer haue warrant and authority to receiue it If he should baptize a stone or an image or a bruit beast without reason and vnderstanding these are no fit receiuers heere is an apparant and flat nullity where by appeareth farther the truth of the former rule that besides the ioyning of the worde to the outward signe their is necessarily required a fitted person to be partaker of the sacrament as is more at large expressed book 3. Chap. 3. To proceed wee must know that the receiuers are such as are within the couenant and such as professe the truth whether in truth or not wee leaue to GOD that searcheth the heartes and raines let vs not iudge another mans seruant he standeth or falleth to his owne maister Againe such as are borne in the couenant are of two sortes First men and women of yeares secondly infants that are the seede of the faithfull For the faithfull do beleeue for themselues and for others as in bargaines they 〈◊〉 and contract for themselues and their heires after them for euer Although children cannot be saide to be saued by their fathers faith no more then to liue by the fathers soule inasmuch as the prophet teacheth That the iust shall liue by his owne faith yet the faith of the parents maketh their children to be counted in the couenant who by reason of their age cannot yet actually beleeue as they that want all knowledge and vnderstanding not discerning the right hand from the left Euery man liueth this temporall life by his owne soule so euery man liueth the eternall life by his own faith True it is baptis me is a common seale But as all haue not interest to the pasture herbage and priuiledges of a Commons but onely such as are tenantes according to the custome of the mannor so all haue not title to baptize a Sacrament of the church but onely such as are the Lords people according to the tenor of the couenant Touching the first sort of such as are to be baptized they are men and women of riper yeares who adioyne themselues to the church testifie their repentance hold the foundation of religion and confesse their faith as Act. 8 If thou beleeuest thou 〈◊〉 be baptized The second sort are infants within the couenant which haue both theit parents or one at the least faithfull as 1 Cor. 7 14. The vnbeleeuing husband is sanctified to the wife and the vnbeleeuing wife is sanctified to the husband else were your children 〈◊〉 but now they are holy Where the Apostle she weth that albe it a beleeuer be vnequally yoaked and matched with an vnbeleeuer yet hee is not to be forsaken nor the marriage bedde to be accounted polluted inasmuch as their children are sanctified to God and the Church as well as if they were borne of both parents faithfull For so the children of the Isralites being of the posterity of Abraham are included in the couenant of God We are not curiously to enquire into the secret counsel election of god we must hold all the seede of the faithfull holy vntill they cut off themselues in processe of time openly declare themselus to be strangers from the promises of saluation Againe the same Apostle saith Rom. 11. If the first fruits be holy so is the whole lump if the roote be holy so are the branches So likewise God testifieth Gen. 17. I will establish my couenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an euerlasting couenant to be a God to thee and to thy seede after thee Such onely were circumcised as were within the couenaunt Notwithstanding they which were borne of vnbeleeuing parents and were strangers of the common-wealth of Israel and aliants from the promises of saluation if they acknowledged the errors in which they liued and sought forgiuenes of their former sins wer accounted the children of faithful Abraham were admitted into the Church
is the sacra of repentance and faith though neither of these be in infancy yet they are baptised to the repentance and faith to come which albeit they be not actually formed in them yet by the fruites afterward they shal appeare to be in them Lastly if baptisme should be giuen only to those that truely beleeue it should likewise be denied to such as are of vnderstanding for wee are able to pronounce of these that they do truely beleeue and certainely apprehend the promises of the gospel Wherfore if infants are not to be baptized because they haue not faith and want repentance neither are they of sufficient age to be baptized of whom it cannot be directly and vndoubtedly said they do beleeue Simon the sorcerer mentioned in the Actes of the apostles was baptized and yet remained an hypocrite If they say profession of faith is sufficient to make members of the visible church I answer our sauiour speaketh not of a bare profession of faith when he saith He that beleeueth and is baptized shal be saued for then al that professe faith should receiue The reward of their faith which is the saluationof their soules Againe profession of faith is for such as are capable of it which agreeth not to the age of infants as they cannot deny the faith before men which they haue not acknowledged no more can they confesse the truth of doctrin which they neuer learned Now to be borne in the church and in the couenant is infants in place and stead of an actuall confession and reall profession Such as are growne vp must beleeue with the heart and confesse with the mouth the gospel of saluation it is sufficient for others to bee the children of such as haue confessed the faith Fourthly they obiect in this manner baptisme is giuen for remission of sinnes but infants haue not sinned they therefor cannot be baptized I answer infants commit not actuall sinne yet are guilty of originall sinne they want inherent righteousnesse they haue a pronenesse to all euill their whole nature is corrupted being in the seede of Adam Albeit therefore infants haue not finned after the similitude of Adams transgression in their owne persons yet they haue sinned in him and in his loynes in whom al are dead This the holy man teacheth Iob. 14. Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse There is not one Likewise the prophet Dauid confesseth this truth Psal. 51. Behold I was borne in iniquity and in sinne my mother conceiued me So the Apostle Paule Rom. 5. Death reigned from Adam to Moyses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the manner of the transgression of Adam which was the figure of him that was to oome for as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Wherefore such as holde infants without all guilt of sinne neuer knewe the greatenesse of Adams fall of Gods iustice of mans misery and of Christes endlesse mercy Lastly they obiect that Christ himselfe was not baptized vntill 30 yeares of age I answer no more did he preach before he was thirty yet hence it followeth not that none ought to enter that calling before that age True it is hee that desireth that worthye office must bee no new plant no younger Scholler none lately come to the profession and gathered immediately from heathenish religion to the fellowship of the gospel yet the office of teaching is not tyed to 30 yeares the age may be lesse if the gifts be great and fit for that calling Againe Christ stood not in neede to be baptized in respect of himselfe being without originall or actuall sinne to he washed away and therefore Iohn at the first put him back yet he would be baptized for our sakes to fulfill all righteousnesse to sanctifie our baptisme in himselfe and that thereby we might know he was installed into his osfice But we stand in neede to be baptized to seale vp the washing away of our sinnes and therfore there is a great difference in this respect betweene Chrift and vs. Besides the Euangelist doth testifie that albeit our sauiour were baptized at thirty years of age yet he was circumcised at 8. daies old Now wee haue proued before that the same which circumcision was to the Iewes baptisme is to al christians If then he in his infancy wer circumcised then children in their in fancy may be baptized and are not commaunded to waite thirty yeares for baptisme is our circumcision as the Apostle teacheth but Christ in his infancy was circumcised when the eight dayes were accomplished therfore children in their infancy may be baptized Furthermore baptisme was not hitherto as yet in vse it was not commanded to be vsed when he was a child and therefore he could not possibly be baptized vnlesse we will imagin he might be baptized before baptisme was So that wee see as he would not haue his circumcision deferred one day beyond the time appoynted so hee was presently baptized so soone as baptisme was instituted of God and administred by Iohn Fiftly we are no more tied to this circumstance of time in christs baptisme then we are to other circumstances of time place and persons in the Supper he ministred it in an vpper Chamber and before his passion we in churches before dinner after his resurrection Lastly when the time appointed came that the promised sauior and redeemer of mankinde should manifest himselfe to the world then he shewed himselfe openly then he came to the preaching baptisme of Iohn began to publish the glad tidings of saluation and to exhort men to repent beleeue the gospel These are the chiefest obiections against childrens baptisme that carry any shew and probability of reason which hitherto wee haue dissolued and discussed And this is the second point before propounded Now as we haue seene the truth proued by the scripture and maintained it against all the ignorant cauils of the Anabaptistes and other Arrians of Transiluania that haue oppugned this truth so let vs come to see the benifit of this doctrine and what profit commeth by baptisme of children that are without knowledge without vnderstanding without faith and without repentance What vse can there be of this Much euery way as well as by circumcising an infant of eight daies old First consider from hence a plaine and palpable errour of the Church of Rome that teach that the baptisme of children is by tradition not by deuine institution from their word vnwritten not in the word of God written But we haue confuted the Anabaptistes by the Scriptures and conuinced them by the institution of circumcision by the tenor of the couenant by the holinesse of their birth by their redemption through the blood of Christ and by the practise of the Apostles This is better armour these are stronger weapons this is a sharper sword to cut in
himselfe as he is but disguised not oppugning the truth with manifest violence as an open enemy but masked vnder the cloke of godlines pretending the fairest frendship but intending the greatest deepest mischiefe against God and his truth Who is it therfore that propoundeth false doctrine to the people coloured with the name of Christ and shew of Christian 〈◊〉 Who condemneth marriage vnder the cloke of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vse of the creatures vnder the vizard of fasting Lawfull possessions vnder the pretence of voluntary pouerty Who vnder a false shew of counterfeit deuotion zeale and 〈◊〉 to bleare the eies of the simple and to carry away the hearts of the vnstable hath nourished 〈◊〉 rebellions and Machiauillian practises against lawful princes but he I hese are the marks of Antichrist and these haue been his cunning baits to allure men to his superstition and their owne confusion Moreouer marke the order of their proceeding First they haue gon about to erect the kingdom of Babilon and as it wer to put life into the beast by handling the questions of religion betweene them and vs and to this purpose haue published controuersies dictates Narrations Lectures disputations Demands Motiues Principles Apologies Chalenges Demonstrations and 〈◊〉 of Popish doctrine But being beaten from his bulwark and out of all their sophistry by the sword of Gods spirit which is the word of god they haue sought to gaine get ground of vs another way For wheras they saw 〈◊〉 ouermatched in matters of doctrin they indeuored to excel or at least to equall vs in life and conuersation and 〈◊〉 partly at home and partly abroad they haue penned sundry treatises of Directions Deuotions Reuclations Imitations Memorials Meditations and christian exercises tending to reformation of manners thereby thinking through hipocrisie to win estimation among the simple and to incite men to alow their religion it selfe But finding themselues in processe of time far inferior vnto vs both in purity of doctrine and sincerity of life they haue last of al inuented another shift wherin is lesse honor and more dishonesty to wit by setting downe the debates and disagreements that haue been among our churches and gathering an heape of testimonies out of our own wtiters bitterly inueighing one against another thereby to raise vp 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 the minds of many from vs and to work a deepe dislike of our religion Among other ther is a notable example of a crafty enimy both nameles and shameles who writing against a worthy knight in the common-wealth and a learned docter in the church entituleth himselfe first the Warder and now lately the warner though he shew neither skill in the one nor wisedome in the other and through their sides seeketh to giue a wound to the 〈◊〉 This man pretending nothing against vs but braulings and 〈◊〉 inuectiues ione against another as wel at home as abroad not being able to handle the controuerfies of religiō hath filled his Warn-word with continual allegations of authorities and speaches out of our owne writers as Luther zwinglius Oecolampadius Caluin Beza and diuerse others together with most bitter raylings and calumniations of his own inuention against vs al which if they were taken out of his booke as euil humors out of a body it could not be esteemed worth so many counters as now it is k diuided into encounters There is nothing so hard as to do wel there is nothing so easy as to speak euil Let it therfore of al persons be called for euer not the Warn-word but the Scorn-word being a confuted masse of slanders euil practises to be scorned rather then confuted And albeit it be the deepe subtility and wretched pollicy of our aduersaries to aledge Luther against Zuingilus and one of our writers against another to the end that while they striue about mens words and writings maters of greatest substance may lye buried in silence yet they shall neuer bring vs from the holy defence of gods eternall truth to skirmish with them about mens sayings We wil not leaue the great keies and questions of religion and fall to dispute of matters of inferior nature condicion this wer to wrāgle about nothing and to fill the world with friuolous fruitles writings Let them know we are no more bound to defend and iustyfie Luther and his followers in all their sayings then they will be bound to defend Bellarmine Hofius Harding and other harsh maintainers both of popish opinions and their owne priuate assertions If they will take vpon them to allow whatsoeuer positions and propositions Caietan Durand Canisius Gregorius de Valentia or any of their side hath published let them professe it and giue out so much otherwise they take paines in vaine and offer vs great iniury obiecting against vs words neither vtterd by vs nor aproued of vs. And howsoeuer we agree together better then the aduersaries wish or desire as appeareth By the Harmony of the Churches set forth to be read and vnderstood of all declaring to the world how falsly we are charged with disunion and diuision and shewing the peace and concord betweene the churches of Britaine France Germany Swizerland Denmarke and other places in matters of faith yet I will not deny the gifts of God being diuerse some difference and dissention betweene vs about the sacrament of the Lordes sup which notwithstanding is not so great as hath beene in former times nor so bloody as the aduersaries surmise neither so dangerous and grosse as hath been and is at this day in the church of Rome No age and generation hath seene all Churches following all together one another in all points but some difference hath appeared in doctrine or in discipline or ceremonies or manners or in all yea Byshops haue beene against Byshops Doctors against Doctors fathers against fathers Saints against Saints churches against churches yet were they not heerby rent one from another but ioyned together with hand and hart in the common faith Cyprian dissented from Cornelius and Augustine from Ierome as Lot did from Abraham Was there not a violent and troublesome contention betweene Theophilus of Alexandria and Chrysostome of Constantinople between Cyrill and Theodoritus as great as euer was between Luther and Zuinglius Yet were they Godly learned zelous and excellent pillars of the Church of God in their times Neither is the contention so great or Warre so hote and bloody betweene the reformed churches about the sacrament as is imagined For touching the matter it selfe there is no strife the difference is onely in certaine circumstances First we all acknowledge that the holy signes haue not a bare signification but assure our consciences through the ordinance of God that the things themselues are as truely and certainely giuen of God to all the faithful that come to his supper as the outward signes are deliuered by the minister of God Againe we professe that the supper consisteth of two parts the earthly
misrable people led by such blind guids O miserable guides of such blind people What a wofull condition is this that a man shal liue al the daies of his life in the bosom of their holy mother the church yet her sons and daughters can neuer assure themselus to haue bin baptized thogh they make the want therof a mark of reprobation or euer to haue receiued the Lords supper or euer to haue bin 〈◊〉 or absolued seeing al hangeth vpō the priests intention obseruation ordination This is the lamen table condition of all those that liue vnder the heauy yoake and greeuous bondage of superstition Ther is no peace no comfort no ioy of hart in such a doubtful and doleful religion Wherfore as the Holy ghost saith Go out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues Now among all other abuses of the church of Rome and prophanations of the blessed sacrament of the bodye and blood of Christ none is more notable and notorious then that great Idoll of the Masse being indeede a masse of many abominations And howsoeuer it be greatly liked of those that are enamored of it as the things that are not faire yet seeme faire to them that are in loue it is knowne to the true church to be an heape of errors a lumpe of confusions a bottomlesse gulfe of all blasphemies and an engine that ouerturneth the foundatiō of religion They make the Lordes Supper to bee a sacrifice not a sacrifice of praise and thansgiuing but propitiatory to be offered by a masse-priest for the quicke and the dead to saue man and not onely to saue man but sometimes their Pigs and their Swine from diseases For they haue a masse commonly called the Masse of Saint Antony Yea if a poore womans hen be sicke and ready to be lost shee may procure a Masse to be said for it And heereby although no good redounde to the party yet some gaine shall returne to the Priest who if he see no money wil say no Masse And are not these more beastly and vncleane then swine yea more mad then mad men thus to abuse the holy ordinance of Christ and to turne that to their owne profit which was instituted for the peoples comfort Do they not by this means make the death of Christ of none effect while they offer vp a new that only sacrifice which being once offered hath sanctified vs for euer and yet behold more abhominations then these The right ends of the institution are basely esteemed they make it of speclall force against tempests against sicknes against Warres auaileable to saue cattell to cure the feauer to restore lost things yea profitable for the deade and that Ex opere operato sine bono motu vtentis that is onely being present at the worke done though there be neuer a good motion brought thereunto by him that is present Thus they make the Masse deuised by Antichrist more precious then the holy supper instituted by Christ. Touching the word Masse we must vnderstand that neither the name nor thing ment by the name by the Church of Rome is found in the Scripture nor in any 〈◊〉 and approued Writer for foure hundered yeares after Christ to call the Sacrament or sacrifice by that name Tertullian Cyprian Ierome Augustine Lactantius knew it not these Lataine fathers vsed it not Againe the fathers of the Greeke Church Chrisostome Basill Nazianzene Gregory Nissene and other were neuer acquainted with it they passe by it as a stranger vnto them But as there go many forged and 〈◊〉 Writings vnder the names of the fathers so I deny not but the word Masse may be found in such base and bastard bookes as in Augustines Sermons de tempore Ierom on the Prouerbs which books were neuer made by them but are of another style and of a later stampe And howsoeuer some would deriue it from the Haebrew word Missath which signifieth an oblation yet it seemeth rather to be all one with Missio which importeth a sending away and a licensing to depart and therefore Saint Cyprian saith remissa peccatorum in stead of remssio For this was the order and custome of the Church in former times Nouices and such as were newly planted in the Church being conuerted srom paganisme to Christianity and from infidelity to the faith of Christ and not yet baptized till they were able to giue an answere to such as asked of them a reason of their profession were not suffered to come to the Lords table Likewise such as denying the faith by sinking and shrinking vnder the heate of persecution or committing some other heinous offence were enjoyned to make satisfaction to the church whom they had greeuously offended no withstanding they might be present at the publike praiers the church and at the preaching of the word yet might not be present at the administration of baptism nor receiue the sacrament of the lords supper Wherefore after the prayers were finished and the sermon ended the deaconsaid to such as wer barred either by age or want of susficient knowledge or their owne offence from the sacraments Ite missa est that is Go ye hence ye may depart Moreouer such as would not communicate with their bretheren were willed to depart not to trouble the rest of the church that staied to communicate Of this dismissing and sending away al nouices 〈◊〉 and carelesse persons which either might not or 〈◊〉 not communicate and of this proclamation of the deacon the whole action of the holy communion in processe of time was called the Masse that is a dismissing of all such persons as wer not to communicate But whē through negligence of the people or couetousnes of the priests this order was altered yet the name was retained and now it is vsed for another thing to wit for that solemne action whereby the sacrament is made a sacrifice and offered vp to god to take away the sins of the quick and dead And in this sense we haue iustly abolished both the name and the nature of the Masse inasmuch as it hath frustrated the death of CHRIST and taken from vs the comforte of the Lordes Supper And albeit we deny not but the Lords Supper may truely be called a sacrifice being a memoriall of the real sacrifice of christ offered vpon the crosse being a thaks-giuing to god for the worke of our redemption being a presenting and giuing vppe our selues our soules and bodies to God a liuing holy and acceptable sacrifice and being ioyned with almes and releefe to the poore according to euery mans ability which is a testimony of our thankfulnesse to God yet as they vnderstād it to be a real external bodily and vnbloody sacrifice in the natiue and proper signification and themselues to be truely and propely priests according to the order of Melchisedech to offer
brake they say the meaning is hee did not breake but seemed so to do Touching the next word This the pronoune demonstratiue they say sometimes pointeth out the bread as Bonauenture deliuereth sometimes they say it demonstrates not the bread but indiuidum vagum that is neither bread nor any certaine determined thing else but a thing left at randome and at large in generality but what thing particularly they cannot tell Sometimes they say it demonstrates nothing as Iosephus Angles and Durand misseth not much of that marke when he saith that by This nothing is signified Other say it demonstrateth the body so they make christ to speake foolishly This body is my body and besides by this interpretation it shold be his body before the words of cōsecration Bellarmine as he confesseth the papists his good bretheren agree not in the sense of this word so he inuenteth a new and strange exposition neuer hard off before in the Church or out of the Church in iest or in earnest among the learned or vnlearned that is hoc edulium that is this food is my body this drinke is my blood and yet what foode it was and what drinke it was when that word was vttered he dareth not to determine Thomas of Aquine leaueth it more at large with whom This is as much as Hoc contentum that is that which is contained vnder these shewes Gregorius de Valentia after his fashion saith Christ ment that which he tooke into his hands yet he holdeth he ment not bread so that by this reason without reason Christ tooke not bread into his hands Scotus vnderstandeth hoc ens that is this generall thing that hath a being but what it is when they should declare they stick fast in the mire of their owne deuises Moreouer touching the interpretation of the next word is they likewise muster an Army of many figures Sometimes they expound it this shall be as Occam Sometimes they vnderstand therby is made as Bonouenture blundereth at al aduentures But Bellarmine refelleth both these Sometimes they meane this shall be transubstantiated and changed into the substance of his body Furthermore the words following is giuen they vnderstand shal be giuen is broken they expound shal be broken do this in remembrance of me they expound sacrifice me in remembrance of me Thus they roue and wander vp and downe as men that haue lost the right way and yet will be going rather then stand still Wherefore by these collections we see that these words which stand in construction and order together he tooke blessed brake and gaue they expound on this maner he tooke the bread he blessed it quite and cleane away and in place therof put an other substance hee brake the shewes appearances and accidents of bread then he gaue them his body Behold in these words of christ how many shapes formes figures nay falsehoods they haue inuented and so inuerted them And yet they say they must be taken properly without any manner of figure To conclude this point I wilgiue a short but most sweet tast of the popish diuinity taught in schooles in churches in monasteries in seminaries and in al their meetings by their schoolemen canonists doctors preachers and Byshops When the Euange lists report that christ hauing taken bread brake it blessed and gaue it saying This is my body giuen for you do this in remembrance of me the meaning of Christ according to their interpretation must bee this Christ after his last supper tooke bread into his handes but blessed it to nothing hee brake onely certaine shexes of bread and gaue them his naturall body saying vnto them This which I haue in my handes whether it be bread or not you cannot tel surely foode it is but be it what it may be it is transubstantiated and turned into my body and therefore take it and offer it vp an vnbloody sacrifice for quick and dead and so sacrifice me in remembrance of me Neuer were there such fond and fantasticall figures heard off in the Church of God neuer was such vanity inuented neuer was there so great confusion of tongues at the building of Babell How much better were it for them to forsake these fables and deuises of their owne and to say plainely euidently simply directly and distinctly with the Greeke Scoliast Zumbola tauta alla ouk aletheia that is these be tokens but not the truth it selfe And with Tertullian This is my body that is this is a figure of my body The like wee finde in Chrysostome in many places speaking as cleerely as when the Sun shineth at noone dayes The bread before it be sanctified is called by vs bread but after that it is sanctified by the grace of God it is thought worthy to be called by the name of the body of our Lord notwithstanding that the nature of bread doe still abide in it And in an other place he saith If it be dangerous to conuert sanctified vessels to priuate vses there not being in them the very body of Christ but the mystery of his body c. These things haue so clere euidence of truth taught in those times that Bellarmine hath no way to answere but to inuent this shift that a certaine Disciple of Berengarius did insert and interlace it But who it was or when it was or how it was disclosed and detected he cannot tell and therfore it may iustly be denyed seeing ofhim it cannot be confirmed Besides this were an easie way to answere all allegations and authorities to say they are corrupted by heretikes if such counterfeit coine might go for good payment Thus far of this matter Now if so great variety and dissention bee among them in this one controuersie of the sacrament of the supper to which we might adde infinite moe what an huge heape of differences should wee finde among them if wee should run ouer al the controuersies lying between vs. Let them therefore neuer obiect against vs our diuisions or tell vs of the motes they espy in vs let them rather reconcile themselues one to another and pul out the beames out of their owne eies or else for shame hold their peace doubtles among vs they shal neuer finde greater doubts and differences then haue been among the children and churches of God Now for our further direction touching this point ofdissentionsin the church lately largely debated by this enimy as the cheef obiect and subiect of his Warn-word and dilated through many chap. as welbecame a man of his leisure and learning I wil insist a while vpon this point wherin obserue with me these 4. things First that vnity is oftentimes out of the Church Secondly that dissention is sometimes in the Church Thirdly that the Church of Rome hath been and is at this present ful of contentions Lastly that this discourse of diuisions in our church may bee taken vp of the Turkes and vsed against christ
and christian religion so that while they seeke to giue vs a blow they reach a sword into the enimies hand to cut the hart-strings of their owne cause Touching the first thing all agreement among men is no sufficient proofe of the goodnesse of the matter wherin they agree inasmuch as all malefactors and enemies of the gospell haue a kind of agreement There are agreements in idolatry in adultery in robbery in conspiracy in murthers in mutinies and in all mannet of impieties which are al odious to God and hateful to men When al the earth was of one tongue and language they all conspired in building the tower of Babel They that worshipped the Golden calfe saide all with one consent these are thy Gods ô Israell that brought thee out of the land of Egypt So the Apostles out of Psal. 2. declare that the Iewes and Romaines the state ciuell and Ecclesiastical confederated together did al consent and conspire against God and against his anoynted There was an agreement betweene Corah Dathan and Abiram with their rebellious companies and consorts ioyned and combined together against Moses and Aaron The ten tribes agreed in worshipping the golden calues in Dan and Bethell The Priestes of Baall consented together against Michaiah the true prophet ofGod Al the people with one mind and with one mouth cried against christ let him bee crucified And Iohn 〈◊〉 that great and smal rich and poor bond and free should agree in following and worshipping Antichrist the enemy of Christ. Secondly as vnity is oftentimes out of the church so sometime q dissention is in the church The true members of the church haue not alwaies in outwarde thinges nor in matters of faith one mind and meaning Abraham and Lot louing God and beloued of God dissented in the things of this life Iosephes bretheren hated him without a cause and persecuted him almost vnto the death The priests and Princes of the people did dissent from the Prophettes of God Moreouer in the houshould and family of Christ ambition enuy and dissention raigned and remained as Luk. xxii there arose a strife among them which should he the greatest And Math. 20 24. When the other ten hearde of the ambitious desire of these sonnes of Zebede they disdained at the two brethren So Paule withstood Peter to his face because he was to be reprooued as Miriam and Aaron did to Moses who was not to be reproued Likwise Luke Act xv speaking of Pavle and 〈◊〉 saith they were so stirred that they departed asunder one from another which albeit it fell out to the good of the church to the gaine of the gospel and to the glory of God who is able to bring good out of euill as he did light out of darkenes yet it sheweth their weakenes and wantes especially of barnabas seeing the spirit of God assigneth the reason whereon Paul grounded himselfe touching his determination but deliuereth not the reason of Barnabas his resolution Besides we see Act xi they of the circumcision contended against Peter because he did eat with the vncircumcised As touching the Corinthians who were a true church and sanctified in Iesus Christ the apostle saith It hath bin declared to me of you by them that are of the house of Cloe that there are contentions among you and chap xi In this that I declare I praise you not that ye come togither not with profit but with hurt for I hear that there are dissentions among you and I beleeue it to be true in some part for there must be euen Haeresies among you that they which are approued among you may be knowne Thirdly the church of Rome is so farre from the unity and agreement which they boaste of that contrarywise it hath bene is full of contentions and bitter controuersies If we would search the Histories of former times we shall finde the contentions and quarrels between them to haue bin infinit and innumerable Popes haue bin against popes nay Antipope againste Antipope when there were two Popes nay three Popes among them at once which condemned cursed and banned each other to the pit of Hell Onuphrius a popish chronicler reckoneth vp thirty schisms among them and those not of short dutance but of long continuance so many as no church can boaste of besides Their variety was such about Formosus that for some yeares euery Pope cancelled and 〈◊〉 his predecessors acts what one instituted the other repealed they condemned one another and followed their priuate factions and affections with such intestine malice barbarous cruelty that Formosus was taken vp after his death being taken vp was burned being burned his ashes were cast into the riuer For Pope Stephen the sixt took vp his carcas out of the graue brought it into iudgement spoiled it 〈◊〉 his robes cut off 3. fingers of it and cast it into the streame tiber Thus were the pretended successors of Peter 〈◊〉 about with giddines es Krantzius speaketh of them and the heade of the Romish and popish church was long without braine though not without brauling This schisme of two or three popes at onetime shall witnes 〈◊〉 all posterity in all ages to the end of the world the perpetual infamy of their deadly discordes howe farre their church is from that perfect vnity they brag and boast of What should I speake of their infinite 〈◊〉 and differences in cleauing to this saint and that saint which they haue multiplied according to the number of their Citties likewise of their diuers Missales 〈◊〉 and ceremonies vsed among them of their sundry 〈◊〉 of Monkes and Nunnes which they haue so increased of late whereas not many hundred yeare ago they mangled and mingled them with the leauen of their owne inuentions NOW as there is no part of the word of god in common and continual vse among al christians more comfortable then the doctrine of the sacraments so no point of religion is at this day more corrupted and depraued with the gesses glozes errors heresies wrestings wranglings and idolatries of the church of Rome then the same I haue therefore vnfolded and vnmasked their false doctrine touching the sacraments in generall in the first booke which sheweth whence the word is borrowed what thinges are common to the word and sacramentes as also what they haue proper and peculiar what a sacrament is by whom the sacraments ought to bee administred that they were ordained of god and commaunded to be vsed and frequented of all persons in the church what are the signes and sacramentall rites what is the 〈◊〉 part and spirituall signification of them together with the fit and ful analogy and agreement that is betweene them I haue also intreated of their force and effect of the ends and vses of them of the difference between the sacraments of the old testament and of the new of the number of sacraments namely of the 5