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A20950 A learned treatise of traditions, lately set forth in French by Peter Du Moulin, and faithfully done into English by G.C.; Des traditions et de la perfection et suffisance de l'Escriture Saincte. English Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; G. C. 1631 (1631) STC 7329; ESTC S111075 138,687 440

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universall Councels most ancient of greatest authority and which Pope Gregory the first equalleth to the foure Evangelists Pope Gelasius speakes the same for in his Tome of the Bond of an Anathema disputing against one of the foure first Councells to wit against that of Chalcedon where there were sixe hundred and thirty Bishops he urgeth thus The Apostolicall Seat alone dissanulleth that which a Synodall Assembly Quod refutauit sedes Apostolica habere non potuit firmitatem sola rescind● qd prater ordinē congregatio Synodica pis● taverit vsurpandum though to haue vsurped against order The subject of his choler against this so famous and honourable assembly was for that in this Councell is framed a Canon ordaining that the Bishop of Constantinople should be equall to the Bishop of Rome in all things and that hee should haue the same preheminences CHAP. XI Of what sort how weake and how vncertaine the foundations are wheron Traditions of the Romish Church are built and of the three maximes that serue for their defence and prop. THe Traditions of the Church of Rome are of so great a number that a meere Catalogue of them would furnish out a large volume The whole rabble of them hath these three maximes for their foundation 1. That the Pope is Successor to St. Peter in the charge of Head of the universall Church 2. Secondly that the Pope cannot erre in the faith 3. That the Apostles haue not set downe in writing all that they did teach by word of mouth Hee that will comprehend the nature of these maximes shall know that they evert the Christian faith and consume all Religion into smoke for if the Maximes wheron all Papistry is founded and all the body of Romish Traditions bee imaginary maximes and purely humane not to giue a worse phrase it is impossible that the Religion which is built thereupon can haue the least tittle of assurance 1. The first maxime that layeth downe the Pope to bee Saint Peters Successor in the charge of Head of the vniversall Church is destitute of all testimony of Gods Word and our Adversaries to vphold it produce nothing but humane testimonies Whence it followeth that it is not an Article of the Christian Faith and that it cannot be beleeved for a certaintie of faith for the Christian faith is grounded upon the Word of God Faith commeth by ●earing and hearing by the Word of God Rom. 10. 17. But the Church of Rome giveth his maxime not onely for an Ar●cle of Faith but also for a foun●ation of all the other Articles of ●aith and of the whole Religion For in the Church of Rome the Popes authoritie is planted to be a Foundation of the Church and of all the doctrine of salvation to the very subjecting of the Scripture that is to say the word of God to his authoritie and to cause that the authoritie of the Scripture depend vpon the opinion of the Church of Rome and all this by vertue of that pretended Succession to St. Peter Briefly our Adversaries make all Christian Religion to hang vpon this poynt as Bellarmine acknowledgeth at the entrance of the Preface in his Books of the Pope speaking thus To say in a word when mention is made of the Etenim de qua re agitur cum de primatu Pontificis agitur breutssime dicam de summa rei christianae ●● ent● quaeritur aebeatne Ecelesia diutius consistere an vero dissolui concidere Observ andic est tertia licet force no sit de ●ure diuno Romanis̄ Pontificē ut Romanum Pentificem Petro succecere tamen ●● ad fidem Catholicam pertinere Nō enim est idem alsquid esse de fide et esse de ture divine Nec enim de oure divine fuit ●● Paulus h●beret penulā est tamen ●●● ipsum de fide 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 penulam Etsi autem Romanum Pontificem suc●edere Petro nō habeatur expresse in scripturis c. Popes supremacy the summe of all Christianitie is at stake for the question is whether the Church ought to subsist any longer or whether it must bee dissolved and fall Thereunto doe all the Controversies referre and all the Traditions ayme at the profit and greatnesse of the Pope yet the same Cardinall at the 12. chap. of the second Booke of the Pope acknowledgeth that the Scripture maketh no mention of the Popes succession in the place of Saint Peter and that this poyut is not jure divino Neverthelesse hee affiemeth that this succession though it bee not jure divino leaueth not to appertaine to the Catholick faith In the same manner as the Catholicke faith beleeueth that Saint Paul had a Friers weed though that were not jure divine and that God had not commanded any thing to that purpose Hence it is manifest that all the diuine doctrine is founded vpon a plaine humane Tradition to weet a Tradition vnwritten That God hath ordained the Pope of Rome for Successour in the Primacy of Saint Peter Thus you see Tradition grounded vpon tradition that is vpon it selfe and this infinite Masse of traditions is founded vpon a Traditions that is no more jure diuino then Saint Pauls weed whereof never was any diuine Testimony extant I will not at this time enter into proofes of the falsity of this matter which wee haue handled in diuers places especially in my booke that went before and shewed the vntruths by aboundance of reason and authority drawne from antiquity I say but this that the ancient Bishops of Rome were called Successours of Saint Peter in the Bishopricke only of the Citie of Rome but not in the Apostleship nor in the goverment of the vniuersall Church Iust as the Bishops of Ierusalem were called Successors of Saint Iames and those of Antioch of Saint Peter and those of Ephesus of Saint Paul and of Saint Iohn not in the Apostl ship but in the Bishopricke of th● townes wherein these Apostles had planted the Church Our adversaries produce not any example or passage of the ancient Church whereby it may appeare that ever the Bishops of Rome attributed any authority to themselues over the Churches that are out of the Romane Empire I say also that when the Bishop of Rome was heretofo●e Successor to Saint Peter in place of head of the Church so it was that the heresies which infected this seat as our adversaries themselues doe confesse and the Popes complaine of it and the Schismes which haue rent it there hauing beene two Popes at once sometimes three at the same instant prosecuting one the other to extremity and calling one the other Antichrist did long since breake the chaine of this succession In which Schismes ordinarily the most vicious and most cunning caried it and hee excluded his adversary who had the favour of those Emperours and Kings on whom the fortune of warre did smile This continued straine of succession not being possibly knowen but by the multitude of Histories and Authors both
iudgeth of them who cannot erre in the Faith though all these Traditions tend onely to his profit 8. I affirme the same of the title of the whole Bible being called the Testament or Covenant of God which Title must bee changed if the Scripture be but a part of Gods Testament It were deluding of the World to call contract of marriage a parchment that containeth but the moyetie of the clavses of the contract or to call Testament that which is but a part of the disposall of the last will 9. Towards the conclusion of the Apocalips the Lord Iesus speaks as followeth I testifie vnto euery man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this booke If any man shall adde vnto these things God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke Vpon which passage the Councell of Friuly speaketh thus Concilium Porojuliense Nam in Apocalypsi Iohannes Apostolus sub vnius libri appellatione de tota vtriusque Testamenti se is contestatus est dicens Si quis apposuerit ad hac apponet Deus omnes plagas scriptas in libro hoc In the Apocalips Iohn the Apostle vnder the name of one booke hath protested concerning the whole series or prosecv●ion of both Testaments saying If any man adde to these things God shall adde to him the plagues that are written in this booke 10. The Apostle Saint Iohn at the 20. Chapter of his Gospell 31. saith These things are written that yee might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ and that beleuing yee might haue life through his Name Vpon which passage Cyrill of Alexandria Cyrill lib. 12. in Iohā cap. ultimo Non igitur omnia qua fecit Dominus cōscripta sunt sed qua scribentes tā ad mores quā ad dogmata putaverunt sufficere vt recta fide operibus as virtute rutil ātes ad regnum coelorum perv●niamus speaketh in this maner All things which our Lord hath done are not written but those things onely which they that did write them ha●e beleeued to be suff●cient to the end that shining in true faith workes and vertue wee may attaine to the Kingdome of heauen 11. Our Lord Iesus at the 15. of Mat. 3. spake to the Pharisees Why doe ye transgresse the commandement of God by your Tradition Observe here that hee saith not yee contradict but ye transgresse the commandement of God by your Tradition Fo● indeed the Pharisaicall Tradition● were for the most part simple aditions to the Law of God having appearance of devotion thing● no otherwise forbidden but a● God forbiddeth to adde to hi● word as to fast twise in a weeke to lengthen out their fringes an● Phylacteries of their garments t● wash themselues at returne fro● market scrupulously to cleane th● pots and to accompt their pac● vpon the Sabbath 12. The Apostle to the Colo● chap. 2. 8. Beware lest any man spo● you through Philosophy and vaine ●●ceit after the Tradition of men A● that our aduersaries may not com● here to distinguish humane Tr●ditions from those which ●● Church of Rome will have to ●● imbraced for divine and Apostolicall the Apostle specifieth and chiefely condemneth certaine traditions found to be amongst those that are taught by the Church of Rome to wit service of Angels observation of Feasts and the ordinance of those who vsing a distinction of meats did say eate not touch not tast not And this not because they thought the meates to be hurtfull or polluted in their nature but as the Apostle saith teaching these doctrines through voluntary deuotion and humblenesse of spirit in that they no way spare the body nor haue they respect to the fulnesse of the flesh 13. The same Apostle to the Ephesians 2. chap. 20. groundeth our faith upon the Prophets and the Apostles Being built saith he vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles If our faith be grounded upon the unwritten word it is behouefull there be another foundation then the Prophets Apostes For if our adversaries say that S. Paul understandeth the Church to be grounded upon the word of the Apostles aswell written as unwriten they oblige themselues to say the same of the doctrine of the Prophets and also to forge unto us Prophetical Traditions unwritten which were never mentioned or spoken of about Saint Pauls time mor●ouer we have formerly heard our adversaries maintaining that there are more things essentiall in Religion then the Apostles have taught by mouth or writing 14. At the 16. chapter of Saint Luke 26. the wicked rich man being in hell requesteth Abraham that one amongst the dead should be sent to his brethren to give them advertisement and warne them of their duties least that they should tumble into the like torment to whom Abraham maketh answere They haue Moses and the Prophets let them hearken to them Which is cleerely to say that they ought to content themselves with the Doctrine of Moses and the Prophets which was read in the Synagogues every Sabbath without expecting other revelation For Iesus Christ speaketh of ●he unhappie rich man as of a man that had lived under the old Testament during the time that the Church had 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 no other Doctrine but that of the bookes of Moses and the Prophets Chrysostome doth so understand it in his Commentary upon Galat. 1. Abraham being required to send Lazarus answereth they have Moses and the Prophets if they hearken not to them n●ither will they beleeve the dead raised up to life Now Iesus Christ bringeth in Abraham speaking thus to declare that hee would have more faith ascribed to the Scriptures then if the dead were called backe to life 15. At Gal. 1. 8. Though we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel unto you then that which wee have preached unto you let him be accursed The vulgar translation of our Adversaries interpreteth this passage as we doe Licet nos aut Angelus de coelo evangelizet vobis praeterquam quod evangelizavimus vobis anathema sit Consider now that this translation which the Councell of Trent declareth to be onely authenticall rendereth it praeterquam not contra that is to say other then but not contrary For though this word praeter sometime signifieth contra yet praeterquam cannot be so taken and praeterquam quod can import nothing else but other then that So though the Preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 used by the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theoph. in Ep. ad Gal. N●que enim si contraria solū praedicaverint intulit sed si Evangelisaverint praeter id quod ipsi evaengeli savimus hoe est fi plusculum quippiam ipsi adiecerint Tertull. de praescr ca. 8 Hoc ●rius credimus non esse quod vltra credere debeamus Et cap. 14. Nihil vltra scire omma scire est Et cap. 29. Etsi Angelus de coelo aliter evangelisaverit vltra quā nos anathema sit signifieth sometimes contra yet our
after the Apostles did reject all Traditions not contained in the holy Scriptures much more and with stronger reason it standeth that after so many ages transacted there should be lesse probability of cause to make new additions For when shall there be any cessation of adding Bellarmine in his 3. chapter against Barkley perceiuing that the Popes power to depose Kings is destitute of all Testimony of antiquity Non rect● d● Ecclesia sentit qui nihil admittit nisi quod expr●ss● in vet●r● Ecclesia scriptū aut factum ●sse legit Qu●s● Ecclesia poster●●ris temporis au● desi●rit ess● Eclesia aut facultat● non habuerit explicandi declarandi constituendi ●tiam et iub●nd● qu● ad fidē et mores Christianos pertinent saith that hee judgeth not soundly of the Church of Christ who admitteth nothing but what he readeth expressely to haue beene done or sayd in the ancient Church As if the Church of the latter time had either discontinued and left off to be a Church or had not the faculty of explicating or declaring constituting and ordaining matters which concerne the faith and manners of Christians Whence it followeth that the Church of Rome is not yet compleate and finished in her perfection seeing that precepts touching the faith and rule of moralitie may be added thereunto as indeed there are yet many that are hot in the forge and freshly hammered upon the anvile of avarice and ambition But this Cardinall ought to consider that seeing this Tradition touching the Popes power to depose Kings maketh the Pope King of Kings It is not just or reasonable that the Pope should be judge thereof nor that he should bee permitted without rendering accompt to any other person to introduce such Traditions without the word of God whereby to enveagle the temporall weal●h and to make himselfe the mo●arch on earth By this very doctrine the Iesuite equalleth in authority the Romish Church of this time to the Church of the Apostles time Yet it is the Church of the Apostles time which regulateth the succeeding ages And those first Heraulds of grace in Iesus Christ are yet seated vpon the twelue thrones ludging the twelue Tribes of Israel From this source proceeded the Bull Exurge which is at the end of the last Lateran Councell placing this amongst the heresies of Luther when he sayd that It is not in the power of the Pope and Church of Rome to establish Articles of faith Hence also proceeded the remonstrance Syn Flor. Sess vlt. Romana Eccl●si● n●cessitat● vrgente iur● suo part●cul● illam ex filioque Symb●l● app●nere li●u ●ss● which the councel of Florence published that the Church of Rome had just power to adde to the Creed CHAP. XXIIII How the Texts and Passages of the Fathers which our adversaries alledge for the unwritten Traditions ought to be understood SEeing that in matter of Christian faith and the points necessary to salvation the Fathers doe unanimiously cleaue to the sole word of God contained in the Holy Scriptures it were a strange thing if after this they should seeke to ground themselues upon Traditions and to surmise in matter of salvation another word unwritten Certainely the Doctors who should destroy that which they have built vp ought not to be beleeved by no meanes should they bee credited who credit not themselues Now for the better purging of Three sorts of good Traditions them from this blame it would be necessary to remember that which wee have formerly spoken to wit that we reiect not all sorts of Traditions for the Scripture it selfe is a Tradition which is one reason A second is because there are Traditions which are not matters of Faith nor necessary to salvation but customes and reglements touching Ecclesiasticall policy which wee willingly approove when wee see that they have beene receiued in the auncient Church by a generall consent And Satan having alienated any one of these customes and turned it to Idolatry or converted it to any other end unpractised before wee doe not beleeue that in deserting such a custome Christian Religion is a whit impaired but it were wisely done to barge up that gate against the devill A third is because there are also Doctrines taught in the Scripture which are there not found in the same termes as the Ancients propose them but are therein found in equivalent words or are deduced from thence by necessary consequence If any man will call these doctrines Traditions wee will not quarrell him thereupon provided that he allow such Traditions to be bottomed with the Scripture and there to be found in substance I say then as often as the Fathers mention and give way to Traditions their meaning is of those three sorts afore recited that is to say either of the Scripture it selfe or of customes and reglements of Ecclesiasticall policy and of matters not necessary to salvation or of occurrences contained in the Scripture yet not there found in the same words as the auncients propose them but in substance and ●y consequence to proove the which wee have employed the Chapter following CHAP. XXV A proofe of that which went before SOme doe object Irenaeus unto us who wrote abou the end of the second age that in his 3. book 4. chap. disputing against Hereticks that gave no admission to the Scriptures laboureth to convince them by Traditions that is to say as he expoundeth himselfe by the succession of the doctrine left from hand to hand in the Churches erected by the Apostles What Quid ausē si neque Apostoli Scripturas quidem reliquissent nobis nonne oporteret ordinem sequi traditionis quam tradiderant ●●s quibus cōmittehant Ecclesias saith he If the Apostles had not left us the Scriptures would it not have beene needfull to follow the order of Tradition which they delivered to those unto whose trust they committed the Churches And to good purpose he sayd it for if wee had not the holy Scriptures wee should have been constrayned to have recourse vnto weaker meanes and of lesse certainty And it behooveth that when he speaketh in that manner it bee to such as are refractary and averse from the Scriptures but not to vs who cordially embrace them and set up our last rest upon them Moreover from the time of Irenaeas the succession was but short and the memory of things taught by the mouth of the Apostles fresh of the which the remembrance would bee razed and put out if we had not the writings of the Apostles For the continuation of time and the subversion corruption and schisme of so many Churches which then unamimously concurred and are now at variance boasting of their succession maketh this search and examination impossible to the Christian people and full of uncertainty But at length what are these doctrines which Iren●us would have to bee taught and learned by Tradition if we had not the Scripture Is it invocation of Saints service of Images adoration of Relickes the
yea and ●ore expresly in the same 8. Dis●tation §. Tertio varia Hins 〈◊〉 gi potest non om●●a tradita esse ab Apostolu sed ●● qu● tunc ●ēpor● necessaria ●● qu● ad salutem credent●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hence saith he may be col●cted that the Apostles haue not giuen ●l by Tradition but onely the thing●●at then were necessary and that were ●oper for the beleevers salvation Ac●ording to this Iesuites Tenet the Apostles haue not taught all that ●s necessary in these our dayes and ●here are now articles of faith necessary to salvation which in the Apostles time were not necessary Of the number of these new Traditions neither written nor preached by the Apostles and that are now decreed for necessary and essentiall to Religion are Romish Indulgences and Treasure of the Church wherein the Pope gathereth vp the superaboundance of satisfactions made by Saints an● Monkes and distributes them ●● others by his Pardons to satisfi● the justice of God This is an essen●iall doct●ine of the Romish Religion and the arch or Buttres●● that shoreth ●p Papisme For i● there any thing of more importance in Religion then the remission of sinnes and the meanes to satisfie the justice of God yet in this while our adversaries doe confesse that this is a new Doctrine and that there is found no trace or footstep of it in all Antiquitie as we shall hereafter discover When we produce the Councell of Laodicea and multitudes of Fathers Meliton Origen Eusebius Athanasius Epiphanius Hierome Gregory Nazianzen Hilary Ruffin c. that unanimously exclude the Books of Macabees out of the list of Canonicall books our adversaries ●nswer that then the apprehensions ●●d opinions were much differing ●r that the Church had not yet ●ecided any thing vpon this point ●ere then by their own confession ●● a Tradition which the Apostles ●ever taught nor decided either by ●outh or writing to wit that these Bookes of Maccabees are canonicall which they doe now falsely ●nsert amongst the Apostolicall Traditions In this classe I ranke Invocation of Saints adoration of Reliques and Images the painted Trinitie the power of the Pope to dispense with oathes and vowes to dispose of kingdoms and depose Kings to canonize Saints to release distressed soules out of Purgatory the Communion under one kinde the Limbus for little Infants private Masses particular mens prayers and publique service in an unknowne tongue the assumption ● the Virgin Mary bodily into he●ven together with her coronatio● in the dignity of Queen of heaven and Lady of the world and many other the like things wherein ● this present they make Gods Service to consist of these is the body of Papistry composed and herein are the people more carefully instructed and exercised then in the Doctrine of salvation contained in the holy Scripture All which are new Traditions and unheard of in the ancient church yea and that by the confession of our adversaries as we shall proue in fit place It would bee very proper and convenient to know when the Christian doctrine shall be perfect and whether the Popes shall ever be able to add new articles of faith thereunto And if it be so that the Apostles ●e neither taught by mouth or ●iting all the Doctrines essen●ly belonging to Christian ●th it would bee necessary to ●derstand whether the Apostles ●ew the Doctrines which th●y ●ue not taught for if they knew ●em why did they not publique● teach them why haue they ●ssembled Doctrines essentially ●elonging to Religion But if ●hey knew them not it must bee ●cknowledged that the Popes sur●asse the Apostles in knowledge ●nd that Saint Paul deceiues himselfe when hee delivereth that hee had taught the Ephesians all ●he counsell of God Actes 2. vers 27. CHAP. VI. A proofe of the same because our a● versar●es doe affirme that the Pop● and the church of Rome may chang● that which God commandeth in th● Scriptures and infringe or null●● the Apostles commandements WHosoever teacheth thing● contrary to the Apostles consequently teacheth things that are differing and rep●gnant The Traditions whereby the ordinance of Iesus Christ and the Apostles is changed and abrogated cannot be Apostolicall Traditions unl●sse we would haue the Apostles to be contrary to themselues Seeing then the Pope church of Rome attribute to themselues the power of altering the Apostles ordinances by their Traditions it followeth that they may make traditions ●●ich the Apostles neuer taught ●●er by mouth or writing This ●hat which is practised in the ●●rch of Rome and that our ad●saries doe openly maintaine We haue already heard the Ie●e Vasques speaking that the Vasques Tom. 3. disp 216. Num. 60. ●●rch and soveraigne Pontifie may ●●ish and breake the Apostles com●dement because the Apostles power ●iue precepts hath not been greater ●● the Popes The Councell of Trent in the P●●ter●●●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 potestat●m p●rpe●● in Ecclesia f●iss● vt ●● Sacra●●t●r●● disp 〈◊〉 s● v● 〈◊〉 substantia ●● s●●●ueret vel m●tares qua suscipientium vti ●ita●i magis exp●●r● iudic●●et ● Session chap. 1. 2. declareth ●t this power hath the Church a●●●es had in ministring of the Sacra●●ts saving their substance to ●r●●e or alter that which shee judge●●●st expedient for the vtility of th●se ●t receiue them This Councell ●deed specifieth that exception ●eir substance remaining safe but ●e Pope assumeth power to him●●fe to judge and define in the authoritie of a Iudge what things ●● Sacraments are essentiall or whether they bee so or no. By th● meanes hee boundeth his pow●● with what limits hee pleaseth an● changeth matters essentiall in● matters accidentall As for exa●ple it is essentiall to the Sacrame● of the holy Supper to be a signif●catiue signe of our participatio● of the body and blood of Ies● Christ This signification is dim●nished to the people by the priv●tion Perron against the king of great Bretany in his Treatise of the Communion under both kinds p. ●108 of the Cup as Cardinall Perron ingenuously acknowledgeth● It is essentiall to the Sacrament 〈◊〉 bee taken for the remission of sins ● as it was first instituted by th● Lord Now this essence is cha●ged in the Masses that are said ●● the corne for horses and disease● sheepe for the successe of a voyag● c. It is likewise essentiall to th● holy Supper to be a communio● ●●e Apostle telleth vs 1. Corinth ● The bread which wee breake is it ●he Communion with the bodie of ●●st for as much as wee that are ●y in number are one bread and one 〈◊〉 This communion is aboli●d in private Masses where no ●● doth communicate where 〈◊〉 man doth assist And these ●rds of the Institution Take eate 〈◊〉 become ridiculous since no 〈◊〉 is there either to take or eate ●●e reall and propitiatory sacri●e of Christs body is it not of 〈◊〉 essence of the Masse yet is ●●re an addition to the Lords In●tution wherein is neither men●n made of sacrifice or of sacri●●ing his
often corrupted the Law of Moses and haue caused the people to depart out of the way and to stumble at the Law Malach. 2. 8. And the Scribes and Pharisees that were in the Chaire of Moses taught that Iesus Christ was a Seducer And wee haue formerly seene diuers Popes condemned for heresie and impiety by the Councels and many Popes complaining of their Predecessours heresies And seeing that our adversaries confesse that there haue beene multitudes of profane Popes and of infamous life it is hard to beleeue that hee which is not Successour of the good life and of the vertues of Saint Peter can be Successour infallible of his purity in the Faith For if the wicked doctrine of the Leaders of the Church bring in errours their vngodly life bringeth in profanenesse and Atheisme and as the Canon Si Papa hath it in the 40. distinction it casteth headlong innumerable troopes of people into hell it exposeth the Christian Religion vnto Scandall and bringeth errours into the very Faith It being the custome of lewd Pastors to change the doctrine for the better accommodation of their vices and to make it serue their avarice and ambition Let Saint Peter preaching the Gospell bee compared with the Pope that preacheth not at all Saint Peter going on bare foot with the Pope carried vpon Princes shoulders Saint Peter not suffering Cornelius to worship him Act. 10. with the Pope expecting himselfe to bee adored and that Kings should kisse his feet Saint Lib. Sacram. ceremon sect 5. c. 1. 3. Peter reprehending Simon Magus for holding the gift of God purchasable with money Act. 8. 20. With the Pope drayning so much money to himselfe by Absolutions Dispensations Indulgences Annates Archiepiscopall roabes c. Saint Peter recommending chastity to women 1. Pet. 3. With the Pope suffering whoredome and establishing brothell houses publickly at Rome Saint Peter that was married Marke 1. 30. With the Pope forbidding the Clergy to liue in state of matrimony S. Peter who in his second Epistle Chap. 1. Exhoreth the faithfull to bee attentiue to the word of the Prophets With the Pope not allowing the reading of Scripture Saint Peter writing to all the faithfull and commanding them to obey their Kings 1 Pet. 2. 3. and 14. With the Pope exempting the Clergy from subjection to their Kings Saint Peter making no mention in his Epistles of invocation of Saints of adoration of Images of Reliques of Purgatory of Indulgences of the Treasure of the Church of Limbus of the Service in an unknowne tongue of his Supremacie nor usurping any title to himselfe that was not common to the other Apostles with the Pope who teacheth all these things and in his Bulls attributeth to himselfe such titles as Saint Peter never admitted of in his Epistles then may it easily be conjectured what little modicum of assurance there is that the Pope cannot degenerate from the puritie of Saint Peter nor be alienated from his doctrine And note that although Saint Peter was exempted from errour by the continuall assistance of the Spirit of God which Iesus Christ had promised to the Apostles neverthelesse neither hee nor any Apostle vsed this arrogant language vaunting of their impossibilitie to erre As the Pope is the onely Christian Prelate which maketh himselfe to be called God so is he the onely creature which qualifieth himselfe with Infallibilitie to the end to make him resemble God Imitating heerein the false Doctors who taught the Iewes to say The Law shall not perish from the Iere. 18. 18. Priest nor the Counsell from the Wise nor the Word from the Prophet It is not requisite to prooue this Maxime any further That the Bishop of Rome cannot erre in the Faith to bee false and contradicted in the experience of so many ages by so many holy Doctors who haue so often condemned the Bishops of Rome by so many Councels damning the Romish Church and the Bishop of Rome for error and heresie by the testimony of numbers of our adversaries who reject this Maxime and by the confession of the Popes themselues This hath beene amply prooved in my first Treatise Vpon which so false a Maxime are grounded all Traditions of the church of Rome as a multitude of flies sitting vpon a floating planke or a number of Chymera's hanging at a spiders thread which breaketh at a blast It is their plaister for all evill They make new Articles of faith most gainfull to his Holinesse Idolatry Merchandise tyranny corruption of the benefit and nature of Iesus Christ is established And in conclusion they pay us with this maxime that the Church cannot erre and by the Church they understand the Romish and by the Romish Church the Pope of Rome Thus the Romish Church forbiddeth all sorts of errours by an errour in saying I cannot erre supplying with presumption that which is wanting in reason Shee is exempted from giving reason of her doctrine for shee her selfe judgeth that she hath reason Such an errour is the worst of all for by this meanes a man becommeth Iudge of the Word of God and maketh Religion to depend upon his will And hee that saith I cannot erre will never reforme his errour nor subiect himselfe to any rule for he beleeveth himselfe to be the Rule How shall he be raised vp who beleeveth hee cannot fall The third Maxime whereon our adversaries ground their Traditions hath no more certaintie then the other two precedent They presuppose without proofe that Iesus Christ and the Apostles haue spoken many things which they did not commit to writing Vpon this presupposition they build another the most inconsiderate and unreasonable that can bee For they would haue it beleeved that those things which the Apostles did not set downe in writing are the Traditions of the Romish Church at this time and therefore conclude that when Iesus Christ spake severally and apart to his Disciples he conferred with them about the service of Images and adoration of Reliques about Indulgences and superaboundant satisfactions of the Saints which the Pope ought to locke up in his Treasury about Invocation of Saints about the crowning of his Mother in the dignitie of Queene of heaven and of the Angels about private Masses the Communion vnder one kind blessed Beades Agnus Dei c. This is a daring conjecture whereon if the faith of the faithfull bee founded all Religion shall consist of supposition and the Pope shall haue good recreation to invent Traditions which shal turne to his profit for such conjectures are taken for Oracles and layd downe for a foundation of the Christian faith But they are ashamed of this and * contradict themselues for knowing that these Traditions are new Inventions they speake freely that neither Christ nor the Apostles haue taught all either by mouth or by writing and that the Popes from time to time haue added many doctrines essentiall and necessary reserving to themselues the power of altering that which God hath comanded in
may catch hold and graspe the hand which these men stretch forth to them to be conductours of their blindnesse Yet let us briefly observe what this succession of the Church of Rome may signifie or bee they bring us clauses of ancient Authours reporting the Bishop of Rome to be Saint Peters Successor and shew a Nomenclature of the Bishops from Saint Peter to this day but we finde that the ancients make such another Catalogue of the Bishops of Ierusalem and of Antioch whose succession is of greater antiquity then that of the Bishops of Rome The Bishops of Alexandria likewise draw out their succession from Saint Peter But our Adversaries will not have this succession to be esteemed for say they those Churches are hereticall and yet the same Churches also call the Church of Rome hereticall and schismaticall Herein then lieth the point of difficulty the ancients reckon up the Successours of Saint Peter and other Apostles in Iernsalem in Antioch at Rome and at Alexandria but they meane not they should bee Successours of the Apostles in the Apostleship they meane onely in the governement of such and such a particular Church planted by one of the Apostles So putting the case that Saint Peter founded the Church of Rome and was there Bishop which neverthelesse is doubtfull and mistrusted I will also agree that the Bishops of Rome of the first ages have beene Successours to Saint Peter but in the Bishopricke of the Church of the city of Rome onely In the same manner as Simon was Successame manner to Saint Iames the Apostle in the Bishopricke of Ierusalem and Timothy Successour to Saint Paul in the Bishopricke of Ephesus but not in his Apostleship Our Adversaries profit nothing by their allegations if they prove not first by testimonies both divine and irrefragable that God hath ordained Saint Peter to have a Successour in his Apostleship and that the Bishop of Rome was Successour to Saint Peter in the dignity of the head of the universall Church For ought not this succession to have come from God Did God establish a supreame and successive head over the Church of all the world without making any mention of it in his word And did Saint Peter himselfe forget to speake of this succession from whence we have two long Epistles See then whereupon we stand and how our Adversaries are taken All their Religion is founded upon this Tradition to wit that the Pope hath beene ordained from God to bee the Successour of Saint Peter in the charge of head of the universall Church hereunto they bend their force this is the scope of all the controversies And yet concerning this Tradition they cannot produce one poore divine truth nor one single word out of the word of God yea when it commeth to humane testimonies it is apparant that they are contrary to this Monarchicall succession of the Pope of Rome In one thing our Adversaries finde themselves much incumbred We demand of them when they speake of a succession whether they understand it of persons without succession of doctrine or of a succession of persons in the same doctrine If they understand a succession of persons sitting in the same chaire without succession of doctrine this succession is impious serving for a title of succession to make warre against God Hee that corrupteth the Doctrine of his Predecessors succeedeth them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as sicknesse succeedeth health and darknesse light so Gregory of Nazianzene speaketh in his Oration upon Athanasius To have the same Doctrine saith he is to have the same Seat but to have a contrary Doctrine is to have a contrary Seat one hath the name the other hath the truth of the succession c. Vnlesse a man will call it succession when the maladie succeedeth health and darknesse the light But if our Adversaries speaking of succession understand it of persons not only in the same Chaire but also in the same Doctrine this succession is excellent and a singular ornament in a Church no man can erre in adhering to such a succession for it carrieth conformity of Doctrine with the Apostles and before this succession can bee knowne it is behovefull to be instructed in the writings of the Apostles and in their Doctrine Such a succession is that whereof Iren. lib. 4. cap. 43. E● qu● in Ecclesia sunt Presbyteru obedire oportet his qui successionē habent ab Apostolus qui cum Episcopatus successione charis●a veritatis certū secundū placitū Patris acceperunt Irenaeus speaketh saying That wee ought to obey Priests who are in the Church who have the succession of the Apostles and with the succession of the Bishopricke have received the certaine talent of the truth Not acknowledging succession in the Bishopricke without succession in the truth of the Doctrine And Tertullian speaking of the Heretikes Their Doctrine Tertull. de praescr c. 21 I●sa eorū doctrina cum Apostolica comparata ex diversitate contrari●tate doctrina pronuntiabit neque Apostoli ●lic●ius auctoru esse neque Apostolic● being compared with that of the Apostles by the diversity and contrariety therein will plainely demonstrate that it hath not any Apostle for Authour nor any one that is Apostolicall Snatching this specious title of Apostolike succession from those who taught otherwise then the Apostles had done It is no small abuse when wee would know whether a Religion bee true or no to give us a list of Bishops in painting and pictures without knowing whether the latter doe teach as the first pinning religion unto the Chaires to the end to suppresse the true rules and institutions as also to divert the people from reading of the holy Scripture for feare lest they should apprehend the conformity in Doctrine with the Apostles which is the true succession We must note by the way that in the time of Irenaeus and Tertullian who wrote about six score yeeres after the Apostles it was easie to shew the succession Then I meane when the Churches wherein the Apostles had taught did hold one and the same faith I say when the succession was of no great length and the memory of the Apostles and their disciples preaching was fresh and familiar But now that the Churches which were planted by the Apostles are divided into contrary Sects and separated from communion and that the confusions abounding in space of some fifteene hundred yeeres have throwne downe so many Chaires and reared up others and that particularly the Bishopricke of Rome is turned into a temporall Monarchy and the Pope of a Bishop is become a temporall Prince this successive derivation of Chaires in the East and West is impossible considering that the entayle of this succession hath beene thousands of times cut off so that it is a meere imposture to enter into this lea of Histories and confusions to the end to examine the Traditions in stead of addressing our selves to the word of God CHAP. XVI That the Pharisees and ancient
length as also lest the people should compare the vanity of these Traditions with the sanctity and excellence of the holy Scriptures which our Adversaries hinder to bee read with all their might and diligence Moreover our Adversaries doe say that the Pope and the Church of Rome can adde to the Creed and establish new Articles of faith Wherupon it followeth that if Christian Religion may suffer yet more additions to bee matters essentiall the Fathers did vainly labour to make a perfect body of the Christian Religion seeing that it is as yet imperfect I being moved with these considerations which doe altogether hinder them did designe with my selfe to make a collection of all the Traditions of the Church of Rome and to lend helpe to their negligence But being entred therinto I perceived the labour to bee endlesse and was overwhelmed with the multitude It hath happened to mee as to those that settle themselves in an evening to count the first starres that appeare and whilst they are counting the first others appeare then more so as all their reckoning is interrupted This labour increasing underhand dulleth the edge of a mans desire and so much the rather seeing there is no man but is soone weary of gathering uselesse drosse together If I were disposed to make a perfect Catalogue of the Romish Traditions it would bee necessary for me to decipher and paint forth the infinite diversity of Masses the Services and Suffrages of the dead the Rubriques and Proviso's to supply the defects of the Masse arising either from some defect in the person of him that celebrateth or from the place or from the time or from something in the matter or in the intention It would be needfull for me to insert all the lawes touching the administration of the Seven Sacraments and the disciplines of the Romish Pontificallity that direct the collation of the seven Orders The Consecration of the Bishops the Archiepiscopall garment the benediction of Abbots Abbesses and Nuns the Dedication of the Churches the Consecration of the Altars whether fixed or portative together with the vessell and moveables of the Church and Churchyards the reconciliation of the Churches and Church-yards in case of pollution by effusion of blood or by other dishonest act or by the interrement of an Hereticke the benediction of the Images Crosses Corporalls Reliques Bels and Standards the Consecration of the Chrysme and the Fonts the Admonitions Excommunications and Reconcilements of Penitents on Maundy Thursday the forme of Degradings and Exorcismes the single and double shaving the infinite variety of Monkes and their Orders of the divers priviledges and spirituall graces which the Pope hath granted unto them It would like wise bee needfull for mee to represent the lawes of the booke of holy Ceremonies wherein the forme of the Popes Obsequies and Funerals and of the Election and Coronation of a new one is prescribed The submissions which the Kings owe in the Procession that is made at his Coronation and at the Feast The Coronation of the Emperor by the hand of the Pope with his shamefull homages and submissions to his Holinesse The benediction of the Knight of the Church The benediction of the Rose on our Lords day Laetare and of the sword on Christmas night The Consecration of the Agnus Dei The Creation of Cardinals The power of Apostolike Legats The Order of the Consistory and of the Conclave and of the Councel when the Pope is resident there in person or by his Nuntio's The Papall Masse and how the Pope receiveth the Communion The Popes Habits his Episcopall Miter his Royall Crowne and a thousand the like things whereof the very names doe terrisie us and the Lawes and Disciplines for quantity doe surpasse the Bible in thicknesse It would have beene needfull to adde a thousand villanous and ignominious precepts touching busie and unchaste interrogations which the Confessors make the determinations touching the cases of conscience But modesty hath hath not permitted it and I was loath to staine my booke with such infamous rules which teach vices under the shadow of examining and reprehending them Therefore to put some bounds to this trouble I have contented my selfe to bring traditions which concerne the Doctrine that is to say which in some sort thrust at the Law of God and the Doctrine of the Gospel that concerne the Sacraments and the Orders and the Ecclesiasticall charges with some superstitions where the abuse is most grosse and apparant I have drawne all these Traditions from the publike practice from the Councels approved by the Popes from the text of the Masse it selfe and from the Decrees Decretals and Extravagants of the Popes And from some of the more famous Authors as Lombard and Thomas two Princes of the Schoole Bellarmine Vasquez Gregory of Valence Tolet Emanuel Sa that are Iesuites Navarre the Popes Penitentiary the three later I quote most often because they maintaine their sayings by a multigude of other Doctors so as under the name of one Authour I alledge many All such as have hearts disposed to learne shall here see with admiration mixed with griefe as in a small contracted table the whole massie body of Papisme varied with a hundred thousand colours and shall be able thereby to profit For the simple recitall is enough for refutation and to leade foorth into view the mystery of iniquitie FINIS
hindred from choosing the best Church amongst many contrary How shall they choose Church from the false shall they know it in examining her doctrine by the Scripture that may not be for the Scripture is a Booke that the people are not permitted to reade and our adversaries affirme that the Church is not subject or bound to the Scripture and that the Church may change the same which God commaunded in the Scripture Shall they discerne the true Church by antiquity and succession nor that for the Syrian and Greeke Churches contrary to the Romish are more ancient then that of Rome deriving their succession from the Apostles and punctually to judge in this succession and antiquitie infinite Histories both Greeke and Latine ought to be read wherein the people vnderstand little or nothing And amongst the Clergie it selfe scarce one of an hundred is found that hath but ordinary or competent knowledge therein Hee that but entreth into the view thereof shall discouer the seat of the Romane Pontifies defiled with heresies and enormous crimes yea mangled and rent with Schismes that are decided by stroke of sword and according to the power of Emperours and Kings doeth the scale weigh downe Shall they haue respect to the generalitie and multitude no Iesus Christ calleth his Church a little flocke Luke 12. 32. and signifieth vnto vs that the multitude and broad way leade to perdition Math 7. 13 14. Shal they giue heed to miracles no the Apostle hath foretold us that the sonne of perdition who is Antichrist shall come with signes and miracles 2. Thess 2. 9. And Iesus Christ admonisheth vs that false prophets shall arise and shall make signes wonders to seduce Math. 24. 24. Now seeing that so many false miracles are wrought and the most predominant Courts of Iustice haue made many Decrees against the workers of them how and by what markes shall the poore people distinguish the true miracles from the false seeing there is no knowledge of the true doctrien declaring Gods will that we should discerne the miracles Deut. 13. v. 1 2 3. Briefly it is certaine that the Scriptures authoritie being no more the foundation and direction of the beleeuers faith all Religion vanisheth and turneth into smoke and there remaines nothing but to beleeue at adventure to follow the generalitie and like blind men to lay hands on him that marcheth next before vs. It is answered that in this perplexitie the people are to follow their Doctors and Pastors for they are the men that vndertake with God for the people What must euery man beleeue the Pastors of his owne countrey must they follow the Church wherein they are borne shall man owe his Religion to his birth or the custome of his countrey or the successe of affaires If it bee answered that by the Pastors and Doctors those of the Church of Rome are to be vnderstood therein lies the poynt of difficultie For the question is if those Doctors bee sound and good teachign the true way of health conformably to the Word of God which they conceale from the people in denying them to reade the holy Scriptures then are the people bound to beleeue that these are good Doctors before they know the good doctrine and that this church is the true church before they know or apprehend the truth They are also bound to beleeue what the church of Rome beleeveth not knowing what that Church ought to beleeue But if it be their tenent that every particular person bee assisted with the Spirit of God to bee able to discerne the true Church why hold they not that hee bee assisted with the same spirit to discerne the true doctrine and to examine it by the holy scriptures seeing that the true Church cannot bee distinguished but by the true doctrine for the true faith is first to be knowne before the true faithfull can be distinguished and the true rule is to be well vnderstood before those that follow it can be knowne Christ must first be knowne before there is possibility of knowing undoubtedly what Church is truely his flocke Adde likewise heereunto that the faith of the Romish Doctors dependeth entirely upon the Popes faith neverthelesse they for the greatest part doe beleeue that the Pope may erre and the Popes themselues doe confesse the same as wee haue elsewhere prooved Yea their errors are condemned by those Councels which the Church of Rome did allow And it is hard to beleeue that he cannot erre who boasteth of his authority and power to change that which God hath ordained to dispense with his commandements Add moreover that the greatest ●●atterers of the Popes that haue written their histories and liues doe lament the corruption of that seat and complaine of the traffique it exerciseth and of the infamous ●●ving of many Popes and their intolerable pride for what doth the Pope hee is advanced so far as to call himselfe God and the divine Maiestie to cause himselfe to bee adored to reach forth to Emperours a pantable to be kissed to dispose the crownes and liues of Kings and to release soules out of Purgatory insomuch as from a poore Biship of a citie who in the Primitiue time appeared not but in the martyrdomes is by degrees become a great Monarch of the earth that surpasseth in riches and treasure the greatest Kings of the world These things considered may we fix in our minds a just cause to suppose that the Pope is the same man that the Scripture hath foretold to come into the world to * 2 Thess 2. 7 8. Apoes 13. 11 2. Thess 2. ● 4. 9. Apocal. 17. 3. 4. 9. 18. Apocal. 17. 2. Apocal. 13. 15. lift himselfe up into the shrone of Roman Emperours stile himselfe God vaunt of signes and miracles he that should be● cloathed in scarlet should possesse his seat in a towne of seven mountaines which is Romes description should seduce Kings wage war against the Church and vanquish it and all this vnder the name of Christian assuming to himselfe the title and authoritie of Iesus Christ For so saith the Spirit of God in the 13 of the Apocalipse Hee shall haue the hornes of a Lambe but shall speake like a dragon These things having beene foretold aboue fifteene hundred yeares past no man since that time hath so swelled himselfe to so high a pitch as to haue these recived things appropriated vnto him but the Pope of Rome Is it by chance or adventure that such pre●ogatiues haue met in one man Surely these considerations are sufficient to cause a suspition in ●s that this is the man who should haue more authoritie then the Scripture that would haue himselfe beleeved when hee saith that the Scripture is subject vnto him and that he hath power to change it that is to say to contradict it For no man can extoll himselfe aboue the Scripture vnlesse it bee meerely to impugne it Now though man fearing God and touched with the zeale of his
recte de Ecclesia sentit qui nihil admit tit nisi quod expresse in veteri Ecclesia sumpen̄ a●t factū ess● legit quasi Ecclesia osterioris temporis aut desierit esse Ecclesia aut facuitate non habeat explica●● et acclarandi costiruenat etiam 〈◊〉 qua au 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christianon per●●on● doctrine defendeth himselfe in this manner He judgeth not rightly of the Church who admitteth nothing but what hee expresly readeth to haue ●en practised or done in the ancient ●hurch as if the Church of these ●tter times had c●ased to be a Church ● had not power to vnfold and d●clare ●a to establish and ordaine the things ●●at appertaine to fayth and manners ●f Christians This power then of ●he Pope over the life and crowne ●f Kings is not a divine Tradition ● or Apostolike but Eccl●siasticall ●rought in by the church of Rome ●n latter times that is to say by ●he Pope And when our adversaries attribute to the Pope the power of adding to the Creed and of making articles of Faith it is apparant that they hold the Pope able to bring in Traditions essentiall to Christian faith which the Apostles haue neither written nor taught by word of mouth This is that which Thomas Aquinas Them 2. ●● q● 1. are 10. Ad solam ar theritate 〈◊〉 ●●● 〈◊〉 is pertinot noua editie symboli sicut alia omnia qua pertinent ad toram Eccl●siam teacheth in the second part of his Summs saying It belongeth s●lely to the authority of the soveraigne Pope to make a new edition of Creed as also all things that concerne the vniversall Church Vpon which passage Andradius that assisted at the Counsell of Trent spake thus in the second Booke of the defence 〈◊〉 Pontifices ●●lte defini 〈◊〉 qua anto 〈◊〉 symbol● fidei 〈◊〉 consu 〈◊〉 of the Tridentine faith The Romane Pontifies in defining many things which had been formerly hidden haue accustomed to augment the Creed This question hath been moved to the Councell of Florence betweene the Greekes and Latines the Latines maintaining against the Greekes that the Pope and church of Rome may adde to the Creed Finally in the last Session is concluded in favour of the Latines Ipsi necessitate ●●gente iure suo particula● illam ex filioque symbolo app● 〈◊〉 licuisso that the Church of Rome hath right of power to adde to the Creed and in the margent is noted Rom Pontificis potestas the power of the ●ope for by the church you must ●understand the Pope To this doth the Iesuite Vasques ●gree who disputing of the Apo●les commandement that biddeth ●he people of Corinth 1. Cor. 11. vers 28 to eate of this bread and Vazques Tom. 2. Disp. 216. Nū 60. Licet cōcederemus hoc fuisse Apostolorū praceptū rithilom●n us Ecclesia summus Pōtifex potuerunt illud īustis de causis abrogare Neque enim maior fuit porestas Apostolorum quam Ecclesia Pontificu in ferendu praceptis drinke of this cup speaking thus Though we should graunt that it hath been the Apostles commandement yet neverthelesse the Church and the sove raigne Pope were able to abolish this commandement vpon just reasons for the power of the Apostles to giue commaundements hath not been greater then that of the Church and the Pope Seeing therefore that the Pope hath as much power over the Church as the Apostles and that the Apostles haue had the power to forme a Creed and to establish in the Church Articles of Faith which had not beene written before nor taught by word of mouth in the Church it followes that the Pope hath the same power and that he can forma a Creed or adde to that which the Apostles haue formed and can ordaine matters which the Apostles haue neither written nor taught by mouth Whereupon Leo the tenth in his Bull Exurge which is annexed to the end of the last Lateran Councell thundereth and pronounceth an anathema again ● Luther for having spoken amongst other things Certum est in manis Ecclesis aut Papa proorsus nō esse 〈◊〉 arti●ulos fides that it is no way in the power of the Church or of the Pope to establish articles of faith Salmeron the Iesuite is expresse in his 13 Tome and the third part Disp 6. ● est ergo Doctrina ●dei admitit additionē● essentialius of the sixth Disputation saying The doctrine of faith suffereth addition in the things that are essentiall These words are worth observation for if you beleeue this Iesuite the Pope and Church of Rome ●●ay adde to the Traditions that ●re called Apo●tolicall and to the ●● written word not only matters ●cciden●all but also essentiall not ●aught by the Apostles Which ●ikewise doth i●feere that the A●ostles haue not taught all that is ●ecessary to Christian Religion ●nd that then there wanted some●hing that was essentiall in the doctrine of the Apostles § Atque hoc c. Nec sub Apostolu omnia occur runt vt possent ab en omnia decidi Et in alio statu erat Ecclesia sub Apostolu quam sit modo vel fuen●● post illa tempra Deinde natura nostra non omnia simul doceri potest c. In iniurtam igitur spiritus sanct● qui vngit vnctione ●a membra Christi qui vsque modo operatur reiicitur quicquid non est dudum ab Apostolis c. Possunt ergo esse n●uae traditiones ad fidem m●res spectātes licet ab Apostolu nō sint condit● aut explicat● The same Iesuite in his 8. Disputation giues a reason why the Apostles haue not written nor preached all things The affayres saith hee in the Apostles time di● not so hit and fall out as that all things could bee decided and the Church at that time was of a condition differing from her now pr●sent estate and from her estate since that very time Moreouer our nature cannot apprehend all things at once but by progresse and succession of time neither is it capable of all truths at a time c. It were then to abuse the holy Ghost that an●oynteth Christs members with oyntment and that operateth vntill thi● instant to reject all that hath not bee● spoken by the Apostles Whereupon he concludeth therefore may ther● bee new Traditions concerning faith and manners though they were never made or explicated by the Apostles Now I leaue to judge with wha● conscience it may be maintained that the Traditions are ancient and Apostolicall seeing that our adversaries doe confesse that there are many of them moderne and new whereof the Apostles never spake word And to the ende that no man may conceaue these new Traditions to be spungie of no weight unnecessary or unessentiall to christian Religion he speakes directly that the new Traditions are touching faith and manners and that the ●●ctrine of the Christian faith re●●veth yet an addition even in ●ings that are essentiall
Scriptures in paper nor was he pleased to committ his mysteries to parchment Salmeron in his second Prolegomenon In the Church of God understanding §. Septimo Scriptura Addimus in Ecclesia Dei esse Spiritum sanctū Scriptura authorē Non mirum ergo si Ecclesia Dei quae Spiritū habet subijciatur alwayes the Romish is the holy spirit which is Authour of the Scripture it is no marvell then if the Scripture bee subiect to the Church that hath the spirit What is not the Pope subject to the Scripture is hee not subiect to the Law of God which God hath given us written in two tables Is hee not obliged to obey the Doctrine of the Gospell written in the New Testament Now if the head of the Church of Rome be subiect to the Scripture how much more the Church of Rome that is subject to the Pope But is it not a transcendent blasphemy to defend that the Scripture is subject to the Church of Rome For is not the holy Scripture the Word of God It must otherwise follow that the word of God is subject to men and that Gods commaundements are subordinate to the Pope to whom the Church of Rome is subject Now tell mee after such abhomination whether these men doe beleeue that there is one God and one Religion Thomas Stapleton an English Doctour in his second Booke of the Authority of the Scripture chap. D● non t●●sius si●e● regu●am in se esse scripturam quā ipsarū scripturarū regulam esse fidē Ecclesiae 11. I haue said and doe say that the Scripture in it selfe is not the rule of faith but the faith of the Church is the rule of Scripture Now the faith of the Church is nothing but Tradition of the Church His scope then is that the Scripture shall bee regulated and examined by the Tradition of the Romish Church and that it shall bee subiect to that rule whence is to bee concluded that God speaking to us in the holy Scriptures is directed by men and subject to their judgment The Prophets whose writings are extant with vs were extraordinarily stirred up to reprehend the church of that time and to chastise the Priestes the Sacrificers and the Scribes that erred in manners and doctrine Now in reason tell me were the prophesies of these Prophets subject to the authoritie of that Church Was the faith of these Sacrificers a rule by which those divine Prophesies were to be examined and which wee haue kept to this present time Goe to then if the prophecies were not subiect to Priests and Sacrificers that lived about the Prophets time how are they now subiect to the Pope by what occasion are they become subiect to the superintendency of the Church of Romes Tradition Briefly wee are now arriued at an age wherein blasphemy is come to the highest degree men openly professing to pull God with violence from his Throne and most insolently to climbe aboue him Surely the Mahometans do speake of the Scripture with more respect and reuerence What is the scope or purpose of Iesuite Regourds late booke intitled Catholicke demonstrations but to proue that to rest vpon the Scripture is the way to all impiety and atheisme If herein he meant only our French Bibles or the diuersity of latine translations or the sundry interpretations which hee discouereth in some of our Doctours though all this which hee saith are but calumnies and a Fardell of vnprofitable trifles which wee haue refuted in a former treatise yet this were to forge vntruths with Method and scarce to touch vpon the question but he meaneth the originals Hebrew and Greeke wherein hee findeth no certainty Hee discouereth in them manifest contradictions Pag. 440. and errour in the calculation of times Hee sayes that S. Paul Pag. 562. vsed fraud but an honest fraud towards the Corinthians He telleth vs Pag. 128. 131. that many bookes of the Scripture are lost that the Scriptures were burnt in time of persecution and the Copies perished that many deuout Doctours Pag. 131. doe affirme that vnder the captiuity of Babylon all the old Testament was depraued rent in pieces and burnt vntill Esdras did newly re-compose the same Scriptures that the Iewes our Sauiours enemies haue made vowells Pap. 183. in the old Testament and so changed the sense of the scripture and made it doubtfull The same saith he is true of the new Testament the which hauing beene written without accents and without markes and distinctions of words no man can assure himselfe of the true sense seeing that the sense dependeth upon the accents c. And a litle further We haue not therfore any true knowledge of the sense of the Scripture and consequently wee are pointed and referred over to the mercy of the contestations of Grammarians to the litigious craft of criticall spirits to the capritious fancies of Dictionary-makers to the Gallimafries and Chimeraes of scholiasts Now for all these difficulties there is but one single remedy to weet we must repaire to the Church that is to say the Pope and whom it shall bee his pleasure to authorise Whereupon it were good to know when there i● a question concerning the exposition of an Hebrew or Greeke passage whether a Pope who vnderstands neither Hebrew nor Greeke shall therein be a good Interpreter whether sitting in the Apostoli●ke chaire hee shall giue infallible interpretations of a Text whereof he knoweth not a letter whether hauing called the Doctours to instruct him thereupon hee instantly reinuesteth them with an infallible spirit and enableth them with power not to erre in matters wherein hee himselfe vnderstandeth nothing Whence then proceedeth so great a diuersity and contrariety amongst these Doctou●s in the Scriptures interpretation why amongst their writings doe they refute the interpretations of one the other Is it not the Pope and the Church of Rome that by the Councell of Trent hath authorised the vulgar ●atine translation and ordained ●hat it should onely be receiued for ●uthenticall although it bee the worst interpretation of all and stuffed with a thousand errours and absurdities haue not the Popes themselues since the Councell of Trent caused multitudes of faults to bee amended therein doe not the most learned of the Romish Church Pagnin Arias Montanus Isidorus Clarius Andradius Sixtus Senensis complaine of the corruption of this translation wherein the Iesuites themselues are not silent especially Salmeron in his Salm. Pro● 9. Quinqua l. Can. 5. In nouo Testamento sequenda est editio vulgata ac te●enda corrigenda tamen emaculanda prius in his in quibus aut temporum iniuria aut labrariorum incur●a vel imperi●●a depra●●ta est ninth Prolegomenon of these things wee haue written at large in our first Treatise of the Iudge of controversies The peruersnes of this Iesuiticall sparke is most of all discouered herein that hauing once displayed as hee supposeth the defaults of the Scripture hee reioyceth that such
Greeke and Latine who very often jarre among themselues so far as not to agree vpon the next Successours to Saint Peter it is impossible that the people should know any thing in this succession o● should haue any assurance hereof but by the Testimony of those who brag of it and liue by it Moreover our adversaries doe confesse that the Pope and church of Rome may erre in the question de facto Now these questions to weet whethe● Saint Peter hath left the Bishop of Rome Successour of his Apostleship or of his Supremacy and whether this succession hath not beene interrupted by Schismes and heresies are questions de facto and consequently of the nature of those wherein our adversaries hold that the Church of Rome may erre And the proofes which our adversaries bring forth are drawne from books which theirselues conuince of falsity and from such fragments as for the most part are supposititious I forbeare to censure any further the certainty of Romish traditions seeing they are all founded vpon one Maxime which is a Tradition humane not vpheld by any Ordinance of God a Tradition which is not an Article of the Christian faith yet at this time is put downe for the ground of Faith a Tradition which is of the nature of those wherein our adversaries confesse that the Church may erre a Tradition whereof the people can haue no certainty nor knowledge but by bookes both Greeke and Latine of infinite length wherein they vnderstand nothing and by the Testimony of those especially who propose it that is to say the Popes who receiuing not the Scripture for Iudge cal themselues supreme Iudges and infallible in all controuersies more especially in that wherein is pleaded their succession and their owne proper authority and infallibility Now it is an easie matter to guesse at what the proceedings of the Enemy of our saluation doe levell Their butt scope is to distill as it were all Religion into a vapour and to make it depend vpon presuppositions not only vaine and vncertaine but also false and imaginary as he that should beare vp an obeliske vpon a smal feskue When some demand Wherefore is it behouefull to receive Traditions the answere is because the Pope hath ordained it Againe if it be demanded whence commeth this authority of the Pope it is answered Because Saint Peter dying hath left the Bishop of Rome Successour of his Supremacy over the Church of the whole world Moreouer when it is asked Can you produce any Ordinance of God for this succession for this point being estated by you for the foundation of the Church and of all the Christian faith it is not credible that God hath ordained nothing of it there they stand caught by the nose not vttering one syllable of the word of God and doe confesse that this succession is not lure diuino nor by the Ordinance of God Only the Popes will bee therein beleeued and call themselues supreme and absolute in a case wherein they are so much interessed and wherein it is disputed of their succession and authority Thus you may see all the Ius diuinum founded vpon a point which is not Iure diuino and all the divine doctrine founded vpon humane Tradition yea vpon humane Testimony the most vncertaine of all for the certainty of the Popes succession is founded vpon the Testimony and authority of the Pope himselfe who is party in this cause and who by this Tradition ruleth and vpholdeth his Empire Nay they doe worse they make not onely these Traditions but the very authority of the holy Scripture to depend vpon this Tradition Let it bee demanded wherefore ought we to beleeue that God hath created man after his owne Image that he hath giuen his Law to Moses in two Tables and that the Sonne of God hath taken flesh in the wombe of the blessed Virgine and is dead for vs It is answered that this is to be beleeued because it is written in the holy Scripture that God hath inspired his Prophets and Apostles Againe let it bee asked wherefore ought the holy Scriptures to bee beleeued and why are wee obliged to put our faith therein The answere Basiliensis Concilȳ appēdice Ecclesia Romana sic lequitur Qued autem verum feret Christi Evāge leum qu●m●de scire possetu nisi illud vobis patefeeissem Audistu nōnullos ex Apostolu scripsisse Evangelia Sed quo●iam quatuer duntaxat approbavi ● Ra vt Evangelia venerantur alia respuuntur is Because the Church of Rome hath so ordained it which hath this authority by vertue of her succession in Supremacy of Saint Peter But vpon this question haue you any commandement from God they answere the holy Scripture indeed speaks nothing of it but the church of Rome is supreme Iudge and hath more authority over vs then the Scripture Neverthelesse in this point it is disputed of the authority of the Church of Rome wherein it is no reasonable thing that shee should bee Iudge much lesse to assigne her selfe Iudge aboue the Scripture Doe but obserue what becommeth of all Christian Religion in the account of these Merchants Their will is that God should bee beleeued because men ordained it and that the diuine truth should haue no other foundation then the evidence and authority of lying men yea such as will bee Iudges in their owne cause and who hauing invented a thousand Traditions all tendi●g to their profit hold them all vp by one Tradition alone which hath no other foundation then their owne authority There is no such pernicious stratageme to pervert the Christian Religion as to confound the things that are certaine by vncertaine proofes to plead humane Tradition for their highest and concluding principle and to order that the Christian faith should haue a Maxime that is no Articie of faith and is vpheld by no other authority then of those that publish it and such as by this Maxime enrich themselues and build them vp an Empire on the earth yea all the Churches in the world except the Romish doe reject this Maxime and laugh at this succession as a story contradicted by all antiquity and especially by al the Bishops of Rome who whilst the Romane Empire was in florishing estate never intermedled in any affaire beyond the limits of that Empire as I haue proued at large in my first Treatise The second Maxime is of the same nature and dependeth vpon the first Our adversaries to maintaine all their Traditions say that the Pope cannot erre in the Faith and that likewise by vertue of the same succession For they will haue the Pope Successour not only of the power of Saint Peter but also of his infallibility Now if the Pope should be Successour of the Supremacy of Saint Peter it followeth not thereupon that the Pope cannot erre for hee that is Successour of the charge of another is not therefore Successor of his vertue The Doctors that haue succeeded in the chaire of Moses haue
added thereunto much more cleerenesse and light 4. Yet the same Apostle at Act. 20. 27. speaketh to the Ephesians I have not shunded to declare unto you all the counsell of God Whereupon it followeth that the essentiall things of faith which Salmeron formerly told us were added since the Apostles time and not taught of them either by mouth or by writing are not of the counsell of God Of which additions in matters of religion of the greatest importance we have already vouched many examples especially out of the confession of our Adversaries themselves It would bee impertinent to reply that by the same reason it should bee said that the Gospel of Saint Iohn and the Apocalypse are not of the counsell of God because they were no● then written when Saint Paul said he had declared all the counsell of God For these two bookes containe not any doctrine which is not found in the other bookes of the new Testament and which the Apostles have not taught by mouth and by writing 5. At Deut. 4. 2. and 12. 3. God speaketh thus Ye shall not adde to the word which I command you neither shall you diminish ought from it Hee doth not say you shall not change or alter any part or you shall not teach any thing to the contrary but you shall adde nothing and diminish nothing As to diminish defalse something from the Law of god is not to foist in a contrary c●mandement so also to adde doth not signifie to impugne Put the case it were not forbidden to adde and that it should bee spoken thus You shall change nothing of my word yet the Pope would still be culpable of having infringed this restraint by attributing to himselfe the power of changing the Lawes and Ordinances of God and of dispensing against the Apostle In the bookes of the hourely prayers of our Lady according to the custome of Rome the ten Commandements of God are placed in the entrance The third is couched in these termes Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath and festivall dayes Can any thing bee more plainely added to the Commandement of God Therefore if it were prohibited to adde to the Law of Moses without which was then no Doctrine of salvation there is no colour or appearance that at this time the Law of Moses the Prophets the Evangelists and Apostles are not sufficient and that it is lawfull to adde unwritten Traditions thereunto And let it not seeme strange that the bookes of Moses alone were then sufficient unto salvation for whosoever will examine the books of Ioshua of the Iudges of the Prophets who did set forth their writings afterwards shall finde that they adde nothing to the Doctrine of salvation which is contained in the bookes of Moses onely they adde some confirmatory examples of the promises and menaces of God some histories of the chastisements judgements and deliverances of the Chu●ch some Prophecies and future events some particular expositions of that which the law of Moses spake in generall and some commaundements made to some particular one which were not generall Lawes nor perpetuall in the Church As for the Oracles which God gave amongst the Cherubins they were not Doctrines nor Canons of Religion but answeres upon future successes or upon the estate of the present affaires of peace or warre It is true that Iesus Christ and the Apostles have since given a more ample instruction but I say that whilst the Church had no other divine bookes but those of Moses they were sufficient to salvation for the Church ought to be contented with that measure of knowledge which God hath revealed But in succeeding ages if God revealeth something more then he had done before and p●esenteth himselfe more obviously to humane understandings this falleth out necessary for those unto whom Gods pleasure is to have himselfe manifested That Noses hath not distributed unwritten Traditions to the people see his owne testimony at Deut. 31. 24. in these words And it came to passe when Moses had made an end of writing the words of the Law in a booke untill they were finished that he commanded the Levites which bare the Arke of the Covenant of the Lord saying Take this booke of the Law and put it in the side of the Arke c. 6. After the death of M●ses God gave to Ioshua no other precept or document ●hen this very booke as hee himselfe speaketh to Ioshua in the first Chapter Be strong and courageous that thou mayest observe to doe according to all the Law which Moses my servant commanded thee turne not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest This booke of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night Surely God in this Law of Moses commandeth to obey the Soueraigne sacrificing Priest as also the Leuites and the Iudges not when they should adde to the Law of God but when they should teach this Law as it is said at the 17. of Deut. 9. and 11. Where also the Kings are commanded to haue the booke of the Law of God alwayes before their eyes and to read therein all the dayes of their life verse the 18. and the 19. 7. None of our adversaries durst yet deny that the doctrine of the Gospell is sufficient to salvation or gaine-fay that the Gospell is found whole and entire in the new Testament Otherwise the title were false and we should be forced to change the inscription and set it downe part of the Gospel untill the Pope doth publish the second part or else bee compelled to seeke the other part of the Gospel in the unwritten word which is not to bee found For our aduersaries would never suffer it to bee compiled and reduced into one body nor doe they divulge any booke which is called the word of God except the Holy Scripture Some answere that the bookes Iehan Iaubert p. 308. of the Gospell which are in the new Testament doe containe all the Gospel but implicitely that is to say after an involued and imbroyled manner the force of conscience hath extorted those words from them for if the service of Images adoration of Reliques Pardons of one hundred thousand yeeres single life of Priests succession of the Pope in the Apostleship of Saint Peter restraint of reading the Scripture c. are contained in the bookes of the new Testament they must bee lurking after an inveloped and obscure manner for no man could euer descry them to bee therein Those that extract oyles and salts out of the stones would idly imploy their knowledge therein For to speake in generall without any specification that the Scripture approoueth Traditions is but a mockery under this vaile or shaddow there is neither tyranny nor idolatry nor bartering traffique but may abound and bee practised in the Church presupposing without proofe that these are the Traditions which the Scripture meaneth for the Pope so
in ipsius pastoris vocibus in Euangelistarum praedictionibus loboribus hoc est in 〈◊〉 Caenoni● is sanctorum librerum authoritatibus their Bishops and the beleefe of the people saith Such like matters being layd aside let them demonstrate and proue their Church if they be able not in discourses and rumors of Africans not by the Councells of their Bishops nor by the writings of such and such disputants nor by cheating signes and miracles for against those devices we are armed and prepared with the word of God but by the ordinances of the Law by the predictions of the Prophets by the Canticles of the Psalmes by the words of the Sheepheard himselfe by the preachings and paines taking of the Evangelists that is to say by all the Canonicall authorities of the holy Bookes But as concerning another difficulty proposed to wit that there was obscurity in the Scripture and that there was difference and disagreement touching the sense of the passages which were alledged hee doth not in manner of our adversaries who striue to make the Church infallible interpreter for in so doing one of the parties should be judge and the Church should not bee subject to any judgment but he averreth that leaving the obscure passages every one may make use of those that are plaine presupposing that what is said obscurely in one passage is cleerly manifested in others Assuring withall that there is no other way to avoyd doubtfulnesse and Cap. 4. Hoc etiam praedico atque propono vt quaeque aperta manifesta deliga mus quae si in S. Scripturis non inuentrētur nullo modo essent vnde aperirētur clauso illustraerētur obscura Lib. 2. de doct Chri. cap. 9. In his quae aperté posita sunt in Scriptura inveniuntur illa omnia quae continent fidē moresque vivendi difficulty I propose this saith he to the end we may chuse the passages that are most cleere and manifest the which being not found in the holy Scriptures there should be no further meanes to open things that are shut up and explaine the obscure For as he speaketh in another place In matters that are plainely set downe in the holy Scriptures are found all things that concerne the faith and good manners As Basil hath it in his Breviores Regulae at the 267. Answere The matter that seemeth to bee obscurely mentioned in some passages of the Scripture divinely inspired are interpreted by that which is more cleerly set downe in other places Hee in his third booke against Maximine Chap. 14. disputeth thus Sed nunc ●nec ego Nicanum nec tu debes Ariminensa tanquā p●aiudicaturus proferre Concilium Nec ego huius authoritatate nec tu illius detineris Scripturarū authoritatibus non quorūcimquo propijs sed vtrique communibus testibus res cū re causa cum causa ratio cū ratione concertet against an Hereticke Now I ought not alledge the Nicene Councell nor thou the Ariminensian by way of prejudging I am not bound to the authority of that nor thou to the authority of this Let one thing be opposed to another one cause to another and one reason to another reason and this by authorities of the Scriptures which are not particular to such and such but are common witnesses to one and the other party Origen in his Homily upon Ieremie It is necessary that we bring the Necesse nobis est sanctas Scripturas in testimonium vocare Sēsus quippe nostri enarrationes sine his testibus non habent fidē Bell. lib. de verbo Dei nō scripto cap. 11. sect 2. holy Scriptures to witnesse for without them our opinions and reports are not worthy to be beleeved Bellarmine answereth that Origen speaketh only of obscure questions concerning which he thinketh it behoovefull that they be taught by the Scripture But besides that the whole proceeding of Origen in this passage maketh the contrary to appeare the Cardinall deceiveth himselfe if hee thinke that the things easie to bee understood as that God hath created the world and that Iesus Christ is dead for us have not as much need of the authority of the Scripture as those that are obscure but on the contrary it is not necessary to penetrate into the knowledge of many obscure things and God hath not deemed it requisite to satisfie curiosity therein Moreover Bellarmine speaking in that manner condemneth a great number of Traditions in the Romish Church which are most obscure as the Tradition of Limbus for the Fathers and that for little infants The Tradition that the Saints know our thoughts and behold all things in Gods face The Tradition of accidents without subject in the Eucharist The Tradition that the Virgine Mary is crowned Queene of heaven which are things wherein mans understanding is benummed all being full of uncertaine presumptions And it were most needfull to have the Scripture testifying for them if it bee so that in obscure things wee ought to bee taught by the holy Scripture Theod. lib. 1. Histor ca. 7. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will adde the opinion of the Emperour Constantine the great for a close who was the man in this world after the Apostles that did most good to the Christian Church Of him Theodoret reporteth that at the overture of the great Nicene Councell exhorting the 318. Bishops assembled to determine controversies hee speaketh in this manner The Evangelicall and Apostolicke bookes and the Oracles of the ancient Prophets instruct us plainely in our Beleefe concerning divine matters Wherefore all unfriendly contention being throwne to the ground let us draw the solving of doubts from the words divinely inspired This holy discourse displeaseth Bell lib. de verb. Dei n● scripto cap. 11. §. tertio E●at Constātinus magnus Imperator sed non magnus Ecclesi● Doctor And rad lib. 2. Defens Fidei Trid. initio Non advertūt imprudentes ho●ines tantū Arianis qui S●leuci● convenerunt ist ā Constan●ini ●ration●● arris●ss● Bellarmine for he saith That Constantine was a great Emperour but no great Doctor of the Church and that he understood not the secrets of religion And Andradius affirmeth that these words of Constantine pleased none but the hereticall Arians But who was he among the Ancients that ever blamed this Emperour for speaking so Yea doe not all the Historians magnifie his prudence and sage management of affaires in this Councell And verily this Councell hath followed his counsell and refuted not the Arians by other strength of Argument then by the holy Scripture It is evident by this passage that Constantine untill then had allowed no other instruction but by the holy Scriptures and that no man taught after the fashion of the Romish Church at this time wherein men begin with Tradition in saying that the authority of the Scripture is founded vpon the Tardition of the Church If then in matters necessary to salvation these Doctors for three or foure ages
o● Ecclesiasticall policy Now th● Traditions of our adversaries ar● of another nature They put fore most the Popes succession in th● Apostleship and supremacy of S● Peter over the universall Church vpon which Tradition they make all religion to depend Yea they maintaine that the Church is founded not only vpon Saint Peter but also vpon the Popes that are his pretended successors They stuffe our eares with Invocation of Saints with religious service to Images and with adoration of Reliques which are Traditions that shake and totter the service and religious adoration due to God alone and doe establish articles of the Christian faith to weet that the Saints doe know our hearts and that wee must imploy them for mediators and that they can heare our prayers effectually So likewise doth the Church of Rome tell us of superaboundant satisfactions of the Saints which the Pope gathereth into the Treasure of the Church and distributeth them amongst others by his Indulgences This Tradition ushereth in three new articles of faith The first is that man by his punishments and afflictions can satisfie God more then his sinnes doe merite The second is that God receiveth the satisfactions of another for payment of our sinnes The third is that God hath established the Pope to bee distributor of the satisfactions of another and commandeth him to gather them together into the treasure of the Church What is all this but a new Gospell Certainely if these Traditions be true the holy Scripture is a booke very imperfect in the principall materialls of Christian faith For what is there more important then the remission of sinnes Also the Tradition of Monasticke vowes layeth downe this Doctrine which is a new article of faith to weet that man can performe workes of supererrogation that is to say more good workes and more perfect then those which God hath commanded in his Word I say as much of the Communion under one kind wherein is impleaded the abridgment of the moity of the Sacrament instituted by the Sonne of God Not to speake of so many other Traditions which are not only additions to the Scripture but meerely diametrall contradictions to it This also is worthy of consideration that when the Fathers doe rehearse some examples of unwritten Traditions they doe not mention those of the Romish Church at this time but others that the Church of Rome hath disestemed and observeth not as prayer towards the East The prohibition of fasting on the Lords day The custome to pray standing on the same day and from the Paschall to Pentecost The custome of tasting the milke and hony after Baptisme and not to bee washed seven dayes after The prayer for the deceased Saints to the end they may be raysed at a happyer houre and in their sleep of rest they may find refreshment with such like matters which the Church of Rome hath pretermitted because they served not the Popes turne but hath invented others that are more gainefull and better accommodated to the profit and exaltation of the Pope and all the Roman Clergy CHAP. XXVIII of the multitude of Traditions in the Church of Rome THe saying of Cornelius Tacitus Ann lib. 3. In corruptissima republtca plurima leges is very true that the worst and most corrupted Republiques are those which have most lawes For in the same proportion that vices waxe strong the lawes also are multiplyed especially when the Lawes themselves become vices and mischieses are applyed for remedies If this bee true in humane affaires much more in Divine and in the Doctrine of salvation It is certaine that in civill affaires posterity instructed by experience hath often redressed the occurrences changing them into better and hath cured old evills with new lawes But as for the Doctrine of salvation delivered by God himselfe this will admit of no alteration without infinite impiety It is not for Subjects to adde to the lawes of their Soveraigne nor for Men to presume to bee wiser then God It will be found that all the Traditions which men have added to the Scripture are so many infringements of the Law of God which under the colour of adding thereunto doe overturne that which God hath established and are so many artificiall meanes through a glorious pompe to dazell the eyes of the People and to amuse them whilst they are seduced and lastly to enrich and exalt the Clergie For the Prelates of the Church of Rome carnestly bent to their profit have taken sufficient notice that the Gospell in its simplicity could not serve to build up their Empire And although this numberlesse rhapsody of Traditions should not bee woven by a fraudeulent workemanship yet the confounding multitude of new ordinances smothereth the old and causeth that things necessary cannot bee discerned from superfluous and that Iesus Christ is scarce knowne among the Saints and the absurdity of many new inventions by their addition doe call the ancient Doctrines into suspicion and weaken their certainety Especially when they make the true knowledge of Divine doctrine to depend upon the authority of humane Tradition and God to bee beleeved because men have so ordained it as it is now practised in the Church of Rome Adde to this the inclination of man to worship his owne proper inventions and to till and improve that most industriously which hee himselfe hath planted For as the earth nourisheth nettles which her selfe hath produced much better then good plants that are strange and brought from farre so the spirit of man is restlesse in taking care that the lawes be observed which he of himselfe hath invented much more then those which Iesus Christ hath brought from heaven especially when these new Doctrines are gainefull to the projectors and a prop to their dominion Hence it commeth to passe that in the Church of Rome the doctrine of the Gospel which consisteth of rules few easie is a clasped book to the people and the commandements of God are of little moment but the Traditions though toilesome and almost innumerable are most religiously observed and with marvellous obedience Amongst all the Religions that ever were in the world the Romish in multitude of Lawes and Traditions beareth the Bell away the number of them being so great as scarce an age will suffice to learne them And it had beene very requisite that when the Councell of Trent did establish Commissaries to attend the censure of prohibited bookes it should have established other Officers immediatly to collect together the unwritten Traditions and to put them in order for seeing that by the authority of this Councell the Romish Traditions were declared to be of equall authority with the Scripture it was convenient that these Traditions being digested into a body should have beene annexed to the Scripture to the end to have the body of Christian Religion entirely together But they gave their minds to be neglectfull in this point for feare of affrighting the people with many myriads of Traditions of prodigious