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A21119 Sermons very fruitfull, godly, and learned, preached and sette foorth by Maister Roger Edgeworth, doctoure of diuinitie, canon of the cathedrall churches of Sarisburie, Welles and Bristow, residentiary in the cathedrall churche of Welles, and chauncellour of the same churche: with a repertorie or table, directinge to many notable matters expressed in the same sermons Edgeworth, Roger, d. 1560. 1557 (1557) STC 7482; ESTC S111773 357,864 678

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vs as it were marueilynge whye wee shoulde thinke so saiynge who is he that will hurte you if you be the folowers of good dedes as Saynte Paule speaketh Tit. ii Sectatores bonorum ●perū● Ensuers and folowers of good workes but rather wil fauour you cherish you And so wil all good men do Yea good s. Peter why askest thou that questiō Doest thou maruel of this I praye the why was Ieremye the Prophete stoned to death Why was Esay sawed to deathe Was it not for their good liuinge and for their Preaching And why wer thou thi self thy felowes y e apostles so bitterly thretened cōmaūded y t you shold no more preach in christes name Was it not because you folowed the thing y t was good Why wer you cast into the cōmon geyle at y t time when y e angel of god in the night time opened the prysō dore bade you go and stād in the tēple and speak al the words of this christē life Act. v. And afterward when Gamaliel had by his counsel somwhat stated the malice of y e officers yet you were wel beatē cōmaūded to speake no more in Christes mane And also when Herode agrippa would haue slain thee as he hadde done Iames brother to saynte Iohn to gratifie the Iewes And finallye when Nero caused thee to be killed in dede was not all this because thou were Emulator boni et sectator bonorum operum A good doer Why was saynte Stephan martyred and likewise a great multitude in the Primitiue churche was it not for well doinge And in the Gospell of this present third sonday of Lent when Christ had cast out a deuil out of a man that was both dombe deafe blinde The people marueiled praised the miracle where others as the Scribes and Phariseis said he wrought that myracle by the power of Belzebub chiefe of the deuils So that where they durste not hurte hym wyth their handes they did the worst they coulde to hurt him wyth their malicicious tongues And you good neighbours here in Bristowe I trowe you learned of them that I haue spoke of If a man abstaine from whitemeate this holye time of Lente you will call him hypocrite and dawe fole and so rap at him and strike him with youre venemous tongues and vse him as an ●biecte excludynge him out of your companie where he ought rather to be afrayed of your company to abhorre it because of your carnal lust to please the mouth and the bealy and for your euill example geuing to others you be such as Iude speaketh of in his epistle In epulis suis macule conuiuantes When you be on your Ale benche or in your bankets at the whot and strong wine you spot your own soules and spotteth others by your euill tonges and yll examples teachinge youthe to be as euill as you bee Then haue at the preachers then they hurte men with their rayling tongues and more hurt they woulde do with their handes if it were not for feare of the kinges lawes You hadde nede to amend this maner you must be content to heare your fauts tolde you that you maie so amēd thē for feare lest the deuill leade you still in your affectate and blinde ignoraunce till he haue brought you to the blinde exteriour darkenes in hell where he woulde haue you Cherishe your Preachers as besemeth good men to do or at the lestwise if you will do them no good do thē no hurt lest God take their parte and execute his vengeance against you And then to the preachers and to al good liuers I saie that if the worst fal that you be troubled with euill persons that haue no respect to your good liuing but that will rather inuent matters againste you and pike quarels by whiche they maye vnquiete you and trouble you let your trouble gender patience and so you shall conuert necessitie vnto vertue makinge a matter of vertue of it Count your selues blessed in that you suffer for Iustice sake This lesson Sainte Peter learned of our maister Christe Math. v. Beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter iusticiam quoniam ipsorum est regnum celorum Blessed be they saith Christe that suffer persecution for Iustice and good liuynges sake for their paine and sorow shall be recompenced with ioyes euerlastinge in Heauen the paine shall be but shorte but the pleasure shall neuer haue end Therefore feare you not any thing that semeth to them terrible and fearefull that woulde peruert and ouerthrowe a carnall worldly person and that you be not turned frō your vertue nor from any good purpose by their thunder boltes comminations threatenynges prisonmente or other punishement let none such trouble you Dominum autem Christum sanctificate in cordibus vestris But that you sanctifie our Lord and master Christes in your heartes Sanctus significat firmum sanctificare firmare Make Christe sure in your heartes so that he go not from your remembraunce nother out of your loue for fear of any trouble or payne Parati semper ad satisfactionem omni poscenti vos rationem de ea que in vobis est spe fide Euer being ready to satisfie euerye mā that asketh you the reason of the hope faith that is in you For they that be better learned more exercised in christen religion muste instruct them that be ignare not learned as charitably and soberly teaching thē by sensible plaine examples perswasions as they can And if they y t wold inquire of our faith be infidels or els peraduenture heretikes that haue swarued frō the cōmon receiued faith of Christes churche If such wold be inquisitiue busy questioning rather to take vs in faut by our answers to put vs to rebuke thē for zeale or loue to learning as though our hope wer of things neuer like to be obteined or gottē our faith wer w tout reasō ▪ or of things vnpossible or vnlikely not worthy to be accept or receued of any wise mā yet thei may be answered reasonably That if the thinges y t we hope beleue wer not so obscure remoued frō our carnal senses as thei be our merit shold be but smal therfore because god wold reward vs abundātly for our faith for our hope he wold vs to take more pain thē for to adheir stick to such things only as we se afore our face Many there be that be so addict wedded to their bodely senses that they will not beleue muche more then experience sheweth thē or then that they may attaine to by their owne grosse reasons by that shewing them selues not much better thē brute beastes And of such sturdy hardnes of hert cōmeth this diffidēce wauering about the veritie of Christes body bloud in the most reuerēd sacramēt of the altar And about the state of souls after this presēt life w t many such other matters of our faith whiche be now adayes
in manye pointes they be very ciuill and holsome rules to direct comonalties or particuler persons wher Christen princes and noble counsa●les thynketh it good to take any of the saide iudiciall lawes of Moyses and to stablishe theym to order theyr subiectes then the sayd subiectes be bounde to obserue and kepe them not as giuen of Moyses but as newlye made by their owne superiours and rulers But as for the Iewes ceremonies because they were the very figures and onelye significations of Christ to come and of some sacraments ceremonies to be vsed in Christes church in the tyme of grace now alredy exhibited and performed giuen vs by our sauiour Christ. They must needes surceasse for when the veritie of the sygnes and fygures be put in execution the shadowes be of no efficacitie It is mortal sinne now to vse them putting any trust of saluation in them for in so doing we shoulde shewe oure selues to be of the Iewes faith thinkinge that our redemption by Christ is not yet sufficiently performed whych is plaine false and dampnable to be beleued Notwithstanding Christes churche is not clearelye without ceremonies some ordeined by Christ by his Apostles and holy fathers by the comon consent of noble princes and commonalties for the adorning aduauncing and settyng furthe of Christes religion For we haue sacrifices sacramentes sacred or halowed thinges and obseruāces proporcionably to the foure that as I tolde you were vsed in Moyses law one most excellēt sacrifice is the busy and dayly sacrifice and offering in the masse of the blessed bodye and bloude of our sauiour Christ in the forme of breade and wine This sacrifice we be taught and commaunded to vse by the eternall priest after the order of Melchisedech our sauiour Iesus Christ at hys last supper sacrificing vnto his father bread and wyne turned by the vertue of his holy and mighty worde into hys owne bodye and bloude And in this doyng most deuoutly is called to mans remembrance his blessed immolation on the crosse and is presented vnto hys father for health and grace to theym that be a lyue and for reast and quyetnes for all them that be departed in fayth A contrite and a troubled hart for a mannes sinnes the Prophet in the psalme calleth a sacrifice which almighty God will not despise And in an other psalme God sayth by the same prophet the sacrifice of laude and praysing shal do me honor kyll the wantonesse of thy wyll and the ranknes of thy fleshe in the loue of him and so thou shalt set vpon Gods aulter that is to say on Christes crosse the most acceptable sacrifice vnto him and who so euer voweth and payeth to God all that he hath all that he lyueth all that he vnderstandeth as the Apostles did he offereth to God an holocaust that is to saye an alburned sacrifice For generally euery dede that we do by whych we shewe our selues to cleaue and stickefast vnto God referred to an heauenlye ende maye be called a sacrifice ¶ Sacramentes we haue also seuen in nomber taking their efficacitie and strengthe at oure sauiour Christ and left in the church as holesom medicines against the manyfold infirmities and diseases of our soules ▪ These be the very few and manifest sacraments in which the mercy of god woulde haue his churche free and at lybertie as saynt Austine writeth in his boke of the customs of the churche to Ianuarye And yet all these be not necessary for euerye man that shall be saued For euery man taketh not holye orders neyther euery man contracteth matrimony many a man is saued without confirmation and also wythout the blessed sacrament of the aulter and with out extreme vnction that we cal Inoyling Baptisme is necessary and to theym that after baptisme haue fallen to mortall sinne penance must nedes be had And this seemeth to be the hardest Sacrament or ceremonie that Christe lefte in hys Churche specially for that part of it that is confession in whyche we reueale and vtter to a mortall manne the synnes that afore were priuye and secrete betwyxte GOD and vs. But to mitigate thys confusion or shame wee must inwardly consider the losing of our synfull bondes and by that to be set at libertie oute of the deuils danger this shall make vs not to be ashamed to tell the truth for our soules sake Let vs with all consider that he to whom we be confessed is most straitly bound to keepe our counsayl vnder a more priuie seale then we be our self bounde and so we shall not neede to stycke nor shrinke to make a plaine confessiō Sacred or halowed thinges we haue very manye as churches and Churchyardes Chalice Corporas Cruets Uestimentes and other ornamentes of the ministers doynge seruice in Christes churche besyde their daily rayment shewing distinction of them frō the laife which is a veri honest ceremony necessary to be vsed albeit a great many of vs priestes litle regard it going in our apparell lyke the lay men by that declaring that we be ashamed of our order and woulde be glad to pull our heade out of that yoke if we might We haue also obseruances of holye dayes as sondayes and other solempne feastes by course succedynge after the reuolucion of the yere We obserue also certayn solempne times of fastinge as the faste of Lent the Embre daies and in the remēbrance of Christes passion we punish our bodies with abstinēce and fasting euery fridai The deuout ceremonies on Palme sondayes in processions and on good fridaies about the laying of the crosse and sacrament into the sepulchre gloriouslye arayed be so necessary to succour the labilitie of mans remembrance that if they wer not vsed once euery yere it is to be feared that Christes passion wold sone be forgotten the crucifixes erected in churches crosses by the highe wayes were intended for the same purpose although some pestiferous persōs haue ouerthrowne them and destroyed them for the very contempt of Christes passion more then to finde money vnder them as they haue pretended We obserue as a necessary ceremoni likewise a sober silence in the church in time of preachyng the worde of God and also while diuine seruice is a doyng with manye suche other ceremonyes which were to long here to be rehersed ¶ And finally to speake of the iudiciall lawes the Iewes were neuer yoked nor troubled wyth halfe so manye gyuen to them as we be pressed withal what with ecclesiastical lawes and other statutes and actes aboue nomber So that as Sainte Austine in the booke of the customes of the church saith the condition of the Iewes seemeth more tollerable and easye to be borne then the case that Christē people be in For the Iewes neuer knewe the tyme of lybertie and yet they were not boūd but only to the burdens expressed in Gods lawes and not to mens presumptions as we be in somuche that if a Iewe well learned in Moyses law and conuerted to Christes faith
in his holye worde and it is no maruayle if they neuer cease to defyle him and his holy worde with earthlye desyres and pleasures And as we see that he that hath no pleasure in his meate but eateth it agaynste harte and agaynst his stomacke shall not profyt by his meate so he that feleth no swetenes in Christe and in his holy worde howe can he grow to saluation by it it will not be Then we taste that God is swete ▪ when we delite in his wordes and comforte our selues with his holye lessons set furth in his scriptures And when we glory and comforte our selues in Christes byrth his passion and glorious resurrection and when we take pleasure in readinge and hearinge his mooste gratious lyfe and conuersation then we taste that God is swete And by the same we growe to saluation and health as Saynt Peter sayth here when for the swetenes and loue of God and for consideration of his worde we bringe furth godly fruites as geuinge almes to them that be nedye remittinge and forgeuinge iniuries and wronges done to vs and when we can be content for oure soule health to pray to faste and to watche these be manifest sygnes that by the swete milke of Goddes doctrine we growe to saluation and waxe stronge in God and by that shall be the more able to perfourme oure paynefull iourney that we muste walke here in the wyldernesse of this worlde labouringe and goinge towardes our countrey whiche loketh for vs heauen aboue to which also we al desyre to come through the helpe of our sauiour Christ. Amen ¶ The syxt treatise or sermon AD quem accedentes lapidem viuum ab hominibus quidē reprobatū a deo autem electum honorificatum c. To whome ye come sayth S. Peter as to the liuinge stone that mē haue reproued and set nought by but God hath chosen made him to be honored and on hym be you builded like liuing stones into spiritual houses in sacerdotiū sanctū to a holy preisthod offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. Now presupposing that we haue tasted that god is swete plesaūt to our soules in these wordes rehersed the blessed Apostle S. Peter beginneth to auaūce vs set vs forward to higher perfectiō willing vs in as much as we be come to Christe as to the fyrme faste sure stone foūdation of the church of al godly religion that we should be edified builded on him as spirituall houses buylded on the faste rocke and that we shulde be as holy preistes offeringe spirituall sacrifices that maye be acceptable to God by our Sauioure Iesus Christe In these wordes be manye thinges to be noted and to be declared Fyrst that our cōminge to Christe as S. Peter here meaneth is not to come to him on fote nor on horsebacke but we muste come to hym by faith fourmed and adourned with charitie and with charitable workes by whiche they that sometime were farre of be made nighe in the bloude of Christe And so came Englande to Christ not saylinge ouer the sea nor by peregrination to the holy lande where Christe was bodely conuersaunte for the tyme but by fyrme and faste fayth on Christe that they conceaued by hearynge the preachers that GOD sente amonge them And so the people of Pontus Galatia Capadotia ▪ c. that Sainte Peter wryteth this letter vnto by fayth and charitie came to Christes grace by which they dwelled in Christ and Christe in them Christe is here called a lyuinge stone by whiche you maye playnely see that the stone here is not the stone that we treade on nor the stone that you see in the pyllers or walles of the churche for they be not alyue nor lyuinge stones but this is a maner of speaking by a methaphor or a similitude for of all partes of the earth the stone is the fastest and the sureste to buylde on softe earth sande or cleye wyll be sone wasshed awaye with floudes or stremes and the buyldinge sone shaken with winde or stormes but that buyldinge that is well set on the harde rocke standeth faste and shrynketh not for any violence For this propertie of the stone our Sauiour Christe is called a stone as well here as in manye other places of Scripture This stone sayth Sainte Peter was reproued despysed and noughte set by amonge men but it was chosen of God and set in honour alludinge to the wordes of the Prophet Dauid Psal. Cxvii Lapidem quem reprobauerunt edificantes hic factus est in caput anguli And also to the sayinge of the Prophete Esaye Ecce ponam in Sion lapidem summum angularem probatum electum preciosum And because Saint Peter toucheth and speaketh fyrste of the reproche of this stone accordinge to the wordes of the Psalme and afterwarde of his exaltation and honour according to the wordes of Esay I wil kepe the same ordre and processe in my declaration Because that the misticall senses and vnderstandinge of the Scriptures whether it be morall sence allegory or anagogicall sence presupposeth a true literall sence on whiche they be grounded Therefore because that the Prophets in theyr writinges and also the Euangelistes in the Gospels and also the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paule in theyr epistles Luke in the Actes of the Apostles hath manye tymes in mynde this verse of the Psalme Lapidem quem reprobauerunt edificantes hic factus est in caput anguli The stone whiche the buylders reproued and cast by it was made the heade stone in a corner of the buyldynge Was there anye suche stone in dede so set at nought and caste by in the buyldinge of Salamons temple or in kinge Dauids palace in Sion or in anye suche other notable buyldinge spoken of in the scriptures Surely I thinke noo there was none suche a stone albeit the Hebrewes hath an olde tale that when kinge Dauid was well minded to buylde a temple for God to be honoured in and was aunswered that he shoulde not do that dede because he was a bloude sheder and hadde done manye battels but that his sonne Salamon shoulde do it for he shoulde be a quiet man and a man of peace and at reste and peace with all nations The sayd king Dauid prepared money stones and tymbre sufficiente for the sayde buyldynges and squared them and polysshed them and trimmed them accordingely so that his sonne shoulde lacke nothinge for that chargeable edifice and buyldinges all this is true Then say they moreouer that amonge the sayde stones that kynge Dauid had prouided he sawe by reuelation one stone that would neuer be framed set or layd hansomly in any place and that therfore y e builders wold cast it by set nought by it yet at the last it should haue a place at one corner in the toppe and highest part of the tēple there to be the very bond and keye stone to ioyne two walles together as one wal